Animation cards with the day of the miner. Beautiful congratulations on Miner's Day: in poetry, prose and pictures. Congratulations on the Miner's Day in verse

Miner's Day is a professional holiday of miners, the history of which began at the time of Soviet Union, and now, after the collapse of the USSR, it is still celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia and Kazakhstan, on the last Sunday of August. Today we offer you congratulations for this holiday. They will definitely come in handy if you have among your acquaintances this difficult, dangerous and courageous profession - a miner!

Your work is hard and honorable,

Although we rarely tell you

You are masters at your work,

We thank you for your work.

Mine or mine - there is your "office",

There every day is like a new fight,

And if it's hard, don't give up

And do not "pretend" to be yourself.

And celebrating the Miner's day,

The country is honoring you now,

Congratulations to the labor of heroes,

You are the pride of the nation for you!

Faces, adits, mines, mines -

There are only real men

Wimps won't be able to work there,

After all, there people are more important- not cars!

Your work is devoid of romance and fairy tales,

Sometimes it's hard to breathe

And only a flashlight in front of a helmet,

Will illuminate the path further underground.

So may you have enough strength for everything,

And the shifts will be quick and easy

God grant that you are loved in the family

I wish you health and happiness, men!

You go underground into the mine,

Miners are amazing people who perform a little feat every day in their workplace. The work of a miner is associated not only with exhausting physical labor, but also with daily danger to health and life. Be sure to congratulate your relatives, friends and acquaintances on your professional holiday. Wish them more light and sunny days!

Especially for their holiday, we have prepared thematic pictures for the Miner's Day, they cause a sincere smile and make life brighter and more joyful. A little humorous, kind and funny virtual postcards will appeal to the workers of deep mines. Send them by mail, MMS or social networks- in any case, there will be only positive emotions from them!

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This year, Miner's Day in Ukraine is celebrated on August 27. This profession has remained one of the most dangerous in the world for several decades: for one million of mined coal, according to statistics, there are four human lives... However, a professional holiday is not a reason for sadness: people who devote themselves to such difficult work are worthy of respect. We suggest you choose best congratulations for your loved ones, colleagues or friends: what do you like more - sincere prose or beautiful poetry?

Funny congratulations on Miner's Day

Who mines diamonds
Who is iron ore -
All of us are taught from childhood
To the work that the country needs.
Well, you, miner, are not asleep,
You dig the earth like a mole
And you together today
We wish you all year round:
Light, peace and comfort,
And health so that the mountain
You were pleased cool
On Miner's Day, yours in the morning!


A miner is hard work.
Don't just get coal for you,
After all, from the swamp hippopotamus
Sometimes it's easier to pull out
Not wearing a tie with a tablet
And in a black robe and boots,
Work not in a comfortable chair,
And to see the light only in pictures.
We wish on Miner's Day
In prey - a light hand for you,
So that your families prosper.
Happy your glorious day, miners!


Many complain about hard work,
But we forget what it is like for a miner.
It's not sitting with a tablet in the office,
And behind every meter you can see coal!
We wish you a golden salary
To congratulate you all the guys
Relatives remembered, children made me happy,
To make the world bright and bright on the weekend!


Plunging into the black ocean
Will you float out into the light, you don't know
May a mound not grow there -
We sincerely wish this.
Dear, our beloved miner,
For you, work is not work.
After all, you are conducting a patrol underground,
Like the owner of a fabulous grotto.
But today - light and kindness,
And the love of relatives, like the sun warms.
Let the prey, though not easy,
Labor enthusiasm will inspire you!

Congratulations in prose

Today the miners are celebrating their professional holiday! Your work is simply unthinkable: you go underground every day to get what brings the country not only huge money, but also glory. And the most important thing that you can wish for is to successfully rise from the mines to the surface every time. May your life be long, happy and full of joyful events! Happy Holidays!


My dear miner! Probably, there is no more dangerous and difficult profession in the world than yours ... I really want the bright light of this holiday always illuminated your path even in the darkest and deepest mine. May the most sincere feelings always be warmed by the heat of coal, and health, like a jackhammer, never fails. Yes, and let one more small miracle happen: the black gold you mined should miraculously turn into white on the neck, ears and fingers of your beloved wife. Happy Miner's Day!


Today, truly brave people celebrate their day. You would like to wish the most important thing - simple ascents and descents. And even more patience and caution. You are doing a great job, which is appreciated by all the inhabitants of our endless country. So be healthy, happy and successful. We say thank you so much for the warmth and light that you give us. Happy Holidays!


Your work is a huge miracle! You take from the earth its values, which it has cherished for centuries, and pass them on to people. You give these values new life! Life for good. And even if today some of you are working in the mines, let them fully feel the sincerity and warmth of these congratulations. Let the most important reward for your work be excellent health and simple human happiness.

Congratulations in verse

You, my friend, were not honored by people,
But I found my calling all the same -
I became a miner, and I knew
That the path awaits you a difficult one
But I was looking for the light in the dark,
And he believed that everything would be fine.
Then - his wife and mischievous children.
(They never, as in your youth,
Didn't have to starve).
Nothing has inspired so much in the world
How to play with them, pamper ...
You have come a hard way, and on this Miner's Day
You deserve rest, like a proud guardian of the bowels.
I wish from the bottom of my heart to come soon
Your envisioned voyage to lofty goals.


Black eyes are shards of coals
Only the soul has not turned black.
Though it's scary underground, it's hard
You go up slowly.
We rightfully honor and appreciate your work.
Let your enthusiasm not go out!
Achieve the desired goals along the way.
Happy holiday, miner!


All who had a hard time in fate,
For whom, like gold, dawn,
Who clenched his fist on the furtive path,
And who had to take a sip of coal,
Congratulations on a bright Miner's Day,
And let us bow without further ado.
You illuminate the sleeping city in the darkness.
We cannot live without glorious miners!


Powdered with coal dust,
with a kind look, middle-aged,
every day a person is good
descends into its face.
He's on vacation. Come on,
pulls him to mine again.
Experience your big-eyed boys
he tries to convey.
Here a very young back
on the master's sons, he bent,
and in a bleak time
from here he went to war.
He defended the country like a hero,
to live happily for sons,
to make his mining town
his name was not in vain.


Comes to film actors
Just a little bit - to trust understudies.
No one will replace the miners -
They take risks without understudies.

Is he a miner or a drifter,
Nobody wants for him
To crawl underground into a corner -
Country to get coal.

And I respect them for that.
I adore my beloved
But he comes after the mine -
Already not suitable for anything.

And I tell him: “Darling!
Enough to waste energy:
Buy a sheepskin coat in Istanbul
Sell ​​it, and always - with the "green". "

But he remains silent
In response to my remark.
Only gazes only angrily
With eyes, blacker than anthracite.

Official congratulations

Dear miners! Today is your professional holiday, which we have all been waiting for. I would like to say sincere thanks to you for that hard work for the good of our country. I’m not exaggerating if I say that as professionals you are truly irreplaceable. Let each subsequent dive necessarily end with a safe exit to the surface. Live long, enjoy family happiness, earn decent money and, of course, be healthy. Happy holiday, and a low bow to you!

Short congratulations

I wish you to spin
Slow down the Earth,
And my heart beat louder
When looking for coal
To open the doors
Good luck soon
Dreams have come true.
Happy Miner's Day!

In a helmet with a pick and crowbar
You walk right into the blackness.
Not to the cave to the good gnomes -
Into the mine, extract ore.
May luck not fade
On this glorious Day, miner.
Beats out your heart
The rhythm is bright as a fire!

At great depth
Let the miner be calm.
Let the salary be quite decent
And the gaze will always be happy!

Congratulations in SMS

Happy Miner's Day! Letting your work be appreciated even higher, let your health be strong and your patience endless. Let the guardian angel go down the mine every time. And letting in life there will be even more love, happiness, prosperity and respect!


Dear miners! You have an incredible life that we, common people seems unreal. You go underground every day to give people vital minerals. I would like to wish you the most important thing - health and long life. Take care of yourself and remember that we are looking forward to welcoming you outside!

Congratulations in pictures: choosing the best postcards

Miner's Day of Russia is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of August. For the first time unofficially, Miner's Day was celebrated in 1948. The holiday was officially approved at the initiative of the ministers of the coal industry of the USSR in 1974. The coal mining industry in Russia is one of the most important areas of the state economy. Millions of tons of coal are produced annually in Russian mines to provide fuel to Russian enterprises and the population. Miner's Day in Russia is a holiday for workers in the coal mining industry, who, thanks to their hard and dangerous work, make a huge contribution to the development of the state economy. In many mining regions of the country, solemn events are held on Miner's Day: festive concerts and folk festivals. The final stage celebrations is a grand fireworks display. We congratulate all workers of the coal mining industry on their professional holiday - Miner's Day in Russia! We wish you success and luck in your hard work!

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The bowels of the earth contain a lot of minerals that are necessary for the stable development of the country's economy. So, Russia, Ukraine and other post-Soviet states have long been famous for large deposits of coal and brown coal, anthracite - in Kuzbass, Vorkuta, Donbass. Every day, thousands of miners provide the country with energy resources, often risking their health and even their lives. In honor of the professional holiday of miners, we have selected beautiful pictures and postcards with Miner's Day - official and cool congratulations colleagues, gif-animations, photos.

Beautiful pictures with Miner's Day - official congratulations to colleagues

Every year on the last Sunday of August, miners celebrate their holiday - in 2018 this day falls on the 26th. Indeed, the profession of a miner is considered one of the most difficult and sometimes dangerous, because you have to work in incredibly difficult conditions, at a depth of many meters. For an official congratulation to colleagues, you can send by mail beautiful pictures of Miner's Day, complemented by warm words of wishes.

A selection of beautiful pictures with official congratulations to the Miner's Day

Funny pictures and postcards with Miner's Day - with inscriptions and wishes in verse

A miner is a profession for the most courageous and courageous men who know how to work in a team. Descending into the mine, each of them performs a real feat in order to risk their lives to extract valuable resources for the country. Cool pictures and postcards with Miner's Day with inscriptions and wishes in verse will appeal to these courageous people, diluting the severity of the holiday with a touch of humor. The selected picture can be downloaded for free and sent to your beloved husband or boyfriend on Miner's Day.

Variants of pictures with congratulatory inscriptions on Miner's Day

Flickering pictures with Miner's Day - gif-animation, photo

On the eve of Miner's Day, many coal mining enterprises are preparing a festive program - with congratulations from the management, presentation of awards and prizes, performances of artists. Traditionally, on Miner's Day, the President makes a solemn speech, congratulating the workers of the mines of Kuzbass, Donbass and other regions on their professional holiday. We offer to please the "heroes" of the occasion by sending beautiful flickering pictures of Miner's Day - gifs, animations, photos.