The cleanest people in the world. The Russians were the cleanest, experts found

Korney Chukovsky's poem about Moidodyr we all remember from childhood, it ends with life-affirming verses: "Both in the bath and in the bath, Always and everywhere - Eternal glory to water!" But the Bergdams - residents of a distant African tribe - clearly would not appreciate the skill of the poet. In their opinion, bathing can bring misfortune, so these people avoid any bathing procedures in every possible way. How the dirtiest people on our planet live, read in the review ...

Bergdams are nicknamed "black people", and this is not surprising: they have blue-black skin, and on top of it you can often see a dense layer of dirt. Why the fear of water is so deeply rooted in their culture is not clear. In addition, the representatives of this tribe cannot be called absolute filthy - they carefully take care of the whiteness of their teeth, constantly cleaning them with a piece of leather and special wooden brushes.

Truth. They fail to keep a Hollywood smile for a long time: bergdams often eat rough food (roots or insects), their teeth wear down quickly. As soon as the tooth becomes “unusable”, the healer knocks it out with an ordinary stick, which is driven under the tooth into the gum.

The main value in the Bergdama settlement is the sacred fire. Only men have the right to approach it, the elders light the fire after a special ritual. The main deity for the Bergdama tribe is Kamabu, the god of the sun. Sorcerers turn to him, asking for good luck in hunting, as well as “consulting” about the health of the tribe members.

The fact is that when the representatives of the tribe have symptoms of the disease, they go to the sorcerer-sorcerer. He, guided by the prompts of the sun god, delivers a verdict: if the disease is fatal, then no one will take care of the victim, it is believed that he must die alone. If the cleaver receives a sign that this is only a test, then he will perform a healing rite. To do this, he collects the “disease” from the human body in one place, and then cauterizes, often the worst scars remain on the patient’s body.

An important stage in the life of a bergdama is the rite of initiation. Girls are considered adults when they develop mammary glands. Up to this point, the girl is forbidden to eat the food that women eat. For initiation, incisions are made above the chest, sprinkled with products crushed into flour and wait for the wounds to heal. With the advent of the first menstrual cycle the tribe performs a ritual sacrifice of a goat, and the girl is instructed not to have sex before marriage.

The rite of initiation for young men is of a group nature. To be considered a man, they must go hunting for two days in a row, the first prey is eaten by fellow tribesmen (the young men are left with nothing), and they can already start the second meal on an equal basis with everyone else.

It is also worth mentioning the ritual actions on the occasion of the birth of a child. When a child is born, his father must roast a piece of meat on a fire, grease his skin, roll up the dirt and collect it in a leather bag. This is how an amulet for a baby is prepared. The father of the newborn hangs a bag around the baby's neck, while he spits on his chest, rubs the spit and calls the new little man by name.

The tribe has an even more terrifying tradition associated with the birth of children. If twins are born, this is akin to a curse, in order to get rid of it, you need to carry out the ceremony of burying one of the two babies alive.

The amazing Bergdam tribe is considered underdeveloped and lives in the Kalahari Desert. Ethnographers suggest that it is in danger of extinction. Unfortunately, there are many such nationalities that may disappear from the face of the Earth in the foreseeable future.


Citizens of Russia are ranked third in the world among the cleanest and most tidy countries after Indians and Americans.

Most Russians (35 percent) take a shower or bath every day, 11 percent of Russian citizens take a shower twice a day. Residents of Europe have long abandoned the medieval habit of swimming twice in a lifetime. However, they still prefer not to shower too often. British and Germans bathe twice a week.

Ecologists say that the habit of taking a shower or bath every day can lead to an ecological disaster, as the planet will run out of fresh water very quickly. Muscovites are the most clean people Russia, although it's hard to believe after a trip to the subway. 55 percent of Muscovites take a shower every day, 18 percent of them wash twice a day. A recent survey showed that on average, one bathing session lasts about 20 minutes.

The average citizen of Russia is also getting cleaner. About 35 percent of Russians bathe daily, even during the summer, when access to hot water is closed in many cities and villages due to planned work. Only 19 percent of Russians take a shower once a week, but these are mostly rural residents who have no water at all in their homes.

The average American showers twice a day, a sacred ritual in the US. A person who does not bathe or change their underwear is considered an outcast in the US.

Experts say Russians have developed a passion for cleanliness through TV shows, movies, books and other popular culture items that actively emulate the American way of life.

Hindus are the most pure nation in the world. They wash their hands and body twice as often as Germans and 1.5 times as often as Americans. A Hindu will always go to the bathroom after sneezing, touching an animal, or going to the toilet. This purity is justified in India, because in this country the most favorable conditions for the spread of intestinal infections. Therefore, a piece of soap in the hands is best defense from infections in India.

Experts say that modern countries develop a love of cleanliness because they do not know the value of fresh water. Such a passion in Russia can really lead to an ecological catastrophe. A very large number of residential buildings in Russia do not have meters for hot and cold water, people pay a fixed amount no matter how much water they use.

It should be borne in mind that a regular shower takes 50 liters of water, while a bath requires 120 liters. Such a habit looks like madness against the backdrop of an acute shortage of fresh water in the world. Unlike Europeans, Russians do not even try to save water.

It is almost impossible to meet a person who would not like cleanliness, which is also welcomed in every religion and society. And since we are rational beings, we need to take care of its maintenance. We must not litter the environment. Each of us must understand that dirt can cause negative effects on our environment.

Hundreds of harmful diseases, which can even cause death, accumulate in the dirt that we either create or do not fight against it. In some countries of the world, the problem with garbage was solved by introducing a system of fines for people who throw away even an ice cream wrapper or a piece of paper in the wrong place.

Now let's take a look at the top ten best countries the world in regards to purity. These states are considered to be really clean and pleasant for people than others on our planet.

The cleanest country in the world

10. Norway

Our list starts with one of the neatest and cleanest countries in the world - Norway. This country is well known all over the world due to its powerful economic system. The reason for such a reverent attitude towards ecology and the fight against garbage is the friendly cohesion of people. But scientists also single out one of the reasons for the cold climate: if you throw garbage on the snow in winter, then in the spring, when the snow begins to melt, this garbage, along with water, will spread throughout the city.

The next country on our list is Sweden. It, like Norway, is classified as a Scandinavian country. The clean ecology of Sweden is due to the same reasons as in Norway, only one more can be added - huge investments in the fight against the negative consequences of production (mines, factories). This means that business leaders are investing a lot of money to buy cleaning filters, new, more environmentally friendly equipment, and much more.

8. Austria

Austria is considered not only one of the cleanest countries in the world, but also one of the the best places where you can live long and healthy life. Scientists also note that Austria is a very calm state in which crime is reduced to a minimum. The main reason for the purity of the environment is the lack of large enterprises and the presence of a large number of mountains and forests on the territory of the state.

7. Spain

Spain is another neat and clean country in the world. She is number seven on our list. In Spain, everyone will find a calm atmosphere for themselves. Since this state is considered one of the most developed, and also having great system progress in every area of ​​​​life, Spain is simply forced to maintain cleanliness. Cleanliness is also a guarantee of tourist visits.

6. Germany

Germany could be put in first place, as it is a country with strict environmental regulations. And in general, this is one of the most developed countries in the world with all the amenities for its inhabitants. But large industrial enterprises still make themselves partly felt, well, a large number of cars on the roads.

But still, a large number of people visit Germany every year as tourists to enjoy the German way of life and spend a couple of days in a relaxed atmosphere.

5. Czech Republic

Next on our list is Germany's neighbor, the Czech Republic. This is a really pleasant and clean country, which is appreciated not only by local residents, but also by visitors. The Czech Republic is economically and technologically advanced than Spain or Germany, but still the state government managed to maintain high environmental standards. A peaceful way of life and mentality is the guarantee of the Czechs to maintain cleanliness on the streets of their cities.

4. Singapore

Maybe. You didn't expect to see Asian countries in this ranking, but Singapore is an exception. As for tourism, this country is truly a paradise, and this is not only due to the beautiful tall buildings (of which there are really many in Singapore), attractions, but also thanks to the clean air and streets throughout the country. Singaporeans are unusual Asians, they can be attributed even more to Europeans. Also. Remarkably, Singapore does not lag behind Germany in technological development, but environmental pollution in the Asian country is much lower.

3. Australia

Australia opens the top three - the green continent, which probably has the best climatic conditions in the world, it’s a pity that New Year Australians celebrate on the beaches in 30 degree heat. Also, it is worth noting that Australia is quite high in the ranking of the richest countries in the world, and from this we can conclude that the government of the country certainly does not spare money to maintain the environment in good condition.

2. Luxembourg

Tiny Luxembourg has gained a very favorable geographical position, in fact, surrounding itself with forests. The population in this dwarf state is smaller than in most cities in our country. And based on this - there is no one to litter, and no where. But, and speaking realistically, tourists have repeatedly noticed how clean the waters and air are in Luxembourg. The inhabitants of the state also took a significant role in maintaining cleanliness.

1. Switzerland

The undoubted leader and the cleanest country in the world is Switzerland. This is confirmed by the fact that Switzerland is one of the most visited countries in the world. Every year a large number of people visit Switzerland to enjoy its atmosphere, as well as the cleanliness of the environment. Also, what is remarkable, a clean environment ensures a healthy and peaceful life, and this is confirmed by the high average duration Swiss life.

Residents of Russia took one of the first places in the world in terms of cleanliness, second only to Indians and Americans. According to sociologists, the majority (35%) of Russians take a shower or bath every day, and 11% of our compatriots at least twice a day. Europeans have long abandoned the medieval habit of washing twice in their lives, but still avoid showering too often. On average, the British and Germans bathe twice a week. Ecologists say that the habit of frequent washing can lead to an environmental catastrophe - the world's clean water reserves are being depleted at a catastrophic rate. After a trip in the metropolitan metro during rush hour, it's hard to believe, but here's the fact - Muscovites are the cleanest people in the country. 55% of them wash daily, and 18% more than twice a day. Moreover, bathing takes at least 20 minutes a day, according to Novye Izvestia, data from a study conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation. The average resident of Russia is becoming more and more clean. According to the FOM, 35% of the inhabitants of our country wash themselves every day, even when the hot water is turned off - they go to the bathhouse, heat the water in the basin, use the column and invite themselves to visit friends who have water heaters. Once a week, only 19% of the inhabitants of our country enter the shower - these are mainly rural residents who do not have running water.

The British and Germans bathe no more than a couple of times a week. For Americans, taking a shower twice a day is a mandatory ritual. A person who has not washed for two days, has not changed his underwear or shirt, is considered marginal in the United States. According to hygienists, the passion of Russians for bathing is explained by a change in our mentality: through TV shows, films, books and other objects of mass culture, the American way of life and all the habits of US residents are actively adopted, including frequent washing. The cleanest nation, however, is not the Americans, but the Indians. They wash their bodies and hands twice as often as Germans and one and a half times as often as Americans. Hindus go to the bath and after sneezing, and after contact with a pet, and after going to the toilet, and always before eating. However, in India, such cleanliness is fully justified: intestinal infections are raging in the country, the best defense against which is soap in your hands.

Experts are convinced that we love to shower so often because we do not know the price of water, and the Russians' passion for bathing is leading to an environmental disaster. Meters in Russia, unlike Europe, are still only in a few houses, while most Russians pay for water at an "unlimited rate." Meanwhile, in order to take a shower, on average, about 50 liters of water are required, and a bath - 120. Against the backdrop of a global shortage of water resources, the habits of Russians look like insane wastefulness - unlike Europeans, we do not even try to save water. True, experts give an economic explanation for this: We spend about 135 billion rubles a year on the collection, purification and distribution of water. The paradox of our system is that with an increase in this figure, our GDP increases. In fact, the current economic model in our country is not interested in reducing water consumption.

Complain about the bad ecology in the country, do you think that it can't be worse? We hasten to dissuade you, the state of the environment in some countries is more critical. However, this does not bode well for us, because we all live on the same planet. Someone constantly makes ratings of cities, states in terms of ecology, cleanliness. The most environmentally friendly countries are always considered: Switzerland, Luxembourg, Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Austria, Italy, Costa Rica, Great Britain. There are many more countries with poor ecology in the world, but let's focus on the following ten, which are often included in the lists of the dirtiest states.

The situation is especially acute because the population of China is 1,349,585,838 people. On the one hand, all these lives are endangered by environmental pollution. On the other hand, such a large number of inhabitants causes gigantic volumes of consumption and waste.

And the growing industry heavy, mining, energy. The greatest threat is air pollution. Thus, in large cities, the incidence of cancer in the lungs is 3 times higher than in rural areas.

This country ranks second in terms of population - 1,220,800,359 people, some of the factors that cause pollution are similar to China, and air pollution is also catastrophic. Experts estimate that after 40 years, more than 3 million people in the world will die due to "dirty" air per year, and most of them will be residents of China and India.

Despite the fact that the Republic of South Africa is the most economically developed country in Africa, it cannot boast of intensive development methods that are safe for the environment.

Mexico's problem is water pollution. Fresh water reserves in the country are already limited, while untreated sewage - industrial, sewage - enters the rivers. The problem of deforestation is also relevant.

Tourists from all over the world go to this tropical paradise to have a good time and admire the outlandish landscapes. Yes, in the resort areas of Indonesia, everything is so. However, other areas are undergoing various kinds pollution, besides, the problem of waste disposal is inefficiently solved.

The modern government of Japan pays enough attention to environmental protection, Japanese corporations develop the best environmentally friendly technologies, but the population will continue to pay for the mistakes of the past, for example, for a long time to come. fast growth industry after World War II, over-exploitation of natural resources.

7 - Libya

In Libya, the tense environmental situation is caused not so much by industry as by the political situation and military operations.

The state in Southeast Asia - Kuwait - has 9% of the reserves of all oil in the world. Hence the developed economy, the reverse side - environmental problems.

9 - Uzbekistan

Problems related to environment, there are many in Uzbekistan. Their drying up of the Aral Sea is especially vividly demonstrated, which is an ecological catastrophe.

10 - Iraq

Military operations in this country did not go unnoticed either. The population is now suffering from the deterioration of the ecological situation in Iraq, and this is no less than 31,858,481 people.