Various cats. Cat breeds with photos and names. Catalog of breeds! Cat breeds starting with the letter V and G

Cats are pets, self-sufficient and independent with a pronounced character. Among the wide variety of breeds of domestic cats, everyone will be able to choose their best friend, guided by external data, character traits, habits and individual preferences.


Shorthaired breed. The back is usually a little darker than the coat on the rest of the areas. Wool shimmers different colors, because each hair has several shades at the same time. Due to the lack of an undercoat, it practically does not shed, for the same reason it is subject to rapid hypothermia. Weight can reach 7.5 kg. A playful and agile cat, it requires increased attention from the owner. Almost does not meow, but can purr loudly.

Australian smoky

The difference of this breed lies in 3 components of the coat color: the main background, dark pattern and haze. Found in marble and spotted variations. The characteristic spotting is expressed by dark spots and stripes. Friendly, affectionate pet will be a great friend for children. These cats are smart, easily follow the simplest commands, very rarely scratch. The house gets along well with other animals.

Asian smoky

Shorthaired breed. It has a light undercoat, while the coat itself can be black, chocolate, blue and red. Differs in large expressive eyes of amber or rich yellow color. The maximum weight of the breed is 7 kg. These cats cannot stand close quarters and loneliness. They are very peaceful, affectionate and flexible, able to express gratitude.

Asian tabby

Muscular shorthair cat with erect ears. The undercoat is missing. The color can be solid, striped, smoky, but the lower half of the body should be lighter than the upper. The average weight of an adult cat is 5-6 kg. Sociable friendly animals with high intelligence, will become best friends for the elderly and children. They are easy to train and get along with other animals.

american shorthair

Adults can reach 8 kg. An athletic body characterizes a hunting breed. There are more than 80 acceptable colors, the coat and undercoat are quite thick and dense. The eyes are almond-shaped, orange or green. Clean animals with a calm character. They easily adapt to new conditions. Active throughout life. Immunity is unstable to infectious diseases.

american polydactyl

Cats are distinguished by an abnormal number of well-developed fingers: up to 10 on the front paws and up to 8 on the hind legs. Claws on extra phalanges need to be trimmed every month, as they do not wear down when walking and cause inconvenience to the pet. The coat is brown and black with stripes or small spots, with pronounced tipping. The maximum weight of an adult cat is 5.5 kg. They have an unobtrusive and devoted character, habits reminiscent of dogs, they love to play with toys. Longing for a long separation.

American Bobtail (Yankee Bob)

main feature- short mobile tail (from 2.5 to 7.5 cm). These cats have a long muscular body, low paws and a wide, almost square muzzle. There are short-haired and semi-long-haired individuals. Color can be any, the most common is agouti. Weight - 3-9 kg. Smart cat, loves big companies and active games.

american curl

A characteristic feature is the ears, bent back. They are very fragile and require careful care. A medium-sized cat with a well-proportioned body and a beautiful coat of medium length in any color. Animals are quite active, easy to train.

Anatolian (Turkish Shorthair)

Has high set large ears. The coat is soft, pleasant to the touch, without a noticeable undercoat. Any color is acceptable. The maximum weight of an adult is 4.5 kg. Cats have the ability to parody the owner's facial expressions and some vowel sounds. They are very cheerful, love to play with water and rustling objects. Easily learn commands and rules. They prefer outdoor walks.

Arabian Mau

Large cat (up to 8 kg) of strong build with widely spaced ears. The coat is short, without undercoat, rather hard to the touch. There are cats of a monochromatic color, two-color, spotted and striped. The eyes are almond-shaped to match the color. Mau are playful, inquisitive and very loyal, getting along easily with all family members and with other pets.


The most expensive cat breed in the world!

The weight of an adult individual reaches 12-14 kg. The body is slightly disproportionate, the ears are narrowed at the tips, the eyes are golden or green. Shorthair can have 4 types of color: orange-gold with spots, hypoallergenic, snowy and leopard. These cats are sociable and balanced, they love active games and walks on the street.


A graceful animal with a coat of medium length without undercoat. The eyes are almond-shaped blue or light blue. Cats do not weigh more than 5 kg, have a narrow muzzle with a strong jaw and large triangular ears. Hind legs higher than the front ones, the tail is whip-shaped with a plume. More than 20 types of color are allowed, except for black and red. Cats are not aggressive, friendly and dog-like devoted to the owner. Very funny, smart and playful.


Very rare and expensive breed. The average weight of the animal is 3 kg, and the height is 25 cm. Characteristic features are the absence of wool, a strong body, large ears and short limbs, round, blue eyes. There are 3 types of shades of the breed: blue, white, black, expressed in spots. Their character is soft and kind. Bambino tolerates moving and changing environment well. Due to the lack of a fur coat, animals often freeze.


Rare and large breed. Weight reaches 8 kg. Athletic body with well developed muscles and long hind limbs. The mouth is square in shape, a large wide nose, eyes are green or golden, ears are short. The coat is medium length or short, dense with a uniform leopard or marble color. Acceptable shades: red, white, gray. Cats are able to learn to follow commands. Very loyal, curious and quick-witted, they try to accompany the owner everywhere.

bohemian rex

The breed has a thick, curly coat. An animal of medium size with a large head, large cheeks and a short wide nose. The color of the large eyes matches the shade of the coat, the ears are small with tassels. Paws are short and massive. Color: white, smoky, blue, red, cameo, tortie. Peaceful, affectionate animals, with a calm character.


Animal of medium size with developed muscles. Average weight 3-6 kg. The coat is short and dense. The color is exclusively black. The eyes are amber yellow. There are 5 fingers on the front paws, and 4 on the hind paws. Cats have a calm character, love attention and large companies, and are wary of children and strangers.


A small cat with intelligent eyes. The head and nose are medium in size, the ears are large. The neck is long, the paws are small and round. We accept any color and eye color. The coat is short and silky, without undercoat. Playful, developed animals that require increased attention. They have the nature of a predator, like to walk in the open air.

british longhair

Cats have a medium length coat, but seem fluffy due to the thick undercoat and short legs. The muzzle is large and massive with pronounced cheeks and large round eyes. There are many color variations. The color of the eyes should match the shade of the coat. The character is kind, sociable. Cats are obedient, calmly experiencing separation from the owner

British Shorthair

The visiting card of the breed is a short plush coat and a muzzle with massive cheeks and round orange eyes. Average weight - 5-8 kg. Creatures with character, that is, it will not be possible to cuddle them until they allow it. The British are neat and obedient, they love order. They remain active all their lives. Calmly endure separation from the owner.


Cats are graceful. They have coarse, dog-like fur. Strong body with a long tail, a beautiful muzzle with large ears and almond-shaped eyes. We accept any color. They are affectionate, playful, easy to train, with a well-developed hunting instinct. In the family, they choose one owner for themselves, but they are happy to communicate with the rest of the household.


Smooth-haired cat of medium size. Average weight - 5-6 kg. The well-developed musculature of the body is emphasized by a close-fitting coat, with an unusual silk structure. Pronounced round eyes complement the personality of the cat. There are many variations of color, while the lower part of the body must necessarily be lighter than the upper.
A playful and loyal cat that requires constant attention. Being alone will be unhappy and may become depressed.

Burmilla shorthair

A cat with a proportionately folded body and well-developed muscles. Weight reaches 4-7 kg. The animal has a short coat with a light undercoat. Agouti coloration is allowed only on the tail, paws and head. Differ in accuracy and soft character. They are unobtrusive, not whimsical in food and do not show aggression.


The average weight of an animal is 2.5-4.5 kg. The body is muscular, the head of the correct wedge-shaped shape, large ears, oval green eyes. The coat is of medium length or short, rich brown tending to red.

A distinctive feature is the strictly brown color of the mustache.

Sociable animals, well tolerate moving and travel. Can easily make friends with a dog.


The breed originated from the Persians. Individuals have a stocky body, fluffy tail and short legs. The coat is equally long all over the body with a pronounced collar and thick undercoat, it visually rounds the figure of the animal. Himalayan cats are very energetic and emotional, but at the same time they are obedient and have a balanced character.

dutch rex

The peculiarity of the breed is a short, hard coat, covered with curls. The tail, legs and body are thin. The ears are small in relation to the head. There are many acceptable colors. Cats have a sharp mind and a gentle nature. They are affectionate, playful and require constant attention. They have the talent of a mouser.


One of the smallest breeds. A hairless cat with short limbs and recurved ears. The maximum weight is 2 kg. The body is muscular with small folds, the eyes are light almond-shaped. Cats are suede to the touch. Most often found in a light color, but can be any color. They are very curious and sociable, not aggressive, love children, easy to train.

This cat must always be kept warm!

Devon rex

They are distinguished by curly soft short hair, large low-set ears and large eyes. The body is folded proportionally with strong high limbs. The density of wool can be different in different parts of the body. The maximum weight is 4.5 kg. Cats are smart, curious, playful, get along well with other pets.

Desert links

A large cat that looks like a lynx. Weighing up to 10 kg, with a massive muscular body. The paws are large, the jaw is square, the ears have tassels at the tips, the nose is wide. Eyes yellow or emerald. The coat is plush to the touch, any variation of colors is acceptable. The cat is affectionate and devoted, picks up the mood of the owner and gets along well with children.

Donskoy sphinx

Well developed cats of medium size. The skin is wrinkled and velvety, the coat is completely or partially absent, so the breed belongs to a number of hypoallergenic cats. Weight varies between 5-7 kg. These cats are always balanced, friendly and sociable, easily adapt to new conditions, love games and are easy to train.

European Shorthair (Celtic)

A cat with a muscular, strong, compact body. It has a rounded head with round eyes and cheeks. The coat is short and dense, the color allows 35 varieties. Animals are absolutely not intrusive, but at the same time affectionate and sociable. They easily adapt to the rhythm of the owner's life, feel comfortable in the apartment.

Egyptian mau

Strong and elegant, very mobile cats.

While running, they can accelerate to 58 km / h.

They have very beautiful light green eyes. The coat is of medium length, thick and shiny, silky to the touch. Main colors: silver, bronze and smoke. Mau love outdoor games, get along well in a large family and can become a friend to a lonely person.

York Chocolate

Semi-longhair cats are distinguished by a characteristic brown or slightly chocolate color. They have a long body with a round head, long and thin legs. Playful, curious and affectionate cats love to frolic with children and explore new places, have the habits of a hunter. They do not show aggression and are able to get along with other animals.

California radiant

Outwardly, they resemble a wild cat. The visiting card of the breed is the leopard color - dark spots against the background of a yellow or silver shade of wool. The coat of the animal is soft and short. Animals are non-conflict, calm and accommodating.

canadian sphynx

Sphinxes have a graceful body with smooth lines, a wedge-shaped head with a powerful jaw, wide-set large ears, a long tail, which is almost always folded into a bagel and pressed to the body. Maximum weight - 6 kg. Wool is absent, but a soft fluff may appear on the body. Mandatory feature - folds on the forehead, neck and paws. All types of colors are allowed. Loving pets with a golden character, they never show aggression.

The Canadian Sphynx is the most intelligent cat breed.


Cymriks are completely tailless, with a short stump instead of a tail, with a short tail in creases and knots, with a regular tail, which is docked at birth. The coat can be long or medium with a thick undercoat. Any color is acceptable, with the exception of lilac, Siamese or chocolate.

Strong attachment to the owner, good memory and obedient character makes the cat look like a dog.


Graceful cat on high paws. The muzzle is in the form of a heart with a hump, the ears are medium in size, the eyes are large green. The visiting card of the breed is a glossy smooth coat of the color of a “thundercloud” with slightly lightened tips. Korat highly appreciates attention and affection in his direction, can show jealousy.

cornish rex

These cats have gained popularity due to their curly, silky coat. They have large ears and a thin, mobile tail. Maximum weight - no more than 5 kg. They are very energetic, inquisitive, tend to perceive all movements as a game. They require constant attention from the owner.

Kurilian bobtail

Large breed of cats, weighing up to 15 kg. The body is muscular with an arched back. The tail is short, consisting of one or more knots. Medium length coat with abundant guard hairs. The breed is characterized by intelligence and tact, they do not like to sit on their hands, but they are happy to run after toys.


Quite often they are called "werecats", as they can scare with their appearance.

The physique is correct, the weight is average, the muscles and limbs are well developed. The head is small with large ears and large round yellow eyes. Wool gray-gray color, elongated in some places. Very kind, devoted to the owner, easy to find mutual language with large animals. Small animals are treated like hunters.


They are called "dachshund cats" because of their short legs.

It is very difficult to find the same Munchkins, they are all completely different both in appearance and in character. They have a proportional body with rounded contours. There are individuals with long or short hair. They are distinguished by curiosity, friendliness, playfulness and accuracy.

mekong bobtail

A short-tailed cat with a color-point color and short mink hair. The body is of medium size with proportional parts, the length of the tail does not exceed the third part of the body. The ears are small, straight, the eyes are predominantly blue. They are very curious and always try to be near the owner.

They differ in dog behavior, they can walk on a leash, bring toys in their teeth, and in case of danger they will bite rather than scratch.

Manx tailless

Tailless cats of medium size with a short back, sunken sides and a raised rear part of the body. The hind legs are longer than the front legs, so they walk like rabbits. The head is small, round, tassels are acceptable on the ears, the eyes are large, round, their color corresponds to the color. The coat is long or short with a thick undercoat. They easily adapt when the situation changes and are equally attached to all household members.

Maine Coon

Graceful cats of large breed, weighing from 5 to 12 kg. They are proportionally built, strong and agile. The coat is dense, lengthening along the back, on the sides and on the belly, has a thin and soft undercoat. Common colors: chocolate and brown. These are cats with a big loving heart, calm and devoted.

They love water and can shower with their owner.


The breed is characterized by very short legs. Weight does not exceed 3.5 kg. The body is even and graceful, large ears create a contrast with a relatively small head, the muzzle is slightly dog-like. The eyes are large yellow or blue. These cats are short-haired, with fur points prominent on the ears, paws and head. The remaining areas are covered with rare cashmere wool. Any colors are allowed. Minskins are playful, nimble, smart and quick-witted. They don't handle loneliness well.

Neva Masquerade

The color on the muzzle resembles a mask, hence the name. A popular coloration is a light body with dark spots on the paws, muzzle, ears and tail. The eyes are bright blue. Average weight - 6-9 kg. The body is muscular, proportionately folded. The medium length coat with a double undercoat is water repellent. Gentle and balanced cats. They love walks on the street and active games with imitation of hunting.


A medium sized cat with a soft and smooth blue coat with silver tipping and a dense undercoat. The muscles of the animal are tightened, the legs are slender and hardy, the head is small with large pointed ears, the eyes are large amber or bright green. The character is calm, they are affectionate with people and cannot stand loneliness.


Muscular cat with long limbs. The main feature of the breed is a shaggy, water-repellent coat of medium length with a thick, prominent “beard” and “panties”. They are obedient, show tolerance for children and dogs, and are very attached to the owner.


Animals have a slender flexible body and short hair. They have large ears and expressive almond-shaped eyes. The most popular shades of wool are blue, chestnut, white and ivory, but there are about 300 variations in total. The Oriental has a tough temper and gets irritated by inattention. Very curious and "talkative" breed.

ohos azules

Refined animals of medium size with blue eyes. The coat is short, fine and silky with a moderately developed undercoat. Any color options are allowed. In multicolored representatives, the tip of the tail should always be white. They are highly intelligent and capable of learning. Cannot stand long separation from the owner and hyperactive children.


Muscular cat covered in spots, patterns and stripes. The coat is shiny, short and dense without undercoat with a characteristic ticked color. Very active, fearless and restless animals. Easily trainable. Can't stand to be alone.


Long-haired breed, has a stocky body of medium size with a large head, short nose and small ears. The eyes are round and expressive, the color depends on the coat color. Persians are affectionate, calm and loyal like dogs.

Petersburg sphinx

The main characteristics are a graceful elongated body, long flexible limbs, a whip-like tail, a long nose, a proud profile, large almond-shaped eyes. They are miniature, their weight rarely reaches 5 kg. They can be born with or without hair. Popular colors are cream, chocolate, color-point, lilac. The character is sociable, friendly. Cats are clean and curious.


They have a large long body with well-developed muscles, long legs and tufts of hair between the fingers. The head is wedge-shaped with a broad skull, large ears and prominent cheeks. The eyes are most often green or golden green. The coat is thick and soft, of medium length and any color. Animals completely lack hunting instincts, they are affectionate, kind, easily trained.

Russian blue

The visiting card of the breed is a short, thick, plush coat of blue color with a silvery sheen. Cats have a beautiful graceful body and a narrow skull. Active and very friendly animals with the habits of a hunter. Calmly endure loneliness.


Semi-longhaired breed with a strong body and a well-developed muzzle, with a wide nose and prominent cheeks. The ears are tilted forward, the eyes are oval bright blue. Beautiful coat, close to the body.

These cats are balanced and good-natured. They are marked as the most calm.

They are very touchy, they cannot be scolded and left alone for a long time, they can become depressed.


An unrecognized breed that looks like a small cheetah.

The coat is short or medium, harsh to the touch, with a soft undercoat. The most common colors are cinnamon, tabby, golden, chocolate, brown and silver. Savannah is a breed of the largest cats, weight can reach 15 kg. Smart, curious, freedom-loving and independent animals. Not recommended for families with small children.

Selkirk rex

The main difference is the presence of curly soft wool with a thick undercoat. There are short-haired and long-haired species, of any color. Cats have a strong muscular body, a round skull and constantly surprised large, round eyes. Not aggressive, suitable for families with children. They are distinguished by curiosity, fearlessness, playfulness and devotion to one owner.


They have a muscular body, high strong legs, large ears and beautiful honey-colored eyes. The coat is short and pleasant to the touch, from afar creates a shimmering effect. Spotted color is usually oval black or smoky black. Serengeti are cute, funny, agile and curious. It is difficult to experience loneliness.


Graceful animals with a flexible body, short hair and a characteristic color - point and seal point, they can also be lilac, blue and chocolate. The muzzle is narrow, the ears are large and straight, the eyes are blue oval. Animals are smart, inquisitive, prone to jealousy. A loving, sociable and agile cat requires constant attention from the owner.


Semi-longhair cat of medium size, well developed physically. The animal is very fluffy, the coat is long or medium with a double undercoat. Quiet creatures, able to overcome heights and great distances. They are very friendly and smart.

The Siberian cat is rightfully called the most affectionate breed.


A rare breed, physique and appearance resembles a Siamese cat.

The color makes the animal unique - its paws are as if shod in snow-white shoes.

Also characteristic are white spots on the nose and head, and large blue eyes. The physique is proportional. The coat is shiny and dense. Cats are playful, active and agile, get along well with other pets.


A cat of medium build with a slightly arched back and slightly convex chest. Their coat is soft with a double texture. Animals are intelligent and friendly and not prone to aggression. They have the ability to adapt to the nature of the owner, very loyal.


A muscular cat with small paws and a rounded head. The muzzle is round, the nose is straight, the ears are wide at the base. The eyes are rounded, from pale blue to bright blue. The coat is short, silky without undercoat. Common colors: seal point, blue point, red point, tabby and tortoiseshell. Affectionate and playful, they can follow commands. They don't handle loneliness well.


The main feature is the brindle color. A physically developed body of medium size, a long and strong tail, a long muzzle with a wide nose, small ears and deep-set eyes. The coat is dense, soft and silky. The color is necessarily two-tone with dark stripes and rosettes on a yellowish-bronze background. Very smart, loving and loyal animals.


This is a medium-sized cat with a wedge-shaped head, a triangular muzzle, slanted almond-shaped eyes and large triangular ears. They are characterized by soft short hair with colors: point, mink, solid. Smart and easy to train, very friendly and loyal creatures. It is not easy for them to be separated from the owner.

Turkish angora

An elegant cat with a narrow muzzle, long hair and a fluffy tail. The nose is small, the eyes are large, oval in shape, the ears are large and set high. Almost any color is acceptable, but cats are popular white color. Angoras are very mobile and smart. During the game, it can make a mess in the house.

turkish van

Cat large sizes, with a predominant white color in color. They must have symmetrical red spots below the ears and red rings on the tail. Acceptable eye colors: copper, blue or mismatched. Paw pads and nose are a must Pink colour. The coat is long, soft and silky. The color is red with white, cream or tortoiseshell. Able to train, energetic and friendly animals.

Ukrainian Levkoy

Small cat with well developed muscles. The head is shaped like a pentagon, with pronounced cheekbones. The legs are strong with graceful paws. Ears can be bent and straight. There are hairless Levkoy and with a full coat of any color. They are dog-like playful, prefer active games with the owner. They are very patient and loving.

Ural rex

Well developed and athletic built cat of medium size with a proportional body. The main feature is the wavy coat of short or medium length. All colors are recognized, with any allowable amount of white. The only exceptions are chocolate, cinnamon, tabby, ticked tabby and bicolor. Loving and contact cats. They may show jealousy.

foreign white

Graceful shorthair white cat with blue eyes. Fit, with a long neck, a triangular muzzle and almond-shaped eyes. These cats are real intellectuals, able to find a common language with any other animal. They can spend hours on end with children, while remaining freedom-loving and independent. They have a loud voice.


An unrecognized breed of large size (5-10 kg), with an elongated, well-developed body and flexible, slender limbs. Tassels on the ears are a must. There are individuals in 3 color variations: ticked tabby, black and ticked silver. The wool is dense and thick. The temperament is flexible, they are sociable and affectionate, playful and agile.

Chantilly tiffany

The advantage of the breed is a luxurious fur coat. The coat is soft, of medium length, without undercoat. The breed is characterized by tabby color and solid, brown, lilac or blue, fawn and cinnamon shades. The body is strong, the muzzle is wide, the ears are small, the tail is fluffy, the eyes are oval yellow or amber. Animals are patient with children, calm and balanced. Favorite fun - games with balls and toy mice.


Cats with a soft character and bright appearance, stand out with a beautiful fox fur coat and expressive green eyes. Color with tipping effect darkens ⅛ of the coat. There are golden, cream and silver individuals. The coat is thin with long hairs and a glossy sheen, the undercoat is white. Very contact animals, like noisy companies.

Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold)

Small cats with a snub nose, round large eyes and small hanging ears. There are a large number of acceptable coat colors. These are obedient and loyal cats that require constant attention from the owner. The breed does not have hyperactivity, and even a dog can brighten up its loneliness.

Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight)

They are often confused with the British. The Scots have a graceful long body, a rounded head, and a characteristic letter "M" on the forehead. Weight varies from 3.5 to 5 kg. There are short-haired and long-haired straights, all of them have a pronounced undercoat. They are very independent, have a calm character.


Distinctive features- stocky body with thick squat legs, thick tail and large eyes. The coat is short, velvety, like a plush toy, with a well-developed undercoat. They have a quiet voice and a subtle nature. Very loyal and affectionate animals that suffer from loneliness.

Shorthair exotics are the kindest cats.

japanese bobtail

The breed is medium in size, slender with an elongated body and physically developed muscles, the limbs are long and strong. The tail is short, vertical, about 7 cm long, and may or may not be mobile. The head is triangular with neat curves and large eyes. The coat is short and dense, without undercoat, most often tortoiseshell with white. Very smart and active, they do not like to be left alone. Ideal for living in city apartments.

Feminologists (specialists who study domestic cats) have about two hundred breeds of purr. This is only 3% of their total number. However, only about 1% of pets are called thoroughbreds and are allowed to participate in the relevant exhibitions. Thus, if you want to have a thoroughbred pet, you need to know in advance about the characteristics of each type of cat family. And if you have already acquired a kitten, for example, they gave it to you, then you need to find out the basic rules for caring for a representative of a particular breed so that the features of his character, temperament, addictions do not come as a surprise to you.

Cats - with character

Cats, like their owners - people, belong to four main groups of temperaments. For each breed have their own characteristics, they differ from their counterparts in the specifics of behavior, appearance, habits, attitude towards others.

The “Breeds” section of our website is a kind of encyclopedia of pets, the characters of which are all cat breeds with photos and names. Convenient navigation makes it possible to look at all types of cat breeds in the photo, get acquainted with brief description, or read a detailed article about the variety of animal that interests you.

  • The origin of a cat of a particular breed. The historical dossier will tell about the homeland of the animal you like, the features of selection.
  • Description of the external features of a certain breed: body structure and weight, color, hairline.
  • The texts are supported by photo illustrations of the purr in different ages: from a kitten to an adult animal.
  • A detailed overview of the character traits of a cat of a certain breed, which will help you choose a pet with whom you can easily "get along" in your home.
  • Tips for caring for each breed of animal, warning of disease tendencies.
  • Recommendations about the diet of pets.

Questions and answers about the life of cats - on our resource

Presenting different breeds of cats with pictures and names, our site provides an opportunity for experienced owners and novice cat lovers, professional specialists - veterinarians and felinologists - to discuss the characteristics of animal breeds, exchange opinions, leave comments, share personal experience in raising a cat, give advice on caring for her or tell a funny story about your pet.

Smooth-haired and “fluffy”, calm and active, complaisant and freedom-loving - the list of cat breeds with photos and descriptions offered on our website will help you choose an animal that will become not just a household member, but a devoted friend. As the world-famous writer Daniel Defoe said: "He who has a cat is not threatened by loneliness."

Like their wild relatives, many purebred cats have short hair. This makes life much easier for both themselves and their owners, who do not have to collect large pieces of crumbling wool around the apartment.

In many ways, because of this, and also because of their extraordinary beauty and grace, breeds of short-haired cats are desirable pets. Their varieties will be discussed.

Abyssinian cat

It is considered a descendant of the sacred ancient Egyptian cats that lived on the territory of modern Ethiopia. According to one version, in the 60s. XIX century, it was brought from there by British soldiers returning to their homeland.

Since the middle of the 20th century, Abyssinians have become very popular. They have a slender muscular build, arched neck and large ears.

american curl

In the early 1980s, a stray cat was found in California with unusual, recurved ears. She had two babies - with short hair and long hair.

They made a splash at the show, and in 1986 both of these breeds were registered. Curved ears, by the way, are a natural genetic abnormality.

Descendants of domestic cats who arrived in America in the 17th century with the first English settlers. They are distinguished by a powerful article and long rounded paws.


Burmese cat

A dark brown breed brought from Burma. She was crossed with the Siamese, and the new breed was recognized in 1936. The Burmese is characterized by a small nose and a tail of medium length with a rounded tip.

It is the result of attempts by scientists to obtain a small copy of the black Indian panther. To do this, a brown Burmese was crossed with a black American Shorthair.

Bombays should have everything exclusively black - from every hair of wool to the pads on their paws.

Devon rex

In 1960, a cat with wavy hair was discovered in the English county of Devonshire. Soon she brought offspring, among which was one curly-haired baby, declared the first Devon Rex.

They are easily distinguished by their thin plastic body, triangular convex muzzle and huge ears.

european shorthair

This breed is closest to wild species, so its representatives have excellent hunting skills. European Shorthairs are considered a natural breed, humanity has not particularly interfered in its development.

Unlike overweight British women, European women are more refined and muscular. Experts note their very strong immunity.

Luxurious silver-smoky cat with a spotted pattern all over the body. She looks like cats, which are depicted on the walls of temples and in the manuscripts of ancient Egypt.

By nature, Mau is quite reserved, rarely trusting more than one person.


The breed is named after the province in Thailand, from where American soldiers who served there brought it to the United States. It is believed that Korats must have a strictly silver-blue color, otherwise they are classified as "Thai lilac" or "Thai color-point" breed.

Cornish Rex

This cat comes from the English county of Cornwall. A smooth-haired mother gave birth to a cream-colored kitten with curly hair. Subsequently, they were crossed, having already received two curly cubs (see what are).

But over time, the crossing of closely related species led to the appearance of weak offspring, which had to be euthanized, and several other breeds were introduced.

Cornish, like other varieties of rex, are characterized by long front legs, an elongated rounded muzzle and unusually large ears compared to the head.


Probably the funniest outwardly feline breed, the Munchkin has very short legs, like a dachshund. This happened as a result of a genetic mutation. Sociable, friendly and playful animals.

Manx cat (manx)

A unique breed that is distinguished by a very short tail or its complete absence, which is also provoked by a mutant gene.

The Manx are named after the Isle of Man off the western coast of Great Britain, where their population developed. Large, well-fed cats with a round muzzle.

German (Prussian) Rex

It is considered the first of the wavy breeds - it was bred in the 30s. XX century in Germany by crossing the Russian Blue and Turkish Angoras. They have a velvety coat that is pleasant to the touch, sometimes they are bald.

Oriental cat (oriental)

A thin, graceful cat with a long tail and slightly slanting eyes. It was brought to Europe from the Far East.


Ocicats are named so because of the visual resemblance to wild ocelots - the same spotted pattern on the body. Now there is a wide range of colors of Ocicats - from cream to blue.


Another breed with a miniature tail, bred in America in the early 1990s. The pixie bob resembles a wild lynx in appearance and color.

Russian blue

These cats were brought to the West by merchants returning from the Arkhangelsk province. Their soft blue-grey fur shimmers like silver in the light.

A medium-sized cat, at the same time powerful and graceful, affectionate, has a quiet voice.

One of the newest breeds, the first representative of which was born in 1987 in the US state of Wyoming.

Due to crossbreeding with Persians, the coat of Selkirks is thicker than that of other Rexes. Funny curly animals.

The history of this breed goes back to the 15th century. In Siam (now Thailand), such a cat was considered sacred.

She has a rather unusual appearance - a long neck, a triangular muzzle, slanted blue eyes, large ears and painted limbs (see).

singapore cat

Her in the early 1970s. brought from the island of Singapore. One of the smallest cats. It has a small rounded muzzle and huge expressive eyes (see).


A strikingly beautiful breed, obtained by mating the Siamese with the American Shorthair. From the Siamese there was a color, from the Americans - a powerful physique and a large head. see all

Variety of cat breeds.

Who doesn't love pets, especially gentle and beautiful kitties. But the variety of breeds of these animals is so great that it is even difficult to imagine. In this article, we will try to bring to your attention the characteristics of well-known and little-known cat breeds, as well as give you the opportunity to look at their images.

Famous, popular fluffy breeds of cats and cats with photos and names: photo, character description

Fluffy breeds are especially popular with cat lovers. The coat of such pussies can be long or semi-long. Special care is needed for these animals, since a long pile requires constant combing and special hygiene procedures. The following fluffy breeds are considered the most famous and popular.

Siberian cat- a large, strong animal with a stunning "Siberian" rich fur coat. Moreover, their fur is hypoallergenic. A truly "natural", natural breed with the following properties:

  • wonderful mouse catchers
  • recognize only one owner, to whom they are very affectionate, but unobtrusive
  • cheerful and playful
  • freedom-loving
  • fearless: not afraid of dogs or loud noises
  • not aggressive and not prone to revenge
  • like to bring different objects in their teeth
  • feel better in a private home, where they can exercise their hunting instincts
  • color can vary greatly
  • are considered a "family" breed, but they are unlikely to jump on your lap to "purr".

Maine Coon- weighty large cats with tassels on the ears and expressive eyes. They have a rather "wild" appearance. But at the same time:

  • good friends to the owner, constantly running after him, looking into his eyes
  • playful to old age
  • easily adapt
  • very active and playful
  • "chatty"
  • generally friendly and peaceful, but can be quite capricious
  • clean
  • subtly feel the mood of the owner
  • excellent mouse hunters
  • not afraid of water
  • love little kids

Maine Coon

- a type of Siberian cat with a color-point color. A fairly large animal with blue eyes. Such a cat:

  • devoted and tender
  • requires attention and love of the owner
  • friendly yet stubborn
  • laconic
  • endures loneliness
  • likes to play
  • unforgiving
  • responds to his name
  • treats small children with care and will never let out her claws, no matter how they squeeze her

- has the color of a Siamese cat and long Persian hair. Eye color is piercing blue.

Main character traits these kitties:

  • quiet
  • playful, but not prone to active running around
  • trying to stay close to the owner
  • love to be praised
  • consider themselves a full member of the family
  • easy to get along with other pets
  • dislikes loud noises and arguments

Persian- is considered the longest-haired cat. A distinctive feature of the breed is a flattened muzzle with a wide upturned nose. The color is richly varied. Main features:

  • sociable, even affectionate. They like to sleep on the owner's lap or in his bed.
  • do not really like loneliness, prefer to follow a person from room to room
  • patient
  • self-sufficient
  • males are more affectionate and loving than females
  • gullible
  • inquisitive
  • voice is rarely given. They attract attention by calmly and intently looking into the face of a person.
  • are quite playful and even like to catch insects

- a distant relative of the Siamese. It has a coat of medium length, but very fluffy. It has a thin graceful body and a special character:

  • active and curious
  • wayward
  • infinitely devoted to his master
  • loves children
  • very talkative
  • requires a gentle patient upbringing
  • doesn't like being alone
  • needs an opportunity to throw out energy: jump, climb up
  • perfectly feels people and builds individual relationships with each person

Himalayan- a large blue-eyed cat with a color-point color. Outwardly similar to the Persian.

The animal is different

  • complaisance
  • friendliness to all family members, especially children
  • energy
  • calm disposition
  • intolerance to loneliness
  • complete dependence on the caress and love of the owner, to whom they often ask for
  • fear of small spaces
  • love for water treatments

- unusual cats with turned-out ears and silky dense fur. Representatives of this breed

  • very friendly
  • active
  • independent
  • playful at any age
  • adapt well to change

- a kind of British breed, the wool of which does not cause absolutely no trouble to the owner, as it does not fall off and does not shed.

Cat of this breed:

  • considered the most affectionate among all cats
  • calm and balanced
  • quiet
  • inquisitive

American Bobtail Longhair- a powerful cat with a short tail, which is distinguished by a complaisant disposition:

  • very good-natured
  • does not like loneliness, but at the same time freedom-loving
  • loves children
  • gets along well with others
  • calm
  • not very talkative

("rag doll") - an unusual cat with reduced muscle tone. Artificially bred breed. These animals are able to relax the muscles as much as possible. She cannot be thrown to the floor, as she does not know how to group and land correctly.

Such cats have a unique soft character:

  • complaisant
  • sociable
  • have a phlegmatic nature
  • can't stand loneliness
  • very attached to the owner
  • sensitive and vulnerable, so you can’t yell at them
  • do not fight for their territory, preferring to go to the side

- the result of crossing a ragdoll with a mongrel cat. The breed has only recently received official recognition. These are large animals with silky hair. Such a cat has a pleasant disposition:

  • devoted, very fond of the owner
  • communicative
  • complaisant
  • quick-witted
  • calm
  • very dependent on the caress and care of the owner, often asks for hands
  • not able to defend himself, as he is absolutely not aggressive
  • perfectly trainable
  • completely devoid of hunting instincts

- an artificially bred breed in America. An unusually beautiful cat with an unusual coat color and a wonderful character:

  • very active and fun
  • loves children
  • attached to the owner and his family
  • playful
  • extremely curious
  • constantly demands attention

- descended from the Abyssinian breed. An elegant and graceful animal with medium length hair.

Is different:

  • love for the owner, whom he considers his property. Always overjoyed at his arrival
  • curiosity and agility
  • playfulness and mischief, while it can take away everything that lies badly: pencils, erasers, small toys
  • unusual love for water fun
  • taciturnity
  • sociability
  • affectionateness

Famous, popular shorthair cat breeds: photo, character description

Many people choose to have a shorthaired cat as it is easier to care for. In addition, a short pile does not hide the beauty of the animal's body. Let's describe some of the most striking and interesting breeds.

- aristocratic natural breed. Outwardly similar to the yard. It has a small muscular body, a wedge-shaped head and almond-shaped eyes.

In cats of this breed, the character develops throughout life and depends on how the owners treat it:

  • kind by nature, from a lack of attention and affection, these pussies can become nervous and irritable
  • sociable and playful
  • beautiful hunters
  • love walks
  • require love and attention
  • easy to train and well trainable

- a powerful strong animal with a rounded head, well-developed chest. May have a different color.

Is different:

  • endurance
  • good health
  • love for jumping
  • boldness
  • ingenuity
  • tenderness and affection towards the owner
  • laziness, so you need to make her move actively
  • being greedy in food
  • independent but obedient

- a bright short-haired cat that cannot be confused with other breeds due to its unique color, delicate body structure and blue eyes. It is noteworthy that this breed has not been crossed with anyone.

They differ in a rather peculiar character:

  • stubborn and willful
  • independent
  • have strong hunting instincts
  • very attached to the owner and very jealous of him
  • wary and distrustful of strangers
  • sensitive to the mood of the owner
  • playful, love attention
  • in case of disagreement, loudly "swear"

- an oriental breed that can have a different color, except for pure white. It has a muscular graceful body, a slightly wedge-shaped head and blue eyes.

Main features:

  • observant and curious
  • very smart, quickly learns to open closed doors
  • extremely devoted to the owner: she rejoices at the arrival, and during his illness does not leave him
  • among other domestic animals tries to take a leading position
  • talkative enough

(Celtic cat) - rather massive animals that have unique hunting qualities. There are a lot of color variations. The character is purely individual and largely depends on the upbringing and attitude of the owner to the animal. Most of these animals are:

  • smart
  • affectionate
  • tied to their owner
  • easily adaptable
  • unpretentious in care
  • have an independent character

Australianand Imist(Australian smoky). One of the unique new breeds. Almost never found outside of Australia. It has a spotted or marble-spotted color and beautiful aquamarine eyes.

Cat of this breed:

  • has an accommodating disposition
  • sociable and friendly
  • not afraid of strangers
  • loves children
  • playful and active
  • easily tolerates loneliness
  • calmly relates to closed spaces and the lack of walks

German (Prussian) Rex- a cross between Angora and Russian blue. Owners of wavy plush wool.

The nature:

  • calm, even lazy
  • patient and enduring
  • it is believed that they can adopt the features of their master
  • require a lot of love and affection

- artificially bred breed of medium size, with a spotted color, like a leopard.

Such animals:

  • very active, even mischievous
  • love walking, allowing you to put on a leash
  • have high intelligence
  • love to fight and hunt
  • can make a variety of sounds
  • quite kind and friendly

Manx tailless cat (Manx)- large strong muscular animals. The tail is very short, like a hare.

They differ in such features:

  • very active and playful
  • sociable, take an active part in everything
  • emotional
  • loving and spontaneous
  • not indifferent to water, but do not like to swim at the same time
  • beautiful frisky hunters

BatRman cat- small animal. She is the owner of a proportional body, well-developed muscles, round amber eyes and an unusually silky coat.

It has a wonderful light character:

  • extremely sociable
  • very devoted person
  • smart and understanding
  • loves physical contact
  • devoid of aggressiveness
  • demands attention
  • love active games

- a young breed, bred as a result of crossing domestic cats and wild short-tailed cats. It has a muscular body, a short straight tail. Outwardly similar to a lynx.

Despite the appearance of a wild animal, they have a complaisant character:

  • kind and gentle
  • quickly become attached to the family and the owner
  • very active, love to jump and play

Oriental- a graceful oriental cat of various colors, except for white. It has large ears and expressive eyes. It has the same standard as the Siamese cat. Just as graceful and elegant.


  • has a piercing voice
  • very trusting
  • inquisitive
  • sociable
  • not timid
  • is in constant motion
  • well trained
  • can walk on a leash and bring various objects in his teeth
  • differs in fidelity to its owner, therefore, in separation they can greatly yearn

- leads the story from the ancient Indian breeds. Some believe that this is a domesticated lynx. A squat cat that has a dense, slightly shaggy coat and a short tail. It may be of different colors.

The nature:

  • good-natured and affectionate
  • calm
  • do not really like loneliness, try to be with family members
  • love to play and demand attention
  • freedom-loving
  • on walks they do not climb trees, but calmly follow on a leash next to the owner

- a small muscular cat, the only Italian breed.

Distinguished by a peculiar disposition:

  • peaceful, but can stand up for himself and punish the offender
  • active, loves to play with the owner
  • cheerful and sociable
  • tries to always be with the owner, but at the same time unobtrusive

- a miniature very graceful cat with a pinkish tinge of wool.

These pussies have a very delicate temperament:

  • shy, afraid of noise and quarrels
  • careful with strangers
  • quiet and humble
  • peaceful and friendly
  • self-sufficient, a person will never be an authority for them

Famous, popular plush breeds of cats and cats: photo, character description

Some cats have short but very thick fur, which makes them look like a plush toy. This wool is extremely pleasant to the touch. The most famous and popular are such "buns".

- bright representatives of the "plush" breed. Strong serious animals, with a round head and serious eyes. These cats have wonderful properties:

  • calm
  • clean
  • endowed with high intelligence
  • affectionate
  • devoted to their masters
  • rarely bite or scratch
  • easily endure loneliness. Ideal for people who are not often at home
  • don't like being squeezed
  • easy to get along with other pets
  • unpretentious in food

- a calm and inactive cat, bred as a result of crossing the British and Persian breeds.


  • very lazy, prefer to lie down all day
  • affectionate and gentle
  • they need constant attention from their owners
  • easy to adapt and learn
  • patient
  • need their own corner and do not like it when a person encroaches on their territory
  • not aggressive, but quite stubborn

- a pussy that wins people's hearts with its naive muzzle and plush fur. The breed was bred by accident, but quickly gained popularity. These cats are similar to Persian, only with short hair.

Exotics have an almost perfect character:

  • good-natured and affectionate
  • curious
  • lazy couch potatoes
  • do not make noise, preferring quiet games with toys
  • devoid of aggression, in case of an incorrect attitude, they simply leave offendedly
  • indifferent to strangers

(Scottish Straight) - a fluffy, strong representative of the Scottish breed, endowed with a wonderful character:

  • friendly, non-aggressive
  • quickly becomes attached to all family members
  • calm and sedate
  • afraid of heights
  • does not tolerate coercion and forceful holding on hands

Famous, popular breeds of bald cats and cats: photo, character description

Hairless cats are bred by lovers of the exotic and people suffering from allergies to wool. Due to the lack of a fur coat, such animals often freeze, so they can only live in warm apartments. These breeds are not suitable for people who are rarely at home, as they absolutely cannot stand loneliness and require constant attention.

It is believed that hairless cat breeds are endowed with extremely high intelligence. Hairless cats are different and do not look alike.

- a fairly weighty cat of medium size with very short hair, which feels like suede to the touch.

The nature:

  • very active and playful
  • quickly gets used to people and habitat
  • follows the owner on the heels and, on occasion, always strives to jump on his knees
  • not vindictive

Peterbald (Petersburg Sphinx)- a breed that appeared from crossing the oriental cat with the Don Sphynx. These animals have a graceful, even sophisticated look.

They have a docile and easy disposition:

  • smart and sociable
  • affectionate with all family members
  • playful
  • very attached to the person
  • easy to get along with everyone
  • not conflict

- lop-eared hairless cat, not universally recognized as a young breed. It has an unusual appearance and a wonderful character:

  • extremely loving and affectionate
  • devoted to the owner
  • easy to adapt to new
  • not capricious and not picky
  • have high intelligence
  • afraid of heights

- a relatively young breed bred in Russia.


  • completely devoid of aggression
  • extremely friendly and fun
  • very active, therefore capable of leprosy
  • sensitive, perfectly feel the owner
  • calmly tolerate hygiene procedures
  • easy to learn
  • love attention

- funny little animals, the result of crossing Munchkins and Sphynx Canadians. They look like funny kittens, just as cute and touching.

From both breeds, these cats took the best:

  • sociability and curiosity
  • cheerful disposition
  • devotion to the owners
  • sweetness and tenderness
  • high intelligence
  • love of walking and traveling
  • getting along with other pets

- not quite bald breed. Unlike other representatives of the Rex, they have only an undercoat as a hairline. They have astrakhan fur due to the absence of guard hairs. Slender and graceful cats.


  • do not tolerate drafts
  • love to eat
  • devoted to the owner, and even wag their tails like dogs
  • smart and savvy
  • active and very playful
  • sociable and curious

Famous, popular breeds of lop-eared cats and cats: photo, character description

Funny animals with an unusual shape of ears fell in love with many. The number of lop-eared breeds is very small, since, by nature, cats are hunters who need protruding ears for good orientation.

(Scottish Fold) - a plush cat, outwardly similar to the British breed. A distinctive feature is the ability to sit "on the priest".

The character is also very reminiscent of the British:

  • friendly
  • inquisitive
  • calm
  • easy to train
  • feel the mood of the owner
  • not afraid of strangers
  • kittens quickly get used to the tray
  • not aggressive
  • incapable of revenge
  • sensitive, can not stand shouting and rude treatment in their address
  • easily tolerate moving
  • don't like to jump
  • do not shout loudly, make only quiet sounds

- Scottish fold longhair cat. An animal of medium size with a silky long pile.

Like all Scots, they differ:

  • calm and balanced disposition
  • playfulness that does not go away with age
  • curiosity
  • good adaptation, not afraid of moving
  • like to be around people

Also belongs to the breed of lop-eared cats Ukrainian Levkoy, which was mentioned above.

White breeds of cats and cats with photos and names: photo, character description

White cats are very beautiful and elegant. According to the standards, no stains and impurities are allowed in white breeds. A similar color can only be obtained by crossing purebred breeds in which mixing was not allowed.

The white color of the coat in cats can be for various reasons:

  • due to a specific gene associated with deafness (seen in cats with green or blue eyes)
  • due to albinism, when animals have no coat pigmentation, and the eyes and skin are pinkish
  • due to the presence of a gene that determines white spotting. Sometimes there are a lot of such white spots, they merge together, and the cat becomes white.

Many breeds can have a white coat:

  • Persian
  • Devon Rex
  • maine coons
  • British

We present the brightest representatives of the snow-white color:

- an ancient aristocratic breed. It has a soft silky coat and greenish or blue eyes.

Cat details:

  • very smart. Can learn to use switches and open refrigerator doors
  • active and mobile
  • inquisitive
  • do not like loneliness
  • usually tied to one person
  • love attention to their person
  • enjoy playing with toy or live mice

is a shorthair cat from Thailand. This fairly ancient breed has been officially registered recently. An extremely graceful snow-white animal that has the following features:

  • curiosity
  • playfulness and mobility
  • love for the owner, whose company is simply adored
  • gullibility even to strangers
  • high sociality (therefore it is not recommended to have such a cat if you do not have other cats)

- a short-haired cat, the result of crossing the Siamese and the short-haired European. They have a graceful body and blue eyes. At the same time, animals are endowed with excellent hearing. The breed is quite rare.


  • highly intelligent
  • social
  • friendly
  • independent
  • freedom-loving
  • quite talkative, have a loud voice
  • mobile, like active games

- a large cat with semi-long white hair with almost no undercoat, with colored spots on the tail, ears and muzzle.

Key Features:

  • mobile
  • playful
  • inquisitive
  • swim well, they like water fun
  • love affection, although they are wayward
  • usually attached to one of the family members

Black breeds of cats and cats: photo, character description

Black cats are quite common. Almost all breeds can have this color: both short-haired and long-haired. It is believed that black cats have special telepathic abilities and feel the owner well. There are few breeds that are exclusively black in color.

- a breed that has been created by breeders for more than 20 years. The animal has smooth short hair and looks very similar to a panther. During the life of a cat, the color of the eyes changes: at birth it is blue, then turns gray, and then acquires an amber hue.

Features of this breed:

  • have a bright temperament
  • have a very individual character
  • have high intelligence
  • they meow a lot, but their voice is quiet, so it is perceived without tension
  • do not like loneliness
  • happy to sit on your hands
  • balanced
  • among other pets, they try to take a leading position

- a new rare breed that is not fully recognized. These are the descendants of the Burmese with a specific dense uniform dark chocolate or black color. Wool literally shimmers and feels silky and pleasant to the touch.

Main features:

  • calm and friendly
  • love all family members without singling out anyone
  • patient
  • love affection and attention

Gray breeds of cats and cats: photo, character description

Gray cats always look elegant and aristocratic. This color is called "blue", and varies from light ash to dark gray. Blue cats should be distinguished from smoky. The latter have white hair at the base.

There are several breeds that are exclusively gray in color:

Chartreuse (Carthusian cat)) is a rather large strong animal, with amber eyes.

Cats of this breed are characterized by the following:

  • easily adapt to any conditions
  • obedient and easy to train
  • playfulness is replaced by periods of rest
  • not intrusive
  • not prone to pranks
  • attached to the person, not to the habitat
  • choose one master, who is accompanied everywhere
  • adore caress and stroking on the head and cheeks
  • they treat strangers rather indifferently
  • love space and walks

- a popular expensive breed. It has a thick, dense, shiny coat of a uniform blue color with a silvery tint. Has a graceful and slender body.

This proud cat with character has its own characteristics:

  • a little stubborn and freedom-loving, but at the same time obedient
  • kind and affectionate
  • can spend the whole day at home alone
  • unobtrusive, but happy if they take her for a walk
  • happy to sit in the arms of the owner, and only when she wants it
  • curious and observant
  • wary of strangers
  • dislikes closed doors
  • homebody
  • likes to hunt

- an ancient breed, whose homeland is Thailand, where these animals are considered a symbol of happiness. Outwardly, they look like Russian blue cats. The only recognized color is blue with silver tips. Differs in large and bright emerald or amber eyes.

They have a specific character:

  • do not like cats of other breeds next to them
  • jealous and really miss the owner in his absence
  • dislike other people
  • males are reputed to be fighters, but at the same time they show themselves as caring fathers
  • do not like long walks
  • are homebodies, rarely leave the house
  • kind and humble
  • playful
  • need more attention

- strong cats with a round head, small ears and a wonderful short thick coat. This cat is the epitome of British aristocracy:

  • hardy and strong
  • friendly and contact
  • patient, great with children or other animals
  • dislikes familiarity

("child of the fog") - a rare breed, graceful owners of silky soft wool and emerald eyes. A long-haired version of the Russian Blue.

The character is quite peculiar:

  • not very sociable
  • can be aggressive towards strangers at a young age
  • all understanding, but loving to do in their own way
  • quite cunning
  • affectionate with the owner and household

Red breeds of cats and cats: photo, character description

Red-haired cats were considered in Russia a symbol of the sun and happiness. And in some countries, such animals are associated with financial well-being.

Red color in felinology is called red. It is worth noting that there are no animals with a uniform red tint, such a color is always heterogeneous, with impurities, decorated with stripes and spots. It is believed that the more spots or stripes in the color of the animal, the more complex its character.

The temperament of red cats is always individual, and the character depends not only on the breed, but also on the owner's attitude to the animal. However, the common features of all "saffron mushrooms" can be called:

  • audacity
  • courage
  • cunning
  • demanding attention to oneself
  • mischief and playfulness

Especially often the red color is found in representatives of the "wild" breeds.

- steppe lynx. A predatory animal that can only be tamed if it was raised in captivity.


  • curious and playful
  • difficult to educate due to wild temper
  • requires careful, patient attitude, especially in the first two years of life
  • devoted to the owner
  • feels good in a private house with a spacious aviary

- one of the oldest breeds, the progenitor of which are African cats. It has a ticked reddish color (sorrel). However, there may be a blue color and a fawn. The breed is distinguished by a small number of offspring.

Main character traits:

  • obstinacy
  • intelligence and curiosity
  • melodic voice
  • mobility and energy
  • extreme love of games and space
  • sociability, alone it is difficult for such a cat

- the result of crossing domestic cats with leopard breeds. Owners of reddish wool with spots. Silver is less common.

The character combines wild and "domestic" traits:

  • very energetic, attack everything that moves
  • smart and savvy
  • do not like tactile caresses
  • quickly get used to the person and conditions
  • devoted to the owner, but sometimes move away from him, preferring loneliness
  • wary of strangers
  • get along well with other animals

A bright sunny shade is often found in more familiar pets:

  • Persians
  • British
  • Siberian cats
  • maine coon

Striped breeds of cats and cats: photo, character description

Striped cats are very common. This color is considered "wild type" and is called "tabby". Cats of many breeds can be tabby. And for some, this color is the main one:

- a cat with a brindle "striped" color, a massive skeleton, a rounded thick tail and expressive, deep-set eyes. Looks like a small tiger. The breed is not completely formed.


  • playful
  • friendly
  • unpretentious
  • get along well with other residents
  • easily trained
  • do not require much attention

- an ancient breed of cats. It has an unusual silver color with spots, like a jaguar, and clearly lined eyes.

Character Features:

  • extremely affectionate
  • devoted friends to their master
  • like to be the center of attention and often sit on a person's lap or shoulder
  • can walk with a collar on a leash, as they like long walks
  • very energetic and active
  • run fast and possess hunting qualities
  • jumping up and down expressing their joy
  • like to "talk"
  • quickly accustom to the tray
  • cats often help the female during childbirth

- representative Asian breed cats. Color can be in the form of rings, spots or stripes on the coat.

The nature:

  • calm
  • tolerant
  • friendly
  • smart enough
  • energetic
  • playful
  • practically do not cause trouble to the owner

- Kenyan forest cat, resembling a cheetah, with tassels on the ears. They can change their eye color depending on their mood.

These cats have the following traits:

  • independent
  • playful and very energetic, therefore, in an apartment, it is necessary to allocate free space for vigorous activity
  • swim well
  • gentle and very attached to the owner

Unusual, exotic breeds of cats and cats: photo, character description

Some people prefer to have unusual, exotic cat breeds at home. Such animals are distinguished by high cost and sometimes require special conditions of detention.

Rare and expensive breed. This cat is large, strong, with an unusual spotted color. Reaches a weight of 14 kg. Descendant of a serval.

Distinctive features:

  • extremely smart and resourceful
  • similar in temperament and habits to dogs
  • very energetic and playful
  • well trained
  • love walking, even on a leash
  • don't like cold
  • prefer to be near the owner
  • like to swim

- Hobbit cats. dwarf breed with short legs and delicate hair with rexoid fur.

The nature:

  • sociable
  • social
  • easily tolerate moving
  • curious
  • nimble and playful
  • very attached to the owner and require his constant attention to themselves

charming cat - dachshund, whose legs are three times shorter than the length of the body. There are long-haired and short-haired. The character is quite individual, but in general these cats:

  • have a cheerful disposition
  • friendly, people oriented
  • sociable and playful
  • quite independent and can fight back the offender
  • have a tendency to hide small objects in a secret place

- not so long ago recognized tailless breed. Cats have a small strong body, long hair and short paws, on which they move amusingly.

  • very kind and friendly
  • love to be the center of attention
  • playful and active
  • never show aggression
  • smart
  • touchy, but not vindictive
  • endowed with a wonderful memory
  • extremely devoted to their master

- a rare breed, the ancestor of which is the marsh lynx. The animal has a muscular elongated body with strong limbs.

Breed features:

  • friendly
  • very energetic, active lifestyle
  • they love obstacles, so they often climb up the cabinets
  • These cats require frequent active walks.

- a small cat with wavy hair and large ears. It has a funny touching look, reminiscent of a fabulous elf. It is considered the most socially adapted breed.

Differs in such features:

  • playfulness
  • ingenuity
  • extraordinary tenderness and affection
  • in a quiet voice
  • great trust in the person whom he literally idolizes
  • agility and agility
  • responds to a call
  • males do not mark territory

- the result of crossing a Siamese cat and a European Shorthair. Graceful slender animals. Color in adults is bright brown.

Temperament features:

  • extremely playful and agile
  • enduring and patient
  • likes to be in the thick of things
  • devoted to the owner and very sad without communicating with him
  • requires a lot of affection and attention
  • very sociable
  • easily adaptable
  • good with other animals
  • loves walking

(werecat) is an unusual cat with a unique appearance, obtained as a result of crossing sphinxes and short-haired cats.

Despite their wildly strange appearance, they have a wonderful docile character:

  • devoted to the owner and by all means seek his affection
  • love to be the center of attention
  • habits resemble dogs, like to hunt small animals
  • have guardian instincts

- a rare unrecognized breed of hairless cats. It is distinguished by its small size, rounded tummy and unusually large ears with curved tips.

The nature:

  • very friendly
  • moderately active
  • love all family members equally
  • in need of affection
  • love to spend time on their owners' laps

- the original, but not officially recognized undersized breed with short legs, thick long hair and large round eyes that give a childish expression on a flattened muzzle.

The character is extremely pleasant:

  • benevolent and peaceful
  • gentle and calm
  • very trusting
  • patient, allow children to squeeze themselves and even swaddle
  • absolutely not aggressive

As you can see, the variety of cats is huge. After all, the proposed options are not the limit. We hope that if you are faced with a choice, then the descriptions offered in this material will help you choose your favorite pet in your home.

Video: TOP 21 most beautiful cat breeds

Cute and cute cats with small ears, many of them have a friendly disposition, sociability and devotion. The breeds of such animals are very diverse.

Scottish lop-eared

The breed of cats with small ears is the Scottish Fold, very beautiful and friendly animals. They are distinguished by soft plush fur, round big eyes, the Scots are calm and affectionate by nature, they play with pleasure with the owner, but they do not have excessive obtrusiveness.

The characteristics of the breed are:

  • A good indicator of health, with proper care, cats can live for more than 15 years.
  • Stable psyche.
  • Scottish folds are almost silent, rarely meow.
  • The ears, due to their unusual shape, are so small that they are almost invisible.

The breed is suitable for families with children, as cats are very complacent towards their little owners and play with them with pleasure.

The first representatives of the breed were found in Scotland, the progenitor is a simple domestic cat, the lop-earedness of which manifested itself due to a mutation. After birth, kittens have ordinary erect ears, which are quite small, but when the animal grows up, it will acquire its recognizable trait. Not all Scottish kittens become lop-eared, in the first weeks even the breeder cannot predict their future appearance.

In the photo you can see that their ears are pressed against a round head, the body is of medium size, the tail is proportional to it. The coat is dense, plush, but can be long.


A cat with erect ears of small size is a Persian, very beautiful breed, the history of which has not yet been finally revealed. Some scientists attribute to her a relationship with steppe cats, wild inhabitants of Asia, others believe that the direct progenitor of the Persians is the manul, which is also characterized by miniature ears. The distinguishing features of the breed are:

  • The body is large, with low paws, with a muscular chest and developed shoulders.
  • Fluffy tail of medium size.
  • Wide set ears.
  • Small snub nose.
  • The average weight of an adult animal is about 7 kg.
  • The coat is very long, more than 10 cm, thick, but thin. A tuft of wool is most often present between the claws.

The owner of such a beautiful animal should prepare himself for the daily care of long hair, otherwise it will roll up, and the cat will look sloppy. However, as an alternative, consider purchasing an Exotic Persian, an attractive breed with a soft, plush, short coat.

american curl

Another wonderful cat breed with small ears is called the American Curl. These are very peaceful creatures with thick hair, which can be either long or short. Cats respond well to training, can walk with the owner on a leash, are active and love to play. Distinctive feature- the ears are small with tassels, which makes the cat's appearance recognizable.

In the photo you can see that representatives of the breed have auricles that bend outward. Therefore, the animal itself looks quite fun and unusual, while the character of the animal is very accommodating, they get along well with children, unobtrusive, but play with pleasure with the owner.

It is possible to distinguish such features appearance curls:

  • A lean, muscular body of medium size with a powerful sternum and strong limbs.
  • Wedge head.
  • Large oval eyes, acceptable colors - green, blue, golden.
  • Silky fine coat with little undercoat.

These cats will become true friends for years to come, but their big drawback is that their ears must be looked after very carefully. They are very curious, get along well with other pets, get along well with children.

Cats with small ears are amazingly cute and lovable creatures that will improve the mood of the owner every day with their funny antics.