Lenormand cards layouts for a relationship with a man. Online fortune telling on Lenormand cards. Big deal Lenormand

Working with Lenormand cards has significant differences from working with other predictive systems, such as TAROT cards, runes, regular cards etc. Simple images of cards are easily perceived by our subconscious. After a little practice, during which you learn to navigate the meanings of the cards, you will come into resonance with the deck and the interpretation of even large layouts will not cause difficulty. You will simply see the image of the answer to the question you are interested in or a picture of future events.

It is better to start working with cards with small layouts, consisting of several cards. Gradually complicating the layouts, you will master those for which the entire deck is used. However, take your time to tackle the big hands until you feel confident with each individual card.

Remember that working with cards is akin to magic. Interpreting the alignment, you turn to your subconscious. Before starting work, you need to give him the opportunity to tune in. It is good if a stone and grass are selected (based on individual horoscopic data), which will help your subconscious mind. During the alignment, nothing should distract: no extraneous noises, no voices, no smells.

If you feel close to the element of fire, a lit candle will also help you focus. In addition, the cards must have a permanent place from which you take them to work. It is advisable to keep the cards wrapped in a piece of natural fiber black cloth (preferably wool).

Before shuffling the cards, you need to completely forget about all the problems that are not related to the layout. Become a clear transparent crystal, ready to receive the flow of information. Focus fully on the question of interest and start shuffling the cards. Stir until you feel that the cards have taken their position. This can feel like a slight resistance of the cards to shuffling. As soon as you feel this moment, immediately begin to lay out the cards.

When the layout is formed, first of all try to catch the vibration of the whole layout as a whole, without going into details of individual cards. Listen to yourself, to your body. What feelings, sensations, associations do you have? Try to see a picture of the answer. After general idea about the alignment you have formed, start studying the alignment in sections according to the plan below.

In this chapter you will find many layouts that will help you find the answer to different questions, make a forecast for the period of time you are interested in. We recommend that you master the layouts in the given order, gradually moving on to more complex ones. Do not immediately tackle the solution of world problems, first learn to accurately and fully answer the simplest everyday questions.

And only when you feel confident in yourself, take on more responsible and difficult ones. Refrain, especially at first, from predicting death, serious illnesses. Remember the karmic responsibility that you take upon yourself by incorrect prediction of such significant events.

Lenormand cards are a great tool that will help you organize your life more conveniently, better understand yourself and the people around you.

Big deal Lenormand

General characteristics.

This layout is used in cases when it is necessary to draw up a detailed forecast for any period of time. Before mixing, you need to mentally set a program for the cards - decide what period of time you want to study.

Operating procedure.

Shuffle the cards and let the questioner remove the deck with his left hand. Then take the deck (face down) and lay out the cards in the order shown.

Layout structure.

The present(3 cards in the lower left part - 35, 21, 19). Show daily problems. What is happening around the person in currently time and in any way affects its state.

The senses(7 cards in the cross - 11, 7, 5, 1, 6, 8, 12). Refers to emotions, matters of the heart, friendship, faith. In this part, we consider those issues that worry us, make us worry, which are subjectively of high importance.

Family(3 cards top left - 29, 15, 13). The cards in this group reveal the immediate environment, may indicate relatives or close friends (“family friends”). Here we will find information about people close and dear to us.

Profession(3 cards top right - 14, 16, 30). This group reveals the social status of a person, the place that a person occupies in society, his means of livelihood. Here, the cards can show people with whom there is a connection at work.

Fate(3 cards in the lower right part - 20, 22, 36). Represent destiny. These maps will show the main events that will occur in the considered period of time and will set the direction for further development. Pay special attention to this part - it may contain advice or caution.

Card disclosure scheme


Pay attention to where the questioner's card is. Her presence on the open line will give emphasis to this topic. This means that in a person's life this question is in the first place. Consider this line in more detail.

The senses... When the questioner's card is among these cards, then we are dealing with a person who is currently driven by emotions.

The present... A person devotes too much energy and attention to current momentary affairs. "The fluid is stuck."

Fate... The main events are in the future. A person is in a state of thinking about plans or anticipating some important events. He is aware of the need for change and is ready to accept them.

Family... The main concerns of a person are related to home and family.

Profession... The main question to be solved is connected with making money or with a career.

The presence of the questioner's card next to the open line is the same, but to a lesser extent. Pay attention to adjacent, contiguous cards. They will give additional information about the state of the consulted.

Short spread

General characteristics.

This layout is used for a more detailed study of a topic. In it, the combination of cards and their distance or proximity to the questioner's card already matter.

Operating procedure.

Before shuffling, remove the questioner's card from the deck and place it in the center. Shuffle the cards and remove them. Unfold as shown in the illustration.

Layout structure.

First part.

Contains positions 9, 1, 16, 8, 7, 15. They reveal the past of the given issue. What has already been done, the forces that have shaped the present situation.
9 - external forces of the mental plane. Ideas from the outside world, someone's advice or help.
1 - own ideas and plans in the past. What hopes the questioner himself had pinned on this question.
16, 8 - past events of the physical plane. The card in position 8, due to its proximity to the card of the questioner, has more power. The card in position 16 only supplements and corrects it.
7 - feelings, emotions that were in the past.
15 - feelings and emotions of the subconscious that had an impact. Ultimate motives, which often may not even be realized.

Second part.

Contains positions 10, 2, 6, 14. Reveals the state of the questioner in this question at the moment.
10, 2 - “what's in the head”. What the consultant thinks about the matter at the moment. The card in position 10 has a weaker meaning.
6, 14 - “what's in the soul”. How the consultant feels about the matter. It often happens that the upper cards reveal the declared values ​​and attitudes, and the lower ones - those internal motivations that actually guide a person's actions.

The third part.

Contains positions 11, 3, 4, 12, 5, 13. Raises the veil of secrecy over the future.
4, 12 - reveal the main events on the physical plane. The card in position 12 may indicate more distant consequences.
3 - how a person will assess the current situation.
11 - the assessment of others or the relationship with social norms.
5, 13 - emotional state in the future. The card in position 13 has a weaker meaning.

Numerological alignment

General characteristics.

Used to study the development of a specific issue. In the course of this alignment, the numerological meaning of each card is actively used. When interpreting this layout, each card is interpreted only in the key of the position occupied - card combinations are not taken into account.

The order of work and the structure of the layout.

Focus on the question, shuffle the cards. After you have stopped shuffling, place the deck face down.
Take the top card and put it in position 1.

1. Position 1 - This position reveals the background of the issue. The past that influences the present situation. The number of this card will determine the next one, as the past defines the present. Look at the number of this card and count the card from the top of the deck (without shuffling it!) With the corresponding serial number.
Put the card found in this way in position 2.

2. Position 2 - reveals the state of the issue and the acting forces in the present. The number on this card will define the next, how the present defines the future.

3. Position 3 - the future.

Now we need to find the fourth card - advice on what to do, what principles to adhere to in the emerging situation. The advice is determined by three factors - what we have laid in the past, what we are doing in the present and what awaits us in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to add the numbers of all three cards. The resulting number will correspond to the card-advice.


If the number of the card in position 1 or 2 is greater than the number of cards remaining in the deck (these can be # 36 CROSS and # 35 ANCHOR), then in this case we stop the deal, take out the indicated card and stop at its interpretation.

ANCHOR speaks of the possibility to shape subsequent events as we need it.

The CROSS speaks of the influence of higher powers, the trade of which, for some reason, we cannot know. In such a situation, one must be ready to accept everything that will be sent by Fate;

If, when adding the numbers of the cards, a number is obtained that is greater than 36, then we continue to add the numbers.

For instance:

33 + 26 + 22 = 81

If the number of the council card is already contained in the first three cards, the situation is quite simple and does not need the council of cards;
the presence of cards number 28 or number 29 in the layout indicates a strong influence on the question of a person.

Seven Houses Layout

General characteristics.

This alignment is good to use when you need to make a fairly detailed forecast for a short period of time. As practice has shown, the events predicted by this alignment take place within the next month.

Operating procedure.

Before starting the layout, remove the questioner's card from the deck and place it in the center. Shuffle the cards and arrange them as shown.

Layout structure.

In this layout, the cards are divided into groups of three each. Three cards belonging to the same group are interpreted together. Each group has its own meaning. The logic of combining three symbols into one concept is as follows: the first card symbolizes the soil, the initial conditions; the second - the acting forces, the changes taking place; the third is the result.

Interpretation of groups (numbers assigned from left to right clockwise):

Group 1. Gives information about the general state of the questioner in the investigated period of time, his thoughts and feelings, sometimes the state of health.

Group 2. The closest environment - family, relatives, closest friends and all emotionally close people. These cards show who will be near the counselor in the near future, whose help or support he can count on.

Group 3. This group reveals hopes and desires. If there are clearly inappropriate cards here (for example, # 8, # 21, # 36, etc.), they will show the questioner's concerns or doubts.

Group 4. Here we can see the actual plans of the consultant, which he is going to implement in the near future.

Group 5. A group of unexpected influences that the counselor does not yet feel and with which he has to face. The cards in this group can show both help and obstacles.

Group 6. Opens up the immediate future. Events of the next two weeks.

Group 7. Shows more distant events that will occur in the remaining two weeks.

Search layout

General characteristics.

The layout can be used to find people or lost items. The meaning of the positions is based on the meanings of the houses accepted in astrology.

Operating procedure.

Before you start shuffling, you need to choose a card that will represent the lost.

If we are looking for a person, then it is best to designate him:

No. 28 MAN,
No. 29 WOMAN or:
No. 13 CHILD.

In rare cases, animal cards can be used:

# 7 SNAKE - an intruder;
# 14 FOX - deceiver;
# 15 BEAR - patron, boss, etc .;
№18 THE DOG is a friend.

If we are looking for an item, then we need to choose a card that describes the lost as accurately as possible. There may be some confusion at this stage, so try to get creative. Here are some guidelines for notation:

No. 1 RIDER - any means of communication: telephone, pager, fax, etc., information carriers: cassettes, disks, floppy disks;
No. 3 SHIP - a car and any means of transportation;
№ 9 BOUQUET - this card can be used to designate any thing if it is valuable as a gift;
No. 10 KOSA - stabbing and cutting objects, knives, tools, weapons;
№21 MOUNTAIN - semi-precious and ornamental stones;
№25 RING - jewelry;
№ 26 BOOK - books and any printing products;
# 27 LETTER - letters, documents;
# 33 KEY - keys and any small metal objects;
№34 FISH - money, valuable things. Color cards (No. 2 CLOVER, No. 9 BOUQUET and No. 30 LILIES) can be used to designate objects of art, any beautiful things, clothes.
No. 31 THE SUN is associated with gold,
No. 32 MOON - with silver.

After the lost card is selected, the deck is thoroughly shuffled and laid face down in the order shown in the picture. Next, you need to find the selected card. Only position-home and adjacent two cards are interpreted. The rest of the cards are not studied.

Layout structure.

In this layout, the cards are divided into groups of three, which we conventionally, by analogy with astrological traditions, call houses.

House values:

First house. Indicates a personal place of the questioner, a place or room in which he spends a lot of time or keeps his personal belongings. The lost is somewhere very close and will soon be found. The time spent on searches is calculated in minutes or hours.
Direction - east.

Second house. The lost item may be among your valuables. It can be a safe or a box where you keep your cash. Indicates where you keep money, valuables or jewelry boxes. The search time will take a little - from several hours to three days.
Direction - east of the north-east.

Third house. This house is in charge of neighbors, brothers and sisters, relatives (aunts and uncles), a place of study. Try to look for lost in places where books, papers, letters, writing materials are stored, maybe even in a mailbox or in your car.
Direction - north-north-east.

Fourth house. The place to look is your own home. Elderly relatives' room, kitchen, places where the earth is stored (garden around the house). In a broader sense - parental home, homeland. The item will be found within a few days.
The direction is north.

Fifth house. Children's room, bedroom, places for entertainment (theaters, exhibitions, gambling houses, discos, etc.). Lovers. The thing does not lie in sight and needs a more thorough search.
Direction - north-north-west.

Sixth house. Place of service, meetings. Government agencies... Polyclinics. A room in a house that is rented or used as an office. Places where pets are. The thing is well hidden and you will have to spend a lot of time searching.
Direction - west of the northwest.

Seventh house. Personal belongings of your spouse, business partners. But more often than not, if there is a card of a lost item, then it is stolen, and its return is very doubtful.
Direction - west.

Eighth house. This house is extremely unfavorable. A thing can be pretty spoiled or disassembled, a person is in danger.
Direction - southwest.

Ninth house. Institutes, colleges, churches. Parent organizations, workplace chief. In any case, what you are looking for is far enough away from you. The search can take several months.
Direction - south-south-west.

Tenth house. Place of work, employers. The place of your home where you usually do business. A lost item may be where you think you lost or left it. The time spent on searches is calculated in days.
Direction - south.

Eleventh house. This house controls the place where papers and financial statements are kept. Club rooms or just a meeting place for friends. The house has a living room. The time spent on searches is calculated in weeks.
Direction - southeast.

Twelfth house. This house describes hard-to-reach places or places of isolation. Places where medicines, various chemicals are stored. He runs secret enemies, prisons, hospitals. If the selected card has ended up in this house, then the item is very well hidden and difficult to find.
Direction - east southeast.

Gypsy layout

General characteristics.

This alignment can be used when there is a need to find out the most important events in a person's life that will occur in the period of time of interest to us. Just as in the previous layout, before shuffling the cards, we must set the time period that we will study.

When interpreting this alignment, one must take into account not only the independent meaning of each card, but also its location in relation to the questioner's card and its relationship with other cards.

Operating procedure.

Concentrate and shuffle the cards. Let the questioner with his left hand remove the deck twice. We now have 3 pieces of the deck. Flip them over so that the bottom card is exposed. These three cards provide us with background information about the situation before the layout is made.

The combination of three cards will show us a deep internal state the questioner, his subconscious motives, which will guide his actions, shaping the corresponding events. After you have finished interpreting these 3 cards, connect the deck. Shuffle again, focusing on the information received. Lay out the cards as shown in the figure.

We now begin to interpret all the card combinations. The decisive and turning point of interpretation is the questioner's card. The whole interpretation is based on the position of this card. This means that the meaning of each card should be in accordance with its position relative to the questioner's card.

The Gypsies call this form of interpretation "drawing a cross into the past, present and future." The meaning will become immediately clear if you know the meaning of each position.

Layout structure.

The future opens in the part located in front of the questioner's card, on the right side of the layout. You will find out past events by examining the cards behind the questioner's card, on the left side of the layout. Everything above the questioner's card means either real events, or those that are expected in the near future or are planned.

Therefore, this vertical upward line is the threshold between the present and the future. All the cards below the questioner represent, figuratively called by the gypsies, “that which we stamp with our feet” - in psychoanalytic terminology “repressed” - we suppress these feelings or events in ourselves or try to forget.

Inner square. Eight cards in close proximity to the questioner's card. Reveals the most significant events in the life of the consultant.

Gypsy cross. A traditional form of gypsy interpretation. The connection is established between all the cards located on the horizontal and vertical line from the card of the questioner. Reveals a consistent time chain from the past to the future.

Diagonals. Additional information for exploring the past and the future. The upper diagonals represent conscious actions, planned events, understandable to the questioner. The lower diagonals make it possible to study hidden motives, inner desires, everything secret and incomprehensible.


The questioner's map does not always appear in the center. This should also be taken into account when interpreting:

The questioner's card is shifted to the left. The consultant has completed an important period in his life, completed a certain cycle of his development, and now his main thoughts and plans are in the future. The past doesn't matter.

The questioner's card is shifted to the right. At the present moment, the person who has come for advice needs to deal with the past. This is where the key to solving real problems lies. The future is not yet predetermined and depends on what actions he takes now.

The questioner's card is shifted up. Feelings play an important role in the life of the counselor. It is likely that at the moment he is at the mercy of the unconscious (the unconscious, according to Freud, is unrealized drives, which, due to a conflict with the requirements of social norms, are not allowed into consciousness.).

The questioner's card is shifted down. Before us is a person who is able to realistically assess what is happening and can control the situation. However, if there are negative cards at the top, this may indicate excessive concern with non-existent, fictitious problems, fears.

With the help of the interpretation of Lenormand cards, you can get answers to various everyday questions in layouts. Lenormand cards in this case acquire a meaning close to their main, but with a specific bias. So, the interpretation of the meaning of Lenormand cards in love layouts takes on meaning with a love addition that reveals the relationship in a love couple. This interpretation of Lenormand's cards will help in interpreting love layouts.

Basic interpretation of the cards on the page

Map number 1. Horseman - The beginning of a new relationship, a new union, a new love, an emotional outburst and an outbreak of passion. Acquaintance via the Internet, telephone conversations, good communication. Receiving news from a loved one, increasing the warmth of the heart and sensuality.

It can mean a man. If you are in a quarrel or broke up with a loved one, card number 1. The rider may hint at the return of a loved one or reconciliation.

Value next to card number 24. Heart - receiving important information that you take to heart. To find out whether it will be good or bad, neighboring cards will help.

The value next to card number 25. Ring - indicates a marriage proposal or information about marriage.

Card number 2. Clover- Relationships bring joy, harmony in relationships and love, success and money, luck and warmth from a loved one. Lucky stars and the attraction of love. All troubles are over. The questions that bothered you will be resolved.

The value next to card number 6. Clouds - portends problems, disappointment and a lot of bitter minutes.

The value next to card number 22. The fork - informs you that you need to make an important decision regarding matters of the heart.

Map number 3. Ship
- Parting with a loved one, a difference in characters and interests, people live far from each other, a trip together, a relationship is just beginning, love will float to your harbor if you are honest with yourself and your partner.

The value next to card number 31. The sun - hints at a meeting with a stranger or a meeting that will occur during a trip or during a trip abroad.

Value next to card number 25. Ring - can inform about a honeymoon trip or a trip of lovers.

The value next to the cards is No. 6. Clouds or No. 21. Mountains - there will be some problems during the trip.

Map number 4. House- The desire to start a family, a serious relationship, a stable union. The card can hint at a meeting of lovers, an important date, love and happiness, the achievement of common goals and the struggle to preserve happiness and love. The home of the married couple, the hearth, the family will be in the foreground, where harmony, unity, balance, constancy and trust will reign.

In the case of a negative, relatives interfere in the relationship.

Map number 5. Tree- Stable union, but lack of drive, movement and emotion, peace and quiet. Strong feelings. Established relationships. Conservatism. Secret love.

The value next to card number 8. Coffin - informs about the occurrence of problems in a relationship, about a break.

If No. 5. The tree in the layout lies between card No. 29. Women and card No. 28. Men, then there will be major problems, disharmony. Being far from the couple, she reports that love will only grow stronger, the possibility of union or marriage arises.

Map number 6. Clouds
- Relationships cause doubts, resentments, quarrels and worries. People converge and diverge. Clouds bring cold and trouble into relationships. Difficulties and nervous attacks. Unclear intentions of the partner. If you do not stop in time, then disputes can reach separation or divorce. A crisis in love relationships, overcoming which will help to ascend to new heights. A fortuneteller can meet a new man and start a new start.

If the card is number 6. The clouds are adjacent to the card with a bright side, then the problems that may arise will be resolved very quickly and harmony will be restored again.

Card number 7. Snake- Strong sexual attraction or cheating, deception on the part of a loved one. Rivals, manipulations, blackmail, disputes, contentions, backbiting from others.

Cheating on the part of a loved one, the risk of separation or divorce. The danger of temptation, temptation, sexual play.

Map # 8. Coffin- Divorce, widowhood, the end of feelings, strong resentment, there is a lot of negativity in love relationships. Collapse of innermost desires, tension within a couple. If the relationship is too problematic, the card may indicate the imminent end of the problems. Breakup and end of old relationships, beginning of new love.

To a bachelor, she can inform about a change in his life and about a love renewal.

Card number 9. Bouquet- Fortune's smile, happy love, candy-bouquet period, a lot of romance, gifts. Emotional unity, common interests, ending any problems and returning harmony. Loyalty and trust, any omissions clarified. Happiness abides, bringing a fresh warm breeze to the hearth.

This card informs the bachelor of a meeting that will change his life.

Card number 10. Scythe- An unexpected break, misunderstanding, rejection, someone is actively trying to destroy your union. It is necessary to forget past grievances and omissions. Redefining the relationship will lead to a positive outcome.

The beginning of love, high chances of renewal in love, new joy in love.

Card number 11. Broom- Quarrels, conflicts, fights. Trouble with a loved one can complicate matters and lead to serious problems. Love is like punishment. There may be a break, but not final. You need to avoid conflicts, stock up on courage and patience in order to defend your love.

Passing trials to achieve the goal, the storm will end and the situation will improve.

Card number 12. Owls- Depression due to relationships, the person is closed, does not want to make contact. One is an introvert and the other is an extrovert. An important conversation with a partner due to rumors. The realization that love and happiness must overcome troubles, etc. Relationship harmony will quickly be established. Euphoria of lovers. The desire to walk the road of life together and strengthen relationships. One partner constantly monitors the other. Mutual help and support.

Being far from the fortuneteller's card, card number 12. Birds indicate a short trip with a loved one.

Card number 13. Child
- The relationship has just begun, a lot of infantilism. Fresh wind in relationships, climate warming, harmony, trust and sincerity. No love experience. Perhaps denotes a child who either interferes or may interfere with the union. Here you need to look at the neighboring cards. If you have problems, you need to seek advice from loved ones or friends.

The value next to card number 17. The stork indicates pregnancy, the birth of a child or a happy event.

Map number 14. Fox- Deception, treason, cunning, false flattery, pursuit of their interests in a relationship. Keep your ears open, be careful with your partner and rivals. The partner will by hook or by hook lure you into a trap. Gossip from your peers or gossip from friends can create a climate of mistrust in a relationship, problems arise, and disagreements begin. It is necessary to avoid unnecessary conversations and long-forgotten topics, provoke anger and stir up conflict.

Card number 15. Bear Sexual compatibility, the union is very passionate. The emergence of a strong man in the role of a protector in a relationship who can help or hinder. The end of problems, omissions, thanks to the help of a beneficent person. Restoration of harmony and idyll, happiness and joy.

It is necessary to be more attentive with others, well-wishers are always there.

Map number 16. Stars- Spiritual union, kinship of souls, tenderness, creative relationship. Very good card. An omen of harmony in a relationship. The end of all problems and a return to complete balance. Your relationship is under a lucky star. The fulfillment of a cherished desire for love. But there is an element of instability.

The value next to card number 17. The stork reports a happy incident, and next to card number 24. The heart informs about a romantic meeting or the return of a loved one.

Card number 17. Stork- Changes, the desire to live together, build a nest, move to a loved one. Birth of children, pregnancy. Good luck and happiness. Harmony and sensual intimacy. Mutual trust and attention to each other is a solid foundation for future happiness. The change can be positive or negative, the adjacent cards will indicate this. When they happen, it will indicate the position of the card in relation to the fortuneteller's card in the layout.

The value is next to the card number 4. The house informs about the move to a new place of residence.

Value next to card number 16. Stars or next to card number 13. Child - informs about a happy event.

Card number 18.Dog - Devotion, agreement and loyalty in a relationship. Fight for love. The card informs about the return of a loved one or a return to a loved one. Love will return to the relationship. Resolving problems and restoring harmony. Card number 18. The dog is the keeper of happiness and secret love. If card number 18. The dog lies far from the fortuneteller's card, then it means backbiting and discord. May hint at treason, the risk of separation or final separation.

At negative cards in a love story, it can mean jealousy.

Map # 19. Tower- Office romance, relationship is more business than love. Some formality. Partners are heavily influenced by work. Hidden love for a partner has a secret background. Protected relationship. Sublime feelings. Joy and happiness, long happy life, no problem.

The value next to card number 6. Clouds - hints that an important decision needs to be made. You need to reconsider your partner's behavior or be ready to break up with your partner.

Map number 20. Garden- Active relationships, people spend a lot of time in society. Strong influence of friends. Peace and blooming life, confidence in a partner. Happiness, beautiful love... Harmony and comfort reign in the house. Return or help of a sincere and faithful friend. Renewal of contact or love affair. The influence of friends can be negative. Being far from the fortuneteller's card, card number 20. The garden informs about conflicts, problems in relationships due to dirty gossip.

Map number 21. Mountain- Coldness, alienation, obstacle. Hiding some aspects of your personality from your partner. Communication with a loved one is difficult. A high "mountain" between you. It takes an effort to maintain a relationship or find love. The card can show that a person is lonely, lives without a partner. Being next to the fortuneteller's card number 21. The mountain warns of problems. Adjacent carats will indicate which ones. Patience is needed, conflicts will flare up due to backbiting and rudeness.

Being far from the fortuneteller's card, card number 21. The mountain says that friends will help solve all the problems.

Map number 22. Fork - You need to make a decision and make an important choice - to stay with the person or to separate. A turning point in a love relationship. Doubt and indecision, the decision will lead to changes in love relationships. An update awaits you, new happiness on a new path. If card number 22. The fork lies far from the fortuneteller's card, then the choice will not be of particular importance, the problems will be resolved peacefully.

Value next to card number 6. Clouds - the risk of going down a dangerous path. Be careful, otherwise the consequences can be very dire.

Card number 23. Rats - Mercantile relationships, envy, cunning and meanness. One partner uses the other. Petty bickering with a partner. Unrequited love... A dark streak in love. Love and happiness are at stake. The danger of losing a loved one. Difficulties in marriage. It is necessary to take care of the harmonious development of relations by taking special care of the partner. If the card number 23. Rats lies far from the fortuneteller's card, it will be difficult for him to avoid breaking or parting.

Card 24 Heart- The happiest card in a love scenario. Happiness is in love. Perfect union and sincere feelings. The moment to strike up a cordial relationship. A period of joy and love. Fresh wind in a relationship, leading to harmony, affection and comfort. Love and happiness, peace and tranquility fill the hearth. Card number 24. The heart can report the return of a loved one. All problems will be resolved, all wishes will be satisfied, harmony will be restored. The card speaks of romantic meetings and the possibility of a long-term union.

The value next to card number 13. Child - informs about a happy event.

Card number 25. Ring- Conclusion of marriage or proposal to live together, desire Serious relationships... Close connection. The arrival of happiness and the need to keep it. The period of love and courtship. A new feeling or a bright period of life in an already established union. Reconciliation after quarrels or periods of alienation. The card can signal the return of a loved one and the consideration of a long-term union. Being to the left of the fortuneteller's card, it can talk about separation or divorce.

Card number 26. Book- Learning union, karmic marriage, life experience. One teaches something to the other, but people do not open up to the end, secrets, secrets, intentional reticence. Lack of openness in a relationship, when a person closes in on himself, avoids direct conversations with a partner, or dodges an important decision. Perhaps there is secret love or hidden feelings that are not divulged and create problems. You need to be patient until the situation clears up.

Card number 27. Letter- The desire to communicate more, with negative cards, communication is difficult. Receiving news from a loved one, correspondence that will delight. Message from a loved one, pleasant relationship and mutual understanding. Declaration of love, announcement of engagement, marriage, or just good news.

The value next to card number 6. Clouds - there will be communication problems, quarrels and parting.

Card number 28. Man - Strong influence on a man's situation. Serious conversation with a partner. Sincere and strong love... Warmth, generosity and sincere passion. Search for a partner who would be a strong, worthy person. If a man is single, there will be a love meeting and the possibility of a long union. For a fortuneteller, she represents a person next to her, who will always support and protect.

Spouse or companion holding important place in life. This man will bring stability and necessary balance to her life.

Card number 29. Woman - Strong influence on a woman's situation. Mutual understanding, deep affection, closeness and kinship of souls, sensitivity. Changes and the birth of a new one, whether it be an addition to the family or any other changes in relations with a partner. If a woman is lonely, there will be a love meeting and the possibility of a long union. For a fortuneteller, a man represents a person next to him, who will always support and protect.

This is his wife or his girlfriend, this is the woman with whom he lives and who plays an important role in his life. This woman will bring stability and necessary balance to his life. If this card is far from card number 28. Man, it can communicate problems and difficulties in emotional life, and that the fortuneteller needs to act with caution.

Card 30: Lily- Patronage, the partner is a guardian angel. The relationship is very high, spiritual. Love and happy relationships. A period of peaceful, happy union of souls, trust and reciprocity. Card number 30. Lilies allow you to see the future bright. A favorable meeting with an adult will bring radical changes to the fortuneteller's life. With negative cards - problems in sex.

Value next to card number 6. Clouds - problems will be solved thanks to outside help.

Card number 31. Sun- Very bright and emotional relationship. Joy, pleasure, harmony. True love and happy relationships. A period of peaceful unity of souls, trust and reciprocity. The light energy that a fortuneteller needs in order to flourish. The end of troubles and problems, everything will work out well. In case of negative, selfishness of one of the partners. Conflicts will be short-lived, agreement will be restored again.

Card number 32. Moon Maternal instinct, child-parent relationship, excessive care. The danger of deception and betrayal. Magic influence, romanticism. A union corroded by jealousy, fear of the loneliness of one or two partners. Sincerity and warmth should melt the sparks of these negatives. Being next to the fortuneteller's card, card number 32. The moon informs about help, protection and gives him the necessary advantages to achieve success in his personal life.

End of problems. The person in the foreground is the family or the desire to start a family. Card number 32. The moon can report pregnancy or conception of a child. Being far from the fortuneteller's card, the card warns of illusions and difficulties.

Card number 33. Key- Very significant relationship, karmic. The solution to many problems through this union. Success in your personal life and the fulfillment of joint desires. The one who holds the key to the door behind which true love lurks is the happiest person in the world. Unfortunately, this key can be lost and not found. The beginning of a new, wonderful union or an ascent to the heights of happiness in a union that already exists.

In the event of conflicts, harmony will quickly be restored, relations will improve.

The end of the problems, since the key to happiness is in the hands of the fortuneteller. Card number 33. The key may hint at a meeting with a new person and the possibility of creating a long-term union.

Card number 34. Fishes- Platonic love, strong friendship, reliability, loyalty and warmth, which are more valuable than entertainment or novelty. Money plays in this union the main role... The flowering of feelings, when a person understands what drives, doubts and fears can torment a partner. The romantic period of the relationship. The end of the problems, the conflicts subsided, everything returned to normal. Harmony will reign, the projects outlined by the couple in agreement will be implemented. It is possible to meet with an adult who will make you happy.

Personal renewal and connection built on solid piles. In case of a negative, a desire to live at someone else's expense.

Card number 35. Anchor- Long-term relationships that lead to marriage. Stability of feelings and emotions. A very good union. A fortuneteller can trust his partner and be calm in his loyalty. He can rely on sincere love and enjoy a peaceful existence, without any adventure. Long-term love. Stability, reliability and loyalty. But, if card number 35. The anchor is removed from the fortuneteller's card, you need to be careful. The partner can cheat, disharmony will reign in the relationship.

Card number 36. Cross- Karma, working off some problems through relationships. Relationships are karmic and fateful, it is difficult to influence them. Love and happiness will be tested. It can mean a breakup, a divorce, the end of ties. Serious problems within the couple that can lead to separation. The fortuneteller must postpone negotiations, be patient and wait. Neighboring maps allow you to see where the danger will come from, and how the problems will end.

The closer card number 36. The cross is to the fortuneteller's card, the greater the danger and the more difficult it will be to resolve.

The topic of personal relationships is the most popular at all times and therefore naturally many netizens today try to ask a question of interest online for free on many magical forums and sites. But further we will focus on a special type of fortune-telling that has come to us from the antiquity of centuries. Fortune telling Lenormand "Two", will help to get an answer to the burning questions of personal relationships.

If a couple has problems in a relationship, a man or a woman asks the question of whom to turn to and who to ask how to solve a particular disputable situation, what kind of situation it is, and whether the problem itself exists and how to solve it. In addition, the alignment gives advice to the couple on how best to do and do - we will talk about this further.

The "Two" layout will show you the realities of your relationship.

Fortune-telling carried out according to the scheme of Madame Lenormand "Two" will allow you to characterize each of the partners in a pair and so to understand what each of them is in reality. With the help of this magical fortune-telling, simple in its conduct, the questioner can find out about the feelings and loyalty of his chosen one to him, about what your partner is really worth and can give you good advice on how to build strong and faithful relationships.

Almost every one of us at least once wanted to know what exactly this or that person, and even more so a partner, is thinking about. It is to these questions that the alignment compiled by the famous Madame Lenormand will help to answer, telling you about future relationships and the development of events.

Layout scheme

If you want to make fortune telling on a man - the very first one according to the scheme draws exactly 28 in the Gentleman deck. On the other hand, if fortune-telling goes to women, 29 Lady is mandatory.

After that, we shuffle the remaining cards in the deck - when your intuition tells you to stop, you yourself will feel that they have lay down, as you need and nothing else prevents you from getting an answer to your question. After that, mentally make your wish, for which you make your prediction - slide the deck of cards three times with your left hand in the direction away from you.

Layout and meaning of cards

After that, take the topmost card and, according to the above scheme, lay out 12 cards - the main thing is to lay them out in order, without breaking the sequence. Cards numbered 13 - 15 - they should be found through numerology. In particular, to determine 13 cards - add up all the cards around the man, in particular positions 2, 4 and 6, 8 and 10.

To get 14 in the layout of the card - add up in total all the cards located around the symbolic image of the woman, in particular 3 and 5, 7 and 9, as well as the 11 card. If at the output of counting 13 and 14 cards you have a number greater than 36, then it is worth subtracting 36 so many times so that 36 or less comes out.

The meaning of positions in the layout

  1. The first card will tell the essence of the relations that exist at the moment - how sincere they are with each of the partners and whether they will continue, so to speak, development in the future for each of the partners specifically.
  2. The second and third symbols on the diagram will show the true plans of each of the partners in a pair regarding future relationships. How bright and promising they are, will they continue.
  3. The fourth and fifth cards are the feelings of a man and a woman, on which he himself magic alignment Madame Lenormand.
  4. Cards 6 and 7 will show which of the partners wants to suppress the second with his authority and what to expect from him, good or bad.
  5. In the layout, symbols 8 and 9 will show what this or that partner is hiding, what thoughts and feelings he is trying to hide behind a mask.
  6. In the layout, the symbols in positions 10 and 11 will tell you what this type of partner is showing to the other and how much it corresponds to reality.
  7. In alignment 12, the symbol gives you advice on how best to proceed further - is it worth continuing this relationship or there is no need to spend your energy and time on them, how promising they are.
  8. According to scheme 13, the symbol will indicate how the events of the man paired with this woman will develop in the future and what exactly they can give him at the end.
  9. The next card in the layout, 14, will show exactly what the future, near or distant relationship will be for the woman herself in tandem with this man, and what exactly they will give her at the end.

And the very outcome of the alignment 15 is completed by a symbolic card - it will sum up and display in itself a brief summary of all joint relationships, it will show whether the couple will have a future joint or not. Here's a fairly simple and interesting layout on a deck of cards Two from the famous fortuneteller Madame Lenormand.

Layout video

The best layout of Lenormand for relationships, perhaps, can be called the Short layout of Lenormand, aka Small layout. A short layout of Lenormand is a layout on Lenormand cards, which allows you to most fully answer a woman's question about the development of her relationship with a man, this layout of Lenormand on relationships is used for a detailed study of relationships. A short spread refers to complex layouts, in which a large number of cards are involved. In this layout of Lenormand relations, the independent values ​​of each Lenormand card and paired combinations of cards are taken into account. The meaning of each card in the layout is also considered depending on its position relative to the position of the fortuneteller's personal card. To draw correct conclusions about the relationship as a result of a detailed interpretation of all positions of the cards in the layout, its application requires a certain skill of working with original maps Lenormand.

To select a description for a different layout, go to the page

Layout technique

Before the start of Lenormand's fortune-telling of the relationship, you need to choose the "blank" card - the personal card of the asking person or the person on whom they are guessing, and put it in the center of the alignment: for a woman, 29 cards "Woman" (Ace of spades) are taken, if fortune-telling for a man , you need to take 28 cards "Man" (Ace of hearts).

To start fortune-telling, focus on the problem, mentally imagine the image of the person for whom the layout is intended (if it is not you) and, depending on the gender of the person being made, choose a personal card, shuffle the cards, remove them and lay them out as shown in the diagram.

Layout structure

The layout of Lenormand relationships consists of 3 vertical parts: past, present and future. Each of these parts, in turn, can be conditionally divided into 3 parts: the mental part, conditioned by the way of thinking and the mental disposition of a person; the physical part, due to external events and circumstances; and the emotional part, due to feelings and hopes.

First vertical part

Past- contains positions 9, 1, 16, 8, 7, 15 cards. They reveal the background of the issue, past events and what has already been done; indicate the circumstances and forces that influenced the present situation on different planes, namely:

9th position - external forces of the mental plane, thoughts and ideas that came from the outside world, which determined the way of thinking of the fortuneteller, someone's help or advice;

1 position - the questioner's own ideas and plans in the past, the hopes that the fortuneteller himself placed on this question;

16 and 8 positions - past events of the physical plane, the card in position 8, due to its proximity to the personal card of the fortuneteller, has greater power, and the card in position 16 only corrects and complements it;

7th position - the feelings and emotions of the fortuneteller, which he had in the past;

15 position - feelings and emotions at the subconscious level, which also had an impact, ulterior motives driving the fortuneteller, which often may not be realized.

Second vertical part

The present- contains positions of 10, 2, 6, 14 cards. These cards reveal the state of the fortuneteller in this matter at the moment, namely:

10 and 2 positions - indicate thoughts in the head of a fortuneteller, i.e. his reflections on this issue at the moment, the card in position 10 has a weaker meaning than in position 2, which is closer to the fortuneteller's personal card;

6 and 14 positions - indicates that in the soul of the fortuneteller, i.e. on his feelings and emotions on the matter at the present time.

It often happens that the cards of the outer perimeter reveal the declared values ​​and attitudes, and the cards of the inner perimeter, located directly around the fortuneteller's personal card, reveal those internal motives that actually govern the actions of a person.

Third vertical part

Future - contains positions 11, 3, 4, 12, 5, 13 cards. They lift the veil of secrecy on future events, namely:

4 and 12 positions - reveal the main events on the physical plane, the card in position 12 can speak of more distant consequences, and the card in position 4 informs about the near future;

3rd position - shows how the fortuneteller himself will assess the current situation;

11th position is the assessment of events by others or the correlation of what is happening with social norms;

5th and 13th positions - an emotional state in the future, the card in position 13 has a weaker value compared to the 5th position.

Let's consider an example

A woman turned to a fortune-teller for consultation with a question about the development of her relationship with a man. The personal card for the woman will be card number 29. It is taken out of the deck and placed in the center of the layout.

The cards are shuffled and laid out according to the scheme. It turned out the following alignment.

Consider first the left side of the alignment, which refers to past events:

Cards number 32 Moon and number 17 Stork in positions 9 and 1 of the past mean for a fortuneteller serious intentions to create a family and “build a nest”.

Cards No. 36 Cross and No. 10 Spit in positions 16 and 8 of the past speak of serious trials through which the fortuneteller had to go through to develop interesting relationships, which she had to endure, she had to pay something for it.

Cards No. 8 Coffin and No. 15 Bear in positions 15 and 7 clarify what the fortuneteller had to experience, and indicate the loss of a patron or some other very significant person for a fortuneteller, perhaps the woman sacrificed her connections and position to develop relationships.

Consider the central part of the alignment, which refers to the events of the present:

Cards number 25 Ring and number 9 Bouquet in positions 10 and 2 indicate that the woman is currently seriously considering the issue of marriage, her thoughts are occupied with the proposal;

Cards №30 Lily and №24 Heart in positions 6 and 14 indicate the purity and cordiality of feelings, calmness and confidence in their inner, emotional choice.

The present shows that the fortuneteller has no regrets about what happened, her thoughts and feelings are busy with happy pondering the question of marriage.

Consider the right side of the alignment, which relates to future events:

You can see some contradiction between the top and bottom cards.

Cards 34 Pisces and 21 Mountains in positions 11 and 3 indicate the need to tackle serious material problems in the near future;

Cards No. 33 Key and No. 22 Fork in positions 4 and 12 indicate the need to make an important decision in the very near future, on which their further relations depend;

Cards number 31 Sun and number 26 The book in positions 5 and 13 show that these problems will not affect the emotional state of the fortuneteller and her satisfaction with life, this combination of cards can be called happy life experience... The acquired experience and knowledge will not provide negative influence on the general happy state of the fortuneteller.

Conclusion. The relationship that a woman asks about is not only very important and significant in her life, but also karmically predetermined. Probably, some of the old karmic debts to each other have already been successfully worked out. At the moment, the counselor must make an important choice for herself. And if she is ready to sacrifice material well-being for the sake of calm family happiness, then the best man she can't find it.

A short breakdown of Lenormand's relationship according to the book by Kotelnikova and A.A. Kotelnikova A.G. "The cherished deck of Maria Lenormand".

This alignment will show how your partner relates to marriage, how he would like to see his future spouse, how he sees you. With the help of fortune-telling "Wedding Ring" on Madame Lenormand's oracle cards, you will also find out what you should change in yourself, what or who is hindering the creation of your family, which will help you get married sooner, and also what is the prospect of creating a family with your chosen one.

Fortune telling on the oracle Madame Lenormand - Silence. Sometimes it happens that the person with whom you communicated suddenly moves away from you, stops responding to your attempts to get in touch with him. This happens quite often in a relationship when a man does not consider it necessary to explain to a woman the reason for his departure, believing that in this way it is possible to end the love affair. However, there are situations when there are reasons for "silence"; a person may have any life difficulties that he does not want or cannot talk about. In order to find out the reasons, we suggest using this alignment. With the help of this alignment, you will find out what is really happening, what are the reasons, whether the person will get in touch at the time you have set, and how, in this case, the relationship will develop in the future

Fortune telling on the oracle Lenormand - Marital status of the partner. This alignment will help you clarify the situation related to the personal life of the person of interest. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out about his marital status, having children, family relationships or personal life, if there is no family, you will find out what he wants to get from a relationship with you, how he plans to develop a relationship with you, and also - what is the prospect relationship with him

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Tosca. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out what to do to calm the melancholy, whether someone can help with this, and what the final result will be. This fortune-telling is used in complex life situations when it is difficult to survive the pain of parting with a loved one

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Three secrets. This divination is universal; it can also be used for divination of love to reveal important aspects of relationships that are not yet available to you. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what is accessible, understandable, explicit for you in a relationship, and what escapes your attention. You will also learn a secret that will soon be revealed to you, will become a revelation

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Just a friend. This fortune-telling is used in a situation when you need to learn more about a person who is a friend. This fortune-telling will show what goal this person pursues in a relationship, what he expects, what are his true feelings, thoughts about the relationship, can this friendship grow into love

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Hyades. This alignment symbolizes the constellation Hyades. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out how communication with a new person in your life will take place, how the beginning and development of the intended communication will proceed and what will be the result.

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Crescent. This alignment will help analyze the relationship, find out how compatible you are, what unites you. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out if your views on life, attitudes towards marriage, work, money converge.

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Bantik. This alignment is used in the event of a conflict in a love relationship. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what is in your partner's heart, what will be his steps towards reconciliation, and also what you can do on your part for reconciliation

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Truth out. This fortune-telling will show what a relationship means to you, what would you like to change in it, what are you afraid of in a relationship with a loved one, as well as what your partner would like to change in a relationship, are there points of contact between you, what are the prospects for the development of relations

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Love horseshoe. This alignment will characterize the relationship: past, present and future. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will also learn about your hopes, fears and expectations associated with relationships, possible conflict situations that you may have to face

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Work on breaking the relationship. This fortune telling will show the main reason destruction of relationships. With the help of this layout, you will find out who contributed to the breakup more - you or your partner, what is happening in the relationship at the moment, and you will also find out if it is possible to continue the relationship in the future

Auto alignment - Teresa Michelson

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Road of love. This complex layout is intended for detailed analysis of relationships. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what connects you with your partner, what general views on relationships unite you, and where your views differ. This alignment will show how relations will develop in the future (for any given period)

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Mysterious triangle. This alignment will show the situation in the relationship at the moment, the reasons for the problems in the relationship. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how relationships will develop in the near future.

Fortune-telling on Lenormand cards - For and against. This alignment is effective in cases where love relationship are in the development stage, but raise doubts, as well as when it is necessary to determine once and for all whether it is worth continuing the relationship with a partner, what are the prospects of this union

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Nostalgia. This fortune-telling is well suited for situations when partners have broken up, but feelings and pleasant memories haunt them and again and again return them to the idea that all is not lost.

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Fateful meeting. This alignment will show whether the meeting of the future life partner will take place, under what circumstances it will happen, how the relationship will develop, what the person destined by fate will be like, as well as what needs to be changed in oneself in order to attract love into your life

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Wounded heart. This alignment will help you find out about feelings for each other, what the relationship looks like at the moment, what your actions or the actions of your partner can cause you mutual resentment and disappointment, and what are the prospects for the development of relationships in the future

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Secret Veil. This alignment will help you find out if your partner has a secret from you, what area of ​​life he is swinging, what is the essence of the problem, why is your partner hiding it, where it will lead

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Former love. This fortune-telling will characterize the relationship; you will find out what this relationship was for you and your ex, how you perceived each other, and why you cannot let go and forget your past love

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Family photo. This layout is used to analyze family relationships. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how relationships actually develop and how you perceive them, as well as what to expect in family relationships in the near future.

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Weekly alignment for relationships. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how the relationship will develop over the next week, what feelings, thoughts will prevail during this period, as well as the result of the week

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - My Kingdom for the prince. This fortune-telling will help you get more information about the man of interest; what women does he like, what connects you with each other, what is he afraid of in a relationship with you, as well as what you need to take to win him

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Karmic connections. This interesting layout will show you what your relationship with the person in past life what united you, what feelings you had for each other. You will find out what your karmic tasks are in this life and what this karmic connection will bring.

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - True Love. With the help of this fortune telling you will find out if it is really true love whether you will be happy together, whether your chosen one is thinking about creating a family, a wedding, what can interfere with your happiness and what awaits you in the future

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - Karmic trace. This alignment is intended to search for the karmic meaning of relationships, the reasons for the emergence of a love relationship. This fortune-telling will show how your loved one perceives you, what feelings he experiences, what awaits your union in the future.

Fortune-telling on cards Lenormand - The companion of life. This alignment will help you get to know the person with whom you are going to connect your destiny better. You will find out what unites you, where you are opposite, how your relationship will develop in the future.

Fortune telling on cards Lenormand - The reason for loneliness. This fortune-telling will help you understand the reasons for your loneliness, how to eliminate them, the lessons that you must learn. With the help of this layout, you will find out what are your chances of improving your personal life over the next year.