A man's view on the question of where to look for a husband. Single woman looking for: where to meet a guy for a serious relationship Where to look for a man for a family

Friends, this is not an applied article. There are no specifics and step-by-step instructions on how to find happiness. The article is the author's thoughts without any claim to originality and genius. Low expectations are the key to restful sleep. :)


My friends are divided into two camps: while some willingly share their experiences and give wise advice on how to get married, others sigh that there are no normal men left in this world.

You know, if I didn’t personally know these all-round beautiful girls from the group of disappointed, I could safely assume that they overcharge themselves or leave no chance for normal guys. But it seems that the point is different.

Maybe some girls just tend to notice the wrong men? We fall in love with the wrong people, and then we ourselves suffer and cry at night. Yes, of course, there are not the most simple situations in life. But, to be honest, there is no such thing as someone's fault.

Where to find a normal guy

Well, okay, once you took it and grew up. I understood and accepted that you like pompous assholes. But you get tired of this too. Any drama, even the most florid, sometimes overwhelms, and you want something normal and real. And then a reasonable question arises: where and how to find a normal guy?

If there was some magical place, sort of, where all normal men would be hidden, then, probably, the girls would have already lined up worse than for the clothes of the new H&M collection with some famous designer. The girls who graduated from the courses of the guru of women's practices Pavel Rakov would definitely be brought there on special buses, and all broken hearts would be sent to forced rehabilitation.

Alas, there is no such place for concentrated masculine power. Or I don’t know about him. It is clear that all key life meetings always happen completely randomly and unpredictably. But here is a simple applied question: is it possible to increase this probability by artificial means?

Girlish thoughts out loud

I went to the people (on Telegram) and wrote to my friends with a request to tell them where they generally meet and are looking for non-random connections. The girls' reaction was funny: from “Well, they communicated well, Anh, what are you starting” to “A very difficult question. I have never met normal people. " Summed up the girlfriend who wrote: "Oh, Anh, normal guys are an endangered species."

Among the popular answers to the question of where to meet, if you are very lucky, featured a university, work, hobby clubs, car services, sports clubs, friendly parties, bars and cafes. One girlfriend suggested that Romeo could be safely guarded on some fashionable intellectual tus, although the girl herself admitted that "she's not working yet."

Places vs life hacks

So what can help you meet a normal dude?

1. Dream of meeting HIM. Get discouraged and don't expect anything

It is very important to live with the thought that somewhere in this huge world there is definitely a HE, with whom you have fun, comfortable, free and cool, like with friends. At the same time, there is no idealization of the world. We all always fall in love with the wrong people, and many girls are afraid to fall in love more than guys. In life, probably everything comes when you let go. You will be disappointed in everything and stupidly score, you do not expect anything.

Usually the most amazing stories are shot when I'm not even sure that he will call back after a date.

In general, you just need to believe that one day you will meet someone with whom you can be yourself. Someone who loves your friends. Someone with whom you can breathe easily. And if you have already met him, he will not let you leave (read: do not let him go for anything). At the same time, a special emphasis on the fact that it is advisable to be disappointed in everything before the cherished meeting and not wait. Just live, and there, you see, and the prince on the horizon.

2. Visualize


If you don’t know where are you going, you might end up somewhere else.

The main idea: in order to find something, you need to clearly know what we are actually looking for. They say visualization is a really working thing.

So, girls, you need to tune in to the correct Zen and imagine who you want to be with, what you want from him in the end. You imagine all the important qualities of the betrothed, but, most importantly, not from the opposite, that is, without any "not" particles. For example, if you want a tall brunette, ask for a tall brunette, and not "not a blonde of average height, the main thing is not to be very short." Only real qualities, without negativity and denial. And then you write all this on a piece of paper and send a message to the Universe, which will definitely not let you down. Yes, it might take her some time to find her dream boyfriend. But Moscow, you know, was not built immediately.

Of the important: don't get confused in the testimony, girls! We ask the same thing, we say it out loud, otherwise the universe will get confused.

Another life hack: sometimes it's useful to ask your friends to introduce you to someone, well, to check the spell. The main thing is not friends: it doesn't work. Exactly boyfriend friends.

3. Don't be afraid to take the first step.

It's funny that there are two diametrically opposite opinions on this matter. One friend (married, raising a son) has long urged everyone and me to give up on social conventions and says that, in fact, in her life situation she took the first step, while she does not regret anything. Another girlfriend (not married, no boyfriend) recently came to the conclusion that all her first steps did not lead to anything good.

I do not have a personal significant record of the first steps to judge their success. But, I confess, I myself have always been scared to take the first step. It seemed that if a guy doesn't do it himself, then he probably doesn't need it. Why would I offer something that he potentially does not need? My mother always told me: "Never ask for anything, everyone will come and give themselves." So: they won't.

Girls, maybe you, like me, live with the philosophy of a proud heron, and normal guys don't even catch up that we might like them?

4. Sign up already on Tinder

Do not forget that many guys are tormented in the same way by the question: where to find a normal girl? And as my boyfriend stats show, a lot of normal guys check in for general fun. And what if you are exactly the one with whom not only fun, but also happily ever after?

And so you dreamed, visualized, realized that the first step is not dumb. Come on, do it! Forward to the barricades!

And yes, I myself would not believe it if the number of stories “met on Tinder - happy together for 2, 3, x years” among my own acquaintances did not grow exponentially. Important: Tinder is an example of an easy way to hook up dates. It doesn't matter where you find them, it is important that you go to them at all.

A reasonable question: can you get something normal from dating on the Internet? I will answer with the words of my friend's American uncle Christina, who recently wrote on my Facebook wall and instantly fell in love with my friends:

Every woman sooner or later comes to the idea that it is time to start a family and become the keeper of the hearth. I want to find a strong shoulder to lean on. Take care and receive care. To love and to be loved.

And at this moment, the fair sex has many questions.

It's not a problem to find a man for one night or for a short romance. But finding such a man who is suitable in all respects (and there are often a huge number of them in a woman's head) is not at all easy.

Very often you can meet women with the experience of a long relationship / cohabitation with a man, which ended in parting, and not at all in a wedding. Or maybe it was after marriage and had to get divorced. And the best years of my life were spent on this.

Often women are left with one, two or three children and do not know what to do in such a situation. How to find that man who will be suitable for a serious relationship, will call you in marriage and will be a loving husband for many, many years?

I (Valery Lisin) answer all these questions in my trainings and courses. Many women, thanks to my methods, have already met a decent, normal man and now live in a happy marriage.

The main task in the early stages is to recognize: is the person next to you, with whom you will build a prosperous relationship, or your couple will soon break up.

Agree that it is better to find out what kind of person is next to you right away. Understand whether you can live happily ever after at the very beginning of the relationship, than try, try to adjust, and then after 5 years you will find out that you are completely different people and do not understand each other. And 5 years of life cannot be returned.

We are not taught to deal with the opposite sex either in kindergarten, school or college. We are not taught by our parents. The only thing that teaches us is our often bitter experience and our own mistakes.

From childhood, we incorporate the family model of our parents and very rarely parents can be a good example. In adolescence, we absorb the patterns of behavior shown in the films and watch how our peers build relationships. We are trying to build ourselves and do not understand why everything does not turn out as we planned.

If we take statistics, then less than 1% of couples, having met in adolescence and starting a family, live to old age in a happy marriage.

If this is not your situation, then you belong to the 99% unlucky. And now is the time to start learning how to find men and build relationships with them. And not just a relationship, but a happy relationship.

228 PLACES: short list of places
where to find a serious man


  • Search among the neighbors
  • Search among friends, ask friends,
  • At a birthday party or a party
  • Invite guests to your place for "pilaf", "barbecue", "watermelon", etc.,
  • At work,
  • In public transport, in the subway, in a minibus, on a bus, on a train,
  • At someone else's wedding
  • On a run
  • Walking along the embankment / city park,
  • Walking the dog
  • On a walk with girlfriends
  • On a blah blah punishment ride
  • In taxi,
  • Call home a plumber, electrician, painter, loader, internet adjuster, equipment installer, furniture assembler, husband for an hour, window maintenance worker,
  • Among the Movers,
  • Among Couriers,
  • At the hairdresser
  • In children's play areas,
  • In the SPA,
  • In the sauna / bath,
  • In the elevator,
  • In the parking lot
  • At a meeting of the tenants of the house,
  • At the bus stop,
  • On an advertisement for the sale of something,
  • Call an animator for children at home,
  • On a picnic,
  • At the subbotnik.


  • While playing board games, whist, preference, mahjong, "Mafia", "Twister", Scrabble, Cluedo, "Monopoly", "Munchkin", "Colonizers",
  • Dancing,
  • In the night club,
  • At the dance club
  • In the club reading and discussing interesting books,
  • In a Bar or Pub,
  • In the biker club
  • At the cyclist club
  • On the tennis court
  • In the billiard club
  • Bowling
  • On the beach,
  • At the resort,
  • On courses for the study of foreign languages,
  • At the school of surfers and kitesurfers,
  • In the parks of the city
  • On a river boat ride
  • While climbing the mountains,
  • While rafting on a mountain river,
  • While skydiving,
  • While riding ATVs,
  • While riding horses,
  • On a camping trip,
  • When skiing, snowboarding,
  • When skating,
  • When rollerblading,
  • Climbers / climbers club,
  • In the pool,
  • In a drawing studio
  • In a clay modeling studio
  • In collecting groups,
  • In the rope town
  • While paragliding,
  • On courses on playing musical instruments: guitar, drums, flute,
  • Calligraphy courses,
  • While playing table tennis,
  • In the dolphinarium,
  • In the aquarium
  • In aquapark,
  • In the museum,
  • At the recreation center,
  • In a strip club
  • In a massage parlor,
  • In tatusalon,
  • On an excursion,
  • On a quest,
  • In the forest when picking seasonal berries, mushrooms,
  • In case of natural disasters,
  • In a salt cave / room,
  • While playing lotto,
  • In a sanatorium,
  • In a boarding house,
  • In the yacht club
  • In the church,
  • At the chess club
  • In the construction club
  • In the radio technician club,
  • In yoga class,
  • In experimental groups of testers of something (psychological tests).

Where to find your beloved man: search in various institutions

  • At the parents' meeting,
  • In a clothing store
  • At the grocery store,
  • On the market,
  • In a hunting store
  • At the fishing shop
  • In an electronics store,
  • In the car dealership,
  • At a business lunch
  • In the lobby bar in the hotel,
  • In the cafe,
  • To the cinema,
  • In the theatre,
  • In gym,
  • At the interview,
  • In marriage agencies,
  • Abroad,
  • On a journey
  • Walking through the city center
  • In a traffic jam
  • You can get a job with a large flow of male clients, for example, in a real estate agency or an insurance agency,
  • At the airport while waiting for a flight,
  • At the university,
  • In a driving school,
  • In line at the checkout
  • In the hospital,
  • At the post office,
  • In the dining room,
  • At the MFC,
  • At the Passport Office,
  • In the bank,
  • In dentistry,
  • In library,
  • At McDonald's / Burger King / CFS,
  • In a real estate agency,
  • In housing and communal services,
  • In the Ministry of Emergency Situations,
  • In the police,
  • In the Sect,
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • In line to see the doctor
  • At the animal shelter
  • In a barbershop,
  • In a menswear atelier,
  • At professional conferences,
  • On professional retraining
  • At meetings with other departments,
  • At the presentation,
  • Business trip,
  • In a dumpling / pizzeria / shawarme,
  • In a hardware store
  • In a furniture store,
  • In anti-cafe,
  • At a gas station,
  • At the service station,
  • In a jewelry workshop
  • At the military registration and enlistment office,
  • In the army,
  • In the typography,
  • An insurance company.


  • At the concert,
  • On football
  • Hockey
  • On the box,
  • In a party
  • Business training,
  • At the oratory training,
  • At the management training,
  • At the management training,
  • At business business conferences and forums,
  • In the club of entrepreneurs
  • On refresher courses,
  • At exhibitions,
  • When bidding,
  • While participating in auctions,
  • At seminars,
  • On a quick date
  • In crowded places
  • On the main sights of the city
  • On festive celebrations in the central square of the city,
  • During charity events,
  • On a city day
  • At Meetings / Pickets,
  • At the elections,
  • At music festivals
  • At sporting events,
  • On the "Ski Track of Russia"
  • In a marathon run
  • Competitions Steel character,
  • Competition Surpass yourself
  • Bodybuilding Competitions,
  • Martial arts competitions,
  • Fights without rules
  • Iron Man competition,
  • At parades
  • At festivals
  • In zoo,
  • At the circus
  • In an amusement park
  • Castings
  • On a talk show
  • On the radio
  • At corporate conventions / holidays,
  • At the freshmen dedication,
  • At the check-in / party,
  • In dorm,
  • Hypersport competition,
  • At the event miss city, district, country,
  • At the premieres of movies, performances,
  • At the funeral,
  • During an accident,
  • At the animal show,
  • At an exhibition of farm products,
  • At ethno assemblies,
  • At international Olympiads,
  • At volunteer meetings,
  • At competitions for professional skills,
  • At a party meeting,
  • At the auto show
  • On car audio
  • In the club of motorists (certain brands of cars),
  • In auto racing / rally,
  • At the fire show
  • At the water lantern festival
  • At the lantern festival
  • At the ice show
  • At sports events of speed eating,
  • At a fan club meeting
  • At the presentation of awards (golden gramophone, spirit of fire, etc.),
  • In a group of movie / TV series lovers,
  • At the conservatory,
  • At religious meetings
  • At the meetings of subcultures (emo, goths, hippies, punks, etc.),
  • At a meeting of the anime lovers club.

Where to find a man for a relationship: Internet search

  • On forums,
  • In groups on social networks,
  • In phone apps like Tinder,
  • On dating sites,
  • At webinars,
  • In internet games,
  • In the comments below articles and posts.


As you can see, there are a lot of places for dating. And if you answer the question: "Where to find a man for a serious relationship?" easier, you can say everywhere, just not at your home.
Therefore, get out anywhere, meet, enjoy communication and life. After all, everything is in your hands.

Dear readers, I welcome you to the site In My Home! In the modern world, marriage has ceased to be an obligatory item in the life program of every self-respecting woman. Young people find it easier to look at things that still seemed unshakable to our parents: career growth and self-realization pushed the family as the main goal of life.

However, aside from the official terms and fashion trends, women still want to have a reliable support in life, a cozy home and that very quiet haven where you happily return after a busy day at work. So it doesn't matter whether they are looking for an official husband and a stamp in their passport or just a partner for life.

Unfortunately, despite all the changes in the worldview, the problem with the fact that many cannot find a loved one remains. In this article we will try to figure out how to find a husband and where to do it.

What kind of husband do you need

First, it is worth deciding: who are you looking for, who do you need?

Not all women dream of finding a husband. Someone wants to have just a young man and not tie themselves with long-term ties. Someone already has enough experience in serious relationships to understand that they need a reliable partner for life, who can share possible difficulties and help raise children.

Why do you want to get married

There are a lot of reasons for getting married. Every woman has her own story, her dreams and her own requirements. It may be a natural need to have a close-minded person with whom you can talk about anything, the need for help in everyday life, a thirst for love and care. Someone is still under pressure from stereotypes that “you are already over 30, but your husband is still not there,” someone is looking for financial stability and solvency in a spouse.

In order for your search for a worthy life partner to be crowned with success, you need to honestly determine for yourself why you want to get married. The answer to this question is your own business, which your friends and acquaintances do not need to know about, but a clear understanding of the goal will help you not to waste time and end up with nothing.

For example, finding a soul mate for intimate conversations about the latest trends in art is unlikely to be successful at a conference on sports equipment.

If you are looking for a life support and financial well-being in a man, then you are unlikely to be satisfied with a marriage with an unknown musician hovering in the clouds. By the way, on our website we have prepared a separate material on how to find a rich husband.

In general, setting a goal for yourself precisely is task number one.

To find a compromise

It is also important to understand that ideal princes on white horses exist only in melodramas. It will be very difficult to find a person who would satisfy absolutely all your requests. Learn to compromise and calmly accept the fact that you will have to give in to something, because a successful businessman is unlikely to find time for daily washing up or cleaning.

Do not expect a man to completely share your interests. Do not give up on a young man whose only drawback is that he does not listen to your favorite music or watch fashion shows. For these unprincipled shortcomings in family life, there are girlfriends.


Our age also leaves a certain imprint on what kind of husband we are looking for.

If you are between 20 and 30 years old, then the wishes, as a rule, do not differ from those that are usually presented to young guys. A man should respect his soul mate, take care of her, have common hobbies.

For women after 35 or 40 years old, it becomes more difficult to meet their ideal. Our character at this age has already been formed, we have overgrown with habits and beliefs, therefore, it is more and more problematic to adapt to another person. Unsuccessful attempts to create a family in the past, as well as children from previous relationships, can be added to the established way of life.

And starting the search for a new husband, all these points should be taken into account in order to correctly formulate the requirements for a potential chosen one.

Visualization of desires

Psychologists believe that making a wish map also helps in finding a husband. Personally, I don't really rely on such visualizations, but if it helps someone, then why not?

To draw up such a map, you need to take a sheet of paper and draw or place on it a portrait of your ideal chosen one cut out from some magazine with those attributes that you consider important to yourself. This will help you better understand whether its external beauty, real estate, expensive cars, a good education or ability to work around the house are important to you.

You also need to put yourself on the map for the visualization to be complete.

Try not to show this collage to anyone, and treat it more like a formalized action plan.

Remember that just sticking a desire on paper isn't enough - it's just a way to better understand yourself and your needs. Next, you have to focus on the real work to make your dreams come true.

Identifying the pros and cons

After you have figured out the subject of your search, you need to think about how your ideal chosen one will see you.

Men, fortunately, are not at all as primitive as their caricatured images in anecdotes. It is not enough just to have a doll-like face, a wasp waist and long legs to successfully marry. Numerous diplomas of prestigious education will not be a guarantee of marriage.

This has its own plus: women with an ordinary appearance and a successful career should not a priori give up on themselves.

Everyone has a chance for a good husband, the main thing is to soberly assess their capabilities and learn to present themselves in a favorable light.

There is another trick that psychologists have shared with us. It consists in a schematic description of all your advantages and disadvantages.

Take a piece of paper, divide it into two halves. On the one hand, list all those qualities that make you stand out from the crowd and make you interesting in the eyes of the opposite sex. For example, a sense of humor, financial success, the ability to cook deliciously, excellent physical shape.

In another column, you will have to write honestly about your shortcomings. This may be excessive shyness, inability to manage the house, dislike of ironing, or excessive independence.

Dealing with flaws

Try to critically evaluate the result of such cataloging. Even if the positives outweigh your weaknesses, the disadvantages are still worth working on. This will not only help in finding a loved one, but will also add confidence in yourself.

If the disadvantages lie in the plane of psychology, it is worth seeking professional advice. Do not be afraid of psychologists, a good specialist will be able to explain how best to overcome your inner fears and insecurities, how to properly present yourself and your dignity, and also advise the necessary trainings.

Remember, it's never too late to learn. If the chef among you is so-so - sign up for cooking classes. You will not only solve the problem, but also make new friends!

Your physical form is not satisfied - buy a subscription to a sports club. This will prepare you to meet the man of your dreams, be proud of yourself, become more confident and make a lot of new acquaintances.

Take advantage of the advantages

Remember, it's not just your weaknesses that are worth working. Even your dignity, without proper attention, will not be able to play on your side.

Carefully review the characteristics that you listed as positive, and decide how you can best use them in your search for a spouse.

For example, you have a beautiful figure. So you don't need to hide her behind shapeless sweaters. Men, of course, are not so simple, but no one has yet canceled the axiom that they “love with their eyes”.

Are you good at football? Excellent! In various bars, during important matches, the concentration of men per square meter breaks all records, and you can easily strike up a conversation in such an atmosphere.

Where to find a husband

So, you figured out your task and found out your strengths. Now you need to start putting all this into practice.

Where to look for a future husband?

In the Internet

In modern conditions, virtual dating should be considered as one of the main options. If earlier this method caused the grins of friends and the horror of parents, now everyone is resigned to it. Mobile dating apps have become part of our lives and have become almost commonplace. Therefore, you do not need to wrinkle your nose, but take seriously how your profile is designed on social networks such as Facebook, VKontakte or Tinder.

The information that you want to provide to potential suitors must meet the criteria by which you will select.

Remember that you should not give too detailed information: this will not play a special role at the first meeting, but it can be dangerous.

Your profile photos shouldn't look like ID snaps, but they shouldn't be overly explicit either. It is necessary to observe the measure in everything.

Of course, you should exercise some caution before agreeing to a first date in reality. Try to carefully look through his pages on social networks and make an appointment in crowded places.

In fact, the internet is full of normal guys, and the most that can happen to you is not a very fun evening. But who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne, right?

At work or school

A bit old-fashioned, but still a win-win.

When you work or study together, you have a lot of common topics for conversation, and it is difficult to consider someone with whom you spend most of your time every day, constantly communicate on the phone, overcome all kinds of deadlines and project deliveries, as a stranger.

In the case of romance in the workplace, you should consider your boss's attitude towards romance between employees, as well as the fact that if your romance does not end with the Mendelssohn March, you will still have to face each other in the office.

Fast dates

In addition to the usual places like cafes and bars, you can try the so-called “speed dating”. This idea came to us from the United States, and its essence lies in the fact that men and women who want to get acquainted, gather in one place and communicate with each other, observing a certain time frame.

At first glance, this seems a little artificial, but on the other hand, this approach has its advantages. All people who have come on such dates are determined to make new acquaintances, and are in search of a partner. Even if you are shy, you will be forced to tell about yourself and do it as quickly as possible, which means that you will have to concentrate and show your best qualities.

Make yourself some simple rules.

  1. Talk to at least three men you don't know every day. Do not invent ornate schemes, banal phrases like "what time is it now?" or "how to get to the library?" Do not forget to smile, and if this tactic still does not help with the search for a husband, at least you will get rid of shyness.
  2. Be positive and really believe that you will find your prince sooner or later.
  3. Take care of yourself, dress neatly and elegantly, even if you are just going to the store for milk or to buy a book. Accidental encounters often become life-changing. Of course, we are not even talking about taking out the trash in an evening dress and appropriate make-up, but clean hair and neat clothes have not stopped anyone yet.
  4. Agree to a date, even if it seems to you that the applicant is not up to your standards in some way. First, you can't really appreciate a man if you don't give him a chance to have at least a cup of coffee with you. Who knows, maybe fate has prepared a surprise for you, and he is your real prince. And secondly, you can say “no” even after the first date.


There is a good saying “to get married do not attack, as if married do not disappear”. Obviously, if you clearly set a goal for yourself and make enough efforts, then there is a husband for every woman. The main thing in such an important matter is not to have a stamp in your passport as an end in itself, but to seriously approach the choice of a life partner. I hope that my advice will be useful to you in this difficult search.

Any woman or girl dreams of finding a handsome man with whom you can confidently walk through life. Indeed, for most female representatives, a guy is a support, protection, friend, and so on. How and where to find a man?

Where do you start?

First of all, you should understand yourself, realizing your nature. That is, to understand your preferences, interests and character. This is the only way a woman can understand what kind of man is capable of making her happy.

You also need to try to do self-improvement. To do this, it is recommended to attend several trainings where this skill is taught. If it is not possible to go to such an event, then you can read the relevant literature. The main thing is not to stop there and try to make your manners more secular and your behavior ideal. In addition, you need to pay attention to facial expressions, gestures and many other little things that may seem insignificant at first glance.

The advice of a psychologist will help you find a man. For example, experts recommend mentally imagining your ideal companion. It is best to make a list on paper of the character traits that you would like to see in a man. You should also think about his appearance, manner of communication and other little things that will seem significant to the girl. In addition, it is worth thinking about bad habits and negative qualities, realizing for yourself which of them are acceptable and which are not.
Having made a list, it is recommended to put pros and cons against all character traits. So, the first is put if the girl has this or that quality, the second - if there is no such quality. This ratio will help you understand the difference in characters, and also tell you where to start improving your own behavior.

The main thing is to think carefully when making a list. It is better to spend several weeks writing it than to constantly change something in the future. Acting according to the second option, the girl will never be able to create the perfect image.

Dreams Come True

Don't assume that describing the ideal man is a waste of time. Scientists managed to prove the theory that if you constantly say your dream to yourself, it will definitely come true. However, it should be borne in mind that the image of a man must be made sincerely, without being guided by the opinion of the people around. Only by being left alone with her desires, a woman will be able to recreate her cherished dream.

If the description is drawn up in accordance with any accepted norms or on the advice of loved ones, then, most likely, the girl will be disappointed. After all, every day people impose their desires and ideas on each other, completely dissolving their “I” in the general crowd.

In search of happiness, do not forget about your appearance, because it is a significant guarantee at the beginning of a relationship. Consider fitness, stop eating unhealthy foods, and so on. Athletic and will highlight a woman's natural beauty.

Search for a soul mate

Of course, a test from a magazine will not help you find your man. This matter should be approached deliberately. In search of your companion, you need to focus on your own lifestyle and preferences. For example, an intelligent woman who leads an active lifestyle will never find happiness with a simple guy who is full of bad habits. However, a young man should not be completely like a girl, because a strong relationship is built on the constant complement of each other. Regular discoveries of new qualities and positive character traits will ultimately lead to a harmonious and happy life together.

It doesn't need to be done

How to find the man of your dreams and what not to do while searching?

Very often, a woman who desperately wants to get a man is completely overshadowed by her reason. In search of her betrothed, the girl resorts to extreme measures, making a bunch of mistakes and only repelling the stronger sex. How to find the man of your dreams and what cannot be done during the search?

First of all, you should forget about dubious ways to attract a young man. We are talking about visiting magic salons and folk witches who promise to find a life partner in a short period of time. Also, do not try to bewitch or hypnotize the man you like on your own - this will not lead to anything good. Firstly, the young man will simply get scared or think that something is wrong with the girl. Secondly, such unprofessional actions can lead to more serious problems.

In addition, turning to pseudo-fortune tellers costs a lot of money, but in most cases desperate girls end up with charlatans who only care about profit. Frequent appeal to such "magicians" will lead to a breakdown and disappointment, because the promise to meet a decent man in the near future will most likely never be fulfilled.

When thinking about how to find your man, you should not stare at married guys. Even if a person is very liked, he should not be taken away by their families, especially if they have children. Whatever feelings flared up between two people, they will still go out, and a man who has committed a betrayal once will repeat it again. Moreover, a woman who has destroyed someone else's life can attract trouble, which in any case will return to her like a boomerang.

You can't treat a man too fanatically, almost deifying him. By such actions, the girl loses her spiritual values, mentally placing the young man above all that is holy. It is believed that such behavior will not succeed, and the man will soon leave the woman, breaking her heart.

In no case should you resort to "dirty" methods. In this case, they talk about attempts at blackmail (it happens that a girl, having invented an ugly story that can darken a man's reputation, tries to keep the young man near her, threatening to tell everyone her fable). It also includes lies, for example, very often women invent a fairy tale about pregnancy so that the representative of the stronger sex does not go anywhere. But you shouldn't assume that young people are much more stupid than girls. The deception will soon be revealed, and the relationship will be ruined forever. There is no need to try to drag a young man into bed on the first date, thinking that after that he will not go anywhere. In most cases, everything turns out the other way around - taking advantage of the easy accessibility of a young lady, a man will leave her and start looking for a devoted and decent woman for a serious relationship.

In general, it is not in vain that the saying goes among the people: "You cannot be cute by force." If women listened to her more often, then their personal life would be much calmer and happier.

Looking for a man correctly, or What methods are pointless?

1. Do not assume that happiness will find its own way. A senseless existence and life with the flow will leave the girl alone. The prince himself will not gallop on a white horse, as is told in all the tales that their parents read to the girls. A girl who does not take any action in search of her other half will remain alone until old age.
2. Don't feel sorry for yourself and suffer. Very often, a desperate woman drives herself into depression and begins to worry about her senseless years. Everyday experiences are reflected in the behavior and appearance of the girl, making her unattractive and dull.
3. To desire changes, but to be afraid of everything new is completely absurd. When a girl talks every day about cardinal changes, but at the same time leads her usual way of life, the young man will never appear. In order for pleasant events to appear in life, you need to try for a long time and go towards your goal. The main thing is not to be afraid to try something new, communicate, get acquainted and try to always be in a good mood.
4. Before trying to get acquainted with a respectable and handsome man, you need to put in order your appearance and inner world. A stately young man will not pay attention to an unkempt girl with whom there is nothing to talk about. So, first of all, you should engage in self-improvement in order to correspond to the male representative you like.

Where to find a man who will become a life partner? Naturally, in order to meet an interesting young man, you need to visit various institutions. However, in this case, you need to take into account your age and the age of the man with whom you would like to meet.

Looking for a man: where to go to meet the guy of your dreams?

The most commonplace way to meet a young man is to meet him among mutual acquaintances or friends. This option is the simplest, therefore it is widespread. Moreover, acquaintance through friends is safer. After all, you can ask your friends about the guy you like, thereby saving yourself and your time, if the representative of the stronger sex is the complete opposite of the compiled ideal.

When friends are not planning any parties, it is recommended that you throw your own. At the same time, it is not necessary to organize a feast. It will be enough to call your friends to play board games or just have fun. In this case, friends can be asked to come not alone, but with their acquaintances.

Online acquaintance

Is it possible to meet on the Internet? Yes, this is the easiest way to meet. However, in the World Wide Web, you need to look for a young man with caution. After all, the monitor cannot convey the character of a guy. And in many cases, it is impossible to see the appearance, since instead of a real photograph, many install pictures or images of celebrities.

How to find your man on the Internet? Having decided to make acquaintance via the Internet, you need to go to the site with the relevant topic. On it, a woman will be asked to fill out a questionnaire in which she should describe herself as clearly as possible. To make the answers interesting for men, when filling out it is recommended to seek help from a male friend. Thus, the real facts from the girl's personal life will be presented in an interesting light for the guys.


Where to find Another way to find your life partner is to attend any courses or educational institutions. So, if a girl is studying at some university or institute, she should take a closer look at the young people who surround her. This group of institutions includes driving schools, dance lessons and language courses. By the way, the last place is the most successful. Since young people attending foreign language courses, in most cases, already clearly know their position in life and have planned their future life.

If a girl is looking for a sporty young man, then she should sign up for fitness or surf training courses. In these places, there are a lot of pumped-up guys with beautiful dice on the press.

The main thing, when choosing an occupation, is to choose one that will be interesting. In this case, it will be easier for the girl to navigate in her studies, and if the young man speaks to her, then at least one common theme is provided.

Public Many people like to play bowling or billiards at their leisure. Therefore, a girl who wants to find her happiness can safely go to one of these places. If a girl is well versed in these games, it will definitely attract the attention of young people. Not so often there is a representative of the weaker sex who repeatedly knocks out a strike or one whose accuracy allows you to drive all the balls into the pockets. If the girl does not have experience in these two games, this may be a reason for dating. It is unlikely that the guy will be able to resist the request of a cute lady who asks to teach her to play. Moreover, in this case, a young man has a great opportunity to show his skills, and very few people refuse this.

Forums or online games

Of course, this point could be attributed to dating on the Internet, only to act in this case should be a little different.

How to find your man on the forum? You need to carefully choose the topic. For example, on the forum on crocheting methods, it is unlikely that you will be able to meet at least one young man. But a lot of men are going to talk about the automotive topic. The main thing is that the girl herself does not lose face in this difficult topic. Before you start writing something, it is recommended to read a little information on this issue. So the girl will have much more chances to interest the young man.

The same goes for online games, because they are all devoted to different topics. You shouldn't look for a boyfriend in very violent games. Since the girls will surely find such entertainment too gloomy. Another thing is various simulators in which a woman can easily navigate. In addition to the game process, you should definitely share your thoughts in the general chat, which is visible to all other players.

Night clubs

How to find your man in a nightclub? These establishments always have an entertaining atmosphere conducive to acquaintance. A cheerful, fiery dance can be a great reason to start a conversation in the future. If the young man himself took the initiative and invited the girl for that, we can assume that half the job is done. The main thing is not to forget about manners and behave with dignity so that the guy is maximally interested in further communication.

Where to find a grown man?

How to find your man at 40? Representatives of the stronger sex, who have already celebrated their 40th anniversary, are much less likely to be interested in online games or similar entertainment. They also rarely visit nightclubs and bowling alleys.

If you are interested in meeting serious men, then you should start looking for them at various banquets and similar events. To get to such a party and make a positive impression there, you should definitely prepare carefully. Everything should be perfect: hair, makeup, clothes and even small accessories that complement the overall look. Good taste and excellent manners are guaranteed to interest the stronger sex.

Where can I find a young man? You can try to talk to him in a traffic jam. Light flirting will be much better than nervous anticipation. Who knows, maybe the communication will turn out to be so interesting that you will want to continue it in the future.

You can also try your luck at the airport or train station. A tedious wait, a flight, or a long trip brings people together. They begin to communicate, it turns out that a man and a woman have a lot in common, they are interested in being together, and so on. The main thing is to try not to touch on too personal topics during the conversation, otherwise the fellow travelers will remain fellow travelers who will never meet each other again.

A good option is a wedding of friends. There is always a romantic atmosphere on this holiday, conducive to the start of a casual conversation. Moreover, it will be possible to find out about the gentleman you like from mutual acquaintances.

If a woman works in a respectable place, then she should look around. Especially if men are employees of banks, large offices or companies. Choosing her soul mate among such an environment, a girl can be sure that her future companion will be reliable and stable.

Women who are thinking about how to find their man should remember that such representatives of the stronger sex have already lived half their lives. Therefore, they are much wiser and more judicious than twenty-year-old young people.

Where is it not necessary to look for a young man?

At the car dealership. First, in a serious purchase, anyone is very focused. Therefore, if you start a conversation with him, a man may simply not pay attention or even be rude. Secondly, nowadays it is a mistake to think that a guy driving an expensive car is rich. In most cases, cars are bought on credit. So it will not be possible to identify the financial situation for this factor.

Group tours are also not suitable for dating. do not like to attend such events. So, most likely, in the group of tourists there will be almost only women with the same problems. Better to buy a ticket to a resort, where the likelihood of meeting an interesting man increases several times.


Now you know how to find your own It does not matter which method is chosen, the main thing to remember is that in order to find your happiness, you must not be idle!

Many girls from an early age are obsessed with the idea of ​​romantic relationships, dream of marriage and children. Not everyone manages to find their soul mate at a young age. When the years pass, and the right person still does not appear, some fall into real depression. In no case should you do this. Regardless of the circumstances, every woman has tremendous potential for creating wonderful and satisfying relationships. The main thing is to understand where to look for your man.

A rare girl does not dream of marriage

Where to start your search

Most women believe that they need to visit places where interesting and single men are often (sports events, restaurants during business lunches, communities of interest), and wait for someone there to be interested in them. In fact, this is an overly complicated approach.

So you can really meet new people, but not the fact that among them there will be someone who turns out to be a suitable partner. In fact, the search for a man should begin with the study of your desires, fears, as well as tuning your subconscious mind to the relationship of your dreams.

A woman, first of all, should think about where to find a man, but what end result she aspires to. She needs to create in her mind a picture of a relationship full of respect and mutual understanding. Try to feel what it is like to be truly loved, when you don't have to try to "earn" a good attitude towards yourself. Only such an attitude will help to recognize inappropriate candidates for life companions at the initial stage of acquaintance. It is also necessary to understand what needs to be changed in oneself so that a worthy man becomes interested in her.

Note! On the Internet, you can often find information that in order to attract love into your life, you need to keep in mind the image of your future partner, represent in detail his character, appearance, income level, “visualize” spending time with him. However, it is much more important to focus not on the specific traits of a person, but on the nature of the relationship itself. Otherwise, you can get into a situation where a man, ideal in all respects, appears in life, but the relationship with him is not very happy, and the couple eventually breaks up.

The warmth of a relationship, mutual respect, and not a superman nearby - that's what should be the goal for a woman.

Where to look for a guy for a serious relationship

Every young girl can easily get a lover, but the question of how to find a normal man for a serious relationship baffles many. Nevertheless, as life practice shows, your only one can be found anywhere. However, if the girl decided to help her fate, then you should not waste your time in nightclubs and bars. The regulars of such establishments are usually in search of a partner exclusively for one night. The same can be said about online dating - in the virtual world it is difficult to understand what a person really is and what his true intentions are.

Moreover, having met a girl in a noisy place or through a mobile application and even falling in love with her, dating for several years, a guy may still not perceive her as suitable for a serious relationship. A stereotype is triggered that decent women in such places do not meet. As a result, the very only one worthy of the role of a wife and mother of his children is being sought somewhere on the side, while a real partner is used as a transit point.

Nightclubs are not the best place to start a serious relationship.

Therefore, you need to try to get to know a man not in a sexually entertaining format, but at work, school or during some decent leisure activity. A foreign language school, a bookstore, an art gallery, a hiking trip - these are examples of dating places that will be perceived by the stronger sex positively for building a serious relationship.

How to find a future husband

A woman does not find a man - she meets him when she herself matures for a relationship. For a meeting to take place, you must first of all love and respect yourself so much that you do not settle for less than you need. A person who knows what he wants and openly declares his desires attracts precisely those who are ready to meet him halfway.

You should not try to conquer a man by playing the role of an ideal girl in his understanding of him. Inflamed passion is not at all a guarantee that he will give up his life priorities in the future for the happiness of his girlfriend. It is much more likely to keep a loved one if he was aware at the initial stage of the relationship about the lifestyle that the girl wants to lead.

It is important to be able to openly and confidently declare your desires.

The desire to have a family, children, career plans - all this must be allowed to be recognized by men as early as possible. As a result, only those who have similar aspirations and outlooks on life will remain nearby.

What not to do when searching

Often a woman feels "inferior" until she starts a family. However, the thought of remaining unmarried should not be intimidating. otherwise, next to the candidate for life companions, an unhealthy feeling of dependence, painful jealousy, and huge expectations will arise every now and then. Men read such signals no worse than women and rush to retreat. No one wants to play the role of an omnipotent parent, a sort of magician, on whom the happiness of another person depends, except for malicious manipulators.

Important! It is necessary to get rid of the running line on the forehead: "I want to find a husband urgently." No need to plan a wedding after 5 minutes of dating. This only repels potential partners.

In no case should you reach for a man as with a lifeline.

You need to develop relationships at a healthy pace: flirt, make friends, and not wonder whether a new acquaintance is worth the time spent on him. Every man who meets on the path of life is not there in vain. Only by communicating and comparing your feelings when communicating with different people, you can figure out what really has value in a relationship.

How to identify a good man for a relationship

You don't know everything about a person at once. Sometimes the true face is revealed only after years of living together. However, there are some signs by which one can judge whether a man is suitable for a relationship:

  1. He is respectful of women. Not only to my mother, but also to colleagues, classmates, most importantly - to my ex-girlfriends. This is a clear indicator that a person is not inclined to shift responsibility for problems in a relationship onto the shoulders of a partner.
  2. He does not refuse to meet his parents, treats them with respect. This is a sign that a man is not afraid of a serious relationship, is ready to share the love of his girlfriend with other people dear to her.
  3. He is generous. A greedy man, without exaggeration, is a diagnosis, since we are talking about a violation of one of the most natural natural reflexes - the ability to give his energy to the world, which means to provide for his children. A person can be limited in finances, save money, but still within reasonable limits.

Advice. Where else one cannot find a good man for a family is among ardent supporters of the patriarchal system, since this is a sign of an unhealthy desire for power, an inability to see a woman as an equal partner.

Is it possible to find a man for a woman with a child

The only stereotype that no one needs a woman with a child can become an obstacle on the path to personal happiness. In no case should you consider your daughter or son as a source of problems in relationships with the opposite sex.

Finding a man for a young mother is not so difficult. One has only to take your interests out of the sphere of interests of other mothers with young children.

A child cannot scare a real man

In no case should you hide the presence of a child from the chosen one. Lies that are revealed in the future can ruin a potential relationship.

Isn't it too late to start at the age of 30-40

The idea that a woman over 30 is not quoted on the brides market, that give men nymphets is another stereotype that interferes with building a personal life, for some reason it is especially tenacious in the post-Soviet space. In developed countries, women, only having reached the thirty-year mark, begin to think about starting a family for the first time.

Additional Information. An increase in the age at first marriage is observed in both men and women.

It is possible to remain not deprived of male attention at any age: at least at 35, at least at 50. The main thing is to be confident in yourself, to love life and men. Many representatives of the stronger sex by the age of 30-40 manage to survive a divorce, are in search of a new partner and are looking for a wife among adult independent women, and not young girls who really do not know life. Therefore, your age and wrinkles should, on the contrary, be appreciated, and not considered a disadvantage.

There is no ready-made instruction on how to find a husband, since a woman may not be able to start a family for various reasons. During consultations, it often turns out that clients subconsciously avoid marriage themselves, as they are afraid of responsibility, loss of freedom, cooling off relations and betrayal ... Others complain: “Where to find a good man if there are only womanizers, alcoholics, losers, fools around”.

These attitudes towards marriage and men need to be changed. Then it will really be possible to discern in another acquaintance the very one - with a rich inner world and able to provide financially for a family, life with which will be much happier than in proud loneliness.
