Sexual compatibility by year of birth and elemental elements. Elements according to Feng Shui five elements - fire, water, earth, wood, metal Compatibility of water men and women metal

Elements and elements

According to Feng Shui, a person is the center of accumulation and return of Qi energy, its constant mobility and transformation. As a result, one or another type of energy arises that affects various aspects of life. At the same time, our life is affected by the sign under which we were born. And this is not a sign of a horoscope, but the elements of nature: wood, air, water, fire, earth - which have a significant impact on our actions and deeds. But ? There are ways to do this for both men and women.

Determine element by year of birth

For men:

You need to subtract the last two digits of your year of birth from 100, and divide the remainder by 9. After dividing, what is left will be the number of the personal scale of elements.

Example. Your year of birth is 1981. We take the last two digits 81 and subtract from 100. We get 19 and now divide this figure by 9 = 2.1. The last digit 1 is the remainder. We look at the scale: 1 - your element is Metal. When there is no remainder, then on the scale it means 9 - Earth.

For women:

Subtract 4 from the last two digits of the year of birth and also divide the remainder by 9. According to the male method, the resulting remainder will indicate the number in the corresponding scale of elements.

Example. Your year of birth is 1987. We subtract the number 4 from 87. We get 83. Then we also divide this value by 9. We get 9.2 - “2” is the remainder. We look at the scale: 2 - your element is Water.

  • Metal - 1;
  • Water - 2.3;
  • Wood - 4.5;
  • Fire - 6.7;
  • Earth - 8.9.

Once you have decided on your inherent element, it is worth considering certain qualities of the people of these elements. Here are brief characteristics:

Combination of elements

In addition to what a person represents in itself, it is no secret that we are all looking for our soul mate. And the future strong family largely depends on how the relationship develops.

Elemental Compatibility

  • Metal-Metal - the union of two people of these elements is able to fill everything around with an incredible charge of energy. She is able to electrify everything, to create a charge of incredible power. Many centers of energy are formed, which absorbs all the space around. The positive thing is that the collision of these elements gives a huge atmosphere of magnetism, sexual tension. People of this element feel especially harmonious if they have a tendency to loneliness.
  • Metal-Fire - on the one hand, these elements in a collision can create a somewhat fragile relationship. But everything can be fixed if people of these elements learn to give each other the space that both need. In this case, the harmony of relations is guaranteed. Metal is distinguished by purposefulness, Fire - exactingness. This determines that in a relationship both are decisive, keep a sense of their own dignity, but if all this does not develop into a struggle for superiority, everything will be fine.
  • Metal-Wood - Metal strives for independence, and Wood gravitates toward humanity and upholding the right to freedom. However, if everyone can understand the other person's point of view, everything will be fine. Alas, Metal needs to constantly assert itself, and Wood tends to avoid such individuals. But, on the other hand, harmony is also possible if the interests of the parties concerned are observed.
  • Metal-Earth - Instinctively, both of these elements seek to satisfy their own needs, which can be frightening and even repulsive with sudden outbursts of selfishness on both sides. But as soon as Metal learns to release their sexual energy through a huge understanding of the Earth, they can find mutual harmony. It’s great when this develops into an incredible relationship that can harmoniously support and nourish each other. Earth is sensual - Metal is erotic, but both can transform their desires, and then everything will be fine in a relationship.
  • An example of elemental compatibility

    Metal-Water - both of these elements are well aware of what they want from life, but the ways to achieve this differ. The romantic moods of Water, when properly understood by Metal, can lead to deep understanding. However, the relationship may seem cool on the surface, but behind this lies strong instincts that can be tuned in a general way.

  • Water-Water - in this pair, both partners are attuned to each other. The element of Water is distinguished by high sensuality and understanding of the partner's moods. In this union, both people know what the partner wants from them, which gives them an excellent basis for a strong relationship. However, a certain calm and peaceful atmosphere should be created in life, since it is difficult for the elements of Water to get away from pressing problems.
  • Water-Fire - it is difficult to call the relationship of these elements simple. Opposite in nature, however, people of these signs can create very strong and interesting alliances. Water tends to have a sensual approach to sexual life, Fire is more demanding and energetic. Harmony can arise in a kind of “alloy” of these elements, when Fire brings some spontaneity to the union with its energy, and Water adds sensuality.
  • Water-Tree - in an intimate sense, everything is just wonderful, because these people know what their partner wants from them and are able to give it. They are balanced, rational, directed more towards eliminating problems than ready to rush headlong into their solution. The tree is to some extent afraid of intimacy, but if it can trust the Water, the harmony of relationships will be difficult to destroy. Water tends to be well versed in what the Tree needs and it is able to offer it. And the Tree also has excellent intuition, which makes the union indestructible.
  • Water-Earth - people of the elements of the Earth prefer to trust the natural meaning of life to a greater extent. They value consistency and strength of habit in a relationship. The earth needs to understand what is happening in order to be cared for and understood. In combination, these elements are a kind of piece of clay on a potter's wheel. The acting centrifugal force of Water is gaining momentum, and the spinning particles of the Earth merge with it, which leads to unity of destinies and excellent relationships.
  • Fire-Fire - imagine a powerful forest fire, so strong that it is simply impossible to be in it, which captures everything around, strikes with its energy. Such a union can be very strong energetically. Fire is initiative, bold, allows you to make new acquaintances, give rise to reciprocal passion or sexual energy. The elements are characterized by a great power of jealousy, which can lead to problems in relationships. But if you know exactly what both people want, this can create a strong and very energetic union.
  • Elements in feng shui

    Fire-Earth - these elements have different natures, but they have a common combination of optimism and enough caution, and this does not lead to too strong a relationship, but to an even small flame. Earth is distinguished by sensuality, it somewhat quickly gets tired of the constant change of moods, exactingness and purposefulness of Fire. But people of the earth element are attracted by fiery courage, originality, depth and a quick change of fantasies. The union of these elements can be based on a pleasant nourishment and stimulation of each other.

  • Fire-Tree - oddly enough, judging by the opposite signs, they create wonderful unions. Everyone can envy the intimate harmony of this couple. A certain special mobile energy is created, not simple in essence, but very soft. But there may be difficulties if the Tree cannot determine its needs, and the Fire does not moderate its instincts. But only in understanding their own and partner nature, these elements are able to create something whole and lasting.
  • Tree-Tree - the Tree has a constant desire for freedom, it is important to understand this, especially for a partner with a similar element. When the desire for one's own freedom does not infringe on the same need in another person, this union can be very strong. People of this element devote themselves to a large extent to humanitarian goals, and there is little strength left for a sexual life. But there is a way out - romance. People of this element are pronounced romantics, although everyday life kills this feeling in them. Therefore, it is better when people of this sign have different jobs and can manifest themselves in the social sphere. So it will be better for them to gather under one roof and find a common interest.
  • Tree-Earth - the Earth has a pronounced protective energy, which does not suit the Tree aspiring to freedom too well. The elements of the Wood are outward directed, flexible, and the Earth strives for dogmatism and receptivity, striving to be more of a recipient than a dominant element. For the Tree, the Earth can be a wonderful event, but only if it can cope with the emotional currents that the Earth abounds. The tree needs to be wished for such a relationship, which can become the basis of a warm union.
  • Earth-Earth - from the outside, such a relationship may seem tense for uninitiated people. However, two people under the auspices of this element perceive everything differently. They are practically free from doubts, do not feel any inconvenience, perfectly enjoy sensual physical and highly spiritual contact, which the rest simply cannot understand. Both partners have developed an understanding that the sexual side of life needs to be given great attention. At the same time, everyone knows what the partner needs and can give it. Of course, they also have problems. They need an impulse from the outside, the need for which can become a constant trap. In addition, there is a high probability that there will be some restraint in the manifestation of fantasy in bed. The earth doesn't like to look stupid, and that's holding it back.

We do not provide descriptions of the relationship between such an element as Air, in various combinations, because this element simply does not exist in the classical Chinese system. There are only elements of the zodiac signs of fire, wood, metal, water and earth.

A bit of astrology

We have already said that a person in the manifestation of one or another element is affected by the year of his birth. It also matters what year it is currently. It has its own hidden powers for various elements, favorable and not so favorable factors.

Let's look at what impact is happening in this 2012 year.

As you know, this year is held under the auspices of the Black Water Dragon. This character came to us from mythology. It has a strong character and will, is strikingly different from other signs of the zodiac. We now live in interesting time. The dragon makes it exciting, sometimes difficult, but always fun. All the world's problems, one way or another, affect each of us. Some are accompanied by unprecedented success in business, others are taken away everything. People who are inclined to work with a twinkle and enthusiasm will undoubtedly succeed in all endeavors. But what effect does the Black Dragon have on various elements? How to find out if you belong to the Yin or Yang of a certain element is described in the previous article on the elements of man.

  • Metal

Element Metal

Yin - the people of this verse will need will and determination in action. Otherwise, failure awaits, efforts will be in vain, and change is not very pleasant. It will also lead to low self-esteem. Do not wait for someone to bring everything you want on a well-known silver platter, be the creator of your own life. Only in this case, the year promises to be successful for you, and you will be deservedly proud of your own successes and the respect of others. In your personal life, you need to take the initiative into your own hands.

Jan - you have a very interesting year. It contains many events in various aspects of life. You can really control reality. A lot will depend on you, not only in your life, but also in the fate of loved ones. Perseverance shown in time can revive almost hopeless cases. Beware of ambiguous situations, especially on the personal front, because if you succumb to strong feelings, you can destroy what has been created over the years.

  • Land

Elemental Earth

Yin - beware of being at the mercy of circumstances and the various people who surround you. Check their loyalty towards you. You will wait for someone to decide your fate, and there is no getting away from it. This person or people will lend money, arrange you for best job. If you lose some serious project in it, try to find new partners and investors. Personal life will also be the expectation of the first steps from the person you are interested in. There is a high probability of falling in love just because, as you think, someone has already fallen in love with you. Try to make an objective assessment in all aspects of life.

Yang - unlike the Yin counterparts, people of this energy will always be lucky. All the best will rain down on them as a rain of abundance. Each undertaking will turn into violent positive fruits. And fast enough results will simply surprise. During this year you will have time for a lot, even exceeding your plans, but you can’t stop. It is important to keep moving forward, and then everything will be perfect. Listen to your own intuition, it will not let you down, and also avoid violent emotions. Conflict situations should also be avoided, they can be simply dangerous. On a personal level, a great bright feeling awaits, developing into a long-term excellent relationship. Some people may have children this year.

Element Water

Yin - people of this sign may have certain stagnation in business. However, some events will present an exception to the rule. Interestingly, these things will happen quite regularly. Your task is to catch the rhythm of these phenomena, adjust to them, and then you can successfully plan many things. In this case, the year will be favorable for you and will bring many interesting fruits. However, if you can’t navigate, financial losses and depression are possible. Personal life is full of numerous novels, emotions, but it is unlikely that all this will lead to a strong relationship.

Jan - you have a rare opportunity, because the year belongs to you! And it shows up in every aspect of life. Awaiting Financial independence, the position in society will be strengthened, stability will accompany you at every step, and the social status will be at the level you want. Active communication, comprehension of new truths, wisdom and the ability to be responsible await you. Autumn should be used especially. That is when you can get the maximum benefit: sign a contract, get a good job, improve relationships in your personal life. In general, on a personal level, you will either get a new opportunity with another person, or you will rise to a new step in an already ongoing relationship.

  • Fire

Element Fire

Yin - people belonging to it need to be very careful, since the Water Dragon is able to "pay off" any of your undertakings. Bosses at work should not be teased unnecessarily. It is also not recommended to borrow money. Try this year to just go with the flow, look at the circumstances, do not try to light a flame where it is completely unrealistic. If you see that the case initially will not burn out, just do not take it. It is better to spend your energy on something that is guaranteed to bring positive results. Disappointments in your personal life are possible, or you simply fall out of love with someone you have loved for a long time.

Yang - it is interesting that the representatives of this sign will be much more lucky. They themselves will be able to dictate their own rules to reality. In practice, "evaporating water", such people will always succeed in matters that previously seemed hopeless. Surrounding will provide full support in your endeavors and deeds. They will be imbued with the scope and grandiosity of all ideas. However, problems can arise in your personal life, because due to your other activities, you may not pay enough attention to your partner or, perhaps, to a certain extent, outgrow him personally or materially.

  • Tree

Element Wood

Yin - some things will be stagnant if they are not too important. More relevant ones will slowly but surely come to excellent results. It is only important to observe gradualness and slowness. There is absolutely no need to rush! This year there are many interesting projects, but it is better not to subscribe to dubious enterprises, since they have a high degree chances of turning against you. On a personal level, no change, especially if you are already doing well at the level you have reached. However, if the situation is not so good, it is better to look for someone to rely on.

Yang - representatives of this nature will find everything simple and easy. The year is excellent for many undertakings, various enterprises and projects. Life will seem like a lush spring garden that grows, gains strength, accumulates wisdom. All of this will be passed on to you. A great year to lay a solid foundation for the future, both materially and emotionally. It is only important that all things are in harmony with inner feelings. Intuitively know the world: it is useful. On a personal level, the relationship will be strong and stable, and an addition to the family is also possible.


The role of the elements in human life is diverse. We do not even suspect that the hidden forces of the Universe, this wise and great teacher, are invisibly watching us. Each of us can feel and fully realize all the greatness of creation. And in conclusion, I want to say only one thing. The influence of the elements is significant, but this does not mean that you need to give up if today is an unlucky day according to the horoscope. We are responsible for our own lives. The ability to resist troubles, not to give up and go forward is inherent in man. We are the creators of our lives!

Ancient Chinese teachings about the elements determine the gender compatibility of Metal and Water: Sparks of mutual jealousy often slip in these relationships, and they can explode if you do not pay due attention to the partner's changing feelings.

Compatibility in love and sex according to the horoscope

Although both metal and water instinctively feel the direction of their life path they do it perfectly different ways. Water is romantic and sensitive to every change of mood, and metal perfectly understands the environment on an intuitive level. But the metal prefers to control the movement of the flow, while the water moves with the flow. Feel the difference?

Water for metal is perhaps the best partner in sexual adventures and journeys into the unknown. The metal should "get involved" in the work and keenly feel every second of intimacy. Emotionally, he may seem cold, but the water captures his cherished desires and brings them to the surface.

In fact, people of the water cannot be called deep-sea divers: their light and ephemeral qualities are more akin to mermaids and mermen who live in the water, but can easily breathe rarefied air.

Fluctuating water needs, especially in bed, can interfere with compatibility and conflict with metal's zealous, impetuous nature. However, it is precisely this delightful inconsistency in the manifestation of sexual feelings that becomes an irresistible temptation for him.

Role-playing games for the harmony of intimate life Metal Water

Play vamp woman and male male. Wear exotic lingerie or erotic clothing—anything to relieve tension and soften the mood swings of this unusual relationship. Make sure that the metal sleeps on the left and the water on the right.

The water can fall into a deep sleep before the metal decides it's time for another round of lovemaking. Don't forget, metal is very sexy. Compatibility Metal Water can lead to unpredictable behavior both in and out of bed, so make it more secretive and mysterious. Make love in unusual places, and you will soon find that you have the most incredible ideas - because water is smart and insightful, and metal is very inventive.

The interior of the house, favorable for the compatibility of the elements Metal Water

Night time and darkness - that's the most erotic atmosphere for this couple. Make sure that the bed and bedroom furniture do not have sharp corners that interfere with the free flow of qi. Use muted shades - pistachio, peppermint and almond blossom, sage green or incredible cornflower blue.

In bed you need flowing fabrics, veils and silks, and on the windowsill you need plants that are directed upwards, and not creeping along the ground. Strong lines of tall cacti or fast growing rubber plants are ideal. Plant energy helps you focus on developing your sexuality instead of static visions and fantasies. Creeping plants lower your energy level: they disturb nervous and sensitive water and have a depressing effect on metal.

Sometimes it is necessary to compensate for the lack of elements of wood and earth with simple things like fossils, wooden figurines or ceramic jugs. For a good compatibility of the elements, an excellent find would be a cover made of fabric with a "broken" pattern, which, as was believed in ancient China, contributes to the manifestation of sexuality in men.

And finally, put an azurite tile next to your bed to get rid of old memories that darken your soul or weigh on your heart.

Ancient Chinese teachings about the elements determine the gender compatibility of Metal and Fire. These relationships can be very fickle as your energy varies quite a lot.

Compatibility Metal Fire in love and sex according to the horoscope

In feng shui, fire is the opposite of metal. At the level of relationships, this means that the ardent passion of fire and its burning touch can plunge the metal into discouragement and deprive it of faith in its own strength. Both elements need to learn to give each other space and time to sort out their conflicting feelings. If your mutual passion ends in a volcanic eruption and violent explanations in bed, the situation can still be corrected, provided that each of you follows your own path in other aspects of your life.

Metal is purposeful, and fire, when compatible, is demanding; metal is powerful and erotic, while fire is dynamic and uninhibited. All these epithets describe two determined people with a strong sense of their individuality. Your egos will constantly attack each other in an effort to take the lead in bed.

With good self-control, your relationship can be exciting and dramatic, but the intensity in the manifestation of feelings cannot last long without the threat of self-destruction. Fire is busy with itself and only itself. He is selfish and wants everything at once, while metal seeks to dominate the world and teach people to sing his songs. Metal can become a dictator or a righteous man.

The interior of the house, favorable for the compatibility of the elements

The earth element is needed in large doses. Scent your sheets with perfumes and incense to remind you of the natural sensuality of your relationship. Both of you are individualists and are ready to passionately defend your point of view, so make sure that the expression of feelings does not turn into rivalry or a heated discussion at the head of the bed.

Keep a collection of comedies or light erotica for late night viewing. Humor is one of essential elements to include in your changing relationships. Make sex fun, play pranks on each other in bed, exchange silly nicknames. Do not forget to properly communicate with each other before indulging in carnal pleasures. Place a vase with juicy fruits near the bed - peaches, apricots, mangoes or melons.

One of the most powerful compatibility amulets for metal and fire relationships is pink tourmaline. Keep it close to where you sleep to strengthen love for your partner (and for yourself). If you cannot find this stone, use Rose Quartz.

For emotional stability in relationships, bring the earth element into your home with yellowish, ocher and brownish hues. Choose plants with strongly pronounced sculptural forms and figurines with smooth outlines, collect shells and fossils. Give preference to drawings that are reminiscent of specific places and events, rather than abstractions or dramatic scenes.

The water element should be used with care. Rather, it should be the idea of ​​a smooth flow, and not the water itself: fluttering curtains, duvets, fabrics with water images. For good elemental compatibility, hang pictures of waves or even sea creatures in your bathroom. But avoid stagnant water: it can depress you and turn your energy inward, to the point of "short circuiting".

Compatibility people is a very popular topic, and a lot of articles are devoted to it. Why are we drawn to some people, but we want to run away from others? Why does one person constantly fail in choosing a companion, while another finds his soul mate in his youth? Feng Shui can advise you in this direction too, but you still have to make the final decision yourself.

One way to define compatibility people - the theory of the interaction of the five elements. A description of the possible types of relationships I give below:

fire - fire

People of this type are filled with optimism and enthusiasm. This is a very strong combination. People of fire basically have a long alliance, since none of its members gets tired of the other.

Fire - Earth

In this union, the parties stimulate and excite each other. The relationship of the magnificent imagination of Fire and the sensual Earth determines a relationship that is successful on all levels.

Fire - Metal

Fire is capable of melting metal and this will make relationships difficult. Metal will try to impose its will on a partner, which can lead to a sad result. Fire will gradually destroy Metal. There will be a constant struggle here. But there is also a positive point, they are endowed with a good sense of humor and can smooth out any situation. Such a couple is recommended to have an object of the earth element in the house, which will weaken the negative effect of this union.

Fire water

This is an unfortunate combination, because Water extinguishes Fire. There is also a positive point: Water can bring a creative moment to the energy and enterprise of Fire, and representatives of Fire can inspire representatives of Water. Although both elements love communication, it will be difficult for them to convey thoughts to each other. Such a couple can be recommended to have an object of the wood element at home, thus the negative aspects of the union will be neutralized.

Fire - Wood

This is a harmonious union. The tree will give stability to the impulsiveness of Fire. Enthusiasm and the energy of Fire can push the Tree to great achievements. Both are optimists.

Earth - Earth

This is a very good combination, the parties will enthusiastically take care of each other. From the outside, you might think that such a union is boring, but in fact, the relationship is deep, strong and passionate. Only mutual stubbornness can bring some problem, but mutual love will solve all problems.

Earth - Metal

This is an excellent combination, where support and respect, admiration for each other will always reign. The metal man is naturally patient. Metal is able to open wide and exciting prospects for the Earth. The earth will protect in financial matters, which will ensure a secure financial position.

Earth - Water

This is a complex union, the parties can emotionally hurt each other. The Earth can provide stability to the Water, but at the same time, the stubbornness of the Earth causes irritation of the sensual Water. This union will be effective in the business sphere, because the creative approach of Water, combined with the common sense and practical approach of the Earth, is sure to bring success. Such a couple should have metal elements in the house in order to smooth out possible conflicts.

Earth - Wood

The tree dries up the Earth, so such a union is unfavorable. Earth is stable, cautious and conservative, Wood is sociable and progressive. As soon as they decide to help each other, their union can become successful, but on the condition that both will openly express their feelings. This couple should keep objects of the element of Fire in the house that neutralize negative aspects.

Metal - Metal

A successful union, the parties understand each other on an intuitive level. They may have their ups and downs, but they will always support each other. From the outside it may seem that their relationship is not so close, but they get along well with each other and have a strong long-term relationship.

Metal - Water

A successful union, the parties support each other. Both have developed intuition and feelings and are able to communicate on a subconscious level. Metal teaches Water not to be influenced by others. Water helps Metal to express its feelings most effectively and move forward, and not cling to the past.

Metal - Wood

There may be difficulties here, because both love to be leaders and will try to defend their first positions. Wood will strive for company, Metal feels great alone and this will infuriate the sociable Tree. Both have a great sense of responsibility. In principle, Wood is easy to get along with and over time it will adapt to the loneliness of Metal. The parties often have to make compromises.

Water - Water

This relationship seems absolutely heavenly. Feeling of kinship, the ability to guess desires and needs. The union strengthens the determination of both, gives self-confidence.

Water - Wood

This is a good combination, because Water nourishes the Tree, helps it grow and bloom. Wood also helps Water by giving it a sense of stability. Both are honest, tactful and capable of empathy, have an intuitive connection that grows stronger over time.

Tree - Tree

This is a very active, harmonious combination. A tree, by its nature, is prone to all kinds of activities, they like to do everything in a row. Such a union may seem exhausting, but they feel great together and literally bloom.

Naturally, the descriptions given cannot fully reveal the intricacies of human compatibility. This is fully revealed by horoscopes. Chinese astrology is a complex art, and what I have described here is similar to determining the compatibility of people according to their zodiac signs in Western astrology.

Metal - yang

08.02.1940 — 26.01.1941

17.02.1950 — 05.02.1951

28.01.1960 — 14.02.1961

06.02.1970 — 26.01.1971

16.02.1980 — 04.02.1981

27.01.1990 — 14.01.1991

Metal - yin

27.01.1941 — 14.02.1942

06.02.1951 — 26.01.1952

15.02.1961 — 04.02.1962

27.01.1971 — 15.01.1972

05.02.1981 — 24.01.1982

15.02.1991 — 03.02.1992

Water is yang

15.02.1942 — 04.02.1943

27.01.1952 — 13.02.1953

05.02.1962 — 24.01.1963

16.01.1972 — 02.02.1973

25.01.1982 — 12.02.1983

04.01.1992 — 22.01.1993

Water is yin

05.02.1943 — 24.01.1944

14.02.1953 — 02.02.1954

25.01.1963 — 12.02.1964

03.02.1973 — 22.01.1974

13.02.1983 — 01.02.1984

23.01.1993 — 09.02.1994

Wood - yang

25.01.1944 — 13.02.1945

03.02.1954 — 23.01.1955

13.02.1964 — 01.02.1965

23.01.1974 — 10.02.1975

02.02.1984 — 19.02.1985

10.02.1994 — 30.01.1995

Wood is yin

14.02.1945 — 01.02.1946

24.01.1955 — 11.02.1956

02.02.1965 — 20.01.1966

11.02.1975 — 30.01.1976

20.01.1985 — 08.02.1986

31.01.1995 — 18.02.1996

Fire is yang

02.02.1946 — 21.01.1947

12.02.1956 — 30.01.1957

Compatibility in love and marriage

The building of life is built of bricks - the elements. For the astrologer, they are, in particular, important indicators human health and well-being. Each person has his own dominant element. And if it is correctly defined, then we get not only an excellent tool for improving health, but also the opportunity to find out whether this or that union will be happy.

One of the ways to determine the compatibility of people is based on the interaction of the elements, on the cycles of generation and destruction. At the same time, at least two important points should not be forgotten. First, the element determines emotional condition and manifestations of your energy, but amenable to influence and adjustment. In addition, any combination of elements makes it possible to achieve harmony in relationships. To achieve this, it is necessary to correctly use the forces of the elements.

Water Tree

This is a very good combination. The union between such partners over time becomes even stronger and more harmonious. Water helps Wood express itself and Wood gives Water a sense of stability. Intuitively, trust and sexual harmony arise, since both elements have some sexual coldness and therefore feel comfortable together. Honesty and tact of partners allow an intuitive spiritual connection to form between them.

If problems suddenly arise in partnerships, the corrective actions of the elements of Metal and Fire can help. To do this, you can use feng shui tools associated with these elements: metal objects, white interior details, candles, mirrors, as much light as possible.


Fire people are very energetic and full of optimism. The union between them turns out to be long and lasting, since one partner constantly draws strength from the other, and they never get tired of each other. Partners inflame each other, strive for constant changes in everything, including in sexual games, and in them everyone strives to achieve physical superiority.

To mitigate the element of Fire, the element of Earth is required. Favorable mutual massage, as well as incense. Next to the bed, you can put a bowl of fruit, and hang a picture in a black frame on the walls. Bed linen is best used from soft fabric, soft colors. If you need to introduce an element of novelty into your relationship, then use the elements of Metal and Wood.


This is a very harmonious combination. It can be described as optimism and caution. Partners are excellent at fueling each other's desires and stimulating the love game, which is facilitated by the imagination of Fire and the sensuality of the Earth.

A favorable element - the Tree - will help to improve relations between partners. This couple is recommended to undress slowly, it is better to make love in the air, but not in the water. You can hang landscapes and still lifes on the walls of the bedroom. Houseplants with an unusual texture will also help.

In some cases, the element that creates Fire, i.e. Metal, can help. For this, all the attributes of Metal are suitable: metal objects and talismans, as well as the colors of this element.


A positive combination, the relationship between partners in such an alliance is deep and meets high standards, although outwardly they may seem boring to someone. Partners perfectly feel the needs of each other and know how to give pleasure. They create love, but they need an impulse. Indulging in strong manifestations of possessive instincts can develop jealousy. However, if the partners manage to show goodwill and love, then they will definitely find a way out of this situation.

The energies of Fire and Water will help stimulate relationships. But remember that the mirrors that activate the energy of Fire should not reflect you as you sleep.


Such an alliance would probably be more acceptable in business relations.

Combining creativity with common sense and practicality often results in nice results in business.

Earth needs stability and care, while Water needs romance and sensual fantasies. This can lead to constant misunderstanding and mutual recriminations. Therefore, partners should learn to understand each other's needs and not hurt each other mentally.

To improve and harmonize relations, they should keep objects of the Metal elements in the house. The element of Fire can also help, that is, a lot of light.


The union has a good future if both partners learn to treat each other with understanding and patience, and do not build their relationship only on the pursuit of personal freedom. Such a couple is also characterized by excellent sexual relations.

The combination of these elements encourages both to new undertakings of an intellectual and creative nature. Ways to help strengthen the relationship: the corners of the furniture in the bedroom should be rounded, and the lights in the bedroom should always be dimmed.

But so that feelings do not cool down, you need to add a little Fire from time to time: cover yourself with a red blanket and light red candles in the bedroom.


This is a good combination, since both partners have respect for each other and sexual attraction. Slow, careful nurturing of the senses and intensity of contact can create a sense of physical perfection, a mutual sense of security based on mutual understanding and trust.

Fire improves relationships, this element strengthens the Earth and makes Metal more flexible. These are red candles, linen, curtains, but in moderation. It is good to listen to music together. It is good to hang a mirror so that it reflects the morning sun on the bed. You can put a piece of amber on the windowsill.

To harmonize feelings, you can add the energy of Water, use jade, blue-green and pure blue colors in the interior.


Successful union. Relationships develop very vigorously, as both partners are able to be guided by intuition and feelings. Such a union can spiritually enrich both partners, each has something to learn from the other. From Metal, Water can learn not to succumb to other people's influence, and Metal from Water - greater flexibility and the ability to adapt to the environment.

To harmonize feelings between these elements, you can add the energies of the Tree and the Earth, or directly strengthen the elements themselves. It can be romantic meetings at dusk and at night, a bed with a canopy made of light weave, plants with straight stems. Partner Metal should sleep on the left side of the bed.


Such a couple may experience difficulties due to the opposite of the partners' life values. This leads to frequent ups and downs in relationships. If the Tree is very sociable and sociable, then the Metal likes to be alone. But they are both united by a sense of deep responsibility. Therefore, if each of the partners can understand the point of view of the other and agree to compromise, then their relationship will improve.

To regulate emotions, it is recommended to use the element of Water, make love in the bath, in the shower, on the bed with the head to the south. In the bedroom, it is good to use black elements. You also need an element that enhances and gives energy to both: this is the element of the Earth.

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22. About love QUESTION: What do you mean by love? Krishnamurti: We intend to reveal this through understanding what love is not, because since love is unknown, we must come to understand it by discarding what is already known. The unknown cannot be

3. THE PLEASURES IN MARRIAGE The idea of ​​marriage as the only type of relationship that allows aphrodisia gives rise (or should give rise) to a number of questions regarding the place, role, form, purpose of sexual acts in the game of love or statutory relations between a man and a woman.

In marriage, Communication is the basis of marital success from which a strong union can grow, and non-communication is a pitfall on which the family ship will break. First of all, men and women are not too careful about "who they suddenly married."

III. 5 ABOUT LOVE What is love? God, heavenly genius, state of mind? Or does it in some cases come from God or the Mind, and in others - just our personal experiences? And what then is its essence in both cases? Let us first consider the most common opinions about

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About the child and marriage (175) I have a question for you alone, my brother: like a lot of lead I throw this question into your soul to know how deep it is. You are young and desire a child and marriage. But I ask you, are you the right person to want a child? Are you a winner?

About a child and marriage I have one question for you - and only for you, my brother: like a sea lot, I throw it into your soul to find out how deep it is. You are young and dream of a child and marriage. But answer me: are you already enough to have the right to desire a child? Are you a winner,

ABOUT MARRIAGE If a spiritually aspiring person marries a person who is not aspiring, he either DIES OFF completely, or his aspiration WEAKES extremely.

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About Marriage Then Almitra spoke again and said: And what about Marriage, teacher? And he answered like this: You were born together, and together you will always be. be together even in silent memory

17. Mistakes in marriage - What is the name of a marriage, - asks a teacher in a women's gymnasium, - in which a man lives with several women? - This is the so-called polygamy. - What is the name of a marriage in which a man lives with one woman all his life? - This is so-called