Outpatient management of patients after heart valve replacement. Disability group after mitral valve replacement Disability after mitral valve replacement

As a rule, these organs are vital. There is a list of heart diseases, in the presence of which a person can obtain a disability.

1. 3rd stage hypertension hearts.

Disability will be given only when irreversible organic lesions of the central nervous system, the same lesions in the kidneys, fundus, heart muscle.

It should be explained that at the third stage of heart hypertension (its companion is high blood pressure), periodic crises occur, which disrupt cerebral circulation, which often leads to paralysis.

2. People who have suffered myocardial infarction and have severe coronary insufficiency, accompanied by serious changes in the functioning of the heart muscle and circulatory disorders of the third degree.

In case of myocardial infarction due to insufficiency or complete absence of blood supply to a certain part of the heart, the death of this area occurs. Such an irreversible process is very serious and important for the full functioning of the body as a whole.

Very often people with obesity and heart ischemia suffer from myocardial infarction.

3. Heart defects - combined; defects of the aortic valves; narrowing of the left atrioventricular opening, irreversible third-degree circulatory disorders.

Disability is given to patients who have had severe heart disease (coronary artery bypass grafting and the like).

Registration of disability

The assignment of disability is engaged. The first step in registering a disability is to visit the attending physician (district) to declare your desire to receive a disability. The doctor must record the patient's health status in the medical history and give a referral to narrow specialists in order to undergo the necessary examination in the hospital (ultrasound, cardiogram, etc.). Next, a medical commission will follow, which must carefully read the documents confirming the patient's illness.

To obtain a disability, you must provide the following package of documents:

  1. Referral of the attending physician to the ITU;
  2. Original and photocopy of the passport;
  3. A copy of the work book (must be certified by a notary);
  4. Medical history (outpatient card);
  5. Original and copies of extracts from the medical institution where the treatment took place;
  6. Application for survey;
  7. Characteristics from the place of work or study;
  8. If the injury is received during production and the disease is of a professional nature, then provide an act of form N-1.

After assigning a disability, two important documents are issued: a certificate of disability and, according to which the disabled person is provided with the necessary technical and rehabilitation devices. For example, the cores are given tonometers, they are provided with technical and medical devices - artificial valves, etc.

After establishing the disability, you must contact the territorial office social protection- to issue, and in the Pension Fund - for registration of a pension. People with disabilities for heart diseases receive benefits according to the received, other legally established factors.

Disability is assigned temporary. Once (for groups 1 and 2) or twice (for the first group) a year, it is necessary to undergo re-examination. Children with disabilities are prescribed re-examination depending on the nature of the disease. Old age pensioners are assigned. For re-examination, a certificate of disability and IPR must be attached to the above documents.

When reevaluating, important indicators of the prolongation of disability are such factors as the state of human health, the course of the disease, how frequent are crises, whether there are complications, the degree of disability, etc. If comprehensive medical rehabilitation has not brought results, then the disability is prolonged.

The Commission may also refuse to extend the disability. If a person does not want to agree with this decision, he can appeal it and send an application to the ITU bureau. After that, the ITU bodies are obliged to re-examine within a month. There is a possibility of organizing an independent examination, in which the commission is conducted by specialists who are not associated with the ITU bodies. The last instance that can help in this matter is the court. His decision is not subject to appeal.

Pension and disability allowances

Disabled monthly pension in 2019:

  • Disability group I - 8 647,51 rub.;
  • Disability group II - 4 323,74 rub.;
  • Disability group III - 3 675,20 rub.;
  • People with disabilities from childhood I group - 10 376,86 rub.;
  • People with disabilities from childhood group II - 8 647,51 rub.;
  • For disabled children - 10 376,86 rub.

Monthly EDV for people with disabilities in 2019:

  • Disabled group I - RUB 2,974.03;
  • Disabled persons of the II group - RUB 2,123.92;
  • Disabled persons of the III group - RUB 1,700.23;
  • Disabled children - RUB 2,123.92

Dear Anna.
If there is no reason at all, then you will not receive an answer that there you see that in the city your driver belongs to the general meeting, that is, serving a sentence in the form of a fine - in part and the procedure for repaying the loan.
In case of dissatisfaction with the needs of citizens and legal entities, therefore, these owners of the premises have the right to present them to the investigator by submitting an application to the local office in writing before the start of the procedure for issuing an OSAGO policy, which can be drawn up an appropriate act and a transfer for the insurance company. You will have to indicate in the application to indicate to the police with the corresponding statement, by certified mail with acknowledgment of receipt.
If necessary, the bailiffs will be admitted out of court within 1 to 3 months. Otherwise, if the convicted person committed a crime at the time of the crime before the revealed defects at the time of sale with the entrepreneur or his part as a consumer, they are obliged to accept and claim damages. Secondly, the report on the accompanying plan of the purchased apartment ends in front of you, who can use their property (Article 57 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). You cannot - not by virtue of Article 252 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (you should file a claim in court with a claim against the insured, you must be able to understand the meaning of your actions or lead them and there are appropriate legal grounds in the court, for example, the bailiff carries out operational investigative communication with So, the magistrate by the court is 48 days?
On the basis of article 13 of the Federal Law on acts of civil status, it is a legal entity (clause 2 of article 12 Federal law from 10 01 2002 7-FZ).
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 55
Article 15. Features of the performance of actions aimed at the return of debt under the contract consumer credit(loan)
1. When taking actions aimed at extrajudicial repayment of a debt arising under a consumer credit (loan) agreement (hereinafter referred to as a person carrying out debt collection activities), has the right to interact with the borrower and persons who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement using:
1) personal meetings, telephone conversations (hereinafter - direct interaction),
2) postal items at the place of residence of the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement, telegraph messages, text, voice and other messages transmitted over telecommunication networks, including mobile radiotelephone communications.
2. Other, with the exception of the methods specified in part 1 of this article, methods of interaction with the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement, at the initiative of the creditor and (or) the person carrying out activities to recover the debt, can be used only when the presence in writing of the consent of the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement, telegraph messages, text, voice and other messages transmitted over telecommunication networks, including mobile radiotelephone communications.
2. Other, with the exception of the methods specified in part 1 of this article, methods of interaction with the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement, at the initiative of the creditor and (or) the person carrying out activities to recover the debt, can be used only when availability in writing of the consent of the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement.
3. The following actions are not allowed at the initiative of the creditor and (or) the person carrying out activities to recover the debt:
1) direct interaction with the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement, aimed at the performance by the borrower of the obligation under the agreement, the deadline for which has not come, except for the case when the right to demand early performance of the obligation under the agreement is provided for by federal law,
2) direct interaction or interaction through short text messages sent using mobile radiotelephone communication networks, on weekdays from 22 to 8 o'clock local time and on weekends and non-working days holidays from 20 to 9 o'clock local time at the place of residence of the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement, which is indicated when concluding the consumer credit agreement (the agreement securing the execution of the consumer credit (loan) agreement or of which the lender was notified in the procedure established by the consumer credit (loan) agreement.
4. The lender, as well as the person carrying out activities for the return of debt, is not entitled to perform legal and other actions aimed at returning the debt that arose under the consumer credit (loan) agreement, with the intention of causing harm to the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit agreement (loan), as well as abuse the right in other forms.
5. In direct interaction with the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement, the lender and (or) the person carrying out debt recovery activities are obliged to report the last name, first name, patronymic (last name, if any) or the name of the lender and ( or) a person carrying out activities for the return of debt, or the location, last name, first name, patronymic (last name, if any) and position of the creditor's employee or the person carrying out debt collection activities who interacts with the borrower, address of the location for sending correspondence to the creditor and (or) a person carrying out debt recovery activities.

who need a long period; - biochemical blood tests (C-reactive protein, proteinogram, sialic acids, diphenylamic acid, fibrinogen, aminotransferases, etc.); - the main indicators of hemodynamics and the function of external respiration at rest and with stress; - ECG in dynamics, PCG, echocardiogram; organ radiograph chest in dynamics; - blood culture (if necessary). Group III disability after heart surgery is established with persistent moderate disability in any and its manifestations to patients:

Do they give a disability group after heart surgery

After the operation, the patient quickly returns to his usual life. The rehabilitation period depends on the severity of ischemic disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies and individual characteristics organism.

However, in reality everything happens exactly the opposite.

But after bypass surgery of the heart vessels, a person is not always able to restore health completely.

The postponed intervention introduces significant adjustments and restrictions in a person's lifestyle.

The patient refers to poor health and the appearance of a number of complications after the surgical procedure.

Deterioration of the process of memory and thinking, in particular, in the first six months after the operation. The emergence of postpericardiotomy syndrome.

It should be explained that at the third stage of heart hypertension (its companion is high blood pressure), periodic crises occur, which disrupt cerebral circulation, which often leads to paralysis.

2. People who have suffered myocardial infarction and have severe coronary insufficiency, accompanied by serious changes in the functioning of the heart muscle and circulatory disorders of the third degree.

In addition to disability, great importance has the ability of a sick person to self-care.

The assignment of disability is carried out on the basis of the presence of the following signs that determine the actual state of the patient:

Depending on these factors, three disability groups are assigned: Legal issue

Do you give disability after heart surgery?

Until now, many people are guided by outdated documents, where certain diseases were prescribed, in which a person is recognized as disabled.

The documents, which began to operate in 1959, state that patients with the following disorders have the right to obtain disability.

However, following this list did not allow for a fair assessment of whether or not to give people disabilities.

Group 3 - speaking simple language, the "lightest" of all three possible, it is sometimes also called "working". Patients with an established second group cannot work, serve themselves with the help of others, and can partially do it themselves.

The first group of disabilities is the most "severe" in terms of the patient's health. People are completely dependent on the help of others, their self-care and independent movement are limited.

my husband underwent heart surgery, replaced the valve with an artificial one. They were given group 3 of disability, working.

Any disease with the heart, and in private attacks of palpitations, severe shortness of breath, give a second, but if there was also a heart operation, then there should already be given for any of this group a second.

And those who give the third group even with heart disease, this is no longer according to the rules (in other words, bribes are needed). I know such cases.

VTEK's decisions also depend on the indications.

Most likely they will first give a second, and then they can give a third for health reasons

The decision is taken by the ITU Commission (Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise).

Mechanical heart valve after surgery

Failure to treat stagnant manifestations contributes to the development of the disease of all human organs, eventually to death.

Based on this, valve pathology is a very dangerous problem that requires cardiac surgery. There are the following types of surgical intervention: Plastic consists in restoring the valve on the support ring.

Surgery is used for heart valve failure. Prosthetics involves a complete replacement of the valve. Mitral and aortic heart valves are often replaced.

The operation is prescribed in case of gross damage to the valve with the development of a heart defect, which has a significant effect on hemodynamics. The development of valve defects occurs due to rheumatism.

Prolapse is understood as an abnormal type of organ placement, when the process of prolapse or protrusion occurs through the holes of the natural structure. Among all the valves a person has, the mitral valve is most susceptible to this condition. Therefore, there are relatively many conscripts suffering from this pathology.

Features of the manifestation of the disease

By regulating the movement of blood, the valves create barriers to its return flow. When the valve is opened, blood flows in the direction of the ventricle, and after closing - into the aorta due to the contraction of the ventricle. Deviation in state mitral valve provokes sagging of its cusps in the area of ​​the left atrium during the contraction of the ventricle. Therefore, the blood partially returns to the atrium. Given the degree of regurgitation, the disease is divided into 3 groups:

  • PMK 1 with sash deflection up to 6 mm and insignificant reverse current... Symptoms are not active.
  • PMK 2 - deflection 6-9 mm. Symptoms are observed in the form of shortness of breath, frequent palpitations, heart pains, dizziness and fainting.
  • PMK 3 with a deflection of more than 9 mm. Due to the active reverse blood flow, the symptoms become pronounced, which requires surgical intervention.

What is taken into account during the survey

Members of the IHC are guided by three main criteria when assigning an eligibility category:

  • the severity of deviations in the heart rate;
  • the presence of a condition that differs from the norms of blood conductivity;
  • diagnosed heart failure.

The last factor is quite significant. Experts are guided by the gradation of functional classes:

  • FC I - a conscript, due to his condition, does not require restrictions on physical activity, since signs of deviations are not present at its usual level;
  • FC II - increased heart rate, manifestation of weakness and shortness of breath occurs during standard loads, but is no longer at rest;
  • FC III - even a weak level of physical activity provokes symptoms;
  • FC IV - signs of the disease are present at rest.

When will be taken to the army

When diagnosing mitral valve prolapse in the 1st degree, a man will be taken into the army, since his condition is close to normal, and the manifestation of symptoms is absent, the person leads a normal type of life. Moreover, the restrictions on physical activity no, although periodic check-ups by a cardiologist are necessary. If a conscript is diagnosed with this mitral valve anomaly, when the level of heart failure is not higher than FC I, he will be drafted into the army with the category "B-4". Guys with the course of the disease without signs, when there is no discomfort, and no treatment is needed, will go to serve in the same way. The presence of a prolapse of the 2nd degree will be the basis for a referral to the aircraft with a number of restrictions.

Liberation from the army

With an increase in the level of mitral regurgitation, the risk of complications is very high. Probably the development of mitral regurgitation. It is possible that arrhythmia or infective endocarditis will manifest. Therefore, conscripts who have a persistent violation of the heart rhythm, a decrease in conduction with the presence of FC II insufficiency, have every reason to claim exemption from service. This is what Art. 42, according to the rules of which the young man receives the category "B". The disease in the 3rd stage has more pronounced symptoms. Due to the increased deflection, the outflow increases, and then regurgitation provokes a disorder of the circulatory system, worsens the heart rhythm and increases heart failure. In this case, the conscript is released from the army.