Consumer credit insurance. Loan insurance: what types of loan insurance are offered by banks Insure a loan in an insurance company

When concluding a loan agreement, bank employees offer (and even impose) loan insurance on their clients, arguing that this is a prerequisite for receiving funds. Let's try to figure out whether this is really so, what will happen if you refuse credit insurance and how to avoid it, in order to eventually get money.

What is credit insurance

The main task of credit insurance is to protect the bank from the possible risk of losing money when issuing loans to the population. This method allows you to reduce the interest rate at which the loan is issued, since if the borrower is unable to repay the debt on his own, the insurance company will do it for him.

Excerpt from the law

Insurance activities in the banking sector are regulated by the following regulatory legal acts:

  • federal law "On consumer credit (loan)" (Federal Law No. 353 dated December 21, 2013);
  • The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 935);
  • the law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (Article 16);
  • Federal Law "On Mortgages (Pledge of Real Estate)", Article 31 (Federal Law No. 102 of July 16, 1998).

Cases when insurance is compulsory and when not

Article 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that life and health insurance is a voluntary right of every person, and the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" states that it is forbidden to link the receipt of some goods (this can include a loan) with the compulsory purchase of others (insurance policy ). However, bank employees insist that an insurance policy is a prerequisite for obtaining a loan.

Let's consider the main types of insurance that a client encounters when contacting a bank.

  1. Life and health insurance. This is the most common type of insurance offered by banks, in which in the event of the death of the borrower (or disability), the insurance company will reimburse the funds issued by the bank. The cost of the policy is on average 10 to 15% of the total loan amount. When choosing this type of insurance, you need to carefully approach the choice of an insurance company, because the conditions under which the payment takes place may differ.
  2. Job loss insurance. In case of loss of work, the insurance company will pay off the debt to the bank on a monthly basis within a certain period (depending on the chosen program, on average 6 months). This type of insurance looks very tempting, but few people know that insurance companies understand the loss of a job as a dismissal in the event of liquidation of an organization or layoffs. If the borrower resigned of his own free will or due to a violation of labor discipline (which is the most common way to lose a job), then he will not receive payment. The cost of the policy is on average from 1 to 5% of the total loan amount.
  3. Borrower's responsibility for non-repayment of the loan. If the borrower does not pay the debt to the bank, then the insurance company will do it instead (the most rare type of insurance, since it is not beneficial to either party due to the high cost).
  4. Title insurance. If the client unknowingly acquired property, the ownership of which belongs to another person (illegal transactions with housing), the insurance company will pay the bank the cost of this property. This type of insurance is most often used for mortgage lending. The cost of the policy is on average from 0.5 to 1% of the total loan amount.

It can be seen that these types of insurance have an impact on the life and solvency of the borrower, and only he decides whether he wants to protect himself from the above insured events (death, loss of job, non-repayment of debt).

However, there is another type of insurance that is directly related to the activities of the bank:

  • Property insurance, secured by a loan. This type of insurance is mainly used for mortgage lending and is mandatory (this requirement is enshrined in Article 31 of the Federal Law "On Mortgages"). Until the moment the funds are paid, the property belongs to the bank, which must have a guarantee that nothing will happen to its property. The cost of this type of insurance is on average from 0.5 to 1% of the cost of a dwelling.

Thus, most of the insured events are voluntary, the only exception is property insurance, because it belongs to the bank until the loan is repaid.

It should be remembered that insurance is a bank guarantee that in case of problems with the borrower, he will be able to get his money back. It is insurance that allows the bank to reduce the interest rate at which it issues funds. If there is no such guarantee, the bank has every right to raise the interest rate, or, under any other plausible pretext, refuse to issue a loan.

List of banks where insurance is optional

Almost any large bank can have several different credit programs, including those without the need for insurance. Alfa Bank, Tinkoff Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, SKB Bank, UniCredit Bank, Sberbank, Touch Bank, Otkrytie Bank, Post Bank, Sovcombank have such programs. However, you should be prepared for the fact that the interest rate on such a loan may be higher, and the loan amount is less.

Information about all credit programs can be obtained on the official websites, as well as at the bank's offices.

Insurance conditions prescribed in the loan agreement

The first step in concluding a loan agreement is to decide whether it is mandatory to issue an insurance policy. If this is not a mortgage loan associated with collateral, then the conclusion of an insurance contract is a voluntary right of every person. In this case, it is necessary to inform the bank employee about the refusal of insurance before signing the contract, and together with him to choose the loan program that will suit both parties.

If the borrower decided to use an insurance contract, it is necessary to find out what form of insurance the bank offers. There are collective and individual insurance.

  • With collective insurance, the bank independently concludes an agreement with a particular company and invites all clients who apply for a loan to join this agreement. This form of insurance is the most unprofitable for the borrower, since it does not allow to terminate the contract, to receive a refund in case of early repayment of the loan. This is due to the fact that the insured person is the bank, and only he has the right to change the conditions of insurance.
  • In case of individual insurance, the borrower himself chooses the insurance company with which he concludes the contract, can terminate it, and also receive an insurance payment in case of early repayment of the debt.

The next thing you need to pay attention to is whether there is a clause in the loan agreement that in case of default on insurance obligations (termination of insurance earlier than 30 days later), the bank has the right to raise the interest rate and even terminate it.

Is it possible to refuse insurance

According to federal law"On consumer credit (loan)", the client may refuse to issue an insurance policy (except for property insurance, against which the loan is taken as collateral), but this may lead to the fact that the interest rate will rise, or the client will be denied a loan under another plausible pretext ...

The bank imposes insurance - what to do?

So what if the bank forces you to take insurance? If this is property insurance, against the security of which a loan (mortgage) is taken, then it will not be possible to refuse insurance. In other cases, everything is at the discretion of the client. But first you need to decide if insurance is as unnecessary as it seems.

Due to the tightening of requirements for insurance companies, the insurance policy has become in a good way protect yourself and your loved ones from unforeseen situations. With a long-term loan, life and health insurance is a fairly justified investment.

However, if the borrower is determined to refuse insurance, but at the same time is afraid that he may be denied a loan or increase the interest rate, you can terminate the insurance contract after signing an agreement with the bank.

The insurance law uses a cool-down period. This is the time during which you can easily refuse an unnecessary insurance policy (today the cooling period is 14 days from the date of signing the insurance contract).

In order to receive a refund, you need to contact the insurance company with a statement about the cancellation of the insurance contract. At the same time, it should be remembered that the amount of insurance return will be less by the number of days that have passed since the date of the insurance policy.

An important point - the cooling-off period does not apply to collective insurance.

Also, in case of early repayment of the loan, you can contact the insurance company for a refund (except for collective insurance).

Is it legal to terminate the contract by the bank upon refusal of insurance

Formally, the bank cannot terminate the loan agreement if it refuses to issue an insurance policy. However, it should be understood that the insurance contract is a kind of guarantee that the loan will be returned to the bank. In case of refusal to take out insurance, the bank, in order to protect itself, has the right to raise the interest rate at which it issues a loan.

To do this, a clause is prescribed in the loan agreement that in case of failure to fulfill its insurance obligations, the bank has the right to raise the interest rate and even terminate the agreement.

Consumer Loan - Do You Need Insurance?

When obtaining a consumer loan, insurance is not needed, but nothing can prevent the bank from refusing to issue a loan (under any plausible pretext).

Legal advice on loans and insurance (video):

Insurance in the banking sector is an opportunity to minimize the risk of non-repayment of funds, as well as a way to issue a loan at a lower interest rate. At the same time, the insurance is voluntary, and if you wish, you can refuse it (the exception is property insurance, on the security of which a loan is taken with a mortgage).

If the bank in which the borrower plans to take out a loan insists on drawing up an insurance policy, it can either be issued and then terminated without problems within 14 days, or you can choose another more loyal bank. At the same time, it is worth remembering that insurance is beneficial not only to the bank, but also to the borrower, as it will help protect yourself and your loved ones in case of impossibility to repay the loan due to an unforeseen situation.

It is possible to insure a loan, although the financial institution itself never provides such a service. Your loan is insured by an insurer (KS): you sign an agreement and receive a policy. In the event of the occurrence of the event described in the agreement, the loan is paid for you.

So, there is one answer to the question, is it possible to insure a loan? And the answer is yes.

In fact, the cases described in the contract can be very different. For example, some of them are associated with the financial side of the client's life, while others - with his health or property, a number of natural disasters or dismissal. So what to insure? Is it possible to save yourself from everything at once?

Main types of insurance

For each bank borrower, the following four types of insurance were and remain the main ones:

  1. Life and health;
  2. title;
  3. pledged property;
  4. job loss.

Each of the species differs from others in its characteristics, which means that it has both advantages and disadvantages.

Life and health ... When you draw up such a policy, then in the event of a serious illness or death, disability or disability, the company is ready to assume all your obligations to pay off the balance of the loan.

Title ... In essence, this is protection against the loss of ownership of real estate. This type is used exclusively when registering a mortgage, and even then not in all cases, but when the transaction is invalidated or the property right is canceled by a court decision. When does this happen? When a violation of the rights of minor owners or the lack of legal capacity of the seller of property at the time of the transaction is established.

Collateral (cars, apartments or houses, expensive equipment). This type of insurance, even among specialists, is usually called the cleanest, because it is regulated by law. If the property is damaged or lost, then the company that issued you the policy will be able to either cover all losses, or, depending on the situation, pay the remaining part of the debt instead of you.

Job loss ... An agreement of this type allows the client to stop paying the loan in the event of a loss of their ability to work (layoffs, dismissals, etc.).

So, we have shown what protection options can be for those who are afraid of losing their ability to work or property. But, we note that there are two types: liability insurance of the borrower and non-repayment of the loan. In the first case, an agreement is signed between the client and the issuing company. The object of insurance is the client's liability to a financial institution for the full and timely repayment of both the body of the loan and the interest on it.

In the second case, the bank itself offers to sign the contract. Then, the object is the responsibility of individuals or all borrowers (legal / actual persons) for the full and timely repayment of the loan body and interest on it within the period established by the agreement.

Benefits of the policy

It is quite natural that those who want to know how to insure a loan are also interested in the benefits of a policy. You can highlight them yourself, because, in principle, none of us is ever completely sure of the future: you may suffer physically, the company you work for may be closed, or you will simply face other problems that you did not even expect. ... So, the advantages of such an agreement are that:

  • The payments are entirely borne by the company with which you signed the contract;
  • your guarantors and relatives may not be afraid of responsibility for all loan obligations if you lose your job;
  • you are not afraid to spoil your credit history;
  • during this period, you can calmly be treated or look for new job;
  • signing a contract is not expensive and takes very little time.

At the same time, the banking institution itself, of course, pursues its own goal: minimum risks and maximum benefits. To do this, it checks your income for stability and solvency and asks you to get insured.

Naturally, a loan of 30 thousand rubles is not risky for an institution. But if they give 300 thousand for three years, then they always try to do everything possible in order not only to return, but also to increase the funds.

How much does this service cost?

When you are looking for where to insure a loan, you need to understand that the cost of the service will be different in each individual organization. The entire amount is calculated as a percentage of the loan amount or is fixed. In most cases, the cost of insurance is within 0.8% -5% of the loan amount. If you are considering a fixed format, then it is equal to> 200 rubles per month. IN Lately The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation takes a very high fee for the policy due to the peculiarities of the mentality of citizens.

What interest should you expect? What is the practical meaning of risk insurance? The fact is that in the event that borrowers fail to fulfill their main obligations to a financial institution, the COP will reimburse the bank for all its losses. At the same time, the percentage of compensation can be different: from 50% to 90%, depending on the amount of unfulfilled obligations and interest on the loan.

In any case, the policy in hand is better than the vague prospect that "you can handle it yourself."

More about the map

  • Up to 5 years;
  • Loan up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.99%.
Loan from Tinkoff Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • According to the passport, without certificates;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 9.99%.
Loan from Vostochny Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Up to 20 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 12%.
Loan from Raiffeisenbank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Up to 10 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 13%.
Loan from UBRD Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • The decision is instant;
  • Credit up to 200,000 rubles only with a passport;
  • Interest rate from 11%.
Loan from Home Credit Bank. Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • Up to 4 years;
  • Loan up to 850,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.9%.
Credit from Sovcombank.

When applying for a loan in any bank, people often come across such a service as insurance for the loan being issued. Let's figure out what types of credit insurance exist and what is loan insurance.

What is credit insurance?

Loan insurance is the protection of a financial institution issuing a loan from non-return of funds to the bank.

If an insured event occurs, the insurer will reimburse the financial institution and the client. The insurance begins to operate after the signing of the insurance policy and is valid during the term of the loan agreement or according to the terms specified in the insurance policy.

Types of insurance when applying for a loan

When applying for a loan, be sure to pay attention to the issue of protecting your obligations from various risks. There are several types of credit insurance.

Life and health insurance with a loan

The execution of a life and health insurance policy is done by the client voluntarily. Clients' financial institutions take out insurance. But most often it happens that if the policy is not issued, the bank limits the terms of the loan.

For example, if life is insured under a mortgage agreement, the loan rate will be lower by several points (on average, from 1 to 5).

It is also worth noting that insurance provides an opportunity to resolve issues that relate to the payment of a loan upon the occurrence of an insured event. If the policyholder loses the ability to work, the insurer himself fulfills the obligations under the loan taken by the policyholder.

Loan insurance against job loss

The essence of this type of insurance is that the insurance company pays the loan for the borrower, involuntarily deprived of work, within a certain number of months (most often from 3), in the amount of payment under the loan agreement. This program is not designed for long periods, but the time specified in the contract is usually enough to find a new job or earnings.

It should be noted that if the client leaves of his own free will, or he is fired for non-compliance with the working conditions, by agreement of the parties, the insurance will not be paid.

There are major insured events in which the insurer is obliged to pay insurance. These include:

  • job cuts;
  • cancellation of the contract upon liquidation or change of the owner of the organization;
  • disability;
  • reduction in the "maternity" position;
  • conscription, etc.

You can insure under this program for any type of loan - car loan, mortgage, consumer loan or credit card.

Most often, insurance is issued on the day the loan is issued. But also, if desired, it is allowed to do it yourself. To do this, the client needs to contact the lending department.

Job loss insurance is very useful and has many benefits:

  • the loan is paid on time by the insurance company;
  • credit history does not deteriorate;
  • there is time to look for new earnings or work;
  • the responsibility for the fulfillment of financial obligations to repay the loan does not fall on relatives, guarantors;
  • insurance registration does not take much time and money (from 0.4% to 2% of the amount of the loan provided).

Loan default risk insurance

This type of loan insurance appeared to reduce various risks in the relationship between the lender and the recipient of the loan. The lending institution is not sure of the absolute repayment of the loan, as well as the client receiving the loan. Therefore, for the bank, this is the only guarantor of the return of money, even in the event of financial difficulties for the insured.

For a client taking a loan, this type also has a number of advantages: a loan is taken without collateral and surety and is insured against non-payment.

It should be noted that part of the collateral will still need to be provided (applies to the size%).

This insurance can be obtained both from the bank and from the insurer. Usually, the bank itself insures the risks of non-repayment of the loan and explains to the client all the pros and cons of this type of insurance.

But the client can also insure himself. To do this, he first needs to find out the conditions of insurance in the company, and if they suit him, provide a full package of documents necessary for drawing up an insurance policy. Often it will coincide with what is submitted when applying for a loan, but the insurance company has the right to require the provision of any documents specified in the list of the insurer itself.

Strictly speaking, the payment for loan insurance lies with the borrower, despite the fact that the organization that issued the loan is the policyholder. All contributions are also paid by the client of the bank, for whom a loan taken on such conditions will obviously be more expensive. The insurance premium usually ranges from 1 to 10 percent.

The size of the loan. The lower the amount of the deductible specified in the policy, the larger the amount of insurance will be. A deductible is a part of a loan against which a client pledges a collateral.

The rate under the insurance contract will be lower under certain conditions:

  • the client has no other financial obligations;
  • availability of other insurances;
  • the lifetime of the legal entity.

Insurance loan options

There are several types of credit insurance. Let's consider them in more detail.

Consumer loan insurance

One of the main goals of consumer credit insurance is to reduce the risk of non-payment of the loan by the client for the financial institution that issued the loan.

Most often, insurance policies are issued at the bank itself when receiving a loan. And the insured is an intermediary - a subsidiary, or dependent on this financial organization, institution.

There are several types of consumer loan insurance.

Life insurance

It includes disability of the first and second groups and the death of the borrower. In case of death, disability of groups 1 and 2 due to an accident, in most cases the loan will be closed before the bank. And in case of disability of the 2nd group by the disease - by 50%, or the client will be provided special conditions his payment.

Financial insurance

Works in case of involuntary loss of work (in case of an established insured event, payments are credited to the client's account).

Loss of capacity for work by the client

If the client has a long sick leave (more than 15 days), the insurance company begins to pay it from the 16th day. In most cases, up to 75 days. Typically, the payments are from 0.5% to 1.5% per day of the amount owed on the loan. This type of insurance is the most useful. After all, situations associated with involuntary disability occur quite often, and sick leave payments are not always high. For example, a client broke his leg, and accordingly, he cannot go to work, but no one canceled the obligation on the loan. In this case, it will be very helpful. given view insurance.


The client has the right to use the services of doctors via the Internet.

Car loan insurance

One of the main types of insurance when applying for a car loan is. Most often, while the loan agreement is in effect, the car is pledged to a financial institution that has entered into a loan agreement with car owners. Accordingly, CASCO is insured, if it is prescribed in the contract.

There is also the possibility of applying for a car loan without CASCO, but the loan rate will increase by 1-5%. The policy itself is paid either from the pocket of the car owner, or is included in the loan amount.

It is important to stipulate and prescribe in the contract the possibility of including a franchise, a list of insurance risks, as well as possible exceptions. Previously, banks were reluctant to accept policies with a franchise, but now, due to the rise in prices for hull insurance, financial organizations are increasingly taking such policies.

There is an opinion that it is cheaper to issue CASCO on your own in an insurance company, but today the whole range of services can be obtained at a car dealership, and often with big discounts and special offers.

Before registering CASCO, it is better to monitor this market of services to find the most advantageous offer. Most often, this type of insurance is issued with a further extension for the duration of the loan agreement.

It is worth noting that the CMTPL agreement, which is mandatory for registration, is best concluded in the same company where the CASCO agreement is. The insurer usually provides an additional discount on life insurance services.

Trade credit insurance

The objective of trade credit insurance is to reduce credit risks between the insured and the financial institution. The goal is to provide banks with a guarantor for repayment of credit debt within the timeframe agreed by the insurance, if the debtor is insolvent or does not pay the loan for any other reason.

There are several types of financial protection for trade loans. They are classified:

By insurance objects:

  1. bank loans;
  2. trade credits (from supplier to buyer).

By the nature of insurance risks:

  1. political risks (in the implementation of foreign economic transactions);
  2. trade risks (refusal to pay, bankruptcy, etc.).

The second option is carried out both for the protection of foreign economic activity, and for the execution of agreements within the state.

Divided into insurance:

  1. risks of non-payment for products and services received;
  2. fabrication risks.

In most cases, insurance against economic risks is provided by a small number of commercial insurance firms, and in the case of political risks - by firms with government support.

Export credit insurance

The purpose of insurance is to guarantee timely payment for exported goods from a foreign party. The object of insurance is commercial loans or advance payments of the importer.

There are 2 types of financial protection:

  • bankruptcy of the exporter;
  • the risk of non-payment of the next installment until the actual insolvency is established.

Due to the fact that the world market is satiated with different products, foreign companies use different methods to stimulate competitiveness. For example, the delivery of goods with a commercial loan. These transactions most often accompany the risks of not receiving payment for the goods. The increase in reliability in such transactions is achieved by insuring export credits.

In June 2016, amendments were made to the legislative acts related to the regulation of voluntary insurance for lending. However, these innovations, rather, have further complicated, rather than simplified, the situation in this area. Next, let's figure out whether an insurance policy is mandatory when applying for a consumer loan, is it possible to refuse this service after receiving the money, and how to do it with the least possible losses?


What does the Law say?

The activities of banking and insurance institutions are regulated by state laws and individual specialized regulations. All conditions for issuing a loan for consumer needs are prescribed in the contract.

Article 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that insurance of a person's health or life is a purely personal matter and cannot be imposed on him by third parties and organizations. Article 16 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" prohibits business entities to condition the receipt of certain goods by ordering other additional goods or services.

That is why, if, having come to the bank to receive money, its employee imposes on you an insurance policy, explaining that this is a mandatory accompanying service, do this:

  1. Ask to invite his colleague or branch leader to you.
  2. If no one is there, call hotline bank.

No one will risk providing false information. Such zeal of bank employees, who want to insure everyone and from everything, is understandable and pragmatic. They receive a premium for every insurance contract they sign. Each of them is informed about such plans - 90-95% of loan recipients should be insured. This is done to minimize banking risks.

However, you don't have to spend your money to please a stranger and the bank in general. If you don’t want to pay for the policy, don’t do it. It will be much more difficult to refuse it and return your money after entering the insurance condition into the contract.

What is the essence of this type of insurance?

Before giving up additional service, you still need to find out what its essence is. Probably, for someone it will turn out to be a blessing rather than a punishment.

Most loan agreements contain the following phrase: "The bank undertakes to transfer from the account a part of the loan in the amount of N rubles to pay the insurance premium to the insurance company specified in the client's application, in accordance with a voluntarily signed life and health insurance agreement of the borrower." The form of the phrase can change, but the essence is nominal.

In practice, drawing up an insurance policy upon receiving a loan means insuring the client, and more specifically, his solvency, in case of unforeseen circumstances. Most often they are understood as:

  • The death of the borrower;
  • Loss of a permanent job;
  • The onset of disability.

Under any of the listed conditions, the loan is repaid at the expense of insurance payments. If the funds for which the bank's client was insured remain after the loan is repaid, they are returned to the depositor or his family members (in the event of the death of the borrower).

How much does it cost and how to pay?

The cost of the policy is approximately the same in all banks and depends on:

  • The rates of the insurance company with which the credit institution cooperates;
  • Type and conditions of the loan;
  • Loan amounts.

As a rule, the insurance policy costs the borrower 1-20% of the loan amount. Most often it is 10%. When receiving a loan of 500 thousand rubles, the client will have to pay an additional 50 thousand rubles.

Payment for the policy when making a consumer loan occurs evenly throughout the entire credit period. Insurance premiums are simply included in the monthly payments (as opposed to mortgages, where insurance is paid separately). Only in special cases may it be necessary to pay for the entire policy at once. For example, in the case of purchasing an insurance policy for a credit card.

How to opt out?

Refusal to include a clause on compulsory insurance in a loan agreement is a legal right of every consumer. The bank, of course, can refuse to issue a loan, referring to any legal basis. But if you are determined not to take out insurance for consumer lending, just look for another bank. Often, lenders offer other, less favorable credit terms for clients who have refused the policy. In practice, it is practically impossible to obtain a loan at an "attractive" interest rate without insurance.

The situation becomes somewhat more complicated if you nevertheless managed to sign a loan agreement without paying attention to the insurance condition. Your further actions depend on how many days have passed since the discovery.

If less than 5 business days have passed

The main innovations in June 2016 concerned the return of the paid insurance premium within 5 days from the date of signing the contract. If, having signed an agreement with the bank, within five working (not calendar) days, you decide to refuse insurance, then you can do this without any problems. To do this, you need to come to the bank and write a refusal statement. The banking organization is obliged to return the money within 10 days after receiving the waiver notice from the client. But how much he gets them depends on the following:

  • If, according to the internal rules of the bank, the agreement comes into force on the day of its signing, and you applied for the next or any of the possible five days, then all these days you will be insured. This means that you will not receive money for the days of a valid insurance policy. For example, you applied to the bank on the third day after the conclusion of the loan agreement. The insurance will be returned to you minus the money, calculated in proportion to the entire insurance period for 3 days.
  • If, according to the rules, the loan agreement does not come into force immediately, and you managed to draw up and submit a waiver application before this moment, then the amount of insurance must be returned in full.

It seems nothing complicated, but the banks have figured out how to bypass the legislation here too. For example, many do not sell separate policies, but connect each new client to a collective insurance database. This type of insurance does not apply to the law, and therefore the client cannot "disconnect" from it.

If more than 5 working days have passed

After the 5 days specified by the law, it becomes much more difficult to return the insurance. Of course, you can try to write a waiver application and go to the bank with it, but, most likely, you will be directed to the insurance company. And they will be right, because the bank in this situation is just an intermediary.

Further, the insurer, within at least 10 working days, considers your case and issues a verdict. Refund decisions are extremely rare. There is only one way for dissatisfied clients - go to court. It should be said right away that it will be very difficult to prove your case without the help of a qualified lawyer specializing in this area.

The main task is to convince the judge that the desire to get insured was involuntary, but imposed by a third party. It is difficult to do this, but in principle it is possible.

Please note: with a gradual payment of insurance payments, there is nothing to return to the client! Example. 5 months after signing the agreement, the policyholder decided to refuse this service. All this time, he was insured, for which he made monthly installments along with the principal amount of the loan. Therefore, the maximum that a failed policyholder can achieve is to reduce premiums by the amount of the insurance premium in the future.

Early loan repayment

The only way to get at least part of the insurance back is to repay the loan ahead of schedule. The situation is as follows. The principal amount of the loan (including all commissions and contributions) is 500 thousand rubles. But the contract says the amount is more, for example, 550 thousand rudders. This means that the insurance premium is included in it. If the loan is for 3 years, and you close it according to the payment schedule, then you cannot count on any refunds. Since you have used the services of an insurer for the entire credit period.

Important: If you made large contributions and finished depositing funds, say, in 2.5 years, and not 3, then for the unused 6 months you can demand a return of insurance, and you will be absolutely right!

Be careful when receiving and processing loans. Feel free to inquire about statements that you don't understand. Sign the contract only after receiving all explanatory answers.

By providing a loan, the bank puts itself at risk. There is a possibility that the borrower will not return the funds. To be on the safe side, financial institutions offer credit insurance. What are the main points of this procedure and how it is beneficial for the client - read the article.

Weigh the pros and cons: is it possible to insure a loan with a benefit for yourself

By issuing a non-targeted loan, the bank offers the borrower to insure life. When money is given out for certain needs (purchase of a home, a car or an expensive product), the future purchase is an additional object of insurance.

Among the advantages of the procedure is protection against force majeure. For example, having bought an apartment "on credit", a person will not be left without housing. If he cannot repay the loan, the insurance company will do it for him.

Family members of the borrower are not burdened with financial sanctions. This is relevant if the bank's client died without paying the entire amount. In this case, his relatives receive the rights to the property acquired on credit without paying the remaining debt.

The main disadvantage is the increase in the amount of monthly contributions. Sometimes it is more expensive to pay for insurance than the main debt. Refusal from it saves a lot of finances. Whether the case specified in the policy will come is a moot point, and the money must be given to the bank systematically.

When loan insurance exempts the borrower from paying

The insurance company pays the borrower's loan if the situation specified in the policy arises. There are several main insurance precedents.

  1. If the borrower is seriously ill (disabled, unable to work) or died. A serious medical examination is usually required to prove that the insured event has occurred. Suicide is not in this category. A controversial situation is considered if the borrower is missing. Relatives can declare him dead through the court. Then death insurance will be relevant.
  2. If something happened to the bail. For example, there was a fire in the apartment or the purchased car had an accident, and the debt has not yet been paid. In such a situation, it is necessary to prove that the damage to property did not occur for the sake of obtaining insurance. Another option is when the amount of payments will be insufficient to compensate for the damage.
  3. If the borrower has lost his job. This insurance applies to officially cut. It does not apply to those who are fired under the article. This type of policy does not cover disability (temporary or permanent).
  4. If there is a risk of losing ownership of the property. This is called title insurance. It only applies to mortgages if the sale and purchase transaction is invalidated or the title to the property has been canceled by a court.

If the borrower simply has nothing to pay for the loan, this does not apply to the insured event.

Is life insurance beneficial with a loan

Sometimes life insurance when applying for a loan seems like a banking gimmick. In this case, the client is guided by the phrase: “The policy is superfluous. What can happen to me? " It makes sense when it comes about a short loan term.

If the borrower takes out a mortgage or car loan (a large amount plus a long lending period), the insurance is also beneficial for him. In the event of a serious illness, disability or death of the client, the obligation to pay will fall on the insurance company. This is most relevant for people in hazardous professions (miners, rescuers) and elderly borrowers.

By law, life insurance provides for a policy for collateralized property. Here, too, the benefits are obvious. For example, if a new apartment is flooded by a neighbor from above, the borrower has every reason to receive compensation.

Is it profitable to insure pledged property with a loan

The purchase of such a policy will allow you to pay off the debt to the bank if something happens to the collateral through no fault of yours. For example, a car bought on credit gets into an accident. If you can prove that you were not involved in the incident, but were only the injured, the insurance will cover the costs.

There are several ways to obtain this type of insurance.

  1. The lender is both the insured and the beneficiary. This service is paid for by the bank, but the client also makes contributions. If an insured event occurs, the damage is compensated to the creditor.
  2. The borrower acts as the insured and the beneficiary (recipient of money) in one person. He pays for the insurance and all expenses are reimbursed to him in the event provided for by the policy.
  3. The most popular way is when a client pays for insurance, and a credit institution becomes the beneficiary. One of the varieties is mortgage insurance.

1. The most important thing is to decide on the lender. Explore offers from different banks.

  • For example, Home Credit Bank offers different programs. So you can protect the borrower from accidents, illness, loss of work, and also insure the goods. The bank promises a flexible system for calculating insurance premiums.
  • Sberbank will offer you an extensive list of insurance claims for mortgages and car loans.
  • VTB24 guarantees a single insurance rate for all borrowers. You can pay for insurance in installments.

2. Give preference to a lender who loyally treats your request at the choice of the insurer. You may be offered by several accredited companies. Or choose an acceptable option for yourself by yourself, having previously familiarized yourself with the reputation of the companies. This right of the borrower is guaranteed by law.

3. Review your credit insurance contract carefully. It is better to consult a lawyer for advice. Pay attention to the following points:

  • risks (what exactly do you insure),
  • deductible (the amount that the insurance company will not pay),
  • exclusions from insured events (what will not be recognized as an insured event and will not be paid),
  • list of documents for payment.

Advice... Pay attention to the terms of protection against the obligation to repay the loan immediately.

4. Remember that you have the right to terminate the loan insurance contract. For example, if you fulfill your obligations to the bank ahead of schedule or decide that insurance is not needed. Write a statement to the bank with a claim, indicate the reason for termination. But it will not be easy to return the funds paid, especially for mortgages and a heavy loan. Please read the terms of cancellation of the contract before concluding it.

5. Compare what different insurance companies offer. The prices for their services are about the same, but some attract customers with discounts and bonuses.

6. Do not withhold information about yourself. For example, if it turns out that you have hidden incurable disease having deliberately insured life and health, you still will not receive money. All data is carefully checked.

7. It is not easy to refuse insurance. Especially when applying for targeted loans. According to the modern legislation of the Russian Federation, an insurance policy is required when issuing a mortgage, car loan and a loan with collateral. In other cases (for example, if you take money for a short period), you have the right not to insure the loan.