Unusual properties of the Mediterranean diet: weight loss for the benefit of the body. Mediterranean diet: Russian version! Adapted menu Mediterranean diet contraindications

Having studied a large number of different diets, a person will sooner or later want to know which food option has been recognized by the world community as the best. And such a diet, of course, has become the Mediterranean, which is designed to improve health and help lose weight, maintain the required weight for a long time. It can not even be called a diet, but rather a healthy diet suitable for almost all people, including pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

The Mediterranean diet or the Aphrodite diet was followed by many slender divas - Sophia Loren, Cindy Crawford, Penelope Cruz. These and many other celebrities look quite fragile, graceful and happy for their middle and older years, which is facilitated by a normal balanced diet, which provides the body with all the necessary elements and vitamins.

Mediterranean diet pyramid, essence, rules of nutrition, benefits

First of all, it should be noted that the Mediterranean diet has been recognized by UNESCO. cultural heritage a whole region of countries, which included Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Morocco, Croatia and Portugal. National cuisine of these countries is based on the principles of the Mediterranean "pyramid", which we will discuss below.

The food pyramid in the Mediterranean diet involves compiling a menu according to a certain principle:

  1. The basis of the pyramid (products that we eat every day) is bulgur, millet, rice and other cereals, as well as “pasta” pasta made from premium flour, whole grain bread (bran, rye). In addition to side dishes, we add fruits and vegetables to the diet, which can and should be seasoned. olive oil. The diet also includes other delicacies and snacks - natural nuts, seeds and sunflower seeds, dried fruits. Mandatory use of sour-milk, dairy products and healthy cheeses (goat, Adyghe).
  2. In the middle of the pyramid is a list of foods that should not be eaten every day (ideally, several times a week). They included lean poultry meat and sea ​​fish, chicken eggs, potatoes in any form and healthy sweets(jams, preserves, mousses, marshmallows, marmalade).
  3. Red meat completes the pyramid, which is recommended to be consumed no more than 4 times a month.

When choosing foods allowed by the pyramid, you should definitely count calories and control portions, otherwise you will not achieve results in losing weight.

So, we see that the basis of nutrition should be slow (complex carbohydrates), as well as fiber and fruits. Cereals and vegetables should form the basis of each serving, fruits should be limited to 3 snacks per day. Use healthy olive oil everywhere in salads, for greasing toasts, in soups, and also during the heat treatment of foods. This product saturates the body with useful omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, normalizes blood cholesterol levels, breaks down old slag deposits and fats. Also, the basis of the pyramid involves saturating the body with calcium through low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, cheeses. They should be in the diet a couple of servings a day.

Diet foods are best bought very fresh and prepared the same day. It is advisable not to subject vegetables and fruits to any heat treatment, cereals should be soaked for a day before cooking, meat and fish should be boiled, steamed or grilled.

Now let's talk about the correct balance of products during the diet. The diet consists of 5 meals, of which 3 main and 2 snacks. Carbohydrates (the basis of the pyramid) should make up to 50% of the total diet, fats (oil, nuts, seeds) - no more than 30%, protein foods - 20%.

Basic rules of the Mediterranean diet:

  1. Plant foods should be varied, include the most yellow and green vegetables, garden greens. First of all, you should choose vegetables and fruits of local origin and only in season.
  2. We replace any cooking fats, oils, lard and dressings with olive oil (cold pressed). Salt should be replaced with natural seasonings, spices, herbs and lemon juice. Sugar will replace natural honey and jam.
  3. The diet strongly recommends the use of good table red wine during lunch and dinner for 1 glass.
  4. Be sure to drink as much fluid as possible during the diet.
  5. Active people are highly desirable. physical exercise, long walks, swimming, other sports.
  6. Breakfast during the diet should be dense and carbohydrate, but dinner is light, protein. We do not eat anything 3-4 hours before bedtime - we can drink juice or a glass of kefir.

Nutritionists and doctors around the world approve of the Mediterranean diet due to the mass of positive effects and benefits:

  • The body receives a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and trace elements;
  • Diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer;
  • Helps to increase life expectancy and strengthen immunity;
  • Suitable for all degrees of obesity;
  • Reduces the risk of the following diseases: diabetes mellitus, breast and rectal cancer, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, bronchial diseases and emphysema;
  • Helps lower cholesterol levels;
  • The menu is very varied, satisfying, healthy and rational;
  • Mediterranean cuisine is present in any restaurant;
  • Helps to gradually lose weight without the possibility of stretch marks, cellulite and weight return (up to 2 kg per week)

Mediterranean diet: a set of products and an example menu

In order to lose weight on this diet, it’s not enough just to stick to the diet and follow all the rules. Almost the main condition of the diet is to reduce the calorie content of meals and portion sizes. Below is an example of “gramming” the main products (the indicated doses for 1 meal cannot be exceeded):

  • Garden greens and leafy green vegetables - 1 cup;
  • Thermally processed vegetables - ½ stack;
  • Cereals, pasta, other grain side dish - ½ stack;
  • Beans - 1 stack;
  • Low-fat milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt - 200 ml;
  • Boiled or steamed potatoes - 1 cup;
  • Fruit - 1 pc.;
  • Berries - 1 stack;
  • Seafood - 1 stack;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Quail egg - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Nuts, seeds, seeds, dried fruits - up to 30 g;
  • Meat, poultry, fish in finished form - no more than 100 g.

Now let's talk about foods that are strictly prohibited during the Mediterranean diet:

  • Food additives (salt, sugar, preservatives, starch, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, stabilizers, colorants);
  • Fast food and semi-finished products;
  • Tobacco and alcohol (except table red wine);
  • Animal oils and fats, other dressings, gravies, industrial sauces;
  • Fatty dairy products, including cheese;
  • Non-whole grain bread, sweet and other industrial baked goods and the use of leavening agents, chemical yeasts, flavor enhancers, dyes, fats, creams, oils;
  • Preservation, marinades;
  • Industrial desserts (sweets, cakes, pastries and others);
  • Drinks (soda, cocoa);
  • Artificial cereals (processed oat flakes, soups with chemical milk, etc.);
  • Smoked, fatty, fried foods

Now is the time to give an example of a balanced Mediterranean diet for weight loss for 7 days. We form snacks from permitted products (fruits, berries, seeds, dried fruits, nuts, a portion of seafood, yogurt, etc.). We also try to drink plenty of fluids - up to 2 liters per day.


Breakfast is muesli seasoned with natural homemade yoghurt. Additionally, we eat 1 apple and drink it with fresh juice;

For lunch, we cook grilled vegetables with greens, eat a portion of steamed sea fish and drink a glass of table wine;

Dinner consists of Greek salad with feta, 1 boiled egg. Wash down the dish green tea without additives.


For breakfast, any porridge with lean milk, rye or bran toast with a slice of cheese, green tea or herbal decoction;

We have lunch with tomato soup with spinach, olive oil and an egg. For the second, we eat a portion of boiled rice with mussels, drink a glass of wine.

Dinner will consist of baked fish with lemon, herbs, cheese and cauliflower (250 g). We drink green tea.


We have breakfast with fruit salad seasoned with kefir or homemade yogurt. We drink natural herbal tea.

For lunch, we prepare pasta with seafood (200 g), seasoned with olive oil, as well as a salad of green vegetables. We drink wine.

For dinner, we cook steamed veal with olives (200 g), drink tea.


For breakfast we prepare a sandwich of bran bread, boiled chicken and cheese. We also eat Greek salad seasoned with olive oil. We drink fruit juice.

For lunch, bake squid rings with spices and herbs (200 g). We also prepare sea ​​salad with kelp and carrots, drink wine.

For dinner, we are waiting for spicy boiled brown rice, 1 egg. We drink weak tea.


For breakfast, we prepare an omelette of 2 eggs, lean milk, tomatoes and basil. We drink everything with herbal decoction.

We have lunch with pasta with cheese and ham (200 g), we drink a standard glass of table wine.

For dinner, boil lentils with vegetables (200 g), eat a couple of slices of low-fat cheese, drink juice.


We organize breakfast from a portion of lean cottage cheese with raisins (150 g). We also eat 1 citrus and drink tea.

For lunch we cook vegetable soup on chicken fillet, light salad from vegetables. We drink a glass of wine.

We have dinner today with steamed sea fish with vegetables, drink juice.


Breakfast consists of rye bread with cheese, 2 boiled eggs and herbal tea.

We dine with stewed rice with vegetables and seafood, washed down with wine.

For dinner, a warm salad of vegetables, cheese, sesame and turkey fillet, dressed with olive oil. We drink green tea.

How to get out of the mediterranean diet

As we have said, the diet is not temporary. Rather, it is a style of eating, a lifestyle that can and should be followed as long as possible, which is what many celebrities and residents of the Mediterranean region do.

If you decide to return to your usual diet after a diet, you should properly get out of it. At the end of the diet, exclude green coffee and vegetable oil from the diet. Gradually add to porridge butter, meat sauces, start drinking industrial juice and cocoa. As for fruits and vegetables - just increase their quantity, you can return potato products to the diet. Some dairy products from the diet can be replaced with lean poultry meat. Increase your red meat intake to 2-3 times a week or more.

Only after a month you can afford fatty fried meat and alcohol, pure food additives (salt, sugar), industrial sweets, if such a need arises.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the diet

The diet is called the most popular and effective of all, it is considered a rational and healthy nutrition system, so it has few drawbacks:

  1. Some note that basic products are quite expensive - not every family can afford an abundance of seafood, fish, vegetables and cheeses.
  2. The next point is the prolongation of the diet over time and insignificant results. In the first week, you will lose no more than 2 kg, so do not use a weight loss diet before an important event or vacation at sea.
  3. Not many people are willing to give up dietary supplements and red meat.
  4. Allergy to non-standard foods (algae, seafood, specific cheeses, fruits and vegetables) may occur.
  5. The weight won't budge if you don't carefully control portion sizes.
  6. Limitation of protein portions. Favorite fish or meat can be eaten per day no more than 100 g.

Also, the diet has several contraindications. The diet contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which will negatively affect the condition of people with stomach ulcers and gastritis. Therefore, it is not recommended to follow the diet for people with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract. A contraindication is the individual intolerance of the main products on the menu. During the diet, people with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension should limit fluid intake.

What is surprising about the diet, it is great for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Mediterranean Reset Power Scheme excess weight- more than just a diet, it is a complete lifestyle inherent in the inhabitants of the Mediterranean. In the world there are many myths about the right, healthy for the body, diet. Nutritionists are constantly developing new schemes, and culinary specialists - dishes and food menus for a month or a week according to the rules of new diets.

However, as you know, the result of the diet directly depends on many individual factors of human health, genetic predisposition to weight gain and the efficiency of the digestive system.

What is the essence of such a diet?

60% of the diet is: fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates, 30 percent is the share of vegetable fats (olive oil), 10 percent is proteins (seafood, fish, lean meat, cheese).

The process of losing weight occurs due to the low consumption of unnatural and starchy foods, fatty, starchy foods, sweets and carbonated drinks.
The Mediterranean diet is especially pleasantly observed on a sea holiday on vacation. But for city dwellers, such a diet will not be a problem, because stores offer a good variety of natural products.

Mediterranean diet. Menu for the week, recipes you will find in our article

To evaluate the result of a balanced diet in Italy, Spain or France, no additional research is required.

Statistics show that the Mediterranean diet has a positive effect on the body as a whole, is an effective prevention various diseases, and most importantly - it has a positive effect on the harmony of the figure and muscle growth.

Interesting fact! Compliance with the Mediterranean diet has no strict contraindications. An exception is an allergic reaction to a certain ingredient or medical prohibitions due to diseases of the digestive tract.

The principles of dieting include 3 key points:

  • choose the right (allowed) products to form the menu;
  • take food at a strictly defined time;
  • play sports to activate metabolism and energy hunger.

The main advantage of this type of food is a wide variety of dishes. Unlike rigid mono-diets, the Mediterranean diet includes a lot of different products, and the body does not experience "dietary" stress.

The combination of fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, legumes and dairy products contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It should not be overlooked that all of the above are easily adaptable to Russian population, from the Caucasus to Siberia.

Mediterranean diet rules

  • Eat vegetables every day. Fresh, boiled, stewed - very useful. Keep your consumption of potatoes to a minimum. Eat more cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, olives. By the way, nutritionists say that olives and olives speed up the metabolism.
  • Seafood and fish are very healthy, but the fish should be lean varieties. Choose a dietary cooking method: boiled or baked fish and seafood.
  • Every day, try to consume 1-2 jars of fermented milk product. It can be kefir or yogurt. They contribute better job intestines and speed up metabolism. In addition, dairy products contain calcium, which helps strengthen bones.
  • Eat complex carbohydrates only at breakfast. These are buckwheat, rice, wholemeal bread, pasta. Complex carbohydrates help to recharge your batteries in the morning and for the whole day, and those eaten in the morning do not have time to be deposited in the form of excess weight.
  • Olive oil is a fat that won't make you fat! Dress salads with olive oil. Avoid mayonnaise and sour cream.
  • Mediterranean people love cheese. Give preference to low-fat varieties.
  • Meat - important component nutrition. Steam or boil the meat.
    Replace sweets with fruits. But be careful with bananas. They are very high in calories.
    Replace sugar with honey.
  • Try to exclude potatoes, cottage cheese, pastries, sweets, alcohol, carbonated drinks from the diet. You can only afford a little red or white wine.

Benefits of a diet for health and what results can be achieved

The main questions are: what are the benefits of Mediterranean cuisine, what results can be expected? Balanced menu based on the regular consumption of fresh herbs, seasonal vegetables and fruits, cereals, moderate amounts of meat. The contained useful trace elements are more than enough to maintain the health and performance of all body systems.

According to medical research, the benefits of the menu of such a diet are expressed as follows:

  • normalizes arterial pressure, sugar level;
  • elimination of puffiness and stabilization of the kidneys;
  • prevention of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • prevention of the development of vascular and heart diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • proper and stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The last point is one of the key ones. According to highly qualified nutritionists, normalization of the digestive system is an important component in losing weight. It is with cleansing that any proper nutrition system begins. Many losing weight exclude this stage, sincerely surprised that the chosen diet does not bring results.

Adhering to the Mediterranean cuisine, weight loss is observed after a week and a half. Moreover, losing weight does not mean a sharp loss of kilograms, “ proper weight loss”- slow weight loss throughout the diet.

Prohibited Products

It is difficult to strictly distinguish between “right” and “wrong” foods, because Mediterranean cuisine is very diverse, but there are a number of foods that should be completely abandoned.

Prohibitions and restrictions in the menu of the Mediterranean diet (a guide to making recipes for a week)
Forbidden Allowed with restriction
ButterGame: three times a week
PorkLamb, beef, lamb meat: once a week
Sugar, confectionerySalt
High fat cheesesSweet juices
Fast food, pastries, white flour productsGrapes, bananas - in limited quantities
Sweet carbonated drinks
Refined fats and sugars
Whole milk

Sample menu of the Mediterranean diet for a week

When compiling a weekly diet, it should be as varied as possible. By eating different foods, the body will receive the maximum amount of vitamins, the nervous system will be strengthened, and the rejection of prohibited ingredients will go unnoticed.

Interesting fact! The order of dishes is allowed to be changed, the main thing is to follow 3 rules: carbohydrates before lunch, proteins - after dinner, main course - at lunch. Vegetables are allowed at any time of the day, but their total volume should not exceed 1 kg.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Day #1two onion sandwiches pickled cucumber and sardinesseafood soup with vegetablesGreek salad with beans, celery, olives and chopped herbs
Day #2two sandwiches with ham, low-fat yogurt or kefir.rice, salmon in sour cream sauce with chopped herbs.tomato soup with fried slices of bread and fresh herbs.
Day #3muesli with nuts and fruits (dried fruits).grilled vegetables (red and green bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant).boiled shrimp, toast or cheese sandwich.
Day #4sandwiches with mozzarella cheese and fresh tomato, banana or kiwi slices, freshly squeezed carrot juice. pasta with lamb meat stewed with vegetables (bell pepper and zucchini).vegetable salad with olive oil (radishes, pickled gherkins, red and green bell peppers, olives, tomatoes, leeks).
Day #5fruits (papaya, melon, pineapple, banana, kiwi).vegetable stew with mozzarella, seasoned with nutmeg.salad with shrimp and avocado.
Day #6ham sandwich, rice cake with low-fat butter.light vegetable soup with chicken broth.fish cutlets, boiled buckwheat, cherry tomatoes.
Day #7sandwiches with salami, slices of sweet bell pepper, and a leaf of lettuce.risotto with shrimp.baked chicken meat with fresh vegetable salad and feta cheese.

The weekly or monthly menu of the Mediterranean diet does not imply compliance with strict prohibitions between meals. Snack recipes (lunch and afternoon tea) should consist of light meals: fruits, vegetables, refreshing drinks.

Nutritionists recommend limiting them to fresh fruit, natural yogurt, or low-fat kefir. Each meal should be at a certain time, this is the key to the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Priority drinks - filtered water, natural juices. Coffee, green or black tea is drunk without sugar, 3-4 mugs per day are allowed. Dry wine is recommended for lunch or dinner, no more than 100 - 150 ml per day.

Sweets are allowed once a week, these include dried fruits, honey, homemade cakes or desserts, for example, jelly, mousse, smoothies. It is better to opt for fresh fruit, but the rare use of homemade cookies is completely safe.

It's important to know! If the menu for the week looks too exotic, Mediterranean diet recipes can be adapted. It is allowed to replace the main dishes with cereals, wholemeal pasta, vegetable stews.

Mediterranean Diet Recipes

When preparing first or second courses, olive oil is always added, it is best to choose cold-pressed oil. The amount should be moderate.

The menu of the Mediterranean diet should be composed of products of natural cuisine.

The diet includes all kinds of dishes: first, second, desserts. The most difficult thing to cook is soups and side dishes, especially if they are included as a regular dish of a weekly or monthly diet menu program.

Desserts, as a rule, are fruits (dried fruits), yogurt, dietary homemade cakes adapted to the daily diet.

Soup Ministerone

Soup main ingredients:

All vegetables are fried in olive oil in a saucepan, spices are added. The broth is poured several times in portions and the soup is boiled for 50 minutes.

Vegetable risotto

Main Ingredients:

All vegetables are cut into small cubes, spread on a greased baking sheet and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Onions and garlic are stewed separately in a pan with high walls, adding rice and then broth, and stew for another 15-20 minutes (the water should evaporate and be absorbed). The baked vegetables are transferred to a pan with rice and mixed.

Baked fish

Main Ingredients:

Sea fish fillets are laid out on a baking sheet, greased with oil. Mix lemon juice, kefir, herbs and salt, put the resulting mixture on the fish meat. The top layer is grated cheese. The dish is prepared for 15-20 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Vegetable salad with avocado and shrimp

Main salad ingredients:

The traditional dressing is olive oil, the salad is seasoned with basil, cilantro, lemon juice and pepper.

Shrimps are cleaned, slightly salted and fried in olive oil on all sides. Avocados are cut into slices, sticks or cubes, sprinkled with lemon juice. Lettuce leaves are laid out on a plate, chopped avocado is laid out on top. Then comes a layer of shrimp.

Cherry tomatoes are cut into quarters and spread on top. Fresh basil and cilantro should be coarsely chopped, pepper and salt to taste.

Diet exit rules

Despite the fact that this nutrition program is not a diet that must be strictly observed, the transition to the usual diet must be properly organized. It is not recommended to abruptly return to the use of large amounts of sugar, fatty meat, potatoes and alcohol.

When leaving the diet, you should gradually introduce familiar dishes into the daily diet, cook red meat more often, add potatoes to vegetable dishes. You can gradually add butter to cereals, in the early days - limit yourself to a minimum amount. They also increase the volume of fruits and vegetables, eat bananas and grapes more often.

Completion of the diet will take 4 weeks, during which time the body will gradually rebuild. If you switch to fatty foods prematurely, indigestion is not ruled out. or heartburn.

Before you start changing the power system, it is useful to spend 2-3 fasting days. To do this, it is not at all necessary to starve, the usual dishes are replaced with stewed or fresh vegetables, they drink kefir, carrot juice. Then you can begin to change the diet, after a few fasting days, the transition will be invisible.

The main mistakes of losing weight and how to avoid them

The key mistakes of the diet are an incomplete understanding of which foods are allowed and which should not be in the recipes for the week. The diet allows you to enter bread into the menu, pasta but they should not be made from white flour.

Regular consumption of olive oil can be a big problem in losing weight on the Mediterranean diet, as it contains a large amount of "useless" calories.

According to nutritionists, "healthy and active person a little olive oil won't hurt." A sedentary lifestyle or the abuse of vegetable fat can reduce the entire result to a minimum.

Breakdowns are one of the biggest mistakes of any diet.. Since the Mediterranean cuisine is varied, a daily breakdown and one-time overeating will not block all the efforts made. It is enough to spend 1-2 unloading days and return to the correct nutrition program.

To avoid disruptions, you should clearly plan the menu, a properly balanced diet will ensure the full saturation of the body with useful trace elements.

Opinions of doctors, nutritionists about the Mediterranean diet

Experts believe that the Mediterranean diet can be considered a reference diet for a healthy person.

Properly compiled menu for a week, month or longer period of time, with recipes for healthy meals, and regular exercise, guarantee the normal functioning of the digestive system, maximum digestibility of nutrients due to increased metabolism, and an excellent human condition without bad habits.

The program prevents the development of various diseases and heals the body as a whole. Reducing cholesterol levels, normalizing pressure and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract contribute to the full digestion of food, excellent health allows you to play sports more often or introduce it into your lifestyle.

This nutrition system has no age restrictions, it is allowed during pregnancy or lactation.

An important aspect is physical exercise required for the Mediterranean diet. active image life keeps the whole body in good shape, promotes the proper functioning of the digestive system, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

It is not necessary to play sports professionally, the standard minimum is daily exercises in the morning and evening. And the Mediterranean diet is simple, pleasant, and at the same time, very effective!

Mediterranean diet. Menu for the week, recipes in this useful video:

Mediterranean diet menu for the week:

The Mediterranean diet has become a favorite way of eating for many.

In the mid-20th century, nutritionists first encouraged women to try the Mediterranean diet. Then scientists became interested in the nutrition of the peoples inhabiting the coast mediterranean sea due to much fewer diseases and much longer life expectancy.

Nutrition according to the principles of the Mediterranean diet contributes to the normalization of weight and its maintenance within the acceptable range for a woman. At the same time, the diet is saturated with substances necessary for life.

To put it correctly, the Mediterranean diet cannot be considered an effective weight loss system or a program to combat various pathologies.

Rather, this is just a way of eating, which is traditionally followed by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries (France, Spain, Greece, Italy and the countries of North Africa). However, nutritionists recognize that this way of eating is good for the body and.

Mediterranean diet - basic principles

The main thing in the period of the Mediterranean diet is considered strict adherence to the necessary diet. Eating is required at least 5 times a day with an interval of 3 hours. In intervals every 30 minutes, you need to replenish water supplies by drinking a little water.

The intake of liquids and food is completed before 18:00 - later the necessary substances are no longer absorbed by the body, because the gastrointestinal tract after six is ​​busy only with the assimilation of what was received earlier. At this time, it releases fewer enzymes needed for digestion. Also, the biorhythmic activity of the kidneys is much lower, which is reflected in the removal of a smaller volume of fluid.

Mediterranean diet - features

The Mediterranean diet as a complete food is able to provide absolutely all of the necessary substances. A plus for some will be the complete absence of bans on the consumption of sweets loved by many.

Under this system, it is only necessary to regularly include daily, weekly and monthly products. And for a slightly easier entry into it, it is worthwhile to pre-compile a menu for at least a couple of weeks, ideally for a month.

Approximate diet

The daily menu must necessarily contain cereals in some form. So the body will be able to replenish the reserves of the necessary vitamin B, as well as many trace elements.

Fill snacks with fruits. Fiber will stimulate the process of digestion of food and the production of enzymes.

It is worth improvising, inventing some new vegetable light salads. It is imperative to include in their composition those herbal ingredients that are rich in fiber and trace elements.

It is better to fill them with olive oil, homemade light mayonnaise, low-fat sour cream. To activate digestion, it is necessary to add various aromatic herbs.

Diet Features

Dietary soups are prepared exclusively on low-fat broths. The menu includes daily dairy as a source of animal proteins.

Familiar to many hard cheeses should be initially excluded. An adequate substitute here may be ricotta, feta, mozzarella.

Approximately 3-4 days a week, include sea fish in your diet. For example, a light ear is cooked from mackerel, and sardines are suitable for a delicious fish soup. To keep the balance fatty acids it is also necessary to include salmon or pink salmon fillet dishes in the menu.

Among birds, preference should be given to turkey, chicken, duck and rather fatty goose meat should be avoided. Their meat is suitable for soups, as well as a side dish - you can cook in pieces for a couple. Diet tender rabbit meat is allowed.

1 day a week you can allow yourself one of the non-natural sweets. Surely, during a non-strict diet, a piece of cake, a bun, a cake or a little chocolate will be a joy.

Red meat is allowed 2-3 times a month. However, it is necessary to immediately take into account its incompatibility with various cereals.

Ideal combination of fresh or stewed vegetables and lean red meat.

The basis of the Mediterranean diet is:

  • Cereals, pasta, bread.
  • Fruits, vegetables (fruits are eaten 1-2 hours before the main meal).
  • Seeds, potatoes, beans, nuts.
  • Milk, cheese.
  • Olive oil.
  • Spices - basil, oregano, etc.
  • Wine - 1-3 times a week in a glass with the main meal.
  • Fish, especially fatty varieties containing omega-3s.
  • Meat (mainly chicken, less often beef and pork);
  • Eggs, but not more than 10-15 pcs. per month.
  • Sweets and honey.

What are the benefits of the Mediterranean diet

Such a diet explains the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for humans. Thanks to a certain principle of nutrition, which can be called healthy, its positive effects are clear, including:

  • High content of antioxidants.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Reducing the risk of diabetes, breast and rectal cancer.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Minimizing risk chronic diseases respiratory system.
  • Improving the quality of life.

Sample menu for 7 days

1st day

  • Breakfast - 150-200 g of cereal flakes or muesli with natural yogurt, an apple, a glass of juice.
  • Lunch - 100 g of baked vegetables with herbs, 150 g of sea fish, a glass of dry red wine.
  • Dinner - 300 g of vegetable salad, 2 slices of low-fat cheese, a glass of tea.

2nd day

  • Breakfast - 100-150 g of any porridge with milk, a slice of bread with cheese, green tea.
  • Lunch - salad with tomatoes and egg, seasoned with olive oil, 100 g of boiled rice, a glass of red wine.
  • Dinner - 250 g of baked or boiled fish with herbs, green or herbal tea.

3rd day

  • Breakfast - 150 g of fruit salad and low-fat kefir or natural yogurt, a glass of juice.
  • Lunch - 100 g of vegetable salad, 100 g of wheat pasta with seafood flavored with olive oil, a glass of wine.
  • Dinner - 250 g lean meat steamed or baked with olives or black olives, green tea.

4th day

  • Breakfast - a sandwich with slices of 50-60 g of lean beef, vegetable salad with olive oil, green tea.
  • Lunch - 100 g of salad with kelp, 200 g of baked squid carcass, a glass of wine.
  • Dinner - 200 g of stewed rice with spices, green tea.

5th day

  • Breakfast - omelette of 2 eggs with tomatoes, olives and herbs, green or herbal tea.
  • Lunch - 100 g of durum wheat pasta with slices of low-fat cheese, a glass of wine.
  • Dinner - 200 g of lentils with stewed vegetables, green tea.

6th day

  • Breakfast - 150 g of oatmeal in milk or juice, orange or grapefruit, juice.
  • Lunch - 200 g vegetable soup, 100 g seafood salad, a glass of wine.
  • Dinner - 200 g of steamed sea fish, 100 g of vegetable salad, green tea.

7th day

  • Breakfast - 2 boiled eggs, a slice of black bread with cheese, green tea.
  • Lunch - 200 g of vegetable salad with garlic and herbs, 100 g of boiled rice.
  • Dinner - 100 g of stewed vegetables with pieces of baked or stewed chicken meat (100 g), green tea.

For an afternoon snack and a second breakfast, it is allowed to eat an apple, an orange, a handful of nuts, drink a glass of juice, kefir or green tea. You may have noticed that in the classic version there is a glass of wine almost daily, but doctors recommend replacing it with a glass of juice or unsweetened tea.

In the United States, for decades, the Mediterranean diet has been regarded as a defining principle for a healthy diet.

mediterranean diet
is a diet that consists of a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, seafood and other healthy and wholesome food. The essence of the diet is the exclusion from the diet of a number of non-honest products and the formation of such a food basket, somehow vat the body in the correct proportions with proteins, fats-ra-mi and coal-le-vo-da-mi, as well as all the necessary micro-ro-nut-ri-en-ta-mi. As a sys-te-ma p-ta-niya medium-di-earth-but-sea diet was recorded in the middle of the twentieth century by Ansel and Margaret Casey. They are you-de-li-whether a traditional diet for the inhabitants of the middle-di-earth-but-sea and for-fic-si-ro-wa-whether its b-go-pleasant effect on health, which was later confirmed by a number of studies, the data of which will be given below.

The Mediterranean diet can also be used for weight loss, but for this you need to cor-rec-ti-ro-vat the amount of pee-ta-nia. Yes, the menu of this diet assumes an absolute exclusion from the diet simple carbohydrates, using which it is easier to get fat, but this does not mean that it is impossible to gain such calorie content with the products allowed by this diet, something will be deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat. In order to get thin, you have to cut down on the amount of carbohydrates, you will have to increase the motor activity and, in general, from the laws of physiology of the mid-earth-no-mors -some pi-ta-nie will not save you! But, so-ta-viving a diet of those foods that the menu of this diet suggests, you can actually reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular and ra -ko-vy for-bo-le-va-ny, that for this year-yash-ny day it’s very ak-tu-al-but.

The essence of the diet

Products quality: the medium-di-earth-but-sea diet involves the use of very high-quality products, with which, in fact, its miraculous effects are associated. And, in general, go-in-rya, this item is a kind of do-ka-for-tel-st-vom demon-po-lez-nos-ty of this power system. The fact is that in Western Europe, and especially in the mid-earth-but-sea, the soil is very fertile. For example, according to the report of Dmitry Alekseevich Khit-ro-va “Especially-ben-nos-ty is-to-ri-ches-th way of Russia in the concept of L.V. Milov ”so-ver-shen-but clearly for-ka-for-but that in Europe the CAM indicator is ten times higher than in Russia. If in the South of France CAM 20-30, then in Russia, according to the records of mo-us-you-rey 16-18 centuries, CAM 1-3. This means that in France, having sowed a ko-ro-rob of grain, the peasant got 20-30 ko-ro-bows of the crop, and in Russia 1-3 ko-ro-ba .

Such low productivity did not allow the peasants to be released from Agriculture. And, in general, just from this prob-le-my table-to-well-were re-in-lu-cio-not-ry in 1917, when it turned out that in the country of victorious communism does not actually have a proletariat. And re-she-ni-eat this problem-ble-we would-la-la-lek-ti-vi-za-tion, the organization of collective farms and the deepening of the division of labor in the agricultural farm -ve, since it solved the problem of in-dus-tria-li-za-tion. The point is that the collective farm can afford to buy a tractor, but the peasant family does not. So it’s like-lo-cha-moose that, with the help of coll-lek-ti-vi-za-tion, they created consumers of industrial production and vy-god-yes-whether people from Agriculture. But in this case, we are in-te-re-su-et not so much a question of the eco-no-mi-chess history of Russia as a given fact, as a confirmation of the fact that the foods we eat are of lesser quality than in the average maritime region, because low yields equal poor soil.

Moreover, according to the FDA, the saturation of micro-nut-ri-en-ta-mi products has decreased tenfold over the past 100 years. And, in general, this is quite logical, since the Earth has increased significantly and, accordingly, the soil has become exploited th in-ten-siv-her. And, if we talk about the rural-co-farm-ven-noy pro-mice-len-nose-ti, when animals are massively grown, trying to reduce costs, and vegetables and fruits are trying to grow the most resistant varieties, then it’s generally difficult to talk about the quality of these products. So it turns out that if you don’t grow-schi-vae-the products yourself, moreover, on such land that is washed by a mountain river, then yes, “ho-ro-shie "products are unlikely to be comparable to those that provide-pe-chi-whether more you-so-k-level of health to the inhabitants of the middle-di-earth-but-mo- rya, for-fic-si-ro-van-ny An-se-scrap and Mar-ga-ret Cases. But, nevertheless, such a diet will be more useful than fast-fu-yes with so-sis-ka-mi, so it’s worth trying!

Food: first of all, it is an abundant amount of vegetables and fruits, some of which provide the body with vitamins, minerals and fiber; secondly, it is for-me-on ma-sel with olive oil, which eliminates the likelihood of trans-fats getting into the or-ga-nism; thirdly, the obligatory eating of seafood and fish 2-3 times in non-de-lu; fourthly, there are a lot of different nuts, and Jo-el Fur-man and cre-ti-ko-val are popular brochures on the average-di-earth-but-sea-coy di-e-te for the fact that they pay the main attention to olive oil, although the main source of fats in the middle di-zem-no-mors-koy sis-te-me nutrition are precisely nuts; fifthly, re-ko-men-du-et-sya og-ra-ni-chit meat consumption, especially pork, beef and ba-ra-ni-na, from-yes-vay pre-respect-te-nie-nie -tse, i.e. poultry is eaten a couple of times a week, and heavy meat every 1-2 times is not de-li; in the sixth, there are non-fat dairy products, moreover, obligatorily, but on-tu-ral-nye; and on the seventh, at dinner, it is recommended to drink a glass of red wine;

Research: if you make up your diet from the products described above, then according to the research “Dietary patterns and the risk of major ad-ver-se car-dio-vas-cu- lar events in a global study of high-risk patients with stable co-ro-na-ry heart disease”, published in the European Heart Journal, and the study by Miguel Mar-ti-ne-za-Gon -for-le-sa from the university of Na-var-ra in Pamplona, ​​you will be able to significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular and cancer diseases by about 30 % and 25% co-from-vet-st-ven-but. These are not the only studies, they were carried out in a rather large number, and all those that we found showed a positive trend. mi-ku, which is not surprising. Moreover, it’s not very clear at all whether it is necessary to prove that you are pi-ta-niya, grown on fertile-to-native soil, according to -lez-her syn-te-ti-ches-kih so-si-juice?

Conclusion: the medium-di-earth-but-sea diet definitely works, because high-quality p-ta-niya products are always more useful than syn-te-ti-chess analogues with dyes and trans fats, but it should be understood that it’s not enough to just eat good food, it’s important to eat it right, so girls are advised to familiarize themselves with this hundred, and husband-chi-us this . As for the rest, we can only wish you a good and godly life, full of pleasant emotions, quality things and products, because to be healthy and being rich is better than being poor and sick!

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Relatively recently, among the methods appeared mediterranean diet.
Its most important advantage is help in the fight against diseases of the vessels, heart and s.
In addition, it is believed that it increases life expectancy.

The opinion of scientists about the Mediterranean diet:

After the studies, it turned out that people sitting on the Mediterranean diet most often become centenarians. After all, one of the components of such nutrition is protecting nervous system from depression, Alzheimer's disease, and liver damage.

A feature of the diet with this diet is the inclusion in the cooking process of various Mediterranean dishes, a large amount that brings antioxidants to the body. These natural "preservatives" protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals and cancer.

Principles of the Mediterranean diet:

Mediterranean cuisine has nothing to do with modern style nutrition, when people eat what they have warmed up. The Mediterranean diet promotes self-cooking, without further processing and heating. Despite the constant use of fragrant spices, the dishes do not taste spicy and spicy at all. Such Italian seasonings as rosemary, oregano (oregano), basil only emphasize the taste of the dish, but do not make you want to drink it.

- For breakfast, a slice of fresh bread or cereals; raw vegetables (or cooked) - for lunch and dinner. Whole pasta and rice instead of refined foods.
- The diet should include onion, thyme, rosemary, oregano and basil.
- Lean meat - 2 to 5 times a week. One serving - 100-150 g.
- should be in the diet at least 4 times a week. The choice of losing weight: tuna, halibut, trout, mackerel, sardines.
- Red meat (steak or roast beef) - 1 to 3 times a week to replenish reserves in the body.
- 3-4 eggs per week.
- Milk products. Only natural yoghurts and curdled milk. Allowed: 2 yogurt and a piece of cheese per day.
- 3 servings of fruit per day.
- Olive oil and olives are a must on the menu.
- 2 small glasses (125 ml) a day will help strengthen the arteries, i.e. protect against heart disease. Women will have to limit themselves to one glass a day.

About carbohydrates in the Mediterranean diet

If you look at the diet of an ordinary Mediterranean, then 60% is occupied. But it is by no means bread or sugar. Mostly carbohydrates are consumed with a small amount - legumes, pasta only from durum wheat, coarse bread, cereals unpeeled from the shell. In addition, every inhabitant of the Mediterranean eats a lot of fruits and vegetables that supply antioxidants and to the body.

Some may have a question: where to get such products? It is not necessary to look for similar pasta, bulgur (Mediterranean rice) or couscous. For a Russian who is on a Mediterranean diet, it is quite suitable: wheat or, or beans. Sometimes you can even use oatmeal, although it is better not to get carried away with them and use something that is made from whole grains.

It is also not necessary to purchase exactly exotic vegetables and fruits. Believe me, in green salad, fresh herbs and different types cabbage has a sufficient amount of antioxidants needed to protect the body. One wish - it is better to choose seasonal vegetables and fruits, as they contain more nutrients.

The Mediterranean diet makes up 20-30% of the diet (mainly olive oil). Olive oil is an important and necessary ingredient in the preparation of almost all Mediterranean dishes. But if this is an expensive pleasure for you, then it is quite possible to use (microelements and useful substances are better preserved in them), but only from well-known manufacturers.

Do not add olive oil to all dishes and fry on it. Overcooked olive oil does not contain nutrients (loses its properties when frying), and there is much more fat in vegetable oil than in animals.

Therefore, in the Mediterranean diet, an important principle should be observed - moderation. It is necessary to normalize the amount of oil per day after calculating your daily fat intake, and all sources of fat must be taken into account. It is best to measure vegetable oil with tablespoons, 1 spoon contains 14-18 g of oil.

It is quite possible to replace olive oil with unrefined vegetable oil - soy or sunflower oil, after all , providing positive influence on the body, are found in all vegetable oils.

Animal origin (eggs, fish, meat) in the Mediterranean diet accounts for 10%. Meat in this food system is used only as a flavor enhancer of cereal and vegetable dishes. Mediterraneans do not particularly recognize pork, on their table you can often find lean beef and chicken.

Fish dishes are prepared 4 times a week. If you decide to sit on a Mediterranean diet, then it is better to eat low-fat varieties of fish from the north, moreover, salmon and herring are not included in the diet. But a large number of seafood and freshly caught low-fat fish are allowed, from which both first and second courses are prepared.

The cost of buying fish products pays off with interest, as frozen mussels are cheaper than pork fillet, and chilled fish is always available in stores. Agree that cooking from fresh products is healthier, tastier, and more profitable than from semi-finished products.

The Mediterranean diet contains only 10% of dairy products; the Mediterraneans themselves, due to climate conditions, consume little dairy desserts and milk in general. They prefer dairy products more.

Traditional Mediterranean food contains dairy products such as curdled milk, young curd cheeses and low-fat yogurts, but few people add fatty hard cheeses to their diet.

Try kefir, yoghurts without fillers and sugar, add low-fat cottage cheese to your menu while following the Mediterranean diet, you will like it.

An example of a Mediterranean diet menu for the day:

First breakfast: 2 slices of fresh bread, a few fruits and fruit juice (200 ml) or water.
Second breakfast: salad with tuna, olives and anchovies, dressed with olive oil, 2 glasses of water.
Lunch: fresh vegetable salad with olive oil or steamed vegetables. Lean meat (100 g). You can use pasta or rice as a side dish.
Dinner: Steamed fish. It is served with vegetables. 1 glass of dry wine is allowed.

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