Al makovetskiy cleansing from the negativity of corruption of essences. Cleaning - removal of magical negativity. Theoretical information. Kuthumi Meditation Technique

Cleansing in magic is the removal of negative programs from a person's field.

I conventionally divide the negative programs into two types: light (everyday social negative) and heavy (curses, including generic ones, damage, love spells, lapels, kradniki, etc.).

Let's consider these two types.

All people in the course of life in society, communicating with other people (and by no means always those around them are positively opposed to the individual), catch all kinds of negative emotions and messages: some kind of everyday problems, envy, hostility, etc.

Those. somewhere someone envied: you bought a car, and a neighbor for a long time cannot afford to buy anything, and he looked crooked, thinking something to himself. Or you live well in a family, and a neighbor, or maybe your friend unsuccessfully married and divorced for the third time, and she, sometimes subconsciously, does not react very positively to your family well-being. Or you are moving up the career ladder quickly and easily, and your colleagues are "sharpening their teeth."

This is not to say that these are magical negative programs, this is, let's say, a slight everyday negative. This is a conditional concept, however, for a more convenient understanding, we will use this term. Such negative messages are not a magically directed program, but they can ruin life.

The energy message plays an important role here. For example, the same girlfriend looks at your satisfied husband, well-groomed children and thinks: "You are happy, but I am not", - and to herself somewhere there she thought - "And so that you have this happiness across your throat!"... And it is quite possible that in your family there will be some kind of quarrel, quarrel and the like, depending on how "well" they wished you.

But such everyday thoughts will not bring significant changes, because if they really brought some significant changes in your life, humanity would not have existed for a long time. Therefore, such an everyday negative is unpleasant, but no more.

A magically directed specific program (heavy negative) is a ritual and energetic message so that a person really goes wrong, negatively directed influences on a person, on his subtle structures (thoughts, emotions, desires, etc.). A serious targeted magical program - corruption, various curses, zombies, manipulations, gimmicks, love spells, etc.

That is, everything that is done ritually with the use of magic, with the use of otherworldly forces or on their own strength, and that harms a person, i.e. negates his own human will. Nobody wants to be sick, right? That is, damage to illness is the forced introduction of a program into the human body, made against his will, desire, and often without his knowledge.

If we do the same love spell, we introduce our own program to a person: we want him to do what we want, and not what he wants. Any program that is aimed at suppressing human will, imposing one's will on another, is negative. Whether we like it or not, it is. Therefore, there are no "white" love spells: a love spell itself is an action against the will of another.

Imagine a human aura. It looks like a cocoon that envelops a person from all sides. On this cocoon, one can see (by clairvoyance, of course) deformations of varying degrees of complexity and shape, breakdowns, holes (damage, evil eye), various clots of negative energy, essences (larvae, demons, etc.).

Sometimes this muck hangs on the aura in the form of suckers, but it is as if on top of thin fields - in this case, the defeat is on the emotional level, depression, aggressive behavior, mood swings, fatigue, loss of strength, performance, negative thoughts appear.

When the negative grows deeper, capturing more and more areas of the field, symptoms of energy loss, illness with manifestation on the physical level are added to the above. various diseases and disturbances of the physical body. And the deeper the negative has grown in the human field, the stronger the manifestations on the physical plane, and we say that "strong corruption", "serious negative", etc.

Now pretend to yourself that the cleansing rite forcibly pulls out this negative on the person. Cleaning, as it were, removes from the subtle body of a person everything that has adhered to this very body, in the same way as you peel a potato (an example is primitive, but clear): you peel off the peel, pick out the blackness, if any, cut off the rot to a clean pulp, scrape small black dots.

The more intensively and "lethal" you clean, the more and more thoroughly you rip off the nasty things. Some methods do it more quickly, but with great energy losses for the patient and operator, some do it gradually and gently.

Magical cleansing is the removal by magical means (energetic or ritual) of a negatively directed program - magical or everyday negative.

Yes, everyday negativity is also removed by magical cleaning. For example, we very often hear grandmothers say: "The child was jinxed"... The baby is pretty, well-groomed, plump, walking down the street, and some grandmother: "Oh, how cute, how nice!"

The child comes home and begins to go into hysterics: they jinxed him. Perhaps the cooing granny did not want and did not want such a fate for him, but nevertheless she involuntarily brought such a negative. This, one might say, is more of a household negative, but quite tangible. People can suffer very seriously from the evil eye, psychological problems often arise. And the parents of the child are brought to the healer, who magically relieves the child from the evil eye.

So, we have determined that cleansing is the removal of negative programs in magical ways.

What are they?

Cleansing are energetic, when a human operator either from himself or from another, applying his own internal energy, not drawing it from the outside, not ritually, but only working with energy, removes a negative program.

I will say right away that we will not consider this, these are specific things, very difficult, because our own energy, aimed at removing someone else's negative program, very quickly burns out, burns out and is leveled. Those. you need a lot of yourself, let's say, in order to work purely with energy. But there are people who quickly and painlessly make up for the losses, are able to recover.

So, we will focus on magical ritual removal of negative programs, that is, ritual cleansing.

What is a rite?

A rite is a verified, logically completed sequence of certain actions, accompanied by a conspiracy aimed at a specific goal.

The rite technically consists of two components: the ritual part (action) and the conspiracy part (words).

Thus, we can say that ritual cleansing is the removal of negative programs by performing certain actions, accompanied by a verbal message.

But first, I want to say the following. Very often the following words are heard: "Clean up just in case" or "There are never too many cleanings"... These statements are fundamentally wrong and even harmful. The fact is that cleaning, canceling the program is not washing in the shower. You can wash in the shower just in case, but if you wash 30 times a day, then there will be nothing good in this either.

Cleaning does not affect the physical body, but the finer structures. The human body possesses, in addition to the physical, three more bodies: etheric (energy), astral (emotions, feelings) and mental (thoughts). The existing negative programs penetrate, take root and settle, first of all, on the subtle bodies of a person, gradually germinating all the shells and manifesting themselves at the physical level.

And, removing the negative, and especially when it is not there, or if the cleaning methods were aggressive (annealing, casting), or were chosen incorrectly, without taking into account the peculiarities of negative programs, we automatically injure our subtle bodies, introduce dissonance into their work. This is the same as taking and scrubbing the body with some kind of metal brush - some abrasions will definitely remain, and perhaps you will injure the body to the point that there will be bruises and bruises.

In the same way, figuratively speaking, it also happens on the subtle plane - if the magical cleaning is done simply for prevention, then it is advisable to choose soft, gentle methods such as flushes, which painlessly and accurately wash away light negativity without "scraping" thin fields and without injuring them.

And annealing or casting, that is, aggressive removal methods, if used incorrectly, can cause harm instead of the expected benefit. Therefore, cleaning just like that, for preventive purposes with serious methods is unacceptable. You need to clean according to the indications, carefully choosing the methods of removing programs for each specific case. Remember that just like that, "anyhow it was", you can not clean.

Of course, as we have already mentioned, there are cleanings, for example, flushes, which must be carried out constantly. But these are things that remove, as we say, "everyday negative". We all go to work, to the store, to the bazaar, we go to public transport or our own cars, but, one way or another, we collide with people, because we live in society. And this society, as I said, is not always positively disposed towards us.

You come home (especially after some parties, companies, meetings at work, some corporate events) and you feel like a squeezed lemon. Especially if you are a successful person - everyone is looking at you, someone thinks well, and someone - " Yes, so that you choke", etc.

There is negativity from people, no matter how hard we try to avoid it. And this negative can be quietly washed off with some water, while it is still fresh, not sprouted in the field. If you look at it with a vision, then such a household negative looks like dark brown oily spots, similar to what happens when a car stands in a puddle and drips gasoline there.

And here the same oily spots appear on the human aura with the evil eye and everyday negative. They do not introduce any significant dissonance, but, nevertheless, accumulating, can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, these things need to get rid of as soon as possible.

I want to say that serious magic cleansing and magic washings are different things.

Therefore, it is worth choosing something everyday, adopting some method that you will use every day or constantly. And to seriously clean, as I said, you need only according to indications.

Mount Belukha is a rare phenomenon on earth. Belukha is an earthly conductor of the energy of Spiritual Cosmic Personalities. The energy emanating from it purifies a person, helps the rapid fusion of his energy centers, which in turn contributes to an accelerated but natural energy and spiritual growth.
You just have to ask her to help you. If an appeal - no request has been received - the Law of Non-Violence will work against the individual, and nothing will happen to you.
Belukha has its own Natural Temple, with a radius of 500 km. The city of Ust-Kamenogorsk is also located in its streams, therefore, all the work, which will be discussed below, can be carried out directly in it, without approaching the foot of the Holy Mountain.

In the Belukha Temple, you can get rid of very terrible, deadly energy pollution, and not only for its residents, but also for its guests. Simply put:
“Sweet mountain Belukha and all the Personalities working through it, I turn to you with love and ask you to help me cleanse myself of witchcraft, various programs, suckers, attachments, essences, evil eye, corruption and other negative energies.” - Take a breath - and as you exhale, send your greeting and request. Remain in silence, feel, live this moment .... Read the prayer. Thank everyone.
In addition to the karma of past incarnations, and the curse, in this way, you will be freed from any energy pollution.
Any curse is removed by Forgiveness. Karma of past incarnations is removed by Repentance and Forgiveness.
In the Belukha Temple, all the listed energy attacks of our time are removed, not only from you, but from anyone you want to help, wherever he is. It is enough to imagine this person or look at his photograph and do the same work that you did with yourself. Give thanks.
Then you need to put protection (yourself, anyone).

The Ancestral Spirits of your Family Tree can completely protect you from any kind of energy attack. As soon as it touches your bio-field, they will transmute all negative energy. It is only necessary to notify them in time by creating a self-healing information protection program.

Here's how you can do it:
- Lord, help me install a self-healing security information program.
- I put a self-healing protective information program next to me; with the help of which the Spirits of the Ancestors of My Family Tree, who are responsible for the purity of my biofield, will be able to instantly learn about the energetic attack on my Personality and immediately clear my biofield.
The spirits of the Ancestors of My Family Tree, who are responsible for the purity of my biofield, I appeal to you with love and ask you to allow me to add this program to you.
Please cleanse my biofield: from all energy pollution: evil eye, damage, curse, suckers, bindings, entities, programs of various kinds, witchcraft. Down to the source.
Transmute witchcraft the magician and his attributes; talk to the Spirits from the Astral world who help him, about how they harm themselves, working with sorcerers.
Thank you!

It is enough to thoughtfully read all this information - and you will be clean and protected!
This is a very strong defense against any energetic violence, attack, however, from pollution during the natural exchange of biofields, it does not help. In this case, you can work with your biofield with the help of the Divine stream.

Cleanse. Having said: "Lord, remove the energy that is alien to me with your energy rain." Inhale - while exhaling with a glance from head to toe, "wash" your biofield and energy channels. Cleanse all centers with sharp exhalations. Be sure to say: "Mother Earth, accept, recycle for good." Thank everyone.

Close. Strengthen your biofield, with the words: "Lord, protect me with your energy." Inhale, as you exhale, imagine a white egg around you. "Mother Earth, protect me with your energy."
Breathe in. As you exhale, imagine a black egg around you. "Purple Fire, protect me with your energy." Inhale. As you exhale, place the purple egg around you.

Recharge. Say: "Lord, please charge all my centers with your whole rainbow." Breathe in the energy of the Lord through the upper center - and as you exhale imagine a rainbow coming out of your centers, if you cannot imagine, it is enough just to know that it is.
This work will help your energetic and spiritual development and growth.

Kuthumi meditation for clearing the attachment of essences is used when you feel that a permanent black streak has come in your life. Let's figure out what the essence of the method is and how to apply it.

The energetic entities that create attachments to your aura are a dense clot of negative energy that affects your subconscious mind in the most negative way.

In esotericism, there are several types of entities:

  • "Lying Spirit". This essence manifests itself in cases where a person makes a living through risky ventures. Most often it is gambling, betting, visiting gambling houses, hippodromes. You can even touch this indirectly - for example, have a drug addict or gambling addict in your immediate environment
  • "Lucifer". It manifests itself brightest on a full moon or new moon. A person under the influence of this essence becomes aggressive, turns into a debater. The harmony of his existence is violated, there is a tendency to violence, disputes. He exudes negativity, and every day the situation gets worse.
  • Archimania is the embodiment of greed, lust for power and profit, coupled with complete disregard and contempt for spiritual values
  • "UFO" - appears after contact with extraterrestrial beings. The first sign is a dream in which a person is abducted by aliens. Unusual body marks may appear

In the place where the essence is attached to the body, various diseases can occur for no apparent reason. For example, ulcers or non-healing wounds form. This happens in especially advanced cases.

It is very important to take action when the first signs appear, otherwise the influence of entities on the energy shell will progress, and sooner or later it will be too late to help a person.

The essence of Kuthumi meditation

Do you feel like a lot of problems have piled on you? Fatigue does not go away, do you have to deprive yourself of rest over and over again? Are there constantly some negative circumstances that prevent you from achieving success in life?

From the point of view of esotericism, the cause of the black bar can be the negative impact of special programs or entities. They can appear for two reasons:

  1. You yourself, due to the negative attitudes existing in the subconscious, brought all the problems on yourself
  2. Someone from the outside, your secret ill-wisher deliberately brought damage or evil eye, wishing you all the worst

As a result, your aura is damaged, namely its important energy centers - the chakras. You become very vulnerable and literally attract, like a magnet, negativity into your life.

In the process of meditation, you enter a special theta state to the sounds of pleasant music with certain vibrations. You relax, blur the line between consciousness and unconsciousness. Negative blockages are eliminated, you heal your aura, as a result the black bar in life is replaced by a positive white one.

Kuthumi Meditation Technique

Before starting your meditation session, you need to find a suitable audio recording. A melody for Kuthumi must meet certain requirements: it sounds with certain vibrations that have a beneficial effect on the subconscious and allow you to achieve theta state.

Important: this meditation has contraindications. It cannot be used by people with mental disorders, panic attacks. Also, you cannot listen to music for Kuthumi while driving.

What do we have to do:

  • Play meditation music. Mandatory in stereo headphones, because the melody is recorded in a special way, the vibration frequency cannot be heard from ordinary speakers
  • Get into a comfortable position, make sure you can stay in it for a long time. The lotus position is ideal, but if it is not comfortable enough for you, just sit down or lie down. A prerequisite - the back must be completely straight
  • Close your eyes, concentrate on your breathing, and focus on your sensations.
  • Try to completely immerse yourself in the sounds of music, follow the voice of the announcer. Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, abstract from unnecessary emotions
  • Feel like you are inside the music. Repeat the words of meditation aloud after the announcer. Remember to be sensitive to your feelings and emotions.

After your meditation session, you can go about your usual activities. Repeat the practice daily. It is best to do this before bed.

It is best to meditate with the sounds of a specially designed video:

Other ways to cleanse entities

In addition to meditations, there are other techniques that allow you to clear the aura from the influence of entities.

What can you do:

  1. Express a clear intention to free yourself from contact with "dark" entities and to dissolve the energy binding. This can be done using affirmations or visualization. Formulations: "I reject all activities of darkness", "I cancel and annul all contracts and agreements with darkness"
  2. Develop awareness: every minute of your life, remember that only you are the arbiter of your destiny and the responsibility for all negativity lies with you. Establish a mental barrier around you through which evil does not penetrate
  3. Gradually let go of negative thoughts, feelings, actions and deeds. Work with positive thinking techniques
  4. Raise your energy vibrations. To do this, use meditation, prayer, creative activities, singing, dancing, yoga, mantras and other spiritual techniques.
  5. Appeal to the Higher powers and your guardian angel with a call to rid you of the influence of dark entities

By freeing your mind from all negative things, stopping doing bad deeds and setting your thinking in a positive wave, you will establish a powerful energy barrier. Thanks to him, you will be inaccessible to outside interference from the outside, protect yourself from damage, the evil eye and the influence of entities.

So what are entities and how do they affect our lives? Our world and its parallel is inhabited by a large number of creatures. They have a different origin, as well as a completely different nature of existence. Some of these creatures are located only in the physical plane, while others - only in the astral plane. But creatures such as man or animals are on the border of these two planes.

We live in both planes, but at the same time our energy and physical bodies are inextricably linked with each other. As a result, a problem with physical health can affect the energy shell, and vice versa. This chance is used by negative entities.

These beings are astral energy organisms. Their prevalence is colossal, we can say that they are everywhere. The fact is that they are invisible to the eye. an ordinary person... However, the impact they have on our lives is enormous. Some of the entities are positive, while others are negative.

We come across the first ones quite rarely, most often they live in places far from a person and practically do not contact him in any way. The closest analogy is wild animals that live in the forest, and which you do not encounter while living in the city. Of course, if you really want to, you can go farther from the city and find several of these creatures.

Also, residents of small villages and villages often meet with them. The fact is that positive entities are scared off by electromagnetic radiation that comes from electrical appliances and electrical wires. With the advent of mobile communications into our lives, this influence has increased even more, which further alarms these creatures.

As you know, the spiritual body of a person protects the outside of the energy field. It is a power cocoon that is constantly in slight movement and vibration. The integrity of this protective field directly depends on the physical, mental and moral state of a person. Trauma inflicted in one or several areas at once affects health in general.

Importantly, the trauma does not have to be of a physical nature, it can be just stress, unexpected news, or a negative energy impact from the outside with the help of witchcraft or the evil eye.

After a session of cleansing from essences, a set of measures is also taken to restore the normal functioning of the energy body. The effect is also on the protective cocoon, holes are closed in it, and its walls are generally strengthened.

It should be remembered that getting rid of entities is not a one-time procedure. This process requires long-term work and great strength, both from the side of the cosmoenergy and from the side of the patient.

Types of entities and means for dealing with them


These entities prefer to settle in entire colonies. They live both in the organs and in the internal energy channels of a person. The consequence of their effect on the body is considered general tiredness, lack of strength. They are also the cause of sluggish chronic diseases.

The entry into the energy body occurs at the moment of general thinning of the walls or multiple holes in the cocoon. Usually they do not appear on their own, but together with some stronger essence.

These creatures are well handled by the channels from the Buddhist and Magic blocks.


The main result of the impact of these entities on a person is an increase in the aggressiveness of his character. More than one being in the energy field causes alcohol, drug or any other addiction. Also, a common consequence of such a neighborhood is a person's sexual obsession, frequent and erratic change of partners. These entities are the lower spirits of humans and animals, whose hallmark was an addiction to one or another addiction.

It is worth noting that astral entities do not penetrate deeper than the cocoon, they have enough food in these layers. The result of their impact is the various kinds of addictions mentioned above, as well as general laziness and disability.

The frequencies of all three main blocks of cosmoenergy: Buddhist, Magical and Magister's perfectly destroy these creatures, since their removal is not difficult.


From the lower astral worlds, these beings penetrate into a person, and they do not live under a cocoon, but inside the energy body. The way of their penetration is the lower chakra. In those moments when it is weakened or its work is disrupted, it becomes an excellent gateway for all kinds of entities.

Cosmoenergy use the frequencies of the Magic Block to destroy these entities, since in this case work is carried out with an important and complex spinal energy channel, and the strength of the Buddhist block is usually not enough.


For the treatment and destruction of these essences in cosmoenergy, the frequencies of the Buddhist block are used.


These creatures are created by human thought. Their behavior and impact directly depends on this thought. Most often, they appear at the time of any strong emotional outburst and carry this very energy.

In addition, there are specially created varieties of them. These elementals are created by sorcerers to influence human behavior. They are planted in a specific place in the human body where they do the most harm. As mentioned above, the symptoms of such a landing can be absolutely any, it all depends on the purpose for which it was done.

Expulsion and destruction of such entities is a very difficult process, especially when it comes to specially created species. Cosmoenergy in these situations use the Master's block of frequencies.


Guests from the mental worlds. They capture the consciousness of a person and generate various fears in it. As a result of this impact, a person experiences a large number of negative emotions, which these entities feed on.

Usually they are settled in childhood in moments of any psychological trauma. It is with them that strong fears are associated, which stretch from childhood and intensify with the process of growing up.

Destruction is carried out using frequencies from all three blocks.


They capture the mind of a person and determine his actions. Penetration occurs when a person's karma has a strong negative character. It is possible to drive the host to alcoholism, murder, suicide, or drive him crazy.

It is very difficult to expel. For treatment, channels are used that cleanse and clarify karma.


The most dangerous type of entity. Affect a person until they kill him or drive him crazy. Penetration into the body occurs at a time when a person experiences severe stress or when deliberately sent by a sorcerer.

The demonic essence changes the behavior and outlook of a person, and its appearance is always associated with negative karma. These creatures are able to live in the host for many years and disguise themselves.

To expel them, the frequencies of the Master's block are used and only cosmoenergetics is capable of curing a person from this disease. Cleaning and the consequences are extremely painful in nature, so they should be carried out with extreme caution.

Each of the matters around us has an energetic aura, which, in turn, can be both positive and negative. Often, coming home from work, a person cannot completely relax in his apartment. He shows nervousness towards family members, experiences depression and a complete breakdown. The nature of the accumulated energy affects health and well-being. Therefore, for rooms with a heavy aura, cleansing from negative energies and essences is a necessary and effective measure.

The reasons for the ritual of purification

Indoors, negativity builds up over the years. Because of this, when you stay in a house with polluted energy for a long time, you feel emotionally depressed, there is a feeling of being chased or being watched by someone, you feel someone's presence in an empty room.

Esotericists believe that the following circumstances affect the appearance of such feelings:

  • quarrels and showdown in the house;
  • the envy of the people around you:
  • a clot of energy left over from the former owners:
  • people who have previously died in this house, from which a certain substance remains, called essence;
  • finding a house near burials, territory of mass killings, including animals;
  • accumulation of old and unusable things;
  • finding stuffed animals, antiques, paintings with demonic images and scary scenes in the house;
  • guests who come with negative emotions.

All these factors indicate that it is periodically necessary to cleanse the premises from negative energies and entities. There are several rituals that you can use yourself, without resorting to the powers of magicians and fortune-tellers.

Cleansing with a bell

It is believed that the ringing of a bell has a healing power, purifying and beneficially affecting the human aura and the energy of the house. The powerful vibration of the reproduced sound pacifies the soul, balances the energy field, fills the space with warmth, kindness and love. Therefore, it is advisable to cleanse the room from essences and negative energy with the help of a bell. To do this, it is enough to use the recording of the chime of the church bell tower or purchase a small instrument, which is used on school rulers.

To cleanse the house with bell ringing, walk around the apartment with the instrument, ringing the whole room. Start moving from front door and move along the walls, looking into all the rooms. Esotericists advise to call longer in the corners, since it is in them that the most negative energy accumulates. After you have walked around the house, you can finish the procedure.

Cleansing Prayers

You can also use mantras to cleanse the room of negative energy. Keywords these prayers have a powerful effect, pushing out negative clots and essences. The main thing is to learn how to pronounce the mantra correctly so that the words can have the desired effect. The lingering chanting of the prayer helps to cleanse your aura. Relaxing music and a comfortable lotus position will help the ceremony. Close your eyes and say the text "OM SHIR KALI NAMAHA FORAM" in a drawn-out and chanting manner. Repeat the mantra several times continuously, thus creating a sound spiral that draws in negative energy. After reading, wash yourself with salted clean water, which will cleanse you of residual negativity.

The mantra with the words “OM AH HUM SOHA” pronounced early in the morning will help to clear your home of negative energy and form a protective dome. The properties of this prayer will protect your home from external negative influence, and also let in cosmic energy and liberate consciousness.

Having performed the rite of cleansing the room from negative energies and essences, you will feel a surge of strength, cheerfulness, and improved health. Quarrels with family will stop, and you will gain peace and stability of spirit.