Voikovskaya analyzes. Children's City Clinical Hospital of St. Vladimir, blood transfusion department

Reviews near Voykovskaya metro station

It is impossible to find out the work schedule of the urologist - oncologist, as well as to call the registry at the indicated phone numbers on the website. Either busy or not picking up (not picking up) the phone. I got through the phone number for a preliminary appointment (phoned up to 17-00), the answering machine answers me that I am the fifth in the queue. I waited - "Thank God" became the FIRST, and when the time came to ask a question, there were short beeps - is that not a mockery of people? When I was in the clinic, I asked at the reception that they answered me with the phones, that the automatic telephone exchange was being repaired, and therefore the telephone line was not working well. In my opinion, if this is so, then the one in the polyclinic who must ensure at least normal, if not good, work of the telephone line and operators on the phones is not working well. Sorry for such a tone, but it's boiling!

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Where can I get tested

Laboratory research is one of the most accurate methods of medical diagnostics. Analyzes of urine, feces, blood and skin scrapings allow specialists with a high degree of reliability to determine the general health of the patient and identify pathologies of various organs. At the same time, all that needs to be done by the patient himself is to pass tests and wait for the results of the study.

You can get tested at the Voikovskaya metro station in private clinics and laboratories, as well as in the municipal clinic. In this case, you yourself can choose what kind of research you need. This can be a general analysis of blood and waste products with the definition of standard indicators, a study for a specific disease or a check for signs of infection.

Doctors recommend taking tests regularly in order to always monitor your health and be able to take action on time. This is especially true for those who are at risk for certain diseases. For example, overweight people need to regularly check their cholesterol levels, and those who suffer from liver dysfunction need to be regularly tested for urine. Recently, laboratory testing of the genetic compatibility of a husband and wife is also gaining popularity.