Jerry Hicks - Sarah. A child's journey into the world of boundless joy (collection). Hicks Esther, Hicks Jerry. Books online Abraham hicks sara read online

ISBN: 978-5-9573-1407-3, 978-1-4019-1158-4, 978-5-9573-1408-0
Format: RTF, OCR without errors
Hicks Esther, Hicks Jerry
Year of issue: 2009
Genre: esotericism
Publisher: IG "All"
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 99+91+79

Description: Here is an inspiring story about a child's spiritual journey into a world of boundless joy. Sarah is a shy, introverted girl of ten, not too happy.
She has an obnoxious brother who constantly teases her, cruel and insensitive classmates, and she is indifferent to her studies. In general, Sarah is a portrait of many children in our society.
She wants to feel happy and loving, but looking around, she sees no reason for such feelings.

Add. information: Channeling - receiving information from the Higher Mind.

Channeling has existed in human spiritual culture for a very long time. It was widespread in all pagan and shamanistic religions of the world - from America and Australia to Greece and Africa. The shamans who went to the world of spirits, and the priests who called the gods, asked them the most different questions and received answers, which were then put into verbal form.

This is what channeling is: providing a "channel of communication" for superhuman beings.

Collection description:

Sarah. Book 1
"Sarah. Book 1. Feathered friends are forever. A new level of fulfillment of desires.
Here is an inspiring story about a child's spiritual journey into a world of boundless joy.
Sarah is a shy, introverted girl of ten, not too happy. She wants to feel happy and loving, but looking around, she sees no reason for such feelings. Everything changes when the girl meets Solomon, the wise old owl, who says that you can have a different attitude to what is happening. He teaches her to look at everything from the point of view unconditional love to live in an atmosphere of gratitude, happiness and good emotions. For the first time, she begins to see who she is and how limitless her possibilities are.
You will realize that this book is much more than a children's story. In "Sarah" everyone: a child, an adult or a teenager seeking to find the joy of life, will find for himself useful information and move to a new level of embodiment of their desires.

Sarah. Book 2
"Sarah. Book 2. Wingless friends of Solomon. Adventures in the world of wisdom. The path to happiness."
This book is an amazing story of spiritual transformation and a kind of map that shows the path leading to the land of endless possibilities.
On its pages you will meet again with Sarah's friend - the talking owl Solomon and get acquainted with her new friend - Seth. Friends are waiting for exciting adventures and unexpected discoveries. You may want to follow them to learn how to hear your inner voice, live in the present moment, get rid of fears and even fly.
Use the simple techniques that Solomon teaches Sarah and Seth about, and you will have great opportunities for gaining wisdom and happiness.

Sarah. Book 3
"Sarah. Book 3. A talking owl is worth a thousand words. How to survive adventures without risking anything.
This time, the wise owl Solomon - Sarah's wonderful teacher - talks about how to enjoy life and experience joy no matter what. Day after day, experiencing interesting adventures, Sarah and her friends learn to fight fears and believe in their strengths and capabilities. Step by step, they approach the disclosure of their natural happy "I", and this helps them grow spiritually, enjoy life and be free.

Esther and Jerry Hicks

Sara (book 1)

(teachings of Abraham)

Feathered friends are forever



Here is an inspiring and inspiring book about a child's spiritual journey into a realm of boundless joy. Sarah is a shy, introverted girl of ten, not too happy. She has an obnoxious brother who constantly teases her, cruel and insensitive classmates, and she is cool about her studies. In short, she is a portrait of many children in our society. When I first read this book, I was struck by the similarities between Sarah and my own ten year old. Sarah is really a collective image of all children.

Sarah wants to feel happy and loving, but looking around, she sees no reason for such feelings. Everything changes when she meets Solomon, the wise old owl, who shows her how to see everything differently - through the eyes of unconditional love. He teaches Sarah to constantly live in an atmosphere of pure positive energy. She sees for the first time who she is and how limitless her potential is. You, the reader, will understand that this is much more than a children's story. This is a card for finding the joy and happiness that you are born with.

My whole family read this book and we have all changed since then. She made the strongest impression on my husband. He said that he was so amazed that now he looks at life with new eyes. Imagine that you have been nearsighted all your life, but just now put on glasses. Everything becomes crystal clear.

I can't stop praising this life changing book. You will share with Sarah her successes and failures on the way to the heights of wish fulfillment. Know that Sarah lives in each of us. If you can only buy one book, be sure to buy this one (it's suitable for all ages). You will not regret it!

Denise Tarsitano, Rising Stars series


"People like entertainment more than information." As far as I remember, this observation was made by the eminent publisher William Randolph Hearst. If this is so, then it is obvious that the most effective way to convey information, even of great importance to the individual, is in an entertaining form.

Feathered Friends Are Forever is both entertaining and informing, whichever you prefer, thanks to Esther and her text editor. The lessons of infinite wisdom and unconditional love taught by Sarah's highly entertaining feathered mentor are intertwined with stories of Sarah's enlightening experiences with her family, friends, neighbors and teachers; through this you rise to a new level of awareness of natural well-being and the understanding that all is well.

Think about who you are and why you are here, and then, when you finish your first leisurely read of the book, notice how fast and how far you are moving towards what matters to you.

With this short, simple, thought-provoking book, you will gain a clearer point of view that will take you to the next level of fulfilling your desires.

Eternity of birds of one flight

Sarah, lying in a warm bed, frowned, upset that she woke up. It was still dark outside, but she knew it was time to get up. I hate these short winter days, Sarah thought. "I'd rather stay in bed until the sun comes up."

Sarah knew that she was dreaming something - something very pleasant, although now she did not remember at all what the dream was about.

I don't want to wake up yet, she thought, trying to switch from a pleasant dream to a not-so-pleasant cold one. winter morning. Sarah burrowed deeper under the warm blanket and listened, trying to see if her mother was up. She pulled the covers over her head, closed her eyes, and tried to remember a glimpse of the pleasant dream she'd emerged from. He was so wonderful that Sarah wanted more.

"Ugh. I need to go to the toilet. Maybe if I endure and relax, I'll forget about it ... - Sarah changed her position, trying to delay the inevitable. - Does not work. OK. I woke up. Another day has come. Nothing". Sarah tiptoed down the corridor to the toilet, carefully avoiding the ever-creaking floorboard, and softly closed the door. She decided not to immediately flush the water in order to enjoy solitude. "Just five minutes of peace and quiet."

Sarah! Are you up already? Come here help me!

You could wash off right away, - Sarah muttered. - I'm coming! she called to her mother.

She could never understand how her mother always knew what the rest of the house was doing. "Probably, she placed bugs in all the rooms," Sarah thought gloomily. She knew it wasn't really true, but dark thoughts were already raging in her head, and it seemed impossible to stop them.

“You need to stop drinking before bed. And it is better not to drink anything from noon. Then, when I wake up, it will be possible to lie in bed and think, and be completely, completely alone - and no one will know that I woke up.

I wonder at what age do people stop enjoying their own thoughts? It definitely happens because everyone else is never quiet. They cannot listen to their own thoughts because they are always talking or watching TV, and when they get into the car, the first thing they do is turn on the radio. Nobody seems to like being alone. They want to be with someone else all the time. They want to go to meetings, or to the movies, or to dances, or to play ball. I wish I could cover everyone with a blanket of silence so that I could at least occasionally listen to what I think. Interestingly, in general, it happens - that you are not sleeping, but you are not bombarded by someone else's noise?

I'm organizing a club. "People against other people's noise." Requirements for club members: you may like other people, but you do not need to talk to them.

You may enjoy looking at them, but you don't need to explain to others what you saw. You have to like being alone sometimes just to think. It's okay to strive to help others, but you have to be prepared to keep the help to a minimum, because that's a trap you're bound to fall into. If you're too eager to help, it's over. They will overwhelm you with their ideas and you won't have time for yourself. You have to be ready to freeze and watch others without them noticing you.

Sarah. A child's journey into the world of boundless joy (compilation) Jerry Hicks, Esther Hicks

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Title: Sara. A child's journey into the world of boundless joy (compilation)
Author: Jerry Hicks, Esther Hicks
Year: 1995, 1999, 2002
Genre: Esoteric, Foreign esoteric and religious literature

About Sarah. A child's journey into a world of boundless joy (compilation)" by Jerry Hicks, Esther Hicks

Sarah is an inspiring story about a child's spiritual journey into a world of boundless joy.

On the pages of this unusual book, you will meet the girl Sarah and her friends, as well as meet the talking wise owl named Solomon.

Day after day, under the guidance of an extraordinary feathered mentor, Sarah and her friends learn to deal with fears and believe in their strengths and capabilities. Solomon suggests looking at everything that happens from the point of view of unconditional love, living in an atmosphere of gratitude, happiness and good emotions. Step by step, friends are approaching the disclosure of their natural happy "I", and this helps them grow spiritually, enjoy life and overcome difficulties with optimism.

In "Sarah" everyone: a child, an adult or a teenager seeking to find the joy of life, will find useful information for themselves and move to a new level of fulfillment of their desires.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online book"Sarah. A child's journey into a world of boundless joy (compilation)" by Jerry Hicks, Esther Hicks in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

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Hicks Jerry, Hicks Esther - Sarah. Book 1. Feathered friends are forever. A New Level of Desires - Read Book Online Free


Here is an inspiring story about a child's spiritual journey into a world of boundless joy. Sarah is a shy, introverted girl of ten, not too happy. She has an obnoxious brother who constantly teases her, cruel and insensitive classmates, and she is indifferent to her studies. In general, Sarah is a portrait of many children in our society. She wants to feel happy and loving, but looking around, she sees no reason for such feelings. Everything changes when the girl meets Solomon, the wise old owl, who says that you can have a different attitude to what is happening. He teaches her to look at everything from the point of view of unconditional love, to live in an atmosphere of gratitude, happiness and good emotions. For the first time, she begins to see who she is and how limitless her possibilities are. You will realize that this book is much more than a children's story. In "Sarah" everyone: a child, an adult or a teenager seeking to find the joy of life, will find useful information for themselves and move to a new level of realization of their desires. This book is dedicated to all of you who, in their pursuit of enlightenment and well-being, have asked the questions this book answers... and to the four wonderful children of our children who are examples of what this book teaches... who ask no questions, because nothing has been forgotten.

Esther and Jerry Hicks- Sarah (Book 1)

(teachings of Abraham)

Feathered friends are forever


Saint Petersburg

Publishing group

Here is an inspiring story about a child's spiritual journey into a world of boundless joy.

Sarah is a shy, introverted girl of ten, not too happy. She has an obnoxious brother who constantly teases her, cruel and insensitive classmates, and she is indifferent to her studies. In general, Sarah is a portrait of many children in our society. She wants to feel happy and loving, but looking around, she sees no reason for such feelings. Everything changes when the girl meets Solomon, the wise old owl, who says that you can have a different attitude to what is happening. He teaches her to look at everything from the point of view of unconditional love, to live in an atmosphere of gratitude, happiness and good emotions. For the first time, she begins to see who she is and how limitless her possibilities are.

You will realize that this book is much more than a children's story. In "Sarah" everyone: a child, an adult or a teenager seeking to find the joy of life, will find useful information for themselves and move to a new level of realization of their desires.

This book is dedicated to all of you who, in their pursuit of enlightenment and well-being, have asked the questions this book answers... and to the four wonderful children of our children who are examples of what this book teaches... who ask no questions, because nothing has been forgotten.

Esther and Jerry Hicks

Sara (book 3)

(teachings of Abraham)

A talking owl is worth a thousand words



Today we were driving through the incredibly beautiful plains of Illinois and Indiana, Jerry reading me just completed third book about Sarah: "A talking owl is worth a thousand words." (And what a pleasure it was for me to listen to it for the first time in this way.) We parked the car and checked into the hotel where our seminar will be held, and I sat down in a comfortable easy chair, closing my eyes and resting my feet on a stool, enjoying the wonderful feeling of finishing another book - and almost immediately my mind began to fill with words, words for the next Sarah book!

So we're back to work!

I hope you enjoy the Sarah series as much as I did. Sarah and Seth and Annette and of course Solomon are as real to me as anyone I know, and I love what I'm learning as I follow their lives as well.

With love, Esther


In everything that exists and does not exist, in all places and where there is no place at all, somewhere in the Infinite Universe, there are answers to everything you ever wanted to know about anything. And from where Sarah's teacher Solomon resides in this Boundless Universe, a new book about Sarah comes to you - Book 3.

You are about to immerse yourself in wonderful and exciting experiences, adventures that allow you to take a fresh look at things; a new take on old ways of having fun.

So get ready to look at everything from a new perspective. Prepare to reconnect with your unbreakable Self. Get ready to learn how to experience adventure without risking anything.

Remember: everything always ends well; nothing ever ends, and doing wrong is impossible; you can feel good in any circumstances; you can call something good or bad, but in fact everything is good; any "accident" has a reason; you can find what you want under the guise of what you don't want; you can move from envy and guilt to good feelings; you can face death and still feel good; there is no death; your body heals by itself; you can attract harmonious relationships; you are born to be happy; you can get whatever you want...

We are all here together. Something drew us to each other, at this very moment, as a result of the intentions and desires of each of us. For example, for ten years, Esther and I travel to sixty cities a year, opening our workshops to thousands of people who ask us questions - and from these thousands of questions a magnificent series of books about Sarah has turned out. And when this book, “Sarah. Book 3, will be distributed to thousands of readers, they will have new questions ... For example, a teacher at a San Francisco comprehensive school (his students call his class "Bergland") used the first book about Sarah as a textbook last year, and he suggested that the students (thirty sixth graders) to write to us, each asking their own questions and making suggestions about what they think should happen in the next Sarah books. (While we currently have too many obligations to answer the same way again, we then wrote and gave everyone a graduation booklet with their wonderful questions and Solomon's answers. Everyone loved it!) The gist of the story is this: although neither of them had read the blueprint for the third Sarah book, but almost all of their suggestions for what should happen next had already been written into it! Never before have I been so acutely aware of how closely we are spiritually connected, and how we get answers to our questions, often before we ask them.

We live in a time where there are far more opportunities for happiness than there have ever been in human history. And yet, among the billions of people, there remain small groups that seem to deliberately limit themselves and refuse the always available opportunities to receive "earthly joys." Most of us, not born and forced to follow these strict belief systems, can understand if we don't readily accept their "choice of the earthly path." However, when we hear that “we are all free in our choice, and according to our choice we create our being,” it becomes increasingly difficult for us to understand why there is so much fear, illness, pain ... and general unhappiness that fills modern world. In other words, where does so much pain and suffering come from in an era of great opportunities for freedom, growth and joy?

Solomon, Sarah's wonderful friend, teaches that it's not natural to experience anything other than Well-Being, and so this book is about discovering your naturally happy Self - no matter what happens! This is a book about how to accept and be an example of allowing - and how to share your well-being with others.

The fragment given here is a sample of Solomon's words to Sarah; words that sum up the simplicity and clarity of this amazing dive into discovering the fullness and joy that is possible in our lives.

Sarah, wouldn't it be better to make your happiness your top priority? The only challenge? “There is nothing more important than that I feel good.”

People often believe that there must be certain circumstances around them in order for them to feel good. And then when they find they don't have the strength, or the voices, or the power to organize things the way they want, they doom themselves to an unhappy, powerless life.

I want you to understand that all your strength lies in the ability to see everything in a way that makes you feel good. And when you can do that, you will have the power to achieve whatever you want.

Everything you desire is trying to get to you, but you need to find a way to let it in. And you can't let in what you want if you don't feel good. Only when you feel good can you let in what you want.

You live in big world, Sarah, where there are a lot of people who want things not to be the way you want them to be. You cannot convince them to agree with you, and you cannot force them to agree with you, and you cannot destroy all those who disagree with you. The only path available to you to a joyful, empowering life is to decide once and for all that you are going to feel good, no matter what happens. And when you learn to turn your thoughts to what feels good, you discover the secret of life.