When the winter evening was written. A.S. Pushkin. "Winter Evening", "Winter Morning". Analysis of poems. Poem size and rhyme

All the works of the great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin are unimaginably tender and lyrical. They are woven into delicate fragile laces and form pretentious and unique patterns, comparable only to those that frost paints on the windows. Pushkin was a romantic adult child who wanted permissiveness and love, who did not like any framework and restrictions. But fate decreed otherwise. He expressed all his protests with a pen on paper in metaphorical images of various events among friends and the state, often causing a storm of indignation among high-ranking officials. And, of course, he was forgiven a lot, but there were still punishments, to take at least a link to the Mikhailovskoye family nest. Here Pushkin created "Winter Evening", which will be discussed further.

Link to the South (1820-1822)

First, a little about the state of the poet and his environment, in which he created his next masterpiece. Yes, Pushkin could not refuse freedom-loving poetry, for which he was exiled to Southern exile. At this time, he composes many of his famous works, one of them is the parody poem "Gavriliad", where he plays with the plot of Scripture, which he will regret until the end of his days. But while in Chisinau, he joins the Masonic lodge. Pushkin, unknowingly, got confused. But the main tasks of the Freemasons, as you know, were the destruction of religion (especially Christian) and the refutation of all its laws. Freemasons conducted revolutionary activities aimed at destroying all foundations of national statehood. At the same time, Alexander I issued a decree banning Freemasonry.

Exile to Mikhailovskoe (1824-1826)

Pushkin for participation in Freemasonry is sent under house arrest to his father, in Mikhailovskoye. The father, being a believer, is wary of his son's hobbies, which is why big scandals are provoked in the family. But let's move away from scandals, because again it is creativity that comes to the aid of Pushkin, since he became unbearably bored in the village, however, this also found its own charm, especially since soon his parents, sister and brother left the village for St. Petersburg. And then Pushkin was somehow very depressed. "Winter Evening" - a work that accurately indicated his then mood. To understand the state of the poet, let's plunge a little into his atmosphere.

Pushkin. "Winter evening"

The poet was practically left alone. He lived in the wilderness of a pine forest, where the estate was located. Linden alley led directly to the estate, a little lower in the meadow flowed the Sorot River. Pushkin lived in a small one-story house where his grandfather Hannibal once lived. His office had a very modest setting with a wooden bed, a tattered card table, where instead of inkpots there were two fondant jars, two chairs, and shelves of books. His beloved nanny lived nearby. The rest of the premises were boarded up. He spent long winter evenings in the company of his nanny Arina Rodionovna. In her company, he feels protected and, like a child, careless. Here he works a lot and composes a lot, from under his pen the poems "Winter evening", "Winter road", "Bacchus song", "To the nurse", "I remember a wonderful moment ..." etc. Pushkin has a rethinking of human life and its values, in the end he defines his ideal: this is finding a home, inner harmony and security.

Analysis of the poem "Winter Evening" by Pushkin

Pushkin wrote this poem in 1925 in the style of traditional romanticism and classicism, which are synthesized into one whole. In the center of the plot is a grandiose and unceasing storm. The storm here represents a certain deity, and everything that is on earth is involved in its movement. And all this is presented on a universal scale. Then Pushkin's poem "Winter Evening" sharply changes its scale to a lonely human life, which looks like an unfortunate grain of sand in this whole huge picture.

Then there is a description of a shack, lonely and thrown into a whirlpool of snowy whirlwinds, like a human soul. Its inhabitants constantly hear the sounds of a storm, reminiscent of the crying of a child, or the howling of an animal, or the knock of a traveler. Here we are talking about some kind of loneliness and about the fact that the author stands at a crossroads, where whirlwinds and storms that are dangerous to his life are spinning. In that "hovel" it is sad and dark from such bad weather, but his soul wants to escape from this darkness to the sky and to the sun. This is precisely what Pushkin, entangled in his thoughts and desires, yearns for. "Winter Evening" accurately describes this state of his. After all, while it is necessary to wait out this storm, and then that long-awaited light may come. All that now warms the soul of the lyrical hero, warms his hopes, is his beloved "old woman" - "good friend", and wine, which, at least for a while, is still capable of drowning out the effect of fear and loneliness in front of an oppressive unknown future.

Pushkin wrote "Winter Evening" in a very difficult period of his life. Perhaps that is why a feeling of hopelessness, sadness and, at the same time, hope for a better future slips in the poem. In 1824, Alexander Sergeevich was allowed to return from his southern exile. Imagine his disappointment when the poet learned that he was allowed to live not in St. Petersburg or Moscow, but in the old family estate of Mikhailovsky, cut off from the outside world. At that time, the entire estate lived in

Alexander Sergeevich's relationship with his parents was not easy, it was especially painful for him to endure the fact that his own father took over the function of the overseer. Sergei Lvovich checked all the correspondence of his son, controlled literally every step he took. In addition, the father in every possible way provoked Pushkin into a scandal in the hope that a quarrel in front of witnesses would help him send his son to prison. Alexander Sergeevich took every opportunity to leave the estate to visit his neighbors, it was very difficult for him to live with the knowledge that his relatives had betrayed him.

After the parents left Mikhailovsky to live in Moscow, and this happened in the fall of 1824, "Winter Evening" was written. Pushkin wrote his poem in the winter of 1825, by this time the poet had calmed down a little, he no longer felt the monstrous pressure from all sides, but a storm still reigned in his soul. On the one hand, Alexander Sergeevich feels relief and hopes for a bright future, but on the other, he understands the hopelessness of his situation.

Pushkin's "Winter Evening" allows us to consider the poet himself in the image of a hero cut off from the outside world by a blizzard. In Mikhailovsky, he is under house arrest, he is allowed to leave the estate only after agreement with the supervisory authorities, and even then for a short period. Alexander Sergeevich is in despair from his imprisonment, therefore he perceives the storm, now as a little child, now as a terrible beast, now in the form of a belated traveler.

Pushkin wrote "Winter Evening" to convey his true feelings. In the image of a kind old woman, his nanny Arina Rodionovna is guessed. The poet understands that this woman is almost the only person who loves him. The nanny perceives him as her own son, cares, protects, helps with wise advice. He enjoys spending his free time with her, watching the spindle. Pushkin wrote "Winter Evening" in order to somehow calm him down. He cannot fully enjoy the idyll, because he languishes in captivity.

Whatever it was, but life in Mikhailovskoye clearly benefited Alexander Sergeevich, he became more restrained, calm, began to pay more attention to his work. Pushkin wrote "Winter Evening", putting his whole soul into the poem, and this is immediately felt. After returning to St. Petersburg, the poet repeatedly voluntarily came to his old estate to enjoy rural life, peace, tranquility, beautiful landscapes and write new masterpieces.

The poem "Winter Evening" was written in Mikhailovsky, in exile. The disgraced poet was at this time far from friends who shared his thoughts and feelings. He was obliged to report every step he took to the provincial authorities. The poet's days were busy with work and reading. The long and harsh winter was especially difficult. In the snow-covered Mikhailovsky there was only one my soulmate is the nanny Arina Rodionovna.

On one of these winter evenings, Pushkin wrote a poem addressed to her. It begins with a very vivid and imaginative description of a snowstorm, which seems to cut off the poet from the entire outside world. This is how Pushkin felt under house arrest. It is easy to imagine the picture depicted in the poem: it is a late winter evening, a blizzard is howling in the yard, and a stove flooded by a nanny crackles in the room.

Compositionally, the poem can be divided into four parts (by stanzas):

The first part is entirely devoted to the blizzard(or, as the author calls it, the storm). How many different shades the poet uses to describe it! He is not content with the usual words: "howling blizzard" - he found vivid visual and auditory images. Here are his visual impressions: the sky is covered with mist, a fierce wind whirls snow whirlwinds in the field. The author's hearing distinguishes many shades: now the howling of a wild beast (probably a wolf), now the cry of a child, now the rustle of a thatched roof, now a knock on the window of a lost Traveler.

The entire first part is filled with a variety of blizzard movements. This is achieved by using numerous verbs: the storm “covers the sky”, “turns the whirlwinds”, “cries”, “howls”, “rustles with straw”, “knocks on the window”. In this part, the poet uses onomatopoeia: the howling of a blizzard imitate the frequently occurring sounds u, p: (storm, whirlwind, beast). The stress in words falls mainly on the sounds a or o - this also perfectly conveys the howling of a blizzard.

The second and third parts of the poem are entirely addressed to the nanny., to the "good friend". The two of them are in a house covered with snow, their state of mind is very similar. Question: “What are you, my old lady, / Silenced at the window? "- the lyrical hero, probably, could turn to himself.
The poet makes various assumptions about why the nanny is sad:
Or howling storms
You, my friend, are weary
Or do you doze under the buzz
Your spindle?

We see the confrontation between the external and internal world - the world of the raging elements and the world of "old
shacks ". The image of a "dilapidated hovel" or "hut" was traditional for Russian poetry in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In Pushkin's work, the image of the house is unusually significant. Home for a poet is a place where the lyrical hero is protected from all the blows of fate and any adversity.

The outside world is dark and cold, there is a lot of disharmony in it: the storm cries and howls like an animal, probably trying to get into the house. Perhaps the storm is not only a natural phenomenon? Perhaps the impudent and vicious whirling of a blizzard outside the window is an image of fate that dooms the poet to loneliness? But it is not in Pushkin's character to indulge in sorrow. And although the house is just a "shabby hovel",
but there is a means to withstand and not lose heart:
Let's have a drink, good friend
Poor youth of mine,
Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?
The heart will be more cheerful.

Open lesson in Russian literature in grade 5 on the topic “Analysis of the lyric work of A.S. Pushkin's "Winter Evening".


    To repeat what a lyric work is and what are its features;

    Consider the features of the language of a lyric work and the image of a lyric hero in a poem;

    Be able to analyze a lyric work.


    Prepare an expressive reading of the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Winter Evening".

    To teach the analysis of a lyric work on the example of a poem

"Winter evening" according to the methods of A.P. Zhuravlev and B. Yarkho.

Equipment: a multimedia projector, an interactive whiteboard, the text of the poem "Winter Evening", a textbook, handouts, a video on the verse of A. Pushkin, a romance by O. Pogudin, composer M. Yakovlev.

Lesson form: study lesson of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Winter Evening".

During the classes

I... Organizing time.(The class is divided into 2 groups)

Hello dear guys! Today we will analyze the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Winter Evening". I will teach you what other methods can be used to understand the depth of a lyric work.

II... Homework check.

1. Reading the poem "Winter Evening" by heart. (Read by 1-2 students)

The teacher puts marks for reading poetry by heart in a journal.

III... Viewing and listening to a video with a romance to a poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Winter Evening".

(Before the children listen to the romance, the teacher gives the task: “Guys, please listen to the video, look at the slides and tell me what picture comes up in front of you while listening to this poem, what feelings, associations do you have?)

IV... A conversation between the teacher and the class about the poem after listening to the video.(Answer in groups: first the first group, then the second).

Approximate student answer : “A dull winter evening. A blizzard is howling in the yard - you can't see it. It's warm in the little room - the stove, flooded by the nanny, crackles. The nanny herself sits on the bench and spins her yarn. The kitten plays at her feet. Pushkin is right there, at the table, in a warm dressing gown. A flowing candle with a trembling light illuminates his young face overgrown with whiskers, sad eyes. He looks out the dark window, behind which nothing can be seen, and listens to what is happening there, in the open snow field. "

V... Explanation of the new material.

1. Analysis of the poem "Winter Evening".

Teacher's word.

Dear guys, in Russian literature there is a scheme for analyzing a poem. This analysis requires some work on its content, language features and poetic form. It should include the definition of the genre (the nature of the poetic utterance), the identification of the lyric plot, the designation of the theme, the interpretation of the name, the analysis of the composition, the characterization of the lyric hero, the identification of the organization of poetic speech, the analysis of the language (special visual means).

And now let's go directly to the analysis. First, let's remember what a poem is? (Poem - a lyric work, as a rule, of a small volume, written in verse).

Work in groups.

So, 1 question. When and where was this poem written?

(The poem "Winter Evening" was written in 1825 in exile in Mikhailovsky, at a very difficult time for the poet. The hope of liberation was lost; the plan to escape abroad failed; he had a serious quarrel with his father, after which the entire Pushkin family left for Petersburg, leaving the poet alone, in the care of his nanny Arina Rodionovna. The poem "Winter Evening" is beautiful, figuratively conveys this state of mind of the poet)

2 question. How does the poet describe the blizzard?

(The sky covered with mist, a fierce wind that whirls snow whirlwinds in the field, the howl of the wind, reminiscent of the cry of a child, or the rustle of a thatched roof, or the knock on the window of a belated traveler.)

3 question. How is the nanny depicted in the poem?

(Pushkin affectionately addresses the nanny: "my old woman," "my friend," "a good friend of my poor youth.")

4 question. Can we say that this poem is Pushkin's saddest poem? (The poem is really sad, but the last two lines allow us to talk aboutthe fact that the poet maintains a vigorous, cheerful mood: you need to overcome, overcome the sad mood.)

5 question. Determine the nature of the poetic utterance in this poem . (Showing a particular painting - describing a winter evening - can be seen as landscape lyrics. At the same time, the poet also talks about his feelings, about his mood.)

6 question. What is the theme, idea and plot of this poem?

(Pushkin writes about his loneliness, isolation from relatives and friends.

The poet's meditation on his woeful fate is the theme of this poem. The idea is that the lyric hero believes that he can overcome all difficulties and free himself).

7 question. Why is the poem called "Winter Evening"?

(The picture of a winter storm with its howling, the darkness of the night helps to convey the poet's mood more vividly.)

8 question. What is composition? ( IN literature conceptcompositions means the construction of a literary work, the structure of its constituent parts, micro themes, their sequence and system)

What is the composition of this poem?

(Three parts can be distinguished: In the first part the main character is a blizzard.The second part entirely devoted to the nanny and the conversation with her.The third part has its own artistic meaning: it again mentions a snowstorm and a dilapidated shack. The overcoming motive giveslast part optimistic sound).

Question 9. How does the lyrical hero of this poem appear before us? Do you know who a lyrical hero is? ( The image of the poet in the lyrics, expressing his thoughts and feelings).

(Pushkin was a very cheerful, sociable person. And his temporary seclusion was very painful for him.)

10 question. What verse size is this poem written in? (Analysis of the text shows that "Winter Evening" is written in two syllables with an accent on the first syllable.This is a trochee ).

Question 11. What pictorial means did the poet use in this poem?

Which ones do you know? What is an epithet, personification, comparison, metaphor?

(Epithet - a figurative definition that gives an additional artistic characteristic of an object or phenomenon in the form of comparison;metaphor - type of trail, transfer of the name of one object to another on the basis of their similarity;impersonation - a special type of metaphor, the transfer of the image of human features to inanimate objects or phenomena).

-Find epithets. ("Snow whirlwinds", "dilapidated hovel", "belated traveler", "on the roof of dilapidated", "poor youth", etc.)

Guys, tell me, what are epithets in a poem for, what do they characterize in this work? (Their meaning is to embellish speech and make it literary).

-Let's find comparisons. ( The storm is sometimes compared with a beast, then with a child, then with a satellite).

And what do comparisons help us to see in this poem?

(They help you see similarities or differences in individual items.)

-Find impersonation. ( the storm covers will scream cry)

What are they for in a poem?(They are used when depicting nature, which is endowed with certain human traits)

And now we will find metaphors : the whirring of the spindle, the howling of the storm. What is the meaning of the metaphor? (Meaningmetaphors as a trope in enhancing the emotional expressiveness of speech)

2. Analysis of the poem "Winter Evening" by the method of A.P. Zhuravleva.

Teacher's word.

- And now, guys, I will teach you how to analyze a poem using other methods. For example, there is method of characterizing vowel sounds by their color. The author of this technique is Zhuravlev. With the help of this analysis, we will be able to see the beauty of the work, its secret meaning, we will learn to understand and feel a real work of art.

We write it down in a notebook. For example, the vowel but- denotes red, e- dark green, and- blue, O- yellow, at- black and blue, NS- black, Yu- Violet, I- pink, NS- pale green.

(To save time, you can calculate it yourself and show the class what the data is):

O - 33

E - 30

A - 28

I - 15

U - 14

S - 4

I am 4

In this poem 81 light and 18 dark vowel sounds.

This suggests that the poem carries a positive mood, it is filled with good, light meaning, although there are dark colors, but this is only because the author is anxious, sad and yearning, and there is also a storm outside the window.

The predominance of sound "O" indicates that the poem has a deep meaning. This is confirmed by the fact that the lyric hero, Pushkin, believes, hopes that he will be able to overcome everything.

3. Analysis of the poem "Winter Evening" by the method of B. Yarho.

To do this, we must count the number of nouns, verbs, adjectives with you, that is, guys, in this method you must show knowledge in finding the parts of speech that you learn in Russian lessons. As you can see, Russian literature is very closely interconnected with the Russian language.

-We write out nouns: storm, haze, sky, whirlwinds, beast, roof, straw, traveler, window, hovel, old woman, window, storm, buzzing, spindle, girlfriend, youth, grief, mug, heart - only 21 nouns;

Verbs: conceals, twists, howls, weeps, makes noise, knocks, becomes silent, doze, drink, drink - only 10 verbs;

adjectives: snowy, dilapidated, belated, dilapidated, sad, dark, kind, poor, tired, more cheerful - only 10 adjectives.

Conclusion: Thus, all these parts of speech that we found characterize:

    The outside world (in this case, a winter evening during a storm).

    House (here is a dilapidated hovel).

    The poet's nanny Arina Rodionovna.

The data obtained show that the poem contains a lot nouns... They ... ... But verbs in comparison with them, 10 times less, there are actions, but not so many. After all, the author is in exile, and he cannot do anything, he is waiting ... And besides, most of the perfect verbs. This suggests that the actions are short-lived, everything will definitely end, the time will come (in our poem the storm will end, the author will definitely return from the link).

Adjectives, like verbs 10, their presence tells us that there is a description in the poem, namely a description of a storm, a hovel, an old woman (nanny).

Conclusion: Thus, having analyzed the poem by the Yarkho method, we confirm the idea of ​​a poetry : the lyrical hero, surrounded by cold, melancholy, dreams of a bright future, hopes and believes in it.

So, in the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Winter Evening" shows a wealth of emotions, feelings of the lyrical hero.


    Analyze the poem according to the methods of A.P. Zhuravleva, B. Yarkho in a notebook.

VI. Summing up the lesson.

1. The poet brings to us his thoughts, feelings, experiences. "Winter Evening" helps to see the state of mind of Pushkin during the period of exile in Mikhailovsky. The haze covering the sky, snow whirlwinds, howling and crying storms - all this creates a mood of languid melancholy. This poem helps us see the poet in one of the most difficult periods of his life.

2. The teacher summarizes the group work.

Vii. Grading students for their work in the lesson.

A.S. Pushkin is the greatest poet of the "Golden Era" in Russian literature. His works are easy to read, but at the same time carry a deep lyrical meaning. The poem "Winter Evening" or "A storm covers the sky with darkness ..." was written by the poet in the winter of 1825. It is one of the most popular poems among the author's literary arsenal. The period of writing coincides with a difficult and difficult time for the poet. This was the first year after Pushkin returned from South exile. He hoped for a free life, filled with new impressions, but learned that the path to Moscow and St. Petersburg was closed for him. He was forced to stay in the Mikhailovsky estate with his family members. The inability to live a full life, the feeling of being cut off from the outside world, the betrayal on the part of the father, who took over the functions of overseeing his own son, give rise to a feeling of pain and burden in the poet's soul.

The main theme of the poem

The main theme of the work is the poet's opposition to the outside world. In the image of a storm, the author implies pressure from others: a father who monitors his son's correspondence, the impossibility of communicating with friends because of the ban on leaving the estate. The fighter against injustice is the poet's subtle and sensual soul, which no "forces of nature" can break. After Pushkin's relatives leave the estate, he feels a certain freedom, which made the poet write this poem.

From the first lines one can understand and feel the poet's mood, feel the intensity of emotions that overwhelmed the poet's soul. The poet's only hope and support for many years has been his devoted "old woman" - his nanny Arina Rodionovna. She remains with the pupil in the estate even after the whole Pushkin family left him. In the poem, the author addresses the old woman with kind words and awe. He feels her support, care and love. The poet addresses his nanny with the words: "Let's drink, good friend!" He tries to find peace and tranquility in his soul, so that it becomes a little easier in his heart. And the nanny's song will become a spiritual joy for the author, which will help distract him from everyday troubles.

Structural analysis of the poem

The artistic means used in the text are a vivid description of a blizzard that contrasts with the outside world. The author uses the following word forms: "my poor youth", "our dilapidated hovel", "good friend" to maintain the emotional background of the work.

A.S. Pushkin wrote his poem with the help of a four-foot chorea. In the first stanza, the poet pays attention to the raging storm, in the second and third he turns to his nanny, and in the fourth one can see the opposition of friendship and love to the world around him, in which family values ​​prevail. The verse is easily perceived by the reader, it can be reproduced with the help of music. The chosen genre of the poem is lyrics with the use of realism and a description of the landscapes of nature.

After reading the poem "Winter Evening", we can draw the following conclusion. The author conveys to the reader his feelings and pain through a vivid description of the natural elements, uses comparisons: "then, as a beast, she will cry, then she will cry like a child ...". From the first lines one can feel the hopelessness of the poet and his deplorable state. But then the reader can find peace through an appeal to the good nanny with her good songs. The presence of the nanny dispels the darkness and gloom in the soul, and the storm no longer seems so terrible and strong next to her. Finding the nanny close, her love for the pupil overcomes negative emotions and give warmth and joy.