How to make a table for a student: ideas, drawings with dimensions, step-by-step instructions, photos and videos. Types of transport and the amount of travel discount when using a student's social card

Some school supplies you can easily do it yourself - you only need patience and a little imagination. The child together with you can have an exciting time in the creative process. In addition, the student will have exclusive stationery, which will surely arouse admiration among peers.

For parents, this is a great way to save money - pencil cases, coasters and covers are now quite expensive in stores, and their creation from improvised materials will cost much less. In this article, you will find some step-by-step instructions for creating DIY stationery.

DIY pencil case

With due perseverance, you can make a beautiful school pencil case. It is better if the house has a sewing machine - with the help of adults, a child can make only a few seams on it, and a stylish pencil case will be ready. However, if there is no machine, you can make a few stitches on your hands, fasten the parts of the pencil case with ribbons, buttons or a stapler. Consider how you can make a pencil case:

  • First, choose the material for the pencil case. Any dense fabric, leather or leatherette, felt or nubuck will do. Surely you have old unnecessary clothes or shoes that can be given a second life. A pencil case does not require much material at all - count your pencils and pens and determine how much space they will need.
  • The easiest option is a pencil case. It resembles a small bag in which all accessories will be placed. This model is suitable if you do not have too many necessary accessories, otherwise the child will constantly get confused in them. Making such a pencil case is simple - fold a square or rectangular piece of material in half, sweep the edges if necessary. Then make two seams on the sides or tightly fasten the material with a stapler. One side should be left open. You can make several holes on it and fasten it with buttons or beautiful ribbons.
  • If there are a lot of accessories, separate pockets should be made in the pencil case. Such a pencil case should be a little wider - you can make it according to the format of a notebook by folding the material in half or three times. Finish the edges and figure out how you will close the pencil case - thread a ribbon or sew on a button. Then make pockets inside the pencil case. They can be arranged by bending the lower edge of the pencil case inward and making several vertical lines on a typewriter in different places. You can carefully sew the pockets by hand with colored threads. If there is not enough material, pockets should be made overhead from another fabric - this will only make the design more interesting.
  • Any pencil case can be further decorated. This will be especially interesting for girls - they can stick rhinestones on it, sew on beads or make flowers from the remnants of the fabric.

DIY notebook

You can make an unusual notebook on your own with a child. For Russian or mathematics lessons, you can use unused sheets from old notebooks, and if the subject does not require compliance with rulers and cells, a notebook can be made from ordinary A4 sheets. The technology is very simple:

  • Choose what sheets you are going to make a notebook from. The paper must be the same size.
  • If these are A4 sheets, fold all of these sheets in half. In the middle they should be fastened with two seams or a stapler. If you have A5 paper, then you should not bend it - just fold it in a pile and also fasten or sew along the left edge.
  • The most creative process is the creation of the cover. The child will certainly be interested in doing design on their own. Before starting, evaluate the size of the notebook - if it is thin, an A4 sheet is enough for the cover. If the notebook is thick, the cover should be slightly longer.
  • The basis of the cover should be made of flexible thin cardboard - so the notebook will be durable and easy to use. It can be decorated in different ways. For example, the cover will look good if you paste over it with gift paper. You can decorate it with applique, pieces of fabric, beads and ribbons.
  • Attach the cover to the notebook with a stapler or thread.

DIY notebook cover

Schools now require notebooks and textbooks to be wrapped in additional covers. Indeed, children do not always take care of their belongings, and over the course of an entire school year, they can get frayed or torn. For this purpose, the covers of their polyethylene are sold in stationery stores. You can do similar things with your own hands. The easiest option is to make a cover from a transparent bag, simply wrapping it around the book and securing the cover with a stapler in the right places. However, you can also make a really beautiful and interesting cover - for example, from polyethylene or artificial leather. It is very easy:

  • Cut out a rectangular piece of the material you like. It should be 1cm wide. more height books, and in length - 5-6 cm more than the spread of the book. These allowances are needed to wrap the book and hold the cover together.
  • Put an open book on the cover. Fold the leather or oilcloth over on both sides so that they wrap around the edges of the cover. You can fasten the edges on top with a stapler, but it is best to make several seams.
  • The cover can be decorated in different ways. For example, you can attach a pocket of the same material to it, make a beautiful signature, glue bows from ribbons, appliqués or beads.

Do-it-yourself book or tablet stand

Working with a textbook is much more convenient if it is located on a special stand. It is also now increasingly common for middle and high school students to use tablets in school for reading, creating presentations or taking notes. You can make a convenient multifunctional stand for both a tablet and a book with your own hands using thick wire:

  • Take the wire. It should bend easily under force, but not bend itself under weight.
  • Usually stands are arranged as follows - they have a narrow support at the back and two diverging supports at the front, on which a tablet or book is placed.
  • Bend the wire into an elongated semicircle and pull it back.
  • Take the two ends of the wire and bend them into a triangle so that one corner goes up. So you prepare a place for a tablet or book.
  • Bend both ends in a semicircle parallel to the table surface.
  • Pull the tips back behind a narrow support and make a neat knot on it.

From improvised materials you can make interesting, convenient and simple school supplies. This will help you save a lot when collecting your child for school. In addition, you will surely enjoy the process of co-creation, and as a result, you will make unique accessories that no one else at school will have.

In all regions of the country, schoolchildren are considered a special category of Russian residents. In order to help the student's parents cope with paying for education, uniforms, textbooks, stationery and other items, the authorities are trying to reduce the financial burden in any way. So, many children are forced to get to a general education institution for public transport, sometimes also with transfers, and bus tickets become more expensive several times during the year. In this regard, the regional authorities and the Ministry of Education enter into agreements with carriers and issue travel cards to children. This benefit is designed to save the family money. Let's find out where to get a school pass.

What is a ticket, types of tickets

A travel ticket is a document that legally allows you not to pay money for using public transport services at all or to receive a discount on travel. Travel cards can also be issued to general students. educational institutions subject to the use of municipal transport, not private (commercial buses, fixed-route taxis).

The regional authorities oversee the issuance and sale of travel cards. It is for this reason that the conditions of receipt, use, price, the amount of the discount when buying a ticket and other procedures may vary significantly. Up-to-date information about the listed conditions must be provided to parents by the principal, or his secretary. You can also call the Department of Public Transportation or the Ministry of Education. There are 2 types of tickets:

  1. Allowing you to use the travel concession using the services of several types of urban transport at once. Such a document is especially useful when the student is forced to make transfers and cannot wait for the desired mode of transport.
  2. Allowing you to travel on preferential terms only on one type of transport. Such travel cards can be sold by the subway, tram depots, bus fleets.

The cost of such tickets, of course, is different. Therefore, in order to save money, it is advisable to assess whether it is really worth overpaying for a “universal” travel pass.

How does the student pass work?

The student travel card is valid only during the period of attending classes. The duration of the action is set by the regional authorities. As a rule, this is 1.09 - 15.06.

From a financial point of view, public transport tickets can also be divided into categories:

  1. Standard "cards" calculated for a month of using public transport services at a reduced fare.
  2. Electronic cards(usually provided free of charge). Named so that no one else can use them. Parents must regularly replenish such a pass, otherwise the next time the balance will not be enough to pay for the fare. To use such a pass, you need to take a bus equipped with a validator, and for many cities this is still a luxury.
  3. Free for special categories of students such as orphans and other schoolchildren who are in public care.

Where to get a travel card for a student, what documents are needed

When issuing a travel ticket for a student, it will be necessary to write an application at special points and a cash desk, a list of which can be obtained from the director of the school where the child is studying. Also, the secretary will need to obtain a certificate of the child's education in this institution. It must contain:

  • the wording “Dan, to Petr Petrovich Petrov, in that he is a student of the 8th “B” class of the “Secondary School No. 1”,
  • surname, name, patronymic of the student,
  • legal school address;
  • bank details of the educational institution,
  • administration signature,
  • institution seal.

It is better to prepare in advance also other documents, ready-made may be needed when issuing a travel card:

  • student card with a photo and data about the educational institution;
  • photocopy of birth certificate (children under 14 years old) or passport (over 14 years old);
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • passport of the parent or legal representative;
  • photo 3x4 (in paper or electronic form).

Common Mistakes

Error: A student tries to use a travel card during the period summer holidays.

Students of general educational institutions are a special category of citizens. The state is trying to support children and their parents with special measures to make education accessible. One of these measures is the issuance of travel cards for schoolchildren.

Many have to travel to school by public transport: a suitable educational institution often located in a remote area. Often with transfers. Travel expenses reduce the family budget, already suffering from textbook purchases, school uniform and office.

The Ministry of Education and regional authorities, cooperating with carriers, organize the issuance of travel cards so that parents can save on the child's travel to school, section and back home. With regular use of benefits, a decent amount remains in the family budget.

What is a school pass

Travel tickets are documents that give their holder the right to pay for travel in public transport at a discount or ride it for free. They are given to all students. Benefits do not apply to trips with private carriers (for example, fixed-route taxis).

The sale and issue of travel cards for schoolchildren is regulated by regional legislation. Therefore, in different regions, the conditions for obtaining and using, the cost, the size of the discount on travel and other nuances can vary greatly from each other.

Tip: For up-to-date and up-to-date information on the effect of benefits in the region, contact the school administration. The secretary will tell you what the child is entitled to and how to get it. Two more options are to contact the hotline of the Ministry of Education or the public transport organization of the city.

Travel cards can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Giving the right to preferential travel on several types of public transport. This is useful when the child travels around the city a lot with transfers.
  2. Giving the right to travel with a privilege on 1 type of public transport. Bus companies, tram depots or the subway issue their travel cards.

When choosing a school pass, you need to analyze how many modes of transport and how often the child uses. Sometimes it makes no sense to buy a general travel card if the student only travels by metro, and travels by bus a couple of times a month.

How does the pass work?

Travel cards differ from a financial point of view:

  1. Free, intended for schoolchildren who belong to "special categories of citizens." For example, these are orphans: they travel by public transport for free, because they are fully supported by the state.
  2. Electronic cards, which are usually issued free of charge. They need to be replenished on their own so that the account has enough money to pay. The only drawback of electronic travel cards is that urban transport must be equipped with modern validators that can read card data. Large cities can boast of such innovations.
  3. Standard travel card for a month with trips at a discount. It is gradually being phased out and is being replaced by an electronic version.

Any type of travel card for schoolchildren is valid only during the school year. Its scope is established by the legislation of the region. The usual grace period for school students is from 1 September to 15 June.

The issued electronic cards are nominal. Pass them on to friends or use someone else's. A photograph of the child is placed on the preferential travel or accompanying document in order to exclude fraud.

Examples of travel cards in the regions

Although the regional rules for obtaining and using school passes differ, they have a lot in common:

  1. "Student Social Card" (Moscow) - multifunctional a plastic card which appeared in 2014. In addition to preferential travel, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, pay for meals in the canteen and purchases. All schoolchildren studying in institutions in Moscow can receive it. The place of residence does not matter. Parents put money on the card, which the child uses to pay for the road. A trip to the metro for 1 month costs 380 rubles, and on land transport - 250 rubles.
  2. Oriole (Tver). Electronic card with 3 tariffs: "Single" - 580 rubles; for 2 types of transport - 475 rubles; for 1 type of transport - 285 rubles. Prices for 1 month.
  3. With "Student transport card" ( Nizhny Novgorod) you can ride buses, trams, trolleybuses and the metro for free for 920 rubles a month. The choice of one of these modes of transport will cost 500 rubles.
  4. The cost of a reduced fare for a single student ticket in St. Petersburg is 515 rubles.

In all major cities of Russia, travel passes have been introduced that are valid for several types of transport, so that it is more convenient for a student to move around the city and save money.

How to get a school pass

The ticket is sold at special points or ticket offices. Before that, you need to take care of the collection required documents. Their list by region can vary greatly.

But everywhere a certificate from the place of study, drawn up in a generally accepted format, is required. It is obtained from the secretariat of the school. The certificate requires:

  • Full name of the student;
  • legal address of the educational institution;
  • bank details of the institution;
  • school principal's signature;
  • stamp seal.

If the document does not meet these requirements, then the place of issue of the travel card will be refused. You will have to go to the secretariat again and draw up a new certificate.

You may also need:

  1. Photocopy of birth certificate or passport;
  2. CHI policy;
  3. SNILS card;
  4. Passport of one of the parents or guardians;
  5. A photograph of the child in printed or electronic form (depending on the method of printing the travel card) 3 × 4 cm in size.
  6. Sometimes you need a valid student ID with a photo and information from the school. Usually it is required in small cities that do not have the technical capabilities to introduce electronic cards. Their residents use standard cards without a photo, in which only the name of the owner is indicated. A student card with a photo is required for the child to prove their identity.

Not having a student card is not a problem. It can be issued in a few days at the school office. You need to buy the ticket form in advance and take a photo “on the student’s”. In the office they will paste a picture, put a signature and official seal of the institution. The student card is valid for 1 year, and then it can be extended until graduation.

In some regions, it is strictly stipulated that the presence of a student when submitting documents is mandatory. The term for issuing a travel card will take 14-30 days, so it is recommended to take care of its purchase in time.

How to use

A student with a travel card uses the types of transport for which the validity of the document is extended free of charge. On others, he will have to pay the full price of the ticket.

If the transport is equipped with a special device that reads the data of an electronic card, then it is enough to attach it to the validator. In transport with a conductor, you need to show a travel card and, if asked, a student card with a photo.

Tip: It is important not to miss the time of the next payment and put money on the card. Even if you miss only 1 day of payment for the next month, the child will not be able to leave for school and will miss lessons.

An electronic card issued for 1 year can be extended without reissuing a new one. You need to take a certificate from the school that the child continues to study, and again come to the ticket office.

Of course, children actively lose travel cards. E-card is easy to recover. If a child reported missing, you need to:

  • call the customer service number of the company that issued the card and ask to block the loss;
  • come to the point of issue and write an application;
  • pay for the issue new card(usually 100 rubles);
  • get a temporary travel card;
  • get a new electronic card after a while.

Old information, balance and already paid services will be saved.

In addition to receiving a ticket for urban public transport, a child can enjoy benefits for the purchase of railway and air tickets. Schoolchildren are also entitled to a discount on visiting museums, theaters and other cultural and educational institutions. To receive benefits, you need to present a student card or a certificate drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

In this article we will talk about how to make a pencil case for school with your child.

It's no secret that any child wants to have school supplies that are not only easy to use, but also allow them to stand out among their classmates. And what can help you stand out better than a thing made by hand? Let's talk about pencil cases today.

Beautiful, cool do-it-yourself school pencil cases: ideas, photos. How to decorate a school pencil case made by yourself?

So, for starters, you can get acquainted with the ideas. Will any of them inspire you?

How to make a beautiful pencil case for school out of paper and cardboard: a master class

For similar school accessory useful:

  • Cylindrical Cardboard Tube

IMPORTANT: In order to facilitate the work, you can not glue a similar pipe separately, but take it ready. For example, from under a paper towel.

  • Wrapping or plain colored paper
  • multi-colored cardboard
  • Elastic band - preferably wide. And colored
  • Hole puncher
  • Stationery knife
  • PVA glue or double sided tape


  • You need a cardboard blank cut with a knife into two parts.
  • Each of the received parts is necessary carefully wrap in colored paper. For fastening, both glue and tape are suitable.
  • Now stands roll colored cardboard into a tube so that the cylinder from it could be placed inside the workpiece described above.

IMPORTANT: Colored cardboard should protrude from the top cylinder by about 3-5 cm.

  • Then it's worth taking a smaller part cut cardboard cylinder (something like a cap). In it, parallel to each other, it is necessary to form a hole punch two holes.
  • In these holes you need thread an elastic band, securing it with knots. Such an elastic band will help the pencil case close tightly.

How to crochet and knit a pencil case for a school for pencils and pens: a diagram with a description

Such a pencil case does not require any complex patterns, it is very easy to manufacture. For a similar pencil case for beginners in knitting will need:

  • One skein of yarn

IMPORTANT: The yarn needs to be thick enough - in this case, the pencil case will keep its shape perfectly.

  • Needles or hooks
  • thick needle
  • Button

So, you can start:

  • Need to start with 30 air loops. After counting the second loop from the hook, you need to create 29 columns. The yarn is not required.
  • Now the second row. Worth creating lifting air loop.
  • In the next row you need to do 29 columns. The yarn is no longer needed.
  • Once the height of the rectangle reaches approximately 23 cm, the second row can be completed.
  • 2 sc
  • Skip 2 stitches
  • 5 sb, carried out in one loop
  • Skip 2 stitches
  • Skip 2 stitches
  • In one loop - 5 dn
  • 2 sc
  • Air loops in the amount of 10 pcs.

IMPORTANT: You need to thread it into the same loop that appeared in front of the air loops.

  • Skip 2 stitches
  • 5 sn, carried out in one loop
  • Skip 2 stitches
  • Skip 2 stitches again
  • 5 d in one loop
  • Skip 2 stitches
  • 2 sc
  • bottom edge the resulting rectangle should turn up.
  • top edge, which with a festoon, on the contrary, is necessary turn down.
  • Side seams worth processing single crochet.
  • At the final stage button is sewn on.

How to sew a fabric school pencil case: patterns, instructions. How to make a school pencil case for girls without a zipper with your own hands?

For a girl, you can make a simple but elegant fabric pencil case. For him needed:

  • Textile
  • Scissors
  • hot glue gun

The accessory is made without sewing as follows:

  • A piece of rectangular fabric fold in half as shown in the photo

  • Side edges necessary cut

IMPORTANT: Doing this is exactly.

  • top hem also desirable cut

  • With glue joining the sides blanks

  • Now you have to take separate neat strip of fabric and attach it approximately to the middle of the blank envelope

  • The strip can then be glued on. But be sure to the bottom of the workpiece

Penal is ready! How to use it?

  • To the center Envelope fits pens and pencils

  • They covered one part of the envelope

  • Then only remains tie in a knot glued strip

From fabric, you can make other pencil cases for girls. Here, for example, pattern for a pencil case-kitten:

How to sew a zippered felt school pencil case for boys?

Pencil case materials:

  • Lightning
  • Threads
  • Needle
  • Scissors

The work should go like this:

  • From felt you need to prepare 2 rectangles

IMPORTANT: The width of one should be about twice the width of the other.

  • Lightning needs to be positioned between these pieces of material
  • Now it is necessary sew in
  • Position the workpiece so that most of it was on top., a lightning - closer to the left edge
  • Now a silhouette of a whale is drawn. Lightning should fall on the mouth
  • Whale cut out
  • Need to cut another silhouette
  • Now it's your turn eye

IMPORTANT: For them you will need a white circle of felt and a black button.

  • Can be cut from white felt and fountain
  • Turning the workpiece inside out, you need to flash
  • Only after this can turn the whale right side out

How to sew a pencil case for school out of jeans? How to sew a pencil case for teenagers and high school students of girls and boys with your own hands?

Old jeans can be found in almost everyone. Especially in teenagers. It is quite possible to give them a second life in the form of a fashionable cosmetic case, for which you will need:

  • Two pieces of denim, each measuring 26x12 cm
  • Lining fabric of the same size. It is desirable that it be linen
  • The same size piece of batting
  • Zipper length 25 cm
  • Wax pencil, needles, threads, scissors. Sewing machine preferred
  • decorative elements

IMPORTANT: Additional pieces of fabric are needed precisely in order to better protect school supplies from impacts.

How to make a pencil case? Worth following is a simple guide pattern, which is also suitable for making cosmetic bags:

Dimensions can of course be changed. However, it must be remembered that Leave a seam allowance of at least 1.5 cm. Accordingly, the length of the lightning will also need to be changed.

In order to make a stitch, you can use the following scheme:

  • are being drawn lines wax pencil. The fastening of batting with jeans can be done with ordinary pins.

  • Then you can make sewing, then repeating the same with the second piece of denim.

  • The turn has come attach zipper. Its front part needs to be stitched to denim with batting.

  • Now it's your turn linen lining. It needs to be stitched to the back of the zipper.

IMPORTANT: The lining must first be basted or simply folded over.

  • On both parts of the workpiece, you need to sew a zipper in the same way. As a result, you will get 4 pieces of fabric attached to the zipper from different sides.

  • Now you need to unzip and connect the fabric around the perimeter. The same must be done with the lining. It is desirable at the same time cut the corners of the linen lining So they definitely won't get in the way.
  • All that remains is turn out pencil case face out and put a lining in it.

How to sew a pencil case for a school with two compartments for a first grader? How to sew a pencil case for a math school?

For a pencil case with two compartments that will fit a lot of pencils and pens, will need:

  • Pieces of leather or at least A4 leather substitute - 2 pcs. They can be found in haberdashery workshops or just use an old unnecessary bag.
  • Colored pieces of leather
  • Zipper long
  • Thicker nylon thread
  • Needles - 2 pcs.
  • Paper or newspaper to create patterns
  • Eraser, ruler, pencil or pen, chalk, scissors
  • Lighter or matches
  • Awl, hammer, iron
  • Cutting board
  • Wax with scalpel desirable but not required

You can get started:

Draw on a sheet of paper pattern. Convenient size - 245x195 cm. It is advisable to immediately round the corners.

IMPORTANT: To do this, you need to take some round object with a diameter of about 5 cm.

  • The resulting pattern is needed attach a piece of leather to the wrong side. After tracing, you need to cut two blanks. If thick leather is used, there is no need to leave a distance for allowances. If the work is carried out with leatherette, it is worth leaving 1-1.5 cm for the allowance.

  • If the material is thin, it is recommended to process it dublerin. To do this, you need to cut out two pieces of dublerin according to the pattern, which must be attached to the wrong side of the skin and ironed. It is recommended to place a dry cloth on top.

  • It's time for the decor. If you want to make a pencil case in the form of a sheet of a school notebook, you can make markings for such a sheet on a white front piece of leather.

IMPORTANT: The most important thing is to draw all the details in a mirror image.

  • Now markup needs to be stitched on a sewing machine. The ends of the threads are pulled to the wrong side.

  • Further, from pieces of colored leather, you can cut any application - numbers, letters, letters. The main thing is to draw them in a mirror image on the wrong side of the material. Then pictures cut out and sewn onto the pencil case.

  • If the edges of the workpiece are not rounded, it's time to fix it., smearing the corners with glue, and then nailing them with a hammer. The latter should be done through the fabric.

  • Time to put on the zipper. To do this, it is not completely unbuttoned, glued down in the middle of the pencil case as shown in the picture.

IMPORTANT: If the zipper has a metal tip, it is advisable to carefully cut it off and burn the cut line.

  • Then the zipper needs to be glued around the perimeter future pencil case. Its other end is glued similarly to the first, but only opposite it.

  • Time to work above inside pencil case. With an awl on its front side, it is worth marking the places where an elastic band will be attached to hold school supplies.

  • cut off a few pieces of rubber.
  • Cut with scissors or scalpel holes, through which the rubber bands will be attached.
  • Rubber bands are threaded through the holes and fastened with a sewing machine.
  • Both front and back parts need glue. But it is also desirable sew. To do this, with the help of a ruler and an awl, you need to do, stepping back 2-3 cm from the edge of the pencil case, marks.

  • Now you can take thick nylon thread. It is advisable to treat it with wax - so it will not fluff and it will become better to slide. The ends of the thread must be threaded into different needles. When one is threaded into the hole, the second is threaded into the next hole towards the first. At the end of the knots, you don’t need to do it - it’s just worth burn the ends.

Such a pencil case can fit not only pencils, pens, but also mathematical accessories like a ruler. You can decorate such an accessory with numbers.

As you can see, making a pencil case with your own hands is not so difficult. A little patience and a drop of imagination - and now the original school accessory for the child is ready!

Different design options for homemade pencil cases: Video