The distance between the slats is 85mm. How to choose an orthopedic bed base. Design features of a bed with an orthopedic base

August 2, 2018
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The base of the bed is an important part of the design, on which the quality of sleep largely depends. And if solid decking or spring options were previously used, then today a simpler and more effective solution has appeared - structures made of wooden lamellas. This option creates optimal conditions for human recreation and at the same time is inexpensive. We will analyze all the features of the products and tell you how to put them correctly.

What are products and why are they needed?

First, let's figure out what a lamella is. This is a special wooden plate, curved to one side in order to create an elastic base during installation. Most often, the elements consist of several layers of wood that are glued together, this provides the best spring properties and makes the lamellas much more resistant to deformation and damage.

In the manufacture of different types of wood are used: beech, ash, maple, linden, birch. In principle, all options differ in quality if they are produced according to technology.

The most popular option is birch products, they are distinguished by affordable cost and good performance.

Now let's figure out why we need slatted bed bases:

  • This design increases the anatomical effect of the mattress, improving its properties. In fact, this is an ideal solution for orthopedic mattresses, even their manufacturers recommend using beds with just such options. They are best suited for heavy mattresses, which are used in modern conditions.
  • The slats reduce the load on the bed frame and on the mattress. Due to the spring properties and a separate frame, which is always used for the rails, they provide a longer service life of the structures due to a more competent weight distribution.
  • The use of slats can significantly increase the life of the mattress. This is achieved not only due to the competent distribution of weight, but also due to the fact that the slats are located with gaps and the lower part of the mattress is well ventilated, which is very important. If on solid bases the lower part of the mattresses is often covered with condensate, which is fraught with the formation of mold, then this problem is absent in the slatted structure.

  • Due to the curved shape, the base has a springy effect. In addition, due to the design features, the bed base does not creak or make other extraneous sounds even after a long service life.
  • If you use special holders made of latex, then the base will adapt to your anatomy. The mount is made movable, which is very important for optimal load distribution and ensuring a comfortable position for the spine.

Aspects of choice

Now let's figure out how to purchase quality products and what should be given priority.

In what form are they sold

In general, lamellas can be included in the delivery of a sofa or bed, or they can be sold individually, which is very convenient.

It is important to remember that if at least one element is broken at the base, then sleeping on it is not recommended. This is due to the incorrect distribution of the load on the base, and the risk of deformation of other panels, and the incorrect weight distribution of the mattress, which reduces its orthopedic effect.

You can purchase the following options:

  • Lamella set. Most often, this solution is suitable for those who change all the elements of the base, or for those who assemble the orthopedic base on their own. To buy a set, you need to know the dimensions of the bed or the dimensions of the frames in which they are placed, because in the double versions two designs are used.
  • Kits on tape. This option was widely used in models produced a few years ago, today such designs are not used, as there are better solutions. If you have an option on the tape, then you can buy a similar set and quickly replace the base, this process takes a few minutes.

  • Armor can be bought by the piece. Most often they are sold in furniture stores or outlets specialized in furniture fittings. If you are looking for a separate element, then it is important to know the dimensions of the slats used by you - their length, width and thickness, otherwise it will be difficult to find the right solution.

In addition to the rails themselves, special fasteners may also be needed. There are a lot of options, so a specific solution is selected individually for a particular design.

Which is better

Let's figure out what aspects you need to remember when choosing lamellas:

Illustration Description

Wide slats. They are used as a base for mattresses without springs and for variants with Bonnel dependent spring blocks. They can be up to 1200 mm long and are most often used on single and half-sleeping structures, although they are also found on double beds.

This option is characterized by high strength, the elements resist loads well and practically do not break during operation.

Narrow slats. Best suited for mattresses with independent box springs. They can be located both through the same gap, and in pairs, if flexible rubber fasteners on the frame are used.

The option is elastic and provides high comfort of rest.

For a single bed you need 13-16 wide slats. If narrow elements are used, then there may be twice as many of them.

It is important to arrange the elements at the same distance so that the base is the same in its characteristics over the entire area.

In double designs, the lamellas are placed in two rows.. That is, they usually need twice as many as in single options. As for the quantity, it all depends on the width of the lamellas, the length of the base and the required rigidity of the structure.

The standard parameters of the elements are as follows:
  • Thickness 8-10 mm, this is the best solution, you should not take products thinner or thicker.
  • Width from 4 to 7 cm, it all depends on the type of mattress used.
  • The length varies depending on the width of the bed, but usually one lamella is made no more than a meter. Another parameter is the distance between the battens, it should be no more than the width of the rails used. Usually this figure is from 3 to 7 cm. The gaps can be narrower than the width of the rails.

It is important to choose high-quality holders for latoflex(this is also the name of the products we are considering):
  • Plastic is the cheapest, but also the lowest quality solution, which can crack with considerable effort.
  • Polypropylene is a more ductile material that resists damage better and lasts longer than plastic.
  • Rubber is the most elastic option and allows the sipes to play with the load. This type is shown in the photo on the left.

Aspects of the right choice

Illustration Description

When choosing beds, always count the number of slats in a row.. The optimal number for a bed 200 cm long is from 20 or more. Experts advise choosing solutions with the maximum number of elements, they are more elastic and provide reliable support for any type of mattress.

If length bed different, then the number of latoflexes will vary.

Production material. Another important aspect that directly affects the durability of the structure:
  • Birch is the most common and popular solution, characterized by low cost and good performance.
  • Beech and other hardwoods are a more reliable solution, which is noticeably more expensive. But if quality is important to you, then choose this solution.

There are systems with different levels stiffness of lamellas in different areas. This solution is perfect for those who have back problems and those who value comfort and care about their health.

To adjust the rigidity of individual sections of the structure, special jumpers are used, shown in the photo.

How to make a base with your own hands

Let's figure out how to insert a rack base to replace the old solid flooring, everything is quite simple if you understand the issue:

Illustration Description

Lamella holders. You need two of these elements per bar. Plus, it is advisable to purchase a few more pieces in reserve, in the process of work, sometimes individual holders deteriorate.

slats. Their size should match the holders, and the number should be selected depending on the size of the bed and the distance between the armor. We recommend choosing a clearance of 4 cm, this will give a medium stiffness.

To work, you will need such a set of tools:
  • Electric jigsaw or hand saw. It is more convenient to cut lamellas with a power tool.
  • Construction square, tape measure and marking pencil.
  • Screwdriver with a nozzle for self-tapping screws.

The bed is vacated first. It is necessary to remove the bed and remove the mattress to open access to the base. In our case, these are chipboard sheets screwed with self-tapping screws. The fasteners must be unscrewed, and the sheets removed and removed.

There is a bar in the middle. It's wide enough so there's no need to redo anything - we'll be using the old frame with a few tweaks.

On the side, the load-bearing elements are too narrow to reinforce the frame holder, a rail is screwed to the old bar. The result was a protrusion of 5 cm.

The slats are cut to the desired length with a jigsaw. Then holders are put on the end and the elements are laid out on the surface.

To control the same gap between the lamellas, a building square is used, its width is just 4 cm.

Fastening is made through the protrusion at the bottom. For each holder, we recommend using two self-tapping screws to ensure reliability.

Can be fastened with elements of 25 mm in length.

Assembly is carried out in the same way until the very end.. When the base is ready, you can lay the mattress and enjoy a comfortable rest.

If you need to repair part of the base and replace one or more damaged lamellas, then you just need to unscrew the fasteners on the required elements and replace them. Everything is simple and fast.

Grid or solid bottom

If you are still in doubt, then let's look at the advantages of lamellas:

  • The slats provide ventilation from the bottom of the mattress, solid flooring does not.
  • The grate has springy properties, and chipboard or plywood lies rigidly.
  • Orthopedic properties of the mattress are best manifested when using lat.
  • The solid base sags and creaks over time, the grate does not have these disadvantages.
  • Rack systems are much lighter, which is also important.


Now you are familiar with all the features of the slats used in the bases for beds and sofas, and you can install them yourself, the video will help you understand the workflow even better and clearly show the important points of work. If there are any questions - write them in the comments.

August 2, 2018

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High-quality and high-grade daily rest is first of all the correct organization of a berth. The convenience and comfort of your bed is directly dependent on such characteristics as the base for the mattress. There are two types of construction.

solid bases

They consist of tightly fitted boards or plywood sheets. This type of design is not very popular today for the following reasons:

  • A sheet of plywood can break under the weight of the body or from the jumps of a child who has played out.
  • An orthopedic mattress placed on such a foundation does not fully show its therapeutic and prophylactic properties. The surface flexes and deforms over time.

On the other hand, it is universal for a mattress, suitable for all types of mattresses, even thin ones. A flat hard surface creates favorable conditions for the spine. Add here such an important factor as low cost. Therefore, this design has its adherents.


Most people who think about the health of the spine choose orthopedic mattress bases. It is made of wooden bent slats, which are called lamellas (latoflexes). Reiki are mounted on a metal or wooden frame with the help of special devices - lato-holders.

It is not enough to purchase an orthopedic mattress, it also needs a good foundation. In the absence of a shock-absorbing and distributing surface, dents will appear on the mattress, and the life of the product will decrease. In addition, when a solid base sags over time, the spine curves during sleep, regardless of whether the mattress is orthopedic or not.

What is the orthopedic base made of?

The bases can be single (for a mattress 160x200), one and a half and double. They can be part of a bed from a furniture set, or they can be a completely independent design element of a bedroom.


Amortize under load, distribute body weight and soften the rigidity of the orthopedic mattress. They are made of birch or beech. Birch are cheaper, but they are less durable. They can be wide - from 5 to 9 cm (maximum 12 cm) or narrow - from 3 to 4 cm. They are attached across the frame at a distance of about 7 cm from each other. A quality product should have at least 15 lamellas per bed . When choosing a mattress, consider what base your bed has. A mattress that is springless or with dependent springs is best placed on wide latoflexes. In some designs, the rigidity of the lamella can be changed using special plastic pads, put on the rail in pairs.


The ways of fastening the lamellas to the frame are slightly different depending on the type of lat holders. The most comfortable rubber holders with a shock absorber. They are able to withstand a lot of weight, do not creak when pressed.

Plastic holders are less durable; the load allowed for the product must not be exceeded. The advantage is they are inexpensive.

Lato holders also differ in their functional properties. Fasteners with two degrees of freedom provide deflection of the lamella along the vertical axis and horizontal rotation by 20 degrees in both directions. Holders with three degrees of freedom are more comfortable in operation - they are additionally compressed along the vertical axis.


The base for the bed mattress can have a metal or wooden frame.

The wooden frame (MDF) has reinforced stiffening ribs along the zones of the orthopedic mattress. Outside, leatherette upholstery is possible, which organically fits into the interior of the bedroom. It can be solid, with drawers for linen or on four legs. Solid construction withstands heavy loads.

A metal base for a mattress with round or square legs is usually made from a pipe with a diameter of 15 mm. Legs can be from four to eight. The last design option is the most stable. From below, rubber pads are put on the metal, protecting the floor surface from damage.

Orthopedic bases for mattresses: advantages

Compared to a solid surface, the lath design has some advantages.

  • Air circulation makes the bed hygienic.
  • orthopedic properties. Complete with a mattress, the base provides an even distribution of body weight. The spine is straight regardless of whether you lie on your side, stomach or back.
  • Extends the life of an orthopedic mattress.
  • The base for the mattress can be a complete replacement for the bed. It will perfectly fit into the interior, you can choose the design of the product that suits the design.
  • Functionality. They can save space. Purchase with vertical or horizontal lift. There are also folding-type designs that turn double beds into single beds.


There are few of them. After a few months, the mattress acquires a wavy shape, it must be periodically turned over. Over time, the lamellas and latto-holders lose their elasticity, the slats can pop out, and the latches can break.

In addition to simple orthopedic mattress bases, there are a variety of multifunctional models.

Orthopedic bases-transformers

The design is divided into three or four zones, which can be separately adjusted in height. The middle part of the base remains motionless, and the head, back, top part legs and whole legs rise to different heights. Such a base may be mechanically adjustable or electrically driven. Such designs are several times more expensive than usual ones; you need to purchase a special mattress for them.

Bases for mattresses with vibration massage

Premium-class models, in addition to adjustable zones, are equipped with a vibration massage system. Such structures are made of plastic modules of rectangular shape and different rigidity. At head level, the base for the mattress has an average degree of rigidity, soft elements are built in at chest height, the lumbar segment with adjustable rigidity modules. Mechanical or electric models are equipped with built-in vibration massagers that provide a comfortable feeling.

What to consider when choosing a base for a mattress?

Buying orthopedic bed, a mattress or a separate base for it, pay special attention to the length of the rails and the overall width of the structure.

  • The distance between the slats must be less than the diameter of the spring. This rule is observed for dependent spring blocks so that they do not fail. If the mattress with independent ones are connected into a single canvas), then the width of the gap does not matter.
  • The length of the lamella is slightly longer than the width of the mattress. As a rule, the dimensions of the bases are 3-4 cm smaller in width than the bed. So, a 160x200 mattress needs a lamella length of 162, and the width of the base as a whole will be 164 cm.
  • Multifunctional bases are incompatible with mattresses made of coconut coir - it is unstable to deformation. See the mark on the mattress. For such bases, products made of polyurethane foam or latex are suitable.

Buying an orthopedic mattress and a modern functional base for it, you will not only provide yourself with comfort and increased convenience, but also take care of your health. After all, everyone knows that healthy sleep is good mood and excellent health throughout the day.

Bed bases with slats

A bed base or base (stand) for a mattress is a metal or wooden structure, with a horizontally located rectangular frame on legs (usually removable), into which wooden slats (lamellas) are inserted across the width slightly curved upwards at a certain distance from each other. The slats are inserted into the base in special plastic slat holders.

Lamellas with a thickness of about 2 cm are of 2 types:

  • wide lamellas - usually 5-6 cm wide and 5-7 cm apart, i.e. with a base length of 190 cm, about 13 lamellas are obtained.
  • narrow lamellas - on average 2-3 cm wide and 2-3 cm apart, i.e. with a base length of 190 cm, about 26 lamellas are obtained. In this case, every 2 lamellas are attached to one pair of lamella holders. Narrow slats can be with adjustable stiffness and movable, with a cushioning effect.

The legs in the bases can be of different heights (about 28 cm on average) and can also be adjustable in height. The number of legs in the most budgetary double bases starts from 5 pieces, in the highest quality - 7-8 pieces.

The bases can also be collapsible (which is convenient for transportation), with a lifting mechanism and a box for storing linen, transformable (mechanically or electrically).

Due to the distance between the slats for spring mattresses with a number of springs from 500 per sq.m. and soft mattresses (including springless ones), bases with narrow slats (with a reduced distance between them) are recommended, due to the likelihood of mattress deflection between the slats. Therefore, when purchasing a base for a mattress or a bed with a base, you should first decide on the mattress. So that the mattress does not roll off the bed base due to curved slats, it is better to place it inside the bed (for double bases with a large and heavy spring mattress, this problem is practically excluded), in which case this is an excellent option in which the load on the bed structure is excluded and it does not will loosen (provided that the base is installed on its legs). At the same time, due to the distance between the slats, the mattress provides maximum ventilation.

The bases have one important feature that should be taken into account: due to the curved slats, the bases sag somewhat under the mattress, which on the one hand creates a depreciation effect, on the other hand, makes the mattress softer, which should be taken into account when choosing a mattress, in this case it is better to choose a mattress harder, so that the bed does not turn out to be too soft.

In general, the design of the bases for mattresses is very diverse, which provides many options for arranging a sleeping place, the main thing is to choose structurally sound solutions.

The price of bases depends on their design:

  • the cheapest and most affordable bases have a thin metal frame (profile about 3 cm) or thin wooden frame, thin square legs in the amount of 4-5 pieces per double base, as a result of which the base can sag in the center over time, and the legs can also break down. Such bases have a large distance between the lamellae, which is bad for spring mattresses.
  • high-quality bases are not cheap, they have a thick metal frame (at least 5 cm) or a strong wooden frame (beech), thick round legs in the amount of 7-8 pieces per double base. With a small distance between the lamellas. And bases with a lifting mechanism (and a box for storing linen) or transformable can often be comparable to the price of a quality bed.

The most important details of a comfortable and high-quality bed are the frame and the base. Today, consumers most often choose models in which the base has wooden lamellas of a straight or curved shape. Furniture with such details provides for the installation of an orthopedic mattress useful for the spine.

What it is?

In another way, lamellas are called slats or armor. They are a set of slightly curved planks. This design forms an elastic lattice with a springy effect, on which the mattress is subsequently laid. These parts have different fastenings. The most common are rails on tape or rigid fasteners.

What is better than a solid bottom?

More recently, only simple beds with a solid flat and rigid base were present on the furniture market. Such designs are durable and easy to install. However, sleeping on them is not as comfortable as on slatted specimens. The solid bottom has no holes and does not have the breathable properties necessary for the hygiene and durability of the mattress.

A sleeping bed without additional air supply will quickly lose its attractive appearance and may be deformed.

As a rule, such bases are made of cheap materials. It can be a construction made of toxic chipboard, fiberboard or plywood. It is believed that such elements have long outlived their usefulness. They are not very comfortable and hard. Another disadvantage of a solid day is that without additional support, it can sag under the influence of a heavy mattress.

Rack bases are in many ways superior to similar cheap designs. Firstly, they are most often made of high-quality and durable materials. For example, it can be natural wood or durable metal. Secondly, in addition to a long service life, such structures are distinguished by their wear resistance. They are quite difficult to break or damage.

Sleeping and resting on bases with slats is more comfortable, as they are anatomical and enhance the orthopedic effect of mattresses. Lying on such sleeping places, the spine takes the correct and comfortable position, which brings only benefits to the body. Beds with such elements are ideal for people suffering from certain diseases associated with the spine. In addition, orthopedic bases with lamellas have excellent ventilation characteristics. Such beneficial features allow you to extend the life of the mattress and maintain its hygiene.


High-quality and comfortable bases with slats can have different modifications in accordance with the shape and configuration of the bed.

  • The simplest are the bases with straight wooden slats. Such structures are most often equipped with fixed beds without folding or sliding mechanisms and electric drive.
  • Perfect for relaxing and sleeping transformer lamellas. Their surface may change depending on the position of the body. Thanks to such functions, the sleeping place can take absolutely any, most convenient form for complete relaxation. Such designs are very popular today. They can be controlled both manually and with the help of a special electric transformation mechanism.
  • There are also slats that regulate the rigidity of the bed. They are equipped with special nozzles in those areas that are subjected to maximum loads. These small details allow you to change the level of latoflex stiffness. Such slats are ideal for people who have problems associated with the lumbar region of the spine, as well as those who are overweight.

Also, the lamellae vary in width. The bases of the beds are equipped with narrow or wide slats.

Budget beds are with wider details. They are quite comfortable and are inexpensive. Such structures can easily fulfill their main function. The width of such lamellas starts from the mark of 60 mm.

The distance between wide slats in the finished base structure rarely exceeds a width equal to one lamella. Designs with a more impressive distance between the planks may be unreliable and prone to breakage.

A type of mattress such as a "bonnel" or a variant with independent springs is also suitable (the density should not exceed 300 springs per sq. M.).

More convenient and perfect are bases with narrow lamellas. Bedroom furniture with such elements has unsurpassed comfort characteristics. The most commonly used narrow rails with a width of 38 mm. The distance between them is usually slightly less than their width.

According to experts, bedroom furniture with narrow slats has higher orthopedic characteristics compared to wide options.

This effect is also achieved through the use of durable rubber lato-holders. Such details provide optimally flexible and elastic connection of the slats with the bed frame.

However, it should be borne in mind that furniture with a similar base will cost more. Bed models with these bases are recommended to be combined with high-quality orthopedic mattresses that have independent springs such as "micro-package" or "multi-package".

Material types

As a rule, armor is attached to a frame made of durable metal. Most often, for such structures, a square-shaped pipe is used. The lamellas themselves are made of wood. Such material is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and durability. The most inexpensive are the bases in which the slats are made of birch or pine. Expensive specimens are equipped with armor made of more noble wood species. For example, it can be a durable oak or beech.

Such structures are able to withstand heavy loads. Also, they are not subject to deformation and breakage. But do not forget that natural wood requires special care. To extend the life of wooden lamellas, it is necessary to treat them with special protective impregnations that protect the material from moisture, as well as paint and varnish coatings. The latter are needed so that the tree does not dry out and does not lose its strength over time.

Mounting options

As a rule, slats are attached to the bed frame using special holders (tips). These parts are made of plastic, rubber or polypropylene. The tips are attached to the frame with special rivets or furniture staples. There is another way to attach the slats to the bed, in which each individual part is placed in a special metal frame stand.

Modern bed models are equipped with frames in which there are already internal armor.

Such designs initially have prepared holes designed for the installation of tips. For such reliable furniture, rivets or furniture staples are not needed.

Length and thickness

The slats can be 38, 50, 53, 63, 80, 83 mm wide. The thickness of these parts depends on their width and can be 8 or 12 mm.

Lamellas can have different lengths. This indicator is in the range from 450 to 1500 mm.

Which is better to choose?

If you want your bed to be as comfortable and reliable as possible, then you should pay special attention to the number of slats on the iron frame. The thicker the lattice base, the stronger and more reliable it is. Bases with rare lamellas can bend and deform over time. Sleeping on such beds will be uncomfortable.

In addition, when choosing a high-quality and comfortable orthopedic frame, be sure to take into account the material of which it consists. This characteristic directly affects the durability and strength of the structure. The strongest and most solid are slats made of oak and beech. Less durable are birch and pine parts. Bases made of such materials should only be used by lightweight users.

Be sure to inspect the surface of the wood and pay attention to its color so as not to run into fake material. The shade of the base should be flesh.

The choice of a suitable orthopedic base with dimensions of 140x200, 180x200 and 160x200 cm with slats largely depends on the mattress. So, for a model with an independent spring block, it is better to choose a design equipped with narrower rails. The selection of such a design is especially relevant if the weight of a person sleeping on it exceeds 90 kg. This is due to the fact that independent springs are not fastened together in any way and do not have a single frame, from which they take the load not on the entire block at once, but only on some of its sections.

We see slats for blinds every day, although we do not know why they are called that. Although these horizontal or vertical stripes of the formed curtain, which form the basis of the blinds, are lamellas. They protect the room from direct sunlight, prying eyes and regulate the incoming air-light flows.

Application area

In addition to the protective and regulating functions, the lamellas perform one more thing - interior decoration. Used as window curtains, they can accentuate or veil window openings, depending on the tasks and style of the room. In the design key, lamellas are used as screens for zoning rooms.

A similar option is partitions if necessary for a temporary or functional need, for example: in medical institutions, spas and massage rooms, offices, etc. In a slightly different format, in office and banking institutions and shops, blinds are practiced together with stationary transparent partitions. In some cases, blinds are mounted on doors with glass.

The original option is the use of lamellas in outdoor advertising. In the so-called dynamic billboards or prismatrons.

A special role is given to lamellas in terms of security. Bonded together in a special way in roller shutters, they perform an anti-burglary function.

Right choice

Based on their purpose, the location of the blinds is often located on the border of different zones, being exposed to external factors: in summer - solar radiation, in winter - cold air. In addition, they may be influenced by internal factors this or that room: steam and soot in the kitchen, high humidity in the bathroom. Therefore, when choosing blinds, you must be guided by the following criteria:

Types of slats

In blinds, the slats are arranged either horizontally or vertically. This determines their fastening system among themselves and the position of the cornice. The bearing element in both cases is the cornice, but the “stuffing” is different.

Horizontal bars are attached to cords and fishing line with a certain gap. Adjustment is carried out with a cane and a cord. The cane rotates the drum and turns the slats from the “closed” position to the opposite, and the cord can raise the blinds to any height and fix them. There are also chain control options.

Slats for vertical blinds are hung on rotating runners that slide along the eaves. From below, the lamellas are fastened with a chain. Rotation and shift occur with the help of a cord.

In addition to the manual method of regulation, models of blinds are produced that are controlled automatically.

The location of the eaves is carried out in different ways. Cornices of horizontal blinds are usually mounted on window sashes, a frame or a slope. Vertical cornices arrange on the wall or ceiling.

Materials for the manufacture of lamellas

Vertical blinds are often made from synthetic textiles.

Characteristics lamellas are achieved using natural and chemical species raw materials. For the manufacture of lamellas, the following materials are used:

  • tree different breeds, bamboo;
  • various types of fabrics, including synthetic ones;
  • plastic;
  • metal, preferably aluminium;
  • natural and polymer fibers, straws.

Each material is practical and beneficial under certain conditions, so the advantages and disadvantages are important in the context of the application.

V Lately popularity is gaining multiimpressive blinds, in which the slats are made of different materials.


Wooden blinds are practical and environmentally friendly

Plates made of wood and bamboo appeared earlier than others. Nevertheless, they do not lose their relevance, are fashionable and always look stylish. In mass production, they are used in natural color, exclusive types are tinted or applied with gilding or patina. They are treated with antistatic, as, indeed, all the rest.

Wooden blinds are made mainly of horizontal and roll types, but bamboo blinds are mainly found in vertical representatives. This type Blinds are suitable for household and high-comfort rooms. Planks made of wood are a little heavy, but durable. Among the shortcomings, weakness before exposure can be distinguished. high temperatures and excessively high prices.


Fabric lamellas are made of nylon, polyester, cotton

The basis for the production of such lamellas is cotton, nylon, polyester, etc. Depending on the purpose, they can be of different density. This affects the wear resistance and light-shielding qualities. Stand out in abundance colors, in addition, the fabric allows the use of ornaments and patterns in combination with photo printing.

Fabric blinds are always available in vertical types. Despite this, they are used everywhere, as they are easily selected for any room design. The disadvantages of this type include low strength and instability to external influences.


Plastic blinds are lightweight and wash well

The budget option for lamellas is plastic. They are lighter and the color range is wider. Do not require additional processing.

Plastic slats are produced, as a rule, horizontal and less often vertical types. They are used both in everyday life and in the design of public interiors. They are not susceptible to grease and odors, they are well cleaned and washed, they have a low price.


Of all the horizontal blinds, aluminum stands out for their compactness and lightness, they have good light reflection. Easy to maintain, fire resistant, but subject to mechanical damage. About that, see this video:

The scope of application is the most diverse - offices, hospitals and clinics, hotels, banks, etc. In prismatrons, lamellas can reach a length of 6 m.

from straw

The raw material for such blinds is reeds, reeds or rice. Bunches of straw, connected by a harsh thread, form a continuous light-shielding canvas. The slats remain motionless and can be rolled up if necessary. About that, from the cane yourself, see this video:

These blinds are lightweight and do not fade in the sun. The optimal area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication is a balcony or loggia.

However, straw curtains accumulate dust and should only be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. In addition, they are flammable and have a high cost.

When purchasing blinds, it is advisable to pay attention to the functionality of the products, their appearance, the material of the cornice and slats. Price plays a significant role: good blinds are not cheap.