List of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize

Probably, only the desire of mankind for self-expression and heroic deeds contributes to the emergence of unusually tenacious initiatives. So a gentleman by the name of Nobel took it and decided to leave his money to his descendants in order to reward the gentlemen who distinguished themselves in one area or another. He has long rested in the damp earth, and the people remember him. The population is waiting (some impatiently) when the next lucky ones will be announced. And the candidates try, set goals, even intrigue, trying to climb this Olympus of glory. And if everything is clear with scientists and researchers - they receive their awards for real achievements or discoveries, then how do the Nobel Peace Prize winners stand out? Interesting? Let's figure it out.

Who awards the prize and for what?

There is a special committee whose main task is to select and approve
nominations for the highest award in the field. Nobel Prize world award is given to people who have distinguished themselves in promoting security and stability on the planet. It is issued annually. The procedure takes place in Oslo, the tenth of December. At the same time, both international organizations and national governments can propose a candidate who will become a laureate. They are listed in the Charter of the Committee. Any person who has been or is a member of the Nobel Committee is also eligible to participate in the nomination process. In addition, the Charter gives such privileges to university professors involved in politics or history.

When they study who received the Nobel Peace Prize, they will definitely come across the name of another political figure whose activities do not cause criticism. Such a person is Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Lama. This is an absolutely outstanding personality. From an early age, he was forced to take on spiritual leadership. Buddhists recognized the boy as the incarnation of the deceased lama. Subsequently, he had to shoulder the political responsibility for Tibet (at the age of sixteen). All his work is based on kindness, tolerance and love (from the wording of the Nobel Committee). It should be added that he was unable to reach an agreement with the Chinese government. Now he lives and carries out his ideas in exile.

It turns out that not everything is so simple!

There are also very controversial winners of this high award. The committee is often criticized for being too politicized. Residents of the post-Soviet space consider Mikhail Gorbachev to be such a figure. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to such a controversial person from the point of view of the world community as Yasser Arafat.

This decision of the Committee is considered scandalous on the grounds that this laureate did not deny military ways to achieve his goals. On his account not only fights, but also Act of terrorism. He himself proclaimed the destruction of an entire sovereign state (Israel) as his goal. That is, despite the fact that Arafat fought for the well-being of the inhabitants of the Middle East, it is difficult to assign the title of peacemaker to him. Another scandalous figure is Barack Obama. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to him in 2009. It must be said that the Committee had to put up with a flurry of criticism of this decision.

More about Obama

In the world press, the opinion is still flickering that the President of the States was awarded the award "in advance". At that time, he had just taken office, he had not yet distinguished himself in anything significant. And the initiatives and decisions that he subsequently took do not at all explain why he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Obama is considered the president who unleashed the largest number of military conflicts. Their victims are incalculable due to the "hybrid nature" of these collisions (the term appeared quite recently). He had to make decisions about bombing and ground operations. He is criticized for the invasion of Syria, unrest in Iraq and Ukraine. Nevertheless, Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize and is listed among its laureates.

This "advance reward" leads to more and more scandals. As hotspots emerge, some politicians are speaking out in favor of removing the award. There is an opinion that such non-peaceful behavior dishonors a high premium. In the Russian Federation, of course, they believe that V.V. Putin is a more worthy candidate. The Nobel Peace Prize may yet be awarded to him for his true tenacity in conflict resolution.

About money

People are often interested not so much in the achievements of the individuals awarded this award, but in its amount. The Nobel Peace Prize really can amaze the imagination. The fact is that all the funds of the Committee do not just lie in financial institutions. They "work", increasing in size. According to the will, the profit is divided into five parts. They are not the same and become more and more impressive from year to year. So, the very first amount, handed in 1901, was equal to forty-two thousand dollars. In 2003, the amount was already 1.35 million. Its size is influenced by the state of the world economy. Dividends that go to payments can not only increase, but also decrease. For example, in 2007 the amount of the premium was 1.542 million, and by 2008 it "melted" (1.4 million dollars).

These funds are distributed in five equal shares according to nominations, and then - according to the number of laureates, in accordance with the rules according to which the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded. How much money will go to awards in each year is determined by the Committee, having carried out the appropriate calculations of earnings from securities and other assets.

Russian laureates

Our fellow citizens received such an award only twice. In addition to Gorbachev, the scientist Andrei Sakharov was awarded such an honor. However, not his scientific works gave rise to the award. Sakharov was considered a human rights activist and a fighter against the regime. In Soviet times, he was subjected to sharp criticism and persecution. The scientist worked on the creation of hydrogen weapons. Despite this, he openly advocated a ban on testing weapons of mass destruction, against the arms race. His ideas were very popular in society and did not like the ruling elite at all.

Sakharov is considered to be a passionate champion of peace, who suffered for his views. The Nobel Committee used the wording: "for courage in the fight against abuse of power ...". Nevertheless, he was rather an idealist, a kind and non-aggressive person (according to the recollections of his colleagues). More Russians did not receive high awards, which does not mean that worthy personalities do not live in our country. Rather, this fact can be perceived as a political partisanship of the Committee, the use of an award in geopolitical competition.

Who has not received an award, but deserves it?

Many politicians believe that Mahatma Gandhi, more than all other figures, deserved a high award. This man dealt with the organization of the struggle of the Indians against the colonialists. Gandhi not only had to devise ways in which the weak and unarmed population could resist the British army, but they also had to be correlated with the characteristics of the local religion. This method was invented by him. It has been called non-violent resistance and is often used today. Mahatma Gandhi was proposed to the Committee five times. Only there were "more worthy" candidates (which again can be explained by the politicization of this organization). Subsequently, the officials responsible for awarding the Nobel Prize expressed their regret that Gandhi never became a laureate.

Incidents of the Nobel Committee

There are such incredible things in the history of this organization that today can only be perceived anecdotally. So, as you know, none other than Adolf Hitler was nominated for this award in 1939. Fortunately, he did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize. And it's not about the money. What would be the prestige of an organization that would call a peacemaker a person guilty of the death of millions of inhabitants of our planet? The Nobel Committee refused to award it, explaining its decision by the attitude of the Nazis towards the Jews.

Nevertheless, at the time of his nomination, Hitler's activities looked quite progressive for the German intelligentsia. He had just concluded two large peace agreements, raised industry, took care of the development of science and art. Nowadays, people understand how absurd and unfounded Hitler's claims for the award were. But at that time, the inhabitants of Germany perceived him as a real leader, leading them to a brighter life. Yes, it was true to some extent. He really cared about the Germans, only at the expense of people of other nationalities. To the credit of the members of the Nobel Committee, they understood this and refused his candidacy for the prize.

Collective laureates

This award was awarded three times to organizations that are somehow connected with the Red Cross. If we take into account the first laureate - its organizer, then four. It should be noted that this international organization undoubtedly deserves such a high appraisal. Its representatives always find a field for activity. Whether in areas of bloody conflict or epidemics, they are often at the center of the action, lending a much-needed hand of support to unfortunate people in distress. By the way, once the UN became the laureate of the award (2001), earlier its peacekeeping forces (1988) and the refugee service (1981) were noted. Of the not very well-known organizations-winners, the International Labor Organization (1969) can be mentioned. It is possible that we do not hear about the wave because a lot of time has passed since its influence in the world was so great that it was awarded an award.

There are many winners of this major award. The names of some went down in history with courage and courage, others - with scandals and intrigues. The third is not remembered at all. Nevertheless, people want this award to fall into the hands of truly worthy individuals, regardless of the political situation.

Chemist, engineer and inventor Alfred Nobel made his fortune primarily through the invention of dynamite and other explosives. At one time, Nobel became one of the richest on the planet.

In total, Nobel owned 355 inventions.

At the same time, the fame that the scientist enjoyed cannot be called good. In 1888 his brother Ludwig died. However, by mistake, journalists wrote in the newspapers about Alfred Nobel himself. Thus one day he read his own obituary in the press, entitled "Death Dealer Is Dead." This incident made the inventor think about what kind of memory he will remain in future generations. And Alfred Nobel changed his will.

The new will of Alfred Nobel offended the relatives of the inventor, who ended up with nothing.

A new will was read out to the millionaire in 1897.

According to this paper, all movable and immovable property of Nobel was to be converted into capital, which, in turn, should be placed in a reliable bank. The income from this capital should be annually divided into five equal parts and handed over in the form of scientists who have made the most significant discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry, medicine; writers who created literary works; and also to those who have done the most significant "in rallying nations, abolishing slavery or reducing the size of armies and promoting peaceful congresses" (Peace Prize).

First laureates

Traditionally, the first award is given in the field of medicine and physiology. So the very first Nobel in 1901 was a bacteriologist from Germany, Emil Adolf von Behring, who was developing a vaccine against diphtheria.

Next, the laureate in physics receives the prize. Wilhelm Roentgen was the first to receive this award for the rays named after him.

The first Nobel Prize winner in chemistry was Jacob van't Hoff, who investigated thermodynamics for various solutions.

The first writer to receive this high honor was René Sully-Prudhom.

The Peace Prize is awarded last. In 1901 it was divided between Jean Henri Dunant and Frédéric Passy. Swiss humanist Dunant is the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Frenchman Frederic Passy is the leader of the movement for peace in Europe.

Advice 2: Which Russian writers were awarded the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in the field of science, culture and social activities. Several domestic writers have also received this award for services to literature.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the first Russian laureate

In 1933, Bunin became the first Russian writer to receive the Nobel Prize "for the truthful artistic talent with which he recreated into a typical character." The work that influenced the decision of the jury was the autobiographical novel "The Life of Arseniev". Forced to leave his homeland due to disagreement with the Bolshevik regime, Bunin is a poignant and touching work, full of love for the Motherland and longing for it. Becoming a Witness October revolution, the writer did not accept the changes that had taken place and the loss tsarist Russia. He sadly recalled the old days, magnificent noble estates, measured life in family estates. As a result, Bunin created a large-scale literary canvas in which he expressed his innermost thoughts.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak - award for poetry in prose

Pasternak received the award in 1958 "for outstanding services in the modern and traditional field of great Russian prose." The novel "Doctor Zhivago" was especially noted by critics. However, in the homeland of Pasternak, a different reception awaited. A profound work about the life of the intelligentsia was negatively received by the authorities. Pasternak was expelled from the Union of Soviet Writers and virtually forgotten about its existence. Pasternak had to refuse the award.
Pasternak not only wrote works himself, but was also a talented translator.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov - singer of the Russian Cossacks

In 1965, Sholokhov received a prestigious award, having created a large-scale epic novel " Quiet Don". It still seems incredible how a young, 23-year-old aspiring writer was able to create a deep and voluminous work. There were even disputes about Sholokhov's authorship with supposedly irrefutable evidence. Despite all this, the novel was translated into several Western and Eastern languages, and Stalin personally approved it.
Despite the deafening fame of Sholokhov in early age, his subsequent works were much weaker.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn - not accepted by the authorities

Another Nobel Prize, which has not received recognition in his native country - Solzhenitsyn. He received the award in 1970 "for the moral strength gleaned from the tradition of great Russian literature." After being imprisoned for political reasons for about 10 years, Solzhenitsyn was completely disillusioned with the ideology of the ruling class. He started publishing quite late, after 40 years, but only 8 years later he was awarded the Nobel Prize - no other writer had such a rapid take-off.

Iosif Alexandrovich Brodsky - the last laureate of the award

Brodsky received the Nobel Prize in 1987 "for his all-encompassing authorship, full of clarity of thought and poetic depth." Brodsky's poetry caused rejection by the Soviet authorities. He was arrested and was in custody. After Brodsky continued to work, he was popular at home and abroad, but he was constantly monitored. In 1972, the poet was given an ultimatum - to leave the USSR. Brodsky received the Nobel Prize already in the USA, but he wrote a speech for the speech.

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Tip 3: Which writers were awarded the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious awards. Since its inception, the Alfred Nobel Literary Prize has been awarded to 106 writers around the world.

What is the Nobel Prize in Literature awarded for?

The Nobel Prize for Literature has been awarded every year since 1901 to Nobel Prize winners in the field of literature. The Swedish Academy has the right to name. During its existence, writers from all over the world have received 106 Alfred Nobel Prizes.

In 1914, 1918, 1935, as well as during the Second World War from 1940 to 1943, not a single writer was awarded. According to the Nobel Foundation, the prize may not be awarded in the absence of worthy candidates. Four times in the history of the award's existence, two laureates at once became laureates: in 4, 17, 66 and 74 years of the last century.

Countries where Nobel laureates lived and worked

France (13), Great Britain (10), Germany and the USA (9 each) gave the world the largest number of Nobel Prize winners in literature. They are followed by Sweden, 7 writers who were born and worked in this country received the Nobel Prize. Among the Nobel laureates are 6 Italians, 5 Spaniards, 4 Poland and former USSR. 3 natives of Norway, Ireland and Denmark each received the Alfred Nobel Prize. Greece, China, Chile, Switzerland, South Africa and Japan each have 2 Nobel Prize winners. Once during the Nobel Prize in Literature, writers were named who were born in countries such as Austria, Australia, Belgium, Hungary, Guatemala, Egypt, Israel, India, Iceland, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Portugal, Saint Lucia , Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Finland, Czech Republic, Yugoslavia. The Nobel Prize-winning writer is Ivan Bunin, who emigrated from Russia to France in the 1920s.

Women and men who won the Nobel Prize in Literature

The beautiful half of humanity is a small part of the Nobel laureates:

Selma Lagerlöf received this prestigious award in 1909.
Grazia Deledda - in 1926.
Sigrid Unset - in 1928.
Pearl Buck - in 1938.
Gabriela Mistral - in 1945.
Nelly Zaks - in 1966.
Nadine Gordimer - in 1991.
Toni Morrison - in 1993.
Wislava Szymborska - in 1996.
Elfrida Jelinek - in 2004.
Doris Lessing - in 2007.
Herta Müller - in 2009.
Alice Munro - in 2013.

The Nobel Prize was awarded to such men:

1901 - Sully Prudhomme
1902 - To Theodor Mommsen
1903 - Bjornstjerne Bjornson
1904 - Frederic Mistral and José Echegaray y Eizagirre
1905 - Henryk Sienkiewicz
1906 - Giosuè Carducci
1907 - Rudyard Kipling
1908 - To Rudolf Aiken
1910 - Paul Heise
1911 - Maurice Maeterlinck
1912 - To Gerhart Hauptmann
1913 - Rabindranath Tagore
1915 - to Romain Rolland
1916 - to Carl Heydenstam
1917 - Karl Gjellerup and Henrik Pontoppidan
1919 - Karl Spitteler
1920 - To Knut Hamsun
1921 - Anatole France
1922 - Jacinto Benavente y Martinez
1923 - To William Yeats
1924 - Vladislav Reymont
1925 - Bernard Shaw
1927 - To Henri Bergson
1929 - To Thomas Mann
1930 - Sinclair Lewis
1931 - Eric Karlfeldt
1932 - To John Galsworthy
1933 - to Ivan Bunin
1934 - Luigi Pirandello
1936 - To Eugene O'Neill
1937 - Roger Martin du Garou
1939 - Frans Sillanpää
1944 - Wilhelm Jensen
1946 - to Hermann Hesse
1947 - André Gidoux
1948 - To Thomas Eliot
1949 - To William Faulkner
1950 - to Bertrand Russell
1951 - Peru to Lagerquist
1952 - Francois Mauriacou
1953 - To Winston Churchill
1954 - Ernest Hemingway
1955 - To Halldor Laxness
1956 - Juan Jimenez
1957 - Albert Camus
1958 - Boris Pasternak
1959 - Salvatore Quasimodo
1960 - Saint-John Perse
1961 - Ivo Andricu
1962 - To John Steinbeck
1963 - Yorgos Seferis
1964 - Jean-Paul Sartre
1965 - Mikhail Sholokhov
1966 - To Shmuel Agnon
1967 - Miguel Asturias
1968 - Yasunari Kawabata
1969 - To Samuel Beckett
1970 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
1971 - Pablo Neruda
1972 - Heinrich Böll
1973 - To Patrick White
1974 - To Eyvind Yunson and Harry Martinson
1975 - Eugenio Montale
1976 - Saul Bellow
1977 - Vicento Aleisandre
1978 - to Isaac Bashevis-Singer
1979 - Odyseas Elitis
1980 - Cheslav Milos
1981 - Elias Canetti
1982 - To Gabriel Garcia Marquez
1983 - To William Golding
1984 - Yaroslav Seifert
1985 - Claude Simon
1986 - Wole Shoyinka
1987 - Joseph Brodsky
1988 - Nagibu Mahfuzu
1989 - Camilo Selu
1990 - Octavio Pasu
1992 - Derek Walcott
1994 - Kenzaburo Oe
1995 - Seamas Heaney
1997 - Dario Fo
1998 - Jose Saramago
1999 - To Gunther Grass
2000 - Gao Xingjian
2001 - Vidiadharu Naipolu
2002 - Imre Kertéssu
2003 - To John Coetzee
2005 - To Harold Pinter
2006 - Orhan Pamuk
2008 - Gustave Leclezio
2010 - Mario Vargas Llosa
2011 - To Tumas Transtromer
2012 - Mo Yan


  • Nobel Laureates

Advice 4: Who and when from the Russians received the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize is one of the main awards in the scientific community, reflecting the high appreciation of the laureate's contribution to the development of world science. However, in the list Nobel laureates many Russians.

The Nobel Prize, named after its founder Alfred Nobel, was first awarded in 1901. citizens Soviet Union and Russia for the entire period of its existence received the Nobel Prize 16 times. However, it is worth considering that in some cases the prize was awarded simultaneously to several scientists who took part in work on the same topic. Therefore, the number of citizens of the USSR and Russia who became laureates of the award is 21 people.

Physics Prize

Physics is the scientific area in which the Russians, from the point of view of the Nobel Committee, turned out to be the strongest. Of the 16 prizes received by citizens of Russia and the USSR, 7 were awarded specifically for scientific discoveries in the field of physics.

This first happened in 1958, when a team of scientists, consisting of Pavel Cherenkov, Igor Tamm and Ilya Frank, received a prize for the discovery and explanation of a physical effect named after one of the researchers, the Cherenkov effect. Since then, citizens of the USSR and Russia have received six more awards in this area:
- in 1962 - Lev Landau for research on condensed matter;
- in 1964 - Alexander Prokhorov and Nikolai Basov for studying the laser-maser principle of operation of amplifiers and emitters;
- in 1978 - Peter Kapitsa for achievements in the field of low temperature physics;
- in 2000 - Zhores Alferov for research in the field of semiconductors;
- in 2003 - Alexei Abrikosov and Vitaly Ginzburg, who created the theory of superconductivity of the second kind;
- in 2010 - Konstantin Novoselov for his work on the study of graphene.

Awards in other areas

The remaining nine prizes were distributed among other fields of knowledge, for achievements in which the Nobel Prize is awarded. So, two prizes in the field of physiology and medicine were received at the very beginning of the 20th century: in 1904, Ivan Pavlov, the author of famous experiments in the field of digestion, was recognized as the winner, and in 1908, Ilya Mlechnikov, who studied the functioning of the immune system.

In the field of chemistry, only Nikolai Semenov managed to receive the prize: in 1956, he was awarded for his study of chemical reactions. Three awards were received by citizens of the USSR and Russia for literary activity: In 1958 - Boris Pasternak, in 1965 - Mikhail Sholokhov, in 1970 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Among the citizens of the USSR and Russia, only Leonid Kantorovich, who developed the theory of the optimal distribution of resources, was the winner of the award.

Peace Prize

For special achievements that are significant for the entire world community, the Nobel Committee awards the Peace Prize. Citizens of the USSR and Russia became its owners twice: for the first time it happened in 1975, when Andrei Sakharov was awarded for fighting the regime, and then in 1990, when Mikhail Gorbachev received the award, which contributed to the intensification of peaceful relations between countries.

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  • Nobel Laureates

The history of the Nobel Prize began in 1889, when the brother of the famous inventor of dynamite Alfred Nobel, Ludwig, died. Then the journalists mixed up the information and posted an obituary on the death of Alfred, calling him a death dealer in it. It was toga that the inventor decided to leave behind a softer legacy that would bring joy to those who really deserved it.


After the announcement of the will, Nobel broke out - the relatives were against the fact that a lot of money (which, according to those in modern times) went to the fund, and did not go to them. But despite the ardent condemnation of the relatives of the inventor in 1900, the fund was still founded.

The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901 in Stockholm. The winners were scientists and researchers from various fields: physics, medicine, literature. The very first person to receive such a valuable award was Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen for the discovery of a new form of energy and rays, which received his name. Interestingly, Roentgen was not at the award ceremony. He learned that he became a laureate while in Munich. Moreover, laureates usually receive the prize second, but as a sign of deep respect and recognition of the importance of the discovery made by Rentegn, he was given the prize first.

The next nominee for the same prize was the chemist Jacob van't Hoff for his research in chemical dynamics. He proved that Avogadro's law is valid and valid for dilute solutions. In addition, van't Hoff experimentally proved that the osmotic pressure in weak solutions obeys the gas laws of thermodynamics. In medicine, Emil Adolf von Behring received recognition and honor for his discovery of blood serum. This study, according to the professional community, was an important step in the treatment of diphtheria. It helped save a lot human lives who were simply doomed before.

The fourth in the same year received the prize writer - Rene Sully-Prudhomme. He was awarded for outstanding literary merit, the presence of high idealism in his works, artistic excellence, as well as for an unusual combination of sincerity and talent.

The first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the founder of the International Red Cross, Jean Henri Dunant. So the judges noted his peacekeeping work. After all, Dunant founded a society for the protection of prisoners of war, initiated a campaign against the slave trade, and supported the exiled peoples.

Despite the fact that the first official Nobel Prize ceremony was held in 1901, it is believed that the very first such prize was awarded in 1896. Then the Imperial Russian Technical Society decided to award the engineer-technologist Alexei Stepanov for scientific merits. He received this honor for his research on "Fundamentals of Lamp Theory". She was not counted as the main one due to the fact that she bore the name not of Alfred Nobel, but of his brother Ludwig.

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Several million Swedish crowns, an honorary title, worldwide fame, authority and respect in society. Such summary receiving in Stockholm or Oslo the most prestigious prize in the world - the Nobel Prize. The list of Nobel laureates dating back to 1901 also includes several dozen people who are directly or indirectly related to Russia/Soviet Union/RF.

The world's most prestigious literary prize, which is presented annually by the Nobel Foundation for achievements in the field of literature. The winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, as a rule, are writers of world renown, recognized at home and abroad.

The first Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded on December 10, 1901. Its laureate was the French poet and essayist Sully Prudhomme. Since then, the date of the award ceremony has not changed, and every year on the day of the death of Alfred Nobel, in Stockholm, one of the most significant awards in the literary world from the hands of the King of Sweden is received by a poet, essayist, playwright, prose writer, whose contribution to world literature, according to Swedish Academy, worthy of such high praise. This tradition was violated only seven times - in 1914, 1918, 1935, 1940, 1941, 1942 and 1943 - when the prize was not awarded and the award was not carried out.

As a rule, the Swedish Academy prefers to evaluate not a single work, but the entire work of the nominee writer. In the entire history of the award, only a few times specific works have been awarded. Among them: "Olympic Spring" by Karl Spitteler (1919), "Juices of the Earth" by Knut Hamsun (1920), "Guys" by Vladislav Reymont (1924), "Buddenbrooks" by Thomas Mann (1929), "The Forsyte Saga" by John Galsworthy ( 1932), "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway (1954), "Quiet Don" by Mikhail Sholokhov (1965). All these books are included in the Golden Fund of World Literature.

To date, the list of Nobel laureates consists of 108 names. Among them there are also Russian writers. The first Russian writer to receive the Nobel Prize in 1933 was the writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Later, in different years, the Swedish Academy evaluated the creative achievements of Boris Pasternak (1958), Mikhail Sholokhov (1965), Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1970) and Joseph Brodsky (1987). In terms of the number of Nobel laureates (5) in the field of literature, Russia is in seventh place.

The names of applicants for the Nobel Prize in Literature are kept secret not only during the current award season, but also for the next 50 years. Every year, connoisseurs try to guess who will become the owner of the most prestigious literary award, and especially gamblers make bets at bookmakers. In the 2016 season, the famous Japanese prose writer Haruki Murakami is considered the main favorite to receive the Literary Nobel.

Prize amount- 8 million crowns (approximately 200 thousand dollars)

date of creation- 1901

Founders and co-founders. The Nobel Prize, including the Literature Prize, was created at the behest of Alfred Nobel. The award is currently administered by the Nobel Foundation.

Deadlines. Submission of applications - until January 31.
Identification of 15-20 main candidates - April.
Definition of 5 finalists - May.
Announcement of the winner's name - October.
Award Ceremony - Dec.

Award goals. According to the testament of Alfred Nobel, the Literature Prize is awarded to the author who created the most significant literary work of an idealistic orientation. However, in most cases, the award is given to writers on the basis of merit.

Who can participate. Any nominated author who has received an invitation to participate. Nominating yourself for the Nobel Prize in Literature is impossible.

Who can nominate. In accordance with the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, members of the Swedish Academy, other academies, institutions and societies with similar tasks and goals, professors of literature and linguistics of higher educational institutions, winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, chairmen of authors' unions representing literary creativity in different countries.

Expert Council and Jury. After all applications have been submitted, the Nobel Committee selects candidates and presents them to the Swedish Academy, which is responsible for determining the laureate. The Swedish Academy consists of 18 people, including respected Swedish writers, linguists, teachers of literature, historians and lawyers. Nominations and prize fund. Nobel Prize winners receive a medal, diploma and monetary reward, which varies slightly from year to year. So, in 2015, the entire prize fund of the Nobel Prize amounted to 8 million Swedish kronor (approximately $ 1 million), which was divided among all laureates.