5 terrorist attacks in the USSR. Memorial Day: the bloodiest terrorist attacks in Russia

Many believe that there were no terrorist attacks in the USSR, but this is far from the case. After the Second World War, the Banderaites in Western Ukraine and the Forest Brothers in the Baltics were engaged in terror. For partisan movements, terror is the only possible way of waging war, it makes no sense to list all their actions - there were too many of them. Terrorists have not changed in the past 60 years.

Below begins a detailed report from the mid-50s.

1958, October 25- the first terrorist attack in the history of the USSR in air transport: an attempt to hijack by two unknown persons An-2 passenger aircraft (route Yakutsk-Bezymyanny) at the airport of Nizhnie Kresty (Yakutsk ASSR). The invaders demanded to fly to the United States, threatening otherwise to blow up the plane. The pilots managed to notify the airport ground services, who informed the police and the KGB. The operation to neutralize the terrorists took several hours, after unsuccessful negotiations, an assault on the plane was undertaken. The terrorists were neutralized and later convicted. There are no casualties.

1959, March- An incident in the Lenin-Stalin mausoleum (Moscow): a man carried a heavy hammer into the room and, passing in a procession, threw it into the sarcophagus, breaking the glass to smithereens. The fragments caused multiple injuries to the skin of the face and hands of Lenin's mummy, but this damage was quickly eliminated by scientists and after a few months the mausoleum was reopened to visitors. The intruder is captured.

1961, June 21- an attempt to hijack an An-2 passenger aircraft at the airport in Ashgabat (Turkmen SSR). There are two attackers. There are no casualties.

1964 September- in the Moldavian SSR, one of the first attempts to hijack a passenger plane took place: 2 convicted citizens tried to escape to the West. However, the attempt to hijack failed, one of the terrorists shot himself, the other was arrested.

1969, January 22- Junior Lieutenant V. Ilyin from Lomonosov Leningrad region attempted to assassinate L.I. Brezhnev. Having procured the uniform of a militia officer, he climbed into the cordon in the Kremlin, placed during the solemn meeting of the cortege with the cosmonauts, and shot 2 clips into the windshield of the first car, in which, in his opinion, the secretary general was supposed to be. However, there were cosmonauts in the car, while Brezhnev's car drove through another gate. The driver was killed by bullets. Ilyin was recognized as mentally ill and sentenced to imprisonment in the Kazan mental hospital.

1969, June 3- an armed group of 3 residents of Leningrad hijacked an Il-14 aircraft on an internal flight on the Leningrad-Tallinn route. A flight mechanic who joined the fight against the hijackers was killed. The attack was suppressed by the forces of the aircraft crew. Crew members were awarded orders.

1970, May 1- in Arkhangelsk during festive demonstration a local resident burst into the podium where the party-Soviet leadership of the region was located and opened fire from a machine gun. Several people were killed, many were injured.

1970, June 15- The KGB at the Pulkovo airport (Leningrad) suppressed an attempt at armed seizure and hijacking of a passenger plane abroad: 16 Jewish citizens intended to fly to Israel in this way, but were arrested right on the airfield. In December, the members of the group (E. Kuznetsov, M. Dymshits and others) were severely convicted (sentences up to "capital punishment"). The protests of the world community against the death sentences played a role: the VMN was replaced by a 15-year imprisonment.

1970, July 15.- an attempt to hijack a passenger aircraft "An-2" (flight Leningrad-Sortavala). There are two attackers. There are no casualties.

1970, October 15- the first case of "air terrorism" that took place in the USSR. Father and son Brazinskas hijacked an An-24 passenger plane (Batumi-Sukhumi flight). At the same time, flight attendant N. Kurchenko was killed, 2 pilots were seriously wounded. The terrorists landed the plane in Turkey, but after a few days it was returned to the USSR with all the passengers. The Turkish authorities did not extradite the criminals themselves for political reasons; they were later extradited to the United States, where they were declared "political refugees." In 2004, Brazinskas-son was convicted of the murder of his father.

1970, October 27- seizure by 2 passengers and hijacking to Turkey of the aircraft "L-202" (flight Kerch-Krasnodar). There are no casualties. The hijackers were handed over to the USSR.

1970, November 13- attempted hijacking of an IL-14 aircraft (Vilnius-Palanga flight). There are two attackers. There are no casualties.

1973 May 19- a tragic attempt to hijack a Tu-104 passenger plane (Moscow-Chita flight): one of the passengers carried a bomb and firearms on board and during the flight demanded to change the route towards China. An armed policeman on board tried to neutralize the offender, but he managed to bring the explosive device into action. The plane exploded in the air near Lake Baikal, all on board (about 100 people) were killed.

1973, July 25- seizure and hijacking of An-2 passenger aircraft to Trabzon (Turkey) (flight Rostov-Salsk). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.

1973, July 26- an attempt to hijack an Il-14 aircraft (Vilnius-Palanga flight), 1 person was wounded.

1973, September 1- a former prisoner who served 10 years, carried out an "attempt on Lenin's life" in the mausoleum on Red Square. Hiding an explosive device under his clothes, he, among the sightseers, went into the building, where he activated it. It was blown to pieces, a married couple from Astrakhan died, 4 schoolchildren were wounded, and soldiers of the guard of honor were shell-shocked and scattered around the hall by a blast wave. Lenin's body turned out to be protected reliably enough and was not injured. The motives of the "kamikaze" remained a mystery.

1973, November 2- the hijacking of a Yak-40 passenger plane (flight Moscow-Bryansk): 4 high school students, armed with firearms, demanded $ 1.5 million, refueling in Leningrad and a free flight to Scandinavia. 2 crew members were injured while trying to disarm them. The plane landed at Vnukovo airport, during the assault 2 invaders were killed, 2 surrendered; 2 passengers were also injured.

1975 - 3 explosions in the cities of the Georgian SSR: Sukhumi (near the regional committee of the CPSU, one person died), Tbilisi (on Rustaveli Avenue in front of the government building) and Kutaisi (in the city square). Their organizer, a certain V. Zhvania, was subsequently found and executed by a court verdict in January 1977. In the same year, an explosion was organized in Baku (Azerbaijan USSR).

1976 January 26- an attempt to hijack an Il-62 aircraft (Frunze-Moscow flight). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.

1976, September 23- the second pilot of An-2, Zasimov, hijacked his plane without passengers from the Pushkin region of the Azerbaijan SSR to neighboring Iran. The Iranian authorities returned to the Soviet Union on September 25.

1977, January 7- a series of explosions in Moscow: in a subway car between Izmaylovskaya and Pervomayskaya stations, in the sales area of ​​grocery store No. 15 of the Bauman district food store and a few hundred meters from the building of the KGB of the USSR, near grocery store No. 5 on 25th anniversary of October street. As a result, 7 people died (according to other sources 29) and more than 40 people were injured.

1977, May 25- twice convicted V. Sosnovskiy hijacked the An-24 aircraft (flight Riga-Daugavpils), demanded to change the course and go to Stockholm (Sweden). The plane with crew members and passengers was returned on May 27, the hijacker was sentenced to 4 years in Sweden.

1977, June 11- in Moscow, near the Sovetskaya hotel on Leningradsky Prospekt, a taxi was blown up, several bystanders were wounded. The offender who planted the explosive device was arrested a month later, but nothing was reported about the motives.

1977, June 17- an unknown person, threatening with an explosion, hijacked a Yak-40 aircraft (flight Tallinn-Kaliningrad), and demanded to fly to Sweden. The plane landed at the airport in Ventspils, the terrorist was neutralized.

1977, July 10- passenger plane "Tu-134" (flight Petrozavodsk-Leningrad), captured by 2 unknown, armed with grenades, who demanded to send it to Stockholm. The crew landed for refueling at the Helsinki airport (Finland), where the criminals were arrested and later transferred to the USSR.

1977, October- a new explosive device was neutralized at the Kursk railway station in Moscow. Thanks to this, the January terrorists were soon detained by the KGB. It turned out that the organizers and performers were a group of Armenian terrorists led by Zatikyan. At a closed trial, its participants were sentenced to death.

1977, October 19- an attempt to hijack the plane "An-2" at the airport of Tartu (Estonian SSR). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.

1977, November 6- an attempt to hijack the plane "An-24" (flight Palanga-Vilnius). An unemployed man with a dummy grenade demanded to change course and fly to Switzerland. The plane landed in Vilnius, the criminal was detained by the task force.

1978, February 21- the seizure of the Tu-134 aircraft (flight Pulkovo-Murmansk) with the requirement to go to Oslo under the threat of an explosion. After the use of special means, the criminal, locked in the toilet, was detained, he did not have explosive objects with him.

1978, April 9- in the Yak-40 plane (flight Palanga-Riga-Tallinn) an unknown person demanded that the crew go to Sweden. After refusing to comply with his demand, he shot 11 times at the cockpit door and the walls of the aircraft. The plane landed at the airport in Pärnu, the offender was detained.

1978, May 1- during the flight of the IL-18 aircraft (flight Ashgabat - Mineral water) a certain Skubenko demanded to change course and land in Tehran (Iran), threatening him with a pistol and a grenade. The terrorist co-pilot was shot dead, the plane landed at the Ashgabat airport.

1978, May 24- an unprecedented state of emergency in Moscow in the history of the USSR: a terrorist armed with firearms seized the office of the Finnair airline (Kuznetsky Most street), taking employees hostage. Requirement: help him fly to Finland. A few hours later, the invader was neutralized by a police squad.

1978, October 15- an attempt to hijack the plane "An-24" (flight Simferopol-Odessa-Ternopil): the passenger, threatening with a pistol, demanded a change in course (without naming the route), threatened with an explosion. The plane returned to Simferopol, the invader was detained.

1978, November 9- a mentally ill Chechen demanded to change the course of the An-24 aircraft (flight Grozny-Makhachkala), fired several shots into the plane's skin, and shot himself before landing.

1978, November 10- the seizure of the An-24 aircraft that took off from the airport of Sukhumi (flight Charkov-Rostov-Sukhumi-Batumi). The passenger, through a flight attendant, passed a note to the crew demanding to fly to Turkey, threatening to blow up the plane. The plane was landed at the airport in Batumi, the criminal did not have a weapon and an explosive device.

1979, January 6- an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 aircraft at the Pulkovo airport (Leningrad). There are four hijackers. There are no casualties.

1979, March 28- a resident of Kherson (Ukrainian SSR) Y. Vlasenko entered the US embassy, ​​entered the consular department and in an ultimatum demanded a large sum of money and immediate departure abroad (to the USA). If he refused, he threatened to detonate an improvised explosive device. Two-hour negotiations did not lead to a result, they tried to neutralize the "terrorist" with shots from a silent pistol, but he still managed to make an explosion and soon died from his wounds. A strong fire started in the room, which was soon liquidated.

1979, April 1- the crew of the Yak-40 aircraft, which took off from the airport of Simferopol (Odessa-Kutaisi flight), was sent a note through the stewardess with the requirement to go to Turkey under the threat of an explosion. The plane returned to Simferopol, the hijacker was arrested, a dummy explosive device was seized from him.

1979, May 14- seizure of a passenger bus by 2 local residents in Novokuznetsk. The terrorists demanded to take them to the airport, to the objections of the passengers, one of them was killed, 4 were taken hostage. They were provided with a helicopter, but on the runway, in a shootout with guards and police officers, one of the invaders was killed, the other was captured (later sentenced to death). They had sawn-off shotguns of hunting rifles, a hand grenade and an explosive device.

1979, June 8- explosion near the cinema "Mir" in the city of Klin (Moscow region). 2 people were injured. The Demoman is a children's surgeon, dissatisfied with the policy of the authorities and decided to take the path of individual terror.

1979, July 26- the second explosion, this time on the Leningradskoe highway (Moscow region). 1 person was injured.

1979, September 14- the incident on the Il-18 plane (flight Anadyr-Magadan-Khabarovsk): one of the convoy officers demanded to change course, seriously wounded one of his partner, but he himself was mortally wounded by another. Passengers and crew were not injured.

1979, September 29- the third explosion, organized by the Klin demolition man, in the village of Maloe Shchapovo, Klinsky District (Moscow Region). 1 person died. The next day the bomber is arrested.

1980, March 20- a resident of Baku, an unemployed Armenian, tried to hijack a Tu-134 (Baku-Yerevan flight), threatening the flight attendant with a knife, demanded to change the course and go to Turkey, but was disarmed and tied by the crew. The plane landed at the Yerevan airport.

1980, April 14- during the flight of the aircraft "L-410" (Batumi-Sukhumi), a passenger, a student of the 10th grade, threw a letter into the cockpit with the threat of an aircraft explosion if he was not planted in Turkey. The plane returned to Batumi, the bully was detained.

1980, May 7- at the airport in Minsk, a 9th grade student tried to enter a Tu-134 aircraft (flight Minsk-Vilnius-Leningrad), having with him a previously stolen small-bore rifle “Biathlon-8” and cartridges for it. However, the plane door was closed, the "terrorist" was soon detained at the gangway.

1980, August 8- in a strictly guarded party health resort (Cholpon-Ata village on Issyk-Kul), the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kyrgyz SSR S.Sh. Ibraimov. The event was initially qualified as a "terrorist act". The killer, a certain N. Smagin, was put on the all-Union wanted list and a few months later was found on a train en route to Kuibyshev, hanging in the carriage vestibule on ... a police scarf. It was officially announced that Smagin was mentally ill and committed crimes without motivation, in delirium. The British communist newspaper The Morning Star, in its issue of January 8, 1981, wrote that "this is a political murder."

1981 - according to the information of the KGB of the USSR in the Central Committee of the CPSU on November 29, a resident of the city of Yaroslavl E. Negriy was preparing an explosion of homemade bombs in various places in Yaroslavl "in order to induce the population to actively express dissatisfaction with the shortcomings in the supply of food." In 1980 he was already prevented for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda."

1981, December- in the city of Chelyabinsk, an explosion thundered in a crowded tram. The scraps of a briefcase in which an explosive device was found at the scene led the operatives to the trail of the terrorist, who, however, was detained and exposed only 5 years later. It turned out that he committed the act of terrorism based on personal revenge.

1981, December 18- the first capture of a school in the history of the USSR: in the city of Sarapul, Udmurt ASSR. 2 servicemen of a motorized rifle division voluntarily left a unit with weapons and seized a school in a nearby town. They barricaded themselves in the classroom with the students and tried to force the local authorities to comply with their requirements: to issue money and visas, as well as provide an airplane to fly overseas (to the United States). At the airport in Izhevsk there is a subdivision of the special response group "Vityaz", the school was blocked by group "A". Negotiations were held with the criminals, as a result of which they surrendered a few hours later. None of the hostages were hurt.

1982, March 2- the neutralization of a certain Ushakov, armed with an improvised explosive device, by a special forces group "A" on the territory of the US Embassy in Moscow.

1982, July 8- the incident at the airport in Murmansk: after passengers got on the Tu-154 plane flying to Leningrad, one of the passengers handed the flight attendant a note demanding to deliver on board 2 suitcases of 250 thousand rubles each, threatening to open fire to kill ... The passenger was detained by police officers.

1982, September 19- an attempt to hijack a Yak-40 aircraft (Kingisepp-Tallinn flight). There are four hijackers. There are no casualties.

1982, November 7- the seizure of the An-24 aircraft (Novorossiysk-Odessa flight): one of the passengers, threatening with an explosive device, demanded to fly to Turkey. The crew landed at the Turkish airport in Sinop. The next day, the plane with all the passengers was returned to the USSR, the performers were sentenced by a Turkish court to 8 years in prison.

1983, January 25- an attempt to seize a Tu-154 aircraft by one of the passengers (Ashgabat-Yerevan flight). Threatening with an improvised explosive device, he demanded to fly to Turkey. As a result of the special operation, the criminal was neutralized, the bomb was seized.

1983, May 27- the flight commander of the Latvian UGA, having fraudulently seized the An-2 aircraft, flew over the border and landed on the island of Gotland (Sweden). The plane was returned to the USSR.

1983, July 5- hijacking of a Tu-134 passenger aircraft (flight Sheremetyevo-1 - Tallinn). Threatening with an explosion, 2 criminals demanded to change course to London or Oslo. During the evacuation of passengers, a field communications officer used personal weapons, killing one and wounding the second invader.

1983, November 18- the seizure of the Tu-134 aircraft (Batumi-Kiev-Leningrad route): a group of armed criminals from among the “golden youth” (children of high-ranking parents from Georgia, carried weapons through the “deputy hall”) burst into the cockpit and demanded to fly to Turkey , while trying to disarm them, 2 pilots, a stewardess and 2 passengers were killed, 2 more crew members were seriously wounded. The plane landed at the airport in Tbilisi, on November 19, as a result of the special operation "Nabat", the criminals were captured, the passengers were released.

1984, June 18- an attempt to hijack a Tu-154 aircraft (Domodedovo-Surgut flight). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.

1985, November 17- an attempt to hijack the plane "An-24" (flight Tallinn-Riga-Vilnius). The hijackers - a married couple - demanded to follow to Sweden under the threat of an explosion. To threaten the crew, a Sevan watch and a school compass were used as an explosive device. The plane landed at a military airfield in Haapsalu, where the hijackers were detained and subsequently convicted.

1985, December 19- seizure and hijacking of the An-24 aircraft to China (flight Yakutsk-Chulman-Takhtamygda-Chita-Irkutsk). The co-pilot crossed the state border with the PRC and landed at Hailar (KHP). The Harbin court sentenced him to 8 years in prison, after serving half of the sentence, he was returned to the USSR, where he was sentenced in addition to 5 years in prison.

1986, September 20- terrorist attack in the city of Ufa (Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic): 3 soldiers from the regiment of the internal service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, being in an internal squad, took possession of a weapon and hijacked a taxi. On the way, they shot 2 policemen. Frightened by what he had done, one of them fled, the rest went to the airfield, where they broke into the Tu-134 A plane and hijacked it, killing 2 passengers. Terrorists' demand: follow to Pakistan. As a result of the assault carried out by employees of the Alpha group on September 21, one of the terrorists was killed, and the second was wounded and subsequently shot by a court sentence.

1987, May 27- hijacking of the An-2 aircraft of the Latvian administration to Sweden civil aviation... The plane, not having reached the island of Gotland about a kilometer, landed on the water. The hijacker was sentenced to conditional imprisonment in Sweden.

1987, September 13- attempted hijacking of a Tu-134 aircraft (flight Minsk-Rostov). The hijacker, under threat of an explosion, demanded to fly to France, but was neutralized by the crew; after being detained, an imitation of an explosive device was seized from him from pieces of soap, clothespin, bell and telephone wire. The hijacker was declared insane by the forensic psychiatric examination.

1988, March 8- one of the most famous terrorist attacks in the history of the USSR: the Ovechkin family (11 people: members of the Seven Simeon group, mother and young children) seized a Tu-154 passenger plane from Irkutsk (flight Irkutsk-Kurgan-Leningrad), demanding to fly to London. After the plane landed for refueling at the Veschevo airfield near Vyborg, an order was given to storm. As a result of unprofessional actions of the capture group, 3 people were killed, including a flight attendant, 19 passengers were injured. The plane burned down completely. Of the terrorists, 5 hijackers were killed.

1988, March 30- an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 aircraft (Frunze-Moscow flight). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.

1988, December 1- terrorist attack in the city of Ordzhonikidze (North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic): 5 criminals hijacked a bus with 30 4th grade pupils of school No. 42 and their teacher. In exchange for the children, the authorities provided the attackers with $ 2 million, weapons and an airplane to fly to Pakistan. An agreement was reached on their departure to Israel, on December 2, at the Tel Aviv airport, during an operation by the local special services, the terrorists were detained, and on December 3 they were extradited to the USSR. In March 1989, the bandits received from 14 to 15 years in prison.

1989, January 20- an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 passenger aircraft (flight Arkhangelsk-Boryspil-Odessa). The hijacker, under threat of an explosion, demanded to follow to Bucharest (Romania) after leaving Boryspil. The plane landed in Odessa, where the "terrorist" was detained, no explosives were found.

1989, January 21- an attempt to hijack the plane "An-24" (flight Ivano-Frankivsk - Kiev). The hijacker, threatened with an explosion while taxiing the plane at the Ivano-Frankivsk airport, demanded to fly abroad. Detained by airport security, no explosives were found.

1989, March 30- the seizure of a Tu-134 passenger plane (flight Voronezh-Astrakhan-Baku): a passenger on the all-Union wanted list said that there were allegedly 2 of his accomplices on the plane, and an explosive device was in the cargo hold. Threatening an explosion, he demanded half a million dollars and the possibility of flying abroad. The terrorist was neutralized by employees of the Alpha group on March 31.

1989, April 20- 2 improvised explosive devices were found at the Paveletskaya (radial) and VDNKh stations of the Moscow Metro. Thanks to the competent and prompt actions of the explosives technicians, the bombs were defused in a timely manner.

1989, May- the seizure of hostages by criminals in the pre-trial detention center of the city of Kizel in the Perm region and in the correctional labor colony of the village Lesnoe Kirov region... Successful operations to free the hostages were carried out by the special forces of the Interior Ministry troops.

1989, May 10-12- taking hostages in isolation ward No. 1 of the UITU of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Regional Executive Committee. 4 criminals, armed with sharpenings and "grenades" (painted dummies of bread crumb), having seized the keys to the 3rd floor of the building, opened one of the cells and took 2 underage suspects hostage. They presented an ultimatum: 2 machine guns, 4 pistols with ammunition, grenades, 10 thousand rubles and a car for unhindered leaving the prison outside the region. If the requirements were not met, the criminals threatened to kill the hostages. The police complied with all the conditions, providing a minibus "RAF" with a full refueling of gasoline, on which the bandits fled. On the way, 4 more hostages were taken, incl. family. They set new conditions: a plane to fly abroad, a large sum of money, drugs and vodka. At the same time, they behaved extremely aggressively. As a result of the operation to free the hostages carried out by Group A, the bandits were rendered harmless, none of the hostages was injured.

1989, May 20- military pilot A. Zuev hijacked a MiG-29 fighter from the airfield of the Tskhakaya base (Georgian SSR) to Turkey. The hijacker was brought before a Turkish court, but acquitted. He emigrated to the USA, where he died in ... a plane crash.

1989, December 21- an attempt to hijack the Yak-42 aircraft (flight Dnepropetrovsk-Moscow). The hijacker handed over to the crew through the flight attendant new year card with a text in which he demanded to fly abroad under the threat of an aircraft explosion. The landing was made at the Bykovo airport, where the "terrorist" was detained, no explosives were found during the check.

Sovkophiles have already appeared in the comments with phrases like “This is your democracy! And there were no terrorist attacks in the USSR !! " They react with bewilderment to answers that they say that Russia does not smell like democracy for 10 years. You cannot answer the second part (“there were no terrorist attacks”) in the comments - no comment will be enough to list them all. I will answer here.

So, who is currently involved in terrorist attacks in Russia? Partisan formations from the North Caucasus and, presumably, the FSB themselves. After the Second World War, the picture was similar: the Banderaites in western Ukraine and the Forest Brothers in the Baltic were engaged in terror. Actually, for partisan movements, terror is the only possible way of waging war, so it makes no sense to list all their actions - there were too many of them. KGB units also repeatedly committed terrorist attacks, disguised as Bandera - so that the local population would stop helping the partisans (documents about this are on the Internet carriage). Most of you also know about how 700 people were burnt alive by the NKVD in the Chechen village of Khaibakh. And so on, and so on - terrorists have not changed in 60 years: they are still power and partisans.

Therefore, we will skip the post-war partisan war: officially, the same Bandera members resisted until the mid-50s, from here we will begin a detailed accounting (information was collected by afanarizm).

October 25 - the first terrorist attack in the history of the USSR in an air transport: an attempt to hijack by two unknown persons An-2 passenger aircraft (route Yakutsk-Bezymyanny) at the airport in Nizhnie Kresty (Yakutsk ASSR). The invaders demanded to fly to the United States, threatening otherwise to blow up the plane. The pilots managed to notify the airport ground services, who informed the police and the KGB. The operation to neutralize the terrorists took several hours, after unsuccessful negotiations, an assault on the plane was undertaken. The terrorists were neutralized and later convicted. There are no casualties.

March - an incident in the Lenin-Stalin mausoleum (Moscow): a man carried a heavy hammer into the room and, passing in a procession, threw it into the sarcophagus, breaking the glass to smithereens. The fragments caused multiple injuries to the skin of the face and hands of Lenin's mummy, but this damage was quickly eliminated by scientists and after a few months the mausoleum was reopened to visitors. The intruder is captured.

June 21 - an attempt to hijack an An-2 passenger aircraft at the airport in Ashgabat (Turkmen SSR). There are two attackers. There are no casualties.
September - one of the first attempts to hijack a passenger plane took place in the Moldavian SSR: 2 convicted citizens tried to escape to the West. However, the attempt to hijack failed, one of the terrorists shot himself, the other was arrested.

January 22 - Junior Lieutenant V. Ilyin from the town of Lomonosov, Leningrad Region, attempted to assassinate L.I. Brezhnev. Having procured the uniform of a militia officer, he climbed into the cordon in the Kremlin, placed during the solemn meeting of the cortege with the cosmonauts, and shot 2 clips into the windshield of the first car, in which, in his opinion, the secretary general was supposed to be. However, there were cosmonauts in the car, while Brezhnev's car drove through another gate. The driver was killed by bullets. Ilyin was recognized as mentally ill and sentenced to imprisonment in the Kazan mental hospital.

June 3 - an armed group of 3 residents of Leningrad hijacked an Il-14 aircraft on an internal flight on the Leningrad-Tallinn route. A flight mechanic who joined the fight against the hijackers was killed. The attack was suppressed by the forces of the aircraft crew. Crew members were awarded orders.

May 1 - in the city of Arkhangelsk, during a festive demonstration, a local resident burst into the rostrum on which the party-Soviet leadership of the region was located and opened fire from a machine gun. Several people were killed, many were injured.

June 15 - the KGB at the Pulkovo airport (Leningrad) suppressed an attempt at armed seizure and hijacking of a passenger plane abroad: 16 Jewish citizens intended to fly to Israel in this way, but were arrested right on the airfield. In December, the members of the group (E. Kuznetsov, M. Dymshits and others) were severely convicted (sentences up to "capital punishment"). The protests of the world community against the death sentences played a role: the VMN was replaced by a 15-year imprisonment.

July 15 - an attempt to hijack an An-2 passenger aircraft (flight Leningrad-Sortavala). There are two attackers. There are no casualties.

October 15 - the first case of "air terrorism" that took place in the USSR. Father and son Brazinskas hijacked an An-24 passenger plane (Batumi-Sukhumi flight). At the same time, flight attendant N. Kurchenko was killed, 2 pilots were seriously wounded. The terrorists landed the plane in Turkey, but after a few days it was returned to the USSR with all the passengers. The Turkish authorities did not extradite the criminals themselves for political reasons; they were later extradited to the United States, where they were declared "political refugees." In 2004, Brazinskas-son was convicted of the murder of his father.
October 27 - seizure by 2 passengers and hijacking to Turkey of the L-202 aircraft (Kerch-Krasnodar flight). There are no casualties. The hijackers were handed over to the USSR.
November 13 - attempted hijacking of the Il-14 aircraft (Vilnius-Palanga flight). There are two attackers. There are no casualties.

May 19 - a tragic attempt to hijack a Tu-104 passenger plane (Moscow-Chita flight): one of the passengers carried a bomb and firearms on board and demanded to change the route in the direction of China during the flight. An armed policeman on board tried to neutralize the offender, but he managed to bring the explosive device into action. The plane exploded in the air near Lake Baikal, all on board (about 100 people) were killed.

July 25 - seizure and hijacking of An-2 passenger aircraft (Rostov-Salsk flight) to Trabzon (Turkey). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.
July 26 - an attempt to hijack an Il-14 aircraft (Vilnius-Palanga flight), 1 person was wounded.
September 1 - a former prisoner who served 10 years, carried out an "attempt on Lenin's life" in the mausoleum on Red Square. Hiding an explosive device under his clothes, he, among the sightseers, went into the building, where he activated it. It was blown to pieces, a married couple from Astrakhan died, 4 schoolchildren were wounded, and soldiers of the guard of honor were shell-shocked and scattered around the hall by a blast wave. Lenin's body turned out to be protected reliably enough and was not injured. The motives of the "kamikaze" remained a mystery.

November 2 - the seizure of a Yak-40 passenger plane (flight Moscow-Bryansk): 4 high school students armed with firearms demanded $ 1.5 million, refueling in Leningrad and a free flight to Scandinavia. 2 crew members were injured while trying to disarm them. The plane landed at Vnukovo airport, during the assault 2 invaders were killed, 2 surrendered; 2 passengers were also injured.

3 explosions in the cities of the Georgian SSR: Sukhumi (near the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, one person died), Tbilisi (on Rustaveli Avenue in front of the government building) and Kutaisi (in the city park). Their organizer, a certain V. Zhvania, was subsequently found and executed by a court verdict in January 1977. In the same year, an explosion was organized in Baku (Azerbaijan USSR).

January 26 - attempted hijacking of the Il-62 aircraft (Frunze-Moscow flight). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.
July 4 - attempted hijacking of the An-2 aircraft (Grozny-Elista flight).
September 23 - the second pilot of An-2, Zasimov, hijacked his plane without passengers from the Pushkin region of the Azerbaijan SSR to neighboring Iran. The Iranian authorities returned to the Soviet Union on September 25.
a group of students from Guyana seized the consul of their country in house No. 148 on Leninsky Prospekt (Moscow) and, threatening him with an ax, demanded that he increase his scholarships. The situation was resolved without an assault.

January 7 - a series of explosions in Moscow: in a metro carriage between Izmailovskaya and Pervomayskaya stations, in the trading floor of grocery store No. 15 of the Bauman District Food Office and a few hundred meters from the building of the USSR KGB, near grocery store No. 5 on 25th Anniversary Street October. As a result, 7 people died (according to other sources 29) and more than 40 people were injured.

May 25 - V. Sosnovskiy, twice convicted, hijacked the An-24 aircraft (flight Riga-Daugavpils), demanded to change the course and go to Stockholm (Sweden). The plane with crew members and passengers was returned on May 27, the hijacker was sentenced to 4 years in Sweden.
June 11 - in Moscow, near the Sovetskaya Hotel on Leningradsky Prospekt, a taxi was blown up, several bystanders were injured. The offender who planted the explosive device was arrested a month later, but nothing was reported about the motives.

June 17 - an unknown person, threatening with an explosion, hijacked a Yak-40 aircraft (flight Tallinn-Kaliningrad), and demanded to fly to Sweden. The plane landed at the airport in Ventspils, the terrorist was neutralized.
July 10 - passenger plane Tu-134 (flight Petrozavodsk-Leningrad), captured by 2 unknown persons armed with grenades, who demanded to send it to Stockholm. The crew landed for refueling at the Helsinki airport (Finland), where the criminals were arrested and later transferred to the USSR.

October - a new explosive device is defused at the Kursk railway station in Moscow. Thanks to this, the January terrorists were soon detained by the KGB. It turned out that the organizers and performers were a group of Armenian terrorists led by Zatikyan. At a closed trial, its participants were sentenced to death.

October 19 - an attempt to hijack the An-2 aircraft at the airport in Tartu (Estonian SSR). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.

November 6 - attempted hijacking of the An-24 aircraft (Palanga-Vilnius flight). An unemployed man with a dummy grenade demanded to change course and fly to Switzerland. The plane landed in Vilnius, the criminal was detained by the task force.

February 21 - the seizure of the Tu-134 aircraft (flight Pulkovo-Murmansk) with the requirement to go to Oslo under the threat of an explosion. After the use of special means, the criminal, locked in the toilet, was detained, he did not have explosive objects with him.

April 9 - in a Yak-40 plane (flight Palanga-Riga-Tallinn) an unknown person demanded that the crew go to Sweden. After refusing to comply with his demand, he shot 11 times at the cockpit door and the walls of the aircraft. The plane landed at the airport in Pärnu, the offender was detained.
May 1 - during the flight of the Il-18 aircraft (Ashgabat-Mineralnye Vody flight), a certain Skubenko demanded to change course and land in Tehran (Iran), threatening him with a pistol and a grenade. The terrorist co-pilot was shot dead, the plane landed at the Ashgabat airport.

May 24 - an unprecedented state of emergency in Moscow in the history of the USSR: a terrorist armed with a firearm seized the office of the Finnair airline (Kuznetsky Most street), taking employees hostage. Requirement: help him fly to Finland. A few hours later, the invader was neutralized by a police squad.

October 15 - an attempt to hijack the plane "An-24" (flight Simferopol-Odessa-Ternopil): the passenger, threatening with a pistol, demanded a change in course (without naming the route), threatened with an explosion. The plane returned to Simferopol, the invader was detained.

November 9 - a mentally ill Chechen demanded to change the course of the An-24 aircraft (flight Grozny-Makhachkala), fired several shots into the aircraft's skin, and shot himself before landing.
November 10 - the seizure of the An-24 aircraft, which took off from the airport of Sukhumi (flight Charkov-Rostov-Sukhumi-Batumi). The passenger, through a flight attendant, passed a note to the crew demanding to fly to Turkey, threatening to blow up the plane. The plane was landed at the airport in Batumi, the criminal did not have a weapon and an explosive device.

January 6 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 aircraft at the Pulkovo airport (Leningrad). There are four hijackers. There are no casualties.
March 28 - a resident of Kherson (Ukrainian SSR) Y. Vlasenko entered the building of the US Embassy, ​​entered the consular department and in an ultimatum demanded a large sum of money and an immediate flight abroad (to the USA). If he refused, he threatened to detonate an improvised explosive device. Two-hour negotiations did not lead to a result, they tried to neutralize the "terrorist" with shots from a silent pistol, but he still managed to make an explosion and soon died from his wounds. A strong fire started in the room, which was soon liquidated.

April 1 - the crew of the Yak-40 aircraft, which took off from the airport of Simferopol (Odessa-Kutaisi flight), was sent a note through the stewardess with the requirement to go to Turkey under the threat of an explosion. The plane returned to Simferopol, the hijacker was arrested, a dummy explosive device was seized from him.

May 14 - seizure of a passenger bus by 2 local residents in Novokuznetsk. The terrorists demanded to take them to the airport, to the objections of the passengers, one of them was killed, 4 were taken hostage. They were provided with a helicopter, but on the runway, in a shootout with guards and police officers, one of the invaders was killed, the other was captured (later sentenced to death). They had sawn-off shotguns of hunting rifles, a hand grenade and an explosive device.
June 8 - an explosion near the Mir cinema in the city of Klin (Moscow region). 2 people were injured. The Demoman is a children's surgeon, dissatisfied with the policy of the authorities and decided to take the path of individual terror.

July 26 - the second explosion, this time on the Leningradskoe highway (Moscow region). 1 person was injured.
September 14 - an incident on the Il-18 aircraft (flight Anadyr-Magadan-Khabarovsk): one of the convoy officers demanded a change in course, seriously wounded one of his partner, but he himself was mortally wounded by another. Passengers and crew were not injured.
September 29 - the third explosion, organized by the Klin demolition man, in the village of Maloye Shchapovo, Klinsky District (Moscow Region). 1 person died. The next day the bomber is arrested.

March 20 - a resident of Baku, an unemployed Armenian, tried to hijack a Tu-134 (Baku-Yerevan flight), threatening the flight attendant with a knife, demanded to change course and go to Turkey, but was disarmed and tied by the crew. The plane landed at the Yerevan airport.
April 14 - during the flight of the L-410 aircraft (Batumi-Sukhumi), a 10th grade student threw a letter into the cockpit threatening the aircraft to explode if he was not planted in Turkey. The plane returned to Batumi, the bully was detained.

May 7 - at the airport in Minsk, a 9th grade student tried to enter a Tu-134 (flight Minsk-Vilnius-Leningrad), having with him a previously stolen small-bore rifle “Biathlon-8” and cartridges for it. However, the plane door was closed, the "terrorist" was soon detained at the gangway.

August 8 - in a strictly guarded party health resort (Cholpon-Ata village on Issyk-Kul), the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kyrgyz SSR S.Sh. Ibraimov. The event was initially qualified as a "terrorist act". The killer, a certain N. Smagin, was put on the all-Union wanted list and a few months later was found on a train en route to Kuibyshev, hanging in the carriage vestibule on ... a police scarf. It was officially announced that Smagin was mentally ill and committed crimes without motivation, in delirium. The British communist newspaper The Morning Star, in its issue of January 8, 1981, wrote that "this is a political murder."

According to the information of the KGB of the USSR in the Central Committee of the CPSU on November 29, a resident of the city of Yaroslavl E. Negriy was preparing to detonate homemade bombs in various places in Yaroslavl "in order to induce the population to actively express dissatisfaction with the shortages in the supply of food. In 1980 he was already prevented for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda."
December - in the city of Chelyabinsk, an explosion thundered in a crowded tram. The scraps of a briefcase in which an explosive device was found at the scene led the operatives to the trail of the terrorist, who, however, was detained and exposed only 5 years later. It turned out that he committed the act of terrorism based on personal revenge.

December 18 - the first seizure of a school in the history of the USSR: in the city of Sarapul, Udmurt ASSR. 2 servicemen of a motorized rifle division voluntarily left a unit with weapons and seized a school in a nearby town. They barricaded themselves in the classroom with the students and tried to force the local authorities to comply with their requirements: to issue money and visas, as well as provide an airplane to fly overseas (to the United States). At the airport in Izhevsk there is a subdivision of the special response group "Vityaz", the school was blocked by group "A". Negotiations were held with the criminals, as a result of which they surrendered a few hours later. None of the hostages were hurt.

March 2 - a certain Ushakov, armed with an improvised explosive device, is neutralized by a special forces group "A" on the territory of the US Embassy in Moscow.
July 8 - an incident at the airport in Murmansk: after passengers got on a Tu-154 plane flying to Leningrad, one of the passengers handed a note to the stewardess demanding to deliver on board 2 suitcases of 250 thousand rubles each, threatening to open fire to defeat. The passenger was detained by police officers.
September 19 - an attempt to hijack a Yak-40 aircraft (Kingisepp-Tallinn flight). There are four hijackers. There are no casualties.

November 7 - the seizure of the An-24 aircraft (Novorossiysk-Odessa flight): one of the passengers, threatening with an explosive device, demanded to fly to Turkey. The crew landed at the Turkish airport in Sinop. The next day, the plane with all the passengers was returned to the USSR, the performers were sentenced by a Turkish court to 8 years in prison.

January 25 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-154 aircraft by one of the passengers (Ashgabat-Yerevan flight). Threatening with an improvised explosive device, he demanded to fly to Turkey. As a result of the special operation, the criminal was neutralized, the bomb was seized.

May 27 - the flight commander of the Latvian UGA flight unit, having fraudulently seized the An-2 aircraft, flew over the border and landed on the island of Gotland (Sweden). The plane was returned to the USSR.
July 5 - the hijacking of a Tu-134 passenger aircraft (flight Sheremetyevo-1 - Tallinn). Threatening with an explosion, 2 criminals demanded to change course to London or Oslo. During the evacuation of passengers, a field communications officer used personal weapons, killing one and wounding the second invader.
November 18 - the seizure of the Tu-134 aircraft (Batumi-Kiev-Leningrad route): a group of armed criminals from among the “golden youth” (children of high-ranking parents from Georgia, carried weapons through the “deputy hall”) burst into the cockpit and demanded to fly in Turkey, while trying to disarm them, 2 pilots, a flight attendant and 2 passengers were killed, 2 more crew members were seriously wounded. The plane landed at the airport in Tbilisi, on November 19, as a result of the special operation "Nabat", the criminals were captured, the passengers were released.

June 18 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-154 (Domodedovo-Surgut flight). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.

November 17 - attempted hijacking of the An-24 aircraft (Tallinn-Riga-Vilnius flight). The hijackers - a married couple - demanded to follow to Sweden under the threat of an explosion. To threaten the crew, a Sevan watch and a school compass were used as an explosive device. The plane landed at a military airfield in Haapsalu, where the hijackers were detained and subsequently convicted.
December 19 - seizure and hijacking of the An-24 aircraft to China (flight Yakutsk-Chulman-Takhtamygda-Chita-Irkutsk). The co-pilot crossed the state border with the PRC and landed at Hailar (KHP). The Harbin court sentenced him to 8 years in prison, after serving half of the sentence, he was returned to the USSR, where he was sentenced in addition to 5 years in prison.

September 20 - a terrorist attack in the city of Ufa (Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic): 3 soldiers from the regiment of the internal service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, being in an internal squad, took possession of a weapon and hijacked a taxi. On the way, they shot 2 policemen. Frightened by what he had done, one of them fled, the rest went to the airfield, where they broke into the Tu-134 A plane and hijacked it, killing 2 passengers. Terrorists' demand: follow to Pakistan. As a result of the assault carried out by employees of the Alpha group on September 21, one of the terrorists was killed, and the second was wounded and subsequently shot by a court sentence.

May 27 - hijacking of the An-2 aircraft of the Latvian Civil Aviation Administration to Sweden. The plane, not having reached the island of Gotland about a kilometer, landed on the water. The hijacker was sentenced to conditional imprisonment in Sweden.
September 13 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 aircraft (flight Minsk-Rostov). The hijacker, under threat of an explosion, demanded to fly to France, but was neutralized by the crew; after being detained, an imitation of an explosive device was seized from him from pieces of soap, clothespin, bell and telephone wire. The hijacker was declared insane by the forensic psychiatric examination.

March 8 - one of the most famous terrorist attacks in the history of the USSR: the Ovechkin family (11 people: members of the Seven Simeonov group, mother and young children) seized a Tu-154 passenger plane from Irkutsk (Irkutsk-Kurgan-Leningrad flight), demanding fly to London. After the plane landed for refueling at the Veschevo airfield near Vyborg, an order was given to storm. As a result of unprofessional actions of the capture group, 3 people were killed, including a flight attendant, 19 passengers were injured. The plane burned down completely. Of the terrorists, 5 hijackers were killed.

March 30 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 aircraft (Frunze-Moscow flight). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.
December 1 - a terrorist attack in the city of Ordzhonikidze (North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic): 5 criminals hijacked a bus with 30 4th grade pupils of school No. 42 and their teacher. In exchange for the children, the authorities provided the attackers with $ 2 million, weapons and an airplane to fly to Pakistan. An agreement was reached on their departure to Israel, on December 2, at the Tel Aviv airport, during an operation by the local special services, the terrorists were detained, and on December 3 they were extradited to the USSR. In March 1989, the bandits received from 14 to 15 years in prison.

January 20 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 passenger aircraft (flight Arkhangelsk-Borispol-Odessa). The hijacker, under threat of an explosion, demanded to follow to Bucharest (Romania) after leaving Boryspil. The plane landed in Odessa, where the "terrorist" was detained, no explosives were found.

January 21 - an attempt to hijack the plane "An-24" (flight Ivano-Frankovsk - Kiev). The hijacker, threatened with an explosion while taxiing the plane at the Ivano-Frankivsk airport, demanded to fly abroad. Detained by airport security, no explosives were found.

March 30 - the hijacking of a Tu-134 passenger plane (Voronezh-Astrakhan-Baku flight): a passenger on the all-Union wanted list said that there were allegedly two of his accomplices on the plane, and an explosive device was in the cargo hold. Threatening an explosion, he demanded half a million dollars and the possibility of flying abroad. The terrorist was neutralized by employees of the Alpha group on March 31.
April 20 - 2 improvised explosive devices were found at the Paveletskaya (radial) and VDNKh stations of the Moscow Metro. Thanks to the competent and prompt actions of the explosives technicians, the bombs were defused in a timely manner.

May - the seizure of hostages by criminals in the detention center of the city of Kizel, Perm region and in the correctional labor colony of the village. Forest of the Kirov region. Successful operations to free the hostages were carried out by the special forces of the Interior Ministry troops.

May 10-12 - seizure of hostages in the detention center No. 1 of the UITU of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Regional Executive Committee. 4 criminals, armed with sharpenings and "grenades" (painted dummies of bread crumb), having seized the keys to the 3rd floor of the building, opened one of the cells and took 2 underage suspects hostage. They presented an ultimatum: 2 machine guns, 4 pistols with ammunition, grenades, 10 thousand rubles and a car for unhindered leaving the prison outside the region. If the requirements were not met, the criminals threatened to kill the hostages. The police complied with all the conditions, providing a minibus "RAF" with a full refueling of gasoline, on which the bandits fled. On the way, 4 more hostages were taken, incl. family. They set new conditions: a plane to fly abroad, a large sum of money, drugs and vodka. At the same time, they behaved extremely aggressively. As a result of the operation to free the hostages carried out by Group A, the bandits were rendered harmless, none of the hostages was injured.
May 20 - military pilot A. Zuev hijacked a MiG-29 fighter from the airfield of the Tskhakaya base (Georgian SSR) to Turkey. The hijacker was brought before a Turkish court, but acquitted. He emigrated to the USA, where he died in ... a plane crash.

December 21 - an attempt to hijack the Yak-42 aircraft (flight Dnepropetrovsk-Moscow). The hijacker, through the stewardess, handed the crew a New Year's card with the text in which he demanded to fly abroad under the threat of an aircraft explosion. The landing was made at the Bykovo airport, where the "terrorist" was detained, no explosives were found during the check.

And so yes - there were no terrorist attacks in the USSR.

14.12.2016 11.01.2017 by ☭ USSR ☭

Terrorism is politics that relies on tactics of systematic violence to voice their demands and views. Terrorism also existed in the Soviet Union, but the press practically did not inform its citizens about it. The motives of the terrorists were very different: someone demanded the independence of Armenia and Lithuania, and someone, apparently, hated Vladimir Lenin. Yet almost all terrorist attacks had one thing in common. Namely - the senselessness (or even the impracticability) of the conceived and senseless cruelty in the implementation. "Pointlessness" - keyword to characterize terrorism in the era of stagnation.


On June 7, 1927, members of the White émigré organization ROVS detonated a bomb in the party club of the Leningrad Communist University (as a result, 1 person died, 26 were wounded). On the same day, the head of the Belarusian OGPU, Opansky, was killed in Minsk.


On December 1, 1934, in Smolny, the head of the Leningrad Party organization of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) S.M.Kirov was killed by the instructor of the historical-party commission of the Institute of History of the CPSU (b) L.V. Nikolaev.


On November 6, 1942, three shots from a rifle by the Red Army soldier Savely Dmitriev from Ust-Kamenogorsk were fired from a rifle at Anastas Mikoyan's car that had stopped in front of the cabby who had stopped the road from the Execution Place on Red Square, three shots were fired from a rifle by the Red Army soldier Savely Dmitriev from Ust-Kamenogorsk, who then engaged in a whole battle with the Kremlin guards. Only with the help of two grenades it was possible to neutralize it. Dmitriev mistook Mikoyan's car for Joseph Stalin's. Dmitriev was shot in 1950.


On February 23, 1947, in Lviv, on Kokhansky Street, an active member of the USRP Mazurak blew up a four-story residential building, killing 10 people. Mazurak was soon arrested and put on trial.


April 4 - a terrorist attack in the village of Giska (outskirts of Bendery, Moldavian SSR): a military instructor brought a package of 12 kg of tol to the school and blew it up during classes in one of the classes. The explosion was caused by an unrequited love for one of his colleagues. The building was destroyed, 23 people were killed (including the military commander), many were injured. The entire school graduated that year only had 5 students. The tragedy turned out to be classified, it was forbidden to mention it. In 2007, a memorial monument was unveiled in the village.


June - unauthorized seizure of an IL-12 passenger aircraft by flight mechanic V. Polyakov in Novosibirsk for the purpose of ramming a residential building. They tried to shoot down the plane, but failed. As a result, Polyakov sat down himself, was sentenced to execution, commuted to imprisonment.


October 25 - the first terrorist attack in the history of the USSR in air transport: an attempt to hijack by two unknown persons An-2 passenger aircraft (route Yakutsk-Bezymyanny) at the airport in Nizhnie Kresty (Yakutsk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). The invaders demanded to fly to the United States, threatening otherwise to blow up the plane. The pilots managed to notify the airport ground services, who informed the police and the KGB. The operation to neutralize the terrorists took several hours, after unsuccessful negotiations, an assault on the plane was undertaken. The terrorists were neutralized and later convicted. There are no casualties.


September 26-27 - two soldiers from a part of the internal troops in the city of Kursk deserted with weapons, seized an apartment in a residential building overlooking the city's Privokzalnaya Square. After killing those who were in it, they began to shoot people in the square. The apartment was blocked by the police, after many hours of negotiations, one of the terrorists killed his partner and surrendered. He was convicted and shot. As a result of the terrorist attack, 13 people were killed and 11 injured.


January 22 - Junior Lieutenant V. Ilyin from the town of Lomonosov, Leningrad Region, attempted to assassinate L.I. Brezhnev. Having procured the uniform of a militia officer, he climbed into the cordon in the Kremlin, placed during the solemn meeting of the cortege with the cosmonauts, and shot 2 clips into the windshield of the first car, in which, in his opinion, the secretary general was supposed to be. However, there were cosmonauts in the car, while Brezhnev's car drove through another gate. The driver was killed by bullets, a motorcyclist from the escort group was wounded. Ilyin was recognized as mentally ill and sentenced to imprisonment in the Kazan mental hospital.

June 3 - an armed group of 3 residents of Leningrad hijacked an Il-14 aircraft on an internal flight on the Leningrad-Tallinn route. A flight mechanic who joined the fight against the hijackers was killed. The attempted terrorist attack was suppressed by the forces of the aircraft crew. Crew members were awarded orders.


May 1 - in the city of Arkhangelsk, during a festive demonstration, a local resident burst into the rostrum on which the party-Soviet leadership of the region was located and opened fire from a machine gun. Several people were killed, many were injured.

June 15 - the KGB at the Pulkovo airport (Leningrad) suppressed an attempt at armed seizure and hijacking of a passenger plane abroad: 16 Jewish citizens intended to fly to Israel in this way, but were arrested right on the airfield. In December, the members of the group (E. Kuznetsov, M. Dymshits and others) were severely convicted (sentences up to "capital punishment"). The protests of the world community against the death sentences played a role: the VMN was replaced by a 15-year imprisonment.

October 15 - the first case of "air terrorism" that took place in the USSR. Father and son Brazinskas hijacked an An-24 passenger plane (Batumi-Sukhumi flight). At the same time, flight attendant N. Kurchenko was killed, 2 pilots were seriously wounded. The terrorists landed the plane in Turkey, but after a few days it was returned to the USSR with all the passengers. The Turkish authorities did not extradite the criminals themselves for political reasons; they were later extradited to the United States, where they were declared "political refugees." In 2004, Brazinskas-son was convicted of the murder of his father.

October 27 - seizure by 2 passengers and hijacking to Turkey of the L-202 aircraft (Kerch-Krasnodar flight). There are no casualties. The hijackers were handed over to the USSR.

November 13 - attempted hijacking of the Il-14 aircraft (Vilnius-Palanga flight). There are two attackers. There are no casualties.


June 14 - explosion in a regular bus in Krasnodar. Done by a mentally ill construction worker - a graduate of the medical institute, he was offended that he was not allowed to work in his specialty. Previously, he twice tried to carry out terrorist attacks using homemade bombs, but each time he was stopped. There were about 100 people on the bus during the morning flight, as a result of the explosion, 10 died, many passengers were injured, in addition, the blast wave knocked down nearby trees and knocked out doors and windows in the surrounding houses. The bomber was found a couple of days later, but was declared insane by the court and sentenced to imprisonment in a mental hospital.


April 23 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-104 passenger aircraft (flight Moscow-Leningrad). 2 people were killed.

May 19 - a tragic attempt to hijack a Tu-104 passenger plane (Moscow-Chita flight): one of the passengers carried a bomb and firearms on board and demanded to change the route in the direction of China during the flight. An armed policeman on board tried to neutralize the offender, but he managed to set the explosive device into action. The plane exploded in the air near Lake Baikal, all on board (81 people) were killed.

July 25 - seizure and hijacking of An-2 passenger aircraft (Rostov-Salsk flight) to Trabzon (Turkey). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.

July 26 - an attempt to hijack an Il-14 aircraft (Vilnius-Palanga flight), 1 person was wounded.

September 1 - a former prisoner who served 10 years, carried out an "attempt on Lenin's life" in the mausoleum on Red Square. Hiding an explosive device under his clothes, he, among the sightseers, went into the building, where he activated it. It was blown to pieces, a married couple from Astrakhan died, 4 schoolchildren were wounded, and soldiers of the guard of honor were shell-shocked and scattered around the hall by a blast wave. Lenin's body turned out to be protected reliably enough and was not injured. The motives of the "kamikaze" remained a mystery.

November 2 - the seizure of a Yak-40 passenger plane (flight Moscow-Bryansk): 4 high school students armed with firearms demanded $ 1.5 million, refueling in Leningrad and a free flight to Scandinavia. 2 crew members were injured while trying to disarm them. The plane landed at Vnukovo airport, during the assault 2 invaders were killed, 2 surrendered; 2 passengers were also injured.


3 explosions in the cities of the Georgian SSR: Sukhumi (near the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1 person died), Tbilisi (on Rustaveli Avenue in front of the government building) and Kutaisi (in the city square). Their organizer, a certain V. Zhvania, was subsequently found and executed by a court verdict in January 1977. In the same year, an explosion was organized in Baku (Azerbaijan USSR).


January 26 - attempted hijacking of the Il-62 aircraft (Frunze-Moscow flight). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.

September 23 - the second pilot of An-2, Zasimov, hijacked his plane without passengers from the Pushkin region of the Azerbaijan SSR to neighboring Iran. The Iranian authorities returned to the Soviet Union on September 25.

September 26 - An-2 pilot in Novosibirsk made an unauthorized takeoff and rammed a multi-storey residential panel building. In the collision and as a result of the outbreak of fire, the pilot himself and 11 residents of the house were killed. According to reports, the pilot intended in this way to deal with his wife who left him, as well as her parents, with whom she lived (there were no alleged victims in the house).


January 7 - a series of explosions in Moscow: in a metro carriage between Izmailovskaya and Pervomayskaya stations, in the trading floor of grocery store No. 15 of the Bauman District Food Office and a few hundred meters from the building of the USSR KGB, near grocery store No. 5 on 25th Anniversary Street October. As a result, 7 people died (according to other sources 29) and more than 40 people were injured.

May 25 - V. Sosnovskiy, twice convicted, hijacked the An-24 aircraft (flight Riga-Daugavpils), demanded to change the course and go to Stockholm (Sweden). The plane with crew members and passengers was returned on May 27, the hijacker was sentenced to 4 years in Sweden.

June 11 - in Moscow, near the Sovetskaya Hotel on Leningradsky Prospekt, a taxi was blown up, several bystanders were injured. The offender who planted the explosive device was arrested a month later, but nothing was reported about the motives.

July 10 - passenger plane Tu-134 (flight Petrozavodsk-Leningrad), captured by 2 unknown persons armed with grenades, who demanded to send it to Stockholm. The crew landed for refueling at the Helsinki airport (Finland), where the criminals were arrested and later transferred to the USSR.

October - a new explosive device is defused at the Kursk railway station in Moscow. Thanks to this, the January terrorists were soon detained by the KGB. It turned out that the organizers and performers were a group of Armenian terrorists led by Zatikyan. At a closed trial, its participants were sentenced to death.


November 10, 1978 - An-24 flight Kharkov-Rostov-Sukhumi-Batumi was captured. Terrorist S. Wool threatened to blow up the plane. There was no explosive device. Together with the terrorist, two of his minor children were present on the plane.


May 14 - seizure of a passenger bus by 2 local residents in Novokuznetsk. The terrorists demanded to take them to the airport, to the objections of the passengers, one of them was killed, 4 were taken hostage. They were provided with a helicopter, but on the runway, in a shootout with guards and police officers, one of the invaders was killed, the other was captured (later sentenced to death). They had sawn-off shotguns of hunting rifles, a hand grenade and an explosive device.


May 7 - at the airport in Minsk, a 9th grade student tried to enter a Tu-134 (flight Minsk-Vilnius-Leningrad), having with him a previously stolen small-bore rifle “Biathlon-8” and cartridges for it. However, the plane door was closed, the "terrorist" was soon detained at the gangway.


December 17, 1981 - the first seizure of a school in the history of the USSR: in the city of Sarapul, Udmurt ASSR. 2 servicemen of a motorized rifle division voluntarily left a unit with weapons and seized a school in a nearby town. They barricaded themselves in the classroom with the students and tried to force the local authorities to comply with their requirements: to issue money and visas, as well as provide an airplane to fly overseas (to the United States). At the airport in Izhevsk there is a subdivision of the special response group "Vityaz", the school was blocked by group "A". Negotiations were held with the criminals, as a result of which they surrendered a few hours later. None of the hostages were hurt.

December 24, 1981 - in the city of Chelyabinsk, an explosion thundered in an overcrowded tram. The scraps of a briefcase in which an explosive device was found at the scene, brought the operatives on the trail of the terrorist, who, however, was detained and exposed only 5 years later. It turned out that he committed the act of terrorism based on personal revenge.


November 7, 1982 - An-24, flying Novorossiysk-Odessa, was hijacked to Turkey, the perpetrators were sentenced by a Turkish court to eight years in prison.


On November 18, 1983, a Tu-134 with 57 passengers and four crew members took off from Tbilisi on the Batumi-Kiev-Leningrad route. At 17:12, the hijackers broke into the cockpit and demanded to fly to Turkey. At 17:40 the plane landed at the Tbilisi airport. On November 19, at 6:55 am, the hijackers were detained and the passengers were released. 7 people were killed, including 2 hijackers, who turned out to be a group of young Georgians from families of artistic bohemians.


November 17 - attempted hijacking of the An-24 aircraft (Tallinn-Riga-Vilnius flight). The hijackers - a married couple - under threat of an explosion demanded to follow to Sweden. To threaten the crew, a Sevan watch and a school compass were used as an explosive device. The plane landed at a military airfield in Haapsalu, where the hijackers were detained and subsequently convicted.

December 19 - seizure and hijacking of the An-24 aircraft to China (flight Yakutsk-Chulman-Takhtamygda-Chita-Irkutsk). The co-pilot crossed the state border with the PRC and landed at Hailar (KHP). The Harbin court sentenced him to 8 years in prison, after serving half of the sentence, he was returned to the USSR, where he was sentenced in addition to 5 years in prison.


September 20, 1986 - at the Ufa airport, servicemen-deserters of the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, junior sergeant Nikolai Matsnev and private Sergei Yagmurdzhi, threatening with a light machine gun and an assault rifle, seized a Tu-134A plane flying Lviv - Kiev - Ufa - Nizhnevartovsk, along with 76 passengers and 5 crew members as hostages. During the negotiations, the terrorists opened fire in the aircraft cabin, killing two passengers and demanding to fly to Pakistan. During the assault, Matsnev was killed, Yagmurdzhi was wounded and arrested, and subsequently shot by a court sentence. Flight attendants Elena Zhukovskaya and Susanna Zhabinets, who played an important role in the release of the hostages, were awarded the Orders of the Red Banner.


May 27 - hijacking of the An-2 aircraft of the Latvian Civil Aviation Administration to Sweden. The plane, not having reached the island of Gotland about a kilometer, landed on the water. The hijacker was sentenced to conditional imprisonment in Sweden.

September 13 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 aircraft (flight Minsk-Rostov). The hijacker, under threat of an explosion, demanded to fly to France, but was neutralized by the crew; after being detained, an imitation of an explosive device was seized from him from pieces of soap, clothespin, bell and telephone wire. The hijacker was declared insane by the forensic psychiatric examination.


March 8 - one of the most famous terrorist attacks in the history of the USSR: the Ovechkin family (11 people: members of the Seven Simeonov group, mother and young children) seized a Tu-154 passenger plane from Irkutsk (Irkutsk-Kurgan-Leningrad flight), demanding fly to London. After the plane landed for refueling at the Veschevo airfield near Vyborg, an order was given to storm. As a result of unprofessional actions of the capture group, 3 people were killed, including a flight attendant, 19 passengers were injured. The plane burned down completely. Of the terrorists, 5 hijackers were killed.

December 1 - a terrorist attack in the city of Ordzhonikidze (North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic): 5 criminals hijacked a bus with 30 4th grade pupils of school No. 42 and their teacher. In exchange for the children, the authorities provided the attackers with $ 2 million, weapons and an airplane to fly to Pakistan. An agreement was reached on their departure to Israel, on December 2, at the Tel Aviv airport, during an operation by the local special services, the terrorists were detained, and on December 3 they were extradited to the USSR. In March 1989, the bandits received from 14 to 15 years in prison.


March 30 - the hijacking of a Tu-134 passenger plane (Voronezh-Astrakhan-Baku flight): a passenger on the all-Union wanted list said that there were allegedly two of his accomplices on the plane, and an explosive device was in the cargo hold. Threatening an explosion, he demanded half a million dollars and the possibility of flying abroad. The terrorist was neutralized by employees of the Alpha group on March 31.

April 20 - 2 improvised explosive devices were found at the Paveletskaya (radial) and VDNKh stations of the Moscow Metro. Thanks to the competent and prompt actions of the explosives technicians, the bombs were defused in a timely manner.

May 20 - military pilot A. Zuev hijacked a MiG-29 fighter from the airfield of the Tskhakaya base (Georgian SSR) to Turkey. The hijacker was brought before a Turkish court, but acquitted. He emigrated to the USA, where he died in ... a plane crash.

December 21 - an attempt to hijack the Yak-42 aircraft (flight Dnepropetrovsk-Moscow). The hijacker, through the stewardess, handed the crew a New Year's card with the text in which he demanded to fly abroad under the threat of an aircraft explosion. The landing was made at the Bykovo airport, where the "terrorist" was detained, no explosives were found during the check.


June 7, 1990 - A gunman hijacked a plane on a Grozny-Moscow flight. At his request, the liner landed in Turkey. The crew and passengers of the plane were not injured, the invader was killed.

August 11, 1990 - inmates of the Sukhumi pre-trial detention center under the leadership of Pavel Prunchak and Miron Dzidzaria, sentenced to death, seized the prison staff and demanded their release, a helicopter and flight abroad. The prison riot was suppressed by the forces of the KGB and the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Prunchak and Dzidzaria were killed during the assault.

November 7, 1990 - Locksmith Alexander Shmonov made an unsuccessful attempt on Gorbachev.


May 30, 1991 - A Moscow-Baku passenger train was blown up near the Khasavyurt station in the Dagestan Republic. 11 people were killed, 22 were injured.

July 31, 1991 - A Moscow-Baku passenger train was blown up near the Khasavyurt station in the Dagestan Republic. 16 people were killed, 20 seriously injured.

November 9, 1991 - A group of three terrorists (Shamil Basayev, Said-Ali Satuev, Lom-Ali Chachaev) took 178 hostages aboard a Tu-154 passenger plane at the airport in the city of Mineralnye Vody. This action was carried out in protest against the imposition of a state of emergency in Chechen-Ingushetia. The liner was hijacked to Turkey, where the militants freed the hostages and held a press conference at which they demanded not to allow the entry of Russian troops into Chechnya. After that, the Turkish authorities allowed the terrorists to return to Chechnya.

So, who is currently involved in terrorist attacks in Russia? Partisan formations from the North Caucasus and, presumably, the FSB themselves. After the Second World War, the picture was similar: the Banderaites in western Ukraine and the Forest Brothers in the Baltic were engaged in terror. Actually, for partisan movements, terror is the only possible way of waging war, so it makes no sense to list all their actions - there were too many of them. KGB units also repeatedly committed terrorist attacks, disguised as Bandera - so that the local population would stop helping the partisans (documents about this on the Internet carriage). Most of you also know about how 700 people were burnt alive by the NKVD in the Chechen village of Khaibakh. And so on, and so on - terrorists have not changed in 60 years: they are still power and partisans.

Therefore, we will skip the post-war partisan war: officially, the same Bandera members resisted until the mid-50s, from here we will begin a detailed accounting (information was collected by afanarizm).


October 25 - the first terrorist attack in the history of the USSR in an air transport: an attempt to hijack by two unknown persons An-2 passenger aircraft (route Yakutsk-Bezymyanny) at the airport in Nizhnie Kresty (Yakutsk ASSR). The invaders demanded to fly to the United States, threatening otherwise to blow up the plane. The pilots managed to notify the airport ground services, who informed the police and the KGB. The operation to neutralize the terrorists took several hours, after unsuccessful negotiations, an assault on the plane was undertaken. The terrorists were neutralized and later convicted. There are no casualties.

March - an incident in the Lenin-Stalin mausoleum (Moscow): a man carried a heavy hammer into the room and, passing in a procession, threw it into the sarcophagus, breaking the glass to smithereens. The fragments caused multiple injuries to the skin of the face and hands of Lenin's mummy, but this damage was quickly eliminated by scientists and after a few months the mausoleum was reopened to visitors. The intruder is captured.

June 21 - an attempt to hijack an An-2 passenger aircraft at the airport in Ashgabat (Turkmen SSR). There are two attackers. There are no casualties.

September - one of the first attempts to hijack a passenger plane took place in the Moldavian SSR: 2 convicted citizens tried to escape to the West. However, the attempt to hijack failed, one of the terrorists shot himself, the other was arrested.

January 22 - Junior Lieutenant V. Ilyin from the town of Lomonosov, Leningrad Region, attempted to assassinate L.I. Brezhnev. Having procured the uniform of a militia officer, he climbed into the cordon in the Kremlin, placed during the solemn meeting of the cortege with the cosmonauts, and shot 2 clips into the windshield of the first car, in which, in his opinion, the secretary general was supposed to be. However, there were cosmonauts in the car, while Brezhnev's car drove through another gate. The driver was killed by bullets. Ilyin was recognized as mentally ill and sentenced to imprisonment in the Kazan mental hospital.
June 3 - an armed group of 3 residents of the city of Leningrad hijacked an Il-14 aircraft on an internal flight on the Leningrad-Tallinn route. A flight mechanic who joined the fight against the hijackers was killed. The attack was suppressed by the forces of the aircraft crew. Crew members were awarded orders.

May 1 - in the city of Arkhangelsk, during a festive demonstration, a local resident burst into the rostrum on which the party-Soviet leadership of the region was located and opened fire from a machine gun. Several people were killed, many were injured.
June 15 - the KGB at the Pulkovo airport (Leningrad) suppressed an attempt at armed seizure and hijacking of a passenger plane abroad: 16 Jewish citizens intended to fly to Israel in this way, but were arrested right on the airfield. In December, the members of the group (E. Kuznetsov, M. Dymshits and others) were severely convicted (sentences up to "capital punishment"). The protests of the world community against the death sentences played a role: the VMN was replaced by a 15-year imprisonment.
July 15 - an attempt to hijack an An-2 passenger aircraft (flight Leningrad-Sortavala). There are two attackers. There are no casualties.
October 15 - the first case of "air terrorism" that took place in the USSR. Father and son Brazinskas hijacked an An-24 passenger plane (Batumi-Sukhumi flight). At the same time, flight attendant N. Kurchenko was killed, 2 pilots were seriously wounded. The terrorists landed the plane in Turkey, but after a few days it was returned to the USSR with all the passengers. The Turkish authorities did not extradite the criminals themselves for political reasons; they were later extradited to the United States, where they were declared "political refugees." In 2004, Brazinskas-son was convicted of the murder of his father.
October 27 - seizure by 2 passengers and hijacking to Turkey of the L-202 aircraft (Kerch-Krasnodar flight). There are no casualties. The hijackers were handed over to the USSR.
November 13 - attempted hijacking of the Il-14 aircraft (Vilnius-Palanga flight). There are two attackers. There are no casualties.

May 19 - a tragic attempt to hijack a Tu-104 passenger plane (Moscow-Chita flight): one of the passengers carried a bomb and firearms on board and during the flight demanded to change the route towards China. An armed policeman on board tried to neutralize the offender, but he managed to bring the explosive device into action. The plane exploded in the air near Lake Baikal, all on board (about 100 people) were killed.
July 25 - seizure and hijacking of An-2 passenger aircraft to Trabzon (Turkey) (flight Rostov-Salsk). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.
July 26 - an attempt to hijack an Il-14 aircraft (Vilnius-Palanga flight), 1 person was wounded.
September 1 - a former prisoner who served 10 years, carried out an "attempt on Lenin's life" in the mausoleum on Red Square. Hiding an explosive device under his clothes, he, among the sightseers, went into the building, where he activated it. It was blown to pieces, a married couple from Astrakhan died, 4 schoolchildren were wounded, and soldiers of the guard of honor were shell-shocked and scattered around the hall by a blast wave. Lenin's body turned out to be protected reliably enough and was not injured. The motives of the "kamikaze" remained a mystery.
November 2 - the seizure of a Yak-40 passenger plane (flight Moscow-Bryansk): 4 high school students, armed with firearms, demanded $ 1.5 million, refueling in Leningrad and a free flight to Scandinavia. 2 crew members were injured while trying to disarm them. The plane landed at Vnukovo airport, during the assault 2 invaders were killed, 2 surrendered; 2 passengers were also injured.

3 explosions in the cities of the Georgian SSR: Sukhumi (near the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, one person died), Tbilisi (on Rustaveli Avenue in front of the government building) and Kutaisi (in the city park). Their organizer, a certain V. Zhvania, was subsequently found and executed by a court verdict in January 1977. In the same year, an explosion was organized in Baku (Azerbaijan USSR).

January 26 - attempted hijacking of the Il-62 aircraft (Frunze-Moscow flight). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.
July 4 - attempted hijacking of the An-2 aircraft (Grozny-Elista flight).
September 23 - the second pilot of An-2, Zasimov, hijacked his plane without passengers from the Pushkin region of the Azerbaijan SSR to neighboring Iran. The Iranian authorities returned to the Soviet Union on September 25.
a group of students from Guyana seized the consul of their country in house No. 148 on Leninsky Prospekt (Moscow) and, threatening him with an ax, demanded that he increase his scholarships. The situation was resolved without an assault.

January 7 - a series of explosions in Moscow: in the subway car between the Izmailovskaya and Pervomayskaya stations, in the trading floor of the grocery store No. 15 of the Bauman district food store and a few hundred meters from the building of the KGB of the USSR, near the grocery store No. 5 on 25th Anniversary Street October. As a result, 7 people died (according to other sources 29) and more than 40 people were injured.
May 25 - V. Sosnovskiy, twice convicted, hijacked the An-24 aircraft (flight Riga-Daugavpils), demanded to change the course and go to Stockholm (Sweden). The plane with crew members and passengers was returned on May 27, the hijacker was sentenced to 4 years in Sweden.
June 11 - in Moscow, near the Sovetskaya Hotel on Leningradsky Prospekt, a taxi was blown up, several bystanders were injured. The offender who planted the explosive device was arrested a month later, but nothing was reported about the motives.
June 17 - an unknown person, threatening with an explosion, hijacked a Yak-40 aircraft (flight Tallinn-Kaliningrad), and demanded to fly to Sweden. The plane landed at the airport in Ventspils, the terrorist was neutralized.
July 10 - passenger plane Tu-134 (flight Petrozavodsk-Leningrad), captured by 2 unknown persons armed with grenades, who demanded to send it to Stockholm. The crew landed for refueling at the Helsinki airport (Finland), where the criminals were arrested and later transferred to the USSR.
October - a new explosive device is defused at the Kursk railway station in Moscow. Thanks to this, the January terrorists were soon detained by the KGB. It turned out that the organizers and performers were a group of Armenian terrorists led by Zatikyan. At a closed trial, its participants were sentenced to death.
October 19 - an attempt to hijack the An-2 aircraft at the airport in Tartu (Estonian SSR). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.
November 6 - attempted hijacking of the An-24 aircraft (Palanga-Vilnius flight). An unemployed man with a dummy grenade demanded to change course and fly to Switzerland. The plane landed in Vilnius, the criminal was detained by the task force.

February 21 - the seizure of the Tu-134 aircraft (flight Pulkovo-Murmansk) with the requirement to go to Oslo under the threat of an explosion. After the use of special means, the criminal, locked in the toilet, was detained, he did not have explosive objects with him.
April 9 - in a Yak-40 plane (flight Palanga-Riga-Tallinn) an unknown person demanded that the crew go to Sweden. After refusing to comply with his demand, he shot 11 times at the cockpit door and the walls of the aircraft. The plane landed at the airport in Pärnu, the offender was detained.
May 1 - during the flight of the Il-18 aircraft (Ashgabat-Mineralnye Vody flight), a certain Skubenko demanded to change course and land in Tehran (Iran), threatening him with a pistol and a grenade. The terrorist co-pilot was shot dead, the plane landed at the Ashgabat airport.
May 24 - an unprecedented state of emergency in Moscow in the history of the USSR: a terrorist armed with firearms seized the office of the Finnair airline (Kuznetsky Most street), taking employees hostage. Requirement: help him fly to Finland. A few hours later, the invader was neutralized by a police squad.
October 15 - an attempt to hijack the plane "An-24" (flight Simferopol-Odessa-Ternopil): the passenger, threatening with a pistol, demanded a change in course (without naming the route), threatened with an explosion. The plane returned to Simferopol, the invader was detained.
November 9 - a mentally ill Chechen demanded to change the course of the An-24 aircraft (flight Grozny-Makhachkala), fired several shots into the aircraft's skin, and shot himself before landing.
November 10 - the seizure of the An-24 aircraft, which took off from the airport of Sukhumi (flight Charkov-Rostov-Sukhumi-Batumi). The passenger, through a flight attendant, passed a note to the crew demanding to fly to Turkey, threatening to blow up the plane. The plane was landed at the airport in Batumi, the criminal did not have a weapon and an explosive device.

January 6 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 aircraft at the Pulkovo airport (Leningrad). There are four hijackers. There are no casualties.
March 28 - a resident of Kherson (Ukrainian SSR) Y. Vlasenko entered the building of the US Embassy, ​​entered the consular department and in an ultimatum demanded a large sum of money and an immediate flight abroad (to the USA). If he refused, he threatened to detonate an improvised explosive device. Two-hour negotiations did not lead to a result, they tried to neutralize the "terrorist" with shots from a silent pistol, but he still managed to make an explosion and soon died from his wounds. A strong fire started in the room, which was soon liquidated.
April 1 - The crew of the Yak-40 aircraft, which took off from the airport of Simferopol (Odessa-Kutaisi flight), was sent a note through the stewardess with the requirement to go to Turkey under the threat of an explosion. The plane returned to Simferopol, the hijacker was arrested, a dummy explosive device was seized from him.
May 14 - seizure of a passenger bus by 2 local residents in Novokuznetsk. The terrorists demanded to take them to the airport, to the objections of the passengers, one of them was killed, 4 were taken hostage. They were provided with a helicopter, but on the runway, in a shootout with guards and police officers, one of the invaders was killed, the other was captured (later sentenced to death). They had sawn-off shotguns of hunting rifles, a hand grenade and an explosive device.
June 8 - an explosion near the Mir cinema in the city of Klin (Moscow region). 2 people were injured. The Demoman is a children's surgeon, dissatisfied with the policy of the authorities and decided to take the path of individual terror.
July 26 - the second explosion, this time on the Leningradskoe highway (Moscow region). 1 person was injured.
September 14 - an incident on the Il-18 aircraft (flight Anadyr-Magadan-Khabarovsk): one of the convoy officers demanded to change course, seriously wounded one of his partner, but he himself was mortally wounded by another. Passengers and crew were not injured.
September 29 - the third explosion, organized by the Klin demolition man, in the village of Maloye Shchapovo, Klinsky District (Moscow Region). 1 person died. The next day the bomber is arrested.

March 20 - a resident of Baku, an unemployed Armenian, tried to hijack a Tu-134 (Baku-Yerevan flight), threatening the flight attendant with a knife, demanded to change course and go to Turkey, but was disarmed and tied by the crew. The plane landed at the Yerevan airport.
April 14 - during the flight of the aircraft "L-410" (Batumi-Sukhumi), a passenger, a student of the 10th grade, threw a letter into the cockpit with the threat of an explosion of the aircraft if he was not planted in Turkey. The plane returned to Batumi, the bully was detained.
May 7 - at the airport in Minsk, a 9th grade student tried to enter a Tu-134 (flight Minsk-Vilnius-Leningrad), having with him a previously stolen small-bore rifle “Biathlon-8” and cartridges for it. However, the plane door was closed, the "terrorist" was soon detained at the gangway.
August 8 - in a strictly guarded party health resort (Cholpon-Ata village on Issyk-Kul), the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kyrgyz SSR S.Sh. Ibraimov. The event was initially qualified as a "terrorist act". The killer, a certain N. Smagin, was put on the all-Union wanted list and a few months later was found on a train en route to Kuibyshev, hanged in the carriage vestibule on ... a police scarf. It was officially announced that Smagin was mentally ill and committed crimes without motivation, in delirium. The British communist newspaper The Morning Star, in its issue of January 8, 1981, wrote that "this is a political murder."

According to the information of the KGB of the USSR in the Central Committee of the CPSU on November 29, a resident of the city of Yaroslavl E. Negriy was preparing to detonate homemade bombs in various places in Yaroslavl "in order to induce the population to actively express dissatisfaction with the shortages in the supply of food. In 1980 he was already prevented for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda."
December - in the city of Chelyabinsk, an explosion thundered in an overcrowded tram. The scraps of a briefcase in which an explosive device was found at the scene led the operatives to the trail of the terrorist, who, however, was detained and exposed only 5 years later. It turned out that he committed the act of terrorism based on personal revenge.
December 18 - the first seizure of a school in the history of the USSR: in the city of Sarapul, Udmurt ASSR. 2 servicemen of a motorized rifle division voluntarily left a unit with weapons and seized a school in a nearby town. They barricaded themselves in the classroom with the students and tried to force the local authorities to comply with their requirements: to issue money and visas, as well as provide an airplane to fly overseas (to the United States). At the airport in Izhevsk there is a subdivision of the special response group "Vityaz", the school was blocked by group "A". Negotiations were held with the criminals, as a result of which they surrendered a few hours later. None of the hostages were hurt.

March 2 - a certain Ushakov, armed with an improvised explosive device, is neutralized by a special forces group "A" on the territory of the US Embassy in Moscow.
July 8 - an incident at the airport in Murmansk: after passengers got on the Tu-154, which was flying to Leningrad, one of the passengers handed a note to the stewardess demanding to deliver on board 2 suitcases of 250 thousand rubles each, threatening to open fire to defeat. The passenger was detained by police officers.
September 19 - an attempt to hijack the Yak-40 aircraft (Kingisepp-Tallinn flight). There are four hijackers. There are no casualties.
November 7 - the seizure of the An-24 aircraft (Novorossiysk-Odessa flight): one of the passengers, threatening with an explosive device, demanded to fly to Turkey. The crew landed at the Turkish airport in Sinop. The next day, the plane with all the passengers was returned to the USSR, the performers were sentenced by a Turkish court to 8 years in prison.

January 25 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-154 aircraft by one of the passengers (Ashgabat-Yerevan flight). Threatening with an improvised explosive device, he demanded to fly to Turkey. As a result of the special operation, the criminal was neutralized, the bomb was seized.
May 27 - the flight commander of the Latvian UGA, having fraudulently seized the An-2 aircraft, flew over the border and landed on the island of Gotland (Sweden). The plane was returned to the USSR.
July 5 - the hijacking of a Tu-134 passenger aircraft (flight Sheremetyevo-1 - Tallinn). Threatening with an explosion, 2 criminals demanded to change course to London or Oslo. During the evacuation of passengers, a field communications officer used personal weapons, killing one and wounding the second invader.
November 18 - the seizure of the Tu-134 aircraft (Batumi-Kiev-Leningrad route): a group of armed criminals from among the “golden youth” (children of high-ranking parents from Georgia, carried weapons through the “deputy hall”) burst into the cockpit and demanded to fly in Turkey, while trying to disarm them, 2 pilots, a flight attendant and 2 passengers were killed, 2 more crew members were seriously wounded. The plane landed at the airport in Tbilisi, on November 19, as a result of the special operation "Nabat", the criminals were captured, the passengers were released.

June 18 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-154 (Domodedovo-Surgut flight). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.

November 17 - attempted hijacking of the An-24 aircraft (Tallinn-Riga-Vilnius flight). The hijackers - a married couple - under threat of an explosion demanded to follow to Sweden. To threaten the crew, a Sevan watch and a school compass were used as an explosive device. The plane landed at a military airfield in Haapsalu, where the hijackers were detained and subsequently convicted.
December 19 - seizure and hijacking of the An-24 aircraft to China (flight Yakutsk-Chulman-Takhtamygda-Chita-Irkutsk). The co-pilot crossed the state border with the PRC and landed at Hailar (KHP). The Harbin court sentenced him to 8 years in prison, after serving half of the sentence, he was returned to the USSR, where he was sentenced in addition to 5 years in prison.

September 20 - a terrorist attack in the city of Ufa (Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic): 3 soldiers from the regiment of the internal service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, being in an internal squad, took possession of a weapon and seized a taxi. On the way, they shot 2 policemen. Frightened by what he had done, one of them fled, the rest went to the airfield, where they broke into the Tu-134 A plane and hijacked it, killing 2 passengers. Terrorists' demand: follow to Pakistan. As a result of the assault carried out by employees of the Alpha group on September 21, one of the terrorists was killed, and the second was wounded and subsequently shot by a court sentence.

May 27 - hijacking of the An-2 aircraft of the Latvian Civil Aviation Administration to Sweden. The plane, not having reached the island of Gotland about a kilometer, landed on the water. The hijacker was sentenced to conditional imprisonment in Sweden.
September 13 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 (flight Minsk-Rostov). The hijacker, under threat of an explosion, demanded to fly to France, but was neutralized by the crew; after being detained, an imitation of an explosive device was seized from him from pieces of soap, clothespin, bell and telephone wire. The hijacker was declared insane by the forensic psychiatric examination.

March 8 - one of the most famous terrorist attacks in the history of the USSR: the Ovechkin family (11 people: members of the Seven Simeonov group, mother and young children) seized a Tu-154 passenger plane from Irkutsk (flight Irkutsk-Kurgan-Leningrad), demanding fly to London. After the plane landed for refueling at the Veschevo airfield near Vyborg, an order was given to storm. As a result of unprofessional actions of the capture group, 3 people were killed, including a flight attendant, 19 passengers were injured. The plane burned down completely. Of the terrorists, 5 hijackers were killed.
March 30 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 aircraft (Frunze-Moscow flight). The hijacker is one. There are no casualties.
December 1 - a terrorist attack in the city of Ordzhonikidze (North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic): 5 criminals hijacked a bus with 30 4th grade pupils of school No. 42 and their teacher. In exchange for the children, the authorities provided the attackers with $ 2 million, weapons and an airplane to fly to Pakistan. An agreement was reached on their departure to Israel, on December 2, at the Tel Aviv airport, during an operation by the local special services, the terrorists were detained, and on December 3 they were extradited to the USSR. In March 1989, the bandits received from 14 to 15 years in prison.

January 20 - an attempt to hijack a Tu-134 passenger aircraft (flight Arkhangelsk-Boryspil-Odessa). The hijacker, under threat of an explosion, demanded to follow to Bucharest (Romania) after leaving Boryspil. The plane landed in Odessa, where the "terrorist" was detained, no explosives were found.
January 21 - an attempt to hijack the An-24 aircraft (Ivano-Frankovsk - Kiev flight). The hijacker, threatened with an explosion while taxiing the plane at the Ivano-Frankivsk airport, demanded to fly abroad. Detained by airport security, no explosives were found.
March 30 - the hijacking of a Tu-134 passenger plane (Voronezh-Astrakhan-Baku flight): a passenger on the all-Union wanted list said that there were allegedly two of his accomplices on the plane, and an explosive device was in the cargo hold. Threatening an explosion, he demanded half a million dollars and the possibility of flying abroad. The terrorist was neutralized by employees of the Alpha group on March 31.
April 20 - 2 improvised explosive devices were found at the Paveletskaya (radial) and VDNKh stations of the Moscow Metro. Thanks to the competent and prompt actions of the explosives technicians, the bombs were defused in a timely manner.
May - the seizure of hostages by criminals in the detention center of the city of Kizel, Perm region and in the correctional labor colony of the village. Forest of the Kirov region. Successful operations to free the hostages were carried out by the special forces of the Interior Ministry troops.
May 10-12 - seizure of hostages in isolation ward No. 1 of the UITU of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov Regional Executive Committee. 4 criminals, armed with sharpenings and "grenades" (painted dummies of bread crumb), having seized the keys to the 3rd floor of the building, opened one of the cells and took 2 underage suspects hostage. They presented an ultimatum: 2 machine guns, 4 pistols with ammunition, grenades, 10 thousand rubles and a car for unhindered leaving the prison outside the region. If the requirements were not met, the criminals threatened to kill the hostages. The police complied with all the conditions, providing a minibus "RAF" with a full refueling of gasoline, on which the bandits fled. On the way, 4 more hostages were taken, incl. family. They set new conditions: a plane to fly abroad, a large sum of money, drugs and vodka. At the same time, they behaved extremely aggressively. As a result of the operation to free the hostages carried out by Group A, the bandits were rendered harmless, none of the hostages was injured.
May 20 - military pilot A. Zuev hijacked a MiG-29 fighter from the airfield of the Tskhakaya base (Georgian SSR) to Turkey. The hijacker was brought before a Turkish court, but acquitted. He emigrated to the USA, where he died in ... a plane crash.
December 21 - an attempt to hijack the Yak-42 aircraft (flight Dnepropetrovsk-Moscow). The hijacker, through the stewardess, handed the crew a New Year's card with the text in which he demanded to fly abroad under the threat of an aircraft explosion. The landing was made at the Bykovo airport, where the "terrorist" was detained, no explosives were found during the check.

In our time, fear of a terrorist attack in a crowded place has long been added to the list of classic phobias of the inhabitants of the metropolis. It seems that they are a sad sign of modernity. However, in the past, such terrible events also happened. The Soviet Union could not avoid them either.

In the 1970s, radical terrorist groups became active in many countries of the world. Italian Red Brigades, Spanish ETA, Irish IRA. All these underground organizations had one thing in common: declaring that they were engaged in a noble revolutionary struggle, they actually declared themselves by explosions, murders and abductions.
innocent people. For Soviet ideology, this was another trump card, proving the vices of a decaying capitalist society. But even in a nightmare, none of the citizens of the "country of developed socialism" could dream of the nightmare that happened in Krasnodar in the summer of 1971.

On the morning of June 14, 1971, the driver of the vehicle fleet Nikolai Simonov, as usual, having passed a medical examination, set off for the next flight along the route "Herzen Street - Radiozavod". It was rush hour, so the passengers took the bus by storm. Those who did not have enough space, irritably remained at the bus stop to wait for the next one, not even suspecting that for them this trip could be the last in their life.

The explosion thundered when the bus drove along Turgenev Street. It was so powerful that the LAZ toppled over on its side, and in the nearby houses all the glass was knocked out. And then the gas tank exploded, turning a huge car into a giant bonfire. Simonov, despite the received concussion, was not taken aback. Jumping out of the cab, he began to break the glass with a pry bar and, together with passers-by who found themselves at the scene of the accident, began to pull the shocked people out.

Some of the eyewitnesses called firefighters and an ambulance. But, alas, the five passengers no longer needed medical help - they practically burned to death. Victims with burns and injuries of varying severity were taken to hospitals, where doctors continued to fight for their lives. Five more people later died in the hospital. The scene of the incident was cordoned off by the police, and within half an hour after the tragedy, an operational-investigative team began work there.

The first version that was taken into consideration: a short circuit in the engine, which is located at the back next to the gas tank. As a result - ignition of fuel vapors from a spark. But it soon became clear that the matter was completely different. Not even in the negligence of the mechanics preparing the bus to enter the line.

The fire, located inside the cabin, was caused by an improvised explosive device detonation. There was no doubt that it was not a man-made catastrophe that took place here, but a real terrorist act. Therefore, the criminal case was transferred to the investigation department of the USSR KGB Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory. And, just in case, they transferred the work of the local police patrol service to a reinforced version.

Deadly filling

A day later, forensic experts gave a conclusion - the "hell machine" was a fire extinguisher body filled with gunpowder, as well as striking elements in the form of nails, bolts, nuts and metal balls, which had to be collected even tens of meters from the explosion site. With the help of surviving witnesses, it was possible to restore the picture immediately preceding the explosion. According to them, one of the passengers was a strange young man of small stature, talking to himself, with a black suitcase in his hand. He suddenly felt bad, he asked the driver to stop and release him, before reaching the stop. A minute after the man left the salon, there was an explosion.

From the words of the witnesses, an identikit of the suspect was compiled, which, unfortunately, has not given anything yet. And even the mighty KGB did not have methods of investigating such crimes. But unexpectedly an interesting trail appeared. One of the security officers, looking through and analyzing the police reports recorded for recent times incidents, came across two interesting operational reports.

In January 1971, following a telephone call from citizen Kaystryukova to the house on Lenin Street, where she lived, a police squad arrived. The woman saw a strange package attached to the door handle of a neighbor's apartment. A cord ran from him to an iron, which in turn was thrown over the railing. The explosion technicians who arrived at the scene, having examined the structure, came to the conclusion that in front of them was an improvised explosive device, consisting of a stuffed fire extinguisher and a counterweight in the form of an iron. If the inhabitants of the apartment opened the door, it would lead to an explosion. Surprisingly, even a rudimentary investigation was not carried out about this incident. As it turned out, "so as not to spoil the statistics." This cost the position of the head of the district department of internal affairs, who decided not to react to "petty hooliganism".

The second, seemingly insignificant incident took place a month later. Biletersha Maria Petrovna refused to let a short young man with a large suitcase in hand into the largest in the Kuban cinema "Aurora" for an evening show. There was the popular American comedy "There Are Only Girls in Jazz", so the hall was overcrowded. When the man began to insist and the conversation turned to raised tones, the woman asked her partner to call the police. Realizing this, the failed viewer decided to leave. The crew of the patrol service who arrived at the scene of the incident found no reason to detain him. But the call was still recorded in the incident report, which subsequently greatly helped the investigation.

The vigilant usher, who identified a strange stranger from the composite, and the citizen Kaystryukov did not even suspect that with their decisive actions they saved human lives... But much more valuable testimony for the investigation was given by the owner of the mined apartment, the head of the Department of Psychiatry of the Kuban Medical Institute, Professor Khromov. Peering into the composite, the professor exclaimed: "Yes, this is my former patient, Pyotr Volynsky!"

It was decided to secretly send a task force to the suspect's apartment in order to conduct a secret inspection of his home in the absence of the owner. The assumption turned out to be correct. In the one-room apartment of a lonely bachelor Volynsky, a pair of discharged fire extinguishers, a bag of gunpowder, bearings disassembled into balls intended for filling the next "infernal machine", drawings of an improvised explosive device were found.

The details of the room's furnishings turned out to be no less interesting. Especially the photograph of the owner hanging under the portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte with the inscription on the back: "I can do anything." As you know, the growth of the emperor was 167 centimeters. Peter Volynsky was slightly shorter than the great Corsican - about 160-165 centimeters. Gradually, more and more details of the biography of the Soviet terrorist were learned.

Having successfully graduated from the medical institute, Volynsky never became a successful doctor. This was hampered by the illness of schizophrenia. A "white ticket" in the form of a life-long disability of the II group was issued to him by the chairman of the medical commission, Professor Khromov, who later almost became a victim of the schizophrenic's revenge.

Dissatisfaction with one's own financial situation(what salary can an auxiliary worker have?), innate ambition plus a progressive illness - all this led Peter to believe that his troubles were the result of short stature. An inferiority complex pushed him to the idea of ​​creating a League of short people, which would protect their interests and punish tall offenders. He even walked the streets and tried to "recruit supporters." And then I decided to move from words to deeds.

When asked at the trial what he wanted to achieve by detonating a bomb on the bus, Volynsky answered quickly and without hesitation: "I hate people." The court found him insane, released from criminal punishment and sentenced to compulsory treatment in a closed psychiatric hospital located in the Smolensk region.

There are conflicting rumors about his future fate. According to one version, he was recognized as cured and was released in 2000, after which he disappeared without a trace. According to another, he was seen in the same hospital in 2015. Volynsky was kept in a solitary ward.