Once again about working with runes. Once again about working with runes You can apply runes

Runes are a serious tool that requires understanding, respect and reverence. Runes are history and tradition. In this section, we will analyze what, how and where, so that everything works out and we don’t get anything for it.

You can apply runes:

a) for yourself
b) to another person
c) On the photo
d) For water, food, soap, cream, etc.
e) On a blank sheet of paper or other material.

Condition: The material must be such that you can wipe or destroy the runes.
It is not recommended to apply runes in the form of a tattoo or gouge on a multi-ton stone slab.

There are several rules for applying to yourself:

1) If we influence ourselves(we are looking for money, work, we are losing weight, we are being treated, etc.) - then the runes are applied
to the left side of the body or on your photo.

2) If we influence others(we bring confusion, love spell, prisushka, etc.) -
to the right side of the body. Or maybe in his photo. No photo - draw schematically (stick-stick cucumber, that's it - a little man), write his name, visualize as much as possible the one you are working for and apply runes.

The specific location doesn't matter. Where to reach (without fanaticism)

3) Medicinal formulas can be applied to food or water.
On food they are carved. And on the water they are drawn with something - a toothpick, a knife, etc.

4) It is possible to apply runes on bath foam, soap, cream, comb, etc.

Important to remember!


Remember: The main thing is that the runes are on the carrier.
You can write with a pen, pencil, pastel, paint, scratch with a carnation, cross stitch, etc.
V extreme situations you can draw with your finger on the misted glass, or draw with a stick on the water ...
If we are treated with runes, then on a sore spot or you can apply saliva to the wrist.
The main thing is that the runes are in the right place, you know about them and stipulate correctly.

Regarding the color - I do not make divisions by color and write all the runes in one color - black, but I can also use blue - it depends on which pen is closer (just kidding).
Runes - powerful magic tool. They themselves have power, great power. And this power does not have any color, it is neither black nor white, it is neither gray nor crimson. Strength is strength. Power is the current in the socket, it is completely indifferent to the current where to flow and what to set in motion - an electric chair or a kettle.

Therefore, the runes themselves do not belong to either white or black magic. Runes are runes, but the operator (a person weaving a formula or a ligature) can give them the color he wants.

Runes can attract wealth, or you can take away luck, you can heal, or you can send death.

Runes are also letters of the alphabet, there are not many of them, only 24 in Futhark. And from the letters you can add the most different words: love and hate, life and death, dawn and midnight, laughter and blood, joy and sacrifice.

There is nothing bad in the runes, everything bad, like the good, is concentrated in us, in the people who were given the tool - the Runes.

The question is to burn or not to burn the written runes.

If you applied the runes to yourself, and not only to yourself, in the intention you need to specify the duration of the runes, i.e. to say “the runes start working from the moment they are applied / tomorrow morning / when Petya appears within sight / something of his own” - this is called activate.

And indicate the condition under which the runes finish their work “the runes stop working when ... they are washed off the body / the intention is fulfilled in full / after 3 days at such and such a time / their own ... "

Runes can act in different ways, we are all different and the runes fall on us in different ways. Therefore, I always emphasize once again - you should always have the opportunity to “turn off” the formula!

Upon reaching the result indicated in the intention - the formula must be washed off, if it was applied to a photo / paper / wood - burn, on metal / leather / non-combustible substance - break / cut and throw into running water or bury. All this is done with words of gratitude and respect for the runes, we thank them for their work, for the result obtained, and let them go.
Politely, correctly, respectfully and most importantly - sincerely. Then they will be happy to help.

Rune cleaning

When applying any global formulas, for example, to “meeting one’s fate”, “finding new work", etc. and then, when you feel that there is a lot of negativity on you, that there is someone who actively wishes you bad things, that health problems do not go away, no matter how much they are treated, that you seem to be walking in circles or knocking only on closed doors - it is necessary to throw off the accumulated negativity from yourself and your life. And this is done through cleaning. Cleansing can be runic, and maybe in other ways.
If after the cleansing your feelings didn’t improve, you didn’t feel better, you didn’t see new opportunities, or everything just remained the same as it was before the cleansing, then you need not just cleaning, but diagnostics.

How to measure formulas? (slander)

A reservation is 80% of the successful work of the runes. The slander is drawn up according to the standard scheme and pronounced in an undertone.

Measure very carefully! Runes - they are straight, they do not understand or do not want to understand our sentiments and frills, here to read, here not to read, but here the fish was wrapped. The runes are given what they do.

Every time you work with runes, this is a comprehensive assessment of the situation and its elaboration to the details! Then the runes will respect you and willingly help.

The tie/formula is the energy matrix, and the intention is the program of the matrix action. Therefore, when cleaning, you should not use general or generalizing words and expressions, such as “clean out all the bad”, “save me from all the negativity”, etc.

With such an intention, you can easily get, for example, to the hospital, or be fired from work and there is nothing to be offended by the runes, they just fulfilled the order! They said - remove everything bad - and at that time you had a slight inflammation of appendicitis, which, perhaps, would have passed by itself, but the runes fulfill the order: inflamed appendicitis is bad, so you need to remove it - you are in the hospital on the operating table. We wanted well, but it turned out - as always.

Or another intention - “to remove everything that prevents me from finding my purpose / path in life” - and that’s it ... Go to Africa to save the world from AIDS ... or maybe you have just such a destiny ??? Therefore, be careful with purges and especially with runes.

How to correctly measure the runes?

“With this runic formula, I clear and remove from myself all the negativity received both from one person and from a group of people, both familiar and unfamiliar, both from entities, beings and programs of the energy-information structure known to me, and unknown. Everything that has a negative connotation or carries a negative program leaves me without harming my health, my fate, my loved ones and my family, everything that brings positive changes to my life. May it be so!"

Scheme of work:

1.decided on the desired result and the specific object of influence of the runes.
2. picked up a runic formula or wrote it yourself.
3. wrote the intention to the formula or found the right intention.
4. inflicted runes on themselves / a piece of paper / photo / ...
5. after drawing, they spoke the intention and named the formula according to the runes (the runes love and appreciate respect).
6. activated the formula, specifying when and how the formula will end. Clarifications - you can add that the runes work without harm to the mental and physical health, or lifestyle, or specify the exact terms of work, in a word, any wishes.
7. if the formula is applied for a long time, then do not forget about once every 2 weeks to remember the formula, tracing it with your finger and repeating the intentions.
8. after receiving what you want, destroy the runes (burn a photo / piece of paper) or wash it off the body, with gratitude and respect.


1. Is it necessary to carry out a ritual for application runic formula?

No, not necessarily. Any ritual actions are intended primarily for concentration of consciousness and the formation of a vector for the application of the will of the practitioner.

2. Is it necessary to turn to the Gods to apply the runic formula?

No, not necessarily. The gods should not be disturbed over trifles, and the Runes themselves are a fairly powerful egregor that can ensure the effectiveness of work.

3. Is there any runic magic the concept of redemption and how it is produced?

No, in runic magic there is no concept of redemption. However, when asking for help from the Gods of the Northern Tradition, it is customary for them to bring gifts or offerings ( qualitative composition offerings may vary depending on the chosen Deity and the conditions of the operator). In other cases, there can be no "payments", "repayments" and "salaries".

4. Where should the runic formula be applied - on yourself, in a photo or make an amulet?

It all depends on the subject, object and mechanism of action of the formula:
- it makes sense to apply to the human body those formulas that will act only on him - formulas for health, attractiveness, etc., where he is both a subject and an object of influence.

- it makes sense to put formulas on the photo of another person, which will, accordingly, act only on him, and where the mechanism of influence is closed on the “object”.

- "broad plan" formulas, in which the work of the formula is closed to the operator (subject of influence), but is addressed to an unlimited circle of potential subjects, or if these subjects can change, it is better to use with the creation of "objects of power" (for example, amulets).
Some formulas can be used in more than one way, but with appropriate adjustments to the intent.

5. How to apply formulas on household items, jewelry, etc.? How to apply formulas on yourself?

The formula is applied in the same way as on any other medium - in the same way as ordinary text is written. If the carrier has an outer and inner side, and there is a need to apply the formula to the inner side, you should do the same - considering the inner side of the object as a "working plane". They will not act like inverted runes, because. designed to be applied straight.

When applying the formula “on yourself”, write the runes as if they were written on your body by another person.

6. Is it possible to use a sheet with a surname or initials instead of a photo?

Can. Any symbolic attachment to a person is suitable - provided that the operator of influence is sufficiently concentrated.

7. Is it possible to use a hang to a runic formula instead of describing the action of each rune included in the formula?

It is possible - the working hang should reflect the mechanism of action of the formula, incl. and the runes included in it. You can do without a visa - a simple statement of intention (slander). However, this wording must be clear and potentially realizable with the help of the runes involved.

8. What hangs can be used for runic formulas?

Any visa is good (from the point of view of runic magic, not versification) if it correctly formulates the intention of the operator and clearly sets the task for the working runes. In other words, the wording might be something like this:

- appeal to the Runes, i.e. visa of an invocative nature (“Runes, serve me and do this and that with the enemy”);

- appeal to the object of influence, i.e. visa of a spellcasting character (“From now on, you will be so-and-so, and so-and-so will happen to you, you will do so-and-so”);

- replacement of the object of influence, i.e. hypnotic visa (visa reflects, and you voice the state of the object, which will be achieved as a result of the action of the formula.

These options are alternative, it is not logical to combine all three types in one visa.
The same applies to the usual formulation of intention, which should be carried out taking into account the chosen mechanism of action of the formula and its carrier.

9. When applying the formula to yourself or to an object of power, if the formula will be on the hand - which hand is better to choose?

Left hand is responsible for the past and draws the impact on itself, is "receiving".
Right hand is responsible for the future and directs the impact to the outside world, is "broadcasting".

10. What photographs are suitable for applying formulas - where the object of influence is depicted by himself or joint photos?

It depends on the chosen formula and the task at hand. If the impact is "point" - it is better to take an individual photo.

11. What color to apply the runic formula?

The color of the formula, as well as the coloring element itself, is not fundamental for the work of the Runes. If for you personally the intended action (for example, receiving money using a runic formula) is associated with some color (for example, with green - the color of the dollar) - you can apply it.

Applying runes horizontally or vertically is also not important.


The runes work in a cycle, that is, they reach a maximum in positive influence and like a pendulum fly back. Your task is to destroy the formula immediately after the result.

P.S. Next time I will give some examples of rune slanders. Good luck to everyone in your work!

When you decide that a magical effect is necessary, according to the diagnosis you select the desired formula / connection / becoming, a number of questions may arise.
1. Where to apply? In ancient times, runes were applied mainly to stones, wooden planks and any household items. In modern times, paper has become the most common material, and more specifically, then a photo. The photo acts as an anchor to the object. If in ancient times the planks with runic symbols they put objects under them, they tried to touch the object, but now this kind of action in most cases is not possible. Therefore, we take a photo as an energy cast from the object. Which photo does not matter. Of course, if it is fresh, with a clearly visible face - this helps the operator to focus on the target. The main formula is usually applied to the front side of the photo. I prefer to apply one formula on the photo. On the reverse side, you can apply staves protecting your work and impenetrable. If there is no photo, they simply take paper, draw a “cucumber”, write down all the data known about the object.

2. How to apply? Anything, if it is a natural material, then the runes are cut or carved. If this is a photo - then with a pen / marker - what is suitable. Color is not important, except for associations: green - with money, black - with negative, red - with love magic etc.

3. How to apply. In most cases, in the author's formulas it is clearly stated: to apply in fleece or the entire ligature. If not spelled out, then everyone empirically selects the method by which the runes will work for him. There is no definitive answer "how to" - no. That's right - how it works for you. You can apply each rune with a stipulation of its action, you can apply the entire rune and stipulate its entire effect - it depends on the author of the formula and on the personal preference of the operator. Whether or not to call the Gods also depends on personal preferences. The runes themselves are "strong signs." The same can be said about the consecration of formulas by the elements and the combination of runic magic with another. Sometimes this is effective, but in most cases, if the runes do not work or work poorly on your own, then by attracting the elements / demons / graveyard, you can be sure that other forces, but not the runes, influenced the result to a greater extent.

4. Activation of runic formulas. Activation is for runes symbol that you need to start working, launching them. It is customary to stipulate the conditions for the formula to start working: the formula begins to work from the moment it is activated by breathing / passing over the flame of a candle / four elements, etc. It is also necessary to consider the conditions for terminating the formula. Most often it is: wash away / burn with gratitude. If I see that something went wrong, then I just burn the runes with words of gratitude for the work. In this case, I did not observe any residual negative, i.e. cleaning is not required. If the stipulation says that the formula works until the desire is completely fulfilled (for example, goiter), and for some reason you need to remove it (lay down, but there are side effects, or you need to put the formula opposite in action), then in this case, even destroying the formula with gratitude it will be necessary to do the cleaning of the object. These are my observations. In this sense, I do not understand the predilection of runologists for the stav uv. Cantas "Cancelling" (nothing personal to Cantas himself - he has good formulas I use them often). If the impact has already happened - we made damage to death and the enemy died, and we suddenly regretted it and decided to cancel the damage. This, logically, means that the enemy will rise from the coffin and there would be no funeral? Of course, I'm exaggerating, but you need to understand a little the mechanism magical influences before waving the magic wands. I also don't understand the activation by burning. Of course, runes have such a thing - that they continue to work for some time after the holidays, I think that the same thing happens with burning. It's hard for me to imagine how something that doesn't exist can work. I think that in this way it is possible to run formulas of a one-time action - such as calling, breaking, receiving a gift or a certain amount of money - but not a prolonged action.

5. Slander of the runic formula. The desired result from the work of the formula is embedded in the reservation. In my opinion, it should be extremely clear and concise - a clearly defined task.

The most famous way of drawing runes is described in the Saga of Egil.
Egil took the knife and thrust it into his palm. Then he took the horn, carved runes on it and dyed them with his blood. He said:
I cut the runes on the horn,
My blood will color them.
Runes every word
It will be firmly embedded.
Braga of the merry maiden
I'll drink if I want
Will it only benefit
Braga, what did Bard pour me?
The horn shattered into pieces, and the drink spilled onto the straw.
What would modern runologists, with their troubles, runes work in the same second!

Runes are a serious tool that requires understanding, respect and reverence. Runes are history and tradition. In this section, we will analyze what, how and where, so that everything works out and we don’t get anything for it.

You can apply runes:

a) for yourself
b) to another person
c) On the photo
d) For water, food, soap, cream, etc.
e) On a blank sheet of paper or other material.

Condition: The material must be such that you can wipe or destroy the runes.
It is not recommended to apply runes in the form of a tattoo or gouge on a multi-ton stone slab.

There are several rules for applying to yourself:

1) If we influence ourselves(we are looking for money, work, we are losing weight, we are being treated, etc.) - then the runes are applied
to the left side of the body or on your photo.

2) If we influence others(we bring confusion, love spell, prisushka, etc.) -
to the right side of the body. Or maybe in his photo. No photo - draw schematically (stick-stick cucumber, that's it - a little man), write his name, visualize as much as possible the one you are working for and apply runes.

The specific location doesn't matter. Where to reach (without fanaticism)

3) Medicinal formulas can be applied to food or water.
On food they are carved. And on the water they are drawn with something - a toothpick, a knife, etc.

4) It is possible to apply runes on bath foam, soap, cream, comb, etc.

Important to remember!


Remember: The main thing is that the runes are on the carrier.
You can write with a pen, pencil, pastel, paint, scratch with a carnation, cross stitch, etc.
In extreme situations, you can draw with your finger on the misted glass, or draw with a stick on the water ...
If we are treated with runes, then on a sore spot or you can apply saliva to the wrist.
The main thing is that the runes are in the right place, you know about them and stipulate correctly.

Regarding the color - I do not make divisions by color and write all the runes in one color - black, but I can also use blue - it depends on which pen is closer (just kidding).
Runes are powerful magical tools. They themselves have power, great power. And this power does not have any color, it is neither black nor white, it is neither gray nor crimson. Strength is strength. Power is the current in the socket, it is completely indifferent to the current where to flow and what to set in motion - an electric chair or a kettle.

Therefore, the runes themselves do not belong to either white or black magic. Runes are runes, but the operator (a person weaving a formula or a ligature) can give them the color he wants.

Runes can attract wealth, or you can take away luck, you can heal, or you can send death.

Runes are also letters of the alphabet, there are not many of them, only 24 in Futhark. And from the letters you can put together a variety of words: love and hate, life and death, dawn and midnight, laughter and blood, joy and sacrifice.

There is nothing bad in the runes, everything bad, like the good, is concentrated in us, in the people who were given the tool - the Runes.

The question is to burn or not to burn the written runes.

If you applied the runes to yourself, and not only to yourself, in the intention you need to specify the duration of the runes, i.e. to say “the runes start working from the moment they are applied / tomorrow morning / when Petya appears within sight / something of his own” - this is called activate.

And indicate the condition under which the runes finish their work “the runes stop working when ... they are washed off the body / the intention is fulfilled in full / after 3 days at such and such a time / their own ... "

Runes can act in different ways, we are all different and the runes fall on us in different ways. Therefore, I always emphasize once again - you should always have the opportunity to “turn off” the formula!

Upon reaching the result indicated in the intention - the formula must be washed off, if it was applied to a photo / paper / wood - burn, on metal / leather / non-combustible substance - break / cut and throw into running water or bury. All this is done with words of gratitude and respect for the runes, we thank them for their work, for the result obtained, and let them go.
Politely, correctly, respectfully and most importantly - sincerely. Then they will be happy to help.

Rune cleaning

When applying any global formulas, for example, to “meeting your destiny”, “finding a new job”, etc. and then, when you feel that there is a lot of negativity on you, that there is someone who actively wishes you bad things, that health problems do not go away, no matter how much they are treated, that you seem to be walking in circles or knocking only on closed doors - it is necessary to throw off the accumulated negativity from yourself and your life. And this is done through cleaning. Cleansing can be runic, and maybe in other ways.
If after the cleansing your feelings didn’t improve, you didn’t feel better, you didn’t see new opportunities, or everything just remained the same as it was before the cleansing, then you need not just cleaning, but diagnostics.

How to measure formulas? (slander)

A reservation is 80% of the successful work of the runes. The slander is drawn up according to the standard scheme and pronounced in an undertone.

Measure very carefully! Runes - they are straight, they do not understand or do not want to understand our sentiments and frills, here to read, here not to read, but here the fish was wrapped. The runes are given what they do.

Every time you work with runes, this is a comprehensive assessment of the situation and its elaboration to the details! Then the runes will respect you and willingly help.

The tie/formula is the energy matrix, and the intention is the program of the matrix action. Therefore, when cleaning, you should not use general or generalizing words and expressions, such as “clean out all the bad”, “save me from all the negativity”, etc.

With such an intention, you can easily get, for example, to the hospital, or be fired from work and there is nothing to be offended by the runes, they just fulfilled the order! They said - remove everything bad - and at that time you had a slight inflammation of appendicitis, which, perhaps, would have passed by itself, but the runes fulfill the order: inflamed appendicitis is bad, so you need to remove it - you are in the hospital on the operating table. We wanted well, but it turned out - as always.

Or another intention - “to remove everything that prevents me from finding my purpose / path in life” - and that’s it ... Go to Africa to save the world from AIDS ... or maybe you have just such a destiny ??? Therefore, be careful with purges and especially with runes.

How to correctly measure the runes?

“With this runic formula, I clear and remove from myself all the negativity received both from one person and from a group of people, both familiar and unfamiliar, both from entities, beings and programs of the energy-information structure known to me, and unknown. Everything that has a negative connotation or carries a negative program leaves me without harming my health, my fate, my loved ones and my family, everything that brings positive changes to my life. May it be so!"

Scheme of work:

1.decided on the desired result and the specific object of influence of the runes.
2. picked up a runic formula or wrote it yourself.
3. wrote the intention to the formula or found the right intention.
4. inflicted runes on themselves / a piece of paper / photo / ...
5. after drawing, they spoke the intention and named the formula according to the runes (the runes love and appreciate respect).
6. activated the formula, specifying when and how the formula will end. Clarifications - you can add that the runes work without harm to mental and physical health, or lifestyle, or specify the exact terms of work, in a word, any wishes.
7. if the formula is applied for a long time, then do not forget about once every 2 weeks to remember the formula, tracing it with your finger and repeating the intentions.
8. after receiving what you want, destroy the runes (burn a photo / piece of paper) or wash it off the body, with gratitude and respect.


1. Is it necessary to perform a ritual to apply a runic formula?

No, not necessarily. Any ritual actions are intended primarily for concentration of consciousness and the formation of a vector for the application of the will of the practitioner.

2. Is it necessary to turn to the Gods to apply the runic formula?

No, not necessarily. The gods should not be disturbed over trifles, and the Runes themselves are a fairly powerful egregor that can ensure the effectiveness of work.

3. Is there a concept of redemption in runic magic and how is it done?

No, in runic magic there is no concept of redemption. However, when asking for help from the Gods of the Northern Tradition, it is customary for them to bring gifts or offerings (the qualitative composition of the offerings may vary depending on the chosen Deity and the conditions of the operator's action). In other cases, there can be no "payments", "repayments" and "salaries".

4. Where should the runic formula be applied - on yourself, in a photo or make an amulet?

It all depends on the subject, object and mechanism of action of the formula:
- it makes sense to apply to the human body those formulas that will act only on him - formulas for health, attractiveness, etc., where he is both a subject and an object of influence.

- it makes sense to put formulas on the photo of another person, which will, accordingly, act only on him, and where the mechanism of influence is closed on the “object”.

- "broad plan" formulas, in which the work of the formula is closed to the operator (subject of influence), but is addressed to an unlimited circle of potential subjects, or if these subjects can change, it is better to use with the creation of "objects of power" (for example, amulets).
Some formulas can be used in more than one way, but with appropriate adjustments to the intent.

5. How to apply formulas on household items, jewelry, etc.? How to apply formulas on yourself?

The formula is applied in the same way as on any other medium - in the same way as ordinary text is written. If the carrier has an outer and inner side, and there is a need to apply the formula to the inner side, you should do the same - considering the inner side of the object as a "working plane". They will not act like inverted runes, because. designed to be applied straight.

When applying the formula “on yourself”, write the runes as if they were written on your body by another person.

6. Is it possible to use a sheet with a surname or initials instead of a photo?

Can. Any symbolic attachment to a person is suitable - provided that the operator of influence is sufficiently concentrated.

7. Is it possible to use a hang to a runic formula instead of describing the action of each rune included in the formula?

It is possible - the working hang should reflect the mechanism of action of the formula, incl. and the runes included in it. You can do without a visa - a simple statement of intention (slander). However, this wording must be clear and potentially realizable with the help of the runes involved.

8. What hangs can be used for runic formulas?

Any visa is good (from the point of view of runic magic, not versification) if it correctly formulates the intention of the operator and clearly sets the task for the working runes. In other words, the wording might be something like this:

- appeal to the Runes, i.e. visa of an invocative nature (“Runes, serve me and do this and that with the enemy”);

- appeal to the object of influence, i.e. visa of a spellcasting character (“From now on, you will be so-and-so, and so-and-so will happen to you, you will do so-and-so”);

- replacement of the object of influence, i.e. hypnotic visa (visa reflects, and you voice the state of the object, which will be achieved as a result of the action of the formula.

These options are alternative, it is not logical to combine all three types in one visa.
The same applies to the usual formulation of intention, which should be carried out taking into account the chosen mechanism of action of the formula and its carrier.

9. When applying the formula to yourself or to an object of power, if the formula will be on the hand - which hand is better to choose?

Left hand is responsible for the past and draws the impact on itself, is "receiving".
Right hand is responsible for the future and directs the impact to the outside world, is "broadcasting".

10. What photographs are suitable for applying formulas - where the object of influence is depicted by himself or joint photos?

It depends on the chosen formula and the task at hand. If the impact is "point" - it is better to take an individual photo.

11. What color to apply the runic formula?

The color of the formula, as well as the coloring element itself, is not fundamental for the work of the Runes. If for you personally the intended action (for example, receiving money using a runic formula) is associated with some color (for example, with green - the color of the dollar) - you can apply it.

Applying runes horizontally or vertically is also not important.


The runes work in a cycle, that is, they reach a maximum in positive influence and, like a pendulum, fly back. Your task is to destroy the formula immediately after the result.

P.S. Next time I will give some examples of rune slanders. Good luck to everyone in your work!