Tatar letters. Soft sign and hard sign Is there a soft sign in the Tatar language

Simple and easy about the Tatar language

Now let's get down to the actual grammar.

We divided all words in the Tatar language into six groups: 1) word-names; 2) their substitute words; 3) words-actions, words-processes; 4) word-numbers; 5) words-signs; 6) service words.
Name words are nouns. Those. that huge number of words that denote objects, phenomena, abstract and concrete concepts of reality. But we only want to avoid being reproached for altering traditional academic grammar and leaving one of the parts of speech at the same time.
But there is one important detail here. The fact is that a whole class of verbs (word-processes) into Russian are translated by nouns. These are the so-called action names. In the Tatar language, they are the initial form of the verb, from which it is easy to isolate the base that is so necessary when studying the language. Let's consider examples and their translation:
Baru - walking; base bar
Uylau - meditation; uil base
Chygu - exit, exit process; chyk base (g)

In order to master the language being studied, knowledge of words alone, of course, is not enough. It is necessary to master the rules of combining words, the formation of word forms, or, in other words, the grammar of a new language. The introductory course of this tutorial pursues exactly this goal: in the simplest and most understandable form to acquaint the Russian-speaking reader with the basic rules of Tatar grammar. I constantly relied on the reader's knowledge of Russian grammar and paid more attention to the contrasting elements of the Tatar and Russian languages.

1.1. The graphics of the Tatar language are based on the Cyrillic alphabet. This gives some advantage for the Russian reader, but on the other hand, it contributes to the appearance of errors due to the discrepancy of some letters.

The graphics of the Tatar language for 1000 years were based on Arabic writing, up to 1927. From 1927 to 1939, the Latin alphabet was used, on the basis of which the spelling rules were carefully developed. The basic principles of spelling were also used in the transition to Russian graphics. In modern Tatar writing, all letters of the Russian alphabet are used with the addition of special characters for specific Tatar phonemes: ә, ө, ү, җ, ң, һ.
Changes of two alphabets within one century could not but affect the state of the spelling of the language. The phonetic system of the Tatar language was replenished with Russian phonemes, -,. And in the spelling of the Tatar language, the principle of the graphic design of Russians and borrowings that came through the Russian language, i.e. new Russian and European words in the Tatar language are written similarly to their Russian version.

Tatar alphabet

A a F g N n U u u u u
Ә ә Җ җ ң Ү ү ъ
B B Z O O F F Y s
B in I and Ө ө X x b
G g Y y P p I һ E e
D d K k R r C y y
E e L l S s H h I z
Yo M m T t W w

The pronunciation of six specific letters of the Tatar alphabet, of course, is best practiced under the guidance of an experienced teacher. But if you master their approximate pronunciation using the indicated tips and the following exercises, this will not be an obstacle to learning the language.

[ә] = [æ] - this sound can otherwise be designated as [’’ a], that is, very soft [a]. It is close to Russian [a] in the words ‘sit’, ‘look’, ‘row’. When pronouncing [’’ a], lower the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth, and you will get the sound [æ]. By the way, he is in English language: black, hat -,.

[ү] = [ü] - softer and more rounded [’y]. A sound close to it is found in the Russian words "bale", "ditch", "lute". Say these words, giving [’y] even more roundedness (roll your lips into a tube), and you will approximately get the desired sound.

[ө] = [ә: °] - this vowel is the most difficult for the Russian-speaking reader. The closest version of Tatar [ө] can be found in the words "maple", "honey", "Peter". But in the Tatar language [ө] is short, and Russian [’o] is found only under stress. Try to pronounce these Russian words as short as possible and with a big rounding, and you will be close to the desired sound. It is similar to the sound common in English: bird, work. But English sound lack of roughening.

[җ] - this sound is also often found in English, and in borrowings from English in Russian it is conveyed by the letter combination j: "jumper", "Jack". Tatar borrowings are also issued: jilyan - җilәn, Jalil - Җәlil. The sound [w] in Russian is always hard, but it is usually not difficult for a Russian-speaking reader to form a soft version from it. It should be noted that hard [w] is also uncharacteristic for the Tatar language, as [’w] for Russian. Therefore, the mixing of these sounds, as a rule, does not occur.

[ң] is a nasal sound generated by a small uvula. The closest in the Russian language can be considered the sound combination [ng] in the word "gong" when pronouncing it in the nose. This sound is often found in French: jardin, bien, chien [тjeŋ]. It has been noticed that mastering this sound with the help of a teacher-consultant is not at all difficult. And if you have the opportunity to check your pronunciation, do not neglect this opportunity.

[һ] = [һ] - pharyngeal sound. It is formed in the pharynx and is pronounced aspirated. A sound close to it is in English: hat, hand, hare. In Russian, the closest sound can be considered [x] in the words dressing gown, chill, if pronounced without a guttural overtones. It should be remembered that Tatar [һ] is of more posterior, pharyngeal origin.

a) Say several times each row:
ak-әk, az-әz, at-t, ar-әr, am-әm;
ak-әk-uk-үk, az-әz-uz-үz, uky-үke;
he-өn, om-өm, ok-өk, as-әs-us-үs-os-өs;
zhi-i, same-e, zhu-u;
un-uң, an-aң, in-iң;
ham-m, has-һәs, hat-һava.

b) Read, paying attention to the new sound letters (try to guess the meaning of the highlighted words):
mәk, rәt, shәp, fәn, bәlesh, tәrtә, chәynek, tәlinkә, eshlәpә, kәbestә;
mүk, kүk, kүl, kүp, bүre, kүrәgә, kүsәk, bүrәnә;
kөn, tөn, kөl, tөlke, өrpәk, kөrәk, өstәl;
kәҗә, җen, җil, җir, җәy, җyu, җyly, yr, rәnҗү;
soң, iң, aң, uң, taң, tәңre, bәrәңge;
һava, һich, һәr, һөnәr.

When doing the exercise, pronounce the last syllable clearly.

1.2. The complexities of the sound system of the Tatar language are not limited to specific Tatar letters. In addition, there is a discrepancy in common letters for the Tatar and Russian alphabets.
a - in the Tatar language this letter denotes a more posterior, wider and somewhat rounded sound [aү]. When pronouncing it in the word pencil, try to create as much space in your mouth as possible, and you will roughly get Tatar [a].
o, e, s - for these vowels of the Tatar alphabet, in comparison with the Russian ones, brevity is characteristic. Since in the Russian language there is no meaningful opposition of vowels in longitude, for a Russian-speaking reader at first this will seem insignificant. But getting used to this phenomenon is not difficult. It is important to pay attention to this from the very beginning of training until the use of these sounds becomes the norm.
в - this letter in the Tatar language is used to designate two sounds: [в] and [w]. The second sound is in English, and in borrowings it is transmitted in two ways: William - William. The same is with regional borrowings from the Tatar language: avyl - aul, karavil - guard. In the Tatar language itself, this sound can be denoted by the letter y: sorau [soraw] - sorava [sorawy].
d - this letter also denotes two sounds. These are quite different sounds. This sound, formed with the help of a small tongue, is familiar to the Russian-speaking reader: it is obtained when a person bursts and does not pronounce [p].
k - similarly to the letter g, it denotes two sounds [k] and [қ]. The sound [k] is a voiceless pair [ғ].
h - Russian affricate, that is, there is practically no complex sound [tsh ’] in the Tatar language. It is used only in borrowings due to the knowledge of the Russian language by the majority of Tatars, as well as in some dialects. The letter ч in the Tatar language approximately denotes the sound [ш ’], or what in the Russian language is indicated by the letter ш.

Now you practically know the pronunciation of all Tatar letters (there are several more peculiar moments of the Tatar sound system, but at the initial stage they are not of fundamental importance). You also need to know the fundamental laws of Tatar phonetics. They are in any language, and they must be constantly remembered during the first lessons. In the Tatar language, the three basic rules of practical phonetics are:
- the law of harmony;
- striving for an open syllable;
- clear pronunciation of the last syllable;
- phonetic alternation.
The law of harmony. In the Tatar language, all words by pronunciation are divided into hard and soft. We call hard words those in which non-front vowels are used: [a], [o], [y], [s]. And soft - words in which the front vowels are used: [ә], [ө], [ү], [e], [and].
Soft sounds: [ә], [ө], [ү], [e], [and].
Solid sounds: [a], [o], [y], [s].
Pay attention to the pairwise opposition of hardness and softness.
This law has great importance, since not only all words, but also all suffixes obey this law of syngharmonicity. Accordingly, almost all suffixes, particles have two options: hard and soft. Therefore, you need to learn by ear to determine the softness or hardness of Tatar words.

Read aloud several times, trying to hear the difference between the pronunciation of different columns by ear:

Soft words Hard words
өstәl (table) arysh (rye)
bүrәnә (log) balyk (fish)
ashlәpә (hat) san (number)
hәref (letter) bash (head)
soz (word) avyl (village)
rәsem (drawing) altyn (gold)
ber (one) alty (six)
ike (two) tugyz (nine)
өch (three) syynif (class)
kөn (day) shoe (shoe)
tәrҗemә (translation) kaida (where)
nәrsә (what) kaichan (when)
niche (like) bar (going)
by whom (who) katyk (katyk, a national drink reminiscent of kefir)
escmia (bench) torba (trumpet)

For the Tatar language, the proximity of two or more consonants is uncharacteristic. Of course. they are found, but in comparison with the Russian language they are very few in number. Most often, consonants with sonants are adjacent (sonants: [p], [l], [m], [n], [y], [w]) or at the junction of a root and a suffix.
To better understand the phonetic psychology of the Tatar language, one can turn to the borrowings mastered from Russian: table - stәl, furrow - brown, skirda - escert, cage - kelәt, pipe - bag, resin - sumala, rye - arysh, ditch - canau.

As for stress, in the Tatar language it is qualitatively different from Russian. Remember that all syllables in the Tatar language must be pronounced clearly. Therefore, from the very beginning of training, you should place a weak emphasis on the last syllable, so you will get rid of the common mistake of Russian-speaking students foreign languages: "Swallow the endings of words."

Another important law of the Tatar language is the phonetic principle of spelling, i.e. "As we hear, we write." There are many exceptions to this law: first of all, these are borrowings from Arabic and new borrowings from Russian. But, despite this, the rule "as it is heard, so it is written" must be remembered, since it is fundamentally different from the Russian spelling.

Russian language Tatar language
kolobok [kalabok] kolobok [kalapka] milk [malako] drill [swirlit '] kitap [kitap] kitabyn [kitabyn] kolagym [golakim] kolaktan [kolaktan]

a) Write these words in two columns and re-read them aloud several times:

soft words hard words
ishek (door), өstәl, uryndyk (chair), nәrsә, bu (this), kara (black), ber, berenche (first), kөl (ash), stake (slave), Idel (Volga), bәrәңge (potatoes) , һөnәr (craft), karama (elm), chәchәk (flower), escmiya, escter (tablecloth), bashlyk (hood), altyn (gold), saryk (sheep), kolak (ear), avyz (mouth).

When joining words ending in deaf sounds, possessive suffixes, voicing occurs, which is reflected in the letter.

b) Write the missing words:
kitap - kitabym, saryk - ..., uryndyk - uryndygym, ... - kolagym, ishek - ..., balyk - ..., tarak (hairbrush) - ....
kitap - kitabyң, ... - sarygyң, uryndyk - ..., ... - kolagyң, ... - ishegeң, ... - balygyң, ... - ....

Introductory course

In order to master the language being studied, knowledge of words alone, of course, is not enough. It is necessary to master the rules of combining words, the formation of word forms, or, in other words, the grammar of a new language. The introductory course of this tutorial pursues exactly this goal: in the simplest and most understandable form to acquaint the Russian-speaking reader with the basic rules of Tatar grammar. We constantly relied on the reader's knowledge of Russian grammar and paid more attention to the contrasting elements of the Tatar and Russian languages.

The introductory part consists of ten paragraphs and will serve as a kind of grammar reference for you when working with the Basic Course. In addition to this tutorial, you will need Tatar-Russian study vocabulary and patience.

♫ audio material for the lesson

§ 1. Phonetics

1.1. The graphics of the Tatar language are based on the Cyrillic alphabet. This gives some advantage for the Russian reader, but on the other hand, it contributes to the appearance of errors due to the discrepancy of some letters.

The graphics of the Tatar language were based on the Arabic script for 1000 years, up to 1927. From 1927 to 1939, the Latin alphabet was used, on the basis of which the spelling rules were carefully developed. The basic principles of spelling were also used in the transition to Russian graphics. In modern Tatar writing, all letters of the Russian alphabet are used with the addition of special characters for specific Tatar phonemes: ә, ө, ү, җ, ң, һ.

Changes of two alphabets within one century could not but affect the state of the spelling of the language. The phonetic system of the Tatar language was replenished with Russian phonemes<ч>, <ц>-,. And in the spelling of the Tatar language, the principle of the graphic design of Russians and borrowings that came through the Russian language, i.e. new Russian and European words in the Tatar language are written similarly to their Russian version.

Tatar alphabet

A a F g N n U u u u u

Ә ә Җ җ ң Ү ү ъ

B B Z O O F F Y s

B in I and Ө ө X x b


D d K k R r C y y

E e L l S s H h I z

Yo M m T t W w

The pronunciation of six specific letters of the Tatar alphabet, of course, is best practiced under the guidance of an experienced teacher. But if you master their approximate pronunciation using the indicated tips and the following exercises, this will not be an obstacle to learning the language.

[ә] = [æ] - this sound can otherwise be designated as [’’ a], that is, very soft [a]. It is close to Russian [a] in the words ‘sit’, ‘look’, ‘row’. When pronouncing [’’ a], lower the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth, and you will get the sound [æ]. By the way, it is in English: black, hat -,.

[ү] = [ü] - softer and more rounded [’y]. A sound close to it is found in the Russian words "bale", "ditch", "lute". Say these words, giving [’y] even more roundedness (roll your lips into a tube), and you will approximately get the desired sound.

[ө] = [ә: °] - this vowel is the most difficult for the Russian-speaking reader. The closest version of Tatar [ө] can be found in the words "maple", "honey", "Peter". But in the Tatar language [ө] is short, and Russian [’o] is found only under stress. Try to pronounce these Russian words as short as possible and with a big roundness, and you will be close to the desired sound. It is similar to the common sound in English: bird, work. But the English sound lacks roundness.

[җ] - this sound is also often found in English, and in borrowings from English in Russian it is conveyed by the letter combination j: "jumper", "Jack". Tatar borrowings are also issued: jilyan - җilәn, Jalil - Җәlil. The sound [w] in Russian is always hard, but it is usually not difficult for a Russian-speaking reader to form a soft version from it. It should be noted that hard [w] is also uncharacteristic for the Tatar language, as [’w] for Russian. Therefore, the mixing of these sounds, as a rule, does not occur.

[ң] is a nasal sound generated by a small uvula. The closest in Russian can be considered the sound combination [ng] in the word "gong" when pronouncing it in the nose. This sound is often found in French: jardin, bien, chien [òjeŋ]. It has been noticed that mastering this sound with the help of a teacher-consultant is not difficult at all. And if you have the opportunity to check your pronunciation, do not neglect this opportunity.

[һ] = [һ] - pharyngeal sound. It is formed in the pharynx and is pronounced aspirated. A sound close to it is in English: hat, hand, hare. In Russian, the closest sound can be considered [x] in the words dressing gown, chill, if pronounced without a guttural overtones. It should be remembered that Tatar [һ] is of more posterior, pharyngeal origin.


a) Say several times each row:

ak-әk, az-әz, at-t, ar-әr, am-әm;

ak-әk-uk-үk, az-әz-uz-үz, uky-үke;

he-өn, om-өm, ok-өk, as-әs-us-үs-os-өs;

zhi-i, same-e, zhu-u;

un-uң, an-aң, in-iң;

ham-m, has-һәs, hat-һava.

b) Read, paying attention to the new sound letters (try to guess the meaning of the highlighted words):

mәk, rәt, shәp, fәn, bәlesh, tәrtә, chәynek, tәlinkә, eshlәpә, kәbestә;

mүk, kүk, kүl, kүp, bүre, kүrәgә, kүsәk, bүrәnә;

kөn, tөn, kөl, tөlke, өrpәk, kөrәk, өstәl;

kәҗә, җen, җil, җir, җәy, җyu, җyly, yr, rәnҗү;

soң, iң, aң, uң, taң, tәңre, bәrәңge;

һava, һich, һәr, һөnәr.

When doing the exercise, pronounce the last syllable clearly.

1.2. The complexities of the sound system of the Tatar language are not limited to specific Tatar letters. In addition, there is a discrepancy in common letters for the Tatar and Russian alphabets.

a - in the Tatar language this letter denotes a more posterior, wider and somewhat rounded sound [aү]. When pronouncing it in the word pencil, try to create as much space in your mouth as possible, and you will roughly get Tatar [a].

o, e, s - for these vowels of the Tatar alphabet, in comparison with the Russian ones, brevity is characteristic. Since in the Russian language there is no meaningful opposition of vowels in longitude, for a Russian-speaking reader at first this will seem insignificant. But getting used to this phenomenon is not difficult. It is important to pay attention to this from the very beginning of training until the use of these sounds becomes the norm.

в - this letter in the Tatar language is used to designate two sounds: [в] and [w]. The second sound is in English, and in borrowings it is transmitted in two ways: William - William. The same is with regional borrowings from the Tatar language: avyl - aul, karavil - guard. In the Tatar language itself, this sound can be denoted by the letter y: sorau [soraw] - sorava [sorawy].

d - this letter also denotes two sounds. These are quite different sounds. This sound, formed with the help of a small tongue, is familiar to the Russian-speaking reader: it is obtained when a person bursts and does not pronounce [p].

k - similarly to the letter g, it denotes two sounds [k] and [қ]. The sound [k] is a voiceless pair [ғ].

h - Russian affricate, that is, there is practically no complex sound [tsh ’] in the Tatar language. It is used only in borrowings due to the knowledge of the Russian language by the majority of Tatars, as well as in some dialects. The letter ч in the Tatar language approximately denotes the sound [ш ’], or what in the Russian language is indicated by the letter ш.


Read on transcription:

like [like] - like [қaқ]; court [court] - court [қŏrt]; syrt [sĭrt] - grade [grade] - sөrt [sөrt]; without [without] - without [bĕz]; son [son] - son [son]; gөl [gөl] - goal [goal]; cards [cards] - cards [art]: number [number] - number [қol]; chana [sh'ana] - chan [tsh'an]; chyk [sh'ĭқ] - brush [sh'otka] - clearly [tsh'otka]; kөch [kөsh ’] - bump [cat].

1.3. Now you practically know the pronunciation of all Tatar letters (there are several more peculiar moments of the Tatar sound system, but at the initial stage they are not of fundamental importance). You also need to know the fundamental laws of Tatar phonetics. They are in any language, and they must be constantly remembered during the first lessons. In the Tatar language, the three basic rules of practical phonetics are:

- the law of harmony;

- the rule of striving for an open syllable;

- clear pronunciation of the last syllable.

In the Tatar language, all words by pronunciation are divided into hard and soft. We call solid words those in which non-front vowels are used: [a], [o], [y], [s]. And soft - words in which the front vowels are used: [ә], [ө], [ү], [e], [and].

Soft sounds: [ә], [ө], [ү], [e], [and].

Solid sounds: [a], [o], [y], [s].

Pay attention to the pairwise opposition of hardness and softness.

This law is of great importance, since not only all words, but all suffixes obey this law of syngharmonicity. Accordingly, almost all suffixes, particles have two options: hard and soft. Therefore, you need to learn by ear to determine the softness or hardness of Tatar words.

Read aloud several times, trying to hear the difference between the pronunciation of different columns by ear:

Soft words - Hard words

өstәl (table) -arysh (rye)

bүrәnә (log) -balik (fish)

ashlәpә (hat) -san (number)

xәref (letter) -bash (head)

sүz (word) -avyl (village)

rәsem (drawing) -altyn (gold)

ber (one) -alty (six)

ike (two) -tyugyz (nine)

өch (three) -syynif (class)

kөn (day) -bashmak (shoe)

tәrҗemә (translation) -kaida (where)

nәrsә (what) -kaychan (when)

nichek (how) -bar (goes)

by whom (who) -katyk (katyk, a national drink reminiscent of kefir)

escәmia (bench) -torba (trumpet)

For the Tatar language, the proximity of two or more consonants is uncharacteristic. Of course. they are found, but in comparison with the Russian language they are very few in number. Most often, consonants with sonants are adjacent (sonants: [p], [l], [m], [n], [y], [w]) or at the junction of a root and a suffix.

To better understand the phonetic psychology of the Tatar language, one can turn to the borrowings mastered from Russian: table - stәl, furrow - brown, skirda - escert, cage - kelәt, pipe - bag, resin - sumala, rye - arysh, ditch - canau.

As for stress, in the Tatar language it is qualitatively different from Russian. Remember that all syllables in the Tatar language must be pronounced clearly. Therefore, from the very beginning of your studies, you should place a weak emphasis on the last syllable, so you will get rid of the common mistake of Russian-speaking students of foreign languages: "swallow the endings of words."

Another important law of the Tatar language is the phonetic principle of spelling, i.e. "As we hear, we write." There are many exceptions to this law: first of all, these are borrowings from Arabic and new borrowings from Russian. But, despite this, the rule "as it is heard, so it is written" must be remembered, since it is fundamentally different from the Russian spelling.


Russian language Tatar language

kolobok [kalabok] kitap [kitap]

koloboka [kalapka] kitabyn [kitabyn]

milk [malako] kolagym [қolagim]

drill [swirlit '] colactan [қolaқtan]


a) Write these words in two columns and re-read them aloud several times:

soft words hard words

ishek (door), өstәl, uryndyk (chair), nәrsә, bu (this), kara (black), ber, berenche (first), kөl (ash), stake (slave), Idel (Volga), bәrәңge (potatoes) , һөnәr (craft), karama (elm), chәchәk (flower), escmiya, escter (tablecloth), bashlyk (hood), altyn (gold), saryk (sheep), kolak (ear), avyz (mouth).

When joining words ending in deaf sounds, possessive suffixes, voicing occurs, which is reflected in the letter.

b) Write the missing words:

kitap - kitabym, saryk - ..., uryndyk - uryndygym, ... - kolagym, ishek - ..., balyk - ..., tarak (hairbrush) - ....

kitap - kitabyң, ... - sarygyң, uryndyk - ..., ... - kolagyң, ... - ishegeң, ... - balygyң, ... - ....

    soft- oh, oh; gok, gka /, gko; me / rche; softer / best see also. softness 1) a) One that easily gives in, gives in when pressed, touched and causes a sensation of something l. pleasant, tender (opposed: hard) Meat / soft moss. My pillow ... Dictionary of many expressions

    soft- oh, oh; gok, gk, gko; softer; softest. 1. One that easily gives in, gives in when pressed, touched and causes a feeling of something l. pleasant, gentle (opposed: hard). M. moss. My pillow. M. to the touch. M. like fluff. // ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Apostrophe (spelling mark)- This term has other meanings, see Apostrophe (s ... Wikipedia

    SOLID- solid, solid; hard, hard, hard and hard. 1. Able to keep its shape and size unchanged, does not have the property of flowing, spreading; against. liquid (physical). Solid. The boundary between solid and liquid state of a body is not ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    SOLID- SOLID, oh, oh; hard, hard, hard, hard and hard; harder. 1.full It retains its shape and size as opposed to liquid and gaseous. Solid bodies. 2. Resistant to pressure, tough, strong. T. cardboard. T. soil. Solid ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    solid- oh, oh; hard, hard, hard, hard and hard; harder. 1.only full f. Capable of retaining its shape and size, unlike liquid and gaseous. Solid. Solids... Solid and liquid fuels. 2. Someone who has difficulty ... ... Small academic dictionary

    The names of the letters of the Russian alphabet- The names of the letters of the Russian alphabet are the names by which the letters of the Russian alphabet are called. Over time, the names of the letters have undergone changes, the names have been replaced, simplified and changed in pronunciation. As parts of speech, the modern names of letters ... Wikipedia

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    Akanje- Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Phonetik der russischen Sprache. Als Lautschrift wird im Artikel das Schriftsystem des Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabets (Abk .: IPA) verwendet. Andere sprachliche Aspekte des Russischen werden im Artikel ... ... Deutsch Wikipedia

    Phonetic alphabet- Not to be confused with the International Phonetic Alphabet. The phonetic alphabet is a standardized (for a given language and / or organization) way of reading the letters of the alphabet. It is used in radio communication in the transmission of writing difficult to comprehend ... Wikipedia

    Russian alphabet- (alphabet) a set of graphic characters of letters in an established sequence, which create a written and printed form of the national Russian language. Includes 33 letters: a, b, c, d, d, e, e, g, h, i, d, k, l, m, n, o, p, p, s, t, y, f, ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary


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  • 200 tasks in Russian for thematic control. Separating soft sign. Separating solid mark. Grades 2-3, O. N. Zhuravleva. The manual is intended for organizing thematic control when working with the textbooks of L.Ya. Zheltovskaya, O.B. Kalinina “Russian language. Grade 2 ”,“ Russian language. Grade 3 ". It complements the kits ...

Memo to the student Tatar language

Memo for the student of the Tatar languageTo

REMEMBER 10 rules:

1. In the Tatar language, all words are either only SOFT or only HARD. Words containing vowels Ә, Ө, Ү, E (E), I - will be SOFT (for example: kәbestә) Words containing vowels A, O, U, Y - will be HARD (for example: uryndyk).

2. In the Tatar language, the word consists of ROOT and AFFIX. There can be many affixes. Each affix stands for something.

For example: cool - hand

cool + lar - hands

cool + lar + ybyz - our hands

cool+ lar + ybyz + yes - in our hands

cool+ lar + ybyz + yes + gee - in our hands

3. SOFT AFFIXES join SOFT words, FIRM AFFIXES join HARD words. For example: cool + lar + ybyz + yes

kүl + lәr + ebez + dә

4. Education of new words occurs by attaching various affixes to the root:

shoo- winter kysh + ky - winter; iңa- new yaңa + lyk - news.

5. The basis (root) for the formation of all forms of verbs are the verbs orders (!) - verbs of the imperative mood:

bar! - go! bar+ dy - walked

kөt!- wait! kөt + үche - waiting (who is waiting)

asha! - eat! asha + sa - if you eat.

6. Conjugated stem verbs are the form 3 singular (3l.unit h.), i.e. form "ul" - "he, she": st I am for - he's writing

St yazgan- he wrote, etc.

When conjugating verbs to a verb in the form of 3l. units h conjugation affixes are attached. For example, we conjugate present tense verbs:

Unity. number of sets. number

1L. min (i) I am for+ m without (we) I am for+ byz

2L. sin (you) I am for+ syң sez (you) I am for+ syz

3l. st (he, she) I am for alar (they) I am for+ lar

7. Question in Tatar language mo It should be set in 2 ways:

1) using interrogative words (interrogative pronouns): by whom?-who?; nәrsә? -what?; nindi? - what, what?; nigә? - why why? etc.

Boo nindi kitap? -It's which book?

2) With the help of question affixes -we / me, which are attached to the last word in the sentence. Bu kitap maturma? - Is this book beautiful?

8. Word order in the Tatar sentence differs from the Russian sentence. Usually predicate-verb in the Tatar sentence worth the last in a sentence, and in Russian in the middle of a sentence.

Min bүgen dәftәrdә yazam. - Today I am writing in a notebook.

Words meaning The time and place are at the beginning of the sentence.

9. In the Tatar language there islaw of adaptabilityconsonants to a number of vowels, i.e. in soft words, consonants are pronounced softly. In tv In hard words, consonants are pronounced hard. Compare: cool-hard, kүl-soft;

feces -hard, kөl-soft.

In soft words, "b" is heard, but not written. In the Tatar language, "b" is written only in words borrowed from other languages.

10. The Tatar language has vowel-chameleons, which are pronounced differently in soft and hard words:

[ya] - in the firm words of yarat [yarat]

[yә] - in soft words yashel [yәshel]

[yy] - in firm words I ate [yil]

[yeh] - in soft words yeget [yeget]

[yu] - in firm words yul [yul]

[thү] - in soft words yukә [yukә].

Reseda SAFINA,
primary school teacher I qualification category Kubyanskaya secondary school of the Atninsky district

Target: to create conditions for the formation of spelling skills of words with b, to form a plural form, to distinguish: b - an indicator of softness and a separating sign.

Personal: to promote the manifestation of interest in the topic under study, awareness of their own achievements when mastering teaching material.

Communicative: promote the ability to formulate one's own opinion and position; ability to accept Active participation in working in groups, allow for the existence of different points of view.
Regulatory: to promote the development of the ability to accept and maintain a learning task, to correlate the learning action with the rule; be able to assess the correctness of the action.
Cognitive: to promote the formation of the ability to distinguish between the two functions, the ability to analyze objects with the selection of essential and insignificant features, to build sign-symbolic schemes.

Lesson type: a lesson in the discovery of new knowledge using the structures of the Singapore learning system.
Material and equipment: textbook (Churakova N.A. Russian language. Part 3. - Academbook, 2012. (PNSH), workbook, cards with assignments, MANAGE MET, computer, projector.
I. Organizational moment.(2 min.) (Formation of personal UDD)
II. Knowledge update.(5 min.) (Individual and frontal work. Formation of cognitive and communicative UDD)
- Guys, now we will work on the structure SI FINK OUANDE(Look - Think - Ask a Question)
1. What do you see?
2. What do you think about this?
3. What would you like to know?
(Drawings on the screen: coat, salt, carrot, dress. Students report that they see what they think about it and what they want to know.)
- But I want to know if it is possible to divide these words into groups? If so, divide the words into groups:
b - indicator of softness dividing b
(salt, coat, carrot) (dress)
III. Definition of the topic and goal setting.(3 min.) (Frontal work. Formation of regulatory UDM)
Determination of the topic of the lesson. ("Separating soft mark")
- What are we going to learn today? What do we want to know?
- Find out when to write the dividing b.
- Learn to spell words correctly with a separator b.
- To be able to use words with a separator in speech, etc.

Calligraphy (3 min.)
The bird is red with feathers, but man is skill.

IV. Primary assimilation of the material.
(6 min.) (Frontal work. Formation of personal and cognitive UDD)
- Guys, look at the board and compare the pronunciation of letter combinations. Is there a difference? Write a transcription.
le [l'o] le [l'y'o]
sya [s'a] sya [s'ya]
ne [p'e] p'e [p'ye]
- Is there a difference? (Yes, in the second group there was a sound [th ’])
- What conclusion can we make? (If in a word after the consonant we hear the sound [y '], then a soft sign is written before i, e, yu, e.)
the play will pour salt on the family
[y'e] [y'o] [y'y] [y'a]

- In what part of the word is the dividing b written? (Fundamentally.)
- Let's build a circuit:

I (e, e, y)
Physical education. (4 min.) (Formation of personal UDD)
- Guys, we have worked a lot, now you can relax and dance. (Application of the MIX-PEA-SHEA structure)
- How many vowels are there in Russian?
- How many syllables are in the word ants?
- How many letters stand for two sounds?
- How many paired consonants are there in Russian?
- How many letters in Russian that do not mean sound?

V. Awareness and comprehension of educational information. (6 min.) (Work on the textbook. Formation of cognitive and communicative UDD)
- We have concluded that the dividing b is written ...
- Did we make the right conclusion?
How can you check this? (Read the rule in the tutorial.)
(Application of the SINGLE ROUND ROBIN structure)
Work according to the textbook (exercise 162).
Conclusion: after the dividing letter and, the letter and denotes two sounds:
Yo Yo Yi
the play will be poured with salt a family of ants
[y'e] [y'o] [y'y] [y'a] [y'a]

Vi. Primary consolidation of educational material. (6 min.) (Formation of regulatory UDV)
1) Work on the slide.
- Guys, we look at the screen. There are given items in the singular and in the plural. You must write down their names in pairs. Remember: there must be a separator b in plural words.
leaf - leaves
tree - trees
chair - chairs
ant - ants
2) Mutual verification.

Vii. Independent work(by multilevel cards)
Make a phonetic analysis of words. (5 minutes.)
Level I:
ears - [__] - __ letter (s), __ sound (s), __ syllables
I drink - [__] - __ letter (s), __ sound (s), __ syllables
horse - [__] - __ letter (s), __ sound (s), __ syllable
housing - [__] - __ letter (s), __ sound (s), __ syllables
Level II:
brothers - [__] - __ letter (s), __ sound (s), __ syllables
blizzard - [__] - __ letter (s), __ sound (s), __ syllables
skates - [__] - __ letter (s), __ sound (s), __ syllables
I sew - [__] - __ letter (s), __ sound (s), ___ syllable
minx - [__] - __ letter (s), __ sound (s), __ syllable

VIII. Homework(2 minutes.)
Control. 66, p. 49 in the workbook.

IX. Reflection (lesson summary). (3 min.) (Formation of regulatory UDV)
 I learned ...  I understood ...
 I learned ...  I expanded ...
- Show your mood in emoticons.
- Thank you all for the work in the lesson.

Sample lessons are available.