Preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. How to prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys, what it shows and how it is performed. How the study is done

In the human body, the kidneys are an oval-shaped organ that works in pairs and performs chemical homeostasis. The kidneys belong to the human urinary system and perform important functions:

  • excretory;
  • osmoregulatory;
  • endocrine;
  • metabolic;
  • iodine-regulating.

The kidneys are located in the lumbar zone, from each of them the ureter begins. More precisely, it begins at the renal pelvis and ends bladder. In the calyces of the kidneys and in the pelvis, urine is formed from the parenchyma of the organ, which continues its movement along the ureter and accumulates in the bladder. The parenchyma contains two substances. In the cortex there are renal tangles, in the brain - tubules. They are collected in pyramids, each of which creates echogenicity. In the process of diagnosing the kidneys, each indicator of the organ is examined:

  • dimensions;
  • areas of damage;
  • anatomical structure;
  • position.

The main function of the kidneys is the excretory function. Failures in their work can lead a person to irreversible consequences. If the doctor suspects an organ pathology, for example, urolithiasis, oncology, and others, an ultrasound is prescribed. Examination is necessary for a correct diagnosis from a doctor. How to prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys, we will consider in the article.

Before an ultrasound of the kidneys in men, you need to prepare. This is in the interests, first of all, of the patient himself, since an accurate diagnosis by a doctor will save him from improper treatment. Simultaneously with the ultrasound of the kidneys, the specialist prescribes an examination of the bladder.

It is necessary to properly prepare so as to eliminate all possible obstacles from the gastrointestinal tract: the doctor will be able to examine the kidneys in detail, describe them correctly.

Examination of the bladder can be carried out during the clinical examination, and in chronic kidney pathology. It is better to conduct a study with discomfort in the lumbar region. Ultrasound can be indicated for various changes occurring in the human body. For example, it could be an increase in blood pressure.

In children, this study is usually planned, designed to exclude the possibility of a developing pathology. The doctor should inform the patient about how to behave before an ultrasound of the kidneys. But in practice, in medicine, not everything is as rosy as a simple patient of a district clinic would like. Therefore, most often users are looking for information on the Internet about how to approach this process correctly.

Before the ultrasound, you must refrain from eating for 7 hours. If the study is carried out during the day, then you can eat and drink water only early in the morning. The diet before the examination should consist of boiled meat and vegetables, but ultrasound is done on an empty stomach!

Additional help can be provided by any adsorbent, Infacol, Espumizan. All these medicines are designed to reduce flatulence and gas formation in the intestines, that is, to eliminate the obstacle in an accurate diagnosis. These medicines must be taken separately. The patient should choose for himself the drug that he trusts. Getting rid of flatulence will not only give comfort to the patient. During the study, gas formation is undesirable, especially if the patient prepared for the procedure in advance, without an unscheduled study of the organ.

Before the ultrasound examination, the patient should refrain from eating foods that cause gas formation (for example, legumes and fruits)

Getting rid of gas will allow the doctor to better see the kidneys. In nutrition, in addition to the above porridge, you can eat barley and buckwheat, low-fat cheese, boiled egg (one per day), drink tea.

It is impossible to eat sausage, black bread, cabbage before the study. And also eat vegetables, beans, peas, milk, meat broths, soda, drink alcohol. High fat foods are contraindicated. An hour before the ultrasound, the patient needs to drink about 500 grams of liquid, for example, water. Without gases! You can also drink sweet tea.

Ultrasound preparation for both sexes (women and men)

The study is not performed if the patient, both male and female, has any dressings or has open wounds.
Ultrasound is not performed if gastroscopy, colonoscopy, X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract is planned.

Do not smoke before the test.

Ultrasound is performed on an empty stomach, do not drink sparkling water.

The patient warns the doctor about taking medication if this occurs. The doctor may say no if the medications seem incompatible with the procedure.

A few days before the start of the ultrasound, the patient sits on a light diet.

What is revealed by ultrasound of the organ?

Ultrasound is the leader among instrumental studies. The study is safe for health, and effective for making a diagnosis.

The device determines the size of the kidneys. Organ volumes depend on age indicator of a person and his dimensions, but on average they are 7-14 cm for the right side and 8-12.0 for the left.

An increase in this organ is observed in patients with diabetes Type 2, with acromegaly, with acute glomerulonephritis.

The wrinkling of the organ reflects the irreversible pathological changes that occur in the body.

Increased echogenicity of the cortical substance is a sign of a non-specific series that characterizes many pathologies in humans.

With the help of Doppler ultrasound, you can see the volume of the arteries of the kidneys and veins, the flow of blood in them, and also identify stenosis.

Ultrasound differs from excretory urography in that it detects the obstructive nature of the urinary tract, solely based on indirect symptoms. For example, by expanding the cups. The susceptibility of ultrasound to the diagnosis of a pathology such as hydronephrosis is 98%. Pathologies detected by ultrasound include:

  • violations of the shape and structure of the body, an increase in its size;
  • inflammation;
  • calculi, their localization;
  • lesions of purulent origin;
  • neoplasms of benign and poor quality composition;
  • irreversible changes in kidney tissue.

How is the procedure carried out?

The doctor applies a special composition to the area under study, which acts as a conductor of ultrasound, puts the sensor to the area of ​​interest to the doctor, and begins examining the organs.

First, an ultrasound of the bladder is done: the organ in an emptied state is not visualized. After that, the sections of the ureters are looked at, then they go to the kidneys. To examine the second kidney, the patient, on the recommendation of a doctor, turns over.

At the request of the doctor, the patient can breathe in and relax a little if the patient is nervous. During the ultrasound, the doctor takes several short breaks that allow the specialist to record what he saw on the monitor.

For children, this procedure is carried out after laboratory tests and in the presence of complaints of pain. In addition, it may be other indications. The need for this procedure in infants is determined by the pediatrician. Ultrasound is safe for children, so it can be performed in the first months of a baby's life.

Research results

renal emphysema

She appears from surgical interventions, formation of fistulas. Ultrasound with this pathology reveals echogenic zones, from which the shadow path originates.

kidney failure

In medicine, this term is collective. In simple terms, deficiency is a sign that the organ in question in the human body does not perform its functions. Pathology is divided into two types: acute and chronic. The reasons for the malfunctioning of the kidneys may not develop in them. An example of this is a disease such as diabetes mellitus.

The kidneys may not be able to do their job for the following reasons:

  • necrosis (acute, tubular);
  • vascular inflammation;
  • infectious lesions of the genitourinary organs;
  • increased blood pressure, etc.

What can tell the renal parenchyma?

With ultrasound, the indicator - the echogenicity of the parenchyma of the organ in question is compared with the same indicator, but inherent in the liver or spleen: on the monitor, the kidney parenchyma is less echogenic.

Disease Research objective what is found
acute glomerulonephritis exclude hydronephrosis,

need for surgical intervention

at the first stages of pathology from the normal state of the organ was not revealed,

with swelling of the renal parenchyma, the screen reflects an enlarged organ, the boundaries of the parenchyma are distinct,

echogenicity increases

nephrosclerosis connective tissue sizing echogenicity is increased due to the presence of connective tissue in the organ

widespread damage to the organ can take place with a decrease in its volume

pyelonephritis (chronic) determine the volume of the kidney,

eliminate the need for surgical intervention

reduction of the organ in size, echogenicity may be unchanged
swelling of the kidney find out the reason for this, exclude neoplasms echogenicity of the parinchyma is reduced

renal pyramids are seen as echogenic areas but may be anechoic

Vascular pathologies

vein thrombosis

Initially, an enlarged kidney is visible, with reduced echogenicity along the periphery, after a few weeks the picture changes exactly the opposite, due to local hemorrhages, sometimes hypoechoic zones form in the organ.
arterial stenosis, often in the area of ​​infarction, are localized as hypoechoic areas in the parenchyma.

benign neoplasm

It can be seen on the monitor as an echo-negative formation, with a round shape, a clear contour, without a wall.

Organ bruise

The ultrasound reflects a change in the smooth contour of the organ with a hypoechoic focus.

Accumulation of blood in the kidneys

Often on ultrasound, this pathology is expressed as an echogenic contour of the organ, which is barely pronounced. The accumulation of biological fluid accompanies the gyroechoic image of various sizes. It all depends on the duration of bleeding: if it does not stop, the affected area increases. You need to stop the flow of blood.

In addition to these, many pathologies are often detected by ultrasound of the kidneys.

Next steps and diagnostics

The doctor, based on ultrasound data, blood and urine tests, as well as other diagnostic methods, diagnoses the patient. It can be different: it all depends on the state of human health. And on this basis, the doctor decides how a person should be treated. Should he stay at home or not? If home treatment is impractical, then the patient is placed in a hospital in order to provide adequate treatment. If the patient can be treated at home, it must be understood that he must visit the attending physician in the clinic. It is also necessary to prepare for treatment at home.

So, we examined the main points in preparing for an ultrasound diagnosis of the human kidneys, determined which foods can be eaten and which liquids can be drunk. If a person has discomfort and pain, you can not ignore the doctor. The specialist is obliged to conduct a series of studies indicating the presence or absence of pathology in a person. Preparing for an ultrasound is simple. You need to understand that this method is reliable and you need to do an examination.

The success of treatment of the urinary system largely depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis. Proper preparation for the study of ultrasound of the kidneys will allow you to make the right diagnostic conclusions. And if deciphering the results of the study is a matter of the competence of the doctor, then for the quality preparatory activities the patient is fully responsible for the procedure.

Despite the availability of new diagnostic capabilities of modern medicine, ultrasound research does not lose its relevance.

The reasons for the popularity of ultrasound are easily explained:

  • the procedure is not accompanied by pain and does not cause adverse reactions;
  • a high level of information content - allows you to identify cysts, tumors, stones, as well as anomalies in the location of the organ;
  • the possibility of repeated use without the risk of complications;
  • there is no need to use contrast agents;
  • fast interpretation of results.

During the procedure, the shape, structure, clarity of contours and size of the kidneys are studied. The results of the study are compared with indicators of the normal state of the organ in order to detect abnormal deviations.

In addition, ultrasound of the kidneys allows us to draw conclusions about the presence of echo-positive formations. Ultra reflection property sound waves possess pathogenically altered tissues - cysts, stones, salts, sand and tumors.

Indications and contraindications for renal ultrasound

The referral for an ultrasound of the kidneys is prescribed by the attending physician. His duties also include detailed recommendations on the patient's preparatory measures for the procedure.

An indication for an ultrasound scan may be any abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys or their signs:

  • pain in the lower back;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • lower back injuries;
  • swelling;
  • pain or discomfort when urinating;
  • infertility;
  • change in the quality of urine - color, volume, analysis indicators.

The ultrasound examination procedure should be postponed after barium x-ray procedures, and also if the patient has open wounds in the abdomen.

Ultrasound of the kidneys - general preparation for the study

According to the standard medical protocol, preparation for an ultrasound of the kidneys includes several stages:

  • change in diet, transition to a diet;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • purgation;
  • medicinal effect.

The same rules are observed in preparation for ultrasound of other organs of the genitourinary system.

How to eat right before the procedure?

Changing the diet and switching to a diet before undergoing an ultrasound is a necessity due to the fact that ultrasound waves are not able to pass through gas accumulations in the intestines. The presence of gases significantly complicates the diagnosis.

Changing the diet and proper drinking regimen can not only prevent the formation of gases, but also eliminate existing accumulations.

Prohibited Products

Within three days preceding the date of the study, the patient must exclude from the diet products that increase the production of gases.


  • potato;
  • milk;
  • raw vegetables;
  • fatty foods, including soups and broths;
  • fried and smoked food;
  • spicy and salty foods;
  • fruit;
  • black bread;
  • sweets and confectionery;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated and hard drinks.

If you follow the right diet, the formation of gases will stop, and their remnants will gradually come out of the intestines.

Allowed Foods

Nutrition during the preparation period should be light, not complicating the work of the intestines and not provoking the formation of gases.

  • hard cheese with a low percentage of fat content;
  • cereals from barley, oatmeal or buckwheat;
  • lean meat - beef, chicken, boiled rabbit;
  • non-greasy sea ​​fish boiled;
  • dried White bread;
  • eggs - one a day.

On the day of the procedure, you should refuse to eat, especially if you plan to study the entire abdominal cavity. The last meal is allowed no later than 8 hours before the start of the ultrasound. Dinner on the eve of the event should be light, consisting of dietary products.

Do I need to drink water before a kidney ultrasound?

The drinking regime during the preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys consists in taking boiled water and weak unsweetened tea. On the day of the event, it is recommended to increase the volume of fluid taken to half a liter - the indicated volume must be drunk within an hour before the start of the ultrasound.

The use of carbonated water on the day of the ultrasound is strictly prohibited.

At the same time, it is better not to rush to go to the toilet until the end of the study - doctors insist on filling the bladder, as this improves the patency of ultrasound and increases the information content of the procedure.

Features of drug preparation

Medication preparation involves taking medications to cleanse the intestines of gases and improve the quality of visualization of the organs under study.

The use of sorbents before ultrasound of the kidneys

The best way to reduce intestinal gas filling is to take sorbents.

Activated carbon- a sorbent agent that has the ability to bind toxins and prevent the formation of gases. In preparation for an ultrasound examination, activated charcoal is taken for 2-3 days twice a day, two to three tablets. On the day of the procedure, taking the remedy is appropriate if the ultrasound is scheduled for the second half of the day.

Sorbex- a detoxifying drug used to prevent flatulence. Recommended intake - 1-2 capsules three times a day with water.

Smecta- means of natural origin, with adsorbing properties. Does not affect intestinal motility. It is excreted from the body unchanged. Reception - three times a day, one sachet, previously dissolved in half a glass of boiled water.

Espumizan- a surfactant that dissolves gas bubbles. It helps to eliminate gas accumulations and remove them from the intestines in a natural way. On the eve of the study, I take the drug three times a day, two capsules or 50 drops. On the day of the procedure, the medicine is taken once - in the morning.

The use of other types of drugs before ultrasound of the kidneys

For patients suffering from constipation, laxatives are additionally prescribed:

  • Guttalax- local laxative, stimulating the mucosa of the large intestine and increasing peristalsis. Single dose - 10-20 drops in the evening, on the eve of the procedure;
  • Picolax- a tool that enhances the movement of feces through the intestines. Reception - one tablet in the evening, on the eve of the procedure;
  • Microlax- means of fast action, microclyster. The therapeutic effect occurs 15 minutes after the introduction of the drug into the rectum.

Depending on the patient's state of health, the preparatory period may also include taking other types of medicines. In the presence of enzymatic deficiency, patients are prescribed Mezim or Pancreatin. With a tendency to edema, diuretics can be prescribed - Furosemide or Hypothiazid.

The use of any drugs as a means of improving the quality of preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys is permissible only with the permission of the attending physician.

Features of preparation for pregnant women and children

The standard rules for preparing for ultrasound of the kidneys are designed for adult men and women. Whereas for pregnant women and children, special instructions are provided that take into account the peculiarities of their physiology.

Preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys of children

Elimination of gas accumulations in the intestines and a full bladder before ultrasound of the kidneys are requirements that remain valid for children.

Espumizan, Bobotik or Kuplaton are considered the best drugs for eliminating flatulence in children, which are prescribed three days before the procedure, in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

In addition, within three days before the ultrasound of the kidneys, the child should be transferred to a light diet - cereals on the water, boiled poultry meat without fat, cheese, boiled egg. It is recommended to exclude milk and dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, sweets, chewing gum, soda from the diet. It is not recommended to give mashed fruits or vegetables to infants.

A special drinking regimen that provides the desired level of bladder filling is used directly on the day of the study.

The amount of fluid needed depends on the age of the child and the size of his bladder:

  • It is enough for two-year-old babies to drink 100 ml of non-carbonated water or berry juice;
  • children from 2 to 7 years old are recommended to drink 250 ml of liquid;
  • a child from 7 to 11 years old should start taking liquid 30-40 minutes before the start of the procedure - 400 ml;
  • children from 11 to 15 years old need to drink 500-800 ml - an hour and a half before the procedure;
  • it is enough for infants to drink some liquid 15 minutes before the ultrasound.

Taking medication on the day of the study is prohibited.

Preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy

Ultrasound of the kidneys is not included in the list of procedures that are mandatory for examining pregnant women, but it is recommended for the timely detection of abnormalities in the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as for appropriate medical indications.

The main recommendations for preparing for an ultrasound include switching to a diet three days before the procedure, as well as taking enterosorbents, laxatives and diuretics. The transition to a special drinking regimen for pregnant women is not required.

Before the ultrasound examination, it is advisable to remove jewelry and take a towel with you to remove the remnants of the gel that increases echo conductivity.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys so that the ultrasound doctor can examine them well and make an accurate diagnosis - we will analyze the answer to this question in detail in the article. In this case, it is the absence of any interference from the intestines and other structures of the abdominal cavity that will help the sonologist to draw up an adequate picture of the state of this most important paired organ.
This study can be carried out as a planned annual examination - against the background of complete health or existing chronic pathology.

There are also the following indications for this ultrasound diagnostics:

Pain or discomfort in the lumbar region (simultaneously with the delivery of a general urine test). Identified increase in blood pressure. Change in the color, quantity and nature of urine. In diseases of the endocrine system. Increased body temperature, chills, weakness, back pain with irradiation to the groin, thigh .After kidney transplantation.After trauma to the lumbar region.Detection of a large amount of any salts in the urine.In children - as a routine examination to detect congenital anomalies in the development of organs.Pain associated with urination.

The same indications apply to the urinary system. Ultrasound of the adrenal glands can be prescribed in such cases:

arterial hypertension, obesity, muscle weakness, infertility, exclusion of adrenal tumors, other manifestations of increased or, conversely, reduced adrenal function.

Ultrasound of the adrenal glands and kidneys should be postponed if there are open wounds in the abdomen, sterile dressings are applied. Also, this study should be carried out later than one day after the X-ray examination of the intestine with barium.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys, you should be told by the doctor who will conduct the study.

He knows exactly what creates the most difficulty in imaging organs, and can explain how to avoid this.

The following is a standardized protocol for preparing for a kidney and adrenal exam in the form of questions and answers.

1. Ultrasound of the kidneys - performed on an empty stomach or not

Before the procedure, you must refrain from eating for at least 8 hours. If the kidney ultrasound will be performed in the afternoon, you can eat before that, but no later than 11 am. It is important to note that this meal should be akin to a three-day diet.

2. Is it possible to eat before ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys

Maybe 8-12 hours. You can only eat porridge, dried white bread, a little boiled meat or fish before an ultrasound.

In addition, "Activated charcoal" taken an hour and a half after a meal at the rate of 1 tablet (it needs to be crushed) per 10 kg of weight, or "Espumizan" ("Kuplaton", "Infakol") in the age dosage will help to prepare for the study of the kidneys. This will help the intestines get rid of excess gases, therefore, the doctor will better examine the kidneys.

3. How to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys

Three days before the appointed time, it is necessary to follow the diet below so that as little gas as possible is formed in the intestines - they interfere with a good examination of the kidneys and adrenal glands on ultrasound.

4. What can you eat before a kidney ultrasound

hard low-fat cheese-pearl, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge boiled or steamed chicken, beef, quail or rabbit meat boiled pollock or hake one boiled egg per day.

5. What not to eat before an ultrasound of the kidneys

cabbage raw vegetables and fruits black bread legumes milk and products prepared from it fatty meat broths carbonated water and drinks alcoholic beverages fatty, fried or smoked meat and fish.

6. How to prepare for ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and adrenal glands, in addition to diet

You need to drink water immediately an hour before the study. You need to consume about half a liter of plain non-carbonated water or unsweetened tea, then do not urinate.

It would be best if you arrive 40 minutes before the appointed time with a container of water without gas and drink it slowly. As soon as you have a little desire to use the toilet - it's time to do the research.

Medical preparation

Cabbage should not be eaten before an ultrasound of the kidneys

What to do before a kidney test

In order to cleanse the intestines of gases as much as possible, an enema is not necessary. If you suffer from constipation, use the Microlax microclyster or other similar microclyster in the evening before examining the kidneys. You can also use a glycerin suppository or a laxative such as Picolax, Guttalax. Two or three days before the study, it is recommended to take sorbents between meals (Sorbex, white or activated charcoal, Smektu) or Espumizan and him similar. If you forgot about this, drink 3 hours before the ultrasound diagnosis of the kidneys and bladder as a preparation, immediately 6 tablets of Espumizan. It is recommended (if there are no contraindications) to accompany each meal with a Mezima or Pancreatin tablet.

What do you need for an adrenal test?

Preparation for an ultrasound of the adrenal glands includes the same points as before an ultrasound of the genitourinary system. This is a three-day diet, and filling the bladder immediately before the procedure.

In some cases, the sonologist may say that there is no need to prepare for the study.

In any case, you need to know that 9-12 hours before the ultrasound of the adrenal glands, kidneys and urinary system, you can not eat lollipops, confectionery, legumes, soda so that the ultrasound doctor can see the organs under study.

How to examine the kidneys of pregnant women

Ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy preparation is not much different from the "non-pregnant" preparation:

For three days, the woman excludes from the diet all those foods that are listed above. For 6 hours, she drinks 4 capsules of Espumizan or a similar drug in the usual dosage. Try not to urinate 3 hours before the procedure. If you are very unbearable, then go a little, but after that drink a glass of non-carbonated water.

The price of ultrasound of the kidneys is from 600 to 1500 rubles. The cost of performing an ultrasound of the adrenal glands is from 400 to 1300 rubles in Moscow and the region.

Thus, you have learned how to prepare for an ultrasound scan of the kidneys, organs of the urinary system and adrenal glands at any age and condition, what nuances you should pay attention to in order to get an undistorted result.

Watch a video about the requirements for preparing for a kidney ultrasound.

ATTENTION! The information on the site is for reference or popular, is for informational purposes only. Proper Treatment and the prescription of drugs can only be carried out by a qualified specialist, taking into account the diagnosis and medical history.

Successful diagnosis and treatment, health and well-being! Your

Ultrasound of the kidneys (sonography) is one of the main methods for diagnosing diseases of the urinary system. Due to the absolute safety of the study, it is prescribed to any patients, including pregnant women and infants. It is also recommended for the prevention of kidney disorders. In order for the study to pass quickly, and the result to be as accurate as possible, special preparation is necessary. It includes a special diet, medications and an enema.

Why is an ultrasound of the kidneys performed?

Ultrasound scanning of the kidneys allows you to evaluate the structure of these organs in a variety of ways. This is the number, position, size and shape, mobility, the presence of stones and sand, etc.

Complex ultrasound is often prescribed - the kidneys, bladder and ureters are examined immediately to assess the condition of the entire urinary system. Also, the kidneys can be viewed as part of an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. In this case, the doctor simultaneously examines the kidneys and gallbladder, liver and spleen, as well as the pancreas.

To prevent diseases of the urinary system, doctors recommend undergoing ultrasound for prevention - 1 time per year. All other instrumental methods (X-ray, renal MRI, radionuclide scintigraphy, etc.) are done exclusively in the direction of the doctor.

With the help of ultrasound, various disorders of the urinary system can be recognized. These are congenital anomalies (only one kidney, omission of an organ), and inflammation, cysts and tumors, and urolithiasis. Also, echography allows you to assess the condition of the renal vessels - blood clots, narrowing (stenosis), etc.

Indications for ultrasound of the kidneys

Kidney echography has no contraindications, it can be prescribed without restrictions to children, adults, and expectant mothers. But in each case, the indications for the procedure will be slightly different.

Adult patients should definitely go for ultrasound if there are the slightest signals of kidney problems:

regularly aches and pains in the lower back; excruciating pain or pain during trips to the toilet; droplets of blood or an admixture of pus in the urine; high temperature + high pressure; constantly swelling of the legs, arms and face; there are clear signs of urolithiasis; there has been an injury to the back or abdomen; bad lab tests.

Before sending the baby for ultrasound, the pediatrician even more carefully examines the medical record. Any problems with urination, complicated childbirth in the mother, a congenital anomaly and even a banal dysbacteriosis are already a reason for ultrasound.

During pregnancy, a mandatory kidney scan is not necessary. But doctors advise undergoing the procedure if the following suspicious symptoms appear:

pulling pains in the lumbar region; too frequent trips to the toilet and pain during the process; cloudy urine; severe swelling; injury to the abdomen or back; if the expectant mother is diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.

How is an ultrasound scan of the kidneys done?

There is only one method to scan the kidneys - external, or transabdominal. This procedure is absolutely painless, even small children can easily tolerate it.

An echocardiogram is done in the following way. The patient removes clothing above the waist to free the lower back and abdomen. A sonologist (the so-called ultrasound specialist) applies a special gel to the skin that conducts ultrasound rays and scans through the anterior abdominal wall.

Then the patient is asked to roll over on his side and the kidneys and ureters are scanned from the sides. If necessary, also do a study from the side of the lower back.

Ultrasound scanning of the kidneys is also divided into two types (both procedures are done by the external method). These are traditional ultrasound (ultrasonography) and dopplerography (scanning of the renal vessels).

Preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys

Preparation for an ultrasound scan of the kidneys is required, because during the procedure the intestines must be completely empty, without feces and gas bubbles.

Preparatory measures should be started already 4 days before the procedure:

The most important thing is a sparing diet, which should save you from gas and flatulence. It must be observed 3-4 days before the ultrasound. Additionally, you can take activated charcoal or "Espumizan" to eliminate gases. Two days is enough. Ultrasound itself is carried out exclusively on an empty stomach. If the kidneys will be scanned in the morning, the last meal before the procedure should be in the evening, no later than 19.00. When an ultrasound is given in the afternoon, a light breakfast is allowed. Doctors usually do not advise doing a full enema before the procedure. If the patient periodically suffers from constipation, you can put the Microlax microclyster the night before. Or regular glycerin. They should be done only after dinner, on an empty stomach is impossible. Drinking before the procedure is allowed if the kidneys and bladder are examined at the same time. In this case, one hour before the procedure, you need to drink 1-1.5 liters of any liquid without gas. You can come to the hospital early and drink the drink brought right there. It is best to drink plain water, tea, compote or fruit drink.

Diet before ultrasound examination of the kidneys

A diet before an ultrasound examination is required for one purpose - to remove all the symptoms of flatulence and eliminate gases in the intestines.

To do this, a few days before the ultrasound scan, you need to delete from the diet all foods that can provoke bloating and gases:

black bread, fresh wheat, as well as any muffin; fresh fruits (especially apples, grapes and pears); cabbage of all kinds; legumes (peas, beans, lentils) are too fatty dishes; factory sweets; whole milk; barley and millet porridge; Do not drink carbonated water and alcohol.

During the diet, it is allowed to eat any low-fat foods: poultry, lean fish, beef and pork. Cheese, dairy products, eggs and cereals (except prohibited ones) can also be safely included in the menu. All vegetables must be cooked.

Dinner before the ultrasound procedure must be light. It is allowed to eat boiled fish or chicken, boiled vegetables or rice as a side dish, you can also have soup. Drink - any drinks without gas: water, tea, fruit drinks.

If scanning is done for infants, you need to bring the child to the procedure immediately after the next feeding, 3-4 hours before meals. Children aged 1-3 years should not eat 5 hours before the ultrasound. Children over 3 years old will already be able to endure 6-7 hours without food.

The use of ultrasound in the diagnosis of pathology of the veins of the lower extremities

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys is one of the safest diagnostic methods. By means of ultrasound, virtually any abnormal processes and diseases of the renal apparatus are determined. Other prerogative aspects of the procedure include:

  • lack of direct contact of medical instruments with the organ (non-invasiveness);
  • absolute painlessness of the process;
  • absence of contraindications to the examination (the exception is the defeat of the epidermis in the area of ​​the examined organs);
  • low time costs for the procedure;
  • high information content.

The last point largely proper preparation. To get objective results, you should know what to do before an ultrasound of the kidneys. A separate examination of the kidneys is rarely performed. For the most part, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity with the kidneys or an ultrasound of the urinary system is prescribed. Based on this, preliminary preparation for the procedure is carried out.

The main recommendations for preparing for a kidney ultrasound examination are aimed at correcting nutrition a few days before the procedure. For people who have difficulty with regular bowel movements and flatulence, preparation should begin 5-7 days in advance, the rest of the patients will need three days.

Changing eating habits will make it easier for the organs to work. An uncongested digestive system and kidneys are easier to study. This will help the doctor to make the most accurate diagnosis of the products. The diet is made up of products that are easily processed by the digestive tract.

You can eat the following ready-made dishes and products:

  • cereals cooked on water (milk and creamy base are excluded);
  • chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean fish processed by culinary stewing or boiling;
  • cheese and cottage cheese with low fat content;
  • boiled or vegetable stew;
  • boiled eggs;
  • light spicy soups.

The diet before ultrasound of the kidneys is aimed primarily at the rejection of products that provoke flatulence. The accumulation of gases in the intestinal cavity is an obstacle to the free passage of ultrasound, and distorts the image of the digestive organs and urinary system on the monitor of the ultrasound machine.

Before the study, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • legume source of vegetable protein (peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans);
  • sauerkraut, raw, pickled cabbage;
  • whole fresh milk;
  • yeast baking;
  • fruits: pears, apples, grapes;
  • raw vegetables: radish, radish, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • sweet dessert dishes;
  • chocolate;
  • sausage, sausages;
  • whole grain flour products, including bread.

Also, the consumption of heavy foods is subject to restriction. Not recommended: fatty pork, smoked fish and meat, potato dishes, canned foods, including marinades and pickles, fatty mayonnaise-based sauces and ketchups, seeds, dried fruits, any nuts.

Dietary nutrition for 2-6 days will allow the doctor to assess in detail the condition of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, and speed up the examination process itself. Meals involve small portions with a 3-4 hour interval.

The culinary method of processing hot products is not welcome. Meat, vegetables, fish should be boiled, stewed or baked in foil, and steam cooking should also be used. Herbal and vitamin decoctions will be useful.

The main question of the preparatory period is it possible to eat before an ultrasound? In the case when an ultrasound examination of the kidneys is prescribed together with an ultrasound diagnosis of the abdominal cavity, it is necessary to maintain a fasting regimen from 8 to 12 hours. During this time, the digestive tract will have time to process food. At the same time, the evening meal should be sparse and consist of easily digestible dishes.

It can be any water-based cereals, boiled or steamed fish of not very fatty varieties (pollock, hake), stewed vegetables (excluding cabbage). Is it possible to eat before an ultrasound of the kidneys, when a separate study of these organs is performed? If the ultrasound is scheduled for the afternoon, breakfast that is not burdensome for the stomach is allowed. When diagnosing in the morning, it is better to refuse breakfast.

For preschool children, the restriction in food before diagnosis is at least five hours. Infants are examined no later than half an hour after feeding. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should not eat up after the procedure. A heavy meal after a dietary diet can provoke dyspepsia (painful and difficult digestion) and difficulty with bowel movements.

About liquid

Drinking regime in the preparatory period should be plentiful and regular. It is allowed to drink water, green or weak black tea, diluted fruit drinks and juices without pulp. It is forbidden to use sweet soda and kvass containing yeast, as these drinks provoke gas formation. Immediately before the diagnosis, the bladder must be in a full state.

This recommendation is especially relevant if, together with the kidneys, an examination of this organ is also planned. It would be useful to prepare water in advance so that you can drink directly in front of the ultrasound diagnostic room.

With a stable work of the digestive tract, before the study, it is enough to take carminatives for two days: activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10-15 kg of weight) or Espumizan (capsule three times a day).

Patients with digestive problems (regular bloating, constipation) are recommended to add to medicines enema procedure in the evening on the eve of ultrasound (on the day of diagnosis, enema is prohibited). You can make a regular enema, 2 liters in volume, or use the modern Microlax microclyster. If there is no opportunity to give an enema, then you should resort to the help of mild laxatives (Guttalax, Fitolizin).

For the smooth operation of the digestive tract, it is useful to use enzyme medicines that improve digestion. Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal should be drunk one tablet during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Properly fulfilled preparation conditions enable the doctor to easily establish diseases of the kidneys and other organs responsible for the process of urine excretion.

In the case when the doctor assumes the presence of not only renal pathologies, but also a deviation from the norm in the work of adjacent vessels, a special type of diagnosis is prescribed - Doppler ultrasound (duplex). Double examination is more effective. It allows you to identify a change directly in the organ, the speed of blood flow and the purity of the vessels (the presence of blood clots, atherosclerotic growths on the vascular walls, expansion or narrowing of the vascular system of the kidneys).

On ultrasound, the general anatomical structure of the organ is assessed in the same way. In the postoperative period, ultrasound is done to monitor the results of the intervention. Duplex scanning of the kidneys is not performed if an examination of other organs of the digestive system is scheduled on the same day, as well as if there are lesions on the epidermis in the area of ​​the organs being examined. If Dopplerography was prescribed, compliance with the preparatory measures for the procedure remains unchanged.

You can’t eat before examining the vessels, regardless of the morning or evening time of the procedure. Duplex allows you to identify diseases in the initial period of their development, when the patient may not be aware of their presence. Ultrasound is performed on an outpatient basis. Treatment is prescribed by a therapist or nephrologist in accordance with the results of the examination. If it was not possible to determine the disease by ultrasound, the doctor directs the patient to a tomographic diagnosis of the kidneys (MRI and CT).

The mechanism of operation of the paired organ of the human urinary system is to filter and smoothly remove decay products from the body. However, the kidneys do not always function at the proper level, which provokes the occurrence of various pathologies. Ultrasound helps to identify pathological processes in time.

When to do an ultrasound of the kidneys

The basis of ultrasound examination of the kidneys is the use of sound signal, which has a high frequency, which helps to clearly visualize the organ. The study does not cause any pain and is completely safe. The correctness of the conclusions about the results obtained depends on the experience and level of professionalism of the doctor, so it is better to undergo the procedure in trusted medical institutions.

Ultrasound is performed for various diseases of the urinary system, in the presence of oncological processes, after transplantation of the renal organ. Doctors recommend that healthy people undergo ultrasound examination once a year for prevention. The main indications for ultrasound of the kidneys:

  • infectious diseases (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
  • poor urinalysis;
  • enuresis;
  • renal colic;
  • acute back pain.

Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder in children

With the help of this study, the structure, size and anatomy of the organs of the children's urinary system are evaluated. Ultrasound of the kidneys in children reveals diseases such as:

  • congenital anomalies of the urinary system and the vessels that feed it;
  • sand, stones;
  • abscesses;
  • cysts;
  • tumors;
  • enlargement of the renal pelvis;
  • various inflammations.

Pediatricians prescribe an ultrasound scan for a child if a large amount of urates or oxalates is found in the urine test, with discomfort and pain during urination, or if blood is found in the urine. A procedure is prescribed for a newborn child if a neoplasm or induration is felt in the retroperitoneal space, there is a suspicion of an anomaly in the development of internal organs. Often, doctors advise to do an ultrasound scan for a child if there are pathologies of the urinary organs in his close relatives.

Ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy

An ultrasound examination is not mandatory for women during pregnancy, but it is done frequently. During pregnancy, kidney pathologies are common, because the urinary organs work more intensively, the load increases, which provokes inflammation and exacerbation of chronic pathologies. Ultrasound of the kidneys in pregnant women is indicated in the following cases:

  • deviation from the norm of urine analysis;
  • the presence of any renal pathologies;
  • back injury;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • blood impurities or unusual color of urine;
  • violation of the act of urination;
  • lower back pain.

How to prepare for a kidney ultrasound

For the procedure to be effective, you should carefully prepare for it. Ultrasound is excellent at penetrating liquid in the body, but it cannot pass if there is air in it. For this reason, preparation for an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys begins with the removal of gas that accumulates in the abdomen. To do this, three days before the study, you must keep a special diet, and then drink activated charcoal. On the day of the procedure, it is advisable to clean the intestines with an enema.

Is it possible to eat before an ultrasound of the kidneys

To prepare for the examination, it is necessary to exclude such foods as bakery products, cabbage, potatoes, raw vegetables / fruits, dairy products, chocolate, sweets from the diet a couple of days before it. Is it possible to eat before ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal cavity? Immediately before the procedure, it is forbidden to eat food for 8 hours. Ultrasound of the kidneys is performed on an empty stomach. When the examination is scheduled for the afternoon (for the second half), then you can eat in the morning until 11 o’clock, but only foods allowed by the diet.

Do I need to drink water before a kidney ultrasound

If the ultrasound is performed exclusively on an empty stomach, then the amount of liquid drunk before the procedure can not be limited. Do I need to drink water before an ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands? It is allowed to drink immediately before the study. If the patient's bladder is viewed at the same time, then an hour before the procedure, the doctor will advise you to prepare specially, that is, drink 1-1.5 liters of non-carbonated drink. You can drink liquid right in front of the treatment room. Water, compote, tea or fruit drink is better for these purposes.

Types of ultrasound of the kidneys

Now ultrasound examination of the kidneys is carried out by various methods, which helps doctors to detect tumors and inflammation at an early stage. Urological practice uses the following diagnostic options:

  1. Dopplerography or Color Doppler mapping (CDC). Conducted to study the renal vessels. The technology of the method is based on the fluctuation of the frequency of sound waves, which change after a collision with blood (a moving object). As a result, the doctor receives information about the presence of inflamed vessels and the nature of blood flow in the renal tubules. This method is based on the Doppler Effect.
  2. Ultrasonography (sonography). This type of study determines violations in the topography, detects stones and tumors, and reveals renal parenchymal changes. It is based on the principle of reflection of high-frequency waves from tissues, muscles and other dense structures of the body. During the session, the specialist receives complete structural information about the organ under study.

How is an ultrasound of the kidneys done?

Examination of the urinary system is performed standing, sitting, lying down or on your side. The sonologist applies a hypoallergenic water-based gel to the patient's skin to ensure full contact of the body surface with the sensor. This increases the level of transmission of ultrasonic waves. First, the procedure for ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands is carried out in the lumbar direction, then oblique and transverse sections are studied. In this case, the specialist moves the sensor to the lateral and anterior part of the abdomen, and the patient turns alternately to the right and left sides. Technique helps to see:

  • location, size, shape of organs;
  • condition of the parenchyma, renal pelvis, calyces, sinuses.

To determine the mobility of organs and improve their visualization, the doctor asks the patient to take a breath and / or hold his breath after changing the position. The necessary departments are viewed much better on inspiration. In a standing position, the procedure is performed if there is a suspicion of nephrosis. On the side or sitting, ultrasound is performed to view the renal vessels. The duration of the examination is no more than half an hour.

The size of the kidneys is normal according to ultrasound

The interpretation of the results is done only by the doctor. In conclusion, the specialist indicates the number of organs, their location, size, shape, mobility, describes the condition of the ureters, adrenal glands, tissue structure. Ultrasound diagnosis of the kidneys is considered normal if the contours of the organ are even in the photo, the fibrous capsule is clearly defined, and the tissues have a homogeneous structure. The renal pelvis should not be dilated, the organs are located at the level of the first and second vertebrae, and the thickness of the parenchyma is 15-25 cm.

Adult kidney size is normal

The left kidney should be higher than the right. Some mobility is allowed up to 2 cm in a vertical position. The shape of healthy organs should be bean-shaped (bean grain), and the size is constant, but a slight difference between them up to 1 cm is allowed. The norm of the kidneys according to ultrasound in adult men and women: width 5-6 cm, length 10-12 cm, thickness 4- 5 cm. 1 organ weighs up to 200 grams. An increase in parameters may indicate the presence of inflammatory processes or diseases such as hydronephrosis or pyelonephritis. Size reduction occurs with hypoplasia.

The norm of kidneys in children

The price of an ultrasound examination is no different for an adult or a child, but they have different standards. For a normal determination of the size of paired organs, it is necessary to conduct a correlation analysis between body weight, age, height and sex of the child. There are certain tables that a specialist must take into account when deciphering the diagnosis.

The norm of the size of the kidneys according to ultrasound in children is difficult to determine, because each child develops in different ways. Development can be guided by average indicators. For example, the size of the kidneys in a newborn baby is 4.9 cm. From three months to a year, the organs increase to 6.2 cm. Then, until the age of 19, they should normally grow by 1.3 cm every 5 years.

What does an ultrasound of the kidneys show?

The range of pathologies of the urinary system is very wide. After an ultrasound examination, a decoding of an ultrasound of the kidneys can show the following diseases:

  1. Pyelonephritis. Infection of the renal pelvis, which eventually passes into the parenchyma. The disease takes place in an acute form or chronic.
  2. Urolithiasis disease. Pathology is characterized by the presence of stones in the pelvis, bladder or along the ureter.
  3. Renal block. The cessation of the outflow of urine due to swelling or inflammation in any part of the urinary system. This condition can be caused by a stone, blood clot, or trauma.
  4. Thrombosis of the renal vein. Complete or partial blockage occurs due to a thrombus, increased echogenicity of the parenchyma, increased organ size, or the presence of fluid in the tissues.
  5. Damage to the organs of the urinary system. These include many diseases for which no treatment has been carried out. The condition can also occur after an injury.
  6. Prostatitis. The disease affects the strong half of humanity. Inflammation of the prostate gland is accompanied by severe pain in the perineum or lower back, urination disorder, discomfort during intercourse.

Cost of ultrasound of the kidneys

Doing an ultrasound is not difficult. The cost of the procedure depends on the region, the status of the clinic, the professionalism of the staff, the complexity of the area being examined, and the diagnostic method. How much does a kidney ultrasound cost in Moscow? The average price for dopplerography of blood vessels is 2000-3000 rubles. Ultrasound echography varies from 1500 to 3000 rubles.

Video: How is the ultrasound of the kidneys

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual features specific patient.

In contact with

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder does not differ from ultrasound of other organs or systems. There are no restrictions for its use, even in childhood.

For a qualitative diagnosis of this particular anatomical region, the main thing is correct selection sensor and the best point to scan. Ultrasound technology is also evolving.

Some new techniques have appeared: ultrasound angiography, three-dimensional reconstruction, panoramic scanning. Ultrasound is a fairly informative, safe and inexpensive diagnostic method that is very useful in uronephrology.

Indications for this type of examination:

  • Pain of various nature in the lumbar region.
  • Injuries of the lumbar region.
  • Causeless swelling.
  • Changes in blood or urine tests.
  • Secondary arterial hypertension.
  • Renal failure.
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis.
  • Discharge from the urethra.
  • Spontaneous increase in body temperature.
  • Suspicion of developmental anomalies.
  • Preoperative preparation.
  • Preventive checkups.

Rules for children and adults

It is very important when scanning renal structures to choose the correct window for scanning. When examining the kidneys and renal vessels, the intestine usually interferes. Therefore, the patient needs to change position, lie down on the left or right side.

Normal values ​​​​for ultrasound examination of the kidneys in adults:

  • Kidney length - 10-12 cm.
  • Width - 5-6 cm.
  • Thickness - 4 cm.
  • The thickness of the parenchyma is 1.1-2.5 cm.

used to visualize the renal arteries. longitudinal and transverse scanning. The nature of blood flow can be assessed using energy mapping. The surface of a healthy kidney is usually smooth, and its contour is sometimes wavy.

The renal sinus differs from the parenchyma in higher echogenicity. In older patients, the parenchyma of the kidney becomes thin due to atherosclerosis of its vessels.

In children, ultrasound of the kidneys is usually prescribed for pain in the abdomen, lower back, changes in urinalysis, trauma, dysuric disorders, and edema. The normal pediatric kidney is characterized by smooth contours and a well-defined capsule. The dimensions of this organ in children are as follows: length - 4.5-6cm, width - 2-2.5 cm, parenchyma thickness - 1-1.8 cm.

Due to the high contrast between the contents of the bladder and its walls, the organ is suitable for ultrasound. The image may be affected by bowel loops, large uterine fibroids, and an altered prostate gland.

With normal function, the bladder is almost completely emptied after urination. The volume of residual urine is about 20 ml. The wall of the bladder is presented on ultrasound in the form of a strip of increased echogenicity up to 5 mm.

Preparing for an ultrasound

For an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, the requirements are exactly the same as for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. The patient should stop eating 8-10 hours before the study. It is also undesirable to smoke and use chewing gum, lollipops the day before.

The main thing is to protect the intestines from the process of gas formation, which can interfere with the correct diagnosis. To do this, a few days before the procedure, you should not eat legumes, carbonated drinks, milk, cakes, and even fruits. You can assign smecta and mezim to people who have increased gas formation in the intestines.

You should know that excess weight also affects the quality of the study.

For a complete examination of the bladder, it is necessary to fill it. 1 hour before the study, you need to drink about 1 liter of water without gas. During the procedure, the patient will feel the urge to urinate.

If the purpose of the ultrasound examination is to determine the volume of residual urine, then it is necessary to go through the second stage. The patient is sent to the toilet to empty the bladder, and then the study is repeated.

Several positions can be used for an ultrasound examination of the kidneys: lying on your side, lying on your back, standing, or sitting. To improve the contact of the sensor with the patient's body and improve the signal quality, a special gel is applied to the skin.

First of all, longitudinal sections of the lumbar region are examined, after which the kidneys are scanned in transverse and oblique directions. The patient, in turn, changes position from the right side to the left. Compliance with these methods allows you to determine the size of the organ, its shape, assess the state of the pelvicalyceal system.

During the procedure, the diagnostician necessarily asks the patient to hold his breath for a while. This allows you to get a better picture and determine the mobility of both kidneys. The whole procedure takes about 15 minutes.

During ultrasonography of the bladder, the patient lies on his side. The bladder is filled with a volume of 200-250 ml. Insufficient filling of the bladder can cause a diagnostic error. When examining through the abdominal wall, a series of transverse and longitudinal images is obtained by moving the transducer in the suprapubic region.

To determine the height of an organ, it is done sagittal section. If the bladder is oval in sections and has the same echogenicity, then it is filled correctly. There are 2 types of sensors that are used in bladder ultrasound: abdominal and abdominal.

A great way to visualize the bladder in women is with a transvaginal exam. You can even see the transmural ureter. The greatest information content is achieved by a combination of both methods.

Results and their interpretation

After the study, the doctor writes a conclusion in which he indicates the obtained dimensions, describes the shape, mobility of the kidneys, their localization, as well as the state of the parenchyma, stromal component and CHLS.

On ultrasound, you can determine:

  • Stones of the kidneys and pelvis.
  • Cysts, abscesses.
  • Blood flow and vascular conditions.
  • The presence of tumors.
  • congenital anomalies.
  • Diffuse dystrophic changes.
  • Subcapsular fluid formation.
  • Fluid in the peritoneal tissue.

The reason for an emergency ultrasound examination of the kidneys are bruises in the lumbar region. This study is used along with X-ray methods.

When the capsule ruptures, blood can be found in the perirenal tissue. Ultrasonography clearly shows subcapsular hematomas, as well as damage to the kidney parenchyma.

Pathologies that are often found: omission of the kidneys, inflammatory edema of the parenchyma, the absence of one kidney or its hypoplasia, wrinkling or enlargement of the kidney with pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, volumetric formations (abscesses, carbuncle, cysts), microcalculous shadows.

Possible anomalies in the development of the bladder on ultrasonography:

  • Agenesia or underdevelopment.
  • Ectopia (lack of anterior wall)
  • Hypoplasia.
  • Doubling.
  • Partitions in the bubble.
  • Unclosed urinary duct.

In the cavity of the bladder, you can also see stones, which are often secondary. Primarily, they are formed in the kidneys and through the ureter enter the urinary bladder with the flow of urine. On ultrasound, these are mobile hyperechoic formations.