Hamam drawings. Turkish bath hammam, sauna construction in the apartment. Climate and heating source of the Turkish bath

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Build Turkish (hamam), Finnish (sauna) bath in the city apartment relatively easy, and this direction is gaining momentum, especially among elite modern housing. Enough in apartment to have a room of suitable volume with the possibility of ventilation and water drainage (sewerage), and you have a desire to build, build in your own home, a cozy, wellness corner in the form of a Turkish bath ( hamam). As a rule, there is such a room in every apartment - this is a bathroom, there are already all the necessary communications (ventilation, sewerage, water supply), it remains only competently have a turkish hammam using every square meter. Just like in a country house in the country, with the device Turkish bath perform thermal, hydro construction that meets technical requirements. Very often, to save usable space, space, when building a bath in an apartment, we use modern partitions made of glass ( Turkish bath glass facade). Hamam in the apartment can be ordered and built without any coordination with local operating companies, the only nuance is with the exhaust ventilation system, which we solve.

What heating and steam generator to choose for a hammam in an apartment.

V urban conditions hammam steam bath heating, as a rule, it is arranged - electric, rarely when water - because. prohibited in multi-storey construction due to the technical features of floor heating. For compact placement of the steam generator (usually placed in a technical riser cabinet) at the company Tylo is adapted to Russian conditions steam generator model 6VB reduced dimensions and with the ability to connect to the network 220V, just optimal for apartment option for the construction of a Turkish bath (hamam). There are also models of compact electric ovens for a cabin of a steam room - saunas of different producers. We LLC "Our Baths" without any problems, we will help you design a Turkish hammam in an apartment, optimally using every centimeter of the area and implement your plan (build a Turkish bath, hammam, sauna) right in your city apartment.

Turkish bath is not just a place where you can wash yourself. This is a palace of purity for a pleasant rest and recuperation. V last years there was a passion for the construction of Turkish baths in country houses and even apartments. Many people want to reproduce a piece of Turkey at home as a memory of a beautiful country.

The possibilities for building a hammam are unlimited: any building materials, decor and oriental interior elements, equipment for heating and steam supply, all this is available for sale in a huge assortment. The lack of a large room is also not a problem, even a small shower room can be equipped in a cozy “hamamchik”.

What is hamam

Turkish baths trace their centuries-old history from the ancient Roman baths - term. Turkish bath has a beneficial healing effect on the human body. A distinctive feature of the Turkish bath is that the container with boiling water is located in a separate room, and the steam enters the steam room through special outlets.

In addition to the steam room and the technical block, the Turkish bath has a relaxation room. Hamam differs from other types of baths: Russian, Japanese and Finnish saunas by its mild microclimate: comfortable temperature, high humidity.

In the Turkish bath, a gentle massage with soap foam is used and there are no such stressful procedures as contrast dousing, clapping with brooms, hot steam. Due to the soft delicate action, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system can visit the hamam bath.

The whole atmosphere in the hammam: the design of the halls, floor heating and sunbeds, the supply of warm steam with aromatic oils, diffused light, contributes to the creation of an unusually pleasant atmosphere of a relaxing holiday.

How a classic hammam works

The classical oriental bath consists of several rooms located in beams around the central hall. In the main hall there is a chair or table for massage - gebek. In adjacent rooms there are: a dressing room, technical equipment with a steam generator, steam rooms and a relaxation room.

In a traditional Turkish bath, as a rule, there are several steam rooms with varying degrees of heating, so that visitors can choose a comfortable temperature regime for themselves. The principle of the device and operation of the Turkish bath is quite simple: heat emanates from the surrounding surfaces of the walls, floor and benches and soft moist steam with flavors is supplied.

The classic hammam has three pools. The first pool is filled with warm water, the second is neutral and the third is cold.

Turkish baths are distinguished by rich decoration in oriental style: marble walls and floors, massage tables and sunbeds, kurnas (washbasins without drain), fountains, all kinds of marble and mosaic panels, spectacular lighting in the form of twinkling stars.

Bath ceremony hammam

Turkish bath consists of three rooms. The first room, "jamekyan", serves as a dressing room. In the dressing room, the body is preheated and prepared for further procedures, the air temperature here is maintained at 30 - 35 degrees Celsius.

The next step of the bathing ceremony is the steam room “hararet”. Steam is thrown into the steam room of the hammam, at a temperature of about 45 degrees. The saturation of the air with steam is such that nothing is visible at a distance of more than one meter.

In the steam room, procedures are carried out to cleanse and renew the skin: peeling and soap massage.

Procedures alternate with water washings. For a more pronounced effect, the steam is saturated with essential oils.

The shape of the hammam bath hall resembles a hand: a round platform with a massage table in the center, chebek-tashi, resembles a palm, and paired niches look like fingers. In each bath niche, high humidity and different temperatures are created - from 70 to 100 degrees.

Lastly, they go to the recreation room, “sogukluk”, where you can lie down, relax, drink tea.

Healing properties of the Turkish bath

  1. Expanding pores, improving skin breathing, cleansing, moisturizing and rejuvenating.
  2. Cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances.
  3. Muscle relaxation and recuperation.
  4. Normalization of the respiratory system, prevention and treatment of colds.
  5. Pain-relieving action.
  6. Relieve stress, improve sleep.
  7. Improved digestion.
  8. Reducing excess weight.
  9. Getting rid of cellulite.

How to build a hamam yourself

Turkish bath hammam is a wonderful addition to the house that you can build with your own hands in 1-3 months. The main condition when creating a hamam is to take into account the features of the Turkish bath. Hamam differs from our traditional Russian bath not only in the design in the oriental style, but also in the way of heating and supplying steam.

The vat of boiling water is located in a separate room, and the steam enters the steam room through special outlets.

To obtain moist, soft and warm steam, which the hammam is so famous for, it is important to avoid mistakes at the design stage and choose the right materials and equipment. The Turkish baths of today are certainly different from their ancient predecessors thanks to the use of modern building materials and automated equipment.

But the general principles of the hammam device remain the same. Not everyone has the desire and time to go to a public bath. And not everyone has the opportunity to allocate a large area for the construction of a classic hammam with many separate rooms. To do this, it would be necessary to erect a whole building with various communications and special conditions thermal and waterproofing.

A simpler, budget option is also possible using inexpensive building materials imitating marble, affordable bath accessories, and the necessary set of equipment. As a rule, private Turkish baths consist of 2-3 rooms. Many homeowners want to have their own hammam-style steam room in their own home.

If you have construction and technical skills, and the prospect of becoming a builder, plumber, electrician and designer at the same time, you can build a simple hammam yourself.

Choosing a place to build a hammam

The construction of a hammam begins with the choice of a place. The big advantage of the Turkish bath is that there is no need for a separate building. Any type of building is suitable for accommodating a Turkish bath: cottages, apartments, health centers, subject to the fulfillment of technical requirements: plumbing and sewerage, electricity and ventilation.

You should know that you will have to equip two rooms. An economical option for a hammam is a steam room and a utility room. More comfortable hammam - with an additional room for relaxation. At the same time, it will not be necessary to allocate significant areas for a bath, so a Turkish hammam can be successfully built even in a small apartment.

In one room of the hammam there is the bath itself, in the other there is a technical unit with the necessary equipment: an aroma generator, a cleaning filter, a steam generator for Turkish baths, a light projector, an internal heating system for the surface of the steam room - floors, benches and walls, an independent electrical panel.

The size and shape of the steam room is completely determined by the preferences of the owner. Even a tiny pantry can be adapted as a technical department.

The area of ​​the utility room is approximately 1m2. It is desirable that the technical room is located close to the main room. If this is not possible, then no further than 15 meters. When choosing a place for arranging a Turkish bath, it should be borne in mind that after finishing work, the internal dimensions of the room will decrease by 15 cm.

What materials are needed to build a hammam

Hardware stores offer a wide range of special materials for creating a hammam. Unlike the Russian bath, the Turkish hammam never uses wood, only stone and metal.

General requirements for materials for a Turkish bath: high structural strength, thermal and moisture resistance.

natural marble

Marble is considered the ideal choice for finishing the hammam. Since ancient times, natural marble has been the main material for facing walls and benches.

It is pleasant to the touch, retains heat for a long time, reduces sudden temperature changes, is durable, and emphasizes the status of the owner of the house. The only drawback is the high cost. Soapstone is considered comparable in price, but superior in heat capacity. An excellent substitute for natural stone of expensive breeds is glass mosaic and ceramic tiles.


Smalt is often used to finish the hammam. This is a small multi-colored glass mosaic of more than 80 shades, which make up beautiful and original paintings with oriental ornaments. It is very decorative, has the property of inner glow, creates overflows of color.

Smalt is produced in the form of plates or tiles of different sizes from 1 cm2 to 5 cm2. It is rough, transparent, smooth and matte.

Smalt is laid on both flat and curved surfaces. Smalt is a dense, non-porous material with almost zero water absorption. It is cold hardy and heat resistant. Italian smalt made of Venetian glass is especially famous.

Laying out patterns with smalt is quite painstaking work, but the result is worth it. Moreover, there are now modern materials in the form of finished mosaic panels, which greatly facilitates such a finish.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are the most affordable and easy-to-work finishing material for Turkish baths. Currently, the tile successfully competes with other materials for the hammam, making up an alternative to marble and smalt. Ceramic tile is a familiar material, many people know how to lay it. A wide variety of decor and tile sizes allows you to create a very beautiful interior, get the most intricate shapes and makes it possible to build an inexpensive and perfectly functioning Turkish hammam with your own hands.

How finishing work is done

The construction of a Turkish hamam requires especially careful finishing, which must meet the main requirements - high-quality thermal insulation and waterproofing of the room.

List of construction works:

  • installation of thermal insulation;
  • installation of waterproofing;
  • reflective vapor barrier;
  • all communications;
  • plastering and screeding;
  • final waterproofing;
  • facing the floor, walls, tables and deck chairs with ceramic tiles, mosaics, marble and other materials.

At construction work in the hammam, the thickness of the walls and floors is approximately 70 - 100 mm due to the laying of insulation, installation of reflective thermal insulation, waterproofing of surfaces, conducting a water or electric heating system, applying a layer of leveling plaster or screed, finishing waterproofing, finishing with facing materials.

The order of finishing work

The finishing of the room for the hammam begins with the application of a plaster layer, in order to provide additional waterproofing. Next, thermal insulation is carried out: they are covered with a special adhesive-based insulation. Then a reinforcing cage is mounted, to which a road and plaster mesh is attached at a certain interval. The frame is used to install a heating system for walls, floors and benches.

Another method of building a Turkish bath has been developed, in which the load-bearing frame is made of special rigidly foamed polystyrene panels. Now it is a very popular material for the construction of a hammam. High-strength polystyrene is used, comparable in density to wood. The forms and ways of using such panels are very diverse. Not only the walls of the hamam are made of this material, but also curved sunbeds and a ceiling dome, fonts, cornices, pallets and even columns and podiums are cut out. Expanded polystyrene is an environmentally friendly material with a long service life.

Such panels create complete sound, hydro and thermal insulation of the steam room and do not require additional processing. When finishing the steam room with foamed panels, the air warms up faster, the load on the ceilings decreases, the construction time for the hammam is significantly reduced, but financial costs increase.

This technology uses foreign-made materials: Wedi, Doit, LuxElement panels. On top of the expanded polystyrene panels, a thermal circuit made of plastic pipes is installed and then a steel mesh. Next, a plaster layer is applied to finish the room.

What should be the floor in the Turkish bath

The floor in the hammam bath must be equipped with a heating system and a slight slope is observed for a reliable flow of water.

A locking device is mounted in the drain ladder, which prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewerage system. The floor in the Turkish bath consists of two layers of cement-sand screed with waterproofing between them. The floor covering is finished with marble or ceramic tiles, smalt.

Features of the ceiling in the Turkish bath

The ceiling of the steam room in the hammam is often built in the form of a dome. The height of the room should be at least 2.5 m. The dome is not just an original stylistic solution or a tribute to oriental exoticism, but also a design technique that practical value. Due to the domed shape, the rising steam during condensation does not drip down from the ceiling, but flows down from the gentle vaults along the walls. The unusual shape of the ceiling somewhat complicates the construction.

There are other options for ceiling structures that are less expensive than a dome: arched, vaulted and any other shape, except for a flat one. V architectural design Turkish hammam often use columns.

What are the ways to heat a hammam

In the modern interpretation of the Turkish bath, temperature and humidity are created by internal heating of the room. Heat comes from heated walls, floors, beds. The steam is started by a steam generator.

Depending on the chosen heating method, they are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and provide for heating all surfaces of the steam room: floors, walls, tables, benches.

There are two types of Turkish bath heating - water and electric heating. Electric heating is organized similarly to the "warm floor" system, when electric heating elements are laid under the surfaces. In terms of performance and material costs, water heating is better and more profitable. Regardless of the type of heating chosen, the heating of the hammam must be separate.

If an autonomous heating system is installed in a country house, then it is recommended to provide an additional circuit for the hammam so that in the summer you do not have to specifically turn on the general house heating only to heat the steam room. The construction of a Turkish bath with water heating involves laying a network of small-diameter water pipes with constantly circulating hot water in the floor, walls and benches. A small electrically heated boiler is placed in the technical department. From it comes the wiring of several contours of metal-plastic pipes, which are laid under the surfaces of the floor, walls and seats.

It is recommended to maintain a constant temperature in the hamam steam room, at least 30C. Six hours before the bathing procedure, the sensors set the heating temperature to 45°C. It is easier to regulate the temperature of heating surfaces with water heating.

Turkish bath lighting and power supply

Due to the high humidity in the steam room, lighting requires careful attention and precautions. For safety reasons, waterproof low-voltage lamps with a voltage of not more than 24V and a degree of protection of at least IP 65 are installed, designed to illuminate pools.

The “starry sky” spot lighting system looks very elegant, which is built into the ceiling and consists of fiber-optic lamps. Lighting is one of the main design techniques for a Turkish bath. Thanks to the thoughtful selection and placement of lamps, a feeling of an oriental fairy tale is created.


The sewerage system in the Turkish hammam is equipped with a drain with a locking device so that they do not penetrate into the bath room. unpleasant odors. The qurna (marble ablution bowl) does not drain into the sewer. The sewer system of the hamam bath is connected to the common house.


The presence of a ventilation hood is a prerequisite for the construction of a hammam. For a comfortable stay in the steam room, where the humidity reaches 100%, air renewal is required every 10 minutes. The steam generator regularly throws steam into the room, which turns into condensate. If you build ventilation into a common cycle with other areas of the house, then water will condense in the ventilation system and may form smudges in living rooms. Therefore, if prolonged use of the bath is expected, more than 2 hours, ventilation is connected to the general house system, a steam separator is installed to dry the humid air.

The adjustable ventilation valve is usually located on the ceiling and is always open.

Turkish bath special equipment

The success of turning an ordinary country house room into an oriental corner depends not only on correct selection building materials, but also additional technical equipment.

steam generator

The main device of the Turkish bath equipment is the steam generator.

The Turkish hammam is characterized by high humidity, which is maintained by a steam generator. The power of the device is selected, focusing on the size of the bath room. The steam generator is equipped with a temperature sensor that regulates the injection of steam. If the air temperature in the steam room exceeds 55 degrees, then the steam supply to the steam room is blocked. Therefore, in order for the steam to flow uninterruptedly and the steam generator not to turn off, the internal heating system is designed and assembled with the expectation of an air temperature regime of no more than 40-50 degrees. The steam generator is placed in the technical department, and the control panel of the steam generator is located at the entrance to the bath, in the steam room a display is installed with indicators of the actual air temperature. The steam nozzle is located in the bathhouse under the bench.

The remote control has a button for turning on the internal lighting and a block for setting the temperature with two keys. The steam generator is connected to the central water supply and electrical network. It is strictly forbidden to pour water on the device and cover it with a damp towel.

In the domestic market of steam generators, mainly products of the Swedish company Tylo and the Finnish company Helo, Harvia are presented.

The steam generator is turned on 1-1.5 hours before the start of bath procedures.

The latest models of steam generators are equipped with an automatic flushing and draining system, so you should not disconnect the appliance from power and turn off the water supply tap.

Some of latest models steam generators are equipped with self-cleaning electrodes.


Unforgettable sensations are given by the use of aromatic oils during bath procedures. essential oils. Many of them have medicinal properties. To spray various phyto essences, an automatic aromatherapy system is used. The flavoring is a matte flask made of stainless metal with a fan, a wick and a remote control panel. All bottles with aromatic oils are replaceable and are represented by a wide range of phyto essences.

How to build a Turkish bath Hamam video

Turkish hammam accessories

Despite the rich oriental decoration, there is nothing superfluous in the hammam: every object and architectural element is functional.


Steam comes from under benches equipped with special diffuser nozzles. Since being in a hammam causes increased sweating, a source of water is provided directly inside the steam room - kurna, a wall bowl for ablution that does not have a drain.

Kurna is not only a traditional decorative element, incense and a special soapy solution for massage are prepared in it. Usually kurnas are made of marble. Beautiful copper faucets with hot and cold water made in vintage oriental style. Sometimes a “tropical downpour” shower is installed in the steam room, creating a plentiful uniform flow of water and then you can wash yourself without leaving the steam room.

A door made of heat-resistant tempered glass with a magnetic seal of the porch is installed in the doorway. An important condition for the door structure is the presence of a gap under the glass.

Massage table and beds

After installing the kurna, benches and a massage table are equipped in accordance with the dimensions indicated in the project. The massage table and benches are usually built of brick. They must be heated. The surface area of ​​the table can be different: from the classic one, which allows to accommodate several people, to the narrow one, designed for one person.

The height of the table is 80 cm for comfortable work of the massage therapist. The last stage is facing with mosaic, marble or ceramic tiles. For finishing sunbeds, seats and massage tables, bathing experts recommend preferring natural marble. Marble heats up quickly and is more durable.


In order for the hamam to be designed in a real oriental style, the floor and ceiling are decorated with mosaics, decorative panels and ceramic paintings with traditional ornaments. For wall cladding, both marble tiles and multi-colored mosaics are used.

The interior design of the Turkish bath is determined by the taste preferences of the owner and the imagination of the designer.

Rules for the safe use of the hammam

  1. Sunbeds, seats, walls and floors are heated to a comfortable, body-friendly temperature.
  2. For electrical wiring, a heat-resistant and moisture-resistant electrical cable is used.
  3. To illuminate the hammam, special low-voltage lamps with a moisture-proof and heat-resistant function are fixed on the walls and ceiling.
  4. The sewerage in the Turkish hammam is equipped with a non-return valve against odor penetration.
  5. The heating of the hammam is turned on a few hours before using the steam room and the air temperature is programmed at 45-50 degrees.
  6. The steam generator is turned on 1.5-2 hours before the start of the bath ceremony. After completing the procedures, it is not disconnected from the network so that the automatic flushing system works. Sprinkler flushing machine sprays disinfectant.
  7. After the use of the bath is completed, cleaning is carried out using detergents.
  8. Twice a year, a preventive inspection of technical equipment is carried out and the steam generator is cleaned.

Ancient traditions and modern management

The control of the technical equipment of the Turkish bath is becoming more and more automated. To do this, it is enough to program the desired operating mode and the automation will do everything by itself: heat and maintain the set temperature, supply steam, regulate ventilation. There is even automatic disinfection and rinsing of the bath.

How much is an oriental fairy tale

It is difficult to say how much it costs to build a hammam. The cost of construction depends on many factors: the cubic capacity of the premises, the materials and equipment used, construction and installation work. You should start by choosing a place for a Turkish hammam, consult with experts, look at the prices on the websites of various companies that produce building materials and equipment for Turkish baths, and then decide on the amount.

A visit to the Turkish bath is a real feast for the soul and body. Washing, massage and conversations over tea in the hammam help to escape from everyday routine, restore physical forces and peace of mind. A hamam built in your own house and with your own hands will become a favorite place for the whole family and a pleasant surprise for guests.

Reading time ≈ 5 minutes

The Turkish bath is fundamentally different from the traditional Russian and Finnish baths, which are intended for use in areas with a cold climate. Hamam is designed for visitors who live in a country with a hot climate, so thermal bath procedures are carried out at a comfortable temperature for a southern person. At the same time, high humidity provides profuse sweating and cleansing of the entire body. Any member of the family, including small children, grandparents, can use such a bath.

The main feature of the hammam is that the room where the main bathing procedures take place is finished with marble. Therefore, the floor, walls and deck chairs must be heated. Steam is supplied to the steam room through channels from the steam generator. The shower room must be equipped with a rain shower. Well, the rest room and bathroom are not much different from competitors. If you have a desire to build a hammam with your own hands, then it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the recommendations that are given below.

Hamam device drawings

How to start building a hammam?

It is hardly possible to build a hamam in a house or apartment with your own hands without a simple project or at least a drawing. You can develop it yourself or find a typical project if the hamam will be built as a separate building. In this case, it will be necessary to take into account that it will be necessary to supply water, sewage, gas, electricity to the bath, or provide for other sources of heat, for example, solid fuel.

You also need to first decide on the heating and heating system of the bath. If the heating will be carried out with hot water from the boiler plant, then the design of the floor heating and the lounger will be the same, but if you use a “warm floor” from a heating cable or infrared films, then another. The most optimal, safe and inexpensive way is to heat the bath with a water heating system.

Since there will be very high humidity in the hammam bath and abundant condensate will form, which can drip from the ceiling onto people, the ceiling itself must necessarily be domed so that the drops flow down the wall. If the main directions are determined, then you can proceed to the device of the hammam.

Stages of building a Turkish bath

Given the fact that these buildings have very high humidity, the construction of a hammam should be carried out from traditional stone materials, such as brick, foam concrete, cinder block, etc. Therefore, the foundations must be designed for such loads.

It is important to keep in mind that high humidity indoors implies high-quality horizontal waterproofing of the foundations, and backfilling is carried out in stages with dense clay with layer-by-layer compaction. If the groundwater level in the area is high, vertical waterproofing of the outer walls of the foundations will be needed. Also, do not forget to leave holes for the passage of underground utilities.

If the foundations are mounted and backfilling with compaction is completed, then they start laying the walls, which must have a thickness of at least 40 cm. When making an attic floor, it must be taken into account that the main heat loss occurs through the ceiling, so it is advisable to use a monolithic structure made of expanded clay concrete. The roof of the Turkish hammam is best done combined, without wooden structures.

It is important to create a good slope with expanded clay. Be sure to arrange a vapor barrier under the insulation of one or two layers of roofing material or rubemast. The roof can be arranged from several layers of rubemast with built-up bitumen.

After the box and the roof of the Turkish bath are completed, you can proceed to the finishing and installation work. It is desirable to install windows from metal-plastic or glass blocks. The domed ceiling in the hammam can be made of moisture-resistant drywall.

Before preparing for the floors, it is necessary to install sewerage, plumbing and heating pipelines. It is also necessary to lay all the cable wiring that will run along the walls and ceiling.

It is important to consider that concrete preparation for floors has some features. The floor itself in the bath and shower must have appropriate slopes to ensure the drainage of water. The entire floor structure must have good waterproofing, therefore it is made of two layers of expanded clay concrete preparation.

A two-layer waterproofing from the TechnoNIKOL series is glued onto the first preparation layer 15 cm thick, then a second preparation layer 5 cm thick is laid, on which a heat-reflecting screen made of foil-coated material is laid. Plastic pipes for heating are mounted on the finished preparation, which are closed with a cement screed.

A good replacement for marble is porcelain stoneware, from which the flooring is made. The walls are insulated with polystyrene foam along a metal frame, to which polymer pipes from the heating system are attached. Then all this coating is tiled, preferably mosaic.

The lounger in the hammam is made of expanded clay concrete. Then, a coil made of polymer pipes for heating is mounted on all its surfaces and covered with facing tiles. The horizontal plane of the lounger should have a minimum slope for water to drain. Shelves for sitting have the same design. In the steam room, the floor and seats are also heated from the general heating system. All surfaces must be tiled.

In the bathroom, the floor is heated, in the shower floor and walls, and everything is also lined. The rest room can be decorated to your liking or use the services of a designer. But the floor should also be warm and the air not too humid. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for supply and exhaust ventilation, which will create the necessary comfort.

The technical room should be divided into two sections. In one of them there is a boiler for heating the entire building and a central electrical panel, and in the second a steam generator with flavoring.


In any case, before you make a hammam with your own hands, you need to thoroughly prepare, since the amount of work is quite impressive. Therefore, before building a hammam, it is necessary to determine at least the approximate cost of the project. Sustainable financing will help prevent the transition of the hammam construction into a long-term construction. More clearly on how to build such a bath, you can see if you look at the attached photos and videos.

Video: how to build a hammam with your own hands

Turkish bath or hammam is a great pleasure for body and soul. But if steam baths and saunas in the city are already at every turn, then hammams are less common, and it makes sense for a true lover of soft steam to put a hammam on his own suburban area. That's quite possible.

What is a hammam and where did this phenomenon come from in our lives

The origin of this bath is not Turkish, but ancient Roman - from Roman baths. Steam from water boiling outside the room was fed into the holes in the walls, and the stove heated the underground on poles. But in Turkey, baths have become truly widespread, because the prophet Mohammed proclaimed that the purity of the body of a Muslim is half of his faith, and declared regular visits to the hammam obligatory. The first Russian hammam was incredibly luxuriously built in Tsarskoye Selo, designed by Ippolit Monighetti.

In Europe, hammams originated in the 19th century and were considered a panacea even for asthma and cholera. They are traditionally spacious and luxurious, and marble and mosaics are used for decoration. They have certain principles of architecture, in particular - a domed vault so that water does not collect in the corners and drip on vacationers.

The device and differences from the steam bath and sauna

Hammam is a very special treat. Despite the fact that it, like any bath, uses the effect of temperature on a person, the principles of this effect are very different.


In the sauna, the temperature can reach up to 120 0 with almost very low humidity. This is a huge burden on the heart, sweating is difficult, and the most important thing in any bath is the cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins through the skin with the help of sweating. But the sauna requires the least space, it does not imply a mandatory font and can be installed even in a city apartment.

Russian steam bath

Much better parameters for health - a combination of temperature and humidity - are maintained in a Russian bath. But even there there are extreme values. At such temperature and humidity, the heart and blood vessels also feel uncomfortable. in the best way. Rescues instant cooling in the font. But if you do not have a very hardy heart, it is also better to avoid a steam bath.

Turkish hamam

In the Turkish bath, humidity is almost one hundred percent, and the temperature of the air, stone floors and benches does not exceed those same 40 0, to which the temperature of the human body in the bath rises to the maximum. It is much longer and better tolerated and is available for visiting even for children, "cores" and hypertensive patients. You will lose no less liquid, and cleanse your body no worse than in other types of baths. You will make less effort for this - no need to wave a broom, endure the heat, jump out at a run and dive into an ice font. You will be able to easily communicate in the process of soaring, which is practically excluded in the sauna and steam bath. In addition, there is an advantage purely for women: a hammam is much more beneficial for the face, as it does not cause such a blow to the facial vessels and saturates the face with moisture.

But building a hammam is a rather time-consuming undertaking. It is lined with rather expensive materials - up to marble, mosaics and smalt, it is necessary to provide for heating benches and floors, it needs complex electrical equipment and consumes a lot of electricity for heating. In order to build a hammam at a reasonable cost, one must have a number of special knowledge. In addition, many modern materials are a good substitute for traditional and expensive ones. So building a hammam with your own hands is quite possible.

Examples of private small hammams (photo gallery)

Tiny hammam, in the center of the floor - a ladder Hammam with illumination in the form of a "starry sky" Luxurious marble hammam Hammam for one bench with chicken Stepped mosaic benches Floor construction hammam to save space Mosaic hammam with corner benches Hammam with backlight and rounded lines Hammam oriental with gilding and a dome Hammam in blue glass mosaic Hammam in a simple tile

Preparing for construction

If you build a Turkish bath as a separate building, then the cost of its operation will be prohibitive. In order to warm up a stone, even well-insulated, building before visiting in winter, you need to heat it for several days. Therefore, we use one of the premises of our country house or even a large apartment to equip the Turkish bath. It will only need to be rebuilt taking into account bath requirements. The sequence of preparatory steps will be as follows.

Summarizing Requirements

This includes a conjectural decision: what kind of benches and how many you want, what height of the ceilings, what kind of scent system, musical accompaniment, and so on.

Choosing a room for the future hammam

The number of benches, the presence of a massage table, the height of the ceilings depend on the room. You need to decide how many people your hammam is being built for at the same time. The hammam must have a domed ceiling, so the top point of the ceiling must be about 2.7 meters high.

You need at least one full-fledged bench for lying 0.6x2 meters. If it is possible to squeeze a massage table into the hammam, which is called “chebek” in Turkish, with a free area around it for a massage therapist, then it will be absolutely fine; but this is optional. Instead of a massage table, it is better to place another bench.

Optimal hydro- and thermal insulation materials

An excellent modern choice - elements-panels made of Wedi or Lux Element's hard-foamed polystyrene made in Germany - light, durable, reinforced with fiberglass mesh, with cement-based waterproofing on both sides.

They are fire resistant high temperature, do not emit harmful substances and are immensely durable. In addition, heavy finishing materials hold very well on them: stone, porcelain stoneware, tiles, mosaics. No plaster or drywall can compare. The dome can be formed from ready-made such dome-shaped panels.

From the same material, you can pick up ready-made benches and massage tables of almost any configuration.

Choosing finishing materials

The design and price of your hammam largely depends on them. There are quite a few options, they differ in the complexity of installation and price.

Important! Hammam is always finished with moisture-resistant and heat-resistant material with high structural strength. The tree is out of place.

Marble is the ideal material for a hammam. But it is very expensive and difficult to install with your own hands.

Onyx is a very beautiful semi-precious and translucent stone that creates an amber atmosphere. Even more expensive than marble.

Porcelain stoneware is an amazingly beautiful and durable material, it perfectly imitates marble and semi-precious onyx.

A very interesting, but time-consuming option is a loose smalt mosaic. You can show your artistic talents and lay out a lot of panels on the walls and benches, but the construction of the hammam will take a long time.

We opted for a glue-based mosaic - it's a reasonable compromise in terms of price and quality, besides, it is beautiful and allows you to make gently curved surfaces. such a mosaic can be natural stone, glass, ceramics. We liked the glass one better.

What lamps are best?

It is done in advance for the same reason: it determines the design features. Lamps can be ceiling and wall, on the ceiling - point low-voltage halogen or LED, on the walls - special sconces. Possible led strip. The safest fiber optic lighting is most welcome. With its help, for example, you can create a "starry sky" on the ceiling of the hammam.

Choice of heating method for sun loungers, floors and walls. You can choose both electric and water, but the second will be more economical and safer.

Selection or design of a room for equipment

The technical room will contain an external steam generator, a heating device (for example, an electric or gas boiler for heating water or thermostats for "floor heating" in seats, floors and walls) and lighting transformers. It is good if this room is above the ceiling or under the floor of the hammam.

Steam generator power calculation

The power of the steam generator also depends on the size of the hammam. In the country, you are usually limited by the power of the electrical connection. There is a dependence: for a hammam 2x3 meters, you need a steam generator with a capacity of at least 9 kilowatts, and if the hammam on the metro is longer and wider, then there are already two steam generators, with a total capacity of at least 18 kilowatts. This is a lot. It is also necessary to calculate - if this heating method is chosen - the power of electric heaters. In case of hard water, the steam generator is connected through a special filter, or a water softener is installed in the system before it.

Definition and solution of power supply issues

Hammam will require a higher power supply than the power supply at home, you need to take care of this in advance.

Defining and addressing water supply issues

It is necessary to think over the water supply and sewerage system of the hammam. In no case should its drain be connected to a common septic tank, it will simply choke due to volley bath discharges. You need to dig a separate drain hole.

Thinking through the ventilation system

If necessary, you need to make it forced, with the help of fans, to remove excess steam so that it does not condense on the walls. If desired, you can also design an aromatization system if you do not like the smell of pure water vapor.


And only after all this, you can begin to draw up or adjust a drawing that satisfies the premises and the desired qualities of the future hammam, drawn up taking into account SNIPs and GOSTs, with visualization and specification.

Then we draw up a specification of materials and verify the estimate for construction. Considering that we already have the premises, there will be no costs for the construction of the foundation, walls and roof.

Examples of drawings of home small hammams built into existing premises (photo gallery)

Scheme of a free-standing hammam with two sun loungers Scheme of the hammam "Mulsi", side view Scheme of the hammam "Malsi", top view Scheme of the hammam "Milennium", views from the side Scheme of the hammam "Milennium", top view Drawing of a large hammam with a relaxation room Drawing of a small hammam with an angular outline Detailed drawing of a hammam Scheme of a hammam with sun loungers

Estimated estimate (based on the cost of a real triangular hammam measuring 2.81 by 2.42 m, 2.5 m high) for self-construction

Thermal insulation and other materials:

Purchase of equipment:

Position Name Specification Price, rub) Amount (rub)
1 Steam generator (we chose Harvia HGX-90)1 piece37300 37300
2 Automatic drain valve for auto cleaning1 piece10500 10500
3 Aromatizer in the steam room Harvia5 liters2600 2600
4 Aroma dispenser1 piece10200 10200
5 Harvia audio speakers1 pair6000 6000
6 Door ALDO matt 190x70 cm1 piece19500 19500
7 Brass taps2 pieces3500 7000
8 Moisture-resistant spotlights3 piece1500 4500
9 Polystyrene kurna1 piece15000 15000
10 Polystyrene bed2 pieces12000 24000
11 Sanitary part (water heating of the floor and deck chairs, manifold, fittings, etc.)Set11000 11000
12 Electrical partSet3500 3500
13 ventilation partSet4500 4500
14 Copper steam line with fittings and drain3 running meters550 1650
15 Drain drain with water seal1 piece1600 1600
Total 158850

Finishing and facing materials:

The total amount is about two hundred thousand rubles, which is not so great for such an ambitious project as a home hammam.

Required Tools

  1. Construction mixer for concrete or mixing container
  2. shovel
  3. Trowels
  4. Plaster trowels
  5. Drill with drills for metal and concrete
  6. screwdriver
  7. Hydraulic level
  8. Hammer
  9. rubber mallet

The process of building a hammam with your own hands

Each item on this list requires special training, "surfing" the Internet and studying a large amount of engineering literature. But it is quite accessible science.

  1. From the common system at the entrance to the hammam room, hot and cold water is diluted, taps are mounted.
  2. The sewerage system is being installed. All grate drains must have water seals in their design to avoid unpleasant odors.
  3. The ventilation system is being laid. An indispensable detail is a condensate collector that prevents water vapor from entering the general ventilation system of your home.
  4. A lighting system made of fiber optics is being installed (including for " starry sky”) and low-voltage lamps. According to SNIPs, their voltage should not be higher than 12 volts, and their transformers are located outside the hammam, in the technical room.
  5. The steam generator is installed in the technical room; a system of steam nozzles is installed, steam pipelines are laid to them.
  6. Aroma system installed.
  7. The walls and floor are plastered with concrete mortar with the addition of waterproofing additives for leveling and primary waterproofing. Such "pool" insulation will not allow superheated steam with its high ability to infiltrate to destroy the walls of the room.
  8. The door is made of glass or transparent heat-resistant plastic.
  9. The walls are sheathed with polystyrene foam panels.
  10. Plank beds made of expanded polystyrene are installed.
  11. A heating system is installed on the walls, floor and deck chairs - electric or water.

    If an electric heating system is selected, then each section of the floor, walls and each lounger has a separate electrical circuit and a separate thermostat. You can change their temperature individually. The design of the heating system is similar to what we are used to in apartments, but water pipes or heating cables are laid more often. The cable should have a heating power of about 250 watts per square meter.

  12. Speakers are mounted at the very bottom of the seats or in the ceiling. The acoustic systems for baths have moisture and heat resistant speakers.
  13. Finishing Finishing work- mosaic laying. We check all surfaces for small irregularities. Align them if necessary. It is important to choose the ideal adhesive for each brand of mosaic. You need to orient the mosaic pattern, if any, along the vertical of the door, not the walls. Carefully glue the mosaic on all straight and curved surfaces. We take off the paper. We rub the seams with a suitable grout.
  14. We install a kurna - a bowl under the taps.
  15. Your hammam is ready.

Optimal temperature indicators

The human body temperature in any environment is not more than 40 0 ​​. This is achieved by the fact that when the temperature of the environment rises, a person sweats and releases excess heat with moisture into the surrounding air. This is the basis of the principle of the impact of any bath, they differ in the ratio of temperature and humidity.

The best feeling at a certain combination of humidity and temperature is graphically expressed by homothermal curves: below the first of the curves - the optimal combination of temperature up to 90 0 and humidity up to 80%. It is the combination of a temperature of about 40% and almost one hundred percent humidity that gives hammams.

Features of using a hammam

  • After completing all the work, you need to let your hammam stand for a couple of weeks, slightly maintaining the heating of the surfaces. This is done so that all solutions and adhesives dry completely.
  • The first start-up should be long and gradual, with a slow increase in the heating temperature. This is done so that thermal expansion does not cause the surface to crack. This is especially dangerous for all-stone and all-marble surfaces.
  • For short breaks in the operation of the hammam, the entire heating should not be turned off. If the break is expected to be long, you need to leave the heating on the benches and the massage table.
  • It is necessary to keep the hammam clean and often clean with special detergents for marble, tile, glass.
  • If the water is hard, it is necessary to remove scale from the steam generator tank on heating elements with a solvent according to the instructions, depending on the hardness at certain intervals: the harder the water, the more often. In addition, the steam generator must self-clean every few hours: drain the water from the tank and draw a new one.
  • While vaping, the vent should be kept ajar, since the air exchange you need is 4-6 volumes of your hammam per hour.

If you follow these simple rules, your hammam will serve you for a long time and will not cause any problems.

Hammam construction secrets (video)

The construction of a hammam is a laborious task, but that makes it more honorable. If you have done this, then you can with good reason be proud of yourself.