Photo of a picture of artificial flowers with your own hands - How to make a decorative panel on the wall of flowers

It is easiest to decorate any interior with the help of paintings, posters or panels. If ordinary paintings seem banal to you, you can make original three-dimensional compositions without even being a professional artist or designer. In this article we will tell you how to make volumetric paintings with artificial flowers with your own hands.

Materials and tools for making three-dimensional paintings:

  • three-dimensional frame (can be found in shops with materials for handmade)
  • cardstock, colored cardboard or fabric of a suitable color
  • artificial flowers
  • spray adhesive
  • hot glue gun
  • metal ruler, clerical knife or scalpel
  • wire cutters

How to make a three-dimensional picture with artificial flowers

Step 1. Remove the back wall fixed on the volumetric frame. Usually it is made of hard brown cardboard. Apply spray adhesive to the cardboard and glue colored cardboard or other material of your choice on top. You can also use fabric. Let the glue dry, and cut the protruding edges of the colored material to the size of thick cardboard.

Step 2 Pick up artificial flowers and other small things so that you can use them to make an interesting composition. Try everything in place. If necessary, cut the flower stems with wire cutters, remove excess leaves.

Using a hot glue gun, fix the flowers inside the three-dimensional frame. Try to keep the drops of glue hidden behind the stems and leaves and not conspicuous.

In principle, the three-dimensional picture is ready. It remains only to decide whether to put the glass in the frame or not.

Note: if you put glass, dust will not accumulate inside the three-dimensional picture. But in a picture without glass, you can paste three-dimensional flowers that will protrude beyond the edges of the frame.

As you can see, a three-dimensional picture can be made in a matter of minutes. If you get tired of such a picture, you can easily remake it by reusing the same frame, but choosing a different decor.

Original article in English.

The easiest way to decorate the interior is to use paintings, posters or panels. But if ordinary paintings seem boring and banal to you, then you can make beautiful three-dimensional compositions. You don't have to be a professional designer or artist to do this. In this article, we will teach you how to make DIY artificial flower paintings to decorate your room.

Volumetric picture No. 1

To make a beautiful and original composition, you will need:

  1. Volumetric frame (can be found in any store that sells materials for needlework).
  2. Colored cardboard, cardstock or fabric in a suitable color.
  3. Aerosol glue.
  4. Artificial flowers.
  5. Metal ruler, stationery glue.
  6. Glue gun.
  7. Wire cutters.

The sequence of actions when creating a picture of artificial flowers with your own hands:

  • Remove the back wall attached on the surround frame. As a rule, it is made of brown rigid cardboard.
  • Apply spray glue to the cardboard and stick colored cardboard or another material of your choice on top (fabric can be used).
  • Let the glue dry and cut the protruding edges of the colored material exactly to the size of the thick cardboard.
  • Pick up artificial flowers and other small things so that you can use them to make a beautiful arrangement.
  • Try all the elements in place. If necessary, use wire cutters to trim the flower stems and remove excess foliage.
  • With help glue gun fasten the flowers inside the three-dimensional frame.

Important! Try to keep drops of glue hidden behind leaves and stems and not conspicuous.

  • In the end, it remains to decide whether to put the glass in the frame or not - it all depends on your personal preferences.

Important! If you put glass, then dust will not accumulate inside the picture. But if you leave the product without it, then inside you can paste voluminous flowers that can protrude beyond the edges of the frame.

3D painting No. 2

Artificial flowers can never replace real ones. But after all, freshly cut buds can please us for only a few days, so craftswomen use their fake substitutes to create interior decorations.

Important! Today, artificial flowers are made from more quality materials, and their shape can be so perfect that it resembles real representatives of the flora. Therefore, to make a picture of artificial flowers with your own hands, you can and should use fabric or plastic material.

To work, you will need the following:

  1. Thick cardboard sheet.
  2. A bottle of white paint.
  3. Polyurethane or wooden baseboard.
  4. "Liquid nails" or universal glue.
  5. Artificial thread or decorative mesh.
  6. Different types of fabric and plastic flowers.


  • First you need to prepare the basis of the future composition. To do this, cut a rectangle of the required size from thick cardboard.
  • On its area, nail the plinths that will form the frame.

Important! Skirting boards can be fixed with studs or all-purpose glue.

  • Cover the base with spray paint. Such paint lays down more evenly and dries very quickly.
  • Now you need to turn on your own imagination. At first, you can fix larger flowers and buds.
  • After they stick well, proceed to fill the empty space with smaller flowers.

Important! Cornflowers, roses, lilies of the valley, chamomile, bluebells look very good.

  • As a decorative addition, use a mesh for bouquets, butterflies, multi-colored threads and other tinsel.


As you can see, making a picture of artificial flowers is very simple. You do not need to be a professional designer or florist to do this. With a little effort and a little time, you will get a wonderful room decoration that will delight you and your guests.


In order to create a decorative wall panel of flowers, you need to decide on the choice of background for your picture. You can use as a background different fabric, cardboard, decorative paper or any improvised materials such as pressed leaves, sisal - natural coconut fiber. For an ethnic-style kitchen, a panel with sunflowers is suitable. Any fabric can be used as a base, but burlap is the most effective. A little lace, artificial fruit and the work is finished.

In this case, a decoupage napkin is used as a background for a wall panel. It is pasted on watercolor paper with an iron and cling film. Choose a napkin with a landscape for the panel. Separate the top layer, put cling film on a sheet of watercolor paper, then a napkin, then a sheet of thin white paper on top. A piece of paper for a photocopier will do. Iron with a hot iron. Trim, cover with acrylic varnish on top. Add artificial flowers to the panel. Insert the panel into the frame and hang it on the wall.

To make a decorative wall panel of flowers, you can use an artistic background. To do this, you will need watercolors, pastel pencils, gouache or paints for batik.
Gouache is diluted with water and applied to paper with a brush or through a print.
Batik paints are applied to a damp cloth with a brush, making harmonious transitions from one color to another.
Watercolor paints are applied to a wet background, barely touching the paper with a brush.
Pastel is used to create a calm tone, using several shades of one or two colors.
The artistic background is very successful if you do not have enough material for a decorative panel.

Artificial flowers will never replace natural ones and this is an undeniable truth. But after all, freshly cut buds delight the eye for only a few days, so to create interior decorations, the craftswomen use fake substitutes.
Now artificial flowers are made from better materials, and their shape is so perfect that it resembles a real representative of the flora. Therefore, to create paintings, you can and should use plastic material.
To work, you need the following components:
- a sheet of thick cardboard;
- a bottle of white paint;
- wooden or polyurethane plinth;
- universal glue or liquid nails;
- decorative mesh and artificial thread;
- different types plastic and fabric colors.
First you need to prepare the bases for the paintings. Rectangles of a certain size are cut out of thick cardboard. Skirting boards are selected according to their area, which form a picture frame. They can be fixed with cloves, or better with universal strong glue.
Then the bases are covered with paint, it is convenient to use spray cans. This paint goes on evenly and dries quickly.
Then the florist's fantasy kicks in. You can first glue long and large buds. The photo is of an orchid. Then the empty space is filled with smaller flowers and berries. Roses, cornflowers, chamomile, lilies of the valley, bluebells and others look good.
As a decorative addition, a mesh for bouquets, multi-colored threads, butterflies and other tinsel are used.
These are such wonderful pictures!
In pink. In purple. Lighter shade. Lighter shade.

You can create unusual ones in your own kitchen, there would be only desire and creative inspiration. Artificial flowers that you wish to put in a frame will not only become a new addition to the interior, but will also add mystery or solemnity to the room. Unlike a bouquet with fresh flowers, dried flowers or fabric structures undoubtedly have advantages over nature.

Artificial flower paintings: 3 signs of demand

  1. Durability: not always pleasing to the eye for a long period of time, but they do not lose their attractiveness for 2 or 3 years.
  2. Originality: willow branches, feather grass stalks and plastic grape branches can coexist peacefully side by side. A decorative style can also be created on plaster by nailing a frame to the right place. The futurism of painted spoons instead of petals and fruits is only welcome.
  3. Uniqueness: each work is exclusive, which cannot be repeated exactly. You can’t put it on stream, and it’s better to stamp pictures than what is created by hand.

Paintings made of artificial flowers

The mood of the florist shows the final result, besides, no one forbids using the latest methods of creating a “canvas” in the style of three-dimensional abstraction when creating an original design.

Larger sizes and there are those same paintings of artificial flowers, plants and fruits with vegetables. The character of the owners of the house is just determined by the created picture, and it is not necessary to hang it in the kitchen: the entrance hall is quite suitable in order to acquaint the new guest with what awaits him.

The color scheme of a painting is just as important as its components. Not only dried plants are used, but also artificially created forms. For example, from clay, wax or salt dough, it is possible to restore what ordinary peasants or knights of impregnable castles ate in the Middle Ages.

The abundance of picture ingredients and other accessories on the wall should evoke a sense of spiritual richness, so it is important not to overdo it with the rest of the decorative elements in a particular room. Do not focus on the color of the walls or ceiling molding. When the picture on the wall of artificial flowers is quite decent in size or its frame is so massive that it does not fit into the boundaries of decency.

Paintings made of artificial flowers