When holidays are in quarters. Place an ad for free and without registration throughout Russia is not limited. School holiday schedules

V Lately the time of the beginning and end of the holidays, both autumn and winter, spring in different secondary schools is different. Of course, there are recommended start and end dates for the winter holidays - this is from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019.

So it could be said that schoolchildren should go to school on January 9, 2019. But it is not so. Often, secondary schools set their own schedule of study and vacation time may vary in start and end time.

So, children can leave the winter holidays in some schools on January 9, 2019, and January 14, 2019, and even on other days - on January 10 and January 11, 2019, children can leave the winter school holidays.

The winter holidays of 2019 are underway, and the children will go to school in almost a week. In many educational institutions studying proccess will resume after Christmas.

Each school has long established the timing of not only winter, but also all other vacations based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Education. On the New Year little Russians rest for at least 2 weeks, and the school administration decides on what date the holidays begin / end. In general, the terms in all schools are almost the same.

When will the children go to school after winter break 2019?

Rest on winter holidays young Russians left until January 8, inclusive. In almost all schools, studies will resume on January 9, but there are also those in which children are forced to sit at their desks immediately after Christmas. Discover the exact date the end of the rest can be with the class teacher.

Schoolchildren who study in semesters and modules will also go on vacation from February 18 to 24. All first-graders will receive an additional week of rest - from February 25 to March 3.

The dates of the school winter holidays practically coincide with the New Year's "vacation" of the parents. Russians also go to work on January 9th. Vacations for employees of socially significant enterprises will end today, January 3. They will also work on the 4th and 5th, then a couple of days off.

The decision on the start and end time of the holidays in the new academic year will be taken by each educational institution independently. The dates of school holidays 2018-2019 in a particular educational institution depend on many factors: training in trimesters, quarters or modules; weather; climatic conditions of the area; The Ministry of Education sets the recommended vacation dates, but the final decision still remains with the leadership of educational institutions.

Date of winter break in 2018-2019 academic year

2nd quarter is the shortest and flies by quickly. Children look forward to winter holidays with trepidation, as they coincide with the New Year holidays. They will have to be patient and study until December 28-29. The point is the transfer of days off at the state level. Monday December 31 is declared a day off, adults and children will work for it on Saturday the 29th. Although it is unlikely that there will be lessons in the schedule that day. Holidays will last until 01/10/2019. But it is not excluded that a number of educational institutions will enable students not to remember the lessons until the Old New Year.

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First day of the third quarter

Some difficulties may be caused by the calculation of the first school day in 2019. The long New Year and Christmas winter holidays, when both adults and children have a rest, usually last exactly a decade - the first ten days of January. But in 2019, the winter "vacation" will be somewhat shorter than usual. The reason is the Christmas holidays.

Christmas, although not included in the list of public holidays, is an official holiday. That is, with respect to this date, the law on the transfer of holidays comes into force. But January 7 and 8 - Christmas days - fall on Monday and Tuesday. This means that no transfers, compensations and extension of the usual vacation are expected. And the first working day in 2019 for everyone, including schoolchildren, will be Wednesday, January 9th.

Surprise for first graders

In order to reduce the level of stress, in the middle of the longest and most difficult quarter - the third - an additional break was made. Rest, as a rule, falls at the end of winter, when the New Year's fun has almost been erased from memory, and warm spring days are still so far away. True, such an unexpected “vacation” was given only to first-graders, and all other students, both junior and middle, will continue to learn lessons.

The time for the holidays is chosen by the school administration on its own, but at the same time adheres to the recommendations established by the Ministry of Education.

Some schools have different vacation times. This is due to the type of education that is conducted in a particular school. In some schools, children study in quarters, and in others, in trimesters.

Vacation Features

Schoolchildren studying in quarters annually rest in the same periods:

  • Autumn. Nine-day holidays - the last week of October and the first of November.
  • Winter. 2 weeks of New Year holidays.
  • Spring. Final week of March.
  • Summer. All summer period.

First-graders have one more week of rest in winter, as they need more time for rest due to their age.

In the trimester type of training, everything is simpler. Pupils go to classes for 5 weeks and then rest for a week. The exception is the New Year holidays, which do not depend on the type of training.

Autumn break period

After the summer, it is hard for children to get involved in their studies, and they are looking forward to the onset of the rest period.

School holidays, the most long-awaited, come in the 2016-2017 academic year during deciduous time - in the fall. There is one public holiday per week of rest (November 4), so the children will start resting at the end of October.

School education will start on 7.11.2016.

For those who study according to the trimester type, the rest will take place as many as two times:

  • 10.2016-12.10.2016;
  • 10.2016-24.10.2016.

Don't forget that some teachers ask homework on vacation. Come to school with the appropriate preparation.

Winter break period

Pupils are waiting for the New Year with a special desire. After all, this is not only the arrival of Santa Claus with gifts, but also a break from lessons and daily homework.

Holidays during the coldest time of the year divide the school year in half. At this time, students together with their parents spend holidays together at home or go on vacation. The winter break period is the same in all schools. It lasts 2 weeks.

The autumn holidays for those children who study in quarters have already ended. But until the next winter holiday, it’s within easy reach, so it’s only a month and a half left to study! Of course, children are looking forward to days that can be devoted not to sitting at their desks, but to their favorite activities, chatting with friends, books or computer games.

We will talk about the dates of school holidays in this article, but it is worth remembering that these are only recommended dates for taking a “vacation” for students. The management of each school can independently set the dates of school holidays, based on various factors, and deviate from the calendar provided by the Ministry of Education for two weeks in one direction or another.

Traditionally, schoolchildren who study in quarters rest for 7 days in autumn and spring, and two weeks in winter. In addition, taking into account the New Year and autumn holidays, the school administration may add two more additional days to the autumn or winter holidays.

An approximate vacation schedule is as follows:

  • Autumn holidays - from October 29 to November 4, 2018
  • Winter holidays - from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019
  • Spring break - from 25 to 31 March 2019.

There are additional holidays for first-graders - they will be held from February 25 to March 3. This is necessary in order to dose the load and not to overwhelm the baby with studies from head to toe. Such additional vacations will help those who are lagging behind catch up with the rest, and those who are already doing well with their studies will simply take a breath.

The schedule of modular or semester holidays will be something like this:

  • Autumn holidays will be held twice - from 8 to 14 October and from 19 to 25 November 2018.
  • Winter holidays will also be held twice - from December 29, 2018 to January 8, 2019, and also from February 18 to 24, 2019.
  • Spring break alone - from 8 to 14 April.

The question of whether it is necessary to deal with a child on vacation sooner or later confronts every responsible parent, because, firstly, they want their offspring to be “smart” and erudite, and, secondly, there is an opinion that for rest time from the heads of children completely disappears all the information that the teachers painstakingly put there. But let's get straight to the point. In fact, within a few weeks or months, the child receives a lot of impressions that simply push school tasks and books into the background. However, this does not mean that your child is stupid!

Nevertheless, it is still desirable to deal with a child, especially if they were given some lessons for the summer or other holidays. It goes without saying that "advanced" parents do not care that their children are necessarily excellent students, and do not force their offspring to cram intractable mathematics for the sake of the cherished five. Grades are not always an objective matter, especially if a student has not been able to donate money for curtains for a year ... But jokes aside: it’s better to study not for the sake of the cherished points, but because it’s interesting, and this rule also works during the holidays.

You don’t need to create an atmosphere of a classroom for your child, lay out notebooks and diligently poke a finger at a textbook, which are often written difficult language for the perception of even an adult and educated person. Better teach your child to think, reason, read together Interesting Facts from history, thinking about how you would act in the place of this or that figure, draw, conduct chemical experiments - in general, whoever is closer! Believe me, your child at a conscious age will not always remember the school curriculum. But the attention of parents and joint interesting activities will always be in his memory.

If the child is studying primary school, then without fail it is necessary to devote at least a little time to writing and reading. Not everyone likes to read and write, but this is fixable: motivate your child to write, for example, letters to some cartoon character, or the hero of a fairy tale. Reading can become a serious problem if you force your child to read only certain books - for example, selected according to the school curriculum for summer reading. You should not put pressure on the young reader, so as not to stifle his desire to read in the bud, and take away Harry Potter, making an unequal exchange for some kind of “boring” classic for a cub.

Today, the approach of the New Year holidays and the long-awaited winter holidays for schoolchildren is felt. The guys are already waiting for the day when they will not go to classes and the school desk will be exchanged for sleds, skis, skates. The Ministry of Education explained when the holidays for children in 2019 will end, how many days they will last, and when additional holidays will begin for first-graders.

The dates of the winter holidays set by the Ministry of Education are advisory. Everyone's school leadership educational institution their own schedule is drawn up, but as close as possible to the one provided by the department. The duration of the winter holidays will be almost 2 weeks.

When do the winter holidays start and end in the 2018-2019 academic year, and when will first-graders have a rest

The beginning and end of holidays in schools depend on several factors - the system of education (quarters, trimesters, modules), weather conditions, and climatic features of the area. If children study in quarters, then the duration of the winter holidays for them is 2 weeks, spring and autumn - 1 week. For them, the New Year holidays will begin on December 26, and end on January 8, 2019.

If schoolchildren study on a semester or modular system, then their holidays this winter begin on December 29 and also end on January 8, 2019. But the guys will study until February 18, and again go on vacation until February 24 inclusive.

For first-graders, additional winter holidays will be introduced: they begin in 2019 on February 25, and end on March 3. The corresponding decision was made in order to reduce the burden on young children, so that later they better learn new material.

Officials decided to give the Russians the opportunity to spend more time with their children during the winter holidays. Adults will also have a long rest - from December 30 to January 8. For these holidays Parents can keep their kids busy:

  1. for each day it is advisable to plan 1 useful event: today - go to the cinema, tomorrow - to the play, the next day - to the theater and so on. During the holidays, students should receive impressions and engage in self-education;
  2. the child’s leisure needs to be diversified: take something interesting, engage in physical activity together, play more logic games;
  3. on vacation days, it is advisable to protect the child from various gadgets so that he spends more time outdoors with friends.

Many parents whose children are schoolchildren, and the students of general education institutions themselves, want to know in advance what the vacation schedule will be like in the next 2017-2018 academic year. Why? Everything is pretty simple. Adults want to understand when children will be free from school in order to calmly plan their family vacation or find ways to keep their children busy. While the students themselves are interested in when they can “take a break” from bored school days.

What determines vacation dates for schoolchildren?

Each parent is concerned that his child would be constantly at work, attend school, study in sections and develop as correctly and comprehensively as possible. Firstly, it is so useful and interesting for the student himself. Secondly, he is constantly busy, which means that unpleasant situations are excluded, in which children so often get, wandering aimlessly all day.

Therefore, often the approaching vacation for children makes parents nervous and spend a lot of time planning the daily routine for their child. In such planning, the question becomes urgent: “How many days will the break from schoolwork? Moreover, you want to know the vacation schedule in advance in order, for example, to understand when it is best to coordinate your next vacation at work and spend more time with your son or daughter.

However, the bureaucratic reality is such that the Ministry of Education and Science approves the recommended schedule almost on the eve of the first of September. In rare cases - a little earlier. For example, before summer. Therefore, the school holidays for the upcoming 2017-2018 academic year should be officially “dated” only in the near future.

At the same time, we must not forget that the Ministry of Education only recommends a list of dates for schoolchildren, taking into account the list of working and weekend days approved by the government, and the workload, and various circumstances (the same quarantine). But directly the heads of educational institutions have the right to make adjustments to suit their needs - to shift the beginning and end of the "school leave" by 1-2 weeks.

Advice! Active interaction with the parent council and the management of the educational institution will help to keep abreast of the planned dates for the holidays.

If we talk about the main reasons for changing the dates of rest for schoolchildren, then there are only two of them:

  1. The calendar itself changes every year. As a rule, the days of the week are somewhat shifted (by 1-2 days) relative to similar calendar numbers for the previous year.
  2. Constantly our government approves a new production calendar. As a result, there is a redistribution of holidays and weekends.

Thus, the annual change in the schedule is natural in order to avoid overlaps, for example.

Approximate vacation dates for 2017-2018

Now in the territory Russian Federation There are three main education systems:

  1. by quarters;
  2. by modules;
  3. by trimesters.

However, we note that the calendar-modular and trimester planning approaches are the same, so children will have rest in the same period.

This is only approximate data. The only exceptions are the beginning and end of training. Everything here is the same as before: on September 1, 2017 we go to school, on May 31, 2018 (lower grades earlier) we finish our studies.

What can affect the changes in the calendar?

Educational institutions with a quarter system of education

The very first - autumn vacation, which are marked by the celebration of the Day of National Unity - 04.11. This year, the holiday falls on Saturday, as a result of which the all-Russian day off was postponed to the following Monday - 11/06/2018. How exactly will this transfer regard your educational institution and how to set the time for rest, it is better to check with the school management.

As for winter, the New Year holidays of 2018, as a rule, coincide with the all-Russian weekend dedicated to the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. This means that students go on vacation from about December 27 to December 30. Therefore, January 09-10, 2018 is the beginning of the third quarter, as well as the first working day for adults throughout the country.

In the spring of the 2017-2018 academic year, no national holidays are planned, and therefore changing the period for their holding in the spring of 2018 depends only on the decision of the school management. Any unforeseen circumstances can also affect - the same quarantine, during which lessons are not held. As a result, it is necessary to “catch up” in order to have time to teach all the topics of the school curriculum. Because of what, the terms of the spring “vacation” of schoolchildren can be shifted.

Important! For children aged 6-7 who go to school for the first time, an additional winter weekend is set in the last week of February.

Schools with a trimester type of education

Oddly enough, with this system of education for parents it is somewhat easier, although they themselves learned differently. The fact is that the methodology initially relies on the following scheme: the child studies for five weeks, rests for one - and this cycle repeats again and again. The same period lasts for modules with a different type of training.

The only exception is winter holidays, which last longer. After all, it is associated with the New Year holidays, approved by the production calendar. Therefore, the number of days off during the winter break from study is always greater.

What can cause delays?

The main reason why the final word in the approval of the vacation period is left to the director of the educational institution is the too large palette of territorial features of each region.

So, in a number of Siberian and northern regions, training is often canceled due to severe frosts. Another objective reason may be a severe flood or an epidemic of diseases. Therefore, it is possible to focus on the preliminary school schedule of academic and weekend days, but it should not be taken as final and approved.

  • The official website of the school is the first source of accurate specific information. Legislatively, each organization carrying out educational activities, it is prescribed to place on its website the annual calendar plan of classes;
  • Electronic resource: student's diary. The information you are interested in will be posted as an announcement for parents or you can just scroll through the diary, if there are no classes, then you have found what you were looking for;
  • The class teacher always has information on the schedule of the educational process of his wards and, of course, will tell you when the holidays begin or end;
  • A phone call to the principal's office. The secretary is also aware of the schedule of the educational process and is authorized to provide you with this information.