A rune that helps in magic. Rune magic for beginners. Black influence with runes

Runes are an ancient system of knowledge of the world. When using them, not only what is in the Universe is affected, but also the inner world of a person. They are magic tool, which allows you to see past life, as well as look into the future to prepare for what may come from the actions of the runes. Their meaning and application in different combinations is always different.

general characteristics

It is not necessary to perceive runes only as ancient writing. This is an effective system that can predict, with its help, the gates to knowledge are opened, which can significantly affect fate. For this reason, it is important to know how to use the runes and not hurt yourself.

It is a powerful and ruthless force that always reveals the truth. If you learn how to read the runes correctly, you can use their practical advice. It is important to treat predictions with respect, humbly doing everything recommended.

It is necessary to realize that runes predict only the general meaning of the situation, their energy can be comprehended directly when communicating with symbols. Runes and their meaning for beginners may seem too complicated, their great energy will begin to be revealed as you understand the immediate and deep meaning of the symbols. For this to happen, you need to experience their prediction.

The world hidden from human eyes is available to magical symbols. They represent a different layer of the universe, capable of telling what will happen in reality. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the runes to discover the world of various energies.

The meaning of runic symbols

As described above, runes were not only used for writing. They served in the performance of rituals, they were used to predict the future. And today in some alphabets you can see what a set of runic characters looks like. Previously, there were 24 runes, but later another one was added, empty, which began to mean pure fate. The meaning of the symbols should be considered:

Communication with symbols should be approached responsibly and seriously. Frivolity and the presence of uncertainty in their strength are unacceptable. If a person does not believe in magical runes, then he should not be trained, as this can bring a number of misfortunes. Understanding how to use runes to make them work is easy. To do this, you must believe in them.

Runes on the body

In ancient times, it was believed that such symbols are a powerful occult tool. They were used as amulets. Our ancestors made talismans or pendants, which were always in close proximity to the owner. After a while, people began to put symbols on the skin. Tattoos are relevant in our time.

To understand how to use runes correctly, they must first be applied in compliance with the necessary requirements. If even a small mistake is made, it will cause problems along the way. It is unacceptable to apply symbols without an accurate understanding of what they mean, as well as what consequences this can bring.

To get one-time help in resolving a difficult situation, you should use those means that can be easily washed off the skin. The use of a tattoo is permissible only in the case when a person decides to completely and irrevocably change his own life. Magic runes, their meaning and application should be studied before drawing.

Creating a talisman

It is not difficult to make a talisman that will protect. The main thing is to have an accurate idea of ​​what to expect from the rune. If there is no clear understanding of the meaning of the symbols, then the amulet will not give the effect that one would expect.

If the amulet is made correctly, it will become a powerful ally., will help to make changes in one's own life, will reliably hide from evil people and their envy. Thanks to the talisman, even the most daring ideas can be realized.

It should be remembered that the amulet rune is of great importance, it cannot be played with. The talisman has a powerful energy that comes from a higher power. Do not make a defender just to try what will come of it. Such actions will not only bring no results, but will also harm, because you cannot play with karmic objects: the turn may be unexpected, and the consequences unpredictable.

If the decision was made balanced, then you can safely proceed to the creation of a runic talisman. As a material, a substance of natural origin is suitable, which is suitable for applying an image. For example, you can use:

  • wood;
  • stone;
  • thick paper.

When choosing the last item, you should make sure that the paper really has sufficient density, because when the rune is applied, the material will need to be placed in wax, which will help preserve the information. Next, the paper will need to be wrapped with polyethylene or a dense fabric made from natural fibers.

The shore should be kept in a safe place so that no outsider can see it. It can be put in a pocket of clothes or in a secret place in a purse. Having made a talisman once, a person will receive a reliable assistant for many years. If the talisman was created in order to protect someone close, then you should know that it needs to be replaced with a new one periodically. Former amulets should:

  • expose to fire;
  • throw into the water;
  • bury in the ground.

The rune that a person draws over the entrance to the dwelling or on the door can protect the house. This does not mean at all that you will need to draw them with chalk or carve them on wood. It is enough just to draw lines in the air with a finger or the edge of the palm.

Search for full contact with the elements

In order to successfully use the miraculous powers of such symbols, it is necessary to establish full contact with them. You need to be attentive to the meaning of each sign and develop your own associations with it. Only then will the runes be able to more accurately describe what is actually happening and what to expect in the near future.

For faster finding common language with symbols, you should follow some rules for their storage. You need to sew a bag (only natural material is suitable for this), which is decorated with embroidery or appliqué. You need to put runes in the bag and put it away from prying eyes. If a person is just beginning to learn the basics of divination on the runes, then he should not devote strangers to his successes in this direction.

Runes cannot be given to anyone for use, they must be charged only with the energy of their owner. It is not known if they will speak the truth if they feel the charge of someone else. Only by observing these conditions, you can quickly establish contact with magical runes.

Attention, only TODAY!

Impacts on the world people are accustomed to carry out with the help of secret signs of magic, which are called runes. They are able to activate energy reserves and direct them in the right direction, destroying or creating at the behest of their creator.

Scandinavian gods, reflecting the primitive forces of nature, endow runic script with its power. The signs were originally created as . Only Erilei priests could use it, and much later ordinary people.

Runic magic performs one of the most important functions - protection from any influence.

The combination for the protection of the home, family and pets includes three main signs runic symbols magic, the meaning of which is in the simultaneous protection and reflection, processing of negative energy directed from the outside. The most suitable are:

  1. Kenas - Isa - Hagalas - Kenas - Isa. The first and penultimate runes change the negative message, breaking it into dark and light vibes. The second and last blocks bad energy, not allowing it to influence a person. The central one plays the role of a force converter, works as a mirror.
  2. Isa - Algis - Odal. The first rune stops the evil directed at the person, slows down its action. The central sign creates a shield, allows its wearer to correctly assess the situation and extract knowledge. The last rune neutralizes the unfavorable influence, reinforces the protection with the strength of the ancestors.

The strongest runes will not work if a person does not initially understand what result he is set for and does not attach importance to preparation. Protective symbols are applied to wooden boards, paper or clothes, to the skin - with a one-time need.

It is possible to strengthen or extract inclinations to secret knowledge and skills with the help of the ancient alphabet. Runic magic ensures the safe discovery of abilities, even if the person did not have clairvoyants in the family.

The penchant of a practicing runologist for black and white magic does not affect the process of activating abilities. With the help of simple rituals and words, they open the so-called third eye on their own. There are several effective runes for a good result:

  1. The glyph "Expansion" is placed in the center, which allows you to open the boundaries of inner vision. From three sides it is surrounded by interconnected runes. Perth serves as a receiver for the necessary fluctuations from outside. Laguz send information to the subconscious of a person. Runa Eyvaz puts the acquired knowledge in order, strengthens the intuitive sense, protects the channel from negative influences. Elm can be drawn on a photograph with a symbol placed on the forehead, then the terms and effect of magic can be specified and activated.
  2. A useful option would be to apply a pattern on the opposite hand from the working hand. It includes Dagaz, Algiz, Kenaz, connecting the human consciousness with a common information field, allowing you to hear the voices of spirits and otherworldly entities, enhancing intuition. The runes of Soulu and Perth are depicted in a straight and inverted position, which will allow you to discover talents and use them for magical purposes.
  3. For reusable use, a spell applied to a mineral or photo, followed by a reservation and activation, is suitable. It consists of the symbols of Teyvaz, Otala, Ansuz, Dagaz, Salt, Eyvaz, straight and inverted Uruz. Such a combination of runes opens long-term clairvoyance, increases the level of sensitivity to changes in the universe, and establishes a channel for communication with entities. subtle world, including through dreams, expands the supply of physical and energy reserves.

After using the runic phrase, it is necessary to destroy the talisman or paper with gratitude, where it was inscribed. This approach will allow you to release the attached magical powers.

Rituals and rites of runic magic

Single signs of the runic Scandinavian alphabet have a narrow effect. In the practice of magic, people have learned to combine them to achieve goals. For runic spells to work, symbols with opposite directions cannot be placed side by side, otherwise no one will be able to predict the consequences of such an alliance.

Properly selected runes can help in any difficult situation. They direct energy to a strictly defined point.

Activated spell requires great contribution forces. If the magician does not have enough of them, the runes choose any of the most stable areas of life as their source.

Rune magic for money

Financial status is the most pressing issue for many. Runic palmistry allows you to receive small amounts of funds that a person needs at the moment. You can use magic for money without much preparation.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon in this order:

  • light a green or golden candle;
  • several coins of different denominations are placed in front of them in the form of a circle;
  • in the center is placed the Gebo rune, denoting harmony;
  • dripping on every penny clockwise, repeating the words:

Gebo, I appeal to your might! Give me some gold and I will faithfully serve you!

After the seventh repetition of the spell, the candle is extinguished and the coins are collected. One, with the highest denomination, is kept as a talisman in a wallet. On the rest they buy a thing in the house.

To activate the rune, you should look to find a new source of income, try to get a bonus. In the near future, it is appropriate to risk a career advancement.

Personal relationships can be improved with a special spell. It increases the likelihood of becoming happy in love with a certain partner. If the feelings of a close friend are unknown or the development of relationships is suspended, magical runes give impetus.

You will need some simple materials, used in a specific order:

  • light a red candle;
  • they squeeze the rune of Odin in their palms, looking at the flame;
  • represent all the joint moments that happened with a loved one, or what they should be;
  • they wait until the symbol warms up in the hand and begins to fill the holder with pulsating energy;
  • the photo of the runologist and his sympathies is turned face to face and tightly tied with a thread.

In more detail about the runic love spell, we told in the article on.

At the end of the ritual, the pictures are hidden in a place hidden from otherworldly eyes. The rune of Odin is placed on top, it is not removed until the spell is in effect.

Rune magic for good luck

Everyone has a chance to secure a happy coincidence at the right moment. Magic allows you to make amulets with strong signs applied, which are worn closer to the body. This method is easy to perform, but is fraught with the opposite consequences if a person is not ready to cope with the released power.

More convenient is simple. It is necessary to thoroughly familiarize yourself with magic before using it in practice. Among the symbols, one is chosen that will respond with harmonious vibrations during meditation. The most suitable are Dagaz, Teyvaz, Vunyo, Inguz, Gebo, Fehu.

A ritual with a spell is performed on the growing moon:

  • after sunset, any candle is lit;
  • put the chosen rune in front of them;
  • in the working palm they hold an ornament that will serve as a talisman for good luck;
  • With the other hand, melted wax is dripped onto the symbol, while reading the words:

(Rune name)! Give me good luck! Take away all troubles and problems! May happiness visit me, for every day and at this moment!

  • repeat the spell three times, then quickly put on the decoration.

The effect of the amulet is designed for a year. So that his strength does not decrease, every month they feed the runes by re-reading the words after meditation.

When adjusting the result or gradually increasing experience, the magician can add other runes to the spell.

The magical meaning of runes

Elder Futhark is divided into three parts, uniting the Upper, Lower and Middle worlds. According to the influence of the main forces acting in it, runes with a certain interpretation are used. The meaning of the influences of signs depends on their belonging to Attu:

  • Freyra - personifies the driving primordial power, a rich source of energy;
  • Hagala - reflects the patterns of events, the rules for the existence of the world;
  • Tyura - embodies life forms from ethereal to real, serves the material construction of spiritual objects.

Rune spells rely on the end result. They determine the action of symbols in several worlds or only in one. Verbal fixation helps to clearly direct the force in the right direction and foresee the consequences.

Magical effects and the use of runes

For beginner magicians, an important task is the accumulation of knowledge. The interpretation of each rune should be firmly rooted in memory, have an unconditional value.

Ancient signs have colossal power, formed over centuries of magical practice. Because the runes are able to show character, express their own opinion, give advice at the right time.

To influence the surrounding reality, a person must be closely acquainted with each symbol. The best way out is called meditation:

  • sit in a quiet room, squeeze a rune in one hand;
  • close your eyes, relax;
  • focus on breathing and sensations, drive away thoughts;
  • count your breaths up to 100.

The application of runes occurs only after activation. They turn to the four elements, saturate the signs with their own energy, holding them in their hands. Mentally imagine a stream of light enveloping the signs.


Any runic mage is able to use his skill to help or harm. Old Norse symbols unite multidirectional forces into a coherent harmonious picture of the world. Only a careful and careful attitude to the runes will allow you to fully use their potential and avoid a retaliatory strike.

The magic of runes lifts the veil of the mysterious and expands human possibilities.

Rune- symbolic key. It can open the door behind which everything you need: happiness, health, love, wealth, success - any goal or dream.

rune magic- a tool through which you can create your happy life.

Attention! Runes - very powerful magic tool!

Why do modern people need runes?

Runes - the ancient German sacred alphabet. These are the symbols that the warlike and courageous peoples of Western and Eastern Europe used to convey secret knowledge and predict the future. Rune magic was also practiced by the ancients.

"Rune" from ancient German - "mystery". The runic letter in terms of semantic fullness is similar to all eastern ones, including the ancient Slavic initial letters. Perhaps that is why the interest in runes in our society, along with the return to the origins of Slavic culture, is only increasing.

Black rune magic - rituals aimed at causing harm. Curse, corruption, illness, poverty, quarrel, bad luck and other misfortunes - all this can be brought on with the help of runic symbols.

White rune magic is rituals that bring good. her neutralized black magic runes:

  • damage is removed
  • sickness is expelled
  • life's difficulties are eliminated and so on.

Rune magic is aimed at helping to achieve happiness in each of the areas of life - on attraction:

  • love,
  • money (see pic),
  • good luck,
  • health,
  • mutual understanding
  • work and so on.

Rune Magic: The Basics

Attention! Runes are a powerful magical tool!

Do not contact them for fun, for nothing. Also avoid contacting unprofessional magicians.

Illiterate use of rune magic hurts.

You will find experienced, responsible and professional magicians-runologists in the team of specialists of the Planet of Joy project. If you have a serious problem that requires the help of a specialist, contact runologists, as self-conducting powerful runic rituals- a dangerous occupation.

The rune itself is such an energy symbol that its simple outline- already magic.

rune magic for beginners- this is a ritual of applying the symbol of a particular rune to any medium. Usually runes:

  • draw on paper,
  • embroider on fabric
  • carve / paint on wood (ash and oak are preferred),
  • carved on stone
  • applied in the form of temporary tattoos on parts of the body.

Rune- the key that opens the flow of energy of nature. The location of the rune determines where this energy will be directed. The rune includes both the creative flow of life and the destructive one. It all depends on:

  • what is this rune
  • is it upside down (in this case, its meaning becomes the opposite),
  • whether it is drawn and applied correctly.

The combination of runes is called " becoming" or "runescript". In the stav central rune - the main and main. This is where the inscription begins.

Runes to the right and left of the central one in the stav - additional reinforcing. They should partially come into contact with the first, as if united.

Each rune has its own meaning. Combining the runes, the magician conditionally writes a meaningful sentence.

Remember smilies! More precisely, how they can express their thoughts. Runes are the same conventional symbols.

24 runes: meaning

If you have never used rune magic, do not rush to move on to staves.

Start with an outline one runes:

  1. Feu - money, property, material wealth.
  2. Othal - family, inheritance and spiritual heritage.
  3. Gebo is a gift, generosity, gaining love.
  4. Yera - a rich harvest, material acquisition.
  5. Raido - travel, movement, purposefulness.
  6. Vunyo - joy, favorable changes.
  7. Soulu - the sun, energy, victory.
  8. Inguz is a positive energy, a successful completion of a life stage.
  9. Teyvaz - warrior, victory, achievement of the goal.
  10. Dagaz - a day, a turning point, new opportunities.
  11. Berkana - fertility, the creation of a family and the birth of children.
  12. Ansuz - sacred knowledge, negotiation.
  13. Uruz - strength, energy, the embodiment of power.
  14. Kano - inner strength, self-transformation.
  15. Evaz - rapid movement, physical strength, shift from the "dead center".
  16. Nautiz - need and restrictions, protects from evil people.
  17. Algiz - protection from enemies and physical dangers.
  18. Eyvaz - repulsive forces, defense, removal of obstacles.
  19. Perth - the unknown, magical abilities.
  20. Laguz - intuitive perception, information exchange.
  21. Turisaz - destruction, the gate to another world.
  22. Hagalaz - hail, destructive element.
  23. Isa - ice rune, stop, stagnation.
  24. Mannaz is a man.

The practical application of runes

Before mastering the magic of runes, come to purity and awareness in your life. Make yourself a good person first. Only then will any of your magic be pure - white.

White color and light is a manifestation of high-vibration energy.

Increasing its frequency to purity, a person attracts the same light like himself, energy. And this same energy is shared with the outside world.

Be kind and bright!

Internet search statistics show that people are more often interested in the black magic of runes. This is neither good nor bad. Freedom of choice is the law of the Universe.

However, we encourage you to use for the benefit of his strength and the strength of everything, as well as all those around him, the entire universe. For the good of you and her!

Immediately before the ritual of applying runes, you should:

  1. Cleanse the body both outside (water procedures) and inside ( proper nutrition and drinking habits).
  2. Put on clean clothes.
  3. Clear your mind. Alternatively, enter a state of meditation.
  4. Apply a rune or stand on any carrier. The simplest thing is to draw a symbol with a marker on a piece of paper.
  5. Place the rune in the appropriate place for your wish. For health, carry the rune with you (it is better that it is in contact with the body), for work - put it on your desktop, for money - in your wallet, and so on.