Christina means from Greek. The meaning of the name kristina, the fate and character of the girl. Diminutive names

etc .: 1980-02-12

American film actress

Version 1. What does the name Christina mean?

- a Christian woman dedicated to Christ (Greek).

Name days: March 26 - Holy Martyr Christina, suffered for Christ's sake
faith (IV century). August 6 - Holy Martyr Christina, smashed idols in the house
her pagan father and died a martyr for the faith of Christ (III century).

Zodiac sign
- A lion.

The planet is the Sun.

White colour.

Auspicious tree
- cypress.

Treasured plant
- myrtle.

Patron name
- pigeon.

Stone talisman
- diamond.


mobile, quick-witted, sometimes unpredictable: she has an excellent memory. She is
life-loving, does nothing hastily, does not panic. Christina produces
the impression of being timid and shy, but in fact he observes, listens, remembers everything.
She has a very strong need for tenderness and love. Christina appreciates
external manifestations of these feelings: behind her external restraint often hides
stormy temperament.

etc .: 1971-05-25

Russian pop singer and actress, Honored Artist of Russia

Version 2. What does the name Christina mean

1. Personality.
Women with secrets.

2. Character.

3. Radiation.

4. Vibration.
63,000 vibrations / s

5. Color.

6. Basic
features. Intelligence is activity.

7. Totem
plant. Gentian.

8. Totem
animal. Toad.

9. Sign.

10. Type. Are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability
and a somewhat delayed reaction. They do nothing hastily, do not panic. Firmly
stand on the ground and do not waste time on ghostly dreams.

11. Psyche. It is not always possible to understand what they are thinking
these women. When they are silent, one gets the impression that they are angry about something,
while they just watch and listen. They look shy, timid, although they have
huge internal reserves, it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

12. Will. Strong, but often not enough for
achieving the goal.

13. Excitability. Below average. They need
time to understand the problem and make a decision. They are very impressionable and withdrawn.

14. The speed of the reaction. Weak, as well as excitability.
Christines do not count on any extraordinary luck. They succeed
perseverance and diligence, although he comes late.

15. Field of activity. They are attracted by scientific
activity. Can become scientists, engineers in the field of electronics
or exemplary teachers. You should not interfere with their choice of a profession.

16. Intuition. Not relying on inspiration alone
Christina carefully plans her affairs and actions.

17. Intelligence. They have a rather masculine mindset.
They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. Analytical warehouse
mind gives them the opportunity to patiently delve into the details.

18. Susceptibility.
These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: "Do you love me?"
They need tenderness and love without any special external manifestations. Better to avoid collisions
with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

19. Morality. Adhere to the principles
which are considered by many to be philistine.

20. Health. Average, and you need to keep track of it
since childhood. They need a long stay in the fresh air, walks, classes
sports. Are prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

21. Sexuality. This is the secret area of ​​their nature,
can't stand it when someone invades her. However, behind the impenetrability hides
stormy temperament ...

22. Activity. Such women need time to
show your capabilities.

23. Sociability. Preferred by a select few
friends. They love to make friendships look beautiful, they cannot stand shameless
buddy intrusions. Kristina
appreciates the family, they turn out to be strict,
but fair mothers.

24. Conclusion. They need someone to whom
you can rely, a person who would help them create a reliable and comfortable family

3 version of the meaning of the name Christina

Christina - "Christian" (Greek)

She has a slow
reaction, some retardation in movement and emotions, is phlegmatic. Nothing is
does it in a hurry, never panics. Stands firmly on your feet and does not waste time
for ghostly dreams.

It's not always clear
what she thinks about. When she is silent, it may seem that she is upset about something, then
how Christina is closely following what is happening. Seems timid, as if she
lacks confidence, but she has a strong will and harbors a huge inner
potential. A bit lazy. Excitability is below average. She needs time to
be able to grasp the essence of the problem, and even more time to solve. Very impressionable
closed. He does not count on an extraordinary miracle in life, he thinks realistically.

She loves order
in everything that brings success, albeit a little late. She likes to do
scientific activity - it does not matter in what area. You should not interfere with her choice
profession, but it is necessary to discuss its problems. Christina has the gift of intuition
but is guided only by reason. Thoroughly thinks over and plans in advance
actions. An analytical mindset allows you to patiently delve into details.
affairs. He gets used to the team well, in which he gives preference to men. With them
it is easier for her to communicate. She is one of the few women who really
there is a friendship with a man.

Will never serve
mind that needs parental love, will not pester with tenderness. The same relationship
she and her husband do well. Parents should pay more attention to her from childhood.
and warmth, do not allow to become isolated. Young people are better off avoiding quarrels with this girl.
She is vindictive and does not forgive anything. Strictly honors the rules of morality.

Sex is a secret area
her nature. She does not participate in conversations on this topic. However, behind external equanimity
lurks a stormy temperament. But it must be borne in mind that Christina is inactive.
She needs time to show her capabilities.

Christina prefers
have a few loyal friends, not many friends. She is glad to receive
guests and carefully prepares for this. Unsolicited intrusions and surprises of this kind
can't stand it. Loves family. Becomes a strict but fair mother. She needs
a husband she could rely on.

For Christina's health
must be followed from childhood. She needs a long stay in the fresh air, classes
sports. She is susceptible to viral diseases, prone to leukemia. Have
her weak lungs. In adulthood, osteochondrosis and dental diseases are possible.

silent, serious, thoughtful.

- in addition to everything, she is also strict, patient, neat, pedantic. Can work as a speech therapist,
teacher, educator, music teacher. Her name fits the patronymics: Viktorovna, Alekseevna, Mikhailovna, Glebovna, Sergeevna, Vladimirovna.

“Summer” is mysterious, charming, good-natured.

- romantic, dreamer. This is a graphic artist, musician, fashion designer. Name is good
suitable for patronymics: Grigorievna, Anatolyevna, Efimovna, Petrovna, Lvovna,

Name day named Christina

February 19, March 26, May 31, June 13, July 6, August 6,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days falling on a birthday, or the first ones after a birthday

Famous people named Christina

Numerology named after Christina

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, maintain family and friendship ties. They always make loving parents and children, they also feel confident when working in education, healthcare, and doing public work. Caring, traditional views, denial of too drastic changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Christina

TO- are distinguished by insight, slight nervousness and strong endurance. Regardless of gender, people with the first letter of the name "K" have a strong, strong-willed character. They are distinguished by remarkable stubbornness, which is the cause of the vast majority of conflict situations at home and at work.

R- people with the letter "P" in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuitions, they have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

AND- fine mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on inner qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. They are very economical and calculating.

FROM- are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are used to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They are overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. The partner may be overstated.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative natures. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition, they adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Able to show generosity.

H- strong, strong-willed and decisive personalities. Hardworking enough, however, they cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, present critical thinking... A person chooses a chosen one for a long time, with whom he can live until the end of his days. Likes to take care of loved ones.

BUT- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to be proactive in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • TO- Kako
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • AND- And (Unification, Unite, Union, UNITY, Unity, Together, "Together with")
  • FROM- Word
  • T- Firmly
  • H- Our (Our, Your)
  • BUT- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Name Christina in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to spell the name Christina in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The name is of Greek origin and means "Christ".

The name color is orange.

The name Christina bears the imprint of a certain aristocracy and elitism. Most likely, a woman with such a name will feel the need to achieve a high position in society, and therefore may choose some prestigious profession, or she will simply strive to get into high circles of society. But even if this does not succeed and fate assigns her the role of an ordinary housewife, still such dreams will not leave Christina.

Christina's character, as a rule, is cheerful, she is housewife, scrupulous and neat. Does nothing hastily, does not panic. Possesses excellent memory and intuition. She is characterized by perspicacity and wisdom, but also some incoherence.

Obstacles in life are bypassed with ease, without giving them of great importance, and is constantly looking into the future, and her plans, as a rule, are grandiose.

In achieving the desired, she shows extraordinary ingenuity and even resourcefulness, sometimes she is not particularly picky about the means.

She is energetic, witty, temperamental, often generously gifted by nature with various talents. Among women with this name can be found successful actresses, singers, painters, makeup artists, architects, designers and fashion designers.

She enters into marriage several times, values ​​family comfort very much, since she has a great need for love and tenderness. At the same time, she has high requirements for her husband, which are not easy to meet. If she meets a reliable man whom she can rely on, she will be happy and faithful. A caring, albeit overly strict mother.

It happens that Christina reacts very painfully to comments addressed to her, but she is very greedy for compliments. It would be nice to be more careful and remember this weakness, otherwise someone will certainly take advantage of it, hiding a cunning calculation behind their flattery.

As a rule, marriages with Roman, Victor, Alexey, Pavel, Eugene, Leonid and Vladimir are reliable.

Unsuccessful - with Valentin, Oleg, Dmitry, Mikhail, Denis, Anton and Igor

Today, not everyone has the idea that the meaning of the name Christina is a version of the ancient name Christina, given to girls from European countries at christenings. However, it was only taken from the language of ancient Greece. The female name Christina came to the territory of Russia simultaneously with the emergence of the Christian religion, and is translated from the language of ancient Greece as "Christian".

Attention should be paid to the fact that in ancient times woman's name Christina was given only to girls from the common people, while among the aristocracy this name was not used at all. Over time, women bearing the name Christina practically ceased to meet, since such a name lost its popularity, and in the years after the revolution it was forgotten.

However, then a phonetically deformed version of this name was formed - Christina, which began to be perceived as foreign and possessing a certain aristocracy, and sometimes elitism. For this reason, the meaning of the name Christina and Christina is completely different, i.e. a gigantic abyss lay between these names, which gives every reason to assert that these names are completely different.

Characteristics of the name Christina

The woman who bears the name Christina fully corresponds to this stylish name - this personality is quite emotional, whole, from an early age attracts dreams of the rich, beautiful life... In the process of work, as well as when communicating with practically strangers, he is a reserved person, sometimes somewhat detached.

Nevertheless, those around them perfectly understand what a passionate temperament a woman named Christina hides behind a deceptive, calm behavior. This is what makes the meaning of the name Christina so extraordinary. A certain arrogant model of behavior, as well as the irascible disposition that is characteristic of every woman named Christina, is perfectly corrected by an excellent upbringing.

In general, a woman named Christina is a rather sociable person, capable of perfectly finding mutual language with different people. The amazingly beautiful name Christina is capable of arousing a feeling of envy, and sometimes even hostility in certain natures, for this reason, its bearer will have to be able to protect herself. Otherwise, a woman named Christina will become a timid, notorious personality.

In this situation, the meaning of the name Christina will work to the detriment of the bearer. Nevertheless, the strong energy field of this name provides an opportunity for a woman named Christina to have a huge reserve of strength and immunity to stress, for this reason such a nature from an early age will feel her own chosenness, as well as a desire to be in the highest strata of society. As a simple housewife, the woman named Christina feels unique.

However, in the process of chasing a distant dream, there is a possibility that a moment will come when a woman named Christina will not see the ordinary happiness of ordinary people, will not be able to experience the pleasure of everyday small achievements. Here is perhaps the main secret of the name Christina, which affects her whole life. Contrary to this, a woman named Christina is not only able to build sand castles, and then just sit around doing nothing, waiting for the time when happiness and success will come into her life.

Characteristics of Christina

On his life path the woman named Christina relies only on her own strength. So, she is characterized by such traits as assertiveness, rationality, and sometimes perfectionism. Such a woman is distinguished by the ability to predict events long before they occur, for this reason the decisions of such a nature are only in exceptional cases rash.

Thus, the secret of the name Christina gives her the opportunity to follow generally accepted moral and ethical standards in her life, respects ordinary family values, and only in exceptional cases can such a person take part in a dubious case. A woman named Christina can with complete confidence be called a kind with a powerful character, reacting rather painfully to criticism and remembering the grievances inflicted for a long time.

Nevertheless, even in a very "hot" situation, a woman named Christina will not allow herself a rude, boorish attitude and will not bear such an attitude from other people. Some individuals believe that the woman named Kristinochka is a conservative nature, which to some extent corresponds to reality. It is not at all easy for outsiders to communicate with a woman named Christina, the meaning of the name and whose fate is described in this article, since this person does not really trust others, always strives to keep his own soul closed.

The presence of strong convictions, as well as excessive justice can be a bottomless well of all kinds of difficulties for Kristina. Their moral convictions are much more important than friendly feelings, since the woman named Kristinochka firmly follows her own convictions.

Kristinka's childhood

Now it is necessary to try to give the most accurate meaning of the name Christina for the girl in order to help future parents with the choice of a suitable name. Child Christina is a little talkative and somewhat withdrawn, sometimes it may even seem that she is somewhat inhibited. However, Christina is very smart, observant, just most often this child is in his own world, hidden from outside access.

Nevertheless, like the bulk of other children, such a child needs praise, various incentives, because it is very important for her that both her parents and school teachers think of her. This child should overcome his own shyness, and mom and dad should help in this matter. In general, the meaning of the girl's name Christina and her fate are closely interrelated.

Kristinka experiences great difficulties in the process of full disclosure in front of strangers, i.e. she needs a longer period to get used to the "fresh" society, especially in adolescence. Christina makes her parents happy with the careful handling of her own toys and things, and over time she is able to shoulder some of the household chores on her shoulders.

Thus, the meaning of the name Christina for the girl and her fate give her the opportunity to easily assimilate educational information, especially the humanities. Sometimes she is subject to a variety of hobbies that captivate her to the fullest. Mom and Dad should pay attention to all kinds of talents of the girl and make every effort for their further development, while the girl does not have to worry about the girl's purposefulness.

Christina's health

As a child, Kristinka is not very healthy, since such a child is quite susceptible to all kinds of infectious and viral diseases. As a mature woman, Christina may face problems with joints, lungs, and bronchi.

Thus, a woman named Christina, whose origin and significance is being considered, should pay considerable attention to her own health. Those. she should be outdoors as much as possible, sleep for the prescribed hours and follow exclusively healthy way life.

The intimate life of Kristinka

When a woman named Christina falls in love with a member of the opposite sex, she gives him all of herself entirely. Such a person almost never remains alone, and intimacy for her is not in the last place. The woman named Christina lacks tenderness, femininity. In other words, a man may think of her as an icy, strong personality, which sometimes scares the opposite sex away from her.

However, the meaning of the name Christina and her fate show that behind the ostentatious coldness hides a passionate, uncontrollable character, as well as amazing sensitivity. Thus, the happy partner will be the one who will be able to see it. Intimacy for a woman named Christina is a natural continuation of the feeling of love, while sex without such a feeling is completely uninteresting to her.

During falling in love, Kristinka feels the fullness of her own life, experiences enduring euphoria. To be loved by someone and to love at the same time is the most secret and sincere desire of such a person.

Kristinka's career and business

Today Christina, the meaning of the name, the character of which is described, prefers a modern, and most importantly fashionable profession, while in the role of an ordinary worker or housewife she does not see herself at all. Regardless of the chosen profession, a woman named Christinka will try to improve her own position in society, and the degree of income plays a decisive role for her.

If such a person nevertheless becomes a housewife, she will constantly experience dissatisfaction, discontent. Thanks to her tremendous energy, this woman has amazing aspirations in life. At the same time, Christina, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which is being considered, does not want to be monetarily dependent on other people, for this reason she is trying to accumulate her strong financial base.

Winter Christina - a taciturn, serious and thoughtful person who most responsibly approaches any obligations assigned to her. But qualities such as stubbornness, irascibility and resentment prevent her from building a harmonious personal life. Getting along with an independent and independent Christina, born in winter, is not easy, so her chosen one must have truly angelic patience.

Spring Christina Is a romantic dreamer who lives with feelings and emotions. This creative nature is driven by passionate impulses, especially since the spring Christina falls in love at first sight, which is why she is often disappointed in men. But if she fell in love, then from an impulsive fury she turns into a soft and docile girl, ready for a lot for the sake of her chosen one.

Summer Christina good-natured, charming and responsive. The gentleness of her character can cause her to achieve lower heights in the professional field than she deserves. But the summer Christina will simply captivate men with her romance and sensitivity. In addition, there is a certain mystery in this woman, which no one will ever solve or fully understand.

Autumn Christina - emotional nature, but at the same time very principled and highly moral. So, her behavior never goes beyond what is permissible, and she expects the same from others. Strict, patient and scrupulous Christina can get along only with the same pedant, who has everything in life laid out "on the shelves."

Stone - talisman

Christina's mascot stones are amber, jasper and diamond.


This powerful amulet protects against evil spirits, strengthens faith, gives optimism, increases creativity, clarifies thoughts, improves intuition and prolongs life.

Amber promotes the realization of ideas, brings joy, luck, peace and tranquility to life. In addition, products with this stone are protected from negative energy effects.

Possesses amber and medicinal properties: removes headache, fights pressure drops and insomnia.

From time immemorial, amber was considered a symbol of happiness and health.


Jasper as a talisman has a rich spectrum of properties, namely:

  • helps to build relationships with colleagues;
  • brings peace and harmony to family relationships;
  • develops intelligence;
  • develops the gift of foresight;
  • neutralizes negative energy accumulated by a person;
  • protects the house from anger and envy;
  • enhances concentration of attention;
  • enhances intuition.

In the East, jasper was considered a stone of beauty, greatness, power and wealth.

© vvoevale

IN Ancient Greece and Rome jasper was used in medicinal purposes: It was believed that this stone restores strength, cleanses the body, and also eliminates insomnia. Amulets were made from jasper, which were supposed to protect mothers and their children from envy, evil eye and damage.

Jasper is a symbol of beauty, wisdom and modesty.


It is a symbol of power, courage, fearlessness, fortitude, but at the same time, innocence and purity. It was believed that it was the diamond that protects the soldiers in battle, protects them from injury and death. In addition, this stone got rid of melancholy, sadness and gloomy thoughts, helped tame anger and irritability (therefore, it was recommended to be worn by hot-tempered and overly emotional people).

Diamond symbolizes health, well-being, longevity. Helps get rid of fears, raises morale, protects against any witchcraft.

Today, the diamond is considered the personification of loyalty, sincerity and incorruptibility.



The number that patronizes Christina is six (you can read more about this number in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in human life").



Animal - symbol

The symbolic animals for Christina are the dove and the toad.


The dove is a symbol of life, rebirth and transformation. This bird personifies the spirit of light, tenderness and purity, although in some cultures the dove is considered a symbol of voluptuousness.

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In addition, the pigeon is associated with femininity and motherhood. The dove, which holds an olive branch in its beak, symbolizes peace and renewal of life. A dove with a palm branch represents victory over death.

In China, the dove is a symbol of longevity, marital fidelity and respect for parents.

Among the Slavs, this bird is considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit, innocence, peace, Baptism and the Good News. So, doves on a vine are identified with those people who came to God and believed in Christ. In the Old Testament, this bird is a symbol of simplicity, harmlessness, meekness and ingenuousness.


The frog (or toad) bears mostly negative symbolism, and the unpleasant appearance of this amphibian and its acrid skin secretions are to blame, because of which toads were classified as demonic creatures (it was believed that witches consumed toads for food).

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In Europe, the toad, on the one hand, was identified with an evil animal, on the other, with a creature that protected the house from troubles and misfortunes.

The Indians and Celts identified the toad with the forces of darkness and evil.

In China, the toad is a symbol of longevity, wealth, luck and something unattainable.

In Iran, this animal symbolizes evil, envy, greed, but at the same time fertility.

In the Christian tradition, the toad is the personification of the devil and greed.



Christina's totem plants are cypress, myrtle and gentian.


This plant in most cultures is considered a symbol of sadness, grief and death (and all because of the dark color of the cypress foliage). Planted in a cemetery, these trees represent the immortality of the soul, its life after death.

© Deyan Georgiev

In China, cypress symbolizes, in addition to death, grace and happiness.

In Christianity, this tree is identified with endurance, perseverance, valor and justice.

Cypress is a symbol of piety that protects against witchcraft and evil spells.


Myrtle is a symbol of youth, beauty, luck, health, vigor, chastity and prosperity.

A wreath woven of myrtle embodies silence and peace, but if roses are woven into such a wreath, then you are guaranteed eternal love, marital fidelity and a happy marriage.

I must say that myrtle is often used in love magic in order to bring peace and tranquility to the house, rekindle love, or, conversely, attract the betrothed.

In China, myrtle is revered as a symbol of glory, victory and success.

Christians personify myrtle with "lost sheep" (that is, pagans and apostates who returned to Christianity).

The Egyptians believed that myrtle bestows love and joy.


This plant symbolizes fortitude, modesty and perseverance.

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It has long been believed that gentian prolongs life, since it has a wide range of healing properties: so, this plant will relieve pain, and normalize sleep, and give energy, and remove heat. In addition, with the help of this plant, you can remove damage and the evil eye.

In the language of flowers, this plant means isolation, shyness, mystery, appreciation, as well as loyalty and secrecy.


Christina's metal is copper that can drive away evil spirits and neutralize witchcraft. In addition, this metal symbolizes life's difficulties, which only strong-minded people are able to overcome.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Christina

Name translation

From the Greek language, the name Christina is translated as "dedicated to Christ" or "Christian".

Name history

It is believed that Christina is the European version of the name Christina. This name came to Russia from Byzantium with the adoption of Christianity. It is interesting that initially the name Christina was more common among the common people, then they forgot about him for a while, and when it returned to Russia again, it acquired the imprint of aristocracy and exclusivity.

Forms (analogs) of the name

The following forms of the name Kristina are most often used: Kristya, Kristenka, Kristyusha, Kris, Kristyusha, Kristinochka, Tina, Kristinka, Tinochka, Khristya, Khristyukha, Khristonya, Khristenochka, Khristyusha, Khrisya, Christening.

The mystery of the name Christina

Patrons of the name

  • Martyr Christina of Tire.
  • Martyr Christina of Persia.
  • Martyr Christina of Caesarea (Cappadocian).
  • Martyr Christina of Lampsaki.
  • Martyr Christina of Nicomedia.
  • Martyr Christina.

Angel day (name day)

February: 19th number.

March: 26th number.

May: 31st.

June: 13th number.

July: 24th number.

August: 6 and 18 numbers.

October: 27th number.

December: 15th number.

The legend of the name Christina

Martyr Christina, who lived in the 3rd century, was the daughter of the ruler of the city of Tire. She was so beautiful that many wanted to marry her. But the father of 11-year-old Christina had other plans: he wanted to make her a priestess, for which he placed her with two female servants in a special room with many idols, in front of which his daughter was to burn incense.

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Being in this kind of seclusion, Christina thought a lot about who really created the world (she understood that this was beyond the power of soulless idols, which are the creation of human hands). She came to the idea of ​​the existence of the One Creator, to whom she began to offer fervent prayers.

Once an angel came to her, calling Christina the bride of Christ. Then the young maiden smashed all the idols around her, and then threw them out of the window. Having learned about this act and about his daughter's new faith, the father not only ordered the murder of the two slaves who served his daughter, but also imprison Christina herself. The girl's mother, learning about what had happened, came to her daughter with a prayer that she would renounce Christ and return to her fatherly beliefs. But Christina did not give in to persuasion.

At the trial organized by the father, the virgin was also not persuaded to renounce the faith of Christ, after which the torturers tied Christina to an iron wheel, and under it they lit a fire that burned the girl's body from all sides. But this torture did not break her spirit.

An Angel of God came to the dungeon, where, after torture, Christina was again placed, healed the martyr from her burns. The father, seeing in the morning a healthy daughter, ordered her to be drowned in the sea, but this time the Angel did not leave the saint - only a stone sank under the water, while Christina herself came out of the water and appeared before her father, who decided that his daughter was a witch. The father decided to execute his daughter, but died unexpectedly the night before the execution. Instead of him, the city was headed by Dion, who also tried to persuade the holy martyr to idolatry, but, failing to achieve his goal, he gave up the virgin to cruel torments.

The martyr Christina spent a lot of time in prison, where people secretly came to her, whom she converted to the true faith. As time went on, Dion was replaced by the ruler Julian, who also tortured the saint, and finally threw her into a red-hot furnace, shutting Christina in her. Opening the oven door five days later, everyone was amazed, since the martyr was alive and unharmed. This miracle helped many to believe in Christ. Saint Christina was still killed by the torturers - she was hacked to death with a sword.

Famous people

Famous singers named Christina:

  • Christina Nilsson - Swedish opera singer;
  • Christina Orbakaite;
  • Christina Maria Aguilera.

Famous writers and poetesses named Christina:

  • Christina Stead is the author of psychological novels;
  • Christina Alchevskaya;
  • Christina Kosach.

Famous actresses named Christina:

  • Christine Asmus;
  • Christina Ricci;
  • Christina Liley;
  • Kristen Stewart;
  • Christina Applegate;
  • Christina Pascal.

Christina de Kirchner Is the first woman president of Argentina to receive office through elections.

The meaning of the name Christina

For a child

Christina is a reserved and taciturn child who gets along more with her father than with her mother (and this despite the fact that her mother's character is). She is savvy, smart and quick-witted, but the habit of thinking carefully and weighing everything in her case plays a "cruel joke" with her, since many take her slowness for inhibition.

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This child lives in his own special world, which completely suits her. In this world, there is no offense or misunderstanding. It is interesting that little Christina belongs to that rare category of children who do not really like external manifestations of love and tenderness (she understands that she is loved without words). Despite this, Christina herself can easily be called an affectionate girl who at first seems timid and shy, but over time, having made friends with her peers, becomes more open, kind and sympathetic. It is better not to offend Christina, because this suspicious girl is vindictive and vindictive.

Christina is a lazy student, but at the same time assiduous, persistent and patient (the main thing is to awaken in her a keen interest in the subject being studied). She has an excellent memory and quickly delves into the basic essence, which helps her to master the exact sciences, although she is more interested in learning languages.

For girl

In her youth, Christina shows mobility, activity and love of life, she tries to bring bright colors into her life, which she does very well. However, she cannot be called an impulsive and emotional girl. On the contrary, she is reasonable and never panics. Christina carefully observes what is happening and draws certain conclusions (behind Christina's calmness and silence lies a sharp mind and observation). This timid girl has tremendous potential hidden in her, it just takes time to reveal it.

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Young Christina lacks confidence, so she thinks over her decisions very carefully, but situations in which it is necessary to act and think quickly can throw her out of balance.

Christina does not have many friends, but they are all tested by time and life's adversities. And all the fault is the difficult character of the girl, which combines excessive independence, stubbornness and love of freedom. But still, this girl tries to control her emotions, because she understands perfectly well that such her qualities as vulnerability and resentment can significantly ruin her life and narrow her already small circle of friends.

For woman

Christina is a practical and pragmatic woman who really looks at life and does not waste precious time building castles in the air. In society, this woman gives the impression of a relaxed and sociable nature, but keep in mind that she is in no hurry to let anyone into her life. This conservative woman, who does not accept impulsiveness and thoughtlessness, prefers the company of men, so she practically does not have female friends.

It is important for Christina to achieve a certain social status, which will help her gain self-confidence, which she lacked so much in childhood and adolescence. If she decides to devote herself entirely to her family, she will consider her life gray, in vain and unsuccessful.

It should be noted that this woman will not tolerate impudence, rudeness and rudeness. She also does not like criticism. Therefore, you must be careful with statements addressed to her, since in the person of Christina you can acquire a vengeful, inventive and insidious enemy.

Among the positive character traits of Christina, the following can be noted:

  • firmness of character;
  • aristocracy;
  • energy;
  • quick wits;
  • fidelity;
  • responsiveness.

Negative character traits of Christina:

  • resentment;
  • vulnerability;
  • arrogance;
  • self-doubt.

Description of the name Christina


Christina is an intelligent and well-mannered woman who in life always tries to comply with moral and ethical standards, for which many consider her a conservative and philistine.


Since childhood, Christina cannot boast of good health, therefore, in adulthood, she often experiences problems with immunity. To improve her well-being, she is recommended to be more often in the fresh air and play sports.


Christina is an amorous person, and she falls in love quickly and is disappointed in her chosen one. Therefore, to maintain the fire of love, her man must make every effort. Despite her amorousness, this person approaches the choice of the object of adoration very responsibly. So, her betrothed must be a highly moral, reliable and strong man, ready to become an indestructible wall for Christina, behind which she will feel completely safe.

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It is very important for Christina that she is not only loved, but also appreciated, and the man will have to prove his attitude towards her not in words, but exclusively in deeds.

Often, Christina's fans are repulsed by her feigned indifference and arrogance, behind which not only a rich inner world is hidden, but also a stormy temperament.


Having met her love, Christina is ready to immediately go down the aisle with him and start a family, but very quickly her feelings cool down, and with them the desire to start a family passes away. Therefore, one should not be surprised that the owner of this name gets married either too early (while the fire of love is still burning) or rather late.

In fairness, we note that marriage affects Christina favorably: she becomes calmer, softer and more compliant, but on condition that her husband is a protector and patron who takes on the solution to all problems.

Vanity and love of freedom, which must be fought with, if she wants to create a truly strong and friendly family, can prevent Christina from seeing her family happiness.

Family relationships

For Christina, the house is a fortress, and she spares no effort or time to strengthen it. I must say that she does not like to let uninvited guests into her fortress.

Christina is a good housewife, but one should not expect that she will give up building a career, especially since she is great at combining work and household chores.

The owner of this name is extremely demanding towards her husband, which can eventually develop into serious conflicts. But Christina rarely goes to divorce, trying to find a compromise solution and restore peace in the family. Children are brought up by Christina in severity, from early childhood they are taught to be independent.

Christina values ​​stability and trust above all else, therefore she herself will not dare to betray, and she will not forgive her husband for betrayal. If the spouse gives her sincere love, care and tenderness, then Christina will not remain in debt and will surround her soul mate with affection and warmth.


Behind the coldness, impenetrability and severity of Christina, there is a stormy temperament and incredible sensuality, which this woman is ready to give only to that man who will be trusted one hundred percent. Gentle and attentive Christina is very careful about sexual relations, which for her are a continuation and an integral part of love.

Mind (intelligence)

Christina has a masculine mindset, she is calculating and pragmatic. Her analytical mind allows you to delve into the very essence of the problem, and, therefore, make correct and balanced decisions.


Christina is a real workaholic who stubbornly and persistently moves towards her goal. She is responsible and executive, and her ambition helps to achieve a lot in any chosen field.

Christina will feel comfortable choosing the profession of a doctor, politician, teacher, researcher, musician, diplomat, engineer or secretary (that is, her range of activities is very wide). The main thing is that work should bring her real pleasure.

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Christina plans her career in advance and very carefully, not letting emotions get the better of her mind. Her scrupulousness and meticulousness make it easy to perform any (even the most painstaking and routine) work. Christina rarely listens to other people's advice, while failures do not drive her into a panic state, but, on the contrary, give strength and energy. She will be an excellent leader and responsible executor.


Christina can make an excellent entrepreneur, since this woman has a sharp analytical mind, a firm male character, assertiveness, dedication and incredible hard work. At the same time, for a successful business, it is not at all necessary for her to have a partner: she is able to cope independently with the solution of any issues.


Christina's hobbies are simple and uncomplicated - this is a family, for the well-being of which she works tirelessly, and an interesting job, for the sake of which she is ready to forget about sleep and rest.

Character type


Christina - Strong woman, but she tends to react painfully to comments and criticism in her address, but compliments warm her soul and instill confidence, which this woman really lacks. But still, Christina should be careful in dealing with people if she wants to avoid bitter disappointments (often it is flattery and cunning that destroy friendship).

It is not easy for others to communicate with Christina, because they do not always fully understand her, taking her silence and secrecy for narcissism and superficiality. Christina is not going to convince anyone otherwise, because she does not consider it necessary to bare her soul. Only a select few are open to the entrance to her ideal world, which she carefully builds brick by brick.


Like any woman, Christina has a well-developed intuition, but she prefers to use exclusively logical inferences and common sense when making decisions.

Horoscope named Christine

Christina - Aries

She is an energetic, curious and naive woman who can be extremely intrusive, which can annoy the people around her. She must be aware of all events, even if they have nothing to do with her. For Christina-Aries, love at first sight is characteristic, and often she very quickly becomes disappointed in her chosen one.

Christina - Taurus

This silent, serious and responsible woman has an analytical mindset, while she does not know how to think abstractly, therefore, she takes all the statements of others literally, which can complicate her life.

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Christina-Taurus methodically goes to her goal, regardless of obstacles. This is a gentle partner and an excellent hostess, but she does not particularly enjoy success with men.

Christina - Gemini

An open, sympathetic and good-natured Christina-Gemini has an inexhaustible supply of energy, which helps her to be an interesting conversationalist, an excellent leader and a reliable partner. She cannot stand being alone, so her life is like an endless party. Christina-Gemini has many fans, to whom she gives hope for a "wonderful tomorrow". But often this woman herself gets confused in her relationship.

Christina - Cancer

This soft, but at the same time proud woman combines such qualities as simplicity and arrogance, tenderness and severity, defenselessness and toughness. She treats other people's problems with understanding and participation and is always ready to help. If you hurt the pride of Christina-Cancer, then you will see a touchy and vengeful woman who does not forgive insults. She will give her heart only to a sincere, loving and faithful man.

Christina - Leo

Sensual, bright and temperamental Christina-Leo is always in sight, because she cannot live a day without the attention of others. Behind her ostentatious kindness and participation is a tough nature that does not accept criticism. Moreover, she is vindictive and vindictive. Christina-Leo has practically no friends, since in women she sees, first of all, rivals.

Christina - Virgo

Diplomatic, calculating and pragmatic Christina-Virgo keeps her thoughts and feelings under control, because she is afraid to appear in an unattractive light in front of others. Despite her cheerfulness and energy, this woman behaves with restraint, and sometimes deliberately ceremoniously. Christina-Virgo is revealed only in a narrow circle of close people. This woman chooses a partner carefully and scrupulously.

Christina - Libra

This intelligent, well-mannered and refined woman is used to living in luxury. She loves to attend social events, she likes expensive pleasures and wealthy fans. But when choosing a life partner, Christina-Libra is still guided not so much by the material component as by the presence of spiritual kinship between her and the partner.

Christina - Scorpio

Ardent, impulsive and ambitious Christina-Scorpio is a real leader, but she does not always manage to competently prove her superiority, which is why she can withdraw into herself. She is characterized by a feeling of envy, which she nevertheless tries to suppress in herself. The man of Christina-Scorpio must admire his chosen one day and night, otherwise the feelings of this woman will quickly cool down.

Christina - Sagittarius

With her cheerfulness, the energetic and freedom-loving Christina-Sagittarius charges everyone around. She does in her life only what she really likes. To impose your opinion or a certain demeanor on this woman will not work. As partners, Christina-Sagittarius is looking for an independent, strong and courageous man who cares little about public opinion.

Christina - Capricorn

This straightforward woman is demanding and strict with respect to herself and those around her. The basis of her life is a career, for the growth of which she is ready to sacrifice not only peace of mind, but also personal happiness. If Christina-Capricorn does not rethink her life in time, she may remain in splendid isolation, without family and children.

Christina - Aquarius

This is a secretive person who does not let anyone into his inner world. She is polite and well-mannered, but as soon as she hurts her interests or disrupts the calm flow of life, Christina-Aquarius turns into a tough and ironic person. A clear plan of action and measuredness are the foundations on which Christina-Aquarius builds her life, but not every man can withstand such self-control.

Christina - Pisces

She is a dreamer and dreamer who lives in a dream world. Christina-Pisces is absent-minded and inattentive, so solving elementary problems requires a lot of effort from her. At the same time, this woman has incredible charm and magnetism, so there are always a lot of fans around her. The chosen one of Christina-Pisces should have optimism and a cheerful disposition.

Christina name compatibility with male names

Christina and Dmitry

This ideal pair cannot be destroyed by any obstacles.

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On the contrary, difficulties only strengthen the union of Dima and Christina, who are used to fighting and winning.

Christina and Alexander

In this union, there are two strong personalities with different characters. Undoubtedly, Christina and Alexandra will face a lot of difficulties, but patience and love will help them build a strong family.

Christina and Eugene

Freedom-loving, vulnerable and impressionable Christina and Eugene are trying to create a stable union in which an atmosphere of serenity reigns. This gentle couple knows how to love and appreciate each other.

Christina and Sergey

For both partners, the spiritual component is very important, so they try to live in peace and harmony with themselves. Their tandem is based on mutual support and a deep sense of love.
Sergey - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Christina and Andrey

An open and sincere Christina in the person of Andrey finds a grateful listener, a reliable defender, and a faithful husband. It is not surprising that their union is safe and sound.

Christina and Alexey

This difficult union will take place only on the condition that Christina says goodbye to her independence, and Alexei becomes more open and sociable.

Christina and Ivan

Energetic and purposeful Ivan is the absolute opposite of the indecisive and shy Christina. Despite this, their relationship is stable and always interesting.

Christina and Maxim

Christina and Denis

Christina and Mikhail

Christina appreciates reliability, firmness of character and solidity in her chosen one. This is a wonderful union.

Christina and Nikolay

This couple has a lot that could separate them: a different temperament, and a divergence in views on life, but nothing can separate Christina and Nikolai if there is a sincere feeling between them.

Christina and Igor

This couple makes every effort to ensure that an atmosphere of love and understanding reigns in their family. The material component is also important for Christina and Igor. As a result, they are provided with a long and happy family life.

Christina and Ilya

This is a passionate union, in which there is a spirit of adventurism, and romance, and love, and understanding, and trust. And this is the key to a strong and successful marriage.
Ilya - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Christina and Vladislav

This is an amazing union in which people from different planets converge, which does not prevent their outbreak of feeling to flourish. Christina and Vladislav are ready to go through any tests in order to be together.

Christina and Vitaly

This is a tandem in which sober calculation comes first. The main task of Christina and Vitaly is to create a strong and stable union, in which everything is subject to a routine.

Christina and Nikita

Christina and Ruslan

This tandem does not take shape immediately, since both need time to understand how they fit together. But this approach to family creation ensures strong and stable relationships.
Ruslan - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Christina and Kirill

Two strong personalities converge in this strange alliance, where the balanced and courageous Cyril becomes the support and support of the insecure and timid Christina.

Christina and Konstantin

This is a wonderful union, in which Christina and Konstantin can be called a single whole, they are so suitable for each other in all aspects.

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No one and nothing can interfere with their happiness.

Christina and Pavel

The owners of these names are reasonable and detailed, therefore, their relations develop slowly, which only strengthens the union. The result of such regularity is a reliable and strong family.
Paul - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Christina and Victor

Demanding Christina does not always accept and understand Victor, who expects a holiday from life. But still, this tandem has a right to exist if Christina shows wisdom and patience.

Christina and Danila

Shy and vulnerable Christina timidly accepts the courtship of a self-confident Daniel. But over time, she is revealed, which has a positive effect on the development of the relationship of this beautiful couple.

Christina is a man of mystery. Now she is at the peak of fame, then she is hiding in the shadows, as if she is waiting for the right opportunity. Be that as it may, all her life Christina remains the favorite of the company and responsive person.

We will find out how the name also affects fate, what is interesting about its owner, with whom she will create strong family relationships and what she will achieve in life.

Origin of the name

It is believed that the female name Christina came from the Latin Christianus, which translates as "Christian". According to historical data, the Christines were often called Russian peasant women.

Christina's Church Name

The name Christina came from the church "Khrestin". Sometimes it is written with "and": Christina.

Name for the child

The baby named Christina is very mobile. He rejoices mom and dad, visiting guests, any interesting events in his life. But for the baby to get used to the new, it takes some time. When talking to a child, he self-assured, answers competently and without hesitation.

How does a girl behave in childhood?

IN early childhood Kristinka lives for her pleasure. She spends time having fun with friends. Increasingly, the girl turns her eyes to the boys: she really wants to make friends with them, try to play something. The boys go to meet her, and Kristinka easily enters into conversations.

Some call her a rip-off: this can be seen both in manners and in appearance... But as she grows older, the girl ceases to be a hooligan. She is visited by reasonable thoughts: you need to behave, because then you will be treated accordingly.

At school, the girl is restless, she prefers a company of friends. However, studies are often easy for her, because Christina has a wonderful mind and good intuition.

Name characteristic for girls

A girl named Christina is very sweet and pleasant in appearance and in her behavior. People around her think that she is very shy, does not play with anyone, has no friends, but for some reason this is appreciated in Christina. In general, looking at the girl, one gets the impression that she is well-bred and very reasonable. This is not an entirely correct impression. Apparent shyness is actually a cunning: Christina looks at a situation or a person from afar, from the shadows: this way it is easier for her to understand what a person is, from which side to approach the situation. Kristina analyzes well... The girl's memory is excellent.

Character features of an adult girl

As already mentioned, Christina likes to glow, then go into the shadows. And more and more she likes the first option. This woman looking for fame... She feels on the wave when strangers talk about her, when a large crowd is watching her, when she is constantly promoted at work. Because of the desire to be famous, recognizable, Christina loves and exalts herself. Praise is vital to her, but she cannot stand criticism.

If a woman is offended, she will definitely answer. Let only with words, but he will hit them so bitingly and painfully that the offender immediately retires and is unlikely to ever wish to touch this person.

Christina does not let strangers into her inner world. Therefore, not everyone will immediately guess what she thinks about, how she assesses this or that situation. The actions of a woman are usually reasonable, since she spends a lot of time thinking about them. Christina will not be sprayed, her manner is to analyze everything, and only then take a step. If Christina's desires are not realized, she attributes everything to the failures of fate.

Compatibility with male names

Christina goes well with names such as: Lev, Petya, Senya, Borya,.

Do not enter into a relationship with: Felix, Tolya,.

With whom is a happy marriage possible?

Christines are very loving, they easily fall in love with men. However, if troubles appear in the relationship, if the girl ceases to feel the care and affection of her partner, she immediately retreats.

Christina does not like to voice problems out loud in her intimate life. However, such shyness and calmness is only the cover. In fact, the girl has a rather bright temperament. Christina does not show her passionate nature to everyone. More precisely, no one. But if the relationship with a partner has existed for a long time, the couple got used to each other, Christina begins to be frank.

For Christina, the man who will become for her will be the most suitable protection and support... The girl looks far into the future when she chooses a husband. She is able to harbor feelings deep in her heart and give preference to reason. That is, even if outwardly or in character a man does not suit Christina, but she sees that he will take big steps forward and make her happy, she chooses on him.

Christina's marriage will be happy only if she herself will try very hard to make it so.

For example, with a jealous husband, she needs to be more patient, not to run into quarrels, more often go to concessions... But the spouse must show tenderness towards his wife, take care of her. Then Christina will give him all her soul.

Sometimes vanity takes over, and Christina does not even look towards the one who can make her happy. In general, a girl gets married very early, but often quickly becomes disillusioned with marriage.

Professions and careers

All Christines strive to achieve high victories in their lives. For this they need connections. Usually women with this name try to get acquainted with famous people, show business stars and big bosses. Another option is that they choose a modern profession or one that is considered very prestigious.

It doesn't always work out the way Christina wants. But even if she doesn't get a job and just cooks soup for her husband and raise children, the woman doesn't care won't stop believing into a miracle.

Christina's health

Christina should pay a lot of attention to her health. Her body is not strong enough to treat it with indifference.

The girl must definitely breathe fresh air, play sports.

She is threatened pneumonia, various infections. In old age, a woman often suffers from osteochondrosis, her teeth are destroyed.

Happy dates

For Christina, the number of luck is six. On dates where the number 6 occurs, she is usually lucky.