14 weeks pregnant where is it. Photo of the fetus, ultrasound, photo of the woman's abdomen and video. What happens to the baby

14 obstetric week of pregnancy is the middle of the fourth month. A rather calm period, when the mother begins to feel good, and the baby is no longer so afraid of external influences.

The article describes in detail what feelings the mother is experiencing this week, how the baby develops, are given useful advice doctors.

14 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photo, how does the baby develop and feel?

By the fourth month, the baby has grown - now its height is 12-13 cm. Weight 50-60 g.

Now his spine is actively strengthening, his muscular system is developing. The baby already looks almost like a newborn - but his skin is transparent, covered with a thin layer of special lubricant.

What has been formed, what is happening, what does the child look like at 14 obstetric weeks?

During this period, the baby begins to smile for the first time. But his smile is still unconscious. The vocal apparatus begins to form.

Eyebrows become more expressive. The distance between the eyes decreases. This week, his nose bridge, cheeks are being formed.

The muscles of the respiratory system develop. He tries to make breathing movements. This training is very important - and prepares his lungs for independent work after childbirth.

The baby's body is covered with the thinnest hairline called laguno. It is needed to protect the baby from the effects of amniotic fluid.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

At this time, as a rule, ultrasound is not prescribed. But if, nevertheless, an ultrasound examination is performed on the mother, it will help to see the well-formed baby's head. Now it is still slightly enlarged compared to the body. However, outwardly, he is very similar to a newborn baby.

With the help of high-precision technology, you can notice the movements of tiny arms and legs.

Women with multiple pregnancies may notice that their babies vary slightly in size. You shouldn't be afraid of this. Nature provides for one child to be a little less. Some time after giving birth, their sizes should become approximately the same.

Video: Ultrasound 14 weeks

Fetal heart rate at 14 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

The baby's heart is the very first organ that is formed faster than the rest. It produces its first blows already on the 28th day after conception.

But you can fix the work of the heart only after some time. By week 14, the heart rate should fluctuate within 140-170 .

What happens in a woman's body at 14 weeks pregnant?

Many mothers note that this week is going more favorably than the rest. The psycho-emotional state returns to normal. The mother-to-be is feeling much better.

What can bother pregnant women at week 14:

  • Under the influence of growth hormone, a woman may experience changes in appearance. The nose and lips are slightly enlarged, facial features become as if blurred. A blush appears on the cheeks.
  • The gums may bleed. The lack of ascorbic acid is to blame for this.
  • The volume of blood in the body has become 800 g more. As a result, high blood pressure is likely to occur.
  • Some women may still be concerned about toxicosis, headaches, fatigue. At week 14, a symptom such as heartburn may appear.

Optimal weight gain should average 500 g in Week.

Changes in the body of a woman at the 14th obstetric week of pregnancy

Breast and belly of a woman at 14 weeks pregnant

The chest continues to grow. Just like before, soreness and sensitivity are felt. The area around the nipples darkens, blue vein lines may appear.

In some women, under the influence of changes in hormonal background breasts may shrink slightly.

The tummy of a pregnant woman is becoming increasingly difficult to hide. If this is the second pregnancy, at the 14th week it will already be clearly visible. In this regard, the gait of the pregnant woman begins to change.

First movements during pregnancy

Perhaps the most exciting question: when to expect the first stirrings? The baby began to move in the tummy long before this week. His first movements were at 7-8 weeks, when the nervous system had just begun to form. But, being quite a baby, he cannot touch the wall of the uterus. Therefore, the mother until a certain point does not feel the movements of the child.

Starting from the 14th week, some mothers can already feel the baby's movements. As a rule, thin women begin to feel it earlier.

But, most often, the first movements can be felt after 18 weeks. It feels like the first movements of the baby in the stomach can be compared with the slight flutter of a butterfly.

It is noticed that with each subsequent pregnancy, the first movements of the child are felt a little earlier.

Video: 14 obstetric week of pregnancy

What can and can not a woman at 14 weeks pregnant?

In the second trimester, many women's appetite improves. But this pleasant fact can be dangerous. Allowing herself to eat without restrictions, a woman runs the risk of gaining excess weight.

The ideal weight gain during pregnancy is 12-14 kg. Every extra kilogram contributes to the fact that pregnancy and childbirth will proceed with complications.

Since the muscle tissue of the baby is formed during this period, at week 14, the mother needs to consume as much protein as possible.

Doctors do not advise to eat up at night, so as not to provoke digestive problems.

In the absence of contraindications, it is useful for pregnant women to engage in exercise. But there is no need to overwork.

Now extremely undesirable pressure drops and humidity, change of time zones. Caution should be taken with laser and photo hair removal, solarium.

The intimate life of a pregnant woman should be calm.

Very often the question arises: is it possible to sleep on your back?

In fact, a pregnant woman can sleep in any position that is comfortable for her.

But, if she has a predisposition to varicose veins, then sleeping on her back can really aggravate the situation. In this position, the enlarged uterus compresses important blood vessels, as a result of which the woman's legs may hurt in the morning.

14 weeks pregnant - how to understand that everything is fine?

Only a gynecologist can accurately answer the question - is everything in order with the child. Therefore, if there is any doubt, a woman should, first of all, consult a doctor.

Based on the results of all tests, you can find out how the pregnancy is proceeding. In case of any violations, the woman will be informed about it.

The main indicator that everything is in order is good health, healthy sleep and the absence of pain.

Popular questions about pregnancy at week 14 - answers a specialist

14 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic period - what is the difference?

  • The period after fertilization is called embryonic.
  • Obstetric the period is two weeks ahead of the embryonic. It is used by gynecologists in order not to be mistaken with the estimated date of birth.

Allocations at the 14th week of pregnancy - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

The discharge from the expectant mother should be the same as before pregnancy. From time to time they can become a little more abundant. But in no case should there be blood in them.

If at the 14th week of pregnancy, the heartbeat of the fetus is not heard ...

In such cases, do not panic. It often happens that the equipment fails, so it cannot fix the work of the heart.

If such a diagnosis is confirmed several times, you need to come to terms with the fact that the woman has lost her child. In order to prevent this in the future, it is worth analyzing the reasons that provoked the death of the fetus.

If at 14 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen ...

If from time to time a pregnant woman has a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, this is normal. Such a feeling of tension in the uterus may appear after vigorous activity.

At week 14, such pain should rarely bother a woman. If the stomach is constantly aching, you should definitely consult a gynecologist, as this condition can lead to the threat of miscarriage.

Worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at 14 obstetric weeks - causes?

First of all, it must be emphasized that pain in the ovaries during pregnancy is a rare phenomenon. During this period, their functions are temporarily suspended.

Most often, pain in the side means stretching of the muscles and ligaments. But a sharp, incessant pain - reason to see a doctor.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 14th week of pregnancy, it stopped feeling sick, I don’t feel pregnant, there was blood?

The absence of toxicosis is a completely natural phenomenon for this period.

But the appearance of blood is an alarming symptom. If you notice spotting, you need to seek help on the same day.

14 weeks of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

After the first trimester has passed, the threat of termination of pregnancy is not so acute. Therefore, doctors observe IVF pregnancy less carefully.

At this stage, the risk of possible pathologies is being studied. Additionally, the introduction of hCG may be prescribed.

If everything is in order with mom and baby, she can be observed in a regular antenatal clinic.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at week 14, or does it rarely freeze during this period?

If the chest suddenly stops hurting, the main symptoms of pregnancy (toxicosis, heartburn) disappear - this may indicate a possible fading of pregnancy. The appearance of bloody discharge and a sharp deterioration in well-being can confirm this diagnosis.

In any case, a woman will need to undergo a full examination, as these symptoms may indicate another pathology.

Are SARS, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 14 weeks of gestation?

Exposure to viruses and bacteria in the second trimester of pregnancy is no longer so terrible for the health of the baby.

But mom still needs to watch out for all sorts of infections, and do not take medicines without doctor's permission.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

In most cases, this means that the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The absence of toxicosis this week is quite expected.

For him - a whole eternity, because from a set of cells your baby has turned into a little man, having gone through a path that repeats all the stages of human evolution. What progress the little one has made this week and what is happening right now, we will tell in more detail.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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How to name a child?

It is a mistake to call a baby at 14 weeks an embryo. The early embryonic and late embryonic periods of its development are long gone. He was an embryo until the ninth week. After this period, the formation of internal organs was completed, all the laying processes ended and the embryonic tail disappeared. Now, in its place, an ordinary coccyx flaunts.

Now goes fetal period, during which a fully formed baby, which is now correctly called a fetus, will grow, gain weight, improve his skills and abilities. This week, the size of the child resembles a large apple, his height is at the level of 12-14 centimeters, and his weight has almost reached the mark of 40-50 grams.

What does the baby look like?

The kid is very reminiscent of a little man, small and miniature, but already a little man. He no longer has a tail, he does not have a giant oval head irregular shape. With the completion of the embryonic phase, more and more human features appear in the guise of a baby. Now his head is aligning in shape, rounding off, a neck has appeared and the baby has even learned to use it at the current time - he turns his head to the right and left.

The head still remains quite large, but now it is no longer two-thirds of the body area, but only half, and as it grows further, it will become proportional: by childbirth, it will be only one-fifth of the total proportions. The limbs also look disproportionate - the arms are still longer than the legs, but shorter than necessary - with them the baby reaches only to his face and cannot, for example, touch his head - does not reach.

If now a woman is given not the usual two-dimensional ultrasound, which is recommended for everyone as an examination as part of prenatal screening, but 3D or even 4D, then the woman will most likely be very surprised to see on the scanner monitor not a cutie-baby, as women imagine him to be. , but a thin, skinny and shriveled little man. Subcutaneous fat is not yet formed, this is what gives the appearance of the crumbs such a pronounced suffering thinness.

The skin has a rich red-lilac color due to the translucent blood vessels through it. Hair appears on the head of some children at this time, but so far they are light, discolored, since the pigment that stains them has not yet been produced in the crumbs. This week, the baby has eyebrows, which are also very light.

The fingers of the hands and feet are already fully formed, there are nails. And this week, the crumbs have individual, unique, fingerprints peculiar only to him, a unique pattern is formed on them.

The features of the little face are changing. They have more and more individuality. The frontal bone, cheekbones and chin at week 14 begin to “protrude” somewhat forward, the growth of the bones of the nose also continues. Already, the baby looks like a mom or dad, it's just that this similarity is still very difficult to catch.

The baby's ears almost fell into place, the eyes also took a position on either side of the bridge of the nose. The organs of vision are tightly covered by the formed eyelids. This does not prevent the baby this week from starting to distinguish darkness from light. If, under the control of ultrasound, you shine a flashlight on the belly of a pregnant woman, then the baby will become more active and begin to move faster.

With the auditory function, so far, too, everything is ambiguous. The kid hears, but does it in a special way. It picks up the vibration of a sound, such as a mother's voice.

He already distinguishes the vibration of his father's voice from his mother's and can be frightened when he hears sharp and loud extraneous sounds that have nothing to do with the voices of his parents. The inner ear that does the transformation sound waves, will begin to fully function only after a month and a half. But now the baby needs to communicate, you need to talk with him, read fairy tales to him, sing songs - he will perceive everything at the vibrational level.

Nervous system

The nervous system develops more actively than others, complex and interesting processes take place in it. Until that time, all the impulses that arose in the child's body at the neural level were "caught" by the spinal cord. Now he transfers this honorable duty to the brain. This most important organ is already fully formed, divided into hemispheres, the amount of brain matter is increasing very rapidly.

The baby “gets smarter” every day by a quarter of a million new brain cells.

The pituitary gland produces hormones, and the cerebellum begins to coordinate the movements of the fetus. True, this process is lengthy, and even by the time the baby is born, his movements will be chaotic for a long time.

Primary coordination of motor functions takes place around the clock. Despite the fact that 99% of the time the child spends in a state similar to sleep, his movements do not stop. He shudders, moves his arms and legs, sets in motion the muscles of his face and back. This is due to the fact that neural connections are being established between the brain and the muscles of the body, ensuring the rapid passage of nerve impulses.

Already, the baby can “boast” of owning some reflexes important for survival - by the 13-14th obstetric week, the child has learned to suck, grab, swallow and quickly respond to frightening factors, shrinking when frightened. He also kicks off the uterine wall with his feet when accidentally touched - this reflex will later help him learn to walk.

Taste buds on the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks are well developed - the baby distinguishes shades of tastes, already in the womb, preferring sweet over bitter or sour. Mom needs to remember this when shaping her diet.

However, a large amount of sweets in an attempt to "please" the fetus can lead to the development of gestational diabetes in women and increase the risk of developing this disease in the future in the baby.

By the 14th week of the mother’s pregnancy and the 12th week of her intrauterine life, the baby comes up with an impressive “baggage” of new knowledge - while in the mother’s womb, he actively explores the world - he listens, captures the mother’s mood, learns to interact.

Internal organs

At this time, the placenta, although it is young, it fully assumes the responsibility for feeding and protecting the baby. The vessels, the umbilical cord are strengthened and grow. Now the baby and the "baby place" are one, and the baby is completely dependent on the health and condition of the placenta. All internal organs have long completed their formation, this week they are increasing in size, starting to function.

The stomach can now take amniotic fluid, which the baby swallows in a considerable amount, the intestines contract rhythmically, “rehearsing” peristalsis, gallbladder accumulates bile, the liver is involved in hematopoiesis. The pancreas produces insulin, the small kidneys produce secondary urine, and the urinary system removes urine from the baby's body into the amniotic fluid. The sterility of the waters is provided by the amnion shells - they renew the composition of the waters every 3-4 hours so that they remain clean.

The heart of a child is anatomically no different from an adult heart, it supplies blood to the entire small organism and works very diligently - the fetal heart pumps up to 20 liters of blood per day. His work can be judged by the heart rate. At 14 weeks, it is normally 157 beats per minute.. Other values ​​are acceptable as long as they are between 146 and 168 beats per minute.

Can gender be determined?

Theoretically, at 14 weeks, you can determine the sex of the baby. But in practice, it is quite difficult to do this - the external genitalia are still so small that only a very experienced doctor with a very good ultrasound scanner can catch the differences in them. But even such a doctor will not guarantee the accuracy of his "forecast", advising to ask a question about gender at the next scheduled ultrasound after the 18th week of pregnancy.

The development of the external genital organs is almost complete. Now the genital tubercles of boys have already become penises, and the girlish tubercles are bent down, forming the clitoris and labia. In the body of future men, the hormone testosterone is already synthesized, and in girls, the ovaries migrate from the abdominal cavity, where they formed and developed, into the small pelvis to the place provided for them by nature. In the ovaries of girls there are already more than 2 million eggs. In male fetuses, the prostate gland will form at this time.

Bone and muscle growth

Bone this week is very active. The thyroid gland functions, thanks to this, the processes of calcium deposition in the bones become possible. The bone skeleton of the fetus becomes stronger. The bones of the skull, spine, limbs are already hardening. Almost all pairs of ribs are formed. Now they protect the organs chest. As a result of these processes the need for calcium increases several times.

Right now it is important that the concentration of this mineral in the blood of the expectant mother is sufficient. Otherwise, the baby will begin to "take" calcium from the mother's bones, her teeth may begin to break down, hair fall out, nails break.

Muscle tissue grows no less actively. Now the child has formed and develops the muscles of the limbs, back, chest, but the most “mobile” at this time are the muscles of the face, mimic muscles. This week, the baby begins to smile. This smile is not something conscious, and while her baby depicts it involuntarily.

In addition to smiles, the baby has already learned to open his mouth, stick out his tongue, make displeased grimaces, and frown.

Respiratory system

Respiratory organs are formed. There are bronchi, trachea, lungs. Now they are not yet ready for independent work, because the child is in the aquatic environment. But the lungs have already begun to make characteristic respiratory movements, and the number of such contractions can reach 70-80 per day. In the lungs, surfactant is still accumulating - a substance necessary for independent breathing. This process "starts" at the end of pregnancy, before childbirth.

How is the child behaving?

If the expectant mother had the opportunity to watch her baby in real time for at least a few hours, she would be very surprised to see that the baby is not bored. All the time while he is awake, he is actively exploring the space around him. He touches his face, clenches his fists, sucks his fingers, plays with the umbilical cord if he can be caught. The fetus in the mother's stomach still feels very at ease - it swims and turns over, somersaults.

Now he is very interested in his own person, and therefore he is actively studying himself - he feels, hugs himself by the shoulders, tries to reach his legs with his hands. In addition, he yawns and hiccups.

What will the ultrasound show?

Ultrasound this week can be prescribed for various reasons - some women undergo screening, and among those who have already passed such a diagnosis, it is recommended for those who have special medical indications, for example, the threat of miscarriage, suspicion of detachment of the membranes, multiple pregnancy, unsatisfactory screening results.

In any case, ultrasound diagnostics is always a very important moment for a woman, because it allows her to look at her baby. To make sure that everything is in order with the baby, the ultrasound data are deciphered according to the existing average standards for indicators for a given gestational age.

The somnologist this week establishes where and how the child is located relative to the exit to the small pelvis. But a woman should not be embarrassed if the doctor now determines that the baby is sitting or located transversely. His position will change more than once or twice. Several times a day at this time, the baby changes its position in the uterine cavity. The growth rate of the child can be judged by the main fetometric indicators.

For 13-14 obstetric weeks, the following dimensions of the fetus are characteristic.

The main dimensions of the fetus at 14 weeks of gestation:

If earlier the KTP (coccyx-parietal size - the distance from the lower point of the coccyx to the upper point of the crown) was considered the main size, now the biparental head size (the distance between the temporal bones) is considered the main size. However, KTR can also be measured by a doctor. From next week KTR is not measured at all. For now, these are the rules.

Fetal KTR at 14 weeks of gestation:

During the ultrasound diagnostics this week, the internal organs of the child are examined without fail. If there are no pathologies, then the doctor does not describe their size, content only to indicate that the organ is visualized and meets the standards. The only exception is the cerebellum - it is measured. Normal sizes for this week are from 1 to 1.5 centimeters.

Those pregnant women who are currently being screened may notice that their babies are measured in two more parameters - the thickness of the collar space (NTP) and the length of the nasal bones. These are special sizes that are only now being determined and can serve as markers of chromosomal abnormalities. Adverse signs are considered to be an increase in TVP relative to the norm and a decrease in the length of the baby's nose. The norms with which the obtained indicators are compared are as follows:

  • TVP - 1.7 mm (permissible fluctuations are in the range of 0.8-2.7 mm);
  • the length of the nasal bones is 2.0-2.9 mm.

The number of vessels in the umbilical cord at week 14 should be 3, and the thickness of the placenta should be 16-16.85 mm. At this time, it is not yet said how much the baby weighs, since its weight in this trimester does not have much diagnostic value. Although the position of the placenta is determined, but so far its low location is not considered critical, because the uterus is growing, and with it the “baby place” is also rising.

If marginal chorion previa is diagnosed, a woman may be prescribed bed rest to exclude the possibility of bleeding, which will last until the placenta rises higher.

Since the sensations of a woman from this week are dramatically changing for the better, toxicosis disappears, appetite increases, she may begin to overeat. This should not be allowed, because pathological weight gain will increase the chances of developing preeclampsia - a very dangerous condition for both the expectant mother and the baby. Right now it is important to review your diet in order to provide the growing baby with everything you need.

Calcium is now more important than ever. On the table of a pregnant woman, there must be dairy and sour-milk products, cottage cheese, spinach, fresh herbs, nuts, sea ​​fish and red meats.

Iron is now essential for proper development nervous system child. Black currant, buckwheat porridge, apples will help to "get" it. Magnesium is important for the nervous system of the mother and the work of the placenta. The need for vitamins A, C, E is also great.

Right now, if this has not been done before, you need to consult a doctor about the possibility of additional intake of calcium supplements and the choice of a multivitamin complex for expectant mothers.

This week begins to form and develop the emotionality of the child. This is exactly what perinatal psychologists say. The baby looks small, but it requires a special relationship with itself. According to experts, it depends on how the world around will be now, whether the child will be a pessimist or an optimist.

To make the world seem friendlier to him, it is from the beginning of the second trimester that psychologists recommend that a woman read kind and positive books, watch good films that do not contain scenes of violence, and, of course, talk to her baby so that he feels welcome.

Bad omens associated with early dates pregnancies no longer work. Now a woman may not be afraid to tell others about her situation, and it’s not so easy to hide a growing tummy. Right now you can go to the children's store and buy something for your baby. Mothers who have given birth two or more times know for sure that the purchase of a “dowry” for a baby in the later stages is a rather painful event, and now a woman feels lighter and better than ever, so why not start choosing a crib, stroller and cute " trinkets" for a child?

Dangerous weeks

Future mothers are very sensitive to the changes that occur with their figure while waiting for the baby. Most women are looking forward to the moment when their “interesting” position becomes noticeable to everyone around them, and some, on the contrary, seek to hide this fact as long as possible.

For many expectant mothers, visible changes first appear at 14 weeks of gestation. It is at this time, when the second trimester is just beginning, that the tummy beautiful lady is rounded, making it difficult to hide the “interesting” position.

What does the belly look like at 14 weeks pregnant?

At the 14th week of pregnancy, the unborn baby already occupies the entire uterine cavity and begins to rise higher. As a rule, at this time, a woman in an “interesting” position has a small tummy that acts as a slide. However, on appearance The figure of the expectant mother is influenced by many different factors. So, in particular, whether the belly will be visible at the 14th week of pregnancy depends on the following circumstances:

  • what kind of baby is expected by the expectant mother - the first or subsequent;
  • Is the pregnancy normal or
  • the presence of extra pounds and body fat in the waist of a woman;
  • biometric parameters of future parents at birth;
  • and the location of the unborn baby in the mother's womb.

Thus, the size of the abdomen at the 14th week of pregnancy, or rather, whether it is large or small, depends on many factors, so it is impossible to predict how the figure of the expectant mother will change during this period. Although most women at this time already see the changes taking place with them, nevertheless, some ladies begin to worry if their belly does not grow at 14 weeks of gestation. In fact, in the vast majority of cases, there is nothing to worry about, and you just need to wait a bit so that the figure can take on new outlines.

Is it dangerous to reduce the abdomen during pregnancy at 14-15 weeks?

In some cases, women may notice that at 14 weeks of pregnancy their belly suddenly becomes small, although before that it stood out noticeably from under any clothes. This situation often scares expectant mothers, but in reality it is explained very simply.

So, at the very beginning of the waiting period for a baby, under the influence of growing progesterone, most women experience flatulence and, as a result, bloating. At a period of 14-15 weeks, the placenta takes over the maintenance of fetal activity, and this problem recedes, as a result of which the waist circumference of the expectant mother may decrease slightly.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus reaches 80-115 mm in length, it weighs about 25 g.

Photo from ultrasound Ultrasound at 14 weeks
phase change
how much water uzi

There are changes in all systems and organs of the baby.

  1. Significantly improved coordination of movement. Smoothness appears in them, a child at the 14th week of pregnancy can already feel his face, the umbilical cord. His head turns, his eyebrows frown, when he touches his stomach, the baby immediately “floats away”.
  2. The lungs begin to work hard, they can make from 40 to 70 movements per minute.
  3. Facial features appear - eyebrows and bridge of the nose, as well as cheeks.
  4. At 13 or 14 weeks of pregnancy, a fluff called lanugo appears on the skin of the fetus, which serves as protection for the baby, collecting a waxy secretion secreted by its skin. He will accompany the baby until birth, and maybe 1-2 weeks after birth or up to 26-30 weeks of pregnancy.
  5. Work thyroid gland carried out more intensively. The ovaries in girls descend into the pelvis. In boys, the prostate is almost formed.
  6. The intestine can already perform a digestive and excretory function. The kidneys are also working properly. The excreted urine remains in the amniotic fluid.
  7. The liver begins to produce bile, the spleen produces red blood cells. All internal organs continue to develop.

The baby becomes much more comfortable, he or she begins to understand the taste of amniotic fluid, he has his own preferences. The child tastes sweet and spits out salty or bitter amniotic fluid. Also find out and.

Photo for memory

Should I go for an ultrasound?

An ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy will help measure the size of the fetus, as well as save a photo of the baby at this time. There is no need for an ultrasound, but if the mother did not undergo the first mandatory screening study at 12 or 13 weeks, then this period is still acceptable for such testing.

Perhaps this is the most interesting of all mandatory ultrasounds. An attentive doctor will not only analyze the condition of the uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid, but will also show the mother every hand and foot of the baby, or even count each finger. They may even offer a video of the fetus as it was at 14 weeks pregnant. An experienced doctor can name the intended gender of the baby. It will be very interesting to watch how the baby “floats” at this time, sucks his finger or makes faces.

A photo of the fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy can show how the baby reacts to heat or cold, to bright light or the voice of the mother - its location, facial expressions, and movement will change. He hears perfectly and with sharp sounds his heartbeat quickens. When the doctor touches the mother's belly, the baby seems to be "hiding", trying to move away a little, and some babies may knock with a leg or pen in response.

A pregnant woman needs special treatment, both at home and at work. The period of the beginning of the second trimester requires compliance with a number of recommendations, as it also has its own characteristics.

RecommendationsWhat do we have to do?
StomachYou need to be very careful with the already manifesting tummy. Especially if the expectant mother drives a car - pressure shocks can harm the baby. You need to purchase special seat belts for pregnant women.
ToiletSince the number of urination begins to increase, and the volume decreases, the mother should not endure, because the genitourinary system is now very vulnerable.
WorkIt's time to report your "interesting situation" at work by attaching a certificate from the antenatal clinic. Thus, there is a chance to avoid dismissal, and it also becomes possible to reduce the workload. For those who work all the time on their feet, it is better to start wearing a support bandage.
FoodVery often at the 14th week of pregnancy there is a constant feeling of hunger in the stomach. This is not at all scary, you just need to divide the food you eat into more meals (there can be from 5 to 8). Growing muscle mass the baby may require more proteins from the mother, which she must introduce into her diet.
HomeworkIts intensity depends on the mood and well-being. There is no need to limit yourself if cooking or cleaning is fun.
RelaxationAs much time as possible should be spent in the fresh air, not only for mom, but also for the baby. Oxygen carries with the blood all the useful and necessary substances for the growth and development of the child.
TreatmentIn the season of colds, public places should be strictly avoided. You can’t self-medicate, even if you used to be saved by homeopathy and medicinal plants, now they should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Berry fruit drinks from cranberries, cranberries, blueberries help well.
MoodIt's time to start communicating with your baby. He is already able to recognize the voice of his mother and listen to the voices around him. During this period, communication between the father and the baby will be useful, then after the birth he will very quickly become “his own” for the child. Sharing your feelings, thoughts, impressions with dad is a good antidepressant for mom, and the future father will be able to get used to his future “position” more easily.

What's going on with mom?


What happens in the mother's body at 14 weeks of pregnancy? First, I want to pay attention to weight gain, which worries so many pregnant women. Normally, at this time, chubby women who have a body mass index of more than 26 (body mass index is determined by a special table that can be easily found on the Internet) before becoming pregnant should add no more than 1 kg.

While thin people with an index of up to 20 should “get better” by at least 2.6 kg. Deviations from these indicators are not a cause for concern, but only indicate that you need to consult a leading doctor about this.

  1. Increasing in size, the uterus gradually rises higher, more and more raising the rest of the internal organs.
  2. A dark stripe appears from the navel down. And stretch marks can appear on the abdomen itself.
  3. Many women develop varicose veins, which require the use of special creams and foot baths.
  4. New moles or papillomas may appear, which are not particularly dangerous, but you need to report them to the gynecologist.
  5. The center of gravity of the pregnant woman changes, and hence her gait.
  6. The body's needs for certain elements change, and therefore, for certain products. However, the mother should be aware of the existing risks - it is better, satisfying the night hunger, to eat only fresh vegetables and fruits.

Feelings of a future mother

The first thing a woman can notice at this time is that clothes and underwear have become much tighter. It's time to update your wardrobe with special clothes for women in this position.

The abdomen already begins to appear at the 14th week of pregnancy and becomes sensitive. In order to comfortably “carry” his mother, without knowing it, she begins to bend her lumbar back, take her shoulders back, and change her gait.

An unpleasant sensation during urination, characterized by pain or burning, very often occurs precisely at this time, such sensations can speak of a developing infection, so you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Most often, the sensations at the 14th week of pregnancy are much more pleasant. This period is called the beginning of the “golden time”: the body has already adapted, the toxicosis has passed, at the same time, the stomach is not yet large enough to cause great inconvenience while sleeping or walking. The expectant mother can feel a great surge of energy and strength.

Normal and anxiety discharges

Allocations at the 15th week of pregnancy may accompany a woman. The main thing is to understand how dangerous they can be. Absolutely safe can be considered unchanged light, uniform and moderate, which may have a slightly sour smell. Fear should be caused by changes in smell, consistency or color of the discharge.

The most common disease characterized by the presence of flaky or cheesy discharge white color With bad smell, it's candidiasis. The cause is most often hormonal changes along with weakened local immunity. Of course, this disease is unlikely to harm the fetus, but it can serve as a favorable environment for the development of more serious infections, such as human papillomavirus infection or sexually transmitted infections.

The appearance of spotting discharges that are not accompanied by pain and appeared after sexual intercourse or a medical examination indicates the presence of cervical erosion, which, most likely, has already been detected during the examination, but still requires additional consultation with the doctor.

Belly already showing

If spotting is accompanied by pain, then this is evidence of serious abnormalities and you need to urgently seek the help of doctors.

Causes of abdominal pain

There are several causes of different etiologies that cause pain at 14 weeks of pregnancy:

  • tension of the tissues that hold the uterus, as a result of its growth - are characterized by pulling and aching pains, which are easy to eliminate by leaning forward and being like that for a while;
  • lower back pain, radiating to the stomach - occurs due to an increase in the load on the spine due to an increase in the body weight of the pregnant woman and a shift in the center of gravity;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus, characterized by a sharp cramping or incessant aching pain. This is a very dangerous symptom, as it speaks of the existing danger of a miscarriage. In addition, oxygen starvation can lead to a lag in the development of the baby, because he does not receive all the nutrients he needs;
  • nagging pain, accompanied by brown or brown discharge, may be the result of a disease such as cervical erosion;
  • sharp pain in the lower back, along with copious blood discharge, indicates an incipient miscarriage, and therefore urgently requires the intervention of professionals.

Whatever the pain, at 14 weeks or no matter how many months of pregnancy there are, in no case should it be drowned out with the help of painkillers. Firstly, many of these drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, and secondly, you still need to understand the causes of the appeared pain.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

So, you have passed a third of your pregnancy and successfully moved into the second trimester. As many newly-minted mothers recall, the second trimester is the most carefree and comfortable period for the entire pregnancy. The one who tormented you has receded, hormones have returned to normal, general well-being and mood have improved, so you begin to be fully aware of your position and enthusiastically prepare for future motherhood.

fetus at 14 weeks

At 14 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus is about 10 cm in length and weighs about 30 g. At 14 weeks, the embryo becomes more and more like a newborn. So, for example, the outlines of the nose, bridge of the nose and cheeks are already visible, the chin is clearly distinguished, which no longer lies on the chest as before. The size and weight of the fetus at 14 weeks begins to increase every day, so it is at this time that the expectant mother finally begins to appear in her tummy.

The fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy is covered with a thin hairline, in place of which denser hair will subsequently grow. The baby's eyes are still tightly lidded, but eyeball almost completely formed. In addition, fluff is already visible on the eyebrows and on the head. Facial expressions are actively traced - the baby begins to frown and grimace.

The development of the fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy occurs at a rapid pace. The reproductive system is already almost completely formed - in boys a prostate appears, and in a girl the ovaries descend from the abdominal to the hip area. And although the sex differences are already significant, it is still impossible to determine the sex of the child at the 14th week of pregnancy.

The musculoskeletal system continues to develop - the spine and the muscular system. A child at the 14th week of pregnancy is already actively moving, but such a movement of the fetus is not yet noticeable to the mother. The baby has grown arms that have become proportional to the size of the bodies, he can already squeeze the fist, move his lower jaw or suck his thumb.

The kidneys are fully functioning, and the baby excretes urine into the amniotic fluid. In addition, the pancreas begins to work, which begins to produce insulin, which is necessary for proper metabolism. The intestines are also almost formed - the process of digestion begins.

ultrasound at 14 weeks

In order to accurately determine whether the development of the embryo corresponds to the gestational age, some measurements of the fetus are carried out on ultrasound at 14 weeks: KTP, BPR, OG, OB, DB. In other words, the doctor measures the length of the fetus from crown to tail, the size of the head across and in circumference, the length of the hips and the girth of the abdomen.

At week 14, the fetal heartbeat is clearly audible, which determines the activity of the child, its development and the presence of pathologies. Regardless of the location of the fetus at 14 weeks, its heartbeat should be rhythmic and range from 140 to 160 beats per minute. Other indicators may be a sign of a shortage oxygen, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios in the mother, congenital heart disease or other pathologies.

Expectant mother at 14 weeks pregnant

At this time, the active growth of the child begins, the stomach rises noticeably, so your pregnancy becomes obvious. Some doctors advise starting from this period, especially when this is not the first pregnancy, or you spend a lot of time on your feet. It's time to think about maternity clothes, because your usual wardrobe is most likely no longer suitable. In addition, do not forget about walking in the fresh air and proper nutrition.