Top numbers for the car. Cool numbers on a car in the Russian Federation. License plate "1"

It so happened that beautiful state license plates are a demonstration of the wealth, power or "stardom" of their owner. Demand gave rise to supply, and now, practically all over the world, there is a “micro market” for this category of goods.

We invite you to find out which numbers are popular in different countries, as well as at what price they cost the owners.

Roman Abramovich is one of the richest people in our country, so spending 285 thousand pounds for a beautiful state number "VIP1" hardly hit his pocket.

It is worth noting that the previous owner of the "cool" sign was none other than Pope John Paul II. Now VIP1 adorns one of Roman's premium cars - Rolls-Royce Corniche IV Convertible.

Few people know that the first car numbers in the history of mankind were signs with the marking "M1", issued in late XIX century.

Until 2006, this number was assigned to a 1900 Mercedes, but as a result of the auction, the sign passed into the possession of entrepreneur Mike McCumbus for a bid of 332 thousand pounds. It's funny that the purchase was donated by a businessman to his six-year-old son.

Another double-digit number F1 broke the previous record 2 years later, in 2008. Another businessman Afzal Khan acted as the buyer, who bought the sign for 440 thousand pounds.

The purchase turned out to be really profitable, as four years later there was an offer to buy this number for £ 6,000,000. Be that as it may, Afzal Khan refused to sell and left F1 on the bumpers of his Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren.

"Social" number Facebk

Not so long ago, an entrepreneurial Australian, Tai Tran, opened a Paypal license plate auction. He himself states that the beautiful number will be sold for at least $ 1 million.

The idea is not as crazy as it might seem at first glance, because only 2 years ago, the Facebk numbers of the same name with the popular website, which were taken away for $ 1,200,000, have already left.

Officially, or "in the dark", but there is a demand for beautiful car license plates in all countries. However, among all states there is a clear leader - the UAE. It is in Abu Dhabi that wealthy motorists pay the most exorbitant sums for prestigious letters and numbers on the numbers.

The most expensive signs officially recorded in this country:

  • “9” - $ 4,190,000;
  • "7" - $ 4,600,000;
  • "5" - $ 6,880,000.

It is noteworthy that the "odmerka" in 2008 cost Said Abdul Ghafoor Khuri only $ 14,300. All the money received by the state from the sale of beautiful numbers is fairly sent to charitable needs.

If we talk about countries with "unofficial" sales of beautiful numbers, then Russia, of course, is on the list of leaders.

The most common way to sell a beautiful license plate in the Russian Federation is to include it in the price of the car sold.

So, the numbers А777АА77 will cost about 5 million rubles, the less pretentious О500ООО is slightly cheaper - 3.5 million rubles. For prestigious Moscow rooms "AMR" tacitly (or publicly) ask for a price with a number of the same order.

You are used to distinguishing license plates on the roads by color (white belong to mere mortals, blue belong to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, yellow belong to taxis, red to diplomats, black to the military), but the traffic police officers before wave (or not wave) their magic wand- wand, distinguish between numbers and other criteria. By what? Read it.

By letters

АМР97 - the main federal special series of auto-plates in Russia , which was replaced by the so-called flag numbers with a tricolor (with the exception of AAAFL), so there is no need to talk about their inviolability once again.

The first three dozen (a001 mr97 - a136 mr97) - government numbers and numbers of the Presidential Administration (former VAAFL), including license plates belong to the motor depots of the Administrative Department of the President, the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, the State Duma and some other high departments. License plates from a137 mr97 to a201 mr97 are assigned to The General Prosecutor's Office RF. And the number a202 mr97, which is screwed onto the BMW-740, marks the appearance of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation on the road.

30 cars drive around Russia with license plates from a370 mr97 to a400 mr97 and are used by various federal structures of a humanitarian and social nature, such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation and others. BUT! BUT 375 MP97 was for some reason assigned to the film director N. S. Mikhalkov.

License plates from А 401 МР97 to А489 МР97 belong to the subject of local executive power - the governors. And that's it.

A501 MP97 - A589 MP97 assigned to the heads of the legislative bodies of power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - speakers of regional councils.

A601 MP97 - A697 MP97- here is a kaleidoscope from various federal structures, such as the Ministry of Defense, Rosfinmonitoring, State Courier Service, Federal Drug Control Service;

Eighties with the abbreviation AMR belongs to the highest foreheads in the FSB, including the A698 MP97 and A699 MP97 assigned to the Federals.

The ninth dozen of a series of the most thieves in Russia numbers, up to A999 MP97 share among themselves Rosatom RF, Rossvyazokhrankultura RF, Rosaeronavigatsiya RF, Rosstat RF, FFMS RF, FST RF, FAS RF and some other departments.

EKX99 / EKX177 / EKX97- cars of the Federal Security Service and other departments close to them with state immunity, about which let's put in a word below .

HKH77- de jure the series belongs to the FSB, and de facto some of the numbers with this series have been successfully sold.

AOO77, VOO77, MOO77, SOO77 - all cars with such numbers belong to the motor depots of the Presidential Affairs Department. But! If, with such numbers, a car with a beacon is felds, and they have no advantages on the road.

COO77- in the past, the numbers belonged to the Constitutional Court, but after the abolition of the "flags", the numbers of this series were hung instead of AAKFL on cars without beacons.

EPE177- about 300 numbers with this series have recently gone to the State Duma to replace the "flag tricolors"

AMR77, BMR77, KMP77, MMP77, OMR77, TMP77 - in general, this series is for cosmonauts, but not so long ago the Ministry of Internal Affairs began a big sale of these numbers, including to private individuals. In addition, today this series is used by both the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself.

PMR77- Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Federal Service Enforcement of Penalties, prosecutors and other executing lawyers.

AMO77- almost all cars of this series belong to the Moscow City Hall.

NAA99, TAA99, CAA99, XAA99 - numbers, on special written request (POPIZ), closed in automobile databases. Basically, they belong to the FSB and some research institutes, but there are cool private traders. Also, part of these numbers went to persons under the witness protection program, so you can also find them on rusty Zhiguli.

"I eat as I want"

For several years in a row, the traffic police intend to deprive individuals of the opportunity to buy thieves' numbers on the "black market" by legalizing this business through state auctions, but so far it has not gone beyond intentions and number plates guaranteeing immunity on the roads, continue to be sold. And to find them, thanks to the Internet, is not difficult. Our correspondent also visited one of them to find out the prices.

So. The leader in the illegal number market - HNN 777 77. The price for this "handsome" is about 10 million. Rubles. And most importantly, it is available.

A number with a recognizable abbreviation is also on sale AMR77 and for him "sellers" ask 2 million wooden. And here per so called SLR("188 ... 188") with the new Moscow index they want "everything" 150 thousand rubles. Lucky road numbered "777" not available. In particular scarcity and recently launched EEE and BBB series , which some car owners have already got.

The active action of the “license plate market” in Russia is also evidenced by the fact that about a year ago bloggers developed the theme that some moneybag bought himself a number А777АА777 for 15 million rubles, but the State Traffic Inspectorate, in "protest" against such blatant corruption on the roads, demonstratively installed this license plate on the official car of the capital's Ministry of Internal Affairs - VAZ-2114.

And now the main thing. Such delightful letters and numbers actually occupy the lowest caste in the “marked on the road” hierarchy. None of the above numbers in this section guarantees its owner any priority and immunity to the traffic police officers, and to other participants. road traffic too. Except that the evil traffic cop will want to stop , to look at the "thug", well, or in his pockets. Such numbers are simply beautiful. And expensive. Indeed, in fact, all such numbers are de jure ordinary serial number plates of the Russian Federation, distributed by private cars according to the letter of the law. Prices with many zeros have been set by the market for such numbers: individuals and intermediaries are happy to buy them.

Average price on the Moscow market of "beautiful" license plates with three "cool numbers" - 888,100, 007, etc., is $500-$600. "Too beautiful" three-digit numbers on license plates can cost up to $ 1500. And in order to purchase such and cheaper, and with a guarantee, it is better to contact the traffic police immediately.

But besides the market of simply beautiful numbers, it exists in Russia and useful numbers market , among which there are often numbers of national importance assigned to high ranks. The latter simply rent out their rooms for obscenely large sums of money. So, the aforementioned series numbers E *** KX77- E *** KX99 assigned FSO and popularly deciphered as "I Food As I Want" today used by some individuals who have used Federal "landlord services" for (rumored) $70 000 .

Series X *** KX77 and 99(decode as you want), owned by FSB, too, has been repeatedly seen in use by individuals. The latter (again, according to rumors) gave about 40,000 USD for the pleasure of driving around with such numbers.

They drive on Russian roads and cars with a series C *** SS77 belonging to Ministry of Communications ... The traffic police, although it has the right to stop a car with such numbers, does not do this in Moscow. The price of the issue is $ 4000 ... Similar series C *** SS99 assigned to the tax police and customs of Moscow, which are also in reverence among the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate. Per $ 3000 you can get such numbers.

Series K *** KK99 at first it was given to Feldsvyaz and FAPSI, but that somehow did not really need it, and from that it began to diverge left and right among private traders. $ 2500.


The latest peep of Moscow road fashion - expensive foreign cars, such as Mercedes W220, ML, Gelendwagen, Audi A 8, Toyota LC100, etc. in military police livery with beacons and blue police plates.

The cost of the "blue number" service in Zlatoglava - from 20 to 40 thousand dollars. In year... And what is most interesting - everything is legal! This service is rendered by the non-departmental security of the capital, rumored to have strong roots in the mayor's office. Businessman just writes a statement addressed to the head of the non-departmental security with a request to attach security to his property. They say that I drive jewelry in my car and thus give my foreign car to the security service so that it is vigilant. Today about 300 cars with "blue" on the bumper are driving around the capital, which, however, will not stop far beyond Moscow.

Federal leftist

And here he is, olympus "marked power" on the roads - deputy federal numbers. The deputies themselves tried to ensure that, according to the law, the people's choice had the right to a whole set of license plates with a tricolor for his personal car. Like, for security purposes. But, as a rule, the deputies have enough official cars, and they also have enough immunity, and they sell their federal license plates for amounts with four or even five zeros. In USD, of course. The cunning ones - rent rooms at a rate 20-30 thousand cu in year.

Some more prices for some cool series of rooms that our editors managed to get hold of:

AAA77 ≈ $ 4.500. In 93 -94. handed out for free to everyone

AAA99 ≈ $ 4,000. Belong to the FSB

AAA97 ≈ $ 3000. The 220th Mercedes with number 001 belongs to A. B. Pugachev, the same number 010 on the Lexus RX-300 - deputy. to the head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs.

AMO77 ≈ $ 2.500. Mainly owned by the mayor's office of Moscow and its godfathers, matchmakers, sons-in-law and father-in-law.

AMO99 ≈ $ 2.000. The very first number in this series with the number 777 was issued to Luzhkov's son, but today the Luzhkov era is gone and the numbers are not quoted among the traffic police.

KOO77.99 ≈ $ 2,000. Moreover, such numbers are very "recognizable" for traffic cops, since they are the only numbers from the special * OO series that can be bought in principle. Part of Series 77 belongs to the Constitutional Court.

AMM77 / MMM77 ≈ $ 8.000... Mostly owned by the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs and firefighters, from which it has excellent immunity on the roads.

Series * MP77 - from $ 5.000 to $ 12.000 . Belong to financiers: banks, foundations, the numbers are accompanied by "all-round" passes of the Department of Protection of Objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RF

OOO97 ≈ $ 2,500. A number of cultural and artistic figures, such as A. Malinin (on Hammer - 003) and M. Galkin (on Bentley - 070), received numbers of this series, which makes the series on the roads obvious.

PMP77. Recently released series assigned to the Ministry of Justice. Coming soon.

KKK77, XXX99, NNN99, UUU99, EEE99 - for such numbers on the black market they ask for up to $ 1,500, but for some reason they do not work in any way, so do not get lost.

Beautiful registration plates are traditionally considered a symbol of high status and an elegant addition to luxury cars. Many are willing to pay for a room an amount that is quite comparable to the cost of the car itself. Let's see how much the most expensive license plates in the world cost.

VIP1, Roman Abramovich

One of the most famous Russian oligarchs, Roman Abramovich, in 2006 became the owner of an exclusive British license plate - "VIP1". The acquisition cost Abramovich about half a million dollars (£ 285,000. The beautiful number has since adorned the magnificent Rolls-Royce Corniche IV Convertible, which was previously used by Pope John Paul II on his service Popemobile).

M1 plates are notable for the fact that these are generally the first license plates. They were released at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Until recently, they were assigned to the rare Mercedes-Benz of 1900, which could be seen in the English Tutton Park. But in the same 2006, the very first issues were bought at a charity auction by entrepreneur Mike McCumbus for 332,000 pounds. It is known that M1 numbers were presented by Mike McCumbus as a gift to his son on his sixth birthday. He must be fourteen now, but the SL63 AMG with these numbers was recently caught by street photographers.

F1, Afzal Khan

In 2008, the British record was broken. Businessman Afzal Khan bought F1 numbers from Essex County Council at auction for £ 440,000. Prior to that, they were assigned to the Volvo S80 by the county chairman. A happy buyer put up a sign on his Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren and has received many tempting offers since then. Last year, Mr Khan refused to sell his F1 numbers for £ 6m.

Facebk, Tai Tran

Australian Ty Tran announced an auction in 2012 for Facebk numbers, for which he asked for $ 1,200,000. The bids were not raised during the auction, but the numbers were nevertheless purchased. The seller shared that he was looking for buyers among businessmen and large investors, and not among ardent fans of the most popular social network... According to him, every year the price of rooms will rise by three hundred thousand dollars. Another auction is next in line, this time Tai Tran sells "Paypal" numbers (the same name is used by the popular payment system). For this state registration plate, the Australian hopes to help out at least a million dollars.

Rooms in the UAE

But the most expensive license plates are, of course, sold in the capital of luxury cars - Abu Dhabi. Numbers-digits are of particular value. So, “9” was bought in 2008 for 4,190,000 dollars, “seven” - for 4,600,000 dollars, “5” went for 6,880,000 dollars, and “1” was bought in 2008 for 14,300 dollars. "One" went to a certain Said Abdul Ghafoor Khuri and now adorns it with Pagani Zonda. All proceeds from the sale of beautiful rooms in the United Arab Emirates go to charity.

Rooms in Russia

Despite the fact that officially beautiful numbers in Russia are not yet sold (although in recent times such an opportunity is increasingly being discussed by legislators), you can still buy a "prestigious" number. It is not the number itself that is sold, but, as a rule, a car with the license plate you like. That's the whole scheme. So, the most expensive and most beautiful license plates will cost Russian buyers five million rubles. We are talking about numbers like А777АА77, numbers like О500ООО cost about three and a half million rubles. Moscow numbers with the "AMR" series fall into approximately the same price category.

Beautiful registration plates are traditionally considered a symbol of high status and an elegant addition to luxury cars. Many are willing to pay for a room an amount that is quite comparable to the cost of the car itself. Let's see how much the most expensive license plates in the world cost.

VIP1, Roman Abramovich

One of the most famous Russian oligarchs, Roman Abramovich, in 2006 became the owner of an exclusive British license plate - "VIP1". The acquisition cost Abramovich about half a million dollars (£ 285,000. The beautiful number has since adorned the magnificent Rolls-Royce Corniche IV Convertible, which was previously used by Pope John Paul II on his service Popemobile).

M1 plates are notable for the fact that these are generally the first license plates. They were released at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Until recently, they were assigned to the rare Mercedes-Benz of 1900, which could be seen in the English Tutton Park. But in the same 2006, the very first issues were bought at a charity auction by entrepreneur Mike McCumbus for 332,000 pounds. It is known that M1 numbers were presented by Mike McCumbus as a gift to his son on his sixth birthday. He must be fourteen now, but the SL63 AMG with these numbers was recently caught by street photographers.

F1, Afzal Khan

In 2008, the British record was broken. Businessman Afzal Khan bought F1 numbers from Essex County Council at auction for £ 440,000. Prior to that, they were assigned to the Volvo S80 by the county chairman. A happy buyer put up a sign on his Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren and has received many tempting offers since then. Last year, Mr Khan refused to sell his F1 numbers for £ 6m.

Facebk, Tai Tran

Australian Ty Tran in 2012 announced an auction for Facebk numbers, for which he asked for $ 1,200,000. The bids were not raised during the auction, but the numbers were nevertheless purchased. The seller shared that he was looking for buyers among businessmen and large investors, and not among ardent fans of the most popular social network. According to him, every year the price of rooms will rise by three hundred thousand dollars. Another auction is next in line, this time Tai Tran sells "Paypal" numbers (the same name is used by the popular payment system). For this state registration plate, the Australian hopes to help out at least a million dollars.

Rooms in the UAE

But the most expensive license plates are, of course, sold in the capital of luxury cars - Abu Dhabi. Numbers-digits are of particular value. So, “9” was bought in 2008 for 4,190,000 dollars, “seven” - for 4,600,000 dollars, “5” went for 6,880,000 dollars, and “1” was bought in 2008 for 14,300 dollars. "One" went to a certain Said Abdul Ghafoor Khuri and now adorns it with Pagani Zonda. All proceeds from the sale of beautiful rooms in the United Arab Emirates go to charity.

Rooms in Russia

Despite the fact that officially beautiful numbers in Russia are not yet on sale (although recently this possibility has been more and more actively discussed by legislators), you can still buy a "prestigious" number for yourself. It is not the number itself that is sold, but, as a rule, a car with the license plate you like. That's the whole scheme. Thus, the most expensive and most beautiful license plates will cost Russian buyers five million rubles. We are talking about numbers like А777АА77, numbers like О500ООО cost about three and a half million rubles. Moscow numbers with the "AMR" series fall into approximately the same price category.

Evgeniya Lapeka

Updated: 2019.10.09

Font A A

When buying a car, each car owner goes through the registration procedure with the traffic police, pays a state duty of 2000 rubles and receives a personal state registration plate, state registration plate, or a car number. Apart from the fee, you do not have to pay anything for this service. Nevertheless, the semi-legal sale of GRZs is flourishing on the Internet. The most expensive license plates for a car in Russia cost at least 3-5 million rubles.

Each number is unique and consists of three letters and numbers in one field, which indicate the series and number car sign... Another field contains the region code. Naturally, symmetrical beautiful combinations of symbols attract the attention of motorists. You can buy them on Internet sites. Direct purchase and sale are not allowed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, but there are ways to get around the rules.

Car enthusiasts buy nice numbers for a variety of reasons. Someone wants to create the illusion of involvement in state structures... Such people choose the series numbers used by government agencies.

Someone believes in numerology. These car owners choose a number with their date of birth or "lucky" numbers, such as a seven.
Someone likes the symmetrical arrangement of symbols - these are fans of "DSLRs" and identical numbers.

All expensive rooms can be divided into several varieties. The price depends on the popularity and rarity of the combination.

Letter combinations

According to GOST, twelve letters are used in the car's license plate. Cyrillic alphabet, the spelling of which corresponds to the Latin alphabet. These are A, B, K, E, T, P, X, Y, M, C, H, O.

Some letter combinations are in particular demand:

  1. Mirrored. Numbers in which the first and last letters are repeated. The simplest and cheapest. For example, the number Р600ВР from Krasnogorsk will cost you only 10 thousand rubles.
  2. With words. Numbers whose letters add up to a word are much more valued: thief, tom, mouth, boor, etc. For example, the Moscow number B *** OP is sold for 300 thousand rubles.
  3. Same letters. If all letters of the number are the same, then it is quoted on the license plate market for cars. The price is 15-20 thousand rubles.
  4. "Thieves". Separate group. Some series of rooms are used by different government agencies. Different combinations are used in each region. The most famous can be presented in the table:

There are also a number of other letter combinations used by government agencies: AMR, OVE, AKR, VKR, SKR, CCC and others. Departments do not receive the entire series, some of the numbers remain to private individuals. These license plates are often put up for sale.

Apparently, buyers like to feel their involvement in the ruling structures, although the possession of this number does not give any real advantage on the road.

Sets of numbers

Duplicate numbers. For example, 699, 455, etc. This is a cheap type of license plate.
Their cost starts from 10,000 rubles:

  1. Mirrored. A variation of the first type. Numbers in which the first and last digits are repeated: 242, 161, etc. The cost varies within the same limits, a little more popular.
  2. Multiples of one hundred. These are numbers 100, 400, 500, etc. They are considered more expensive and attractive than mirrors, especially if the numbers coincide with the brand of the car, for example, the number 500 for the Mercedes S500. Such a number will cost more - from 15 thousand rubles.
  3. Numbers where the numbers match the area code. Some regions on the license plate are marked with a three-digit code, so numbers on which the numbers coincide with the region code are in demand.
  4. Top ten. The first two digits are zeros, and the third is from 1 to 9. The combination 007 is popular. It is difficult to get such a number, the cost starts from 25 thousand rubles.
  5. The same numbers. Popular with car owners. Such a license plate costs from 25 thousand rubles. And for the combination of 777 you will have to pay at least 75 thousand rubles.

Separately, it is worth taking out the numbers of the "Premium" category, in which both letters and numbers coincide. They are found less often than all the others and cost, respectively, more expensive, from 195 thousand rubles.

Top 20 most expensive rooms in Russia

Vehicle numberCharacteristicprice, rub. on the website
1 O001OO77The first number of the series, the same letters, the first ten, such a number is considered "thieves"15 024 000
2 A001AA01The same letters, the first ten, "thieves", the numbers of the region coincide with the rest.9 025 000
3 С007СС77Identical letters, the first ten with a seven, which is considered a lucky number, partially coincides with the numbers of the region - also 7.7 026 000
4 М888ММ777Identical letters, numbers, region three "lucky" sevens, "thug" series.7 000 000
5 A *** MP77Possibility to choose a room yourself.5 524 000
6 O888OO99The letters and numbers are the same, "thug".5 500 000
7 O001OO78The same letters, the first ten, "thug".5 250 000
8 М555ММ97The same numbers and letters, "thug".
9 X888XX77The same letters and numbers.5 050 000
10 M01 * MM77Identical letters, "thieves", the ability to choose one number.5 025 000
11 A777MP78Identical numbers, "thug".5 025 000
12 O777OO21Identical numbers and letters, three "lucky" sevens.5 015 000
13 О300ОО33The same letters and numbers, partially coinciding with the symbols of the region.5 000 000
14 O888OO97The same letters and numbers.4 200 000
15 М222М region 777Identical letters and numbers, "thug", region "lucky" sevens.4 200 000
16 А333АА77The same letters and numbers, "thug".4 095 000
17 A444U * 123The same numbers, the ability to choose the last letter.4 025 000
18 K444KK777Identical letters and numbers, region "three sevens".3 625 000
19 В777ВВ ***The same letters and numbers, and seven, the ability to select a region.3 515 000
20 O008OO99Same letters, top ten.3 500 000

As we can see, the cost of rooms with the same characteristics can vary greatly. The key points in the deal on the exchange of numbers will be the greed of the seller and the taste preferences of the buyer.

Where to buy expensive numbers

It is not difficult to acquire a beautiful license plate.

It can be done:

  1. Directly from another car owner. If you know a person who is ready to sell his license plate, then you can purchase a number from him through the purchase and sale of a car.
  2. Through online platforms. As a rule, the purchase method is similar to the previous one, only you communicate through an intermediary. Such sites provide legal support, so you don't have to worry about the legality of the transaction.
  3. Through a traffic police officer by giving a bribe. This is a dangerous and illegal way, and it is best not to resort to it.

How to buy a beautiful number

According to the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 12.02.2000 No. GKPIOO-75, the state registration plate of the car belongs to the state and is issued to the car owner for unlimited use. Therefore, the GRZ cannot be bought or sold.

The procedure for reissuing numbers

Cheap cars donated

However, there are several legitimate ways to get the desired number:

1. Acquisition of a state sign by buying and selling a car. A car is bought with the numbers you like. The numbers are removed and transferred to the traffic police for storage up to 180 days. After that, you get the next numbers on the purchased car and sell it back. Submitting documents from your car to replace the license plate with beautiful numbers, which are stored in the RER archive. Registration of all documents will cost 10-20 thousand rubles.
2. Similar to the first method, only the buyer and seller change places. The owner of an expensive number submits it to the RER archive and receives another one. Then he buys a car from the buyer, registers it with a nice number and sells it back.
3. Acquisition of numbers using a donor machine.
The owner of a beautiful license plate registers it for the donor car and sells it together with the beautiful license plates to the new owner. This is followed by the procedure for submitting numbers to the archive and re-registering them for your own car. Then the donor car is returned to the previous owner. Or do not return. A cheap old car is often used as the third one, for example, "Zhiguli". This method has fewer risks from a legal point of view.

Possible problems

When buying rooms, the following difficulties may arise:

  1. The risk of running into scammers. You may not be sold the original number, but a duplicate, the movement with which is illegal. It is worth checking whether the purchased license plate is tied to the VIN code of the car.
  2. The car that you register must be on the move, with fresh MOT, valid insurance. It is worth checking in advance so as not to incur unnecessary costs and not to waste time.
  3. The category opened in the license must correspond to the purchased car. If you have an open category "B", then you should not use a truck or bus as a donor. Problems may arise when registering a car.
  4. There is a risk of losing your car. If you draw up a sales contract without transferring money, then the buyer can take over the car. The use of a donor car helps to avoid this. Or is it worth a full deal.

Is it possible to get an expensive number for free

Theoretically, all series numbers are issued in the traffic police in order, and anyone can become the owner of a beautiful alphanumeric combination. In practice, this rarely happens. GRZ, which can be sold at a high price, are most often kept by employees of the above department for themselves, friends or relatives. Perhaps they even sell.

The media have repeatedly noticed that expensive license plates are hanging on expensive cars. For example, "RIA Novosti" wrote that the first number of the series А001АА777 went to the owner of a luxury Mercedes. Do not discount the fact that a common person, indifferent to the combination of symbols on his license plate, with a high degree of probability will sell his number if you can get a significant amount for it.

Will the sale of expensive rooms make it official?

The government of the Russian Federation has repeatedly raised the issue of the legal sale of beautiful numbers. In 2010, a proposal was considered to sell such numbers at open auctions. But this idea was recognized as untenable and rejected.

In 2015, an anti-corruption program was launched in Moscow. Issuance of numbers is regulated by the system automatically. Attempts to interfere with the order in which the license plate is issued are identified and punished.

In 2017-2018, the government put forward new idea: sell the license plate immediately when buying a car in showrooms or when registering with the traffic police. The final implementation of the idea is planned at the end of 2019 - during 2020. But it is not known whether it will be possible to acquire a "nice" number in this way.
The sale of beautiful car numbers is still illegal. To acquire the coveted combination of symbols, car owners have to resort to multi-stage schemes. A lot of time and money is spent on the procedure for acquiring expensive gas distribution stations, and there is a high risk of running into fraudsters.

There are no clear pricing criteria. The cost of the room is entirely determined by the appetite of the seller. This market needs legalization. It doesn't matter for what reason there is a demand for beautiful numbers - because of the desire to stand out from the crowd, to increase their own significance, love for numerology or aesthetics. It is important that these numbers are in demand and their sale must be regulated and taken under control.