Crimean Tatar phrasebook dictionary online. Crimean Tatar language. Crimean Tatar Cyrillic alphabet


1) (in the meaning I ask you) lutfen, dzhAnym (emphasis on the first syllable); zamet olmasa (yes) (if it's not difficult for you)

please close the door - zamet olmasa

2) (expression of consent) ebet, eyi, buyurynyz

3) (in response to expressed gratitude) bir shey degil, Alla razy Olsun, afietler Olsun (in response to gratitude for drinking), ash Olsun (in response to gratitude for food)

Russian-Crimean Tatar Dictionary (Cyrillic)


1) (in the meaning I ask you) lütfen, cAnım (stress on the first syllable); zamet olmasa (da) (if it's not difficult for you)

please see - lütfen, baqıñız

please close the door - zamet olmasa da, qapını qapatıñız

2) (expression of consent) ebet, eyi, buyurıñız

can i come in? please - mümkünmi? buyurınız

3) (in response to expressed gratitude) bir şey degil, Alla razı olsun, afiyetler olsun (in response to gratitude for drinking), aş olsun (in response to gratitude for food)

Russian-Crimean Tatar Dictionary




1) (in meaning I ask you to) buyurynyz, lutfen; zamet olsa yes, zamet olmasa

please look - lutfen, bakynyz

please close the door - zamet olsa yes, kapuny kapatynyz (yapynyz)

2) (expression of consent) peck yakhshy, ebet, eyi, buyurynyz

can i come in? please - mumkyunmi? buyuryniz

3) (in response to gratitude) bir shey degil, afietler olsun, ash olsun, Alla razy olsun!

Translation of words containing PLEASE, from Russian into Crimean Tatar

Translation PLEASE from Russian into different languages

Russian-English dictionary under the general guidance of prof. A.I. Smirnitsky




1. (when addressing someone politely) please; give me some water; please give me some water

do it, please, for me - do it for me, please; please do it for me

2. (with polite consent) usually not translated, but can also be said: sure!

pass me the knife, please. - Please - would you mind passing me the knife*? - Certainly!; there you are!

3. (in response to"Thank you" , "thank you") don "t mention it; not at all; you are welcome

Russian-Belarusian Dictionary 1



particle Kali weasel

please sit down- Kali weasel, sit down

give me some water please- fall to me, kali weasel, wadi

can i have you for a minute? - You are welcome- can I have a drink? - Kali weasel

tell me please!- say (tse) to caress (kali caress)!

Russian-Kazakh dictionary



particle 1 .(courtesy) өtіnemin, tҙңіr zharylқasyn, құday tіleuіңіzdі bersіn; - give, please, me a piece of paper tәңіr zharylқaғyr, maғan bir paraқ berіnіzshі; 2 .(polite expression of consent) құp boladas, raқym etіңіz; - can you pass me the package? magan tuyinshektі berip zhіbermes ne ekensiz? - Please - Іұп boladas!; 3 .(polite response form) tuk te emes, arzymaydy; - thanks for the help körsetken kömegіnіzge rakhmet. - Please - Arzymaids; 4 .(expression of amazement, indignation) al kerek bolsa! karay kөr ozin!; - tell, please! How long ago? al kerek bolsa, kai kezden take? look, please! karay kөr ozin!

Russian-Kyrgyz dictionary



1. (polite address) sizden өtүnөm, suraim;

give me, please, the water of the mage suu berip koyuuguzchu;

please don't speak loudly katuu suylobobosөnүz eken;

2. (polite expression of consent) zharayt, makul, makul swamps, ooba makul;

can i have you for a minute? - You are welcome! sizdi bir minuteaga uruksat beken? - Makul swamps!;

tell me please! munu karasanyz!

Brief Russian-Spanish Dictionary



1) (upon request) haga Vd. el favor de (+ inf.), por favor; tenga Vd. la bondad de (+ inf. )

give me a book please - haga Vd. el favor de darme el libro, deme por favor el libro

2) (to express consent) con placer, gustoso

would you be able to do it? - Please - ¿no podría Vd. hacerlo? - Con mucho gusto

3) (when answering) no hay de que, de nada

thanks! - You are welcome! - Gracias! - ¡No hay de qué!; ¡De nada! ( It's my pleasure)

Starts publishing lessons "Learn Crimean Tatar language”, prepared by S. Useinov, V. Mireev, V. Sakhadzhiev, for people who have poor command of their native language. Lessons are presented in an accessible form and will be published from easy to more difficult, corresponding to the lesson numbers.

1 lesson. General information

Crimean Tatar languagenative language Crimean Tatar people, whose historical homeland is Crimea.

On May 18, as a result of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from the Crimea, the compactness of the language groups was destroyed, a mixture of people took place. His exile for 46 years, the absence of schools with a native language of instruction led to the fact that the language began to be forgotten, the dialectal language environment disappeared, the lines between dialects began to blur, and this process, unfortunately, continues.

The Crimean Tatar language is part of the Turkic language group languages, has three dialects:

a) northern, or steppe;

b) the middle one, which is the core of modern literary language;

c) southern, or coastal (based on all these dialects, the literary language has developed and continues to develop).

The languages ​​of dozens of peoples of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, the Volga region and Siberia (Turkmen, Kazakh, Uzbek, Karachay-Balkarian, Kumyk, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Gagauz, Tatar, etc.) are related. There is a lot in common with the Crimean Tatar language in the vocabulary of the Crimean and Azov Greeks, Crimean Gypsies, Karaites, Krymchaks, Crimean and Don Armenians (immigrants from Crimea).

The Crimean Tatar language has ancient written spelling and literary traditions. At the same time, over the centuries, he did not remain aloof from the influence of other languages ​​that did not belong to the Turkic group. Due to the influence of Arabic, Persian, Greek, Italian, Gothic, Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian languages, its lexical wealth was constantly replenished and expanded.

The formation of the Crimean Tatar literary language has not yet been completed, which serves as some obstacle to the definition of normative word usage.

For seven centuries (until 1928), the Crimean Tatar language, like most Turkic languages, used Arabic script, since 1928 - Latinized, and since 1938 - Cyrillic script.

As in all Turkic languages, words and word forms in the Crimean Tatar language are formed by adding affixes to the root.

The Crimean Tatar language differs from Russian in the following main structural features:

- with inflection, the root of the word does not change:

lion - lions (arslan - arslanlar);

- with a few exceptions, there are no prefixes and prepositions, affixes and postpositions are used instead:

school - at school (mektep - mektepte); holiday - happy holiday (bayram - bayramnen khairlayim);

- almost every affix has, as a rule, only one definite meaning and is attached to the root or to another affix one after the other, for example:

yaz - write;

languages ​​- written (text);

yazydzhi - writer;

yazıcılar - writers;

yazydzhylarim - my writers;

yazidzhylarimiz - our writers;

yazidzhylarymyzga - to our writers.

It is easy to see that the affix -ji forms the name of the figure, affix -larplural; affix -ga- dative-directive case, etc.

- most affixes have sound variants, the choice of which depends on the composition of the preceding syllable:

azbar - yard, azbarda - in the yard;

ozen - river, ozende - in the river;

dolap - closet, dolapta - in the closet;

jep - pocket, jepte - in the pocket.

It can be seen that the affixes -yes, -de, -ta, -te mean being somewhere, i.e. local case;

shair - poet, shaire - poetess;

saip - master, saibe - mistress;

oja - teacher, ojapche - teacher;

Kerim - Kerime, Selim - Selim;

- adjective definitions do not change by gender, number, cases:

bizim myshyk - our cat; bizim myshyklarga - to our cats.

Sounds of the Crimean Tatar language

Most of both vowels and consonants of the Crimean Tatar language are close to the corresponding sounds of the Russian language.

However, there are also specific ones. These include four consonants:

- sound [j] is a voiced pair of sound [h] and is not pronounced separately, as in the Russian words "jam", "jazz", but completely together (in the alphabet the letter combination j comes after the letter h, and not after the letter e).

Examples: jan - soul, dzhenk - war, oja - teacher, ajji - bitter taj - crown, crown.

- sound [g] resembles the Ukrainian sound [g] (in the alphabet, the letter combination g comes after the letter g).

Examples: dag - mountain, forest; sag - alive, right; yagmur - rain; bagcha - garden; garip - poor, unhappy; gairydan - again, again.

- sound [k] can be compared with the sound combination [kh] in the word "Vackh" (this sound is close to the hard Russian sound [kh]).

Examples: qar - snow; kart - old; vakyt - time; bashqa - another; kayyk - boat; kaytmak - to return.

Letter combination in the alphabet to comes after the letter To.

Note. If you find it difficult to pronounce, then this sound can be pronounced as a hard [x].

- sound [n], which was previously represented by a combination of ng. This sound can only be present in the middle of a word or at its end (in the alphabet, the letter combination n occupies the position after the letter n).

Examples: yangy - new; mana--to me; olunyz - be, become; en - the most, most; tan - dawn, dawn; aldyn - (you) took.

Note. In addition to specific sounds, the Crimean Tatar language has sounds that differ in pronunciation from the sounds of the Russian language, denoted by the same letters. So, usually briefly, like an overtone, sounds are pronounced s, and, at, Yu.

For example: word son- class - approaching [s´n´f], til - language - close to [t], otur! - sit down! - close to [ot´r], rev.i - silver - close to [k´m´sh].

As in Russian, the consonants of the Crimean Tatar language can be divided into three groups:

a) sonorants: p, l, m, n, n;

b) voiced noisy: b, c, e, h, f, g, g, j;

c) deaf noisy: p, t, f, s, w, h, k, b, x, c, u.

most voiced and deaf noisy consonants are opposed in pairs: b - p, c - f, d - t, j - h, w - w, z - s, g - k, g - b.

Sounds do not have their own pair X, ts, SCH.

Sounds c, SCH occur only in borrowed words (from Russian and Ukrainian or through Russian from other languages).

Sound well rare in literary speech.

Consonant sounds depicted in writing in combination with subsequent e, O, and, Yu, th, I am, soften somewhat, although to a much lesser extent than in Russian: chel - steppe, penjere - window, biri - one of ..., someone, sut - milk.

Softened consonants form the so-called soft syllables (there is no such term and concept in Russian). Soft syllables form, in addition, combinations with a vowel e: ev - house, et - meat, es - consciousness, reason, mind.

Sounds are always soft To, G: kormek - to see, gedje - night.

Did it happen that you went to the Republic of Tatarstan on vacation or for work? Then you are in luck, Tatarstan, this is a wonderful place where you can relax even during a business trip. The incredible landscapes with which this republic is filled cannot but sink into the soul and please the eye. Arriving at work or on vacation, for example, in Kazan, you can visit one of the 7 theaters, one or more museums, there are 388 of them throughout the republic, or admire the wonderful Volga and Kama rivers.

Undoubtedly, in big cities, the local population knows Russian well, but what if you need to communicate with the inhabitants of the outback? In this case, our Russian-Tatar phrasebook will help you, which consists of several useful topics.


Welcome dear guests!Rehim itegez (khush kildegez), kaderle kunaklar!
Our guests have arrivedBezge kunaklar kilde
Good morning!Heerle irte!
Good day!Heerle con!
Good evening!Heerle kitsch!
Get to knowTanysh bulygyz (tanyshygyz)
My surname is KhairullinSurnames Khairullin
Allow me to introduce you to my friend (companion)Sezne ipteshem (yuldashym) belen tanyshtyryrga rohset itegez
We are glad to meet you!Seznen belen tanyshuybyzga shatbyz!
Meet my family:Tanysh bulygyz, bu minem gailam:
My wife, my husbandKhatyn, Irem
Our kidsBalalarybyz
Our grandmother, our grandfatherEbiebez, bababyz
Our mother-in-law, our father-in-lawKaenanabyz, kaenatabyz
How are you doing?Eshlaregez no good?
OK, thank youRakhmet, heybet
Where can you get a job here?Monda kaida urnashyrga bula?
Where did you stay?Sez kaida tuktaldygyz?
We stayed at the Kazan HotelWithout "Kazan" hotel synda tuktaldyk
How long have you been here?Sez ozakka kildegezme?
Why did you come?Not very kildegez?
I came on a business tripbusiness trip kildem
How is your health?Salamatlegegez nichek?
How is your family?Gailegez ni khelde?
Are you not very tired from the road?Yulda bik arymadygyzmy?

The language barrier

I don't speak Tatar.Min Tatar Soylashmim.
Do you speak Tatar?Sez Tatarcha soylashesesme?
Please speak more slowly.Zinhar, ekrenrek eitegez.
What did he/she say?Ul nerse eite?
We need a translator.Bezge terzhemeche kirek.
Do you understand me?Sez mine anlysyzmy?
I understood you.Min season unladym.
Please repeat one more time.Kabatlagyz, zinhar, tagyn Ber tapkyr.
I study TatarMin Tatars tel oirenem
I want to learn to speak (read, write) in TatarMinem tatarcha soilesherge (ukyrga, yazarga) oyrenesem kile
Do you understand Tatar?Sez Tatarcha anlysyzmy?
I understand a little TatarMin Tatarcha Beraz Anlym
I understand a little, but I can't speakMin beraz anlym, lekin soileshe almyym
you speak too fastSez artyk tiz soylises
You are in a hurrySez bik ashhygasyz
Tagyn ber tapkyr kabatlagyz ele
Please speak slower!Zinhar, akrynrak soylegez!
What did you say?Sez ni didegez?
What is he/she talking about?Ul nerse turynda soili?
What she said)?Ul or dide?
Please tell meEytegezche (eytegez ele)
What is it called in Tatar?Tatarcha bu nichek dip atala?
Good (correct) am I talking?Min heibet (dores) soilimme?
You speak well (correct)Sez eibet (dores) soylises
I don't know such a wordMin andy suzne belmim
Do you understand me?Sez mine anladygyzmy?
Can you hear me well?Sez mine yakhshi ishetesezme?
Please repeat one more timeTagyn ber tapkyr kabatlagyzchy (kabatlagyz ele)
How to pronounce this word?Bu suzne nichek eiterge?
Do you pronounce this word correctly?Sez bu suzne dores aytesez
Please write this word in TatarBu suzne tatarcha yazygyz ele
Write on this sheetMene bu bitke yazygyz
How would it be in Tatar?Tatar bu nichek bula?
Please speak to me in TatarMinem belen tatarcha soylashegez ele
Do you have a Russian-Tatar dictionary?Ruscha-Tatarcha suzlegegez barmy?
I want to find a book for learning the Tatar languageTatar telen oyrenu ochen ber kitap tabasy ide
What textbooks are needed to study the Tatar language?Tatar telen oirenu very nindi deresleklar kirek?
Do you have easy books to read in Tatar?Sezde zhinelrek ukyla torgan tatar kitaplar barma?
Yes, I'll bring you tomorrowBar, irtege alyp killermen


0 Zero22 Egerme ike
1 Ber23 Egerme och
2 ike30 Utyz
3 och40 Kyryk
4 Durt50 ille
5 bish60 Altmysh
6 Alty70 zhitmesh
7 jide80 Sixen
8 Siges90 Tuxan
9 Tugyz100 Yoz
10 Un101 Yoz de ber
11 Un + ber200 Ike Yoz
12 Unique500 Bish Yoz
13 Unoch900 Tugyz yoz
14 Undurt1000 Maine
20 Egerme1000000 take a million
21 Egerme ber1000000000 Ber billion


A longOzyn
CleanSafe, clean




What time is it now?Sagat nothing?
Nine o'clock in the morning.Irtenge sagat tugyz
Three PM.Condesgue segat och.
Six o'clock pm.Kichke segat alty.
Quarter past four.Durtenche unbish minutes.
Half past five.Bishenche Yarty.
Fifteen minutes to twelve.Unique tularga unbish minutes.
Twenty to eight.Sigez tularga egerme minutes.
Five past eight.Tugyzinchy bish minutes.
Day.Kon, kondez.
At what time?Sagat nothing?
When will you come?Sez kaychan kilesez?
In an hour (half an hour).Ber (yarts) segatten son.
We will return in the evening.Without kitch belen kaitabyz.
Come visit us in the evening.Bezge kitch belen kilegez.
At what year?Nichenche dick?
In 2012?2012 what the fuck?
In the past (current, future) year.utken (khezerge, kilechek) elda.
In a year.Eldan dream.
Season.Ate beans.
What day is today?Bugen nindi (kaisa) kon?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayDushembe, sishembe, chershenbe, panzheshembe, zhomga, shimbe, yakshembe
I'll be free all day.Min horse bue bush bulam.
January February March…).Gyinvar (February, March…).
A weekAtna.
Last week.utken atnada.
We will return late at night.Without tonle belen son kaitabyz.
Our train comes at night.Beznen train tonle belen kile.
In the morning.Irte Belen.
We will come to you tomorrow morning.Without sezge irtege irte belen kilabez.
What is today's date?Bugen nice?
Today is the eighteenth of July.Bugen unsigesenche July.
What date?Kaisa horse?







Thanks, please

Apology, consent, refusal

In hotel

I want to wash.Yuanysym kile.
What hotel did you stay at?Sez kaisy kunakhanede tuktaldygyz.
How to get to the hotel?Kunakhanege is a good barr?
Can you recommend a hotel for us?Sez bezge kunakhane tekdim ite alasyzmy?
Where is the nearest photo studio?Ying yakyn photo studio kayda?
When will the photos be ready?Photorecemner kaychan ezer bula?
Send photos to...Photorecemnerne ...address of zhiberegez.
I left (forgot) my suitcase.Min suitcases kaldyrganmyn (onytkanmyn).
I wanted to have the suit cleaned.Castumenne chisartyrga birge telim.
What floor is your room on?Numbers nichenche kata?
Is the hotel far from the train station?Kunakhane stationdan erakmy?
We are expecting guests.Without kunaklar kotebez.
Call me at eight o'clock in the evening.Mina kichke sigezde shaltarygyzchy.
You can wake me up at eight in the morning.Sez mine irtenge sigezde uyatmassyz miken?
Close the door, please.Zinhar, ishekne yabygyz.
I'll go down the stairs.Min Baskychtan Toshermen.
Where is the elevator?Kaida lift?
I need a double room.Mine ike wallet number kirek.
This number suits me.Bu number mina ardent.
Please close the window.Zinhar, terezene yabygyz.
We're leaving today.Without bugen kitabez.
Please take our things downstairs.Beznen eiberlerne aska tosheregezche.

At the barbershop


In the town

I (we) first time in this city.Min (without) bu sheherde berenche tapkyr.
How did you like the city?Sezge sheher oshadymy?
What is the coat of arms of your city?Sheheregznen Nindi coats of arms?
What does this coat of arms mean?Coat of arms of nersene anlat?
Where is the house number 5.5 night yort kayda urnashkan?
What is this building?Boo nindi bina?
What is in this building?Bu binada nerse urnashkan?
When was this building built?Bu bina kaychan salyngan?
When was this bridge built?Boo cooper kaychan salingan?
To whom is this monument erected?Bu haykel kemge kuelgan?
Is there a great view from here?Monnan matur kurenesh?
How to get to the nearest park?Ying yakyn park nichek baryp bula?
Let's go down this alley.Boo alley buylap baryk.
What is the name of the central square of the city?Shehernen uzek meidany nichek atala?
Escort us to the square, please.Sez bezne meydanga kader ozata almassyzmy?
I am foreigners do not know the city.Min chit il keshese hem sheherne belmim.
Where is the Turkish embassy located?Torek embassies kaida urnashkan?
How to get to the meat (fish, flower, fruit, vegetable, Sunday) market?It (balyk, chechek, zhilek-zhimesh, yashelche, yal horse) bazaars nichek baryp bula?
What is the name of this street?Are we uramnyn and seme nichek?
Where is the main street?Bash uram kayda?
How to find Decembrists Street?Decembristlar uramyn nichek tabyp bula?
When was this mosque (church) built?Bu mechet (chirkeu) kaychan salyngan?
Where does this highway lead?Bu highway kayda alyp bara?


We wanted to book a hotel room through your agency.Seznen agentlygygyz asha without hotelde (kunakhanede) sorarga telebez number.
Where can I get an entry (exit) visa?Kaida keeler ochen (kiter ochen) visa alyp bula?
Is it possible to extend the visa?Visany zaytyp bulamas?
What is the name of this mountain?Bu tau nichek atala?
What is the height of the mountain?Taunyn bieklege kupme?
Do you keep a travel diary?Sez seyahet kondelegen alyp barasyzmy?
Which road will we take?Yuldan barachakbyz without kaisa?
We were on the road for three (four) days.Without yulda och (durt) con bulldyk.
Do you like to swim?Sez yozerge yaratasyzmy?
Do you like swimming in the morning?Sezge irtenge koenu oshymy?
What is the population of this city?Bu sheherde kupme halyk yasha?
What is the name of this island?Bu morning nichek atala?
Who needs to show a passport?Passport kemge kurseterge?
Here's my passport.Mene minem passport.
How is the weather?what's the deal?
What temperature is it now?Heather cupme temperature?
What the weather will be tomorrow?Irtege hava torishy nindi bulyr?
Where can I see the schedule of trains (aircraft, steamboats)?Train (planetlar, parohodlar) yoru tertiben kayan belesep bula?
Do boats sail on this river?Bu elgada steamer yorilerme?
Is there a power station on this river?Bu elgada hydropower plantler barmy?
When are you coming home?Sez oegezge kaychan kaitasyz?
Where are you from?Sez kaidan?
Are tourists from different countries gathered here?Monda torle illerden kilgen touristlar zhyelgan.
Where is the tourist bus?Turislarga bus caida?
What is the excursion program?Excursion programsy nindi?
We need a guide.Bezge guide kirek.

In transport

Where can I take the bus (trolleybus, tram)?Kaida min bus (trolley bus, tram) Utyra Alam?
What's the fare?Yul khaki kupme?
This place is free?Bu uryn bushma?
Let's get off at this stop!eide bu tuktalyshtia toshik!
When should we be at the airport?Without kaychan airport bulyrga tieshbez?
Where is the storage room?Saklau cameralary kaida?
Take my luggage, please!Bagazhymny alygyzchy.
How much is a ticket to...?Ticket ... kader kupme tor?
How much is a child ticket?Balalar ticket buyer?
Is there free space in the sleeping car?Yoky wagonynda bush uryn barmy?
Where is first class?Berenche class kaida wagons?
Where is your (our) compartment?Seznen (beznen) coupe kayda?
How to get to the dining car?Restaurant car nichek uzarga?
Can you smoke in this compartment?In this compartment, temake tartyrga yarimy?
How to get to the station?Vokzalga Nichek baryrga?
How to get to the ticket office?Ticketlar kassasyna nichek uterge?
Where is the subway entrance?Metroga keru kaida?
When does the train arrive (depart)?Kaichang kile (kite) train?
How long does the fast train take?Express train niche sagat bara?
Where is our plane?Beznen plane kaida?
Tell me, is it summer weather today?eitegezche, bugen ochular bulachakma?
Where is the taxi stand?Taxi tuktalyshi kayda?
Call taxi!Taxi Chakyrtygyz!
Please stop here.Monda tuktatygyzchy.

In a restaurant, cafe

Let's go to the bar.Barga kerik.
Give me two cocktails, please.Ike cocktail biregezche.
I would drink a mug of dark (light) beer.Min ber mug of kara (yakty) cheese echer let's go.
I want to drink (eat).Minem echesem (ashysym) kile.
Give me some cold water, please.Mina salkyn su biregezche.
What do you want for sweets?Sez tatly riziklardan ni telisez?
Would you like to have breakfast with us?Sez beznen belen irtenge ash asharga telemisesme?
I don't drink strong drinks.Min katy echemlekler echmim.
When will lunch be?Condesge ash kaychan bula?
Thanks, I've already had lunch.Rahmet, min ashadim inde.
What's for lunch today?Condesge ashka bugen nerse?
Bon Appetit!Ashlarigyz temle bulsyn!
I want to take a vegetable salad (with sausage, cold meat).Minem (kazylyk, salkyn it belen) yashelche salads alasym kile.
Please pass me pepper (mustard, salt, vinegar, horseradish).Biregezche mina borych (mustard, toz, serke, koren).

mail, phone

Did I spell your address correctly?Addressesgyzny dores yazdimmy?
Give me your address.Addressesgyzny biregezche (eytegezche).
Where is the parcel accepted?Parcel monda kabul itelerme?
Please, give me a stamped envelope.Markals envelope biregozche.
Show me postcards with views of the city.Sheher kureneshlere belen otkrytkalar birmesesme?
I need to send a letter.Minem hut zhiberesem bar.
We will write to you.Without sezge yazachakbyz.
I am waiting (waiting) for your letters.Seznen hatalarygyzny kotem (kotebez).
Where is the nearest pay phone?Ying yakyn telephone booth kayda?
Hello, who's talking?Hello, who are you sorry for?
Call to the phone (last name).Telephonga (surname + not) chakyrygyz.
I can't hear you very well.Min season nachar ishetem.
One minute! Wait by the phone!Take minutes, phone yanynda kotep torygyz.

Meeting, greeting, acquaintance - here you will find the right words to get to know a person, say hello or arrange a meeting, and all this in the Tatar language.

Language - words that will help you better understand what the interlocutor is saying.

Account - translation and correct sounding of the account in the Tatar language, from 1 to a billion.

Properties - words and phrases that will help you characterize a person according to his external and psychological characteristics.

Colors - pronunciation and translation of colors and shades.

Character traits - with the help of the words that are presented here, you can describe the character traits of any person or your own.

Time is a translation of words that are directly related to time.

Pronunciation - phrases and words that will help you find out from the locals whether your pronunciation of Tatar is correct, you can also ask to write this or that word on a piece of paper or explain how to pronounce the words you are interested in correctly.

Acquaintance - a list of phrases, thanks to which you can start an acquaintance.

Appeal - words that will help start a conversation or call someone.

Congratulations - all that is needed for congratulations in the Tatar language.

Invitation - words that will help you invite a person to visit.

Farewell - a list of farewell words and phrases.

Gratitude, request - if you need to thank a person or ask for something, in this section you will find the right words.

Apology, consent, refusal - words that will help you in different form agree on something with the interlocutor, refuse him or ask for an apology for something.

Hotel - if you arrived in Tatarstan for a long time, you will probably have to rent a hotel room, this section will help you cope with this task and throughout your stay.

Hairdresser - words with which you can explain what kind of haircut you prefer.

Sleep - phrases that sometimes have to be used before going to bed.

City - a list of phrases that will help you find everything you need in the city, asking passers-by where to go or where this or that building is located.

Travel - If you are traveling in Tatarstan, this list of words will definitely come in handy more than once. With the help of them, you will find out where it is better to go, what is the history of this or that building or monument, and so on.

Transport - words related to the rental of transport, travel by bus, train and other means of transport.

Restaurant - if you are hungry, you will want to have a hearty meal, but without knowing the Tatar language, you will not even be able to call the waiter and order a dish. For such cases created this topic.

Mail, phone - do you need to top up your phone card, send a parcel, or just find out something at the post office? Then open this section, and you will definitely find the right words.

Self-name: Qırımtatar tili, Qırım tili
Countries: Crimea (Ukraine), Uzbekistan, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria
Official status: Crimea
Total number of speakers: 400,000

Distribution of the Crimean Tatar language

The Crimean Tatar language (Qırımtatar tili, Qırımtatarca) or the Crimean language (Qırım tili, Qırımca) is the language of the Crimean Tatars, belongs to the Turkic languages ​​that are part of the Altaic family of languages. Writing based on the Latin alphabet and Cyrillic.

Spelling the name of the language

The spelling of the name of the language - the adjective "Crimean Tatar" - is debatable. Two variants are widespread: fused - Crimean Tatar and hyphenated - Crimean Tatar. Despite the fact that according to the officially valid "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation" of 1956, the word must be written together, there are a number of publications and dictionaries that recommend hyphenation. At the same time, in practice, in the Crimea and in Ukraine as a whole, almost exclusively continuous spelling is used, in Russia both options are used, but hyphenated more often. In particular, the standard GOST 7.75-97 "Codes for the Names of Languages" in force in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan calls the language of the Crimean Tatars "Crimean Tatar", while the literature published in Crimea (including all modern Russian-language grammars, textbooks and language manuals), "Crimean Tatar"


Each of the three sub-ethnic groups of the Crimean Tatars (Tats, Nogai and Yuzhnoberezhets) has its own dialect.
The South Coast (southern, Yalyboy) dialect belongs to the Oguz languages ​​and is very close to Turkish. It differs less from literary Turkish than some proper Turkish dialects. A feature of this dialect is also a significant number of Greek and some Italian borrowings.
The steppe (northern, Nogai) dialect spoken by the Nogai belongs to the Kypchak languages ​​and is related to the Karachay-Balkarian, Nogai and Kumyk languages. The steppe dialect is spoken by the Crimean Tatars of Romania and Bulgaria, as well as the vast majority of the Crimean Tatars of Turkey.
The most common, middle dialect (mountainous, Tat), which is spoken by people from the mountainous and foothill regions of Crimea, is intermediate between the two above. It contains both Kypchak and Oghuz features. The modern literary Crimean Tatar language is based on this dialect. Despite the significant Oguzization, the middle dialect is a direct continuation of the Polovtsian language, which was spoken in the Crimea in the 14th century (the language of the written monument Codex Cumanicus).


Some scholars consider the Turkic languages ​​that developed on the territory of the Crimean Khanate among other ethnic groups of the peninsula as ethnolects of the Crimean Tatar. These are the Crimean dialect of the Karaite language, the Krymchak and Urum languages. The Crimean version of the Karaite language and the Krymchak language differ from the literary Crimean Tatar language only in some peculiarities of pronunciation and the presence of borrowings from Hebrew. The differences between the Urum language (which itself consists of several dialects) and the Crimean Tatar language are noticeably stronger. First of all, this big number borrowings from the Greek language and the presence of specific sounds missing in the Crimean Tatar. The Karaites, Krymchaks and Urums themselves insist on the independence of their languages.

Graphics and phonetics

Until 1928, the Crimean Tatar language used the Arabic alphabet, from 1928 to 1939 Latin (the so-called "new Turkic alphabet" (NTA), also known as Yanalif), from 1939 - Cyrillic. Since the 1990s, there has been a gradual transition to the Latinized alphabet, approved by the decree Supreme Council Crimea in 1997. This alphabet is different from that used in the 1930s and is the Turkish alphabet with the addition of two additional letters Q and Ñ. V currently both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets are used. It should be noted that the Internet uses almost exclusively the Latin alphabet, and most of the printed materials are still produced in Cyrillic.

Crimean Tatar Latin alphabet

A a Bb c c Ç ç D d e e F f G g
Ğ ğ H h I I i Jj Kk l l M m
N n Ñ ñ O o Ö ö Pp Q q R r S s
Ş ş T t U u Ü ü Vv Y y Zz
The Ââ sign, used as an indicator of softening of the preceding consonant, is not a separate letter.

Reading rules:

  • The letters a, b, d, f, h, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, z are read approximately the same as Russian a, b, e, f, x, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, y, c, h.
  • With reads like a blur j(like the English j in just).
  • ç just like Russian h.
  • g like a soft g- gh
  • ğ approximately like the Ukrainian city.
  • ı just like Russian s.
  • i just like Russian and.
  • j like Russian well.
  • k how soft to - ky.
  • l can be referred to as solid l, and soft eh.
  • ñ like the English ng in the word sing.
  • ö like the German ö.
  • q sounds like a quick kh.
  • ş just like Russian sh.
  • ü like the German ü.
  • y like Russian th.
  • â softens the preceding consonant, la - la, ka - kya.

Crimean Tatar Cyrillic alphabet

A a B b in in G g Гъ гъ D d Her Her
F W h And and th K to K k L l Mm
N n Nb nb Oh oh P p R p C with T t u u
f f x x C c h h j j W w u u b b
s s b b uh uh yu yu I am
gj, to, n and j are single letters (important when sorting words alphabetically, such as in dictionaries).

There is no one-to-one correspondence between the letters of the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.

What is the Crimean Tatar language? What grammatical features does it have? Is the Tatar language related to it? We will look for answers to these questions.

Crimean Tatars

The Crimean Tatar people are often identified with the Tatars living in Russia. This delusion has been going on since the existence Russian Empire when all nomadic Turkic-speaking peoples were called "Tatars". This also included Kumyks, Azerbaijanis, etc.

Tatars in Crimea represent the indigenous population. Their descendants are various ancient tribes inhabiting the Northern Black Sea region. A significant role in ethnogenesis was played by the Turkic peoples, Polovtsy, Khazars, Pechenegs, Karaites, Huns and Krymchaks.

The historical formation of the Crimean Tatars into a separate ethnic group took place on the territory of the peninsula in the XIII-XVII centuries. Among its representatives, the self-name "Crimeans" is often used. According to the anthropological type, they belong to the Caucasoids. The exception is the Nogai subethnos, which has features of both Caucasoid and Mongoloid races.

Crimean Tatar language

About 490 thousand people speak the Crimean language. It is distributed on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Romania, Turkey and is one of the common languages ​​in the Republic of Crimea.

In writing, the Latin alphabet is usually used, although writing in Cyrillic is also possible. Most of the native speakers live in the Crimea (almost 300 thousand people). In Bulgaria and Romania, the number of Crimean Tatars is about 30,000.

The Tatar language is his "relative", but not too close. Both languages ​​belong to the Turkic and are included in the Kypchak subgroup. Further, their branches diverge. Tatar was strongly influenced by Finno-Ugric, Russian, and Arabic. The Crimean Tatars were influenced by Italians, Greeks, Cumans and Kypchaks.


The Crimean Tatar people are divided into three main sub-ethnoses, each of which speaks its own dialect. In the northern part of the peninsula, a steppe dialect was formed, belonging to the Nogai-Kypchak languages.

The southern, or Yalyboy, dialect is close to Italians and Greeks living on the southern shores of the peninsula. The dialect contains many words borrowed from their languages.

The most common is the middle dialect. It represents an intermediate link between the other two. It belongs to the Polovtsian-Kypchak and contains many Oguz elements. Each dialect includes several dialects.

Classification and features

The Crimean Tatar language belongs to the Turkic languages, which, in turn, belong to the Altaic group along with the Mongolian, Korean and Tungus-Manchurian languages. However, this theory also has opponents who deny the existence of the Altai group in principle.

There are other difficulties in the classification of language. As a rule, it is attributed to the Kypchak-Polovtsian subgroup of languages. This is incorrect, because then its connection with the Oguz languages, which is observed in the middle dialect, is not taken into account.

Taking into account all the dialectical features of the Crimean language, it is classified as follows:

History and writing

Dialects of the language arose in the Middle Ages. At that time, a large number of nationalities lived in the Crimean lands, which influenced the formation of the language. That is why the Crimean Tatar language differs significantly in different parts of the peninsula.

During the period of the Crimean Khanate, the population was forced to speak Ottoman. During the Russian Empire, the culture of the Crimeans was in decline. Its restoration began in the 19th century. Then thanks to the literary Crimean Tatar language appeared. It is based on the southern dialect.

Until 1927, the letter was written in Arabic characters. The following year, the middle dialect was chosen as the basis for the literary language, and the writing was translated into He was called "yanalif", or "a single Turkic alphabet."

In 1939, they tried to make it Cyrillic, but in the 90s, the return of the Latin script began. It differed somewhat from yanalif: non-standard letters of the Latin alphabet were replaced by symbols with diacritical marks, which added to the similarity with the Turkish language.

Vocabulary and main characteristics

Crimean Tatar is The meaning of words and phrases does not change due to endings, but by “gluing” suffixes and affixes to words. They can carry information not only about the lexical meaning of a word, but also about the relationship between words, etc.

The language contains eleven parts of speech, six cases, four types of verb conjugation, three forms of verb tense (present, past and future). It lacks the gender of pronouns and nouns. For example, the Russian words he, she, it corresponds to only one form - “o”.

At present, it is very easy to find a book, dictionary and translator into the Crimean Tatar language on the Internet. Therefore, getting to know him will not be difficult. Below are some examples of standard phrases and words of this language:

Crimean Tatar


Selam! / Meraba

How are you?



Sağlıqnen qalıñız!

Older brother

Elder sister