An essay on the topic "The image of a female mother in domestic literature." Mother's image in Russian poetry image of a mother of mother in literature

My work is devoted to the most, in my opinion, the topical topic of our time - the theme of mothers and motherhood. I would like to in this work, analyze the current situation in Russia through the prism of myths, tales, monuments of literature and artistic works, which, how or otherwise affect maternity problems. I will try to evaluate the changes that have occurred in relation to motherhood. After all, it is no longer the news for anyone that now even to the very concept of "motherhood" is not at all as, as, say, in the XIX century or even in the 50s of the 20th century. Changing priorities is so rapid that it becomes scary, and what will happen next? Therefore, I chose this topic among many and many others in your own interesting and deep topics.

Mother's image in Orthodoxy. Icons.

The image of a female mother sneezes in numerous works of literature and art, embodied in wondrous icons. In the last, I would like to stay in more detail, since for me this topic is closer than everyone else. The history of Orthodoxy, Christianity has more than two thousand years, therefore it is not surprising that his cultural heritage is so rich. You can very long to list monuments of literature, architecture and icon painting, but it is not now necessary.

Based on the specifics of work, I immediately allocated a certain scope of research - the icons of Our Lady. Believers know how huge the number of images of the Virgin, on some it is one, but on most icons holds the baby-Christ. Orthodox knows such icons as the holding, the Iverskaya, an inparable bowl, Pocheevskaya, all the mournful joy, Tikhvinskaya, Kazan and many-many other, miraculous, with their history and a list of miracles. For example, the Catholic images of the Virgin Mary can also be remembered. This is Sicstinskaya Madonna, Madonna Raphael and other masterpieces of the great masters of the Middle Ages. There is one significant similarity between Paravos icons and Catholic paintings - on all Virgin Mary is depicted with her son.

Thus, the Virgin is becoming for believers one of the most sacred symbols - a symbol of high, sacrificial motherhood. After all, all the mother know how hard and hurts to learn about any failure or illness of children. But few people know how hard it is to live with the knowledge of the whole future terrible fate of your child. And the Mother of God knew all the fate of her son from his very birth. Therefore, it may be, the Mother's image itself is so sacred for all people that, from a long time, her work on raising children was equated to the feat.

The image of the mother in the mythology of Slavs and other peoples.

All the peoples of the world in the religious picture of the world have always been a place for women's deities, and they always stood separately from the Male gov. The patroness of the home hearth, earth, fertility enjoyed tremendous respect for all the ancient peoples.

The initial archetype of birth, the start of life, the creation of nature subconsciously led to the worship of the mother of the Earth, which gives everything to the lives of people. Therefore, the ancient Slavs allocated not one God - the sky, as it would be possible to think, and two - the sky and the Earth. They generally considered the land and the sky with two living beings, even moreover - a married couple, whose love and spawned everything alive on earth. God of the sky, the father of all things, is called Svarog. But how did the Great Goddess of the Earth called the Slavs? Some scientists believe that her name is Makos. Others, no less authoritative, argue with them. But I will proceed from the fact that the name of the goddess of the earth is still makos. It is very interesting to interpret the name of Makos. And if "Ma" is understandable to everyone - Mom, mother, what is "Kosh"? It is not entirely clear if you do not remember some words, this, for example, a wallet where wealth is stored, a koshara, where the living wealth of the peasant - sheep is driven, the Koshev is called the leader of the Cossacks, the fate is still called fate, lots, and more - a large basket for vegetables and fruit. And if you add all these values \u200b\u200binto the semantic chain, then it turns out: Makosh - the hostess of life, the yield donel, the universal mother. In short, the Earth.

We still call the Earth. Only here we appeal to it far away, as appropriate for good children. The pagans treated her with the greatest loveAnd all the legends say that the Earth paid them the same. No wonder and the Slavs, and the Greeks have a myth of the hero, whom it is impossible to win, as the Earth itself helps him. In the tenth of May they coped the "name of the Earth": on this day it could not be disturbed - plow, jump off. The land was a witness of the solemn oaths; At the same time, she was touching her palm, and then took out a piece of turf and pinned themselves on their head, making a lie impossible to mystically: it was believed to be a deceiver. In Russia, they said: "Not LGI - Earth hears," love, like Earth loves. " And now we sometimes, giving an oath, we demand: "Eat the earth!" And what is worth the custom of taking a handful of native land!

To the era of the upper Paleolithic - 40-50 thousand years before N. e. Believe the first archaeological finds in the form of stone figurines of female deities. During the Neolithic period - 10-12 thousand years BC. e. Already there are numerous images of a goddess, as a reflection of various forces of nature. In the ancient Suchmers, this is the Goddess of Love Ishtar, connected with the Morning star Venus, having many epithets - the domain of the gods, the queen of the kings, which worshiped over the whole Mediterranean, was also considered the mother of the gods, the keeper of the innermost knowledge. The Egyptian goddess Imit was endowed with the same qualities. The ancient Persians who took the teachings of Zoroastra worshiped the goddess of the purity and indispensability of anachita.

In the Slavic and Indian mythology, Unified Indo-Aryan roots, and this is especially noticeable in the culture of a national costume, where the images of the goddess with stretched palms are often found - the gesture of protection. No wonder in Ukraine one of the names of Goddess - Bereginy. At suits, this image is found in the form of stylized ornaments-embroidery and called "mocking". The goddess is wet by the Slavs - sparkle, hiding the endless yarn - the all-pointing energy of the universe. The archetype ideas about the goddess-prime preserved at Saamov, Finnov, Lithuanians, other peoples of the North.

One of the early images of the world tree in Russia's times of hyperborea is the Petroglyph of Onega Lake. The drawing combines two universal symbols - a world tree and a swan sitting on it. Swan is an ancient goddess symbol that born a cosmic egg is the third cosmic symbol. Recall the Russian folk fairy tales or fairy tales of Pushkin "on the sea-ocean, the island of Buyan grows oak green", "at the Lukomory Oak Green", the princess-swan, the egg, where the source of life is witching, etc.

All mysterious Eleusinsky Mysteries in the Athenians were associated with the cult of land, the collection of fruits, the storage of seeds, the art of agriculture and crop growing. It merged into a single sacred sacrament, whose personification was a mother in labor, giving a continuation of the genus and retaining it. The Slavs also had the gods responsible for prosperity and the ratord of all living in nature and the increase in human genus. This is a genus and guy, referred to in the ancient Russian literature. Rod sent to Earth from the heavens of the soul of people when children were born. The goddesses of the guy say usually in a plural. In ancient manuscripts, they are said briefly, only the bread, honey and "cheese" mentioned (earlier this word was denoted by cottage cheese) who sacrifted them. Because of the statement of these information, some researchers of past years are used to seeing numerous, faceless female deities that helped in various female worries and works, as well as at the birth of children. However, modern scientists, processing a large archaeological, ethnographic, linguistic material, contacting information relating to neighboring peoples, came to the conclusion that the rolling was two: Mother and daughter.

Gignitz-mother binds to Slavs with a period of summer fertility, when ripens, heavy, harvest is poured. This is quite consistent with the image of mature maternity: the fruitful autumn artists usually depict the elderly woman, good and full-scale. This is a venerable housewoman at home, mother of a numerous family. Ancient Slavs gave her the name of Lada, having a lot of values. All of them are related to the establishment of order: "Lady", "on-look" and so on. The order at the same time mentioned first of all family: "Lada", "Lado" - affectionate appeal to his beloved spouse, husband or wife. "Ladins" - wedding conspiracy. But the field of activity of the Lada is not limited to the house. Some researchers recognize the Great Lada Mother of twelve months, which is divided into a year. But months, as we know, are associated with the twelve constellations of the zodiac, which, according to astrological science, have an impact on human destiny! Thus, for example, Scorpio and Sagittarius - the heritage of not only foreign (non-Slavic) culture, as we used to count. And Lada appears before us not just the goddess of summer, home comfort and motherhood, it is also connected with universal cosmic law! So the Slavic religious cult was not so primitive.

The Lada had another daughter, the goddess named Lelya, the youngest Rozenica. Think about: No wonder the children's cradle is often called "cradle", gentle, careful attitude towards the child transmitted to the word "cherish". Stork, allegedly bringing children, in Ukrainian - "Lelka". And the child itself and is sometimes called gentlely "lynalechka". So the Slavic Lelia was born - the goddess of trepidate spring sprouts, first colors, young femininity. Slavs believed that it was Lelia who cares about barely crushed shoots - the future crop. Lela-Spring solemnly "cursed" - invited to visit, went out to meet her with gifts and treats. And before the permission was asked from the mother of Lada: will daughter let go?

The feast of the rolling worn in the spring - April 22-23. On this day, sacrifices were sacrificed by plant and dairy products, which were solemnly, with prayers were eaten on the sacred feast, and then the night moves firing bonfires: huge, in honor of the Lada, and there are still twelve smaller around him in the number of months of the year. According to tradition, it was a female and maiden holiday. Guys, men looked at him. So, having considered the pagan cults of some nations, I concluded that the very concept of a woman was present in all peoples, moreover, in very similar forms and images, which also speaks about general roots of all beliefs and myths.

Domostroy. Attitude towards the mother of the mother in the Middle Ages.

At the attitude of floors in Russia, a great influence, of course, was provided by the ideology of Christianity. A peculiar regulatory basis of relations between a man and a woman was "Domostroy", which attributed to the woman to obey in his husband (father, brother). The "Domostroy" lists the responsibilities of women, which are based on the labor in the family, a non-resident, and the obedience to her husband, father, owner, and the responsibility of mothers for their children and the management of the economy. But along with this, there is a chapter that points to her husband to read his wife, instruct her and love her.

"If God gives the wife a good, the more precious stone; This benefit will not leave, always good life I will suit my husband if a good wife is blessed, the number of days of his life will double, a good wife pleases her husband and fill him with the world; A good wife and there will be a reward to those who wore God, for the wife makes her husband a virtuous: first, fulfilling God's commandment, bless God, and secondly, to famous and people. The wife is kind, and hardworking, and silent - the crown of her husband to her own, if he gained his husband to his wife, only a good enduring his home; Blessed husband of such a wife and year will live their good peace. Per good wife Praise my husband and honor. "

Domostroy spent a sharper border between a man and a woman, changed, respectively, and attitude towards mothers. But it is impossible to think that it has deteriorated sharply: it has become a little different, requiring more strict implementation of certain Christian norms and rules. Mother and wife was supposed to treat her husband with respect, and to children with a rigor, raising them in piety. Some people think that the position of the woman worsened with the arrival of Christianity, compared with the era of paganism. I don't think so: household tyrana were always, they did not stop them, so with the arrival of the "Domostroja" era, such husbands were simply found, so to speak, a good substantiation of their behavior. And yet the woman has always been the hostess at home, the custodian of the hearth and virtue in the family, the faithful assistant and other her husband.

Such an attitude to the woman left his mark and in Russian folklore: "Having helped God, and a married mistress will help," "Family fights - a lonely grieving," "Husband yes wife is one soul." There was a strict separation of the roles of a man and a woman who developed for centuries. This clearly looks like in labor. The work of the wife does not go beyond the family. The husband's activities, on the contrary, is not limited to the family: he is a public figure, and in his face the family participates in society. The woman was made, as they say, keys from all at home, led to Saye, straw, flour. All cattle and all the homework, besides the horses, was under the supervision of a woman. Under her futile supervision was all that was associated with family nutrition, taking care of underwear and repair, facing, bath, etc.

The owner, the head of the house and family, was, above all, the mediator in the relations of the foundation and land society, in the relationship of the family with the authorities. He kept the main agricultural workers, Pahoto, Sea, as well as construction, forest harvesting, firewood. All the physical severity of peasant labor, he, together with adult sons carried on his shoulders.

Only in great need for a woman, usually the widow was taken for the ax, and the man (also most often widowed) sat down with the side room under the cow.

Since childhood, boys taught male wisdoms, and female girls. In relations, guys and girls did not exist at all some patriarchal pedantry. From the very adolescence of dating and hobbies changed, young people, as it were, "gripped" to each other, looking for a couple of soul and character. Evidence of spiritual freedom, spiritual discrepancy in the relationship of young people is a variety of love songs and chastushki, in which the female side does not look passive and dependent. Parents and elders were not strict to the behavior of young people, but only before the wedding. But before the wedding, freedom of relations did not mean sexual freedom. There were quite clear boundaries of the permitted, and they turned out very rarely. Both sides, and male and female, tried to observe chastity.

But still a woman was perceived as a "addition" to a man, and not as an independent, full person. The existing family was strictly patriarchal.

The image of a female mother in Russian literature of the XIX century.

After the 17th century, the attitude towards a mother's woman in society gradually changes, other values \u200b\u200band priorities are on the fore. This can be seen by the number and theme of the works of the writers of the time. Very few write about mothers, it is singing their hard work, most of those who write, talk about the severity and complexity of the mother's life, about her hard fate. This is, for example, Nekrasov. Images of Arina, Mother of Soldier, Matrena Timofeevna from the poem "Who lives well in Russia" murmured the hardest fate of the Russian peasant. The touching lines of poetry devoted to his mother Sergey Yesenin. In the novel, Maxim Gorky "Mother" Pelageya Nilovna becomes a master of the Son Bolshevik, consciousness wakes up in it.

But most of all reflected on this theme of the Lion Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace". His Natasha Rostov and is the motherhood, which was not so long in Russian literature. Natasha passionately dreams of her husband, about children. Also in early Youth She felt that the rights and possibilities of women of its circle are unequal compared to the possibilities and rights of men, as the narrow frames are the life of a woman. Only in the family, taking part in the activities of the husband, raising children, maybe it can find the application to their forces. This is her calling, she sees her life duty, the feat and all souls seeks to his execution.

In the face of Pierre Zuhova, fate gave her that man who was the only one to understand and appreciate it. At the end of the novel, fate gives her what she always considered herself to be intended - her husband, family, children. It is happiness, and it, like the love of Pierre, absorbs her all. Otherwise, it could not. I always seem strange when, reading the "war and peace", someone says that Natasha in the epilogue of the novel, immersed in the care of children, in diaper and feeding, jealous husband, throwing singing, is a completely different Natasha. But at the same time, Natasha has always been the same, or rather, her essence was the same, a gentle, honest, thirsty-making female of love. We part with our favorite heroine in 1820 on the eve of Nicolina of the day, Nikolai Rostov. The whole family is assembled, everyone is alive, healthy, happy and relatively young. All is well that ends well? But nothing ends even for these people - and, most importantly, the contradiction of life does not end with these characters, its struggle. The contradiction and struggle are allowed not by the result (any of which is always private and temporary), not a fabulous end, not the junction of the novel. Although in epilogue - marriages and families, Tolstoy was still right when he stated that he was not able to put this classical literary junction to put the well-known "borders" of the development of action and "fictitious persons". Marriages in the final "War and Mira" if a certain result of the relationship of individuals, then this outcome this is an inconclusive and conditional, they did not destroy the "interest of the narration" in the book of Tolstoy. Thus, the relativity of the very end in the course of life and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe result as a relationship to life, the point of view on it is emphasized. Epilogue spills and immediately refutes whatever the rounding of life is a separate person or even more so life is universal.

The current state of things.

Significant changes in the position of women occurred in many countries of the world already in the 20th century, in many ways under the influence of the Great October revolution. Among the first decrees of the Soviet authorities were and published in December 1917, decree on civil marriage, about children and on the conduct of books, as well as decree on the dissolution of marriage. These decrees were canceled by the laws acting before the revolution, which made a woman in an unequal position with a man in the family, with respect to children, in the rights of property, with a divorce and even when choosing a place of residence. After the October Revolution, the women of Russia for the first time acquired the right to freely choose a profession, receive education. Equality of women with men in political, civil rights It was fixed by the first Soviet constitution. And now, when women's participation in the socio-political life of developed states has become a common phenomenon, it is not, it is not, to recall the Soviet Russia in the top five countries of the world providing women with the right to elect and be elected to the representative bodies of the country. At various stages of the country's development of the Soviets, specific issues related to the participation of women in state and public life, maternity and childhood protection, the labor activity of women, the increase in their general education and professional level and others were solved first of all as state-owned tasks.

K1920 Soviet power faced complex socio-demographic and socio-medical problems (disorganization of family-marriage relations, an increase in the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortion, the spread of prostitution, etc.). I failed to cope with them by a civilized way, the authorities turned to repressive measures (recriminatory of homosexuality, restriction of freedom of divorce, prohibition of abortions). The ideological justification of such a policy was the Bolshevik Sexofobi ("We have no sex"). But the goal is to strengthen the family and raising the fertility - were not achieved. The constitutional consolidation of the equality of women and men was the social conquest of socialism. Unfortunately, in the art, as in other areas of public, political and social life, between the human rights of a person and their implementation in the Constitution of the USSR, between the word and the case turned out to be very significant and over time the increasing gap. As for the question of the equality of men and women, the stagnation and lack of movement forward actually led to even famous rollback back.

Floor attitudes were, as well as other human life, under the control of the state.

The sexual revolution occurred in Russia much later than in other countries - in the early 1990s. In the 90s, and today in Russia there is a "striking inequality of chances for women", "obvious distortion" in the social positions and capabilities of men and women. It should be noticed that in the late 90s, as well as in the late 80s, it was considered a "bad tone" talk about the public needs of women, about their political requests and career claims. But, as we see, women are farther and further moved to the "conquest of living space." Thus, the further development of relations between men and women involves the recognition by the society of their equality, equivalence and equality.

Although it is impossible not to see how low the authority of the mother, as people relate to the very thought of the second, not to mention the third, child. I, like many not indifferent people, I hope that with a change in demographic policy, the attitude towards mothers will change. Now the shift is already noticeable, very weak, but shift. With a huge hope, I think about the time when people will respect mothers no less than, say, president or famous actors.

Overactions contest,

Dedicated All-Russian Dahu Mother

Job title: "The image of a female mother in domestic literature."

Genre Overallion

Class ______ 8.

OU ______ Ukhovskaya School

Fm.o teachers ______ Vavilova E.V.

2016-2017 academic year

We will glorify forever

That woman whose name is a mother!

M. Jalil

Mom is a word that every person undoubtedly used in his life, but only to use this word. We all, each person should remember one thing that Mom is not just a word, this is the meaning of life. Mom is our best friend and wise adviser. That is why the image of the mother becomes one of the main in the literature.

I believe that a woman is a miracle,

Which on the Milky Way does not find,

And if "love" is the word holy,

Then three times sacred - "Woman is a mother."

What is maternal love and smile? What does love mom mean? Maternal smile is what the man will warm, wherever he is, what he would not do. What spoke in his poem Tatyana Shuragin:

Nothing Mile
Mamina smile -

As if the sun flames light,

The darkness dispels inhibit!

As if the tail flashes,
Gold fish -

Joy to heart bring

Mine smile!

Great and diverse Russian literature. It is indisputable by its civil and social sound and meaning. One of the holy pages in our literature, dear and close to anyone to anyone, is works about the mother. What could be in the light of the sacred word "mother"! ..

But there was a fire - not fading,

Light in an extension at night

And mother walked all night there,

The eye is not afraid before dawn.

She flickering candle

Ancient book deployed

And, putting a child to the shoulder,

All sang and went ...

The soldier sends the last bullet to the enemy: "For the motherland mother!" All the most expensive shrines are named and gifted by the name of the mother, because with the name of this and the very concept of life is connected.

Mom ... the most expensive and close person. Mom is our guardian angel. Loving mother's heart belongs always to her children. "All love, all the feelings that there is a gentle and passionate in a woman, everything turned in her mother's sense," writes N.V. Hogol in the story "Taras Bulba".

A truly deep theme of the mother is brightly illuminated by N.A.Nekrasov. In his works there is a certain ascending triad of the development of this image, moreover - the ideas of the mother: mother, mother, motherland, the highest ideal beginning.

In the poem "Bajushkha-Bay", the mother is the last refuge in the face of all losses, the loss of the muse, in the face of the death itself. Mother comforts, forgives:

Yesterday, human malice

You brought offense;

All the end, do not be afraid of the coffin!

You won't know more evil!

Do not be afraid slander, harmful,

You paid her tribute to alive,

Do not be afraid of unbearable:

I'm caution in spring.

"Bayushki-Bay", together with the poem "Mother" entered the collection, which became like a poetic testament of the poet.

In the work of M.Yu.Lermontov special place Presents the image of the mother. In the poem "Caucasus" he writes:

In infant years I have lost my mother.
But it imagined that in pink evenings

That steppe repeated me a memorable voice.

And the words penetrated and the suffering of the word invests in the mouth of MTSIR (Poem "MTSI"):

I could not say anyone

The sacred words "Father" and "Mother".

Nekrasov traditions found their reflection in Poetry S.A. Jeshenin, a wonderful Russian poet. The most distinct image of the mother begins to manifest itself from Yesenin in last years His creativity. Disappointed in a number of one's own beliefs and ideals, the poet turns to the image of a mother and his home as the only man of man in the gloomy world of severe reality. It is here that the hero of his works is looking for peace and gains of harmony. In the poem "Letter of Mother" Yesenin writes:

Are you alive yet, my old woman?

I am alive. Hi, hello!

Let flowing over your hut

That evening unspecified light.

Poet Dmitry Kedrin in his poem "Mother's Heart" showed that the mother's heart can forgive everything:

He is her heart on color trench

Kohan brings in the rude hand.

In the way he stood in his eyes,

Around the porch, stumbled Cossack.

And mother's heart falling on the threshold,

Asked him: "Do not hurt, son?"

We grow, we are leaving the native home, but even on the edge of the earth, we understand that there are warm moms of hands and good geldy eyes somewhere far away:

Hands mommy my

Pair of white swans:

So gentle and so beautiful

So much love and power in them!

Nikolay Zabolotsky dedicates the poem of the most cute and dear image - the image of the mother. In it, the poet calls everyone:

Listen until there are moms,

Come to them without telegrams.

L.Tejanicheva teaches us to take care of the most valuable in the world - the heart of the mother, remember it always, not to hurt, be grateful:

We mother so rarely bring bouquets,

But everyone so often grieves it,

And the good mother forgives all this.

Yes, indeed, Mom can forgive and love sincerely and gently, without asking nothing in return. Woman mother is life, hope and love.

Word about a woman, the word about mother (on the works of Fadeev, Aitmatova)

We raise a woman mother,

Whose love does not know the barriers

whose breast is fed the whole world!

Everything is beautiful in man -

from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk.

M. Gorky

About mothers can speak infinitely. Good, proud, courageous mothers! How many lives are saved by their hands, how many misfortunes were victims of their words, how many feats were committed by brave hearts! Where to find words that they could tell about inexhaustible maternal love, transfer the generosity of their hearts? And people are about mothers poems, songs, excellent legends and serious books.

When the war black grief flew to our country, maternal love was equal to the feat. How many tears spilled mothers in the war! The seas, ... how much blood is given to children, how much the sweat was spilled on the labor front.

But heavier was to see the death of children with their own eyes. See and not be able to help them ...

How many such mothers met Alexander Fadeev in Krasnodone! He spent the clock in memories of their children. And, probably, many poetic pages of the "Young Guard would never be born, if he had not stood behind the writer's shadow, who had seen from grief. And how many beautiful lines devoted to the writer mothers! What clean, gentle words are told about them: "Mom! Yes, a thousand times I will repeat your name, the maternal name, and still stay in front of you in a non-payment of debt ... I have a whole clean, your holy hands! "

Yes, these were mothers who so raised their children that they did not break their horrors and disasters of war. And when the hour of revenge came, these strong youthful or weak girls took a weapon, repainted sheets on the flags, stuck the walls of the walls, the wounds. This is what our girls wrote in diaries: "Yes, I can only live like that, or I can't live at all. I swear my mother, that until the last breath, I do not minimize from this way! " These are they, the faithful oath, squeezing their teeth on the bloody tops, believed shocks of executioners. This, they walked to death with the song, never ending on her knees. This is not forgotten. This is immortality!

Yes, "Young Guard" - a book about young. But we understand that they would never be heroes of Oleg Kosheyshevoy and Naughty Sergey Tyulenin, and the desperate Lyuba Shevtsov, and Poetic Ulya Gromova, and thousands of others, if they were not standing for their mother ...

But, maybe a weak consolation for these mothers was to know where their children lie, what people remember them. And those who do not know the graves of their sons ...

How hard to make the heart silent, not able to put up with loss. Forever fresh wounds at the slightest touch of the hatch Nesterpimo. And people complain of the sky, the wind, the land of the cormal. So Tolgonai comes to confession to his field. Maternal this field knows everything about Tolgonai, listens to her and comforts. And she herself, dried by grief, remembers his life with him, youth, happiness: "Earth, you hold everyone on your chest; If you do not give us happiness, then why do you need to be land, and why do we need to be born? We are your children, earth, give us happiness, make us happy! "

There was a time when Tolgonai cried not from grief, but from joy. But the terrible news and the severity of the exorbitant fell on the mother shoulders. Children went to war. Conducted both their sons, Tolgonai. Everyone went as it was. You stayed with Aliman alone. Floored with legs, pressed against the ground. Mountain, whipped outless Aliman became a merciless land that absorbed her happiness, her love. But you were attached. The battle was afraid, the battle was flowing, and your battle was work. "Women, old men, children, naked, hungry. How they worked then in the collective farm, as they waited for victories, as we cried and how tormented "(these are your words, Tolgonai). Yes, it seems to me that it is not the story of Ch. Aitmatova "The Mother Field" I read, and talk to you, Tolgonai.

Deli and you with your people are trouble. Tali's cry in the soul and prayed for the survivors. How many of those who distraught from grief, from the brightness of the hope and hopelessness of mothers turned to the forces of the earth and heaven, praying, the land and the sky will save and preserve their children. Sainted bloody tears who are able to dry them, who can redeem the blame of the world before the heart of mothers! ..

But you, Tolgonai, do not even see the graves of their children. Never recognize you, where they struck their enemy bullet. The cap will remain on the wall, the photo under glass, the noise of rushing by, on the front, the train and the cry frozen in the air: "Ma-a-ma!" Long then fled after the sleepers, then fell, I climbed your head about trembling rails. "Let I be the last mother, which was so waiting for the Son."

True, Tolgonai! Scary when child dies for thousands of versts from his home home, but still scary when they led him to death, to torture, when criminal hands pull to him. Which grief can be compared with this? And see how the sons of the joint turns, as the sorry face is deadly pale, as the woven lips closed the moan, and silence ... Would you, Tolgonai? ..

All endured the mother. It seemed that woven from some nerves, got up in the sullen queue in the prison gate with a terrible glitter in swollen from tears and insomnia's eyes and uttered: "No, I only about one praying God, so that I didn't break the wings to him until the death, so that he was not trembling Before these dogs, so that he picks them in the face! "

Lift and you, Tolgonai, and go against the stormy as they went. After all, you want people to remain people, so that the war does not cripple in people a living human soul so that she does not have kind of kind and compassion in them. May it be so! Because who, if not the mother, can stop the war and trouble. They understand each other without words - the mother of the whole earth.


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Objectives lesson:

  • to trace how in Russian literature, faithful to its humanistic traditions, depicted the image of a female mother
  • educate students with respect for the mother of the mother
  • educate a patriot and a citizen aimed at improving the society in which he lives
  • develop the spiritual and moral world of students, their national self-consciousness

During the classes

I. Teacher's Introductory Word

Great and diverse Russian literature. It is indisputable by its civil and social sound and meaning. From this Great Sea, you can draw incessantly - and it will not hide it forever. Not by chance, therefore we have books about the partnership and friendship, love and nature, the soldiers' courage and the Motherland ... and any of these topics received its complete and decent embodiment in the deep and peculiar works of domestic masters.

But there is another holy page in our literature, dear and close to anyone's heart, is works about mother.

With respect and appreciation, we look at a person, to the gray hair of a reverently uttering mother's name for their old age respectively; And the contempt of an execution of the one who in the bitter senile, it turned away from her, refused to have a good memory, a piece or blood.

In relation to the mother, the people measured their attitude towards a person ...

II.. Definition of the goal of classes.

To trace how in Russian literature, faithful to its humanistic traditions, the image of a woman is depicted - the mother.

III. The image of M3Atery in oral folk creativity

The word of the teacher. The appearance of the mother already in oral folk art acquired the captivating features of the custodian of the focus, working and the faithful wife, defenders of their own children and the unchanged wardwoman for all disadvantaged, offended and offended. These defining the qualities of the maternal soul are displayed and the pigs are still in Russian folk tales and folk songs.

Speeches of students (drawing, singing) folk tales and folk songs.

IV.. Mother's image in printed literature

The word teacher. In printed literature, which, for known reasons, at first was a lot of only representatives of the highest classes, the maternal image remained in the shadows for a long time. Perhaps the named item was not considered a worthy high syllable, and maybe the reason for such a phenomenon is more simple and natural: after all, then the noble children, as a rule, were taken to educate not only governors, but also the Kormilitz, and the children of the noble class, unlike the children of peasant were artificially distant from the mother and were fed by milk of other women; Therefore, it happened - even if not quite conscious - the dullness of sons of feelings, which could ultimately not affect the work of future poets and prosaikov.

Not by chance, Pushkin does not say a single poem about his mother and so many adorable poetic initiations of Nyan Arine Rodionov, which, by the way, the poet often called gently and carefully - "Mamushka".

Mother in the work of the great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov

Mother ... the most expensive and close man. She gave us life, gave a happy childhood. Maternal heart, like the sun, shines always and everywhere, warming us with their warmth. She is our best friend, the wise adviser. Mother - our angel is a keeper.

That is why the image of the mother becomes one of the main in Russian literature already in the XIX century.

True, deeply theme of the mother sounded in the poetry Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Closed and discrepanted by nature, Nekrasov literally did not find enough bright words and strong expressions to assess the role of the mother in his life. And the young men, and the old man of Nekrasov always with love and admissions spoke of his mother. A similar attitude towards her, in addition to the usual sons of attachment, flowed, undoubtedly, from the consciousness of what he was obliged to:

And if I easily shook over the years
With the soul of my intersecting traces
I remember all the reasonable legs,
Proud of ignorance environment
And if I filled the life of the struggle
For the ideal of good and beauty,
And wears the song, me,
Live Love Deep Damage -
Oh, my mother, I will come to you!
In me saved the live soul you!
(From the poem "Mother")

Question class:

How did the poet of his mother "saved the soul"?

Presentations of students (reading and analyzing works).

Pupil 1 - First of all, being a woman highly educated, she joined her children to mental, in particular literary, interests. In the poem "Mother" Nekrasov recalls that another child, thanks to the mother, he met the images of Dante and Shakespeare. She also taught his love and compassion to those "whose ideal is the left grief", that is, to serfs.

Student 2 - The image of a woman - the mother is brightly represented by Nekrasov in many of his works "in full ripping rustic", "Orina, Mother Soldiers'"

Student 3 - poem "Attentive to the horrors of war"

Student 4 - Poem "Who lives well in Russia" ...

The word of the teacher."Who will protect you?" - addresses the poet in one of his poems.

He understands that, besides him, there is no one else to fold the word about the sufferer of the land of Russian, the feat of which is indispensable, but great!

Nekrasovsky traditions in the image of the Light Image of Mother - Peasants in Lyrics S.A. Yesenin

(In the course of the lecture, the teachers sound poems of Yesenin about the mother in the performance of students (by heart))

Nekrasov traditions found their reflection in the poetry of the Great Russian Poet S. A. Yesenin, who created surprisingly sincere poems about his mother - the peasant.

Through the creativity of Yesenin is the light image of the mother of the poet. Endowed with individual features, he grows into the generalized image of a Russian woman, there is still in the youthful poet verses, as a fabulous image of the one that not only gave a whole world, but also made the song with a song. This image takes the concrete earth appearance of the peasant engaged in everyday affairs: "Mother with grasp is not swimming, bent low ..."

Loyalty, constancy of feeling, heart dedication, inexhaustible patience are summarized and opoetized by Yesenin in the image of the mother. "Oh, my patient mother!" - This exclamation broke out not by chance: many excitement brings the son, but everything forgives the maternal heart. So the Motive of the Son's guilt is frequent with Yesenin. At his trips, he constantly recalls his native village: she is a road to the memory of youth, but most of all goes there the mother's teenager about the son.

"Cute, kind, old, gentle" mother seems to poet "For the parent dinner". Mother worries - the Son has not been at home for a long time. How is he there, in the distance? The son is trying to calm her in letters: "Time will be dear, native!" In the meantime, "Evening unspecified light" flows over the maternal hut. The son, "still the same gentle", "dreams only that rather from longing a rebel grogging into the lowest one." In the "letter of the mother", the sovie feelings are expressed with a piercing artistic force: "You are one help me and Otrada, you are one of the unspecified light."

Yesenin was 19 years old, when he with amazing penetration felt in the poem "Rus", the maternity expectation - "waiting for gray mothers."

Sons became soldiers, the royal service carried them on the bloody fields of world war. Rarely rarely come from them "doodle, derived with such labor", but everyone is waiting for their "chille huts", warmed maternal heart. Yesenin can be put next to Nekrasov, challenged "tears of poor mothers."

They do not forget their children,
Dead on bloody Niva,
How not to raise wreaku
His dreamed branches.

Poem "Requiem" A.A. Ahmatova.

These lines from the distant 19th century remind us of the bitter cry of the mother, who we hear in the poem Anna Andreevna Akhmatova "Requiem". Here it is, the immortality of true poetry, here it is, the enviable length of its existence in time!

17 months (1938 - 1939) Akhmatova held in prison queues in connection with the arrest of the Son, Lion Gumilyova: He was arrested three times: in 1935, 1938 and 1949.

(Excerpts are heard from the poem performed by the artist's masters. Fochrestomitia. 11th grade)

Seventeen months shout
Calling you home ...
Everything was confused forever
And I do not disassemble
Now who is a beast, who is a person
And long to wait.

But this is the fate of not only one mother. And the fate of many Mothers of Russia, day-to-judged prisons for prisons in numerous queues with gears for children arrested by media, Stalinist regime, cruel repression regime.

Before that, grief bent the mountains,
The Great River does not flow
But strong prison shutters,
And behind them "Cutting holes"
And mortal longing.

Mother passes the circles of hell.

X The head of the poem is a culmination - direct appeal to the evangelical issues. The appearance of religious patterns was prepared not only by mentioning saving appeals to prayer, but also the entire atmosphere of the suffering mother, the present son on the inevitable, inevitable death. The suffering of mother is associated with the state of the Virgin of the Virgin Mary; The suffering of the son with the flour of Christ, crucified on the cross. There appears the image "Heaven melted on fire." This is a sign of the greatest catastrophe, a world-historical tragedy.

Magdalene beat and sobbed,
Pupil Favorite Kamene,
And there, where silently mother stood,
So no one to look and did not dare.

Mother's Mountain, it is impossible and inexpressible, its loss is intense, because it is her only son and because this son is God, the Savior's only time. Crucifixion in the "Requiem" - the universal sentence of the inhuman system, which encourages the mother on the immense and disadvantaged suffering, and the only beloved of her, the Son is for non-existence.

The tragedy of the mother's image in works about the Great Patriotic War.

The word teacher

The image of the mother is extremely used on itself the features of drama. And it began to look even more tragic against the background of the Great and terrible war in his fierce. Who more mother suffered suffering at this time? About this book Mothers E. Koshevaya "Tale of Son", Kosmodemyanskaya "Tale of Zoe and Shura" ...

Yes, don't tell about it -
What years did you live in!
What immeasurable weight
On the female shoulders lay down!
(M, Isakovsky).

Speeches of students

  1. according to the "Tale of the Son" E. Koshevaya
  2. according to Roman A.A. Fadeeva "Young Guard" (view passages from the film "Young Guard")
  3. according to "Tale of Zoe and Shura" Kosmodemyanskaya

The student reads an excerpt from the poem Y. Smelyakov

Mothers closes us with breasts, even at our own existence from all evil.

But the mother cannot protect their children from the war, and perhaps the war is most directed against mothers.

Our mother not only lost their sons, worried about the occupation, worked until the exhaustion, helping the front, but they themselves died in fascist concentration camps, they were tortured, burned in the furnaces of crematoriums.

Question class

Why are the people who exactly a mother gave life, so cruel to her?

(Answers speeches, thinking of students)

Roman Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate"

In the novel Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate" Violence appears in different types, and writer creates bright, piercing pictures of the threat that it carries for life.

A student reads a letter of mothers physics Strum Anna Semenovna, written by her on the eve of the death of the inhabitants of the Jewish ghetto.

Impressions of students from heard (exemplary answers)

Student 1 - it is impossible to read it without shudder and tears. Horror, the feeling of fear covers me. How could people endure these inhuman tests that have fallen into their share. And especially scary, it becomes not in itself when the mother is bad, the saint being on earth.

Pupil 2 - and Mother - Martyrs, Stradalitsa, she always thinks about children, even in the last minutes of life: "How to finish me a letter? Where to get forces, son? Are there human words capable of expressing my love for you? I kiss you, your eyes, your forehead, your hair.

Remember that always in the days of happiness and the day of grief maternal love with you, no one is able to kill it.

Live, live, live forever! "

Pupil 3 - Mother is capable of any sacrifice for the sake of children! Great Power of Maternal Love!

The word teacher

Mother Vasily Grossman died in 1942 from the hands of the fascist executioners.

In 1961, 19 years after the death of the mother, the Son wrote her a letter. It has been preserved in the archive of the widow writer.

"When I die, you will live in the book that I dedicated to you and the fate of which is similar to your destiny" (V. Grossman)

And the hot tear, spilled by the writer in his old mother and in the Jewish people burn our hearts and leaves them a scar of memory.

"Mother of Human" Vitaly Zapotkin - a heroic poem about the unparalleled courage, durability and humanity of the Russian woman - Mother.

The story of everyday life, inhuman hardships and adversity of the young woman in the deep rear in the Germans grows into the story about the mother and motherhood as the embodiment of the stentedness in the childhood, on endurance, durability, long-suffering, faith in the inevitable victory of good over evil.

B. Zavokatin described the exceptional situation, but in it the author saw and managed to transfer the manifestation of typical traits of a female mother. Talking about the misadventures and experiences of the heroine, the writer constantly seeks to identify in private nationwide. Maria understood that "her grief is only an invisible drop of a drop in that terrible, the wide river of the burning of human, black, illuminated by fires in the river, which, overpaying, the shore rules, looked wider and wider and wider and faster, sought to the east, giving away from Mary is what she lived in this light all their short twenty-nine years ...

Tale's last scene - when the commander of the regiment of the upcoming Soviet army, having learned the history of the heroine, with all the squadron "sank to Mary on his knees and silently pressed her cheek to her facelessly lowered by a little rigid hand ..." - gives almost a symbolic meaning to fate and the feat of the heroine.

The generalization is achieved by introducing a symbolic image of motherhood - the image of Madonna with a baby on the hands embodied in the marble by a missing artist.

"I was peering into her face," V. V. Splotkin writes, "remembering the story of a simple Russian woman Mary and thought:" There are many things like Maria, we have a great many on earth, and time will come - people will give them due ...

V.. The final word of the teacher. Summarizing.

Yes, this time will come. They will disappear on the earth of war ... People will become people-brothers ... They will gain joy, happiness and peace.

So it will be. "And maybe then not fictional Madonna erected grateful people the most beautiful, the most majestic monument, and to her, the woman-worker of the earth. Self white, black and yellow people-brothers all gold world, all gems, All the gifts of the seas, the oceans and the depths of the earth, and, created by the genius of new unknown creators, will shine over the earth the image of the mother of human, our imperishable faith, our hope, eternal love. "

People! My brothers! Take care of your mothers. This mother is given once!

VI. Homework (differentiated):

  1. prepare expressive reading (by heart) poems or prose about mother
  2. the writing "I want to tell you about my mom ..."
  3. essay - Essay "Is it easy to be my mother?"
  4. monologue "Mother"
  5. mother Ballad Scenery

Soon March 8. Congratulations to all women with the upcoming holiday! Introducing the poems of Novokuibyshev poets about a woman, mother, grandmother.

Elleonora Vikhrya

Slipped, pressed, reached,
He passed, labeled, smiled ...
Shuddered, jumped up, ran,
Glanced, terrified ... lacked!
Skipyatila, sleeved, bit off,
Predit, came to mind ... I forgot!
Woke up, warmed up, fed,
I drank, gathered, I put everything.

Thoughtful, scrupped, shoved,
Ran, squeezed, bent,
Pushed out, straightened, ran,
Slipped, stood, did not fall!
Duchel, exhaled, all-time!
Sat down, swollen, boiled !!!
Called, wrote, counted,
Redesigned, sent, said
Called! Crossed out, spinning!
Redued, and so I wanted ...
Labeled, everything sent, sighed,
Brewed, burned, but seeded!
Caused and read again!
Loaded, dulled and sent!
It was silent, the harvester swallowed ...
Looked around, calmed down, sighed.
Redued. sent ...
Swallowed, bit off, burned, swallowed.
Called and warned!
Shot! Buttoned, ran.
I purchased, loaded, labeled ...
I turned out, he shook, looked back,
Recountered, asked, smiled!
Prepared, washed, fed,
Fixed, read, put ...
So flew days, years.
But she was beautiful and proud!
And once someone suddenly asked!
Well, where does so much strength in it ???
And she answered laughing
Just a woman I was born!
There are women ...

There are women similar to the sun
From their presence becomes warm.
When the smile of their face will touch
The world seems beautiful and kind.
There are women similar to the wind -
They are changeable, light and cheerful,
They are like butterflies, we need a planet
So that everyone could admire them.
There are women similar to the sea -
You can not measure the depth of their eyes,
And in their mysteriously mounted gaze
Hide secret signs for us.
You are all at the same time: the sea, the wind, the sun.
Where are you, there the stars come close to the ground.
Let all you in the world manage
I wish you always lucky!
Let happiness in you be infinitely,
Let Love live in you always.
Try to be, as before, flawless,
Let your heart Roshota

You are a woman. You are a mother. Sister. Friend.
Favorite. Mistress. Wife.
You are sun. You are land. You are the world. You are a blizzard.
You are faith. You are hope. You are spring.
You are happiness. Dazzling happiness.
You are a lasca ray. You are a velvet flower.
No, flower petal. On the wrist
You kiss. You are an eye view.
You are a dream steppes. You are a pure breath.
You are birch juice. You are a summer fast rain.
You are the butterflies free Porchhana.
Rosinki Morning shy shiver.
Fragment of the mirror. Child Money Bowl.
Salted tear. And bitter wormwood.
Balm on a wound with a drop of burning iodine.
Moon. Star. Salary. Sky blue.
Smile gentle. Fog. Cold evening.
Wave coastal. Silver Dal.
And breaking after a sweet meeting.
Deployment and joy. Song and sadness.
You are a holiday. You are a dream. Holy mystery.
Open and kind soul.
You are forever, and maybe you are random.
You are a step confident by a knife blade.
You are the abyss. Storm. Sense of a crazy eclipse.
You are the right. Music. Flight.
And the lips are hot you touch.
Saving. Consolation. Fragile ice.
You are a woman. You are a mother. Wife. Friend.
Favorite. Hostess. And sister.
Universe. Suffering. And flour.
You are a woman. You are a spark from the fire.
You are a woman. You are truth. You are power.
And beauty. Lord blessed
You are on all business as you asked.
God miracle - a woman - we generously gave us.
Call me by the Sun ...

Call me the sun
Hug me tighter,
And tell me that you do not give me to anyone!
And get stronger
From love your heart,
I will give all the tenderness only to you alone!
Don't call me a lady
It's cold too
I don't want to be someone else for you!
Let's stars in the sky
At night, sitting on the roof,
Recalling again together we are with you!
Call me the sun
I will shine brighter,
And in the arms of hot warming you!
Let the star break,
This is good luck!
................ Call me by the Sun !!!


Guardian of joyful childhood
My grandmother is my beloved.
I got inheritance from her
Fairy tales about distant edges
About the war, about her life without boredom.
I remember the warmth in the soul storing,
Good and gentle hands
Following the blessed me.
Small insults and secrets
Beloved his grandmother.
Took wise advice
And the heat gave little to her.
Kiss in the mackeushka at dawn,
Buns, Couples, Pies ...
Closer and relative not in the world.
The image of the grandmother you are in the heart of the neck.

* * *
Look in my mother's eyes -
Love and kindness live there.
There tears are hiding sometimes,
If we argue with you.
If mom cries -
In the soul dark
It is worth smiling -
On the soul light.
I'll take my palm
Wilderly yours
Kiss gently
And I will say "love."
Not trouble that the days fly,
And the eye of the wrinkle ran.
I will smooth them with my hand
Mom will be young again.

* * *
Love mom, small
After all, without it so hard to live
in the world,
Her attention and, affection and
You will not replace the outsider
Love mom, young
She is your trunk, and you -
its processes,
One she is only loving
Always understands you - choia
And children adults always love
For tender words she is not
Go years old, our age
What, suddenly, it will not become - we are not
But, one day, late or
She will leave, closing sickly
Love mom, adults and children,
Her relatives - there is no one in the world !!!

* * *
Beautiful motherhood experience
To be a woman is given,
Love and wisdom Unity
In her soul is concluded.
It is warming it
His favorite child
And even in thoughts guard
Sometimes forgetting, and to myself.
In her eyes you will see happiness.
And the heart is suddenly mignered,
When the dear bed
Will go to their legs
All tenderness, giving up.
And merciless spiritual forces
She is baking a child,
And decorates his world.
The heart of the brightness flows,
When the child is hard
Whims, pranks forgive
Indescribably easy.
His successes like a reward
His luck for the works,
When sleepless nights
You cared for him.
You love your native
From us from all earthly bow
In such a beautiful word "mother"!

* * *
Do not be sad that the hair is sad
Take care of yourself and do not pain
Because we do not have in the world
Human closer and relatives.
Live in the light of a long time,
All of us are still loving.
How without water can not Volga,
So we can not without you !!!

Vera Milehina
About woman

How many words beautiful
About women say
From expensive - to lovely
So many years in a row.
She is a girlfriend, mother, wife.
And, of course, grandmother
And with love, as always
She bakes pancakes
Everyone feeds all
Good word gives
And the soul is twisted,
Well, her life will extend her?
She wants a little longer
Shine and warm
And more and more, more
Do not take, but give
Live, dear,
Your Long Baby Century
And know that in Russia
You are the title of man.

All about Ne.

Mentality among Russian women
It is very difficult to explain
Medium of many everyday cracks
Be able to cry and love
Virtues of stock they are huge
All in her soul for all for us
In life peacefulness, the pogroma
Everybody will be in good time
Stop the horse on the race whether
In the burning Izbu will enter
And rush can under bullets
Kohl troubles her neighbor waiting
Do not tell, do not solve
Soul her vest
Let's only apply
And treat candy.

About old age

Often in the bustle of everyday again
We forget your mothers
And she wants to hear three words
"I love, forgive and do not pain."
Our round ball runs around the axis
And drives us in their century
Please ask the Lord ask
For mommy health, longevity
She prays over us all
Although the eyes are no longer so dress
And there is not enough power to her
Even rewind clubs
Old age crashes imperceptible
And always almost when you do not expect her
Behind the curtain will be caught not noticeable
And waits when you come
And you, her, overheat wishing
Strive again somewhere
And you say: "So far I don't have paradise,
I'm not going to die in the day
And before, no one will force us
From the life distance to go
Stare will not catch me at home
I am always on the road, I'm on the way. "

Igor Smirnov
My mother

Years go ... more and more cargo debt.
I, in the everyday rhythm of the creation,
I do not find enough attention
For the only one that without dreams
I was raining in the years
/ Not one raised, and two /
And patiently put "patchwork"
On failures, my misses.

War years alarming paintings -
From the memory you will not throw any
When the country is brown maniac
He stood up by the sinister cobwebs.
Flags when the Volga got to the Volga,
Having elapsed the map of almy traces -
From the sea and to the sea - from top to bottom.
All on the left - under strange boots.

From the side where Stalingrad beat,
We were often wounded with a stretcher;
Mama Shila Shila for Soldiers
With a dim light of a trepidate "smoking".
Zenitics in the square, night, spotlight,
And precious cards squares ...
Day - in the courtyard military game,
In the hands of guys from the landfill machine.

Anti-tank rifle in the house
We somehow barely dragged with my brother,
From the mother got to us later
Not long we went to the "heroes of the day".
I could not understand much
Although the six years I was so sometimes, -
Why my mother was afraid so
When did I floast in the spring? ..

You look back from the heights of the years
And see later, with shame, reasons:
My mistakes - Mom in the heart of the trail,
And because of them deep wrinkles ...
Circle in affairs - rapidly - turns,
Looking for solutions - the arguments of good,
I'm afraid to hear long beeps
By calling her, returning from the trip.

Reinforced the "militant avgar",
In hospitals - not only veterans.
Let us have enough strength to beat off
And the world will save from the most terrible drama.

Alexander Misharin

Khmelnoy fortress wine
Fill strings I am pretty,
Let their strength, depth,
Slightly drink you unwittingly.

Let, heed his head,
As if from smells in spring,
Honors a voice suddenly barely,
You call you.

Where you are waiting for you wonderful
And the bright day of your dreams,
Where the world is magic-unknown,
Where you will enjoy ...

Where in the heart joy gently pouring,
Fate deception is not sin
Where the love does not break
Your crystal soul.

She, like the abyss of the ocean,
High secret manitis.
However, the trick of Kappana
At the time the last will surprise.

Reach it will succeed
Only sunken ships ...
Such mining is fought
Due to the kings?

Here is a sail, I see, passes,
And what awaits him in the fog?
Elements are scary absorb
Ile himself will go to the bottom? ..

But I'm on land, happiness, right!
Oh, how is the distance manit me ...
But Mom is strict, about Glory,
I do not tell me!