The best builds of diablo 3 hunter. Demon Hunter Guide: What You Need to Know. Don't Forget the Satellite

05 Nov 2016 Tips for equipment and builds In this thread, you can turn to more experienced demon hunters for advice. You may find interesting solutions here. The topic was created in order to reduce the number of similar topics created in the "Demon Hunter" section. We kindly request to redirect newcomers to this topic. And good luck in battle! Mivandeir 4000 05 Nov 2016

23 Aug 2011 Welcome: please read! Welcome to the Russian language forums Diablo III! Here you can chat with other players and discuss all aspects of the game in a friendly atmosphere. Communication on the forums is built the best way when participants in discussions show respect for each other and observe mutual courtesy. Please take some more time to read the Forum Guide before you start posting. Rules of conduct on the forums: http://site/ru/community/conduct Please note that communication on these forums is conducted only in Russian - moderators and other participants must fully understand the content of your messages. Search Before you create a topic, please use the search function - perhaps your question has already been answered in other topics. We are sure that the whole community will be grateful to you for this. Creating a duplicate topic will most likely result in it being deleted. If you continue to post threads like this, you risk being banned from the forums. 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The choice of a topic that will remain open usually depends on the number of posts in it, as well as the constructiveness of the first post from the author and the subsequent discussion. Temporary bans lengthen based on ban history Multiple single forum rule violations and multiple temp bans will increase the duration of an account ban. If for the same infringement the players receive different time blocking, the reason for this is usually the history of bans. Have fun on the forums! Please do not create separate threads in the moderator forum with links to threads that require moderation or sticking. Use accepted communication methods with forum staff to help improve moderation efficiency. Contacting the Community Department Fan Sites: Do you own an interesting and high quality fan site for a Blizzard game? Interested in joining the Official Fan Site Program? Then send us an email to [email protected] Disabling Forums: Have you reread the rules of conduct (http://site/ru/community/conduct) and explained the reasons for disallowing access to forums, but are still convinced that you did not violate the rules (that seriously)? Then send us an appeal to [email protected], but remember that we do not give guarantees for the lifting of sanctions. Feedback: Would you like to provide feedback on forums, blog posts, live events, contests, or community activities? We value such messages and recommend sending them to [email protected] Please note that we read all your emails, but we cannot reply to them. Rayslor 0 23 Aug 2011

08 Jul ★★★Have a question? Ask it here!★★★ v.2 You came to the Demon Hunter forum with a question that you think is unique, but do not see the right topic where your question is discussed? Do not rush to create a topic, ask first here. After all, perhaps this has already been discussed more than once in the framework of other topics, or you simply did not notice where the discussion of the problem of interest to you was. This will make our forum cleaner and more transparent in order to see grains of knowledge, and not pillars of homogeneous topics, in the spirit of "Which set is cooler", "Which weapon to choose", "How to increase damage", "Where is my Cridershot" and "In general, how to live more"... I recommend that everyone familiarize themselves with the content of the attached topic, which is updated for the new patch 2.2 http://site/d3/ru/forum/topic/6084238531 © stocky 2123 08 Jul

08 Jul Mantle of Shadow - lack of hatred In general, I have never run in the shadows, but for the life of me, I don’t understand what the problem is, I constantly lack hatred, I run even in non-falems on T8, I have problems with resources. Tell me what's wrong, otherwise he hesitated already. Yanns 10 08 Jul

03 Jul DH in season 17 All the best! I caught a glimpse that the season bonus for DH would be very bad, is this true or has someone already created an uber build?) Zooooma 71 03 Jul

03 Jul LON build question What exactly in LON makes the Finishing work? spikes? In other words, no Thorns - no Finishing (if you do not take into account Cormac with his devices)? Murlot 2 03 Jul

Jun 25 Glass The people, such a question, put together a fast build for themselves, but ran into a problem, everyone and sundry just shoots me, and if in a simple game this can be circumvented by the fact that when picking up gold, I am immortal rudely. then there is no gold in the VP, is this my jamb? Or a build like this? Enzel 13 Jun 25

Jun 23 Rapid shooting in a group How suitable is this build for playing in a group (2-4)? For fasts, the assembly, it seems, is no worse than a shadow. I change [Dark Power + Pet + Pain Booster] to [Flip + Ready + Curse of the Strong] and run from elite to elite. But in a group, you can probably run several levels higher in the same time. Yesterday I improved the stones by 117 to make 120 caldesans (the best time is 10:46). But it takes 15% too long. What group should I look for (for fasts and for grade stones)? And what do you need to write in the chat to be invited to the group? Unity for what to change? Fire absorption or are there better options? Corwin 46 Jun 23

Jun 21 What survivability stat should be taken as a priority? Hello. Recently returned to d3 after a couple of years of hiatus. I got acquainted with the current sets and builds. At the very least, he was going to vice. The problem is big with the damage of mobs in VP 80+ - literally from any sneeze of mobs I immediately start to fly off. There was a choice of which stats to roll for survivability: -Zhivka -% hp - elemental resistance - armor It seems that when I turn the zhivka into olrez, the calculator in the game writes, like I lose from 1 to 15% of stamina. It feels more comfortable with olrezes, but I don’t understand something. P.S. I wanted to know by stones in vice. I read in the topics that you can take a pain enhancer instead of the curse of the strong, but I still don’t understand how it should work if the mobs just don’t fit 25 diablometers where the ionus starts to work (and if they do, then I either dump or die) P.S.S. what to do with reflexes in VP 80+? The reflex pack destroys me even while standing afk. Dmitry 10 Jun 21

Jun 16 Seasonal TOURNAMENT for Undertaker HH. 17-season TOURNAMENT "Without pants, but with a hat", only for HH Organizer Mr. BLO Tournament princess Ms. Macha. Prize fund The total fund of the tournament is 20500 rubles. The prize fund of the tournament is distributed (including commission) 1st place - 3500 rubles. 2nd place -3000 rub. 3rd place - 2500 rubles. 4-5 places - 2000 rubles each. 6-7 places - 1500 rubles each. 8th-10th places - 1000 rubles each Goal: Close the maximum possible Great Portal - solo- Start of the tournament - May 17 End of the tournament - June 10 Tournament conditions. Closing the VP in the season for DH without set bonuses, without caldesans with working stones not higher than 100 lvl. The total playing time in the season (for all Persians) is no more than 100 hours. The absence in the profile of any records in the party above 45 VP in the season. Mandatory registration of a record by a player in the tournament table. (One player - 1 record) (Write to mrBLO in the online chat of the stream about the record (indicate the place in the ladder), make sure that he entered your record in the TOURNAMENT TABLE. Without your message, the record will not be fixed.) In case of equality of closed EPs, the closing time will be taken into account, in case of equality and time - paragon. Tournament within Fair play. (The organizer has the right to remove a player from participation in the tournament if the player is suspected of violating the Fair play game. - account transfer, use of bots, etc.) TABLE OF THE TOURNAMENT 1."RUS" Undertaker(1305) min.) 2. "WC" Talladro (1252) 121 ch - 14.55 (92h) 3.RseJin (1101) 119 ch - 14.13 (59h) 4. "RUS" ksenk (1246) 119 ch - 14.57 (95h) 5. Ranger (1102) ch 117 - 12.21 (80h) 6. "PiratE" sirATO (1311) ch 117 - 13.47 (94h) 7. "DH110" Rabotaem (1104) 116 ch - 13.24 (77h) 8.derikk1 (1151) 116 ch - 14.26 (99) 9. "DH121" w0rk(1242) 116 ch - 14.54 (92h) 10."Adaxi" AdgrAf (1105) 116 ch - 14.59 (99) 11.KreeDusHKa (1105) 114 ch -14.27 (73h)" 12."51RUS" NiDenis (808) 108 ch - 11.55 (44h) mrBLO 109 Jun 16

11 Jun Help make a more tenacious hunt Hello. Please tell me how can I make my hunt more tenacious? I'm clearly doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what. Only on business. Vangrout 10 11 Jun

May, 23rd improvement points Advice needed... How to distribute cultivation points in the most efficient way.. Please share your experience gentlemen... Dyakon 31 May, 23rd

22nd of May [Build] Volley in Vice for Nefalem women at T16. Volley in Corruption for Nephalem portals solo on Tier 16. The assembly allows you to quickly and comfortably pass the Nephalem portals. The build is not suitable for assignments and fasts, as there is not enough damage for T16 4 players and VP 85. Compared to last season (T13), we had to sacrifice a little speed for damage. The speed of passage fell by five percent (about 19 portals per hour). Walkthrough demo: (paragon 1250, all items found this season) D3 planner: 1. Skills Ready - Surge Volley - Powerful Volley Darkness - Flying Shadows Somersault or Somersault Pet - Bat (you can take any other skill) Retaliation - Grim Soul Tactical Dominance Hot Pursuit Bloody Vengeance Ambush Steady Hand 2. Equipment Yan's Recurve Bow Dead Man's Arrows Five items from Essence of Corruption ( Except for the helmet) Deposition of Pride or Leoric's Crown Witch's Hour Bracers of Vengeance Jordan Hellfire Amulet stone Ring of Greed 3. Kaani's Cube Envious Blade Golden-woven Band Ring of Royal Splendor 4. Gems Gift of the Greeder Curse of the Strong Zeev Stone of Vengeance Topaz in helmet, emeralds in armor, weapons emerald Comments: - Pet skill is not used. The passive effect can come in handy in the barn. - The Retribution skill is used once - against the boss of the portal. While walking along the rift, its use is contraindicated, since minor damage from Retribution "turns off" the bonus from the Envious Blade. - KS on the jeweler are replaced with more priority stats - dexterity and damage. - Cooldown reduction and area damage are useless. - In the secondary, bonuses to gold and collection radius are useful, and a bonus to spikes is harmful. I didn't comment on skills and equipment in detail, since it would take a lot of time, and whether anyone will use this build is unknown. If someone is interested, ready to answer all questions. Corwin 26 22nd of May

May 17 Complete guide on the hybrid Marauder and Natalia (cold, fire) A complete guide to the hybrid Marauder and Natalia Contents. 00:00:00 Introduction. 00:11:15 Marauder and Natalia's hybrid in the cold. 01:01:20 A hybrid of the Marauder and Natalya on small paragons on fire. 01:20:00 Marauder and Natalia hybrid on fire (advanced) mrBLO 490 May 17

May 15 [Guide] Incarnation of the Marauder in 2.6.1 (grenades) This guide will be designed to solo high great portals. The Marauder, as well as the shadow, received some ups that will allow him to close around the 110th ch. Patch 2.6.1 changes: 1) The 6th Marauder set bonus has been upgraded from 1200% to 3000% (turrets don't buff, only the character itself). 2) The manticore received a new legendary property, now, in addition to reducing the cost of resources for an explosive arrow, it now increases the damage of this skill up to 300% (the bonus is multiplicative), old crossbows can be sprayed. 3) The legendary property of the windings of clarity has been strengthened, now here you can get a bonus to durability up to 50%, old bracers are also scrapped. Well, a small reminder about the properties of the witch's belt http://site/d3/ru/item/hellcat-waistguard - grenades with a certain probability (about 50%) can start to bounce and with each bounce their damage will increase by 50%, with on the last bounce, the damage will be increased by 800%, and not by another 800%, but simply by 800% of the initial one (the belt bonus is multiplicative). Unfortunately, the belt bonus does not apply to turrets and the damage of this build will be completely from hand. 1. Stronghold of Will build - Endless march - Undercover retreat with rune group up http://site/d3/ru/class/demon -hunter/active/evasive-fire - hate generator, launch of the first bonus from "Hold of the Will", as well as launch of the durability bonus from the bracers of "Coil of Clarity". The Bundle rune increases armor by 25% for 3 seconds after hitting mobs at close range. Explosive arrow with a rune of explosive bombs http://site/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/active/cluster-arrow - launches the second bonus from the Stronghold of the Will and the main damaging skill. The rune is entirely built on grenades, and it is they that interest us. In addition, it has the maximum multiplier of these same grenades - 650%, the rest of the runes are only 250%. Turret with a rune northern turret http://website/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/active/sentry - a mandatory skill in this build, for each installed turret our damage will increase by 3000%, with 5 installed turrets we will get 15000% factor. The turrets themselves in this build will not deal significant damage. A cold rune is taken for a slow, which triggers bonuses from the passive skill “finishing” and the legendary stone “curse of the captives”. Vengeance with the rabies rune http://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/vengeance - gives a 40% multiplicative increase in damage, immunity to control and restores 10 points of hatred per second. Somersault with somersault-mortale rune http://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/vault - sprint and safe ability, this rune is the most economical in terms of concentration consumption. Pet with any rune http://website/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/active/companion - from the 2nd bonus of the set we get all the pets at once, along with all their passive bonuses and bonuses when the skill is pressed, in addition they create a good barrier wall from monsters. 2. Passive skills Finishing http://site/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/cull-the-weak - 20% multiplicative bonus to damage against slowed down enemies, with the northern turret they will be constantly slowed down by us. Grenadier http://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/grenadier - increase grenade explosion radius by 20% and multiplicative increase in their damage by 10%. Improvement of mechanisms http://site/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/custom-engineering - gives one additional turret, which will increase our damage by another 3000% (the 6th marauder bonus), and also extends the duration of the turrets by 30 seconds. Binding traps http://website/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/passive/numbing-traps - 25% reduction in mob damage, activated by cold turrets, besides, all 5 turrets will be used under mobs.. 3 Kanai's Cube Weapon: Dawn http://website/d3/ru/item/dawn - no options, as it reduces the cooldown of retribution by 65% ​​Armor: Zoey's Secret http://website/d3/ru/item/zoeys -secret - a belt that will give durability for each active pet from the pet skill http://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/companion , there are 7 of them (raven, spider, bat, boar, 2 ferrets and a wolf). or the Witch's belt http://site/d3/ru/item/hellcat-waistguard - described at the beginning of the guide, one of the belts goes into the cube, the second goes to the Persian. Jewelry: Collection of elements http://website/d3/ru/item/convention-of-elements - no options, too much damage increase to give up in favor of something else (bonus is multiplicative, pure tripling of damage in the corresponding phase rings). undertaker 232 May 15

May 10 DH Shadow. Dear players. Collected shadow. But I don't know if it's good. Please rate: So far I have closed only 111 and what is missing to close the VP above. Thanks in advance. Since the link does not show dexterity from Caldesans, I will add almost 16k dexterity. Paragon 1150. Hanako 64 May 10

May 08 how to properly distribute improvement points? I haven't played Diablo for a long time, so I decided to comeback. tell me guys how to properly distribute improvement points in all tabs I play as dx? NERVOUS 49 May 08

May 05 tell me the nuances I haven't played in a long time, and somehow lagged behind latest news in the mechanics of the game: +++ is it necessary to adjust the element of the weapon to the element of the build? how much % of dps is unobvious lost? is it lost? (weighted average) ++++ what is more effective now - to collect pure dps or pump into one element to the detriment of the obvious dps from the profile? +++++ Is it more effective than %KU or SA or % AOE damage? I don’t know how to test myself, don’t ask, I’m a slow gas)) good grapple 2 May 05

May 05 [Build] Volley in Vice for T13 Link to the final version of the assembly: https://website/forums/ru/d3/topic/17625532485??page=7#post-133 The first version of the assembly (it differs from the final one in the absence of the Deposition of Pride). The assembly is intended for Nephalem portals and quests (solo). General characteristics : - high damage: all elites (except final and act bosses) die with one shot - yellow, blue, purple (including keymen) - hatred and concentration never end - good speed: about 200% bonus - high durability in the portal and good resistance against act bosses - a large amount of gold for improved VP 100+ fasts (achievement "pick up 50 million at a time" is performed by itself when passing through Nephalem portals). 1. Skills Ready - Surge Volley - Powerful Volley Dark Force - Shadow Flight Somersault - Somersault Pet - Bat Retaliation - Grim Soul Tactical Superiority Hot Pursuit Bloody Vengeance Ambush Alertness (e.g. Steady Hand) Damage As we kill arrows, shells are useless. Therefore, a powerful volley. Since the mobs are at full health, Ambush gives 40% damage. Projectiles aren't completely useless, as they can kill mobs outside of the Volley cone. Resources Blood Vengeance replenishes resources. In Nephalem portals, Blood Vengeance gives enough hate. On quests on cursed chests with a lot of small waves, sometimes you have to use the Bat. For long runs without shooting, sometimes you need to use Evocation of Power. Speed ​​For a bonus to speed I use the Flight of shadows. When moving without shooting, I alternate between Flight of Shadows and Salto Mortale. Shadow Flight grants 30% for 5 seconds and 60% for 2 seconds, Salto Mortale grants 60% for 2 seconds. Hot Pursuit grants a combat speed bonus (which lasts almost continuously). Fortitude Retribution is only used on final and act bosses (so no cooldown reduction needed). There is enough hatred, so the rune is Grim Soul for stamina (useful against Malthael, Rakanoth, etc.) , how much gold has collected in the last 5 seconds. At low levels of Paragon, the bonus from Cups of Reflection is too small to worry about, and the damage is not enough. Therefore, instead of vigilance, we use a firm hand. 2. Equipment Gloves, shoulder pads, helmet, leg armor, shoes from the Essence of Corruption set. Golden skin (e.g. Hellborn Cage). Golden webbing. Bracers of retribution. Hellfire Amulet. Jordan stone. Ring of Greed. Yang's recurve bow. Dead man's arrows. Cubed: Envious Blade Krelm's Bull Belt Ring of Royal Opulence (eg Ring of Evasion) Golden Skin is used for 100% gold on kill. At low levels of paragone, gold for improved HP is enough even without Golden Skin, but the damage is not enough. Therefore, we use the cloak from the kit (for the sake of concentration). If you are not interested in gold, then you can leave the cloak from the set and replace the helmet with the Cast Down of Pride to reduce the cost of concentration. Bracers of Vengeance for Rift Acceleration and additional Death Breaths. If movement speed is more important than additional Breaths of Death, then Varzhechan Armguards can be used. The goldenweave baldric allows you to ignore the explosions of the molten elite. Envious Blade increases the minimum damage by 5 times (against mobs with full health). Since we want to kill mobs with one shot, it is the minimum, not the average, that is important to us. Krelma bull belt for movement speed. Items from the kit, bow and quiver can be used from the usual assembly for fasts. But you can replace the unnecessary properties Reducing cooldown and Area Damage with something useful - for stamina and damage to the elite, and in the secondary to accumulate gold when killing. On the Jordan stone, you need elements, special damage and crit damage. The ring of greed requires crit damage, agility and medium damage. The amulet needs elements, crit damage and dexterity. 3. Gems Topaz in the helmet, diamonds in the armor (emeralds can be used), emerald in the weapon. On a low paragone, instead of diamonds in armor, emeralds. In jewelry Gift of the money-grubber, Zeev stone of retribution and Curse of the strong. Since we don't have any slowdown or other CC effects, Curse of Prisoners is useless. Corwin 268 May 05

May 04 dh for beginner Good afternoon. Question: Which build should I choose for farming quests, portals, experience, etc. Details: 330 paragon, now I go to Natalie's set on Torment 9 back to back. The rest of the clothes and stones according to the situation and what will give more damage and survivability. In general, self-propelled) I watched various guides on builds, From the popular Natalie + Marauder and Vice in a volley. The only problem is that those who write guides have 1-2k levels there, and a lot of consumables, so it’s not clear what you can collect good for comfortable farming and a more tenacious estate) Well, either kinte a link where there is an answer. Thank you! Zooooma 42 May 04

27 Apr Damage Inheritance What affects the damage of the character is generally clear. However, not all the damage is done by the Persian alone. Therefore, I would very much like to know what factors that affect the character's damage are transferred to those who accompany him in battle. Using the example of a HH, the following "accompanies" can be distinguished: an ally (Cormak, etc.), pets (a wolf, etc.), turrets, spikes from the Hell Captor crossbow, all kinds of creatures called from using one or another equipment, and etc. And since there are a huge number of these accompanying, perhaps there is general information about the system of inheritance of damage (enhancing modifiers) from the Persian to the rest. Anriko 4 27 Apr

01 Apr Hyde Hybrid Marauder + Natalya(Fire) Hello! Today we will consider the currently popular hybrid "build" of the Marauder and Natalia, using the fiery rune "Explosive Arrow" - "Full Armored". We will need 5 parts of the Natalya set and 3 parts of the Marauder. We will supplement them with the "Ring of Royal Splendor" (cubed) for the bonuses we need to work. The main sources of our damage are the "Explosive Arrow" with the "In Full Armor" rune and the "Turrets" which will deal 400% more damage and duplicate the explosive arrow, due to the second bonus from the 4-piece "Marauder" set. We do not inflict damage "from the hand" ..... only through the turrets, but it is necessary to hit the enemies to roll back the "Shower of Retribution". Manticore (cubed) will cut the cost by half and increase the damage of Explosive Arrow. Also, "Ash Tunic" (cubed) will reduce the cost of resources by 30% to "Explosive Arrow" and "Kolbit", since in the somersault we have the fiery rune "Ash Trail". There is an option, at low paragon, to replace "Ash Tunic" with "Garwulf's Cloak", which will increase our stamina by almost 2 times, but you will have to sacrifice "area damage" in favor of "Reduce resource costs". Leave two or 3 UPR stats, the rest in "resource costs" and in "somersault" you will need to replace the rune with "Salto Mortale". With "Garwulf" he closed 111 VPs on 1409 paragon in the 15th season. In the current era, 123 VPs have been closed. In patch 2.6.4, without a "garwolf" can not live in 120+ VP. We need Rain of Retribution to increase the damage of the Turrets, which are the main source of damage and for durability due to the third bonus for 6 parts from the Natalia set, and the first bonus for 2 parts from the Natalia set will help us restore this skill faster ". Pets will be available to us all at once, due to the first bonus for 2 parts from the "Marauder" set, in addition, "Zoya's Secret" (belt) will give us up to 9% damage reduction for us for each pet. In total we have 7 of them, it turns out that we will receive less damage by 63% if we have a nine affix. "Turret" we take the northern one - to control the "mobs", the stone "Curse of the Captives" and the "Finishing Off" passive. "Backpack of the Bombardier" will give us 2 additional turrets and increase the damage from turrets to 100%. + "Refining Mechanisms" (passive) will give us one more turret and increase their duration. The hate generator we will have is "Undercover Withdrawal" with the "Attention" rune. With this rune, we will restore 7 units. hatred for the blow. Bands of Clarity (bracers) will reduce damage taken by up to 50% for 5 seconds after firing Covert Withdrawal. Passives "Strong Hand" will increase our damage by 20% "Finishing" will also increase our damage by 20%. We will slow down and freeze with turrets and rain. We have already talked about "Refining Mechanisms". The fourth passive we will have is either "Hunting Alone" to quickly kill a single boss who does not call anyone, as well as standing alone "mobs", or "Self-healing" - to heal for a hit. Another option is to take "Ambush". In the initial stages, I recommend taking "Self-healing", but over time, when you play better and better, it is advisable to take "Hunt for a Solo", because. damage at max levels is more important than life regen. Rolls According to the cost of resources, we should have 1 stat in the shoulder pads (If with the "Uniform"), topaz in the helmet and 10% in the paragon, the rest will give us the "Ash Tunic" and "Manticore" cubed. In this "build" Area Damage plays a big role, it should be 4-5 stats (If with "Uniform"). I have him in a crossbow, in gloves in shoulder pads, in a quiver and of course 50% in the "paragon". Shoulder Guards should have: Agility, HPP, resource cost reduction, 15% turret damage. Wearing Gloves: Required stats: Crit Chance, Crit Damage and Area Damage or Resource Cost. After a sufficient amount of "paragon", instead of dexterity, you can take resource costs or attack speed. Helmeted: Agility, Crit Chance and Explosive Arrow. (up to 100 VP you can take survivability for the place of the "Explosive Arrow") In the Cloak: Agility, the speed of regeneration of hatred, 15% to turrets and in the "secondary" concentration is desirable. For a place to restore concentration, if you do not have a lot of dexterity (less than 10 thousand, you can take survivability in order to throw more into dexterity) Also, concentration can be taken in a crossbow and in a quiver, this is a very useful stat. With add. concentration, we will use somersault more often, this will have a good effect on our survival. In the Belt: Dex, Alive, Resist (resistance to all elements), % to health and the legendary affix 8.8 - 9%. Pants: Fishing, Alive, Resists. Boots: Fishing, Alive, Resists, Explosive Arrow. Bracers: Dex, Viv, KS, Fire Damage and the highest possible affix. In the amulet: KS, CA, Fire Damage and a socket, on a low "paragon" instead of fire damage, you can take dexterity. Natalia's Perfect Ring: Should have Crit Chance, Crit Damage, and Medium Damage. At low "paragon" instead of average damage, you can take dexterity. In "Rose of the Winds": should be Dex, Crit Chance, Crit Damage, Average Damage and a socket. "Windrose" is very difficult to find with the right stats, so instead of average damage or crit. chance - you can take Area Damage or any other useful stat. Don't take one crit. chance in the ring - allowed. "Windrose" has a built-in affix that gives movement speed, we don't need it, so we need to "transfer" it to the stat we need. In order not to "mock" your "wind rose" - always "roll over" the speed of movement, either into a "nest" or into one of the stats recommended above. We will talk about the "Endless March" set (amulet + ring) in the Great Portal itself. In the Crossbow: there is a built-in unnecessary "rain of vengeance" stat, which we will "recast" into such stats as: Area Damage, 8% damage to special opponents, Resource cost reduction, hate recovery speed. There is another option, for example, if you find a crossbow with UPR and low average damage, then you can leave the "rain of vengeance" and wind up the maximum average damage, you will gain in damage but lose 1 stat. In the "secondary" concentration is desirable. Quiver: Attack speed, crit chance, area damage, and 1 stat to choose from, or 8 on special opponents, or cost resources or restore hatred. On a high "paragon" and with an ideal proc, dexterity can be "rolled" into the desired stat. Legendary Gems: Outlaw treats our turrets as pets and increases their damage Zeev Stone of Vengeance will increase our damage depending on the distance from us to the enemy. "Curse of the Captives" will increase our damage after slowing and freezing mobs. Activators are: turrets, rain of vengeance, and even Cormac with Thunderfury. Insert diamonds into the body and pants for durability. Paragons: 15% movement (10% will give us "Ferret"). +25 Hatred to Vitality is about enough to have 500-650 thousand health in the bank, the rest is agility. We take Cormac as a companion, we dress him as follows: - "Enchanted gift" will give him immortality. - Thunderfury + Mark of Doom will occasionally stun enemies. - Ring of the Eye activates an area that increases its damage by up to 85%. - "Essence of Johan" will periodically pull nearby enemies. Companion passive skills: "Healing", "Dash", "Cheerfulness" and "Devotion" for health regeneration, helps a lot with the "Hunt Solo" passive, if you use the "Self Heal" passive, you can take "Intimidate". "Gameplay" Going to great portal we press the "shower of vengeance" (continuing to maintain this skill all the time by pressing it on the enemies), then we collect heaps of monsters, put "turrets" on them, attack with the "explosive arrow", periodically firing "Retreat Under Cover", "somersault" freely up to half banks, then we begin to save concentration by moving in steps and shooting at enemies at the same time. Moving somersaults and standing still we will deal high damage due to the "endless march" set, and moving in steps we will get more protection but lose damage. If there are no white "mobs" near the elite, then we lead the elite to the next crowd (looking at the purple dots on the mini map, these are our pets). up to six "elites" can accumulate and it will become very hot, sometimes you have to drag all this farce until the very exit. (depending on the elite affixes, if "teleportation" and "onslaught" then these guys fight for a very long time). When you see the "lightning" pylon, do not take it right away, but run further collecting even more elite, leaving the previous one behind, killing white "mobs" along the way, as soon as all the elite are at the pylon - we take lightning, the less white "mobs" you have left the faster the whole elite will die. We always leave the "Power" pylon on the boss, leaving a few monsters near it, we can return for it with 99% progress, finish off the monsters, the boss will appear and take the power, it should be taken with the expectation that you have enough of it until the death of the boss. The guide will be supplemented and corrected. Basically everything, catch open cards with fat monsters and you will succeed, come to my "stream", bye everyone. D3 planner: My Twitch channel: In the last era 2018-1, closed VP 116, You can look at the build, I'm in TOP 24. Closing VP 123 season 16 ( RaZoR 41 01 Apr

24 Mar Mantle of Shadow in 2.6.4 Since it is no longer possible to write in the previous topic, I am creating a continuation https://site/forums/ru/d3/topic/17615432696?page=26 this is the only build that I almost never played and decided to drive a little in the off-season, suddenly it will come in from the 3rd time and the next season I will run with this little animal. There are a couple of unnecessary things, I recently knocked out (I wanted to spray at the beginning, and then I decided and suddenly it would fit) the first dodge ring of the original - dexterity, crit, ksh, in the secondary resistance, what to turn into primary dexterity for medium damage or something else. the second is a quiver of an arrow of light primordial - lightning, speed, dexterity, KSh, dagger throw, secondary % to gold, resist, sho twist ???????????? Andrew 13 24 Mar

20 Mar [guide] Essence of Vice 2.4.1 And hello again, dear forum users, lovers and admirers of the unsurpassed Demon Hunter. I think many avid demon hunters, and I in particular, are pleased with the changes that have occurred to the equipment and skills of our beloved class. I bring to your attention the updated build "The Essence of Vice" taking into account the changes in patch 2.4.1 In order not to produce new topics, your obedient servant decided to edit the current one, especially since it has been extended and, given that the basis of the guide and its structure will not be changed. What's new in patch 2.4.1 1. The damage of the skills "Volley" and "Retribution" increases by 40% for each point of concentration (was 20%) 2. Passive skill /class/demon-hunter/passive/steady-aim now grants a multiplier damage bonus, i.e. multiplies with others. 3. The effect of the "wolf" rune of the skill also gives a multiplicative damage bonus. in connection with which the latter can be a good alternative to the already useless for this build "Taeguk", and the good old "Curse of the Affected". 5. Added new item This is a reworked version of the Precise Crossbow we used a couple of seasons ago and will be a key position in the alternate build, but more on that later. Classic fiery "Vice" Build implies using the skill "Volley" as the main damage ability. The core of this assembly is the bow, allows you to deal damage much faster with the help of "Volley", as well as significantly reducing the cost of all our abilities due to the sewn RCR (up to 55% including reforging) Build itself!chYa!YcaYcc "At the ready" /en/class/demon-hunter/active/preparation with the rune "surge of strength" - gives a constant increase in the stock of concentration (+20 units). This ability affects damage and is mandatory. "Pet" with the "wolf" rune - increases the damage of the Hunter and party members by 30% for 10 sec. It is also a mandatory element of the build that affects damage. "Volley" with the "arsenal" rune is the main damage ability. "Escape under cover" with the "attention" rune - a hate generator. In general, there can be any generator with any rune at the place of Withdrawal under cover, but this particular one allows you to restore hatred as quickly as possible. "Smokescreen" with "shift" rune - variable ability. Belongs to the category of protective. Allows you to completely avoid damage, and in combination with the "shift" rune - to break the distance with the enemy as quickly as possible or leave the danger zone. Alternatively, you can choose "Kolbit" http://eu.battle. the main buff (+40% damage during the action) and the source of hatred. 100% (2 times). This is the main damage buff in this build. "Finishing Off" - increases damage against slowed enemies, also stacks with "Curse of Captives" http://eu. Passive is required. "Strong hand" - gives 20% multiplier damage. Thrill of the Hunt - the main means of slowing down opponents, also activating the passive ability "Finishing" and the legendary stone " Curse of the Captives" When using "Hellfire Amulet" as the 5th passive, you can use "Vigilance" - protection from random RIP; "Ambush" - great for clearing Nephalem portals and VPs of low difficulty, as well as completing errands; "Shooting" - plus 8% damage. A good boost, especially for high-level equipment. "Tactical Superiority" is a great mobility boost that works well with the "Flip" skill http://eu.battle. net/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/vault Suitable for quick clearance of Nephalem Rifts, low difficulty VH and quests. "Night Stalker" for those who play with "Guns" in a cube. Ideally, it should be ancient with a bonus to concentration in secondary affixes. In the primary, the priority is damage > % damage > attack speed > agility > % damage to elite > % damage to area. Quiver - "Dead Man's Legacy" Naturally with a bonus to concentration in secondary affixes. Primary should have dexterity, ksh, %damage to "Volley" and the 5th stat in descending order of importance - %damage to elite > %damage to area > cdr > survivability > rkr = hate regen > d3/en/item/focus - A set of rings from the Bulwark of the Will set increases damage by 2.25 times with active buffs. Since the socket in the rings is a sewn-in affix, choosing the right combination of the rest is a fairly simple task. Namely, they should have: dexterity, ksh, ku. Or, with a high level of equipment, instead of dexterity, % area damage / rkr rolls. Amulet - Hellfire Amulet. This is an option for those looking to maximize damage. As a passive on the amulet, ideally, there should be one of the first three in the above list, in which case the thing will be universal, however, the option with other passives from the list will also work, but then you have to decide for which tasks the resulting AARP will be suitable. Since the socket in AARP starting from 2.3 is a built-in property, it will not be difficult to weld a good one. The ideal combination of affixes looks like this:% damage to fire, ksh, ku; however, the agility option will work instead of %damage to fire. But we must remember that even 16% fire damage will give more than 1000 dexterity with more or less normal equipment, even taking into account the fact that bracers already have 20% fire damage. "Star of Azkaranth" This is an option for those who do not want to have difficulty with the "reflect" elite packs. Due to the change in the mechanics of reflecting monster damage in patch 2.3, protective amulets have also become "anti-reflective". Since we mainly use the fire school to deal damage, then the fire protection amulet can greatly facilitate the task of fighting elite monsters with fire affixes and, in particular, "damage reflection". The combination of the properties of the amulet is the same: socket, ksh, ku, % fire damage > dexterity. Belt - "Witching Hour" http://site/d3/ru/item/the-witching-hour A great option for a DPS build; or "Hunter's Wrath" http://site/d3/ru/item/hunters-wrath - will give a noticeable increase in stamina due to such stats as "olresist" and "%hp", and also provides an increase in the rate of fire of generators due to the legendary affix . This property also directly affects the restoration of hatred. He showed himself well in the VP of high complexity, where there are always problems with hatred. A new belt for "marauders" will also fit http://site/d3/ru/item/zoeys-secret For one wolf, we will get an additional damage reduction of up to 9%, which is also not bad at all. Bracers - "Wraps of clarity" http://site/d3/ru/item/wraps-of-clarity - new bracers that increase durability when using "generators". They are an indispensable thing for passing high-difficulty airspace and for those who have a problem with survival. Alternative options: "Lakuni robbers" http://eu.battle..4 they are not so useful anymore. Parameters required for bracers: % fire damage, agility, survivability, ksh. All other 6 items are parts of the Essence of Vice set born in hell" http://site/d3/ru/item/cage-of-the-hellborn - 3 sockets, dexterity, vitality, hate regen / olresist /% hp, in the secondary - concentration bonus Shoulders - "Unsanctified Spaulders "http://website/d3/ru/item/unsanctified-shoulders - agility, survivability, olresist,% area damage/cdr Gloves - "Demonic Grips" http://site/d3/ru/item/fiendish-grips - dexterity, ksh, ku, cdr /% area damage / attack speed. Alexis 2156 20 Mar

15 Mar Gathering mobs in a crowd Good day to all! I play in a hybrid of a Marauder and Natalia on fire. Connoisseurs, tell me, if there is any instruction, guide, or just key points in the technique of collecting mobs into a crowd for the effective use of area damage? And an additional question, if I may). It seems like mrBLO was talking about the fact that in this hybrid, only in the cold, the reduction in resource costs should be around 40%, it makes no sense to add higher, since the system automatically rounds tenths, and in order to achieve a reduction in costs per unit of hatred, you need to solidly collect as a percentage of this indicator. Maybe someone knows an example of this calculation, in order to accurately find out the profitability of twisting the cost reduction indicator? SHAHandMAT 3 15 Mar

07 Feb Quiver of Corruption It fell out with very bad stats - I want to leave it until I better knock it out. The main goal is t13 and comfortable solo fasts as high as possible. What is better to roll: secondary into concentration or skill damage into profile? Hatred and concentration to 0 never sag, so there is no point in reducing costs or replenishing the first. NaiTai 7 07 Feb

Jan 30 Help a stupid newbie I play for fun in a party with a celik, but there is a desire to plunge headlong into the world of diablo, tell me the initial pumping for a fool (me) (dx) and how to play for him correctly, where to start at all Do not judge if the topic is very stupid Thomas 19 Jan 30

Jan 28 [Guide] Mantle of Shadow in 2.6.1 This guide will be intended mainly for solo passages of high great portals. Taking into account all the ups, the shadow was raised by about 11 levels compared to patch 2.6.0 and now it can close about the 110th ch in it. Patch 2.6.1 innovations: 1) The 6th shadow set bonus has been increased from 40000% to 50000%. 2) Carly's Sting received a new legendary affix to increase the damage of throwing a dagger up to 375%, the bonus is multiplicative, old daggers can be safely sprayed no matter how perfect they are. 1. Build and description of skills Build - Dagger Throw https://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/impale - The main and only damaging skill. The ricochet rune is the most preferable, it will allow you to hit more targets, restore hp and resources more efficiently, and also disperse the pain amplifier, but any other rune will do if a better gear is pierced under it, piercing is also good. Only the 3 (thanks to the quiver) initially released daggers on the first target they hit receive the 6th shadow bonus, further pierces/ricochets do not have this damage. The 330% ku from the grievous wounds rune does not work, the dagger just becomes physical, the first target hit still gets the same 50000%. The power of darkness https://site/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/shadow-power - Thanks to the 4th bonus, the shadow gets all the runes and acts indefinitely, it is necessary to press it only after entering the rift or after death. While the skill is active, it will be outlined in gold on the panel, the choice of rune only affects the color of the wings. This skill grants a 35% reduction in incoming damage, an increase in movement speed of 30% over the limit, and a rather impressive health regeneration on hit, which can be additionally boosted by health regeneration on a kill while equipped. The only rune that requires squeezing the skill is a night curse that slows down nearby enemies and imposes the Binding Traps passive bonus on them, also squeezing activates the dodge ring bonus. Dark soul vengeance https://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/vengeance - We press on CD, gives a multiplicative increase in damage by 40%, immunity to control and reduction in incoming damage by 50%. A pet with a boar rune https://site/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/active/companion - Passively increases olrez by 20%, and when pressed, the aggro of all mobs is on itself. Somersault with rune swift somersault https://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/vault - Sprint, ability safe, solving the problem of getting stuck in mobs and activating the dodge ring bonus. Thanks to the Chain of Shadows belt, the somersault will be free when throwing daggers actively, and thanks to Bracers of the strongman, it will increase damage against knocked back enemies by 30% for 6 seconds additively (the debuff and stun work on bosses, but knockback does not work). Fan of Blades with Rune Blade Armor https://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/fan-of-knives - Increase armor by 40% for 6 seconds, which will significantly increase survivability. We press on cd, gogok and kdr even on the same shoulders will make it almost recoilless. 2. Passive skills Finishing https://site/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/cull-the-weak - 20% multiplicative increase in damage against slowed or stiff mobs, activated by the curse of captives within a radius of 15 meters from dx, or by pressing the power of darkness to increase the radius to 30 meters. Ambush https://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/ambush - 40% multiplicative increase in damage on the first quarter of mobs' HP. Binding traps https://website/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/passive/numbing-traps - Reduced damage to mobs by 25%, activated similarly to finishing off, plus a fan.. 3. Kanai Cube Weapon: Dawn https:/ /website/d3/ru/item/dawn - No options, as it reduces the cooldown of retribution by 65%. Armor: Aquila Cuirass https://website/d3/en/item/aquila-cuirass - Thanks to Carly's Sting, our hatred will almost always be within range of this cuirass, it will give a reduction in incoming damage by 50%. Bijouterie: Collection of Elements https://site/d3/ru/item/convention-of-elements - Multiplicative increase in damage by 200% in the corresponding phase of the ring. undertaker 500 Jan 27

Jan 27 a bug with a marauder or am I misunderstanding something? Does anyone know what they did with the incarnation of the marauder? Put on Natalia's Revenge Set with 14000% damage and went through Portal 65 in 6 minutes. changed into a marauder with 12000% damage, but cleared only half of the portal 65. what's the joke? there is a sum from the turrets, of which there were 5, the total damage should have increased by 12000% * 5 = 60000% and this is not even 14000% from natalia, but I only managed to clear half of portal 65 as a marauder when the time was up. I have a suspicion that it's just some kind of bug, and something just doesn't work! please answer those who really understand what's going on! 3 Jan 25

Jan 25 [Guide] Incarnation of the Marauder in 2.4.2 (projectiles) Due to numerous requests from workers, I am posting a guide to the marauder in 2.4.2. This guide will be intended mainly for high-level solo passages. A little about the changes that took place in patches 2.4.1 and 2.4.2: 1) A pet with a boar rune http://website/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/active/companion - passive bonus to health regeneration per second and resistance to all Damage types now also apply to party members. 2) Pet with rune wolf http://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/companion - bonus to damage when pressing the skill (applies to party members as before) is now multiplicative. In patch 2.4.2, the damage bonus was reduced from 30% to 15%. 3) Passive skill steady hand http://site/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/steady-aim - now its bonus is also multiplicative.. 5) Legendary gem curse of the strong http://site/d3/ru /item/bane-of-the-powerful - The bonus after killing an elite is now multiplicative, the second bonus has been supplemented with a 15% reduction in damage from the elite. 6) Legendary cutthroat gem http://website/d3/ru/item/enforcer - pet damage bonus is now multiplicative, pet durability bonus increased from 25% to 90%. 8) One of the possible rings of the Eye Ring http companion ://website/d3/ru/item/oculus-ring - now its bonus will work much more often. 9) Frostburn Gloves http://website/d3/ru/item/frostburn - got a useful legendary property for Kanai's cube and will now become one of the options in the cold assembly. 10) The marauder set itself http://website/d3/ru/item/marauders-visage - was also upgraded, the 4th bonus now increases the damage of turrets by 400% instead of 300% (the bonus is multiplicative), and the 6th bonus increases our damage and damage pets for each active turret by 800% instead of 600% (the bonus is multiplicative, turrets don't pop). 1.!cUhR!YbYbYc On the planner - Withdrawal under cover with the attention rune http://site/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/active/evasive-fire - hate generator , the launch of the first bonus from "Holding of the Will", as well as the launch of the stamina bonus from the bracers "Wraps of Clarity". or Ready with punishment rune http://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/preparation - an alternative hatred replenishment when using the "Endless March", however with this option you will have to abandon the "Wraps of Clarity". Explosive arrow with a rune of starfall or whirlpool (depending on the selected element) http://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/cluster-arrow - launches the second bonus from the Stronghold of the Will and the main damaging skill. Each rune has its own advantages, since only one projectile flies into each target, starfall will allow you to quickly kill the boss or the unfinished elite, and the choice of the physical element on the equipment will also increase the damage of retribution, which will also be used with the physical rune rage. The whirlpool, on the other hand, will inject a little less damage into each individual target, but it will hit more opponents, in addition, it has a good heal, unlike starfall. Choosing the element of cold will also increase the damage of cold turrets. Turret with a rune northern turret http://website/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/active/sentry - a mandatory skill in this build, for each installed turret our damage will increase by 800%, and the turrets will be with us shoot enemies with explosive arrows with 400% increased damage. A cold rune is taken for a slow, which triggers bonuses from the passive skill “finishing” and the legendary stone “curse of the captives”. Vengeance with the Frenzy rune http://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/vengeance - this skill also receives an 800% bonus to damage for each installed turret, and also in itself gives a multiplicative increase in damage in 40%, immunity to control and recovery of 10 points of hatred per second. Somersault with somersault-mortale rune http://site/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/active/vault - sprint and safe ability, since in the marauder we are no longer tied to the ashen uniform, it is the most resource-efficient rune. Pet with any rune http://website/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/active/companion - from the 2nd bonus of the set we get all the pets at once, along with all their bonuses when pressing the skill, in addition, they create a good barrier wall from monsters. 2. Passive skills Finishing http://site/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/cull-the-weak - 20% multiplicative bonus to damage against slowed down enemies, with the northern turret they will be constantly slowed down by us. Ballistics http://site/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/ballistics - doubles the damage of explosive arrow and retaliation projectiles. Improvement of mechanisms http://site/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/custom-engineering - gives one additional turret that will increase our damage by another 800% (6th marauder bonus). Vigilance http://website/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/awareness - actually a resurrectionist, good dh is live dh, but with the proper level of caution, you can play without it even at the highest vp. When using the Hellfire Amulet, you can acquire one of the following passives (in descending order of utility): Steady Hand http://site/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/passive/steady-aim - 20% multiplier damage bonus if in there are no opponents within a radius of 10 meters from us. Ambush http://site/d3/en/class/demon-hunter/passive/ambush - 40% multiplicative bonus to damage on the first quarter of the opponents health. Shooting http://site/d3/ru/class/demon-hunter/passive/archery - additional 50% to the critical damage rate (we use a two-handed crossbow). 3. Kanai's Cube Weapon: Dawn http://site/d3/ru/item/dawn - no options, as it reduces the cooldown of retribution by 65% ​​Armor: Face of Guns http://site/d3/ru/item/ visage-of-gunes - additional stamina when using retaliation, and we have it almost recoilless and Face of Guns (when using the “Zoya's Secret” belt), but without being tied to retribution, will also give two additional wolves and our monster fence will become a little nicer (the damage bonus for three wolves does not stack) /d3/ru/item/frostburn - damage option at the expense of stamina (cold build only), gives an additional 20% to cold damage and a 50% chance to freeze opponents on hit /prides-fall (falls from act 3 boxes) - 30% bonus rkr if no damage is received Jewelry: Collection of elements http://site/d3/ru/item/conve ntion-of-elements - no options, too much damage boost to pass up in favor of anything else (bonus is multiplicative, pure tripling of damage in the corresponding phase of the ring) Garry 6 Jan 23

Jan 22 pharm fastVP Tell me, how does DH usually farm fast VP? and a more detailed question: at the moment I began to understand DH at least a little (before that I played forty), I mainly play a fiery hybrid, non-falems in vice. But I still can’t find a successful build for fastVP 6-7 levels lower than the push one (precisely pleasant and fast). The build is needed for a solo game, because it lags in a party, and I can’t guarantee a constant time for a party. I myself tend to vice, but I doubt that I can comfortably pass the 100th portal in 4-5 minutes. Experience on a hybrid shows that if there is little stamina (for example, a garwulf removed), then a puddle of poison or a sphere of lightning + cold under your feet kills in 1.5 seconds. Gameplay for the shadow is a bit unpleasant, but I mentally prepare to collect it as soon as I reach 105 VP in the season. In general, I would like vice, but I submit to the shadows with my mind ... P.S. If the question has been raised, then I apologize for the repetition. SantYViruS 9 14 Dec 2018

12 Nov 2018 Fast Fan Party There is an idea for fasts by a non-meth group. From the supports of viz-sap and var or monk. From demagers: dx on daggers with a mark and a wolf and a cross. In theory, it should turn out not bad, although, of course, it cannot be compared with the official meta. I'll sign for about 3 out of 4 strongman's bracers, and this is 90% bonus damage. 1) Wiz Sap damage bonus (dome 15%, freeze 33%, passive Cold blooded 10%, toxin 10%, ice radiance + 10% crit, + 10% attack speed inside the dome) durability bonus + ~ 50% inside the dome . Strongmen+30%. 2) War sup (shout for 25% bonus damage, 10% lacerations), bonus to stamina from screaming + 30% to evasion, 25% mob laws. Strongmen+30%. 2.1) Monk sap (monk assembled with 2 pieces of hive for hanging palms for bonus 15% damage, attack mantra speed + 10%). Strongmen+30%. 3)Dx (wolf -15% multiplier damage increase, mark with rune infection 15% additive damage). in the theory of Retribution at dh. 4) Cross (principle of attacks speed 7-15%). Strongmen+30%. Thus, dx acts as a kind of bosskiller for solo targets, the cross sorts out heaps. Actually, the question for this thread of the forum: is there such a DX with a wolf and a label and free time to test all this? 9

The first two parts of the Diablo game were an incredible success, and it was they who, perhaps, gave a good incentive to fans to expect the release of the third part. And here it is, the third part is already flaunting on store shelves and stretching with might and main from the network. The game has been installed, an account has been created on, and you are faced with the choice of a character to whom a lot of time will be devoted. Someone chooses contact characters, someone likes impressive castes and managing a crowd of servants, while others prefer a variety of intricacies of traps and shooting from a distance. This article will cover quite a interesting class- Demon Hunter in Diablo 3.

If we are talking about a joint passage, then the hunter is intended for outright sloths, standing behind a rock-like barbarian and pouring all opponents with a hail of arrows and various kinds of grenades. You don’t need to run from enemy to enemy, you just need to catch up with your team and pick up the dropped loot. However, if you catch most of the aggro, then it is possible to pay the price, since the hunters are very weak in melee combat.

If we take into account only the single player, then the demon hunter is far from being lazy and does not tolerate a passive manner of playing at all. You just won't be able to just stand and attack with both crossbows. The Demon Hunter constantly has to control his enemies and keep them from getting close. And if you still come close, then get ready to escape. Playing as a Demon Hunter, you will need to chaotically click on the buttons responsible for the skills and move around the territory like a crazed flea. Quakers will 100% appreciate this style of play, but those who like to sit and sip coffee while playing can safely order a spare keyboard, since the coffee will definitely be spilled.

So, a guide to the hunter in Diablo 3. You will have to play as a hunter according to a rather unpleasant, but long-trodden strategy - hit, and then run away with all your strength. We find a vile mob, start attacking it until the hatred ends, run back a bit and quickly start firing with the help of an additional skill

and, holding down the Shift key (so that the hero does not rock the boat). Then we retreat again and restore our stock of hatred. The ideal battle tactic, in general, will be one in which the monsters will not have time to reach your hunter. In the beginning, while you are still not used to the dynamics of combat, you will die so many times as if you were only released for some sadistic crash tests. Later, when the keyboard and mouse are almost smoking, you will learn how to get out of the battle without using bottles.

Compared to the second part of the game, the demon hunter in Diablo 3 is a kind of hybrid of an Amazon and an assassin. The same principle of combat and tactics. Do not let the enemy in, feel free to retreat, slow down enemies and set traps. The only thing is that you will have to use exclusively long-range weapons for the Demon Hunter in Diablo 3.

Some of the history of hunters in Diablo 3:

Dx in Diablo 3 are a kind of community of fanatical warriors who have set themselves one goal: to mercilessly avenge their friends and loved ones who were killed by demons and other creatures of the infernal tribe. Every shot, every blow, every kill carries anger and hatred. It is with the help of this hatred that you will have to apply special techniques. The main goal of the hunter in Diablo 3 is the death of all demons.

The main feature of the hunter is the use of shadow magic, ranged weapons, special combat tactics and various traps. The maximum damage can be dealt with a ranged weapon: you can equip grenades, longbows, various kinds of throwing knives, two-handed and one-handed crossbows. The use of shadow magic allows the demon hunter in Diablo 3 to hide for a while, and approach the enemy in stealth mode.

So, let's continue the demon hunter guide. Dx in Diablo 3 move very dexterously and quickly, but they have an extremely low health reserve. In the gaming community, they are called cardboard due to the fact that they are dying like flies. So that the enemies do not get close, you can use slowing down traps, then roll back and hit the enemy in full. Setting mines that have the effect of slowing down, throwing bundles of grants, hanging various kinds of debuffs - this is the whole demon hunter.

Features of playing as a demon hunter in Diablo 3. The demon hunter is a unique class in Diablo 3 because it uses two resources to attack at the same time: Discipline and Hatred. Hatred is used to use offensive abilities and regenerates fairly quickly. Discipline, on the contrary, is very slowly restored and is used for various kinds of defensive skills and for setting traps. All the salt will be to the right way think about balancing between discipline and hatred. It is important not only not to die, but also to send the maximum number of hellish creatures to the next world. A demon hunter on inferno difficulty will be able to endure with the right player strategies.

Hunter stats in Diablo 3. Fans of previous versions of the game are simply bewildered that Blizzard has simplified the stat system so much. The game has become more like a well-known children's toy, when you are given cubes and you need to determine them in the corresponding geometric holes. From now on, even a fool will be able to deal with the distribution of stats, since they cannot simply be distributed. Now you can not even think about how many skill points to leave for dexterity, how much for durability, or how to make a build for a Demon Hunter according to certain stats. You can also forget about calculating the optimal number of secondary skills, the optimal amount of agila. Playing has become much easier, however, at the same time, less interesting.

Let's look ahead a little and imagine that you have already pumped your dx in diablo 3, to the sixtieth level. And now there are thoughts about how to make some kind of unique build, choosing the unique skills of a hunter in Diablo 3, and brag about it in front of everyone, for example, on the forums. Yes, you can forget! You will be the same "individual" as all other hunters. Your only difference will be in the equipment, the stones put into it, and the abilities that you will actively use. And even this uniqueness is rather doubtful.

Picking up gear for the Demon Hunter is very simple. The main thing is to pay attention to the characteristics:

Armor - everything is very clear here, armor will reduce the damage that is inflicted on the character and protect against enemy attacks;

Agility - significantly increases the chance to dodge both enemy attacks and damage;

Endurance - important indicator survivability and increases the number of your lives;

Resistance - an indicator of the resistance of certain types of demag;

Attack speed - this characteristic affects the use of special techniques and your attack speed.

The higher the performance indicator, the higher the power of your hunter, respectively. Now you can put on any gear and not think about whether you will have enough strength and dexterity to put it on this very second. The only thing that can become a restriction is the class restriction of hunters or the requirement certain level. In addition, the bar for the maximum resistance value was removed from the game. In Diablo 3, resistance is measured not even in percentages, but in units and has no boundaries.

Other stats and skills for the Hunter in Diablo 3 are completely useless. Strength can increase defense quite a bit. Intelligence will give an increase in resistance, but scanty. Of course, it is pointless to think about these characteristics.

We dress our dx. Each class has its own unique pieces of equipment that other classes cannot wear. For Demon Hunters, these are cloaks, quivers, and crossbows. The crossbow is a powerful enough weapon that sends the enemy back to Hell. You can use either two one-handed crossbows or one two-handed crossbow. Despite the peculiarity of the weapon, you do not need to constantly monitor the number of projectiles for the weapon. The quiver here only serves as a stat bonus. The hunter shoots endless arrows, and their properties depend on the spells you use and on magical properties crossbows. Cloaks give a peculiar entourage appearance hunter.

It is very important to correctly select stones for the free sectors of your things. As you may have guessed by now, the top gems for a Demon Hunter are emeralds. If you place it in a helmet, you will receive a solid bonus for finding gold, which means that you can farm and buy quite well at the auction new equipment. If placed in a helmet, a bonus to dexterity will be obtained, and this, in any case, is the main parameter. If the emerald is placed in a crossbow, then a good bonus to crit damage will be obtained as a result.

Of course, putting emeralds in a helmet is far from the most important thing, but it’s very necessary in armor and weapons. As a bonus to the amount of health, you can use several amethysts, but only in cases where you die too often. To farm the first act of inferno reasonably you need at least 1700 agility and around 150% crit damage. The rest of the calculations will need to be performed based on the method of combat and pumped skills. If you're not using Marksman, it's best to have at least 25 percent crit chance in reserve. If you use it, then you can not go in cycles in this characteristic. A lot of the attack speed generally depends on the weapon you use. Two shots per second will be fired from two crossbows or from a one-handed crossbow. A slower attack will be made when using a bow or two-handed crossbow.

Best Demon Hunter. Skills. We will have many different kinds of skills, but still have to choose only a few of them. You will have to make a choice based on your own style of play and depending on the game mode: multiplayer or single player.

Basic skills. Self-guided arrow. This skill is one of the most popular, because with fairly good damage it does not require aiming at a specific target, and when kiting it is very useful. Of the runes, you should pay attention to the "Piercing Arrow" and "Destructive Arrow". These two runes will add a damage indicator to each of your shots. The skill is useful not only when shooting at single targets, but also at small groups, because piercing targets several times, and the damage will be double.

Slow shot. Maybe the damage can go down a lot, but the enemies will barely lag behind. When using certain runes, you can slow down entire groups of enemies.

Throw bola. These are a kind of slow-motion shots. The hero fires some kind of balls that wrap around the enemy and explode for a second. The damage from these balls is higher compared to the homing arrow, however, the damage delay is very infuriating for many hunters and will significantly hurt because the damage is not dealt immediately. Balls are very useful against large packs of "cardboard" opponents or against bosses, where the second does not play any role at all. Use the Bitter Pill rune to increase the damage dealt by Bols on your dx, and Inevitable Doom to quickly restore discipline.

Grenades. This ability has quite cool animation destruction, however, the damage does not correspond at all to the graphic effects. It is difficult to choose a normal build for this ability, and you also need to use it in a certain situation.

Top Demon Hunter. Secondary Skills. Dagger throw. This ability deals the most damage, but only with a short dub interval. Throwing a dagger with an active bleed rune has proven itself well against champions and bosses. If you are fighting medium-sized groups of monsters, then there will be no use from him. Too much hatred is required, and there are many enemies. It is foolish to throw knives when a whole horde of opponents is rushing against you, it would be better to throw grenades at them. Chemical burn increases damage rather severely (unfortunately, it will not stack, therefore, the skill is better to use again after a few seconds). The Strike rune can be used to stun pesky enemies.

Rapid shooting. This skill is elementary in application. However, it is almost impossible to use it on hard difficulty while playing as a hunter. It does amazing damage, and if you use it at the same time as the rune high speed, then the hunter's enemies turn into a sieve.

Chakram. The damage is completely incomprehensible, besides, the animation is disorienting. It seems that you are releasing the chakram directly at the enemy, and he makes his flight in general, it is not clear on what trajectory, without hitting our offender. Of course, you can take a steam bath and get used to the incomprehensible flight of the projectile, but what's the point? Isn't it easier to use something more stable?

Elemental Arrow. Another rather useful ability of the hunter in Diablo 3. The elemental arrow is able to pierce several enemies at the same time, standing on the same trajectory, and when used with certain runes, the damage will generally be duplicated, sweeping through the corpses of enemies with a lot of health. This ability should be used by dx to destroy ordinary mobs and bosses. If you use the Void Tentacles rune, then the released cloud stretches so slowly that it manages to deal 2-3 times full damage to the mob. In order to qualitatively kite opponents with an elemental arrow, you can use the Screaming Skull and Frostbolt runes.

Protection. spikes. Great to use for a hard kite. The only negative - instead of using hatred, the ability "devours" discipline. In general, it would be great if you could throw a mine wherever you want, but you have to throw it right under you. As a result, it is necessary to either do a somersault directly into the crowd of mobs, and then back or lure them into a set trap. Here you can use different runes, so it makes no sense to bathe too much.

Smoke screen. The smokescreen absorbs a large amount of damage. If you use this hunter ability in Diablo 3 at the right time, then there is a chance to avoid seemingly inevitable death. Using the Dense Mist rune will significantly extend the duration of the invisibility effect.

The power of darkness. This is a kind of light version of the smoke screen. Only at the first level of difficulty it will be of use, and in hell it will be completely useless. Let's say you decide to use Nightfall, a rune that reduces all incoming damage by 65%! And what's the point? In any case, you will fall from one hit of the first mob that comes across. Well, no, of course, if you dressed up for full hp, then you can safely use it, and the rest will not be of any use to it at all.

Tracking. Somersault. The somersault is a kind of feature of every demon hunter, since it is a sin not to use it. The ability allows you to move quickly. Either you dive into the crowd of enemies with lightning speed, or vice versa, flashing your heels, avoiding the danger of being killed. In order to use the Somersault, you will have to spend discipline and wait for an interval of fifteen seconds.

Due to the lack of discipline, in vain it is better not to waste it on a somersault. Use this ability only for maneuvers during combat. In order to at least slightly reduce the cost of discipline, you can use the Acrobatics and Somersault runes.

Ready. This ability is present in most of the known builds and it is quite difficult to underestimate it. The ability to conduct a quality fight is more dependent on the amount of discipline. At the ready, our death is called to put on the back burner. If you have a lot of discipline, then boldly activate the Plan B rune, and if it is very small, then turn on Concentration. If you are more or less tenacious and can withstand a few blows, then there is a rune for you Battle scars.

Pet. The pet is used to restore hatred, it is no longer needed for anything. If you already use this ability, then pay attention to the runes. Ferret or bat? The ferret is suitable for those who are very lazy to play, and the bat is for those who prefer to play more actively.

Devices. Undercover escape. It is not very clear what this ability is intended for, because we have such a wonderful thing called Somersault. Its essence lies in the fact that when the enemy comes close to you, the hero jumps back, and only in one direction. Apart from the not very interesting usefulness, each use of the ability burns quite a lot of discipline, which is not very good.

Fan of blades. This ability should be used in tandem with Cleaving Blade and Fan of Daggers. Thus, all mobs that get too close are slowed down and stunned. Too bad the ability has a cooldown of 10 seconds. However, in any case, the skill is very useful.

  • Ranged weapons

    Demon hunters are capable of both covering the entire battlefield with a hail of arrows and bullets, and with accuracy inaccessible to other heroes, shoot the enemy from a long distance. Their arsenal includes bows, grenades, throwing weapons, and crossbows.
  • Traps and traps

    Hunting packs of demons or giant monsters requires preparation and caution. Hunters lure opponents into mines, traps and traps, thereby weakening them and ensuring a quick and sure victory.
  • Dark magic

    To fight the forces of the Underworld on equal footing, demon hunters resort to the help of dark magic. They can merge with darkness, divert other people's attacks, and also quietly sneak up on their prey in the dusk.
  • Combat tactics

    Hunters are already covered from head to toe with scars and burns. They absolutely do not want to fall into the clutches of the monsters of the Underworld again. They keep the enemy at a distance, cutting their tendons with well-aimed shots or slowing them down with the help of entangling bolas, and if the enemy still manages to get close, the hunter will take advantage of smoke screen and slip away from him.

Resource: HATE / Concentration

The demon hunter is at constant war with himself. He does not hope to return to his former life, but continues to hunt down demons and destroy them. This is a matter of honor for him. Hunters who train their own kind become cautious and cautious, but their whole being continues to demand revenge and makes them respond to the violence of the demons with even more brutal violence.

Every arrow fired by the hunter is poisoned by the poison of his malice. They attack with hatred, a cold, righteous rage that overwhelms them and makes them ruthless towards their enemies. Their hatred is boundless; she quickly recovers - after all, even on vacation, the thirst for revenge does not let them go.

Those of them who really want to achieve much in the cause of revenge must curb their hatred. Concentration, the second resource of hunters, makes them cautious and circumspect, and therefore allows them to survive to kill again and again.

Concentration is extremely important for a demon hunter. It accumulates very slowly, requiring much more patience and meditation than hatred. Any tactics related to defense and defense, such as setting traps, jumping, and dodging arrows, require concentration.

It is not difficult for a hunter, standing still, to lower the bowstring with icy fingers from hatred, watering hordes of enemies with volleys of arrows. But if he does not pay due attention to his concentration, he will be surrounded, driven into a corner - and his life will come to an end. The only way for a demon hunter to survive is to strike a balance between cold concentration and unbridled hatred.

Hunters tirelessly destroy demons using a variety of ranged weapons. They strike from afar, relying on their bows and deadly traps to eliminate the monsters that have filled their world.

Demon Hunters deal effectively with large groups of enemies, covering them with volleys of arrows and detonating time-delayed mines under them. The incredible accuracy of hunters allows them to safe distance deal with strong monsters. They can focus on a specific target or, retreating, shower the advancing enemy with a hail of deadly arrows.

Their ranged specialization and meager close combat skills mean that it is extremely dangerous for them to be surrounded or cornered. To improve their chances of survival, they learn appropriate skills such as rolling or jumping to avoid being hit; they are also capable of crippling the enemy, slowing their movement.


"At the catcher and the beast runs."

Those who call themselves demon hunters are not a tribe or a people. They did not swear allegiance to any sovereign. They are but the ghosts of those who have been robbed of their means of subsistence by demonic attacks...and sometimes the will to live. Many accept death obediently as their homes burn and their families are slaughtered by demons. But there are those who, having buried their relatives, swear to take revenge.

There are few of them. These hunters lie in wait for the demons and deal with them. They hope that every life saved makes this world a better place. During the day they hunt, and at night, closing their eyes, they again return to their terrible past - and they dream of bloodied fangs and people slipping in pools of their own blood.

However, what they see in reality is not too different from nightmares. But now they finally have the opportunity to take revenge.

They do not even dare to think about victory, let alone peace. But they continue to hunt. After all, they have nothing else.

As the armor improves, masterfully crafted and carefully fitted metal plates begin to enter. Even the most pragmatic hunters occasionally decorate their cloaks and greaves.

Armor experienced hunter often distinguished by the presence of hooks, climbing spikes and faceplates, allowing the sharp-eyed shooter to get a full view, while not sacrificing the quality of protection. In this armor, you can hide a lot of arrows and various useful devices.

We present to you the preliminary changes to the skills of the Demon Hunter in the new Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls expansion patch. Attention! When reading these changes, keep in mind that this is a very early version of the game and these changes may not be final. In addition, our translation of skill names and their descriptions may differ from what will be in the official Russian version of the game.

Also note that if the name of the skill or rune for it is written on English, a the translation is in parentheses, then this skill/rune is new and has no official translation.

Official Quote ()
Costs: 25 units. hate
Fire a powerful volley of arrows that deal 220 % 330 % weapon damage to all enemies in the area.
Requires: Bow
  • Powerful volley: Damage dealt by Multi-Shot is increased to 286 % 420 % weapon damage.
  • Heavy fire: Each time the Demon Hunter fires a shot, it generates a shock pulse that inflicts damage to nearby enemies. 200 % 65 % weapon damage as Arcane damage.
  • Arsenal: Each time this skill is used, the Demon Hunter fires 3 projectiles at nearby enemies, each dealing 200 % 140
  • Shooting at discretion: Skill hate cost reduced to 15 18 . The damage is dealt as lightning damage.

Fan of Blades

Cooldown: 8 sec.

The Demon Hunter unleashes a fan of blades that inflict 320 % 500 % weapon damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Blades also reduce enemies' movement speed by 60% for 1 2 sec.

  • Assassin's Blades: Throw long ranged blades that deal 70 % 500 % weapon damage to 5 additional targets.
  • Fan of daggers: Demon Hunter blades knock back and stun the enemy for 1.5 seconds. ( Previously not stunned )
  • Pinpoint Accuracy (High accuracy): Increase cooldown to 12 seconds. and damage increases 2 times up to 1650% weapon damage
  • Bladed Armor (Blade armor): The Demon Hunter increases his Armor to 30 % 65 %.
  • Chain: The Demon Hunter fires an electrified chain that lasts for 2 seconds. inflicts 70 % 80 % additional weapon damage as lightning damage.
  • Head hunter: 6% of the damage dealt by the Demon Hunter heals them for that amount. Slow effect increased to 80% .
  • gas grenades: Demon Hunter throws grenades one grenade with poisonous gas that explodes, causing 95 % 160 % Weapon Damage as Poison, and leaves behind a cloud of gas that deals additional damage to all enemies caught in the area 75 % 90 % weapon damage per second for 3 sec.
  • Bundle of grenades: Throw a bunch of grenades, the explosion of which will inflict 112 % 185 % Weapon Damage as Fire in a 8 yard radius.
  • Grenade Cache (Stockpile of grenades): Throw a bunch of 5 3 , which, exploding, inflict 95 % 160 % weapon damage as fire damage.
  • Two chakrams: The second chakram repeats the actions of the first. Each one inflicts 130 % 340
  • Boomerang: The chakram flies in a circle and returns to the demon hunter, damaging all enemies in its path 240 % 400 % weapon damage as lightning damage.
  • poisonous zigzag: Chakram flies in a slow zigzag pattern, dealing damage to all enemies in its path 270 % 500 % weapon damage as poison.
  • Razor Disk (pointed disc): The chakram moves in a spiral from the specified point and inflicts 220 % 340 % weapon damage as Arcane to all enemies in its path.
  • shuriken cloud: When using this skill around a Demon Hunter for 120 seconds. spinning chakrams that deal damage to nearby enemies 50 % 200 % weapon damage as physical damage per second.

Explosive Arrow

Costs: 40 units. hate

The Demon Hunter fires a special arrow that explodes and inflicts 300 % 550 % of Weapon Damage as Fire, then explodes into grenades that deal 135 % 220 % weapon damage as fire damage.

Requires: Bow

  • Fully armed: Explosive Arrow weapon damage increased by up to 405 % 770 %. Damage dealt is considered fire damage.
  • Starfall: Instead of grenades, the arrow fires 3 projectiles, each of which deals damage to nearby enemies 300 % 400 % weapon damage as physical damage.
  • explosive bombs: The Demon Hunter tosses a string of bombs into the air that fall in a straight line, each of which deals 280 % 800 % weapon damage as fire damage.
  • whirlpool: The Demon Hunter fires an arrow that fires not grenades, but 5 blasts of shadow energy, dealing damage to nearby enemies. 225 % 220 % weapon damage as physical damage. The Demon Hunter is healed for 1% of the damage dealt.
  • shining arrow: Enemies hit by the grenades have a 75% chance to be stunned for 2 seconds. / Cluster Arrow's damage turns into Lightning. (Damage changed from Physical)
  • Deadly Enemy: Attacks made by you or your allies on the marked target restore resources: Demon Hunter - 3 pts. hatred, Barbarian - 2 units. rage, Crusader - 2 units. Wrath, Monk - 3 units. spirit, sorcerer - 16 33 units mana, Wizard - 4 units. magical energy.


Costs: 30 units. hate

Cooldown: 6 sec.

Plant a turret on the ground that attacks nearby enemies and deals damage to them. 175 % 240 % weapon damage. Duration: 30 sec. The Demon Hunter can deploy up to 2 turrets at the same time.

  • Chain of torment: A chain appears between the Demon Hunter and the Sentry Gun, dealing 125 % 280 % weapon damage per second to each enemy it touches.
  • homing missiles: The turret also fires homing missiles at random nearby targets that deal 30 % 100 % weapon damage as fire damage.
  • First aid: Nearby allies restore 2 % 1 % of your maximum health per second.
  • healing couples: Demon Hunter while invisible restores 10 % 15 % Health
  • special remedy: The skill no longer has a Focus cost, but its cooldown is increased to 14 12 sec.
  • Shift: Demon Hunter's movement speed is increased by 60% when a skill is used.
  • Night Curse: Slows enemies within 30m for 60 % 80 % on the 3 5 sec.
  • Dusk: When using Shadow Power, all damage taken by the Demon Hunter is reduced by 25 % 15 %.
  • blood moon: The amount of health the demon hunter regenerates per hit until 1239 3303 .
  • shade (Shadow): Fire a powerful volley of arrows that hit everything around. Arrows fall from the sky over 5 seconds. and deal 3600% weapon damage to all enemies in the area. (Skill renamed, former name shadow bombs: Demon Hunter summons 20 Shadows that drop bombs on nearby enemies for 245% weapon damage each.)
  • dark cloud: A volley of arrows rains down on enemies, damaging them 792 % 4000 % weapon damage for the next 12 8 sec.
  • Anathema: The Demon Hunter summons a Shadow that lasts for 15 8 sec. drops grenades from the sky, causing 3300 % 6000 % weapon damage.
  • Air strike: 8 shadows dive from the sky into the designated area, dealing 100 % 480 % weapon damage and stunning enemies for 2 sec.
  • dark flock: The Demon Hunter summons 10 shadows that sweep over the ground, knocking down enemies and inflicting 120 % 520 % weapon damage.
  • Frost Arrow: The Demon Hunter fires a frost arrow that splits into several more arrows upon hitting the target and inflicts 170 % 330 % weapon damage as cold damage. Enemies hit are slowed by 60% for 1 second.
  • Fireball: Fires a slow-moving arrow that electrocutes and damages all enemies in its path. 155 % 300 % Weapon Damage as Lightning
  • Screaming Skull: Fires a burning skull that inflicts 155 % 300 % of Weapon Damage as Fire and a 40% chance of the Demon Hunter to scare affected targets for 1 1,5 sec.
  • Void Tentacles: Void Tentacles inflict damage to all enemies in their path 155 % 300 % weapon damage. In addition, the Demon Hunter restores 0.2 % 0.4 % of maximum health for each enemy hit.
  • Lightning: The Demon Hunter fires an electrically charged arrow that deals 155 % 300 % Weapon Damage as Lightning and Stuns enemies for 1,5 1 sec. when dealing critical damage.
  • Bombardment: Demon Hunter throws grenades that deal 745 % 837 % Weapon Damage as Fire to all enemies within 11 yards.
  • Battle scars: Standing at the ready, the demon hunter also replenishes 60 % 35 % health.
  • Hit: Dagger Throw knocks the opponent back and has a chance 65 % 40 % can stun him for 1.5 seconds.
  • severe wounds: The critical damage dealt by this skill is increased by 100 % 130 %.
  • Undermining: Demon Hunter throws bouncing grenades that explode, dealing 240 % 290 % weapon damage to all targets within 9 yards.
  • Flame Trail: The Demon Hunter leaves a trail of fire for 2 seconds. damaging in size 160 % 80 % weapon damage as fire damage.
  • firestorm: In addition to regular shots, the Demon Hunter also fires homing projectiles that deal 140 % 90 % weapon damage as fire damage.
  • sharp steel: Demon hunter does not shoot, but throws knives, which additionally inflict 100 % 130 % damage if the attack had a critical effect.

Vengeance Is Mine(I'll take revenge)

Cooldown: 90 sec.
The Demon Hunter transforms into the physical manifestation of Vengeance for 15 seconds.

  • side guns(Side guns): When you activate a skill, you gain on the additional weapon on the left and on the right 4 additional guns , each of which causes penetrating damage equal to 100% weapon damage.
  • Homing Rockets(homing missiles): Demon Hunter releases 4 missiles that automatically fire at nearby enemies, dealing 75 % 50 % weapon damage.
  • From The Shadows(Out of the dark): Summons allies from the darkness that attack your opponents and stun them for 2 seconds.
  • Training Drone(Training Drone) : A mechanical contraption spins around you, inflicting 150 % 460 % weapon damage per second.
  • Stimulants(Stimulants) : You are being treated for 10 % 6 % per second of your maximum health.
  • See the (Lose temper): You restore 25 health. Hate in a second.

List of abbreviations:
DH - Demon Hunter (from the English. DH - Demon Hunter).
CM is the power of monsters.
AoE - area of ​​effect (from the English. Area of ​​effect).
LS (lifesteal) - absorption of life per hit (from English LS - Lifesteal)
Kite or kiting is a hit-and-run combat method based on quick attacks and active movement through the pain of combat in order to avoid taking damage.
DPS - damage per second (from the English damage per second).
EHP - effective health points (from the English effective healing points). The EHP value is the sum of the health indicator, armor and resistances.
MF - the chance of finding magic items (from the English mf - magic find).
GF - the chance of finding gold (from the English gf - gold find).

1. Builds

Note: Both builds have been personally tested by the author of this guide. They are practically equivalent to each other, and the choice between them depends more on your playstyle. I have listed all the pros and cons so that you can decide for yourself which is best for you. These builds can be used for both solo farming and group play without any drawbacks.

+ Provides excellent survivability.
+ If you have over 100k DPS and 450k EHP, you can easily farm Infernal Device bosses on CM3.
+ Works well for high levels CM.

- Fairly low DPS.
- Does not work at low SM, for which Build 1 is much more effective.

Primary Skill: Throw Bol with Explosive Projectile rune – Using this skill quickly will allow you to quickly and easily eliminate groups of enemies.

Grants +3% attack speed and slightly increases EHP. In addition, she can reach the maximum level of finding gold for the companion, and also provides some support in battle by enchanting opponents.

Recommended Skills for the Spellcaster:
Charm (Charm) - Provides additional support in combat. It can also lead to some comical situations.
Powered Armor is a defensive skill with a cooldown. Can help you in numerous situations.
Desorient - Same principle as Charm. Additional support.
Focused Mind - Grants a 3% bonus to Attack Speed. A very useful passive skill.

- If you are trying to increase MF/GF, you can find two rings with a combination of these affixes.
- If you can afford Leoric's Signet in combination with the Hellfire Ring, then this will provide a significant increase in the experience bonus.

- Looking for a rare amulet with GF and MF. An alternative could be