Qualifying online tests crossroads reviews and comments. Pyaterochka: study portal Study X5. Pass a numerical test for the position of MDM

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Ticket 32. Question 14

You intend to turn around. Your actions?

Turn around first

Drive to the intersection and give way to the passenger car, complete the U-turn

You will act by mutual agreement with the driver passenger car

Ticket 29. Question 2
Which of the following signs provide the right of way at unregulated intersections? Only A A and B All Signs: " the main road” (“A”) and “Adjacency of a secondary road” (“B”) give the right of way of passage of unregulated intersections to vehicles located on the main road. (Item term "Main road", SDA)

Ticket 10. Question 6
Which vehicles are allowed to continue driving? Passenger car and small-seat bus Bus only Passenger car only No traffic for both vehicles Regulated intersection. Traffic lights in the presence of a traffic controller "do not work." From the side of the left side, with such a gesture of the traffic controller, while observing the location of the t. traffic in all directions is allowed on the roadway. Both drivers continue to move. The correct answer is the first one. (Points, SDA)

Ticket 1. Question 13
When turning right, you must give way to: Cyclists only Pedestrians only Pedestrians and cyclists None When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians crossing the carriageway he is turning into and to cyclists, regardless of whether it is a regulated or unregulated intersection. (Item SDA)

Ticket 2. Question 13
You intend to turn left. Who should you give way to? Only for pedestrians Only for buses For buses and pedestrians The intersection is regulated. Priority signs "do not work". When turning left, you give way to a bus moving straight ahead from the opposite direction and to pedestrians crossing the carriageway into which you are turning. (Points, SDA).

Ticket 3. Question 13
When driving straight ahead, you: Must stop before the stop line Can continue through the intersection without stopping Must give way to vehicles coming from other directions The intersection is regulated. In this case, priority signs, and they include the sign “Movement without stopping is prohibited”, according to the principle of priority regulation traffic, “do not work”, i.e. we are not guided by them. The green traffic light is on. Continue through the intersection without stopping. (Points, SDA)

Ticket 4. Question 13
You intend to drive through the intersection in the forward direction. Your actions? Pass the intersection first Give way only to oncoming vehicles Give way only to vehicles with flashing lights and special sound signal Give way to both vehicles. The intersection is regulated. The first to pass will be an “operative” with special signals, which may deviate from the requirements of traffic lights. Other drivers must ensure that he passes the intersection unhindered. The truck driver is obliged to yield to you, i.e. a vehicle moving straight from the opposite direction. (Points, SDA)

Ticket 5. Question 13
You intend to turn around. Your actions? You will pass the intersection first Make a U-turn, giving way to a passenger car Wait until the traffic controller lowers his right hand The intersection is regulated. The right hand of the traffic controller is extended forward. From the left side, vehicles can continue to move in any direction, observing the rules for the location of vehicles on the roadway. When making a U-turn from the leftmost lane, you will have interference on the right. You will give way to a car turning right. (Points, SDA)

Ticket 6. Question 13
You intend to turn left. Your actions? Give way to the tram Wait for the permission signal of a special traffic light and, having missed the tram, turn left Pass the intersection first The tram is standing. You, according to the green traffic light, are allowed to move in any direction, turning left at your request, pass the intersection first. (Points, SDA)

Ticket 7. Question 13
What should you do when turning left? Drive past the intersection first Exit the stop line and stop at the intersection to give way to an oncoming vehicle Stop in front of the stop line and turn left after passing a car Stop not further than the stop line is required when the traffic light is forbidding. "Green" is on for you. Drive to the intersection without stopping and before turning left, stop to give way to a car moving straight ahead from the opposite direction. ("Horizontal markings", paragraphs, SDA)

Ticket 8. Question 13
Which of the drivers making the turn will violate the Rules? Both Only the driver of a passenger car Only the driver of a motorcycle No one will violate The sign “Going straight” in this case is installed immediately before crossing the carriageways, i.e. before the intersection. You can only continue moving straight ahead. In this situation, both drivers violate the Rules. ("Road signs")

Ticket 9. Question 13
Are you allowed to go to the intersection where the traffic jam has formed: Allowed Allowed if you intend to make a turn Prohibited Crossroads regulated. You have a green light, but there is a traffic jam ahead. If you enter an intersection for driving in the forward direction, then when changing signals you will interfere with traffic, especially in the transverse direction. Therefore, you can enter the intersection only to turn right or left. (Points, SDA). (12/14/18 updated 2nd answer option (correct). Now you can’t enter a traffic jam if you are going to make a U-turn)

Ticket 10. Question 13
When you turn on the green traffic light, you should: Immediately start moving Start driving, making sure that there are no pedestrians only completing the crossing of the roadway Start moving, making sure that there are no pedestrians and vehicles completing the movement after changing the traffic light Pedestrians who started moving after a traffic light change. You should make sure that there are no vehicles completing the movement through the intersection. Therefore, proceed as indicated in the third answer. (Item SDA)

Ticket 11. Question 13
When turning right, are you obliged to give way to a car making a U-turn? Required Not Required When driving "under the additional section", turned on simultaneously with the main red traffic light, you must give way to EVERYONE moving from other directions, regardless of their further direction of movement. (Item SDA)

Ticket 12. Question 13
You intend to turn right. Your actions? Turn right, not giving way to pedestrians Turn right, giving way to pedestrians Stop at the intersection and wait for another signal from the traffic controller Hands of the traffic controller lowered ("Chest, back - wall"). From the side of the right and left side, the movement of trackless vehicles is allowed straight and to the right, pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway. (Item SDA). When turning right, you must give way to pedestrians crossing the carriageway into which you are turning. (Item SDA)

Ticket 13. Question 13
You intend to drive through the intersection in the forward direction. Your actions? Pass the intersection first Give way to the tram The intersection is regulated. A traffic light with a single-color signaling, designed for route vehicles, allows movement straight ahead. A tram turning right is waiting for a signal change. The green signal of the traffic light allows you to move - go through the intersection straight ahead first. (Points, SDA)

Ticket 14. Question 13
When the traffic light turns green, you must give way to: Only a truck completing a U-turn at an intersection Only a passenger car Both vehicles The rules provide for this situation. When the permissive signal of the traffic light is turned on, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles completing the movement through the intersection. You have just such a situation - you give way to all cars located within the boundaries of the intersection, in this case - to both cars. (Item SDA)

Ticket 15. Question 13
When are you obliged to give way to the tram? When turning left When driving straight In both of the above cases, the intersection is regulated by a traffic light, the trajectory of the tram and yours intersect. Being in equivalent conditions, the tram has an advantage over trackless T.S. You give way in both of these cases. (Points, SDA)

Ticket 16. Question 13
You intend to drive through the intersection in the forward direction. Who should you give way to? For trams and cars Only for trams None Regulated intersection. The tram in equivalent conditions has an advantage over trackless vehicles. Passes first. When turning left, a passenger car must give way to vehicles moving from the opposite direction straight and to the right. You give way only to the tram. (Points, SDA)

Ticket 17. Question 13
Do you have to give way to the bus? Required Not Required "Rule right hand» universal. It does not work in two cases - one of the cases when the vehicle moves under an additional section, turned on simultaneously with the main yellow or red signal. In this situation, you must give way to all vehicles moving from other directions. You must give way to the bus. (Item SDA)

Ticket 18. Question 13
Do you have to give way to a car when turning right? Required Required, if the car turns left Not required Crossroads regulated. Priority signs "do not work". When turning left, the driver of a car is obliged to give way to vehicles moving from the opposite direction straight or to the right. You have an advantage. (Points, SDA)

And complete the training remotely within the specified time frame. After registering a personal account through Mozilla or another browser, employees will be able to access:

  1. - training tests, including questions and answers on the position held;
  2. - a number of different SHL tests;
  3. - professional literature websoft X5.
The second address of the educational portal, intended for the narrow use of Pyaterochka employees.

All tests can be taken online. In addition, through your personal account, you can not only take Pyaterochka tests, but also view information about completed and not yet completed courses.

Entrance to the educational portal Study X5 "Pyaterochka"

In order to log into your account, you will need to register at study.x5.ru or login at .

Then enter your login and password in the authorization form, and log in to your personal account. If the authorization attempt was unsuccessful, you will need to write a letter to the technical support staff and describe the problem in detail. An example of contacting support with detailed instructions through the site and how to write a letter correctly can be viewed on the video:

Through training tests, you can get the necessary knowledge that will help you both improve your skills and get a job. All points scored will be entered into a single database, and based on the test results, management will decide which employee to promote. Information about the deadlines for passing the tests will be sent in a letter to the e-mail specified during registration.

How to successfully pass the tests in Pyaterochka?

Tests for an employee or for an administrator or director will be almost the same. In view of the foregoing, and tips for passing will not differ.

  1. Take the test in a relaxed environment. Before starting, take a good rest, and before passing, make sure you have a stable Internet connection. After all, this is the only way to give the right answers to the proposed questions.
  2. Do not look for answers on the Internet, and even more so do not try to buy a test, because. they change 2 times a week.
  3. Before taking the numerical test, prepare a handy calculator and a notebook with a pen to write down all the indicators.
  4. For the verbal test, you will need a notebook with a pen to write down all theses. So you can better understand what in question, analyze the studied information and complete the task on "excellent".
  5. And of course, do not forget about careful preparation. Having given it enough time, you will be able to cope with the tests offered on the pages of your personal account, and to a large extent increase your chances of moving up the career ladder. Good luck and great grades!

All employees of the Karusel supermarket chain can become a user of the training platform and take professional courses and tests remotely within the specified time frame. For registration account you should visit the page, fill in the appropriate fields and start using the portal, where they become available:

  1. - training tests with questions and answers equivalent to the position held;
  2. - examples of numerical, verbal and logical SHL testing;
  3. - Literary publications on software x5.

In addition to the above, in the account you can find information about active and completed courses.

Entrance to the educational portal "Carousels"

To visit the account, employees of the supermarket chain will need to visit the page, and then select the "Login" section, and enter a nickname and password in the form.

If the details are entered correctly, the system will redirect to the main page, and you can start familiarizing yourself with x5 retail group training materials, start testing for advanced training and use other features. And in case of incorrect data entry, you must write a letter to the technical department. See the video below for how to do this:

With the help of the presented portal, you can analyze and control the results of tests, for the passage of which all employees receive points. The latter are entered into a special database, and based on the data received, the management evaluates the results, and then makes decisions regarding career advancement. The results are sent to users by means of a letter to the e-mail entered during registration.

How to successfully pass the tests in the Carousel

Tests for hiring, for the director or for the administrator can be passed successfully, guided by the following recommendations.
  1. It is necessary to solve tests in a calm atmosphere, having previously had a good rest. You also need to make sure your internet connection is stable.
  2. No need to try to buy tests with answers, because. the latter change very often and can be miscalculated.
  3. When passing a numerical test, you will definitely need to take a convenient calculator and a notebook with a pen to write intermediate calculations.
  4. When passing the verbal test, you will also need to write down all the theses highlighted at the time of reading the text. So you can better learn the material, and then conduct its qualitative analysis.
  5. Well, of course, you should not ignore the preparation, which will certainly improve the chances of successfully passing the test.

To enter the training portal for X5 employees of the Pyaterochka network, you need to get to the official website at . You can also visit the special study portal Study5 X5 (a portal with more advanced options for Pyaterochka).

Further, to access the assigned courses, as well as testing, you need to click " LOGIN" and enter your data in the fields: login with password. If the authorization was successful, then you will have full access to educational materials x5 retail group, where you can also take qualification tests. If the authorization was unsuccessful, then you should contact support with a letter, more details on the video:

Entrance to the Pyaterochka portal Study5 X5

There is also a study portal for a narrower audience, Study5 X5. All materials for training and work in the Pyaterochka network are collected here. You can use the same username and password to log in.

If you forgot your password

If the password from your personal account is lost and you need to restore it, then you need to click on the inscription " Remind password". Next, in the field you must enter either your login or mail, within a minute it will come to your e-mail. If you don’t remember anything, which is extremely rare, then you need to write to the administrator at portal @ x5.ru. The video above shows in detail how to do this and what the content of the letter should be.

The educational portal ⚡️ "Study X5" was created with the aim of improving the skills of Pyaterochka employees and mandatory testing of applicants on time.

To enter the corporate training portal, you will need authorization on the official website //study5.x5.ru. You can get access to numerical and verbal tests, as well as familiarize yourself with the criteria for assessing knowledge online.

Login to Study5 X5 portal with login and password

You can find the account name and password from Email, the address of which you indicated when applying for a job in Pyaterochka.

  1. We launch the Mazila browser on a PC and go to the Websoft training center at the link. By clicking on the LOGIN button, a window will open for subsequent entry of the user name (personnel number) and password.
  2. If you have deleted the service message and do not remember the original data, use the option remind password at the first stage of authorization.

Important! In the absence of an employee account in the database, registration and distance learning in the X5 personal account - it is impossible.

Pass a numerical test for the position of MDM

The main difficulty of this type of test is the time limit for each question.

The essence of the verbal test

Passing a verbal test implies the speed of perception of information and logical thinking. For example, a 1000-character text is given on a narrowly focused topic, after reading which it is necessary to give the correct answer: an assertion, a lie, or note insufficient information content.

According to the points scored, the management of X5 Retail Group determines the rating and individually makes the final decision on cooperation.

  1. Training. Lack of practice plays a key role in the result. Be sure to take practice tests with an emphasis on arithmetic, and also read educational literature on the portal //websoft.ru
  2. Concentration. It's no secret that the countdown of the stopwatch for each question leads to a loss of concentration. Pull yourself together and focus, thinking carefully about each sentence.
  3. Tactics. Remember, correct answers in the first minutes of the survey will give confidence in your own abilities. Leave "unsolvable" tasks in the end, relying on fortune.
  4. Third Party Help. On the Internet, you can buy questions with answers from insiders, but with this approach, you will definitely fail the second exam!