Types of production and their technical and economic. Types of production, their technical and economic characteristics. The effective time fund is usually determined by the formula

Type of production - the totality of its organizational, technical and economic features. The type of production is determined by the following factors:

The range of manufactured products; - volume of release; - the degree of constancy of the range of manufactured products; - the nature of the workload.

Depending on the level of concentration and specialization, there are three types of productions:

Single; - serial; - mass.

Enterprises, sites and individual jobs are classified according to the types of production. The type of production of an enterprise is determined by the type of production of the leading shop, and the type of production of the shop is determined by the characteristics of the site where the most critical operations are performed and the main part of production assets is concentrated.

The assignment of a plant to one or another type of production is conditional, since a combination of different types of production can take place at the enterprise and even in individual workshops.

The type of production has a decisive influence on the features of the organization of production, its economic indicators, the cost structure (in a single production, the share of human labor is high, and in mass production, the costs of repair and maintenance needs and maintenance of equipment), different levels of equipment.

Type of production is a comprehensive description of the technical, organizational and economic features of production, due to the breadth of the range, regularity, stability and volume of output. The main indicator characterizing the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations To 3 . The coefficient of consolidation of operations for a group of jobs is defined as the ratio of the number of all different technological operations performed or to be performed during the month to the number of jobs. There are three types of production: single, serial, mass.

Single production characterized by a small volume of production of identical products, re-manufacturing and repair of which, as a rule, is not provided. The coefficient of consolidation of operations for a single production is taken over 40.

Mass production characterized by the manufacture or repair of products in periodic batches. Depending on the number of products in a batch or series and the value of the coefficient of consolidation of operations, small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production is distinguished. For small-scale production, the coefficient of fixing operations is taken from 21 to 40 inclusive, for medium-scale production - from 11 to 20 inclusive, for large-scale production - from 1 to 10 inclusive.

Mass production It is characterized by a large volume of output of products that are continuously manufactured or repaired for a long time, during which one work operation is performed at most workplaces. The coefficient of fixing operations for mass production is assumed to be 1.

Consider the technical and economic characteristics of each type of production.

Single and small-scale production close to it are characterized by the manufacture of a wide range of parts at workplaces that do not have a specific specialization. This production must be sufficiently flexible and adapted to the execution of various production orders.

Technological processes in the conditions of unit production are developed on an enlarged basis in the form of route maps for the processing of parts for each order; sections are equipped with universal equipment and tooling, which ensures the manufacture of a wide range of parts. The wide variety of jobs that many workers have to perform requires them to have different professional skills. Therefore, highly skilled general workers are used in operations. In many areas, especially in pilot production, a combination of professions is practiced.

The organization of production in the conditions of unit production has its own characteristics. Due to the variety of parts, the order and methods of their processing, production sites are built according to the technological principle with the arrangement of equipment into homogeneous groups. With this organization of production, the parts in the manufacturing process pass through various sections. Therefore, when transferring them to each subsequent operation (section), it is necessary to carefully consider the issues of quality control of processing, transportation, and determining jobs for the next operation. Features of operational planning and management are in the timely picking and execution of orders, monitoring the progress of each detail in operations, ensuring the systematic loading of sites and jobs. Great difficulties arise in the organization of material and technical supply. A wide range of manufactured products, the use of aggregated consumption rates of materials create difficulties in uninterrupted supply, which is why enterprises accumulate large stocks of materials, and this, in turn, leads to the deadening of working capital.

Features of the organization of unit production affect economic performance. For enterprises with a predominance of a single type of production, relatively high labor intensity of products and a large volume of work in progress due to the long periods of storage of parts between operations are typical. The cost structure of products is characterized by a high share of wage costs, this share, as a rule, is less than 20-25%.

The main opportunities for improving the technical and economic indicators of a single production are associated with its approximation to the serial one in terms of technical and organizational level. The use of serial production methods is possible with a narrowing of the range of manufactured parts for general machine-building applications, unification of parts and assemblies, which will allow moving to the organization of subject areas; when expanding constructive continuity to increase batches of launch parts; grouping parts that are similar in design and manufacturing order in order to reduce the time for preparation of production and improve the use of equipment.

The serial type of production is characterized by the manufacture of a limited range of parts in batches, repeated at regular intervals. This allows you to use along with the universal special equipment. When designing technological processes, they provide for the order of execution and equipment for each operation.

The following features are typical for the organization of serial production. Workshops, as a rule, include subject-closed sections, where equipment is placed in the course of a typical technological process. As a result, relatively simple connections between workplaces and prerequisites for organizing direct-flow movement of parts in the process of their manufacture.

The subject specialization of the sections makes it expedient to process a batch of parts in parallel on several machines that perform successive operations. As soon as the previous operation finishes processing the first few pieces, they are transferred to the next operation before the end of the processing of the entire batch. Thus, in the conditions of a serial type of production, a parallel-sequential organization of the production process becomes possible. This is his distinguishing feature.

The use of one or another form of organization in the conditions of mass production depends on the labor intensity and volume of output of the products assigned to the site. So, large, labor-intensive parts, manufactured in large quantities and having a similar technological process, are assigned to one site with the organization of variable-flow production on it. Parts of medium size, multi-operational and less labor-intensive are combined in batches. If their launch into production is regularly repeated, batch processing areas are organized. Small, low-labor parts, for example, normalized studs, bolts are fixed to one specialized section. In this case, the organization of direct-flow production is possible.

For enterprises of serial type of production, labor intensity and cost of manufacturing products are much less than in single production. In serial production, compared to single-piece production, products are processed with fewer interruptions, which reduces the volume of work in progress.

From the point of view of the organization, the main reserve for increasing labor productivity in mass production is the introduction of mass production methods.

Mass production is the most specialized and is characterized by the production of a limited range of parts in large quantities. Mass production workshops are equipped with the most advanced equipment, which allows almost complete automation of the manufacture of parts. Automatic production lines are widely used. Technological processes of machining are developed more carefully, by transitions. Each machine is assigned a relatively small number of operations, which ensures the most complete workload of workers; places. The equipment is located in a chain along the technological process of individual parts. Workers specialize in performing one or two operations. Details are transferred from operation to operation piece by piece. In the conditions of mass production, the importance of organizing interoperational transport increases, Maintenance work places. Constant monitoring of the state of the cutting tool, fixtures, equipment is one of the conditions for ensuring the continuity of the production process, without which the rhythm of work on sites and in workshops is inevitably disturbed.

The need to maintain a given rhythm in all stages of production is becoming distinctive feature organization of mass production processes.

Mass production ensures the most complete use of equipment, high general level labor productivity, the lowest production cost. In table. 1 gives a comparative description of various types of production.

Table 1Comparative characteristics of production types

Comparable Features

Type of production




Nomenclature and volume of issue

Unlimited range of custom parts

Wide range of batch-produced parts

Limited range of high volume parts

Release repeatability

Is absent

Repeats periodically

Constantly repeating

Applied equipment


Universal, partially special

Mostly special

Assigning operations to machines

Is absent

Fixed a limited number of detail operations

One or two operations are fixed

Equipment location

By groups of homogeneous machines

By groups for processing structurally and technologically homogeneous parts

In the course of the technological process of processing parts

Transfer of objects of labor from operation to operation




Form of organization of the production process


Subject, group, flexible subject


I approve

Director of INPO

N.S. Sivtsev

"___" ____________ 2016

Calculation of the MAIN technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

Methodical instructions for practical work

on the course "Planning system and performance evaluation

department work"

for students of the specialty 15.02.01 "Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment"

(by industry)

Guidelines for the practical work of students of secondary vocational education are developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty 15.02.01 "Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment" (by industry)


FGBOU VPO "IzhGTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov"


Stepanova E.R., leading engineer of the department "Automobiles and metalworking equipment"

Approved by the graduating department (training and methodological commission of the specialty) "Automobiles and metalworking equipment"

Minutes No. 7 of December 30, 2015

Head of the Department _________R.S. Muzafarov, Ph.D., professor


Educational and methodological department of INPO ___________G.V. Mutagarova

"___" ________ 2016

The production process and its varieties

Manufacturing process- this is a set of all actions of workers and production facilities aimed at manufacturing various parts, assemblies, mechanisms and machines, i.e. products.

The manufacturing process consists of following processes:

- main technological processes (provide changes in geometric shapes, product sizes, i.e. objects of labor are converted into finished products);

auxiliary labor processes (ensure the uninterrupted flow of basic processes, such as the manufacture and repair of tools and equipment, equipment repair; provision of electricity, water, etc.);

serving labor processes (maintenance of the main and auxiliary processes, for example, storage, transportation, technical control, etc.).

The production engineering process includes three stages:

- procurement;

- processing;

- assembly.

The procurement stage includes the manufacture of casting, forged, stamped, welded and other blanks for machine parts. The processing stage includes mechanical, thermal and chemical processing of parts. The assembly stage includes the assembly and general assembly of product parts, as well as adjustment, testing and packaging.

The technological process consists of technological actions, called operations, sequentially performed on a given object of labor.

Operation- a part of the technological process performed by a worker or a group of workers at one workplace (machine, unit, etc.), with unchanged tools and objects of labor.

Operations that do not lead to a change in the geometric shapes, sizes, physical and chemical properties of objects of labor do not belong to technological operations (for example, transport, loading and unloading, control, testing, picking, etc.).

Operations differ depending on the means of labor used:

manual means (performed without the use of machines, mechanisms and mechanized tools);

machine-manual means (carried out with the help of machines or hand tools with the continuous participation of the worker);

machine means (performed on machines, installations, units with limited participation of the worker, for example, installation, fixing, starting and stopping the machine, unfastening and removing the part, etc.);

automated means (performed on automatic equipment or automatic lines).

The performance of machine and automatic operations in special units (for example, in furnaces, installations, baths, etc.) is called hardware processes

Principles of organization of the production process

Principles - these are the initial provisions on the basis of which the construction, functioning and development of the production process is carried out. Compliance with these principles of the organization of the production process is a fundamental condition for the effective operation of the enterprise.

Basic principles of the organization of the production process:

specialization (forms of the division of labor at the enterprise, in the workshop, i.e. assigning to each division of the enterprise a limited range of works, operations, parts, products, individual sections and workplaces);

- proportionality(proportional productivity per unit of time of all production departments of the enterprise, i.e. shops, sections, individual jobs, including auxiliary and service shops);

– parallelism(parallel simultaneous execution of the technological process at all or some of its operations in order to reduce the production cycle of the product);

– direct flow(the requirement for the straightness of the movement of objects of labor in the course of the technological process, that is, along the shortest way passing by the product of all phases of the production process without returns in its movement);

– standardization(development, establishment and application of uniform conditions that ensure its best course)

– continuity(minimizing all interruptions in the production process of the product);

- rhythm(release at regular intervals of an equal number of products);

– automaticity(the maximum possible and economically expedient release of the worker from the costs of manual labor through the use of automatic equipment).

The economic efficiency of the rational organization of the production process is expressed in reducing the duration of the production cycle of products, in reducing the costs of production, improving the use of fixed assets and increasing the turnover of working capital.

Types of productions and their technical and economic characteristics

Type of production- a set of its organizational, technical and economic features, determined by the following factors:

- the range of manufactured products;

- volume of output;

- the degree of constancy of the range of manufactured products;

- the nature of the workload.

Depending on the level of concentration and specialization, three types of industries are distinguished:

- single;

- serial;

- massive.

Single production It is characterized by a wide range of manufactured products (i.e., irregular repetition or non-repetition of production work), a small volume of their production, and the performance of very diverse operations at each workplace.

AT serial production a relatively limited range of products (batch) is produced. Most often, several operations are assigned to one workplace.

Mass production characterized by a narrow range and a large volume of products manufactured continuously for a long time at highly specialized workplaces. Mass production enterprises produce the same type of product in large quantities.

Comparative analysis production types is given in table 1.

Table 1. Comparative analysis of production types

No. p / p Factors Type of production
singular serial massive
1. The range of manufactured products Big Limited Malaya
2. Nomenclature constancy Is absent Available Available
3. Issue volume Small Average Large
4. Assignment of operations to jobs Is absent Partial Complete
5. Process development Aggregate method (per product, per unit) Detailed Detailed-poooperative
6. Applied equipment Universal Universal + special (partly) Mostly special
7. Applied tools and equipment Universal Universal + special Mostly special
8. Worker Qualification High Medium Mostly low
9. Production cost High Medium Low
10. Interchangeability of parts Fit incomplete Complete
11. Production specialization of workshops and sections Technological mixed subject

By type of production, enterprises, their sections and individual jobs are classified. The type of production of an enterprise is determined by the type of production of the leading workshop, and the type of production of the workshop is determined by the characteristics of the site where the most critical operations are performed and the bulk of the production assets are concentrated. The assignment of a plant to one or another type of production is conditional, since a combination of different types of production can take place at the enterprise and even in individual workshops.

Serial production at the workplace or at a group of workplaces is characterized by transaction consolidation ratio (i.e. series factor) To z.o., which is understood as the ratio of the number of all technological operations performed or to be performed in the workshop (at the site) during the month, to the number of jobs. Formula 1 to find the coefficient of fixing transactions is presented below.

To z.o. = m / p, (1)

where m- the number of operations performed at the workplace per month;

R- the number of jobs in the workshop.

The transaction fixing ratio is determined as follows:

For single production K z.o over 40;

For small batch production K z.o from 20 to 40;

For medium batch production K z.o from 10 to 20;

For high volume production K z.o from 2 to 10;

for mass production K z.o no more than 2.

The type of production has a decisive influence on the features of the organization of production, its economic indicators, the cost structure (since the share of human labor is high in single production, and the cost of repair and maintenance needs and maintenance of equipment in mass production), different level equipment.

The organization of production processes, the choice of methods of preparation, planning and control of production is largely determined by the type of production of the enterprise.

Type of production is a comprehensive description of the technical, organizational and economic features of production, due to the breadth of the range, specialization, volume and repeatability of the production of products.

Industrial enterprises differ in the structure and volume of their products, the breadth and stability of their range. Depending on these factors, jobs, sites, workshops and enterprises are divided into several organizational types of production. The main feature of the division into types of production is the specialization of jobs. Its level is determined by the coefficient of consolidation of operations. The main indicator characterizing the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations (), which is determined by the formula:

where is the number of operations performed on i-th worker place;

- the number of jobs on the site or in the shop.

Depending on the value of the coefficient of consolidation of operations, the type of production is determined according to the data in Table. 4.1.1.

Table 4.1.1.

Correspondence of the coefficient of consolidation of operations and the range of production

The type of production predetermines the structure of enterprises and workshops, the nature of the loading of jobs and the movement of objects in the pile in the production process. Each type of production has its own characteristics of the organization of production and labor, the equipment and technological processes used, the composition and qualifications of personnel, as well as logistics. With regard to a specific type of production, a planning and accounting system is built.

There are three types of production: singular, serial and mass. (Table 4.1.2.)

Table 4.1.2.

Comparative technical and economic characteristics of production types

Parameter Type of production
single Serial Mass
Product range Wide, unlimited limited series Narrow (one or more types)
Consistency of the product range Doesn't repeat Repeats periodically Constant release of the same products
Job specialization Miscellaneous operations Periodically recurring operations One repetitive operation
Type of equipment Universal Specialized Special
Equipment location Technology principle Subject-technological principle subject principle
rigging Universal Unified Special
Worker Qualification High Medium Low
unit cost High Medium Low

The batch level can also be used to determine the type of production (Formula 4.1.2.)

This indicator is the reciprocal of the coefficient of fixing the operation (Kzo). For mass production, its value is 0.8 ... 1, for serial production - 0.2 ... 0.8, and for a single one less than 0.2.

Single production characterized by a wide range of manufactured products, the production of which is not repeated for a long time. Workshops and sections are specialized according to the technological principle. Jobs are practically not specialized; different operations are performed. The qualification of workers is high. Universal equipment prevails, universal technological equipment is used. Technological processes and standards are developed with an indication of intershop technological routes and the necessary equipment. They are refined and finalized in workshops and workplaces. Equipment, tools and fixtures are used mainly universal. Their dimensions and kinematic capabilities should ensure that various works this profile. The equipment is located in groups of the same type of machines. Refinement of the technological process at the workplace requires the use of highly skilled workers. Jobs, as a rule, do not have operations assigned to them and are loaded with various operations without a certain alternation. The transaction consolidation ratio is not regulated and can be more than 40.

Enterprises with a single type of production are designed for the manufacture of products of limited consumption in the national economy, such as rolling mills, high-capacity excavators, turbines for power plants.

Mass production It is characterized by a limited range of products manufactured periodically in repeated batches, with a relatively large output. Depending on the number of products in a batch or series and the value of the coefficient of consolidation of operations, small-scale, medium-scale (batch) and large-batch production is distinguished.

In serial production, workshops, as a rule, have subject-closed sections, universal and special equipment is located along the technological process. Jobs are assigned a limited number of detail operations. Unified technological equipment is used, the qualification of workers is medium and high on CNC machines and flexible automated lines. The transfer of objects of labor between operations in parallel is sequential.

Under series refers to the number of structurally and technologically identical products launched into production simultaneously or sequentially.

The homogeneity of design solutions in the product makes it possible to manufacture a significant number of unified parts, which makes it possible to assign a number of parts (operations) to jobs for continuous or periodically repeating performance.

The repeatability of manufacturing the same products economically justifies the use of with universal and specialized equipment, fixtures and tools, which leads to the specialization of jobs. Widely used are quick-adjustable automatic machines, manipulators, machines with numerical control(CNC), which makes it possible in the conditions of mass production to increase labor productivity, reduce the duration of the production cycle.

In serial production, a technological process is developed in detail, which makes it possible to reduce machining allowances and increase the accuracy of workpieces.

Depending on the scale of production, the range of products, the level of specialization of jobs, there are: small, large and medium series production.

Small-scale production is characterized by the production of products in small quantities and a diverse range of products. The coefficient of consolidation of operations is 21-40.

Large-scale production specializes in the production of a relatively narrow range of products in large quantities. It is typical for many processes in mechanical engineering, for shoe and clothing enterprises. The coefficient of consolidation of transactions is 2-10.

Medium-scale production is intermediate between small and large-scale production.

Mass production characterized by a limited range of products continuously produced over a long period of time in large volumes. In mass production, flow mechanized and automated lines, specialized equipment and technological equipment are widely used. The specialization of workshops is based on the subject principle. Each workplace can be assigned 1 - 2 operations. The qualification of workers is relatively low on production lines, high on automated lines. The production of parts and products is built according to a given rhythm. A parallel type of movement of objects of labor is used.

Mass production provides the most high level productivity and low cost of manufactured products. Mass production (see Table 4.1) is characterized by a limited range of processed products with a large scale of its production (for example, the production of televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, tractors, cars, watches). Special equipment, tools and technological equipment are used. Automatic machines, manipulators, automatic lines are widely used. Workers perform a limited range of operations. The coefficient of consolidation of operations is equal to 1, which ensures their narrow specialization.

The technological process is developed in detail for each operation, indicating the modes of operation of the equipment, the tool used, the norms for the expenditure of time, materials. The equipment is located along the technological process; a parallel method of combining operations is used, which leads to a significant reduction in the duration of the production cycle, the amount of backlog; higher labor productivity is achieved and production costs are significantly reduced.

Each type of production has its own methods of its organization.

The independent type is experimental production. Its purpose is the production of prototypes, batches, products for scientific research - research work, development of design and technological documentation.

Organization of the main production

The organization of production processes, the choice of the most rational methods of preparation, planning and control of production are largely determined by the type of production

Under production type is understood as a set of features that determine the organizational and technical characteristics of the production process carried out at one or many workplaces on the scale of a site, workshop, enterprise. The type of production largely determines the forms of specialization and methods of organizing production processes.

The classification of types of production is based on the following factors: the breadth of the nomenclature, the volume of output, the degree of constancy of the nomenclature, the nature of the workload and their specialization.

Product range represents the number of product names assigned to the production system and characterizes its specialization. The wider the nomenclature, the less specialized the system, and, conversely, the narrower it is, the higher the degree of specialization. A wide range of manufactured products determines a wide variety of technological processes and operations, equipment, tools, equipment and professions of workers.

Product output is the number of products of a certain type produced by the production system during a certain period of time. The volume of output and the complexity of each type of product have a decisive influence on the nature of the specialization of this system.

Degree of nomenclature constancy is the repeatability of the production of a given type in successive periods of time. If in one planned period of time a product of this type is produced, and in others it is not produced, then there is no degree of constancy.

The nature of the download workplaces means assigning certain operations of the technological process to the workplaces. If a workplace is assigned a large number of operations, then this means broad specialization.

The type of production is determined by a complex characteristic of the technical, organizational and economic features of production, due to the breadth of the range, regularity, stability and volume of output. The main indicator characterizing the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations Kz. The coefficient of consolidation of operations for a group of jobs is defined as the ratio of the number of all different technological operations performed or to be performed during the month to the number of jobs:

where K opi is the number of operations performed at the i-th workplace;
K r.m - the number of jobs on the site or in the shop.

Series factor

xer.=r/t pcs

r- cycle of product release, min/pcs. r=Feff/N

t pcs - average piece time for the operations of the technological process, min.

t pcs = t pcs / m

The mass coefficient is determined by the formula

km= t pcs i/ m*r

There are three types of production: single, serial, mass.

Single production characterized by a small volume of production of identical products, re-manufacturing and repair of which, as a rule, is not provided. The pinning ratio for a single production is usually higher than 40.

Serial production is characterized by the manufacture or repair of products in periodically repeating batches. Depending on the number of products in a batch or series and the value of the coefficient of consolidation of operations, small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production is distinguished.

For small-scale production the coefficient of fixing operations from 21 to 40 (inclusive), for medium-scale production - from 11 to 20 (inclusive), for large-scale production - from 1 to 10 (inclusive).

Mass production It is characterized by a large volume of output of products that are continuously manufactured or repaired for a long time, during which one work operation is performed at most workplaces. The coefficient of fixing operations for mass production is assumed to be 1.

Consider the technical and economic characteristics of each type of production.

Single and close to it small-scale production are characterized by the manufacture of parts of a large range at workplaces that do not have a specific specialization. This production must be sufficiently flexible and adapted to the execution of various production orders.

Technological processes in the conditions of unit production are developed on an enlarged basis in the form of route maps for the processing of parts for each order; sections are equipped with universal equipment and tooling, which ensures the manufacture of a wide range of parts. The wide variety of jobs that many workers have to perform requires them to have different professional skills, so highly skilled general workers are used in operations. In many areas, especially in pilot production, a combination of professions is practiced.

The organization of production in the conditions of unit production has its own characteristics. Due to the variety of parts, the order and methods of their processing, production sites are built according to the technological principle with the arrangement of equipment into homogeneous groups. With this organization of production, the parts in the manufacturing process pass through various sections. Therefore, when passing them to each next operation(site), it is necessary to carefully consider the issues of quality control of processing, transportation, and determining jobs for the next operation. Features of operational planning and management are in the timely picking and execution of orders, monitoring the progress of each detail in operations, ensuring the systematic loading of sites and jobs. Great difficulties arise in the organization of material and technical supply. A wide range of manufactured products, the use of enlarged consumption rates of materials create difficulties in uninterrupted supply, which is why enterprises accumulate large stocks of materials, and this, in turn, leads to the deadening of working capital.

Features of the organization of unit production affect economic performance. For enterprises with a predominance of a single type of production, relatively high labor intensity of products and a large volume of work in progress due to the long periods of storage of parts between operations are typical. The cost structure of products is characterized by a high share of wage costs. This share is usually 20-25%.

The main opportunities for improving the technical and economic indicators of a single production are associated with its approximation to the serial one in terms of technical and organizational level. The use of serial production methods is possible with a narrowing of the range of manufactured parts for general machine-building applications, unification of parts and assemblies, which makes it possible to proceed to the organization of subject areas; expansion of constructive continuity to increase the batches of launch parts; grouping parts that are similar in design and manufacturing order to reduce the time for preparation of production and improve the use of equipment.

Serial production is characterized by the production of a limited range of parts in batches, repeated at regular intervals. This allows you to use along with the universal special equipment. When designing technological processes, they provide for the order of execution and equipment for each operation.

The following features are typical for the organization of serial production. Shops, as a rule, have in their composition subject-closed areas, equipment on which is placed in the course of a typical technological process. As a result, relatively simple connections between workplaces arise and prerequisites are created for organizing the direct-flow movement of parts in the process of their manufacture.

The subject specialization of the sections makes it expedient to process a batch of parts in parallel on several machines that perform successive operations. As soon as the previous operation finishes processing the first few parts, they are transferred to the next operation before the end of the processing of the entire batch. Thus, in the conditions of mass production, it becomes possible to organize the production process in parallel-sequential organization. This is his distinguishing feature.

The use of one or another form of organization in the conditions of mass production depends on the labor intensity and volume of output of the products assigned to the site. So, large, labor-intensive parts, manufactured in large quantities and having a similar technological process, are assigned to one site with the organization of variable-flow production on it. Parts of medium size, multi-operational and less labor-intensive are combined in batches. If their launch into production is regularly repeated, batch processing areas are organized. Small, low-labor parts, such as normalized studs, bolts, are fixed to one specialized section. In this case, the organization of direct-flow production is possible.

Serial production enterprises are characterized by significantly lower labor intensity and cost of manufacturing products than in a single one. In serial production, compared to single-piece production, products are processed with fewer interruptions, which reduces the volume of work in progress.

From the point of view of the organization, the main reserve for increasing labor productivity in mass production is the introduction of mass production methods.

Mass production is the most specialized and is characterized by the production of a limited range of parts in large quantities. Mass production workshops are equipped with the most advanced equipment, which allows almost complete automation of the manufacture of parts. Automatic production lines are widely used here.

Technological processes of machining are developed more carefully, by transitions. Each machine is assigned a relatively small number of operations, which ensures the most complete loading of jobs. The equipment is located in a chain along the technological process of individual parts. Workers specialize in performing one or two operations. Details are transferred from operation to operation piece by piece. In the conditions of mass production, the importance of organizing interoperational transportation and maintenance of workplaces is increasing. Constant monitoring of the state of the cutting tool, fixtures, equipment is one of the conditions for ensuring the continuity of the production process, without which the rhythm of work on sites and in workshops is inevitably disturbed. The need to maintain a given rhythm in all stages of production is becoming a distinctive feature of the organization of processes in mass production.

Mass production provides the most complete use of equipment, a high overall level of labor productivity, and the lowest cost of manufacturing products. In table. 1 presents data on the comparative characteristics of various types of production.

Table 1

Comparative characteristics of various types of production

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Subject Commission of Planning and Economic Disciplines


discipline: Economics of the organization

on thetopic: Typesproduction (mass,serial,singular), themtechnical and economiccharacteristic.

Completed by student A.A. Mazepin

2 courses, group 1209


Teacher N.N. Loshkareva

  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • Applications


The relevance of studying the organizational types of production is predetermined by the fact that this will allow determining under which organizational type the enterprise will work with the greatest return, get more profit and reduce time costs in the production process.

The purpose of this course work to identify and justify the organizational types of production, factors influencing the types of production.

The course work provides for the solution of the following critical tasks:

Characteristics of the types of organization of production;

Study of the technical and economic characteristics of each type of production;

Study of ways to improve the production structure.

AT term paper the object of research is the concept, essence and characteristics of types of production, as well as ways to improve the production structure. The subject of the course work is the content and analysis of types of production.

The organization of production processes, the choice of methods for preparing, planning and controlling production is largely determined by the type of production at the enterprise. Features of the organization of production, first of all, are reflected in the form of the flow of the production cycle - continuous or discontinuous; boundaries of economically expedient use of special and automated equipment;

on the composition of the equipment and the technological equipment used; the composition and qualifications of personnel; on the method of movement of objects of labor in the production process; production planning and management system.

The topic was not chosen by chance, as for the organization efficient process production, it is necessary to take into account all the specifics of the future activities of the enterprise. Thus, the head of the enterprise, using the characteristics given in my course work, before organizing production, will be able to familiarize himself with all the features of a particular type of organization of the production process and, depending on the type of production chosen, will be able to recruit staff, equip workplaces so that the process parts manufacturing was the most efficient.

When performing the work, textbooks, teaching aids, author's abstracts, Internet sources were used.

1. The concept, the essence of the type of production and its significance for the growth of the efficiency of the enterprise

Starting to study the main types and ways of organizing production, the first step is to define the main concepts: a manufacturing enterprise and production.

A manufacturing enterprise is a separate specialized unit, the basis of which is a professionally organized labor collective, capable of using the means of production at its disposal to produce the products (perform work, provide services) of the appropriate purpose, profile and range that consumers need (perform work, provide services).

The organization of production processes at the enterprise, the choice of the most rational methods of preparation, planning and control over production is largely determined by the type of production.

Type of production - a set of organizational, technical and economic characteristics and features of a combination of factors and elements of the organization of production, due to the nomenclature, scale and regularity of output.

Opportunities for the development of specialization, the level of production costs and the indicators of the use of human labor and equipment largely depend on the type of organization of production. The main quantitative characteristic of the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations, which characterizes the degree of specialization and stability of jobs in a given production unit.

The coefficient of consolidation of operations shows the average number of operations performed at one workplace of the production unit (section, workshop) during the planned period of time (month, year). is determined by the ratio of the number of all the various operations performed in the unit during the planning period to the estimated number of jobs occupied by the performance of these operations:

, (1.1)

The estimated number of occupied jobs of the unit is determined by the ratio of the labor intensity of the volume of production manufactured in the planned period to the effective fund of the operating time of a piece of equipment in this period:

, (1.2)

where - the number of products manufactured in the planning period; - labor intensity of the unit -th product, hour; - output volume -th product, pcs.

The effective time fund is usually determined by the formula:

, (1.3)

where - the number of working days in the planning period; - duration of the work shift, hour; - shift work of the production unit (1-3); - coefficient of time loss for scheduled repairs and all types of maintenance (5%).

type serial mass production

The value of the quantity in combination with the qualitative features of the production process, such as the regularity (repeatability) and stability of processes in the workplace, characterizes the type of production.

Each type of production has its own characteristics of the organization of production and labor, the equipment and technological processes used, the composition and qualifications of personnel, as well as logistics. With regard to a specific type of production, the entire accounting planning system is built.

The type of production is of decisive importance on the features of the organization of production, its economic indicators, the cost structure (in a single unit, the share of living labor is high, and in mass production, the cost of repair and maintenance needs and maintenance of equipment), different levels of equipment.

Enterprises bear full responsibility for the results of their work. This requires them to adequately change their training. The main goal of production is to provide the consumer with the products (services) he needs within the specified time, of the specified quality and configuration, with minimal costs for the manufacturer. When solving this problem in a market environment, the consumer is put at the forefront. To survive, an enterprise must constantly think about the quality of its products and reduce the cost of its production. This determines the strategy and tactics of organizing production.

Depending on the type of production at the enterprise, the issues of its organization, planning and management are solved differently. Features of the type of production are reflected in the form of the production process - continuous or discontinuous, at the level of the technological process, the boundaries of the economically feasible use of automatic and special equipment, the composition of the equipment and equipment used, the organization of jobs, the composition and qualifications of workers, the system of planning and production management. Any organizational and technical solutions, methods of manufacturing products, performing production operations, management methods, no matter how successful, effective today, tomorrow can be improved or replaced by more advanced ones under the influence of scientific and technological achievements, changing production conditions.

Thus, we can consider the organization of production as a continuous creative work resulting in increased production efficiency.

2. Comparative characteristics of production types

The basis for the classification of types of production in the enterprise are the following factors (Table 2.1 in Appendix 2):

1) the range of manufactured products, which characterizes the specialization of production;

2) the scale of products (output volume);

3) frequency of release;

4) the nature of the loading of jobs and their specialization, i.e. assigning certain operations of the technological process to workplaces.

Depending on the combination of the listed forms of organization of production and its elements, the following types of production are distinguished

(Figure 2.1 in Appendix 1):




One of the indicators for determining the type of production can be the coefficient of serialization, which characterizes the level of specialization of jobs.

, (2.1)

where - the total number of detail operations performed in this unit (on the site, in the shop);

- the number of pieces of equipment (jobs) in the shop.

2.1 Mass production analysis

Mass production is characterized by the continuous production of a large number of the same or several of the same type of products. Mass production is focused on the release of a limited range of standardized products (products) in large volumes over a relatively long period of time. The equipment is special, the type of movement of objects of labor is parallel. Shops and sections are specialized mainly according to the subject principle. Factories have a simple and well-defined production structure. For example, cars, tractors, agricultural engineering products.


Continuity of production of homogeneous products, when individual units of products either do not differ from each other, or have differences in individual modifications depending on the configuration of the final product, focused on a particular consumer;

Production of units, parts, components at specialized enterprises that produce the same type of products and are part of the structure of the company or production department or purchased from independent suppliers;

Availability of specialized assembly line production, based on the production of products from unified units and parts of established quality and standard sizes, coming in a certain sequence to the production line-conveyor;

High level of specialization of production, focusing on one enterprise for the production of products of one or more modifications or standard sizes;

Mandatory standardization and unification of parts, assemblies, assemblies, during their design and subsequent assembly;

Specialization of workplaces for the performance of specific operations following on the conveyor in a certain sequence;

7. Automation of the technological process, the use of flow methods of work;

The use of low-skilled workers who perform a specific operation assigned to each worker;

Short duration of the production cycle based on assembly production;

Continuous production scheduling using automated systems enterprise management (ASUP);

11. Full automation of quality control with the wide use of statistical methods of product quality management;

Careful production planning;

Comprehensive use of all performance factors.

The main ones are

narrow specialization of jobs for the performance of one constantly recurring operation;

rigid assignment of a relatively small number of operations to jobs;

unidirectional movement of raw materials, semi-finished products, products from one workplace to another;

location of equipment, workplaces in the direction of the technological process (in accordance with the principle of direct flow);

wide range of specialized equipment;

combination of main and maintenance operations;

limited product range.


§ full use of equipment;

§ high level of labor productivity;

§ the lowest unit cost of production due to savings on semi-fixed costs and the use of high-performance equipment;

§ reduction of the duration of the production cycle;

§ reduction of work in progress;

§ acceleration of the turnover of working capital.

As a result, it becomes possible to use in-line production methods, organize production processes and widely introduce mechanization and automation of production.

2.2 Series production analysis

Serial production (series production) - the manufacture of structurally identical products in batches or series of a certain size, periodically repeating at intervals of time.

A series is a certain number of products of the same type that are put into production.


Production of a wide range of repetitive homogeneous products in series;

Decentralization of production activities by production units (branches, factories and workshops) specialized in the performance of specific operations, in the production of goods of various types;

Production of products, both on the basis of pre-orders of buyers, and for consumers unknown in advance;

Frequency of production of products in series, processing of parts for assembly in separate batches;

Use in the production process of workers of medium qualification; specialization of jobs in the performance of several operations assigned to them, a small amount of manual labor;

Short duration of the production cycle;

7. Typification of the technological process in connection with the unified composition of parts and components entering the assembly production;

Availability of specialized technological equipment with fixed jobs;

Different requirements for the processing of specialized products manufactured in separate batches, hence the following products in the processing process along different routes with an optional passage through all workshops and sections;

10. Automation of quality control of manufactured products and the use of statistical, methods of product quality management;


§ high duration of the production cycle due to irregular operation of the equipment;

§ increase in unproductive time costs as a result of frequent changeovers of equipment, large interruptions in production, due to pre-production work in the process of manufacturing products;

§ increase in unit cost of production;

§ decrease in the turnover of working capital;

§ reduction of labor productivity.

Depending on the number of simultaneously manufactured identical products included in the series, there are small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production.

Small-scaleproduction- type of organization of the production process, in which units or machining centers specialize in certain operations. Processed products are produced in small batches of a wide range. The regularity of batch rotation during the year is either absent or irregular, and batch sizes are unstable; the company is constantly developing new products and stops the production of previously mastered ones.

Small-scale production is equipped mainly with universal equipment, tends to be single.

Medium seriesproduction occupies an intermediate position between small-scale and large-scale. This type of production is characterized by a large number of series of limited nomenclature. The series are repeated with a known regularity according to the launch period and the number of products in the batch; the annual nomenclature is still wider than the nomenclature of the issue in each month. A narrower range of operations is assigned to jobs. The equipment is universal and special, the type of movement of objects of labor is parallel-sequential. Factories have a developed production structure, procurement shops are specialized according to the technological principle, and machine-assembly shops are created subject-closed areas.

large-scaleproduction characterized by assigning a small number of operations to the workplace, and the batches of processed products are large and steadily repeated, at predetermined intervals. In large-scale production, the range of products produced is stable, but limited. Jobs have a narrower specialization. The equipment is predominantly special, the types of movement of objects of labor are parallel-sequential and parallel. Factories have a simple production structure, processing and assembly shops are specialized according to the subject principle, and procurement - according to the technological principle. Large-scale production takes on the features of a mass production type.

The development of serial production and the increase in batches produced depend on the level of specialization of this production, the deepening of which creates favorable conditions for the replacement of single-piece production, a significant increase in batches, and the transition to mass production. The increase in batches increases labor productivity and reduces the cost of the product.

2.3 Analysis of a single production

Single production (job shop production) is focused on the production of piece products of a diverse and non-permanent nomenclature for a specific purpose, when each unit of the final product is unique in design, tasks, location, or some other important features. This makes it impossible to permanently assign operations to individual jobs. With this type of production, universal equipment is used and, in the main, a sequential type of movement of batches of parts through the operations of the technological process. Factories have a complex production structure, and workshops are specialized according to the technological principle.


1. A wide range of manufactured specialized products, usually not repeated;

2. Decentralization of production activities for specialized units;

The single non-repetitive nature of the production process;

Production of products based on consumer orders, taking into account their requirements at the stage of project approval and technical and economic documentation of products;

Use in the production process of a highly skilled workforce of specialists - engineers and workers of a wide profile, performing a large amount of manual work;

The high duration of the production cycle, when the release of each unit of production takes several weeks, months, years, hence the high proportion of work in progress at the end of the reporting period;

Planning the activities of the company, depending on the availability of orders and the timing of the manufacture of each single product;

Implementation of product quality control on an individual basis - for each single product.


frequent readjustment of equipment;

lack of a detailed manufacturing technology for various products;

a large proportion of manual work, enlarged methods of labor rationing;

high duration of the production cycle;

a large volume of work in progress;

high production cost.

A variety of unit production is the implementation of large projects (project system), when all the resources of the production system in a given period of time are directed to the implementation of one or more projects.

Single production includes the production of the largest machines, unique instruments, equipment, powerful hydraulic turbines and generators, rolling mills, walking excavators, nuclear reactors and other products, as well as non-standard products for individual orders.

The assignment of an enterprise to one or another type of production is conditional, since at any enterprise and even in individual workshops one can find not one, but several simultaneously existing different types of production processes.

3. Ways to improve the production structure of the enterprise, as a factor that determines the type of production

The successful operation of an enterprise is largely determined by the rational composition of its production units, in which individual labor processes take place. This is achieved by properly building its production structure.

Productionstructure- this is the composition and size of its internal divisions, their ratio, forms of construction and interrelationships. Directly related to the production structure is the question of the planning of the enterprise.

When choosing the type of organization of the production structure, it should be remembered that it is predetermined by the conditions of production. The main ones here are, first of all, the type of production (mass, serial, individual), the specialization of the enterprise (subject, technological or subject-technological), the nature and range of products.

Improving the production structure of an enterprise is the most important prerequisite for accelerating technical re-equipment, rationalizing its organization, and intensifying and accelerating the production process.

With a change in the specialization of production, it becomes necessary to organize new workshops or sections; the introduction of new equipment or methods of manufacturing products causes a change in the proportions between the individual links. All these changes in the structure are carried out according to pre-developed projects.

Work to improve the structure of enterprises is carried out during the period of reconstruction, technological re-equipment, changes in the profile and deepening of the specialization of the enterprise.

When looking for ways to improve the production structure, one should keep in mind the complexity of this process.

Amongmajorwaysimprovementproductionstructuresinthe presenttimecalledthe following:

Search and implementation of a more perfect principle of building a production structure (for enterprises under design) and the use of reserves for improving the structure (for existing enterprises);

Rationalization of the ratio between the main, auxiliary and service shops;

Improving the layout of the enterprise (compliance master plan enterprises to the selected main technological processes);

Development of specialization, cooperation and combination of production;

Unification and standardization of processes and equipment. Since the process of transition to a new production structure is more complex than the creation of a new organizational structure, it should be determined;

Principles and methods of improvement, in accordance with which the production structure will be improved;

Factors of the internal and external environment that need to be taken into account (the production structure must change in accordance with changes in the external environment);

Trends in improving the production structure.

Basictrendimprovementorganizationalstructuresis an transition from linear-functional to divisional and matrix; in relation to the production structure, this is expressed in deepening the financial independence and responsibility of the production units of the enterprise, i.e. in turning them into centers of financial accounting (profit and cost). In this understanding, the effectiveness of the activity is determined not by the quality of the performance of the functions assigned to it, but by the financial results.

In the future, enterprises should move to such a production structure, where there are no procurement and tool shops, where the number of mechanical and repair shops is reduced. All this will significantly reduce the number of people employed in auxiliary and service processes of production, at the procurement stage of the production process, at the processing stage, and, consequently, reduce the cost of production, increase the profitability and profitability of production.

One of the current trends in improving the production structure at the present time continues to be the formation of flexible production processes. The production structure of the enterprise, consisting of flexible modules aimed at changing needs, reflects the new nature of production as customer-oriented, which is in line with the new trends in creating a perfect production structure. This is also the aim of such methods and forms of its change as business process reengineering, the universal quality management system according to the international standards ISO 9000 (a series of international ISO standards regulating quality management in enterprises) in its various modifications.

The quality of the use of available opportunities, resources and a favorable market environment is associated at the enterprise with the mechanism of production planning. Building an optimal plan from the point of view of a possible change in the market situation is the key to the implementation of the internal stability of the enterprise in the external economic environment. That is why you should pay special attention to the production planning material. Compliance with a rational ratio between the main, auxiliary and service shops and sections should be aimed at increasing the share of the main shops in terms of the number of employed workers, the cost of fixed assets, and the size of the occupied areas.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the organization of production is aimed at the optimal combination of private production processes among themselves in space and time and, on this basis, at increasing production efficiency. Thus, there are types and methods of organizing production processes.

Opportunities for the development of specialization, the level of production costs and the indicators of the use of human labor and equipment largely depend on the type of organization of production.

Depending on the level of concentration and specialization, three types of industries are distinguished:




Depending on the type of production, the composition of technological equipment, the level of specialization of jobs, and the structure of equipment use over time also change significantly. The closer the type of production is to mass production, the higher the percentage of main time in the total labor intensity of the work performed, the smaller the share of auxiliary and preparatory-final time.

Also, depending on the type of production at the enterprise, the issues of its organization, planning and management are solved differently. Features of the type of production are reflected in the form of the production process - continuous or discontinuous, at the level of the technological process, the boundaries of the economically feasible use of automatic and special equipment, the composition of the equipment and equipment used, the organization of jobs, the composition and qualifications of workers, the system of planning and production management. Correct Definition type of production allows you to choose effective method his organization, i.e. answer the question of how to carry out the production process more efficiently.

With an increase in the technical equipment of labor and an increase in the volume of output in the transition from single to serial and mass production, the share of human labor decreases and the costs associated with the maintenance and operation of equipment increase. This leads to a reduction in the cost of production and a change in its structure. This difference in product cost various types the organization of production is determined by the complex interaction of various factors: the concentration of production of identical parts (products), the increase in the manufacturability of structures and the introduction of progressive standard technological processes, the use of productive equipment, the introduction of perfect forms of organization of production processes - continuous-flow mechanized and automatic production lines, better organization of labor and production management. These processes at enterprises are carried out continuously, which creates the prerequisites for the transition from single to serial and mass production types.

List of sources used

1. Raitsky V.A. Economics of the organization (enterprise): Textbook. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M .: ITC "Dashkov and K 0", 2008.

2. Chuev I.N., Chechevitsyn L.N. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. - Minsk: ITK "Dashkov and K 0", 2003.

3. Shepelenko G.I. Economics, organization and planning of production at the enterprise: 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - Rostov-on-Don: IC "March", 2000.

4. Economics of the enterprise: Tutorial/ V.P. Volkov, A.I. Ilyin, V.I. Stankevich and others / ed. edited by A.I. Ilyina, V.P. Volkov. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2009.

5. Novitsky N.I. Organization of production at enterprises: Educational method. allowance. - Minsk: Finance and statistics, 2003.

6. Panova L.A. Organization of production at enterprises. - Minsk: ITC "Dashkov and K 0", 2005.

7. Turovets O.G. Organization of production at the enterprise. - Minsk: Infra-M, 2003.

8. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production: Textbook. - Minsk: Infra-M, 2002.

9. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - Minsk: New knowledge, 2007.

10. Susha G.Z. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2003.

11. Fitkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production. - Minsk, INFRA, 2000.

12. Zolotogorov V.G. Organization and planning of the enterprise - Minsk: FUA INFORM, 2001.


Appendix 1


Source: [ 2, with.8]

Appendix 2

TableP. 2.1 - Comparativetechnical and economiccharacteristictypesproduction

Type of production




1. Nomenclature


limited series

One name

2. Constancy of nomenclature

Doesn't repeat

Repeats periodically

Constant release of products of a narrow range

3. Specialization of jobs

Miscellaneous operations

Periodically recurring operations

One all the time

repetitive operation

4. Equipment


Universal and




5. Location of production equipment

Technology principle

subject and



6. Tooling




7. Qualification of key workers

Medium, high

on CNC machines and flexible automated lines

Relatively low on production lines, high on automatic and flexible automated lines

Source: Owndevelopment

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