Communication includes the following processes. What is communication. The main characteristics of the communication process

According to psychologists, the need for communication is one of the basic needs of the individual. Why is it so important? Communication is one of the keys to the harmonious development of a personality, a condition for both spiritual and physical health, as well as a way of knowing oneself and others. And even despite the fact that communication between people has always been the basis of the social life of mankind, the direct object psychological research it became only in the XX century.

Communication is what accompanies us everywhere. We communicate from infancy: we learn to smile at our parents and recognize unfamiliar faces. Then we learn to speak. Conversation is verbal communication. But who teaches us non-verbal communication - facial expressions, gestures, correct intonation?

Communication ... What's this?

Activities and communication determine the social contacts of people.

Of course, there are certain differences between activity and communication as types of activity. The result of activity is either some kind of ideal or material product, while the result of communication is some mutual influence of individuals on each other. Despite these differences, activity and communication are interrelated aspects of people's social activity. Activity cannot arise without intensive communication. In addition, communication is a specific type of human activity. IN real life human, they act in unity, but in certain situations they can be realized separately and independently of each other.

What is the role of communication in human life? This is not only a type of activity, but also a multifaceted process, which includes such components as the interaction of two or more people, the exchange of information between them, the formation of patterns of behavior, relationships between people, the image of the inner "I" of the individual, and so on.

In psychology, the concept of communication is defined as the process of interaction between two or more people, which consists in the exchange of information, which has both cognitive and emotional character. In the course of communication, interpersonal relationships arise, find their manifestation and form. Also, the concept of communication implies the presence of an exchange of feelings, thoughts and experiences.

In the process of research, psychologists have identified the content of communication, its purpose, means, structure, as well as functions and forms.

What are the sides and content of communication?

As already mentioned, the communication process involves the exchange of information. And the information transmitted from one person to another is the content of communication. Despite the fact that human communication is multidisciplinary and can be of a very diverse nature, it can be classified according to its content.

In addition, there are three sides to communication.

Communicative is the exchange of information between those who are engaged in joint activities. The interactive side of communication is the exchange of not only words, but also deeds. Perceptual is the perception of communicating with each other.

What is the purpose of communication?

When people start to communicate, they pursue a specific goal. That is, the purpose of communication is what it was started for, which means that they can be very diverse. For example, the purpose of communication may simply be in itself. Or in familiarizing one person with the point of view and experience of another.

What are the means of communication?

Means of communication are those methods of encoding, transmission, processing and decryption of information that are transmitted in the process of communication. They are divided into verbal or verbal, that is, those that are represented by speech, and non-verbal means, or non-verbal communication, which include gestures, facial expressions, intonations, touches, glances and others.

Non-verbal communication - why is it?

For a clear understanding of each other, people need non-verbal means of communication. Naturally, non-verbal manifestations are relevant only for oral communication.

Non-verbal communication is often called "body language" because the external non-verbal manifestations of feelings and emotions that are performed by the body are also a kind of set of signs and symbols. Why is body language needed?

Communication with people is unthinkable without non-verbal manifestations. Their main function is unambiguous: to supplement the spoken message. For example, if a person informs you about his victory in any business, he can, in addition to this information, triumphantly throw up his hands so that they are above his head, or even jump for joy.

Another function of non-verbal communication is to enhance the oral message as well as its emotional component. The two forms of communication can successfully complement each other. For example, if, when answering “No, I do not agree with you,” the interlocutor repeats his message in the form of shaking his head from side to side as a sign of denial, or, if the answer is “Of course, this is so,” an affirmative nod.

Non-verbal communication can express the contradiction between words and actions. For example, if you know the peculiarities of communication with a specific person, and he will joke and have fun when he feels completely developed in his soul, this will not hide from you.

Non-verbal communication helps to emphasize something. For example, instead of the word "attention", you can show a gesture that will attract the eyes of the audience. So, a gesture with a raised index finger on an outstretched hand will emphasize what the speaker is saying.

In addition, forms of communication can successfully interchange each other. For example, instead of speaking a text, you can use a gesture to replace it. So, you can immediately point your hand in the direction needed by the interlocutor, or shrug your shoulders as a sign that you do not know the answer to the question posed.

Non-verbal communication

It is extremely important to learn how to balance verbal and non-verbal communication in your behavior and speech. It is commendable if your communication skills allow you to do this. Such a balance allows you to convey the necessary information to the interlocutor as accurately and fully as possible, as well as to understand his response message. Methods of communication should fulfill their main function - the transmission of a message. If a person speaks monotonously and emotionlessly, then soon his interlocutors will get tired, begin to be distracted and will not receive all the information. Or, on the contrary, if the speaker is too actively gesticulating, often interjections slip into his speech, and words are a rare occurrence in his speech, he will overload the interlocutor's perception with unnecessary information, which will quickly tire him out. Such a message will definitely alienate the listener from such an expressive partner in the conversation.

So, non-verbal means of conversation. It's time to define them. Communication without words falls into the following four categories.

Gestures and posture

In life, people evaluate each other even before they speak for the first time. Therefore, you can create the impression of a fussy person, or, conversely, self-confident, with only one posture or gait. Gesturing allows you to emphasize the meaning of all of the above, as well as to highlight accents and express your attitude to what you have said. However, it must be remembered that, for example, business communication does not allow speech to be accompanied by unnecessary gestures. In addition, it must be remembered that each nation has its own gestures in communication, and the gestures common to the two nations can be interpreted in completely different ways.

Facial expressions, eyes and facial expressions

The main transmitter of information about a person is his face. It is it that tells about the mood, feelings and emotions of a person. As Tolstoy said, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is not for nothing that many trainings and seminars on the development of understanding the mood of children begin with the fact that participants learn from photographs to recognize basic emotions, such as fear, surprise, longing, anger, sadness, joy and others.

Distance between interlocutors and touch

By the distance your interlocutor chooses for a conversation, you can determine how he treats you. Why? Because the distance to the interlocutor is determined by the degree of closeness to him.

Intonation and voice characteristics

These two elements of communication seem to unite non-verbal and verbal means of communication. It is with the help of different intonations, timbre, volume, rhythm and tone of voice that the same phrase can sound completely different, while the meaning of the information changes to the exact opposite.

Ten secrets of trusting communication

In order for others to understand you better, you should adhere to the basic rules of confidential communication. Described below, they are not the fruit of boring office work, but are based on the experience of those who use them day in and day out.

Learn to take an interest in the affairs of people, and it is necessary to do it completely sincerely. First rule: your business is secondary. You will never have a good conversation if you don't care about anything other than your own affairs. Remember the simple formula for success: "I would like to consult with you."

Learn to listen. Be a good listener - great quality, however, it is not given to everyone from birth. Often this skill is more valuable than the ability to speak beautifully. In any conversation, first listen to the interlocutor, and then start talking yourself, taking into account what you heard earlier. Remember that anyone tends to listen to another only after being listened to.

Tell the interlocutor what you can give him. All people tend to communicate with those from whom they will be at least some "benefit." You should not immediately start praising yourself, your abilities, the quality of the services you provide. It is better to explain to the person what he specifically will have if he accepts your offer.

Criticism should be moderate. Often times, criticism comes back like a boomerang. If you start criticizing a person, then he can repay you in kind. Therefore, you should first focus on your own mistakes, and only then point out the shortcomings of the interlocutor. In addition, you should not point out other people's mistakes directly. Indirect criticism is perceived much more calmly. It is necessary to criticize not a person, but only her actions and deeds. Do not blame people for stubbornness, misunderstanding, inability to hold back, or inability to listen.

Speak without metallic notes in your voice. The overwhelming majority of people do not show violent delight when they are ordered, reminded of their duties, or simply communicate with them in a commanding, instructive, arrogant or edifying tone. If you use a similar tone, then, as it were, put the person in a dependent, "childish" position. It is quite natural for a person to respond with resistance, such a tone, or just irritation.

Remember, you can be wrong too. If any unpleasant incident happened, then everyone wants to call their neighbor a “hero” of success. In adverse situations of any kind, people tend to look for the root of the problem not in themselves, but in the people around them. It is necessary to learn to share with others responsibility for what happened, and even better to learn to find the reasons for failure in yourself, your beloved. In addition, by taking the blame for yourself, you simply disarm the accusers, and they have no choice but to say that this could happen to anyone.

Learn to praise people. Tell people what they do well. It is possible that their abilities and qualities, which you praise, are only in embryo, but your interlocutor, having heard your feedback, will strive to “consolidate” the dignity, develop it in himself. Think well of people, talk about their good qualities, trust them. Don't be afraid to look funny or inappropriate when you compliment, and also be sincere and sincere. A good start to a conversation and one of the better ways cheer up - a compliment. If you think you don’t know how to compliment, just look at the person and find something good in him, and then mark this line out loud.

Make the attacker your friend. Typically, when we are forced to deal with a rude, intolerant and possibly even aggressive person, we develop feelings of resentment or irritation. Try to put yourself in his shoes. Perhaps he is very tired, communicating daily with people who do not care how he is doing, maybe he is sick or in trouble at home or at work. Who knows, maybe he just has a weak nervous system and a high susceptibility to stress? Forget about your resentment for a couple of minutes and listen to the other.

First, the trust and gratitude that you evoke by being interested in other people's problems will help you to come to an agreement with the interlocutor. Secondly, you can try to find a solution to the interlocutor's problems together. As a result, the person felt better, and agreed, and you did not disappoint in his eyes.

Don't stir up a fight and learn to respect the other person's opinion. This does not mean that you should be silent when you are insulted and make endless concessions. Just be above the quarrel. Even in the harshest of discussions, don't allow yourself to shout "It's your fault" or "You're wrong!"

If a quarrel still happened, then you should not reject the claims of the interlocutor against you. There is no need to make excuses either, because this will only stimulate the opponent to continue the quarrel and support his desire to prove that he is right and you are to blame.

Smile more often! Looking at a smiling good-natured person, even the most aggressive and unsociable people become more friendly and peaceful. A witty and cheerful fellow traveler is able to cheer up the gloomy travelers tired of the long journey.

If a person smiles, then even the gloomiest person looks more cheerful. It's important to learn to smile, even if you're in a bad mood. Trust me, it will get better! A sense of humor and a smile are professional qualities and tools of those who constantly communicate with people at work.

In addition, a benevolent and sincere smile cannot spoil any face, on the contrary, the vast majority of people become more attractive.

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

this might help you Avicenna also said that there are no diseases that cannot be treated with herbs.

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

1) Definition communication.

Communication - a complex process of interaction between people, consisting in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. Subjects communication there are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living creature, but only at the human level is the process communication become aware, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person who transmits information is called a communicator, who receives it - a recipient.

In communication, a number of aspects can be distinguished (Nemov R.S. Psychology. Book 1: Fundamentals of General Psychology. - M., Education, 1994.): content, purpose and funds... Let's consider them in more detail.

Content communication - information that is transmitted in interindividual contacts from one living being to another goma... This can be information about the internal (emotional, etc.) state of the subject, about the situation in the external environment. The most diverse content of information is if the subjects communication people appear.

Target communication - answers the question "For the sake of what the creature enters into the act communication? ". Here is the same principle as already mentioned in the paragraph on the content communication... Animals have goals communication usually do not go beyond the actual for them biological needs... For a person, these goals can be very, very diverse. I am a means of satisfying social, cultural, creative, cognitive, aesthetic and many other needs.

Funds communication - methods of encoding, transmission, processing and decryption of information that is transmitted in the process communication from one creature to another goma... Encoding information is a way of transmitting it. Information between people can be transmitted using the boundaries of feelings, speech and other sign systems, writing, technical means of recording and storing information.

2) Process communication(communications).

First, it consists directly of the act itself communication, communication, in which the communicants themselves participate, communicating. Moreover, in the normal case, there should be at least two of them.

Secondly, communicators must perform the action itself, which we call communication, i.e. do something (speak, gesture, allow a certain expression to be "read" from their faces, indicating, for example, the emotions experienced in connection with what is being communicated).

Thirdly, it is necessary to further define the communication channel in each specific communicative act. When talking on the phone, such a channel is the organs of speech and hearing; in this case, they talk about the audio-verbal (auditory-verbal) channel, more simply - about the auditory channel. The form and content of the letter are perceived through the visual (visual-verbal) channel.

Handshake- a method of transmitting a friendly greeting via the kinesico-tactile (motor-tactile) channel. If we learn from the costume that our interlocutor is, for example, Uzbek, then the message about his nationality came to us through the visual channel (visual), but not through the visual-verbal channel, since no one verbally (verbally) reported anything.

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

3) Structure communication.

To the structure communication can be approached in different ways, in this case, the structure will be characterized by highlighting three interrelated parties in communication: communicative, interactive and perceptual ( Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., Aspect Press, 1996.).

So the schematic structure communication we represent it like this:

The communicative sidecommunication(or communication in the narrow sense of the word) consists in the exchange of information between communicating individuals.

Interactive side consists in organizing interaction between communicating individuals (exchange of actions).

Perceptual sidecommunication means the process of perception and knowledge of each other by communication partners and the establishment on this basis of mutual understanding.

The use of these terms is conditional, sometimes in a more or less similar sense, others also use: three functions are distinguished in communication - information and communication, regulatory and communicative, affective and communicative (Lomov B.F. Communication and social regulation of individual behavior // Psychological problems of social regulation of behavior, - M., 1976.). Consider these three sides communication in more detail.

3 - a) The communicative side communication ... During the act communication there is not just the movement of information, but the mutual transfer of encoded information between two individuals - subjects communication... Consequently, communication can be schematically depicted as follows: S S. Therefore, there is an exchange of information. But at the same time, people do not just exchange meanings, they strive to develop a common meaning (Leontyev A.N. Problems of the development of the psyche. - M., 1972.). And this is possible only if the information is not only accepted, but also comprehended.

Communicative interaction is possible only when the person sending the information (communicator) and the person receiving it (recipient) have a similar system of codification and decodification of information. Those. "everyone should speak the same language." In the context of human communication, communication barriers can arise. They are social or psychological.

By itself, the information emanating from the communicator can be motivating (an order, advice, request - calculated to stimulate any action) and ascertaining (a message - takes place in various educational systems).

3 - b) Communication means.

For transmission, any information must be appropriately encoded, i.e. it is possible only through the use of sign systems. The simplest division of communication is verbal and non-verbal, using different sign systems. Verbal uses human speech as such. Speech is the most universal means of communication, since when transmitting information through speech, meaning is least lost with communication... It is possible to designate the psychological components of verbal communication - "speaking" and "listening" (Zimnyaya I.A. foreign language at school. - M., 1991.) "The speaker" first has a definite plan with respect to communication, then he embodies it into a system of signs. For the "hearer" the meaning of the communication is revealed simultaneously with decoding.

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

Lasswell's model of the communicative process (Communication and optimization of joint activities. Edited by G. Andreeva and Ya.M. Yanoushek, Moscow State University, 1987). Includes five elements:

WHO?(transmits message) - Communicator

WHAT?(transmitted) - Message (text)

AS?(transmission in progress) - Channel

TO WHOM?(message directed) - Audience

WITH WHAT EFFECT?- Efficiency.

Three positions of the communicator can be distinguished during the communicative process: open (openly declares himself to be a supporter of the published point of view), detached (holds emphatically neutral, compares conflicting points of view) and closed (keeps silent about his point of view, hides it).

Non-verbal communication.

There are four groups of non-verbal means communication:

1) Extra- and paralinguistic (various near-speech additives that give communication a certain semantic coloring - type of speech, intonation, pauses, laughter, coughing, etc.)

2) Optical - kinetic (this is what a person "reads" at a distance - gestures, facial expressions, pantomime)

Gesture- this is the movement of hands or hands, they are classified on the basis of the functions that they perform: - communicative (replacing speech) - descriptive (their meaning is understandable only with words) - gestures expressing attitude towards people, the state of a person.

Facial expressions- This is the movement of the muscles of the face.

Pantomime- a set of gestures, facial expressions and body position in space.

Prosemica (organization of space and time of the communication process)

There are four distances in psychology. communication: - intimate (from 0 to 0.5 meters). People who are connected, as a rule, by close trusting relationships communicate on it. Information is conveyed in a quiet and calm voice. Much is conveyed through gestures, glances, facial expressions.

Interpersonal (from 0.5 to 1.2 meters). Communication between friends is carried out on it).

Formal business or social (from 1.2 to 3.7 meters). Used for business communication and the greater the distance between partners, the more formal their relationship.

Public (over 3.7 meters). Characterized by speaking to an audience. With such communication, a person must follow the speech, the correctness of the structure of phrases.

4) Visual contact.

Visualization, or eye contact. It was found that usually communicators look into each other's eyes for no more than 10 seconds. (Labunskaya V.A.Nonverbal behavior. - Rostov-on-Don, 1979.)

3 - c) Interactive side communication .

This is the characteristic of those components communication, which are associated with the interaction of people, with the direct organization of their joint activities. There are two types of interactions - cooperation and competition ( Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., Aspect Press, 1996.). Cooperative interaction means Coordination of the forces of the participants. Cooperation is a necessary element of joint activity, it is amazed by its very nature.

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

Competition- one of its most striking forms is conflict.

3 - d) Perceptual side communication - This is the process of perception and understanding of each other by people. All three sides communication closely intertwined with each other, organically complement each other and make up the process communication generally.

4) Communication performs a number of functions in a person's life:

1. Social functions communication

a) Organization of joint activities

b) Behavior and performance management

c) Control

2. Psychological functions communication

a) Function of ensuring psychological comfort of the individual

b) Meeting the need for communication

c) Self-affirmation function

5) Levels communication.

Communication can take place at various levels:

1. The manipulative level consists in the fact that one of the interlocutors, through a certain social role, tries to evoke sympathy, pity from the partner.

2. Primitive level, when one of the partners suppresses the other (one is a permanent communicator, and the other is a permanent recipient).

3. Highest level- this is the social level when, regardless of social role, status partners treat each other as equal individuals.

6) Types communication (Nemov RS Psychology. Volume 1. General foundations of psychology. - M., Education, 1994.). Depending on the content, goals and means, communication can be divided into several types.

1.1 Material (exchange of objects and products of activity)

1.2 Cognitive (knowledge sharing)

1.3 Conditioned (exchange of mental or physiological states)

1.4 Motivational (exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs)

1.5 Activity (exchange of actions, operations, skills, skills)

2. By goals, communication is divided into:

2.1 Biological (necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the body)

2.2 Social (pursues the goals of expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, personal growth of the individual)

3. By means of communication can be:

3.1 Immediate (Carried out with the help of natural organs given to a living being - arms, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.)

3.2 Indirect (associated with the use of special means and tools)

3.3 Direct (involves personal contact and direct perception of each other gom communicating people in the act communication)

3.4 Indirect (carried out through intermediaries who can be other people). Communication as interaction assumes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities, cooperation.

In order for communication as an interaction to occur smoothly, it should consist of the following stages:

Definition communication (Andreeva G.M.)

1. Establishing a contact (acquaintance). Assumes understanding another person, introducing oneself to another goma man.

2. Orientation in the situation communication, comprehension of what is happening, holding a pause.

3. Discussion of the problem of interest.

4. Solving the problem.

5. Termination of the contact (exit from it).

Quail business technology (continued) In order for your quail business to become successful and you do not suffer a fiasco, you need to wisely and attentively approach all the details and peculiarities of quail breeding

Target : to acquaint students with the peculiarities of the process of interaction between people, during which interpersonal relationships arise, manifest and form.


    General characteristics of human communication.

    Communication concept. Communication functions.

  1. Psychology of interpersonal influence.


  1. General characteristics of human communication.

Communication is a process of interaction between people, during which interpersonal relationships arise, manifest and form. It is the process of transmitting and receiving messages through verbal and non-verbal means, including feedback, as a result of which information is exchanged between the participants in the communication. Communication is seen as the most important social need.

Communication sides.

    The communicative side of communication is the exchange of information between people.

    The interactive side of communication is the organization of interaction between people.

    The perceptual side of communication is the process of perceiving each other by communication partners and establishing mutual understanding on this basis.

Communication functions.

    Information and communication - transmission and reception of information as a kind of message. The main elements are: the text and the attitude of the person towards it.

    Regulatory and communicative - the organization of interaction between people, as well as a person's correction of his activity or state (the ratio of motives, needs, intentions, goals, etc.). Communication is aimed at achieving harmony, the establishment of volitional unity.

    Affective-communicative - the process of making changes in the state of people with special or involuntary exposure.

Psychology of communication.

The category "communication" is one of the central in psychological science, along with such categories as "thinking", "behavior", "personality", "relationships". The "cross-cutting nature" of the communication problem becomes clear if one of the typical definitions of interpersonal communication is given. According to this definition, interpersonal communication is a process of interaction of at least two persons, aimed at mutual cognition, the establishment and development of relationships and involving mutual influence on the states, views, behavior and regulation of the joint activities of the participants in this process.

Over the past 20-25 years, the study of the problem of communication has become one of the leading areas of research in psychological science, and especially in social psychology. Its move to the center of psychological research is explained by a change in the methodological situation that has been clearly defined in social psychology over the past two decades. From the subject of research, communication simultaneously turned into a method, a principle of studying, first, cognitive processes, and then the personality of a person as a whole (V. Znakov, 1994).

Communication is not the subject of only psychological research, therefore, the task of identifying a specific psychological aspect of this category arises (Lomov B.F., 1984). At the same time, the question of the connection between communication and activity is fundamental; one of the methodological principles of disclosing this relationship is the idea of ​​the unity of communication and activity (Andreeva G.M., 1988). Based on this principle, under communication the reality of human relations is understood, which presupposes any form of joint activity of people.

However, the nature of this connection is understood in different ways. Sometimes activity and communication are viewed as two sides of a person's social life; in other cases, communication is understood as an element of any activity, and the latter is considered as a condition for communication in general (Leont'ev A.A., 1965). And finally, communication can be interpreted as a special kind of activity (Leontiev A.A., 1975).

It should be noted that in the overwhelming majority of psychological interpretations of activity, the basis of its definitions and categorical-conceptual apparatus is constituted by the “subject-object” relationship, which nevertheless covers only one side of a person's social life. In this regard, it becomes necessary to develop a category of communication that reveals another, no less significant side of human social life, namely, the relationship "subject-subject (s)".

Here you can cite the opinion of V.V. Signs, which reflects the notions of the category of communication existing in modern domestic psychology: “I will call communication such a form of interaction between subjects, which is initially motivated by their desire to reveal the mental qualities of each other and in the course of which interpersonal relations are formed between them ... will mean situations in which interpersonal communication of people is subordinated to a common goal - to solve a specific problem ”(VV Znakov, 1994).

The subject-subjective approach to the problem of the relationship between communication and activity overcomes the one-sided understanding of activity only as a subject-object relationship. In Russian psychology, this approach is implemented through the methodological principle of communication as a subject-subject interaction, theoretically and experimentally developed by B.F. Lomov (1984) and his collaborators. Considered in this regard, communication acts as a special independent form of the subject's activity. Its result is not so much a transformed object (material or ideal) as the relationship of a person with a person, with other people. In the process of communication, not only the mutual exchange of activities is carried out, but also ideas, ideas, feelings, the system of relations "subject-subject (s)" is manifested and developed.

In general, the theoretical and experimental development of the principle of communication in Russian social psychology is presented in a number of collective works cited above, as well as in the works "Psychological Research of Communication" (1985), "Cognition and Communication" (1988).

In the work of A.V. Brushlinsky and V.A. Polikarpova (1990), along with this, a critical understanding of this methodological principle is given, and the most famous research cycles are listed, in which the entire multidimensional problems of communication in Russian psychological science are analyzed.

Communication structure... In Russian social psychology, the problem of the structure of communication is important place... The methodological study of this issue at the moment allows us to single out a set of fairly generally accepted ideas about the structure of communication (Andreeva G.M., 1988; Lomov B.F., 1981; Znakov V.V., 1994), acting as a general methodological guideline for organizing research.

Under object structure in science, the order of stable connections between the elements of the research object is understood, ensuring its integrity as a phenomenon under external and internal changes. The problem of the structure of communication can be approached in different ways, both through the allocation of the levels of analysis of this phenomenon, and through the enumeration of its main functions. Usually at least three levels of analysis(Lomov B.F., 1984):

1. Macro level: communication of an individual with other people is considered as the most important aspect of his lifestyle. At this level, the process of communication is studied in time intervals comparable to the duration of human life, with an emphasis on the analysis of the mental development of the individual. Communication here acts as a complex developing network of the individual's relationships with other people and social groups.

2. Mesa level (middle level): communication is considered as a changing set of purposeful, logically completed contacts or situations of interaction in which people find themselves in the process of current life activity at specific time periods of their lives. The main emphasis in the study of communication at this level is placed on the content components of communication situations - "about what" and "for what purpose." Around this core of the topic, the subject of communication, the dynamics of communication is revealed, the means used (verbal and non-verbal) and the phases, or stages of communication, are analyzed, during which the exchange of ideas, ideas, experiences is carried out.

3. Micro level: here the main emphasis is on the analysis of elementary units of communication as conjugate acts or transactions. It is important to emphasize that the elementary unit of communication is not a change in the alternating behavioral acts of its participants, but their interaction. It includes not only the action of one of the partners, but also the associated assistance or opposition of the other (for example, "question-answer", "motivation to action - action", "communication of information - attitude towards it", etc.). Each of the listed levels of analysis requires special theoretical, methodological and methodological support, as well as its own special conceptual apparatus. And since many problems of psychology are complex, the task arises of developing ways to identify the relationships between different levels and disclose the principles of these relationships.

Types of communication affordable:

  1. verbal communication - carried out through speech and is the prerogative of a person. It provides a person with broad communication opportunities and is much richer than all types and forms of non-verbal communication, although in life it cannot completely replace it;
  2. non-verbal communication occurs with the help of facial expressions, gestures and pantomime, through direct sensory or bodily contacts (tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory and other sensations and images received from another person). Non-verbal forms and means of communication are inherent not only in humans, but also in some animals (dogs, monkeys and dolphins). In most cases, a person's non-verbal forms and means of communication are innate. They allow people to interact with each other, achieving mutual understanding on an emotional and behavioral level. The most important non-verbal component of the communication process is the ability to listen.

By goals:

  1. biological communication is associated with the satisfaction of basic organic needs and is necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the body;
  2. social communication is aimed at expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, personal growth of the individual.
  1. material- exchange of objects and products of activity, which serve as a means of meeting their actual needs;
  2. cognitive- transfer of information that broadens horizons, improving and developing abilities;
  3. conditioned- exchange of mental or physiological states, influencing each other, calculated to bring a person into a certain physical or mental state;
  4. activity- exchange of actions, operations, skills, skills;
  5. motivational communication consists in transmitting to each other certain motives, attitudes or readiness to act in a certain direction.

By mediation:

  1. direct communication - occurs with the help of natural organs given to a living being by nature: hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc. When the term “direct” is used, it means “face to face” communication, during which each participant in the process perceives another and makes contact .;
  2. mediated communication - associated with the use of special means and tools for organizing communication and exchange of information (natural (stick, thrown stone, footprint on the ground, etc.) or cultural objects (sign systems, recording of symbols on various media, print, radio, television etc.) This is communication in which there are third parties, mechanisms, things (for example, a telephone conversation) .;
  3. direct communication is built on the basis of personal contacts and direct perception of people communicating with each other in the very act of communication (for example, bodily contacts, conversations of people with each other, etc.);
  4. indirect communication occurs through intermediaries, which may be other people (for example, negotiations between conflicting parties at the interstate, interethnic, group, family levels).

Other types of communication:

  1. business communication - communication, the purpose of which is to achieve any clear agreement or agreement;
  2. educational communication - involves the purposeful impact of one participant on another with a fairly clear representation of the desired result;
  3. diagnostic communication - communication, the purpose of which is to formulate a certain idea of ​​the interlocutor or to receive any information from him (such is the communication of a doctor with a patient, etc.);
  4. intimate-personal communication is possible when partners are interested in establishing and maintaining trusting and deep contact, arises between close people and is largely the result of previous relationships.

Depending on the participants communication is called personal-group, interpersonal, and intergroup communication.

In the primary group, the primary collective, a person communicates with each person. In the course of such pair communication, both personal and group tasks and goals are established. Knowledge of communities about the content of communication or the presence of a third person at the time of communication between two persons change the picture of communication.

Personal-group communication is more pronounced between the boss and the group or team.

Intergroup communication means contact between two communities. For example, team battles in sports. tasks and goals of intergroup communication of collectives can often coincide (communication has a peaceful character), or they can differ (conflict communication). Intergroup communication is by no means a faceless amorphous effect. In this communication, each person is a kind of bearer of a collective task, defends it, is guided by it.

The time interval of communication has a great influence on its characteristics. It is a kind of catalyst for the ways and semantic content of communication. Naturally, it is impossible to find out in detail a person in a short time, but an attempt to find out the characteristics of a person and character exists constantly. Long-term communication is not only a path to mutual understanding, but also a path to satiety. Long-term communication creates a prerequisite for psychological compatibility, or confrontation.

Communication is also divided into finished and unfinished. Finished communication can be considered a type of communication that is equally regarded by the participants. At the same time, the assessment of communication fixes not only the subjective significance of the final results of communication (satisfaction, indifference, dissatisfaction), but the very fact of completeness, exhaustion.

Along the way unfinished communication, the content of the topic or joint action turns out to be not exhausted, not fruitful, which was pursued by each of the parties. Incompleteness of communication can be caused by objective or subjective reasons. Objective or external reasons - the separation of people in space, prohibitions, lack of means of communication, and others. Subjective - mutual or one-sided lack of desire to continue communication, awareness of the need to stop it, and others.

1. What is a healthy lifestyle? but. List of activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening health b.

Medical and physical health-improving complex

in. Individual system of behavior aimed at maintaining and strengthening health

d. Regular physical education

2. What is a daily routine?

but. The order of doing daily activities

b. The established routine of a person's life, including work, food, rest and sleep

in. List of daily tasks, distributed by execution time

d. Strict adherence to certain rules

3. What is a balanced diet?

but. Meals distributed by meal time

b. Nutrition tailored to the needs of the body

in. Eating a specific set of foods

d. Nutrition with a specific ratio of nutrients

4. What nutrients have energy value?

but. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals

b. Water, protein, fat and carbohydrates

in. Proteins fats carbohydrates

d. Fats and carbohydrates

5. What are vitamins?

but. Organic chemical compounds necessary for the synthesis of protein-enzymes

b. Inorganic chemical compounds necessary for the body to function

in. Organic chemical compounds that are enzymes

d. Organic chemical compounds contained in food

6. What is physical activity?

but. The number of movements required for the body to work

b. Class physical education and sports

in. Performing any movement in daily activities

d. Any muscle activity that ensures optimal body function and well-being.

Please help answer the questions about music 6th grade on the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" 1) What is a musical? 2) In what year did the musical debut? 3) B

Which country was the first time this musical was staged? 4) What does Notre Dame de Paris mean in translation? 5) The author of the novel? 6) Name the musical composer and librettist? 7) What is a librettist? 8) Who is a librettist? 9) Where is the action (city) 10) Who is Esmeralda's guardian? 11) Who did Quasimoda work in the cathedral? 12) The Vagrant King? 13) Why did the tramps want to hang the poet Gringoire? 14) why the execution (hanging of the poet) was not set in motion? 15) Name Quasimod's guardian and mentor? 16) Why was Quasimoda sentenced to the wheel? 17) Name the main characters (7 people) 18) Who was chosen by the king of jesters? 19) For what crime was Esmeralda hanged? 20) What does the inscription on the wall of the cathedral "Anke" mean? 21) Who was Esmeralda in love with? 22) Who wounded Captain Phoebus with Esmeralda's dagger? 23) What is Esmeralda's husband? 24) Who will Captain Phoebus stay with? 25) How will the priest Frolo die?