White veins on red currant leaves. Currant diseases - description with photographs, treatment methods. How to deal with pests on red currants

" Currant

Many gardeners and summer residents grow currants on their plot. But, so that a good harvest will please for many years, it takes a lot of effort.

All varieties of currants are susceptible to various diseases. There are more than 70 species of insects that harm shrubs. Their activity leads to a decrease in yield and complete death of the plant.

In order to save currant plantings from diseases and pests in time, you need to know their symptoms and how to neutralize them.

Powdery mildew on leaves: how to treat?

Powdery mildew is caused by the marsupial fungus Erysiphales.. In case of illness, a white loose coating forms on the surface of young leaves and berries. Powdery mildew is not common.

Timely treatment measures taken can quickly defeat the disease. In any case, the presence of the disease indicates a deterioration in the condition of the currant bush.

The main effective preventive measures are proper care and regular feeding.


Anthracnose is a fungal disease currant bush. Humid climate is favorable for the development of the disease. The place of vital activity of the fungus are green young shoots.

At the initial stage of anthracnose, small dark spots appear. They gradually increase along with the progression of the disease.

Spots deform leaves and fruits, and also have a negative effect on the entire bush. Anthracnose causes premature fall of foliage and a decrease in winter hardiness of the bush.

To destroy the causative agent of anthracnose, fungicides are used in accordance with the instructions. The most famous drugs to treat the bush are: Fitosporin, Previkur, Acrobat, Ridomil.

Fungus spores overwinter on fallen leaves. For prevention, it is necessary to destroy the infected foliage in time.

How to deal with terry?

The main causative agent of currant terry is considered kidney mite. Terry currant is characterized by an ugly condition of the extreme leaves. With the progression of the disease, the flower brush becomes thinner, and the scales replace the flowers.

There is a strong stretching of the leaves of young shoots. From five-leaf they turn into three-leaf. The veins are rough. The color of the foliage becomes dark green. The spicy aroma characteristic of currants disappears.

How to fight? Spraying the plant 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur or lime-sulfur decoction.

The treatment is carried out during the period when the tick comes out of the old buds. After 10 days, re-treatment is carried out.

If the damage is severe, two more sprays are required (on completion of flowering and berry picking).

White spot or septoria - how to process in summer and spring?

White spot or septoria caused by the fungus Septoria sibirica. This disease is one of the most common.

Septoria is characterized by the appearance of small brown spots on the surface of the leaves. In the future, they become white in color, but the brown edging is preserved. Spots can spread to berries.

The harmful fungus endures the winter on fallen leaves. Spores move to the surface during swelling from moisture (during wet weather or from excessive watering). Leaves are infected from the underside.

Harm from white spotting:

  • falling leaves prematurely;
  • stopping the growth of the bush and its wilting;
  • crop failure.

For the treatment of currant plantations and soil carry out the treatment with "Nitroferon" or copper sulphate in the form of a solution. The event must be carried out in the spring before the start of bud break.

In the summer, four-stage processing is allowed 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.

For prevention it is necessary monitor soil moisture, destroy fallen leaves in a timely manner, row currant plantations, process and dig up the soil in the autumn and early spring.

What to do about rust?

There are two varieties of currant rust: columnar and goblet.

Columnar rust is caused by the fungus Cronartium ribicola Dietr.. The pathogenic microorganism negatively affects the foliage.

Orange growths develop on the leaves from the underside, which, when powdered, form many bright spores. Yellow spots appear on the upper side of the leaf.

Columnar rust appears on currant bushes in early August and spreads rapidly. The disease causes massive leaf fall prematurely and reduces yields.

Also, with columnar rust, there is a decrease in the growth of young animals and a decrease in nutrient reserves.

Goblet rust is caused by the fungus Puccinia ribesii caricis.. With this disease, bright orange pads develop on the foliage, flowers and ovaries.

Active infection occurs at the flowering stage. For this reason, flowers and ovaries are severely damaged.

The humid climate and proximity to the sedge favorably affects the harmful fungus. Goblet rust affects almost all foliage and flowers. This causes their premature fall and leads to a significant decrease in yield.

Currants can be treated equally for both types of rust. Fungicides "Topaz", "Previkur", "Fitosporin-M" suppress the development of the pathogen, do not allow spores to ripen and dissipate.

It is also allowed to spray the bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

As a preventive measure the plant is transplanted to a hill, the soil is dried, and sedge thickets are removed.

Why does non-nectrium drying of shoots occur?

Nectrium shrinkage of shoots causes the fungus Nectria ribis. The disease is characterized by the formation of orange dots on the branches and shoots.

They gradually grow and transform into voluminous tubercles. At the stage of spore maturation, the tubercles turn black, and the young shoots dry and die.

Lack of timely treatment leads to the death of the entire bush.

When the first signs appear, it is necessary to start a fight: prune the infected branches and burn them. Sections are disinfected with Bordeaux mixture and treated with garden pitch.

For prevention regularly remove weeds, remove fallen leaves and fertilize.

Striped mosaic: measures to combat the disease

The striped mosaic is viral disease . The disease is characterized by the appearance of a pattern of bright yellow color on the leaves around the main veins after blooming.

No treatment for striped mosaic: the infected bush should be removed.

Main pests: proper treatment from them

How to process a bush from currant leaf gall midge

Currant leaf gall midges are small brownish-yellow mosquitoes. Insects lay their eggs on young leaves of growing shoots.

Unblown leaves are damaged by larvae. In the future, they become disfigured and die. Shoots stop their growth and begin to branch incorrectly.

To get rid of the pest, it is necessary to treat plantings with insecticides during budding in the spring. If required, re-processing is carried out after the final harvest of berries.

Damaged shoots should be cut without hemp in summer or autumn (until mid-September). Be sure to dig up the soil in the autumn season.

How to save the crop from currant goldfish?

Currant seedlings - greenish-copper beetles up to 9 mm long. Legless, flattened larvae with an expanded anterior end are yellowish-white in color. They prefer the core of the currant branch.

The top of the damaged shoot dries out, and then the entire shoot dies. As a result, the fruiting of the bush decreases.

To get rid of the currant borer, you need carry out low pruning and burning of affected branches.

How to spray from a spider mite?

The spider mite is considered a small sucking pest. He lives on the leaf from the underside and braids the surface with his cobwebs.

Damage is characterized by the formation of a bright point at the beginning of infection, then complete discoloration of the area. Heavily damaged sheets take on a marble appearance, eventually dry out and fall off.

Currants affected by the mite become less winter-hardy and yield less.

Active development of ticks occurs from July to August.

For spring treatment(during bud break) the bush is sprayed with acaricides. Sulfur preparations can cause leaf burn.

With a severe injury re-spray. Acaricide can be added to chlorophos solution and applied after flowering.

For prevention fallen leaves are destroyed, and the soil is dug up.

Currant glass and plant care

Currant glass - this butterfly is 1.5 cm long. It is covered with black scales with a lilac tint. There are light transverse stripes on the belly of the glass case.

Pest females are able to lay up to 60 eggs in cracks in the bark of branches. Appeared caterpillars white color they gnaw through the core of the branches and make walkers in them for wintering.

By the next autumn, they reach a length of 2 cm, but do not go outside. They spend another winter inside currant branches.

At the end of May, the larvae gnaw their way out and pupate. Butterflies fly out in June. After the end of flowering, the branches damaged by the larvae wither and dry up.

For prevention plantings with signs of a glass case are regularly inspected. It is important to prune and destroy damaged branches in time.

How to get rid of fire?

Firefly is a small gray butterfly 1 cm long. Pupae of moths hibernate under currant plantations. During flowering, butterflies lay eggs in flowers. This leads to damage to the flower.

The presence of pests can be determined by the presence of hatched caterpillars on the bush and cobwebbed fruits. Caterpillars feed on currant berries.

Affected bushes cannot be cured. To prevent the death of a bush from a pest, it is necessary to cover the soil around the currant with roofing material or linoleum before flowering.

This coating will not allow pests to get out of the soil. After flowering, the leaves can be removed.

What to spray from the moth?

Gooseberry moth - a butterfly with wings covered with black and yellow spots. Usually she prefers gooseberries, but currants are also not averse to feasting on. Egg laying occurs on the underside of the leaves.

The emerging caterpillars eat the leaves from all sides. In the middle of summer, they turn into pupae and hang from the branches.

For prevention it is necessary:

  • carefully clean and cultivate the land;
  • collect all pupae in July and destroy;
  • treat in the fall with urea;
  • spray plantings ("Fitoverm", arsenic calcium DDT and others).

Processing and spraying bushes in the fall with chemical and folk remedies

Processing currants in autumn carried out in order to get rid of various pests and diseases. After all, with the onset of spring, all microorganisms come to life and begin their vigorous activity.

In order to protect currants from pests and diseases, during the autumn period it is necessary to carry out a number of activities:

  • do autumn digging of the soil around the bushes;
  • destruction of fallen leaves;
  • pruning of damaged, weakened and old branches;
  • preventive spraying.

For preventive spraying experts recommend the use of chemical solutions, which include drugs from pathogenic microorganisms and pests.

For the information of beginners in gardening: if there is no desire to use chemical compounds, you can use natural ingredients - folk remedies (infusion of wormwood, garlic, onion peel, tobacco).

When spraying red and black currants recommendations must be followed:

We fight currant diseases and pests without chemistry:

Timely care of currant bushes, their treatment from pests and diseases - growing a healthy plant for many years and getting a good harvest.

Redcurrant, whose diseases and treatment directly affect the quantity and quality of the crop, was cultivated by the Dutch in the 5th century, but only for aesthetic reasons. Due to its high decorative qualities, the shrub was used to decorate gardens. Currently, an unpretentious shrub plant is a permanent inhabitant of almost every land plot, delighting gardeners not only with decorative effect, but also with useful sweet and sour berries.

Due to the undemanding nature of the culture, the cultivation of red currants is suitable even for those gardeners who do not have the opportunity or desire to spend a lot of time and effort on care.

However, it is important that when planting seedlings, the characteristics of the culture are taken into account:

  • Lighting - currants like to grow in open, well-lit areas where natural ventilation occurs.
  • Soil - culture prefers loose, light soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.
  • Humidity - the shrub tolerates a fairly high level of groundwater.

Care for red currants in the open field

Comprehensive care for red currants involves the implementation of activities such as watering, caring for the near-trunk area, top dressing, pruning.

Watering and mulching

Currants need a lot of water in hot summer weather and after flowering, when the fruits are poured. To preserve moisture in the trunk circle, it is recommended to mulch with sawdust, which will also reduce the time for weeding and loosening.

Loosening and weeding

The soil in the trunk circle should, after moistening, be loosened and cleared of weeds. Procedures must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the surface root system of the culture.


Supplementary nutrition is an important part of care. To achieve high annual harvesting rates, it is necessary to enrich the soil with nutrients that are consumed by the crop during the growing season.

Top dressing is carried out several times per season:

  • In early spring, 40-50 g of nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied per 1 m2.
  • Before flowering, top dressing is carried out with phosphorus and potash fertilizers at the rate of 20 g and 25 g per 1 m2, respectively.
  • In autumn, each bush is fed with superphosphate in the amount of 100 g and potassium sulfate - 30 g, which allows the currant to endure the winter without stress.


The procedure is carried out in early spring before the buds swell or in late autumn, when the currant is already at rest. Young specimens are pruned to form a bush and remove injured or affected branches. After 6-7 years, anti-aging pruning is carried out, in which young shoots cannot be touched.

Major diseases and their treatment

Despite the resistance of currants to temperature extremes, harsh winters, and waterlogging of the soil, such factors weaken the culture, making it vulnerable to many diseases.

powdery mildew

If in the middle of the summer season, when examining a bush on leaf plates, white coating, extending to the fruits, this means that the development of a fungal disease of the spheroteca, also known as powdery mildew, has begun on the plant. At an early stage of development, you can try to protect the bush with a double treatment with an interval of 3 days, using a solution prepared from 10 liters of water and one bottle of iodine at a concentration of 5%. In case of severe damage, spraying with Bordeaux liquid or other copper-containing preparations should be carried out according to the instructions.


The summer period is also characterized by the appearance on the leaves of the culture of brownish spots with a diameter of 1 mm, which subsequently blur, affecting the entire leaf along with the petiole. This causes the leaves to dry out and fall off. The most intensive development of anthracnose is observed in rainy weather. To combat the disease, a double treatment is carried out with a solution of Bordeaux liquid from 100 g of the agent per 10 liters of water - at the first signs of the disease and after picking the berries.

white spotting

In heavily thickened plantings, the development of white spotting or septoria is possible, which is manifested by the appearance of brown spots of 2 mm both on the leaves and on the fruits. As the disease progresses, the spots begin to turn white, and only the edge remains brown. At the first sign, it is necessary to spray the currants with Bordeaux liquid or a two-component systemic fungicide. After harvesting, the treatment must be repeated.

Columnar and goblet rust

On the currant, the development of two types of rust can be noted:

  • Columnar - manifested by small specks of orange. The conifers growing near the infection can act as a source of infection.
  • Goblet - stands out by the formation of orange warty bulges on the leaf plates.

To achieve the most effective result in the fight against rust, fungicide treatments are used, which are carried out in 4 stages with an interval of 10 days.

Drying of shoots and branches of currant

If, when examining currants, bushes that are less than 15 years old, no damage was found by pests and there is no moisture deficit, then it is worth carrying out anti-aging pruning. All old shoots are cut off, and the places of cuts are treated with a garden pitch or other antiseptic.

Gray rot

A fungal disease, in which the appearance of brown spots on the leaves and mold on the shoots, develops intensively with excessive watering, accompanied by waterlogged soil. For the treatment of currants, copper-containing preparations are used.

striped mosaic

With yellowing of the leaves, a striped mosaic can be diagnosed. This happens if the leaf plate turns yellow along the central veins. The disease is viral, so there is no cure. Affected specimens are immediately uprooted and burned, after which the soil is watered with a disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate.


Another dangerous viral disease in which almost all parts of the bush are affected. In the affected specimen, the formation of three-lobed leaves, the grinding of teeth along the edges of the leaf plate, and genetic anomalies during the formation of all parts of the flower are noted. Due to the viral nature, the treatment of such a disease does not give results.

  • timely remove the affected branches;
  • treat the cut sites with an antiseptic;
  • treat currant bushes in early spring and after fruiting with Bordeaux liquid;
  • select the right neighbors when planting currant seedlings;
  • prepare planting material only from healthy specimens;
  • after leaf fall, rake up all the leaves and destroy.
  • Important! With viral diseases that cannot be treated, prevention is the main measure to protect the plant.

    Plant pests: how to fight?

    Often, pests of red currant become carriers of diseases, among which are:

    • currant goldfish;
    • glass case;
    • spider mite;
    • currant moth;
    • gooseberry moth;
    • sawfly;
    • moth.

    The most effective way to help protect the plant from the entire list of harmful insects is the treatment of currant bushes with insecticidal preparations "Aktellik", "Karbofos" and other analogues. And also, one should not forget about additional mechanical measures that help reduce the number of pests: pruning and burning the affected branches, where the larvae of the borer hibernate, cleaning the fallen leaves, which serves as a good bedding for the overwintering stock of pests.

    Thus, the cultivation of red currants, subject to all the nuances, is a simple matter, and the result of a rich harvest compensates for the time and energy spent on caring for a crop that, at the same time, has excellent decorative qualities.

    Currant is a favorite garden berry. In our country, it is grown everywhere. This culture has gained popularity due to its taste, nutritional and healing properties. Breeders have bred thousands of varieties of different colors of currants. Each of them has its own characteristics.

    Currant, like other crops, comes in different varieties. Each of them has its own specific shape, size, color of berries, pulp consistency, taste, aroma and much more.

    Currant varieties differ from one another in the size of fruit clusters and the density of berries on them. And different ripening periods allow you to increase the period of fresh consumption of berries.

    Red and white currant

    Usually the currant of these two colors is considered as one culture, since the berries differ only in color. Redcurrant has been known since the 5th century. It was grown by the Dutch for beauty. First of all, its decorative qualities were valued, the berries were of no interest. Red currant has gained great popularity in Europe. In Russia, they got acquainted with this culture only in the 15th century.

    It became known much later. Even at the beginning of the last century, it was considered one of the varieties of red currant with an atypical berry color for this species. These two varieties do not have a pronounced aroma, but differ in taste and useful properties. The best varieties of white and red currants are unpretentious to growing conditions, but they feel better on loamy and sandy soils. These are very photophilous plants, undemanding to moisture. It should be remembered that with a lack of lighting, the berries lose their taste and color. The culture is resistant to diseases and damage.

    With proper care, these two varieties of currants give a high yield. Bushes strewn with red and white berries look very beautiful. Fruit formations of white and red currants are more durable than black ones, the berries are evenly distributed over the bush, they are less thickened with shoots. The plant can bear fruit for 15-20 years, growing without transplanting to another place.

    Red currant: varieties

    1. "Varshevich" is distinguished by the originality of the color of the fruit. They have a pronounced dark purple color. It is a self-fertile variety that matures late. On a large, powerful bush, many rounded or slightly compressed fruits are formed. Berries of medium size with juicy purple flesh have a sour taste and form a long brush. Ripe fruits remain on the branches for a long time. For its high yield, unusual fruit color and decorative bush, this currant variety is popular with gardeners. Fresh berries are consumed less often, more often they go for processing.
    2. "Beloved" - a variety that has an average ripening period. The bush is characterized by small size, medium branching and thick straight stems. The berries are round, bright, medium in size. There are a lot of them on the brushes, and they are evenly distributed. Fruits of sweet and sour taste have a universal purpose. This variety is not afraid of severe frosts, it has a high yield and is not affected
    3. A typical representative of the mid-ripe currant variety, the photo of which you see above, is the "svetlitsa". The bush is medium in size, compact and erect shoots. The round berries are not large in size, but very juicy and tasty. This variety, despite the small berries, gives high yields and is not susceptible to fungal diseases.

    Large-fruited red currant

    1. "Chulkovskaya" red currant belongs to an old variety, which even today attracts the attention of lovers and specialists of this type of culture with early ripening and taste of fruits. Differs in the small size of the bush red currant varieties. The best varieties include "Chulkovskaya" currant. Long brushes are strewn with large red berries, round or pear-shaped. They are distinguished by tender, juicy flesh and a sweetish taste. Ripe berries, without crumbling, remain on the branches for a long time. This sweet currant variety is consumed fresh or processed.
    2. Variety "yonker van tete" has a medium-early ripening period. This Dutch currant variety was bred in early 1941. It gained popularity in our country in the nineties of the last century for its excellent taste and resistance to diseases and damage. This variety gives high yields and is resistant to low temperatures. It is distinguished by a powerful, large, dense bush of the red currant variety. The best varieties include this particular species. On long or medium-sized racemes, you can count up to ten very large, bright berries. The shape of the fruit is round or pear-shaped, they are covered with a dense, elastic skin. The pulp is juicy and very tasty. Therefore, this currant is so loved to be consumed fresh.
    3. Large-fruited currant varieties "Ural beauty" refers to the best varieties of domestic selection. Differs in low sprawling bushes and resistance to diseases. Therefore, the leaves are preserved until the first frost. Culture refers to early dates maturation. The disadvantage is that the yield increases gradually, in direct proportion to the long-term growth of wood. Berries differ in the big sizes, fine taste and pleasant aroma.

    White currant: varieties

    1. "Prygazhunya" is a variety of white currant and has an average ripening time. The bushes of the plant are distinguished by an average growth force, the branches are sprawling, with a plentiful harvest they bend and fall. On brushes of medium length, there are usually a lot of not very large berries of a light pink color with a rounded shape. Sweet and sour fruits have a universal purpose. Ripe berries are stored on brushes for a long time, do not crumble. At this time, they intensively acquire taste qualities. Currant white variety "prygazhunya" is ideal for freezing. This variety bears abundant fruit and has an excellent taste.
    2. "Dutch" white currant belongs to an old variety, but in Lately persistently superseded by other, more promising species. Although many gardeners believe that in vain. The bushes of this plant are not very sprawling, compact, which allows them to maximize the use of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site when they are planted. This variety of currant bears fruit better on moist, fertile soil, resistant to low temperatures. Medium-sized berries have a rounded, slightly compressed shape. Their skin is transparent. Seeds and veins on the surface are clearly visible. The pulp is juicy and has a great taste. Ripe berries do not crumble, they are harvested in one go. This currant is good fresh. But its processing will not affect the taste.
    3. The white currant variety "Versailles" is well known to gardeners who breed it on their plots. It is attractive with high yields and tasty, large-sized berries. Her bushes are compact and medium in size. This currant gives large yields, growing on fertile soils. Tolerates frost well. By ripening time, it belongs to medium varieties. Large berries have a rounded shape. They almost do not change in size during growth. Their skin is transparent, seeds and veins are visible through it. The pulp is very juicy, it harmoniously combines sugar and acid, which gives the fruit a refreshing taste. The berry is especially good fresh. In addition, jam, compotes, juices, syrups, jams and much more are prepared from it.

    Red currant: benefits

    Red currant berries are rich in potassium, iron, succinic and malic acids. They also contain carotene. The use of berries helps to remove excess fluid from the body, serves as a preventive measure for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

    The fruits of red currant are used in the treatment of diabetes. They eliminate nausea and stimulate appetite. They are used as diuretics, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, laxative and restorative agents. The use of apple and those contained in berries energizes the body. Therefore, they are recommended for use by older people. Red currant juice maintains the tone of the body at the proper level.

    Harm of red currant

    Obvious and indisputable. But in some diseases, it can be harmful. In this case, it must be excluded from the diet. The use of juice is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from stomach ulcers, hepatitis, gastritis and reduced blood clotting.

    Black currant

    The name of this type of culture comes from the word "currant", which in translation from Old Russian means "persistent smell", characteristic of this species. Black currant is to the liking of gardeners, and its delicious berries have long been loved by children and adults. The description of currant varieties provides the opportunity for a large selection of crops. After all, this plant is characterized by resistance to low temperatures and fungal diseases. Blackcurrant is a fast-growing, high-yielding crop with annual fruiting. It does not differ in high requirements for growing conditions. And its berries have excellent taste and healing properties.

    Blackcurrant: varieties

    1. "The Little Prince" is an early variety. It features a low bush and its convenient shape, which simplifies harvesting. It is resistant to all diseases, severe frosts and prolonged drought. It bears fruit regularly and abundantly. Berries on tassels are located densely and ripen at the same time. This makes it easier to collect them. Brushes are small in size, there are paired and single. The berries are juicy, bright black in color, covered with a thin delicate peel. Lovers of sweet and sour fruits will love them.
    2. "Openwork" blackcurrant refers to a highly self-fertile variety. It is frost resistant. He is not afraid of sudden weather changes. The intense heat doesn't bother him. It bears fruit regularly and has a stable average yield. This crop is resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose. But sometimes it is affected by kidney mites. Curved thick brushes are short and medium in size. The berries are rounded, large, shiny and have a sweet, sour taste. If you choose which varieties of currants are better, you can stop there.
    3. "Bagheera" refers to a late variety and is characterized by high frost resistance and plentiful harvests. There is a slight freezing of shoots if frost and thaw often alternate. This variety is not damaged by terry and anthracnose, but powdery mildew can sometimes harm the plant. On thin small branches, the fruits are evenly distributed. Berries have the same size and a pronounced black color. The shiny thin skin is very durable. The fruits have a delicate aroma and sweet taste.

    Large-fruited black currant

    1. "Exotica" is the largest blackcurrant variety. Differs in a high yield and early ripening. The bush is powerful, tall, the branches are erect, strong. They do not bend from the severity of large berries, which evenly form a brush. The fruits are juicy, have a pleasant sweetish taste. The best varieties of black currant are represented by this type of culture.
    2. "Aleander" refers to varieties of large-fruited black currant. Differs in a tall sprawling bush and branches lying under it. The leaves are dark green, powerful and slightly wrinkled. The plant is resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose, but prone to damage by bud mites. The culture of this currant variety tolerates the harsh winter months well, but drought is not a comfortable condition for its growth and abundant fruiting. There are many large berries on long, thick arcuate racemes. They have a pleasant taste and fragrant aroma.
    3. "Selechenskaya-2" is one of the best varieties of blackcurrant. On tall, compact bushes, there are many strong branches that do not need a garter. This variety is not afraid of fungal and tick-borne diseases. Very rarely it is affected by a kidney mite. This is a versatile variety that tolerates severe frosts and heat for a long time. On strong curved brushes there are many very large berries, similar to gooseberries. The fruits are covered with a strong, thick skin. Do not break during harvest. The berries are tasty, sweet, have a peculiar delicate aroma.

    Useful properties of blackcurrant

    The description of currant varieties will not be complete, if not to say about their benefits. Blackcurrant is the most useful berry of all. It is called the pantry of substances necessary for humans. It has an excellent taste and is valued for its high healing properties. The berry contains a large amount ascorbic acid, carotene and biotin, which is called the vitamin of youth.

    Blackcurrant has long been widely used in folk medicine. The content of iron, potassium and magnesium allows the use of fruits and leaves for anemia, vascular and heart diseases. Blackcurrant is rich in pectins, phytoncides, essential and tannins.

    The berry of this variety of currant lowers cholesterol, treats eczema and skin diseases, helps with depression and stress. Ulcers and gastritis are treated with flowers and young leaves of blackcurrant, and rheumatism and kidneys with berries. Currently, there are thousands of recipes for various diseases based on blackcurrant.

    Currant diseases

    Currant, like other plants, is affected by diseases and damaged by pests. If you plant the best varieties of currants on your site, you can avoid infection with many infectious diseases. But you need to know the most common of them.

    1. Anthracnose is a disease of leaves, their petioles, stalks and fruits. It affects plants starting in May. It is characterized by the appearance of small brown spots that grow over time. The leaves begin to turn yellow, curl and fall off. Shoots slow down growth and do not have time to mature. To prevent the disease in early spring and late autumn, you should dig the ground around the bush. And before the buds open, spray with a solution of vitriol. You can use Bordeaux liquid. It is sprayed four times during the growing season: during bud break, at the end of flowering, half a month after flowering, after harvesting.
    2. Terry is a viral disease and therefore can spread rapidly. Carriers are bed bugs, bud mites and aphids. This disease is characterized by a change in the shape and color of leaves and flowers. The plant stops producing. To combat the disease, branches are cut or the entire bush is removed. The main thing is to fight the spreaders of the disease.

    Currant pests

    1. The kidney mite is very small, it can only be seen through a magnifying glass or loupe. It damages which acquire a spherical shape and do not release leaves and flowers. The tick waits out the winter in the kidneys. It spreads through planting material, birds and insects. effective means control of this pest has not yet been invented. But the fight must be waged. To do this, the plant is sprayed several times: before bud break, two weeks after it and before flowering. There are a lot of spray solutions. In any store they are presented in a large assortment.
    2. The sawfly has a good appetite. He eats all the leaves. Its larvae are in cocoons, which are buried in the ground under a plant bush. Here the pest waits out the winter. The fight against it consists in autumn digging and spraying in several stages: when buds open, buds form, after flowering. To prevent the pest from breeding, its larvae are periodically shaken off and burned.

    When it comes to currants, perhaps every domestic gardener can boast of a couple of shrubs with black or red berries. Undoubtedly, blackcurrant is considered the most common. However, if you want to diversify your plantings a little, you can add a shrub called white currant to your collection. Its berries are characterized by an excellent sweet taste, it is often used to make jellies, compotes, and wines.

    Whitecurrant can become a true decoration of your garden. Berry colors can range from white to dark cream depending on the cultivars. It is noteworthy that when they ripen, they do not crumble, but stay on the branches for a long time. The composition of the fruit contains pectins in large quantities. Firstly, it is thanks to this substance that the consistency of the berries is jelly-like (therefore, jelly can be prepared from the fruits of white currant without effort). Secondly, pectins have a beneficial effect on human health. That is why by including currant berries in your daily diet, you thereby contribute to the removal of heavy metal salts from the body.

    If we talk about the presence of vitamin C in white currants, it is much less in it than in red or black. Nevertheless, potassium and iron predominate in the fruits of the white berry bush. According to its description, white currant is especially recommended for use by the elderly and allergy sufferers. Its ripe berries can prevent various age-related diseases, so currants are partly considered anti-aging.

    Which of the varieties of white currant is better to plant on your site? There is a whole variety of them in modern gardening. Consider the most popular varieties of this berry bush.

    Diamond (White Fairy)

    Such a shrub reaches a height of no more than 1 meter. It belongs to the varieties of currants with an average intensity of fruiting. The main advantages of this variety include the following points:

    • ripe berries do not crumble;
    • shrub withstands even severe frosts;
    • you will harvest about the same every year (the intensity of fruiting does not decrease even a few years after planting the bush);
    • berries can be effortlessly stored fresh for some time, they are also transportable;
    • the plant shows a fairly high resistance to the development of diseases, as well as the invasion of pests;
    • the variety is self-fertile, no additional plants need to be planted around the shrub.

    Disadvantages of this variety of white currant are also present. For example, it is imperative to control the level of soil moisture. White currant diamond requires constant moisture. The shrub grows very spreading and dense, so pruning will need to be done carefully and a little more often than usual. Another significant nuance is that you cannot do without top dressing, since the top layer of soil must remain nutritious.


    Whitecurrant Bayana is rightfully considered one of the best and most popular varieties among farmers. This plant is distinguished by high quality fruits, good yields, as well as resistance to diseases. The bush grows quite thick and tall, but in moderation, so pruning is not included in a number of mandatory steps for caring for the plant. Ripe berries have a sweet taste, there is also a slight sourness. They are often used to make jellies, wines, juices. The fruits of the bayan variety can be safely frozen for the winter and, of course, eaten fresh.

    Versailles white

    Versailles white currant was bred at the end of the 19th century in France, hence the name of the variety. Among the key advantages of the plant are the ripening of large berries, as well as high yields. The fruits taste sweet and sour, their pulp is very juicy. Such a shrub has good resistance to powdery mildew. What is important, the variety is self-fertile, as well as frost-resistant. The only thing that the gardener may have to deal with is anthracnose. The shrub is not too resistant to this disease, so you cannot do without processing it with special means.

    White Potapenko

    Among the varieties of white currant, a variety called White Potapenko also stands out. This is a medium-early plant, grows slightly spreading. If your area is characterized by severe frosts in winter, this variety is an ideal solution: it is quite resistant to lower temperatures and even to strong drops (frosts in the spring are also not terrible for it). Potapenko's white currant yields annually and is self-fertile. The only negative of such a shrub is the average yield. Nevertheless, the variety is considered to be in demand among farmers due to its other advantages.

    Ural white

    Ural white currant is available for planting and care in central Russia. This variety is considered universal and is in great demand among domestic farmers. This variety of white currant belongs to mid-season berry bushes. It is noteworthy that this variety shows high resistance to frost and various diseases. The bushes are slightly sprawling, but quite dense.

    If you are looking for a variety of currant that has good fertility, be sure to pay attention to this variety. During the season from one bush you can collect up to 6 kg of berries. Their taste is sweet and sour and very delicate. Such a currant will take its rightful place in your garden.

    Care and cultivation

    To further reduce the risk of developing certain diseases, it is recommended to water currant bushes with hot water in the spring before the start of sap flow. Before this, it is desirable to properly tie the branches together for the convenience of such a procedure. This method has been around for many years, but it still proves its effectiveness today.

    Be sure to weed the soil around the white currant bushes. Do not forget about regular watering of the soil, as well as top dressing of the plant. Loosen the soil with extreme caution, as very often currant roots are located at a short distance from the soil surface.

    Pay special attention to fertilizing currant bushes. Top dressing, as a rule, is carried out three times per season:

    • in the spring - nitrogen fertilizers. They are necessary for the active growth of the bush and the growth of the vegetative mass;
    • in summer - potassium substances. They contribute to the early ripening of fruits;
    • in the fall - phosphorus top dressing. It is recommended to certainly prepare the plant for the onset of cold weather.

    Ripe berries of white currant can be collected for the most part no earlier than July. However, you should not have any special problems with growing shrubs.

    What does white currant like

    In the process of caring for currant shrubs, it is recommended to adhere to key points. In order for you to be able to harvest a full-fledged crop in the summer, you must certainly ensure thorough watering of the plant, as well as timely pruning of old branches and shoots and top dressing. As for pruning, for the first time it must be carried out immediately after planting the shrub in a permanent place. At the same time, almost all shoots are removed, three buds should be left on the seedlings. Thus, the currant will take root much faster.

    The shrub grows very intensively, so do not be afraid to prune in the most careful way. Watering and fertilizing are mandatory procedures for white currants. It is not difficult to provide competent care for such berry bushes in general, and a generous harvest awaits you. The main thing is to comply with the basic requirements, and you don’t have to be particularly sophisticated.

    Video “Which currant is healthier?”

    From this video you will learn about which currant is more useful - white, red or black.

    Bred by breeders, unlike black and red, is rarely found among gardeners, but it has a number of valuable properties and features. It is similar to the more common red, which is great for canning for the winter. Unlike red currants, white currants are best consumed fresh. Golden berries are good not only as a very healthy dessert, they have also been used in folk medicine. It is worth knowing in more detail what white and contraindications have.

    Berry Features

    This is a plant from the gooseberry family. It grows as a shrub about 1.5 m high and above. The fruits are round, small in size, white, sometimes with a yellowish tinge, forming clusters.

    On the bushes, the berries last longer than other types of currants. More than other varieties, the yield and good tolerance of the dry season is white currant.

    The taste properties of this berry are very good - it has a sweet and sour taste and a delicate texture, generally reminiscent of red currant, but with more subtle and softer shades.

    Popular varieties

    Variety White berry Potapenko is considered one of the best. The berries of this variety can stay on the bushes for a long time, until winter, retaining their aroma and taste. The bushes themselves are low, the fruits are small white-yellow hue.

    Belyanka is an equally popular and excellent variety, the yield of a bush is up to 10 kg of berries. The variety is frost-resistant, the berries are yellowish, the taste is tart, sweet and sour.

    Nutritional value and composition

    The taste of white currant as a dessert berry is an order of magnitude higher than that of the common black currant, but at the same time, the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the product is much inferior, because white currant contains 5 times less vitamin C than black currant. But in terms of the content of potassium and iron useful to the heart and blood vessels, the benefits of white currant are more tangible.

    These berries contain important acids, pectin, which allows you to make jelly from them, fiber that is useful for digestion, they also contain carbohydrates with proteins and others. beneficial to the body connections. And also vitamins A, C, P, group B, useful folic acid, giving the berry a golden color beta-carotene, useful for the nervous system magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium. At the same time, the calorie content is low - only 40 kcal per hundred grams of berries, which makes it possible to successfully use white currants in dietary nutrition.

    The benefits of white currant for the body

    In addition to the above useful substances, white currant contains a huge amount of pectins that have a beneficial effect on blood quality and help remove harmful salts of heavy metals from the body, which is its main nutritional value. A delicious vitamin gift to the table is especially useful for children and the elderly, since such currants do not contain, although natural, but allergenic dyes, help the heart, improve blood composition, and a large percentage of vitamin P improves the functioning of liver cells, promotes the activation of the adrenal cortex and the separation of bile, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

    Vitamin E, in high degree found in white berries, makes them truly an elixir for prolonging youth. Its antioxidant properties slow down the inevitable aging process, improve our reproductive functions, protect against cataracts, fight free radicals.

    Vitamin A, also found in white currant, strengthens the immune system and eyesight, prevents tumor processes and lung damage, including in smokers.

    B vitamins in berries strengthen blood vessels that nourish the brain, which helps to withstand stress and psychological stress, improve memory function. White currant berries are very useful for men, as they increase erectile function.


    Now we know what whitecurrant has beneficial features. And she also has contraindications. Despite the obvious benefits, its use should be limited or even excluded if gastritis, especially with an increased level of acidity, or an ulcer is diagnosed. It is forbidden to use white currant (like any other) for people with blood diseases: with low clotting, hemophilia. It is also contraindicated in patients with hepatitis. This is how the benefits and harms of white currants can affect the body.

    The benefits of berries

    The best thing is to eat fresh berries straight from the bush. So it is the most tasty and useful. If you eat a handful of these berries a day, you can strengthen your immune system, which will allow you to stay healthy for a long time.

    But with high yields and, if desired, from white currant berries, as well as from any other, you can prepare tasty and healthy drinks: fruit drink, juice, compote and jelly, or cook jam, jams or berry puree. A delicious mousse or jelly would be good. In all these dishes, you can use white currants in combination with others, as well as any fruit to taste. The jam is especially successful combination of white and red currants.

    Traditional medicine offers a decoction of berries as an antipyretic, for coughing, for rheumatism, atherosclerosis, for anemia and for diseases when it is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins from food. Hypertensive patients are advised to decoction of dried berries. However, do not forget that white currant has useful properties and contraindications, so if you have hypertension, do not get carried away eating it.

    Juice and fruit drink

    Juices and fruit drinks from white currant berries increase appetite, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and reduce bad cholesterol. Whitecurrant juice contains many active nutrients, but due to the absence of allergenic coloring pigments, berry juice is practically safe for people prone to allergic reactions.

    White currant leaves: useful properties and contraindications

    This is a treasure trove of nutrients. And not only berries, but also leaves. They can be added to tea leaves for flavor and additional fortification of the drink. Fragrant leaves of white currant, like black currant, have bactericidal properties, reduce fermentation and can be successfully used in pickles and marinades.

    Teas and decoctions from the leaves, when ingested, remove toxins, radioactive elements, excess uric and oxalic acids. Decoctions are useful for urolithiasis, contribute to scarring of ulcers, are used in the prevention and complex treatment of anemia.

    Shrub twigs mixed with oats are used as a drink to enrich the body with vitamins, increase the production of red blood cells, increase immunity and tone.

    Leaves can be added to a salad and simply washed and chewed, helping to cleanse the mouth and strengthen the gums, because they have a bactericidal and strengthening effect on body tissues, including gums and mucous membranes. These are the useful properties and contraindications of white currant.

    Recipes for simple and quick preparation of berries

    Morse is an excellent light vitamin and refreshing drink that retains the benefits of fresh berries. It can be made from a separate type of currant, or it can be mixed from different varieties to taste, including mixed with other berries.

    The easiest and fastest way is to cook a “lazy” fruit drink. To do this, add one or two tablespoons of currant jam or jam to a glass of cold or warm water.

    And in order to prepare the jam itself in the most optimal variant in terms of the ratio of vitamins and microelements, all prepared berries are washed, dried and scrolled in a meat grinder or pureed with a blender. When crushed, two or three oranges with peel, pitted, can be added to currants. This will give it an exquisite aroma, brightness of color, besides, this action additionally fortifies the berry mass. The resulting puree must be weighed and covered with sugar one by one. In addition, four more glasses of granulated sugar are carefully mixed into the mass. When all the sugar has dispersed, the currants should be laid out in pre-sterilized jars, pouring a thin layer of sugar on top (this will help prevent mold), cork with lids and put in the refrigerator for storage.

    So, it is obvious that, like any other berry, white currant has useful properties and contraindications. Keep them in mind when harvesting.

    To significantly strengthen the immune system and maintain health for many years, doctors recommend eating only a tablespoon of white currant berries every day during the fruit ripening season. And juicy and transparent fruits wonderfully quench your thirst: in the sun, a few brushes of berries will replace a glass of juice.

    • Appearance– Perennial shrub up to 1.5 m high
    • Family– Saxifrage
    • Leaves– 3-5-lobed with serrated edges, petiolate, dense
    • flowers- Small, inconspicuous, yellow-green, collected in clusters, bloom in May, self-fertile in zoned varieties
    • Fruit– Berries with a diameter of 8-12 mm, yellowish, cream or light pink, ripen in July-August

    White currant, compared to black, is more productive - the average yield per bush is 8 kg. The culture reacts less to drought and soil salinization, is less demanding on fertilization, and is also fast-growing and durable.

    Conditions for growing white currant

    Whitecurrant is photophilous, so you should not plant it under trees. It is drought-resistant, however, with insufficient moisture supply, growth, fruiting and winter hardiness are reduced. Bushes planted on loose, nutritious soils, provided with a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers, will be more stable, durable and productive.

    Planting white currant

    You can plant white currants in spring before bud break or in early autumn (late September - early October). The distance between the bushes is at least 1 m. Pits 40 cm deep and 50-60 cm wide are prepared 2-3 weeks before planting. They add, stirring, 8-10 kg of compost or humus, 150-200 g of superphosphate, 30-40 g of potassium sulfide. Seedlings are buried in the soil up to 8-10 cm from the conditional root collar, placing them straight or obliquely for better formation of additional roots. They fall asleep with a fertile layer of earth, lightly tamp, be sure to water and mulch with humus or peat. Then the branches are shortened to 4-5 well-developed buds.

    Under favorable conditions, white currant begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year after planting and bears fruit for 15-20 years.

    Formation of white currant

    In the first year after planting, 5-6 strong annual shoots can grow. In autumn, 2-3 weaker ones are removed from them. Over the next three years, 3-4 strong shoots are left every season from the newly grown shoots, the rest are cut out. By the autumn of the fifth year, the bush will consist of 18-20 skeletal branches of different ages. Old branches are renewed at the age of 6-7 years and older, leaving strong basal shoots for replacement, and the rest, thickening the bush, are cut out at the base. Annually, if necessary, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing broken, diseased branches lying on the ground.

    Own seedlings of white currant

    White currant is best propagated by horizontal cuttings. To do this, in early spring, a groove 5-8 cm deep is made from the bush, the one-year-old shoot is bent down, placed in this hole, pinned to the soil with a metal bracket and covered with peat, light loose humus or compost. During the season, be sure to water, if necessary, gently loosen, remove weeds. By autumn, vertical shoots will grow on the layering. They are carefully dug up, separated from the mother bush, cut into individual seedlings and planted in a permanent place in the garden or nursery for growing.

    spring care

    And now about the next seasonal work. In early spring, when the buds on the bushes have not yet swollen, without waiting for the snow to completely melt, currant plants can be doused with hot water brought almost to a boil (approximately 10 liters per bush). Such a "shower" is effective against pests and fungal diseases. The land under the plants should be slightly loosened, nitrogen fertilizers should be applied (18-20 g of ammonium nitrate or 13-17 g of urea per 1 sq.m). To reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil, currants can be mulched with leaves, manure or peat with a layer of about 7 cm, after weeding the weeds. This approach will increase the yield.

    White currant - useful and medicinal properties

    Due to the high content of pectin, fiber and potassium in the berries, white currant removes toxic substances, salts of heavy metals, including radioactive ones, from the body.

    The fruits are rich in vitamin E, have anti-sclerotic properties, slow down the aging process, and improve reproductive function.

    Due to the absence of coloring substances, white currant does not cause allergies in children.

    Berries contain a lot of iron and potassium, so their consumption improves blood composition and helps the full functioning of the heart.

    ). Nevertheless, gardeners appreciate it not only for its excellent taste, but also for its luxurious appearance, thanks to which any garden turns into a source of pride and a source of aesthetic pleasure. Almost all varieties of white currant are resistant to all kinds of adverse conditions and diseases, but some can be especially distinguished. Today we will talk about the best varieties of white currant for the Moscow region and the Urals.

    The subtleties of choosing white currants

    White currant is known to be an incredibly healthy berry that does not require special care. But if you want to grow a healthy and productive berry crop in your garden plot, you need to know some of the subtleties of choosing the right variety.

    Currant for the Moscow region

    If we talk about the Moscow region, then the climate there is moderately continental, with moderately cold winters and relatively warm, often rainy summers. In the north, northwest of the region, soddy-podzolic or partially loamy soils, rather heavy, with excess moisture, predominate. To grow berries on such soil, a considerable amount of organic fertilizers and frequent soil liming activities will be required.

    All varieties of white currant are very productive

    In the east of the region, the soils are completely different: they are represented by peat, groundwater lies very close. The soil itself is not very fertile and will require careful maintenance during the cultivation of currants.

    In the south of the Moscow region, the soil is much better, besides, it is much warmer there. Most of the soils are sod-podzolic.

    Advice. When choosing a variety suitable for growing in the Moscow region, be sure to take into account the climate and soil features in a particular area.

    It should be noted that in this region, in principle, almost any variety of white currant is able to survive, but it is better to give preference to those that can withstand extreme heat and excessive moisture in the soil.

    Currant for the Urals

    Here everything is somewhat more complicated, because the Ural region differs significantly in climatic conditions from the Moscow region. In general, the climate of the Urals is considered polar. Accordingly, when choosing a suitable currant variety, it is necessary to proceed, first of all, from the winter hardiness of the crop, its resistance to diseases and growth rate. Late varieties or those with too long a collection period will not work.

    Advice. Speaking of winter hardiness, this concept should not be confused with frost resistance, which implies only the ability of a plant to endure a big minus. But winter hardiness is already a complex concept and implies that the plant will not only be able to maintain its tops when exposed to cold, but also “survive” after significant icing of the root system.

    By the way, speaking about the yield of the variety: white currant, regardless of the variety, has impressive yields. Therefore, when choosing a suitable variety, one should not be guided by this particular criterion. As practice shows, the amount of harvest of white berries depends to a greater extent on the quality of crop care in each case.

    The best varieties of white currant for the Urals and Moscow region

    To your attention a selection of varieties of white currant, the best way suitable for cultivation in the Moscow region:

    • Boulogne White. Common in the southern Moscow region "French" variety. Currant berries are small in size, which is more than offset by the original dessert taste. The yield of the variety is very “modest” - only about 4.5 kg from one bush. When growing this variety, carefully protect it from anthracnose and hard frosts, as Boulogne White is afraid of both.

    Boulogne White

    • Dessert. An excellent early ripe variety of white currant, bred by German breeders. The fruits are round in shape, yellow in color and of considerable size (berry weight is about 1-1.5 g). The plant is a semi-spreading small bush, from which, with proper care, you can collect about 5 kg of fruit. The taste of fruits is excellent dessert, with spicy sourness.
    • White Fairy (Diamond). An early ripe, generous variety for harvest (up to 6 kg of delicious berries can be harvested from a bush). The bush grows quite compact and very branchy. The berries are white in color and large in size (the weight of individual specimens reaches 3 g).
    • Bayan. The plant is represented by magnificent tall bushes that carry up to 10 kg of small berries that have a sweet taste with a special sourness. This variety is able to "survive" in almost any climate. Mistresses are very fond of using this variety for making all kinds of jelly, since Bayana berries become jelly-like during processing (thanks to pectins).

    But for the Ural region it is worth looking at completely different, but no less high-quality varieties:

    • Ural White. The variety, with proper care, will delight you with a considerable harvest (about 5.5 kg from a currant bush). The berries are large and have excellent taste. Gardeners note the incredible resistance of the variety to all kinds of diseases, as well as cold. Among the features of care, it is worth noting the need for frequent and generous watering, otherwise the berry will gradually shrink.

    Ural White

    • Versailles. In fact, the "pioneer" among the varieties of white-fruited currants. Opened in the 19th century. Bushes grow very compact, small height. Versailles currant can give no more than 3 kg of berries from one bush, but they are incredibly tasty. In addition, berries contain a huge amount of vitamin C - about 60 mg per 100 g.
    • Smolyaninovskaya. Mid-season variety. Plant bushes grow powerful, branched. Currant with proper care will be able to give a record 8-9 kg of fruit from one bush. The berries are heterogeneous in size, but have the same sweet and sour taste, which in the process of tasting received the highest possible score - 5 points. The variety is perfect for the cold Ural climate, it is also very resistant to all kinds of diseases.

    So our article has come to an end. You learned about the intricacies of choosing a white currant variety, as well as the best varieties for growing in the Moscow Region and the Urals. Good luck!

    Redcurrant is a very resistant shrub to heat and cold, drought and waterlogging. Diseases of red currant, this is its weak point. And if you do not pay due attention to the plant, it will disappear.

    Viral diseases of red currant

    Like all fruit trees and shrubs, red currants are susceptible to diseases, viral and fungal. There are several viral diseases that pose the greatest danger to the bush.

    Reversion or terry. More often they are affected by blackcurrant bushes, but the disease is transmitted by a bud mite or garden tools from a diseased plant.

    This disease can develop for several years on the same plant. And the longer you ignore it, the more neighboring fruit and berry crops will be infected. In the process of incubation, the virus modifies the plant beyond recognition. Consequences - complete infertility of the shrub.

    You can identify the virus by the following features:

    • During flowering, the flowers do not smell at all;
    • Petals of inflorescences change color to greenish-cyanotic. Take on unnaturally elongated shapes;
    • The petals become "terry", the inflorescences stop growing, the berries do not have time to start, as the flowers crumble.

    There is no chance of salvation for a sick bush. The infected plant must be disposed of from the site and burned. After such a red currant disease, currant bushes cannot be planted in this place for several more years.

    - a deadly disease of the currant bush. You can find it by modifying the leaves of the berry. Along all the veins on the leaf plate, a pattern looms, which becomes brighter. Such an ailment leads to infertility and death of the shrub. The plant also needs to be removed from the garden and burned.

    Fungal diseases of red currant

    Flycatcher or anthracosis- most dangerous for red currant bushes. White and black have a greater resistance to disease. Often summer residents wonder what it could be, red spots on the leaves. This is a red gall aphid on the berry plant. It is possible to determine the infection of red currant with anthracosis by the presence of red spots on the leaves.

    At the beginning of infection, almost imperceptible brown dots appear. After that, convex red spots form on the currant leaves. They very quickly increase in size, disfiguring and deforming the leaf plate.

    Anthracose red currant

    The leaves of the red currant, with red spots formed on them, wither and fall off ahead of time. The fruiting of the bush is sharply reduced.

    - a very unpleasant disease of the berry. First of all, the lower part of the leaf plate is affected. Red growths form on it, resembling the shape of a glass.

    The spores of the fungus mature in these growths. Spore maturation occurs throughout the summer, and by autumn the fungus is carried by winds to neighboring plants. If there is a thicket of sedge near the site, it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible. It is from this plant that rust enters the garden.

    Sferoteka or powdery mildew- familiar to almost all gardeners, a disease of fruit and berry plants. It affects not only the leaf plate, branches and berries, including. It is determined by such features. At first, the leaf is covered with a white bloom (as if sprinkled with flour). Further, this plaque changes color and turns into dark spots.

    The plant slows down significantly in growth. Leaves curl and fall off. The berries do not ripen, they also crumble. Infected red currants, if left untreated, may not survive the winter. And if it survives until spring, then with the spring warmth, powdery mildew will finally eat the surviving bush and begin to move to neighboring shrubs.

    Septoria- the formation of white spots on the leaves. The disease infects redcurrant bushes extremely rarely. It can be identified by the presence of dark brown spots on the leaves. The spots increase over time and acquire a light, almost white hue. The border of the light spot remains brown.

    Disease Control Methods

    Measures to combat red leaves on red currants are as follows. Every ten days, the currant bush should be sprayed with fungicidal solutions. It can be copper sulfate or. Colloidal sulfur or Phthalan. It is very important to process the entire bush completely, because anthracnose affects both leaves and shoots to the very root.

    For preventive purposes, even before the bud breaks, the bush and the soil around the root are treated with Nitrafen or copper sulphate. After the bush has faded, it must be sprayed three times, with an interval of two weeks. Bordeaux liquid is used for processing. Gardeners recommend processing red currants with Titan, Agrolekar, Title 390.

    We must not forget about timely pruning in autumn and spring. Also in autumn, the root earth must be loosened, all fallen leaves are removed. After all, it is in them that spores of the fungus hibernate.

    Garden tools must be disinfected before work. Rinse it in a cool solution of potassium permanganate or pour boiling water over it.

    You can fight goblet rust with agrochemicals - Agrolekar, PropiPlus, Chistoflor and Forecast. Or use folk remedies that have been proven over the years.

    Agrodoctor helps to fight goblet rust

    You need to prepare two containers. In one of them, crush and insist a glass of garlic in two liters of water. In the second glass of tobacco, but only in three liters of liquid. Place containers with garlic and tobacco for a couple of days in a dark place for infusion.

    After, when the water is saturated with aroma, mix everything and pour into a bucket. To them add half a pack of black ground pepper, 100 gr. liquid soap (so that the solution adheres well to the plant). Infuse for another three hours, and strain.

    Such a burning mixture should be sprayed on the shrub before it begins to bloom. What has been strained (garlic and tobacco) should not be thrown away. It should be scattered under the red currant. Immediately after flowering, spray the bush with a decoction of onion husks.

    To get rid of the sphere library, you need to dissolve ordinary baking soda (50 grams) in ten liters. water. Spray the bush with this mixture. You can dilute cow dung in water, three parts of liquid for 1 part of mullein. Allow to ferment for three days and dilute again in this ratio. Treat the bush with this slurry every week until complete recovery. A three percent solution of iron sulfate is suitable for processing a bush, every 10 days.

    Purchased drugs for the treatment of the sphere library - Bactofit and. Thiovit Jet, Alirin-B and.

    Septoria should be dealt with in the same way as with anthracosis. And the prevention of the disease is the same. Fungicides for processing - Chistoflor, Forecast, Workshop. As soon as the buds begin to bloom, the red currants are sprayed, in a ratio of 10 liters. water 40 gr., and Bordeaux liquid.

    Red currant pests

    In addition to red currant diseases, plants are damaged by insects. The most common of them are leaf and shoot aphids, and gooseberry moths. Kidney moth and currant goldfish. Pale-legged sawfly and spider mite. You can read more about currant pests.

    Currant borer larvae hide in branches for the winter, so it will help to identify and remove them.

    With ticks and aphids, you need to fight with the help of Karbofos and Fitover. He does not like pungent odors, so gardeners spray the bushes with a decoction of tobacco or wormwood.

    So that the plant does not become infected with anything, it is necessary to carry out regular and timely prevention.

    Currant diseases can deprive a summer resident of crops. It doesn't matter if it's red, black or white. All diseases and pests in different varieties of currants are the same.

    It is important for the gardener to recognize the signs of the disease in the initial stage, until it has spread to the entire bush. Our article contains the most common currant diseases and the fight against them, photos with signs of damage, as well as all the necessary treatment and prevention measures.

    Currant (from lat. Ribes) became popular in Russia in the 11th century. The fragrant berry got its name due to its strong smell, for which it was called "currant". The culture belongs to the Gooseberry family (lat. Grossulariaceae) and has more than a hundred varieties.

    Currant is a real medicine for a person. Its fruits and leaves contain a huge amount of all sorts of useful substances: vitamins (E and C, as well as many others), trace elements, acids and sugars, various biologically active compounds.

    Due to its valuable composition, it is popular among lovers of folk treatment, but it can also get sick itself. At the same time, massive outbreaks of diseases can completely deprive you of the crop. Therefore, it is worth taking precautions very seriously and knowing in advance what you may encounter.

    Common currant diseases and their treatment, description of signs of infection

    If only a few bushes of this berry grow on your site, you should thoroughly prepare from the beginning of spring.

    Currant anthracnose (lat. Pseudopeziza ribis)

    The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare. The first manifestations of infection can often be seen in the middle of the summer season. Main symptoms:

    • small red and brown spots (up to 1 mm) with dark tubercles in the center appear on the leaves;
    • spots gradually increase, affecting the entire leaf;
    • leaves dry up and fall off.

    This disease is characteristic of all types of currants, but is especially common on red. During the rainy season, the fungus is more active and dangerous to the plant.

    Its spores can easily survive the winter on plant debris. Having found currant anthracnose on the site, treatment should begin immediately.

    To do this, use Bordeaux liquid (0.1 kg of the drug per 10 liters of water). Spraying is carried out immediately after detection, and again - after harvesting the berries.

    You can prevent the disease with the help of simple preventive measures:

    • all fallen leaves and plant debris must be removed from the soil and burned;
    • it is not recommended to plant young healthy bushes in the place where the infected plant was.
    In the photo, blackcurrant leaves affected by anthracnose

    Powdery mildew (lat. Sphaerotheca mors-uvae)

    Powdery mildew is caused by the fungus Erysiphales. There are no currant varieties that are completely resistant to this disease. A fungus forms on leaves, petioles, young shoots, berries and stalks of plants.

    In the middle of the summer season, the following symptoms of the disease can be found on berry bushes:

    • young leaves are covered with a white loose coating;
    • gradually it spreads to berries.

    Powdery mildew belongs to a rare currant disease and the fight against it does not cause problems with timely processing.

    In the fight against the disease, you can use pharmaceutical iodine: 1 bottle of 5% of the drug per 10 liters of liquid. The procedure should be repeated after 3-4 days. In the event that the treatment has not brought results, 1% copper sulfate should be used: a teaspoon per 6-7 liters of liquid.

    The presence of such a disease indicates an unhealthy state of the bushes. The main prevention is the correct agricultural technology. Regular feeding and care will help to avoid infection.

    Powdery mildew on currants appears as a white coating

    Septoria is a currant disease that causes mass drying and premature leaf fall. The first symptoms appear at the end of May. On currant leaves, you can see small brown or reddish spots located between the veins. Then they brighten in the center, leaving a clear brown border at the edges.

    On stems and petioles, these spots crack and deepen, becoming like ulcers. On the berries they are flat, with groups of crowded black dots.

    Diseased bushes have poor growth and very small berries. Buds on shoots may not develop at all, and the shoots themselves dry out quickly. More often than other species, blackcurrant suffers from this disease. The source of infection are diseased fallen leaves.

    Especially quickly septoria spreads in wet weather and in dense plantings.

    • use only healthy planting materials;
    • in autumn, destroy dry leaves, and in spring - overwintered ones;
    • dig the soil in the berry fields in early spring, as well as in late autumn;
    • do not postpone thinning of too dense plantings;
    • before bud break, spray with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture;
    • during the growing season, spray with a Bordeaux mixture three times - immediately before flowering, during it and after the end of the harvest;
    • apply fertilizers with trace elements to the soil under the bushes: copper, manganese, zinc and boron - at least 6 g per 10 sq. meters.

    Bushes suffering from septoria lose their leaves ahead of time, grow poorly and give a poor harvest.

    Currant rust (lat. Puccinia ribesii-caricis)

    You can find rust on the bushes at any time of the season. There are 2 types of it:

    • goblet - expressed in the presence on the leaves of convex humps of orange color, resembling warts;
    • columnar - small orange dots form on the leaves. Columnar rust on currants appears as an orange bloom.

    goblet rust

    The defeat of the currant with goblet rust can be immediately recognized by the large orange pads that form on the underside of the leaves. At the same time, the berries are deformed, become one-sided, stop growing, and then completely fall off.

    The disease is fungal. One generation of spores is formed on the currant, so rust appears only in the first half of the growing season.

    But the fungus does not die, as one might think, but passes to other plants - most often to sedge, where it winters. The development of the mycelium is facilitated by high humidity and close proximity to sedge. Therefore, in order to prevent infection of the currant bush with goblet rust, the following measures should be taken:

    • destroy sedge growing closer than 500 meters from currant plantings;
    • drain excessively wet areas;
    • spray Bordeaux mixture during bud swelling and 10 days after flowering.

    Currant treatment for rust occurs with the help of fungicides - drugs that can destroy fungal diseases. These include phthalan, captan, nitrafen and other effective drugs.

    columnar rust

    This disease differs from goblet rust in that on the underside of the leaves, orange pads gradually turn into horn-shaped spore columns that look like felt. By the end of summer, they turn brown and cover the affected leaves like a pile.

    Infection with columnar rust is most often associated with Siberian cedars and five-needle pines - spores ripened on currants settle on them. And those that develop on conifers again infect currants. On berry bushes, the first signs of damage become noticeable in June.

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    Prevention and control measures:

    • plant currants as far as possible from the coniferous forest;
    • collect and dispose of all fallen currant leaves;
    • especially carefully dig the soil in the berry fields;
    • apply organic fertilizers and ash under currants in the spring;
    • feed currant bushes with fertilizers with trace elements: zinc sulfate and copper sulfate;
    • spray in spring and autumn with the same preparations that are used against anthracnose;
    • in case of severe damage, spray the bushes with a Bordeaux mixture.

    Columnar rust of currant significantly reduces yield. The disease refers to fungal diseases of the currant. The spores of the fungus overwinter on fallen leaves and are spread by water in wet weather.

    Blackcurrant diseases and their treatment photo

    The most popular variety of this culture is black. Its berries have a strong taste and aroma, and are most often used in conservation. This species berry bushes should be given special attention, since blackcurrant diseases and the fight against them have their own characteristics and differences.

    Blackcurrant reversion, or Terry (lat. Ribes virus 1)

    The causative agent of the disease is Ribes virus 1, and the carrier is a kidney tick. The virus leads to a mutation of the original form of the species and infertility of the plant.

    The main symptoms are:

    • change in the shape of the leaves: elongation, asymmetry, the presence of sharp teeth; leaves can become three-lobed;
    • decrease in the number of veins;
    • leaves may turn purple;
    • flowers become elongated with narrow petals;
    • lack of fruiting and characteristic smell of the plant.

    You can detect a similar disease already during the flowering period. Infected plants are a source of infection for healthy ones, so the former must be removed. Treatment with drugs or pruning will not be effective.

    Terry can be prevented in the following ways:

    • for planting, it is necessary to choose only healthy and proven material;
    • potassium and phosphorus top dressings make the plant more resistant to disease;
    • an excess of nitrogen supplements reduces immunity to the virus;
    • after harvesting, the bushes are treated with Karbofos according to the instructions.

    Sick bushes bloom and bloom a few days later than healthy ones. This also indicates the presence of the disease. Double flowers do not produce berries or small and ugly fruits are formed from them.

    Striped blackcurrant mosaic

    Striped mosaic is a viral disease. Characteristic features diseases: a gray-yellow pattern appears near the veins of the leaves.

    Infection occurs when a diseased cutting is grafted onto a bush, when pruning with one tool, first an infected and then a healthy plant.

    Other carriers of the disease are also known - these are the bud mites and aphids. There is no treatment for the striped mosaic: the infected bush should be removed.

    Currant leaf infected with striped mosaic

    White and red currant diseases and treatment

    Diseases of the red currant and their treatment are different from the black currant, and are often also found in the white berry. You can prevent the disease with the help of drugs and preventive measures.

    Nektrium drying of shoots and branches (lat. Sphaeria ribis Tode)

    Quite often, currants are exposed to the disease of non-nectary drying of young shoots and branches. The causative agent is a species of marsupial fungus Nectria ribis. Main symptoms:

    • orange dots form on the branches and shoots, which gradually grow, turning into voluminous brown tubercles;
    • during the maturation of spores, formations become black;
    • young shoots gradually dry up and die.

    Nectrian drying of shoots appears on white and red currants. If you do not start treatment in time, you can lose the entire plant. When the first symptoms are detected, the bushes are pruned: the affected branches are cut and burned.

    The cut points should be disinfected with a Bordeaux mixture and treated with garden pitch.

    Infection can be prevented with the help of proper agricultural practices: it is necessary to regularly remove weeds, remove fallen leaves and systematically feed the plants. With proper care, currant diseases, the photos of which you will find in this article, are not terrible.

    In the affected plant, branches begin to dry out and die. If you examine the affected shoot, then on the lower part you can see numerous tubercles of red-brown color. Then they turn black.

    Currant pests, signs of their appearance

    A variety of currant pests not only cause damage to all parts of plants, weakening them and destroying the crop, but also often serve as a background for the development of currant diseases, and sometimes as carriers of viruses. The most dangerous pests are discussed below.

    • Currant bud mite

    A characteristic feature of infection is the hibernation of the tick directly in the affected kidneys. External signs of damage to currants are as follows:

    1. The buds inhabited by ticks do not bloom in the spring, swell in an unnatural way and dry up. Ticks born in a dead bud move to other shoots, infecting new buds, where they can give another 1-2 generations.
    2. Infected with a small number of mites, the buds bloom, forming underdeveloped shortened shoots, the bushes do not ripen and are subject to freezing.

    An omnivorous pest that greatly weakens the bushes, overwinters on the shoots and can subsequently develop on all parts of the plant. Young shoots and leaves are most susceptible to damage.

    In the photo, currant bud mite
    1. Generations of insects emerge from their eggs in spring, and when warm and humid weather sets in, they multiply rapidly, and the colonization is undulating.
    2. Sexually mature light green individuals are visible to the naked eye, colonies are more often localized on the underside of the leaves and the tops of the shoots.
    3. The affected leaves swell in the form of light bubbles, the shoots are bent and remain undeveloped.

    If there are already berries on the currant, then you should not spray the aphids with chemicals. You can also fight aphids with folk methods: an infusion of onion peel, an infusion of marigolds. Also, aphids do not like red pepper, tobacco, ash.
    • Currant goldfish and glass

    Insect larvae of these species infect currant branches and in a short time, with a strong infection, they can completely destroy plantations. Determine the presence of pests as follows:

    Suspicion of damage by larvae should arise if in the spring the gardener observes withering and drying currant shoots.

    Cutting along such a shoot, you can see inside an oblong dark passage, in which there is either a legless larva of a currant beetle or a white caterpillar of a currant glass.

    The larvae of both species pupate in May, years occur in June, and the larvae hatch again in July, damaging the shoots.

    In the photo, a glass-box pest butterfly. Flight is observed in the last days of June, just 2 weeks after the flowering of black currant. With spread transparent wings, its size reaches 25-28 mm. A small oblong body all in dark gray scales. And only the abdomen is furrowed by light transverse stripes: the male has 4 of them, the female has 3.
    • gooseberry moth

    The gooseberry moth is a butterfly with wings covered with black and yellow spots. Usually she prefers gooseberries, but currants are also not averse to feasting on. Egg laying occurs on the underside of the leaves.

    The emerging caterpillars eat the leaves from all sides. In the middle of summer, they turn into pupae and hang from the branches.

    For prevention it is necessary:

    • carefully clean and cultivate the land;
    • collect all pupae in July and destroy;
    • treat in the fall with urea;
    • spray plantings ("Fitoverm", arsenic calcium DDT and others).

    How to spray currants from pests

    Cutting and burning damaged shoots, digging the soil under the bushes remain the main measures to reduce damage from pests in currant plantings.

    For the comprehensive protection of berry growers, mandatory treatments are performed in the following periods:

    • After bud break

    Against aphids, a 0.1% emulsion of 25% anometrin-N, solutions of decis, confidor or calypso are used in concentrations according to the instructions of the preparations.

    • Before flowering and immediately after.

    Colloidal sulfur treatments contribute to the destruction of not only the powdery mildew fungus, but also have a detrimental effect on the currant mite. To do this, spray the bushes and the ground under them with a 0.5% sulfur suspension prepared according to the above recipe.

    • 20 days after flowering.

    Spray currant bushes from goldfish and glassware with 0.9% emulsion of 10% karbofos, 0.3% chlorophos solution or BI-58 preparation.

    The use of drugs during this period is effective in foci of high prevalence of pests, since the years of sexually mature individuals occur.

    Folk remedies in the fight against diseases and pests of currants

    Limiting the use of pesticides significantly increases the environmental friendliness of the crop; in many cases, folk remedies are quite effective and much more affordable than modern chemical remedies.

    With the defeat of aphids, mites, other sucking pests, treatments with herbal preparations prepared according to the following recipes are effective:

    1. Fresh garlic in a mass of 100-200 g is ground into a meat grinder, poured into 10 liters of water, filtered and the affected plants are immediately processed.
    2. Onion peel weighing 200 g is poured into 10 liters of water and infused for 4-5 days.
    3. Dandelion leaves (400 g) or plants with roots (200 g) are poured into 10 liters of water heated to 40 C and infused for 2 hours.

    To combat goldfish and glassware at the same time as when treating with pesticides, that is, 20 days after flowering, the following means are used:

    1. Soap emulsion prepared at the rate of 200 g of crushed laundry soap per 10 liters of warm water.
    2. A decoction of wormwood is prepared from 1 kg of wilted raw materials, poured into it with 2-3 liters of warm water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, leaving it to infuse for 5-6 hours. The volume is brought to 10 l of water and the plants are treated.
    3. Green tops of potatoes (1 kg) are crushed, pour 10 liters of water and leave for 4 hours.
    4. During the summer, insect traps are set with fruit syrups, periodically checked and destroyed by pests.

    Video: Fighting diseases and pests of red and black currants without chemicals

    Rules of care and preventive measures

    In order for currant plantings to be healthy and invariably please the harvest, it is necessary to adhere to a number of simple rules for caring for plants:

    Mandatory agricultural practices are:

    • planting seedlings with deepening of the root collar by 3-5 cm and cutting off the shoots so that 2-3 buds remain above the ground;
    • timely watering and mulching of the soil with peat, compost or humus; replacement of bushes older than 7 years old with young plants;
    • correct annual pruning, in which 2-3 best basal shoots are left every year, and the rest are cut out.

    Attention! You can not make fresh manure for planting currants, you should carefully use nitrogen fertilizers. The best top dressing for berry growers is the introduction of humus and wood ash for digging.

    • In autumn, foliage is collected, berries dried on the bushes are removed, and the aisles are dug up.
    • Before the onset of frost, you should inspect and clean the exfoliated bark on the branches and burn it.
    • In the spring, before the juice begins to move, old and diseased shoots affected by powdery mildew, mites or insect larvae are cut out. The cut sites are disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulphate and covered with garden pitch.