Do I need to know English. Why I Learn English What skills are students most worried about?

What is English for? This is a question that worries both those who are just starting to study it, and those who are just thinking about such a prospect. New Opportunities - Does It Apply to Russia?

English is taught today in schools, colleges, universities and courses. Every year the number of people who want to learn it only increases, which leads to an increase in the popularity of this international native language... Why is English necessary, and how can it be used in life?

Do you need English in Russia and the CIS countries?

Each new language opens up new possibilities for us. The more languages ​​a person knows, the freer he feels. Knowledge of English allows:

  1. Read scientific articles, books, conference results in the original. This is especially important for those working in the field of science. Doctors, engineers and other specialists will be able to get acquainted with the achievements of their foreign colleagues and use them in their work. It also helps when writing scientific works, because it will be possible to add sources in English to the list of references.
  2. Communicate freely with business partners. A specialist who is not only well versed in his field, but also speaks English becomes especially valuable. This increases personal competitiveness and promotes career growth.
  3. Meet and communicate with foreigners for personal purposes. Good acquaintances and friends around the world are a great opportunity to practice the language and to get to know new cultures. Perhaps in this way you can also find a life partner.
  4. Travel hassle-free. When buying a tour, you can go to almost any country even without knowing the language. But still there will be difficulties when buying tickets for public transport, ordering food in cafes and restaurants, searching for the desired attractions. IN independent travel knowing the language is even more important, so English opens up this opportunity too.
  5. Watch your favorite movies and TV shows in the original. This can be used both at the initial stage of the study (adding subtitles), and after mastering its basic steps. It is best to start with those films that have already been watched in Russian. Knowledge of English will allow you to hear the voices of your favorite actors and see the picture as it really is (each voice acting interprets the characters' lines in its own way).
  6. Feel more comfortable in society. Knowledge of English can come in handy at any time. Knowing him, you will not get into awkward situations.

Who is learning English today?

In the modern world, learning English begins in kindergarten. It is easier for children to assimilate information, therefore, they quickly acquire basic knowledge (alphabet, names of flowers, animals, objects). After that, the language is studied at school, but the children still do not understand why they need it and do not put enough effort into it. Learning English at school is negatively affected by:

  • features of the educational program;
  • a large number of children in groups / classes;
  • lack of motivation;
  • wrong approach of the teacher;
  • use of outdated textbooks and teaching aids.

Conscious language learning begins at university or after graduation. At this age, many understand that knowledge of a foreign language has many advantages, and this should be strived for. For students who know English, there will be a bonus in the form of good grades (English as a foreign language is studied in most specialties). After graduation, many are faced with the need to know the language for work and also begin to learn it. Everyone chooses the most convenient ways to learn the language.

How you can learn English: modern ways to learn it

The answer to the question "Why learn English?" presented above. But how can this be done so that there is a result? Students and adults who have set themselves this goal prefer:

  1. Foreign language courses. Classes in small groups with experienced teachers allow you to master not only the lexical and grammatical features of the language, but also conversational English. Working in pairs and groups promotes more active language acquisition.
  2. Tutors. Individual lessons have several advantages: the teacher focuses on only one student, mistakes and difficulties will not go unnoticed, you can adjust the program as needed, you can study at any convenient time.
  3. Self-study. Self-study guides, reading books, using modern opportunities, communicating with native speakers, reading forums and blogs.
  4. Special mobile applications. You can learn English today anywhere and anytime. To do this, you need to have a smartphone (or tablet) and Internet access. Mobile apps turn the language learning process into an interesting game in which both vocabulary and grammar are learned. Tasks depend on the level of the language (it is determined using a test). Each user of the application sees their progress, which further motivates them to continue learning the language.

Travelers, businessmen and other residents of Russia who seek to broaden their horizons make their choice in favor of learning English. Knowledge of this language will allow you to get acquainted with the culture of countries such as Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and Canada. English is an international language and is therefore always used at conferences.

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Why Do We Learn the English Language (1)

I am sure, in order to have a good job one should know foreign languages. The most widespread languages ​​in the world are Chinese, Spanish, English and some others. But every well-educated person in the world speaks English, because it is the language of communication, business, science and culture.
English is now the most important and widespread language in the world. It is the state language in five countries: Great Britain, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.
English is one of the six official and working languages ​​of the United Nations. It is the second working language in the European Community. In many Asian and African countries, such as India or Egypt, in former British colonies people speak English besides their native one. People also speak English in Europe. English is spoken practically all over the world.
Russia has relations with many countries. More and more direct contacts are established with the countries of Europe, with the United States, Great Britain, Canada and other English-speaking countries.
Taking into account the economic development in our country, hundreds of joint ventures have appeared in every city and town of Russia recently. Besides, a lot of foreign delegations come to our country. Our businessmen, tourists, experts often go abroad. As I have already mentioned just English is the language of the international communication. That is why it is very important to learn English.
Nowadays, a lot of people study foreign languages ​​in every possible way. Foreign-language study groups are organized at industrial enterprises, at the offices of big firms, at the educational establishments, at research institutes.
I think English is worth studying. There is a proverb "A new language - a new world".
There are some schools specialized in studying foreign languages ​​in Russia. Their pupils have lessons in foreign language every day. But their number is rather small. Most schools have Foreign Language only once or twice a week. It "s impossible to master any foreign language under such conditions. That" s why those who want to improve their knowledge have to take private lessons.

Why We Learn English (1)

I am sure that in order to have Good work, you need to know foreign languages. The most common languages ​​in the world are Chinese, Spanish, English and some others. But every educated person in the world speaks English, because it is the language of communication, business, science and culture.
English is now the most important and most widely spoken language in the world. It is the official language in five countries: UK, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.
English is one of the six official and working languages ​​of the United Nations. It is the second working language in the European Union. In many Asian and African countries, such as India or Egypt, in the former British colonies in addition to their native language, people also speak English. They speak English and in Europe. English is spoken almost all over the world.
Russia maintains relations with many countries. More and more direct contacts are being established with European countries, the United States, Great Britain, Canada and other English-speaking countries.
Hundreds of joint ventures have appeared in every city and town in Russia. In addition, many foreign delegations come to our country. Our businessmen, tourists, experts often travel abroad. As I have already noted, English is the language of international communication. This is why it is so important to study English.
Nowadays, foreign languages ​​are learned in different ways. Foreign language study groups are organized in enterprises, in the offices of large firms, in educational institutions, in research institutes.
I think English is worth learning. There is a proverb: “ New language- new world".
There are schools that specialize in learning foreign languages... Their students study a foreign language every day. But there are few such schools. Most schools have foreign language lessons only once or twice a week. It is impossible to improve in any foreign language under such conditions. Therefore, those who want to improve their knowledge should go to additional classes.

Learning a new language
Learning a new language is not easy. So when we want to learn the language, we should be confident and should not be shy. Therefore, we should practice language as much as we can. To learn language we should follow certain steps.

As matter as fact, students who wish to learn the language should follow certain steps. First, we should listen to the new language as much as possible. We have better listening to a native speaker that because we will learn pronunciation correctly. Also, we can use radio, audio programs and watching T.V in listening language. Moreover, we should try ad much as possible listening to the language four hours everyday.

Second, to speak a new language we should be confident. For example, we should be confident and do not fear of our mistakes when we speak. Therefore, If we shy and do not want to make a mistake, we can not speak because we are afraid to make a mistake.

Third, read in the language as much as we can. For instance, read from general books which have topics we like it. Also, read from children "s books and read from magazines.

Fourth, to learn writing we should draw our planning and think of what we want to write about. In addition to that we can learn writing by writing our daily.

To conclude, we should practice these skills as much as we can. In addition to that if we have desire we can overcome the abstracts that we face when learning language.

Essay in English - Why learn English with translation

Learning foreign languages ​​is important nowadays
I think that any educated person must learn foreign languages. But I prefer English to other foreign languages. Why? English is becoming a global language. A half of billion people in the world use English at home or work. English is the language which is known for the most part of our fine, magnificent and surprising world. English is so widespread that it has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication.

A lot of problems of the 21st century, such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, can not be solved without speaking the same language.

The English language is now the first language of about 350 million people, the native language of 12 nations and the official language of more than 33 nations. It means that one of seven people in the world speaks English.

Some people learn English because they need it in their work; others to travel aboard and for lots of people learning English is just a hobby.

I have been learning English since the age of 11. I like learning English very much. But I like and know well my native language, Russian. The great German poet Goethe once said: “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one. " I agree with him. The knowledge of English helps me to learn Russian.

Why learn English
Learning foreign languages ​​is important these days. I think cultural and modern man must learn foreign languages. But I prefer English. Why? English is becoming a global language. Half a billion people in the world use English at home or work. English is a language that is known to all of our beautiful, majestic and amazing world. English is so widespread that it has become the standard language for all types of international communication.

The problems of the 21st century, such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, cannot be solved without speaking the same language.

English is spoken by over 350 million people and is the mother tongue of 12 nations and the official language of over 33 nationalities. This means that one in seven people in the world speaks English.

Some people learn English because they need them at work, others travel a lot abroad, and for many, learning English is a hobby. I started learning the language at the age of 11. I really like him. But I also love my native Russian language. The great German poet Goethe once said: "He who does not know a foreign language does not know his own." I agree with him, everything is learned in comparison. Knowledge of English helps me to learn Russian.

Topics in English Why I Learn English will talk about the importance of learning foreign languages. After studying the topic in English Why I Learn English (Why I Learn English) you will find out why exactly English is so important to know these days. This topic will be useful for both schoolchildren and students studying English, as well as the topic Why I Learn English can be a great motivation for learning this beautiful language, as well as the culture and traditions of English-speaking countries.

----- text -----

Why I Learn English

Learning foreign languages ​​is becoming more and more important nowadays. It trains our memory and broadens our mind. I tried learning different languages, but my favorite is English. It is becoming a global language. It is widely used all over the world for business and friendly conversation.

Most of the problems of the 21st century - political, economic, ecological can`t be solved without speaking English.

English is the international language of business people, sportsmen, engineers, pilots, air traffic controllers, students and scientists. If you want to be a pilot or a stewardess you have to learn English.

Some people learn English because they travel a lot, others need it for work, and for some people, it is just a hobby.

I have been learning English since I was 8. Now it is a hobby for me, but in future, it will help me to find a good job and to meet new people from other countries. I also think that learning English helps me to understand my native language.

----- translation -----

Why am I learning English

Learning foreign languages ​​is becoming more and more popular these days. It trains your memory and broadens your horizons. I've tried learning different languages, but my favorite is English. He becomes international language... It is widely used all over the world for business and friendly conversations.

Most of the problems of the 21st century - political, economic, environmental - cannot be solved without the English language.

English is an international language for business people, athletes, engineers. pilots, air traffic controllers, students and scientists. If you want to become a pilot or flight attendant, you need to learn English.

Some people learn English because they travel a lot, others need it for work, and for some it's just a hobby.

I have been learning English since I was 8 years old. For now, it's just a hobby for me, but in the future it will help me find a good job, as well as meet people from other countries. I also find that learning English helps me understand my native language.

It is believed that now every educated person should know English. But many people do not have the time and desire to start studying it.

In this article, we'll look at 29 motivating reasons why you should know English. And it is not just words. we show real success stories of our students.

English proficiency can improve and make your life easier. different areas... How? Let's see.

English for work and professional growth

One of the main reasons for learning English is the opportunity to apply your knowledge in the workplace. Knowledge of English and the ability to use it will help you:

1. Get a better paying job.

Now, when looking for a job in almost every interesting vacancy, a requirement is indicated - English proficiency... Knowing the language, you can get a job in international a company where the salary level is higher + there are various additional options (gym, insurance, business trips).

It is very important for every professional to keep abreast of the latest trends in their field. Unfortunately, in many areas, Russian sources are much inferior to foreign ones. Today 85% of all scientific papers are published first in English. Knowing the language, you will be able to read books, articles and blogs of foreign authors that have not yet been translated into Russian, and, perhaps, will not be translated.

3. Find partners and suppliers at international exhibitions.

At international exhibitions, everyone speaks English, despite the fact that the participants come from different countries of the world. It is at such events that contracts are concluded and new partners are found.

4. Participate in international conferences and trainings.

Conferences and trainings are held in many areas: medicine, programming, law, marketing, sales, etc. Knowing the language, you can take part in them and get a lot of useful information that you use in your work.

For example, people very often come to our Easy Speak courses to learn a language for this very reason.

5. Use foreign sites.

You can find a lot of useful information on the Internet in English. New trends, current cases, research appear every day. It is very useful for professionals who are trying to apply new technologies in their work.

6. Conduct negotiations with partners on your own.

English is essential in international business, since all negotiations are conducted in it. Knowing the language, it will be easy for you to establish contacts with partners, because personal contact is always much more pleasant than communication through a third party.

7. Travel on business trips to other countries.

Of course, everyone wants to combine business with pleasure: work and at the same time be able to see different countries. When choosing between several employees, the management will make a choice in favor of an employee who is fluent in the language.

English for travel

All people love to travel! What could be better than discovering new countries? So what are the benefits of being fluent in English for travelers? Knowing the language, you will be able to:

8. Travel on your own

You do not need to overpay to travel agencies. You yourself can easily buy tickets, book a hotel and go on a trip. This is especially true when you enjoy traveling around cities rather than sitting in one place. You yourself can decide for how many days and in which city you should stay.

9. You can always settle problems with the hotel.

If you paid for a room with a sea view, and you were settled with a view of the wall of a neighboring building, you can always settle this problem with the help of your knowledge of the language. Also, knowledge of the language is useful if you need Additional services hotel or anything in your apartment is not working.

10. Do not overpay for hotels.

Now there are a lot of resources that allow you to contact a person anywhere in the world and rent an apartment from him in advance, which will, of course, be cheaper than a hotel room. Also, many people are ready to shelter travelers for free. There are also special sites for this. Registration and communication on them, of course, takes place in English.

When planning a trip, all people study reviews about hotels, cities, etc. Many of them are mainly written in English, especially about places where our compatriots do not travel much. With knowledge of the language, you will easily understand whether it is worth booking a hotel room or not.

Need to buy sunblock or juice? No problem. Knowing English, you will not stand in front of a shop window for half an hour, focusing on the pictures on the labels.

13. You can bargain.

Many sellers, especially in the markets, agree to give you a substantial discount, you just have to ask them. If you speak English, they won't have a chance to say that they don't understand you.

14. Learn about culture and traditions from local people, not guides.

Want to experience the culture of the locals? Who else but they can tell you where to go and what to see in order to better understand their traditions and values? You just have to ask.

15. Visit museums on your own.

Walking around the city and stumbling upon an interesting museum, you can buy a ticket yourself without overpaying for a Russian-speaking guide. Moreover, not all museums have them. After all, usually all excursions in museums are conducted in English.

16. Navigate the terrain.

You will not be afraid to get lost while going for a walk. Knowing the language, you can always ask for directions or read the signs.

17. Rent a car and not be fooled.

18. Make friends in different countries.

Speaking fluent English, you will meet and communicate with many interesting people... It is much more interesting to talk with your new acquaintances, and not to explain with gestures.

19. Opportunity to receive discounts and gifts.

By being friendly with the hotel staff, you always have a chance to get a discount or a gift. Naturally, in almost every country, the staff of hotels, restaurants and entertainment establishments speaks English.

English for life

But what if you don’t need English at work or traveling yet? In this case, you can get the following benefits in your daily life! Knowing English, you will be able to:

20. Get an international education

Many foreign universities gladly accept people from other countries to study. Moreover, there are both paid and free educational institutions. Knowing the language, you can enter and receive a quality education that will be appreciated both in Russia and abroad.

21. Go to live abroad

There are people who really want to live in warm countries, but due to their ignorance of English, they just can't do it. By learning the language, you can make your dream come true!

22. Find your love.

Many girls dream of meeting a foreigner and leaving to live abroad. With knowledge of English, this is much easier to do. Usually, in these cases, they use foreign dating sites where you can find your soul mate.

23. Watch original films and understand humor.

You may not always come across a successful translation. There is only one way to avoid the liberties of translators - to watch films and TV series in the original.

24. No need to wait for an episode of your favorite TV series / movie to be translated.

Sometimes a considerable amount of time passes between the release of a TV series / film in the English version and its translation into Russian. Why wait if you can watch it in the original?

25. Sing your favorite songs and understand what you are singing.

Understanding the meaning of the songs is very valuable for people who adore English songs and have English-speaking idols.

26. Play games and use applications in English.

Have you ever had a situation when you downloaded a game / application and was disappointed to delete it just because it was not possible to switch to Russian? Knowing English, you will be able to use any applications that you like.

27. Watch the news of the English-speaking countries.

If you are interested in politics and events that occur in the world, you will receive information from primary sources.

28. Use programs in English.

Many professional programs do not speak Russian. For example, some video / audio editing software is entirely in English. Knowing the language, you will be able to use the program immediately after installation.

29. Buy goods in foreign online stores

You can buy some products in Russia, and some products only abroad. Also, many goods abroad are cheaper. Knowing the language, you can order them with delivery.

Finally, I want to give you a few facts:

  • English is the native language of 500 million people in 12 countries around the world.
  • There are approximately 1.5 billion English speakers in the world today.
  • According to researchers, one in five people can speak English, different levels possession.

I hope this article will be a great motivation for you to start learning English.