How to develop femininity in yourself an intelligent woman. Development of femininity. Where to start or how to be feminine? What is femininity

How to find the man of your dreams and find love? How to preserve beauty and youth, develop femininity in yourself? How to become loved and happy? Perhaps these are the main issues of concern to a woman of any age and social status. And I am no exception. For answers to these and other questions, I went to the seminar of a psychologist, Vedic astrologer Konstantin Andreev, who visited our city. The seminar entitled "Secrets of Relationships" lasted four days and brought a lot of useful information.

Woman's nature - how to be happy

The relationship between a man and a woman is based on the main principle: "we are different." Accordingly, the nature of a woman and a man is different, actions are different, requirements and demand are also different. The purpose of a man is to be the patron and protector of his woman, while ensuring the external well-being of the family. The purpose of a woman is to be loyal to her man, inspire him to act and provide an intra-family psychological atmosphere. An imbalance or violation of these important aspects leads to the collapse of all beginning and continuing relationships between Yin and Yang.

For two centuries now, the role of women in society does not correspond to her divine nature. Based on the request of the State Construction Committee, the beautiful half of humanity is regarded as a working unit. A powerful woman in a quilted jacket with a tie in her hand is a symbol of the century. She knows how to work and can, but this is not her true purpose, it's like driving a sports car off-road. So a woman will quickly fail, completely immersed in work. But by nature, a woman is the personification of beauty and harmony, both external and internal. If she is not, it will not be possible to build a normal relationship with a man.

How to develop femininity in yourself

A woman is a source of lunar energy, the energy of beauty and femininity. Throughout her life, she accumulates this energy in herself, like a battery, so that later, in a difficult moment for the family, she can give her charge to those closest to her and support them morally. The life of a modern woman is arranged in such a way that it is not always possible to accumulate lunar energy. But, if you approach this issue consciously, then you can achieve good results.


Vanity is the first enemy of a woman, when she takes on more than necessary, tries to do a lot of things in a short time, but she fails. Worrying about this is causing even more fuss. We must stop. Yoga practice can help calm the mind and eliminate fussing in the head. An overabundance of communication outside and excessive social activity also interferes with the accumulation of the energy of the moon. A woman should communicate only with those who are pleasant to her, who love her, be in a comfort zone and avoid difficulties, and not overcome them. Overcoming difficulties is a man's task. Excessive communication takes up a lot of energy, there is no time to be alone with yourself. Excessive social activity is not characteristic of a woman. She can only participate in activities when they do not take up the time and energy allocated to the family.

The work is not headlong

Also, a woman should not go headlong into work. It is necessary to work, but only if this work is to your liking, if it is not for men, if you go to it with a desire and for the purpose of communication, and not making money. Work should be loved, if unloved, it means that it is masculine, it moves away from femininity, since it interferes with the accumulation of positive emotions.

A woman generally lives with feelings, and if somewhere she felt bad, then there was a leak of lunar energy. In this case, you need to go to your man and give up negative emotions, throw them out on the man, and not on your friends, children, neighbors, etc. Tantrums are also a part of feminine nature, if a woman does not suit her husband with tantrums (dosed, of course), then she does not trust him. A man should not understand a woman (“we are different”), he should love her, endure and accept all emotions, since masculine nature is, first of all, asceticism.

We love ourselves and are engaged in creativity

The accumulation of lunar energy is prevented by wearing men's clothes, men's haircuts, the hairstyle should be neat, the lack of jewelry or inability to use them, the lack of caring for your body. A woman should love herself and be a little selfish, allocate at least half an hour a day for taking a bath, applying a mask. Lack of hobbies and creativity also get in the way of being feminine. Growing flowers, visiting the pool, sauna, fitness club, embroidery, reading books, going to exhibitions or theaters, writing poetry, drawing, even if you do not know how to do it at all, all these processes very powerfully charge lunar energy.

The feminine principle is a creative principle, it is not bad if a woman learns to juggle, play the guitar, enroll in a choir circle, even without hearing and voice. Lack of women's affairs and personal time for women's nonsense, as well as lack of girlfriends, take away the best energy from a woman. A woman simply has to chat for hours on the phone with her friends, plant flowers, share new recipes, decorate the house with different gizmos, correspond with her friends online, exchange photos, discuss outfits, go to the store to shop, try on, hem, wash, starch, etc. etc. This "nonsense" makes a woman very happy. The wife and mother are happy - the whole family is happy.

We delegate rights

An attempt to lead, participating in a conflict with a man, performing male duties, such as moving furniture, tightening screws, obtaining loans, mortgages, lowers the female energy to the male level. Undoubtedly, a woman will succeed, but she will not be happy from this, her task is to delegate, to inspire a man to these actions. Competition, desire for independence, independence, constant control, pride "I myself", attachment to the results - all this is the lot of a man, and a woman does not need to participate in this. Just as it is not necessary to engage in men's sports and relax "like a man", for example, to get drunk with beer at the end of a working day. Hunting and fishing are also male types of recreation that they just need to recharge their batteries. A mechanical life, without a soul, on autopilot is depleted. Also, the wrong experience of emotions, such as anger, resentment, condemnation, foul language, constant complaints, lack of adequate sleep and even sleep paraphernalia is a very powerful obstacle to gaining femininity.

My home is my castle

It is very important for a woman to have order in her house. Her home is her subtle body. Even the smallest malfunctions in the home, such as the handle at the door fell off, the tap leaked, the wallpaper came off, for a woman it is a disaster, and can cause a storm of negative emotions. Men are arranged differently: often, until the ceiling collapses and all the taps are not ripped off, no repairs are needed. Therefore, according to the law of conservation of feminine energy - you need to fix it right away. If a man cannot for any reason, then he needs to call a specialist and, for a certain fee, "fix" the woman's thin body.

It's also important to clean up your closet at least once a month. This also contributes to the accumulation of lunar energy. The Vedic astrologer advises to divide all things into four boxes: 1) seasonal clothing, which is worn according to the seasons, is removed and taken out when necessary; 2) "give"; 3) "throw it out"; 4) “I don’t know yet”, this category of things, which is always in doubt. It is necessary to trace, if the things from this box have not been put on for a year, then they need to either be given away or thrown away. If a woman tries to follow these simple rules, she will be happy even without the help of a man, whom she will subsequently endow with the radiance of femininity and charm.

The relationship between a man and a woman - stages of development

For a relationship between a man and a woman to be strong, they must go through certain stages that are directly related to the seven chakras in the human body. Most couples now go through only three of these stages. Energy rises through the body from the lower chakra, located in the coccyx to the upper (crown).

Stage One - Sexual Attraction

The first stage of a relationship, associated with the first chakra, is sex drive. A man, seeing a beautiful, slender woman radiating lunar energy, experiences the sexual desire inherent in every nature. If there is no sexual desire, a woman should work on her body: sign up for a gym, dance, massage, a beauty salon, a hairdresser and do only the pleasant things listed above that will help strengthen the energy of the moon.

The second stage is candy-bouquet (revealing the creative principle of a man)

When the woman's body is ready, then the man's energy begins to rise to the second center, which is responsible for creativity. At this stage, a man is looking for ways to take possession of this body. A woman should not give up immediately, but play different emotional states in order to get what she wants from a man. The woman's behavior at this stage determines her "value" in his eyes. Fantasy in men is usually scarce, and it is the woman who contributes to its development. Bouquets, serenades, poems and other surprises give her the opportunity to believe or not believe him. Faith in your man is the basis of the family, if there was no beautiful courtship, the wife will not trust her husband. The decision of a man will depend on her self-esteem, whether it is worth seeking her heart, or not. Some men have been striving for women for years, like the hero of the movie "The Great Gatsby": thanks to his beloved, he revealed his potential, became rich and famous.

The third stage is the joy of family life

When the "fortress" is taken and the lovers have reached agreement, the energy rises to the third center, which is responsible for joy and generosity. At this stage, a social unit is created, a marriage is concluded, he and she give each other joy, they have a common life, sex, power and control.

Stage four - strong relationships

If the lower centers are built correctly, the energy rises to the fourth center, which is responsible for love, a harmonious relationship that is practically indestructible. On the rise of energy, it is very important not to drown out, but to experience all negative emotions. It is through the experience that the blocks in the body are removed and the energy circulates easily.

Stage Five - Community of Purpose

Only in a small number of couples the energy rises to the fifth center, when the family has common goals, the desire to bring something new into this world for the benefit of society. They are usually wives of great people, scientists, poets, composers, inventors who live by one supreme goal.

The sixth step is to make other people happy.

There are rare couples who have managed to rise to the sixth center, the center of awareness, living in joint service to people. For example, helping patients in a hospital, renouncing material pleasures. By making each other happy, these couples make thousands of other people happy.

Seventh stage - absolute

The seventh type of marriage, evangelical marriage, is an absolute level of trust and harmony. If the couple did not go through at least one stage correctly, then the whole body fails. Even if people have been married for many years, it is never too late to return to the desired stage and complete the process. But for this, a woman should always be beautiful, slim, energetic, in order to inspire a man to be creative with her body and make him strong.


If some women are naturally so, even in an old shirt they can look attractive, then some cannot look feminine even in the most exclusive clothes.
No wonder they say that the most of the world? these are French, Russian and Japanese. What image of a Russian woman do foreigners paint? This is a person, and always in heels, in a short skirt and with a bewitching look.

Clothing? the easiest way to decorate yourself, although it would be more correct to say that we decorate clothes, not us. Heels and skirts will always help to create the image of a real lady, especially if we follow our figure.

Don't try to go on useless diets. Go in for sports so that you are not just thin, but, albeit plump, with toned muscles. It is the heels that help our buttocks and calves to be toned.

The next moment? these are cosmetics, accessories, etc. Now there are many fashion magazines such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Cleo, Elle, Lisa, Caravan of stories.
In such magazines, you will not only be introduced to new trends, but also with makeup techniques, recipes and different aspects of a woman's family and sexual life.

To be a real woman, it is not enough to have the appropriate gender. This is an art, mastering which requires considerable effort and knowledge. Many of them are given to a woman from birth, but some should be independently found and developed in oneself.


Outgoing inner warmth, softness and - these are qualities that differ from, which, in turn, are aspiring, sharp and focused. A woman who has the warmth of a mother will always be attractive. In order to develop these qualities in yourself, you need to learn to accept everything as it is and with your pride, criticism and categoricalness.

Learn to give thanks. Only that woman who thanks her man for everything he does for her will receive love and generous attention from him. Your loved one bought the wrong products from the store that you wrote to him on the list, you are clearly annoyed, but you need to suppress this negative energy in yourself. A real woman next time will not load her spouse with a detailed list of products, and then check what she has bought with him, but she will say: "Dear, buy everything at your discretion." She will give freedom, and he will gladly use it and bring from the store what you love the most.

Smile. A woman's smile works wonders, and this has been known for a long time. One has only to remember the mysterious Mona Lisa, and you will understand what it is about. The secret is that your smile must come from within, from your heart, and then your whole being will be imbued with a feminine charm that will captivate men's hearts. And in this case, it does not matter if you are a beauty or not, it will be impossible to take your eyes off you.

Love yourself, admire yourself. Without comparing yourself to anyone, admit that you are attractive, beautiful, interesting, that you are full of charm and charm. Most importantly, accept yourself for who you are. Understand that you are unique, and this is your strength.

Vigor and strong character are new qualities of a woman born in the 20th century, and therefore, you should also have them. Your hobbies, goals, dreams, aspirations - all this should be with you, albeit somewhat on the periphery. Do not forget that the core of your essence should be soft and motherly. The ability to flexibly combine strength and softness is characteristic of precisely those women from whom you need to take an example.

Don't forget about your appearance. The external is a reflection of the internal state, therefore, show all your femininity in your face, figure, outfits, grooming and facial expressions. Take care of yourself, while not losing your naturalness, just emphasize and preserve what nature has given you.

Self-realization in creativity and spiritual practices will reveal true femininity in you. Sign up for dance and yoga for women, paint, and try to paint your nature. Thanks to these courses, you will discover in yourself that new and unknown, but close and understandable to you, which attracts men so much and makes their hearts beat faster.


  • Individual psychology. How to learn to be a woman. in 2018

Tip 3: Femininity as a lifestyle: how to achieve it

The ability to present yourself is a cumulative science that includes the art of dressing, communicating and easily getting out of conflict situations. Femininity is mastering it all perfectly.

Personal care

Thin hands and the seductive curve of the neck can only provide appropriate genetics. But how a woman will present herself is already a question of a personal approach and depends only on the quality and quantity of her efforts. A beautiful, well-groomed lady always arouses the admiration and interest of men, and, which is also important, deep respect and a sense of solidary admiration among the fair sex.

Fragrance - veil

Classic men's attributes - a stylish watch, a respectable car - are usually associated with the social status of this gentleman. A woman can be fully characterized by her smell. Fragrances can be expensive, status and everyday, but they must be properly selected.

The older a woman is, the more intense and “complex” a perfume can be. A young starlet will make a more harmonious impression by wearing a sweet fruity or light floral scent.

Jane the soldier

Purely "" character can be expressed in inconstancy, excessive sensitivity, sometimes there may be a desire to "cheer". With this, if possible, you can and should fight. Psychologists say that men do not like overly capricious, fickle ladies who do not understand well what they want.

Femininity does not at all mean stupidity or excessive pretentiousness. Feminine qualities should not be in abundance either. On the contrary: the most admiration of the opposite sex is caused by young ladies who easily agree to spend the night in a tent, who are not on too strict diets and are able to spend at least one weekend without their favorite night cream.

One has only to remember the stars and their hobbies: Angelina Jolie is flying a helicopter, Cameron Diaz is an avid surfer, and the beautiful Eva Longoria never misses an opportunity to play beach volleyball! But their femininity and charm can only be envied!

The fashion for female beauty is constantly changing: fit Spartans, languid modern odalisques, princesses of the Belle Epoque, Russian beauty, Twiggy, athletes and heroin chic, curvaceous, temperamental Latin American women. But femininity is always relevant. So let's talk about how to become more feminine in an era when courage, strength and male performance are required from a woman.

Appearance and image

No matter what they say, femininity through the eyes of men begins with appearance. And even if you have a masculine (or boyish) figure, you may well become a beautiful lady. Let's not stoop to platitudes like wearing skirts or long braids and heels, as you like.

But you can check, it is the skirt and heel that makes the gait smooth and gentle. In addition, a graceful gait can be developed in the following ways:

  • Strengthening the back... This is the foundation of posture and grace. To make it stronger and smoother, we become back to the wall, slightly spread the lower limbs and lower the upper ones. Make sure that the back of your head, shoulders, ankles and calves are pressed against the wall. We pull the lower back to the wall as close as possible. We stretch the neck, pick up the stomach, raise the shoulders. We stand this way longer.
  • We adopt the experience of noble girls. Yes, we go with a book on our head, we tie a board to our back. We experiment with these items in different shoes and try to keep an eye on our back constantly.

Voice and behavior

In communication, we try to be gentle and affectionate. We are not ashamed to show our vulnerability and weakness. This is normal and even necessary for a woman.

Be sure to chat with your friends and have a bachelorette party. This is not only a pleasure, but also a hint on how to develop femininity in yourself: take a closer look at different types of beauty and behavior, do not hesitate to adopt something suitable for you from your girlfriends.

Follow the figure

No, you don't need a diet! You need products containing female hormones (soy, lentils, chickpeas and just peas, beans, flax, cabbage, dairy products), as well as stimulators of endorphin production. Yes, chocolate too! And with nuts!

But what about the physical form? How to develop femininity in yourself, coming to a fitness club, will be prompted by teachers of yoga (perfectly normalizes hormonal levels and eliminates male harshness in behavior), oriental dance and strip plastics (one solid female hormone plus the grace of a cat), tango (interaction of female and masculine energies plus the transformation of the figure into an hourglass: so many bends cannot but change the waist for the better).

Meditation, practice

They are also quite suitable. Here are some exercises and video meditations that can be used from three weeks to 40 days:

A few tips

To awaken a woman in yourself, you can do the following tasks:

  1. Find negative attitudes towards women... If the father was dismissive of his mother, or the whole family was expecting a boy, then you have them. What to do with them? Remember all the negative beliefs ("What to take with her! A woman is a woman!", "All women are fools," etc.) and write them down in a notebook. Now make up affirmations that are opposite in meaning to the statements of your father, grandfather, or older brother. You can repeat them to yourself, you can record and listen with headphones.
  2. Pleasant things. Take care of yourself like a delicate flower and enjoy it. Masks, massages, oil baths, spa treatments and more. This not only makes you more beautiful and more self-confident, but also develops incredible sensuality. When doing masks and massages, be sure to say something nice to your body, hands or hair. When using a body oil or cream after the bath, thank each part of your body as you rub it.

Be creative

Femininity = creation. What do you prefer? Music, plant growing, painting, handmade, knitting or embroidery? The main thing here is pleasure from the process itself. You can knit a thing and dissolve it, remaking it and bringing it to perfection.

By the way, the softness and plasticity of the hands of oriental women is not only a gift of nature, but also the result of their needlework: it perfectly develops fine motor skills, and touching the tissues awakens sensuality and tenderness. As well as making homemade soaps and perfumes, by the way. If your heart is in it, please yourself with home cosmetics.

Household chores

Even making dinner can be a creative process. Take good care of your husband and children, create comfort at home, use room fragrances. It's good if these are natural aromatic oils, moreover, for women: ylang-ylang, jasmine, rose.


Again, there is nothing wrong with this female occupation. Still, a woman is a gatherer and shopping only awakens an ancient and very feminine instinct. We get together with our friends and go to pleasant shops.

Spin in front of the mirrors and admire how beautiful you are. It pleases even if there is no money. No way to buy those fancy shoes? Go to a cosmetic store and get samples of new masks and lipsticks, it's cheaper and your instinct will be satisfied. Then go to the cafe for a delicious coffee and sweets.

And a bit more

Don't talk about yourself in a masculine way: I'm tired, I'm angry, etc. don't be afraid to show yourself as a woman. You may have had a serious trauma in your youth, after which you decided to “no longer be a girl”: harassment, rape, humiliation, or unhappy love.

Remember and work on this thing: no matter how scary it is, it shouldn't stop you from showing yourself as a woman. Do not be afraid of what is truly beautiful about you.

Being born a girl does not mean to fully embody the idea of ​​femininity. There are no strict rules on this, but we all intuitively feel and are drawn to those people who correspond to the ideas of the ideal representative of our gender. Therefore, girls are taught from childhood to be kind, calm and sophisticated - in a word, feminine. They are dressed up in dresses with pink frills and presented with cute baby dolls to pre-set for the upcoming role of wife and mother.

But the scope of true femininity is much broader than the list of such formal attributes. And in the modern world, they also have to fit into the realities of life that do not contribute to softness of character. So this is a paradox: young or even quite mature women suddenly realize that among all the wonderful qualities in their character and behavior, it is femininity that is lacking! And they begin to look for and use any ways to develop femininity in themselves.

What is femininity, or what kind of women do men like
Femininity is not given "as a load" to the set of chromosomes as a mandatory gender attribute, it is not a gender and not a character trait. Femininity can be learned in childhood from a mother, or later you can independently cultivate this quality in yourself. And, despite the widespread and popularity of this concept itself, many interpret it in different ways. For some people, femininity is the ability to do bright makeup and walk in heels, for others it is the ability to create coziness in the house and deliciously feed guests with homemade pies. Between these two extremes, there are still many intermediate options and combinations of features that can be called feminine to one degree or another. To some extent, this concept can be called philosophical - its boundaries are so blurred and variable. And if so, theorists were able to identify such areas of understanding of the idea of ​​femininity:

  • Biologically speaking, femininity is a set of qualities inherent in a female representative. These are physiological and psycho-emotional characteristics that have formed in the process of evolution and make it possible to distinguish between representatives of different sexes. Includes primary and secondary sexual characteristics, predominantly anatomical and equally common to all women in the world. However, they are not enough to fully define the role of women in society, her image in culture and express the concept of femininity.
  • Culturally, femininity are social stereotypes that describe attitudes towards women in different cultures. For example, in Antiquity, in the Middle Ages and in the modern world, these stereotypes are very different, so each of these concepts separately cannot be determinative. In the countries of the West and the East, in different religions, femininity is interpreted in its own way, special features are attributed to it and different symbolism corresponds. All this makes it impossible to come to a single and general definition of femininity, which would be inherent in all women in the world.
Only one thing is obvious and indisputable: femininity is the opposite of masculinity, that is, aggressiveness, firmness and rigidity (up to cruelty). This view is especially relevant right now, when girls from their youth take on many of the responsibilities that belong to the male role in society. Modern young ladies try to be decisive, strong (morally and physically), courageous and responsible. All this is required of them by the objective conditions of life, and all this greatly removes their behavior, worldview and appearance from the classical understanding of femininity. The situation is aggravated by the fashion for a specific male appearance and demeanor, softening of masculinity, rejection of brutality, etc. There are fewer and fewer differences between femininity and masculinity ...

"A boy in a girl" or how a man's behavior spoils a woman
Girls from childhood do not lag behind boys: they watch cartoons on comics, know all superheroes and pass the standards in physical education classes with excellent marks. At the blackboard and in exams, they try to answer as well, and often learn even better than their fellow classmates. Girls become the best specialists in their field, build their careers, win competitions, train muscles in gyms ... And then they are surprised and outraged that men do not wear them in their arms and generally have "forgotten" how to behave like men. It is so interconnected and so deeply rooted in our way of life that it is difficult to find the cause and effect of this exchange of roles. But in any case, it is impossible to become feminine as long as there are traits in character and behavior that contradict femininity and interfere with its manifestation:

  1. Social activity. Most girls today expend energy on achieving goals that lie outside their inner world and even at home. As a result, they do not have free energy left that could be directed into the channel of self-improvement in understanding people, realizing their own feelings, creating a comfortable atmosphere, culinary arts and other traditionally "female" practices. But in social activities, politics, self-affirmation, women strive to surpass men, which fundamentally violates the rules of both female and male nature.
  2. Work and socializing outside the home. They take up time and energy, and interfere with household chores. Especially if a woman holds a leadership position, and men are subordinate to her. Another undesirable option is work, to which the soul does not lie, but you have to do it for the sake of a good salary. As far as communication is concerned, femininity is lost when forces are directed primarily toward pleasing strangers, strangers. Those who see a girl on the street, in a work team, on social networks, instead of focusing on meeting the needs of one beloved man. A vivid illustration of this situation: the attitude of oriental women to their beauty. They hide her from others, revealing only to her husband. In Western society, women do exactly the opposite.
  3. Short hair- it is comfortable, stylish, practical ... But not feminine! A girl even with the most fashionable and suitable, but short haircut is subconsciously perceived as “her boyfriend”, cheerful, funny, sometimes sophisticated, but not feminine and not gentle. Most men admit that they like long-haired women. Although, by and large, femininity is violated not by the short length of the hair, but by the very approach to the hairstyle. Most short-haired ladies have many masculine traits and choose hairstyles based on convenience, ease of care, styling speed, etc. Whereas a true woman should not be lazy to take care of her appearance.
  4. Pants, shirts, lack of jewelry and makeup. A man's suit looks attractive as long as the woman plays a certain role, whether it is in the office or in the bedroom. But as soon as there are more pants in her wardrobe than dresses, the game ceases to be fun. A woman's clothes are a reflection of her inner world, mood, attitude towards herself and the outside world. Trousers, laconic shirts, a minimum of decor give out the desire for convenience, speed, decisiveness - that is, masculinity. Flowing hemlines, slightly constraining movements and outlining the curves of the body, heels, thin stockings, stylish jewelry and neat makeup emphasize and embody femininity in its appearance.
  5. Emotional stiffness. Closure, unwillingness to communicate or show your true mood block femininity. A woman is inherently emotional, and her feelings span a much wider range than the vast majority of men. Femininity is emotionality, while masculinity is rationality, and they should not change places. In addition, a woman should be able to show her true feelings, not to restrain them in herself. Tantrums, nervous breakdowns are the result of just such inability. You need to report your feelings to a man, and share your feelings with your friends. Communication in a female team is simply necessary for the disclosure and maintenance of feminine vibrations.
  6. Male duties instead of female ones. It can be professional activity, hard housework, and repairs. The main thing is that these are things that are not intended for women and require physical strength and dexterity. Modern women often have to deal with budgeting, paying off loans, tightening screws, screwing in light bulbs, and wallpapering. The more such activities are performed, the less space and time remains for femininity.
  7. Conflict and competition. Entering into confrontation, especially with men, a woman becomes coarser and stronger, loses her femininity. The same happens when trying to lead: a team, events, circumstances ... The nature of a woman is softer and more pliable, she should not move forward, but go around and find her own ways. Direct competition is for men. As well as the need to prove your superiority. Femininity is conducive to self-love and healthy egoism, that is, lack of competition with others.
  8. Pride and independence, which are manifested in the independence of a woman. A feminine girl gratefully accepts the help of a man, and not a feminine one says: "Don't, I myself!" She shows strength and controls the situation, not wanting to let her out of her hands and trust the man. She persistently achieves her goals, but loses her femininity. Pride in this case is the unwillingness to “humiliate” by asking for help and the confidence that she herself will perform the task better than someone else.
  9. Men's sports. Barbells, dumbbells, heavy equipment develop strength and endurance, but suppress femininity. Aerobics, shaping, and cycling also don't work as well as yoga, dancing, flexibility and breathing exercises. A muscular, pumped-up female body is all the rage right now, but it destroys the true concept of femininity. In ancient times, it was believed that visible, external muscles - an attribute of courage, and internal, hidden - femininity.
  10. Overwork. The fuss, lack of relaxation and proper sleep interferes with the manifestations of femininity. If a woman does not feel satisfied, rested, then as a result she even involuntarily makes the mistakes described in the previous nine paragraphs. On the contrary: a woman who is in the sphere of her comfort (physical and moral) manifests femininity without effort, as it is inherent in her by nature.
Understanding these mistakes, "crimes against femininity" reveals another truth: femininity goes hand in hand with masculinity. They accompany, support, show each other. But they should not be mixed and confused - because it is then that the problems of self-identification, behavior and the harmonious development of femininity begin.

Development of femininity: rules and secrets
For the manifestation of femininity, a contrast of masculinity is necessary, but for the development of femininity in oneself, a man is not at all necessary. On the contrary: a real man will appear in your life, attracted by the aura of femininity that you surround yourself with. True femininity starts from the inside, and outwardly it manifests itself when you start following these steps:

  1. Wardrobe. In short, take off your pants and put on a skirt. Of course, we are not suggesting that you throw away high-quality trousers with a perfect fit, but we strongly recommend buying at least a couple of dresses. Ideally, you should have more than pants, or at least not less. This wardrobe replenishment will surely encourage you to wear high-heeled shoes, to wear feminine blouses and accessories more often.
  2. Face and body. Wear makeup that won't be a war paint or disguise, but will only highlight the best features of your face. Treat your skin to your heels to keep it smooth and soft. Enjoy both the process and the result of cosmetic procedures.
  3. Attitude to work. The ideal job for a woman brings not only money, but also the joy of self-realization. She does not exhaust physically and mentally and is crowned with a useful result. Good example: educator, teacher, nurse, cook. If you are not ready to change your office chair to a cafe-confectionery, then at least try not to conflict with colleagues and treat your subordinates more gently.
  4. Household and the attitude towards him shows how much a woman is oriented towards traditional and family values. Make sure that you feel comfortable for both households and guests. Make cleaning and cooking less of a chore, but a creative pleasure. Find your favorite recipes, detergent scents and don't take it as a burden of life. Be glad that you have a home and those who share it with you.
  5. Communication. Even if you are accustomed to being friends with boys since childhood, make friends. Communication with "your own kind" is necessary for the exchange of feminine energy. Plus, it's an opportunity to discuss things that a man won't understand or that might impair his masculinity. It is advisable that at the same time your social circle consisted not of militant feminists, but of adequate and intelligent like-minded women. And do not discuss men's shortcomings at bachelorette parties - instead, share other, positive experiences.
  6. Physical activity should aim to make your body soft but not loose, flexible but not skinny, firm but not dry. You can stay feminine in the gym too, if this type of exercise really suits you. Because the main thing is to play sports with pleasure, and not through force. Each workout should give you a boost of vivacity, and not force you to fight with your body and mood.
  7. Leisure- the most important time in order to feel, realize and realize your femininity. It is best if you devote your free time to a hobby. It doesn't matter what kind of activity it is, but it should be loved. Drawing, dancing, embroidery, gardening or baking cupcakes are all your creativity to help you open up. The complete absence of creativity in life threatens with degradation, what kind of femininity is there!
  8. Love for life in all its manifestations- that's what real femininity is. A woman should put love in everything she does, then love will fill her again. The automatic, insensitive performance of duties is strictly forbidden to anyone who wants to develop femininity in themselves.
To become feminine, you need to do it all by your rules of life. Your minimum program: to achieve compliance with the external attributes of femininity, that is, dress femininely, hold yourself, communicate and spend time. The maximum program is to learn how to have fun and sincerely rejoice in the fact that you were born a woman and can (and should!) Embody femininity by your own example. Start with small steps, and gradually you will notice changes not only in yourself, but also in the attitude of others towards you. It will be changed not only by men but also by women. And with representatives of both sexes you will be comfortable, because femininity is a special kind of strength, tranquility and beauty.