Vitamin A and E for tanning. Vitamins and their effect on the skin and sunburn. UV Protection

The optimal vitamin and mineral balance maintains the health of the body, helps to strengthen the defenses. And individual elements are able to enhance or weaken the effect of ultraviolet rays on human skin.

An attractive and even tan is achieved not only with the help of external application, but also when the epidermis is nourished from the internal resources of the body. To properly sunbathe, it is necessary to enrich the body with vitamins. This can be done by eating certain foods, and taking dietary supplements with a special composition.

In this article, you will learn which vitamins are best to take for a tan so that it is beautiful and even.

The role of coloring the skin and hair is assigned in the body to a special pigment - melanin. The color of the skin and the degree of protection from the aggressive influence of ultraviolet radiation depend on its quantity. You can balance the level of melanin with the help of vitamin and mineral complexes.

The necessary vitamins to enhance and improve tanning can give the skin a safe beautiful shade without negative changes for the epidermis!

The benefits of vitamins for skin tanning:

  • activation of melanin production in the lower layer of the skin;
  • protection of the epidermis from the negative effects of the sun;
  • risk reduction ;
  • increase immunity and general tone.

Before using vitamins, you should consult your doctor!

Despite the fact that many dream of a bronze tan, not everyone is allowed to. Increased production of melanin and the use of vitamins that promote this process can be harmful.

  • excess melanin in the body (congenital or acquired melanosis);
  • vitamin intoxication (hypervitaminosis);
  • epidermal allergy to the sun;
  • individual reaction of the immune system (hypersensitivity);
  • allergic reactions to food.

The excessive use of vitamins can provoke a functional failure in the body!

Instead of the desired result, there is a risk of acquiring various diseases!

What elements does the body need for a healthy tan?

And what vitamins are needed for high-quality skin tanning? To ensure a beautiful tan without compromising skin health will help: vitamins: A, E, C, D, group B, omega-3 acid, amino acids: tryptophan, tyrosine, trace elements: iron, zinc, selenium.

Below you will see a description of vitamins and elements for a better, faster, even and beautiful tan:

Vitamin A or ritinol (fat soluble)

Beneficial features: accelerates the synthesis of melanin, preserves the health and youth of the skin, strengthens bones, hair and nail plates, activates rhodopsin ( visual pigment), protects against infections, activates the synthesis of collagen (protein connective tissue), fights atherosclerosis, prevents the growth and development of cancer cells, participates in the synthesis of hormones.

Vitamins with beta-carotene are especially effective for sunburn.

Deficiency symptoms: premature aging of the epidermal cover, weakening of the functions of the urinary system, blurred vision, erectile dysfunction, dandruff,.

natural food source: carrots, broccoli, fish oil, cod liver, sweet pepper, beef liver, watermelon, melon, spinach, sea buckthorn.

Vitamin D or ergocalciferol (fat soluble)

Beneficial features: responsible for the level of calcium and its weldability, supports the skeletal system, promotes skin regeneration, helps calcium absorption.

Deficiency symptoms: rickets, osteoporosis, insomnia.

natural food source: eggs (yolk), fatty fish, butter, milk, cottage cheese.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid (water soluble)

Beneficial features: promotes fast, lowers cholesterol, is responsible for the body's immune forces, cleanses.

Deficiency symptoms: dry skin, baldness, susceptibility to colds and viruses, tooth loss, obesity, varicose veins and thrombosis, fatigue.

natural food source: cabbage, lemon, rose hips, orange, blackcurrant, sea buckthorn, sweet pepper.

Vitamin E or tocopherol (fat soluble)

Beneficial features: effective for tanning, restores the skin, takes part in the production of hormones, protects epidermal cells from destruction, improves immunity and tones muscles.

Deficiency symptoms: dystrophy, slow healing of skin lesions, erectile dysfunction.

natural food source: eggs, seafood, vegetable oil (any), legumes, buckwheat.

B-group vitamins

Beneficial features: responsible for health nervous system, psychological state, mental activity and protein synthesis, maintain the health of the skin, hair, bones.

Deficiency symptoms: general weakness, depression, bone fragility, imbalance of the nervous system.

natural food source: seafood, bananas, liver (any), milk, eggs, fresh herbs, bran and cereals.


Beneficial features: saturates cells with oxygen, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, relieves nervous tension.

Deficiency symptoms: anemia, weakness, violation of the formation of red blood cells, slowing down growth and development.

natural food source: buckwheat, lentils, apples, nuts (cashews and pine nuts), corn, peas, lean meat.


Beneficial features: helps to restore damaged skin, takes part in the synthesis of hormones, protects hair and nails, strengthens the skeletal system, strengthens the immune system and potency in men.

Deficiency symptoms: unhealthy appearance of the skin, fatigue, hair loss, reproductive dysfunction, hormonal disruptions, impotence.

natural food source: seaweed and seafood, nuts (especially walnuts), honey, meat, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver.


Beneficial features: fights against oncological neoplasms, prevents premature wear of the body.

Deficiency symptoms: pain in the skeletal system and muscles, weakness.

natural food source: nuts (any), liver, corn, lentils, broccoli, crayfish, crabs, seafood.

Tryptophan (amino acid)

Beneficial features: normalizes sleep, promotes the production of melanin, protects against ultraviolet rays, promotes weight loss.

Deficiency symptoms: increased nervousness(sometimes aggressiveness), sunburn.

natural food source: tomato juice, cabbage (white, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli), bananas, dates, parsley.

Tyrosine (amino acid)

Beneficial features: accelerates the synthesis of melanin, relieves stress, protects the skin from the aggressive effects of sunlight.

Deficiency symptoms: nervous excitability, unreasonable anxiety.

natural food source: cheese, meat, legumes, peanuts, eggs.

Omega 3 acid

Beneficial features: increases immunity, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, rejuvenates the skin and hair, stabilizes the hormonal background.

Deficiency symptoms: premature aging, psychological imbalance.

natural food source: pumpkin, vegetable oils, avocado, seafood, fish oil, cheese, eggs.

Cocktails for sunbathing

An alternative to raw vegetables and fruits are vitamin shakes. Delicious and healthy vitamin drinks saturate the skin before tanning and prepare it for sun exposure. Recipes:

  • Mix citrus. Thoroughly mix orange, grapefruit and lemon juice in a ratio of 2:2:1, add ice cubes or a little mineral water without gas;
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothie. Three juicy celery stalks, medium carrot, one medium apple. Cut the products into pieces and beat with a blender;
  • Carrot-lemon drink. Pass 3-4 carrots through a juicer, add the juice of one lemon and a teaspoon olive oil. For assimilation carrot juice a small amount of vegetable or animal fats is required.

A good addition to any drinks (juice, tea, water) is a honey-ginger mixture. Ginger root must be grated, mixed with liquid honey (1 part ginger to 2 parts honey). Add a teaspoon of the mixture to a glass of liquid.

A cocktail salad will help saturate the body with B-group vitamins and vitamin E. This will require 200 gr. any seafood, a bunch of dill, a can of canned seaweed. For dressing use natural yogurt and juice of half a lemon.

The basis of a perfect tan should be safety. Use useful products nutrition and dietary supplements, will help maintain health, and at the same time look irresistible

We have all heard that a number of dangers are associated with tanning - photoaging, pigmentation problems and even cancer. On the other hand, ultraviolet rays are useful: they help the production of vitamin D in the body, improve mood, strengthen the immune system, and dry out oily skin.

So what is the truth? The sun - friend or foe?

In fact, the sun, like everything in this life, is useful in moderation. Also, for example, wine is useful, but everyone knows the consequences of its abuse. It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe only for people who have had cancer or who are at risk.

Fortunately, today it is not necessary to choose between skin protection and tanning, because there are quite simple recipes obtaining a beautiful tan, which, if not neglected, will make the process enjoyable, and the result quick and safe.

Let's figure out how to sunbathe properly and what it should be skin preparation for tanning?

Sunburn occurs when the pigment melanin is produced in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet light. Moreover, the impact on the body of different types of ultraviolet is not the same. UV-A stimulates the release of melanin, which is already produced and stored in skin cells. And UV-B light instructs the cells to produce new melanin.

The first phase of sunburn is a slight reddening of the skin - physiological erythema. After a few hours, the skin begins to darken, "acquiring a tan."

However, if the ultraviolet radiation is too intense, then instead of tanning, there is a risk of getting a sunburn. This condition is not pleasant: the skin becomes inflamed and reddens, there is a burning sensation, blisters appear, the temperature may rise.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to prevent sunburn. Indeed, in order to receive an excessive dose of ultraviolet radiation, it is not at all necessary to lie on the beach for a long time and purposefully, sometimes it is enough to spend half an hour in the open sun at noon.

Vitamins for tanning: will they help to get an even, beautiful tan?

To prepare the skin for sun exposure and quickly get a beautiful tan without burns will help not only sunscreens, but also special vitamins. Before sunburn it is recommended to take vitamin complexes containing carotenoids - beta-carotene and lycopene.

Beta carotene for tanning extremely important - it increases the time of safe exposure to the sun, promotes an even tan and reduces skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Lycopene accelerates the production of melanin and promotes an even tan.

Beta-carotene and lycopene are part of the Synergin complex, which is recommended to be taken on the eve of a vacation to get a lasting and safe tan.

Do not forget that the duration of beta-carotene intake is important to protect the skin. That's why preparation for tanning and taking Sinergin should begin 2 weeks before the start of the holiday. Ideally, Synergin should be continued for as long as you are sunbathing.

Does tanning threaten youthful skin? How to prevent photoaging and why do we need antioxidants for tanning?

In addition to the risk of sunburn, long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation is fraught with visual impairment and photoaging of the skin.

Under the influence of UV rays, free radicals are formed in the skin - aggressive molecules that destroy elastin and collagen proteins, thereby reducing skin tone and elasticity. Also, free radicals violate the integrity of cell walls - cell membranes. With an excess of free radicals, skin cells do not have time to recover, as a result, the skin loses its elasticity and “fades” - wrinkles form. This phenomenon is called photoaging of the skin.

Unlike chronoaging (age-related changes in the skin), even young skin is susceptible to photoaging, so photoaging can appear quite early. Its results are most noticeable on open areas of the skin - face, neck, forearms, décolleté and hands. It is these areas that are most exposed to ultraviolet rays.

In addition to the increased formation of wrinkles, photoaging is accompanied by a decrease in elasticity, increased skin trauma and slow healing of even small wounds and abrasions. All these changes are caused not only by the destruction of collagen and elastin proteins, but also by a violation of their synthesis and other adverse morphological changes in the skin due to the destructive action of free radicals.

Secrets of a beautiful tan. Vitamins and antioxidants for tanning

External means (sunscreen lotions and creams) cannot resist free radicals. Only antioxidants can cope with their excess.

In the body of any person there is a certain amount of antioxidants, but with an excess of free radicals, additional defenders cannot be dispensed with.

One of the most powerful antioxidants vitamin E. For sunburn this vitamin is essential because it protects cell membranes and proteins by neutralizing free radical molecules before they can harm the body.

One more antioxidant for sunburn- coenzyme Q10 (or ubiquinone). It slows down the process of photoaging, prevents the destruction of the structural fibers of elastin and collagen, prevents the lack of oxygen in the cells and reduces the depth of existing wrinkles.

Vitamin C and vitamin P (rutin) - vitamins for sunburn, which resist free radicals in blood vessels and interstitial fluid.

Beta-carotene, which we mentioned earlier, helps to repair damaged cells and improve skin elasticity, and also protects cells from further destruction.

The Synergin complex contains 6 powerful natural antioxidants that will help preserve youthful skin, prevent photoaging, hyperpigmentation and significantly reduce the risk of developing melanoma (skin cancer).

How to protect your eyes from the bright sun? Are sunglasses enough?

Bright light makes us squint, which is why many girls mistakenly believe that the main purpose of sunglasses is to avoid expression lines around the eyes. In fact, the desire to close your eyes in the bright sun is an instinctive desire to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation, which is very dangerous for the retina, although its effect does not appear immediately.

Influencing the mucous membrane of the cornea of ​​the eye, ultraviolet radiation causes a burn (similar to a sunburn on the skin). Spectrum A rays are especially harmful to the eyes. Unlike UV-B rays, ultraviolet A spectrum can penetrate not only into the cornea, but also deep into the eye, causing destruction of the lens and retina. Destruction of the retina leads to a drop in visual acuity, and denaturation of the proteins that make up the lens leads to its clouding and an increased risk of developing cataracts.

The action of A-radiation accumulates, it is with this, according to scientists, that age-related changes vision and senile blindness.

Have you sunbathed diligently to get a beautiful skin tone, but the tan faded as soon as you returned to the city?

What beauty products will help you get an even tan? Learn all about the perfect tan!

Perfectly even tan and full sun protection can only be obtained if you choose the right protection factor (SPF), based on the color of your skin.

So, for the fairest-skinned (1 phototype), who begin to burn after 15-20 minutes, a protection factor of 40 is needed in the first days of a beach holiday. Then, when the skin gets a light shade, you can switch to a lower factor - 30-20.

For the second phototype - light skin, red or light blond hair that burns after 20-40 minutes of exposure to the sun, in order to achieve an even golden hue, you should first use SPF 30 cream, and when the skin gets used to the sun - SPF 15. For the third color skin in the first days of tanning it is better to use SPF 20-15, in the subsequent days - SPF 10.

Finally, phototype 4 (it includes owners of swarthy, olive skin) will be under good protection with SPF 10 in the first days of tanning and SPF 4 in the future.

The UVB label on a cream indicates that it only protects against one type of UV rays. Look for products labeled UVB and UVA - this way you will be reliably protected from two types of rays.

Tip 2: Choose special protection for sensitive skin areas

The perfect tan is an even shade and skin without burns and peeling. In order not to get burned in areas most vulnerable to solar radiation, use special sunscreen products for them. A big mistake is to apply a protective body cream on the face and around the eyes: they are denser in texture, they can clog pores or cause swelling of the eyelids.

To protect the eyelids and skin under the eyes, choose sticks with a high SPF factor. The skin of the lips is the thinnest and most delicate, besides, it does not produce melanin, therefore it requires special protection from the sun. Use lipstick with an SPF factor or hygienic lipstick with a sun block in the summer.

Do not forget that not only your skin needs protection from the sun, but also your eyes. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV radiation.

Dermatologists warn not in vain that sunbathing when the sun is at its zenith is dangerous to health. Therefore, when planning a trip to the beach, remember that there are times that are safest and most dangerous for sunbathing.

So, from 12 to 16 hours, solar activity is maximum, so sunbathing is contraindicated even with a cream with a high SPF, since it will not provide proper protection. Choose to tan from 6 am to 11 am or from 4 pm to 7 pm - the safest time. By listening to these tips, you will get a beautiful skin tone without putting your health at risk.

Sun exposure dries out the skin, so the number one rule for getting the perfect shade is to keep it well hydrated. Moreover, you should start moisturizing the skin even before rest, because the tan will lie more evenly on moistened skin, it will last longer. If the skin is dry, especially with peeling, then sunbathing will only exacerbate this, and your bronzed shade will not last long. Look for body moisturizers with panthenol and hyaluronic acid.

Tanning oils are one of the most effective ways to get the perfect shade. These products attract the sun's rays, give the skin a slight shine, but at the same time do not allow it to burn, because they contain sunscreens.

Look for panthenol and bisabolol in the composition of oils, which soothe and moisturize tanned skin, making it soft and silky.

Apply suntan oil in the same way as sun cream: half an hour before going to the beach. The main thing is not to save the product: apply it in a dense layer on all open areas of the body. Remember that any sunscreen needs to be renewed every two hours. If you make long swims - then after each swim.

Scrubs with abrasive particles literally erase the tan from the body, removing the top layer of the epidermis. Want to get the perfect tan? Use body peels with fruit acids instead of scrubs. For the same reasons, replace terry towels with products with bamboo fibers - they are softer and more delicate.

Tip 7: Use foaming shower oils

Do you want your tan to last as long as possible? Replace alkaline soaps and gels with foaming shower oils - they not only cleanse well, but also moisturize, soften and tone the skin. If oily cleansers seem too comfortable for you, then pick up sulfate-free shower gels - they are softer than usual, and do not wash off the tan in a matter of days.

To maintain the shade, use beauty products that fix the tan. Look for products with sea buckthorn oil in the composition - it contains beta-carotene, which enhances tanning. Choose body care with natural extracts that enhance the production of melanin - they will make the shade "long-lasting". These are all kinds of tanning enhancers in the form of oil, lotion, cream, spray, milk. So, look for orange extract, echinacea, sunflower, buriti oil, shea butter in the composition.

Pay attention to products that have a beneficial effect on tanning. It is good if beta-carotene is present in your diet - a plant pigment that is deposited in the skin and gives it a light shade. Beta-carotene is rich in fruits and vegetables of a red-orange hue: carrots, apricots, watermelons, red bell peppers, pumpkin.

The amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan, which stimulate the production of melanin, will help you achieve the perfect tan. Look for them in protein foods: eggs, fish, meat, seafood, as well as beef and pork liver.

To get the perfect tan, it is important to choose the right protection factor.

Sunburn is best applied to well-moisturized skin.

To fix the resulting shade, use after-sun cosmetics that soothe and moisturize the skin, and also contain color-enhancing ingredients.

Sunbathe during safe hours so as not to get burned and peeling of the skin.

Eat more foods containing beta-carotene.

Expert comment

Andrew Adesman, MD, New Hyde Park

While most people know that ultraviolet radiation can lead to skin cancer, not everyone understands how to protect themselves from the sun. Unfortunately, there are many myths associated with tanning and sun protection. For example, it is believed that dark skin does not need sun protection. This opinion is very far from the truth!

Indeed, dark skin cells contain more melanin, but this does not provide complete protection from ultraviolet radiation. Melanin provides some protection against sunburn, but does not eliminate the risk of cancer from UV radiation or prevent premature aging of the skin due to sun exposure. Therefore, owners of dark skin should use a sunscreen of at least SPF 15.

Another misconception is that you don't have to worry about sun protection while in the water. In fact, shallow water provides very little protection from UV radiation. What's more, you can get more intense sun exposure due to the reflection of the rays off the water, so sun protection is essential even while swimming.

Expert comment

Dr. Sarah Jarvis, internist, medical advisor to Drinkaware

To protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, you should follow a few simple rules.

  • Use sunscreen with a high SPF of at least SPF 15 or higher.
  • Do not stay in the sun between 10 am and 3 pm.
  • Don't skimp on sunscreen! You must apply it on the body in a dense layer. If you apply too thin a layer, then the SPF will be less than indicated on the package.
  • Renew sunscreen every few hours and after swimming.
  • Protect children from the sun! Children are too busy playing with their friends to think about protecting their skin.
  • Remember that the most sensitive areas of our body are especially vulnerable to sun exposure: the ears, shoulders, parting area and the scalp in men, which was previously protected by hair.

Expert comment

It’s worth starting with what is a tan? This is not just an attractive skin tone, but a complex system of skin interaction with ultraviolet solar radiation. Remember when you buy suntan lotion, what do you see on the package? Incomprehensible designations in the form of three letters.

There are 3 types of ultraviolet radiation from the sun: UVC, UVB, UVA

UVC is a very aggressive radiation, it is delayed by the stratosphere and the ozone layer of the Earth; UVB - short waves that penetrate the epidermis (top layer of the skin) and activate melanogenesis (stimulates the production of melanin - pigments that cause sunburn); UVA - has a long wave or otherwise long-wave radiation. Has a high penetrating power. Penetrates into the dermis (the deeper middle layer of the skin). Inside the dermis there are collagen and elastin fibers that give the skin firmness and elasticity. Waves cause collagen breakdown and cause photoaging.

Long exposure to the sun can cause:

  • exfoliation;
  • redness;
  • pigmentation;
  • increased hair growth on the body;
  • burns;
  • the appearance of vascular networks;
  • the occurrence of various formations (from moles to tumors);
  • melanoma.

Despite the fact that the sun's rays are not as good as it seemed, they have and beneficial features. Sun exposure helps in the absorption of calcium and leads to the production of vitamin D3. Also, sunbathing increases immunity and contributes to the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness.

To reduce bad influence sunshine and get good mood and even tan, you need to follow a few simple tips.

Tip #1: Smooth Skin

The tan will turn out to be even and beautiful if you do body peeling. A week before a trip for the sun, please your body with a scrub and, applying it with massage movements, cleanse the skin of the keratinized layers. And remember: no acids if you are going to sunbathe one of these days.

Tip #2: Don't jump into the water

On the first day, I recommend staying in the sun for no more than 15 minutes, then gradually add several minutes each (for dark skin - 10 minutes, and for light skin - 2-3 minutes). If you want to sit in the sun a little longer, it is better to choose the morning (before 11:00) or evening (after 18:00). Take your time, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Tip #3: Protect with SPF

Even in the shade you can get a tan, but remember that the shade will not save you from burns. Be sure to use protective lotions or creams and apply them to the skin before sun exposure (15-20 minutes in advance), reapply regularly, especially after swimming. When choosing a product, pay attention to two main factors: your skin color and the geography of the place where you are going to sunbathe. If you have acne or acne, and you went out into the sun without protection, then pigment spots may appear in their place.

Tip #4: Sunburn Prolongers

There are many ways to help get a tan. Some help to get a fake tan (sprays, creams, powders, self-tanners), while others stimulate skin cells when you are in the sun. Do not neglect the instructions that come with each tool, because they indicate special indications. In principle, this applies to all types of cosmetics. As a rule, the second type of means acting on the sun is divided into creams before and after sunburn. They have several functions: both moisturizing the skin and retaining the result. But do not forget, protection is required in any case. Therefore, I recommend that you first apply sunscreen, and after drying - a protective agent.

Tip #5: Using Oils

To get an even tan, many people use various vegetable oils, such as peach. There are subtleties here. The oil is applied in a thin layer on clean, dry skin. Do not think, the more oil, the faster the desired result will be achieved. In general, you should be careful with oils, as allergic reactions may occur. To avoid this, test the reaction of the skin on a small area before applying to the whole body. I also recommend using the oil only for short sun exposure. After absorbing the oil, it is necessary to apply a protective agent, and only after that you can take sunbaths.

Tip #6: No alcohol products!

In no case do not use aggressive alcohol-based chemicals if you are going to the beach. acid preparations, essential oils and even perfume can lead to burns and hyperpigmentation.

Tip number 7: Skin care after the procedure

The sun dries out the skin very much. After tanning, it is advisable to apply moisturizing and soothing products containing aloe vera and biofin. The skin in the sun gets stressed, loses moisture and it is important to restore it. If you get a burn, apply burn remedies, not creams.

Tip number 8: Competent diet

The skin needs not only to be moisturized from the outside, but also to help it from the inside. Drink plenty of water while sunbathing. Do not take sugary, carbonated and other soft drinks with you, but only water. Also remember that beta-carotene, which is found in vegetables and fruits, is the key to a more sustainable skin tan. Sources include pumpkin, carrots, chives, sorrel, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, red peppers, broccoli, grapefruit, plums, peaches, melons, apricots, persimmons, gooseberries, blueberries, and black currants.

  • with oncological diseases;
  • with lots of chronic diseases(tuberculosis, dermatitis, etc.);
  • taking photosensitivity drugs (antibiotics);
  • suffering from chloasma and vitiligo;
  • from various types pigmentation;
  • having the first type of skin (very light);
  • with many moles.

Also, small children and the elderly should not be exposed to the sun for a long time.

In each of us lives a greedy. It is she who, sitting in the depths of her soul in an embrace with a toad, whispers to us every summer that a luxurious chocolate tan can not be bought in a solarium. You just have to go outside in June, spread your arms to the sky, and say in the voice of Thumbelina: “Hello, Swallow, hello, Sunshine!” And here it is - a miracle.

A golden, velvety, perfectly even tan will cover our pale, bluish bodies in just a couple of hours, and the only thing left is to wait for the handsome prince. And not for long - he is a prince, not a fool to miss such beauty.

Maybe, of course, this is not the case. Maybe there are other considerations that drive us maniacally to the beach in the midday sun every summer. A short vacation, and for a seaside resort we usually have only a week, rarely two.

Therefore, we simply have to squeeze the maximum out of the minimum and take away from the sun what we are entitled to: warmth, a bucket of vitamin D and a luxurious tan.

Do you know what? It's really possible! Here, the main thing is to approach the issue in an organized and responsible manner, otherwise, as experience shows, instead of a prince on a white horse, three horsemen of the apocalypse will jump to you: burns, fever, chills.

Therefore, read and remember how to tan as quickly and, most importantly, correctly.

To begin with, we should honestly admit that our instructions will help, alas, not every girl.

If you were lucky enough to be born a natural blonde or redhead with blue eyes and milky white skin (that is, with the so-called first type), you can close this article - there will be no useful information for you here.

You just can't sunbathe. By definition. Do not anger God, you are already beautiful, where else do you get a tan!

If you go to the beach without SPF 40+ protective cream, the punishment for this sin will be skin burns, blisters and swelling. Do you need it?

If you are a representative of the fourth type - that is, from birth swarthy, black-haired and brown-eyed, then you can also do something more useful than reading these recommendations. To our great envy, the sun is absolutely not dangerous to you.

Your protection products are moisturizing sprays and oils with a protection level of SPF 2-10. Rather, to give a certain shade to an already delightful skin color.

But if you are a representative of type 2-3 (with hair color from light blond to dark chestnut), quickly take out a pencil, write down the instructions. We're running out of time, September is just around the corner.

Beach visit mode

1. Take your time

A very important point: do not use any outdoor tan enhancers on the first day or even two at the beach. Let your skin adjust to the new temperature and UV exposure.

She must herself tune in to the production of melanin (the very substance due to which we darken). Hurry - make the dermatologist laugh. Remember, yes? - burns, fever, chills.

2. Watch the clock

Important point number two: no matter how much you would like to speed up the processes of turning yourself into Naomi Campbell, but as soon as 11 am struck on the clock (or even better, ten, because the sun in the south is more aggressive every year) - they put on crystal slippers, sat in a pumpkin - and march home from the ball. You'll be back on the beach at five o'clock. You will have at least three more hours to get the coveted.

Tanning accelerators

And now let's list the means that will accelerate the tan.

1. Self-tanner

We cannot fail to mention it. If you can’t get out to the sea, sprays and self-tanning creams will help. It is better, of course, to turn to specialists in a tanning center, but you can also use home coloring products.

In addition, self-tanning will help you feel more comfortable on the beach if you are embarrassed by your whiteness. Gradually, it will wash off, and natural, on the contrary, will appear. When choosing a tool, pay attention to the composition. Well, if it contains vitamin E.

2. Creams and lotions

When buying sunscreen, read the label carefully. It doesn't have to be tanning cream in a tanning bed. On the beach, such a cream will not protect you, and you can get badly burned.

What is the difference between tanning accelerators? The fact that they contain components that help the skin to increase the production of melanin. You should choose the level of protection SPF (Sun Protection Factor) with an index from 2 to 20, depending on the phototype of your skin and the degree of sunburn.

You must understand that with one bottle for the whole vacation good result not receive. Therefore, gradually reduce the SPF index. But only gradually. The first time you apply the product at home, before going to the beach.

The cream can not be applied with a greasy layer. This will increase the heating of the skin. Rub with massage movements until completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure every half hour.

3. Vitamins

If you are planning your vacation in advance, you should start taking drugs that enhance the production of melanin. Start taking selenium, lycopene, B vitamins, especially AT 10 O'CLOCK, as well as vitamin complexes containing vitamins AND ALL no later than two weeks before the trip.

4. Natural oil

To get an even beautiful tan will help the use of natural oils. Wild carrot oil and cold-pressed sunflower oil are best. In addition, there are ready-made combined options cosmetic oils, which includes coconut oil, avocado, wheat and vitamins.

True, using oil on a sandy beach will not be very convenient. As you understand, the skin covered with oil will become oily, and the grains of sand will stick strongly. Do not forget to reapply it after water procedures.

There are also synthetic oils, but be careful with them - they can cause an allergic reaction. Before application, test on a small area of ​​skin, such as the wrist.

5. Diet

Is there a tanning diet? Our answer is yes. By eating foods containing beta-carotene, you can increase your tan. Eat more red and orange fruits and vegetables, and melanin will begin to be produced more actively.

Pumpkin, watermelon, pear, carrots and apricots are yours best friends on holiday.

Also get in the habit of drinking natural juices on the beach. Of course, a glass of cold beer with bubbles is great refreshing in the heat, but we are not just lying around, we have an important mission - to get a tan.

In addition, indulge yourself on vacation with liver, red fish, tuna, avocado and almond dishes. They contain amino acid tyrosine, which will help us with the production of melanin.

6. Creams with a tingle effect

These are creams that increase the blood circulation of the skin, as a result of which the blood is supplied with oxygen faster and the tan lies better.

They are mainly used in the solarium, but for our purposes they are also suitable. With this cream, we fix the intensity of the tan.

Never apply it to untanned skin and never use it on the face. Also, test it on your wrist first. Because the likelihood of allergies is also high.

7. Fixing a tan

Well, last on the list, but not least.

Remember that chocolate tan is not the most useful thing that can happen to your skin. If beauty still requires sacrifice, we try to reduce them to a reasonable minimum.

Moisturize your skin constantly. After the beach, take a shower, wash off the salt from the skin. And then immediately apply after-sun products. Gel, cream, milk - it doesn't matter, but the packaging should indicate that this product is AFTER sunburn.

The main thing is that the skin is moisturized and regularly received useful vitamins and oils.

Then our radiant, delicate, velvety, milky chocolate color will cause a storm of admiration in the eyes of our prince, and an ocean of envy in the eyes of our pale-faced girlfriends. What we have been striving for.

Have a great vacation, may the tan be with you!

Online boutique offers :

The Solgar brand offers special tanning vitamins that promise ″A beautiful and even tan without harming the skin″. How about really? We find out EVERYTHING about vitamins for tanning!

For the first time I wrote a blog about a year ago, but now I want to develop and supplement this topic.

For a safe tan, they produce sunscreen cosmetics, creams and even clothes with UV protection! And they paid attention to only now and immediately divided them into TWO groups:

Vitamins for tanning: a quick way

This group includes vitamins that possibly give a faster, deeper and stronger tan. Supplements should be started during active tanning and a few weeks after, then they increase the production of melanin, making the tan more bronze, intense and long lasting.

Amino acids L-tyrosine, Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and Himantalia algae were included in the supplement of the first group. According to research, so far only tyrosine was able to enhance the tan and make it more persistent, although this does not prevent manufacturers from including all substances in tanning complexes.

  • L-Tyrosine Solgar, L-Tyrosine, 500 mg (1 capsule per day)

Vitamins for tanning: a useful way

These are vitamins that help protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. This group includes beta-carotene and a powerful antioxidant selenium, which reduce the damage from sunlight, allow you to sunbathe without harm to the skin and the appearance of pigmentation.

carotene for tanning

Beta-carotene is a natural pigment found in orange and red fruits and vegetables. In the body, beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A and improves collagen synthesis, on which the elasticity of the skin depends, our vision, problem skin and much more.

German studies have shown that using sunscreen at the same time as taking beta-carotene or a mixture of carotenoids in the form of tablets increases the level of sun protection compared to using sunscreen alone.

Researchers also believe that carotenoids protect the skin from sun damage by helping reflect aggressive rays before they penetrate deeper layers of the skin. The fact that beta-carotene does have a small photo-protective qualities, many experts are convinced, but only in combination with sunscreens.

selenium for tanning

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that occur when the skin is exposed to the sun and lead to premature skin aging, wrinkles (photoaging) and disease.

According to the experts, antioxidants in active sun can only neutralize 10% of damage that the sun inflicts on our skin. At the same time, selenium works very effectively and increases the protection of sunscreens.

Vitamins for tanning - this is a proud name so far only carotenoids and selenium are worn. They proved to be the most effective and confirmed their ability to protect the skin from the sun!

Vitamins for tanning, how to take it correctly?

The leaflet with the Solgar Complex Beta-carotene ″for a beautiful and even tan without harming the skin″ recommends take 7 mg of beta-carotene daily, it is 1 capsule once a day. And you should start taking at least two weeks before the start of active tanning!

But I didn’t find exactly such a form of release of Solgar on the American iHerb! And in order to calculate the correct dosage, I had to look for the conversion of carotene from mg to activity units:

Is it a lot or a little? This good dosage of beta-carotene not exceeding the daily daily intake. Compared to vitamin A, the activity of beta-carotene is twice as high, and side effects with brief excesses of the dosage, no.

There is no maximum overdose for beta-carotene, but most countries have settled on 7-10mg per day as the safest recommended amount.

We need 12.000-16.000 IU of beta-carotene daily to protect our skin and prepare us for tanning!

Vitamins for tanning, we consider all options!

The easiest option: natural Solgar beta-carotene at a dosage of 10.000. It is identical to the beta-carotene that Solgar sells in Russia, but with one small nuance - it costs 5.5 times cheaper!

Taking just one tablet per day, we have enough for active tanning and skin protection for 8 months!

  • Natural beta-carotene Solgar Solgar Dry Beta Carotene 10,000 IU

Antioxidant complexes act more effectively and protect the skin from the sun and toxic pollution by scavenging free radicals. I chose the Solgar complex with beta-carotene 10,000, lutein and lycopene. It is an excellent sun protection, improving skin, vision and eyes from the sun.

  • Lutein - carotenoid complex Solgar

  • Lycopene Clinical Trio