Police officers. Corsairs - GPK FAQ. Dutch national storyline


On the left side of the form is a list of all the characters that cooperate with the player. This list also contains all the possible positions of your officers.

There are four types of characters in the game:

Passenger - characters that you took on board in order to deliver to any place and receive a reward for this. Passengers also include officers whom you have hired, but have not yet appointed to the position (hereinafter they will be called free officers).

the officer - a character who performs the functions of your officer.

Companion- if you agree to accompany a merchant's ship, he will become your companion during the journey. Also, those officers whom you instruct to manage the ships of your squadron become companions.

Captive - this character is on your ship against his will, and you can always get a ransom for him or offer to become your officer if he is a pirate. You can capture any passenger on your ship when he begins to resent the long default of delivering him to his destination; also captains become prisoners who surrender to you when boarding. The prisoner can be interrogated in the hold of the ship, as well as find out his identity. Then you can get a ransom from the authorities of his power. The largest ransom amount is given by the governor of the same nation as the prisoner, but they also have a range of prices in different cities.


If the main character not strong in any skill, he can hire officers to more effectively perform the required functions. For example, if you specialize in trade and defense, you may need a navigator and gunner, and an experienced navigator cannot do without a treasurer and carpenter. A hired officer increases your skill by the difference between yours and his level. So, if your navigation skill is 33, and the officer you hired is 43, then your skill will be increased by 10 points. In the case when your skill is increased by an officer, the difference will be highlighted in green.

Note: The penalty for the class of the ship is calculated from the skill of navigation, taking into account the skills of the navigator.

The protagonist can appoint officers to the positions of Navigator, Boatswain, Gunner, Doctor, Treasurer, Carpenter andBoardman... Each officer can increase only skills and abilities that are specific to him. In total, the ship has 9 positions for officers and one captain - the hero himself.Boarding officersthree can be assigned. These officers will accompany the hero on land and on board, cover him with their bodies, sharp steel and pistols. Equip them with bullets, elixirs of life and good blades that match their type skills (for example, masters heavy weapons it is worth giving swords and axes, then the damage will be maximum). The officers have the ability of a part-time and part-time station wagon. These abilities allow one officer to occupy 2 or 3 positions at once, respectively. Thus, only three officers are enough for them to most effectively help the protagonist with their skills and abilities, and at the same time they were also his bodyguards in battle.

Hiringandappointment of an officer

Decent candidates for the role of officer can be found in taverns. They usually sit at tables and offer their own services. When hiring, you can see the characteristics of the character, pay attention to his skills and abilities. By paying their requested rate, the officer becomes the hero's passenger. Then he can be assigned to the position of a ship's officer on the "Characters" form or made a companion by purchasing or seizing a ship. Every month, officers and sailors are paid a salary, officers can occasionally ask for an additional increase or categoricallydeclare disagreement to workwith a hero if their loyalty drops to zero.

Appointment to the position is carried out by double-clicking or pressing Enter on an empty officer slot. In the list that appears, select the desired candidate and press the "Assign" button. Below the list of passengers there will be tables of characteristics for the convenience of deciding who to which position is better to appoint.

The purpose of a companion is discussed in the "Ship and its characteristics" section.

Removal from office and dismissal

Removal from the post of an officer back to passengers is carried out by double-clicking or pressingEnteron the officer in the position, in general list passengers.

You can dismiss an officer in the dialogue, meeting with him on land, if heboardman, or in the wardroom, if he holds a different position.

You can fire a companion by first removing it from the ship (cm... section "The ship and its characteristics"), and having appointed an officer to appear in the wardroom or on land.

"Pumping" officers

Officers, like the main character, gain experience in their skills as they perform actions that use these skills. For example, an officer will increase his light weapon skill if he is armed with a rapier and actively uses it in skirmishes. Companions will have increased ship skills. Also, the experience gained by the hero will be distributed among all his passengers: officers - 25%, companions - 16.5% and the rest - 5%. If the hero has the ability to "exchange experience", then the value increases to 50, 33 and 10 percent, respectively.

With the growth of the officer's skills, the rank, life and free skill points appear, which the player himself can distribute.

Officer's outfit

You can see what is in the pockets of any passenger on the F2 / Items form. But you cannot transfer and equip items for officers there. The transfer is carried out when the officer and the hero are in the same location.Boardingfollow the hero everywhere, and officers of other positions can be found in the wardroom (on ships where it is). The hero approaches the officer and pressingEntercalls the command menu, selects the exchange there, after which an interface opens, similar to the search of corpses and chests (cm... (see section "Searching Chests"). During the battle, exchange in this way is possible only if the hero has the "exchange of experience" ability. The equipment of items is carried out automatically, the officer himself chooses the best saber and pistol for him, according to his skills and attributes of the weapon.

The second way: you can buy items from merchants directly into the officer's pocket, the equipment will be automatic upon exiting the trading mode. You cannot sell an item currently equipped.

Loyalty and salary

An officer's loyalty is determined by his reputation and the actions of the hero. The “good guys” will become less loyal if the hero does “dirty deeds” and vice versa. If the loyalty bar on the F2 / Characters form has dropped to zero, then such an officer will leave the hero at the first opportunity, and it will not be possible to stop him.

Every month the salary calculation also includes the pay of the officers, regardless of the current position. The higher the skills of the officer, the more he will demand money.

Sometimes, after some time with the hero, the officer may "kick up" and want to leave the hero for free bread. A small one-time cash prize can stop such a “sufferer”.

PIRATES: 5 9 7 5 10 7 4
Hiring: Goes to the quest team
Officer specialty: Navigator

PIRATES: 8 9 5 5 9 5 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Blood Line (Escape From Barbados)
Officer specialty: Gunner

3. Daniel Sheppard

PIRATES: 6 9 8 10 8 9 10
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Enchanted City
Officer specialty:

PIRATES: 10 4 9 6 8 9 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team City of Lost Ships
Officer position: Boardman

PIRATES: 9 10 10 10 8 10 10
Hiring: Condottiere
Officer position:

6. Humphrey Douglas

PIRATES: 7 4 7 3 8 9 9
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Find a double-barreled musket
Officer position: Boardman

PIRATES: 8 6 8 4 5 9 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team
Officer position:

PIRATES: 8 4 8 8 7 7 6
Officer position:

2. Angelica Sharp

PIRATES: 5 8 9 7 7 7 5
Officer position: Boardman.

3. Magnus von Kokkai-Stade

PIRATES: 7 9 10 4 3 7 8
Officer position: Boardman

4. Nicolas Rimallier

PIRATES: 6 9 8 3 6 9 9
Officer position: Boardman

Unique officers of the gpk

Quest officers will go to the team regardless of Leadership x2, their loyalty to the GG is blocked, so they will never leave you anyway.

Description: A young skipper, nephew of Blood's former neighbors in Bridgewater. He was sold into slavery due to his participation in the Monmouth rebellion. After escaping from Barbados, he became Navigator of Arabella. A good-natured young man, a poetic mindset. He was very devoted to Blood and treated him like a father.
PIRATES: 5 9 7 5 10 7 4
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Blood Line (Escape From Barbados)
Officer specialty: Navigator
Peculiarities: An excellent navigator, especially for the beginning of the game, he is quickly pumped. In the version of the GPK 1.1 is IMMORTAL.

Description: Cannoneer "Arabella". A man who knows his business has never let his team down.
PIRATES: 8 9 5 5 9 5 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Blood Line (Escape From Barbados)
Officer specialty: Gunner
Peculiarities: A good gunner, very useful, as it is taken at the beginning of the game.

3. Daniel Sheppard

Description: The eldest daughter of the captain, former filibuster, Stateon. For the murder of a captive Aztec by one of the officers, she was cursed along with her team by the god Miktlantecutli, which is why she was doomed to sail forever on her ship.
PIRATES: 6 9 8 10 8 9 10
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Enchanted City
Officer specialty: Good companion, Navigator, Boatswain, Cannoneer.
Peculiarities: Due to the well-trained skills, there can be almost anyone on your team.

Description: One of the officers of Admiral Chad Capper in the City of the Lost Ships.
PIRATES: 10 4 9 6 8 9 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team City of Lost Ships
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: An excellent Boardman, many ship perks have also been pumped at once, if you pump ship skills to him, you get "Master of everything and everyone."

Description: Captain of the elusive Blue Bird.
PIRATES: 9 10 10 10 8 10 10
Hiring: Can be taken to the team by passing the line Condottiere
Officer position: A boardman, a MONSTER officer, he can be sharpened for anyone.
Peculiarities: Excellent PIRATES. Most of the personal and ship perks are also unlocked. After pumping it will become a real "terminator".

6. Humphrey Douglas

Description: Musketeer, good shooter. Possessed a rare double-barreled musket, but lost it in battle.
PIRATES: 7 4 7 3 8 9 9
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Find a double-barreled musket
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: Musketeer. It is useful at the beginning of the game, as it will kill enemies with one shot.

Description: Smart, cunning and agile. Sitting behind bars, for years he deceived the guards, preparing an escape, but at the same time he was patiently waiting for his chance.
PIRATES: 8 6 8 4 5 9 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Escort flute "Orion"
Officer position: Boardman, Doctor, Carpenter, you can raise not a bad Companion.
Peculiarities: To be accepted into the team, you need an Authority - 25 and Luck 30. I advise you to join the team as early as possible, since the later you take him, the more useless he will be.

Unique officers will go to the team if you have fewer officers according to the formula: Leadership x2, their loyalty to the GG is usual, so if it falls, they will leave you. If you do not have a place in the team for officers, then buy ships, put officers on them and put them in the Port Authority, hire new officers, then take the ships from the PU. Thus, you can hire as many officers as you need, regardless of Leadership.

Description: They say the woman on the ship is in trouble. Well, tell this fable to her Sorte.
PIRATES: 8 4 8 8 7 7 6
Hiring: She lives in the Pirate Settlement in Bermuda, look for her on the street. To hire you need a Reputation of at least "Man of Honor" and 50 thousand, but believe me, it's worth it.
Officer position: Boardman, as well as a good Boatswain.
Peculiarities: Not interchangeable for a character with a low rank, she will help you out both on sea voyages and in the hottest boarding battle, she can combine several positions. The sooner you hire, the more benefit this girl will bring you. Can be persuaded to intimate relationships.

2. Angelica Sharp

Description: Another fearless fury, with an unusual fencing technique.
PIRATES: 5 8 9 7 7 7 5
Hiring: Lives on Cuba Island in Puerto Principe, you need to look on the street. To recruit you will need: Negative Reputation of the "Passenger" and Money - 50 thousand.
Officer position: Boardman.
Peculiarities: Beautiful animation, perfectly controlled with medium weapons, part-time. Take the same as Yoku, the sooner the better. Can be persuaded to intimate relationships.

3. Magnus von Kokkai-Stade

Description: Musketeer, served various dukes and kings, after an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances, he ended up in the Caribbean. Every morning he goes to the pier, learning about the captains who have arrived, who need the head of the boarding company, the old man does not want to go to retirement.
PIRATES: 7 9 10 4 3 7 8
Hiring: Lives on Espanlola, walks the streets of Santo Domingo. To hire you need: Money - 40 thousand, Positive reputation "Nice guy", Authority - 30.
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: The Musketeer, like all other Musketeers, has excellent personal skills and perks for firearms.

4. Nicolas Rimallier

Description: was maruned for "careless" handling of weapons in relation to the leadership of the ship's crew.
PIRATES: 6 9 8 3 6 9 9
Hiring: Located on about. Trinidad and Tobago in Scarborough Harbor. Required for recruitment: Negative reputation "Cheater" and Luck - 35.
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: The Musketeer is not very different from other officers of the same kind.

Unique officers of the gpk

This is a quest off. He “doesn't care”. Remains with GG under any conditions (if not "bang" of course). There is no need to pay attention to loyalty.

This is off - PGGshnik. He is also "correct" (like GG). Accordingly, when the GG commits "correct" actions, loyalty increases, and when the "NOT correct" actions are performed, loyalty decreases. Doesn't ask for money. May dump if loyalty becomes rebellious. All of the above applies to simple offs from the "Tavern", with the exception that they "beg" for money and can "dump" if not raise the salary. They do not dump if they are companions, but if the loyalty is zero, i.e. "Rebellious" arrange a riot and leave the squadron when entering the "globalka".

This is also off - PGGshnik. But he is "NOT correct". He has everything topsy-turvy. Loyalty is directly opposite to the loyalty of the “right”. Accordingly, everything is the same for simple offs.

Approx.: "Rebellious" loyalty works the same for all offs, as well as for Sharpe (like a quest one, but it can also "beg" money and arrange riots, in short, like off from the "Tavern" almost), with the exception of quest ones.

Unique officers of the gpk

Quest officers will go to the team regardless of Leadership x2, their loyalty to the GG is blocked, so they will never leave you anyway.

Description: A young skipper, nephew of Blood's former neighbors in Bridgewater. He was sold into slavery due to his participation in the Monmouth rebellion. After escaping from Barbados, he became Navigator of Arabella. A good-natured young man, a poetic mindset. He was very devoted to Blood and treated him like a father.
PIRATES: 5 9 7 5 10 7 4
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Blood Line (Escape From Barbados)
Officer specialty: Navigator
Peculiarities: An excellent navigator, especially for the beginning of the game, he is quickly pumped. In the version of the GPK 1.1 is IMMORTAL.

Description: Cannoneer "Arabella". A man who knows his business has never let his team down.
PIRATES: 8 9 5 5 9 5 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Blood Line (Escape From Barbados)
Officer specialty: Gunner
Peculiarities: A good gunner, very useful, as it is taken at the beginning of the game.

3. Daniel Sheppard

Description: The eldest daughter of the captain, former filibuster, Stateon. For the murder of a captive Aztec by one of the officers, she was cursed along with her team by the god Miktlantecutli, which is why she was doomed to sail forever on her ship.
PIRATES: 6 9 8 10 8 9 10
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Enchanted City
Officer specialty: Good companion, Navigator, Boatswain, Cannoneer.
Peculiarities: Due to the well-trained skills, there can be almost anyone on your team.

Description: One of the officers of Admiral Chad Capper in the City of the Lost Ships.
PIRATES: 10 4 9 6 8 9 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team City of Lost Ships
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: An excellent Boardman, many ship perks have also been pumped at once, if you pump ship skills to him, you get "Master of everything and everyone."

Description: Captain of the elusive Blue Bird.
PIRATES: 9 10 10 10 8 10 10
Hiring: Can be taken to the team by passing the line Condottiere
Officer position: A boardman, a MONSTER officer, he can be sharpened for anyone.
Peculiarities: Excellent PIRATES. Most of the personal and ship perks are also unlocked. After pumping it will become a real "terminator".

6. Humphrey Douglas

Description: Musketeer, good shooter. Possessed a rare double-barreled musket, but lost it in battle.
PIRATES: 7 4 7 3 8 9 9
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Find a double-barreled musket
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: Musketeer. It is useful at the beginning of the game, as it will kill enemies with one shot.

Description: Smart, cunning and agile. Sitting behind bars, for years he deceived the guards, preparing an escape, but at the same time he was patiently waiting for his chance.
PIRATES: 8 6 8 4 5 9 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Escort flute "Orion"
Officer position: Boardman, Doctor, Carpenter, you can raise not a bad Companion.
Peculiarities: To be accepted into the team, you need an Authority - 25 and Luck 30. I advise you to join the team as early as possible, since the later you take him, the more useless he will be.

Unique officers will go to the team if you have fewer officers according to the formula: Leadership x2, their loyalty to the GG is usual, so if it falls, they will leave you. If you do not have a place in the team for officers, then buy ships, put officers on them and put them in the Port Authority, hire new officers, then take the ships from the PU. Thus, you can hire as many officers as you need, regardless of Leadership.

Description: They say the woman on the ship is in trouble. Well, tell this fable to her Sorte.
PIRATES: 8 4 8 8 7 7 6
Hiring: She lives in the Pirate Settlement in Bermuda, look for her on the street. To hire you need a Reputation of at least "Man of Honor" and 50 thousand, but believe me, it's worth it.
Officer position: Boardman, as well as a good Boatswain.
Peculiarities: Not interchangeable for a character with a low rank, she will help you out both on sea voyages and in the hottest boarding battle, she can combine several positions. The sooner you hire, the more benefit this girl will bring you. Can be persuaded to intimate relationships.

2. Angelica Sharp

Description: Another fearless fury, with an unusual fencing technique.
PIRATES: 5 8 9 7 7 7 5
Hiring: Lives on Cuba Island in Puerto Principe, you need to look on the street. To recruit you will need: Negative Reputation of the "Passenger" and Money - 50 thousand.
Officer position: Boardman.
Peculiarities: Beautiful animation, excellent control of medium weapons, part-time. Take the same as Yoku, the sooner the better. Can be persuaded to intimate relationships.

3. Magnus von Kokkai-Stade

Description: Musketeer, served various dukes and kings, after an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances, he ended up in the Caribbean. Every morning he goes to the pier, learning about the captains who have arrived, who need the head of the boarding company, the old man does not want to go to retirement.
PIRATES: 7 9 10 4 3 7 8
Hiring: Lives on Espanlola, walks the streets of Santo Domingo. To hire you need: Money - 40 thousand, Positive reputation "Nice guy", Authority - 30.
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: The Musketeer, like all other Musketeers, has excellent personal skills and perks for firearms.

4. Nicolas Rimallier

Description: was maruned for "careless" handling of weapons in relation to the leadership of the ship's crew.
PIRATES: 6 9 8 3 6 9 9
Hiring: Located on about. Trinidad and Tobago in Scarborough Harbor. Required for recruitment: Negative reputation "Cheater" and Luck - 35.
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: The Musketeer is not very different from other officers of the same kind.

Unique officers of the gpk

Quest officers will go to the team regardless of Leadership x2, their loyalty to the GG is blocked, so they will never leave you anyway.

Description: A young skipper, nephew of Blood's former neighbors in Bridgewater. He was sold into slavery due to his participation in the Monmouth rebellion. After escaping from Barbados, he became Navigator of Arabella. A good-natured young man, a poetic mindset. He was very devoted to Blood and treated him like a father.
PIRATES: 5 9 7 5 10 7 4
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Blood Line (Escape From Barbados)
Officer specialty: Navigator
Peculiarities: An excellent navigator, especially for the beginning of the game, he is quickly pumped. In the version of the GPK 1.1 is IMMORTAL.

Description: Cannoneer "Arabella". A man who knows his business has never let his team down.
PIRATES: 8 9 5 5 9 5 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Blood Line (Escape From Barbados)
Officer specialty: Gunner
Peculiarities: A good gunner, very useful, as it is taken at the beginning of the game.

3. Daniel Sheppard

Description: The eldest daughter of the captain, former filibuster, Stateon. For the murder of a captive Aztec by one of the officers, she was cursed along with her team by the god Miktlantecutli, which is why she was doomed to sail forever on her ship.
PIRATES: 6 9 8 10 8 9 10
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Enchanted City
Officer specialty: Good companion, Navigator, Boatswain, Cannoneer.
Peculiarities: Due to the well-trained skills, there can be almost anyone on your team.

Description: One of the officers of Admiral Chad Capper in the City of the Lost Ships.
PIRATES: 10 4 9 6 8 9 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team City of Lost Ships
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: An excellent Boardman, many ship perks have also been pumped at once, if you pump ship skills to him, you get "Master of everything and everyone."

Description: Captain of the elusive Blue Bird.
PIRATES: 9 10 10 10 8 10 10
Hiring: Can be taken to the team by passing the line Condottiere
Officer position: A boardman, a MONSTER officer, he can be sharpened for anyone.
Peculiarities: Excellent PIRATES. Most of the personal and ship perks are also unlocked. After pumping it will become a real "terminator".

6. Humphrey Douglas

Description: Musketeer, good shooter. Possessed a rare double-barreled musket, but lost it in battle.
PIRATES: 7 4 7 3 8 9 9
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Find a double-barreled musket
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: Musketeer. It is useful at the beginning of the game, as it will kill enemies with one shot.

Description: Smart, cunning and agile. Sitting behind bars, for years he deceived the guards, preparing an escape, but at the same time he was patiently waiting for his chance.
PIRATES: 8 6 8 4 5 9 7
Hiring: Goes to the quest team Escort flute "Orion"
Officer position: Boardman, Doctor, Carpenter, you can raise not a bad Companion.
Peculiarities: To be accepted into the team, you need an Authority - 25 and Luck 30. I advise you to join the team as early as possible, since the later you take him, the more useless he will be.

Unique officers will go to the team if you have fewer officers according to the formula: Leadership x2, their loyalty to the GG is usual, so if it falls, they will leave you. If you do not have a place in the team for officers, then buy ships, put officers on them and put them in the Port Authority, hire new officers, then take the ships from the PU. Thus, you can hire as many officers as you need, regardless of Leadership.

Description: They say the woman on the ship is in trouble. Well, tell this fable to her Sorte.
PIRATES: 8 4 8 8 7 7 6
Hiring: She lives in the Pirate Settlement in Bermuda, look for her on the street. To hire you need a Reputation of at least "Man of Honor" and 50 thousand, but believe me, it's worth it.
Officer position: Boardman, as well as a good Boatswain.
Peculiarities: Not interchangeable for a character with a low rank, she will help you out both on sea voyages and in the hottest boarding battle, she can combine several positions. The sooner you hire, the more benefit this girl will bring you. Can be persuaded to intimate relationships.

2. Angelica Sharp

Description: Another fearless fury, with an unusual fencing technique.
PIRATES: 5 8 9 7 7 7 5
Hiring: Lives on Cuba Island in Puerto Principe, you need to look on the street. To recruit you will need: Negative Reputation of the "Passenger" and Money - 50 thousand.
Officer position: Boardman.
Peculiarities: Beautiful animation, excellent control of medium weapons, part-time. Take the same as Yoku, the sooner the better. Can be persuaded to intimate relationships.

3. Magnus von Kokkai-Stade

Description: Musketeer, served various dukes and kings, after an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances, he ended up in the Caribbean. Every morning he goes to the pier, learning about the captains who have arrived, who need the head of the boarding company, the old man does not want to go to retirement.
PIRATES: 7 9 10 4 3 7 8
Hiring: Lives on Espanlola, walks the streets of Santo Domingo. To hire you need: Money - 40 thousand, Positive reputation "Nice guy", Authority - 30.
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: The Musketeer, like all other Musketeers, has excellent personal skills and perks for firearms.

4. Nicolas Rimallier

Description: was maruned for "careless" handling of weapons in relation to the leadership of the ship's crew.
PIRATES: 6 9 8 3 6 9 9
Hiring: Located on about. Trinidad and Tobago in Scarborough Harbor. Required for recruitment: Negative reputation "Cheater" and Luck - 35.
Officer position: Boardman
Peculiarities: The Musketeer is not very different from other officers of the same kind.

Unique officers of the gpk

This is YY. He is "correct". Performing such actions as: performing the tasks of the governors, the head of the PU, early. shipyard, priest, usurer, townspeople (to search), "rescuing aunts in the jungle", etc. etc., the GG does the “right”, good deeds. Accordingly, the reputation and attitude of nations rises.
When the GG captures the captain and sells, is engaged in smuggling, refuses to save the "aunt in the jungle", "throws" a passenger or a merchant from the store, etc. etc. he does "NOT right", bad deeds. Accordingly, the reputation and attitude of nations falls.

City of Lost Ships is the strongest game with many game possibilities and development paths. Dozens of tasks, both random, generated during the game, and fixed - national lines or single tasks, for example, the task of the City of Lost Ships. This huge variety of possibilities, among other things, attracts the fact that the universal development of the character is simply No.

Therefore, I say in advance that everything that is written here is just advice. The choice is still yours.

Let's start?

About the place of action and nations

The 17th century Caribbean is primarily the battlefield of the great European powers for great colonial wealth. Having discovered America in 1493, Columbus simply had no idea what kind of time bomb he was placing under the world order. The first, with full rights (in 1493, Pope Alexander VI signed a decree, the main content of which was the division of the undeveloped world between Portugal and Spain, America almost entirely went to Spain), the Spaniards master the Caribbean, monopolizing the extraction of sugar, coffee and gold. It is not surprising that such wealth attracted the attention of other European powers - England, France, and later, the newly independent Netherlands. However, the struggle with Spain, which owns almost all the Caribbean, is not an easy task. As a result, in total, England, France and Holland accounted for about a third of the West Indies (as the islands of the Caribbean were called).

So, 4 nations are available for the game: England, France, Holland, Spain.

Let's start?

Let's start?

The choice of the nation is one of the key aspects affecting the beginning of the game. Specifically, from this choice, a different number of ports will be available, which can greatly complicate movement in the Caribbean. Therefore, I built a kind of scale for the attractiveness of nations, on the principle of how comfortable the game is for a beginner or a merchant.

The most successful choice for a novice player or a trader player will undoubtedly be Holland... A peaceful nation made rich by trade. At the start of the game - Holland is at peace with France and Spain - and this is the entire Maine (continental game world), Cuba, Hispaniolla and a few more islands. The richest space for trading or mastering the game world.

In second place in terms of convenience for starting the game is Spain... Spain is in peace only with Holland, which, in comparison with the latter, reduces the number of islands to which one can sail to a small proportion of the French colonies. As a Spaniard, you can feel like the master of the Caribbean, making raids along the coast of southern Maine or Hispaniolla (which also has a French colony).

In third place will be France which is at peace with Holland and England. The French get a third of the Caribbean to develop.

Well the best country for privateers, as you can see, it becomes England... The British have enemies Spain and Holland. The entire Maine is completely ready for capture.

Let's start?


In the role-playing system of the game there are 7 main characteristics, 14 skills and 4 dozen personal and ship skills of the hero. Let's start in order.

First, in general. Each characteristic affects the initial value of the skill and the threshold of experience that must be overcome in order to move to a new level in the skill. In addition, the learning skill affects the threshold of experience in rank growth and gaining skills, as well as the threshold of experience in each skill. It follows that all the characteristics are needed in general, is this so?

Let's start?

Let's start?

Strength (P) - affects the initial health of the character, as well as the maximum allowable weight, and hence the conclusion that it is in no way possible to throw it. Each unit of strength adds 10 feet to the weight you carry. And if you are not going to carry all the weapons of the game with you, then 5-6 units of power will be more than enough for a comfortable game.

Let's start?

Perception (I) - affects ... yes, it does not affect anything except the growth of navigation. And from here there is a very simple conclusion. 3 units in perception will be enough. It is better to direct the freed glasses into the most valuable reaction or luck.

Let's start?

Reaction (R) - here it is, the main skill for any swordsman, because it is this skill that directly determines the character's energy level. Each point of reaction adds 10 units to energy. And here what you use to fence is of decisive importance. Light weapons require less energy, but they cannot kill the enemy with two hits (medium weapons, as for me, are not worth attention at all, either energy or damage). So, for fencing with light weapons, 5 units in reaction are enough, but for heavy weapons you will need at least 8 (and even then, I would not say that with 8 it is comfortable to fence with heavy weapons).

Let's start?

Leadership (A) - determines the number of officers a character can hire. According to the formula n = A * 2, where n is the number of officers. At the same time, the calculation does not include officers who are on ships in port administrations, or who are governors in colonies. Free privateers, which can be found in taverns, are also not counted. And hence the question, why a lot of leadership, if a good third of all officers can be hired with any number of officers? 4-5 units, no more.

Let's start?

Trainability (T) is a key skill that determines the speed of character development in this game. With maximum trainability, to obtain a rank, you need to raise skills in total 25 times, to obtain a personal or sea skill of a hero, raise personal and sea skills 30 times, respectively. For a fairly comfortable game (for me personally), 7-8 units of learning ability are enough.

Let's start?

Endurance (E) - determines the initial number of hit points and their growth per level. It also affects the maximum allowable weight for the character to carry. Accordingly, keep in mind that you should only take odd values ​​of stamina. Otherwise, you will lose more than you gain.

Let's start?

Luck (S) - Any good luck gentleman needs luck. The most important thing is that luck, like luck, affects the likelihood of finding useful things in chests and hoards. Walk with little luck? Collect a collection of cormorants. But the maximum luck is also not needed, because on high levels luck still has greater importance rather than luck. 6-7 units is enough.

Let's start?

How to develop skills and what do they give?

Let's start?

Personal skills relate directly to the character, and accordingly, it is possible to fill in the gaps in them only with the help of artifacts. Do not rely on officers, swing by yourself.

Let's start?

Authority, as it should be, affects the respect for the character. The higher the authority, the more sailors you can hire in the tavern, the less you can pay officers and the higher the chance of surrendering the captain of an enemy ship.

Authority develops in several ways. First, these are the tasks of the governors. Secondly, the authority grows itself when you hire sailors in the tavern or kill your opponent or win sea ​​battle, i.e. Thinking about the growth of authority with an active game is not worth it. Will grow itself.

Let's start?

In general, fencing in this game should probably be given a separate post. Above in the text, I have already spoken about different types weapons. It's time to paint everything in detail. In fact, a weapon has 3 characteristics: minimum damage, maximum damage - which can be seen in its description - and energy consumption per hit (generally speaking, attacks are different, but I am generalizing), which is hidden in the type of weapon. However, even weapons of the same type have different energy consumption per strike (compare the strike of a dagger and a rapier - both belong to the class of light weapons). The longest possible fencing with light weapons, however, its main problem is that you cannot kill the enemy with a couple of swings of the blade, and the enemy can be healed. Therefore, the battles are dragging on. The fastest way to cut the enemy is with heavy blades, finishing off after a pistol shot is especially good. And the middle between this ... In general, this is only for those who do not have enough points in reaction for heavy weapons. Either fight for a long time, or quickly, but of course everything is to your taste.

The easiest way to strike weapons in taverns in duels is 1-2 opponents, not very strong. True, glory creeps quickly and after the second tavern there will be no one to fight with. Everyone is afraid.

You can go to the nearest cave, but as soon as you run into high-level skeletons - run, plus - there is a very high chance of getting poisoned. And of course any fight is always at your service.

Let's start?

Everything depends on the pistols, if the reloading is on and a lot if it is not there. A well-aimed shooter is able to kill an enemy with one shot. This also applies to opponents. Run in circles - wait for the enemy's shot, and only then join the fencing duel. The higher the skill, the more damage and accuracy.

It develops very simply. - shots.

Let's start?

As already mentioned - what a pirate without luck? Needed everywhere and always. The bullet will fly by, the enemy's ship will fly to pieces from a critical hit, there will be no cormorants in the treasure ...

It grows always and everywhere. But purposefully swing the game of dice, you can earn money ... (namely dice, the chance to win in them depends not only on the computer, but also on you personally, and the cards are pure luck).

Let's start?

Stealth is needed when smuggling (there are no patrols and ships in the bay) and when entering an enemy city. Under the friendly flag of the nation, you can sail directly into the port.

Swing in the same cases as needed.

Let's start?

The main difference between naval skills and personal skills is that the imbalance in their development can and should be covered by good officers. There is not enough navigation level for the frigate - a navigator was hired! We want to make money by trading - the treasurer is at your service! And hence one more conclusion - at the initial stages of the game without officers it is very, very difficult.

Let's start?

Let's start?

Navigation is the most important skill for any pirate. If the level of navigation is low to control your ship, your character will receive significant penalties to characteristics and skills. If the level is high, then more speed and maneuverability can be survived from the ship.

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Question: The head of the settlement gave me the task to find the gang. Where to find them, damn it?
Answer: Just wander all over the jungle. And what do you think, bandits also move freely in the jungle.

Question: The governor ordered to find the enemy spy. Well, where to find him?
Answer: Search all buildings in the city. He's definitely in one of them.

Question: The governor gave the task to find the smugglers. Where are they?
Answer: In the tavern, you need to make an appointment with them. Then just swim to the desired place (from the "swim to" menu)

Question: How to add new characters?
Answer: In the game folder Resource \ Ini \ texts \ russian there is a file, HeroDescribe, which contains all the instructions on how to create your new character. Well, look for other models, a lot of them have already been done.

Question: I answer surveys on marine topics, but the answer does not count as correct. Why?
Answer: Check if you have mixed anything up. Then try typing your answer in small letters.

Question: Swim to function not working? Why?
Answer: This feature only works for friendly ships and forts. Well, also for swimming to all kinds of capes, bays and bays. For one more quest

Question: What is this nonsense? According to Isabella's quest, I have to make it to Belize in 15-16 days - it's impossible!
Answer: Catch the wind. Swim in zigzags. Wait for normal wind. Good luck!

Question: Isabella was stolen, the corpse of her maid was found, where to look for her herself?
Answer: She is in a cave outside the city.

Question: I cannot customize the buttons the way I want. The inscription "the button is already in use" appears. How to win?
Answer: It's simple. You are looking for what the required button is responsible for, change it to another, and then use the vacated one. How do you want?

Question: Why can't I take the city for myself? After the destruction of the soldiers in the city, the governor does not have the required thread in the dialogue.
Answer: First you need to go through the quest line for any nation, and then engage in the seizure of settlements!

Question: Sometimes the reputation goes down for no reason. What the hell is this?
Answer: Reputation is difficult to acquire and easy to lose. And if you do not commit any actions for a long time, she will return to "Ordinary Sailor" again. Think!

Question: At the tavern, the pirate offered to meet on the ship. I go out to sea, but no one is there. Swam around the island, found no one. What to do?
Answer: It is not always possible to swim to the ship. Swim around the island, swim to bays, capes and try to "swim to" there.

Question: I found a treasure, inside locked chests with gold, how to open them?
Answer: No way. They can only be sold. Expensive.

Question: Where is the unique shipyard located, where can the ship be upgraded?
Answer: In Bermuda. Only there is one problem with the way back. Still a bad place, after all. I advise you to stock up on money

Question: Where is Fort Orange located?
Answer: In Jamaica. Walk through the jungle. If you get bored, buy a card.

Question: How to reduce losses from boarding?
Answer: Destroy the enemy team, have weapons and medicines in the hold. Certain perks also help.

Question: Once in a tavern I talked to a maid, and she promised me a night of love. He just says, they say, I'm busy right now. Is this an easter egg or what?
Answer: This is a scam. You were guided, ha ha ha

Question: Where is the Isle of Main?
Answer: This is not an island, this is the mainland. Well now you will find

Question: Where to find good items?
Answer: In the hoards. During the passage of national quests.

Question: The rats are sick, damn them! How to make sure that they do not eat food and spoil the cargo ?!
Answer: We need to find the rat god. Where? Look for

Question: How many missions do you need to complete to gain access to the Governor General?
Answer: 5 to 10, approx. Note that the tasks must be completed with the same governor, otherwise you will go through before Chinese Easter.

Question: I answered the question, I should receive a sword as a prize. He had to lie in some bay. I climbed the whole bay, but there is a completely different sword. What's the matter?
Answer: This is exactly the sword that you were promised. They just said a different name, yeah.

Question: I do not see the "experience threshold" in the character interface. Is this a bug?
Answer: No. Select the desired item in this interface and the desired value will automatically appear there.

Question: Sails are slowly lowered / raised and the cannons are loaded. What's the matter, how can you fight like that?
Answer: You have few people on the ship and / or they have a small "sailor" or "gunner" skill.

Question: What is the limit for the number of officers? I would like to collect more!
Answer: Maximum number of officers = Leadership * 2. But there are also quest officers for Captain Blood.

Question: Is it possible to complete several lines in one game? For example Spain and France?
Answer: No, just one. But you will play many times)

Question: Tired of generated quests. WHERE to look for normal tasks, do they exist at all?
Answer: Yes, you need to look for them. Very interesting.

Question: The map is too big, I can't find the island or city I want. What to do?
Answer: Open the map of the archipelago (real) and see ... But it takes a long time. I suggest buying or finding location cards, they are all in the game

Question: Why do I have disadvantages in some of the characteristics of the character? How to fix?
Answer: There might be a ship that doesn't match your navigation skill, there might be an overweight or poor health. And you can easily have an idol in your inventory that gives a bonus to one skill and imposes a penalty on another skill. Be careful!

Question: Can officers be assigned to a companion ship?
Answer: No.

Question: Can PIRATES be changed while playing?
Answer: Only at the beginning, on the deck of the ship. You have to think right away!

Question: I have collected three skulls, but the promised bonus does not work. Why?
Answer: Skulls should be of different colors.

Question: How can I go through Askold, Isabella, quest with LH? Please describe in more detail. And preferably full walkthrough.
Answer: Look for yourself, it will be more interesting, yeah

Question: How to start playing? I can’t do anything, there’s not enough team, not enough money.
Take a walk in the jungle, there are free items. Steer in the houses of the townspeople ... Take tasks on the delivery of passengers. While you are going through, learn to play and understand where to raise big bucks

Question: How to get into a city hostile to the GG nation?
1) You can buy a license (from pirates in the tavern), change the flag to the desired one.
2) Just swim to the island, land in the bay. There is a chance to sneak into the city at night. And go out ... well you will understand

Question: So where to get the manovar? He's not at the shipyard!
Answer: It shouldn't be in the shipyard. Only capture. Easiest to find when sieging colonies.

Question: Where are the islands of Belize, Santa Catalina, Porto Bello, Panama, Cartagena, Maracaibo, Caracas, Cumana?
Answer: These are not islands, but cities. They are located on the mainland, Maine.

Question: Where is Tenotchitlan located?
Answer: This is a location with a pyramid (temple). Buy a pearl craft map, find out.

Question: How to enable acceleration greater than x2?
Answer:+/- on Numpad.

Question: Temple of the Indians opens?
Answer: Yes, on a quest

Question: According to Isabella. Came to her house, talked to her. What to do next?
Answer: Run around the buildings of the city.

Question: At the wedding with Isabella, four sickly hulks fly into the church. I can’t fill them up.
Answer: Think about it. Arm yourself to the teeth. Remember that there is also a roundabout.

Question: Isabella is drowning with the Raptured brig! What to do?
Answer: You made a mistake in this quest. Give Isabella any evidence you should have found earlier. Now there is nothing to help you, download an early recording of the game.

Question: Why is this wedding with Isabella needed?
Answer: There are pluses. For example, health improvement, and not sickly. There are a few more pluses, but I will not mention them. Well, the plot ...

Question: Quest "sink the pirate". It does not exist in coastal waters. Where?
Answer: Send lifeboats to ships you can sail to. If you do not find a pirate, swim to the bays, look for ships there.

Question: The Flying Dutchman drowns me and is thrown ashore. Where to get the ship?
Answer: well, if you get to this place of the game, you will definitely find the money. Ways of mass

Question: I can't find the treasure! What's the matter?
Answer: 1) If you entered the desired cave, the map will disappear from the inventory and the inscription "treasure somewhere nearby" will appear on top. If this has not happened, then this is the wrong cave. 2) If the card disappeared, then carefully search all the chests. After searching the chest where the treasure is located, skeletons should appear.

Question: How to get to the Pearl Coast?
Answer: Buy a pearl craft card. Everything is there.

Question: Where to find cursed pearls?
Answer: Take the task from the governors, maybe you will find it.

Question: Why do we need buckets, candles, lutes, pots and other things?
Answer: These are just useless things in terms of obtaining banknotes. But in everyday life, they are not superfluous, even for a pirate.

Question: What kind of an introductory quest to help you find the GPC?
Answer: This is the quest "Kill all the beggars". We get it absolutely by accident, on the street (in the colony of which we appeared, absolutely at any time) Oliver Trust will punch us in ...

Question: Well, I started to play, I run through the jungle, I carry passengers, I accompany ships. There is barely enough money to pay the salaries of the crew and officers. How can you get rich quicker?
1) It is possible and even necessary to engage in trade. You go to the nearest store, look at the goods. You need to choose a product that will cost very little in this store, compared to the prices for the same product in other stores in the archipelago. The most valuable goods: sandalwood, mahogany, ebony, gold, they are the most profitable to transport and resell. If you're lucky, you can collect 100% of the broth and even more.
2) You can capture other people's ships and resell the captured cargo. But this business already requires a certain skill.

Question: How to find out prices for goods. Are they changing?
Answer: Prices in the settlements of the archipelago are constantly changing. You can keep track of prices by simply going into stores and talking to traders. You can also check prices from ship captains of friendly nations.

Question: I took a ship on board, but I can't take it for myself. Why?
Answer: you must have a free officer who can be appointed captain of this ship. Always carry such a person, and preferably a couple.

Question: How many ships can I have for my personal use?
Answer: About sixty. But at the same time 55 must be deposited in the port authorities of the cities. You can only have 5 ships in battle at a time.

Question: The team is constantly revolting. What to do?
Answer: Pay back the debts to the team, give out a "bonus", thereby increasing their mood. Always carry medicines, food and rum in the hold.

Question: The meaning of the character's leadership is not rocked. How can you soften that?
Answer: Some officers are capable of holding several positions at once. Look for such people, they are very helpful.

Question: I boarded an enemy ship, there are no officers, but I want to exchange the ship. But there is a problem: there were things in the chest on my old ship, how can I move them?
Answer: No way. Things will carry over to new ship.

Question: Captain Blood's quests. How to defeat a villain sitting in a brothel?
Answer: The easiest way is to arrange a meeting outside the city gates. Before you go to fight with him, steal the bottles of life, otherwise it will be very difficult to win! In battle with him, use a trample, nothing else can take him. Keep a short distance, otherwise he will shoot you every time. If you feel that you cannot win, start the game over. When creating a character, make sure that the value of the skill "light weapon" is the highest. It will be much easier this way!

Question: Captain Blood's quests. Well, how can I free my blond comrade? It's also full of guards! If I kill everyone, relations with England deteriorate ...
Answer: Everything is easier than it seems. Just run to the camp, take the sword from the chest and talk to your friend. Then run as fast as you can to the city.

Question: Captain Blood's quests. How to get away from the pursuit on this slow and stupid frigate ?!

Answer: Depends on the difficulty of the game you have chosen. On difficulties before the Corsair, the easiest way is to sink both ships and not take a steam bath. It is easier to escape at higher levels. Maneuver. The ships will definitely lag behind, their captains are dumb.

Question: Captain Blood's quests. Where to find a cure for a friend in misery
Answer: The migraine medicine is in one of the houses, on the second floor. Look, there are not many houses. Appears after completing the governor's quest to help his wife.

Question: Collided into the sea with a corvette. Damn, you can't get away from him and get into him. What to do?!
Answer: Spoil his sails and masts, i.e. use knippers and maneuver. No more, the corvette is a very strong opponent.

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Video - the passage of the famous Russian game Corsairs: City of Lost Ships by DirDash. Basically, let "s play. The first part of the special ruler passing ...

Main characters

  • Diego Espinoza
  • Ian Stays
  • Peter Blood - new character in the game, when choosing this character, the player will have to go through an additional quest based on one of the books by Raphael Sabatini.

Quest officers

  • Ned Ogle - one-eyed artilleryman, taken directly from Sabatini's book, appears on a quest for P. Blood.
  • Jeremy Pitt - navigator, like Ogle taken directly from Sabatini's book, appears on a quest for P. Blood.
  • Humphrey Douglas, a musketeer, asks the protagonist to find a double-barreled blunderbuss stolen by an unknown pirate. After finding it, he agrees to join the hero's team.
  • John Workman is one of the officers of Admiral Chad Capper, but soon switches to the side of the protagonist, helping him get weapons and gunpowder for the ship when escaping from the city lost ships, as well as helping in the fight with the admiral.
  • Daniel Sheppard - the eldest daughter of the captain, former filibuster, Stateon, for the murder of a prisoner - an Aztec one of the officers was cursed together with her team by the god Miktlantecutli, which is why she was doomed to sail forever on her ship, after removing the curse she agrees to go as an officer to the main character.

Pirates encountered in the game

  • Henry Morgan is the head of the Pirate Brotherhood, whose residence is on the originally English colony - the island of Jamaica. Also "where is my gold in Panama" Morgan has a significant influence in Jamaica itself. Also, for some quests (French national line, etc.), he visits his home in St. John's (Antigua island).
  • Richard Soukins is the head of Puerto Principe, a pirate settlement in Cuba.
  • Jackman is the head of a pirate settlement in Bermuda.
  • Edward Mansfield is the head of La Vega, a pirate settlement on Hispaniola.
  • Chad Capper - Head of the City of Lost Ships
  • John Morris
  • Rock Brazilian
  • Francois Olone
  • Thomas Lynch
  • Jacques Nightingale - pirate - Easter eggs from the developers, very reminiscent of the famous ship captain Black Pearl Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. Found in the store in Peter Blood's unique quest - Escape from Barbados, on the day when you need to collect money to buy the Sloop.
  • The pirates are friends of Captain Blood, who also experience the hardships of slavery in Barbados.

Other characters

  • Captain Staton - father of Daniel and Elizabeth Sheppard, does not appear in the game, only mentioned.
  • Montezuma is the ghost of Montezuma II, the last leader of the Aztecs. A curse is imposed on him, which is why he cannot retire to the realm of the dead and is forced to walk forever along the banks of the Texcoco.
  • Miktlantecutli is the god of the dead, the guardian of Tenochtitlan.
  • Elizabeth Sheppard is Stateon's daughter, Danielle Sheppard's younger sister.
  • Colonel Bishop - the head of the plantation on the island of Barbados, taken directly from the book of Sabatini, appears on the quest for Blood ..
  • Isabella Olevarez (maiden name - de Valdes) is a resident of the city of San Juan, initially the main character enters her house in order to rob her, but after meeting her husband she pretends to be a friend. Some time later, GG falls in love with Isabella and, after the death of her husband, marry her. Then Isabella, very dissatisfied with the pirate activity and the long absence of the player, constantly tries to pull money out of him.
  • Salvator Olevares - Isabella's husband, a corsair in the past, but after capturing a galleon with jewels he solders the team and escapes on a skiff with all the good to San Juan. He married Isabella for money, tries to deceive all her property for himself, but after being exposed, he switches to more cruel methods.
  • Don Miguel de Valdes - brother of Isabella Olevares, arrived from Spain. On the very first evening, he exposes Salvator and takes the counterfeit bills from him, for which he was killed. Salvator will blame this murder on GG.
  • Rosita Fernandez is Isabella Olevarez's cousin and lives in Belize. After the wedding, GG and Isabella helps to eliminate conflicts in the family.