Full passage of the corsairs to each his own all quests. Corsairs to each his own. Old Thomas was waiting for a beer

At the beginning of the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you need to approach the sailor and talk to him, and then move inland and go inside the residence in which the governor lives. Approach him and chat. After that, you will be arrested and placed in a cell. After some time Philippe de Poinsy will visit you. Be sure to talk to him and go free. After you are released from the prison, go outside and turn right and go around the building. So you will find yourself in front of the entrance to the dungeon. You can go down and approach the ladder to go down it. Then turn right again and in the right chamber, at the very end, you will find your brother. Talk to him.

After that, you will find out that Michel made an advance payment of 5,000 gold, but you need another 15,000 coins. But that's not all, you will also have to hire a navigator. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and move to Guadeloupe. Disembark and start searching for Fadey. After he repays his debt, you can go to the pier, and then turn left to be near the shipyard. Go inside and chat with Gaspard Blondel. It turns out that you owe him 17,000 gold. He will give time to repay the debt - 3 days. Do not be upset, go to the tavern and chat with its owner for a job.

Then again go to the governor's residence and talk to him so that he gives your things.

Rum for the bartender

Constantly look at your watch and try to be near the left pier at 19:00 to board the longboat. Your team will include five more sailors with whom you need to go to Lamentin to find the schooner "Ghost" there. When you board the longboat, start sailing to the port of Le Francois. Come ashore, wander a little, and then return to the board and start moving to the left of the coast. There will be a rock in front of you, go around it and head straight until you have the opportunity to turn left.

As soon as you go around the next rock, take out the compass and start moving north. Look at the clock and at 02:00 press Enter. Now look at the top list and notice the icon of the ship "Ghost" there, click on it. Then open the menu and select one of the boats to get to this ship on it. After his captain approaches, you have to tell him the password. It is worth noting that in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, passwords are generated randomly, so you have to choose from the options offered.

I advise you not to put a period at the end of the sentence, because the password will not be accepted. You will now have the rum and you can return to the port of Le Francois. After disembarking, chat with several characters, and then move to the tavern to receive the promised reward.

call girl

Walking through the streets of the town, you will meet a man dressed in a light brown suit who calls himself Arthur Scalone. He will ask you to help him. You need to get into the brothel, find and chat with Aurora. Then take it off at night. He will also give you 6000 gold, of which you will have to pay a part for the services of a prostitute. By all means agree, and you will know one more name -

Go to the brothel and find a pimp named Aurora there to place an order for Lutiss. Give her 2500 gold and find out that the girl will be free around 23:00, and you need to pick her up before 24:00. Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and wait for the right time to head back to the brothel. Find Lutiss there and talk to her. Once outside, head towards the governor's estate, and then face them and go into the house on the right. Another landmark is the red roof. Sooner or later she will ask if you are still there. You should answer yes to this question and wait until she disappears through the door. This task will count. It is worth noting that you will need to return for the girl the next day, only around 23:00 - 24:00. So you can not wait for her appearance that same night.

Manuscripts of the Priest of Saint-Pierre

Face the governor's estate and find the church on the left side of it. Go there and chat with the priest who is busy reading prayers. Then, in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you will need to begin the next task, namely, to find and bring the manuscripts of Father Capsterville. It can be found on the island of St. Christopher. No need to wait long, hurry up to go there immediately.

warehouse worker

Approach the prison and look for a store near it. Go into it and chat with Francois Laroux, ask him about the work. However, he will want you to find Gralam Lavoie who works in the warehouse first. He will also say that you will not find him in the city. So hurry to get into the jungle and follow the path until you are near a fork. Move left and then turn right. I advise you to stick to the left side and go to the lair of the corsairs.

In this village, there is a shop on the right side, go into it and find Gralam Lavua there. He will be at the counter. After talking with him, you can return to St. Pierre and tell the seller that they found the person. He will pay you off and entrust the next task, which is to find another person named Francois Laroux. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and return to the corsair lair and go to the tavern. Find its owner and ask him about the workers. Then pay him 1000 gold to tell you about them.

Wait an hour and go back to the innkeeper. By the way, you can take a break this time on the second floor of the store where Lavoie was found. When you arrive at the tavern at the right time, you will see three selected workers. Approach them and chat. It is worth noting that they will offer you a bribe for you to choose it. After choosing the most suitable one, wait until he leaves the tavern, and then follow him. Climb aboard the ship and head to Saint-Pierre. Find a vendor and return to the shop after an hour to receive the promised 5,000 gold.

stolen jewel

From the governor's residence, go to the fork and turn left. Before you will be the gate through which you need to go. This will take you to the jungle. When you reach the fork, turn left and continue on. After a while, you will see two foreigners hurrying to escape. You don't have to chase after them. Better pass to the right and approach the lifeless body.

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you need to carefully examine it to find earrings. Take them and return to the city. Head to the merchant from the local shop and sell them for 4000 gold. But you can also not sell them, but go to the governor and show the find. He will say that these are his wife's jewelry, thank you for the find and give you a map of the archipelago.


Now you need to get to the Port Authority House. Once inside, you will see a certain Paul Géry, with whom you need to chat. It turns out that his comrade is going to go to war with the Indians, who settled in the jungle. He asks for help. You can continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and get out of the building, then turn left and meet Prosper Troubal near the gate. Approach him and chat. Then go through the gate and head into the jungle to fight the Indians. I advise you not to let them get close to Prosper.

Together with Prosper and head inside the cave. Start shooting the Indians one at a time, and then talk to Troubal again to find out that his daughter is alive. Explore the cave and find a stranger in the same place. This man's name is Dilbert Kursi. Be sure to chat with him and go outside to talk with Prosper again. Now go to the city to get a well-deserved reward for completing the task.

Burden of the Gascon. Continuation

So, you should have about 24,000 gold in your pocket right now. Head to the shipbuilder and pay him the debt for the ship. Now you have become the owners of the schooner. You can head to the tavern and talk to the innkeeper that you have intentions to assemble a team. He will tell you that there is a sailor behind him who is not serving yet. Approach him and talk. He will tell you that he agrees to serve you, and together with him 40 sailors will go for it. Only you will have to fork out for 8000 gold.

Continue the passage of Corsairs: To each his own and go to the store to buy food for the ship. Only then return to the sailor and tell him that you agree to his terms, as well as that all the necessary goods, including medicines, are already in stock. Now it remains to hire a navigator.

Approach the innkeeper again and ask him about it. But he cannot advise anything, so go outside and approach the man who will have a dark beard and hair. Also on his head is a bandana and a sword in his hands. Meet him and find out that his name is Appolinaire. Tell us that you are looking for a navigator and he will help you by talking about a person who is now behind bars. Head to the prison you were in and approach the commandant. As soon as you talk to him and ask about Volk, he will direct you to the moneylender. Find it in the bank opposite the prison. Talk to him and find out that the prisoner owes him 10,000 gold. But you don't have them, ask him if there's anything he needs to do. He will agree and give you a new task.

Engineer from Spain

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own you have to win back this engineer's friend from the corsairs. You need to go to Le Marin bay. Then go into one of the buildings to take a break. After a good night's sleep, head for the jungle and go deep into them. After a while you will find yourself near the water, where the pirates are holding the Spanish engineer captive. Approach them and chat.

After you cut the throats of two corsairs, you will need to engage in a fight with an engineer who will not immediately believe that you are positively disposed towards him. Try not to cause him much damage, and after you defeat him, chat. Remember that in the city you should not appear closer to the night. Because there are guards at the gate. So hurry to the tavern and rent a room for a day. As soon as 00:40 ticks on the clock, head from St. Pierre. I advise you to avoid meeting with officers who are walking around the streets of the city at this time. After you get to the moneylender, talk to him and make Folke write a receipt.

In just a few seconds, a calm breeze turns into a destructive flurry. The clear sky becomes formidable because of the many clouds. Torrents of rain and lightning erupt. Suddenly, from behind the horizon on torn sails, a chilling horror appears, a nightmare on the waves. He brings death to all living things. This is a ghost ship.

In the empty labyrinths of an abandoned temple, there are many terrible guards who are summoned by the angry god of death, Yum Simil. A powerful ancient artifact must be returned to the Dead Realm. Then the Caribbean archipelago will get rid of evil spirits that want war.

  • The mystical macro quest will take at least 6 game hours;
  • The newest unique military galleon - a class 1 ship;
  • New unique melee weapon - katana;
  • New unique firearms - double-shot pistol;
  • New unique armor- Lamport suit.

Don't be afraid of the undead. The brave can overcome everything! You will have to find three artifacts and return the jade skull to its place.

Attention! This quest is only available if you purchase the DLC from the Steam store!

Conditions for obtaining the quest: The Dutch Gambit must be successfully completed. If you completed the "Dutch Gambit" for the GVIK, or the Secret Organization, then you need to sell the skull to the Portuguese. Time must pass - approximately 4 months after the completion of Gambit. The game version is 1.1.3 and higher. Otherwise, you may experience all sorts of glitches.

Reward: Flying Heart War Galleon, Double Shot Pistol, Lamport Costume, Shaman Potion, Katana.

How can I get the quest? There are three ways to do this:

  1. Buy a strange amulet from a beggar in town
  2. Remove the strange amulet from the body of the slain Indian in the jungle
  3. Find a strange amulet in the chest in the cabin of the captain of the aborted ship.

To start the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche in one profile, you can get the "Strange amulet" in any way. It will fall into your hands anyway.

So, you have a "Strange Amulet" on your hands. You need to find out what its purpose is. Who can give a hint? Naturally, the lighthouse keepers. They can also give orders for amulets. Visit three lighthouses - Santiago, Guadeloupe, Cartagena. One caretaker in any case will tell how the amulet appeared in the Caribbean and that Charles is already the third person who shows this thing.

However, only one person can know how to use the amulet. This is the shaman of the Carib Indians. The tribe lives in Dominica. Do not flatter yourself, the Indian does not talk to anyone. In order for him to start communicating with you, he needs to present an offering. He only accepts firearms. This is not a simple pistol, but a real drill musket, or a naval carbine.

When you get something useful, go to Dominica. In the depths of the jungle, find the village of the Caribs. In one house you will find a shaman, talk to him. When he recognizes his amulet, then get to look for the other two. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues.

Don't think it will be easy for you! As soon as you enter the water area of ​​the island, a strong storm will begin. A ghost ship will rush towards your ship! By the way, he won't shoot. As soon as your ships get close, the ghost will start boarding. You need to deal with the skeletons on the ghost's quarterdeck and go to the captain's cabin.

In the cabin of the captain of the Kaleuche

Don't try to pummel the undead captain. He cares about everything! After a while, he will stop and start talking. The captain will say that he and his team are immortal. He attacked because he needs the strange amulet you are in possession of.

Well, start fighting him again. As a result, you will fall unconscious. Come to your senses on the coast of Dominica. As far as health is concerned, it is at a disadvantage. A sailor from your ship will run up to you, or a girl if you managed to go through the Pirate Saga. From the conversation, you will learn that your team was able to drag your body from the ship. But your ship was sunk with just one salvo.

Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues. By the way, the sailors also managed to take your chest from the cabin, so the little things remained intact. Talk, go back to the shaman and find out how Kaleuche appeared in the Caribbean, why he needs amulets and how you can fight him.

As for fighting, it is not difficult - you need to find the two missing amulets, as well as the jade skull of Yum Simil. He is now with Joaquim Merriman. Well, you'll have to pick it up. But first you need to find the remaining amulets before the undead captain. The shaman will give advice to find a fast ship that will get away from the Kaleuche.

Hint: Ships such as the Mirage, Meifeng, Valkyrie can get away from the ghost ship. However, you feel sorry for them, or for some reason you will not be able to enter them. Pay attention to ships of small classes, but not merchant ones.

Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche. Go back to the lighthouse keeper who told you about the amulet. Ask him about the other two amulets. Or rather, who can own them.

So, you need a hunter from Belize, Fergus Hooper, Jack-Jackson from Barbados. All that is known about him is that his ship is called "half-woman-half-bird". In fact, the name is "Harpy"!


You should ask the Port Authority about Jack-Jackson. When asked what his xebec is called, answer "Harpy". You will be told that this captain is now in the service of the Dutch West India Company. That's where you need to look for it. Go to Curacao. In the GVIK office, the one that sells commercial licenses will find out that your Jackson is engaged in regular flights between Port Royal and Phillipsburg. Find the right ship on this route, send a boat to the shebeca.

You will learn that Jackson keeps the amulet in the chest of the lighthouse in Barbados. So that's why the undead captain couldn't get it! However, Jackson cannot go to Barbados with you. He has a contract. Therefore, for the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche, buy from him the key for the chest. It costs 500 doubloons. Return to Barbados, land at the lighthouse. In the chest you will find a strange amulet, as well as a two-shot pistol and other small things. Deliver the amulet to the shaman, as "Kaleuche" is now hunting for you.


In Belize, you will find out that your hunter will arrive no earlier than in three days. In addition, it will be in the period from 6 to 9 pm. Wait for it. It may appear in a week. Ask, in general, about the amulet.

He would have gladly given the amulet, but only he was robbed by local bandits. Long story short, the amulet was stolen along with Hooper's other belongings. Go to the commandant of the prison, but there you will not learn anything except that the bandits have assistants in the city. We'll have to take on the white ourselves.

Shame at home. So in one you will find a suspicious type. Kill him, search the body and find an interesting note. Wait until midnight, blow into the jungle. In the next location, you will meet bandits outside the city gates. Give the note, get an invitation to the case. This is a robbery of a merchant.

For the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche you must agree and help them. At the next dialogue, you will receive another invitation to the case. It will be over in three days. You will also learn that the gang is located nearby in a cave. The next day, also at midnight, go to the cave, there will be caches. Find the amulet, Lamport's costume and other rubbish. Two bandits will find you. You will have to kill them and go to the shaman, running away from the Kaleuche along the way.

Hint: if you hand over two bandits to the commandant, then after three days you will receive a reward for capturing the villains.

jade skull

So, you need through Yum Simil. He is currently with Joaquim Merriman. Blow into Willemstad. There the Portuguese rented a room. Don't rush anywhere at the pier. A monk will run up to you and say that Merriman is missing. Also missing was the owner of the house where he rented a house. Plus, strange things happen there at night. However, the soldiers found nothing.

Naturally, you have to figure out what's what. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues. When midnight comes, go to the house opposite the residence. You need to go up to the second floor. The monk did not deceive! A fairly thick smoke will rise above the chest near the bed. After that, a skeleton holding an ax will appear in the room! When you deal with the undead, search the corpse. You will understand that this is the housewife. Yes, after all, Merriman is a very dangerous type!

Go to the church, talk to the priests. From him you will learn that Joaquim is a former nobleman. Now this is a terrible witch. In Havana, the disappearance of the townspeople, as well as attacks from the undead, were noticed. Well, go to Cuba. Here you have to go to church. You will learn from a local monk that all kinds of undead are in the jungle in a cave. The passage to this place is guarded by a musketeer.

Blow into the jungle. In the location in front of the cave itself, talk to the musketeer. He will let you through. With the further passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche needs to kill all the skeletons both at the entrance and in the cave itself. As soon as the last cave skeleton falls to the floor, smoke will begin to pour from her corner. This is where Chavinavi comes in. Those who follow Richard Gambit will immediately recognize the creature. Kill him, return to the monk. He expresses gratitude. All this is great, but you still haven't found Merriman. By the way, he is somewhere near!

Nobody in the city saw him. Will have to look for him. At the cemetery, stick to the caretaker. Press on him, then you will find out that Joaquim is sitting in the crypt and quietly stealing corpses from the cemetery. Take the key, blow behind the skull. Go into the crypt, go past the coffins, go through the door.

You ended up in a cave with a number of grottoes. Everywhere you need to clean up the skeletons, find Merriman. You will find it in the room with the throne. Talk to him, watch the transformation from a human into a nasty undead. At first, fight off the summoned chavinavi, then from the jaguar warrior, as well as Joaquim, who joined him. When Marriman falls, the chavinavi will die on its own. Search the corpse of a Portuguese subject. Take the jade skull from him. Do not forget to also search the cave, take the Easter chest. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche.

It's time to go to Dominica. Now there is a strange thing - if the amulets so attracted the ghost ship, then the jade skull is not at all interesting to him. When you come to the shaman, listen to the story. You need to listen carefully, because it is important! Then take two amulets. Regardless of whether the amulets are worn or not, they are only good for a month. During this period, you must find the island with the temple of Yum Simil. Leave the skull there.

Hint: If you passed pirate saga, you will learn the coordinates of the island from Nathaniel Hawke. Well, if not, then you need the center of the notorious bermuda triangle. Its peaks are Sint Maarten, Antigua, St. Christopher. Get ready to fight serious battles, both on land and at sea.

So, you have found Hael Roa. On it you must leave Yum Simil's skull. Go to the depths of the island, where the temple is visible. Climb to the top, come in. When you get to three passes, you need to choose the middle one. Climb up the stairs. Next, you need to navigate by the sign "skull-sun". Focus on the sun, killing skeletons along the way, as well as Chavinians. When, during the passage of the Corsair: To each his own - Kaleuche, open the door, you will enter a room in which there are teleports. Go to the right one. Then there will be only one road. All teleports are correct. After entering the last teleport, you will find yourself in a sanctuary. There, a Chavinavi chief will approach you.

Hint: the leader will start bombarding you with questions. The answers to them were in the shaman's story, which had to be listened to carefully! If the answers are wrong, at least one of them, then the leader will attack you. If you don't make any mistakes, you will get the skin of a leopard warrior.

At the end of the conversation with the leader, go to the statue on the other side of the sanctuary. Put down the jade skull. When you leave the temple, you need to go to the sea. In the water area, the military galleon "Flying Heart" is already waiting for you. It already has a mortal team led by a captain. Take the former ghost on board, mow down everyone who gets caught. Along the way, you need to search the skeletons, which may contain interesting amulets. There will be a battle with the captain in the cabin. After - a conversation. At the end of the conversation, kill him. Remove the first strange amulet from the body. In one of the chests you will find a katana. The other will have 5,000 doubloons. You can't take them away, so don't try in vain.

Here it is, chilling the soul "Kaleuche" ... ours!

Do you think that the passage of Corsair: To each his own - Kaleuche is completed? It wasn't there! You need to return to the shaman, give him the amulets. You will receive a task - to deliver 15 Mangaros. Of these, he will prepare a potion for you. You can bring everything to him at once. You can, as far as you find - in fives. As a result, you will receive three potions: a potion of endurance, a potion of reaction and a potion of your choice. As soon as you get the potions, say goodbye to the shaman, who will go to comprehend the wisdom of his ancestors.

Passage of Corsairs: To each his own. Rum for the bartender

So, at 19-00 you need to be on the very left pier, go on a longboat with five sailors to the Lamentin beach area, find the Phantom ship and board. Say the code phrase and wait for the rum to be loaded onto the longboat. Next, you need to sail to the bay of the pirate settlement Francois. But this task will need to be started at 19-00, until that time is still far away. When 19-05 comes, the entry in the log will be updated - the longboat has been delivered to the pier. Go to the left pier, follow the longboat. Press the Enter key, select the function Sail to Port Le Francois. To choose the right tailwind, disembark in the port and board the longboat again. From here, swim along the coast to the left, rounding the rock, swim straight until the next turn to the left. Once around the second cliff, use the compass to move north (N). At about 02-00, press Enter here, the Ghost ship icon should appear in the list at the top left - click on it. Now re-open the menu and select the boat - swim aboard the Ghost. The captain of the ship will approach you - tell him the password. Passwords in the game are randomly generated. If you suddenly forgot it and did not write it down, then here are some of them:

Boards and tow will be in the morning

Don't wait for the south wind

Old Thomas was waiting for a beer

Camels go north

The bay is ready for landing

In my case, it was the last option. At the same time, write in such a transcription in which the innkeeper gave you - no need to put a period at the end! After receiving the rum, sail back to the port of Le Francois. Land at the port, talk to the men and go to the tavern for a reward.

Passage of Corsairs: To each his own. Return the manuscripts of the priest Saint-Pierre

To the left of the residence there is a church - talk to the father, who reads the prayers. Ask if the church needs help, let them know that your intentions are sincere. Take the task - you need to deliver the manuscripts of the priest of Capsterville. It's on St. Christopher's Island. It's not worth the delay, so swim there as soon as you get access to the ocean map.

Passage of Corsairs: To each his own. warehouse worker

Find a store near the prison, chat with Francois Laroux about work. Agree to find the person from the warehouse. His name is Gralam Lavoie. The merchant said that he was definitely not in the city. Go out into the jungle, at the fork, first move to the left, then to the next location - to the right. Here you need to take the left path and get to the pirate nest. Enter the village, there will be a shop on the right near the entrance - go inside and talk to Gralam Lavoie, standing near the counter. Return to the store clerk in St. Pierre, report that you have found Lavoie. After receiving the money, start the second part of the task. It is necessary to find a new employee for Francois Laroux's store in that very pirate nest. Return to the pirates in the village, there is a tavern right opposite the gate - go inside and talk to the innkeeper about the worker. Give him 1000 pesos, he will recruit the right candidates for you in an hour. Return in an hour to the innkeeper. Go to the village shop where Lavoie was found, go upstairs and find a bed. Come close to her, press Enter, select thoughts out loud, "I could do with a break" and use the slider to select 1 hour. After sleeping, return to the pirates' tavern, three men standing in a row will appear here. Talk to each one - they will offer different rewards if you choose him. I chose the first one, who gave 500 pesos an extra bag of amber. Tell him that the choice fell on him. Wait for him to leave the tavern, then exit yourself. Together with him, return to the store in St. Pierre, talk to the merchant after the man hands over his part of the reward. Go to the store in an hour and receive a reward of 5000 pesos from the seller. Laru called the employee a very valuable employee.

Now you must sail to the island of Antigua to find the informant on it. He is the one who can tell right person, through which you can send a message to Fleetwood. Head there and drop anchor in Falmouth Bay. Then move to the city. Be careful, because the Mirage ship has robbed the British more than once. Try not to be exposed. Once at the fork, go left and go through the city gates. Then move further until you are near the stairs. Stop and find a pharmacy located nearby. There you will meet a man who will provide information about one of Fleetwood's buddies. You can continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and return to the ship.

Open the map and go to Dominica. After Longway doesn't come to your aid, wait until the Valkyrie, under the leadership of Fleetwood, looms on the horizon. Make every effort to capture this ship and chat with the captain. Only after you talk to him, his life will be restored again and you will have to get rid of him again. If you do not want to fool your head, then just let the ship sink.

Then return to the island of Curacao and tell Rhodesburg about what you have done. So you will replenish your balance by 150,000 gold. You will also learn that the ship on which the assigned tasks were performed has now become yours. And the former was flooded near the pier. Then head to the governor to get one of state awards in the amount of 1000 gold.

The fourth task. Jewish money

After you take a break for a week, return to Rodenburg and get the next task in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own. He will tell you that he is in love with a girl named Abigail. However, she resists marrying him without giving reasons. You have to figure out what's what. Head towards the residence and turn left.

Once near the gate, go into the house on the right. Go inside and go up to the second floor, where you will find the girl. It turns out that she does not want to marry Roddensburg, so that she will not be condemned for doing it for the sake of profit. In order to avoid such rumors, you need to find a chest on one of the islands that her father hid. Waste no time and go down to chat with the old man. However, he will not remember the location of the island.

Leave the building and move along the street until a stranger approaches you. After talking with him, you will find out that his name is Joaquim Merriman. He will ask you to follow him, agree. Once you are in the room, talk to him. It turns out that he is interested in the skull, which is hidden in the same chest as Solomon's savings. If you bring him this skull, you will be rewarded with half a million pesos. Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and agree to complete this task.

Open the diary and read that the coordinates of the desired island can be found in the records of the baths of Berg and Fleetwood. Now you will need a compass, an hourglass, an astrolabe and a chronometer. Bring up the alchemy menu and connect the chronometer to the hourglass to make a functioning chronometer. Then hurry on board your ship and go to the cabin. Then apply a function with which you can find the island only by coordinates.

After receiving the information, start the journey. This piece of land is located between the island of Curaçao and Martinique. After you get to the goal, disembark and go to the fork. Move from it to the left, and then go into the grotto. There you need to find the right chest. After you take away the contents from it: a skull, gold, money. You can return to Solomon and give him what you found. It is up to you to decide whether to return the skull to him or receive half a million pesos. Then go up to Abigail and tell her about everything. It turns out that she now agrees to marry Lucas.

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you should head to Lucas and report this. He will reward you with an amulet and 50,000 pesos. However, he does not have a job for you yet, so take a break and do something else.

Fifth task

After you return to the island of Curacao after a while, a stranger will suddenly run up and say that Rodensburg wants to see you. Talk to him and find out that you need to kill the traitor Murdoch before he does. Open the map and start sailing to Antigau. Drop anchor in the port and go to the church. Stop and see two buildings in front of her, go to them and find a hatch between them. Open it and start descending into the dungeon. No matter how hard you try not to get into a dead end, you will still find yourself there.

Look around and find a passage in the wall. Go there and examine it to see the entrance to the warehouse with barrels. After you enter it, finish Murdoch and his accomplice. Then in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you will need to select the third bottom line in the dialogue with Longway in order to hire him. Now you can search Murdoch's body and find the keys to the pharmacy. You can move further through the warehouse and climb the stairs.

Once in the pharmacy, go to the chest and open it to take 25,000 pesos and an archive belonging to John Murdoch, who once worked for GVIK. Now you need to try to find the encryption, which is located in the subway. Only then can you return to the city. Using the hatch for this, you can go to your ship and climb aboard. Start your journey to the shores of Curacao to complete the Dutch Gambit quests. Approach Rodenburg and report to him about what has been done.

Dutch Gambit. secret organization

In order to start the passage of this series of quests in the game Corsairs: To each his own, you should meet the following indicators:
- Weapon skill not lower than level 30;
- Character experience - not lower than level 15;
- The reputation should also be at the level of "Unknown Pirate".

If you have all this, then you can go to Barbados and chat with the owner of one of the taverns, whose name is Gaston the Bald. It is from him that you will receive the first order.

Spanish Hidalgo

Now you have to eliminate one Spanish nobleman who calls himself Fernando Rodriguez. It can be found on one of the islands under Spanish rule. Since the appearance of this character is randomly generated, just stop in different cities and visit taverns at night to find him. If you find yourself in the right place and at the right time, then the owner of the tavern will tell you that he is walking around the city somewhere or spending the night on his brigantine. Then find the ship, board it and finish off Rodriguez. Just do not try to let the ship sink, because after you kill the enemy, you need to pick up his belongings and deliver them to Bridgetown to Gaston. If you do not do this, the task will not be considered completed.

Ship's log

After in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, Gaston will give you new quest, get ready to steal the ship's log from Richard Fleetwood. After 10 days, he will appear in the governor's office, at this time you need to be in his house, kill the guard and climb to the second floor. There you will find the desired magazine, and then exit. Be careful as three opponents will attack you now. After dealing with them, run out into the street and finish off the rest. After a while, you will lose consciousness.

Trap preparation

Open your eyes already in the pharmacist's house. Try to carefully follow him and get out of his house at night. In order to do this, you need to use the dungeon. But when you come to your ship, it will be arrested. But don't be discouraged, because now Gaston will provide you with a courier lugger. However, if you do not want to complete the task on it, then return to the pharmacist. In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you need to talk with him to find out what best friend Fleetwood, Charlie Knippel is now going to sail towards Curacao. And he will be on the brigantine. So you have a whole week to catch up with him.

Get to the outskirts of the island of Curacao and try to board this brigantine. After that, you can interrogate Knippel, and then move to the city and find Fleetwood's beloved to him. Persuade her to sail with you to Antigua.

Then head to the tavern and find a pretty drunk man there. After he gives his consent to deliver the message to Fleetwood, he will tell you how much this service will cost you.

Fall of the Valkyrie

Open the map and move to Turks Island. After walking a little, you will meet Fleetwood and talk. Then you need to fight him. After the victory, return to your ship and head to the island where the Valkyrie is located. Try to board the ship, and then return to John. As soon as you report to him about your deed, he will offer an officer rank. Of course, you have to agree.

Dutch West India Company

In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you will become an opponent of GVIKA and fight with Lucas Rodenburg. After you get a tip on the GVIKA brigantine, which is now located between Antigua and St. Christopher, get down to business. Open the map and find the ship in purple there. After you take him on board and hand over the letter, return to Willemstad.

Once in place, you will see that the Mainfeng ship is now in the roadstead. Head to the tavern and find out more about this ship. After that, you can head to Van Hato Bay. Now you can see a purple ship in it. Try to overtake him and board him. After that, continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and move to the Mainfeng. Go down into his hold and interrogate the Chinese. Just make haste to conduct the interrogation as soon as possible, because the Chinese may die from his wounds. He will ask you to drop him off in Guadeloupe. Agree to learn important information.

The end of Lucas Rodenburg

Head to St. Christopher and sail on the new ship to the Dutch galleon. Having approached, send a boat to him to chat with Stevesant, and then go with him to the island of Curacao. Once in place, you can arrest Lucas to get a decent reward. After you return the ship to GVIK, you can head to Antigua.