Tarot Manara: Seven of the Earth. The meanings of the card "Seven of the elements of the earth" of the deck "Tarot Manara" according to the book "Erotic Tarot. Exploring the secrets of love "Anna Kotelnikova and Elena Gerasimova 7 earth taro manara meaning


All joy is in the past, in such a distant and irrevocable,
And in the present - well-being and hopelessness.
The heart is tired of the narrow framework of well-being,
It is in despondency, it is in chains, it is in languor ...
Igor Severyanin

Image. Dark environment, dark room. A woman in white reads scattered sheets, she is busy only with her experiences and memories. In the background, in the doorway, the figure of a male commander appears (in the Seven of Water, reminiscent of our plot, this image has not yet acquired real outlines, but it seems that a premonition of evil arose just then). What is she reading? Someone's love letters? Or maybe these are letters from the Commander himself with promises of love? Or the leaves of a diary where you once dreamed so well ... about material well-being? A woman who has driven herself into loneliness perceives a man as a despot. She put the material above sincere feelings and as a result received darkness, hopelessness and inner oppression, from which even memories and dreams do not relieve.

Meaning. This card is about the fact that when getting married, someone gives hope for love, and someone promises a lot. As a result, promises are not fulfilled, hopes are not justified, but people are so tightly held by the material plane of being that they continue to stay together.
Connection with the past, which attracts to itself. Living on the thin line between myth and reality. "Today and now" is less interesting than imaginary. Conscious restriction of sexual life for the sake of other activities. Sublimation.

State. Depression from relationships, rethinking the hopelessness of the situation. Awareness of one-sidedness of one's life. The sheets that a woman reads are an outlet in her hopeless everyday life.

Relationship characteristics. People, having staked on the material, thought that everything else would follow. As the saying goes, "be patient - fall in love." But it turned out that happiness is not in security, and the “dream come true” about love, which over time will arise from nowhere, did not happen. People have remained strangers to each other. Detachment and disappointment in oneself and in a partner.

The physical state. The white robes and the woman's head covering hint at innocence.
Absence, conscious avoidance or limitation of intimacy.

The senses. The imaginary replaces the real. There is no love, understanding, sympathy. Yes, and emotions "with a minus sign" - hatred, fear, irritation - are also inaccessible to the heroes of the plot. There are no sincere feelings that color our everyday life in iridescent multicolor. What remains is the dullness of disappointment, hopelessness, apathy...

A warning. Are you backing yourself into a corner?

Advice. Consciously limit yourself (including in relationships), rethink the situation.

Astrological match. Saturn in Taurus. The third decan of Taurus. Fear of any loss.

Kotelnikova A., Gerasimova E. - Erotic tarot. Exploring the mysteries of love


Nun? Not me, but in prison
There are no fetters on the hands, they are clean,
But the heart groans and screams in doubt:
Who am I in love with? And what do you think?
After all, I'm a toy, a prisoner without captivity,
A nun without a cross and a servant without psalms.
And yet I am your other half, -
What can you perceive without words?
Who wants passion - he will get it,
Prisons who wants - will be imprisoned,
And I'm just waiting for the right time
Run away. Damn this house!

Map plot
In a dark and gloomy room on the floor, among the scattered letters, a female figure froze in clothes resembling a shroud that cover upper part body and head. But the clothes do not cover the woman's legs, and her shoulder slipped out of this white captivity, exposing her chest.
The woman does not see anything around. Her gaze is fixed on the sheets, and the hand that is clasped with her legs, as it were, enhances the impression of the rigid framework and dependence in which this young woman finds herself.
Behind her, in the doorway, stands a man dressed all in black. He is watching what is happening. He is the guardian of his prisoner. Or maybe a savior?

The card indicates serious disharmony in relationships. One of the partners is a tyrant who completely subordinated the other to his will and interests.

Reversed card meaning

The card indicates a rebellion, a revolution that is brewing in a person. He is ready to break his chains and trample on the tormentor in order to escape from captivity. Often such a rebellion is associated with a subsequent spree - an uncontrolled manifestation of freedom and permissiveness.

Positive manifestations in the situation (strong traits)

The ability to obey, to sacrifice one's own interests, the ability to perceive the wishes of people are wonderful qualities that few possess. And yet this does not compensate for the negative that is presented in the negative aspect of the situation.

Negative manifestations in the situation (weaknesses)

A person completely forgot about himself, his interests and his desires. His will and feelings no longer belong to him, but are the property of the one to whom he has submitted. He is a slave. Servant. He almost lost his "I".

Trends in the situation with a positive value (what can be expected next)
The trend of the situation described by the map in upright position, is of no interest. A person will not do anything to somehow change his state or state of affairs. As he sat in slavery, so he will sit. And talking about freedom and the desire to somehow express their discontent is just a game that is aimed at impressing others.

Trends in the situation with a negative value (what can be expected next)
The beginning of active actions, which the card predicts in an inverted meaning, will be accompanied by serious "pogroms" and an attempt to take revenge on your offender. A person, realizing that he can become free, tries in every possible way to compensate for all those years that have passed in captivity. And they passed through the fault of the one with whom the struggle is now going on until the last breath. Until the enemy asks for mercy.

D. Nevsky. Taro Manara. The magic of love

Keywords, meanings:
pressure, tyranny, despotism, moral pressure, constraint, limitation.
The cause of the event is the weakness of one and the strength of the other. And then the weak begins to suffer under the pressure of force, not being able to say, not wanting to change anything.
The consequences of the event will all be as they are now. So it will be tomorrow, so it will always be. The weak will not become strong, you can not try and do not hope for it.

The value of the card in the upright position
The card indicates serious disharmony in relationships. One of the partners is a tyrant who completely subordinated the other to his will and interests.
The subordinate lives as a recluse, his relations with the outside world and friends are strictly limited. His position is reminiscent of the state of the victim, who resigned himself to his fate.

Live event

One of the partners completely suppressed the personality of the other. It simply is not all in the past. Now it is just a puppet that lives only because that is the will of the owner. In fact, this is slavery, only without real shackles and bars in their place - fear, pain and doom.

Description of the situation, plot, setting
Crushed, forced, intimidated all the words male, this plot is more related to the behavior of men. But there are women who are capable of such patterns of behavior. And also mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, the list of schemes where such behavior can be present is long.

The act of a person in work, deeds
In business matters, a person cannot take a single step without a command or order. He lost faith in himself and lost confidence in his abilities. He is broken and crushed. And it takes time to restore everything.

Act in monetary and financial matters of relationships

In finance, the collapse is the loss of money, which painfully hit not only the wallet, but also the conceit of a person. He is crushed by the situation. He is bankrupt physically and mentally.

Cause of the psychological state and behavioral aspect
The person could not stand the pressure that another person or circumstances put on him. He's broken. This is a serious psychological trauma that undermined the foundation of the Personality - self-esteem.

Fears and concerns
The card itself is a card of fear, fear of pain, despair and emptiness. The personality has crumbled into pieces and cannot be brought together. She is afraid of everything and everyone and there is nothing she can do about it.

Relationship reaction of people
People very often distance themselves from such situations, believing that this is a person's choice. And at first, perhaps it really was a choice. But now it is already a fate, a swamp from which you cannot get out yourself. And the people around do not notice this, believing: "If he wants, he will get out on his own."

Love is a form of expression of feelings

Love? It is the love of a slave for his master, a victim for his executioner. As well as the fear and hopelessness that spice up these strange feelings.

Family act

IN family life this is a card of domestic tyranny, where the tyrant-dictator completely subjugated those who are weaker than him to his will. This is the barracks where the commander gives orders. This is a prison where the warden controls everyone. This is what a family looks like through the prism of this map.

Magic signs of influence

There are magical technologies for subjugating a person, including those that are part of a love spell. The card suggests thinking about what is the true reason for what is happening to a person and checking it for magical interference.

advice, recommendation
Have you been in a similar situation? Look for someone to help you immediately. See who is in this situation? Try to help or bring an assistant. Remember that you can get out of the "swamp of despair" only with someone's help.

D. Nevsky. Taro Manara. All colors of love

Problems will soon be solved, and life will flow along the knurled track. Such faith and expectation is symbolized in the Erotic Tarot Manara deck by a woman rereading old letters. She is waiting for her lover. He must come. And he is already visible to the viewer on the threshold, that is, behind the woman's back. He was held up by business. With its image, the card shows that hopes will soon come true. But if it fell out in an unfavorable environment, apparently, something wrong will happen. For example, changes in relationships are possible.

The reverse side of tough pragmatism - material dependence, which, in the end, did not bring happiness due to an unmet need for love. Life is comfortable and cozy financially, which is what we were striving for. However, the installation "endure-fall in love" did not work. Relationships are cold, full of disappointment and loneliness. Sex in a couple is replaced by self-satisfaction from fantasies and nostalgia for past love, which was once unprofitable and therefore is now lost. Memories and fantasies at the moment are more preferable than a real partner nearby, for whom there are no feelings.

The senses:
Dissatisfaction in love, disappointment, indifference to a partner with all the material well-being of life with him. The intimate side of the relationship is also not interested. Escape from gray reality into imagination. Apathy, hopelessness, depression. But the fear of poverty keeps you together with an indifferent partner.

Alexey Klyuev

What is a map:
The woman is very attached to this man, but she overdoes this attachment. She has no bad thoughts, she is more attached to him than he is to her. She lives in memories of him, his letters. She waits too long for him and retains an almost monastic fidelity that she even has to make love as if to herself, she loses herself in these relationships. They were together for too long, she gave him a lot, and she has no one but him, she dissolved in him and expects from him like letters, a response, he has a job, friends, his life, but this is nothing, relationships decayed (she sits on decayed letters), clings to the past, does not adapt to new changes. Since her breasts are open, she risks losing him, because she ceases to be a secret for him, a mystery woman, which she was at the very beginning of this relationship. She experiences dissatisfaction, trying to make up for it, with letters, for example. But then he came, all in black robes. The very strong contrast of white and black indicates that they have already become strangers to each other, the gulf of misunderstanding and alienation has increased between them. Time and distance have separated them from each other.

General value cards:
Changes are needed in your relationship, you need to build everything anew, you have been in touch with each other for so long that these relationships have even become boring to you, they have lost their former freshness. You can’t arrange scenes when you meet, you need to adapt to what is already there, to find something new in it. This card may indicate that a storm and dissatisfaction may arise inside you, but you do not need to demand the impossible from your partner, do not be maximalist, do not go to extremes (white and black clothes), do not make excessive demands and do not put an ultimatum, make note of warmth and comfort. Look around, analyze past experience and its mistakes, and therefore only draw conclusions, do not say words at a meeting that you may later regret. Say, "I'll think about it." There is a risk of rupture.

Uncertainties in relationships, expectation of changes, the situation is hung up, it is necessary to refresh or clarify these relationships, the desire to express claims and show dissatisfaction.

Long-term relationships that are even a little boring, relationships that are crushed by everyday life, a woman takes on too much, or even contributes more to these relationships than a man. He suppresses her and makes her suffer, he no longer satisfies the situation as it is today, mutual claims and reproaches in the family are growing. The woman has become obsessed, she focuses more on the material basis, forgetting about the sensual side, sometimes she forgets to pay attention to herself. such an aunt in worn slippers and curlers.

Loneliness, waiting alone. Lack of attention.


you can lose relationships, do not sort things out, do not cut off the shoulder, do not live in the past, but try to adapt to the changes around you and listen to each other's desires.

Look back, analyze past experience and its mistakes and do not repeat them in the future.

Natalia Manok, Elena Boyko (Suriya)

The Tarot card Manara Seven of the Earth speaks of promises that will not be kept. More often we are talking about marriage promises. But the result will not necessarily be sad, most likely, the union will be strong, since the material tightly binds people. There may be longing for the past and a strong feeling that everything used to be much better, and former hopes were not justified at all.

General value

Straight. There is disharmony in relationships. One of the partners subjugated the other to himself and willingly plays the role of a real tyrant. The one who is subordinate is forced to limit contacts with the outside world, forget about his friends. This is because he has resigned himself to his fate.

Inverted. A person is ready for rebellion, he wants to break the shackles and destroy the situation in which he finds himself. Now he is sure that if he puts in enough effort, he will be able to get out of this captivity. But the feeling of freedom can intoxicate him, which will result in a series of actions that will be dictated by permissiveness. And they will have to pay for it.

Detailed description

State. There is an understanding of the hopelessness of their situation, a feeling of oppression. There comes an understanding that life is too one-sided.

Feelings and relationships. People put on the material side of their relationships, believing that if everything goes well here, then the rest will follow. However, the understanding comes that it is too difficult to live together without emotions and feelings. There is a detachment, disappointment in your partner and in relationships. If there are emotions, they are negative. In the end, everything will lead to complete apathy and a firm feeling of utter hopelessness.

The physical state. According to the Seven Earth map, the physical condition can be described as innocence. There is a desire to avoid intimacy.

Recommendation. In this case, it is necessary to rethink the situation, limit yourself and try to understand what needs to be done next. Either reconcile and be content with material well-being, or look for new relationships.

Warning. The most important thing is not to drive yourself into a dead end from which there will be no way out. If you depend too much on your partner, then it will be extremely difficult to change the situation (even with a strong desire).

The positive side of the card. The positive is that a person knows how to sacrifice his interests, knows how to be in a subordinate position. But this does not always compensate for the negative that is.

The negative side of the card. A person is in the position of a slave, he has no will, interests and desires. We can say that he has ceased to be a man, but is the property of his partner.

positive development of the situation. A person will understand that the path to freedom really exists. And he will start a fight that he will not finish until he wins.

negative development of the situation. The person is not ready and will not take any action. He was completely resigned to his position. He can quietly express his dissatisfaction in the circle of friends, but this will all remain exclusively talk.


IMAGE. On the map we see a girl "in juice" surrounded by an emerald wreath, an earthly woman-mistress. She personifies the goddess Isis, the fertile forces of nature.
The theme of the Arcana is life, fertility, the natural course of all processes, peace and passivity. This idea is expressed by a calm, deep green background. Green color- the color of earthly self-satisfied peace. This is the typical color of a mature summer, when nature has overcome spring - a time of storm and stress - and plunged into self-satisfied peace, allowing the fruit to ripen. As V. Kandinsky accurately described the green color in his book "On the Spiritual in Art": "The green color is like a fat, very healthy, motionless cow, which can only chew gum and look at the world with stupid, dull eyes."
The Ace of the Earth is well aware of his true feminine power, earthly destination. She does not need external effects, she will rather strive for the simplicity of forms. The image of the card is close to the classical type of the Empress, who can wait a long time until what she needs comes to her by itself. She knows how to choose the best of what life gives, without plunging into "fruitless", from her point of view, feelings and dreams.
Our Isis needs a strong male shoulder - whether to earn money, or to help around the house, or to give her a certain status. Rest assured, she will bring out all the talents and abilities of her partner and find a use for them. The girl of the Ace of the Earth is not at all intellectual, but has a practical mind. Her house is a full bowl. In the warm kitchen, something is always screeching, exuding an appetizing seductive smell around the apartment; the children are well-groomed, the house is clean and tidy.
It should be noted that all women know how to run a household. But one, as it were, fulfills a duty, the other finds a way to push household chores away for someone, for the third this is a real torment. The woman represented by the Ace of the Earth is resting and taking care of her home and enjoying it. Home is her job and hobby at the same time. She will try to turn any place into a small cozy home. Mistress, assistant and support in business for a man, perfectly aware of her beauty and feminine strength, she will never claim leadership or male roles. Family, home - this is her patrimony, her territory, in which she feels like a full-fledged mistress-empress.
Such a woman will never lose her dignity. She looks down on the world - as her own property; he looks at men appraisingly and will never encroach on someone if he does not see in this an undeniable benefit for himself.
MEANING. Material, earthly calculation. Stubbornness, perseverance. The card can indicate a desire for marriage, a stable relationship, and even pregnancy (in combination with others).
In the image of the Ace of the Earth there is little poetics and a lot of instructive and moralizing. It is a good social example of how to live in order to create complete well-being (at the same time, the state of inner happiness has nothing to do with it - for the heroine of the card, the issue of feelings does not stand at all, as having no practical meaning). There is no flight of spiritual forces, no daydreaming, no reckless actions. In the suit of the Earth, the rules of social games, the observance of generally accepted norms, are assimilated. It emphasizes the purpose of a woman as a creature serving a man and for this she received all material benefits.
It is interesting that in our society, thanks to the Christian tradition, such views are very firmly rooted. If a woman does not have an official family, if she does not have a well-groomed husband and children - yes, whether she is a super business lady or an academician of all conceivable academies of sciences, the society will look at her with a certain amount of pity: here, they say, everything is fine with her, and not realized as a woman... If a woman is a wonderful wife, mother and mistress, it is believed that she has fulfilled her destiny. Of course, modernity leaves its mark on these ideas: if a representative of the fair sex refuses other life opportunities, then she must receive some great benefit for this. What is this benefit and how to get it? What is female realization? This will be the story of the Suit of the Earth of the Erotic Tarot.
CONDITION. The card is unemotional; love as attachment.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Family or civil marriage. Relationships are secure and calm. Like behind a stone wall.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. excellent health, correct image life and unreasonable confidence in the future.
THE SENSES. Tactile (tactile) sensations. To feel something, you have to touch it.
A WARNING. Are you too prudent; Are you not looking for profit even where it is better to look for another? In this world, besides material things, there are other values.
ADVICE. Look at life and at men soberly, practically, prudently, realistically.
IMAGE. The girl has chosen a couple. She sees a frail, slightly old-fashioned partner as a convenient husband, or a practical benefit. If you start a relationship with such a person, they will be strong and reliable. He is unlikely to establish his own rules in the house or seek adventure on the side. Most likely, a man of this type will be entirely "in the family", contributing to its well-being to the best of his ability and ability. The girl probes her partner - is he ready to make contact with her, but does it delicately so as not to frighten off the man (compare this card with the Three of Fire, where, it would seem, a similar situation is depicted, but filled with impulse and passion). And the young man, rather, is surprised - how could he arouse the interest of such an extraordinary clever and beautiful woman. After all, he is not at all spoiled by female attention. The girl acts for sure: she knows how to get what she wants. In other words, she plays a game well known to her - the experiments of Water and Fire were not in vain!
MEANING. The very beginning of a relationship. There is a "gazing", "estimation", "check" - how much the partner is ready to enter into a relationship. Look, before showing obvious activity, the girl flirted, and put his hat on her head (or her partner did it, stupefied by the unusual situation and her own courage). This is similar to the soft preparation of the selected candidate for more serious relationship. Pay attention to the fact that in the plot of the card, actions are performed not under the influence of feelings, but out of calculation.
If the relationship has developed a long time ago, then according to the Two of the Earth, we can talk about "probing" a partner in order to obtain some kind of benefit.
CONDITION. Genuine interest. Light playfulness. On the part of the man - low self-esteem, which, nevertheless, in the presence of a partner begins to grow rapidly.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Game or light coquetry for one's own purposes, with long-term intentions. A clear interest in each other and not the last factor - material gain.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. A hint at the beginning of sexual relations.
THE SENSES. Estimates of how these relationships can be useful. Playing with your goals. Mercantile interest.
A WARNING. Are you being too careful? Don't rely on your partner's opinion of yourself. He may have low self-esteem.
ADVICE. Act, but be gentle. Take the initiative slowly. Your task is to make a man out of your partner before he guesses about it.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Jupiter in Capricorn. First Dean of Capricorn. Thoroughness. Compliance with generally accepted norms and boundaries.

IMAGE. The map space is narrowed and delimited by a frame. Above the crypt, where young people indulge in love pleasures, are deities resembling a married couple below. These are Lares and Penates - the patrons of the house. The position of the hands of men above and below is blessing. It is clear that this is an open connection, approved by others. Bounding box - home, family.
MEANING. The main and general meaning of the card is a blessed union. The shape of the frame is very similar to the outlines of the crypt. This may be a crypt from the XVI Arcana, especially if we remember that one of the meanings of the Tower of the Tarot Manara is an official marriage or a union consecrated by tradition.
The symbolism of the Arcana is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The crypt is a family underground burial vault with a stone vault, equipped under the church. The construction of the crypt was available only to noble, wealthy people, whose status was determined from above - by God, and not by people. Such a status could not be bought - it was passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, the paramount importance of life was defined as the preservation and continuation of family traditions. Everything that was connected with the clan was considered eternal and unchanged, like the temple itself and the burial place under it. Marriage and the birth of children were given a special meaning. Observance of fidelity was considered an unshakable rule. Those who entered into a marriage union knew well what awaited them in life - right up to the last breath and rest in the crypt. Hence the meaning of the Three of the Earth: the continuation of long family relationships, traditions. Loyalty. The art of sex, skill. Promise of real results. Long sexual life.
When it comes to the first meeting - the first stone in the building of the family home. The meeting is blessed from above. Skill, great ability.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Relationships are family or civil marriage, with mutual friends, trips to parents, family councils and their own large and small rituals.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Sex within the family and marriage. The physical condition exactly corresponds to the age and lifestyle of the questioner.
THE SENSES. Perhaps sex in the family, a blessed relationship. Confidence in the future, based on material wealth. Loyalty to a partner or partner.
CONDITION. Calm, stable, orderly, harmonious relationships (family).
WARNING. They want to marry you, drive you into a family framework.
ADVICE. Advise the questioner to somehow organize her personal life, maybe tune in to create a family (return to the family). Perhaps you should think about procreation.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Mars in Capricorn. The second decan of Capricorn. Sex in frames.
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IMAGE. A man met a girl and, probably, promised a lot, "forgetting" to mention that he was not free. She sees him in company with his wife and makes a scandal, trying to defend her rights. The girl behaves hysterically out of hopelessness: she has nothing to lose, although it is impossible to return what was. She grabs onto the man, trying to keep and force him to return, despite the public condemnation.
MEANING. Scandal in a public place (plot by Anna Karenina). The secret becomes clear. The desire to defend oneself, one's relations in defiance of public opinion. Protecting your rights.
This map has three active actors: he and she are from a married couple (characters of the Three of the Earth) and a girl who wants to get a man in any way - even by advertising their connection and scandal in a public place. At first glance, it may seem that there is more Fire in the map than Earth. But the Four will talk about the stability of the relationship and the desire to preserve what is. Take a close look at the heroes of the plot: the man is not going to sacrifice his family well-being, the woman next to him does not want to give up hers to a person who has come from nowhere (she gladly accepts his role as the protector of the family hearth), and the girl makes a desperate attempt to turn a casual relationship into something lasting and the present. If you look closely, it turns out that all three are driven by pragmatism and calculation, the desire not to miss your own. A kind of greed, which is well expressed in the classic Four of Pentacles.
CONDITION. Desperate fear of loss. Defending your claims to possess the object of desire. An attempt to preserve their power, family relationships, their property. Lack of self control.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Not always harmonious, but very strong. If it’s good, then it’s good and very good; if it’s bad, then it can’t be worse.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Inability to predict situations and manage them. Scandalous and unexpected behavior. Some people lose control of themselves.
THE SENSES. Retain, return, force. Any methods are suitable - however, all these attempts, most likely, will not lead to anything. Everyone will stay with their own. Feelings are possessive, but actions are too extravagant to lead to a real result. Everything quickly returns to normal.
A WARNING. Possible change. Do you consider your partner as your property?
ADVICE. Fight for what you think is yours. Stand up for your interests.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Sun in Capricorn. The third decan of Capricorn. Standing up for your rights.

IMAGE. The plot of the map is a continuation of the previous one. The eccentric act of the girl led to complete humiliation and expulsion from society. (As they say, never interfere in other people's relationships and do not try to sharply "pull the blanket" in your direction. Two people will always sort it out among themselves, and by the suit of the Earth it is unlikely in your favor, what will you be left with then?) The dishonored girl ends up on the very day of life (personal life). However, no one forced her to put herself in such a position - she herself, as they say, ran into trouble. And those around her don't care about her - everyone is busy with themselves, everyone is in a hurry for urgent matters ... But it seems that the heroine of the card is one of those who even in a pile of garbage are trying to find a pearl grain. "There are no circumstances so bad that one cannot benefit from them."
MEANING. The leitmotif of the card is loss and search. Is it possible to really find something valuable in a situation - the surrounding or additional cards will show.
CONDITION. Humiliation, shame, confusion. The girl won't let herself get up. The roots lie in the Four of the Earth: after humiliation, I am not worthy of anyone. Complex "I'm superfluous." Feeling of inferiority - like an unwanted child or a raped girl. Low self-esteem.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Relationships with someone lose all meaning and value. Trying to find something positive in them.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Finding pleasure in self-abasement.
THE SENSES. Own inferiority with the desire to find at least something good in a pile of shit. There may be an optimistic attitude and an internal revision of values.
WARNING. Is your self-esteem too low? Have you been rummaging through the garbage for too long (failures, experiences, mistakes)?
ADVICE. Take away the snobbery, get down to the ground. Do not be afraid to get your hands dirty and touch the "garbage", maybe you have lost a grain of gold.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Mercury in Taurus. The first dean of Taurus. The search for common sense.

IMAGE. The girl finally found meaning in the relationship. After she has been to the very bottom, she begins to use men and at the same time take revenge on them. Now she considers all representatives of the strong half of humanity as debtors from whom it is necessary to collect debts (if you turn the card over, we will see the figure of the classic Hanged Man). This girl in a golden cage knows well that money and gifts are the meaning of relationships with men. She has everything except love (but once, apparently, this same love did not bring her happiness). The seagull depicted on the card is a bird of loneliness, but thoughtless and self-sufficient loneliness.
MEANING. A kept woman. The partner is considered only as a source of income. The most important thing is his wallet. Material hypercompensation after humiliation (the gift is not reciprocated). Mistress - for money, wife - for money. Love for exotic and expensive things. Such a woman makes her partner work too hard and spend on satisfying her super-needs. "You have to pay for everything..."
CONDITION. There are no feelings, inner loneliness. A kept woman is a one-sided game. Heightened self-esteem. Very wealthy, but deeply lonely person. Self-admiration, disposition to receive material benefits.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. The relationship between the nouveau riche and his kept woman is clear, simple and understandable. He pays - she fulfills his desires within the indicated amount. If the amount does not suit - looking for another nouveau riche.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Calculation communication. Inner detachment.
THE SENSES. Absence of feelings. Hard pragmatism.
A WARNING. You are being used, there is vampirism in the relationship, there is no exchange.
ADVICE. Use a partner yourself. Get from him what others owe you.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Moon in Taurus. The second decan of Taurus. Love for comfort. Satiated pussy.

IMAGE. Dark environment, dark room. A woman in white reads scattered sheets, she is busy only with her experiences and memories. In the background, in the doorway, the figure of a male commander appears (in the Seven of Water, reminiscent of our plot, this image has not yet acquired real outlines, but it seems that a premonition of evil arose just then). What is she reading? Someone's love letters? Or maybe these are letters from the Commander himself with promises of love? Or the leaves of a diary where you once dreamed so well ... about material well-being? A woman who has driven herself into loneliness perceives a man as a despot. She put the material above sincere feelings and as a result received darkness, hopelessness and inner oppression, from which even memories and dreams do not relieve.
MEANING. This card is about the fact that when getting married, someone gives hope for love, and someone promises a lot. As a result, promises are not fulfilled, hopes are not justified, but people are so tightly held by the material plane of being that they continue to stay together.
Connection with the past, which attracts to itself. Living on the thin line between myth and reality. "Today and now" is less interesting than imaginary. Conscious restriction of sexual life for the sake of other activities. Sublimation.
CONDITION. Depression from relationships, rethinking the hopelessness of the situation. Awareness of one-sidedness of one's life. The sheets that a woman reads are an outlet in her hopeless everyday life.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. People, having staked on the material, thought that everything else would follow. As the saying goes, "be patient - fall in love." But it turned out that happiness is not in security, and the "dream come true" about love, which over time will arise out of nowhere, did not happen. People have remained strangers to each other. Detachment and disappointment in oneself and in a partner.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. The white robes and the woman's head covering hint at innocence. Absence, conscious avoidance or limitation of intimacy.
THE SENSES. The imaginary replaces the real. There is no love, understanding, sympathy. Yes, and emotions "with a minus sign" - hatred, fear, irritation - are also inaccessible to the heroes of the plot. There are no sincere feelings that color our everyday life in iridescent multicolor. What remains is the dullness of disappointment, hopelessness, apathy...
A WARNING. Are you backing yourself into a corner?
ADVICE. Consciously limit yourself (including in relationships), rethink the situation.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Saturn in Taurus. The third decan of Taurus. Fear of any loss.

IMAGE. A little removed from the worldly bustle, the girl, sitting in the pose of a cobra charmer, plays the flute. White crumpled sheets are scattered around - fragments of memories and shreds of former desires. A film reel in the form of a snake unfolds in front of her - her past. Having internally freed herself from it, the girl “plays out” her previous experience and does it quite calmly - she rather simply “looks through” the lessons she has learned than worries about something that did not come true or was not realized. She realized her self-sufficiency. Now loneliness becomes a guarantee of peace, and past experience insures against stupid mistakes.
MEANING. "What was, is what will be..." There is nothing new, the new is the well-forgotten old. Talent. Non-verbal communication. Smooth and calm flow of relations.
CONDITION. Inner privacy; internal consonance - sat next to me, and it's already good. All the brightest things have already happened. But this is not a waking dream - such a state is more like a meditative state, after which clarity comes.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. The past is much more interesting than the present. Relationships are based on shared memories. In special cases, the card may indicate a marriage based on the relationship of souls, on "karmic remembrance."
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Lack of intimacy. Breakup or break in relationship.
THE SENSES. Quiet solitude, self-sufficiency, pleasant memories. Sometimes it will talk about the need for privacy and the desire to take a break from a partner.
A WARNING. Don't play with your memories. When looking for solitude, do not forget about a partner. Remember, reality exists too.
ADVICE. Rethink your experience, be alone.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Sun in Virgo. The first decan of Virgo.

IMAGE. The awkward figure of a teenage girl rises above the Old City. Like Alice in Wonderland, who took a bite out of a cupcake with the inscription "eat me" and suddenly became big, so this girl grew up too quickly - outgrown her surroundings, her former lifestyle and relationships with the outside world. But our Alice has not yet accepted and mastered the "new size". She stands bent over and tries to see or find something or someone in an ancient monument that symbolizes old ideals. Above her, the sky gapes with comic blackness, dotted with many stars offering new opportunities - after all, behind each star there is a whole world. But the girl, focused on the fuss that is happening under her feet, is not yet ready to straighten up and start new life. She has grown, but so far she cannot go beyond the Old City into the space of new worlds. Hence the problems of our Alice arise.
In the lower right corner of the map, we see a tiny figurine of a man who runs away in horror from a giant girl. He understands that Alice is looking for him, since quite recently they were close, they had a relationship in which the man felt quite comfortable and at times could instruct and instruct his negligent, inexperienced girlfriend with an important look. And suddenly - everything changed: the naive child grew up, frightening with the immensity of his personality. Now the man is fleeing, as he belongs to the breed of people who are afraid of too "big" (beautiful, smart and bright) women.
MEANING. The Nine of the Earth is a growth card. Rapid maturation, acceleration, when self-consciousness does not keep pace with the growth of personality. A person has new opportunities, but he continues to cling to the old. The internal "size" of the personality does not correspond to the environment.
CONDITION. Lack of adequate self-esteem; maybe it's understated. Loneliness and attachment to the past. Fear of inconsistency. In the broadest sense - the conflict between man and time-society, which is reflected in the famous literary works of Jonathan Swift "Gulliver in the Land of the Lilliputians" and Evgeny Schwartz "The House that Swift Built".
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. A very difficult relationship, which may be in crisis due to too rapid changes taking place with one of the partners. "Unequal marriage" - the interaction of two very different people. Relationships can be based on the importance, superiority or condescension of one of the partners. In the position of the future, one of the two will outgrow the relationship.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. The investigated personality is stronger and more significant than his partner or environment, looks at them from the height of his position. This card may warn of physiological incompatibility.
THE SENSES. Mismatch of temperaments or "scales" of partners to the complete absence of emotional attachment. Feeling of superiority. The second aspect of the meaning of this card is great cleanliness in relationships, attention to detail, scrupulousness.
A WARNING. You are growing too fast - and you yourself do not have time to adapt to your new opportunities. Your environment is not ready to accept you new.
ADVICE. Grow up and don't waste your time on trifles. Straighten up to your full height - and you will see the stars. If you want to stay in the same relationship, hide your mind like a slight deformity.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Venus in Virgo. The second decan of Virgo. Slow "thawing" and awareness of their capabilities.

IMAGE. Our heroine has "worked through" all the energies of the Earth (the material plane is fully secured), but is this happiness? Life tells a girl that it is not always the presence of a comfortable apartment, a profitable husband and beautiful dresses that gives peace and harmony to the soul. The question of all questions makes our heroine turn to books and look for the answer there. She became interested in the spiritual, gradually entering the element of Air. Completely in yourself. None of the people around her are interested.
MEANING. There is material wealth - but the inner emptiness causes boredom; there is a comfortable comfortable apartment - but this comfort is more like a picture from a glossy magazine, it is devoid of the charm that warm sincere relationships give to the house; there is a comfortable and successful husband or partner - but there is no love; finally, there is past experience - but there is no dream, no burning plans for the future, no aspirations that help us not stand still, but move forward.
Book idealism, romanticism. Surrogate from serials and melodramas. Young rich dreaming. The material plane is fully secured, the time has come for the satisfaction of intellectual needs. Perhaps living at someone else's expense.
CONDITION. Indifference or even disgust for sex. All passed and uninteresting. Some idealism. Self awareness. Idealization of self. The prospects of the card are "legends can be added about the life of this couple." The problem is that people are too addicted to analyzing relationships.
Improving skills by reading novels. Novels are seeds in a hopeless life.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Calm, measured and conscious. Based on past experience and material component. People do not have the need or inner need to open up, as well as to injure each other with their problems. If there are problems on this card, they are solved quickly and constructively. Detachment, withdrawal into one's own business or interest. The sexual aspect of the relationship no longer arouses curiosity. Relationships are idealistic, romantic.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Cooling. Lack of interest in sensual pleasures.
THE SENSES. Relationships are light romance. book idealism.
A WARNING. Are you too distracted and busy building mental structures?
ADVICE. Get out of the material into the mental plane (for example, reading). Raise your level, improve, learn to solve problems with the help of your intellect. Use the experience gained and do not hesitate to seek the experience of others.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Mercury in Virgo. The third decan of Virgo. A realist who knows how to clearly separate the necessary from the unnecessary.

IMAGE. One in this life gets everything, and the other only leftovers with holiday table. And everyone who, by the will of fate, was at the top, strives to peck at the Ugly Duckling. But the Ugly Duckling does not always turn into the Beautiful Swan. Sometimes he resigns himself to his unenviable role and begins to play along with others, justifying their expectations. "You call me terrible, yes, I will become so for you." He is angry at the whole world and hates everyone for his humiliation and deprivation. This unpleasant hunchback has no life of his own, he is ugly, exiled, but, however, does not suffer from a lack of conceit, which can take on hypertrophied dimensions.
MEANING. The character of the card has collected all possible vices. He eavesdrops, peeps, gossips, weaves intrigues, scribbles denunciations, collects dirt. He secretly spreads the nets of his insidious designs, feeling a sense of superiority over the whole world. The appearance of this card in the layout does not bode well. Only in a very favorable environment will she show a deeply unhappy person who himself suffers cruelly from his shortcomings, but brings good luck to close people.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. The fear of being alone keeps people together. Addiction.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Map of secret vices. Perhaps homosexuality as hypercompensation for one's inferiority and revenge on women for rejection (however, the card can also describe a woman, then all of the above can take the form of militant feminism with contempt for all males). Complexity, any insufficiency, underdevelopment. On this map, you can assume the presence of serious diseases.
THE SENSES. Emotional dryness, inability to give love. Greed, possessiveness, suspicion, manic jealousy. Hypocrisy and hypocrisy, vindictiveness.
STATE and description of a person. Unrecognized genius, domestic Napoleon, painfully sensitive to criticism. Schemer.
A WARNING. Carefully! You are being watched, intrigues are woven around you, and someone spreads gossip.
ADVICE. Pay close attention to what is happening around you. Be vigilant.

IMAGE. A young, business-like woman, on horseback, making her daily inspection of her household, stopped to carefully fix the fence. She does it absolutely calmly, without getting off her horse and without losing her dignity. This will do everything nice and neat. Form is very important to her. The owner of the ranch, a true Virgo, who herself created this material world and knows every blade of grass in it, every plant to the last leaf. Order in everything down to the smallest detail is a natural state and a daily habit for her.
MEANING. Self-sufficiency and independence, including material. Accuracy in words. Accuracy in business. "Order sets thought free" - isn't this the rancher we saw in Ten Earth in a different setting?
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Relationships are strong, calm, based on material well-being. Each is busy with his own business and is not particularly interested in the feelings and activities of the other, convinced that the partner will do everything right.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Calmness and emancipation.
THE SENSES. Attachment based on joint housekeeping (there are such good words - living together). Some pettiness. Scrupulousness.
CONDITION. Location. Sympathy. Economic accounting. Confidence.
WARNING. Do you pay too much attention to the form, not the content? Being pedantic or overly organized can hurt relationships.
ADVICE. Act carefully and independently, with dignity.

IMAGE. A torn woman in a pose of despair. She is cornered, pressed against the wall, on which the figure of the Buddha appears. But in hopelessness and grief, she does not see a divine sign. Pain makes us blind. Focusing on our experiences, we stop noticing the support of the world around us and miss something very important, forgetting that there are no hopeless situations. It is at that moment when it seems that everything is over and life has lost all meaning, you are just starting to live. Only in the hopelessness of despair can one change one's attitude to the situation. Death is given to make a new birth possible.
MEANING. Parting. A trap from which there is no way out. Thoughts about the hopelessness of the situation, about the wrongness of what is happening. The inability to change anything. Dead end in life. Problems of love push for personal growth.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Painful breakup, heavy loss. Disappointment. Relationships are like a cruel work off of karmic debts.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Strong but suppressed desires. Tense waiting.
THE SENSES. Despair and pain. The need to express your feelings, to express everything that is sore.
CONDITION. Hysterical despair after falling in love. Shattered dreams. Fear of loss, fear of being alone. Devastation.
A WARNING. By this situation, you drive yourself into a corner (hopelessness).
ADVICE. Notice the Buddha (that which will lead you out of the impasse). When there is nowhere to go, rethink, evaluate the situation (cancer is a topic of rethinking through emotions and experiences), look at it from a different point of view.
ASTROLOGICAL COMPLIANCE. Capricorn. In Capricorn, the Sun finally dies - and begins its new life.

IMAGE. In the foreground we see a girl near black muddy water. She touches the water with a long thin stick (fear of feelings), trying to find out what it is, and at the same time fearing to get dirty. The hidden character, with the same wand, cautiously, or perhaps disgustedly, lifts the girl's skirt. The man is her secret vice. She knows about him, but is afraid to admit it.
MEANING. Secret vices, perversions (or sexual disorder). Perhaps a "spiritual teacher" (false, hypocritical, dirty). Voyeurism. Complex fear of the body. Fear of the body. Displacement of the masculine.
Another meaning of the card is an attempt to find out something indirectly: through someone, something, maybe even through a provocation. Or an attempt to force a person to put his vices on public display.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RELATIONSHIPS. Fenced off, concealment of true intentions. Playing with other people's passions. Self-affirmation through sexual relations.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Non-traditional sexual orientation or some kind of sexual disorder.
THE SENSES. Secret vices. Fear of sex and your emotions. An attempt to study feelings is a rationalization or preparation of them. Insensitivity.
CONDITION. Sweetness from the mystery. Loss, fear of one's own true feelings. Fear of the body, conflict with one's sexuality. Hypocrisy.
A WARNING. You are in a relationship with someone that you should beware of. They are most likely unclean.
ADVICE. Move away from physicality, do not touch the impure, observe calmly, from afar.