What is in Tatar. Russian-Tatar online translator and dictionary. Female mythological images in the ballads of M. Lermontov "Mermaid", M. Gorky "The Legend of Marko", G. Tukaya "Su anasy", G. Sungati "Su anasy"

Did it happen that you went to the Republic of Tatarstan on vacation or for work? Then you are in luck, Tatarstan, this is a wonderful place where you can relax even during a business trip. The incredible landscapes with which this republic is filled cannot but sink into the soul and please the eye. Arriving for work or on vacation, for example, in Kazan, you can visit one of 7 theaters, one or several museums, there are 388 of them throughout the republic, or admire the wonderful rivers Volga and Kama.

Undoubtedly, in big cities, the local population knows Russian well, but what if you need to communicate with the inhabitants of the provinces? In this case, our Russian-Tatar phrasebook will help you, which consists of several useful topics.


Welcome dear guests!Rehim ittegez (hush kildegez), kaderle kunaklar!
Guests have come to usBezge kunaklar kilde
Good morning!Haerle Irte!
Good afternoon!Haerle Kon!
Good evening!Haerle Keach!
Get to knowTanysh bulygyz (tanyshygyz)
My surname is KhairullinSurnames Khairullin
Let me introduce you my friend (companion)Sezne ipteshem (yuldashim) belen tanyshtyryrga rokhset ittegez
Glad to meet you!Seznen belen tanyshuybyzga shatbyz!
Meet this is my family:Tanysh bulygyz, bu minem gailam:
My wife, my husbandKhatyn, irem
Our kidsBalalarybyz
Our grandmother, our grandfatherEbiebez, bababyz
Our mother-in-law, our father-in-lawKaenanabyz, kaenatabiz
How are you doing?Eshlaregez niche?
OK, thank youRahmat, abet
Where can you find a job here?Monda kaida urnashyrga bula?
Where are you staying?Sez kayda tuktaldygyz?
We stayed at the Kazan HotelWithout "Kazan" hotel
How long have you been here?Sez ozakka kildegesme?
Why did you come?Not really kildegesis?
I came on a business tripBusiness trip kildem
How is your health?Salametlegegez niche?
How is your family?Gailgez nor khelde?
Are you not very tired from the road?Yulda bik arymadygyzmy?

The language barrier

I don't speak Tatar.Min tatarcha soyleshmim.
Do you speak Tatar?Sez tartarcha soyleshesme?
Please speak more slowly.Zinhar, ekrenrek eytegez.
What did he (she) say?Ul nerse eitte?
We need a translator.Bezge terzhemeche kirek.
Do you understand me?Sez mine anlysizm?
I understood you.Min sezne anladim.
Please repeat one more time.Kabatlagyz, zinhar, tagyn Ber tapkyr.
I study the Tatar languageMin Tatars Telen Oirenem
I want to learn to speak (read, write) in TatarMinem tatarcha soylesherge (ukyrga, yazarga) oirenesem kile
Do you understand Tatar?Sez Tatarch anlysyzmy?
I understand a little in TatarMin tatarcha beraz anlyim
I understand a little, but I cannot speakMin beraz anlyim, lekin soyleshe almyim
You speak too fastSez artyk teese soylysez
You are in a hurrySez bik ashygasyz
Tagyn ber tapkyr kabatlagyz ele
Please speak slower!Zinhar, akrynrak soylegez!
What did you say?Sez no didegez?
What is he (a) talking about?Ul nerse turnda soili?
What she said)?Ul no didde?
Please tell meEytegezche (eytegez ele)
What is it called in Tatar?Tatarcha bu nichek deep atala?
Okay (right) am I saying?Min eibet (dores) soilymme?
You speak well (right)Sez Abet (Dores) Soilises
I do not know such a wordMin andyi suzne belmim
Do you understand me?Sez mine anladygyzmy?
Can you hear me well?Sez min yashi ishetesesme?
Please repeat one more timeTagyn ber tapkyr kabatlagyzchy (kabatlagyz ele)
How to pronounce this word?Boo narrowed down to niche eyterge?
You pronounce this word correctlySez boo suzne dores aites
Please write this word in TatarBu suzne tatarcha yazygyz ele
Write on this sheetMene bu bitke yazigiz
How will it be in Tatar?Tatarcha bu nichek bula?
Please speak Tatar to meMinem belen tatarcha soyleshegez ele
Do you have a Russian-Tatar dictionary?Ruscha-Tatarcha suzlegegez barmy?
I want to find a book for learning the Tatar languageTatar telen oirenu ochen ber kitap tabasy id
What textbooks are needed to study the Tatar language?Tatar telen oirenu very nindi dereslekler kirek?
Do you have easy books to read in Tatar?Sezde zhinelrek ukyla torgan tatarcha kitaplar barmy?
Yes, I'll bring you tomorrowBar, irtege alip killermen


0 Zero22 Jägerme ike
1 Ber23 Jägerme och
2 Ike30 Utyz
3 och40 Kyryk
4 Durt50 Ille
5 Bish60 Altmysh
6 Alty70 zhitmesh
7 Jew80 Sixen
8 Siguez90 Tuksan
9 Tugyz100 Yoz
10 Un101 Yoz de ber
11 Un + ber200 Ike joz
12 Unique500 Bish joz
13 Midnight900 Tugyz yoz
14 Undurt1000 Men
20 Jägerme1000000 Ber a million
21 Jägerme ber1000000000 Ber billion


CleanSaf, clean


Character traits


What time is it now?Segat niché?
Nine o'clock in the morning.Irtenge segat tugyz
Three PM.Condezge segat och.
Six o'clock pm.Kichke segat alty.
A quarter past three.Durtenche unbish minutes.
Half past five.Bishenche Yarty.
It's fifteen to twelve.Unique tularga unbish minutes.
It's twenty to eight.Sigez tularga jaegerme minutes.
Five past eight.Tugyzynchy bish minutes.
Day.Kon, condes.
At what time?Segat nichede?
When will you come?Sez kaychan kileses?
An hour later (half an hour).Ber (yarts) segatten dream.
We'll be back in the evening.Without kitsch belen kaytabyz.
Come to us in the evening.Bezge kich belen kilegez.
What year?Nichanche a dick?
In 2012?2012 night a fuck?
Last (current, next) year.utken (hezerge, kelechek) elda.
In a year.Eldan dream.
Season.I ate beans.
What day is it today?Bugen nindi (kaisa) kon?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayDushembe, sishembe, charshembe, pangeshembe, zhomga, shimbe, yakshembe
I'll be free all day.Min horse bue bush bulam.
January February March…).Gynvar (February, March ...).
A weekAtna.
Last week.utken atnada.
We'll be back late at night.Without tonle belen sleep kaytabyz.
Our train arrives at night.The train is free of charge tonle belen kile.
In the morning.Irte belen.
We will come to you tomorrow morning.Without sezge irtege irte belen kilebez.
What's the date today?Bougain nicese?
Today is the eighteenth of July.Bougain Unsigesenche July.
What date?Kaisa konne?







Thanks, please

Apology, consent, refusal

In hotel

I want to wash myself.Yuanisym kile.
What hotel are you staying at?Sez kaisa kunakhanede tuktaldygyz.
How to get to the hotel?Kunakhanege nichek baryrga?
Can you recommend a hotel to us?Sez bezge kunakhane tekdim ite alasizmy?
Where is the nearest photo studio?In yakyn kayda's photo studio?
When will the photos be ready?Photoresemner kaychan ezer bula?
Send photos to the address ...Photoressemnerne ... adreska zhiberegez.
I left (forgot) my suitcase.Min suitcases are kaldyrganmyn (onytkanmyn).
I wanted to have the suit cleaned.Kastumenne chistartyrga birerge telim.
What floor is your room on?Rooms of gyz nichenche kata?
Is the hotel far from the station?Kunakhane station erakma?
We are expecting guests.Without kunaklar kotebez.
Call me at eight o'clock in the evening.Mina kichke sigezde shaltarygyzchy.
You can wake me up at eight in the morning.Sez mine irtenge sigezde uyatmassiz miken?
Close the door, please.Zinhar, ishekne yabygyz.
I'll go down the stairs.Min Baskychtan Tosherman.
Where is the elevator?Kaida's elevator?
I need a double room.Mine ike keshelek number pick.
This number suits me.Boo min's number is ardent.
Please close the window.Zinhar, terezen yabygyz.
We're leaving today.Without bougain whale-free.
Please take our things down.Beznen eiberlairne aska tosheregezche.

At the hairdresser


In the town

I (we) are the first time in this city.Min (without) bu sheһerde berenche tapkyr.
How did you like the city?Sezge sheһer oshadymy?
What is the coat of arms of your city?Shaһeregeznen coats of arms of nindi?
What does this coat of arms mean?Coat of arms of nersene anlat?
Where is the house number 5.5 nights yort kayda urnashkan?
What is this building?Boo nindi bina?
What's in this building?Bu binada nerse urnashkan?
When was this building built?Bu bina kaychan salyngan?
When was this bridge built?Boo cooper kaychan salyngan?
To whom is this monument erected?Bu uakel kemge kuelgan?
Is there a great view from here?Monnan Mathur Kurenesh?
How to get to the nearest park?In yakyn parka nichek baryp bull?
Let's go down this alley.Boo alley buylap baryik.
What is the name of the central square of the city?Shaһernen uzek maidany nichek atala?
Please walk us to the square.Sez without meidang kader ozata almassizmy?
I don’t know the city as a foreigner.Min chit il keshesse һem sheһerne belmim.
Where is the Turkish Embassy located?Torek embassy of kaida urnashkan?
How to get to the meat (fish, flower, fruit, vegetable, Sunday) market?It (balyk, chechek, zhelek-zhimesh, yashelche, yal horse) bazaars of niche baryp bula?
What is the name of this street?Are we uram and family?
Where is the main street?Bash uram kayda?
How to find Decembrists street?Dekabristlar uramyn nichek tabip bula?
When was this mosque (church) built?Bu machet (chirkeu) kaychan salyngan?
Where does this highway lead to?Bu highway kayda alyp bar?


We wanted to book a hotel room through your agency.Seznen agentlygygyz asha without hotelde (kunakhanede) number of sorarg telibes.
Where to get an entry (exit) visa?Kaida killer very (keter very) alyp bula visa?
Can a visa be extended?Visana zaytyp bulams?
What is the name of this mountain?Bu tau nichek atala?
How high is the mountain?Taunin Bieklege Kupme?
Do you keep a travel diary?Sez seyahat kondylegen alyp barasyzmy?
Which road will we take?Without kaisa yuldan barachakbyz?
We were on the road for three (four) days.Without yulda och (durt) kon buldyk.
Do you like to swim?Sez yozerge yaratasizma?
Do you like swimming in the morning?Sezge irtenge koen oshimy?
What is the population of this city?Bu shegerde kupme halyk yashi?
What is the name of this island?Boo in the morning niche atala?
Who needs to show a passport?Passport kemge kureterge?
Here's my passport.Menet minem passports.
How is the weather?What are you doing with niches?
What temperature is it now?Heather's temperature?
What the weather will be tomorrow?Irtege һava toryshi nindi bulyr?
Where can I see the timetable for trains (planes, steamers)?Trainlar (airplane, steamer) yoru tertiben kayan beleshep bula?
Is there a steamer on this river?Bu elgada shippinglar yorilermé?
Is there a power plant on this river?Buelgada hydroelectric power plantler barmy?
When are you coming home?Sez ogezge kaychan kaytasyz?
Where are you from?Sez kaidan?
Are tourists from different countries gathered here?Monda torle illairden kilgan touristlar zhyelgan.
Where is the tourist bus?Turislarga kayda bus?
What is the excursion program?Guided tour programs with nindi?
We need a guide.Bezge guide kirek.

In transport

Where can I take the bus (trolleybus, tram)?Kaida min bus (trolleybus, tram) utyra alam?
What's the fare?Yul haki kupme?
This place is free?Bu uryn bushma?
Let's get off at this stop!eide bu tuktalishtia toshik!
When should we be at the airport?Without kaychan airport bulyrga tieshbez?
Where is the luggage room?Saklaw camelary kaida?
Take my luggage, please!Alygyzchy luggage.
How much is a ticket to ...?Ticket ... kader kupme torah?
How much does a child ticket cost?Balalar tickets kupme torah?
Is there a free space in the sleeping car?Yoky wagoninda bush uryn barmy?
Where is the first class?Berenche class wagons of kayda?
Where is your (our) compartment?Seznen (beznen) kaida coupe?
How to get to the dining car?Restaurant car nichek uzarga?
Can I smoke in this compartment?Are you in this compartment temeke tartyrga?
How to get to the train station?Railway station nichek baryrga?
How to get to the ticket office?The ticketlar of the cashier's nichek uterge?
Where is the subway entrance?Metroga Keru Kaida?
When does the train arrive (depart)?The kaichan kile (kite) train?
How long does the fast train take?Express train niché segat bar?
Where is our plane?Is the plane of the kayde free?
Tell me, is the weather flying today?heytegezche, bougain ochular bulachakmy?
Where is the taxi stand?Taxi tuktalish kayda?
Call a taxi!Taxi chakyrtygyz!
Please stop here.Monda tuktatygyzchy.

In a restaurant, cafe

Let's go to the bar.Barga kerik.
Please give me two cocktails.Ike cocktail biregezche.
I would drink a mug of dark (light) beer.Min ber a mug of kara (yakty) echer cheese let's go.
I am thirsty (eat).Minem echesem (ashyisym) kile.
Please give me some cold water.Mina salkyn su biregezche.
What do you want for sweet?Sez tatli rizyklardan nor telisez?
Would you like to have breakfast with us?Sez besnen belen irtenge ash asharga telemisezme?
I don't drink hard liquor.Min katy echemlekler echmim.
When is lunch?Condezge ash kaychan bula?
Thank you, I've already had lunch.Rahmet, min ashadim ind.
What's for lunch today?Condezge Ashka Bugen Nerse?
Bon Appetit!Ashlarygyz temle bulsyn!
I want to take a vegetable salad (with sausage, cold meat).Minem (kazylyk, salkyn it belen) yachelche salads alasim kile.
Please pass me the pepper (mustard, salt, vinegar, horseradish).Biregezche mina borych (mustard, toz, serke, Koren).

Mail, phone

Did I spell your address correctly?The address of gyzny dores yazdymma?
Give your address.Addressyzyzny biregezche (eitegezche).
Where is the parcel accepted?Parcel post monda kabul itelherme?
Please give me a stamped envelope.Markals envelope biregess.
Show me postcards with views of the city.Shaһer kureneshlare belan postcard birmesezme?
I need to send a letter.Minem khat zhiberesem bar.
We will write to you.Without sezge yazachakbyz.
I am waiting (waiting) for your letters.Seznen khatalarygyzny kotem (kotebez).
Where is the nearest pay phone?Ying yakyn kaida booth?
Hello, who's talking?Hello, who are you?
Call (surname) to the phone.Telefonga (surname + not) chakyrygyz.
I can't hear you well.Min sezne start ishetem.
One minute! Wait by the phone!Ber minutes, phone number yanynda kotep torygyz.

Meeting, greeting, acquaintance - here you will find suitable words to get to know a person, say hello or make an appointment, all in Tatar.

Language - words that will help you better understand what the other person is saying.

Account - translation and correct sounding of the account in Tatar, from 1 to billion.

Properties - words and phrases that will help you characterize a person by his external and psychological characteristics.

Colors - pronunciation and translation of colors and shades.

Character traits - with the help of the words presented here, you can describe the character traits of any person or your own.

Time is a translation of words that are directly related to time.

Pronunciation - phrases and words that will help you find out from the locals whether you have the correct pronunciation of Tatar, you can also ask to write a particular word on a piece of paper or explain how to pronounce the words of interest to you.

Acquaintance - a list of phrases through which you can start acquaintance.

Appeal - words that help start a conversation or call someone.

Congratulations are all you need for congratulations in the Tatar language.

Invitation - words that will help you invite a person to visit.

Farewell is a list of parting words and phrases.

Gratitude, request - if you need to thank a person or ask for something, you will find the right words in this section.

Apology, consent, refusal - words that will help you in various forms to agree on something with the interlocutor, refuse him or ask for an apology for something.

Hotel - if you have arrived in Tatarstan for a long time, you will probably have to rent a hotel room, with this task and throughout your stay, this section will help you cope.

Barber - words with which you can explain which haircut you prefer.

Sleep - phrases that sometimes have to be used before bedtime.

City - a list of phrases that will help you find everything you need in the city, asking passers-by where to go or where this or that building is.

Travel - If you are traveling in Tatarstan, this list of words will definitely come in handy for you more than once. With the help of them, you will find out where it is better to go, what is the history of this or that building or monument, and so on.

Transport - words related to the rental of transport, travel by buses, trains and other types of transport.

Restaurant - if you are hungry, you will want to have a hearty meal, but if you do not know the Tatar language, you will not even be able to call a waiter and order a dish. For such cases, this topic was created.

Mail, phone - do you need to replenish your phone card, send a parcel, or just find out something at the post office? Then open this section, and you will definitely find the right words.

CRIMINAL, criminal, criminal. 1.add., By value associated with the use of measures of restraint by the state against persons who have committed a crime. Criminal law. Criminal liability. Criminal Code. Criminal investigation. Criminal ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

criminal- a person with a criminal reputation Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. criminal criminal, criminal; indictable, criminally punishable, forensic, ripped, ... ... Synonym dictionary

CRIMINAL- CRIMINAL, oh, oh. Relating to crime, crimes and their punishability. Criminal liability. Criminal law (a set of legal norms established by the state to combat crimes by applying approved ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

criminal- criminality, blr. criminally urgent, important, criminally urgent, necessary. Connected with the head, which had in other Russian. also meaning killed. Wed semantic lat. capitālis head, then criminal; see Trans., Proceedings I, 38. [By ... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer


Criminal- I m. Criminal; criminal I. II adj. 1. Consisting of an attempt on life and property, directed against life and property. 2. Who committed a crime against life and property. 3. Related to investigation and punishment ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

criminal- 1. criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, criminal, ... ... Word forms

criminal- Latin - capilaus (criminal offense). The adjective has a semantic connection with the Old Russian word "head", which was also used in the meaning of "killed". Formed by tracing from the Latin capilalus or the German phrase ... ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Semenov

criminal- oval corner ... Russian spelling dictionary

criminal - … Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

criminal- Syn: criminal (book), criminal Ant: legal, legal ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


  • Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China,. The Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China as amended on March 14, 1997 replaced the Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China in 1979 and entered into force on October 1, 1997. The Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China, again translated into Russian ... Buy for 1287 rubles
  • Criminal Code of the United Arab Emirates. United Arab Emirates Code of Criminal Procedure,. The Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code of the United Arab Emirates were prepared and translated by the assistant, translator of Arabic and French languages ​​S.N. Osipov, engaged in ...

Tatar is spoken by over 5 million people living in the national republic, as well as in and other regions of the Russian Federation. In Tatarstan, the full functioning of the national language is ensured by teaching in educational institutions, in particular, at Kazan University, teaching in Tatar was introduced at the Law, Philology and Faculty of Journalism. Numerous printed publications, television and radio broadcasts, etc., contribute to the maintenance of the language.

History of the Tatar language

At the origins of the Tatar language are the languages ​​of the Turkic group: Bulgar, Kypchak, Chagatai. The process of formation took place simultaneously with the development of the culture of the Tatars who settled in the Volga and Ural regions. In close communication with representatives of the indigenous and newcomer population of the inhabited lands, there was a mutual enrichment of languages. In Tatar, the influence of the Russian, Mordovian, Udmurt, Ugric, and Persian languages ​​is clearly traced. Particularly indicative are the phonetic features of Tatar, adopted from the Finno-Ugric languages ​​and distinguishing it from other representatives of the Turkic group.

The most ancient monument of Tatar literature is the poem "Kyssa-i Yosyf", written in the first half of the 13th century. Kul Gali. In the poem the Bulgaro-Kypchak elements are combined with the Oguz ones. At the time of the Golden Horde, the Volga language Türks was used in the territories inhabited by the Tatars. Under the rule of the Kazan Khanate, the Old Tatar language developed with many borrowings from Arabic and Persian. The language was available to literate representatives of society, ordinary people did not know this form of language. Russisms penetrated into Tatar language as a result of the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. the intelligentsia mastered the Ottoman vocabulary. The modern Tatar language based on the Kazan dialect began to take shape in the second half of the 19th century. After the revolution of 1905, there was a fusion of the literary and colloquial forms of the language. The active development of terminology took place in the 20-30s of the last century, when the language was replenished with new words of the Arab-Persian, Russian and international vocabulary. At the same time, there was a transition to the Cyrillic alphabet.

  • In, and Basque languages ​​"Tatarstan" is written "Tartaristán, Tartaristão, Tartaria". The double letter "p" is used in (sauce tartare), (Strait of Tartary), (Stretto dei Tartari), (Tartarsundet) and some other languages.
  • The British call the stubborn boys Tartar - "young tartar".
  • The decisive act of the Japanese was called the "Tatar step".
  • In the explanatory dictionary of Dahl and the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron it is said that the cry "hurray" is the form of the Tatar word "ur" - bey.
  • Tatar writing until 1927 was based on the Arabic alphabet, in 1927-1939. in Latin, since 1939 - in Cyrillic.
  • The Constitution of Tatarstan enshrines the right of every citizen to receive a Russian passport with an insert in the Tatar language.
  • Kul Gali's poem "Kyssa-i Yosyf", written in the XIII century, until the XIX century. passed down in manuscripts. The literary work was so popular that the book had to be in the dowry of every Tatar girl.
  • The first printed book in the Tatar language was published in Leipzig in 1612.

We guarantee acceptable quality, since the texts are translated directly, without using a buffer language, using the technology

Spelling is a set of rules and regulations for spelling. The spelling of the Tatar language is based on the following principles:

phonetic- is the main one in the Tatar language, on the basis of which the words are written as they are heard: kil come, yt say, akcha money, әni mom, etc. However, not all words obey this principle;

morphological- the significant parts of the word (morphemes) are written uniformly regardless of pronunciation: [umber] unber, [tөңge] tөnge, [tossos] tozsyz;

Nәni Prince. "The Little Prince" in Tatar

Kitabymny oly keshegә bagyshlavym өchen balalardan gafu үtenәm. Aklanyp shuny uyt alam: bu keshe - minem and yakyn dusty. Dөnyadagy bar nәrsәne, hәtta balalar өchen yazylgan kitaplarny yes aңly st. Annary, Francedә yashi st., Ә anda khәzer tormysh bik avyr: kөnnәr suyk, keshelәr achly-tukly. Shuңa kүrә kyly sүzgә bik mohtaҗ st. Әgәr ide shushy aklanular gyna җitmi ikn, min bu kitapny dustymnyң bala chagyna bagyshlym. ...

Musa лlil balladalary


Ballad (French ballade, soңgy latin telendә ballo - biu), - Evropanyң urta gasyr әdәbiyyndagy lyricist genre.

Ballad - sentimentalism һәm romanticism әdәbi youthleshlәrneң tөp bullp genres (R. Burns, S. Coleridge, G. Burger, F. Schiller, I.V. Goethe, A. Mitskevich, V. Zhukovsky). Romantic ballad - nindi dә bulsa fiction, folklore, rivayat nigesendә tөzelgәn plots lyro-epic әsәr.

Bu genre әdәbiyat theoryясend katlauli mәsәlә bulyp tor. ...

The problem of translation of Lermontov's poems by Tatar poets

The purpose of this work is to study the translation of poems by M.Yu. Lermontov from the point of view of aesthetic interference.

Aesthetic interference as one of the phenomena of artistic perception of national literature arises in different forms... The strongest of all aesthetic interference is realized in the reader's perception, which, having its own characteristics differs, for example, from the interpreter's perception of a literary work.

Images of the mother in Russian and Tatar literature of the 20-30s.

In Russian and Tatar literature of the 1920s and 1930s, a lyrical image of the mother appeared, starting with S. Yesenin in Russian and M. Jalil in Tatar literature. But in the poetry of the war years, the image of the mother has changed. He began to associate with hope, with the homeland, with victory. It is for the analysis of such an image of the mother that we examined the ballad of A. Dementyev, M. Jalil and the ballad-poem of F. Karim.

I. Andrey Dementyev "Ballad of Mother"

Creativity of G. Tukay and his place in the history of literature of the peoples of Russia

As the famous literary critic, poetry researcher of the period of Gabdulla Tukay writes, G. Halit; “1905-1907 nche yellard and berenche nәүbәttә poetryзияkint kүtәrelep kitүe ochrakly bulmady, әlbәttә, - dip tasvirly buchorny G. Halit. - Monyң berenche sәbәbe - gasyrlar buencha kөyrәp kilgәn shigri traditsiyalәrneң yashәүchenlegendә, ikenchese - milli әdәbiyatny buyp Torgan kirtәlәrneң ber өleshe revolution nәtiҗәsendә җimerelep, vakytly matbugat dөnyasyna Ishaq achylu yes, Akyl һәm Heath iregenә susaunyң, ashkynunyң kuәt aluynda ide "

Female mythological images in the ballads of M. Lermontov "Mermaid", M. Gorky "The Legend of Marko", G. Tukaya "Su anasy", G. Sungati "Su anasy"

(benchmarking analysis)

Due to the fact that in modern literary criticism there is no term "mythological elements", at the beginning of this work it is advisable to define this concept. To do this, it is necessary to turn to works on mythology, which present opinions about the essence of myth, its properties, functions. It would be much easier to define mythological elements as constituent parts of this or that myth (plots, heroes, images of living and inanimate nature etc.), but when giving such a definition, one should also take into account the subconscious appeal of the authors of works to archetypal constructions (as V.N.

Translations of Pushkin's poems into Tatar

The purpose of this work is to study the translation of poems by A.S. Pushkin from the point of view of aesthetic interference.

Aesthetic interference, as well as linguistic interference, is a deviation, a violation, which is caused by the fact that the reader most often, and sometimes intentionally, perceives a foreign language work in the light of traditions native literature and language.

First of all, aesthetic interference is associated with the fact that different nations there may be different beliefs and customs. ...



1.affair, business; ( class) pursuit

private affair

this is mine, his etc. case - that is my, his, etc., business / affair

it's not mine, his etc. case - that is no business / concern of mine, his, etc.; that is none of my, his, etc., business

none of his business (+ inf.) - he has no business (+ to inf.), it is not, or none of, his business (+ to inf.)

it's our own domestic concern - it "s our own domestic concern

interfere in other people "s affairs

do not interfere with your own business - mind your own business

put * one "s affairs in order

speak on business

do not enter idle - no admission except on business

to come on business - come * on business

I have business with him - I nave some business with him

he is busy - he is busy

public affairs - public affairs

he has many things to do

bring the matter (to) - take * / bring * matters (to)

take on ten cases at once - tackle a dozen jobs at once; have many irons in the fire idioms.

know your business - know * one "s job

2. shopping mall units(purpose, interests, etc.) cause

common cause

just cause

noble cause - good / noble cause

great cause, fear

for the cause of the revolution - for the cause of the revolution

3. (act) deed, act; ( creation) work

good deed

health is a great thing

you have achieved a great feat

it is his life-work

4. (event, incident) affair, business

this affair has been forgotten long ago

mysterious business - strange business

it happened in 1960

5. about. pl.(situation, circumstances) things

things are improving, things are the mend

improve the state of one "s affairs

how is he doing? - how is he getting on ?; how are things going with him?

matters took such a turn

state of affairs

what about this? - what about this business?

the situation is this

6. (question, subject of smth.) matter

matter of habit, taste

quite another matter; that "s a horse of a different color idioms.

what's the matter? - what is the matter?

that's not the point - that "s not the point

the case does not change at all from the fact that - the situation is no way altered by the fact that

if things were different

7. about. shopping mall units(speciality):

mining - mining; other combinations see under acc. adjectives

8. mouth(company) business

this business pays well

9. legal entity(judicial) case

do business - plead a case

bring an action against smb. - bring * an action against smb., take * institute proceedings against smb.

state your case - state one "s case

in the Ivanov case - in connection with the prosecution of Ivanov

10. station file, dossier

personal record (s) ( pl.), personal file

hem, attach to the case ( ext.) - file ( d.)

11. mouth(battle) battle, fighting

in fact - as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, in reality

in fact - but the fact is ...

Indeed as introductory sl.- really, indeed; now that one comes to think of it

either way colloquial(much better) - how much better; what a difference

every now and then - ( often) every now and then; ( incessantly) continually, incessantly; time and again; the verb is often translated.: keep * on (+ ger.):

the bell keeps on ringing

first or all

between times - at odd moments, between times

case for ( tv) - the matter depends (on)

the fact is that - the fact / point is that

the whole point is that

the point is this

it is not a matter (of)

what business ( dt.)?, what's the matter ( dt.)? - what is it (to) ?, what does it matter (to)?

what does he care (before)! - what does he care (for, about)!

him etc. don't care about it - he, etc., does not care

experience in practice ( ext.) - test in practice ( d.)

use in business ( ext.) - make * use (of)

deal with tv) - have to do (with), deal * (with), have dealings (with)

talk sense, talk sensibly

such and such a thing! colloquial- so that "s how things are !, that is the way it is!

in the bag colloquial- it "s in the bag, it" s a sure thing

this is the case! ( right) - good !, now you "re talking sense!

what's the matter? - what "s holding matters / things up ?; what" s the hitch? colloquial

not in this case! - that is not the question / point

do your thing - have done one "s part

this is his handiwork

when it comes to me, you etc.- when it is my, your, etc., turn

both in word and deed

- in words ..., but actually ...; ostensibly ..., but in reality ...

him etc.(there is) business to you - he, etc., has to speak to you

he got to work - he deserved what he got

Russian-Belarusian Dictionary 1




1) on right, -you are wives.

peace building- on the right ўmatsavannya miru

our business is just, the victory will be ours!- our right is fair, peramoga budze for us!

a court case- ship on the right

publishing- vydavetskaya on the right

criminal case- Crimean right

file folder station - folder for the right

2) (work) Job, are you wives., on right, -you are wives.

get to work- uzyatstsa for work (for the right)

3) (enterprise) mouth. (camera) executive offices, - on Wed.

4) (battle) military. mouth the fight, genus. battle husband.

battle, -you are wives.

wounded in the case near Warsaw- wounded ў bai (at battle) pad Warsaw

Indeed- sapraўds

for the cause- nezdarma, on merit

between this and then- puffs, pimples

in practice- on the right

known case input sl. - vyadomy rach

my business side- May a hut on the edge, I'm not here at all

every now and then- once, once

first thing- pershim chynam, persh for ўsø, persh-napersh

put into action- skarystats, pustsіts in the course

to deal with- mets dachynenne

sinful deed- pryznatstsa, I wake up

business to speak- obedient (kind, praўdu) Cossack

in the bag- truncated ў parade

the main thing- halo to the right

of course- vyadomy rach

whether the case- іnshaya rach

What is it to me?- What about me?

what's the matter?- what is it?

this business!- geta good!

that's bad- kepskia (drained) rights

that's another matter- geta іnshaya rach

in fact of the matter- at tym eighth (yakraz) i on the right

be out of work- bytz (flock) at baku, bytz nі pry chym

this is his handiwork- geta yago work

and it's over, and it's over- і end, і сё

master's business- your will (your, yago, yae, іх)

Russian-Modern Greek Dictionary



1. (work, occupation) ἡ δουλειά, ἡ ἀσχολία, ἡ ὑπόθεση (-ις):

he has a lot \ ~ a ἐχει πολλές δουλειές, εἶναι πολυάσχολος · taken for \ ~ καταπιάνομαι μέ τή δουλειά, καταπιάνομαι μέ τήν ὑπόθεση public \ ~ a οἱ δημόσιες (or οἱ κοινωνικές) ὑποθέσεις · he went on \ ~ s πήγε γιά δουλειά · hang without \ ~ a γυρίζω χασομέρης I have a lot to do εἶμαι πνιγμένος στή δουλειά

2. (specialty, area of ​​knowledge) ἡ τέχνη, ἡ ἐπιστήμη, ἡ βιομηχανία:

military \ ~ ἡ πολεμική τέχνη · mountain \ ~ ἡ μεταλλευτική · carpentry \ ~ ἡ ξυλουργική, ἡ ξυλουργία · Publishing \ ~ ἡ ἐκδοτική ἐπιχείρηση, ἡ ἐκδοτική τέχνη · newspaper \ ~ ἡ δημοσιογραφία, ἡ ἐφημεριδογραφία · he is master of his \ ~ a εἶναι μάστορας στή δουλειά του ·

3. (subject, purpose of worries, interest) ἡ ὑπόθεση (-ις):

this is his personal \ ~ εἶναι δική του δουλειά, εἶναι προσωπική του ὑπόθεση I do not γιά προσωπικό ζήτημα right \ ~ ἡ δίκαια ὑπόθεση

4. (question, essence) ἡ ὑπόθεση (-ις), τό πρά (γ) μα, τό ζήτημα:

essence \ ~ a ἡ οὐσία της ὑπόθεσης this does not apply to \ ~ y

5. (deed, deed) τό ἐργο (ν). ἡ πράξη (-ις):

kind \ ~ ἡ καλή πράξη, this is \ ~ his whole life εἶναι ἐργον ὅλης του τής ζωής "

6. (event, incident) ^ ὑπόθεση (-ις), ἡ δουλειά, τό γεγονός:

mysterious \ ~ ἡ μυστηριώδης, ἡ αίνιγ-ματική ὑπόθεση · \ ~ was in autumn αὐτό συνέβη τό φθινόπωρο · this is \ ~ the past of αὐτό ἀνήκει στό παρελθόν

7. (state of affairs, circumstances) τά πρά (γ) -ματα, οἱ δουλειές:

how are you \ ~ huh? πῶς πάνε οἱ δουλειές, πῶς πάνε τά πράματα;

8. legal entity ἡ ὑπόθεση (-ις):

civil (criminal) \ ~ ἡ ἀστική (ή ποινική) ὑπόθεση · excite \ ~ κινώ ἀγωγή, ἐνάγω · win \ ~ κερδίζω τήν ὑπόθεση, κερδκίζω · τή δ

9. station ὁ φάκελλος:

personal \ ~ ὁ ἀτομικός φάκελλος

10. (terms of reference) ἡ ἀρμοδιότητα (-ης), ἡ δικαιοδοσία:

this is \ ~ the prosecutor's office αὐτό ὑπάγεται στήν ἀρμοδιότητα τῆς είσαγγελίας · to interfere not in one's own \ ~ ἀνακατεύομαι σέ ξένες ὑποθέσεις ·

11. (enterprise) mouth. ἡ ἐπιχείρηση (-ις) / ὁ ἐμπορικός οίκος (firm) \ ~ taste ζήτημα γούστου · in what \ ~? τί συμβαίνει; · not in this \ ~ δέν πρόκειται γί αὐτό · it is different \ ~ εἶναι ἄλλη ὑπόθεση . ὅλο καί ... · the first \ ~ th πρίν ἀπ "ὅλα, πρῶτα πρῶτα · between \ ~ μεταξύ ἀλλων \ ~ that ... τό ζήτημα εἶναι ὀτι .. · say \ ~ (ό) μιλῶ · σοβα pretty \ ~! iron. ὠραία δουλειά! · in that and \ ~ that ... αὐτό εἶναι ἀκριβώς τό ζήτημα, ὀτι ... · well, \ ~ with the end! καί μ "αὐτό τελειώσαμε! · is it seen \ ~ Ι ποϋ ξανακούστηκε νά ...!

Russian-Greek Dictionary (Salnova)



business with 1) ( item , purpose of worries ) η υπόθεση; το έργο ( creation ), το ζήτημα ( question ) - the world η υπόθεση της ειρήνης 2) ( class , Job ) η δουλειά I have a lot to do today πολλές δουλειές έχω σήμερα 3) ( event , fact ) η υπόθεση, το γεγονός 4) (п offense ) το έργο, η πράξη 5) ( field of knowledge , work ) η τέχνη, η επιστήμη 6) jur . η υπόθεση" ο φάκελος , civil ( criminal ) - η αστική (ποινική) υπόθεση, how are you ? πώς τα πάτε; what is \~? τι συμβαίνει; Indeed ? αλήθεια; - therein , what ... πρό κειται για..., το ζήτημα είναι ότι... in practice στην πραγμα τικότητα, the first - m πρώτα απ"ολα

Russian-Kazakh dictionary



1 . (work, occupation) zhumys, іс; - sit without business zhұmyssyz otyru; - without business do not enter zhumissyz kirmeңiz; - business time, fun hour talk iske uaқyt, ermekke saғat; - I have you business menin sіzde zhumysym bar units; 2 . (act) zhumys, іс; - you did good business siz izgi is ettiniz; 3 . colloquial (duty, terms of reference) zhumys, zhumys, іs; - this is not mine, but yours business bұl menin emes, sizdin zhumysykiz; - i don't business before that, onda menin zhumysym joқ; 4 . (area of ​​knowledge, work) oқy, өner ( bir Gylym turaly); mountain business tau-ken isi; - military business skeri іс; 5 . (purpose, interests) maқsat іс, the cause of strengthening peace in the whole world zher zhzinde beybіtshіlіkti nygaytu isі; - the main thing business- not to lose courage her bastysy - erlikpen her bastysy - erlikten timeau; 6 . (state of affairs, circumstances) hal-zhai; - how are you Affairs? khal-zhaiykiz kandai? tell me what business not khal boldy, aitykyzshy; 7 . (judicial) іс; - to initiate against someone bireuge karsy is zhasau; - the people's court examines civil cases of the khalyk sots of the azamattyk isterdi karaydy; - the case of the arson of өrteu turaly іс; 8 ... station ic ( kitap bolyp zhinalyp tigilgen іс ағаздары); file documents to the case documentary iske tigu; - personal file өзіне Derbes іс ( өmirbayandy);9 . mouth (battle) ұrys, sғys; - he was wounded in the case near Austerlitz ol Austrelitz tabindegi Yrysta zarly boldy; 10 . mouth colloquial (company) kusiporyn; - he closed his business ol kusiporynyn zhapty; - speak business colloquial ooryndy syleu; - This business his hands were onyң isi; - business the case of kezdeyson ic; - business follow you ugime sizde; - whether business colloquial solay bolsa etty; - use in business iske asyru; - in what business not bop kaldy; - all business in this ugimenin buri mynada; - it's different business bұl basқasha māsele; - business that gime mynada; - the first business her aldymen, her uueli; - between business is arasynda; - alt etkende; - to business iske; - every now and then әlsin-li; - қaita-aita; - for the Tekke Emes case; - this is not a matter of bұl іs emes; - in fact, shynynda, drysynda; - in fact, shynynda, іс zhizinde, rasynda; - closer to the case of jnge kөshu; - out of work Kyzmetten boss; - business in Hat colloquial ic ogaryldy ( zhel oңynan tұrdy); business (became) per ( by anyone) colloquial іс nege bөgeledі; - we did our job, now business behind you biz uzimizge tistisin istedik, endigi zhumys sizde

Russian-Kyrgyz dictionary



1. (work, occupation) ish, zhumush;

get down to business ishke kirishүү;

well, get down to business! kana, ishke kirisheli (kirishkile) !;

business time, fun hour after. ubakyttyn kөbү ishke, kalgans ermekke;

2. (event) okuya;

this case happened a long time ago bul okuya echak ele bolgon;

3. legal entity (process) ish, sot ishi;

bring an action against smb. birөөgө karshy ish kozgoo;

4. station case (bir fact same bir ish zhөndөgү documentterdin zhyynagy);

cases are stored in folders delolor papkada saktalyp turat;

5. (terms of reference) ish;

the cause of strengthening peace in the whole world bүtkүl dүynөdө tynchtykty chyңoo ishi;

6. (area of ​​knowledge, work) ish, zhumush;

military affairs askerdik ish;

mining too jumushu;

7.st. colloquial (enterprise) zheke ishkan (өnөr zhai, soda zh.b.);

he closed his business al өzүnүn ishkanasyn zhapty;

8.st. (battle) sogush;

the main thing is not to lose courage eң negizgi nersse - kairatty joiboo bolup sanalat;

to speak the case raz. zhөnү bar sөzdү sүylөө, yktuu sөz;

this is the work of his hands bul oshonun kolunan keldi;

the case of the ygyn of the heat of the swamps;

it's up to you ish ele sizde (selerde);

what's the matter? emne boldu ?;

that's the point a usundai eken yes; ish myna mynday;

this is another matter anyn zhөnү head;

the first thing to do is birinchi kezekte, eң murun, baarydan murda;

in between ara-cholodo;

to the point! ishke !;

we have done our job, now it's up to you biz ishibizdi bүtүrdүk, ami kep selerde kaldy;

he is now out of work al ami ishtebeyt;

in the bag! colloquial ish onunda !;

every now and then ulam-ulam, tynimsyz;

for the cause (not in vain) bekerge emes;

in fact, chyndygynda;

in fact in meaning. input sl. chyndygynda, anyk ele;

he is, in fact, a very knowledgeable person al, chyndygynda, eң ele bilgich kishi;

whether it’s razg. ... bolso, alda kancha zhakshy (mykty);

the master's case is afraid to talk. chymchykty da kasap soisun (ishtin zhөnүn usta ticket);

such and such a thing! colloquial ish myna ushundai!

Comprehensive Russian-French Dictionary



1) (Job) affaire f; occupation f, besogne f ( class)

being busy - être occupé, travailler vi

get down to business - se mettre au travail ( orà la besogne, à l "œuvre)

for the cause! ( to work!) - au travail !, à l "œuvre!

sit around - rester sans occupation

2) (act) action f; fait m

do a good deed - faire une bonne action ( orœuvre)

3) legal entity affaire f, cause f, procès m; dossier m

criminal case - affaire pénale

file a case - ouvrir une enquête

to investigate the case - mener une enquête

close affaire - clore une affaire

4) (subject, purpose of worries) cause f; œuvre f ( creation); question f ( question)

cause of peace - cause de la paix

this is a common cause - c "est une cause commune, c" est l "affaire de tout le monde

this is his life's work - c "est l" œuvre de toute sa vie

a matter of honor - affaire f d "honneur

5) (terms of reference) affaire f; ressort m

this is the prosecutor's case - c "est l" affaire du procureur, c "est du ressort du procureur

it's none of my business, I don't care, my business is a side - ce n "est pas mon affaire, cela ne me regarde pas

to interfere with one's own business - s "immiscer dans les affaires d" autrui, s "occuper de ce qui ne vous regarde pas

it's not your mind - ce n "est pas (un truc) pour ton petit cerveau

6) (area of ​​knowledge, work) art m; industrie f

know your stuff well - bien connaître son affaire

military affairs - art militaire

mining - industrie minière, industrie du sous-sol

publishing - industrie du livre

carpentry - menuiserie f

goldsmith - orfèvre m

7) (company) fabrique f; maison ( firm)

he does things - c "est un brasseur d" affaires

he closed his business - il s "est retiré des affaires; il a fermé boutique (fam)

8) stationery dossier m

personal file - dossier personnel

file to case - joindre au dossier

10) (battle) mouth. affaire f

brave in deed - courageux en l "affaire

11) (event, incident)

delicate matter - affaire délicate

it was in the summer - ça s "est passé en été

this is a thing of the past - c "est du passé

affairs of bygone days - c "est de l" histoire ancienne

12) (need)

a) affaire f

come on business - venir (ê.) pour affaire

go about business - aller (ê.) pour affaires

everyday business - c "est une chose commune, rien de plus commun

a matter of taste - question f de goût

a matter of habit - question d "habitude

bad business - fichue ( or sale) affaire

sinful deed introductory. sl. - à vrai dire

b) or transl. turnover with ch. avouer vt

a sinful thing, I like to sleep after dinner - j "avoue que j" aime faire la sieste

deal with someone - avoir affaire à qn

use it in business - faire servir à qch

talk business ( reasonably) decomp. - parler raison, avoir raison; parler d "or

this is his handiwork raz. - c "est lui qui a fait le coup

matter of chance - effet m du hasard (aspiration.)

it's up to you - on n "attend plus que vous

every now and then - à tout moment, à tout bout de champ

the main business is introductory. sl. - surtout

the main thing is not to lose courage - surtout ne perdons pas courage

it's all about this - tout est là

that's what's the matter - voilà de quoi il s "agit

in the bag! colloquial - l "affaire est dans le sac!

business rubbish raz. - l "affaire est dans le lac

whether it's to go by car - si l "on va en voiture c" est autre chose

what's the matter? - qu "y a-t-il ?; qu" est-ce qu "il y a ?; de quoi s" agit-il ?, qu "est-ce qu" il se passe? ( what is it about?)

this is another matter - c "est autre chose, c" est une autre affaire

the point is that ... - c "est que ...; le fait est que ...

in fact - en effet

first of all - avant tout

in between - à mes (tes, etc.) moments perdus; à mes (tes, etc.) heures perdues; quand on a un moment (de) libre

in fact - en fait, en réalité

for the cause! ( rightly so) - c "est bien fait!

to the point! - au fait!

closer to the point - allons au fait

this matter is settled - c "est une affaire entendue; la cause est jugée

(well) and that's it! colloquial - tout est dit!

this is a special case - c "est un fait à part

get right down to business - aller droit au fait

he did me some business! - il m "a donné du fil à retordre

this is the last thing - c "est la pire des choses

strange thing - chose singulière

business became money - il n "y a plus que l" argent qui manque; c "est une affaire d" argent

what's the matter? - à quoi tient-il ?, et pourquoi pas?

this will not be the case - qu "à cela ne tienne

Have you ever seen this? - a-t-on jamais vu ça!

the master's work is afraid of the last. - c "est à l" œuvre qu "on reconnaît l" artisan

who knows his business - rompu au métier, maître m en son métier

on a personal matter - pour affaire personnelle ( or privée)

Russian-Crimean Tatar Dictionary (Cyrillic)



1) ish, vazife

household chores - ev ishleri

be busy - bir ishnen mesg'ul olmak

I have business - ishim bar

2) (act) ish, khyzmet

good deed - hey ish

3) (area of ​​work) -jylyk, -chylyk, -dzhilik, -chilik (affix)

newspaper business - gazetajylyk

mining - madenjilik

4) (colloquial state of affairs) ish, al, vaziet, mesele

5) (legal) ish, dava

what's the matter? - not old?

first of all - er shaden avel, bashta (at the beginning)

Russian-Crimean Tatar Dictionary (Latin)



household chores - ev işleri

to be busy - bir işnen meşğul olmaq pronounce mesg'ul

it's none of my business - bu menim işim (vazifem) degil

I have business - işim bar

2) (act) iş, hızmet

good deed - eyi iş

3) (area of ​​work) -cılıq, -çılıq, -cilik, -çilik (affix)

newspaper business - gazetacılıq

mining - madencilik

4) (colloquial state of affairs) iş, al, vaziyet, mesele

How are you doing? - işleriñiz nasıl?

5) (legal) iş, dava

his case will be heard tomorrow - onıñ davası (işi) yarın baqılacaq

your business - özüñiz bilesiñiz

indeed - kerçekten, aqiqaten

what's the matter? - ne oldı ?, nasıl şey?

it's up to you - iş sizge bağlı, iş sizni bekley

every now and then - ep, sıq-sıq, daima, ardı-sıra, ekide bir

here's the thing - mesele bundan ibaret, mesele böyle

first of all - er şeyden evel, başta (at the beginning)

it's another matter - bu başqa mesele

in between - ara-sıra, iş arasında, imkânı olğanda

use in business - bir işte qullanmaq, faydalanmaq

Russian-Crimean Tatar Dictionary




1) in different meaning ish, vazife

household chores - ev ishleri

to be busy - bir ishnen mesgul olmak (chalyshmak)

it's none of my business - boo menim ishim (vazifem) degil

2) (act) ish, hyzmet

good deed - hey ish

3) (area of ​​work) -dzhilyk, -dzhilik ( affix)

newspaper business - gazetajylyk

mining madenjilik

4) colloquial (circumstances) ish, al, vaziet, mesele

How are you doing? - Ishleriniz sent?

5) (legal) ish, give

his case will be heard tomorrow - onyn davasy (ishi) yaryn bakylajak

your business - ozyuniz bilesiniz

in fact - kerchekten, akyikaten

what's the matter? - not old? sent the shey?

it's up to you - ish sizge bagly, ish sizni bekley

every now and then - ep, syk-syk, daim, ardy-syra, ekide bir

here's the thing - mesele bundan ibaret, mesele boile

first of all - er shaden avel, bashta ( initially)

that's another matter - boo bashka mesele

in between - ara-syra, ish arasynda, imkyany olganda

use in business - bir ishte kullanmak, faidalanmak

Concise Russian-Spanish Dictionary




1) (work, occupation) asunto m; ocupación f, quehaceres m pl ( household, household)

to be busy - estar ocupado (atareado)

he has a lot to do - tiene mucho trabajo (muchos quehaceres)

get down to business - poner manos a la obra

to put things in order - arreglar sus asuntos

2) (act) acción f, acto m, hecho m

to do a good deed - hacer una buena obra (un bien)

3) (specialty, area of ​​knowledge) arte m, industria f, oficio m, ocupación f

military affairs - arte militar

mining - industria minera

newspaper business - periodismo m

publishing - industria del libro

carpentry - oficio de carpintero, carpintería f

goldsmith - orífice m, orfebre m

he knows his business - conoce su oficio (su profesión) ( also transfer )

4) (purpose, interests, etc.) causa f; obra f (creation); cuestión f (question)

just cause - causa justa

this is a common cause - es una causa común

this is his life's work - es la obra de toda su vida

a matter of honor - cuestión de honor

cause of peace - causa de la paz

5) (terms of reference) asunto m; competencia f

this is the prosecutor's case - es de competencia del fiscal

it's my business - esto es asunto mío

none of my business, I don’t care, my business side colloquial- no es asunto mío, no me incumbe

personal matter - asunto personal

interfere in someone else's business - meterse en asunto ajeno

6) legal entity causa f, pleito m, proceso m, sumario m

court case - autos m pl ( the documents)

to accept the case for production - admitir a trámite la denuncia

close the case - dar carpetazo al expediente

Institute proceedings ( against anyone) - instruir (incoar) un proceso (contra)

do business - dirigir un asunto

7) (company) mouth empresa f, comercio m, negocio m; firma f, casa f (firm)

common cause - empresa común

profitable business - una empresa ventajosa

he turns things around - maneja grandes negocios

8) station (folder, paper) expediente m (also legal entity ); legajo m

personal matter - expediente m

file to case - adjuntar a la causa

issue a personal file - formar expediente a alguien

9) pl. Affairs ( state of affairs, circumstances) cosas f pl, asuntos m pl

how are you? - ¿cómo van los asuntos ?, ¿cómo le va ?, ¿qué tal?

things are getting better - las cosas mejoran

state of affairs - situación de las cosas

current affairs - asuntos de trámite

state of affairs - estado de las cosas

10) (battle) mouth hecho de armas

11) (event, incident) suceso m, hecho m

mysterious case - hecho misterioso, asunto enigmático

it was in the summer - la cosa ocurrió en verano

this is a thing of the past - es un hecho pasado

closer to the point ≈ ≈ hay que ceñirse al asunto, vaya al grano

to be confident in what you do - tener fe en su causa

indeed - en efecto

what's the matter? colloquial- ¿de qué se trata ?, ¿qué pasa ?, ¿qué hay?

is this a thing seen before? colloquial- ¿se ha visto algo semejante?

it's all about it - todo está en esto

bad business colloquial- asunto perdido, vano empeño

the main thing input sl. colloquial - lo esencial, lo más importante

speak a case colloquial (reasonably) - hablar con razón, tener razón

the point is that ... - el hecho es que ..., la cosa está (consiste) en que ...

in the bag colloquial≈≈ ya es nuestro, ya está en el bolsillo, ya está en casa ( fam.); la cosa está en el bote

a matter of taste - cuestión de gustos

it's up to you - epende de Ud.

it's about (+ offer NS.) - se trata de

the master's case is afraid talk≈ ≈ la buena mano del rocín hace caballo y la mano ruin del caballo hace rocín, realidades y no palabras

a matter of chance - producto de la suerte

clean business colloquial- trigo limpio

business - time, fun - hour last- hay que dar tiempo al negocio y ratos al ocio

things are going smart - las cosas marchan bien y de prisa

he doesn't care about anything - no le importa nada; le importa todo un comino

for the cause! colloquial (serve it right!) - ¡lo merece !, ¡está bien hecho (empleado)!

this will not be the case - por esto no va a quedar

knowing his job - maestro en su oficio

and he, the main thing, wants to convince me of this - y lo principal que quiere convencerme de esto

to the point! - ¡al grano!

finished the business - walk boldly talk≈≈ antes de que acabes, no te alabes

to meddle colloquial- meter las narices en asuntos ajenos

between this and then colloquial- en los momentos perdidos, en los momentos libres

my business is small; my business is the side - ahí me las den todas; en ese asunto no tengo ni arte ni parte

in fact - de hecho, en verdad, en realidad

in fact - en realidad, de hecho

well, that's the end! simple.- ¡sanseacabó !, ¡todo está dicho !, ¡el cuento se ha acabado !; y asunto terminado (despachado)

first thing colloquial- en primer término, ante todo

get down to business - poner manos a la obra, meterse en harina ( fam. )

come on business - venir a tratar un asunto

strange thing - es cosa singular (extraña), es (parece) extraño

your business! - ¡allá tu!

every now and then colloquial- en todo momento, a cada instante

to use in business - poner en uso, hacer servir, utilizar vt

delicate matter - asunto vidrioso (delicado)

this is the work of his hands - esto es obra suya (de él)

this matter is settled - es una cuestión decidida (resuelta)

this business! - ¡esto es un asunto serio!

it's a different matter - esto (eso) es otra cosa

this is a special case - es una cuestión especial (particular)

Russian-Chuvash dictionary



noun wednesday ; pl. business (business, business, business) 1. ( syn. work, activity) ӗҫ, ӗҫхӗ l, ӗҫpuҫ; household chores kilty ӗҫpuҫ; to travel on business service ӗҫӗpe ҫӳre service; sit around ӗssӗr lar2. ( syn. specialty) ӗҫ, profession; military affairs ҫar ӗҫӗ; he knows his business well val hain ӗҫne layӑh plet3. ( syn. need, need) ӗҫ, quit, yutam; I have come to you on an important matter Epsyrӗn pata kyrlӗ yytupa kyletӗm4. ( syn. process) ӗҫ (sudra pikhmalli); criminal case criminal уголов ӗҫ; initiate a case in court sudra ӗҫ puӗҫar ♦ first of all chi maltanah; in between the case erānӗ hushāra; but it’s another matter ku pach urah yapala; to use е yar; every now and then ҫineҫineh; your work havan irāku; actually tӗrӗssipe; How are you? Monle purunatur ?; What's the matter? Mӗn pulnӑ ?; This is none of your business Ku syrйn ӗҫ mar; What do you care? Sire mӗn ӗҫ?

Russian-Serbian Dictionary



business with.

1) glad, posao, delatnost

2) deed, deed

4) foresight

5) dogaђaј

7) boyfriend

8) subject (document)

9) bo, cue ball

military affairs - ratnishtvo, military science

pottery - pottery

newspaper business - innovation

gold cases master - zlatar

in fact - get it

in fact - preista, bash

case in the hat - svrshena barrel, ready

my business is a side, I have no business - then me se not tiche

the first thing is pre svega, napre

out of work - van service

Russian-swahili dictionary



to fix the matter - rimediare vi (a), appianare le cose; rimettere le cose a posto

it goes to ... - si va verso ...; si sta andando ...

to be out of work - essersi ritirato dagli affari; essere messo in disparte

2) (tasks, goal) causa f

he devoted his life to the cause of the liberation of his homeland - egli ha dedicato la vita alla liberazione della patria

3) (need, need)

I have things to do - ho da fare; ho faccende da sbrigare

4) decomp. ( something important, necessary)

talking business - andare al sodo

5) (sphere of knowledge, activity) arte f, industria f; attività f

publishing - editoria f

military affairs - arte f militare

carpentry - falegnameria f

know your business well - conoscere bene il proprio mestiere / lavoro

6) (company) impresa f, azienda f; negozio m, commercio m ( in trade)

the company has a solid business - l "azienda svolge una solida attività

7) (circumstance, fact) fatto m, situazione f, affare m

it was in the fall - si era d "autunno

this is a thing of the past - sono cose del passato / passate

How are you? - Qual è la situazione ?; Come va?

it's bad - le cose vanno male

this is another matter - è un altro conto; è un altro paio di maniche col. ; dire cose guiste / sensate

Well (and) business! - Ma guarda!

8) (act) azione f, opera f, atto m

to do a good deed - fare del bene; fare un "opera buona

9) legal entity causa f, azione f penale, processo m; affare m journal. ; affaire f fr. neglected

bring an action against smb. - intentare causa contro qd

10) (the documents) fascicolo m, incartamento m, pratica f; dossier m fr. ( dossier); carte f pl

personal matter - fascicolo personale

pile of cases on the table - una pila di pratiche sulla scrivania

the point (is / is) that ... - il fatto è che ...; si tratta che ...

the fact is that you cannot hesitate - il fatto e che non c "è tempo da perdere

no case who cares about whom colloquial - se ne frega di ...

he does not care about others - se ne frega del prossimo

put into action - applicare vt, far funzionare, far valere

put waste into business - riciclare gli scarti


noun Wed kind 1.work, occupation 2. administrative or judicial proceedings 3. station documents, dossier 4. industrial or commercial enterprise name life. family

¤ 1. to be out of work - but not on the right

¤ come on business - come to the right

¤ a matter of honor - on the right is honor

¤ state of affairs - country right

¤ 2.criminal case - criminal right

¤ 3. case folder - reference folder

¤ 4. solid business - solid on the right

from the word: do (do) verb committed of the kind what to do?

Adverbial form: virgins

Diєprislivnikov form: divshi