Method for producing magnetic mercury. If a thermometer crashed: how to collect mercury at home? Mercury magnetic properties

Probably in a past life I heard a story about how
at one plant, jars of mercury were buried in the ground - however, everything was much more severe there than in our life.
Sometimes you just need to somehow collect the mercury ... In our family, they usually used a magnet for this ...
We read:

Instructions for those who broke the thermometer and do not know how to properly collect the balls of mercury. And most importantly - where and in what form to take them

Why is mercury dangerous?

Toxic vapors of this metal (and they begin to evaporate at temperatures from +18 ° C) can enter the body. Moreover, for certain, some of the drops will "scatter" and penetrate into the cracks in the floor and baseboards, carpet pile, etc. You will not notice them, but mercury, actively evaporating, will gradually poison the air and your body. This poison belongs to cumulative, that is, it gradually accumulates and "settles" in the body.

What is it fraught with? The accumulated mercury causes chronic mercury intoxication: after a while, a metallic taste appears in the mouth, stomatitis, dermatitis and anemia, headaches, problems with stools, kidneys, tremors in the limbs.

How to remove mercury

It is very neat, but it can be done independently, as ecologists write. First, you need to remove children and animals from the room. If it's cold outside, open the window: this will slow down evaporation. But it is important not to allow a draft, otherwise the mercury will "scatter".

You should put on shoe covers or plastic bags on your feet so as not to step on the mercury. On the hands - rubber gloves, on the face - a disposable mask with gauze soaked in a solution of soda inside.

The next step is to prepare a glass container (which is not a pity, then it will have to be given) with water or a solution of potassium permanganate. It will be necessary to place the collected substance and fragments into it.

We take two sheets of paper and a cotton wool moistened with a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate. An alternative to a cotton swab is scotch tape, a damp paint brush, moistened paper, and a syringe. With their help, you need to roll the balls of mercury on a sheet of paper and place in a glass container.

The container with mercury and water must be tightly covered with a lid and it is better to take it to the balcony - away from heating devices. But under no circumstances throw it into the garbage chute or flush it down the toilet.

Treat the place where there was mercury with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate or chlorine.

How not to collect mercury

In no case should you collect mercury with a broom or vacuum cleaner. Mercury, together with air, will pass through the vacuum cleaner motor, and a mercury film - amalgam - forms on the engine parts made of non-ferrous metals. And then the microdroplets of mercury will scatter with the air throughout the apartment.

“Once we came to a call to my grandmother, who broke the thermometer,” says the technical director of the Testeko laboratory, Alexander Kuksa. - The maximum permissible concentration of mercury is 300 nanograms. When the thermometer crashed, the figure increased to 7,000. But that's nothing. Then she wiped the mercury with a damp cloth and vacuumed the room. The concentration increased to 156,000 nanograms. "

It is also not worth washing the clothes in which you removed the mercury. This can lead to contamination of the washing machine with harmful metal. All things that have come into contact with mercury will have to be thrown away.

Where to return a broken thermometer in Moscow

In theory, everything is simple. Call from your mobile phone to 112 (from the landline - 01) and say that the thermometer has broken. Your address will be written down, if the advice above did not help, they will advise and come directly to your home. It's free.

In practice, it all depends on the workload of the ministry's employees and the place where you live. If for some reason the Ministry of Emergency Situations cannot promptly help you, you can call a paid mercury cleaning service. It is expensive - from 5,000 rubles and more (plus a 50% extra charge for leaving at night).

“The procedure and its price depend on the situation,” explains Alexander Kuksa. - We come, collect mercury, then use instruments to measure the concentration of mercury vapor in the air. If it is still elevated, we are looking for local sources - mercury balls could roll into the cracks of the parquet, behind the sofa, or get into the pile of the carpet.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations does not always take on minor cases with a thermometer. In our practice, there was a story about a woman who bought a new apartment in the center of Moscow and found a three-liter broken jar of mercury on the balcony. Here, of course, the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations quarantined the house, carried out measurements, monitoring and processing for six months ”.

The collected mercury is usually returned to production - for example, it is bought by factories for the production of measuring instruments

Mercury has unique properties that allow it to be used for a variety of purposes. It should be borne in mind that it is deadly for the human body, as it is an extremely poisonous metal.

Mercury is an element under the 80th number of the periodic table of D.I.Mendeleev.

Mercury is a transition metal, the only one that, under normal conditions, is in a liquid state of aggregation.

The general characteristics of mercury are made up of its chemical and physical properties.

Physical properties

The metal has a silvery white color. It has the properties of a diamagnetic, since it can create both solid and liquid alloys with other metals - amalgams.

In amalgams, metals are no longer as active as in a free state. What is the melting point of mercury? Negative -38.83 ° C. It begins to evaporate at room temperature of +18 ° C, and boils at 356.73 ° C.

The magnetic properties of mercury are characterized as follows - it is diamagnetic. It will not work to collect it with an ordinary magnet.

Chemical properties

This element is a low-active liquid metal and, like noble metals, is stable in dry air.

It interacts with salts, acids and non-metals and has two oxidation states, +1 and +2. Mercury does not interact with water, non-oxidizing acids and alkalis.

It enters into a chemical reaction with oxygen only when heated above 300 ° C, while forming mercury oxide.

The use of mercury in industry and in everyday life

Most often, mercury is used to produce chlorine and caustic soda.

Mercury is used for the manufacture of various scientific instruments: thermometers, polarographs, barometers, vacuum pumps, manometers (used to measure the pressure level of gases and liquids). Mercury rectifiers are widely used in most electrochemical industries today.

In medicine, the so-called mercury-quartz lamps, which are used for irradiation with ultraviolet rays, are widely used; thermometers for measuring body temperature are known to everyone. This metal is also used as a disinfectant.

Due to the unique property of the substance to dissolve other metals (except for iron, manganese, nickel, cobalt, titanium, tungsten, tantalum, silicon, rhenium and a number of others), forming amalgams, it can be used to soften cadmium, tin and silver, which are used in the manufacture dental fillings.

For the production of low-temperature thermometers, thallium amalgam is used, which solidifies at -60 ° C.

We have learned to use such a property of mercury as evaporation at room temperature, for example, in the oil refining industry to purify oil (mercury vapor helps to regulate the temperature of oil refining processes).

Mercury sulfate is used in the chemical industry as a catalyst in order to obtain acetaldehyde from acetylene.

Even in the manufacture of felt, mercury salts are used, and also for tanning leather, as a catalyst during organic synthesis.

IN agriculture for etching seeds, a mercury derivative is used - mercuric chloride HgCl2 (strong poison).

During astronomical observations, devices such as mercury horizons are used, inside which there is a vessel with mercury, which makes it possible to exploit their horizontal surface as a mirror.

Past use of mercury

In past centuries, mercury was not considered a dangerous metal, so it was widely used as an elixir for many ailments. The ancient Greeks and Persians used mercury as an ointment.

In the 2nd century, Chinese alchemists prized mercury for its ability to increase longevity and vitality.

A notorious example of the use of mercury is the death of the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang.

He died after taking a mercury pill, claiming it would make him immortal.

For many centuries before our era, mercury and its mineral cinnabar were widely used in Ancient Egypt. She was known there in the third millennium BC. e.

And in Ancient India - two thousand years BC. e.

IN Ancient rome this metal was also used, as can be learned from the "Natural History", written by Pliny the Elder.

In the Middle Ages, mercury was especially famous, since alchemists tried to get gold with it and considered it the progenitor of all other metals. In the winter of 1759 mercury was first frozen to a solid state by St. Petersburg academicians M. Lomonosov and A. Brown.

From the Renaissance to the early twentieth century, mercury was used primarily to treat diseases that can be sexually transmitted, such as syphilis. After this treatment, many of the patients died.

Danger of mercury to humans

Mercury is dangerous primarily because it is very toxic. Possesses the highest degree danger.

It enters the human body by inhaling its odorless vapors.

Mercury is toxic even in small concentrations, bad for the digestive, nervous, immune systems, kidneys, lungs, eyes and skin.

This increases the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension and tuberculosis.

Distinguish between mild, acute and chronic mercury poisoning. Digestive poisoning refers to lungs, and poisoning at enterprises after an accident or due to non-observance of safety measures is classified as acute.

Acute poisoning with this hazardous metal can be fatal. In the absence of treatment, the functions of the central nervous system, mental activity decreases, convulsions and exhaustion occur. This is followed by baldness, complete paralysis and loss of vision.

You will learn what harm formaldehyde does to humans from our article.


Mercury: interesting facts

Perhaps, mercury is one of the few chemical elements that have a lot of interesting properties, as well as the most extensive field of application in the entire history of mankind. Here are just a few Interesting Facts about this chemical element.

First of all, mercury is the only metal and the second (along with bromine) substance, which is in a liquid state at room temperature. It becomes solid only at a temperature of -39 degrees.

But raising it to +356 degrees makes mercury boil and turn into poisonous vapor. Due to its density, it has a high specific gravity (see article The heaviest metals in the world).

So, 1 liter of the substance weighs more than 13 kilograms.

A cast iron core floats in mercury

In nature, it can be found in its pure form - interspersed with small drops in other rocks.

But most often, mercury was mined by burning the mercury mineral cinnabar.

Also, the presence of mercury can be found in sulfide minerals, shales, etc.

Due to its color in ancient times, this metal was even identified with living silver, as evidenced by one of its Latin names: argentumvivum. And this is not surprising, because being in its natural state - liquid, it is able to "run" faster than water.

Due to its excellent electrical conductivity, mercury is widely used in the manufacture of lighting fixtures and switches. But mercury salts are used in the manufacture various substances, from antiseptics to explosives.

Humanity has been using mercury for over 3,000 years. Due to its toxicity, it was actively used by ancient chemists in order to extract gold, silver, platinum and other metals from ore.

This method, called amalgation, was later forgotten; it was returned to it only in the 16th century.

Perhaps thanks to him, the mining of gold and silver by the colonialists South America at one time it reached colossal proportions.

A special place in the use of mercury in the Middle Ages is its use in mystical rituals. The sprayed red powder of cinnabar, according to shamans and magicians, was supposed to scare away evil spirits. Also used "living silver" for gold mining by alchemical means.

But mercury became a metal only in 1759, when Mikhail Lomonosov and Joseph Brown were able to prove this fact.

Despite its toxicity, mercury was actively used by ancient healers in the treatment of all kinds of diseases. On its basis, medicines and drugs were made for the treatment of various skin diseases.

It was part of diuretics and laxatives, and was used in dentistry. And yoga ancient India according to the notes of Marco Polo, they used a drink based on sulfur and mercury, which prolonged their life and gave them strength.

There are also known cases of making the "pill of immortality" on the basis of this metal by Chinese healers.

In medical practice, there are cases of the use of mercury in the treatment of volvulus.

According to the doctors of those times, due to its physical properties, "liquid silver" had to pass through the intestines, straightening them.

But this method did not take root, since it had very disastrous results - patients died from intestinal rupture.

Today, in medicine, mercury can be found only in thermometers that measure body temperature. But even in this niche it is gradually being replaced by electronics.

But despite the attributed beneficial properties, mercury also has destructive properties on the human body.

So, according to scientists, the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible became a victim of mercury "treatment".

During the exhumation of his remains, modern experts have established that the Russian Tsar died as a result of mercury intoxication, which he received during the treatment of syphilis.

The use of mercury salts also became disastrous for medieval hat-makers.

Gradual poisoning with mercury vapor became the cause of dementia, called the mad hatter's disease.

This fact is reflected in "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. The author perfectly portrayed this ailment in the form of the Mad Hatter.

But the use of mercury for the purpose of suicide, on the contrary, was not crowned with success. There are facts when people drank it or did intravenous mercury injections. And they all survived.

Use of mercury

IN modern world mercury has found widespread use in electronics, where components based on it are used in all kinds of lamps and other electrical engineering, it is used in medicine for the production of certain medicines and in agriculture when processing seeds. Mercury is used to make paint that is used to paint ships. The fact is that colonies of bacteria and microorganisms can form on the underwater part of the vessel, which destroy the skin. Mercury-based paint counteracts this destructive effect. Also, this metal is used in oil refining to regulate the temperature of the process.

But scientists don't stop there. Today, a lot of work is being done to study useful properties this metal with its subsequent use in mechanics and chemical industry.

Mercury: 7 Quick Facts

  1. Mercury is the only metal that is liquid under normal conditions.
  2. It is possible to make mercury alloys with all metals except iron and platinum.
  3. Mercury is a very heavy metal. has a huge density. For example, 1 liter of mercury has a mass of about 14 kg.
  4. Metallic mercury is not as poisonous as is commonly believed. The most dangerous are the vapors of mercury and its soluble compounds. Metallic mercury itself is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and excreted from the body.
  5. Mercury must not be transported on airplanes. But not because of its toxicity as it might seem at first glance. The thing is that mercury, in contact with aluminum alloys, makes them brittle. Therefore, accidental spills of mercury can damage the aircraft.
  6. The ability of mercury to expand uniformly when heated has found wide application in various kinds of thermometers.
  7. Remember the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland? So earlier such "hatters" actually existed. The thing is that the felt used for the production of hats was treated with mercury compounds. Gradually, mercury accumulated in the master's body, and one of the symptoms of mercury poisoning is a severe mental disorder, in other words, the hatters often went crazy as a result.



The tendency of mercury to pass from one form to another and the ability to cumulative accumulation is especially important in its technogenesis.

In addition, mercury is ubiquitous, sulfophilic, hydrophilic, multifaceted and present in all environments and types of environment, has many forms of occurrence, which significantly complicates its study. It is supertoxic and superpathological even at very low concentrations.

Mercury is found in the lithosphere and biosphere in the form of solid compounds, various gaseous phases and in dissolved form, each of which predominates under specific physicochemical conditions, but easily transform into each other.

In technogenesis, mercury accumulates in the wastes of many industries, having high rates and destructive biological activity, it is capable of producing hidden anthropogenic accumulations, but humanity cannot exist without this amazing metal.

How is the monitoring and control of mercury carried out, what methods and devices for its control exist - I propose to get acquainted under the cut.

Take a look at this amazingly beautiful mineral that people have been interested in since ancient times.

Until now, it is popular not only for its main purpose (obtaining mercury), but also for jewelers.
This is cinnabar - mercury (II) sulfide. Mineral for the production of mercury. Contains about 85 percent mercury, a brittle material with a characteristic red color.

Since ancient times, cinnabar has been used as a red dye, as a source for obtaining mercury, and as the only reliable (albeit unsafe) treatment for infectious diseases that existed before the invention of antibiotics.

As an irreplaceable bright scarlet mineral pigment, cinnabar was used already in Ancient Egypt and early Byzantium. Everywhere since then, as in our days, natural cinnabar has been widely used in canonical icon painting.

But, of course, the most important application of this mineral is the industrial production of mercury.

Mercury is definitely an amazing stuff. It is the only metal that can exist in liquid form under normal conditions. It is metal and therefore electrically conductive.

But if mercury is cooled to minus 39 degrees C, it becomes solid and is no longer particularly different from other metals. It can even be forged and sharpened. There is an interesting video on the network with a story about this wonderful substance.

Mercury is used in a variety of technological processes, as well as in the production of gas-discharge lamps, in microelectronics and instrument making. Mercury is an extremely technologically demanded substance, and if mercury were not so toxic, the scope of its use would be even wider. I must say that mercury itself is not very dangerous - much more dangerous than its compounds and vapors. So they are the sources of the main danger.

Mercury under control

Mercury can accumulate in soil, water, food, in humans and animals. Mercury in the form of vapors is always present in the ambient air, but its “background” concentrations are not high.

By the way, which ones? Rather stringent Russian standards for this case regulate the concentration of mercury in the air no more than 0.0003 mg / m3.

Of course, registering and controlling such concentrations is not an easy task, and for this there are more than 25 registration methods. Mercury registration methods
For example, chromatography.

In this method, a separation process is carried out in which the test compound is distributed between the mobile phase (liquid or gas) and the stationary phase (solid or liquid).

When analyzing mercury in natural objects, it is possible to determine methyl-, ethyl- and phenylmercury halides, as well as phenylmercury, dimethyl- and diethylmercury, as well as some other less common organic forms of mercury.

Minus this method analysis is a technically sophisticated laboratory equipment and the method is used mainly to determine the content of mercury in industrial and natural objects with a high content of mercury, as well as in the soil.

There are a number of methods associated with the use of radioisotopes. Despite the formidable name, such methods are quite safe, since radioisotopes are used in negligible concentrations.

For the analysis, a precisely known amount of the analyte, labeled with a radioactive isotope with known radioactivity, is added to the test sample. After homogenization of the sample and passing isotopic exchange, mercury is separated from the medium (usually by a chemical method) and its radioactivity is determined, by which the initial amount of mercury in the medium under study is then calculated.

This method has sufficient high sensitivity, does not require expensive equipment and allows you to work with low concentrations of mercury.

Radio-indicator methods of analysis make it possible to solve such problems as the determination of trace amounts of mercury in substances, monitoring of environmental pollution in the analysis of the composition of atmospheric aerosols, precipitation of natural and waste waters, to analyze soils, as well as plant and animal objects. Radiation methods reliably guarantee the identification of mercury, have a sufficiently high sensitivity and improve the accuracy and reproducibility of the analysis results. In addition, such methods do not require expensive equipment and allow working with a low level of radioactivity, which makes them indispensable for use in small laboratories, on research vessels, in high-altitude stations, in expeditionary and field conditions. Methods detection limit - up to 10-6 - 10-8%

If a good arsenal of control methods has been accumulated for the determination of mercury in liquid and solid media, then for the analysis of the concentration of mercury vapor in the air, everything is much more complicated.

First of all, due to low concentrations of vapors in the air and due to the lack of sufficient simple methods registration. The most promising is the registration method based on the Zeeman method.

Let's consider it in more detail.

Mercury in the air

Zeeman effect - splitting of lines of atomic spectra in a strong magnetic field. Since any substance has its own spectrum, then if you use the spectrum of a special mercury lamp, but in the presence of a strong magnetic field such a spectrum will be distorted.

Additional components will appear in the spectrum, which will mirror the main spectrum. It looks something like this. The initial spectrum (black curve) is distorted by three when the magnetic field is turned on.

Central spectrum (blue) and two symmetrical side spectra (shown in red). The magnetic field induction in this case is 1.56 T. This effect in principle makes it possible to implement a convenient method for registering mercury.

To do this, it is necessary to analyze the change in the amplitudes of the separated and main components, while the greater the concentration of mercury in the air under study, the higher one of the components of the split spectrum will be and, at the same time, the smaller the other.

The reference channel either does not contain mercury at all, i.e. demercurized, or there is an exactly known value of the concentration of mercury in the form of a reference.

After the spectrometer, the reference and investigated spectra enter the matrix, which is often cooled to increase sensitivity and for temperature stabilization. The resulting spectra are analyzed and the concentration of mercury in the test air is finally determined.

Of course, this is the most general representation of the scheme of such a device, in fact, due to the extremely low concentration of mercury in the sample, it is necessary for the optical radiation to pass along an extended path in the measuring cell, for which various optical schemes of multiple transmission of optical radiation are used. This is done in order to achieve a significant increase in sensitivity due to repeated passage of the light beam while maintaining the relatively small size of the device. This, in turn, significantly complicates and increases the cost of the design due to the need for "fine" adjustment of the device. The use of multi-pass cells increases the vibration requirements, and there are already significant temperature differences. However, these disadvantages are compensated for by a significant increase in sensitivity, because a beam in a multi-pass cell can "run over" a significant path. Sometimes tens of meters. Most modern instruments use multi-pass cuvettes.

Mercury convention

Despite the unconditional demand for mercury for modern technologies, the issues of a sharp reduction in its use in the near future are being considered.

In 2013, the UN adopted a rather tough and very controversial Minamata Convention on mercury, which was supported by many countries.

According to the convention, the use of mercury should be regulated, the production of some mercury-containing devices (medical, fluorescent lamps) should be reduced.

A number of industrial processes and industries are also limited, including mining (especially gold mining) and cement production.

Since 2020, the convention prohibits the production, export and import of several different types mercury-containing products, including electric batteries, electrical switches and relays, some types of compact fluorescent lamps, cold cathode or external electrode fluorescent lamps, mercury thermometers and pressure measuring instruments. The initiators of the convention explain their intention to seriously restrict the use of mercury in order to intensify the development of modern technologies in conditions when it will no longer be possible to use mercury and thereby significantly improve the environmental situation. However, some critics of the convention are of the opinion that this is just an excuse to revise the global markets for mercury producers and oust many players from this market. Indeed, when the convention enters into force in 2020, the price of this metal may unexpectedly grow significantly, because humanity cannot yet refuse to fully use mercury.

Have a nice day, everyone!

The existence of UFOs was questioned until it was clear how these extravagant "hats" or "saucers" fly. But here's a sensation: an engineer-researcher from Moscow Yuri KOINASH discovered the principle of UFO movement, tested it experimentally on a model and proposed a real design of an unconventional flying vehicle (NLA). From now on, unidentified flying objects can be considered fully identified. If these “plates” do not exist in nature, then we, earthlings, can build them ourselves. And say: "Let's go! ..."

Oh, and cunning "brothers in mind". For many years, eminent scientists have unanimously denied the very existence of UFOs. They say that all the witnesses are abnormal or charlatans, and the photographs are falsified. But the main trump card of the skeptics was this: it is impossible to fly on a "saucer" or in a "hat" that has neither propellers, nor a turbine, nor even a seedy jet engine. UFOs do not burn anything or throw anything out of themselves, how do they repel themselves from air, water, or, even more surprisingly, from a vacuum?

The first guess came to me in February 1992, when I was watching the TV show “UFO - Unannounced Visit,” says Yuri Koinash, Candidate of Technical Sciences, an employee of one of the military institutes. - The program showed a filmed UFO of a saucer shape. I was interested in the fact that the angle at the base of the "plate" is close to 45 degrees. As is known from physics, at such an angle, the forces acting on an inclined surface are decomposed most efficiently. For example, the wind will do a great job of propelling the yacht forward when it blows into a 45 degree sail. This angle is widely known and used in our earthly technology. Naturally, the creators of "flying saucers" should know it too.

The fact is that due to the optimal angle of attack, a traction force is created inside the plate or driving force, which is many times greater than the resistance of air or water. And in a vacuum, as you know, resistance is zero.

So, the researcher began to consider “plates” as an ordinary vehicle, which consists of an energy source, an engine and a propulsion device (a classic example: gasoline, a motor, a propeller). We, earthlings, have created the first two components of this trinity long ago. There is a lack of "little things" - a powerful, reliable, economical, environmentally friendly propulsive device that could work in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and, most importantly, in the vacuum of space.

According to Yuri Alekseevich, it is easy to illustrate how lift is created. It is necessary to draw the outline of the "plate" and close one half of it with your hand. What will we see?

You will get the familiar from childhood wing profile of our terrestrial aircraft, only with an increased angle of attack. And every student knows how the wing creates lift. So the "saucer" is a circular wing?

Yuri Alekseevich has no doubts about it. The only difference is that the flow of particles of the external environment acts on the wing of the aircraft, and the working fluid enters the circular wing of the "saucer" from the inside. Just like a rocket. Only in her the working fluid is thrown out, while in the NLA it is inside the body and continuously creates a lifting force.

If the liquid rotates in a cone-shaped body, then under the action of centrifugal force, it presses on its inclined wall and, as it were, tries to push it apart. The liquid moves along the wall to the base of the cone and pushes it up. The magnitude of this lifting force depends on the density of the liquid, the angular velocity of rotation, the radius of the body and can reach enormous values ​​with a relatively small mass of the liquid. (By the way, instead of a liquid, you can use ionized air or electron gas, rotating it with an electromagnetic field at a tremendous speed.)

The lifting force pushes the propeller body, and with it the entire apparatus. But unlike a yacht, the "plate" is acted upon not by an external, but by an internal force, which is created by a rotating fluid. Especially high thrust occurs when using mercury, which is more than 13 times heavier than water. Probably, it is no coincidence that modern researchers find mercury in places where UFOs were forced to land. And it seems that it was she who was called the “silvery liquid” in the ancient Indian epic, describing the “vimanas”.

But mercury is very heavy. It turns out that your "plate" will have a huge weight?

Not at all. The liquid layer can be one centimeter, and the diameter of the apparatus can be tens of meters. Therefore, NLA have an insignificant specific gravity. Their frantic speeds, instant stops and turns are similar to the maneuvers of a balloon: if you hit it with your hand, it will instantly fly off and then stop. Likewise, the "saucer" is thrown to the side when a powerful force impulse from the mover is created in it.

Yuri Alekseevich derived formulas for determining the lifting force of the bodies of a propulsion device of various shapes (cone, paraboloid and hemisphere) and made calculations on a computer how effective such propulsion units can be. It turned out that a paraboloid is capable of imparting the greatest acceleration to a unit of mass. Moreover, the optimal ratio of its height to the radius is 1: 1.15 ...

Here some readers can accuse me of disclosing know-how, which will allow its owners to make a breakthrough in scientific and technological progress. But the fact is that this leap was made long ago by the UFO builders. Having measured the parameters of the "plates" on the famous photographs, the inventor was convinced with great amazement that they were the same ones that his calculations showed. For example, if you spin up to 10 revolutions per second a paraboloid with mercury 1 meter high, 2 meters in diameter, and a working fluid mass of about 60 kilograms (with a layer thickness of 1 centimeter), then a thrust of up to 4 tons will arise. This will allow you to fly at an acceleration of over 600 meters per second - 60 times the acceleration due to gravity. And our modern rockets develop tens of times less thrust. Therefore, if we want to catch up with “brothers in mind”, then we must, as they say, sit down on our “plate”.

Astronauts fly with a maximum of sixfold acceleration - it is more life-threatening. How can the "green" rush with frantic accelerations, which eyewitnesses tell about?

I really don't know. But there is evidence that the “aliens” have small, light bodies, no internal organs, and virtually no blood circulation. They exist like plants. With such a constitution, they are not afraid of huge accelerations. It is known that cockroaches in a centrifuge can easily tolerate 300-fold overloads.

The "cymbals" can move away from the planet with any (even minimal) speeds and accelerations. But in the air or under water, they sometimes have to maneuver very briskly, avoiding "gifts" in the form of missiles or torpedoes that curious earthlings can send them. That's when the "saucers" develop enormous speeds: in the air - more than 70 kilometers per second, under water - up to 300 kilometers per hour, this is ten times more than that of our aircraft, and almost 3 times more than that of ships and submarines ... The fact is that, flying or floating sideways, the "saucer", like a cutter, cuts the air or water environment. Due to the rotation of its layers above and below the "plate", air or water particles are thrown aside and the apparatus moves, as it were, in a "vacuum capsule". And in space, there is no environmental resistance at all - so they fly there at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per second.

Flying ... drill

Having figured out this "alien trick", Yuri Koinash tested it by experience. He made a cone-shaped impeller of a centrifugal pump, closed at the top and bottom by casings, smoothly expanding at the base. At the top of the upper casing there was a hole for water supply. The inventor began to rotate this “cymbal” with a drill in his hand.

When water was supplied through the hole, the impeller began to pull the drill and the experimenter's hand along with it. Thus, two important results were obtained: the liquid was thrown out of the expanded part of the body in a horizontal direction, and not down, and a driving force appeared in the device. In the impeller housing, there was no backward impulse of force that could prevent the device from moving upward. In fact, an open-type centrifugal jet propeller was obtained with a constant supply of liquid to the body and its release outside.

In the next experiment, a model of a closed propeller was tested: a cylindrical container with water was placed inside a conical impeller, fastened to an electric motor and mounted on a balance. The impeller spun up to 1400 rpm. At the same time, water from the container entered its blades and, rotating, created a lifting force. Then it flowed into the "hat brim" and stayed there.

The liquid in this closed system also did not create a back impulse. The scales on which this device stood showed short-term “weight loss”. And then the balance arrow returned to its original position.

This experiment was carried out in the laboratory several times and showed that in this case the fundamental law of physics about the conservation of momentum in a closed system does not work. They used to think: no matter how you fuss inside a closed building, no matter how you hit the walls, you won't move it, you won't go anywhere and you won't fly away. But it turned out that this law is not a decree for centrifugal forces of inertia. Therefore, Koinash's experiments opened the way to the creation of unsupported propulsive devices with continuous thrust.

This is how the principle of movement of “unidentified” objects, which from that time become recognized, was explained theoretically and experimentally proved.

According to Yuri Alekseevich, “plates” fly under water, in the bodies of which an electrically conductive liquid circulates. It is untwisted by rotating electromagnetic fields of higher power, which electrify the surface of the apparatus and it starts to glow, especially strongly - along the liquid streams. These streams seem to shine through the body, giving the observers the inner structure of the flying (floating) saucer.

When braking a rotating fluid, huge mechanical energy is released, which can be easily converted into electrical energy by the generators we know and fed it to the batteries or directly to the driving motor. Powerful braking of the fluid allows you to return back the lion's share of the energy that is spent on the rotation of the propeller.

A similar effect is well known on Earth. When an electric train goes up a hill, the energy of the electric motor is spent on movement, and when rolling down a hill, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy and returns back to the network. This process is called energy recovery and is widely used in rail transport. And the "plates" due to the recuperation have a huge efficiency: about 95-98 percent.

These calculations and experiments made it possible to draw a clear conclusion, - says Yuri Koinash, - “hat” or “saucer” is nothing more than an NLA propulsion device, similar to a hydrodynamic clutch. By slightly changing it and increasing in size, we will get the source of the very inner force that allows the "saucer" to develop tremendous speeds and accelerations, make fantastic maneuvers and fly over gigantic distances.

Universal transport

But this is just one of many areas where the Koinash propulsion system can be applied. If we equip the car with such a “plate”, putting it instead of a flywheel in the engine, then there will be no need for driving wheels, gearbox, clutch, propeller shaft, and so on. The "cymbal" must be directed with its top forward, and it will drag the car behind it. In this case, all wheels will become only support and control wheels. A car with such a propeller will calmly drive on any off-road and even on ice.

A similar "plate", installed with the top back, will serve as a reliable brake, the effectiveness of which will not depend on the condition of the road (ice, leaf fall, mud).

The ability to recuperate the propulsion power opens a direct path to creating an efficient electric vehicle - an old dream of our ecologists and “greens”.

To reduce friction between the propeller and the body, magnetic cushions or suspensions, which are well known to earthlings, can be used. At the same time, friction will be reduced to almost zero, further increasing the efficiency of the installation. By the way, in many countries, after the flight of the UFO, thin jelly-like threads were found on the ground. The inventor believes that these are particles of lubricant used to seal the joint and squeezed out of it by centrifugal force.

You can reduce energy costs in another way: to make the “hat” motionless, and under it, rotate an electrically conductive liquid (the same mercury) with a magnetic field. In such an apparatus, there will be no rubbing parts at all.

In any case, the energy costs will become so negligible that it will be possible to fly into deep space even on kerosene, not to mention nuclear fuel (1 gram of nuclear fuel is equivalent to 1.5 tons of oil).

In general, why ride or swim? Let's fly better! It is more pleasant, more convenient and faster. We will not spend money on roads, bridges, rails, sleepers, ships, ports, airfields and other attributes of our earthly transport. After all, at last we will create a classic universal mode of transport - UVL, which is capable of moving in all near-earth media: atmosphere, hydrosphere and space vacuum.

But unconventional flying vehicles will open up the most ambitious prospects for astronautics.

As you know, 95 percent of the mass of a rocket is fuel, which is stupidly thrown onto our heads, polluting an already poisoned habitat. This design is absolutely unpromising for long-distance space flights: there is only enough fuel to put the device into Earth's orbit or throw it in the direction of another planet in 10-15 minutes. Remember how quickly the "lunar" programs ended? But they are simply unprofitable with such propellers. After all, a kilogram of lunar rock turned out to be more expensive than gold.

As far as I understand, your propulsion creates such a powerful thrust and requires so little energy that it becomes possible to deliver earthlings to the distant planets of the solar system and even to nearby stars?

Yes, "saucers" can penetrate deep space, inaccessible to rockets. To do this, you do not need to invent new engines or energy sources - it is enough to increase the efficiency of the old ones working with my propulsion system. After all, "brothers in mind", according to my calculations, can fly to us from distant galaxies at one gas station. But on Earth, they behave like true freeloaders, feeding on our energy for free.

Okay known fact: Flying saucers like to hang over power stations or fly slowly along power lines.

Do they take energy from them?

Of course, this is elementary. You yourself can become the same freeloader: make a frame out of wire and insert a light bulb into it. Approach the high-voltage transmission line, a powerful electromagnetic field around the wires will start generating current in the frame (like in a transformer), and the light will turn on. With the help of such a frame, or rather, the rotor windings of the NLA electric motor, the so-called "green men" constantly steal electricity from us. When an electrically conductive liquid rotates in a free electromagnetic field, a current arises in the mover itself. In this case, we get the well-known scheme of a magnetohydrodynamic generator.

Freeloaders of the Galaxy?

Areas of seismic activity have also become favorite hang-up spots for the "saucers". Here, during the movement of rocks, powerful infrasound flows are released. And its energy can be converted into electrical energy and recharge batteries with it.

There is also a lot of sound energy in battle areas. In addition, there you can also feed on the energy of thermal radiation. Therefore, "plates" were often seen during the First and Second World Wars, in Vietnam, Korea and other belligerent countries.

UFOs are charged with the energy of infrared and sound radiation and in areas of fires, volcanic eruptions and so on. It is not for nothing that hanging "plates" are often observed there. They, like spiders, suck the energy of geological disasters and social upheavals, the inventor believes.

But why do they need such a variety of energy types?

So that you can get it in any environment. For example, electromagnetic waves do not propagate in water. But infrasound practically does not attenuate in it. Its energy is "green" converted into electricity, driven into batteries or used immediately.

It turns out that any disasters - technical, geological, climatic, military, social and beyond - are beneficial to the aliens?

Energetically, this is how it is. And in quiet times, they shamelessly steal energy from our technical systems. So do not be surprised when the lights suddenly go out in your home or neighborhood, as happened in 1965 in America. Then the entire northeastern United States, with a population of 36 million, was immersed in darkness. Enterprises stopped working, suburban trains stopped, airport landing lights went out, telephones, radio and television stopped working. Life in 8 states was paralyzed for 10 hours. The cause of this “accident of the century” has not yet been established, although, in my opinion, a large “plate” * worked there.

Scientists are racking their brains as to why dozens of crews abandoned their ships “for no reason” in the Bermuda region. And our inventor explains this by the tricks of the "green". When a UFO turns on a powerful infrasonic emitter for communication or location of the surrounding space and a ship enters its field, then its hull begins to vibrate from resonance. At the same time, a terrible panic begins: something similar happened in the theater, when the famous inventor John Wood turned on his infrasound generator in front of the audience, the audience jumped up and rushed to the doors, breaking chairs and not remembering themselves from fear.

The classic case happened in 1974 in the Atlantic. A German trawler had a net wound around the propeller, and one sailor in scuba went down into the water to free the propeller. But, grabbing it, he suddenly felt that the whole vessel began to vibrate strongly. In the strongest fear, he waited out the shaking, but when he got to the deck, he saw that there were no 40 crew members on the ship, and a huge silver disk was hanging in the sky.

But, Yuri Alekseevich, there are no power plants and power lines in the oceans. What do the “greens” need there in peacetime?

They chose oceans and seas to hide from highly hostile, warlike two-legged creatures. After all, it is very likely that it was the aliens who created people on Earth. From time to time they check their “vegetable garden” or “zoo”. And we strive to catch and destroy our creators ...

Strange reasoning. Just now, Yuri Alekseevich told me what accidents happen to people when they come into contact with representatives of a "higher civilization." “Plates” drove you crazy, made disabled people, and even killed many people. It seems that the “greens” do not behave like the creators of a “vegetable garden” or a “zoo”, but like malicious pests who, without a twinge of conscience, “pull out” or shoot whoever they want ...

I strongly disagree with your reasoning, - Yuri Koinash told me after reading these lines. - Yes, if they were our enemies and wanted to destroy humanity, they would have done it hundreds or thousands of years ago, killing the then almost unarmed earthlings with the help of powerful infrasonic and electromagnetic waves. They do not want and will not harm us. After all, all terrestrial biological objects are their creations.

And the fact that some people are affected by this or that radiation, received burns, blindness, paralysis, leukemia, according to the inventor, are simply the results of accidents. People fall into the area of ​​action of powerful electromagnetic or infrasonic waves used in UFO locating systems to observe the surrounding space. Innocent "aliens" just inspect terrestrial objects for research and orientation in flight, observing animals and people along the way. Studying what their “vegetable garden”, which they sowed thousands of years ago, will become.

Not so long ago, dozens of cows were killed by unknown persons, from which some internal organs were removed through even cuts made during their lifetime. Researchers are racking their brains ... trying to figure out how these bloodless and unburned incisions were made. And to perform them, according to the inventor, it is possible to use a thin focused ultrasonic "beam", which shakes the tissue cells with a high frequency, causing its rupture.

In the bag"

However, Yuri Koinash himself wants to solve earthly problems with the help of his "plate" or "hat". For example, the planet is polluted with a huge amount of harmful debris - you can take it into space and dump it on the Sun. We were tortured by forest fires - they will be extinguished by the NLA. You can disperse thunderclouds or, conversely, cause rains, extract minerals on the seabed or ... asteroids. It is known that more than 50 thousand minor planets are senselessly "dangling" between Mars and Jupiter. By dragging a rare-earth asteroid to the Earth or mining a concentrate on it, it would be possible to provide for all of humanity for many years.

By launching huge elliptical mirrors into geostationary orbit and directing the flow of light energy from the Sun to the Earth, it would be possible to regulate the climate in the regions, melt metal with these rays, and grow agricultural products in the Arctic. These and many other works are quite within the power of powerful, economical, heavy-duty flying "saucers".

Finally, how do you know if there is life in the universe? - Yuri Alekseevich dreams. - The first way is to catch the "plate" and talk to the aliens heart to heart. But it is hardly feasible. It is much easier to make a "saucer" ourselves and fly in the Universe in order to calmly understand everything.

Yuri Alekseevich explains many mysteries of “unidentified objects” (and there are about 40 of them) from the point of view of physics, chemistry, mechanics, mathematics, and psychology. For example, when photographing "saucers" in flight, photographic film is often illuminated: this happens under the influence of electromagnetic waves from NLA radars. The same effect is obtained when passing through special doors with a metal detector at the airport, having a photographic film with you. Conversely, UFO images often do not appear in photographs. This happens in cases where the aliens use infrared radars: after all, their rays do not affect the film.

In many countries, circles of varying diameter with yellowed grass, crushed clockwise or counterclockwise, appear in the fields, which cause great bewilderment to farmers and tourists.

And the fact is, the inventor thinks, that “flying saucers” have been there. The grass was bumped when landing on the field of the rushing NLA corps. And the yellowing of grass, branches of trees and shrubs occurred as a result of exposure to high frequency electromagnetic waves from radars, as in the well-known microwave ovens. For the same reason, the soil sometimes dries up, the water temperature rises, and the hulls of cars and airplanes are warmed up.

It is known from the monastic reports that in 1663 on Robozero two fishermen suddenly felt a strong fever. The water in the lake became very hot, and its bottom was visible to a depth of 8 meters. This went on for about 1.5 hours. A typical case of exposure to high frequency electromagnetic waves, - Yuri Koinash concludes.

By the way, the American tracking stations recorded the parameters of the radiation of the flying saucer's electromagnetic waves: 3 gigahertz and 600 pulses per second. Our radar systems operate in the same mode. And a wavelength of about 10 centimeters is optimal for transmitting a television signal in a polluted earth's atmosphere. It is known that at a shorter or longer wavelength, the signal level drops sharply. This once again underlines the technogenic nature of flying saucers.

Recently, the whole world went around a sensational documentary about how several variants of flying saucers were developed in Nazi Germany. The defeat in the war prevented the completion of these studies. But the scientists managed to load their equipment onto a ship and send them to the Southern Hemisphere, where they could safely continue their work somewhere in remote Africa or America. According to some reports, 80 percent of modern UFOs are German vehicles created by "true Aryans" in colonies isolated from the outside world.

I saw this film, - comments engineer Koinash. - In it, in particular. A slovenly sketch of the unsupported propulsion structure made by Professor Charlburger ** is presented. After painstaking deciphering of this scheme, it was possible to understand the principle behind this design. It completely coincides with what we discussed with you.

According to the inventor, the state, which will be the first to create such devices, will far outstrip other countries economically, ecologically, geographically, ideologically ... True, the aerospace lobby, which has built its prosperity on traditional aircraft, will desperately resist the introduction of "saucers". But here we have to choose what is more dear to us: to rest on the laurels of outdated inventions or go through painful restructuring in order to break out into the leaders of scientific and technological progress.

Magazine "Light", N4, 2000, pp. 66-69

Editor's note "PROMETHEUS. Alternative Sciences and Technologies":

* - One of the versions of this shutdown is stated in ZetaTalk: Power Blackouts -