Will I be able to get pregnant if I have had an infection. Conception during a cold. Competently: opinion of an obstetrician-gynecologist

When spouses are trying to get pregnant, it is very important that their health is in excellent condition. After all, conception during a cold may not occur due to a weakened body, or during pregnancy, difficulties will arise while taking certain antiviral or anti-influenza drugs.

Fresh fruits contain useful trace elements, help strengthen the body

In general, a cold is a whole complex of various respiratory infectious diseases, which are manifested by catarrhal inflammation of the mucous tissues of the respiratory structures. Colds are considered the most common diseases, because adults manage to get sick with them up to three times a year, and children up to six. This is a highly contagious infection that is easily spread between the population through the airborne route.

The concept of a cold is understood as an infection of viral origin, although the disease can develop in several forms, such as a common infection without a feverish state, SARS with hyperthermia, influenza, tonsillitis or SARS with bacterial complications such as sinusitis, bronchitis, etc.). These pathologies can ambiguously affect the organic activity of the patient. Minor colds affect only the area of ​​the nasopharynx, without provoking any reproductive changes, but the flu and infection with fever have a rather severe effect on the body, affecting its functionality. In such situations, conception with a cold can not manifest itself very well in the process of gestation or fetal development.

Does cold blues contribute to fertilization

It happens that the spouses plan the upcoming conception for a long time and thoroughly, but to no avail. And suddenly, fertilization happens when the wife, spouse, or both experience a cold against the background of SARS. Why does this happen? Experts explain this phenomenon by the influence of physiological or psychological factors.

  • In the first case, the onset of the long-awaited conception of a child with a cold is due to a decrease in the patient's immunity. It's just that some women have strong enough immunoglobulins that prevent sperm from moving towards the egg. And in a state of colds, the immune barrier cannot resist the male reproductive cells, and therefore it is possible to conceive a child.
  • And in case psychological influence colds help spouses distract from unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. Just in the process of planning, the couple, and especially her female half, is experiencing a stressful state. After all, the spouses expect and hope that everything will work out, but conception does not occur. And in the case of a cold during the conception of a child, the spouses are relaxed due to painful indisposition, they do not get hung up on the success of the event, which helps in achieving the goal.

And in some cases, under the influence of SARS, the birth of a new life, on the contrary, does not occur. And there is another option, when the cold itself is a consequence of an already accomplished conception, against which a characteristic decrease in immune defense occurs.

ARVI in a woman

If you have a sore throat, drinking plenty of warm water will help.

If a cold has struck a woman, while there are symptoms such as a runny nose and cough, sore throat and nasal congestion, but there is no temperature, then such symptoms will not affect fertilization, the course of gestation or the development of the fetus. In such a situation, it is important to start therapy in a timely manner, but only with those medications that are approved and safe for intrauterine development.

If fertilization has happened, implantation has occurred, but the patient has managed to catch a cold and is in a feverish state, then no adverse effect on conception should happen. The main thing is to immediately begin treatment in order to avoid the progression of the disease or its complications. It is necessary to take paracetamol-based antipyretics only when reaching 38.5 ° C.

In general, the impact of acute viral infections on the conception and course of pregnancy is determined by the severity of the infectious process and the type of medications taken. With a cold of a minor nature, there is nothing to fear, it does not affect the patient's reproductive functions or the functionality of her body. The main thing is to take only drugs prescribed by a specialist.

Only a strong cough can pose some danger, which provokes involuntary uterine tension, which is fraught with rejection of the embryo from the uterine walls and interruption. But this happens if the uterine muscle tissue is too weakened.

If the cold is severe, for example, complicated by fever, then there is a certain risk that the signs of the disease will adversely affect the embryo. The danger comes from hyperthermia, because overheating is not very beneficial for the fetus. In this case, you can not bring down the temperature with aspirin and preparations based on it.

There is a statement that if there is an effect of an infection of viral origin on the embryo, it may die. If there was no spontaneous interruption, then there is nothing to be afraid of, which means that the infection could not harm the fetus. If embryonic tissues are damaged, the body rejects them. If the fetus was not affected by the infection, then the child will be safely preserved and continue to develop.

If the future father caught a cold

If we sorted out the situation with a woman with a cold, then what to expect from a husband with a cold? At first, the patient is incredibly happy about her condition, because she will soon become a mother. But the good news can be overshadowed by the memory that the man had a cold at the time of conception.

  • Usually, if the husband falls ill with ARVI, then this does not bear any negative consequences for the child.
  • It's just that the sperm mature for quite a long time, more than a month, so the cold condition of the spouse does not affect the quality of the sperm.
  • But if the spouse had a cold a few weeks before fertilization, then difficulties may arise, especially if the respiratory infection was accompanied by a fever.
  • Cold symptoms could adversely affect male germ cells.
  • An increase in temperature reduces the quality characteristics and activity of sperm, which makes it difficult for conception to occur. But under the influence of hyperthermia, weaker sperm die, and the strongest ones may well survive, so there is still a chance for fertilization.
  • After fertilization female body check the embryo. If there are any complications, then the immune system will reject it and the egg simply will not be fixed to the uterine wall. If the embryo can grow into the endometrium, but is unhealthy, then spontaneous miscarriage will occur at the earliest possible time.
  • If the gestation proceeds safely, then there is no need to worry.

Doctors recommend refraining from trying to conceive if one of the spouses or both of them were undergoing therapy with serious drugs. After all, many of these medicines are teratogenic, leading to fetal anomalies.

How flu affects conception

Before conception, it is desirable to undergo a medical examination

characteristic of influenza infections clinical picture is a sudden onset with a sharp rise in temperature, joint pain and headaches. Such symptoms do not contribute to the onset of conception. But after all, spermatozoa can live in the female genital tract for up to 5 days (and sometimes a week), therefore, conception can occur a few days after intimacy, when the patient will already experience all the flu-like symptoms.

In such a situation, if you catch a cold and it is impossible to exclude conception, it is necessary to undergo treatment as soon as possible, avoiding complications. To eliminate intoxication manifestations, it is recommended to drink plenty of water and be sure to stay in bed. You also need to call a doctor, warning him in advance about the likely conception, so that the course of treatment consists of prescriptions that are safe for the fetus and gestation in general.

If later it turned out that it was possible to get pregnant, while there were no suspicious symptoms, and the egg was successfully implanted in the uterus, then there is every reason to believe that the flu did not cause any bad consequences. If the spouses are planning a pregnancy, but one of them has caught a flu infection, then for some time it is better to give up trying to conceive until the next ovulation.

It's just that the flu requires serious treatment with drugs that are dangerous for the fetus, and if they are not taken, then there is a high probability of developing complications that are also not useful for the child. The first trimester is the most important time in fetal development, because there is a laying of intraorganic systems.

What to be treated?

It also happens that the patient suspects a pregnancy, lives in anticipation of a delay, but suddenly caught a cold. How to be treated, whether it is possible to take antibiotics, etc. It is better to seek an appointment from a specialist. Usually, with a runny nose in such cases, it is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity with products containing sea water, as well as instill nasal drops based on natural oils (coniferous, eucalyptus, etc.). Also, to eliminate congestion, hot baths for the hands are recommended, it is better to refuse steaming the legs.

  1. If the throat is sore, rinse with herbal decoctions such as sage or chamomile, a solution with soda and salt, and also irrigate the throat with aerosol preparations like Ingalipt or Hexoral;
  2. When coughing, breathe steam over an infusion of sage or chamomile, as well as carry out inhalations with a nebulizer with mineral water or saline, take Sinekod or Stodal;
  3. Take antiviral drugs like eleutherococcal tincture, rosehip tincture or syrup, Oscillococcinum, etc .;
  4. You need to drink as much liquid as possible, preferably tea with lemon or cranberry juice;
  5. Be sure to stay in bed with the flu;
  6. It is better to eat lightly during the illness, and the room where the patient is located should be regularly ventilated.

Cold prevention

You can not self-medicate, it is fraught with complications

In order not to doubt the correctness and safety of medical prescriptions, it is better to avoid public places where a large number of people accumulate during the period of seasonal infectious diseases, and if you really need to go somewhere, it is better to wear gauze bandage. In order for the body to sustainably endure the attacks of viruses, it is recommended to help it by taking vitamin complexes that increase the immune status. Lubrication of the sinuses with oxolin can also be considered a good prophylactic.

The expectant mother needs to enrich the diet with fresh vegetables / fruits, it is better to cook food for a couple. It is also useful to take rosehip decoction daily, which does not cause allergic reactions, perfectly strengthens the woman's immune defenses and saturates the body with vitamins. But from tea with matryoshka, which grandmothers brewed for us from childhood, it is not recommended to drink, because this herb is contraindicated for pregnant women, it can provoke intrauterine bleeding. That is why when using herbal teas, women need to be extremely careful.

Doctor's opinion

It is safer for a woman who falls ill with ARVI during the ovulatory period to postpone conception until the next cycle. If the spouse caught a cold and was treated with antibiotic drugs, then conceive a child only 2-3 months after the end of antibiotic therapy, so that the seed material has time to renew itself. If children are the secret desire of a couple, then it is necessary to exclude adverse factors like flu and SARS.

In the case of a cold, the rule works - all or nothing if a viral infection or flu could have an effect on the embryo Negative influence, then the patient will have a spontaneous interruption. If the viral infection could not harm the future baby, then the gestation will safely continue and end with normal childbirth.

Preparing for such an important event as pregnancy is one of the most important stages in the life of every woman. Many couples, especially those who are preparing to become parents for the first time, take this with special responsibility. They prepare the body different ways: go in for sports, eat right, eliminate concomitant pathologies and give up bad habits.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself from all harmful influences. It may happen that conception occurs with a cold, because a woman learns about the onset of an interesting situation only after at least two weeks from the moment of fertilization. Let us consider in more detail what will happen if you become pregnant during a cold, what dangers can live during the period of fetal development and after the birth of the baby.

The problem of the inability to conceive a child for a long time is known to more than 15% of married couples who have regular unprotected sex. In medicine, there are cases when a child was conceived with a cold in one of the spouses. On this occasion, there are two points of view - psychological and physiological, on the basis of which physicians explain this fact.

As for situations where pregnancy does not occur due to psychological problems, then the moment of distraction of a man and a woman from the true goal plays a big role here. Future parents stop trying to conceive, and start trying to get rid of a cold. The bottom line is that the obsession with becoming parents as soon as possible acts as a kind of barrier.

During sexual intercourse, spouses begin to think only about whether they will succeed in fertilization this time or not. As a result, the goal remains unachieved, because they cannot relax as much as possible.

Many people wonder if it is possible to get pregnant during a cold, and doctors give a positive answer to it, but already taking into account physiological processes. Sometimes conception can occur against the background of a decrease in the protective function of the body of the expectant mother. The fact is that some women naturally have overly stable immunoglobulins, which do not allow active spermatozoa to break through the barrier and reach the egg.

Since the protective ability decreases with SARS, cells that were previously considered foreign can penetrate their target without much interference. It is also worth noting that pregnancy itself can also be the reason that a cold has come after conception, because after fertilization of the egg during the first few days, immunity is weakened so that spontaneous rejection of the fetus does not occur.

To unambiguously understand the relationship between conception and ARVI, it is worth considering the varieties of these diseases. In most cases, a cold is usually understood as infection of the body with viruses.

Based on this, doctors distinguish several varieties:

  1. A typical acute respiratory viral infection that occurs in mild form, without an increase in body temperature;
  2. A severe form of SARS, the main symptoms of which are high body temperature, as well as a state of fever;
  3. Flu;
  4. Complications after a mild respiratory viral illness in which patients develop long-term bronchitis or sinusitis;
  5. Angina.

Each of these diseases has a different effect on the body of a man and a woman. So, for example, if a cold occurs in a mild form, then the lesion extends only to the nasopharynx, and the reproductive organs at the same time function normally. In the second case, the pathology also affects the reproductive system, which leads to malfunctions in its work.

Man has a cold

A woman can find out about the onset of pregnancy 14-21 days after fertilization. Of course, initially the expectant mother feels euphoria and joy, which is gradually replaced by a feeling of anxiety. At this moment, the wife remembers that her husband had a cold at the time of conception, and she begins to worry about whether this will affect the development of the fetus.

It’s worth saying right away that if a man conceived during a cold, then you should not worry too much, and be afraid that this will somehow affect the child. If you understand the process of spermatogenesis, it becomes clear that germ cells mature long enough, and ARVI does not affect their quality.

As for complicated viral diseases, when a sore throat progressed in a spouse a few days before the alleged fertilization, there are more reasons for worrying, since the infection could reduce sperm motility or change their morphology.

However, doctors also pay attention to the fact that although conception and a cold are closely related, during fertilization, the most active and high-quality sperm cell, which is many times stronger than others, will take part in this process. The female body also does not stand aside, and if he notices that the fetus does not respond to any minimum requirements quality, spontaneous rejection will occur and a miscarriage will occur.

Since there is a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to conceive a child with a cold, it is worth knowing that if a man had no temperature at the time of fertilization and the disease proceeded without complications, then there is no reason to worry. Along with this, doctors advise postponing attempts to get pregnant if one of the spouses has recently suffered ARVI.

Woman having a cold

If you ask a specialist a question whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cold, he will unequivocally answer that such a possibility exists. Based on this, it is worth considering how the disease affects the development of the fetus, if it happened at the time of conception in the mother. In the case of uncomplicated pathology, there is no cause for concern, but it is worth taking measures to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body.

When carrying out prevention, it is worth paying special attention not only to the choice of medicines, but to traditional medicine, because there are herbs that can provoke a miscarriage. It is worth choosing medicines that will prevent the development of a severe cough.

The fact is that at the moment of contraction of the diaphragm, the uterus is strongly strained, which can also cause a miscarriage. It is also worth being puzzled by your condition with an increase in body temperature, since indicators of 38.5 degrees are extremely dangerous for the embryo. To stabilize the condition, you can take drugs that contain paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) during pregnancy is contraindicated.

There is a group of doctors who believe that if a child is conceived during a cold, then when the infection affects the embryo, it dies. In those situations where there was no unauthorized rejection of the fetus, it means that you should not worry about its development, the pregnancy should proceed normally in the future.

Cold after conception

As for whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cold, it is relatively clear. It is also necessary to figure out if there is a danger if the expectant mother has the flu after conception. If you have such symptoms as fever, cough, runny nose, aching joints, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the right medications, and you need to drink plenty of warm water.

Answering the question whether a cold affects conception, we can safely say that there is a certain effect, but its strength directly depends on the degree of complexity of the disease. The specialist will definitely advise the expectant mother to adhere to the most strict bed rest, and subsequently the gynecologist will put the woman under special control.

Almost all women are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant with a cold, and doctors tell them that ARVI is not a hindrance to this. In the case of conception, the most dangerous periods are considered to be 5-7 days, since at this time the process of implantation of the fetal egg to the walls of the uterus takes place.

During the first four obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the zygote has its own protection, so exposure to viruses is not dangerous for it. But after the growth process of the fetal egg accelerates, these resources become insufficient, and the embryo may be adversely affected.

Doctor's opinion (video)

Pregnancy is a big responsibility for the life of a future person, and a woman tries to take her planning as seriously as possible. But it may happen that the long-awaited event happened suddenly, at the wrong moment - during an illness.

This can alert and even frighten future parents, especially mother, who should not be worried now. The main thing is not to escalate the situation, but to try to calmly figure out how conception with a cold can affect the development of the fetus.

It is also impossible to protect yourself from all diseases when planning a pregnancy, when a woman monitors her health more than ever. Even without leaving home, you can get infected from your husband or child. But can an absolutely healthy child be born at conception during a cold?

In the warm season, the most dangerous infection is rotavirus. You can get it through unwashed fruits and vegetables, dirty hands or contaminated unboiled water. Therefore, it is enough to strictly observe the rules of hygiene in order to protect yourself from pathogens. In the autumn-winter period, on the contrary, it is quite difficult not to get sick. Various respiratory viral infections, including the flu, lurk everywhere.

Even a person with a strong immune system can catch a cold. And during pregnancy, the immune forces of the body are significantly weakened. Yes, and to conceive a child with a cold is not difficult.

The main thing during pregnancy is the absence of high temperature. Usually, doctors recommend not taking antipyretic drugs when the thermometer readings are below 38.5 ° C. You also need to be very careful with medications, since many of them are prohibited during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. But it is also impossible to start the disease in any case. A woman should observe bed rest, drink a lot, rinse her nose with saline solutions.

But a cold is called not only a mild course of acute respiratory viral infections, but also complications of viral diseases, as well as influenza and tonsillitis. The likelihood of conceiving a child with a cold is high, so a woman needs to be on the alert.

Colds and conception

Many couples are faced with the fact that with long-term planning and excellent health of the spouses, pregnancy does not occur. But with a cold, the conception of a child is more likely than in a healthy state. This phenomenon can be explained by the following reasons:

  1. Psychological. With a long and unsuccessful pregnancy planning, the spouses begin to experience stress. Too much fixation on the desired conception turns intimacy into a test - will it work this time? As a result, nothing comes out, and next time the tension and stress only increase. If one of the spouses falls ill, then the couple in this situation does not think about conception. Both relax psychologically and physically, and the woman becomes pregnant.
  2. Physiological. It happens that a healthy woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, but at the same time she and her partner do not have infertility. A possible explanation for this is that the woman's immune system is too strong. The fact is that pregnancy begins within a week after fertilization, since it is counted by the body from the moment the ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus. It happens that the sperm successfully fertilized the egg, but the fertilized egg cannot attach to the uterus. The body perceives it as a foreign body and rejects it. If fertilization occurs against the background of reduced immunity, then the forces of the body do not have time to respond to the attachment of the fetal egg, and pregnancy occurs.

Man has a cold

Spermatozoa go through a maturation phase for about a month. If a man falls ill a few days before conception, then this will not affect the quality of sperm. Another thing is that he can infect his wife. Therefore, a husband’s cold during conception does not pose a danger if the woman does not get sick at the same time.

If infectious disease was with a man a month before conception, then the quality of sperm could decrease. A significant increase in temperature makes the sperm inactive, so fertilization is unlikely. But since it did happen, it means that the disease did not have a serious impact. In addition, only the strongest spermatozoa can survive at high temperatures.

The situation is different if the viral disease was complicated by a bacterial infection. Then the effect of complications on the quality of germ cells is possible. But even in this case, only the healthiest and strongest sperm could reach the egg. If, nevertheless, fertilization happened with the help of an altered male cell, then there is a high probability of rejection by the female body of the embryo at the most early dates.

The only serious cause for concern is the fact that a man took strong medications a few days or weeks before conception. Antibiotics affect sexual function. Many drugs have a teratogenic effect, which means that possible fetal abnormalities cannot be ruled out. But you should not panic, you just need to carefully monitor the course of pregnancy.

Woman having a cold

It is definitely possible to get pregnant with a cold. The disease of a woman affects the development of pregnancy differently than the disease of a man. But, again, it all depends on the severity of the disease and the medications taken shortly before conception. If the disease proceeded in a mild form, without hyperthermia, affecting only the nasopharynx, then there is nothing dangerous. A simple SARS usually does not affect the embryo in any way.

High body temperature (above 38.5) can be dangerous for the course of pregnancy. If at the time of ovulation a woman had heat, then conception, most likely, will not occur (at least with such poor health, a woman usually has no time for sex). But if pregnancy did occur, it means that hyperthermia did not affect the quality of the egg in any way.

The same applies to high temperature in the first days after conception. If there is a serious impact, then the embryo will either not be able to attach to the uterus, or will be rejected in the near future. The woman does not even know that she was pregnant.

If a woman with a cold has a suspicion that she could become pregnant a few days ago, then it is necessary to prevent the development of a protracted illness. At the same time, you can only take medicines with the active ingredient paracetamol that are allowed in the first trimester.

Preparations with acetylsalicylic acid during gestation are strictly prohibited. Traditional medicine should also be used carefully. Many medicinal herbs have an abortive effect.

The effect of the disease on the fertilized egg

After conception, several days pass before the embryo is implanted in the uterine cavity. This period is called the pre-implantation period. At this time, all cells of the embryo are equal. If the disease during fertilization will affect in a negative way one of them, no big deal.

The rest of the cells will perform the function of the damaged one. In this case, nothing threatens the embryo, and it will be successfully attached to the body of the uterus. From this moment, pregnancy and the development of the unborn child begin.

If the effect on the fertilized egg during a cold was significant, then the embryo will simply be rejected, and pregnancy will not occur. At the usual time, a woman will begin menstruating.

Doctors half-jokingly call it "all or nothing." That is, either the embryo is healthy, viable, and then pregnancy will occur, or the embryo is defective, and it will be removed from the body.

Planning for pregnancy with a cold

It happens that a woman really wants to get pregnant, but before the planned conception of a child, one of the spouses falls ill. In this case, there are two options - either wait until the next cycle, or try to conceive, no matter what. Which option to choose depends on the following factors:

  1. Which of the spouses caught a cold before conceiving a child. Although it is unlikely that one will not infect the other. Yes, and the incubation period is different, it can last 1 day, or maybe 10. If the wife was the first to catch a cold, then, most likely, recovery will come by the middle of the cycle. Even if the husband becomes infected, it will not harm conception and future pregnancy. But if the husband was the first to get sick, then the woman can get sick just in time for the period of ovulation or shortly after. It already threatens miscarriage.
  2. How long before ovulation did the disease begin? The later after ovulation the disease manifested itself, the safer it is. The course of a banal respiratory virus lasts no more than 7 days, and by the moment favorable for conception, the woman will be healthy. If the disease drags on or starts close to the middle of the cycle, then it is better to wait another month and continue planning for conception in the next cycle.
  3. The complexity of the flow. Infections are different, from a common cold to the flu or a sore throat. The most dangerous are bacterial infections and the influenza virus. All diseases that are accompanied by high fever should be a reason to postpone conception.
  4. What is the treatment. Paracetamol-based preparations, lozenges for sucking, safe sprays for irrigation, homeopathic remedies should not affect the future course of pregnancy. Therefore, if the treatment was carried out with drugs approved in the first trimester, then there is nothing to worry about. You can continue planning pregnancy. But after antibiotics and other serious drugs that are prohibited for use in the first months of pregnancy, enough time should pass. Some substances are excreted from the body for longer than seven days, and it cannot be guaranteed that they will not harm the future fetus. Therefore, taking antibiotics is an indication for planning conception in the next cycle. Although some experts advise to postpone it for three months.

How to be treated

In the first weeks of pregnancy, all organs and systems of the child's body are laid. This is a very important time, and any outside influence can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, in no case should you take medicines without a doctor's prescription. Safe for the health of the unborn child:

  • take a rosehip decoction in a small amount;
  • drink tea with raspberry jam;
  • rinse the nasal passages with saline solutions;
  • gargle with a decoction of chamomile;
  • lubricate the nose with coniferous oils;
  • ventilate the room regularly.

Soaring your legs to treat a cold during pregnancy is prohibited! If complications threaten during pregnancy planning, it is better to be treated with prescribed medications and postpone conception.

The decision to treat with antibiotics can also be made during pregnancy if the disease seriously threatens the health or even the life of the mother. Only a doctor should prescribe drugs to a future mother.

When planning and during pregnancy, it is easier to avoid contact with the source of the disease than to be treated later, worrying about the child. Therefore, preventive measures must be taken.

The main thing is not to visit crowded places during the epidemic. When leaving the house, you need to wear a disposable protective mask. During planning and during pregnancy, be sure to take vitamin complexes.

It is advisable to get a flu shot about a month in advance. It does not guarantee that the disease will not occur, but the disease will proceed in a mild form and will not harm the mother and baby.

Couples who dream of becoming parents are extremely reverent: they exclude harmful foods from the diet, give up bad habits. However, often all plans are ruined, it would seem, by the most common disease - a cold.

In the event of colds, and in both future parents, gynecologists recommend postponing the planning stage for another time. Otherwise, there is a high probability of serious complications.

Is it possible to plan pregnancy during the SARS season?

Gynecologists strongly recommend giving up during the ARVI season. Any cold requires treatment and, as a rule, during this period, the doctor prescribes antibiotics or antiviral drugs. For a woman planning to become a mother, taking medication is extremely contraindicated. In addition, at this time of the year, the body lacks vitamins, so the immune system is very weakened.

Cold during pregnancy

The assumption that only a woman's health affects conception is erroneous. A cold also affects a man's ability to conceive, especially if he has taken a huge amount of various antiviral pills.

If the father is sick

If ARVI is accompanied by fever, then you need to understand that a certain number of sperm will simply die, only the strongest will survive.

When fertilization occurs, the female body will check the embryo. If complications are detected, the immune system of the expectant mother will reject the embryo, the egg will not attach to the uterine wall. If the embryo grows into the endometrium, while not being healthy, a spontaneous miscarriage will occur.

When mother got sick

Experts do not recommend planning a pregnancy during a cold. A mild cough and runny nose will not affect, however, if elevated body temperature is added to these symptoms, a negative effect is not excluded.

The presence of SARS in the mother is dangerous by the occurrence of:

  • uterine tension;
  • hyperthermia;
  • fetal rejection.

So, for example, a strong cough during SARS can provoke involuntary uterine tension, as a result of which the embryo will be rejected from the uterus, and this will lead to termination of pregnancy.

At a temperature, there is a risk for the fetus, namely hyperthermia - overheating, it is extremely undesirable for the unborn baby.

The presence of a viral infection can be transmitted to the fetus, and the mother's immune system will try to get rid of it, in which case it is not easy.

Is it possible to plan a pregnancy with a cold

It is possible to plan conception with a cold, but doctors do not recommend doing this. Every ailment of the expectant mother will certainly affect the baby.

Cold during ovulation

The eggs are reliably protected from all kinds of negative influences, so no disease will prevent the cells from being fertilized and moving through the fallopian tubes. It should be noted that cells are extremely sensitive to radiation and toxic effects. In other words, taking medications will certainly negatively affect the state of the egg.

If a cold is detected after ovulation, when the egg is already moving through the tube to the uterus, the embryo may die.

SARS at the conception of a child

The fetus is susceptible to viral infection literally immediately, as soon as it attaches to the wall of the uterus. Therefore, if future parents have SARS, it is better to postpone conception.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a temperature

The temperature in a woman does not affect the likelihood of pregnancy. However, with its increase, the doctor prescribes the use of antipyretics, which are dangerous for the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, conception should occur when ready for it, especially for health reasons.

If conception occurred with a cold

If, while in position, a cold occurs, you should consult a doctor. Only he will prescribe the optimal safe treatment. It is better for pregnant women not to take heavy medicines, it is worth turning to traditional medicine on the recommendation of a doctor.

Flu in early pregnancy

Until the delay in menstruation in the period from the first to the fourth obstetric week of pregnancy, the zygote lives autonomously. It is protected from all viruses, however, after fertilization, when the cell attaches to the wall of the uterus, it develops and becomes absolutely dependent on all processes occurring in the body. Influenza at the very beginning of pregnancy is very dangerous for the woman and the fetus, because the viruses can enter the baby's cells and damage them.

In fact, a cold can become destructive force for those women in whose body conception occurs during the disease - the birth of a new life. For those couples who are planning the appearance of children in their family, conception with a cold and possible consequences are of great importance.

Will the disease harm the health of the unborn child?

Some people believe that during a cold, the body's forces are spent on healing, and it's definitely not necessary to talk about a possible conception. Actually it is not. Experts have found that too strong immunity in a woman is the factor due to which conception did not occur earlier. This can be checked by testing for antibodies to hCG, which should normally be absent in a woman. Thanks to antibodies, immune cells reject the cell that has appeared in the endometrium. That is why with a cold, conception is not only possible, but very likely. It is only important to make sure that after conception the cold is cured as quickly as possible.

It seems that if the body of the expectant mother is in a state of illness, then this will certainly affect the health of the unborn child. In fact, in the first couple of weeks of conception, it does not really matter, and here's why. Colds usually affect the upper respiratory tract, which has nothing to do with the genitals. In addition, a healthy egg and sperm are required to conceive a child. The female egg has the health potential that was given to it in the womb. Male spermatozoa are formed for 72 days, which means that a cold in a man in the present will not affect the quality of his sperm.

Medications during ovulation and conception

It is their intake that can significantly worsen the likelihood of conception. Cold medicines can reduce sperm motility, which means that the likelihood of pregnancy itself is also reduced. For a woman, it is very important to prevent the spread of the disease during the period of ovulation, if she wants to give birth to a child and become a mother.

First, you should calm down, because nervous tension often leads to spasms, including in the uterus, and this can become a provoking factor in miscarriage. It is advisable to consult a doctor so that he prescribes the safest drugs that have proven effectiveness, and then strictly adhere to the instructions of a specialist. If a visit to a specialist for some reason is not possible, then the following recommendations can be observed.

First, carefully read the label and instructions for the medicine, and pay special attention to contraindications and possible side effects. Preference is given to proven drugs that have appeared on the market for a long time, which means that they have already been sufficiently studied in world practice.

Secondly, you should not mindlessly take vitamins, as many women do during conception. Vitamins, when taken thoughtlessly, often cause an allergic reaction, and this is additional stress for the body of a sick woman who wants to have a baby.

Thirdly, preference should be given to drugs that act locally, that is, in the form of sprays and absorbable lozenges. This list includes the means, the solutions of which must be gargled. Even ordinary soda and salt will do, which must be added half a teaspoon per glass of water.

From a cold, doctors recommend the use of products based on xylometazoline. They are commercially available both in the form of drops and in the form of a spray. They are quite safe, but they should not be used for more than three days to eliminate the risk of drug dependence.

Coughing is more difficult. Such a symptom of a cold as a cough negatively affects conception, since not only the respiratory tract is spasmodic, but the entire abdominal cavity, affecting the uterus with appendages. In the first trimester, including during conception and attachment of the embryo to the uterine cavity, drugs such as Stodal and Sinekod can be used. They will not harm the health of the child, because they act very gently. Effectively operate folk remedies- warm tea with raspberries or honey, of course, in the absence of allergies to these ingredients.

If it came to a high temperature, then it can only be knocked down with ordinary paracetamol, which will not harm either the fetus or the pregnant woman. You can also reduce the temperature by several points by rubbing cool water on the places where the veins pass - the wrists, the area behind the ears.

What if the flu?

If a woman or a man has the flu, then everything is much more serious. The virus penetrates into all parts of the human body, because it moves in the human body, including blood streams. It negatively affects the work of some human organs and can permanently change their condition for the worse. That is why the flu should be taken very seriously. It is believed that the influenza virus can adversely affect the process of conception. Its presence in the blood of a woman during conception is more likely to cause subsequent miscarriages and pathologies during pregnancy.

It also matters that the flu is treated only with serious antiviral drugs, and it is better to save the classic folk remedies for the common cold. Of course, these medications have side effects, which may include reduced fertility. If conception occurred during the flu, and the woman was able to survive this difficult period, then with each passing week the danger of a miscarriage becomes more and more illusory. It is very important not to become infected with the influenza virus again when the formation of the child's organs begins, because in this case the consequences of the disease can be much more serious.

In any case, if conception did not occur during the cold period, then this can be considered a good sign, because the couple has the opportunity to improve their health after the disease and better prepare for the appearance of the child.

Is it possible to conceive a healthy child with a cold?

Many women who are lucky enough to get pregnant are concerned about the question: is it possible to conceive a child with a cold, is it dangerous? There are many nuances in this sensitive topic, it all depends on the specific situation. How severe was the disease, which of the spouses felt unwell.

Is sickness conducive to conception?

Sometimes it happens that a couple has been planning a pregnancy for a long time and unsuccessfully. And suddenly conception occurs when one of the spouses or even both feel unwell. How did you manage to get pregnant during a cold? Doctors explain this by two factors: psychological and physiological.

In the first case, malaise helps to divert the attention of spouses from trying to conceive. The fact is that when planning a family, a certain amount of stress is inevitable. The process of conception itself is accompanied by tension: the couple thinks about how everything will turn out right, but in the end nothing comes of it. With a cold, both spouses are in a relaxed state, which is necessary for the success of the "operation".

The second reason for the miracle that happened is the weakening of a woman's immunity with a cold. This is explained by the fact that some representatives of the weaker sex have very strong immunoglobulins. The latter prevent the penetration of spermatozoa to the egg. During a cold, the immune system cannot fight back "strangers", as a result, fertilization occurs.

Sometimes, on the contrary, conception becomes a provocateur of a cold. Indeed, in the first days after fertilization, immunity decreases. So conceived by nature so that the woman's body does not reject the "alien" body of a small creature.

What is a cold

The common cold is most often understood as a viral infection. Before addressing the problem of a cold when conceiving a child, several types of the disease should be distinguished:

  • Common acute respiratory viral infection without fever;
  • SARS with fever and fever;
  • Flu;
  • Bacterial complications of SARS - prolonged bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.;
  • Angina.

These ailments affect the body in different ways. A mild catarrhal disease mainly affects only the nasopharynx, without leading to changes in the reproductive system. The second and third varieties are heavily reflected in the body's ability to function normally.

If the husband is ill

Usually a woman finds out about her pregnancy 2-3 weeks after conception. She is overwhelmed with joy, which then gives way to anxiety. She recalls that her partner recently had SARS. How will the husband's cold affect the child?

Most often, ARVI of a man does not have any consequences for the child, and the fears of future parents are in vain. This is due to the fact that spermatozoa mature for a long time, more than a month. Therefore, the condition of a man with a cold at conception cannot affect the quality of sperm.

If he had been ill a few days or weeks before fertilization, questions arise. Especially if ARVI was accompanied by an increase in temperature. A viral infection could affect spermatozoa, reducing their mobility and quality.

However, there is no need to worry. After all, if the disease was accompanied by an increase in temperature, then only strong spermatozoa could survive.

Even if after ARVI the quality of sperm has deteriorated, then conception will occur with the participation of the highest quality sperm from millions. After fertilization, the female body will hold the embryo "face control". If something is wrong with him, then he will be rejected, and implantation will not happen. If the embryo has invaded the wall of the uterus, but it is not healthy enough, then most likely a miscarriage will occur at the earliest possible date. Therefore, if the pregnancy develops normally, then there is nothing to worry about.

If the husband did not have a temperature, then the cold affected only the nasopharynx, while leaving the lower part of the body and the reproductive system healthy as well.

But usually doctors advise to postpone conception if one of the spouses was treated with serious medications. Some of them have a teratogenic effect, that is, they can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Read when you can get pregnant after antibiotics.

ARVI in the expectant mother

But how does a cold in a woman affect the health of a child? It depends on how severe the disease was and what medicines applied.

With a mild cold, there is nothing to be afraid of. The only thing that needs to be done in this case is to prevent the spread of the infection by taking up the treatment of a cold with the help of medicines prescribed by a doctor. Be careful not only with medicines, but also with herbs. Some of them are harmful during pregnancy.

In some cases, only a strong cough is dangerous. It can lead to involuntary tension of the uterus. And this can cause the rejection of the embryo from the walls and subsequent miscarriage with weakness of the uterine muscles. But this happens infrequently.

With a severe cold, for example, SARS with fever, the disease can affect the embryo. The danger is elevated temperature - overheating is harmful to the fetus. In the case of acute respiratory viral infections with fever and a temperature of more than 38.5 degrees, doctors recommend achieving a decrease in temperature with approved drugs based on paracetamol. Aspirin and its derivatives should not be used during pregnancy.

Some experts are of the opinion that if the embryo is affected by a viral infection, then it dies. If the miscarriage did not occur, then the disease did not affect the fetus in any way. The "all or nothing" principle applies. The affected fetus is rejected by the mother's body. If the viral infection has not affected the embryo, the pregnancy will continue, and the child will develop normally.

Flu in early pregnancy

If, after conception, a fever, cough, runny nose, body aches and other manifestations of the flu begin, then you need to drink plenty of water and be treated with drugs as prescribed by a doctor. It is also best to observe bed rest and be sure to warn the doctor about possible pregnancy. Later, such a pregnancy will require special attention of doctors.

The most dangerous periods are implantation (5-7 days after fertilization) and 4-13 weeks of pregnancy.

In the period from the first to the fourth obstetric week of pregnancy (that is, until the delay in menstruation), the zygote lives autonomously, by itself, and therefore is protected from viruses. But at the moment when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, begins to grow and develop, the fetus depends on the processes taking place in the body. It is during this period from 4 weeks (that is, at the very beginning of pregnancy to the second trimester) that the development of the child occurs under the influence of changes in the mother's body. Viruses can enter the baby's cells and damage them.

If you are just planning a pregnancy and one of the spouses has the flu or SARS, it is better to play it safe and postpone conception until the next month. Moreover, during pregnancy, the number of permitted drugs is very limited.

How to be treated

Medicines during influenza and SARS can be used only after consulting a doctor.

From the recipes of traditional medicine during the flu, many doctors advise drinking a rosehip decoction, it helps to remove all toxins from the body, saturates it with vitamin C.

You can gargle with a decoction of chamomile, rinse your nose with sea water.

In order not to catch a cold, doctors advise taking preventive measures:

  • the main recommendation is not to go to public places where there are a lot of people;
  • wear a gauze bandage or mask from infection;
  • take vitamin preparations;
  • lubricate the nasal passages with oxolinic ointment (although this is not a very effective measure).

Thus, the question of whether it is possible to conceive a child with a cold can be answered in the affirmative. With a mild cold, the disease does not affect the body's ability to carry a healthy embryo. Another thing is that you should not conceive a child if a man or woman has the flu.

If a woman caught a cold after ovulation and fertilization, then you need to bring down the temperature with approved drugs and call a doctor.

Competently: opinion of an obstetrician-gynecologist

Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemyeva answers the patients' questions.

I have the day of ovulation and suddenly SARS began. Is it possible to try to conceive a child or the disease can affect him? Is it dangerous to conceive with a cold?

Yes, viral infections are dangerous during conception and pregnancy. Plan your next pregnancy.

Can I try to conceive a child if my husband has a cold? He is treated with antibiotics.

After antibiotics, conception should be postponed for three months.

My husband and I were ill with ARVI, there was a high temperature. They drank kagocel. And suddenly I found out that I was pregnant - the test was positive. Could the illness affect the health of the child?

Most likely, it did not affect the fetus in any way. Implantation occurred, the level of hCG in the urine reached high numbers (otherwise the test would not have shown pregnancy). Apparently, the fetus develops normally, otherwise it would be rejected by the body. Do not worry.

A week before conception, I caught a cold, most likely it was the flu. I was sick for two weeks, I drank Theraflu. She is now a month and a half pregnant. Haven't been to the doctor yet. Could the flu affect the child? I read that in the first week after conception, the baby's blood flow is not related to the mother's blood, is this true?

Yes, in the first days the embryo is not connected with the mother's blood. Could the infection affect the baby? Time will tell, but judging by the fact that the pregnancy has survived, everything is going well.

What is the danger for conception against the background of a cold and high fever

An epidemic of influenza and acute viral infections is not the best time to get pregnant. Fertilization of the egg and conception with a cold can cause dangerous complications and unpleasant consequences for the fetus.

Viruses are able to penetrate through the blood to the fetus and embryo, provoking the fading of pregnancy. When planning, it is better to focus on the time when it is warm and there is a lot of sun - late spring, summer and early autumn.

What threatens a cold at the preparation stage

An acute respiratory disease during preconception preparation is a waste of time and a weakening of the female body, especially if the temperature rises sharply and complications arise from the respiratory system. The main negative factors of a cold in preparation for the desired conception:

  • during and after a cold, you can not take tests;
  • all methods of examination and consultations of specialists will have to be postponed;
  • difficulties in determining ovulation (basal temperature is not informative, because the thermometer will show high numbers every morning);
  • the immune defense of a woman after an illness will be weakened;
  • due to lack of appetite and malnutrition, the necessary nutrients are not supplied with food.

Of great importance is the need for treatment with medications and pills that are contraindicated during pregnancy. This is an important factor in the failure of the planned conception.

What is the danger during ovulatory days

Any disease can have a negative effect on the maturation of the dominant follicle and the release of the egg. A cold for ovulation is dangerous for the following factors:

  • high temperature with acute respiratory infections can provoke an early release of the egg;
  • there is a risk of anovulation, which occurs due to hormonal disorders and suppression of the dominant follicle;
  • high body temperature in a woman sharply reduces the activity and life span of spermatozoa located in the genital tract;
  • general disorders in a weakened female body can interfere with normal fertilization.

The basal temperature against the background of acute respiratory infections will always be increased, so it makes no sense to track the moment of ovulation and hormonal status after the formation of the corpus luteum.

What is the risk for the fetus with acute respiratory infections after conception

If a cold appeared after ovulation, then the possibility of pregnancy cannot be ruled out. In the first days of the life of a fertilized egg, when it moves towards the uterus, there is no connection with the mother's circulatory system, so the risk of viruses is minimal. High temperature usually does not have a pronounced negative effect until the embryo appears in the uterus.

It is a completely different matter after implantation, when the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus. Through mother's blood, the influenza virus can enter the fetus, which can cause the following pathology options:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • threats of miscarriage;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • gross birth defects;

In winter, during an influenza epidemic, the number of missed pregnancies and spontaneous miscarriages increases several times.

How can a cold affect during pregnancy

From the moment of pregnancy, a woman's immunity is necessarily reduced. This is necessary so that the rejection of the ovum does not occur (half of the fetus's genes are foreign to the female body). If a cold occurs against this background, then the immune defense weakens much more, and a woman can get sick with acute respiratory infections more severely, and the risk of complications will be higher.

For pregnant women, a cold is dangerous:

  • high risk of pneumonia (pneumonia) with the need to take strong antibiotics;
  • the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • high temperature affects the vascular blood flow, which can disrupt the blood supply to the fetus;
  • viral infection of the embryo and fetus can lead to fetopathy (violation of the formation and maturation of internal organs in a child);
  • the entry of viruses into the placenta creates conditions for fetoplacental insufficiency with a risk to the life of the fetus;
  • severe infection and high fever can cause a late miscarriage or premature delivery.

At all stages of the reproductive process from preconception preparation to the moment of delivery, it is very undesirable to get sick with the flu and acute respiratory infections. Basal temperature during and after a cold will not show the moment of ovulation.

Conception after an illness can end sadly. Pregnant women tolerate respiratory infections much worse, and effective methods treatment cannot be used. If it was not possible to avoid this scourge during pregnancy, then it is necessary to carefully and accurately follow the doctor's recommendations.

There is a danger for the expectant mother and fetus, but if everything is done correctly, then the chances of carrying and giving birth to a baby will be much higher. If you had a cold in the first weeks after conception, then it would be interesting to know how you fought a viral infection?

Is it dangerous to get pregnant with a cold

When spouses are trying to get pregnant, it is very important that their health is in excellent condition. After all, conception during a cold may not occur due to a weakened body, or during pregnancy, difficulties will arise while taking certain antiviral or anti-influenza drugs.

A little about the common cold

In general, a cold is a whole complex of various respiratory infectious diseases that are manifested by catarrhal inflammation of the mucous tissues of the respiratory structures. Colds are considered the most common diseases, because adults manage to get sick with them up to three times a year, and children up to six. This is a highly contagious infection that is easily spread between the population through the airborne route.

The concept of a cold is understood as an infection of viral origin, although the disease can develop in several forms, such as a common infection without a feverish state, SARS with hyperthermia, influenza, tonsillitis or SARS with bacterial complications such as sinusitis, bronchitis, etc.). These pathologies can ambiguously affect the organic activity of the patient. Minor colds affect only the area of ​​the nasopharynx, without provoking any reproductive changes, but the flu and infection with fever have a rather severe effect on the body, affecting its functionality. In such situations, conception with a cold can not manifest itself very well in the process of gestation or fetal development.

Does cold blues contribute to fertilization

It happens that the spouses plan the upcoming conception for a long time and thoroughly, but to no avail. And suddenly, fertilization happens when the wife, spouse, or both experience a cold against the background of SARS. Why does this happen? Experts explain this phenomenon by the influence of physiological or psychological factors.

  • In the first case, the onset of the long-awaited conception of a child with a cold is due to a decrease in the patient's immunity. It's just that some women have strong enough immunoglobulins that prevent sperm from moving towards the egg. And in a state of colds, the immune barrier cannot resist the male reproductive cells, and therefore it is possible to conceive a child.
  • And in the case of psychological influence, a cold helps spouses to distract from unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. Just in the process of planning, the couple, and especially her female half, is experiencing a stressful state. After all, the spouses expect and hope that everything will work out, but conception does not occur. And in the case of a cold during the conception of a child, the spouses are relaxed due to painful indisposition, they do not get hung up on the success of the event, which helps in achieving the goal.

And in some cases, under the influence of SARS, the birth of a new life, on the contrary, does not occur. And there is another option, when the cold itself is a consequence of an already accomplished conception, against which a characteristic decrease in immune defense occurs.

ARVI in a woman

If a cold has struck a woman, while there are symptoms such as a runny nose and cough, sore throat and nasal congestion, but there is no temperature, then such symptoms will not affect fertilization, the course of gestation or the development of the fetus. In such a situation, it is important to start therapy in a timely manner, but only with those medications that are approved and safe for intrauterine development.

If fertilization has happened, implantation has occurred, but the patient has managed to catch a cold and is in a feverish state, then no adverse effect on conception should happen. The main thing is to immediately begin treatment in order to avoid the progression of the disease or its complications. It is necessary to take paracetamol-based antipyretics only when reaching 38.5 ° C.

In general, the impact of acute viral infections on the conception and course of pregnancy is determined by the severity of the infectious process and the type of medications taken. With a cold of a minor nature, there is nothing to fear, it does not affect the patient's reproductive functions or the functionality of her body. The main thing is to take only drugs prescribed by a specialist.

Only a strong cough can pose some danger, which provokes involuntary uterine tension, which is fraught with rejection of the embryo from the uterine walls and interruption. But this happens if the uterine muscle tissue is too weakened.

If the cold is severe, for example, complicated by fever, then there is a certain risk that the signs of the disease will adversely affect the embryo. The danger comes from hyperthermia, because overheating is not very beneficial for the fetus. In this case, you can not bring down the temperature with aspirin and preparations based on it.

There is a statement that if there is an effect of an infection of viral origin on the embryo, it may die. If there was no spontaneous interruption, then there is nothing to be afraid of, which means that the infection could not harm the fetus. If embryonic tissues are damaged, the body rejects them. If the fetus was not affected by the infection, then the child will be safely preserved and continue to develop.

If the future father caught a cold

If we sorted out the situation with a woman with a cold, then what to expect from a husband with a cold? At first, the patient is incredibly happy about her condition, because she will soon become a mother. But the good news can be overshadowed by the memory that the man had a cold at the time of conception.

  • Usually, if the husband falls ill with ARVI, then this does not bear any negative consequences for the child.
  • It's just that the sperm mature for quite a long time, more than a month, so the cold condition of the spouse does not affect the quality of the sperm.
  • But if the spouse had a cold a few weeks before fertilization, then difficulties may arise, especially if the respiratory infection was accompanied by a fever.
  • Cold symptoms could adversely affect male germ cells.
  • An increase in temperature reduces the quality characteristics and activity of sperm, which makes it difficult for conception to occur. But under the influence of hyperthermia, weaker sperm die, and the strongest ones may well survive, so there is still a chance for fertilization.
  • After fertilization, the female body will check the embryo. If there are any complications, then the immune system will reject it and the egg simply will not be fixed to the uterine wall. If the embryo can grow into the endometrium, but is unhealthy, then spontaneous miscarriage will occur at the earliest possible time.
  • If the gestation proceeds safely, then there is no need to worry.

Doctors recommend refraining from trying to conceive if one of the spouses or both of them were undergoing therapy with serious drugs. After all, many of these medicines are teratogenic, leading to fetal anomalies.

How flu affects conception

For influenza infections, the characteristic clinical picture is a sudden onset with a sharp rise in temperature, joint aches and headaches. Such symptoms do not contribute to the onset of conception. But after all, spermatozoa can live in the female genital tract for up to 5 days (and sometimes a week), therefore, conception can occur a few days after intimacy, when the patient will already experience all the flu-like symptoms.

In such a situation, if you catch a cold and it is impossible to exclude conception, it is necessary to undergo treatment as soon as possible, avoiding complications. To eliminate intoxication manifestations, it is recommended to drink plenty of water and be sure to stay in bed. You also need to call a doctor, warning him in advance about the likely conception, so that the course of treatment consists of prescriptions that are safe for the fetus and gestation in general.

If later it turned out that it was possible to get pregnant, while there were no suspicious symptoms, and the egg was successfully implanted in the uterus, then there is every reason to believe that the flu did not cause any bad consequences. If the spouses are planning a pregnancy, but one of them has caught a flu infection, then for some time it is better to give up trying to conceive until the next ovulation.

It's just that the flu requires serious treatment with drugs that are dangerous for the fetus, and if they are not taken, then there is a high probability of developing complications that are also not useful for the child. The first trimester is the most important time in fetal development, because the laying of intraorganic systems takes place.

What to be treated?

It also happens that the patient suspects a pregnancy, lives in anticipation of a delay, but suddenly caught a cold. How to be treated, whether it is possible to take antibiotics, etc. It is better to seek an appointment from a specialist. Usually, with a runny nose in such cases, it is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity with products containing sea water, as well as instill nasal drops based on natural oils (coniferous, eucalyptus, etc.). Also, to eliminate congestion, hot baths for the hands are recommended, it is better to refuse steaming the legs.

  1. If the throat is sore, rinse with herbal decoctions such as sage or chamomile, a solution with soda and salt, and also irrigate the throat with aerosol preparations like Ingalipt or Hexoral;
  2. When coughing, breathe steam over an infusion of sage or chamomile, as well as carry out inhalations with a nebulizer with mineral water or saline, take Sinekod or Stodal;
  3. Take antiviral drugs like eleutherococcal tincture, rosehip tincture or syrup, Oscillococcinum, etc .;
  4. You need to drink as much liquid as possible, preferably tea with lemon or cranberry juice;
  5. Be sure to stay in bed with the flu;
  6. It is better to eat lightly during the illness, and the room where the patient is located should be regularly ventilated.

Cold prevention

In order not to doubt the correctness and safety of medical prescriptions, it is better to avoid public places where a large number of people accumulate during the period of seasonal infectious diseases, and if you really need to go somewhere, it is better to wear a gauze bandage. In order for the body to sustainably endure the attacks of viruses, it is recommended to help it by taking vitamin complexes that increase the immune status. Lubrication of the sinuses with oxolin can also be considered a good prophylactic.

The expectant mother needs to enrich the diet with fresh vegetables / fruits, it is better to cook food for a couple. It is also useful to take rosehip decoction daily, which does not cause allergic reactions, perfectly strengthens the woman's immune defenses and saturates the body with vitamins. But from tea with matryoshka, which grandmothers brewed for us from childhood, it is not recommended to drink, because this herb is contraindicated for pregnant women, it can provoke intrauterine bleeding. That is why when using herbal teas, women need to be extremely careful.

Doctor's opinion

It is safer for a woman who falls ill with ARVI during the ovulatory period to postpone conception until the next cycle. If the spouse caught a cold and was treated with antibiotic drugs, then conceive a child only 2-3 months after the end of antibiotic therapy, so that the seed material has time to renew itself. If children are the innermost desire of a couple, then adverse factors such as influenza and SARS should be excluded.

In the case of a cold, the rule works - all or nothing, if a viral infection or flu could have a negative effect on the embryo, then the patient will have a spontaneous interruption. If the viral infection could not harm the future baby, then the gestation will safely continue and end with normal childbirth.

Colds: Should You Postpone Conceiving a Child?

The desired pregnancy is an important and responsible period. But along with the natural emotions of joy and happy expectation, the expectant mother often experiences no less natural feelings of anxiety and excitement from the very beginning of pregnancy. One of the reasons may be the fact that conception occurred against the background of a cold.

In what cases is it common to conceive with a cold?

Due to the peculiarities of physiological processes, a woman learns about pregnancy 2-3 weeks after conception. And there are quite frequent cases when a pregnant woman, having made the necessary calculations, understands that during the period of the alleged conception she felt unwell due to a cold.

This happens especially often when the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned. Doctors give a completely logical explanation for this phenomenon and name two main reasons:

When a couple plans a pregnancy for a long time, prepares, monitors the cycle, calculates the days favorable for conception - it happens that such “obsession” prevents the onset of pregnancy. When a woman realizes that she has caught a cold and now is not the best time to conceive, she lets go of the situation, which often helps to get pregnant;

  • physiological:

    One of the many causes of infertility may be too strong immunity, which rejects "foreign" antibodies. With a cold, the immune system is weakened and does not prevent pregnancy.

  • How can a cold affect the development of a child and the course of pregnancy?

    Much depends on the disease itself and on the drugs used. At conception, the state of health of both partners is important, but the disease of a woman has a greater influence than men.

    Symptoms of SARS in a man without fever are likely to have a minimal impact on sperm quality.

    But a cold or flu with an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above will affect sperm motility, their quantity and quality. But since the spermatozoa in a man mature for more than a month, those spermatozoa that survive and fertilize the egg will in no way affect the development of the child.

    Thus, a man with a cold can significantly reduce the likelihood of fertilization, but if it happens, then there is nothing to fear.

    The female body can be called a kind of vessel in which the child will grow and develop, so here the cold should be taken more seriously.

    Conception on the background of SARS and influenza in a woman

    Conception against the background of ARVI symptoms without fever:

    Symptoms of SARS (cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat) at normal body temperature in themselves will not affect either the course of pregnancy or the development of the child.

    It is important to take immediate action and prevent further development of the disease. But you can only be treated with drugs that are approved for use in early pregnancy.

    Conception against the background of symptoms of SARS with fever:

    If conception has occurred and the fetal egg has already attached to the wall of the uterus, then the malaise did not entail any negative consequences for the unborn child.

    The main task is to immediately begin treatment to prevent further development of the disease and its complications. Body temperature should be reduced only when the mark of 38.5 degrees is exceeded. Paracetamol-based antipyretics are allowed.

    Conceiving a child on the background of the flu:

    The abrupt onset of the disease, fever, headache and aching joints - the symptoms of the flu do not at all favor the process preceding conception. But fertilization can occur even 36 hours after intercourse, so we can assume a scenario when conception occurs against the background of the flu.

    The main task here is to recover as quickly as possible and prevent complications. It is necessary to remove intoxication, this is facilitated by abundant drinking, strict adherence to bed rest. Call a doctor and be sure to warn about a possible pregnancy so that the doctor can prescribe drugs that are compatible with it.

    In any case, if fertilization and attachment of the egg occurred, then with a high degree of probability the disease passed without consequences.

    At this time, the principle of “all or nothing” applies, that is, if the unborn child was affected by viruses or drugs and something went wrong, then most likely a spontaneous miscarriage will occur. A woman may not even notice that there was a pregnancy and take the discharge for normal menstruation.

    Thus, most likely, the disease during the conception period will not affect the course of the onset pregnancy and the development of the fetus.

    But if you are planning a pregnancy and get sick during a period favorable for conception, then you can not abandon your plans only if one or both partners have mild cold symptoms.

    If the temperature has risen or flu symptoms are present, pregnancy planning should be postponed until the next cycle.

    The fact is that treatment during pregnancy limits the choice of drugs, and if the disease becomes complicated or protracted, then there is a high risk of damage to the fetus. The most responsible and most dangerous period is the first trimester, when the child's organ systems are laid down, the most important is from the fourth to the ninth obstetric weeks.

    The period during which conception falls - from the second to the fourth obstetric weeks - is not so dangerous for the unborn child in terms of effects on him, since during this period the fertilized egg develops and grows autonomously and the influence of viruses and medications is minimal. However, it can be very difficult to establish the dates when fertilization occurred, respectively, to calculate the exact period until which the unborn child is protected, so the influence of viruses cannot be completely ruled out.

    More harm can be caused not by the disease itself, but by the medicines that the woman was treated with.

    Disease prevention and medication in early pregnancy

    If there is a possibility of conception, then it is better to use drugs that are allowed in the early stages of pregnancy:

    • nasal lavage with preparations based on sea ​​water(aqualor, aquamaris,);
    • nasal drops based on herbal preparations (pinosol, coniferous oil);
    • hot hand baths also help with nasal congestion (but hot foot baths are contraindicated).
    • inhalation using a nebulizer (saline, mineral water);
    • steam inhalation (chamomile, sage);
    • rinsing with soda-salt solution;
    • rinsing with infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula).
    • oscillococcinum;
    • syrup and infusion of wild rose;
    • Eleutherococcus tincture.

    You should also follow the general rules:

    • plentiful warm drink (cranberry and lingonberry juice, weak tea with lemon);
    • constant ventilation of the room;
    • bed rest;
    • light, lean food.

    When planning pregnancy, much attention should be paid to the prevention of SARS and influenza:

    • if possible, avoid crowded places, especially during mass epidemics;
    • take preventive measures in public places (lubricate the nasal passages with oxolin ointment, wear a medical mask);
    • take vitamin and mineral complexes.