Intermittent fasting for weight loss for women. Intermittent fasting or intermittent eating is an easy route to a dream figure. How fasting triggers fat burning

It so happened that it was the term "intermittent fasting" that took root among the majority of adherents of this method. Although "interval eating" sounds much softer, it also carries the same meaning.

This nutrition system can be the most comfortable way for you to lose weight and, most importantly, maintain your ideal weight without much difficulty. So do not be intimidated by the word "starvation", it does not mean at all that you need to exhaust yourself with hunger.

In this article I will share my personal experience of intermittent fasting for weight loss, give examples of different IG regimens, and also tell you how to correctly apply this method to beginners.


The very term "intermittent fasting" means a certain frequency of cycles of food and fasting. The time from the first meal to the last on the current day is the eating period. Accordingly, the interval from the last meal to the first after sleep is fasting.

There are 24 hours a day, and if you now eat breakfast at about 8 am and dinner falls at 8 pm, then your current fasting interval is 12 hours.

To facilitate further explanations, the feeding interval will be called “ dietary window».

In the morning we had breakfast - we opened our dietary window.

In the evening, the last meal - the dietary window was closed.

The essence of intermittent fasting for weight loss is to gradually narrow the dietary window to 6-8 hours. And it is very important to do this gradually.

When I practiced intermittent fasting for the first time, I was inspired by the example of an athlete who eats from 2 pm to 6 pm On the morning of the second day, I wanted to climb the walls from a terrible feeling of hunger. I remember drinking tea and coffee just in liters to drown out hunger. I held out for several days and spat on this case. And the intermittent fasting system then added to my list of "diets that don't work."

Don't make such a mistake!

Intermittent fasting is not a diet!

This is a way of life that, over time, will become so familiar and comfortable for you that you will wonder why you didn’t come to it earlier.


As you know, the breakdown of the body's fat reserves occurs when the total calorie content of the diet decreases. Simply put - when we spend more energy than we get from food. And thisonlyfactor on which our weight loss depends.

Yes, you understand correctly, you can lose weight on chocolate and burgers with a bite if you create a calorie deficit. But this is no longer about health.

I highly recommend starting with detox and detoxification, filling your diet with healthy foods, and rebuilding water balance... And only then start adjusting the time frame of your dietary window.


So our next step is to gradually reduce the dietary window. At first, you can use the banal rule “do not eat after six”. We had dinner around 18:00 and later we drink tea and water. Everything.

How long you stay at each stage is not important!
It is important to move slowly but surely in a given direction.

When you feel accustomed to this regimen, gradually narrow the dietary window. For example, we start having breakfast not at 7-8 in the morning, but at 9, and gradually bring the time to start eating until 12.

Having started to make changes gradually, I myself easily came to such a schedule: 12:00 - breakfast, 15:00 - lunch, 18:00 - dinner. I make sure that each meal contains protein products (cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, chicken, fish) and vegetables, fruits, greens.

I can say that I have never been so comfortable with losing weight. Everything seemed to happen by itself.

If you go to bed late, it may be better for you to have the last meal at 20 o'clock, and leave the first one at 12:00, or move it to 2 pm. Listen to yourself.

It is also helpful to add physical activity. You don't have to go to the gym, just move more - walk, do exercises, do a general cleaning.

Household daily activity is much more important than training 3 times a week.

Think about it, there are 168 hours in a week. Let 50-60 of them we are asleep, the rest are awake. Your workout in the gym is only 3-4 hours a week of physical activity. And how do you spend the remaining 100 hours. In the office on a chair or on the move?

Gym workouts are essential for muscle firmness and body function. And for weight lossnutrition, drinking regime and household activity are important.


Hormones play a very important role in the digestion process. When it comes to weight loss with intermittent fasting, it's important for us to understand how insulin works.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. They all break down during digestion to glucose molecules.

Blood saturated with glucose washes the pancreas, which in turn begins to produce the hormone insulin. Without insulin, glucose cannot enter the cell.

Insulin is released every time we eat something.

Until the energy received in the form of food is "processed", the body stops using fat reserves as a source of energy.

In fact, the fat burning process stops while digestion is in progress. And intermittent fasting just involves an increase in insulin-free periods.

No food - insulin is not produced, fat burning is in progress.

Increasing your daily activity will speed up the process even more. Because the body is more willing to use fats as a source of energy during moderate exercise, as well as during rest. In training, when the loads exceed the threshold of 50% of the maximum, carbohydrate stores (glycogen in the liver, muscles) are consumed primarily.

Note:according to generally accepted rules, the interval is counted from 00:00 hours. That is, the interval 16/8 means not only that we are starving for 16 hours, but then we eat for 8 hours. Namely, that 16 hours of hunger are counted from 0 o'clock and the first meal is done at 16:00.

This is associated with the period of activity of growth hormone - somatotropin (it is also dominant in the process of fat burning). Remember the adage "a child grows up in a dream", it is so.

Growth hormone begins to be produced in the body at about 23: 00-01: 00, actively "works" until insulin is turned on. That is, before the first meal in the morning.

If you have eaten last time in the evening at eight, then about 3-4 hours the digestion process takes place, then about 6-8 hours the period of adsorption of nutrients.

And only then - at 6-8 in the morning - the real stage of cellular hunger begins, when food is not supplied to the cells. This is the most important period in intermittent fasting.

To achieve the effect we need - healthy weight loss and maintenance - it is enough for the stage of cellular hunger to last 4-5 hours.


Freer food

You don't need to count calories and fanatically weigh all the food. By gradually narrowing the dietary window, you will automatically reduce your total calorie intake. In a 6-8 hour time frame, you will definitely eat less than 12 hours.

I already wrote that I came to such a nutrition system intuitively. In the summer we spend a lot of time outside. It just became convenient for me to have breakfast and go for a walk with my daughter. They came and had lunch. After a nap, we ate and left until 8-9 pm. I didn’t eat at night, I didn’t want to.

Just find a convenient diet window time frame for yourself, adjust the diet to suit your schedule of work. And in order to think less about food in the interval of hunger, do something useful and drink water or tea.

Saturation with every meal

From the point of view of psychology, it is important that there are no hard restrictions in the head, no self-infringement. I noticed that many women find it difficult to adhere to fractional calorie restriction meals.

Every time you get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Over time, a feeling of dissatisfaction accumulates and you just want to eat normally, so that you can feel directly that you are full.

As a result, you hold on for a week or two, and then you arrange a cheat-meel and hang out all day, eating everything that you have wanted for so long. The whole diet is down the drain.

I felt on myself how much more comfortable it is to eat a satisfying meal three times in the allotted period of time. Then the feeling of hunger in the remaining hours does not bother at all, because I know that in the morning we will eat again satisfyingly and deliciously. And at lunchtime. And one more time.

Self-cleaning of cells (autophagy)

When the cell does not receive nutrients, it starts the process of using damaged components (for example, defective proteins). Breaks them down into tiny particles and gets a new building material.

The process of autophagy - self-cleansing - is beneficial for cell health. Thus, intermittent fasting not only promotes weight loss, but also improves overall health.



If your dietary window is now 12 hours, then narrowing it down sharply to 6 will put your body into a state of stress. Remember - the brain controls the body, not the other way around. Our task is to gradually accustom the brain to the new nutritional system.


All packaged ready-to-eat foods, fast food, sugary drinks are a huge amount of empty calories, which, moreover, do not saturate the body.

The predominance of such foods in the diet will prevent you from creating a calorie deficit. And, as you remember, this is the main factor in weight loss.

If you consume more energy from food than you expend, the body will certainly store it.

I am already silent about the quality of the body. After all, we are what we eat. Fill yourself with food waste such as burgers, cookies, shawarma, and then wash it down with cola or juice from a tetra-pack - here's cellulite on your ass, get it - sign it.

The purest food possible will give you good body quality and health. If you want to look good, then think about what you fill your body with.

3. Eating

Sometimes beginners become such "slaves of the clock". Instead of leading a normal life, doing business, they look like waiting every minute at the clock. As if it would bring the time of the planned "diet window opening" closer.

In their minds they are already devouring the cooked food. And as soon as that cherished hour comes, they furiously attack her, stuffing her stomach more.

This approach will not work. From the word ALL.

When food becomes the meaning of life and all thoughts are only about it, it is food addiction (eating disorder).

A serious psychological problem that requires working out with a specialist psychologist.

Our task is to leave the diet the same and begin to shorten the time intervals for food intake.

A gradual transition to a new power system will help to avoid such a mistake. You don’t need to immediately set yourself sharp restrictions. Don't focus on losing weight.

Focus on observing the drinking regime, gradually removing "food waste" from the diet, filling it more and more with vegetables and fruits, cereals and legumes, natural meat and dairy products, nuts, etc.And then we gradually adjust the meal time.

Try to imagine that your body
is a fat burning stove.
Until the food is thrown into the stove, the process of burning fat is underway.

Frequent question: “When is the best time to start eating? immediately after waking up or after 3-5 hours? "

I recommend listening to your body. Personally, for a long time it was comfortable for me to have breakfast in an hour and a half after waking up, and to starve in the evening. I came to this intuitively, there was no goal to practice intermittent fasting. I just consistently cleansed the body, worked out my food addictions.

My period of "flashing" the brain took several years (yes, it happens). For a long time I was looking for a magic remedy for losing weight and tried not to accept the idea of ​​changing food habits once and for all.

But they changed by themselves when I consciously went through a detoxification program, then a colon cleanse and a program to improve digestion.

Gradually, I shifted breakfast time by 12 hours and now I have three meals in the interval until 6 pm. Listen to yourself, try different options and study the information.

Athletes also use the option to open the diet window later. In the morning on an empty stomach, they train, then they make 3-4 meals for 6-8 hours, starting at 14:00 or even 16:00.

The argument is simple - stimulation of growth hormone production, better absorption of nutrients after physical activity... This method helps build lean muscle mass.

Stage 1 - DETOX: we gradually get rid of food waste in the diet, normalize the water balance. We make sure that the diet contains fiber, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Detailed step-by-step instructions

These two steps help you gradually change your eating habits. Unbeknownst to yourself, you will begin to gorge on smaller portions, you will less pull on junk food.

As a result - excellent health, volume reduction, energy and motivation for further work on oneself.

Stage 3 - WE TIGHTEN THE DIET WINDOW. Gradually shorten the time interval for food intake during the day. The task is to bring intermittent fasting to the scheme of 16 hours of hunger / 8 hours of food. If there is a need and desire, you can continue and narrow the dietary window to 6 hours.

Stage 4 - REDUCE CALORIE.If the above measures were not enough (which rarely happens), you can resort to calorie manipulation.

The easiest option for those who do not want to learn how to count calories and BJU is to replace one meal with a low-calorie silk-carbohydrate cocktail (about 200 kcal).It is tasty, healthy and satisfying.

I use Daily Delicious, you can buy any similar or pure protein blend at a sports food store.


The above diagram is the most common type of intermittent fasting for fat loss. Athletes also use it to build lean muscle mass by adjusting their BJU and training regimen.

This method is absolutely physiological and safe for health. On the contrary, it improves the general condition of the body, accelerates intracellular metabolic processes, fat metabolism.

I will briefly talk about other options. But I'll clarify right away - I don't practice them myself. I only spend a couple of times a year(4-7 days of hunger).

The schemes below are suitable for short term use only. These are more likely diet options. They can be used when the weight is "standing" for a long time.

The Warrior's Diet

This is a narrowing of the dietary window to 4 hours, respectively, the fasting period increases to 20 hours. Most often it is 2 meals with a fairly strict set of foods and additives, because it is important that the body gets everything it needs. The first meal is at 20:00, the last one is 2 hours before bedtime.

Fasting 24 hours 1-2 times a week

First, we try to fast 1 day a week on water (day + night). On other days we eat as much as possible. natural products... Then you can try to spend 2 hungry days a week. These shakes are beneficial for improving metabolism and reducing overall calorie intake. But do not forget the important principle - healthy foods + adherence to the drinking regime.

Intermittent fasting scheme 12 full / 36 hungry hours

Fasting every other day is supposed. For example, on Monday we eat between 8: 00-20: 00. Tuesday - water fast. Wednesday - eat again from eight to eight. Etc.

As practice shows, you will not have to use harsh methods if you approach the issue of weight loss consciously and act in stages.

Hello, hello, Vika Leping is with you! I want to raise interesting topic and talk about intermittent fasting or intermittent meals. You can also find the definition of Intermittent Fasting-diet - cyclic fasting. If you have ever wondered how to fast to lose weight, gain weight, or just for health, stay with me. Go!

To begin with, I want to immediately remind you that I am doing a very simple competition and I'm kidding delicious prizes straight from Hungary, from Budapest! The conditions are very simple, so be sure to go through and participate! Good luck!

What is fasting?

Fasting is an interval diet that lacks any nutrients. Only water can be consumed. I still drink tea, it also has 0 calories. "Why starve?" - you ask. And I will answer that at one time there were several studies published in certain scientific journals that say that the benefits of fasting (intermittent) are confirmed: it increases the lifespan of experimental animals, prevents some age-related diseases, has a positive effect on sleep, mood, sexual life, leads to cleansing the body, helps to improve the functions of various systems.

The external benefits of fasting

The fact is that periods of fasting increase the amount of biologically active metabolites... After such restrictions, the body responds to the intake of valuable substances more actively: increased growth of damaged tissues begins, injuries and wounds heal quickly, and immunity increases. Those who study in the gym will notice how muscle mass will begin to increase faster, and fat will decrease, so many bodybuilders have replaced the typical scheme of "gaining mass - drying" just in time for intermittent fasting. We can say with confidence that if you fast properly, you can lose weight without harm to health and the body.

What is intermittent fasting (PH), intermittent meals, or I ntermittent Fasting diet (cyclic fasting)

What is GHG or intermittent fasting? This is the deliberate exclusion of any food for a specific, non-prolonged amount of time. Short-term is important, because you should not starve for a long time without a doctor's supervision. Losing weight by fasting is very possible and in a shorter time. We will consider them!

1. Daily intermittent fasting or intermittent meals (24 hours)

The period of such intermittent fasting, as is already clear, is 24 hours. Held once a week. At about 8-9 pm, you can have a hearty dinner, and the next meal can be spent in 24 hours, that is, dinner the next day. It's quite simple, it is much easier not to eat anything than drinking kefir all day. I really don't want to eat if I endure the first hunger urge. But I did not carry out daily fasting for a very long time, although I used to be fond of this, because in this way, losing weight by fasting is very effective. But now I am more impressed by the second option.

2. Diet 12/12 (fasting 12 hours)

Daily intermittent fasting for 12 hours is the best option for me. That is, you do not eat anything for half a day. You also eat at 8-9 pm, and then have breakfast in the morning at 8-9, 12 hours later. Such fasting is the simplest and most relaxed, if you are thinking how to start fasting, this option will suit you. There is always at least 12 hours between my breakfast and dinner, you don't even have to try. True, I go to bed at 2 am, and get up at 10, so I can have dinner at 11. But I try to do it before 9 pm, because most of all I love the third option.

3. Diet 16/8 (fasting 16 hours)

Diet "16 hour fast" gives excellent results, as evidenced by numerous reviews. That is, you have 8 hours to eat well and 16 hours to rest your intestines. For example, I have dinner at 8pm and breakfast at 12pm. Trainers say that this option has the best effect on the body. If you're swinging, your heaviest meal should be after exercise, even if it's dinner. Should remain the same post workout nutrition to burn fat. In this type of fasting, muscles grow rapidly and fat melts before our eyes. Presumably, this is due to the fact that intermittent fasting increases the amount of glycogen in the muscles, which contributes to their increase.

How to eat to lose weight?

And now the best part! When you are not starving, you can eat whatever you like. Of course, for greater efficiency, it is better to adhere to other rules, I talked about them in great detail in my article with video ... In any case, you can create your own proper nutrition when losing weight, training, gaining mass. Experiment!

Intermittent fasting video

In the end, I want to show you my video with my YouTube channel , in which I also tell everything in detail. On my channel you will find other interesting videos about food, travel, recipes and other interesting things, so be sure to subscribe , I will be waiting for you.

That's all, these were the three most common options for intermittent fasting or intermittent eating, which will always help you, at the very least, maintain your body weight in the norm. Losing weight through fasting is very effective. You will not swim with fat, even if you only take a break at 12 o'clock.

Last time I talked about how to make delicious! Further more! In order not to miss new items, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of complete recipes from 20 dishes that are prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating fast, tasty and healthy - it's real!

I was with you ! Tell your friends about what a hunger diet is and how to fast for 1 day, 16 or 12 hours. Recommend an article with a video, if you like it, like it, leave comments, appreciate it, write and show photos of what you have done, and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine, and, of course, enjoy your meal when you're not hungry! I love you, be happy!

The desire for harmony is characteristic of many men and women. You can only lose weight by adjusting your diet. Intermittent fasting suitable for any age, it activates the metabolism in the body, allows you to lose weight by burning subcutaneous fat.

Initially, a well-known nutritionist was engaged in the development and study of therapeutic fasting. A.P. Voroshilov... He laid the foundations for healthy fasting, which today has many followers among professionals, athletes and ordinary people.

What is the essence of intermittent fasting 16/8

Intermittent fasting 16/8 is a special meal schedule for a day - 24 hours. Within 16 hours, you must completely refuse to eat, this is a food break.

Eating food is only allowed for 8 hours a day, this is food window .

In this case, the total calorie content of the diet can not be reduced. Each hunger striker chooses the time frame for himself individually. Many people prefer to have a late breakfast, for example, at 9.00 and an early dinner - until 17.00.

The technique works according to a single dietary scheme, that is, weight loss occurs due to a calorie deficit. And in those hours when you can eat, the body gets everything it needs, without limiting portions and a set of products.

A stricter version of the interval diet is the 20/4 food schedule, in which the pause period is 20 hours, and there is only allowed for 4 hours. It is often used by athletes before preparing for a competition in order to quickly get rid of several kilograms, as well as to remove excess water from the body.

You cannot have a snack during the food break, because then the body will receive energy and stop adapting to the new regime, the diet mechanism will be disrupted.

During the food window, you can eat in 2 ways:

  1. You can eat the entire amount of food in 2 meals (lunch and dinner).
  2. You can snack several times, for example, every 2 hours, superimposing a medium portion.

One-time fasting (practice) is aimed at improving well-being, effectively reducing weight, helping to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body.

Such unloading, subject to systematic repetition, will allow you to learn how to manage your appetite, choose healthy foods, develop the correct eating behavior, better taste the dishes.

Is weight loss possible?

According to the 16/8 rules, meals are allowed within 8 hours. If during the food window a person did not have time to eat, then the next meal should take place only after 16 hours, that is, after a pause.

To cleanse the body and improve bowel function, you need to drink at least 2-3 liters of fluid per day. It should be unsweetened water without gas, herbal or green tea sugarless.

To lose weight, preference should be given only to healthy products. To quench the attacks of hunger, it is recommended to drink clean water without gas, in small sips and unhurriedly.

In the course of numerous studies, it has been established that intelligent fasting can have a positive effect on the human body.

Periodic abstinence from food contributes to:

  • fast and effective fat burning;
  • activates the internal reserves of the body;
  • launches the natural process of tissue rejuvenation and renewal.

Interval diet is the prevention of many diseases, prolongs life, and helps to preserve youth.

Which foods are suitable for weight loss on the 16/8 diet:

  • lean varieties of fish and meat, eggs, unsweetened dairy products are a source of proteins;
  • more fresh herbs and vegetables - ensuring the intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals;
  • fats should also be healthy - these are seeds, nuts, legumes, vegetable oils;
  • berries and fruits - contain vital elements, antioxidants, fructose and sucrose.

To speed up your metabolism, you need to spend 20-30 minutes daily training... It could be running fast walk, swimming, jumping rope, special exercises for working out problem areas - hips, buttocks, abs, back.

Contraindications for fasting

Meals by the hour are not suitable for all people. This method of losing weight can only be used by a healthy person. Intermittent fasting is often practiced in sports. Periodic abstinence from food helps athletes maintain a certain weight.

Intensive consumption of subcutaneous fat occurs combined diet with sports, which contributes to the expressiveness of the relief of the muscles of the body.

This method of weight loss is optimal for those who want to reduce body proportions without intense physical activity. Despite all the positive aspects, the diet has certain contraindications.

For whom the intermittent fasting technique is not suitable:

  • adolescents and young people under 18;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • with violations of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

If from a long strict fasting, which lasts 16 or 20 hours, a person begins to feel very sick or dizzy, stomach cramps, vomits or vomits, the diet should be stopped. Restriction in food can be repeated only if there is a stable improvement in well-being, not earlier than after 2-3 days.

Reviews and results

Nutritionists disapprove when people start out to lose weight. To solve the problem of excess weight, experts urge to turn to a healthy and balanced diet, advising to lose weight no more than 2-3 kg per month.

Eating on time allows you not to exhaust yourself, allows you to eat varied and tasty, using a variety of products to compose the menu.

A reasonable approach to weight loss helps a person understand the mistakes that he makes when organizing his diet, teaches him to eat right, to follow the right regimen meals. A group of fans of intermittent fasting 16/8 mostly healthy people without heavy chronic diseases with adequate eating behavior.

During food pause , which according to the rules of the diet can last 16 or 20 hours, the body triggers the mechanism of increased fat burning, which allows you to "dry" the body without harming the muscles. Not everyone can withstand a sufficiently long break in nutrition.

The effect of intermittent fasting is fast (up to 1 kg per day), and there are certain health benefits. Reduces blood cholesterol, accelerates metabolic and recovery processes in the body, weight loss occurs due to the consumption of fat reserves. Best results are achieved by combining the 16/8 diet with a low-carb diet, and the amount of carbohydrates should be cut gradually.

Ekaterina (33 years old), Vladivostok:

Interval eating helped me quickly lose 8 kg of excess weight left over from my pregnancy. I eat 8 hours a day, choose healthy and simple dishes, I try to drink more. I plan to eat on a 16/8 basis and beyond to consolidate the results.

Anna (28 years old), Moscow:

I learned about the 16/8 meal plan from my fitness trainer. He says it helps him keep his body in top condition. In the first week I lost 3 kg, I am very happy, I will continue. My excess weight is 10 kg.

Elena (47 years old), Voronezh:

I restrict calories (approximate daily intake of 800-900 kcal) for 1 month. The weight went well at first, and then got up. The 16/8 method helped to overcome the plateau in weight loss. After 3 days, the weight began to decrease again.


You do not need to fast for a long time to lose weight, it is enough to do it for a short time.

Intermittent fasting has grown in popularity in recent years.

The idea of ​​such fasting is to not get any food for a certain short period of time.

This method promises fast weight loss, improves metabolism and even helps to prolong life.

Intermittent fasting is not a diet, but rather a way of eating.... This system does not tell you what you should eat, but when you should. The regimen consists of periods when you eat, which are followed by periods of abstinence from food.

Fasting is believed to be an evolutionary trait, and our bodies do an excellent job of restricting food. Our ancestors did not always have abundant food, and did not have the opportunity to store food in refrigerators or go to supermarkets, and therefore the body was used to long periods of fasting.

We can say that temporary restrictions on food are more natural for us than eating 3-4 times a day.

Simply put, what you eat is efficiently digested during fasting. The fasting period is usually longer than the period when you eat. Once you have digested your food and there is no other food available to you, your body has no other way but to burn off its calorie reserves.

© Dean Drobot

Experts cite several benefits of intermittent fasting:

    Promotes weight loss no severe calorie restriction

    Reduces insulin resistance and blood sugar, protecting against type 2 diabetes.

    Reduces inflammation and oxidative damage in the body, preventing aging.

    Reduces risk factors development of hypertension and high level cholesterol.

    Animal studies have shown that intermittent fasting prevents the development of cancer.

    Promotes the growth of new nerve cells and protects the brain from damage preventing Alzheimer's disease.

Not surprisingly, with all the popularity of this system, a variety of types of intermittent fasting have emerged.

All of them are considered effective, and the choice depends on the person's personal preferences.

Intermittent fasting techniques

© hjalmeida

The method in 16/8 is that you eat for 8-10 hours and then do not eat for 14-16 hours.

During the "window" when you are allowed to eat, you can have 2 or more meals.

This method is known as the Leangains Protocol and was proposed by a fitness expert. Martin Berkhan(Martin Berkhan).

This system is very simple, and, in essence, you just do not eat anything after dinner and skip breakfast.

For example, if you finished dinner at 8 pm and then do not eat anything until 12 noon the next day, then you are fasting 16 hours between meals.

If you cannot do without breakfast, it will be difficult for you to get used to this method. Many of those who skip breakfast instinctively eat according to this system.

While fasting, you can drink coffee, water, and soft drinks to reduce hunger.

Also, during the "feeding window" it is better not to lean on junk food or overeat, otherwise the system will be ineffective.

This is one of the most natural methods of intermittent fasting and does not require much effort.

Fasting for weight loss

© konstiantynzapylaie

The 5: 2 diet suggests 5 days of regular meals and limiting to 500-600 calories 2 days a week... This method of intermittent "fasting" was proposed by a British journalist and physician Michael Mosley(Michael Mosley).

For example, suppose you eat as usual on all days except Mondays and Thursdays, when you eat two small meals (about 250 calories each) per day.

There are no studies that have tested this particular system, but there have been many studies that have shown the benefits of intermittent fasting.

© TanyaJoy / Getty Images

The method is refusal to eat for 24 hours 1 or 2 times a week.

This method suggested by a fitness expert Brad Pilon(Brad Pilon) has been popular for several years.

So, for example, you can end dinner on Monday at 19:00 and not eat until the next dinner until 19:00.

You can also refrain from eating breakfast to breakfast or lunch to dinner. The end result will be the same.

Water, coffee and soft drinks are allowed, but no solid food.

If you are fasting for weight loss, it is very important to eat normally the rest of the time. That is, the amount of food consumed should be the same as if you were not starving at all.

The problem is that for many, fasting for 24 hours is quite a challenge.

However, you do not need to start with a 24-hour fast, but you can start from 2 pm to 4 pm and then lengthen the interval.

Intermittent fasting scheme

© phasinphoto / Getty Images

Fasting every other day suggests that you limit yourself to food every other day... There are several ways to do this fast, and some allow for about 500 calories on fasting days.

Many laboratory studies have shown that intermittent fasting has positive influence to health.

Avoiding food entirely may seem too extreme and is not recommended for beginners.

By sticking to this method, you will go to bed hungry several times a week, which is not very pleasant and can be an overwhelming task for many.

© Jonathan105 / Getty Images

This power system was proposed by an artist and a former special forces soldier. Ori Hofmeckler(Ori Hofmekler).

The warrior's diet suggests that during the day you eat some raw fruits and vegetables, and in the evening you have a hearty dinner.

Basically, you are fasting all day (20 hours), and before going to bed in the interval of 4 hours you have the opportunity to have a large meal.

The Warrior Diet was one of the first popular diets to use the intermittent fasting method.

That said, food choices are similar to the paleo diet - whole, unprocessed foods as they are found in nature.

© KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Getty Images

You don't have to adhere to a clear pattern of intermittent fasting to experience the benefits of this method.

You can just skip meals from time to time when you are not hungry or too busy to cook.

Many experts believe that eating at a strictly defined time is a delusion, and a person will not go into fasting mode and begin to lose muscle.

The human body is able to handle long periods of hunger, not to mention skipping one or two meals every now and then.

So, if you are not very hungry on some day, you can skip breakfast and eat a healthy lunch and dinner. If you are traveling somewhere and are left without food for some time, arrange yourself a short hunger strike.

Skipping one or two meals when you feel like it is the spontaneous method of intermittent fasting.

However, try to eat healthy foods with the rest of your meals.

Fasting for weight loss