Gas limits (TU for gas). Specifications for gas supply

Gasification of a site or a country house begins with the approval of that for gasification.

Specifications (TU) for gas is a document on the technical capabilities of gas supply through the main pipeline, it usually contains the following data:

address and purpose of the object, possible delivery volume natural gas, source of gas supply, necessary measures “to be carried out to supply natural gas to the facility (for example, reconstruct the GDS, lay a supply gas pipeline, etc.)”, an indication of regulatory documents, the validity period of technical conditions for gasification.

Getting them is the starting point. Simply put, the TU for gas supply is your request that Mosoblgaz allow gas supply to the site. You know perfectly well that our state institutions are much more inclined to prohibit something, and when permission needs to be issued, then a cold creeps into their hearts.

the one on the gas

In theory, everything is as easy as shelling pears: I collected documents (visited the BTI, EIRTs, Moscomarchitecture, etc.), handed them over to the local branch of Mosoblgaz (addresses of regional divisions can be found on their official websites), after 14 days I received a technical specification for gas connections, referred the conditions to design organization.

In fact, everything is more prosaic and vital. You sit in line, and suddenly you find out that the application is only accepted in hard copy.

You quickly rewrite it, trying to remember what they taught in the drawing lesson at school.

Now the application is in order and the technical specifications for gasification will soon be in hand. But it turns out that documents must be submitted in a file folder in the form of a brochure!

And finally (or even worse - on another day) it turns out that the package of documents is not complete. You brought only your passport data and BTI registration certificate. And they also demanded a contract of sale, a certificate of state registration of property rights, information about the amount of gas you need.

If the house is at the design or construction stage, then you need to add to the existing documents a plan for the location of the gasification facility, a building permit, a copy of the passport of the future facility.

Bureaucracy in one word.

The described situation is not an exaggeration. On the contrary, in practice, gas supply and obtaining specifications require much more time resources.

And if it was only a matter of time. So after all it also forces, and nerves.

In general, a standard set of "pleasant sensations" that everyone who crosses the threshold of any state institution receives.

And there are more complex situations where without specialists it’s impossible to figure it out:

When compiling lists for gasification, a problem arises: at the beginning, you need to incur large expenses. Some neighbors believe that it is possible to wait until others carry out the gas, and then join the network inexpensively.

In this case, the one who invests in the initial construction is at a disadvantage. This problem can be solved by registering a non-profit partnership for gasification, which will competently protect its shareholders and its interests in the future.

We have accumulated considerable experience in these matters (registration of NPs, technical aspects of gasification).

How to be and what to do?

ELEZARGAZ offers you to entrust the coordination of technical specifications for gas supply to our employees who solve such issues DAILY. Work with any state institutions on the territory of the Moscow region.

You only need to visit our office and issue a power of attorney that allows you to resolve gasification issues on your behalf. Everything. Then you calmly go to work or rest, and at the same time you know that the successful approval of the specifications for gas is guaranteed by the specialists of our company.

We will collect all the documents for obtaining and agreeing on the technical conditions for gas supply, which were mentioned above.

We stand in line for you.
Let's quarrel instead of you with the next official.
But we will fulfill our obligations on time.

This is about approval of technical specifications for gas on a turnkey basis. The task is with you - the result is with us.

The cost of obtaining technical specifications for gas supply is from 25,500 rubles, but options are possible here, depending on specific factors.

List of documents submitted individuals to obtain technical conditions for connection to gas distribution networks of gas-using equipment of a residential building *

1. Application (standard form) - Appendix No. 2.

2. Copy of the applicant's passport.

3. Legal documents:

3.1. For existing buildings - any of the following documents:

— Certificate of state registration of property rights;
- contract of sale, exchange, donation, etc. - (registered in Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography);
- lease agreement, with the consent of the owner.
- act of acceptance into operation;
- a technical passport (without a statute of limitations) issued by an organization authorized to conduct a technical inventory (Bureau of Technical Inventory), as a document confirming the fact of the creation of a construction object;
- permission to put the facility into operation.

3.2. For buildings being designed and under construction - any of the following documents:

– Certificate of state registration of the right to a land plot with the application of the cadastral plan of the land plot / cadastral passport;
- certificate of state registration of ownership, permanent (unlimited) use;
– contract of sale, exchange, donation, etc.;
- a lease agreement, with the consent of the owner;
- resolution of the Head of the municipality on the preliminary placement of the construction object, or on the design permit (in accordance with the requirements of TSN PPS-99 MO);
- a building permit issued by the head of the municipality.

4. Situational plan for the location of the gasification facility (A4 format).

5. * Permission of the Fuel and Energy Committee of the Moscow Region on the use of natural gas as a fuel.

- to determine the hourly gas consumption and the power of the installed gas equipment used to generate electrical energy, as well as to maintain swimming pools, greenhouses, winter gardens, etc. perform thermal calculations.

* Provision of the document specified in paragraph 5 is not required when installing the following equipment:

1. If the gas-using equipment used by the population is household stoves, instantaneous and storage water heaters, household heating stoves, boilers installed in residential premises for the purpose of heating and hot water supply of these premises, with a total installed capacity of up to 0.5 Gcal / h and a maximum annual consumption fuel up to 0.1 thousand tons (in conventional terms) per individual,

2. With built-in, attached, roof and stand-alone boiler houses with an installed capacity of up to 1.0 Gcal / h (inclusive) and a maximum annual fuel consumption of up to 1.0 thousand tons (in conventional terms) per individual.

3. Technological equipment consuming less than 1 cu. m of gas per hour.

(In accordance with the joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation, OJSC GAZPROM No. 333/358/101 dated 10/15/2002 "On approval of the procedure for issuing decisions on the establishment of fuel types for enterprises and fuel-consuming installations and the list of gas-using installations and equipment for which it is not required to obtain special permits for the use of natural gas)

Specifications for gas- this is a document that provides the owners of the boiler plant with the opportunity to connect it to the central gas supply system. Without this document, it is impossible to develop design documentation for gas supply, or obtain an expert opinion, or even proceed directly to the process of building a boiler house.

The technical specification for gas indicates the amount of fuel required for the operation of the boiler room, the location of the tie-in into the main pipeline, and also lists all the activities necessary for the development, design and construction of the boiler house.

It is rather difficult to obtain technical conditions for gas, especially in Moscow and the Moscow region. Specification for gas requires a whole package of various documents, and in some cases its execution can take about a year. In other regions of Russia, the process is usually somewhat simpler and takes less time.

To obtain technical specifications for gas, you need:

1. All available documents for the boiler room- confirmation (certificate) of ownership land plot, which is reserved for the boiler room, a preliminary calculation of the annual fuel consumption, statutory documents, etc.

2. Various approvals. In the agreement package in Moscow includes:

  • permission of the interdepartmental commission of the city of Moscow for gas, heat, electricity and water supply;
  • permission to use gas (obtain - in the Department of Fuel and Energy Economy of the city of Moscow);
  • conclusion on the technical feasibility of gas supply (to receive - in "MOSGAZ");
  • technical conditions for gas supply (to receive - in MOSGAZ);
  • approval for the use of gas as a fuel from two organizations (to receive - in "Mosregiongaz" and in "Gazpromregiongaz");
  • coordination of the volumes of gas supplied (to receive - in "Gazprom").

Package of approvals for Moscow region slightly different:

  • approval for the technical feasibility of gas supply (to receive - in "Gazprom Transgaz Moscow");
  • coordination of the volumes of gas supplied (to receive - in "Gazprom");
  • preliminary specifications (to receive - in "Mosoblgaz");
  • technical conditions for gas supply (to receive - in "Mosoblgaz");
  • approval for the use of gas as a fuel (obtained from the natural gas supplier with whom it is planned to cooperate);
  • coordination of the fuel and energy regime (to receive - in the Ministry of Energy for the Moscow Region);

If you plan to use more than 10,000 tons of standard fuel, you must also obtain the approval of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, and for residential and social facilities, permission from the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities in the Moscow Region is required.

The minimum period for self-collection of all documents is six months, more often - as mentioned above - is delayed for more than a year. The help of qualified specialists in the preparation of a package of documents for obtaining technical specifications for gas will undoubtedly help to do this as competently as possible and as soon as possible.

If you are planning to build a gas boiler house, turn to professionals for help - and you will get everything Required documents as fast as possible.

Tekhnologiya Teplo LLC provides services for registration (confirmation) of the fuel regime.

The receipt (confirmation) of the fuel regime (that for gas supply) begins after the registration of the volume "Calculation of the need for heat and fuel".

Difficulties of new construction

One of the most important stages, if it is necessary to build new boiler houses or gas pipelines, is to obtain various permits and approvals, and especially technical conditions for gasification.
To agree on the technical feasibility of using gas, to obtain technical specifications for gas supply, to obtain permission to build an autonomous energy source, to agree on the act of choosing a gas pipeline route, it is necessary to spend from 2 months to a year. All these stages are often performed by the Customer, since the organizations that carried out the project do not undertake the operations of collecting the initial data and passing the examinations.
As a result of this situation, the terms of commissioning of facilities increase, money is spent and the economic losses of Customers increase.

Increase in limits for gas (increase in specifications for gas)

If there is a need to increase the capacity of the existing boiler house, it becomes necessary to register an increase in gas limits. This process is similar in stages to obtaining limits from scratch. Specialists of Tekhnologiya Teplo LLC are ready to help in this procedure in Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as in other regions of the Russian Federation.

Registration of fuel regimes (that for gas supply)

Our organization has a staff of qualified employees who can prepare a complete set of documents, but also assist in obtaining all approvals and conclusions in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The main technical conditions for the start of construction of a boiler house (mini-CHP) in Moscow are:
1. State Unitary Enterprise "MOSGAZ" conclusion on the technical feasibility of supplying natural gas.
2. Decision of the Interdepartmental Commission for Heat, Electricity, Gas and Water Supply of Moscow Facilities.
3. Specifications for gas SUE "MOSGAZ"
4. Coordination of the technical feasibility of supplying natural gas from OOO Gazprom transgaz Moscow
5. Approval by OAO Gazpromregiongaz of the use of natural gas as a fuel.
6. Approval of OOO Mosregiongaz for the use of natural gas as a fuel.
7. Approval of gas volumes by the Gas Resource Distribution Department of OAO GAZPROM
8. Permission to use natural gas from the Department of Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow.

The main technical conditions for the start of construction of a boiler house (mini-CHP) in the Moscow region are:
1. Permission from the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region (required if the boiler house (mini-CHP) belongs to the housing and communal services sector, social and sports orientation).
2. Conclusion of the technical feasibility of supplying natural gas from the State Unitary Enterprise MO "MOSOBLGAZ".
3. Coordination of the technical feasibility of supplying natural gas from OOO Gazprom transgaz Moscow
4. Approval of OOO Mosregiongaz for the use of natural gas as a fuel.
5. Approval of gas volumes by the Gas Resources Distribution Department of JSC GAZPROM
6. Resolution of the use of natural gas by the FUEL AND ENERGY COMMITTEE OF THE MOSCOW REGION
7. Coordination of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (provided that the volume of the requested natural gas is more than 10 thousand tce)
8. Specifications for gasification of the State Unitary Enterprise MO "MOSOBLGAZ"

The time for passing through all stages of registration of the fuel regime can take from 2 to 9 months

In order to successfully connect to the gas supply networks, all users must comply with certain terms and conditions, which can be found by obtaining a document called "Technical conditions for connection to the gas supply networks". They will be mandatory if the connection to the gas supply takes place in a private or multi-apartment building, industrial or municipal enterprise. The document is issued by a special organization, after the subscriber submits an appropriate application.

Mandatory technical conditions for gas connection

Obtaining technical conditions for gas connection for private or apartment building, industrial or utility company takes a lot of time. To do this, you need to go through a series of procedures for collecting and submitting documents. The conditions prescribed in the technical conditions largely depend on how correctly the documentation is collected, the questionnaire is filled out.

To agree on the project, start construction and conclude a contract, the technical specifications must follow all the rules and conditions specified in the document.

When drawing up a project of engineering communications, the initial data are taken into account. No linear object can be designed if there are no technical conditions. The data required in order to design a gas system is contained in the document on the technical conditions for connecting to gas supply networks.

What should be written in the document:

  • Address of the object to be connected;
  • The place where the source of gas supply is located;
  • Laying method main gas pipeline and material for him;
  • Parameters possessed by the gas supply system and its tie-in point. Here it is important to evaluate the gas pressure, the allowed hourly gas extraction, and the gas pipeline diameter.
  • Description of the place where it is possible to insert a new pipe.

The resource supply organization is responsible for issuing and compiling all documentation. Usually, Gorgaz does this for residents of different cities of Russia, in Moscow and the Moscow region. There are other options for obtaining relevant documentation. You can clarify all the nuances by contacting the resource supply department.

Technical conditions for connecting water supply

The technical conditions indicate not only the main characteristics of the point at which the water supply is connected. The volume and conditions prescribed in the documentation depend on the area and area in which the technical work on the connection will be carried out. All prescribed provisions usually occupy 1-3 sheets.

When compiling the documentation, the characteristics that the connecting parts must have are taken into account. Each user can learn how to coordinate and submit project documentation. It is better to choose a design organization on the advice of a water supply service.

What you need to present to individuals:

  • Passport, copy of passport;
  • Documents of the taxpayer;
  • The right to own a land plot;
  • Description of the situation on the site where the land ownership is indicated on the map;
  • The amount of water to be used.

A situational plan and a plan describing the location of the site can be obtained from the Administration. Before looking for a design organization and signing a contract, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications. The procedure for obtaining technical specifications by legal entities is different - they must provide a larger number of documents.

Obtaining technical conditions for gas supply

To produce gasification, it is necessary to carry out design and installation work. Compliance with all gasification rules will allow the use of gas, which can be the main source of heat supply, as well as its use for household and industrial purposes. The entire gasification process can be divided into three points: design, installation and commissioning.

The design phase is very important, as it must take into account all issues related to the immediate installation phase.

At the initial design stage, you should find out everything about the owner of the gas pipeline. The owner of the site may be GorGaz, RayGaz, or a “cooperative”, which laid the pipeline at its own expense. You need to know the owner in order to apply to him for permission to connect to the gas pipeline.

What you need to know:

  • Before applying, you need to decide which heating equipment will be used and where it will be placed.
  • When submitting an application with a request to obtain technical conditions, along with all documents, it is necessary to present a passport for heating equipment. As heating appliances and devices that complement them, you can use a stove, boiler, meters, signaling devices, etc.
  • To speed up the process of obtaining a permit may be to seek help from contractors.
  • When deciding to engage in designing on your own, it is important to take into account that it will be necessary to make an examination of the project, to coordinate the project in special instances.

It is necessary to carry out the necessary measurements with the help of a design engineer. It is with its help that you can coordinate the location of devices, the best and most suitable brand of equipment, draw up a diagram according to which the gas pipeline will be laid in an apartment or house. If the project is being developed in GorGaz, the user must pay for the technical conditions and the project.

Calculation of gas demand to obtain technical conditions

In order to have technical conditions, it is necessary to provide a calculation of gas demand. The main purpose of the calculation is to determine the annual consumption of natural gas using gas-using installations (boilers). The calculation involves the content of information about power supply, ventilation, heating and those needs.

You can calculate the maximum heat load if you have information about the heat consumption of a particular type of equipment. The heat load on the hot water supply is based on the data on taps and shower points. Boiler equipment is usually selected after calculating the heat load.

Nuances in the calculation:

  • It is important to correctly calculate the heat consumption on average per day and year. It is necessary to consider how much water will be consumed.
  • The calculation must be agreed upon in the structures that control this process.
  • It is possible to perform the calculation only if there is an SRO for carrying out these types of work.

It is rather difficult to obtain a power of attorney for such gas supply to a residential building, since the procedure requires painstaking preparation. A power of attorney template can be downloaded online. The issuance of all necessary permits will take a long time. To simplify the procedure, you can use the services of specialized gas companies. How much the services cost can be found on the websites of companies.

What are the technical conditions for connecting to gas supply networks (video)

The power of attorney must specify the period of validity of the permit to use the gas pipeline. After the expiration of the term, you can get an extension. Before starting the design, it is important to decide on the plunge of one or two gas pipes. It is important to know the order of behavior of all procedures in advance. When calculating gas consumption, it is important to consider what the gas will be used for: cooking, heating, etc. You can't do a new project on your own. It is difficult for one to do this - it is better to use the help of a designer.