Analysis of the poem by A. Pushkin “Dull time, charm of the eyes. The dull time of the eyes is the charm of the size. “… It's a sad time! The charm of the eyes ... "(excerpt from the novel" Eugene Onegin ") Autumn, as I am your beautiful farewell beauty


It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winters are threats.

Analysis of the poem by A. Pushkin "Dull time, eyes charm"

The golden time of the year is striking in its beauty and poetry. The period when nature brightly and solemnly says goodbye to summer, warmth, greenery, prepares for winter sleep. Yellow, red foliage adorns the trees, and falls as a motley carpet underfoot. The off-season has inspired artists, poets, composers, playwrights for centuries.

Pushkin has always attracted autumn with its charm. He loved this time more than all others, about which he tirelessly wrote both in prose and in poetry. In the poem "Dull Time, Charm of Eyes" Alexander Sergeevich talks about the seasons and comes to the conclusion that the end of October is ideal for him in all respects.

He does not like spring, sung by many poets, for being dirty, slushy. Cannot stand the sultry summer, with always buzzing insects. The lyrics are more to the soul "Russian cold". But the winter is frosty and long. Although the hero loves to ride in a sleigh in the snow, skate. The weather does not always favor your favorite pastimes. And sitting at home for a long time by the fireplace is boring and dreary for the storyteller.

The famous lines were born in the second Boldin autumn in 1833. It is known that this period was the most productive for the poet, his creative upsurge. When the fingers themselves asked for a pen, and a pen for paper. Preparing for sleep, the wilting of nature - for Pushkin, a stage of renewal, a new life. He writes that he is blooming again.

Already in the first lines there is an antithesis. A striking contrast between two descriptions of one phenomenon. On the one hand, the poet exclaims: "It's a sad time." On the other hand, he calls the weather outside the window the charm of the eyes. He writes about the wilting of nature - a word with a negative connotation. But at the same time, he informs the reader about his love for this period. The farewell beauty of the forests, clad in crimson and gold, of the devastated fields beckons the author for a walk. It’s impossible to be locked up in such weather.

The lyrical hero is the narrator, behind whom the personality of Alexander Sergeevich himself is drawn. The attentive reader understands that the description is alive. Pushkin, what he sees, then depicts in poetic lines. Nature is spiritualized. Therefore, her image can be considered the second hero of the plot.

The author carefully, politely, very courteously, confidentially communicates with the reader. As if inviting to dialogue. Asks for opinions, apologizes for excessive "prosaism". Thus, the genre of appeal is used. So the reader understands the author better, his mood, feeling and the idea that the poet wanted to convey.

Measured, melodious, rhythmic reading is achieved with the help of the chosen poetic meter - iamba. The poem is divided into octaves, which are stanzas of eight lines.

Compositionally, the text looks incomplete. Alexander Sergeevich ends with a line: "Where are we going to sail?" By inviting the reader to reflect on this question for himself. A small element of natural philosophical lyrics in a landscape description.
The lines are purposefully devoid of an accurate description of the landscape.

Pushkin, as a true painter in poetry, here acts as an impressionist. A moment has been caught that is about to be replaced by another. But the picture is slightly blurred, conveys not so much detail as emotion.

Thanks to the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Dull time, eyes charm" we can see autumn through the eyes of the great poet. After reading the text, it leaves positive emotions, pleasant excitement.

October has already come - the grove is shaking off
The last leaves from their naked branches;
The autumn cold has died - the road is freezing.
The stream is still running behind the mill,
But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry
Into the fields away with desire,
And they suffer from wild amusement,
And the barking of dogs awakens the sleeping oak groves.


Now is my time: I do not like spring;
The thaw is boring to me; stench, dirt - I'm sick in the spring;
Blood ferments; feelings, mind cramped by anguish.
I am more pleased with the harsh winter
I love her snow; in the presence of the moon
Like a light sled run with a friend is fast and free,
When under sable, warm and fresh,
She shakes your hand, blazing and trembling!


How fun, having shod your feet with sharp iron,
Glide on the mirror of stagnant, even rivers!
And the winter holidays are brilliant alarms? ..
But one must know and honor; six months snow and snow,
After all, it is finally for the inhabitant of the den,
The bear will get bored. It’s impossible for a whole century
We ride in a sleigh with the Young Armids
Or sour at the ovens behind double glass.


Oh, summer is red! I would love you
If not for the heat, yes, dust, mosquitoes, and flies.
You, ruining all mental abilities,
You torment us; like fields we suffer from drought;
Just how to drink, but refresh yourself -
There is no other thought in us, and it's a pity for the old woman's winter,
And, having passed her with pancakes and wine,
We make her commemoration with ice cream and ice.


The days of late autumn are usually scolded,
But she is sweet to me, dear reader,
With quiet beauty, shining with humility.
So unloved child in a dear family
I am attracted to herself. To tell you frankly,
From the years of the year, I am glad only for her alone,
There is a lot of good in it; lover is not vain
I found something in her a wayward dream.


How can this be explained? I like her,
How likely you are a consumptive maiden
Sometimes I like it. Condemned to death
The poor thing bends down without murmur, without anger.
The smile on the lips of the faded is visible;
She does not hear the mouth of the grave abyss;
The crimson color still plays on the face.
She is still alive today, not tomorrow.


It's a sad time! enchantment of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winters are threats.


And every fall I bloom again;
The Russian cold is good for my health;
I again feel love for the habits of being:
Sleep flies in succession, hunger in succession finds;
Blood plays easily and joyfully in the heart,
Desires are boiling - I'm happy again, young,
I am full of life again - this is my body
(Please allow me to forgive unnecessary prose).


They lead a horse to me; in the open space,
Waving his mane, he carries a rider,
And loudly under his shining hoof
The frozen valley is ringing and the ice is cracking.
But the short day goes out, and in the forgotten fireside
The fire is burning again - then a bright light is pouring,
That smolders slowly - and I read in front of him
Or long thoughts in my soul I feed.


And I forget the world - and in sweet silence
I'm sweetly put to sleep by my imagination
And poetry awakens in me:
The soul is embarrassed by lyrical excitement
Trembles and sounds, and seeks, as in a dream,
Finally pour out free manifestation -
And then an invisible swarm of guests comes to me,
Old acquaintances, the fruits of my dreams.


And the thoughts in my head are agitated in courage,
And light rhymes run towards them,
And fingers ask to pen, pen to paper,
A minute - and the poems will flow freely.
So the immovable ship slumbers in the still moisture,
But chu! - sailors suddenly rush, crawl
Up, down - and the sails are inflated, the wind is full;
The bulk moved and cut through the waves.


Floats. Where are we going to sail?

“… It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes ... "(excerpt from the novel" Eugene Onegin ")

… It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush wilting of nature,

Crimson and gold-clad forests,

There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,

And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,

And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Commentary on the novel "Eugene Onegin" the author Vladimir Nabokov

From the book History of Russian Literature of the XIX century. Part 1. 1800-1830s the author Lebedev Yuri Vladimirovich

Creative history of the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". In the draft papers of Pushkin during the Boldin autumn of 1830, a sketch of the scheme of "Eugene Onegin" was preserved, visually representing the creative history of the novel: "Onegin" Note: 1823, May 9. Chisinau. 1830, 25

From the book In the light of Zhukovsky. Essays on the history of Russian literature the author Nemzer Andrey Semenovich

Zhukovsky's poetry in the sixth and seventh chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin" The beetle hummed. A. S. Pushkin Echoes of Zhukovsky's poetry in Eugene Onegin have been repeatedly noted by researchers (I. Eiges, V. V. Nabokov, Yu. M. Lotman, R. V. Iezuitova, O. A. Proskurin). At the same time, attention,

From the book From Pushkin to Chekhov. Russian literature in questions and answers the author Vyazemsky Yuri Pavlovich

"Eugene Onegin" Question 1.57 "But, my God, what a boredom Sitting with the sick day and night, Without leaving a single step!" How many days Onegin sat with his dying

From the book of 100 great literary heroes [with pictures] the author Eremin Victor Nikolaevich

"Eugene Onegin" Answer 1.57 "But, having arrived in my uncle's village, I found Him on the table, As a ready tribute

From the book Heroes of Pushkin the author Arkhangelsky Alexander Nikolaevich

Eugene Onegin As V.G. Belinsky, "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin "wrote about Russia for Russia." The statement is very important. In general, it must be said that a more complete and more accurate disclosure of the image of Eugene Onegin than was done by Belinsky in articles 8 and 9

From the book Universal Reader. 1 class the author The team of authors

EVGENY ONEGIN EVGENY ONEGIN is the protagonist of Pushkin's novel in verse, which takes place in Russia from the winter of 1819 to the spring of 1825 (see: Yu. M. Lotman. Commentary.) Introduced into the plot immediately, without prefaces and prologues. Eugene Onegin (ch. 1) goes to the village to

From the book Universal Reader. 2nd grade the author The team of authors

"Winter! .. A peasant, triumphant ..." (excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin") Winter! .. A peasant, triumphant, On the woods renews the path; His horse, sensing the snow, Trails at a trot somehow; Exploding fluffy reins, The daring wagon flies; The coachman sits on an irradiation In a sheepskin coat, in red

From the book The Works of Alexander Pushkin. Article Eight the author

“Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...” (excerpt from the novel “Eugene Onegin”) Already the sky was breathing in autumn, Already less often the sun was shining, The day was getting shorter, The forest was a mysterious canopy With a sad noise, the fog lay down on the fields, The shouting caravan of geese Stretched to the south:

From the book The Works of Alexander Pushkin. Article Nine the author Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

"Prettier than fashionable parquet ..." (an excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin") Prettier than fashionable parquet The river shines with ice. Joyful people of boys Cuts the ice with skates; On red legs, a heavy goose, Thinking to swim in the bosom of the waters, Steps carefully on the ice, Glides and

From the book How to write an essay. To prepare for the exam the author Sitnikov Vitaly Pavlovich

"Persecuted by vernal rays ..." (an excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin") Persecuted by vernal rays, From the surrounding mountains already snows Fled with muddy streams To the sunken meadows. With a clear smile, nature Greets the morning of the year through sleep; The blue glistens in the skies. Still transparent, forests As if in peace

From the author's book

“Eugene Onegin” We confess: not without some timidity we begin to critically examine such a poem as “Eugene Onegin.” (1) And this timidity is justified by many reasons. "Onegin" is the most intimate work of Pushkin, the most beloved child of his fantasy and

From the author's book

"Eugene Onegin" (End) Pushkin's great feat is that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce the Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, male, side; but the feat of our poet is almost higher in that he is the first

From the author's book

Belinsky V. G "Eugene Onegin"

From the author's book

"Eugene Onegin" (end) Pushkin's great feat is that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce the Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, the male side; but the feat of our poet is almost higher in the fact that he is the first

From the author's book

NG Bykova "Eugene Onegin" The novel "Eugene Onegin" occupies a central place in the work of Alexander Pushkin. This is his largest work of fiction, the richest in content, the most popular, which had the most powerful influence on the fate of the entire Russian

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winters are threats.

A.S. Pushkin

My dear friend, it's time to come
And he flees, punishment from the lyre,
This happens with pain sometimes.

It's a sad time! Rise of wonders and lyre
What can I tell you? - I was made for her,
My friend, confessions of satire,
It will cost us dearly.

It's time to go! It's a sad time!
Beauties of the will of ascent,
Farewell time, she stands around,
From all adversity and the will of the ghost.

I am amazed at you it is time!
I enjoy your beauty again
My wonderful land!
You are my friend, I am breaking through to you.

Ah autumn, autumn, noise and fresh breath,
My sweet forest, watch the day go
With your energy and pretense,
With the outcome of the will, falls, be a shadow ..

It's time, it's time, autumn charity!
All around the colors and magnificent love,
My dear friend, with you I am a ghost,
I walk, I wander, I drive like blood.

It's a sad time! The charm of the eyes,
I am with you again, my beloved time,
And as for a laugh, punishment was given to me,
To know everything from anxiety forever.


Sad time is not punishment,
Autumn is given to everyone for reflection.
It will plunge everything into its silence of thought,
Anxiety from the heart will recede forever.

Shy autumn, as if blushing,
He will invite you to the leaf fall dance.
Whirls and comforts in his waltz
Breathing light wind will refresh.

Thank you Victoria for the wonderful poems.
Sorry, I just could not restrain myself and added my own.
At any time of the time and year, you can find consolation,
for the heart and soul. I will continue to read your poems.
Sincerely, Alexander.

The portal provides authors with the opportunity to freely publish their literary works on the Internet on the basis of a user agreement. All copyrights for works belong to the authors and are protected by law. Reprinting of works is possible only with the consent of its author, to whom you can refer on his author's page. Authors bear responsibility for the texts of works independently on the basis of

“… It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes ... "(excerpt from the novel" Eugene Onegin ")

… It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

And distant gray winter threats.

From the book Commentary on the novel "Eugene Onegin" the author Vladimir Nabokov

From the book History of Russian Literature of the XIX century. Part 1. 1800-1830s the author Lebedev Yuri Vladimirovich

Creative history of the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". In the draft papers of Pushkin during the Boldin autumn of 1830, a sketch of the scheme of "Eugene Onegin" was preserved, visually representing the creative history of the novel: "Onegin" Note: 1823, May 9. Chisinau. 1830, 25

From the book In the light of Zhukovsky. Essays on the history of Russian literature the author Nemzer Andrey Semenovich

Zhukovsky's poetry in the sixth and seventh chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin" The beetle hummed. A. S. Pushkin Echoes of Zhukovsky's poetry in Eugene Onegin have been repeatedly noted by researchers (I. Eiges, V. V. Nabokov, Yu. M. Lotman, R. V. Iezuitova, O. A. Proskurin). At the same time, attention,

From the book From Pushkin to Chekhov. Russian literature in questions and answers the author Vyazemsky Yuri Pavlovich

"Eugene Onegin" Question 1.57 "But, my God, what a boredom Sitting with the sick day and night, Without leaving a single step!" How many days Onegin sat with his dying

From the book of 100 great literary heroes [with pictures] the author Eremin Victor Nikolaevich

"Eugene Onegin" Answer 1.57 "But, having arrived in my uncle's village, I found Him on the table, As a ready tribute

From the book Heroes of Pushkin the author Arkhangelsky Alexander Nikolaevich

Eugene Onegin As V.G. Belinsky, "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin "wrote about Russia for Russia." The statement is very important. In general, it must be said that a more complete and more accurate disclosure of the image of Eugene Onegin than was done by Belinsky in articles 8 and 9

From the book Universal Reader. 1 class the author The team of authors

EVGENY ONEGIN EVGENY ONEGIN is the protagonist of Pushkin's novel in verse, which takes place in Russia from the winter of 1819 to the spring of 1825 (see: Yu. M. Lotman. Commentary.) Introduced into the plot immediately, without prefaces and prologues. Eugene Onegin (ch. 1) goes to the village to

From the book Universal Reader. 2nd grade the author The team of authors

"Winter! .. A peasant, triumphant ..." (excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin") Winter! .. A peasant, triumphant, On the woods renews the path; His horse, sensing the snow, Trails at a trot somehow; Exploding fluffy reins, The daring wagon flies; The coachman sits on an irradiation In a sheepskin coat, in red

From the book The Works of Alexander Pushkin. Article eighth by the author

“Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...” (excerpt from the novel “Eugene Onegin”) Already the sky was breathing in autumn, Already less often the sun was shining, The day was getting shorter, The forest was a mysterious canopy With a sad noise, the fog lay down on the fields, The shouting caravan of geese Stretched to the south:

From the book The Works of Alexander Pushkin. Article Nine the author Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

"Prettier than fashionable parquet ..." (an excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin") Prettier than fashionable parquet The river shines with ice. Joyful people of boys Cuts the ice with skates; On red legs, a heavy goose, Thinking to swim in the bosom of the waters, Steps carefully on the ice, Glides and

From the book How to write an essay. To prepare for the exam the author Sitnikov Vitaly Pavlovich

"Persecuted by vernal rays ..." (an excerpt from the novel "Eugene Onegin") Persecuted by vernal rays, From the surrounding mountains already snows Fled with muddy streams To the sunken meadows. With a clear smile, nature Greets the morning of the year through sleep; The blue glistens in the skies. Still transparent, forests As if in peace

From the author's book

“Eugene Onegin” We confess: not without some timidity we begin to critically examine such a poem as “Eugene Onegin.” (1) And this timidity is justified by many reasons. "Onegin" is the most intimate work of Pushkin, the most beloved child of his fantasy and

From the author's book

"Eugene Onegin" (End) Pushkin's great feat is that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce the Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, male, side; but the feat of our poet is almost higher in that he is the first

From the author's book

Belinsky V. G "Eugene Onegin"

From the author's book

"Eugene Onegin" (end) Pushkin's great feat is that he was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce the Russian society of that time and, in the person of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, the male side; but the feat of our poet is almost higher in the fact that he is the first

From the author's book

NG Bykova "Eugene Onegin" The novel "Eugene Onegin" occupies a central place in the work of Alexander Pushkin. This is his largest work of fiction, the richest in content, the most popular, which had the most powerful influence on the fate of the entire Russian

Poems about autumn through the eyes of classical poets are amazingly beautiful. They colorfully describe this sad yet charming time of the year.

An excerpt from the Autumn of Pushkin

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

(A. Pushkin)

Leaf fall

The forest, as if we were looking at a painted one,

Purple, gold, crimson,

With a cheerful, colorful wall

Stands over a bright glade.

Birch trees with yellow carvings

Shine in the azure blue,

Like towers, Christmas trees are darkening,

And between the maples turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that little window.

The forest smells like oak and pine,

Over the summer he dried up from the sun,

And Autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower ...

(I. Bunin)

An unprecedented autumn built a high dome,

The clouds were ordered not to darken this dome.

And people wondered: the September dates are passing,

Where have the cold, wet days gone? ..

The water of the muddy channels became emerald,

And the nettle smelled like roses, but only stronger,

It was stuffy from the dawn, intolerable, demonic and scarlet,

We all remembered them to the end of our days.

The sun was like a rebel who entered the capital,

And the spring autumn caressed him so eagerly,

What it seemed - now the transparent will turn white


That's when you, calm, approached my porch.

(Anna Akhmatova September 1922)

Autumn late sometimes

Autumn late sometimes

I love the Tsarskoye Selo garden,

When he is quiet half-gloom,

As if in a slumber, embraced

And white-winged visions

On a dim lake glass

In some bliss of numbness

Will grow dull in this half-gloom ...

And on the porphyry steps

Catherine Palaces

Dark shadows fall

October early evenings -

And the garden is darkening, like oak trees,

And with the stars from the darkness of the night,

Like a glimpse of the glorious past

A golden dome comes out ...

(F. Tyutchev)

Autumn blues ...

The autumn wind played the saxophone

A little bit sad my favorite blues

The saxophone sparkles in his palms

I freeze ...

I'm afraid to scare away ...

Maestro wind, narrowing his eyes a little,

He leads the party selflessly.

He frowned with inspiration ...

And the leaves start a round dance to the beat.

He throws them up

And calms down ...

The foliage soars, obedient and light ...

The melody floats

And the heart melts

And he can't find the right words ...

And I want so much in a light green dress

Dancing on tiptoe

And feel what happiness it is

To listen to autumn light music ...

And expose your face to rain-notes

Catching the tart taste with your lips

And how easy it is for foliage to soar in flight ...

I love when the wind plays blues ...

(N. Spring)

Autumn reigned in the old park,

Painted trees and bushes.

Throwing bright scarves on their shoulders,

She put canvases for artists.

Slightly smeared with blue watercolor

The smooth surface of the pond and the sky is high.

Has bloomed with tender pastels

Clouds adding purity.

Looked into the old alleys

Rustled with wind and rain.

Not sparing beauty and affection,

She covered everything with gold leaf.

Ran like a red fox

On the long-unmown grass ...

And a big, disturbing, bright bird

Swept away into the cold blue.

(T. Lavrova)

An excerpt from the poem Eugene Onegin

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

Less often the sun shone

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

With a sad noise she was naked,

Fog fell on the fields,

Noisy caravan geese

Stretched towards the south: approached

Quite a boring time;

It was November already at the yard.

(A. Pushkin)

There is in the autumn of the initial

There is in the autumn of the initial

A short but wondrous time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant ...

The air is empty, you can't hear the birds anymore,

But far from the first winter storms

And clear and warm azure pours

To the resting field ...

(F. Tyutchev)

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush wilting of nature,

Crimson and gold-clad forests,

There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,

And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,

And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,

(A. Pushkin)

The golden foliage swirled

The golden foliage swirled

In the pinkish water on the pond

Like a flock of butterflies

With a daze flies to the star.

I'm in love tonight tonight

The yellowing valley is close to the heart.

Boy-wind to the very shoulders

He pounded the hem on a birch tree.

And in the soul and in the valley there is coolness,

Blue dusk like a flock of sheep

Behind the gate of the silent garden

The bell will ring and freeze.

I have never been frugal

So I did not listen to the rational flesh,

It would be nice, like willow branches,

Tipped over into the pinkness of the waters.

It would be nice, smiling at the haystack,

Chew hay with the muzzle of the month ...

Where are you, where, my quiet joy,

Loving everything, wanting nothing?


  • Analyze the poem of A.S. Pushkin to see how skillfully the author draws pictures of autumn.
  • Get acquainted with new literary techniques that allow the author to convey the fullness of feelings.

Lesson plan

(The pictures of autumn change on the slides, and (the teacher reads in the recording) A. Pushkin's poem "Dull time! Glamor eyes!" Appendix 1, Appendix 2).

- Agree a beautiful poem. Only 8 lines, but how many feelings.
Today we will get acquainted with one more poem by Alexander Pushkin “It's a sad time! Glamor of the eyes! ”.

- In the lesson, we must:

1) Analyze the poem of A.S. Pushkin to see how skillfully the author draws pictures of autumn.
2) Get acquainted with a new literary technique that allows the author to convey the fullness of feelings.

- What knowledge should we get in today's lesson? (Learn to analyze a poem. Get acquainted with a new literary technique.)

Let's open the tutorial on p. 70th, let's read the poem and take a closer look at the lyrical images created by the author.

(Read by a student.)

- Let's find out again, what is the main task of a lyric work? (The main task of a lyric work is to convey feelings).
- What feelings does the author convey? (Feelings of admiration, feelings of sadness, since autumn is leaving).
- Read the lines where the author expresses his feelings, that is, what he loves. (The student reads the entire poem.)
- That is, we had to read the entire poem. He expressed his feelings, in one word LOVE.

And then follows a listing with a repeating union And, wind noise, and fresh breath, and heaven, and a ray of the sun, and the first frosts, and winter threats. Accordingly, you need to choose the correct intonation for listing homogeneous members of the sentence. The entire sentence (homogeneous members are separated by commas) should be read in one breath.

- Read one sentence by yourself, consisting of six lines with enumeration intonation. (read to themselves)

- Now let's read it aloud.

(Read by 2-3 students.)

- Guys, now everyone will once again read a poem to himself and while reading, pay attention to what the author loves most in autumn?

(They read to themselves.)

- So, what does the poet love? (Nature's lush wilting.)

- What do you mean by these words? (Answers of the children.)

- Fading - the word itself is associated with something ugly, sluggish. But by combining this word with the word magnificent, the author gets a completely different image.
- What does lush mean? (Beautiful, bright, solemn.)
- The author, in fact, himself explains what a lush wilting is. Find and read these lines.

(The student reads 4-8 lines)

There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

- Can this wilting be called lush? (Yes, you can.)
- In crimson and gold-clad forests.
- Have you come across an unfamiliar word or a word that we use little? (Scarlet.)

(The word LADY appears on the slide.)

- You have been offered a dictionary entry from the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov.

Crimson -
one). Dark red paint, crimson.
2). Precious crimson fabric, purple.

- The word crimson has two meanings. What significance does A.S. Pushkin take for his poem? (The first meaning is a dark red, crimson paint.)
- And also, what obsolete word did you find in the poem? (Eyes.)
- Eyes, eye - eye. This is another obsolete word used in poetic speech.
- And what do the obsolete words give to this work? (They give mystery, fabulousness, solemnity to the eyes of charm.)
- Let's read the first line of the poem.

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

- Let's look at the paintings of Russian artists who, like Pushkin, admire the fall. Look, on page 71 you are given reproductions of paintings by artists such as Vasily Polenov and Isaac Levitan.

- Why does A.S. Pushkin call autumn a dull time? (Because this is the time for nature to wither, leaves fall, trees stand bare, colors fade, more gray appears.)

- And why is it all the same time for the eyes of the charm? (Because this wilting is very bright. A play of colors. Nature has decorated everything with a colored carpet.)

- And we, like Pushkin, like the artists, like to look at these pictures that are changing every day.

- Have you noticed how quickly the leaves on the trees turned yellow outside our window - here it is a farewell beauty. A few more days and we will not see such a riot of colors.

Farewell beauty... Here's another phrase.

- What interesting things have you noticed? (Words don't match.)

These phrases contain a contradiction, but this is not just a play on words, it is a literary device called OXUMORON, that is, a combination of the incompatible.

Physical education

(Performed to music.)

- Now imagine a lonely falling leaf. Let's get up and show first with our left hand how he falls (wave of the hand), and then with our right hand ( wave of the hand).
- Let's turn to the scheme of universal symbols and follow the movement of the sheet with our eyes.
- Go to your seats and switch places.

- We read the poem to ourselves again and imagine the picture created by the author.

(Reading by students to themselves)

- Let's imagine a series of images expressed by nouns. Name them. (Forests, wind noise, skies, sunbeam, frosts, winter threats).
- So, forests, wind noise, heavens, sunbeam, frosts, winter threats.

(The student reads, and slides flash on the screen).

Physical education

(Another way to memorize a poem is to read it using facial expressions and gestures).

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes! (right hand to chest)
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - (wave our hand - imitate "goodbye")
I love the lush wilting of nature, (spread your arms to the sides, hand down)
Crimson and gold-clad forests, (hands up)
There is noise in their canopy (wiggle) and fresh breath, (inhale)
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist, (facial expressions, eyes, eyebrows brought together)
And a rare sunbeam (smile, pull eyebrows) and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats (hand up, fist with index finger raised).

- Well, now, after such a reading of the poem, there are probably those who want to read this poem by heart, using the proposed scheme (the scheme does not flicker, but the whole is on the screen).


  1. Memorize a poem by A.S. Pushkin on page 70;
  2. Cut out an autumn leaf and on it:

1st option - to write a well-known poem by A.S. Pushkin, that is, to pick up another poem;
The second option is to write a poem about autumn yourself.

Lesson summary

- The result of the lesson today will be a test. Take a sheet on which you will record the test answers. You put the question number and the letter of the answer.

1. What works are called lyric?

a) expressing various thoughts and feelings;
b) intended for staging on stage;
c) based on fiction.

2. What is the main idea of ​​this lyric work?

a) the joy of the onset of autumn;
b) sadness of autumn wilting;
c) longing for the coming winter.

3. Name the main technique used by the author in the construction of the poem.

a) the presence of complex sentences;
b) the presence of a large number of verbs;
c) the presence of homogeneous members of the sentence and a repeating union of I.

4. What is an oxymoron?

a) a technique consisting in replacing one word or concept with another;
b) artistic technique; a combination of opposite, contradictory words in one piece of art;
c) the main question posed in a literary work.

- What are the obsolete words used by the author in the poem?


- Submit your answers, they will be evaluated, but so that you can already evaluate yourself, we will check the test now (check on the slides).


  • pick up the green sheet if you rate your work in the lesson highly;
  • pick up the yellow sheet if you worked well in the lesson;
  • and a red sheet if you think you have worked is not enough and could have been better.

- Thank you for your work in the lesson.

The famous poem "Autumn" (in a different version "October has already come ...") is known to everyone in our country. Perhaps not by heart, but a couple of lines are required. Or at least some phrases, especially those that have become winged. Yes, at least this one: “It's a sad time! Enchantment of the eyes! " Who else could say that? Of course, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin! Autumn time - the charm of the eyes ... Look how subtly noticed ... What could inspire a person, even if he is very gifted, to write such a touching work? Just autumn? Or something more?

Family estate

In the fall of 1833, a famous person, the author of the most famous works to this day, a Russian genius, a literary reformer, A.S. Pushkin, came to Boldino, a village located not far from Nizhny Novgorod. Autumn time, the charm of the eyes ... He loves this place, he worships the season, which gives him not only inspiration, but also physical strength. The estate visited by the famous poet is family.


The work "Autumn" is considered unfinished, consisting of 11 full eight lines and the beginning of the twelfth. In poetry, he describes his perception of the world during his stay in Boldino. Silence, the opportunity to forget, even to renounce the world, in order to give free rein to thoughts and dreams ... Only work - seething, selfless, all-consuming ...

This is exactly how the inspired one felt. Autumn time - the charm of the eyes - captured the author, forcing him to draw with bright colors of words every moment of the withering of the surrounding nature. The poet describes the way of life and way of the county estates, his own pastime.

He also talks about his attitude to the seasons, arguing in detail for one point of view or another. The author attributes enthusiastic words not only to autumn, but also to winter with its fun and beauty. Pushkin shares his feelings with readers in a simple form.

Autumn time, the charm of the eyes, so unloved by many, but conquered his heart, makes him feel the need to justify himself to the rest, proving and explaining his enthusiastic attitude, so strikingly different from the opinions of most other people.

First visit to Boldino

The first time Pushkin got to the Nizhny Novgorod region on the eve of his wedding. The author was stuck in Boldino for three months. The magnificent autumn time - the charm of the eyes, as Pushkin wrote - inspired him to fruitful work. During that period, a whole series of works, most famous to this day, came out from the pen of the Russian classic, including "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda".

Second visit

The next time (in the fall of 1833) Pushkin goes to the village on purpose, he already perceives it not as a family estate, but as an office for creativity. He is in a hurry there, despite the fact that a beautiful wife is waiting for him in St. Petersburg, and he has not been home for a very long time. Pushkin stayed in Boldino for only a month and a half, but during this time he presented the world with several fairy tales and more than one verse.

Autumn time! The charm of the eyes! .. Do you know how beautiful the Boldinskaya autumn is? She cannot but conquer with her beauty.

Everyone who has visited those places at least once experiences the same feelings as Pushkin, but not everyone has been given such eloquent expression. Perhaps this is not necessary. After all, we have his "Autumn".


In the same period, Pushkin gave birth to such a famous work as The History of Pugachev. In Boldino, the author finished work on the work, rewriting it completely. The work on the cycle "Songs of the Western Slavs" was also started there. The writer must have not exaggerated when he wrote that it was in the fall that he felt a surge of inspiration:

"... And I forget the world - and in sweet silence
I'm sweetly put to sleep by my imagination
And poetry awakens in me ... "


It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winters are threats.

Analysis of the poem by A. Pushkin "Dull time, eyes charm"

The golden time of the year is striking in its beauty and poetry. The period when nature brightly and solemnly says goodbye to summer, warmth, greenery, prepares for winter sleep. Yellow, red foliage adorns the trees, and falls as a motley carpet underfoot. The off-season has inspired artists, poets, composers, playwrights for centuries.

Pushkin has always attracted autumn with its charm. He loved this time more than all others, about which he tirelessly wrote both in prose and in poetry. In the poem "Dull Time, Charm of Eyes" Alexander Sergeevich talks about the seasons and comes to the conclusion that the end of October is ideal for him in all respects.

He does not like spring, sung by many poets, for being dirty, slushy. Cannot stand the sultry summer, with always buzzing insects. The lyrics are more to the soul "Russian cold". But the winter is frosty and long. Although the hero loves to ride in a sleigh in the snow, skate. The weather does not always favor your favorite pastimes. And sitting at home for a long time by the fireplace is boring and dreary for the storyteller.

The famous lines were born in the second Boldin autumn in 1833. It is known that this period was the most productive for the poet, his creative upsurge. When the fingers themselves asked for a pen, and a pen for paper. Preparing for sleep, the wilting of nature - for Pushkin, a stage of renewal, a new life. He writes that he is blooming again.

Already in the first lines there is an antithesis. A striking contrast between two descriptions of one phenomenon. On the one hand, the poet exclaims: "It's a sad time." On the other hand, he calls the weather outside the window the charm of the eyes. He writes about the wilting of nature - a word with a negative connotation. But at the same time, he informs the reader about his love for this period. The farewell beauty of the forests, clad in crimson and gold, of the devastated fields beckons the author for a walk. It’s impossible to be locked up in such weather.

The lyrical hero is the narrator, behind whom the personality of Alexander Sergeevich himself is drawn. The attentive reader understands that the description is alive. Pushkin, what he sees, then depicts in poetic lines. Nature is spiritualized. Therefore, her image can be considered the second hero of the plot.

The author carefully, politely, very courteously, confidentially communicates with the reader. As if inviting to dialogue. Asks for opinions, apologizes for excessive "prosaism". Thus, the genre of appeal is used. So the reader understands the author better, his mood, feeling and the idea that the poet wanted to convey.

Measured, melodious, rhythmic reading is achieved with the help of the chosen poetic meter - iamba. The poem is divided into octaves, which are stanzas of eight lines.

Compositionally, the text looks incomplete. Alexander Sergeevich ends with a line: "Where are we going to sail?" By inviting the reader to reflect on this question for himself. A small element of natural philosophical lyrics in a landscape description.
The lines are purposefully devoid of an accurate description of the landscape.

Pushkin, as a true painter in poetry, here acts as an impressionist. A moment has been caught that is about to be replaced by another. But the picture is slightly blurred, conveys not so much detail as emotion.

Thanks to the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Dull time, eyes charm" we can see autumn through the eyes of the great poet. After reading the text, it leaves positive emotions, pleasant excitement.