Saratov Regional Duma

Deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma. was born on June 25, 1946 in the village. Sands of the Surazh district of the Bryansk region; in 1968 he graduated with honors from the Yaroslavl Military School with the qualification "Financier", in 1984 - the Kirovakan State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Pedagogy and Teaching Methods, and in 1997 - the Volga Academy public service in the specialty "State and municipal administration" with the assignment of the qualification "Head of state and municipal administration", candidate of sociological sciences, professor of the Academy of Military Sciences, full member of the Academy of Social Education; he began his labor activity in 1964 as a fitter at a regional communications center in the town of Surazh, Bryansk region; from 1968 to 1988 he did military service: first in the group of Soviet forces in Germany, and since 1973 - in the Transcaucasian military district; 1988-1992 - head of the political department of the special units of the Saratov garrison in the Volga military district; In May 1994, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the first convocation, was elected deputy chairman of the committee on social policy and relations with public organizations, deputy chairman of the committee on legality, combating crime, security and protection of individual rights, chairman of the committee on social policy and relations with public organizations on a professional permanent basis; In 1997 he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the second convocation, during which he worked as chairman of the committee on legality, work with territories and public organizations, in September 2002 he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the third convocation, worked as Deputy Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma, chairman committee on state building and local self-government on a professional permanent basis; since March 2004 he has been working as a manager of a State institution - a branch of the Pension Fund Russian Federation in the Saratov region; in December 2007, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fourth convocation, deputy chairman of the committee on budget and taxes, member of the committee on social policy, member of the United Russia faction; awarded the Order of Friendship; Since April 2011 - Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes on a professional permanent basis. In October 2012, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fifth convocation. Awarded state awards: "Order of Honor", "Order of Friendship", ten medals, including the medal "For Labor Valor". married, has two daughters.

Deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the sixth convocation in Marx's single-mandate constituency number 15

Semenets Nikolay Yakovlevich

Semenets Nikolay Yakovlevich

Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Issues, Land Relations, Ecology and Nature Management, Member of the Committee on Budget, Taxes, Industry and Property, Deputy Head of the UNITED RUSSIA faction.

Higher education: in 1968 he graduated with honors from the Yaroslavl military school with the qualification "Financier"; 1984 - Kirovakan State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Pedagogy and Teaching Methods; in 1997 - graduated from the Volga State Academy of Public Administration with a degree in State and Municipal Administration with the qualification “Head of State and Municipal Administration Bodies”, and in 2005 - in the specialty “Jurisprudence” with the qualification “Lawyer”. Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences, full member of the Academy of Social Education.

He began his career in 1964 as a fitter at a regional communications center in the town of Surazh, Bryansk region.

From 1965 to 1968 - a cadet at the Yaroslavl Military School.

From 1968 to 1988 he did military service: first in a group Soviet troops in Germany, and since 1973 - in the Transcaucasian Military District.

Since 1988 - head of the political department of the special units of the Saratov garrison in the Volga military district. In 1992 he was transferred to the reserve.

In May 1994, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the first convocation; He served as Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy and Relations with Public Organizations, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Legality, Combating Crime, Security and Protection of Individual Rights, Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy and Relations with Public Organizations, carrying out deputy activities on a professional permanent basis.

In 1997 he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the second convocation; was the chairman of the committee on legality, work with territories and public organizations.

In September 2002, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the third convocation. From October 2002 to December 2003 - Deputy Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma, Chairman of the Committee on State Building and Local Self-Government, carried out deputy activities on a professional permanent basis.

From March 2004 to April 2011 - Manager of the State Institution - Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Saratov Region.

From October 2005 to December 2007, he combined work in the Pension Fund with work in the Saratov Regional Duma as chairman of the committee on social policy without interrupting his main activity.

In December 2007 he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fourth convocation. From April 2011 to September 2017, he worked as the chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes on a professional permanent basis.

In October 2012, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fifth convocation, headed the committee on budget and taxes.

In September 2017, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the sixth convocation.

Member of the All-Russian political party"UNITED RUSSIA".

He was awarded the Order of Friendship, the Order of Honor, the Certificate of Honor of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Certificate of Honor of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Honorary Badge of the Governor of the Saratov Region (twice), eleven medals, including "For Labor Valor", "Federation Council ... 20 years ”, badge“ Honorary Worker of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation ”.

Married. Has two daughters.

In Soviet times, many government awards and honorary titles were established to encourage workers. The names of the foremost workers were entered on the boards of honor and in the books of honor, and the transitory Red Banners were awarded to enterprises. The highest award for labor deeds in the USSR was the conferment of the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. It was assigned to the most worthy people of labor. In our city, this title was given to those who actively introduced new types of production, repeatedly exceeded their planned targets at a high quality level. Among them is Nikolai Ivanovich Semenets, an excavator operator at the Balaklava Mining Department named after V.I. A.M. Gorky. He has not been with us for a long time, but in our city many remember him.

Nikolai Ivanovich was born in the village of Bereznyaki, Khorolsky district, Poltava region in 1924. His biography is quite typical for that time. He began working in production at the age of 16 at one of the first all-Union construction projects in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In 1942 he went to the front. Then training, after which N.I.Sements is sent to the Leningrad front. As squad commander of the 222nd mortar regiment, he took part in the liquidation of the blockade of the city on the Neva. At the end of the operation, his regiment was reorganized, as the hero himself later wrote in his autobiography, "due to heavy losses." In August 1944, the unit became part of the 4th Ukrainian Front, and, commanding a detachment of the 276th mortar regiment, Nikolai Ivanovich liberated Ukraine, Poland, and Czechoslovakia from the Nazi invaders. After the end of the Great Patriotic War- Served in the Carpathian Military District and in the Guards Tank Regiment in the city of Staro-Konstinov in western Ukraine. In 1947 he was demobilized, then his path lay in Balaklava. Having become an electrician at the Balaklava mining department named after I. A.M. Gorky, our hero could hardly imagine the future turns of his fate. Then he, like many others, got involved in the restoration of the industrial base of the enterprise. And in 1949 he moved to an excavator. “All working years,” wrote N.I. Semenets, - took Active participation in social competitions among excavator workers of ferrous metallurgy, in which he was repeatedly the winner ". Standing at the head of the creative production team, with the help of his comrades, he really constantly gave out excess tons of mined marble-like limestone. The stone of the Balaklava quarries became one of the main factors in the success of the entire metallurgy of the Ukrainian SSR, and among these thousands of tons of stone, many were mined by N.I. Semenets. To some extent, he became the leader of his enterprise, he was looked up to. Of course, his performance did not come from his personal labor efforts alone. And, perhaps, someone thought that he was too glorified, but this does not negate the personal contribution of our hero to the performance of the enterprise. Simultaneously with labor achievements - active social activity, work in the district committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, participation in party congresses, election as a deputy to the district, city and regional Councils. In 1958 N.I. Sements was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and was awarded the title of Honorary Miner of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1962 he was awarded the title "Honored Miner of the Ukrainian SSR". In 1966 he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for high performance in the implementation of seven-year plans. In the 1960-1970s. the names of N.I. Sements and the workers of his brigade did not leave the front pages of the newspaper "Glory of Sevastopol". The stone mined by N.I. Semenets and his comrades, entered the construction sites of the city and the construction industry, and even sugar factories. In 1975, Nikolai Ivanovich was once again lucky enough to visit Czechoslovakia, which he liberated in May 1945. The delegation of Soviet veterans received a warm welcome in the city of Zhamberk, where all of them, including N.I. Semenets received special commemorative medals. And in 1979 he changed his activity, becoming a master of industrial training. His goal was to transfer his work experience to young specialists of the enterprise. The mentoring movement was then ubiquitous in the city's factories. In addition, he did a lot of work on military-patriotic education, repeatedly spoke with a story about his military and labor achievements in military units. In 1985 he retired. Lived in Balaklava. He passed away on July 30, 1988. The relics of N.I. Sements, evidence of recognition of his labor achievements, his military and labor awards are now kept in the funds of the State Museum of Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol. The museum expresses its deep gratitude to the Balaklava mining administration named after I. A.M. Gorky, to the family of our hero for their help in forming a unique collection about this wonderful person who wrote his name in the history of the city.

It so happened historically that in our city there is someone to be proud of. There are many such names. And the name of Nikolai Sements is one of them.

If the oldest deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma Nikolay Sements there is still no Telegram channel, then, obeying the mainstream, you urgently need to come up with it. I give the original name - "Sodom and Camorra". It seems that it will correspond to the past and present merits of such a colorful character in its typicality. The recognition and popularity of the virtual tribune is ensured by the multifaceted personality of the hero, who managed to immodestly immortalize himself in his autobiographical work "". I do not know what his assistants are doing - forcibly co-opting wealthy road workers into the patron Union of Transport Workers or, at worst, feeding the unfortunate residents of the district of the people's choice - but I can declare with full responsibility: "It's not so, guys!"

The figure and actions of Nikolai Yakovlevich deserve to be spoken, without fear and reproach, as it is - in its genuine purity, without the temptation to ceremoniously bow before someone else's old age. And then we are buzzing that the date of birth in the passport serves as an indulgence from criticism: they say, respect the mothballs in themselves and do not pay attention to the greasy stains left by the sloppy owner. But where you can get to from them, you cannot erase and wipe out anything, no matter how hard you try and no matter how you appeal to the accuracy and decency of those who left them. They don't even know such words, judging by their body movements.

And let the further tale not be an essay or a sketch in the usual sense of the genre, but serve as an initial outline for the narrative about a special stratum of the elite, thanks to which, in my opinion, there was an ethical divorce of the modern Russian intelligentsia with the authorities, threatening, pardon the obvious eschatological motives, predictable political outcome.

Semenets, don't be yourself, managed to be rude and in his next convocation - the sixth in a row. As soon as one inquired about the deputy's new public mission, he received an epistle filled with hostility in response. And he just asked about the heavy cross of the defender of the owners of billions of dollars from the budget - the leadership of the branch association "Union of Road Workers and Transport Workers". The reason for the appeal to Nikolai Yakovlevich was a letter signed by him, addressed to the head of one of the road enterprises. I quote the sweetest: "Union of road workers and transport workers", as a spokesman for our interests, will act as an intermediary between legislative and executive bodies state power and local authorities of the region, the regulator of relations with monopolists-suppliers of resources, raw materials and services. It's timeput an end to the diktat of energy, oil and railroad workers, seasonal price fluctuations in roadConstruction Materials. For this, the levers of the legislative and executive authorities of the region, the prosecutor's office and law enforcement agencies, the court and the federal antimonopoly service will be used.Defending the interests of road workers and transport workers will be ensured during the formation and approval of federal, regional and local budgets ".

Aggressive lobbying, isn't it? Shameful monetization of the status of a regional Duma deputy? "But the voters of the Engels and Marx regions won't understand?" - I play in ironic naivety and, as if seriously, I ask. "And to hell with them!" - Homeric laughter sounds in the ears.

Corruption and conflict of interest ?! So, at least, it is called in a civilized society, but not among the nomenklatura, accustomed to "drag and not let go," warming the shaking hands in someone else's pocket. However, here, too, an embarrassment can happen: the defender of the organized road community did not say a word against in the Duma.

Yes, here I was still overpowered by conversations that the services of Semenets allegedly cost the road builders 200 thousand rubles a month. By the way, this is a solid supplement to the honorary and eternal deputy's pension. I would like not to believe the rumor, intelligence dictates, but again I must disagree with the legend of the "good Samaritan".

Rudeness is the first reaction of representatives of the political class to the question of preferences. So it was with: then a political instructor and a member of the CPSU. The story of Big Sodom became similar, when Nikolai Yakovlevich, being the coordinator of the ONF branch, with a stroke of his nature and ambition, a third of the inhabitants of the province, including, it seems, dogs, cats and ... mice. And specifically in Sodom he made everyone happy, without exception, even if no one even suspected it.

A man walks widely through life, his pants are already torn. And it does not matter that each convocation changes the constituency where he managed to inherit. And it's not scary that five years ago Nikolai Semenets, like this season, the Young Guard Ivan Dzyuban, got into the thought only by the will of fortune - steam locomotive-governor Valery Radaev from bounty bestowed on him a mandate.

Here's another touch to the portrait: I remember that in 2011 he almost nominated himself for the title ... "", and to heighten the effect, vainly called himself in official correspondence "the founder of the United Russia party."

"Mr. Semenets, in order to receive another sign, suggested that the Volsk authorities come out with a petition to the regional Duma on his candidacy. However, in Saratov, the zeal of Nikolai Yakovlevich was not appreciated and decided that another person deserves the honorary title more - the head of the SKH" Kryazhim "of the Volsky district, Boris Darin, who was introduced local officials from the municipality for consideration by parliamentarians. However, Semenets did not give up on his idea and begged to nominate his former colleagues from the regional Pension Fund, from which he became one of the nominees ... "- then the press wrote.

A sad anecdote on a highly social topic, a ready-made script for films Boris Khlebnikov or Andrey Zvyagintsev about the current provincial nomenclature.

For example, not to be held responsible for the bankruptcy of an entire region, forgetting about the long-term chairmanship of the budget committee. A weight hangs around the region's neck, which is close in weight to the total revenues of the treasury, but can this shake the position of an outstanding politician-aksakal?

Or forget about how together with Vladimir Kapkaev lit the political star of their favorite Alexey Sergeev, who became, under the patronage, first the chairman of the construction committee, and then the deputy chairman of the budget committee. The region "owes" "" and other problem objects to him. Now, over there, while the son is serving time behind bars for the sins of his father.

Thanks to people like them, the people now call the previous convocation of the Duma "" - according to the verbal definition of one of the privileges of the parliament leadership - to "wear" a letter car series and a number according to the ranking. And Semenets, along with Kapkaev and vice-hangover Alexander Sundeev, enjoyed these privileges with pleasure for five years. Together they kissed the government, proclaiming loyalty, the most convertible political currency in our region, as an anthem.

Just imagine, Nikolai Yakovlevich has been sitting in parliament since 1994, for almost a quarter of a century, being an example of political longevity and the embodiment of the very essence of the Saratov ruling elite.

Therefore, I am not surprised when the thinking metropolitan public (and not only them) laughs sobbingly at the mention of the phrase "Saratov region". He laughs at her, poor, dirty and robbed, dressed in rags. It's already a shame to admit that you are from Saratov. In the worst case, you will pass for a leper, in the best - they will depict bewilderment in a picturesque way and diplomatically confuse with Samara-town.

So many go into internal emigration or street opposition: it is disgusting from the realization that it is they, the chameleons, who support the regime, and if so, then you are morally obliged to be against it, because this is the only way not to lie to yourself.

Nikolay LYKOV

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03/07/2018. The editorial board of "OM" contacted the management of the enterprise, which disowned Sements' words, stating that no one was bankrupt. The director of the MUPP Alexander Kuzmin noted that there is a debt of the enterprise to the Tax Inspectorate in the amount of 16 million rubles, but this topic is gradually being "expanded". We are not talking about bankruptcy.

25.07.2017. On the eve of the next elections of deputies of the Saratov Regional Duma, the editorial board is trying to find out what the parliamentarians of the current convocation have noted. However, the representative of the apparatus believes that he has the right not to provide this information.
20.07.2017. At the ongoing meeting of the Committee on Budget and Taxes of the Saratov Regional Duma, Nikolai Semenets shared his impressions of participating in parliamentary hearings in the State Duma.

09.12.2016. As an example of the successful interaction of the OFAS, the environmental prosecutor's office and Rosprirodnadzor with the public and the media, he cited a resonant story about the "deputy camp of SSAU". The winners of the tenders for renting houses (of course, for "kopecks") at the specified object were the chairman of the budget committee of the regional parliament Nikolai Semenets and an employee of SSAU (rector is Sementsov's colleague in the thought Nikolai Kuznetsov) Natalia Kuznetsova.

11/14/2016. The prosecutor of the Saratov region, Sergei Filipenko, proposed expanding the list of persons entitled to draw up protocols on administrative offenses. The corresponding initiative was announced at the meeting of the working group, which is continuing in the parliamentary center of the regional Duma, by the senior assistant to the regional prosecutor Oleg Petrov.

24.10.2016. Despite the complete incapacity of the regional authorities during the mass unrest in July 2013 in Pugachev, Sidorov managed to remain in the chair of the head of the administration. This was largely due to the active support of Fadeev and Sements. The intrigue persists in the closed territorial system of Shikhany. The most likely contender for the post of head here is considered to be twice convicted - for abuse of office in 2009 and for attempted fraud in 2010 - Sergei Latanov, who is now acting head of the administration.

28.09.2016. The Saratov Regional Duma may adopt a draft ZSO "On the introduction of a tax on the property of organizations in the Saratov region" (the so-called law of Nikolai Sements). The epic with an increase in the tax rate on commercial real estate in the region has been going on for the second year. Business representatives, deputies, social activists are involved in the discussion. At the end of July, the regional parliament adopted for consideration amendments to the law, implying an increase in the rate by 50% at once.

03/15/2016. It became clear that in the near future Begun's business would come to Saratov. That is why Kolobrodov hastened to reassure his entourage with good news. The day before yesterday, on Saturday, he was on call in Moscow, and upon his return he relaxed deeply in the circle of his acquaintances, allowing himself too much in his dreams and accidentally revealing the entire insider. Allegedly, after talking in the capital, he will be responsible for almost all ideological work. regional office "United Russia"because besides himself, he thinks, there is no one in Saratov and the region who would correspond to his level. Like, he was forgiven for the serial betrayals of the party. They took pity and promised a triumphant comeback. And it seems they even supported his idea of ​​developing a" Kolobrodov school of journalism. " Under the Party tutelage, of course.

02/25/2016. Many party members, including the most active and prominent figures, expressed volcanic outrage at the list of party proxies for the 2016 elections published in my column. An emotional reaction was provoked by the presence of the prose writer and political strategist Aleksey Kolobrodov, whom United Russia officially got rid of because of "non-observance of the rules of the charter and actions discrediting and discrediting the party," which, by the way, is already an encyclopedic rarity.

20.11.2015. The last case shows, and any doctor will tell you that Nikolai Yakovlevich gave up and was tired, despite a decent salary of 300 thousand: he became irritable, became not restrained in his words ... The voter hopes that the commission where they will analyze the boorish behavior of the deputy , will take this issue very seriously and will consider all its aspects.
11/17/2015. In some news agencies some horror stories about the budget are published, explanations are needed. They say that everything, the regional budget has failed. No!
11/13/2015. The decision to soften the "law of Sements" was made yesterday.

28.10.2015. At the disposal of the "Fourth Power" was a letter to the governor of the Saratov region, Valery Radaev, authored by the head of the OP Alexander Lando, the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Maxim Fateev and the head of the board of the branch of the "Support of Russia" Yuri Romanov.
23.10.2015. However, Semenets and Kapkaev did not succeed in another attempt to turn the legislative assembly into a circle of interests. Parliamentarian Alexander Strelyukhin, who has established himself as a politician with fair views, objected that it is unacceptable to consider personnel issues in the absence of Kurikhin himself. As a result, the attempt to settle accounts behind the scenes failed.
22.10.2015. The ongoing discussions today around the so-called "Galkin Amendment" and the "Semenets Law", personally, I do not cause anything but a bitter smile. After all, how many times have I already had to talk and write about the peculiarities of the Radaev government! How many times did it take to prove that main feature of this government is its deep incompetence. How many times did I have to say that more or less [...]
21.10.2015. All recent months there has been a confrontation between the supporters of the bill and its opponents - both of which were found both in the Duma and in the regional government.

24.07.2015. The budget of the Saratov region lost more than 800 million rubles in connection with the provision of tax benefits to various enterprises and legal entities. Such data were announced at a meeting of the Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes.
22.07.2015. Deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma Sergei Nesterov urged Vice-Speaker Alexander Sundeev not to push the deputies' foreheads
13.07.2015. The Saratov citizen appealed to the deputy of the regional duma, co-chairman of the All-Russian People's Front branch, Alexei Mazepov, on the repair of roads in the regional center and resettlement from emergency housing. His letter to the chairman of the economic policy, property and land relations of the regional parliament, a resident of the region posted on the Internet.

03.06.2015. What more bad things must happen so that Semenets himself finally makes a decision that it's time to leave?

05/15/2015. No, truly, veterans do not grow old in soul: they will not give up theirs and will not let go of theirs. They do not care about the budget of the region entrusted to them as much as about their personal well-being.
05/14/2015. The clash of parliamentarians turns the regional Duma into a place for discussion, and its speaker is deprived of authority
05/12/2015. Indeed, what most of our officials lack is self-criticism, the courage to admit their mistakes and leave in time, making room for more worthy and professional workers. And until this happens, and until they do it themselves, like Minister Brilenok, our editorial staff will continue to "work on the mistakes" of officials - both from the regional government and the regional duma. The time, as they say, is to scatter the stones, and the time to collect the stones ...

04.24.2015. Sergei Mikhailov As reported by some news agencies the other day, with reference to Izvestia, Saratov regional duma ranks 21st in the ranking of the “most bloated states” among the legislative assemblies of the regions of the Russian Federation. As the newspaper notes, “despite the instructions of the president and the prime minister to reduce the bureaucratic apparatus, both at the federal and regional levels, in many constituent entities of the federation the situation [...]
04/15/2015. Semenets decided that he could fork out once, do a good deed, and then brag about it to his Duma colleagues.
13.04.2015. Nikolay Semenets could not find words for an answer.
13.04.2015. An honorary deputy, Nikolai Semenets, is sitting in the Saratov Regional Duma. He thinks about the people, but does not want to do anything for him - his shirt is closer to his body. He only cares about personal matters and solves problems of concern to him. Apparently due to the fact that there is no time left for work, Nikolai Yakovlevich began to often get into scandalous stories.
04/07/2015. “I’m lying broken, broken, disassembled in parts and 10 doctors hung over me. Are you satisfied with this option? - Nikolay Semenets commented on the incident. - Today is not April 1, it is, of course, a joke. Let's assume that nothing happened. Two cars did not part, they scratched a little, pulled off a little paint. Tomorrow my car will already be on the move, so thank you for such attention to me. Well, the question is settled. "
04/03/2015. The deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, Nikolai Semenets, lives and does not worry about not fulfilling his work obligations. He, like a negligent student, skips the meeting on the destruction of the Saratov embankment. But Semenets is responsible for budgetary policy in the Saratov parliament. The people's choice knows that, unlike a student, he is not in danger of being expelled.
02.04.2015. Honored Deputy of the Saratov Region Nikolai Semenets took offense at the "Fourth Power". He was so offended that he decided to answer with all the causticity squeezed out of himself. The people's choice was offended by the article "Honored Semenets of the Saratov Region" published on the website on March 30. Recall that the publication critically assessed the work of the chairman of the budget committee of the regional parliament.

23.01.2015. The press was not allowed to attend the event. The meeting was chaired by the deputy chairman of the commission, head of the budget committee Nikolai Semenets. The lawmakers planned to assess the veracity of the declaration of the head of the commission, deputy speaker of the Duma, Alexander Sundeev, and also wanted to understand why he does not indicate data on the assets and earnings of his wife in the annual reports.

12/30/2014. We will remind that earlier the Saratov Regional Duma reduced the road fund of the region from 7.3 billion to actually two billion rubles. The sequestration did not touch upon the regions represented in parliament by Nikolai Semenets (Pugachevsky) and Nikolai Kuznetsov (Ershovsky). It was these MRs that became the leaders in the rating of the distribution of funds for roads.
12/26/2014. To the question of the correspondent of the IG “Fourth Power” why the Duma members left for the banquet in the middle of the working day, Nikolai Yakovlevich answered emotionally: “Is it really so interesting? Do you yourself participate in corporate events? " When he found out that the festive celebrations in the editorial office were taking place outside of working hours, he immediately remarked: “What does the working time have to do with it? We stopped for an hour, had lunch. I was there for an hour. Okay, goodbye. " The conversation was interrupted by the deputy.
12/19/2014. In just three years, the region's road fund can be reduced from 7.1 billion to 3.9 billion rubles.

11/25/2014. Residents gathered in the courtyard of their houses, which the court ordered to demolish, in order to once again draw the attention of the authorities to their plight. In their hands they held posters: "Save from lawlessness!", "Deputy Semenets, you are for the people!" and just "SOS".

20.10.2014. We will remind, as residents reported, yesterday it became known that citizen Alexander Filatov initiated the initiation of enforcement proceedings to evict people from apartments at Piterskaya 16 and 16 "A". According to residents, the plaintiff is allegedly an assistant to the regional Duma deputy Nikolai Sements.

07/29/2014. Collected everything that was checked in the Saratov region - and law enforcement agencies, and military units, and educational institutions. It is clear that the region is densely saturated with these structures. As far as our regional budget is concerned, there is an insignificant part of violations.

30.06.2014. The head of the regional Duma budget committee Nikolai Semenets considers the conclusions of the RF Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov about the quality of budget planning in the region very controversial.

05/23/2014. Nobody will allow anyone to divert public funds.

03/07/2014. Recall that the regional capital construction committee (supervised by the deputy chairman of Kancher), according to the regional Ministry of Finance, is the leader among regional departments in terms of unused funds; he will have to return 640 million 769 thousand 406.98 rubles to the federal treasury.

02/21/2014. During the interview, they also discussed the audit of the Accounts Chamber, which revealed the misappropriation of 78 million rubles, and why the region did not spend a billion of federal budget funds, and why no one is to blame for this.
02/06/2014. Lando and Semenets replaced the opposition in the Saratov region

10/16/2013. A year ago, on October 14, 2012, elections to the Saratov Regional Duma were held. True, the language does not turn to call them elections, because the cynical mockery of democracy that took place that day with the shameless theft of votes from voters was in the elections, but in the seizure of power. Even under the local dictatorship of Ayatskov, they did not reach such an abomination. The residents acted like pickpockets who, united in a gang, hijacked a bus and released passengers from there only after permission to clean out their pockets.

03/21/2013. One cannot but agree with the opinion of the Minister of Finance Alexander Larionov that the financial and economic bloc of a number of departments is losing the necessary professionalism.

04.12.2012. It turns out that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden symbolize and promote the white opposition movement and, as it were, oppose werewolf bears.

22.10.2012. He is mired in petty intrigues, tricks and provocations. But in addition to his colleagues, the voters themselves gave an assessment of the activity. In one of the most party-controlled districts, he received fewer votes than others. And this speaks for itself.
18.10.2012. “I don't get, I don’t get in… Whoever typed, he typed, who didn’t typed, he didn’t. Whoever didn’t typed, he remains on the sidelines ... Do not worry about me! Thank you for worrying - I will find something to do for myself. Do you need this ?! Why are you worried about what I will be doing ?! "

May 18, 2012. The deputy from Volsk, Mr. Semenets, made a number of sensational statements, which turned out to be an invention of the 65-year-old people's choice.
05/17/2012. As the deputy Nikolai Semenets said, they are taking such a step on their own, because of the pressure that was exerted on them in connection with the implementation of the program "Social development of the village until 2013" in the countryside.

12.04.2012. After the change of the governor, the parliamentary race to the regional Duma will probably be the key political intrigue until the fall.

22.03.2012. Will United Russia remain united and to what extent are the Saratov United Russia members ready for changes?
19.03.2012. Whom and what the Saratov Ombudsman Nina Lukashova protects
March 16, 2012. Nikolai Semenets is puzzled. Oleg Galkin is outraged. Pavel Bolshedanov is perplexed. And Vasily Sinichkin demands reckoning. Thus, the provincial parliamentarians are unanimously sharp and capable of reacting to only one external irritant - the government of the Saratov region. We must pay tribute to the members of Ipatov's team - they seem to have set out to tease the people's representatives.
03/15/2012. Today in the press center of the Sarinform news agency, the head of the Voskresensky district, Alexander Antipanov, spoke about attempts to remove him from this post "in pursuance of the collegial decision of the political council."

02/29/2012. It is difficult to judge the quality of deputy work by the laws adopted by the people's deputies. Rather, somewhere, probably, it is possible, but not here - in a country of verticals and party hegemony. Since lawmaking in our country is carried out by a narrow group of people, and the rest only obediently vote, therefore, as a criterion for assessing the people's deputies, the “Fourth Estate” decided to take the direct material assistance of the deputies to their voters. To the address of the speaker of the Saratov Regional Duma Valery Radaev, submissions are constantly sent to reward deputies with diplomas for their work. Let's clarify that we are talking only about United Russia.
28.02.2012. The electronic magazine "Reporter & Media", proceeding from the fact that the next governor of the Saratov region will be a national elect, decided to find out which of the candidates from United Russia has the greatest chances of winning the inner-party primaries in order to enter the election race with independent and opposition candidates. governors.
16.02.2012. Regional prosecutor's office threatened the 2012 budget
08.02.2012. The Minister of Transport and Roads of the region Nikolay Godunov harshly criticized the current state of affairs in the industry.

27.01.2012. Participants of the project "Editorial Board" last week interviewed representatives of the regional elite for rumors in the information space.
18.01.2012. We have translated the comments of prominent Saratov United Russia members so many times (we intend to continue doing this in the future) that it is time to talk about party commentary as a separate phenomenon or, which is closer to the truth, an occupational disease. Unlike sports commentators who work for money, party talking heads do it at the behest of their hearts. And this is how it goes.

12/29/2011. What will be remembered for 2011
23.12.2011. Personnel updates in the ruling party: new leaders of the executive committee of United Russia and the public reception office of Vladimir Putin have been appointed
12/20/2011. Well, it seems to be a protracted nightmare for characters not far from politics, and for people interested in various political troubles, political upheavals and political rumors, the end has come. Nikolai Vasilievich Pankov, rumors about the governorship of which have agitated public opinion over the past few months, seems to be nevertheless determined, and in the near future he will head the committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on agrarian policy ...
16.12.2011. Ah yes Sauhin! Ah yes bitch ..., sorry, well done! Will go far! You will see that we will still be proud of such a fellow countryman. And who knows, maybe over time Nikolai Vasilyevich will give up his honorary title "intelligence, honor and beauty" to Andrey Nikolaevich.
13.12.2011. The meeting of the regional Duma was like a show to discredit the governor
01.12.2011. How and why the local branch of United Russia was created

11/28/2011. Deputies of the regional Duma gave a respite to the government of Ipatov
11/28/2011. July 2011. Having learned that the party members did not take him on the lists and did not offer a place for a steam locomotive, Ipatov was offended and criticized his colleagues in the party.
November 24, 2011. In Volsk, Saratov Region, the idea of ​​erecting a monument to 65-year-old Nikolai Semenets and giving him the "Golden Star" of the Hero of Russia is being discussed.
11/18/2011. Fraction. This is very scary word... Probably, someday they will frighten naughty children. Now only a few adults are afraid of him.
11.11.2011. It's not about politics, let's read the news feeds. Today's, but in a projection for a brighter future. For example, for 2024. After all, it only seems that twelve years is a very long time. They will fly by, we won't even notice. The dark-haired ones will turn gray, the gray-haired ones will go bald, someone will sit down, someone will already come out. A lot of water will flow through the torn water pipes, the tyuz will be completed, the president will be re-elected. The main thing is to preserve all the best that we have today and increase it. Then the news will be the same. Only modernized.
11/08/2011. On November 3, Mr. Semenets notified the Department of the Pension Fund of his decision, which had nominated him for this title.
03.11.2011. Nikolai Semenets as a living monument to political vanity
01.11.2011. Rumors go that Nikolai Yakovlevich, as a deputy of all Duma convocations, claims to be an honorary resident of the Saratov region ...

28.10.2011. This is reported today by the portal, citing a letter from the parliamentarian to the editor of the newspaper "Zhil-byl Volsk" Vladislav Stepanov.
24.10.2011. Patronage of the "people's choice" is paid for by local residents
19.10.2011. The indignation of the deputy Alexander Lando caused the privileged position of the Balakovo region, which receives large subsidies. He also pointed out that there are many "Balak" people in the government.
07.10.2011. "We comfort ourselves that in 2015 we will build a new airport. And when I read about pricing, tears began to drop. Soon it will be more profitable to fly from Penza," Nikolai Semenets commented.

September 22, 2011. According to statistics, every fourth marriage in Russia ends in divorce. Political life is akin to family life. For example, the last party conference of "United Russia" vividly recalled the divorce proceedings.
14.09.2011. On the eve of the elections, active movements began in the Saratov "political swamp"
09/14/2011. Today, the deputies of the Saratov Regional Duma appealed to the Governor Pavel Iptov with a proposal to conduct another audit of the activities of the Property Management Committee. But this time by the controlling bodies of the executive power of the region.
12.09.2011. At the second stage of the reporting and election conference of the Saratov regional branch of United Russia held on Friday, the presidium of its political council was shaken: some old members were removed from it and new ones were elected in their place.
09.09.2011. Today, at the reporting and election conference of the Saratov branch of "United Russia", seven
09/08/2011. There are two options - either they let everything down on the brakes, or Pal Leonidovich will have a hard time. And right up to the Aksenyon's version.
07.09.2011. Participants of the "Editorial Board" project last week interviewed representatives of the regional elite for rumors in the information space.

28.07.2011. At the last meeting of the Saratov Regional Duma, held last Wednesday, the summer heat seemed to have penetrated the hall, despite the properly working air conditioners - the atmosphere of the next parliamentary session was so heated. From the very beginning, everyone was preparing for the parliamentary hour, at which, on the initiative of a group of deputies, it was decided to consider the situation with the state debt of the region.
19.07.2011. “From your words, it turns out that the Ministry of Education is doing everything right, and enemies are working on the ground, who deliberately sabotage work. This is not the correct position. We need to be more self-critical and not to blame everything on the municipalities, but to help them ... "
14.07.2011. Joint primaries of "United Russia" and ONF are fraught with surprises
13.07.2011. It is interesting that the removal of a prominent bearish functionary happened, perhaps for the first time in Saratov, for, so to speak, an innovative reason.
12.07.2011. Look how the governor stirred up the whole swamp. Why did it happen?
11.07.2011. From today on, acting Olga Batalina has been appointed head of the public reception room of the leader of United Russia, Vladimir Putin, in Saratov.
07.07.2011. They say that with an excessive passion for certain drugs, which aging men try to maintain a fairly fading male dignity, one curious one arises side effect... People using these stimulant drugs suddenly begin to publicly (and not publicly) carry all sorts of different things. Without thinking much. Speech, as it were, is ahead of the various brain commands. And an absolutely sober person suddenly begins to give out this ..., as if he had consumed a lot the day before, and in the morning he had already had time to get drunk.
06.07.2011. The Saratov region already has the highest percentage of debt to commercial banks among all regions of Russia. What is the point of collecting new debts? At this rate, by the end of the term of office, the Ipatov region will become bankrupt.
05.07.2011. At a meeting with TV people, Ipatov said about "Bolshevik enthusiasm", which "must be stopped."
05.07.2011. Today we know that there is a decision of the Presidium of the regional Political Council of the Saratov regional department of United Russia to propose candidates for the primaries to the State Duma, that is, the list of United Russia for the elections to the State Duma at this stage.
04.07.2011. Summer has swiftly rolled over Saratov, politicians of different ranks are thinking about vacations, and when they return, the elections will begin. IN The State Duma... And those involved in the process already have trembling and trembling in their knees.
01.07.2011. The Presidium of the United Russia Political Council approved a list of 27 participants in the primaries among candidates for the State Duma from the Saratov branch of the All-Russian Popular Front.

21.06.2011. The Saratov Regional Duma decided to create a commission to consider issues that arose during the audits of the Accounts Chamber.
17.06.2011. Andrei Saukhin was not a hero for long. His report is like a stone thrown into a swamp. Circles appeared on the surface, silt rose from the bottom, frogs croaked loudly. But time has passed - and in our quagmire everything is still calm.
16.06.2011. An interesting speech was made by the head of a little-known and strange organization called the Club of Vedic Experts, a certain Tatyana Anatolyevna ...