Saratov Regional Duma

In Soviet times, many government awards and honorary titles were established to encourage workers. The names of the leaders were entered on the honorary boards and books of honor, and the temporary Red Banners were awarded to enterprises. The highest award for labor exploits in the USSR was the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. It was awarded to the most deserving people of work. In our city, this title was given to those who actively introduced new types of production, repeatedly exceeded their planned targets at a high quality level. Among them, Nikolai Ivanovich Semenets, an excavator operator of the Balaklava Mining Administration named after. A.M. Gorky. He has not been with us for a long time, but in our city many people remember him.

Nikolai Ivanovich was born in the village of Bereznyaki, Khorolsky district, Poltava region in 1924. His biography is quite typical for that time. He began working in production at the age of 16 at one of the first all-Union construction sites in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Since 1942 he went to the front. Then training, after which N. I. Semenets was sent to the Leningrad Front. As a squad leader of the 222nd mortar regiment, he participated in the liquidation of the blockade of the city on the Neva. At the end of the operation, his regiment was reorganized, as the hero himself later wrote in his autobiography, "due to heavy losses." In August 1944, the unit became part of the 4th Ukrainian Front, and, commanding a detachment of the 276th mortar regiment, Nikolai Ivanovich liberated Ukraine, Poland, and Czechoslovakia from Nazi invaders. After the end of the Great Patriotic War- service in the Carpathian military district and in the guards tank regiment in the town of Staro-Konstanstinov in western Ukraine. In 1947, he was demobilized, then his path lay in Balaklava. Enrolling as an electrician in the Balaklava Mining Administration. A.M. Gorky, it is unlikely that our hero could imagine the future twists and turns of his fate. Then he, like many others, got involved in the restoration of the industrial base of the enterprise. And in 1949 he moved to an excavator. “All the working years,” N.I. wrote in 1979. Semenets - accepted Active participation in social competitions among excavators of the ferrous metallurgy, in which he repeatedly emerged as a winner. Standing at the head of a creative production team, with the help of his comrades, he really constantly gave out excess tons of mined marble-like limestone. The stone of the Balaklava quarries became one of the main factors in the success of the entire metallurgy of the Ukrainian SSR, and among these thousands of tons of stone, many were mined by the labor of N.I. Semenets. To some extent, he became the leader of his enterprise, they looked up to him. Of course, his performance did not consist only of his personal labor efforts. And, perhaps, someone thought that he was too glorified, but this does not negate the personal contribution of our hero to the performance of the enterprise. Simultaneously with labor accomplishments - active social work, work in the district committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, participation in party congresses, election as a deputy to the district, city and regional Soviets. In 1958, N.I. Semenets was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the title of Honorary Miner of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1962, he was awarded the title of "Honored Miner of the Ukrainian SSR". In 1966, for high performance in the implementation of the seven-year plans, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. In the 1960s-1970s. names of N.I. Semenets and the workers of his brigade did not leave the front pages of the newspaper "Glory of Sevastopol". Stone mined by N.I. Semenets and his comrades, entered the construction sites of the city and the construction industry, and even sugar factories. In 1975, Nikolai Ivanovich again had the good fortune to visit Czechoslovakia, which he liberated in May 1945. The delegation of Soviet veterans was given a warm welcome in the city of Jamberk, where all of them, including N.I. Semenets were awarded special commemorative medals. And in 1979, he changed the type of activity, becoming a master of industrial training. His goal was to transfer his work experience to young specialists of the enterprise. The mentoring movement was then widely developed in the enterprises of the city. In addition, he also did a lot of work on military-patriotic education, repeatedly spoke about his combat and labor achievements in military units. In 1985 he retired. Lived in Balaklava. He passed away on July 30, 1988. Relics of N.I. Semenets, evidence of recognition of his labor achievements, his military and labor awards are now stored in the funds State Museum heroic defense and liberation of Sevastopol. The museum expresses its deep gratitude to the Balaklava Mining Administration named after. A.M. Gorky, to the relatives of our hero for their help in forming a unique collection about this remarkable man who inscribed his name in the history of the city.

It so happened historically that in our city there is someone to be proud of. There are many such names. And the name of Nikolai Semenets is one of them.

If the oldest deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma Nikolay Semenets there is still no Telegram channel, then, in obedience to the mainstream, it must be urgently invented. I give the original name - "Sodom and Camorra". It seems that it will correspond to the past and present merits of such a colorful and typical character. The recognition and popularity of the virtual tribune are provided by the multifaceted personality of the hero, who managed to immodestly immortalize himself in the autobiographical work "". I don’t know what his assistants are doing - forcibly co-opting wealthy road workers into the sponsor’s Union of Transport Workers or, at worst, feeding the unfortunate residents of the district of the people’s choice - but I can say with all responsibility: “It’s not like that, guys!”.

The figure and actions of Nikolai Yakovlevich deserve to be spoken, without fear and reproach, as they are - in their genuine purity, without the temptation to ceremoniously bow before someone else's old age. Otherwise, we are buzzing that the date of birth in the passport serves as an indulgence from criticism: they say, respect naphthalene things in themselves and do not pay attention to greasy spots left by a sloppy owner. But wherever you get away from them, you won’t etch or wipe them off with anything, no matter how hard you try and appeal to the accuracy and decency of those who left them. They don’t even know such words, judging by their body movements.

And let the following tale not be an essay or sketch in the usual sense of the genre, but serve as an initial sketch for a story about a special stratum of the elite, thanks to which, in my opinion, there was an ethical divorce of the modern Russian intelligentsia from the authorities, threatening, sorry for the obvious eschatological motives, predictable political outcome.

Semenets, do not be yourself, managed to be rude and in his next convocation - the sixth in a row. As soon as he asked about the new public mission of the deputy, he received in response an epistle filled with hostility. And he just asked about the heavy cross of the intercessor of the masters of billions of sums from the budget - the leadership of the branch association "Union of Road Workers and Transport Workers". The reason for turning to Nikolai Yakovlevich was a letter signed by him, addressed to the head of one of the road enterprises. I quote the sweetest: Union of Road and Transport Workers", as a spokesman for our interests, will act as an intermediary between legislative and executive bodies state authorities and local self-government bodies of the region, the regulator of relations with monopolists-providers of resources, raw materials and services. It's timeput an end to the dictates of energy, oil and railway workers, seasonal fluctuations in prices for roadConstruction Materials. For this, the levers of the legislative and executive authorities of the region, the prosecutor's office and law enforcement agencies, the courts and the federal antimonopoly service will be applied.Defending the interests of road workers and transport workers will be ensured in the formation and approval of the federal, regional and local budgets".

Aggressive lobbying, isn't it? Shameful monetization of the status of a deputy of the regional Duma? "But the voters of the Engels and Marks districts won't understand?" - I play ironic naivety and, as if seriously, I ask. "Yes, to hell with them!" - Homeric laughter sounds in the ears.

Corruption and conflict of interest?! So, at least, it is called in a civilized society, but not among the nomenclature, accustomed to "dragging and not letting go", warming shaking little hands in someone else's pocket. However, embarrassment can happen here too: the defender of the organized road community did not say a word against in the thought.

Yes, here I was overwhelmed by conversations that the services of Semenets allegedly cost the road builders 200 thousand rubles a month. A solid, by the way, supplement to the honorary-eternal deputy pension. I would like not to believe the rumor, intelligence dictates, but again I have to disagree with the legend of the "good Samaritan".

Rudeness is the first reaction of representatives of the political class to the question of preferences. So it was with: then a political instructor and a member of the CPSU. The story of Big Sodom became similar when Nikolai Yakovlevich, being the coordinator of the ONF department, stroked his nature and ambitions to a third of the inhabitants of the province, including, it seems, dogs, cats and ... mice. And specifically in Sodom, he made everyone happy without exception, even if no one even suspected it.

A man walks wide through life, his pants are torn. And it does not matter that each convocation changes the constituency where he managed to leave his legacy. And it’s not scary that five years ago Nikolai Semenets, like this season, is a young guard Ivan Dziuban, got into the Duma only by the will of fortune - the locomotive-governor Valery Radaev generously endowed him with a mandate.

Here is another touch to the portrait: I remember that in 2011 he almost nominated himself for the title ... "", and to heighten the effect, he vainly called himself in official correspondence "the founder of the party" United Russia".

“Mr. Semenets, in order to receive another badge, suggested that the Volsk authorities come up with a petition to the regional duma on his candidacy. However, in Saratov, Nikolai Yakovlevich’s zeal was not appreciated and it was decided that another person was more worthy of the honorary title - the head of the Kryazhym farm of the Volsky district, Boris Darin, who was brought in local officials from the municipality to the parliamentarians for consideration. However, Semenets did not refuse his idea and begged to nominate his former colleagues at work in the regional Pension Fund, from which he was among the nominees ... "- then the press wrote.

A sad anecdote on an acute social topic, a ready-made script for films Boris Khlebnikov or Andrey Zvyagintsev about the current provincial nomenclature.

For example, not to be responsible for the bankruptcy of an entire region, forgetting about the long-term chairmanship of the budget committee. A weight hangs around the region's neck, in its weight close to the total revenues of the treasury, but can this shake the position of an outstanding politician-aksakal?

Or forget about how, together with Vladimir Kapkaev lit the political star of their favorite Alexey Sergeev, who became, under patronage, first the chairman of the construction committee, and then the deputy chairman of the budget committee. The area is "owed" to him by " " and other problematic objects. Now, get out, while the son is serving time behind bars for the sins of his father.

Thanks to people like them, the previous convocation of the Duma is now popularly called "" - according to the verbal definition of one of the privileges of the leadership of the parliament - to "wear" an alphabetic car series and a number by rank. And Semenets, along with Kapkaev and vice-hangover Alexander Sundeev, enjoyed these privileges for five years. Together they kissed the authorities, proclaiming the anthem of loyalty - the most convertible political currency in our region.

Just imagine, Nikolai Yakovlevich has been sitting in parliament since 1994, for almost a quarter of a century, being a model of political longevity and the embodiment of the very essence of the Saratov ruling elite.

Therefore, I am not surprised when the thinking metropolitan public (and not only it) laughs out loud at the mention of the phrase "Saratov Region". Laughs at her, poor, dirty and robbed, dressed in rags. It's already a shame to admit that you are from Saratov. At worst, you will pass for a leper, at best, they will picture bewilderment and diplomatically confuse you with Samara-town.

So many people go into internal emigration or street opposition: it’s disgusting to realize that it is they, the chameleons, who support the regime, and if so, then you are morally obliged to be against it, because this is the only way not to lie to yourself.

Nikolay LYKOV

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Member of the Saratov Regional Duma. was born on June 25, 1946 in the village. Sands of the Surazhsky district of the Bryansk region; in 1968 he graduated with honors from the Yaroslavl Military School with the qualification "Financier", in 1984 - the Kirovakan State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Pedagogy and Teaching Methods, and in 1997 - the Volga Academy public service in the specialty "State and municipal management" with the qualification "Head of state and municipal government", candidate of sociological sciences, professor at the Academy of Military Sciences, full member of the Academy of Social Education; He began his career in 1964 as a fitter at a regional communications center in the city of Surazh, Bryansk Region; from 1968 to 1988 he served in the military: first in the group of Soviet troops in Germany, and since 1973 - in the Transcaucasian military district; 1988-1992 - head of the political department of the special units of the Saratov garrison in the Volga military district; in May 1994 he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the first convocation, was elected deputy chairman of the committee for social policy and relations with public organizations, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Legality, Combating Crime, Security and Protection of Individual Rights, Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy and Relations with Public Organizations on a professional permanent basis; in 1997 he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the second convocation, during which he worked as chairman of the committee on legal issues, work with territories and public organizations, in September 2002 he was elected a deputy of the Saratov regional Duma of the third convocation, worked as deputy chairman of the Saratov regional Duma, chairman committee on issues of state building and local self-government on a professional permanent basis; since March 2004 he has been working as a manager government agency- Department of the Pension Fund Russian Federation in the Saratov region; in December 2007, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fourth convocation, deputy chairman of the budget and taxes committee, member of the social policy committee, member of the United Russia faction; awarded the Order of Friendship; Since April 2011 - Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes on a professional permanent basis. In October 2012, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fifth convocation. awarded state awards: "Order of Honor", "Order of Friendship", ten medals, including the medal "For Labor Valour". married, has two daughters.

Deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the sixth convocation in the Marksovsky single-mandate constituency No. 15

Semenets Nikolay Yakovlevich

Semenets Nikolay Yakovlevich

Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Affairs, Land Relations, Ecology and Nature Management, Member of the Committee on Budget, Taxes, Industry and Property, Deputy Head of the UNITED RUSSIA faction.

Higher education: in 1968 he graduated with honors from the Yaroslavl military school with the qualification "Financier"; in 1984 - Kirovakan State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Pedagogy and Teaching Methods; in 1997 - the Volga Academy of Public Administration with a degree in "State and Municipal Administration" with the qualification "Head of State and Municipal Administration", and in 2005 - in the specialty "Jurisprudence" with the qualification "Lawyer". Candidate of sociological sciences, professor at the Academy of Military Sciences, full member of the Academy of Social Education.

He began his career in 1964 as a fitter at a regional communication center in the city of Surazh, Bryansk region.

From 1965 to 1968 - cadet of the Yaroslavl Military School.

From 1968 to 1988 he served in the military: first in the group Soviet troops in Germany, and since 1973 - in the Transcaucasian Military District.

Since 1988 - head of the political department of the special forces of the Saratov garrison in the Volga military district. In 1992 he was transferred to the reserve.

In May 1994 he was elected to the Saratov Regional Duma of the first convocation; served as deputy chairman of the committee on social policy and relations with public organizations, deputy chairman of the committee on legality, combating crime, security and protection of individual rights, chairman of the committee on social policy and relations with public organizations, carrying out parliamentary activities on a professional permanent basis.

In 1997 he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the second convocation; He was the chairman of the committee on issues of legality, work with territories and public organizations.

In September 2002, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the third convocation. From October 2002 to December 2003 - Deputy Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma, Chairman of the Committee on State Building and Local Self-Government, carried out deputy activities on a professional permanent basis.

From March 2004 to April 2011 - Manager of the State Institution - Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Saratov Region.

From October 2005 to December 2007, he combined work in the Pension Fund with work in the Saratov Regional Duma as chairman of the social policy committee without interrupting his main activity.

In December 2007, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the fourth convocation. From April 2011 to September 2017, he worked as the Chairman of the Budget and Tax Committee of the Saratov Regional Duma on a professional full-time basis.

In October 2012, he was elected to the Saratov Regional Duma of the fifth convocation and headed the Committee on Budget and Taxes.

In September 2017, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma of the sixth convocation.

Member of the All-Russian political party"UNITED RUSSIA".

Awarded with the Order of Friendship, Order of Honor, Certificate of Honor State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Certificate of Honor of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Badge of Honor of the Governor of the Saratov Region (twice), eleven medals, including “For Labor Valor”, “Federation Council. 20 years old”, badge “Honorary Worker of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation”.

Married. Has two daughters.