Russian seven. How to come up with a secret language for communicating with friends: methods and examples How to come up with and speak a secret language

The language does not always have to be understood by everyone. Since ancient times, guild and criminal communities have invented their own secret languages. The coded adverb helped to turn deals and pass secret information unnoticed.

The secret language of American vagrant workers emerged in the early 20th century. It flourished during the Great Depression, which forced thousands of people to leave their homes in search of better life... The locals were not very friendly towards vagrants - this was one of the reasons for the emergence of the secret Hobo language. If a man in the street saw a drawn rectangle with a dot inside on the house, he could hardly guess that this symbol left a hobo, warning colleagues about the danger.
The graphic method of communication was not chosen by chance - most hobos did not know literacy. The hobo code could advise "to make urgent feet" (a circle with two arrows flying out of it), report the presence of work (two shovels), the proximity of a courthouse or a police station (a circle with an intricate "squiggle") and many other moments that turned out to be useful in the difficult life of the hobo. So, the figure in the form of a cylinder (headdress) and a triangle meant that rich people live in the house, and the "grave mound" and the cross became a symbol of a dishonorable person. Two diamonds warned that one should be quiet here, and a circle crossed out by two crossed lines gave hope of receiving food in the form of alms.

According to linguist Paul Baker, the secret language of British sex minorities of the 20th century originated on the basis of the thieves' argot, common in the Elizabethan era. It was constantly replenished with slang words that were brought by numerous travelers. In the 18th century, the vocabulary used by “the most despised community groups”, And in the XIX - the secret language of wandering buffoons, beggars and street vendors, originating from Italian. In Polari, you can see the influence of Cockney (old London vernacular, which is characterized by the use of substitute rhymes), "back-slang" with its breathtaking pronunciation of words backwards, Yiddish, slang vocabulary of sailors and military pilots, as well as drug addicts.

Polari became widespread in London among the chorus boys who performed in musical pieces in the western part of the city. The Polari also communicated with male prostitutes, for whom the secret language was vital. Their type of activity was considered a crime and was punishable by death. Most Polari speakers had only a minimal vocabulary and used individual words, weaving them into familiar speech. Those who mastered Polari perfectly could communicate in public, discuss unsuccessful outfits nearby. standing people or openly talk about their adventures.
When a Polari broadcast appeared on the radio in the 1960s, the language lost its halo of mystery. The abolition of the criminal prosecution for homosexuality has led to the fact that the need for a language "for the initiated" has disappeared altogether.


Linguists did not come to a consensus about the origin of Lunfardo. Probably, it could be based on the dialect of Spanish convicts who arrived in Argentina and Uruguay in the 17th-18th centuries. Vocabulary Lunfardo was supplemented with northern Italian dialects, English and French vocabulary, and Romani words. The origin of most of the lexemes remains unknown, so scientists assume that they were artificially invented by the speakers of Lunfardo.
The main features of this secret language, which today is often called the language of tango, are the abundance of metaphors and inversion of syllables. So instead of "tango" (tango) appeared "gotán", and instead of "mujer" (woman) - "jermu". Many of the words of Lunfardo have become firmly established in tango terminology. With the growing popularity of this dance around the world, Lunfardo has lost its mystery.


This secret language use kalawaya - wandering healers living in the Bolivian Andes. The origins of their culture date back to the Inca period, from there, probably, came the secret language, which, along with healing skills, is passed down from generation to generation. However, not all linguists agree: it is quite possible that Kalyahuaya is associated with the Amazonian dialects, the vocabulary of which healers borrowed during their travels in search of medicinal plants. Until in 1984 in Bolivia, alternative medicine was not officially recognized, the Kallawayas were forced to lead a semi-legal lifestyle, fearing imprisonment for their activities. The secret language of Kalyahuaya is alive in the rituals and medical practice of Kallawaya today, as is the demand for the services of its speakers - virtuoso healers.

The youth slang language Parliament was born on Colombian streets in the 1980s. Young drug dealers used a secret language to encrypt their illegal activities. The vocabulary of parliament included foreign borrowings, as well as well-known words that were endowed with new semantics. So "cocina" (kitchen) turned into a "drug laboratory", and "oficina" (office) - into a "drug mafia". As often happens, argotisms began to penetrate into ordinary life, becoming a means of emotional coloring of speech, euphemisms. Already in the 90s, the vocabulary of parliament was actively used in advertising, cinema and books telling about the fate of young people in poor neighborhoods - the main bearers of parliament. Some of the most striking words were used by politicians in their speeches, trying to make their speech "closer to the people." In 2001, the first parliamentary dictionary was published. The once secret language is now actively studied by linguists around the world.

The language of Russians has been studied quite well at the moment. It was based on numerous borrowings from different languages(Greek, Latin, Finno-Ugric, Turkic, Gypsy, Yiddish, etc.), as well as skillful word formation. The buyer, who was present during the conversation between the two sly fucks, could hardly guess what in question: they say, it seems, in Russian, but not a word is clear. “Masen will sleep in kondurs and bring in half a huckster” (“I run to a tavern and bring half a liter of vodka”) or “Put stucco, vakhro and semishi into the shilk” (“Take kerchiefs, cloth and calico in debt”). Vladimir Dal pointed out that this language was artificially invented "for the cheating conferences of traders." It is not surprising that the activities of the officers periodically aroused the discontent of the police: they tried repeatedly to deal with the officers, and at the same time with their "strange language". From the middle of the 19th century, the number of fuzzy began to decline, and at the beginning of the 20th century, it became almost impossible to hear pretentious and mysterious speech at Russian fairs.

Da pinchy code

For the first time, the symbols used by British burglars were noticed in 2009. Then, in front of some houses in Surrey, ominous chalk marks appeared that looked like children's drawings. The policemen thought it strange that the owners of all the "marked" houses had one thing in common: they had been robbed. A little later, the symbols were deciphered: in some cases, they warned about the presence of a "defenseless woman" in the mansion or designated the object as "an excellent option", in others, the degree of risk was determined or it was reported that "there was nothing to profit from in the house."

All homeowners were given instructions with character decoding and advised, if found, to wash off the identified drawings. However, the British police are not asleep, suggesting that the disclosure of the da pinchi code will force resourceful criminals to come up with a new way of transmitting "useful" information.

Tell us about the types of secret languages ​​that existed in Russia.

L. Kekushev (Moscow).

The main purpose of secret languages ​​(argo) is to make a statement incomprehensible to the uninitiated. There are various argos - vagrants, prisoners, thieves, beggars, as well as some professional languages ​​that have survived from the Middle Ages and are aimed at hiding professional secrets and at transmitting information only to the one to whom it is addressed. They are also called corporate languages, intended only for members of their corporation. These include language ofeni- small peddlers peddling, selling books, pictures, paper, silk, thread, needles, rings, earrings, etc. in the villages. Woolbeats also had a special language, who bought wool in the villages, processed it and sold it again in the form of yarn, knitted and felted products. The language of kantyuzhniks, kulaks, maklaks, prasols, resellers, brokers is known. In each of these "professions" there was an element of fraud that needed to be hidden from outsiders.

The secret languages ​​of all these people who lived in Russia were oriented towards the national Russian language, that is, grammar and phonetics were Russian. The mysteriousness of the languages ​​was given by incomprehensible words, partly composed of pieces of Russian words, partly borrowed from the languages ​​of other peoples, close and distant: from the Turkic languages, from Greek, from the languages ​​of the Western Slavs.

Kantyuzhniki- beggars, rogues. In the last century, there were entire villages engaged in this trade. The cantyuzhny language was partially adopted from the Ofen, with some additions, but poorer than the Ofen.

Fists in the past, they did not name rich peasants who were dispossessed when organizing collective farms, but resellers and brokers, especially in the grain trade at bazaars and piers. The kulak usually did not have a large amount of money, but he traded in measurement, deception, and miscalculation. There was a saying: "A fist will pierce without God, but will not live without God."

Dealers and brokers were also called lighthouses, tarkhans, eagles, Varangians, mackerels, tradesmen, traders. Lighthouse in the past, they called every sign, sign, specially arranged sign: pillars and pegs along which land surveyors work, markings along which construction workers plaster and paint. To speak with beacons meant to speak on the fingers or with the help of other signs. Lighthouses-resellers bought fat, wool, bristles in the villages, and often cheated and weighed them. There was also a saying: "The lighthouse has arrived, so honor has come to the pig's wool!"

Eagles also called rag-pickers, rag-makers. They traveled to the villages to exchange rags and other little things, sort of like rags who exchanged rags for cheap trinkets. In the Tver province, one could often hear the call-out cry: "Old stuff, bark, iron-cast iron!" Korier - oak bark, which was used for tanning leather. Iron-cast iron - as we would say now - scrap metal.

Prasol, or dust- money dealer, buyer and cattle driver.

They were all merchants with little money, often without a permanent place of residence.

By the summaries or pimps named brokers-intermediaries in the purchase, sale, in various transactions, intermediaries of criminal ties. They were also recruit suppliers.

Baryshniks called buyers, resellers, who traded in the purchase of cheap, often stolen goods and resale them at a higher price. A special category was made up of horse dealers, who could not do without cheating. There was a saying: "Without roaming, a dealer does not believe in himself, but will rotate - people do not believe." Rotate - open your mouth in order to have a conversation. The conventional language of horse traders is poor in means of expression, and is focused mainly on the Russian language. Special information is conveyed in it in distorted Tatar words.

After the revolution, prison-camp-thug jargon became widespread in Russia. In the very first days of the revolution, all prisoners were released. Elements of their special language, based on Russian grammar and phonetics, but with a special set of words, they spread throughout the country.

As a rule, there are few words in corporate languages. You cannot talk about all things in such a language, and there is no need for it. Special words are created only for the encrypted information itself. Such corporate languages ​​constitute the extreme limit of the national language. It would seem that they both enter and do not enter into it.

The language of the people

Mas - I, masy - we, masygi - ours, khirga - hand, nakhiregi - mittens (the root of this word khir in Greek means hand, palmistry - fortune telling by hand, and word formation - Russian), masya - mother, poking around - doing, mow - beat, fire - city, wool - cloth, skips - doors, yusy - money, voxari - firewood. V. I. Dal cites an example of an Offen conversation: "Ropa kimat, half-dark, loosely bark vorykhany" - "Time to sleep, midnight, soon the roosters will sing." In some modern jargons, sleeping or dozing is denoted by the word kemarit, loose in Czech means quickly, quickly, looseness means speed.

Tongue of wool beats

Ager is a stallion (distorted Turkic aigyr), carefree is a samovar, biri is hands, valgazh is a day, vit is water, vitit is pouring, a tree is a pie, yasat is to do, zhor is a tooth.

The language does not always have to be understood by everyone. Since ancient times, guild and criminal communities have invented their own secret languages. The coded adverb helped to turn deals and pass secret information unnoticed.


The secret language of American vagrant workers emerged in the early 20th century. It flourished during the Great Depression, which forced thousands of people to leave their homes in search of a better life. The locals were not very friendly towards vagrants - this was one of the reasons for the emergence of the secret Hobo language. If a man in the street saw a drawn rectangle with a dot inside on the house, he could hardly guess that this symbol left a hobo, warning colleagues about the danger. The graphic method of communication was not chosen by chance - most hobos did not know literacy. The hobo code could advise "to make urgent feet" (a circle with two arrows flying out of it), report the presence of work (two shovels), the proximity of a courthouse or a police station (a circle with an intricate "squiggle") and many other moments that turned out to be useful in the difficult life of the hobo. So, the figure in the form of a cylinder (headdress) and a triangle meant that rich people live in the house, and the "grave mound" and the cross became a symbol of a dishonorable person. Two diamonds warned that one should be quiet here, and a circle crossed out by two crossed lines gave hope of receiving food in the form of alms.


According to linguist Paul Baker, the secret language of British sex minorities of the 20th century originated on the basis of the thieves' argot, common in the Elizabethan era. It was constantly replenished with slang words that were brought by numerous travelers. In the 18th century, the vocabulary used by “the most despised social groups” was added, and in the 19th century, the secret language of itinerant buffoons, beggars and street vendors, derived from Italian, was added. In Polari, you can see the influence of Cockney (old London vernacular, which is characterized by the use of substitute rhymes), "back-slang" with its breathtaking pronunciation of words backwards, Yiddish, slang vocabulary of sailors and military pilots, as well as drug addicts. Polari became widespread in London among the chorus boys who performed in musical pieces in the western part of the city. The Polari also communicated with male prostitutes, for whom the secret language was vital. Their type of activity was considered a crime and was punishable by death. Most Polari speakers had only a minimal vocabulary and used individual words, weaving them into familiar speech. Those who had mastered Polari to perfection could communicate in public, discuss unsuccessful outfits of people standing next to them, or talk frankly about their adventures. When a Polari broadcast appeared on the radio in the 1960s, the language lost its halo of mystery. The abolition of the criminal prosecution for homosexuality has led to the fact that the need for a language "for the initiated" has disappeared altogether.


Linguists did not come to a consensus about the origin of Lunfardo. Probably, it could be based on the dialect of Spanish convicts who arrived in Argentina and Uruguay in the 17th-18th centuries. Lunfardo's vocabulary was supplemented with northern Italian dialects, English and French vocabulary, as well as Romani words. The origin of most of the lexemes remains unknown, so scientists assume that they were artificially invented by the speakers of Lunfardo. The main features of this secret language, which today is often called the language of tango, are the abundance of metaphors and inversion of syllables. So instead of "tango" (tango) appeared "gotán", and instead of "mujer" (woman) - "jermu". Many of the words of Lunfardo have become firmly established in tango terminology. With the growing popularity of this dance around the world, Lunfardo has lost its mystery.


This secret language is used by the Kallawaya - itinerant healers living in the Bolivian Andes. The origins of their culture date back to the Inca period, from there, probably, came the secret language, which, along with healing skills, is passed on from generation to generation. However, not all linguists agree: it is quite possible that Kalyahuaya is associated with the Amazonian dialects, the vocabulary of which healers borrowed during their travels in search of medicinal plants. Until in 1984, alternative medicine was not officially recognized in Bolivia, the Kallawayas were forced to lead a semi-legal lifestyle, fearing to be imprisoned for their activities. The secret language of Kalyahuaya is alive in the rituals and medical practice of Kallawaya today, as is the demand for the services of its speakers - virtuoso healers.



The language of Russians has been studied quite well at the moment. It was based on numerous borrowings from different languages ​​(Greek, Latin, Finno-Ugric, Turkic, Gypsy, Yiddish, etc.), as well as skillful word formation. The buyer, who was present at the conversation between the two sly fucks, could hardly guess what the speech was about: they say, it seems, in Russian, but not a word is clear. “Masen will sleep in kondurs and bring in half a huckster” (“I run to a tavern and bring half a liter of vodka”) or “Put stucco, vakhro and semishi into the shilk” (“Take kerchiefs, cloth and calico in debt”). Vladimir Dal pointed out that this language was artificially invented "for the cheating conferences of traders." It is not surprising that the activities of the officers periodically aroused the discontent of the police: they tried repeatedly to deal with the officers, and at the same time with their "strange language". From the middle of the 19th century, the number of fuzzy began to decline, and at the beginning of the 20th century it became almost impossible to hear pretentious and mysterious speech at Russian fairs.

Da pinchy code

For the first time, the symbols used by British burglars were noticed in 2009. Then, in front of some houses in Surrey, ominous chalk marks appeared that looked like children's drawings. The policemen thought it strange that the owners of all the "marked" houses had one thing in common: they had been robbed. A little later, the symbols were deciphered: in some cases, they warned about the presence of a "defenseless woman" in the mansion or designated the object as "an excellent option", in others, the degree of risk was determined or it was reported that "there was nothing to profit from in the house." All homeowners were given instructions with character decoding and advised, if found, to wash off the identified drawings. However, the British police are on the alert, suggesting that disclosing the da pinchi code will force resourceful criminals.

Secret languages ​​have appeared long ago. Most often, they were invented by some underground communities, criminal or guild. With the help of such encryption messages, it was much easier for them to transfer secret information to their comrades or to carry out transactions prohibited by law.

At the beginning of the 20th century, American vagabonds, interrupted by temporary odd jobs, invented their own language - hobo. It was especially widespread during the Great Depression. Then thousands of Americans were forced to leave their homes and go to work in other states. But the search happy life were a dangerous occupation.

The locals, of course, were aggressive towards the newcomers. After all, they were direct competitors for them in the struggle for a piece of bread. And then the "aliens" invented their own secret language, in the nuances of which they were dedicated only to companions in the search for a better life.

Hobo was spoken by American vagabond workers

For example, if there was a rectangle with a dot inside, then this meant some kind of danger. So all the hobos needed to be more careful. By the way, the graphic method of communication was chosen on purpose, because most of the vagrant workers did not know the letter.

If the hobo saw a circle with two arrows, then he understood that the place was dangerous, he needed to leave it as soon as possible. And two shovels, for example, meant there was work.

Gradually, when the economic situation in the country improved, this language began to decline. Now it is practically forgotten.

This secret language is still young. It originated in Colombia around the 80s of the last century. Moreover, it is used mainly by underage drug dealers, who thus encrypt their illegal activities.

The vocabulary of parliament consists of both foreign words and from Spanish. But the meaning of the latter has been changed. For example, “kitchen” in parliament means “drug laboratory”. And the "office" has turned into a "drug mafia".

Some Colombian politicians speak at parliament

Due to the fact that the drug trade problem in Colombia is extremely acute and many local residents are involved in trade, some words from parliament have become firmly embedded in everyday conversation. The most amazing thing is that already in the 90s of the last century, some expressions from the secret language were used in advertisements, books and films. Even politicians did not disdain this dialect. So they tried to demonstrate their closeness to the ordinary people. And in 2001, even the first appeared official dictionary parliament.

This secret dialect was used by "special" people - Kallawaya. They were considered itinerant medicine men and lived in the Bolivian Andes. Historians believe that the first kalawaya appeared during the time of the Inca empire. At the same time, most likely, they developed their own special language, which was passed down from generation to generation.

True, some scholars believe that the language of the Bolivian healers was strongly influenced by the dialects of the tribes that lived at that time along the shores of the Amazon. Perhaps the foreigners contacted them when they got to those areas in search of medicinal plants.

Callahuaya is still alive

In Bolivia, alternative medicine was viewed negatively. Therefore, the Kallawaya led a semi-legal, secretive lifestyle. After all, for their activities they could go to jail. The situation changed in 1984. When the authorities of Bolivia made quackery legal.

Over the following years, callahuaya did not disappear from the everyday life of Bolivian healers. They speak it to this day, using it in their ancient rites.

In Britain, the secret language of sex minorities originated on the basis of an older dialect - thieves' argo. And it was constantly supplemented with new words. For example, it contained phrases from an old London dialect called Cockney. Not without the influence of back-slang, Yiddish and jargon expressions of sailors, soldiers.

Although representatives of different societies communicated in Polari, this language gained particular popularity among sexual minorities who offered themselves for money. In those days in Britain, such activities were considered a serious crime, therefore they were punished very severely. Up to the death penalty.

Polari used sexual minorities

But most of the "special" Polaris knew only very superficially. Therefore, they simply inserted secret words into the stream of speech, thus transmitting encrypted information to the interlocutor.

But in the 60s the Polari language came to an end. The fact is that one of the radio stations broadcast a program entirely in this secret dialect. Accordingly, the aura of mystery was lost.

This language appeared in Argentina and Uruguay. It was based on a special dialect of Spanish convicts, but it was strongly influenced by the dialects of immigrants from the northern regions of Italy.

Lunfardo became especially widespread around the middle of the 19th century, when the motley population of South American countries, living in poverty-stricken slums, invented their own dance - tango. In Argentina, for example, members of the upper strata of the population reacted very aggressively to tango. In their opinion, this dance was too vulgar.

Lunfardo was popular with tango dancers

And then dancers began to use words from lunfardo for terminology and communication. This language main feature inversion is considered. Therefore, instead of "tango" - "gotán", and instead of "mujer" (woman) - "jermu" appeared.

When the dance became very popular and was removed from the category of prohibited ones, the need for Lunfardo disappeared.

It is for this reason that more and more teenagers are trying to come up with their own secret language. After all, you can communicate on it anywhere. All the same, no one will understand a word of what the friends have said.

Rearranging letters in places

One of the most simple way encrypting your conversation is to use words that are not those that are accepted in Russian or other speech, but somewhat modified ones. For example, not many people will guess the meaning of such a phrase: Buzar lyb is not uyksnyv. Although in fact its essence is rather commonplace. And “translated” into the great and mighty Russian language, it will sound: the watermelon was incredibly tasty.

Using the same technology, you can develop a whole dictionary, including the most important or secret words. Each group of children can have their own. You just need to spend a little time, encrypt them and, of course, learn. After all, the comrades themselves must always understand what the interlocutor is talking about. And do not goggle when you hear: he is yantiravs yalav. Which means - I like Valya.

Adding specific syllables

Another rather funny secret language will turn out if you alternate the syllables in a normal word with additional ones. For example, take the syllable “ke” as a basis and insert it into your speech. As a result, you can get the following phrase: keksekenikey keposhkela kegukel to keso kesvokeim keparken. It may seem to others that foreigners who have come from Italy or Spain are nearby. But in reality, these are simple Russian guys training their vocal apparatus, diction, as well as the ability to divide words into syllables, pronouncing unthinkable and sometimes very vague combinations. Incomprehensible to anyone.

If our reader has not yet grasped what was encrypted in a funny and difficult to pronounce phrase, then we will reveal the secret of the secret language. After all, it was about the girl Xenia, who went for a walk with her boyfriend.

Pronunciation of only vowels

It takes a lot of effort to learn how to speak the next language. Indeed, in this case, it will be necessary to pronounce the words, throwing out consonants from them. In addition to the fact that such a language will be quite difficult to remember, in some cases it will take more than one hour to guess about the meaning, content of a sentence.

For example, not everyone can understand what is hidden in such a phrase: I e yui yo, oo e. Mastery will come only with time, so many guys do not want to bother themselves with cramming. After all, she gets bored at school. Therefore, to suffer with a sentence, which is encrypted "I have not learned a lesson, help me", very few people will want to understand. However, even this, according to some friends, inadequate secret language has its admirers.

Pronunciation of consonants only

The next language is much clearer than the previous one. Although with him there may be difficulties and incidents. In any case, our reader will decide for himself whether to choose it for communication or to consider any other. We can only tell you what kind of technology it implies. So, in this secret language for friends, the idea is this: you do not need to pronounce the words completely, but shorten all the vowels. As a result, the secret phrase should sound like this: dvy pdshtm nd prpdvtlm, pdlzhm n stl knpk. Although if you pronounce it without naming each letter separately, but with a single word, then some adults or unwanted listeners may guess what it is about. This is easy to see if you look at the transcription presented below: [two padstam nd parpadwattlm, padlham n steel canapk]. The mystery will become obvious and understandable. And everyone will find out that the guys decided to play a trick on the teacher by placing a button on his chair.

The language of numbers

This secret language for communication will appeal to comrades with a mathematical mindset, who cannot imagine their life without numbers and numbers. However, such a cipher is more suitable for written negotiations than for oral communication. On the other hand, if a classmate or, even worse, a teacher suddenly intercepts an important secret among the children who are passing over notes in class, no one will understand its content.

So, the essence of such a language is to replace an alphabetic character with its ordinal number in the alphabet. For example, instead of the letter "b" the number "2", "d" - "5", etc. Whether to take into account the solid sign in the count or not, you should determine yourself. Be that as it may, the approximate form of the encrypted phrase will be like this: 17 * 16 * 11 * 5 * 7 * 14 3 12 * 1 * 22 * ​​6. To compile various sentences, as well as to decipher them, we offer the reader the following table.

For convenience, you can print it and carry it with you at all times. Then at any moment it will be possible to find out what is important the friend wants to tell.

Fujiyama language

If you want to talk with friends in a language that no one will ever be able to figure out, you should get together and come up with your own alphabet. Or, to put it more in simple words, give each letter its own name. For example, say not "b", but "zuzu" and the like. The principle of the technology is quite simple. It remains only to come up with and learn your secret alphabet and secret language for girls or boys.

If you don't want to rack your brains over a painstaking process, you can take the following "nicknames" for letters as a basis. You can get acquainted with them in the picture below.

Sign language

Another interesting, funny and quite easy to remember language is based on gestures. That is, in order to communicate with your friends, you will have to resort to using your hands. After all, it is they who will "tell" what secret and important you want to entrust your friends.

The advantages of this secret language for friends are the following aspects:

  • it is comfortable;
  • easy to remember;
  • does not require additional materials;
  • the essence of the proposals is captured by the interlocutor without additional clarification;
  • great for everyday communication.

So, in order to learn sign language, you should familiarize yourself with the following picture. It presents a clear and understandable action, which implies one or another letter of the Russian alphabet.

Replacing endings

What other secret language for communicating with friends can you think of? For example, one where the endings of words are the last two letters are changed to one corresponding to a specific cipher. You can leave short words, prepositions, particles, pronouns, etc. unchanged. And only long words can be improved.

Suppose we are based on the morpheme "mu". Then the secret sentence will be composed as follows: it seems that our teacher does not know his own subject. As a result, the phrase “it seems that our teacher himself does not know his subject” will be understandable only to a select circle of people. In which the teacher, who can send to the director or call the parents for bad behavior, will not understand anything.

Another option, based on the technology proposed above, is a somewhat complicated secret language for communicating with friends. In it, you should choose your own special ending to the three main parts of speech. For example:

  • to the noun - "la";
  • to the name of the adjective - "dy";
  • to the verb - "vi".

And in proper names to swap syllables. And then you can build your speech in a slightly different key: the shama is a beautiful girl, invite her to the keel. Thanks to such simple actions, secret information that Masha beautiful girl, so the interlocutor wants to invite her to the cinema, not leak to strangers. And friends certainly won't tell anyone the secret.

Special permutation

IN modern world many secret languages, and almost every one of them can be found on the vast expanses of the Internet. Here are just the cipher, which is known to many people, it is unwise to use it to conduct intimate conversations with comrades. After all, those around or even adults who were once children too and used a secret language can understand what is at stake.

But how do you come up with a secret language? The answer to this question is not so easy. However, this circumstance can be an excellent reason to get together with your friends and think together about how to invent such a thing.

For example, in the old days the following principle of the secret language was popular:

  1. An arbitrary syllable should be added to each word beginning with a vowel. Let's take "runes" as an example.
  2. For a word starting with a consonant followed by a vowel, we rearrange the first letter to the end, and then add "bru" or another part.
  3. If the word begins with two consonants, then we transfer both of them to the end, and after that we add “uru”.
  4. If the word begins with two vowels, then after the word we put "phis" and put both first letters to the end.

As a result, we may end up with a proposal of this type: In the lephisia, I will make a foolish addendum to the pruru ashkedbrew, adeusnbru, the onarun will read the bru. Or, to put it in “human” language: "In July I will make an offer to Dasha, I hope she will agree."

One of the above-described secret languages ​​to attract attention from others and hide their secrets from them can be invented if you act with simple methods.