How much does a person's funeral cost? How much does it cost to bury a person? Funeral services How much money for burial

Always and in everyone, loss loved one for a long time unsettles - the usual course of life. At a time when the mourner's thoughts are focused only on the irretrievable loss of a dear person, the appropriate funeral service will take full responsibility for holding a dignified funeral. How much money needs to be allocated for the funeral can also be calculated thanks to the funeral agent of the corresponding office called to the house, who will present a list of services and tariffs for them. In addition, the relatives of the deceased will be offered a choice regarding which category the funeral ceremony will take place in - economy class, middle and VIP class.

In addition, from the manager of a funeral company, you can get information about what services should be ordered so as not to miss any trifles in organizing a funeral event. As a rule, this list will include the purchase of a coffin, tablets, rent of the hall where the farewell will take place, the burial itself and much more. After looking at the proposed list, you can easily calculate how much money you need to spend on a funeral.

Perhaps the most important thing to decide in advance is whether cremation is necessary or not. If you decide to bury the traditional method, then you should:

  • Choose a suitable location in the cemetery.
  • Buy a coffin and wreaths.
  • Purchase other ritual attributes.

Nowadays, mourning wreaths are presented in a variety of ways. For example, you can generally opt for flower baskets. They are professionally made according to an individual sketch. Fresh flower wreaths are also made to order.

It is not easy to say how much money you will need to spend on a funeral as a result, since it all depends on the individual desires and capabilities of the customer of the funeral ceremony. In addition, no matter how cynical it may look, there are no fixed prices in this business area. But it is possible to determine the approximate price range:

  • The cheapest funeral or, so to speak, super economy class - 12 - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Economy class - 20 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • An average funeral will cost from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.
  • Standard, respectively - from 50 to 150 thousand rubles.
  • A premium funeral will cost from 150 to 400 thousand rubles.
  • VIP-class funeral - from 400 to 1 million rubles.

Of course, the cost of the funeral also includes the order of a hearse to transport the body of the deceased to the cemetery or to the crematorium. For this procedure, it is necessary to coordinate the time in advance with one or another service of funeral services, as well as decide on the choice of the type of hearse car. Highly qualified drivers will transport the coffin at the required time, as well as all those who see off the deceased to the place of burial or to the funeral hall, where the farewell ceremony will take place. The cost of this type of service depends on the class and type of transport, as well as the amount of time for which it will be busy.

When answering the question of how much money is needed for a funeral, it should be noted that no matter how difficult it is at the moment, it is necessary to get together and, turning on pragmatism, slowly calculate the version of the funeral ceremony that would meet all the wishes of the client. And in this process, no doubt, one or another company of funeral services will help perfectly, of course, preferably with a decent reputation.

Currently, the cost of a funeral in Moscow does not have a fixed value: the difference in the funds spent can reach tens or even hundreds of thousands. This is an understandable fact, due, on the one hand, to the acute shortage of places for burials within the boundaries of Moscow, and, on the other hand, to the high solvency of individual customers, which always finds an appropriate offer.

The majority of citizens, as a rule, have extremely limited financial opportunities for the burial of relatives and friends. This fact explains the desire to independently calculate the approximate cost of the funeral and find the best solution. In addition, knowing the average prices for certain services, the relatives of the deceased greatly reduce the risk of being deceived by unscrupulous ritual agents.

The most significant expenses are associated with the main stages in the organization of the funeral. In addition, if you use the services of an agent, you must also take into account the cost of each service according to the approved price list and individually drawn up contract.

Ritual accessories

The length of the coffin does not affect the cost and is determined depending on the height of the deceased. The cost of coffins of the middle price category starts from 3000 rubles.

In addition, the obligatory complex of ritual accessories includes a bed (1000-1500 rubles), a pillow (300-500 rubles on average), a bedspread (400-600 rubles), slippers (200-300 rubles).

As a floristic product, as a rule, one or two large oval wreaths from 90 to 150 cm in height are chosen from artificial flowers or a cremation flower arrangement on the coffin lid (1500-2000 rubles) with a mourning ribbon (300-600 rubles) .

Thus, the average cost of ritual accessories ranges from 6,700 to 10,000 rubles.

Morgue services

Preparation of the body (embalming, elimination of post-mortem defects, sanitary and cosmetic work) is carried out in the morgue on a paid basis. Depending on the complexity of the work, the cost of mortuary services ranges from 7,000 to 12,000 rubles.


According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, every citizen of Russia has the right to a free burial site. This means that the cemetery administration pays only for burial services. Currently, three cemeteries in Moscow provide places for new burials: Perepechinskoye Cemetery, Domodedovo Cemetery and Bogorodskoye Cemetery (Noginsk District, Moscow Region). If there is free space, the cemetery administration does not take special measures to prepare the site for burial, so the cost of burial services in such cemeteries is minimal. Thus, within the framework of the program for the provision of gratuitous places for burial, the range of services at the Perepechinsky cemetery is limited only by the cost of digging a grave (9,070 rubles) and includes the provision of a new plot for two burials. You can read more about burial rates.

As for cremation, all three Moscow crematoria have a single cremation fee of 3,400 rubles (musical accompaniment - 200 rubles). The cost of an urn with a name plate is about 1200 rubles. The cost of burying an urn depends on the cemetery and amounts to open cemeteries an average of 3,000 rubles for burial in the ground and about 2,000 rubles for a columbarium.

hearse transport

The cost of hearse transport consists of the delivery of funeral accessories to the morgue or home, as well as the transportation of the body of the deceased from the morgue (home) to the cemetery.

Delivery of funeral accessories to the mortuary will cost an average of 2300 rubles. As for the rental of hearse transport for transporting the body to the cemetery or crematorium, the cost of transport services primarily depends on their type and route. Thus, the provision of specialized hearse transport based on minibuses Mercedes Sprinter, Volkswagen Crafter and others following the route mortuary - cemetery (crematorium) without a return flight will cost 5,000-7,000 rubles, with a return flight - up to 10,000 rubles.

Coffin transportation services

If relatives and friends cannot cope with the transportation of the coffin on their own, it is necessary to provide for appropriate costs. When ordering coffin transportation services, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions and weight of the coffin. So, for an ordinary coffin, four people are enough, for a deck and a special deck - 6 people. The removal of a coffin with a body from a house or mortuary and escort to the burial place will cost an average of 1200-1800 rubles per person. If the farewell ceremony involves a visit to the church, then the cost may increase to 2500 rubles.

Funeral agent services

The services of a funeral agent are negotiated in advance and are entered into the order form along with all other services. Typically, ritual agents are tasked with obtaining required documents(500 rubles for obtaining a medical certificate of death and about 950 for a stamp) and ordering a burial / cremation through the CDS SUE "Ritual" (480 rubles).

Taking into account the above costs, the cost of a funeral in Moscow is estimated at about 30-35 thousand rubles (including burial in a coffin at the open Perepechinsky cemetery, services of a funeral agent and services of loaders). Using the social allowance for burial, which is paid to Muscovites and amounts to 15,515 rubles. 60 kopecks, the amount of personal expenses is reduced to 18-20 thousand rubles.

In addition, there are several ways to save money on funeral arrangements. You can read more about minimizing funeral costs.

It should also be noted that the prices quoted, as well as the total amount of the funeral, represent the average cost of funeral services. The total cost of each individual order for funeral services can vary both up and down. Each order is calculated individually based on the specific situation and wishes of the customer.

Organization of commemoration

Wakes on the day of the funeral are the most numerous. In addition, the organization of the wake, as a rule, takes place at the last moment, so there is practically no time left for self-cooking and table setting. For this reason, many relatives order the organization of a wake in a cafe, restaurant or banquet hall. The cost of organizing a wake in Moscow ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles per person.

Guaranteed list of burial services in Moscow

The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ritual services provides for the provision of material assistance in the burial of the deceased. Relatives and friends can take advantage of state assistance by choosing to receive a burial allowance or funeral at no cost.

If relatives choose a funeral free of charge, the state reimburses the specialized funeral service for burial expenses that do not exceed the amount of the corresponding social allowance (15,515 rubles. 60 kopecks). When choosing this method of organizing a funeral, it must be taken into account that not all funeral services provide services for organizing free funerals. In addition, the type and quality of the services offered may differ significantly from the average level.

According to the current legislation, the list of services provided free of charge includes:

  • preparation of documents necessary for burial,
  • provision and delivery of ritual accessories (coffin, bedspread, slippers),
  • transportation of the body of the deceased to the cemetery (crematorium),
  • burial (cremation followed by the issuance of an urn with ashes).

Additional services and accessories (arrival of hearse transport to the church and return flight, wreaths and mourning ribbons, mortuary services, etc.) are paid by the persons organizing the funeral.

Law of the Russian Federation of 1996 No. "On Burial and Funeral Business" is somewhat outdated for today's reality and, accordingly, has a lot of amendments. In 2002, the country's leadership canceled the state license for funeral companies. The result is an almost uncontrolled business with gray schemes. The industry is completely given over to the municipalities, who set the rules at their discretion. Due to the lack of a single supervising body, 90% of the cemeteries in the Russian Federation do not even have a cadastral number. In fact, it turns out that the burial places of several million Russians are not taken into account in official documents.

Moscow immediately after the 1996 law. tried to streamline the funeral market by creating a state "Ritual". This institution manages all cemeteries in Moscow, which are necessarily assigned a cadastral number, and burials are registered.

How much will you pay at the morgue?

When the body of the deceased ends up in the morgue, a race begins among Moscow agents for the right to organize the sad procedure. It is worth considering that in the capital about 8 agents with their own network of informants compete for one deceased. The price of such a report about a death in Moscow is 20 thousand rubles. In the very first hours after the incident, funeral workers begin to attack relatives with offers of their services. I take into account the specifics of the service, it is impossible to refuse it. At the same time, bargaining for favorable prices stressed people find it unethical.

These circumstances are used by the workers of the ritual mortuary, although there are a number of free services there: washing, dressing, placing the deceased in a coffin and issuing the body. But morgues do not impose obligatory paid procedures. For example: shaving, embalming, makeup and freezing. People agree without looking at the price, and the price is already running up a lot - 25 thousand rubles.

If the funeral agent is trusted to pay for the mortuary, then the amount depends not on the security of the clients, but on the expectation of death. In the event of an unexpected departure of a person from life, agents will shake out the maximum possible from relatives.

Arrangement of the grave

Approximately 100,000 people die in the capital every year. About half of the dead are cremated, the rest are buried in the ground. Buying space for multiple graves is worth 200 thousand rubles. An individual place is, for example, on Khovansky - from 120 thousand rubles On Vagankovsky or Vvedensky, funerals with a coffin almost never happen, because the site will cost millions of rubles.

Digging a grave is worth:
a) on a new site in the summer - 9070 rubles.
b) on a new site in winter - 10880 rubles.
c) burial in a family grave in the summer - 10220 rubles.
d) burial in a family grave in winter - 10,260 rubles.
e) digging a grave for children under 14 years old - 100 rubles.
f) digging a grave for children from 14 to 16 years old - 1200 rubles.

Decorating the grave with needles increases the cost by 2 times. The same amount will have to be spent on digging a Muslim grave lehem.

The State Ritual will comprehensively bury a Muscovite for 28,115 rubles. This price will include all documents, digging the grave, transportation, providing a place to say goodbye to the deceased, restoring the grave mound after soil settlement, and even installing wreaths. Carrying the coffin by the cemetery staff - 50 m.

Expensive complex for 79,680 rubles. involves covering the walls of the grave with cloth and branches with needles, a tent for farewell and lowering the coffin with the help of a sinhumator. Carrying the coffin by the cemetery staff - 200 m.

Price of ritual accessories

a) The cheapest coffin costs 690 rubles.
b) A coffin with handles - from 10 thousand rubles.
c) A cross made of wood or welded metal - from 2 to 4 thousand rubles. (for a plate with a name and dates a separate fee).
d) An artificial wreath costs from 300 to 4000 rubles.
e) Wreaths of natural flowers - from 15 thousand rubles.
f) An hour of renting a car to transport the body of the deceased - about 2 thousand rubles.

How much does cremation cost

a) cremation of children - 150 rubles.
b) cremation of an adult - 3,400 rubles.
c) farewell to the deceased (20 min) - 900 rubles
d) musical accompaniment - 300 rubles.
e) live music - 570 rubles

Separately, you need to pay for the burial of an urn with ashes in a registered cemetery:

a) burying an urn on a family plot - 2 thousand rubles.
b) installation of an urn in a columbarium niche - 650 rubles.
c) the price of a niche - for 180 rubles on the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk square, 45-90 thousand rubles on the Vagankovsky square. The average price is 30 thousand rubles.
d) In cemeteries with old columbariums, the position of the urn in the vacant niche - 1200 rubles.

Columbarium niches for rent. Annual urn fee:

a) open columbarium - 250 rubles.
b) closed columbarium - 500 rubles.

Legally, no one cares what relatives will do with the ashes: they will bury them, put them at home, or scatter them in the wind. Citizens prefer not to register the burial of urns in order to get rid of unnecessary costs.

Free funeral

Relatives of the deceased can count on a free funeral on benefits. The complex of such a procedure includes: a place in a distant cemetery, registration of the necessary papers, a budget coffin and other ritual accessories that the Ritual service will deliver to a cemetery or crematorium. The cost of the funeral is 16 thousand rubles. It is paid by the city in a lump sum payment to relatives. Cross and wreaths not included

How much do commemorations and commemorations cost?

The funeral meal takes a good share of the funeral budget and depends on many circumstances. Service "Ritual" organizes funerals for groups of up to 120 people. on Troekurovsky and Khovansky cells.

A simple funeral lasts half an hour. The service in the temple is much longer. The price for reading the Psalter is accepted as a free or fixed donation.

The minimum price for a funeral in Moscow is 50 thousand rubles, the standard price is 100 thousand rubles if you already have your own place for burial.

Inexpensive funeral

Payment to the staff of the morgue and preparation of burial, purchase of a coffin and a cross - 50 thousand rubles. subject to availability. New plot at the cemetery - 120 thousand rubles. Cremation is cheaper, but the payment for columbarium is 250-500 rubles per year.
Final price: from 50 to 170 thousand rubles.

The chores with the funeral push the question of benefits to the relatives of the deceased to the last place. Most people pay for the funeral on their own: someone has a certain amount of money that they spend on burial, and someone draws up a loan, borrows. In any case, the government provides compensation for the funeral. It will not cover all expenses, but will return at least some part of the money spent.

Who can receive benefits

In cases where the deceased was buried at their own expense, relatives are entitled to compensation for the funeral. She can count on:

  • spouses;
  • legal representatives of the deceased;
  • relatives and other persons who have assumed the duties of burial.

If the deceased was buried at the expense of the state, then compensation for the funeral is not provided.

Benefit types

By law, the relatives of the deceased are entitled to benefits. They are general and specialized. The first type includes payments that are made after the package of necessary documents is submitted to the institution. If the death occurred in a special case provided for by law, then the relatives of the deceased are entitled to specialized benefits.

Common types of payments include:

  • burial compensation;
  • appointment of a pension for the loss of a breadwinner;
  • lump sum payment.

Specialized ones include:

  • insurance payments;
  • payments on the deposits available to the deceased;
  • if the death occurred through the fault of a third party, then compensation is due;
  • receiving unpaid wages or pensions.

Benefits for burial and others are made in different institutions.

Where to get benefits

Most people don't even know where to get funeral compensation. The body that will make the payment is determined based on the status of the deceased:

  1. If he was a non-working pensioner, even if he retired early, then the payment is made in the Pension Fund.
  2. If he worked, then the employer pays compensation.
  3. If the deceased is under 14 years old, then the payment is made by the authorities social insurance. They also pay compensation for the burial of stillborns.
  4. Benefits for unemployed deceased citizens are paid from the federal budget or local governments.
  5. The military enlistment office pays compensation to the military, and you should also apply here for the appointment of compensation to military firefighters, employees of the tax service.

If relatives do not have the opportunity to bury the deceased at their own expense, then the state assumes all expenses.

Deadlines for receiving compensation

To receive benefits, you must apply with a package of documents to one of these bodies. Funds will be transferred immediately, on the day of application. And you can apply for benefits within six months from the date of death of a citizen.

Documents for applying for benefits

To receive a payment, you need to know how to get funeral compensation. Funeral assistance is available in a variety of ways:

  1. Payment of compensation. With this type, monetary allowance is paid to the relatives of the deceased or other persons who have assumed all the funeral expenses.
  2. In natural form. This method involves the provision of a place for burial, transportation, a coffin and other attributes necessary for a funeral.

To receive any kind of assistance, it is necessary to prepare a set of papers that will confirm the fact of death. In different cases, it is necessary to provide different documents to compensate for the funeral. May be required:

  • a document confirming the death of a citizen (certificate or certificate of death);
  • employment history;
  • documents confirming the registration of the deceased (certificate, passport with registration, etc.);
  • applicant's passport;
  • accounts for the provision of funeral services.

Other types of documents may be required. The final list is provided by the institution that will pay the money.

Compensation for the funeral of a pensioner is the easiest to process. To do this, it is necessary to provide information about the applicant and a document confirming the fact of death to the Pension Fund.


Knowing how to receive compensation for a funeral, you can count on financial support in the following amounts (for 2017):

  • the federal allowance is 5562 rubles;
  • allowance due to the regional coefficient (each region has its own);
  • compensation to the relatives of the deceased is up to three monthly pensions.

Now let's look at funeral compensation in some regions.

In Moscow, the supplement to the federal payment is 11,000 rubles. In total, about 17,000 will be returned for the funeral.

In Ufa, the surcharge is almost a thousand rubles. AT Nizhny Novgorod no coefficient.

As can be seen from the presented example, not everywhere there is a surcharge.

Life insurance payout

If the deceased was voluntarily insured, then his relatives can receive an insurance payment. To do this, you need to find a policy, then you should write an application to insurance company about the occurrence of the event. After that, you can expect a payment to the account.

In connection with the funeral, it is often necessary to take a leave of absence from work. Many employers give you the opportunity to take a day off at the expense of the next paid vacation. But there are those who do not give it. In this case, they violate the law, which provides for Article 128 of the Labor Code to receive leave for up to five calendar days at their own expense for organizing the burial. After the funeral and receiving a certificate of death, you should immediately, without delay, prepare documents for submission to the appropriate institution for compensation.

Why funeral services are not the whole funeral organization? What expenses should be provided for, in addition to ritual accessories and catafal transport?

Due to the fact that in Moscow (as well as throughout Russia) there is no fixed cost of funerals, there is an opinion among the city dwellers that funerals are very expensive. Some call a specific amount - from 100,000 rubles. Others increase it at least one and a half times. About what the organization of the funeral consists of, for what and to whom to pay (or not to pay) - in the article of the Moscow directory of funeral services.

Let's start with terminology. Very often, the expressions "organization of the funeral" and "funeral services" are used interchangeably. From any ritual agent you can hear the phrase "we organize a funeral for so many thousand rubles." In this case, the customer needs to be especially vigilant, since funeral services are far from all the expenses that will be required when organizing a burial.

"Organization of a funeral" is a fairly broad concept that includes:

  • obtaining primary documents from the ambulance and police officers;
  • in fact, funeral goods and services offered by funeral agencies (purchase of funeral goods: a coffin, wreaths, mourning ribbons, - and ordering funeral services: obtaining documents, ordering catafal transport, services for ordering burial or cremation, porter services, etc. );
  • placing the body in the morgue and preparing the deceased for burial;
  • registration of a plot in a cemetery / cells in a columbarium;
  • organization of funerals;
  • installation of grave structures (monument, basement, etc.).

As you can see, funeral goods and services are only part of the organization of the funeral. As a rule, funeral goods and services mean the following:

Funeral services:

  • registration of medical and stamp certificates of death;
  • hearse services;
  • loader services;
  • ordering burial in the cemeteries of Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • ordering cremation in Moscow crematoria;
  • services for the repatriation of deceased citizens to the place of burial,
  • assistance in choosing a hall for organizing a funeral meal.

Ritual supplies:

  • coffin,
  • bed in the coffin
  • funeral clothes and shoes for the deceased;
  • wreaths and other flower arrangements;
  • mourning tapes with standard or nominal inscriptions;
  • name plate,
  • grave cross,
  • a coffin or container with a zinc liner for transporting the body over long distances.

Based on the above, the cost of a funeral is more than the cost of funeral services because it means:

  • the cost of ritual supplies and services,
  • the cost of mortuary services to prepare the body for burial,
  • the cost of registration of a site in a cemetery / cremation,
  • the cost of organizing a memorial service,
  • the cost of the monument and other tomb structures.

Cost of funeral services

Currently, only a few funeral services explain to customers that mortuary services, burial / cremation orders and a grave monument are paid separately. Therefore, when you hear that, for example, the cost of funeral services will be 80 thousand rubles, this means that you must automatically add to this amount:

  • 15-30 thousand rubles for mortuary services,
  • at least 30,000 rubles for registration of a burial in a cemetery (or 10,770 rubles for cremation);
  • about 1000-1500 rubles per person when organizing a wake in a cafe and restaurant;
  • 20-60 thousand rubles for a tombstone.

Obviously, the total cost of organizing a funeral exceeds the cost of ritual supplies and services. That is why it is in the interests of the relatives of the deceased to have an accurate idea of ​​the average cost of funeral services in order to minimize the overall costs.

An objective criterion for the minimum cost of ritual services is the state burial allowance, which is paid for the burial of each citizen of the Russian Federation. For Moscow, the amount of this benefit for the unemployed and pensioners is 16,946.47 rubles.

The minimum set of funeral services is:

  • registration of medical and stamp certificates of death,
  • coffin, mourning cover, pillow in the coffin, slippers,
  • delivery of ritual accessories to the morgue,
  • transportation of the body of the deceased from the mortuary to the cemetery / crematorium.

Funeral services of the "Standard" class are in the range 30-40 thousand rubles. Compared to the above services, this price includes mourning wreaths with mourning ribbons and higher class hearse transport (with a return flight), as well as Additional services funeral service employees: obtaining the documents necessary for organizing the funeral.

For example, we give the cost of ritual goods and services of the Moscow funeral company CJSC "Ritual":

In cooperation with the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Social Register", CJSC "Ritual" provides owners social card Muscovite an additional 20% discount on ritual goods

Guided by such prices, it becomes clear how overpriced the offers of many ritual services in Moscow are. For example, the amount of 80 thousand rubles for ritual services, which some ritual agents claim, in reality should be at least half as much (since 80 thousand rubles is an amount that can cover almost 100% of the cost of the entire organization of the funeral, including commemoration).

In addition, it must be remembered that cooperation with ritual services is carried out on the basis of. A properly executed receipt-contract is a guarantee of the fulfillment of the company's obligations to the customer, as well as the main document when receiving monetary compensation for the funds spent on funeral services.

The cost of mortuary services for preparing the body for burial

Moscow morgues are healthcare institutions and do not belong to funeral services or to administrations of cemeteries/crematoria. Morgues provide services for the preservation of the bodies of the deceased until the day of the funeral, as well as services for preparing the body for burial (embalming, post-mortem make-up, dressing in funeral clothes, removal of the body, etc.).

The free services of the mortuary include: preservation of the body until the day of the funeral (7 days; 14 days - according to good reasons), washing, dressing, placing in a coffin and taking the body to the funeral hall for issuance to relatives. On a paid basis, the mortuary provides services for embalming the body, restoring the appearance of the deceased and posthumous makeup. Morgue services are paid at the morgue registry based on the approved price list. Depending on the complexity of the work, the cost of mortuary services ranges from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Cemetery/cremation site fees

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, every citizen of Russia has the right to a free burial site. This means that the cemetery administration pays only for burial services. Currently, the following cemeteries in Moscow provide places for new burials:, and Shcherbinsky cemetery, as well as . If there is free space, the cemetery administration does not take special measures to prepare the site for burial, so the cost of burial services in such cemeteries is minimal.

As for cremation, all three Moscow crematoria have a single cost of cremation in 10770 rubles. The cost of an urn with a nameplate starts from 2,500 rubles (wooden) and from 4,000 rubles (metal). The cost of urn burial depends on the type of burial. Urns can be purchased at ritual supply stores. You don't have to pay exorbitant prices for them. outlets at crematoria.

You can read more about the cost of burials in articles and.

The cost of organizing a funeral

Wakes on the day of the funeral are the most numerous. In addition, the organization of the commemoration, as a rule, occurs at the last moment, so there is practically no time left for the relatives and friends of the deceased to independently prepare food and set the table. For this reason, many relatives order the organization of a wake in a cafe, restaurant or banquet hall. The cost of organizing a wake in Moscow ranges from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles per person.